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meet the australian rice grower

Australian rice growers have a proud history of feeding the world through the
efficient conversion of water into rice. Our farmers work hard to produce clean
safe and healthy rice. Producing more rice per hactare than anywhere else in the
world. Rice is an annual crop which is only grown when enough water is
available. This market it perfectly suited to australia’s variable climate.
Scientists and rice beeders are always looking for ways to improve the rice
varieties grown in australia. So they are the most water efficient and productive
plants possible. They have even developed varieties with special nuteitional
qualities such as the low GI rice variety dune gara. Rice is a valueble industry
providing jobs for thousands of people and plays an important role in the
economy of regional australia. Rice is important to the rest of the world to
feeding two-thirds of the world’s population. Every day more than 20 milion
people around the world eat the rice grown by australian farmers. So how do
farmers grow rice?
Sowning rice
Most of the rice produced in australia is grown or irrgated farms in southern
New South Wales and Nouthern Victoria between October and April. Rice can
only be grown on approved soils and farmers need to follow the rice growing
rules set by their irrigation company. The farmers start preparing their rice
fileds in July and August laser leveling their paddocks pulling up banks and
appling fertilizer which helps the rice to grow and stay healthy. Rice growers so
the crop from october to early november. Many farmers use a plane to sow their
rice seeds into bay’s which are already filled with water. They use satellite
guidance technology to spread the seed evenly across the bays. Rice can alse be
sown using a combine or other types of seeding machine. After sowing the
fields are flushed with water and drained a couple of times before permanent
water is applied around december.
Watering and panicle initiation
Watering the rice is ver important and rice growers manage their water carefully
to grow healthy crops that produce lots of rice. Farmers keep permanent water
on their rice crops for all or most of the growing season. Depending on the way
the crop has been sown concrete stops between the rice phase. Allow water to
flow from one bay to the next and growers raise or lower ther doors to control
water flow. The water is used like a blanket to protect the rice crop from
variations in temperature. During January and February pinnacle initiation and
flowering occur. This phase is veryy important as this is when the rice head
forms and seeds develop. During these hot months there can be a lot of
evapotranspiration. So farmers monitor the levels and the heath of their rice
plants ver closely during this time.
Ripening and maturity
As the grain starts to mature the farmers lock up the bays. This mean the stops
between the fields are closed so no more irrigation water flows in and the wai
scrub uses the rest to the water to finish growing. Deciding when to lock up the
water for harvest is an important decision Locking up too early will decrease the
yield and lower grain quality. Locking up too late or delay harvest waste
valueble water and can result in reduced grain quality and boggy fields. Water is
only drained from the crop in very wet weather and most farmers store the water
in dams to be used again. Farmers check the moisture content of the rice with a
moisture meter. The grain contains about 22% moisture. the crop is ready to
harvest .
Harvesting rice
Rice is harvested from March to May using machines called combine
harvesters. Commonly referred to as headers by farmers careful harvesting is
very important so the grain is not damaged. The harvesting machine separates
the grain from the straw this is called thresing. After the rice has been cut and
thrashed it is stored in a bin in the harvester. When the bin is full the harvester
transfers the rice to another been being pulled by a tractor. These are often
called chaser bins because they follow the harvester while it continues to
operate. This saves the farmer a lot of time. The tractor unloads the rice from
the chaser bin into trucks on the edge of the paddock. When the rice is harvested
it is called paddy trucks transport the paddy to rice storage sheds for drying. The
paddy dries in the shed until it contains about 14% moisture. After this it is held
in storage until it is ready to be transported to e rice mill.
Milling rice
The majority of rice grown in australia is milled and marketed under the Sun
rice brand. Sun rice has been marketing roce to australians for over 50 years and
is one of australia’s largest exporters of branded food products and one of the
world’s largest rice food companies. When the rice arrives at the rice mill each
individual grain must then go through a number of steps to ensure only the best
quality grains end up on your dinner plate. Firstly, the outer layers must be
removed to separate the grain from its cocoon the plant. This is called hulling.
Rice miling produces very little waste. So this palnt matter is also kept and
stored ready to be used in other products such as pet food. After hulling the new
rice grains are then milled polished are sorted ready for packing. Contrary to
popular belief white rice is not bleached to make it white all rice grains start
their journey as brown rice. However, the white grains have been polished and
the outer bran layer removed to reveal the pearly grain inside. Sun rice also
photograph every single rice grain to check the size and color. This is called
braiding and sorting. Any grains that are broken or do not make the grade and
look discareded. These are separated and used to make other products in your
supermarket such as rice flour and cereal.
Enjoying rice
Did you know that ausralian rice feeds 20 miliom people in the world every
day. Some rice sells australian grown rice to almost 60 countries around the
world. That is a lot of people enjoying australian grown produce and the
fantastic thing you can bring the world right back here to australia. Rice is used
in many different cuisines and is ideal for breakfast luch or dinner. Astralian
grown jasmine rice tastes great served cold in a Thai beef salad or for something
more exotic medium grain rice is perfect in a Spanish pealla with fresh
australian seafood. Our huazi farmers also grow sushi rice which is a short brain
right here in the riverina. So you can make your own sushi at home. Rice can be
used to make quick and easy snacks for the whole family. Rice cakes are made
from 100% brown rice and can be enjoyed topped with salad fruit or your
favorite spread. Sun rice have also developed a microwavable long grain brown
and jasmine rice. That is piping hot and ready to devour in just 90 seconds.
There are no added nasties in microwave rice just geat technology. The good
new is rice is not only versatile that tasty gluten-free and good for you to
‘hundreds of grains milions of possinilities’

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