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06/07/23 Daniel Aguilar


To dream is to be transported to a new world. A realm of visions, both vibrant and

surreal, where realities blur and fantasies reveal. To dream is to create aspirations for yourself, a

motivator. Therefore “Hold fast to dreams” as dreams are overwhelmingly positive, but this

creates an even bigger negative effect when broken, not only will those dreams be broken, but

you as a person, those aspirations you built, those motivations broken, shattered never to be

repaired. As for “if dreams die | Life is a broken-winged bird | That cannot fly”.

I too dreamt, I dreamt of keeping love. It was my second year of high school, and by then

I had known the most beautiful girl for almost 3 years by then. I was naive, for deep within that

beauty was the most darkened of hearts, gushing with blood tainted with the personality of a

witch. Halfway through that year, she had started talking about me behind my back, she stabbed

me when I had put the utmost faith within her.

I dreamt of meeting expectations. All my life I had lived in the ever unreachable

expectations of my parents, living in the shadow of my own sister who had excelled in all

academically. The bar had been raised, and I could not reach it. Further and further as I continued

down my academic pathway, my parents would lose more and more hope that I would make it to

university. Those expectations had still yet to be met, but I had already accepted at this point in

my life that I would settle for college if need be, but somewhere in my heart, I yearn to prove

them wrong.

I dreamt of an easy life, free of those chains of regret and stress. I believed that however

unlikely, an easy life is attainable, a life without having to regret actions, a life so easy that stress
becomes nothing but dust in the wind. This is the biggest lie I could have ever uttered to myself.

I have many regrets and stresses that at this point have become a part of my everyday life,

including the previous 2 shards of my broken dreams I have mentioned beforehand.

All of these broken dreams proved to myself that I lived in nothing but illusion, dreams

are exactly what they are, dreams, all too separate from the tight grip reality has on the soul. That

love, broken. Expectations, never good enough to be met. An easy life, all too fictional, where

realities grip tightens all the more as I believed these dreams to be real.

However, dreams may be false most of the time, but it does not mean to let go. To dream

is a nice thing, and we deserve nice things. So I say hold on tightly and fast to your dreams, “For

when dreams go | Life is a barren field | Frozen with snow.” While my dreams had been broken

already, new dreams arose. Dreams of success, new love and clarity. As I continue my journey

through life, these dreams push me forward, even if they break. But one thing is for certain, I

pray that the dreams I set for myself, through perseverance and determination I will reach and

achieve those dreams. That determination, so bright and pure that my dreams will not break.

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