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keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The night is a wonderful place. You can live in it
forever (and some of us do ...) without being noticed
if you don't want to. Those who live in the night better
have the Edge, the Night's Edge, for there is a special
kind of 'people' who live there.

You might call them leeches, vryolakas, vampires or

monsters, but then again, they might call you cattle,
meat or lunch and beside, name calling is so...
childlike. The bottom line remains that even if you
don't like them, you gotta respect them. Law of the
jungle you'know. And the night is one huge jungle,
complete with its predators and preys.

Some may want to reverse the roles, make the hunters

hunted, but they are few. Most are just happy not to
be fodder, food for them. Live and let live, Isuppose.. .

Night's Edge is an Alternate Reality Sourcebook for Cyberpunk

2020. It is the first in a series of modules and sourcebooks that
bringstechno-horrorto the world of Cyberpunk. It contains rules
covering mostly vampires but also their brethren, lycanthropes
and were-wolves. Also included are rules for vampire hunters
and psychic powers.


2360 Ave. de LaSalle, #211
Montreal, Qc., Canada
niv 2 ~ 1

Alternate Reality Sourcebook
da NIGHTS EDGE is a trademark of lanus Publications, Inc.

3 CYBERPUNK and the cyberpunk logo ore registered trademarks of R. Talsorian

Games, Inc., used under license.

ICP # I O 1
ISBN 2-9801683-6-X
FA--- '

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

By Justin Schmid
4n Alternate Reality sourcebook for //

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
INTRODUCTION .......................................... 6 LEAN (VERY LEAN) CUISINE ................. 33
QUIRKS ............................................. 33
TERMINOLOGY .................................... 8 YOUR HEAD ................................... 34
PATHOS VAMPIRI .................................. 9 SENSES .............................................. 34
THE LEGENDS: FACT AND FICTION ........ 10 WHERE THE VAMPIRES LIE ................... 35
EXCERPTS FROM THE BETTER SUNBURNS ......................................... 36
PRE-HUNT .................................... I 1
THE HUNT .................................... I 1 W E WALK THE NIGHT
POST-HUNT .................................. 1 1 ACCUMULATED WEALTH ...................... 40
THE MEDIA AND HUNTERS ...................1 1 COVENS G HOME ............................... 41
LONE WOLVES ................................... 12 HARK! THE MORNING SUN! ................. 42
VAMPIRE HUNTER ORGANIZATIONS HUNTING ........................................... 42
SUN KNIGHTS ............................... 13 MORTALS G CHILDREN OFTHE NIGHT ...42
HEART BURN ................................ 13 PERSONAL BACKGROUND ..................43
CSI (CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL REACTIONS ........................................ 44
STUDIES INSTITUTE) ......................... 13 SANITY G SUICIDE ............................... 45
INQUISITOR .................................. 13 VAMPIRE HUNTERS ............................. 45
THE MAKING OF A HUNTER WORLD SITUATION ............................. 46
SUN KNIGHTS PERSONALITIES ................................... 47
KNIGHT .................................... 14
BISHOP ..................................... 15 POWERS OF THE MIND
ROOK ...................................... 15 PSYBERPUNK ...................................... 52
HEART BURN ................................ 15 PSYCHIC POWERS VS PSlONlCS ............ 53
CSI (CRY PTOZOOLOGICAL GLOSSARY ......................................... 53
STUDIES INSTITUTE) ......................... 16 PSYCHE ............................................. 53
INQUISITOR - PREDATOR ...............16 LUCK ................................................. 53
NEW SKILLS ........................................ 17 PSYCHIC POWERS ............................... 54
NEW EQUIPMENT ................................ 17 PSYCHIC POWER USE .......................... 54
HUNTER MOTIVATION ......................... 18 GAINING NEW POWERS ...................... 55
HUNTERS G CYBERNEnCS .................... 18 POWER RESTRICTIONS ......................... 55
WOLF HUNTING .................................. 18 ASTRAL .............................................. 55
CYBERVAMPS ..................................... 19 NETRUNNING G POWERS O F THE MIND .55
DRACULA'S CHILDREN ......................... 19 MUNDANE POWERS ............................ 56
THE HUNT .......................................... 19 PSYCHIC POWER DESCRIPTIONS ...........57
CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT ANIMALS ..................................... 57
GLOSSARY ........................................ 20 CHARM ....................................... 57
VRYOLAKAS CAMPAIGN ..................... 20 CURE ........................................... 57
VAMPIRISM ........................................ 21 HYPNOLOGICAL ........................... 57
THE LEGENDS ..................................... 22 ILLUSION ...................................... 58
HISTORY ............................................ 23 MANIA ........................................ 58
AGE .................................................. 24 MENTAL ....................................... 58
APPEARANCE ..................................... 26 MENTAL ASSAULT .......................... 58
COVENS ............................................ 27 MNEMONIC .................................. 59
VAMPIRE CREATION ........................... 28 PSYCHIC ASSAULT ......................... 59
THE AlUllENTS OF MANKIND: DISEASE. SENSORY ..................................... 59
DRUGS. POISONS AND RADIATION ......28 TELEPATHY ................................... 59
FEEDING ............................................ 29 ESP POWERS
HEALING G DAMAGE .......................... 31 ASTRAL ........................................ ~~
HIBERNATION .................................... 32 PRECOGNITION ............................ 60

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

PSYCHOMETRY ............................. 60 JOURNEY INTO THE NIGHT
PSYCHOKINETIC POWERS FOREVER .......................................... 80
CRYOKINESIS ............................... 60 OVEREXPOSURE ................................. 83
ELECTROKINESIS ........................... 60 HUNTING SEASON ............................... 86
HEALING ..................................... 61
KINESIS ........................................ 61 INDEX ................................................... 91
MATTER ALTERATION ..................... 61
PSYCHOKINESlS ............................ 61
PYROKINESIS ................................ 61
RAD1KIN ESlS ................................. 62
TEL EPO RTATl0N ........................... 62
ASTRAL BODY .............................. 62
BODY CONTROL .......................... 62
PSYCHIC FOCUS ............................ 62
REGENERATION............................ 63
TRANSFORM ................................ 63
SAMPLE CHARACTERS ......................... 68

CREATION ................................... 70
LYCANTHROPY ............................. 70
COMBAT ...................................... 70
CURE ........................................... 70
POWERS ...................................... 71
QUIRKS ....................................... 71
SOCIEM ...................................... 71
(SUMMARY) .............................. 71
CREATION ................................... 73
WOLVEN ..................................... 74
APPEARANCE ............................... 74
COMBAT ...................................... 74
CURE ........................................... 74
FULL M O O N ................................. 74
MISCELLANEOUS ........................... 75
POWERS ...................................... 75
SENSES ........................................ 75
SILVER ......................................... 75
SOCIETY ...................................... 75
QUIRKS ....................................... 75
(SUMMARY) .............................. 75
-SAMPLE TRANSFORMATIONS ................76
THE WOLVEN WAY ............................. 76
THE BITING EDGE ................................ 77
HEREDITARY WOLVEN ........................ 78
LUNAR CYCLES ................................... 78
LUNATICS ........................................... 79

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
This sourcebook is intended to cover all aspects of
vampires in R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk 2020. It is
divided intoseven majorsections. The first section, HUNT-
INGTHENIGHT, dealswith vampire hunters. ltcoverswhat
a vampire hunter knows about vampires and how they deal
with them.

Thesecond isentitled CHILDREN OFTHENIGHT,and

explains all the necessary information for playing or GMing
a vampire in Cyberpunk 2020. The next section is entitled
WEWALKTHENIGHT. ltdealswith themorespecificdetaik
of a vampire's life in Cyberpunk 2020, including a listing of
vampires' situations aroundthe world, some examplevarn-
pire characters and descriptions of othersupematuralcrea-

Then comes POWERS OFTHE MIND. Itcovers all the

rulesrequired forthe useof psychicpowers. Followingthat
is a section named GATEWAY TO THE NIGHT, which is
simply a summary of allthe major rulessurroundingvampires
and character creation ofvampires. Wethen have asection
called LUNACY dealing with the other inhabitants of the
night, Were-wolves and Lycanthropes. The last section,
JOURNEY INTO THE NIGHT, includes two short sample
Text in this font represents the Cyberpunk 2020 game
adventuresand a full length adventure.
rules. Following the rules, Von Konos (indicated by italics &
shaded boxes) explains the practical applications of the
rules. The rules presented in this sourcebook are designed To help explain the rules, we will be following the
to maintain play balance in a Cyberpunk campaign, but it exploitsofboth a humanvampirehunter, Harris, anda young
must be noted that vampires a more powerful than any vampire, Mike. They will serve as examples.
ordinary Cyberpunk character. Caution is advised when

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
There exist in this world creatures that defy natural e Bishop:A psychic Hunterwho is capableof combatting
laws. Beingswho go beyondwhat science can explain, into a a vampire's psychic abilities and is able to detect
realm better suited to religion. These creatures are termed vampires.
"supernatural" by the occult society. Some are said to be e Box A vampire's home/coffin/etc.
good spirii, but the ones of concern to us are those of the
Dark Side. The beasts who would cause humanity pain and e Chapel: Sun Knight home base.
anguish. Most notably the Nosferatu of the paranormal, e Coven: A vampire's group, usually under a Priie.
vampires. e Dark Ones Vampires. A b known as beasts, monsters,
Becausethese things inhabitthe Earth, and are found all
around the world, we have ariin, all around the world.
e Hunter: The general term for a vampire hunter.
WherevertheDarkOnesfeed,wecanbefoundwatching, and King/Queen: Resident leaders of Sun Knights.
waiting. Waiting until the perfect time to strike, when we
Kissed: Infected with vampiriim, bitten by a vampire,
SWOOP down like eagles and kill our prey. Itis a mercy killing,
a killing that saves liies and releases the tormented spirit of
thevampire. We are in fact warriors for Life! Henceour name, e Knight AHunterwho isactuallyinvohredinthedestruc-
Pro Vwa Predato. tion of the vampires. They are often warriors.
e Lone Wolf: A s o l i i vampire hunter, not workii with
The Hunters of the Night have been around since the an organization.
earliest times,and though there are few records of them, a e Pawns: General public who are unaware of vampire
verbal hitory has been passed down since the early Middle
Ages. Now, several centurii later, we havethe knowledgeto
combat these monstersefficiently. Prince: The leader of a vampire's coven, or the vampire
who creates other vampires.
In North America, we have banded together under the e RIP, RIP@, RIPping: A term for puttinga vampire to
name Sun Knights, with affiliatesaroundthe world. We are an final rest.
efficient organization, as secretive as the CIA, and almost as e Rook A Hunter who is involved with defending the
deadly. We have our Trimities, groups of three Hunters, with Sanctum (9.v.). Very rarely involved in combat, the
complementing skilk and powers. Rook must conceal the group from psych^ detection,
and provide assistance if required.
Sanctum: Sun Knight fivepenon team, usually com-
posed of two Knights, two Biihopsand a Rook.
Hunters tend to use their own vocabulary, 50 that they Wolf Pa& AgroupofHunterswhoworkwithoutabrge
can speak in publicwithout fear of anyone knowingwhat they organization.
are talking about This coded language has developed into a
whole slang which most vampirehunters use.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Thelast thingwmmWtremember about thisdisease
is that the people afflicted by It are just victims. They
cannot be blamed for what the disease forces them to do.
After all, the will to survive is a very human trait.

This essay is typical of the scientific attitude towards

vampires. They would have us believe that they are but
victims, when in fact it is the people at large that are the real
victims. Vampires are a threat that must simply be elimi-

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The physical appearance of vampires does have some
relevanceto their powers. The whiier the face, the slimmer
Vampires are elusive creatures. They surround them- the build, the more powerful the vampire. This is a good
selves with myth and fantasy, allowing for much speculation indication, but at the same time does make this a frustrating
about their actual nature. Since we began keeping records, job. The easier it is to identify a vampire, the harder it will be
we have noticed some fghtening facts. The worst of all is to kill them. The easiest are the ones you cannot easily
that all vampires are different There are very few things identify. A bitter irony.
which are common to all vampires. This can be very dixon-
certing, especiallysince you never know what you're dealing As for the psychi~abilities of vampires, those havebeen
With. confirmed. The Dark Ones are incredibly powerfulpsychics,
able to detect us within a hundred meters. This is why we
The bas'csare true. Avampire isa humanwho is nota l i i employ Rooks, who concealour presence. Still, vampires can
and yet not dead. They feed on human blood. Beyond that, perform incredible feats with their minds, confoundingmore
it gets difficult to say. Holy items and water work sometimes, than one Sanctum.
but not regularly. Gark seems to repulse them all, but itonly
holds back a few. And only a select few do not have How vampirism is transmitted has been isolated to the
refleaions. transference of blood. But, how much is required is un-
known. The blood apparently causes a change in the DNA of
Fire seems to do the trick on most of them, however the victim. Now, whether only a drop or a liter is required is
there are reports of vampire who withstood flames for a full still questioned, and dangerous, for the mere b& of a
minute with barely a tan. Others burst into flames and are vampire (or as we call it, kiss) could cause infection. We have
ashes within seconds. We have been trying to link this to had to RIP a few of our people because of this in the past
sunlight, but unfortunately we have no way of investigating.
V a m F k are not willing test subjects. As far as where can vampires be found, try anywhere!
They are in our government, they are in our clubs, they are on
Decapitationandtremendousbodilydamagedoesslow thestreets. Anywherepeopleare,theycan be found. ltseems
them down, butagain,some healwithinseconds,whileothers to have gotten worse in the last decade or two as vampirism
take days to heal. Stevenson, a vampire researcher, put is on the r i i . Some Hunters fear that vampires may be
forward that their age might be related. As a vampire ages, plotting to take over the world.
their bodies get drier, and therefore bum better. But, as for
the healing properties, who can say? Perhaps purity of the Their lairs, or Boxes, are equally v a i i . Some own
blood is important mansionsand sleep on plush beds, while others can be found
in the crypts of the local cemetery, lying in their coffins. But
none operate during the daylight hours, or at leastvery few.
Sun light seems to be as dangerous as fire, but again, some
can withstand daylight, and defiantly walk the streets during
a clear day. Such displays cause more dropouts among our
people than anything else.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

2. S t r a w Once the vampire has been located, a plan of
strategy must be developed as to how the vampire will
be eliminated. If the vampire is part of a coven, be sure
to determine all the members, and only attack one at a
Following are the steps to successful vampire hunting.
time. An ambush strategy has been proven time and
They have been compiled after research based on years of
time again to be effective, though the particularsof the
Sun Knight Hunting. Note the 30% Knight success rate as
ambush must be determined.
opposed to the average 2% success rate of Lone Wolves. We
hope that this manual will help Hunters all over. 3. The Kill: For the kill, do not waste time with holy water,
crosses or anything such as that. Attack with full force
PRE-HUNT usingall ammunition (possiblysilver, though this has not
been confirmed to have the same effect in all cases).
1. SafeHouse.Abayshavea locationthatcanberetreated Move closer with all weapons fully loaded and ready.
tothatwillbeunknown toanyfriendsor rebtivesand is Many vampires play dead, onlytospring up and killtheir
not listed under your or any friend’s name. Vampirescan Hunters in hand-to-hand combat.
often locate records very easily and locate residences.
iovedonesshouldalsobemovedawayuntilaweekafter Once the vampire is incapacitated, remove its head (ii
the Hunthas endedfor their safety (andso that vampires it has not yet been removed). Then bum the head and
cannot use them as hostages). the corpse separately. And that is a successful RIP.
2. Coden If Hunting in a group, make sure that there are
codes for all major procedures, such as retreat, attack, POST-HUNT
feign, etc. These codes will allow communication with-
1. Evidence Removal: At the scene of the attack, remove
outallowingthevampireto knowwhatisbeingcommu-
all traces that might lead toyour discovery. On occasion
nicated. Beware of telepathic vampires!
police discover the remnants of the ashes and seek out
3. Equipment. A powerful weapon k recommended. High the”ki1lers”. While we knowwe havedoneagreatdeed,
calkerguns. &n,besureyoucan hideit insomeway,asyou very few Pawns understand. Therefore, casings, tools
do not want to be obvious. A b , weara Holy cross, any and prints should all be removed. Also, sometimes
garf~andholywater.Theymaynotwork,butthey’reworth vampires use thii evidence to find Hunters.
having. A wooden stake and decapitation tool are ako
2. The HidingWe& Averysuccessfulpost-Huntaaiviiyis
recommended. Fire-wthg equipment is necessary. A
a week of hiding at your Safe House. Thii allows any
medical and fnt aid kit are ako good to have.
vengeful Dark friendsofthe RlPpedvampiretoseekout
4. Hiding. Praaiceconcentratingon trivialthings. Ifyou are the Hunter unsuccessfully.Waiting at the Hunter’s home
thinking aboutvampires, the vampirewilleasily pick this will do nothing, nor will waiting a t the popular haunts of
up, and could read your thoughtsof attack. If no psychic the Hunter. After a week, the vampire gets tired and
is available for maskingyour thoughts, you must leam to goes back to his normalactivities, allowing the Hunter to
hide them. nowseekthemout. Besides,onevampireaweekismore
than enough.
“Also, Me alonga few dazzlers, vmnps hate ‘em’ 3. Records: Keepa recordofvampiresslainandallparticu-
Ian.This will aid in future Hunts. Ako, if possible the age
of thevampireshould befound, asthiwill aid in research
into the correlation between age and vampire’s power.
1. Detection. Vampires have pale skin, are generally thin.
Their canines are generallyelongated, but not necessar-
ily. Often very handsome or beautiful. Look normalafter
havingfed. Psychicdeteaionismuchmoreeffeaive,but This isoneaspeathatwesharewithvampires.We hate
careful surveillancecan tum up vampires too. media attention. To be effective, we must remain a secret to
the world. There have been some informal agreementswith
a. Records:Suspectedvampire’s birthrmrdsshould be the FBI to allow the Sun Knights to operate, but beyondthat,
checked, as well as the location of the vhmpire’s resi- we would prefer that the pubk never know we are here.
dence. Check for forgeries. Also, check for deathcertif-i-
cates under the same name.
First, we would be ridiculed. No one bekves in vam-
b. Obituaries:Check the obituariesfor deaths involving pires, so we would be Seen as psychopathsand murderers.
mysterious circumstances, such as massive blood loss. Not the sort of image that would be conducive to our
Checking city morgues may be more effective. operations.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Second, vampires would know who we were. Many
times, our main strength is that vampires are unaware of our
existence. They seem to be a very isolated race, who rarely
communicate, so we capitalize on their ignorance of our
presence. Very often, the first time they see us is also the last
time. Wegenerallyavoidthosevampireswhoareawareofus,
as we can seldom if ever get the drop on them.

Last, vampires would then be entirely credible to the

masses, and as with x) much else in the past, the evil race of
vampires would be seen as god, yet tragic people. Poor
things have to drink blood, and meanwhile these heartless
Knights hunt them down. There would be comparisons to
bgotry of the 20th century and it would be blown out of

No, itismuch bettertoremainintheshadows,much like

vampires. Under the cover of night, we carry out our dark Apart from the Sun Knights are the Lone Wolves, work-
deeds. But, unlike the Dark Ones, we do this for the better ing alone, generally against one particular vampire who has
good of humanity, and with some 200 vampires gone, that wronged them. We sympathiiewith these people, but they
translates into thousands of saved human lives. If anything, are doomed to failure. If there is one thing that we ha*
we would want the media to recognize the gotxi that we are leamedover time, itisthatvampiresarea menace bestfought
bringing to this world. in groups. Only the weakest and youngest of vampires are a
fair match for a lone Hunter.

A Lone Wolf will frequently seek out a vampire because

of a loved one having been av'ctim, or infrequently, because
the vampire is a relative. In these cases,it is an emotional
motivation, for vengeance often. This overpowering passion
will often cause the Hunter to make mistakes. Not to mention
These two failings coupled together inevitablyend in tragedy
as the vampire easily brushes aside the Lone Hunter.

There havebeen a couple isolatedcasesof a particularly-

successful Lone Wolf, these are most often modem Hunters.
YvonneTymehada half dozenvampires under her belt bythe
timesheretired in2012.Shewouldplayinnocent,abletohde
her true thoughts, untilthe vampireapproachedandthen she
opened fire witha .357magnum, blowingthevampire's head
off. Therewas also Richard the Wolf Heart, a South American
veteranwho usedhisgrenadel a u d e r at closerangeto blow
his vampire victims to pieces. But, he did in 2016 when,
after over a dozen RIPS, a Dark One caused his ammunitii
to spontaneously detonate.

alone, soshoztldtheirhunrmnmters.
you vdly think like the loner vmnpim.I hem me belong to
groups, but 1avoid those. It's like we share something m ow

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Heart Bum is the unofficial name for the Transylvanian
Correspondence School of Vampire Hunting, which offers
WhiletherearemanyLoneWolvesinthework4,thereare the only degree in vampire hunting. The course involves
only three major vampire hunter organizations. And, each has answering a serii of vampire movie trivia, and giving the
their own particular idea about vampires and how they ap- most common legends surrounding vampires.
proachvampires.They are listedaccordingto sizeand power.
They also offer a phone service with advice on vampire
SUN KNIGHTS hunting 24 hoursa day. Only 5.99eb a minute.This "informa-
tion" generally takes the form of citing scenes from relevant
TheSun Knightsorganizationisa recentone.Aroundthe vampiremovies, andhow the "heroes" dealtwiththe menace.
tum of the century, a millionaire, Simon Richards, discovered
Therefore, if ever a Hollywood vampire should come along,
that hs daughter was a vampire. He, and a few close Kinds,
the Heart Bum Hunter will be prepared.
went about the task of RlPping her, and then sought out her
Prince. While they were unable to RIP him, they did succeed
Sun Knights look down at Burn Hunters. They have
in eliminating four more Dark Ones.
several covert operatives working the information lines, on
the look out for real evidence of vampire activity (many of
As he sought out the Prince, he discovered whole nests the callers and Burn Hunters are tracking normal humans
of vampires, and decided that this was a menace that sur- with unusual habits, thinking them to be vampires). But, it
rounded the globe. But, he also discovered many other is generally acknowledged in the Hunter community that
Hunters. So,with hisfortune, he founded the Sun Knights,and Heart Bum is strictly amateur and for show. But, Heart Bum
brought all the Hunterstogether under one banner in 2001. is also the most well known Hunter organization. Their
hologram of a burning heart is seen in commercials and
Since then the Sun Knights have over 200 RIPS to their even holoposters.
credit, and now have over 1500 active members across
NorthAmerica and in some other nations.Though the profits
are lacking, freelance mercenary work supplements the "He& Bum isone of thosejoke plum.I t 3 a real shame
group's money. though, lotsa punks think they m take on vamps just 6y
watching movies. Most die."
Simon is now in his late sixties, and has steppeddown as -Hamis
an active member, instead acting as an advisor. The acting
leader is Ronald Isgill, a highly successful Knight.The organi-
zation is flourishing, but its secrecy is getting harder and CSI (CRYPTOZOOLOGICALSTUDIES INSTITUTE)
harder to maintain.
CSI is a legal organization, dedicated to the study of
supernatural creatures.They are in& in sig Foot,the loch
By far the most powerfulof all vampire hunting organi-
Ness Monsterandwerewohaswellasmpires.TherHunters
zations, they also are the mostsuccessful of all organizations.
are generally gmganis and the main purposek to b r i i back
The sun with a sword through it is their symbol, and their
I'mspecimens. Their success rate has been minimal, and they
Chapels can be found New York, Chicago, Night City,Wash-
have very few Hunters. Mainlyinformationcomes from observa-
ington, Montreal, Miami, Boston and even Mexico City.
tion of vampies, not actually findii one.

'7kKnight.s meprefty amlguys. "heysee this as aidl Their headquarters is found in New York, but they have
and do it damn professionally. Whenthey RIP, it3 a message offices in all mapr cities. There is a $lo00 reward for a live
to all the Dark One's, that they're cominf to get 'em." vampire or were-wolf to be brought in for study. Dead
specimenshavea$Wfinder'sfee. Informationonsupematu-
-Hmri~ ral creatures has varying values, depending on the reliability
and extent of the information.

A more bizarre bunch of Hunters has never been seen. The lnquisiirs generally are not too concerned with
This is a haphazard collection of Hunter culties. Most were spiriiualii, as they are too busy dealing with the problemsof
Lone Wolves, and much of their knowledge is based on cybemeticsinsociety.Therefore, the realdemonsofhumanity
vampire movies of the 20th century. They have one of the to them are ignored, in favor of their own demons, the
lowest success rates and are more into the style and "scene" CyberVamps. CyberVamps are cyberneticallyenhanced hu-
of Huntingthan anything.They are your classic Cyberpunkera mans who mimic vampires. They also generally are
Hunters. cyberpsycho.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The Predato Nosferatusect of the lnquisiirs specialiie
in tracking CyberVamps. They are ako a paramilitarygroup
who also specialize in destroyingCyberVamps.Thesectisonly The Sun Knights offer three programs, the Knight, the
found in Night C i ,and though it's members are unknown, Rook and the Bishop programs. They center on psychic
there are an estimated two dozen Predators (as they call development, as well as information on vampires. Enlistment
themselves). requires 1000eb, a vow of secrecy and at least four years of
service after education. However, the rewards are a job that
Since they do not use cybernetics, nor hgh technology pays 25000ebayear(verygoodforCyberpunk),withbonuses
devices, they rely upon their martial arts and low tech traps. for successes. Charactersget a total of 10 pointsto divide up
Usuallywithatripwirethatdropssomethingveryheavyonthe as they wish among the appropriate list of skills.
Vamp, and then all moving in with weapons and attacking
continuously until the Vamp is downed. Then, they tear it Depending on the character's abilities, they can enlist in
apart. Not a prettysight But, then, neither are the Predators. one ofthe following rolesfor Sun Knights, butthey mustmeet
at least two requirements as listed below:
The Predator's symbol is a cybernetic face with fangs
witha redcircleandbaracrossit.Notveryoriginal,butneither
are the Predators. The Sun Knightswork with them on occa-
sion,generally if a Vamp is suspectedof bemga real vampire.
Otherwise,they are virtually unknownto all exceptthe highest
ranking members of the Inquisiiors.

Once accepted, the player should read the description

ofthe appropriate assignment as listedbelow. Charactenget
8 skill pointsafter the intensive two year training to dwide up
as they wish among the skills in Skill Package. The assigned
A Vampire Hunter can be of any role, as all it takes is equipment need not always be canid, but will be baned to
knowledgeof vampire'sexistenceand preferablyonetohunt the characterfor the duration of service with the Sun Knights.
Not even a real vampire is needed, CyberVamp can be
hunted,aswellasnormalVampire Posers. However, theseare KNIGHT
generally Lone Wolves or members of Heart Bum or some KnightsarethewarriorsoftheSun Knghts.Theyempby
organization of the like. The real Hunters, such as those with heavyweaponryagainstvampiresandarethe oneswhocome
the Sun Knights, are trained to do a particular p b RIP face-to-face with vampires in combat They hold the most
vampires. dangerouspb.Onaveragetheysurvive4.21 m'asons.Knights
typically have high REF, BOD and COOL
Because of the different groups who hunt vampires,
there are different skills that they have or are taught Also, Duties: A Knight's first duty is to destroy vampires by
since very few vampire hunters are raised as Hunters, usually whatever means are necessary. The second duty is to
only coming into this line of work late in life, there are no protect their fellow team-mates. Their third duty is to
Vampire Hunter careers, just extra skill packages. preserve the secrecy of the Sun Knights.
Skill Pad<age:Vampire Lore*, Meditation*, Rifle,Stealth,
Melee and Demolitions.
Equipment Cinder Flamer* w/2 clips, Staker* w/2
clips, Blast Satch*, 2 Burners*, Machete*, Wooden
Stake", Kevlar vest,Nylon Helmet with Smart Goggles
and Leather Pants and Jacket

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

A Bishop has the preHunt role of locating vampires.
They typically pose as Fixers or Cops, and investigate any
myterious deaths or people. Once a vampire has been Signingupasanactive memberof CSI hasa yearly 100eb
observed, they must keep up basic surveillance to know the membershipfee, which coversabimonthlymagazine, wherein
vampire's activities, and then they allow the Knights to ar- newinformationispublished.Theyoffernotraining,onlytheir
range the attack. Bishops typically have high INT, COOL and magazines, and ifcharactersspend a year studying the maga-
EMP. zinestheywiIIgainVampireLore+l. Notethatcharacterswith
levels above 1 will gain nothing.
Duties: A Bishop's first duty is to locate vampires by
whatevermeansarenecessary.Thesecond duty istoaid Since CSI wants live specimens, they suggest using
the Knightsin attacks. Their third duty is to preserve the tranquilizer dartsanddrugsforcaptureofavampire.Theydo
secrecy of the Sun Knights. not beliive in the myths of garlic and crosses, nor that
Skill Package: Vampire Lore*, Meditation*, Human vampiresare immortal. "Justshoot'em withtranq roundsand
Perception, Shadownrack, Streetwise and Psychic*. bring 'em to your local offKe", they say.

Equipment Staker**,w/l clip, 1 Bumer*,GarlicSpray*,

Viicam, Nylon Helmet, Kevlar Vest, Lapcomp.

While it might seem a boring part of Hunting, the Rook Before entering the Predato Sect, characters must be-
actuallyhasthemostexcitingjob.Keepingintheshadows,the come Inquisitors.This means that they must never have had
Rook must provide a psychic cloak for the Knights and Bish- ANYcybemetics(or be damn good at hiding them). Also, an
ops. Plus,the Rookisthesupportoftheteam,havingavehicle, incredible amount of trust must be had in the character,
communication and medical equipment. Without a Rook a therefore the vast majority of Predators have this as their
team is lost. Also, Rooks can slip away into the shadows if career since an early age, indoctrinated with the Inquisitor
anything goes wrong. They live the longest, as few vampires ideology since birth, presumably. They, unlike the other
even know they exist. High stats are typically COOL, PWand Hunters, actually have a career package of being a Predator.
IN. They get the full 40 points, plus INT+REF to buy skills. The 40
points must be invested in the Predator career package.
Duties: A Rook's first duty is to conceal the activities of
the Hunters. The second duty is to protect Knights and
Bishops in attacks. Their third duty is to preserve the A Predatorseeksout CyberVamps, or other humanswho
secrecy of the Sun Knights. use cybernetics to mimic animals or supernatural creatures.
Skill Package: Vampire Lore*, Meditation*, Disguise, Since these people tend to be quite insane, and believe the
Hide/Evade, Endurance, Psychic*. myths surrounding their beast of choice to be true, the
Predatorsusethis. They avoid hightech weaponry, evenguns.
Equipment Stemmeyer 35 w/ 2 clips, Kevlar Jacket & They move in with garlic, crosses and mirrors all over. High
Pants, CityCar, Cellular Phone, Disguise K i 6 Move- stats are typically REF, BOD and COOL
ment Sensors, Medkit.
*Skills that are described under New Skill. Duties: Predators must eliminate all CyberVamps and
*See New Equipment. other cyborgs who mimic beasts.
Skill Package: Ranking, Awareness/Notice, MartialArts
(TaeKwonDo),Athletics,Dodge/Escape, Melee, Stealth,
Vampire Lore* (max 2), Strength Feat, Endurance.
Heart Bum offers only their correspondence training. Equipment Nunchaku/Naginta/Staff, Knife, Heavy
This will give effectivelyVampire Lore +1, and costs $500. As Leather Jacket and Pants, Smoke Grenades, Garlic,
far as equipment is concerned, they will send a diploma, a Cross,Wooden Stake*.
sprig of rotted garlic, and a wooden stake (made of balsa
wood, and will splinter under the lightestpressure).This is the
extent of their provisions. Bum hunters must supply them-
selveswith equipment, and aregivenno helpfulguidelines on
what to buy, nor what to do with what they do have.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Here are some new skill for Vampire Hunters: Here is some new equipment for Hunters.
Meditation (COOL): The skill of relaxationand clearing Blast SathThii is a 1kg packageof C-6 in the form of a
the mind.Thiiskill is essential is keepingone'smind free satchel. Itakocornesw'tharadiodetonator.~sa~chel
of distractions, and successful use gives its level as a canbethrown7xBOD inmeters.ltdoes8dlOdamage
bonus to defendingagainstTelepathii powers and half to all within 10m.
it's level as a bonus to any Psychic power use. Burner: A home-made incendiary grenade for Sun
Psychic (PSY): The skill of psychic power use. Applies Knights. They are improved, designed for maximum
toward learning of any psychic power available to the effect They do 5d6 damage for 4 turns. It is limited to
character. See Powers of the Mind for more on this. Sun Knight members.
Vampire Lore (INT):The knowledgeof vampires. At +1, Cinder Flamer: This hand-held napalm sprayer only has
the character knows the basii, such as vampires drink enough ammunition for two shots, but they do a great
blood. At +3, the character knows the major repellants deal of damage. Note that it is not available on the
of vampires (garlic, holy *hems,etc). At +5, the character market, only to Sun Knights.
knows the best ways to kill a vampire. At +7, the RIF -1 N R 3d10/2tum~ 2 1 ST 25m
character can spot a vampire in a crowd, and know the
best way to approach them. At +9 or better, the charac- GarlicSpray:Thiisisaspraycanwithtendoses,whiihcan
ter knows how vampires think and can accurately track a fill the air with garlic smell. Itis supposedly repugnant to
vampire's activities.
Machete: This is a swordthat is essentiallydesigned for
swinging, not stabbing. It does more damage when
swung, and is typically usedby Huntersfor decapitation
of the vampires.
MEL 0 L C 3d6 NA NA NA I m 30eb
Silver Bullets Characters who want silver bullets can
order them at most weapons shops for five times the
listed cost of the ammunition. Silver arrows and cross-
bow bolts are only triple the listed price.
Staker: This weapon is moreof a carbine, and fires 2 inch
bng shards. It has poor range and speed for a riie, but
can be high wood content, silver or steel. This weapon is
the underground, costing on average 1000eb.
RIF 0 N R 4d10 10 1 VR 5 h

"If every Hunter had a Staler, wmpires would bmme

myt3 again'
Wooden Stake: A simple d e n stake. Costs about
5eb becauseof the rarii of wood. They are available to
all who seek them.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

When generating a Hunter, unles the motivation for While Predators will not touch cybernetics, any other
becoming one hasalready been played out or determined in Huntersare well advised to consider cybernetics to put them
the character's past, the motivation must be generated. This on nearequal footing with the vampires. Anything to boost
can either be rolled or chosen from the Hunter Motivation the character's abilities, such as reflex boosters, strength
table. enhancements, sensory enhancements and armoring are ba-
sic cybernetics that will help.

Specifically, a bornonitor is usefulso that other Hunters

will be able to know whether you have become a vampire or
not (ifsomeone isstillmoving yettheirbinmonitorsaysthey're
dead, then worry). A b , motion detectors are useful. Im-
planted Fangs and the like are not useful, and may confuse
some other Hunter, so should be avoided.

Cyberopt'cs, especially with thermographs, are useful

for spotting people with low body temperatures (usually
vampires). Also, low light to match their natural night vision.
And, a microvideo is useful for informationgathering, espe-
cially in combat.

A Cyberaudio radio splice is useful, however ithas been

noted that vampues can hear even subvocalization, so be
careful! RadioScannetsareusefulforwatchingfor cops. Linear
frames and obvious cybernetics are advised against, as vam-
pires see them as an automatii threat, andthe noise created,
though to humans is minimal, vampires can hear a mile away.
Cyberweapons on the other hand might keep you alive, so
stock up on them if you're a Knight

Body plating can be a good idea, but vampires don't

tend to fight back physically, usually usingpsychicpowers, so
don't rely upon p u r steel as much as you might against
hurnans.But,ontheother hand, manyvampiresthesedaysare
well armed, so don't let down your guards either.

While thii text deals mainlywith vampire hunting, were-

wolves have been detectedfrom time to time, and appear to
bebecominga newthreat.The Sun Knightshavesetupasmall
Silveradodetachment@-man),who are mobile(modifiedAV-
4) and specialize in dealing with were-wolves.

Thii gives a basic motivation for each of the back- CSIdoes also have interest inwere-wolves, thoughtheir
grounds, and can help in role-playing the Hunter more effec- interestseemsto be dying down, as their agents who investi-
tively. For example, a HumanitarianHunter will avoid hurting gate were-wolves tend to turn up dead. The Predators also
civilians, whereas avengeance Hunterwill do anything to get investigate CyberWolves. And, Heart Bum Hunters have on
back at the vampire who injured his loved ones. A Fanatical occasion taken on a were-wolf (with fatal resub).
Hunter will most likely kill anyone to get a t vampires.
k f a r aswere-wolvesgo,thereappearsto be twotypes:
the first are huge wolves and incredibly powerful, and the
other type are humans who betieve theisitves to be wolves.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

We term the former actual were-wolves, the latter as
lycanthrop. The former are deadly and should not be
approached.CallintheSilverados.Thelattercanbedealtwith When Hunters seek out a vampire, or have found one,
however. Silver hassomeeffect itseems, but were-wolvesare either choose from or roll on the Random Prey table to
extremelystrong,so missilecombatisrecommended.DoNot determine just what they are hunting. Note that real vam-
- - d Combat pires are actually quite rare. Most investigations will dis-
cover this a t some point, however in the mean time, it can
be quite exciting.

Not true vampires, these are humans who use cyber-

netics to make themselves seem to be vampires. The best
example is the Dracula's Children posergang. While they are
generally not cyberpsychos and have a good reputation,
though a macabre one, they do use cybemetii to replicate

Typically the fist step is boxulpting to get a pale

complexion, drawn back skin and beautifed (vampires are
typically very beautiful). Then, speedware is often added to
give the speed of the vampire, and muscle grafts to get the
strength of the vampire. Lowlight cyberoptii and enhanced
hearing cyberaudio create the heightened vampkic senses.
And, of course, what good CyberVamp would be complete
without Implanted Fangs and sometimes Scratchers?

All of these cybernetics are usually enough to dike

people who are already insane over the edge. Therefore,
many are cyberpsycho, and truly believe themselves to be
vampires.Truevampiresdo not appearto associatewith them
though, rather avoiding them. The only organization who
recognizes the difference between CyberVamps and real
vampires is the Sun Knights, and CSI if they get to disseathe

This is a posergang found in Night C i who all mimic

vampires. They dress in Slavic dress of the 19th century, and
A l l below9. They all have Implanted Fangs, though beyond
that, itvaries from individualto individual.They apparentlydo
drink human blood, but how isunknown.Thereareno reports
of them ever forcibly drinking a person's blood, nor of any
murders linked to them.

This is probably due to their militant leader, Vbd, who

makessurethat all keep within the boundaries of the law and
do not injure anyone. They are probably the most civiliied
gang m Night C i i ,but a b a quiet one, andso are ignoredby
other gangs. Their gang home is a castle in South City, very
beautifuland elegant They are also a very rich gang.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
sible. One way to counter this would be to have all the
vmpires haw &lays been clollded in legend and vampire-charactersfledglings. Thiswill limittheirpwer, thus
mystey. This text is not intended to deslray that mystic enforcing the team-work ideals. In thii fashion, the Game
ambhnce, but ignotance ofw own bue natures is atremely Master can place the coven master as an NPC and be able to
dangerou to any Child of Night. ?his is intended to en- guide the campaign slightlywithout seeming too controlling
?ifiten, while mamtaimng the air of supnatural as the GM.

Also, what you may have to deal with are power-hungry

playersthatwilltryto milkvampiresfor all they can.To avoid
this, use their quirks to the fullest against them, and perhaps
increase the number ofvampire hunters after them. After all,
Here are a few terms that you may find confusingor that
vampires who abuse their powers would tend to make easier
may have meanings other than you might be familiar with.
AgeLevel (A.L):Agametermtodexribeatwhatstage
of development the vampire is at. In short, enjoy this aspect of Cyberpunk's darker side,
butmakesurethat itdoes Cyberpunk
Creator: The creator of the specified vampire. codes. Living on the edge, style over substance and attitude
Master: This refers to the leader of a vampire coven. is everything. After all, this is not intended to allow the players
to have super-characten, just to push their roleplaying
Psyche(PSY): A new stat introduced, dealing with the
experiences to the edge.
character's spiriial self. It is fully introduced in the
Quirk: Various aspeas of a vampire's physicaland men-
tal being that are distinct.
Vampire: A being that is infected with vampirii blood.
few examples: Vampir in Hungary, Vlkasbk in Serbia,
Vryobkasin Macedonia, BrukulacoinGreeceand Dearg-
dul in Ireland.

A Cyberpunk 2020 campaign using this sourcebook

new player characters as vampires. But, for the GMs who do
not wish their players to have that much power, the players
could simply encounter vampires or hunt them as a mission.
The possibilities are endless.Vampires could be a part of the
main plot-line, or simply a sub-plot to confuse and distract

An idealsituationfor introducingvampiresintoacurrent
campaign would be to transform player characters intovam-
pires during the course of the campaign. That way, the
character could discover vampirism along with the player,
thus creating a more realisticplay of thevampire-characters.

Be wary of large groups of players in a vampire cam-

paign though. Vampires tend towork alone, therefore large
groups of vampire-characters will make play nearly impos-

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Vampiriim is a disease transmitted through Vampiric
Blood. At least 25% of the human's blood must be replaced
with vampiric blood for the disease to take hold. The
vampiric blood transforms the remaining normal blood into
vampiric blood by approximatelyl%per 10yearsthereafter.

The disease changes the body physically, and the side

effects affect the mind, emotions and psyche of the indi-
vidual. These effects and side effects are gradual, occurring
at a rate consistentwith the change in blood.Vampirii blood
is extremely volatile.

A character who receives less than 25% but more than

10% of vampiric blood must make a BOD check every hour
after being injected. Every check that fails raises the percent-
age ofvampirii blood by I%, and every check that succeeds,
reduces the percentage by 1%. If the percentage goes
below lo%, the character is normal once again, and the rest
is flushed out at a rate of 1% an hour.The character contracts
vampirism if the percentage goes over 25%. Medical assist-
ance gives +1 to the BOD check for each successful Diffiuk
MEDTECH check.

Draining a vampire's body of blood and then refilling it

with human blood is extremely risky. It requires 5 impossible
MEDTECH checksand 5 diffiult BOD checks of the vampire
to succeed. If there are one or two failures, the character
stays a vampire. Three or more failures results in permanent
death for the vampire. If all checks succeed, the vampire
reverts to human form and starts life back at the age he
became a vampire, however loses all but psychic powers.

EXAMPLE When Mike was made, the process was

rushed,andonly20%ofhisbodywasvampiricblood. In
the first 12 hours, 8 checks failed and 4 succeeded,
meaningthe percentagewent up to 24%. Inthe nexttwo
hours, the checks failed so now Mike is a vampire.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
Every age Will have its own ~ ~ ~ I Yand
z s legends, but one
thing is constat; vampires are here, and they are here to stay.
Since the beginningofhwnmity fill its end, we will be b e , in
the shadows.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Vampirism halts aging and decay of the body. Thus,
vampires cannot die naturally. Once one becomes a vam-
pire, appearance will remain relativelyconstant untildeath.
But, age affects development, so it must still be recorded.

When making a vampire character, determine the

character's age normally (note that much older characters
are possible) using the rules in Cyberpunk 2020, and then
determine how long the character has been a vampire.This
can be done randomly onTable I or chosen by the GM.Table
Ialso shows Age Levels and age in vampire years for each.
Age Level (A.L.) refers to a particular stage which encom-
passes those years of the vampire's undead life. These are
described 1ater.VampireYears (V.Y.)refers tothe number of
years the characterhas been a vampire.The effects of each
stage are given after each description.

only been a vampire for 6 years.
+l.+6 Skill Points each year. Vampiric Senses gained.
Heals 4 points of damage a day. Requires 6 BOD of
human blood every 72 hours.
EXAMPLE: Mike's original REF was 9, but in his first
year as a vampire, he had a REF of 10. He would also
heal 4 points of damage daily, and was to feed every
72 hours.


Three Skill Points each year of this stage are gained.
Heals 5 points of damage a day. Requires 6 BOD of
human blood every 7 days.
EXAMPLE By Mike's current age, his REF has lept to

ADOLESCENT: This has been accurately termed tk

adolescent years, as if is a time of rebellionfar vumpirts,as it
bfor mortals. Adolescent vampires haw seen their loved ones
wither away and die. Sm'wl @lt is incredibly paverfirl,
and it is at this stage fhat many vampires commit suicide.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Adolescent mpm
i continue he bodily f.rmfm-
tim,with their skin getring tougher, smoother and tightening
around their bones. Theyonly need to@d hvice a month, and
start to "toy" with their victims through tauntingand harass-

0 GAME CHANGES CL -1; A m t1; MA +1; BOD +1*;

PSY t1. Two Skill Points each year of this stage are
gained. Heals6pointsofdamageaday.Requires6BOD
of human blood every two weeks.

t2.One Skill Point is gained per two years of thii stage.
Heals 9 points of damage a day. Requires 6 BOD of
human blood every year. The vampire's skin gains a
natural Stopping Power of 8.

GAME CHANGES: INT t1; CL t1;ATT t1; BOD* t1;

EMP -1; PSY t1. One Skill Point is gained each year.
Heals 7 points of damage a day. Requires 6 BOD of
human blood every 30 days. Skin has a Stopping Power
of 2.

GAME CHANGES: INT +l; CL t2; A l l t1; BOD* t2;

EMP -1; PSY +2. One Skill Point is gained per five years
of thii stage. Heak 10 points of damage a day. Requires
6 BOD of human blood every 5-20 years. Skin has a
natural Stopping Power of 12.

* Raises effective body, not apparent body.

Note that allvampiresmustmakea Sanity checkevery
Age Level. See SANllYAND SUICIDEfor more on this.
GAME CHANGES: INT t1; REF +2; MA +1, BOD* +l.
One Skill Point each year of thii stage isgained. Heals 8
pointsofdamageaday. Requires6BODofhumanblood
every 6 months. Skin has a Stopping Power of 4.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Ow eyeshave been said to be hvpmticand entrancing.
Vampires appear human, except for a few differences. 1suqect this has More to do with the use ofpsychic powen,
but it is bue that a mpire’s eyes do take on a deeper color,
Vampires become increasingly pale, and their features
anahnostpefedshadeofwhatewcoloranddosink ina bit.
becomemore pronounced. Physicalstrength increases, but
apparent body size remains constant. Every BOD increase
refers to strength, not actual growing of the body. The
canines are not long enough to be noticed normally.

ltwould requirean average Awarenesscheckto notice

the palenessof avampireoverAL2, and a difficultAwareness
check to notice the palenessof a youngervampire. While a
vampire will retainany cybernetics or other bodily alterations
that were made prior to being made a vampire, new cyber-
netics or bodily alterations will not be possible due to the
regenerative powers of the vampiric blood. This includes
cutting hair, nailsandother body parts. Such alterations last
one night, usually grown back by the next night

EXAMPLE: Harris the vampire hunter must make a

DlFF Awareness check to notice the vampiric appear-
ance of Mike, as Mike is only AL 1. His base is 15, and
he rolls a 4, making it 19, so he fails to notice.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Acoven is a grouping of 3 or morevampires under the
leadership of a more powerful or older vampire. The leader
is given the title Master, whether he is the creator of the
other vampires or not. The Master decides what rules his
followersmustbllow. Usuallyacovenisrun outofa building
in which all the members live.

Rules of a coven generally revolve around permitted

numbers and types of victims, creating other vampires and
what beliefs are held. Enforcementranges from a few days
starvation to destruction. Relations between existing cov-
ens can be randomly determined on table II.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

A vampire is created by having more than 25% of his
blood replaced by vampiric blood. Take the character's
BOD and divide it by four. The vampire must drain that Vampires are immune to almost all disease.Avampire
amountof BOD, and then the character must be persuaded can only catch a specially altered artificial disease, or a
to drain an equal amount from the vampire. See FEEDING biological warfare agent. These have half their normal
for more on the draining of blood. Once the transfer is effects, and, no matter how powerfu1,cannot kill avampire,
complete, in 24 hours the character is a Fledglingvampire, only incapacitatehim.
andgainsallthealterations from thatstage. SeeAGEforthe
Drugs and poisons affect vampires at one fifth normal
strength. Ingested drugs and poisons (in the victim's blood)
During the interim 24 hours, the character is a half- through a feeding have 1/2 normal effect upon the vampire,
vampire. The only major change is the gain of vampiric but still death cannot result. Vampires cannot become
senses, which might stun the character for hours. The physically addicted to most drugs. However, psychological
character must also make a successfulCOOLcheck or lose addiction is very possible, and this is just as effectiie as it is
1 COOL permanently from the shock. upon humans, only five times the normaldosage is required.
Death resulting from drugs or po'kons is equated in the
EXAMPLE: Mike had to make a COOLcheck due to the vampire taking 40 points of damage.
shockwhen hewasmade. His COOLatthetimewaslO,
so he rolled ld10 and got a 5, making it by far. EXAMPLE: Mike is injectedwith a poison by a punk he
is about to arrest. The poison normally does 4d6
damage, and in this case a total of 17 pointsof damage,
but since Mike is a vampire, it only does 8 (round down)
points of damage, and Mike makes his Stun check, so
he is a liile weak but stands up fine whereas many
might die.

Radiation doesaffectvampires.Its firsteffect is to alter

and destroy the physical appearance of the vampire, by
causing a loss of AllR, eventually negating it. This can be
overcome through extensiveplasticsurgeryor disguisekits.
Takes 1 hour ofwork per temporary 1A l l R point. See the
Cyberpunk 2020 rules for permanently increasing AlTR
throughpbsticsurgery. Assuming theaveragehumanaccu-
mulates 10rads (for more on Radiation, see the supplement
Near Orbit) per 50years from background radiation, a 1000
year old vampire should have 200 rads. A vampire (as with
mortals) accumulates 1 rad per 5 years. Calculate the vam-
pirestotal age, and determine the amount of rads. Subtract
years spent in hibernation.Note tha tother radiation sources
might contributeto thevampire's radcount. Consulttable111
for details on effects.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

human blood. It takes 1 minute to drain 1 BOD. A vampire
regains 1 temporary PSY point or 1 point of damage per 2
BODdrained. Also, aeuphoricstateisachievedafterfeeding
and he gains a normalcomplexionfor 4 hours, -30 min. per
A.L Any blood fed upon must be from a living being,
otherwise it becomes putrid to the vampire, thus bottled
blood will not work.

EXAMPLE: Mike decides to take his revenge on the

punkwhoinjectedhim,so feedson him,draining 8BOD
from the8 BODpunk(killinghim).Thiiwilltake8minutes
and will regain 4 points of damage, making him only
Lightly Wounded, instead of Seriously.

Using live animals asa substitute for human blood will

work. However, the healing benefitsare not gained, and the
temporary loss of 1 INT point will be applied until feeding
upon mortalsresumes. Note that there are very few animals
in Cyberpunkanyway.

Avampirewho feedsuntilthevictim isat0 BODreceives

an incredibleeuphoricstatefor2 hoursthereafter.loses0.1
PSY permanently and has a 5% (+5% cumulative.for every

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

If the check fails by more than 5, the vampire will
attemptsuicide (if impossible, temporarilysubtract1COOL).
Note that these COOL losses are regained once feeding
resumes. Ifthevampirereachesa COOLof0, beginsubtract-
ing0.5from thevampire'spermanent COOLReachinga PSY
of 1 gives the vampire even more intense pain, and all stats
are reduced to 1/4 normal.

A PSYofO resuksininvoluntaryhibernation.Thiswilllast
until a being comes within 2m of the vampire, a t which time
he will awaken (too late to get the victim though). See
HIBERNATIONfor detailson hibernation. For everyone time
period of starvation endured, the vampire gains 0.25 PM
permanentlyupon regaining all lost PSY points. Time spent
in hibernationdoes not count.

EXAMPLE: Mike gets tied up in his work one week, and

forgets to feed. Since he m ' d all 6, he loses 3 PSY
temporarily. Now, hemustdrinkat least6BODofblood
to regain the lost points. If he missed another three
weeks, it would reduce his PSY to 0, and put him into

Feedingonavampirewho ismorethan tw0A.L. higher

will give the younger vampire +1 to a stat of his choice or 5
points of damage healed per 3 BOD drained. Feeding on a
vampire that is less than two A.L higher will have no effect
upon the feeder, it will not even count as if feeding from a
human. Vampires use their apparent BOD score when deal-
ing with blood content

Note that the bite marks involved in feeding result in

onewoundpoint, but thevampire'ssaliicontainsa healing
agent which heals that small wound within 30 minutes.

occurrencethereafter) of becomingpsychologicallyaddicted
to feeding past the death of the victim. Feeding upon more
than 5 times the requiredamountof blood results in nausea
and the loss of 25% of all stats for the next (24 + 1dl 0 - AL)

EXAMPLE: Mike fed upon the punk entirely, so he was

in a euphorii state for the next 2 hours, and lost 0.1 PSY.
Luckily however, this is new for him, so he does not
become addicted.

For evwy BOD point below 6 that a Mmpire fails to drink

before the time per'bd b up, the vampire bses 0.5 PSY tempo-
tarily. To restore these bst PSY points, the vampire must feed
upon double the amount he m ' d . If PSY reaches 2 i~ thii
manner, all stats drop by half, and thevampire is in in- pain.
A COOLcheckvs 12 is required for every feed p e d m ' d
hereafter. lf the check succeeds,the vampre may continue not
feedihq, but ifitfaik by lessthan 5, thevamprek forced to feed
[d im&ible, tem&rify submct 1 COOL).

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Avampire can take 40 points of damage before being
renderedincapable of function. Each limb can take a base 8
points of damage before being rendered useless (BT Limb
Damage Modifiew Very Weak-2;Weak-1, Strong+l;Very
Strong +2). Past 20 points of damage, every 2 pointssubse-
quently gives a -1 penalty to any actions until healed.

Stun checksare made usin9A.L as a positive modifier.

Failed Stun checks act the same as for humans, but replace
unconsciousnesswith physicalimmobility. Deathchecksare
made with the same modifiers as Stun. A failed Death Save
indicatesthat thevampireis renderedimmobile for Id10+10
m inUtes.

Vampires heal (4 + A.L) points of damage per day of

rest. The regenerative powers of vampirii blood only heal
damage that is incurred after the character was made a
vampire, therefore pastwoundswill not healoncethe charac-
ter becomes a vampire, but diseases will be cured and
addictions lost. Note that burn damage is healed at half this
rate. See SUNBURNS. Medicalaid will help, but drugs will be
1/5th as effective. While medical aid will help, any doaor will
be able to tell a vampire is not human after a cursory exami-
nation, so is not advbable under most conditions.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

escape. At the end of the year, make another COOL check,
with the same'results. A smgle hibernation that lasts more
than 2000 years will killthe vampire's consciousness forever.

Once the vampire has escaped, he must feed. The

hunger for blood will be overwhelming, everything else
ignored. Forevery2BODofmortal blooddrained, 1pointin
anystatisrestored. Onceallstatsarenormal,thevampire is
back to hisself.Thevampiregainst1 COOLpermanentlyfor
a hibernation lasting x)+ years.

Hibernationis a coma-like state in which avampire has

very little consciousness, lastingfor a t least five years. Time
spent in hibernationcountsasVampireYears, butskill points
for those years are lost. Hibernation may be voluntary or
involuntary. Involuntaryhibemationis usuallyforced through

When the vampire desires to hibernate, it will lie down

and, over the next 24 hours, go from full awarenessto limited
awareness. Duringthis time, the vampire can choose to abort
the hibernation (unless itwas involuntary).After the 24 hours,
the vampire has fully entered hibemation.The vampirewill be
able to hear, see and smell within 5m of his body, although
these senses will be distortedand slow. The eventssurround-
ing thevampire unravel in a dream-like fashion. The hibema-
tion will last a t least 5 years and up to two thousand years.
During hibemation, a vampire is unable to feed,= the body's
metabolism slows and all of its stats are reduced to 2.

Once the vampire decides to awaken, ittakes 1year to

reenters full consciousness. Now the vampire's statsgo up
to 1/3theirnormal (ifthisislessthan3,then3).Thevampire
may lift up to (10 x BOD)kg, and can dig at the rate of
(BOD)m/2hrs through semi-soft ground, no harder than
packeddirt (but not through cement).

If the vampire cannot escape, he must make a COOL

(current COOL) check versus 10. If this check is failed, the
vampire will attempt suicide (if impossible, reenters hiber-
nation). If the check succeeds, the vampire will either re-
enter Libemationor sleep for a year, waiting for a chance at

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Vampirescannot ingest food or drink other than living Quirks are psychological or physical oddities. Every
blood. Eating a bite or sipping a drink requires a successful vampire must have at least 3 Quirks, with a maximum of 8.
COOL check vs 15, and even that will be thrown up in All points spent on quirks or gained from quirks must be
ld10+20 minutes. The vampire will feel nauseated for the immediately spent or lost. Quirks are either positive or
next ld6-A.L. hours. negative. Positive quirks add points, and negative quirks
subtract points, but regardless, the total of all quirks must
EXAMPLE: Harrii asks Mike to go out for a drink, Mike be 0. Here are some sample quirks, invent new ones at the
agrees, but when faced with his drink, must make a GM's discretion:
COOL check. His COOL is 9,plus a roll of 8 is 17, so he
makes the check and manages to get it down, but in 26 STATQUIRKS
minutes it will come back up, so at that time, Mike . +1 to a stat of choice ...................................... +3
excuses himself and goes to the washroom. Then, he . -1 to a stat of choice ........................................ -3
leaves as he will not feel very good for the next 2 hours. EDUCATIONQUIRKS
. +1 Skill Point .................................................. +2
. -1 Skill Point ..................................................... -2
(a strong belief that an item or action will kill it)
. Stake through the heart ...................................4
. Pour boiling oilholy water on ............. -5
. Decapitationwithshovel.................................. 4
. Put poppy seeds on grave ............................... 6
. Coin or other object in mouth............. 6
. Bury at crossroads............................................ -2
. Immersionin water (specific*) .......... 6
more details on these.
(a strong fear of an item or place)
. Crosses/Other Holysymbok .......................... ..3
. CannotenterChurches .................................... -1
. GarlidOthercommonherb .............................. -3
. Other Holy items ............................................. -2
. Silver/wood ...................................................... 4
*Causes I d 6 damage per hit, per -1. Damage is
healed at 1/2 normal rate.
. Stench of grave ................................................ 4
. PhysicalDeformity ........................................... -2
. Awakens earlier than usual ............................. +2
. Awakens later than usual .................................
. Must sleep in coffin .......................................... -2
. Mustsleep on bodies ....................................... 4
. Cannot cross running watedline of salt ............-3

EXAMPLE: Mike finds the sight of blood exciting, so

gets a -1 there. He is afraid of Holy Symbols, Garlic and
Netspace,foratotalof-5. Hemustalsosleepmacoffin,
-2. To balance thii, two extra Movement Allowance
points are given for +6, and he gets +1 on his Charm
psychic power for t2.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

A vampire five senses are amplified through vampiric
blood. They get t(A.L.) to allAwareness checks. This is hatved
in urban environments. Cybernetics will negateany benefits
from that sense. For example, cyberoptics negate vision
awarenessbonuses. Extreme sensory input will disablethat
sense for (5+ldlO-A.L.) turns.

Eyesightcan penetrateup to50m oftotaldarkness,can

These rules apply to any Destruction Quirk which the see as far as humansinwell-lit conditionsin darkness, butcan
vampire believesin and is effected. The attackerusingeither only see 40m in light conditions, and 10m in brightly-lit
a wooden stake or a decapitation tool must make an conditions.
(INT+COOL) check versus (15+A.L. of vampire). If vampire
wins, thevampire takes8 pointsofdamage, which is healed Hearing is boosted to the point where a vampire can
at the 1/2 normal rate, but otherwise the vampire is free to hear a pin drop 10maway. Gunshotscan be heard 1km away
act as he pleases. If the vampire loses, he takes 30 points of and footsteps can be heard up to 100m away (without
damage, which cannot be healed until free. Until the act is Stealth).
ended or the item is removed, the vampire is rendered
immobile and can only use Psychic powers to indirectly Avampire'ssense ofsmellallows the lightestofscents
removethe item or end the act Thevampiremaystarveifthis tobepickedupeasily.Theirsenseoftouchandtastearealso
continues. Once the act is ended or the offending item is extended to thepointwhereavampirecan feel any changes
removed, thevampire is free to act again. Damage inflicted in texture or detect poisonseasily.
by the item or act is healed at 1/2 the normal rate.
EXAMPLE: Mike loses hisvampiric hearing due to the
cyberaudio, but has all of the other senses. If Harris
threwa Dazzlegrenadeinfrontof Mike, Mikewouldbe
blinded for 5+roll of 8AL 1 for 12 turns.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

-- .- -

OUT quid sumnutdings with little texture or smell. Smmt

vm?pires wem minorshades, eatplugs, silk or tylm dothing
and don’t smell their noroundmgs while m the Cify.

will fall into a death-like state (sleep) 15 minutes later. They
awaken a half-hour after sunset.The vampire has no aware-
ness of his surroundings while asleep, and cannot awaken
until the nextsunset.Regeneration and healingoccurduring
thisperiod.Vampiresdonotdreamwhilein thisstate,nordo
they needoxygen.

StayingawakerequiresaCOOLcheckvs(12t1 per30
min thereafter) every 30 min. Failure means he falls asleep
within h e minutes. When awake during the day, a vampire
performs all actions with a -4 penalty. No healing occurs for
time spent awake.

Extended sleep is simply sleep which lasts 2 or more

days. The extended sleep can last as long as desired, but
feeding is still required. Use starvation rules if necessary.
Healing occurs normally, but heals double the normal rate
due to sleeping through night and day. The vampire may
awaken after any sunset desired.

EXAMPLE: Mike, safe within his sealed room is still

scared that Harrii might come, so tries staying awake.
His first check has a roll of 3, added to 9 is 12, so he just
makesit,thenext hour he rollsan 8 making 17andisfine.
However, after 3 hoursand a half, the diffhky is 19,and
evenwith a roll of IO,he will not make it much longer,so
he decides finally to fall asleep.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Stage 3 The vampire takes 12 points of damage. The
vampire gets second degree bums all over, and m e
Vampiric blood is extremely volatile, and heat or sun- third degree burns All-2
lightwilleasilyignite it. If ignited, itwillcause agreatdealof Stage 4 The vampire takes 10 points of damage. The
damage to a vampire, and can destroy vampires perma- vampire's skin is almost completely burnt off, and is
nently. smoldering still. All -4
Stage 5: The vampire takes 8 points of damage. The
The heatingofthevampiricbloodgoesthroughseveral
vampire'scharredbonescontinueburning, leavingashes.
stages, ending finally in death for a vampire. These stages
No actions possibleHealing from this level is still possi-
take varying amounts of time, depending on the vampire's
ble as long as the ashes are kept together. If scattered,
age. Here are the base lengths of time for each stage:
the vampire is considered dead. No healing is possible
once dead.
EXAMPLE: While awake, Mike decides to take a peek
outside. He is in the shade and inside a building, so the
x2.0 of the normal time is the modifer. The first two
turns, he takes 4 points of damage, and the next four
turns he takes 6 points of damage, at which time he
decides he'd better return into the dark room.

Multiply this length of time by the vampire's AL by 2

(exceptforA.L.O,which youuse 1for)fortheactualduration
ofthestage. Healingtakesdoublethenormallengthoftime,
and quadruple for the last 10 points of damage.

Ifitiscloudyorprotection isworn,the effectsfeltfrom

sunlight will be slowed. The same is true if heat-resistant
clothing is worn to protect from extreme heat. Here are the

If the vampire enters sunlight, or is within l m of heat

exceeding 60°, the burning begins. Apply the following

Stage 1: The vampire takes 4 points of damage. The

vampire hasaverybadsunburn,whiihisverypainful.Al1
Skilk at -2.
Stage 2 The vampire takes 6 points of damage. The
vampire gets first degree bums all over, and some
second degree bums. MA -1

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

celk will satisfy the character for 24 hours, but drinking
human bloodis not as efficient, requiring6 BOD per 24
hours to get the equivalent. For every 72 hours (3 days)
, character loses 1 BOD. At 0 BOD, the
m i s s e dthe
character will de. After getting the injectionor having
fed, the character will look rejuvenated.
ter to have an insatiablethirst for human blood. Despite
no actualphysicalneed, thecharacterwill seek out blood
with regularii. But without any powers or special skills,
thii type of vampire will be easily caught, however this
type of vampire ako has a tendency toward5 brutality
and murder.
The typical Haematomaniac will have an EMP of 1, and
a high COOL, probablya high BOD too. This condition
may be induced by some trauma, perhaps even seeing
a vampire feed.

There are many vampires who are not true vampires,

butsufferfroma medicalconditionthatcausesthem toeither
actor think like a vampire. In the past, these were mistaken
for true vampires, but modern science has discovered the
truth behindthese disordersand have dismissedthis kindof
vampirism as the following disorders:

* Catatonia: This is not a vampirii medicaldisorder, how-

ever it has led to many cases of psychologicalvampires.
Characterswith this medicalproblementer comas unex-
pectedlyandtoallexceptmodem xienceappeardead.
Even Bomonitors will show death. In ld10 x 24 hours,
the character will come back to life. Inthe meantime, the
MedTech check to confirm.
Inthe past, manyof these peoplewere buried, andsome
fortunate ones managed to escape their graves. How-
ever,the psychologicaltraumacausedby this premature
buriil led many to believe that they were vampires,
taking on the disorder of Haematomania.
Genetic Disorder: Thii is not a mental condition, but a
genetic disorder. It b typically caused by a breakdown
in the genetic code due to excessive inbreeding. The
end result of the disorder is extreme sensitiiity to
suntght, causing painful sunburns, however not the
extreme of vampires. One point of damage is taken per
1 hour in direct sunlight
Ako, part of the character's blood cells are missing,
causing weakness. Getting an injection of the crucial

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

(This is a joke, honest.)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
. .. . . .. ,

Vampires, due to their long liies and lack of mortal

necessities, will accumulatea great deal of wealth. Usingthe
CyberPunk 2020 sourcebook, a vampire's total accumulated
wealth (TAWcanbedetermined.The portionoftheTAWthat
is cash will be in the local currency. Note that vampires over
A.L 3 mustspendatleast%%of theirTAW on their home; and
vampires of A.L 6 will not have more than 15% of their TAW
in liquidassets. Usetable I to determine theTAWofavampire
character, then roll ldlO to find the modifier and apply the
given percentage to the TAW.

EXAMPLE: Mike's Authority is 4, so his base amount is

$lo00 x 1.O is still 1o00, and he rolls a 4, meaning no

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Covens should be described by the following criierias.
The GM's dixretion is required.
it isa coven or a singlevampire's dwelling. There is a base 5% Coven Name
chance of discovery every year. Roll once per year, using the Coven Master &Age
following modifiers, which are cumulafive:
Coven Location
Coven Resources
Coven Members: Number, Ages and Roles
Coven Rules
Coven Relations
Other Notes

Ifavampire's homeorcovenisdiscovered, thediscovery

wi1190%ofthe timebeaccidental, and intheformofadelivery
to a wrong address, a visit from a friend who is unaware of the
character's vampirism, etc. Use your imagination. The other
lO%ofthetime,itwill eitherbevampireshunten@ossiblythe
Sun Knights) or other creatures. The GM can determine the
particulars of the intrusion.

Costs for houses and dwellings will vary depending on

the location. On average, it'll cost about $500 a room.
Double for downtown and central areas, half for Combat
Zone, and quadruple for the suburbs. The extremely expen-
sive areas range from 6 to 10 times the base. Also modifythe
price according to the appearance and condition of the

EXAMPLE Mike's home is unknown to anyone except

himself (-lo%),and is in a normal area. However, it is in
a populated area (t5%) and he is posing as a normal
human (t5%). Thereforethe total chance of detectionis
5%. Bysomestrokeofbadluck, herolls04. Rollingagain,
he rolk 95 meaning it is not accidental. The GM deter-
mines that Harris has managedto discover Mike's home.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Times of w n r i i and sunset will vary according to bca-
tion and season. Use the times of sunset/sunrii from your
own region, and modify according to location of campaign
and season. For Night Ciy, here are the sample times:

M o d i i this by up to 90minutesto account for the exact

phase of the season and terrain (sun sets faster in the moun-
tains). Vampires feel tired 45 minutes before sunrii and fall
asleep 15 minutes before. They awaken 30 minutes after

Assume that the average human knows the following

about vampires: They are mythical creatures that rise from
the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people.They
can be scared away by crosses and can only be destroyed by
a stake through the heart or by cutting off the head.

Some people mayknowmore.The GMhasfulldiscretion

as to what an individual NPC knows. Even if an NPC has
enough evidenceto convince him thatvampiresare real (such
as witnessing a feeding), he may simply try to forget Never-
theless, a COOL check vs 16 is required whenever a mortal
confronts the 'supernatural', or the NPC will try to get far
away from thesuspectedvampire. Evenasuccessfulcheck will
mean hesitancy to run and fear.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

When generating a vampire character, there is a long
background to describe, which the CerPunk 2020 manual Bpu
cannot help you with. Therefore, use the following system if 16.40 ll
you desire more depth to your vampire character's back- 41-80 111
ground. 81-95 Iv
96-03 V
1. Determine the age at which the character was made a

vampire. Either roll 2d6 and add to 16, or choose.
Determinethevampire'sage level. Chooseorrollonthe
Vampire Age LevelTable (Table IV).Then determine the
exactnumberofVampireYears.Rollrandomlyor choose.
Mark down the number.
3. If A.L 0 or 1, roll on the Lifepath tables for each year as
usual, then skip to step 5.
4. If A.L 2 and up, roll on the Life Events table (from
1 Female

CyberPunk2020) forevety blockoffive (AL2), ten (AL3-

4) or twenty-five (AL 54)years. Reroll results that do not
make sense. When Nothing HappenedThat Year comes
up, treat as a hibernation lasting Id100 years (modify
according to Age Level).
5. Determinethe character's master. Rollhisstatsnormally,
determine his personality according to the tables in
Cyberpunk 2020and then rollor choose on tablesVand
VI for more info.
6. Determine if the character is in a coven and developthe
Coven according to the Coven NIS.

EXAMPLE: Mike's master is an Age Level II vampire,

female, and a Rocker.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

RollontableVllfor reactionresultsuponthefintencoun-
ter between any character and NPC. Psychic powers may
influence it, as may the modiirs followingthe table.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Vampires are very unstable creatures who must make There are very few competent vampire hunters. In gen-
EMPandCOOLcheckseveryAge Leveltoavoidgoinginsane. eral, vampire hunters are simply bounty hunters who have
This isdone by rollingagainst the percentagedice againstthe gone cyberpsycho, and find vampires everywhere. There is
Suicide Chance (SC) of the average of the two stats. Charac- one organized vampire hunter group, called M E SUN
ters who fail the roll suffer either a total nervous breakdown KNIGHTS.
(COOL) or total xhitrophrenia (EMP), which leads to suicide
duriig that Age Level. If there is no SC, there is no chance of THE SUN KNIGHTS
suiciie.There isadirectrelationshiptoPSY. Forevery+1 PSY, Leader: Simon Richards
thereisa4.5EMP. Notethatextremelysanepeoplemayako Members: 1543
commit suicide, due to their extreme sanity. Financier: Simon Richards
Main H Q : Night City, Central City.
EXAMPLE: Mike’s COOLis 9, so he is stable and cool, a Branches New Yo&, Paris, London, Hamburg, Tokyo,
together guy. However, he also has an EMP of 3, so he Melbourne, Bombay.
is also cold and unfeeling. The average of the two is 6, Resources: 4 AV-4s,5 Osprey 11, 5 priite jets.
andsincethereisnochanceofsuicide, heneednotmake Trademark: Sun with a glowing sword through it
checks for either Age Level. Goal: To destroy all vampires.
Beliefs Vampires are unnatural and have no place on
Formation: 5-memberteams.

Stab: INT 8, REF 9, CL 7, BOD 7, EMP 7.
C y h a r e : Cyberoptic: Thermograph, Cyberarm:
Outfit: 6 thermal grenades, .454 magnum, flak vest,
Major Skills: HW weapons, Athletics, Awareness,
Other: Thisgroup is extremely miliint, with very high
standards. They know that vampires can only
be destroyedw’hh sunlightand fire.They iden-
tify vampires through random surveillance of
streetswith thermographiccameras.Theyonly
attack once they’re sure they have the advan-
tage; they’re notstupid. On randomencounter
tables, substiite this group for Cukes 20%of
the time. 30% of members are strong psychics
and another 60% are weak psychics.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
I praent here fiw (ictuding myself) children of the
nijht. 7hof them are f m m names,which you will un-
doubtedly rewgn&, but the otha couple are much less fa-
mous. They are simple people, contemporaly vampires in the
Cyberpunk age. Perhaps you will meet one ofthem one night.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Role: Vampire/Solo Apparent Age: 42 Role:Vampire/Corporate Apparent Age: 30
Age Level: V Age: 552 Age Level: N Age: 460
IN1 11 REF: 12 TECH: 3 IN1 14 REF 8 TECH: 6
COOL: 5 A T . 11 LUCK: 6 COOL: 2 A T . 12 LUCK: 6
MA: 10 BODY: (8)13 EMP 3 MA: 11 BODY: (6)9 EMP 3
PW 13 PSY: 9

Skills: Combat Sense +8, Awareness +6, Athletics Skills: Resources+lO,Awareness +4, Human Percep-
+lo, Handgun+6, Stealth +9, Melee+9, Seduc- tion +6, Education +lo, History +8, Social +lo,
tion +8, History +4, Language: Romanian +8, Wardrobe +5, Penonal Grooming +6, Brawling
Language: English +6, Driving +4. +6, Stealth +4.
Psychic powers: Charm +lo, Mania +9, Animals +8, Psychic powers: Charm +lo, Regeneration +8,
Telepathy +7,Transform +6, Psychokinesis +6, Teleportation+8, Body Control +6, Illusion+6,
Hypnological+4. Telepathy +6, Sensory +5.
Quirks: Sight of blood excites(-1);Dislikesmirrors (- Quirks: Dislikes mirrors (-1); FEAR: Holy symbols,
1); FEAR Holy symbols, Garlic, churches (-4); Garlic, (-3); DESTROY Stake & decapitation &
DESTROY Stake &decapitation(-4); mustsleep Salt(-6);mustsleepmacoffin(-2);Believesbbod
in a coffin with soil from his native land (-3); High will make her look younger, +4 on Sculpt rolls.
MA(+6); Verydextrous(+6); hypnoticeyes(+l). (+12).
Outfit: Owns estates in Transylvania, London and Outfit: Owns estates in Hungaryand London and has
Boston. He has houses in Night City, Paris and a mansion in Night City.She has over %25,000
GermanyandanapartmentinNewYork. Hehas available at any time in liquid cash.
over $700,000 available at any time in liquid Personality: Extrovert, friendly, charming, sociopath.
cash. She uses her brillianceto make peoplethinkshe
Personality: Extrovert, friendly, charming, isjustverysmatt,butherkrsanitywillsoonshow,
sociopath. as she lunges after young women.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

LIDLA is notwell-bownto tfie vampire m-
numity, tnrt very well knavnwith the 'mersas , the
Ice-Pick. Even though she's been arorrnd for a h g
time, she's still regarded as one of the top 'runners.

Role: Vampire/Solo Apparent Age: 20 Role: Vampire/Netrunner Apparent Age: 20

Age Level: II Age: 45 Age level: I Age: 28
INT 9 REF: 13 TECH: 4 INT 10 REF: 8 TECH: 5
COOL: 9 A l l : 8 LUCK 6 COOL 10 A l l : 1 0 LUCK 4
MA 14 BODY: (8)11 EMP: 4 MA 5 BODY: (5)6 EMP: 7
PSY 10 PSY 7

Skills: CombatSense +6, Awareness+7, Athletics +6, Skills: Interface +7, Awareness +6, Basic Tech +6,
Rifle +6, Pistol +8, Shadowing +5, Human Per- Education +6, Cybertech +2, Programming+4,
ception+6, Persuasion+2, Stealth+8, Melee+2, Electronics +6, System Knowledge +4,Stealth
Tae Kwon Do +6, Hide +5, Electronic Security +8, Pistol +4, Hide +3,Althetics +2, D r i i +2.
+2, Pick Locks +2, Forgery +3. Psychicpowers:lllusion+4,PsychrAssault+3,Chann
Psychic powers: Psychokinesis +5, Illusion t5, Body +3.
Control +3. Quirks: FEAR: Holy Symbok (-2). DESTROY: Net
Quirks: FEAR: HolySymbols, Blesseditems, Churches attack (4).Very calm (+3),Very attractive (+3).
(-6).Cannot sleep in same place more than once Outfit: Militech Avenger, Silencer, two extra clips,
(-1). Very psychic (+3),Intuitivewith people, +2
shoulder holster; street clothes, kevlar vest,
Reaction rolls (+4) cybermodem, sleeping bag, nylon carrybag.
Outfit: .357Desert Eagle, 2 clips, silencer, shoulder Cybernetics: Neuralware Processor: Cybennodem
holster; streetclothes, 2 flashgrenades, sleeping Link, Interface Plugs; Subdermal pocket,
bag, nylon carrybag. Cyberaudo: PhoneSplice, Scrambler,Wlde Band
Personality: Introvert,hatescrowds,cautious, humble Scanner.
and honorable. Personality: Secretive, Manipulative. Desires great

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Role: Vampire/Corporate Apparent Age: 39
Age Level: VI Age:1037
Rads: 175
INT 14 REF 10 TECH: 6
COOL: 14 ATT: (12)O LUCK: 8
MA 8 BODY: (7)13 EMP 4
PSY: 17

Skills: Resources +12, Awareness +lo, PersonalGrooming +6, Wardrobe &Style +4, Endurance +lo, Strength Feat +IO,
Swimming+IO, Intimidate +IO, Oratory +lo, ResistTorture +lo, Streetwise +lo, Human Perception +12, Vampire
Lore+l2, Forgery+lO, Meditation+lO, Interview+l2,Social+lO, Persuasion+lO,Accounting +4,Anthropology+lO,
Biology +6, Chemistry +4, Composition +6, Diagnose Illness +lo, Education +12, HiddEvade +lo, History +lo,
German +lo, English +lo, Danish +lo, Gaelic +lo, Greek +lo, Japanese +lo, French +lo, ltaliin +lo, Latin +lo,
Arabi~+lO,Cantone~e+lO,Tibetan+6, Russian +lo,Bantu+6,Algonquin+6,Shadow+lO,WildernessSuninral+lO,
Teaching +IO, Athletics +6, Brawling +6, Dance +lo, Dodge +4, Fencing+lo, Rifle +6, Pilot (Spaceplane)+6, Zero-
G Maneuver +4, Stealth +IO, Basic Tech +7, Dirguise +lo, Electronics +4
Psychic powers: Astral Body +lo, Mental+7, Telepathy +6,Mnemonic +6, Psychometry +4, Regeneration+3, Charm +3
Quirks: Fear: Crosses, Churches, Priests (4);
Awakens Early (+2); Very Intelligent+1 INT (+3); Can drink light beer (+l).
0utfit:Ownsa largeestateinGermany,realestatearound~eworldandasmaIIspacestationonthedarksideof~emoon.
HealsohasapersonalOlV,a permanentsuiteattheCrystalPabceandover50billiin investedaroundtheworld,with
1 million in eurobucks (mad money!)
Personality: Introvert, Kindly, solitary, driven, honest, intellectualist.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
If these reasons are not good enough for you, then
obviously you are simply not interested in anything unknown
or bringing the element of the unknown into the Cyberpunk
game. Inthis case, there is nothingmore to be said, but if you
do wish to bring these elements into p u r Cyberpunk cam-
paign, be warned: humans will generally not have psychic
powers over level 2, if any. Humans will almost never have a
power over level 6. You may have one NPC in all your
campaignwith a powerof level6, butensurethat heistheonly
one. Psychic powers are indeed powerful, in any hands, so
keep a close watch over them.

Using psychic powersin a CyberPulk campaign may seem

too dose to Shadownrn~form e , or just plain Un-Cyberpunk.
This is not so,as bng as you make a few assunptimswhichare
defindy in the Cyberfunkstyle. First, that CyberPulk is a game
of realii, mimicking cur own world. In cur own world, there are
many peoplewho believe inthe pcesence of psrctycpowws, and
ena. So why not put it into CyberF’urk?The powers presented
hereinare as realisticas posrble, reflectingpowend d by

Second, ifpsychicpowersdoexitin theworld,obviiusly

very few peoplehavethem, and even fewer have controlover
the powers. You’ll note that in this system, the first two levels
give the powers as latent, not under the character’s control;
and few humans will even have psychic powersat all. Thus, it
does not upset balancetoo much, you will not have dozens of
psychics running about

Third, the dark elementsof Cyberpunkare enhanced by

the additionof vampires and like creatures. Not only has the
world gone to hell, but it’s inhabited with creatures of our
worst nightmares. No goblins or elves, but the darker ele-
mentsof humanity, ones that we’d like bestto leavealone, to
forgetabout Butaswearedealingwith realism, thevampires
cannot have wild supernaturalpowers, rather they are simply
transformed humans with more time to study the powers
available to all.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

To accommodate Cyberpunk players who might use The PSYCHE(PSY)statrefleasthecharacter'sspirituaI
the Mekton EmpireTMPsion'ks system, simply use the skill strength. Rollan extra Idloduring character generationfor
points from character generation to buy your psionic pow- this stat As with other stats, the minimum is 2 and the
ers. There is also a new psychic power system presentedhere maximum is 10 (16 for creatures such as vampires).
for players who might not have the Mekton Empire
sourcebook or wish to try out a new system. Psyche points are used to power psychic powers. PW
heals naturally a t a rate of lpt every 2 hours of rest or l p t
For ease of conversion, the Category system of the every 6 hours of activity up to the character's base PSY.
Mekton Empire Psion'ks has been used. Therefore, you can
change between the two systems with a bit of work. This will When a character's reaches a PSY of 2, he will feel
allow you to play with whichever psychic power system you weak.When PSYreachesl,thecharacterwillfeelill,making
like the most. all checks at -2. At PWO, the character will fall unconscious
until back to 1 PSY, through natural or psychic healing.
There is a conversion list for most powers to psion'cs.
Transfer the skill levels normally,as bothsystems usethe same
skill costs. Forpowersor psionics not found, either keep it as PsychedirectlytranslatesintoMektonEmpire's Psionic
is, or find a new power or psionic to put the points into. Potential. Also, like Psi Potential, the character's Psyche
limits the number of psychic power categories. Characters
maynothavepsychicpowersif their PWis below4onlyone
Category is open from 5-7; two Categories at 8 three at 9
and all four at 10 and above.The categories areTelepathy,
ESP, Psychokinesis and Body Control.
Here are some terms that you may find confusing:
* Being: Any human or 'supernatural' entity.
Level: Generally refers to the skill level of the power Thepsyche.A hgignotedapettofbeingswhich has
presently being used by the character. a unique importance. It is your soull your spirit, )ow m.
* Protect it welll kacp it healtby and you will be healthy. This
Psyche: A stat which describes the character's spiritual especial/y goes for the dark childrenl who depend upon tbeir
strength. spirit to keep them from Withering away.
* Target: A single human, animal or spiritual being. It can
also describe an object to be affected.

If the GM does not wish to briigpsychic powers into his

campaign or does not want to add an extra stat, simply use
Luck in the place of PSY. The explanation behind this is that
Luck is the only 'unexplained' aspect of Cybetpunk. Itcould
be argued that Luck is simply an unconscious use of psychic
powers to help you out a t crucial times.

Inthis case, Luck pointscanstillb e d , butpointsspent

on psychic powers take away from thisas well. For purposes
of simplicity, a character is allowed their total Luck to rolk or
for the use of powers.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

unconscious or unaware, -4 to his roll. If the target is fully
aware, no modifier. If the character is actively blocking his
mind (no other actions), +4.
Psychic powersare boughtjust like skills. The point cost
is 1 per one levelin a psychicpower. The psychicpower must
be in the Category of choice. However, the cost for psychic A character can use up to his P W 2 powers at once, but
power is morethan usual. Here is the cost per levels of psychic may only activate one per phase. The character is considered
powers: distracted for all subsequent powers after the first

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100


Humans buying psychic powers may only buy powers
that are within their Category. The Category may be chosen
bytheplayerorbytheGM. Itmayalsoberandomlyassigned
to the character.

Human characters may not have psychic power levels in

excessof level6.Thisreflectstheshortlifeofhumansandtheir
inabilii to attain the great heights of psychic powers that
requirea large amount of time. However in special cases the RANGE MODIFIER
maximum may be lifted to 8, for spiritual leaders and such All powers have certain range modifers. Depending on
people, who spend their life dedicated to the spiritualrealm. thecategory,they havedifferentmodifiers,which applytothe
player's roll for success when using the power in question. All
VAMPIRES 6 PSYCHIC POWERS powers may use any of the listed possible ranges under each
Vampires, like humans, mayonly buy powerswithin their category. Only the best modifer applies to each target
Category. However, most vampires tend to have very high Thereforea powerthatwoulda h a dear friendwho was 100
PSY stats, therefore thii is seldom a problem. But there are meters away would get a +4 bonus, ignoring the distance
cases of vampires who lack psychic powers. modifer.

Vampires may attain a maximum level of 10 in psychic TELEPATHY

powers. Howeveronly vampkesofanAge Levelof 111and over
can reach level 10. This again reflectr the time required to
Self: The power will affect the character alone.
attain the heights ofspirituality. Vampires of Age Level I have
a maximum level of6, vampiresofAge Level 1 I maximum of 8.

+2 Touch:Thepower affectsa targetthatthecharacter

I is in physicalcontactwith. Clothing doesnot protect

the taroet.
" I
When using a psychic power, just like a skill, a check is 0 Cognition, Basic The power affects a target whom
made against the difficulty level of what is being attempted, the character has known for less than a year, yet
usingthecharacter'sPSY+thepower'slevel+ldlO.Anymodi- more than a week. Recent contacts fall under this
fiers also apply. category.
0 Sight: The power affects a target that is in an
However, when the power affects a sentient target, unobstructed line of sight.
the target may get a Defence Roll. This is secondary to the -1 Distance per 50m: The power affects a target that
success roll, and is made again using the character's is some distance away, out of sight. For every SOm,
PSY+power leveltldl0 against the target's PSY+ldlO. a -1 penalty is given.
The target may also gain bonuses from Meditating (see
Meditation skill). If the character's total is higher than the
target's, the power succeeds, but if it is equal or lower than
I -2 Blanket*: The power affects multiple targets. For
each target above the first, a -2 penalty
. . is given.
'This modifier, unlike the others, will always appiy for
the target's total, the power fails to affect that target There every target past the first.
are also the following modifiers to this roll: If the target is

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

ESP related to it. 7he same goes for any power, even single
powers can be eliminated. But there are some restrictions
Mod. Range
3 that are compulsory for certain species. For example, the
0 Touch: The power affects a target, location or item
that the character is in physical contact with. Cloth-
- does not protect the target. I Dream powers are all unavailableto vampires as they do not
sleep; and GMs may want to restrictCryokinesis, which could
understandably make a vampire invulnerable. Feel free to

II -2 Sight The power affects a target, location or item

that is in an unobstructed line of sight.
*In the case of Precognition, there is no range modifier.
modify the list of psychic powers according to the manner in
which you desire to use psychic powers.

Mod. Range I The Astral realm is one of the conscious mind, much as

I t2 Touch: The power affects the target that the char-

acter is in physical contact with. Clothing does not
protect the target.
" I the Dream Realm is that of the unconscious. Within the Astral
realm, there liesthedimensionofthought.Thereisnowathird
major dimension; after Space and lime comes Thought.

I 0

Sight The power affects a target that is in an
unobstructed line of sight.
Distance per 50m: The power affects a target that
is some distance away, out of sight. For every 50m,
I The Astral realm copies the real world, except that
instead ofseeing people, youseetheiraurasand "sense"who
they are. You move by thought and can travel at remarkable
speeds, spanning the universe. In game terms, this means
that the Astral realm has the same terrain features as our
dimension, but they do not affect the astral body, as nothing
is material or, rather, has any corporeality within the Astral
nlike the others, will always apply for every realm. Movement within the Astral realm up to 1Okm per
target past the first. turn, and spans the universe.

SELF CONTROL POWERS Time has a very distinctrelationshipwith our dimension.

When we leave our bodies behind, the body ages as normal,
Mod. Range
I and the spirit at a quarter of the speed. When completely in,

I 0 Self: AIISelf Control powersaffectself,andno other

targek. I the body and mind age at one sixteenth the normal speed.

After generating a character, it will be difficult to gain There are two ways of looking at psychic powers and
new powers. In game terms, enough skill points must be the Net, depending on your game's particular perspective.
amassed (through IPSand such) to merit a new power. But The first is psychic powers only affect other sentient beings,
within the game, the character must either gain it through a without including AIS. In this case, no powers may be used in
teacher, personal spiritual development or through learning the Net, as it is too distracting for the 'Runner.
from a spiritual text.
The second perspective is that psychic powers a h
Regardlessof the means, the three rolls are madeon the electromagnetic energy, which is found in the human brain
RANDOM POWERS table and one is chosen. Then the and in other sentience. However, the pattern must be similar
Specialization is chosen and the character applies the skill to humans, therefore only Artifical Intelligences(Als) can be
points towards it Development of an existing power is affected. Inthis case, Als' PSY israndomlyrolled, 1d l 0.Alscan
through IPSand skill pointsapplied to it.The IP modifiersare have Psyches of 1, but they may also have psychic powers.
listed in the psychic power explanations.
Within the Net, telepathic powers may be usedwith the
RangeofSghtonother'RunnersandAls. ESPand SelfControl
powers can be used too,with varying results depending on
what is attempted. Electrokinesiscan affect systems within
There maybe some restrictions placed upon the choice the Net, even ones that are notAI.Thedifficulty levelswillvary
of powers by the GM. For example, if the GM does not want depending on what is attempted.
the strangehtral Realm, he can simply eliminate the powers

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Body Language (INT): The skill of getting a message
across through body language (how you move around
Some Game Masters will prefer to have a pure and stand) and telling a person's state of mind through
Cyberpunk campaign, free of supernatural influences; yet body language. At t2, you can tell when m e o n e is
want to have something to surpriie their players with. It's nervous. At +4, you can tell when a person is hiding
very Cyberpunk to keep players on their toes,and what something. At 4, you can generally tell how a person
better way than bringing something inexplicaple into their is feeling at a glance. At +lo, nothinggets by you, and
midst Night's Edge accounts for this with Mundane Powers. you can k y r e out almost what a person is feeling and
Simply leave the vampire and other creaturesas they are, but thinking in about a second.
take awaythe Powers. Replace them with Mundane Powers. Eidetic Memory (INT): The skill of perfect memorii-
These are rough equivalents of psychic powers, without tion. The character has a photographic memory. Roll
anything 'inexplicable' about them. That charming vam- againstthisskillto rememberthings, ifsuccessful, a near
pire might just have a very high Seduction skill, or a perfect image will come to the character of a previous
Psychokinetic man might simply be a good magician. experience or sensory perception.

The Power Conversion Table includes the Mundane Gamble (INT):This is not a new skill, but an additional
ability. If the character knows the general odds of
equivalencies. Notethattheyarenotahayscompleteequals,
as powers will always beat the skills in terms of versatility and something happening, he can generally predict the
outcome given certain probabilities.
raw strength. However in most cases there is an-equ'mlent
skill. When there is no equivalent, simply change it to any Magic (REF): l h e skillof illusion, of prestidigitation. The
other skill. Note that Were-wolves will present a distinct character is able to perform magic, i.e. make things
problem without their Transform power. In a Mundane disappear, alter thingsthrough the art of illusion. At +2,
Cyberpunk campaign, it is suggested that you only use the character is able to perform minor parlor tricks. At
Lycanthropes, as Were-Wolves are dependant on their Trans- +4, the character can start making large items disap-
form power. pear. At +6, the character can perform such feats as
sawing a person in half, then putting them back to-
Herearethenewskilk,whichcaneasilybeaddedtoany gether again. At t8, the character can perform tricks
Cyberpunkgame: that very few people could ever figure out At +lo, you
beat Houdini, performing tricks that baffle even the
Animal Handling (EMP): The skill of working with and best magicians.
handling animals, and getting them to obey you. Note, Meditation (COOL):The skillof relaxation and cleariig
however, that there are very few animals in any the mind. Thisskill isessentialinkeepingone'smind free
Cyberpunk world. At +2, most animak will obey simple of distractions, and successful use gives its b e l as a
commands. At +4, you can start teaching new com- bonus to defendingagainstTelepathic powersand half
mands with success. At +6, impress'm trKks can be its level as a bonus to any Psychic power use.
taught to animak. At +8, you know how to control
almost any type of animalyou encounter, and can teach Psychology (INT): The general knowledge of the hu-
amazing tricks in a very short time. man mind. Unlike Human Perception, the character
needsto know the personfor a while, but will gain more
insight into their mind. The character will generally
know what a subject will do in a given situation. It can
be used to alter a person's mood and to manipulate
them to a minor degree.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The character can heal or regenerate lost PSY and
Here are descriptions of all the psychic powers. The COOLpoints.
descriptionsare the effects and difficulty levels ofvarious uses I iff. Ability I

of the power. Note that any listed effect may be attempted,
15 The character can a r e a mmor dtease in another
but success will be almost impossible for low level users. being.
20 ThecharactercanbestowhisIevelinTempPSYpoints
toanother being. However, itcannotraiseTempPSY
above 12. The extra points last for the character's
level in hours.

The character can interact with animals. Remember

that there are few real animals in the Cyberpunk
Diff. Abilitv
15 The character can detect all animals of a specified
type within 100m.
20 The character can summon all animals of a specified
type within 100m of his location. It takes l d 6 turns
for them all to arrive. The GM determines the
The character can influence an animal, transmitting 40 The character can restore lost PermPSY points. The
emotions and basic ideas to the animal. The animal character can restore his level/2 worth of PermPSY
may or may not react. Only one animal may be points. The target's PermPSY cannot go over his
affected per Turn. original PermPSY with this power. The effects are

30 The character can communicate telepathically with
the animal. The animal will communicate as it de-
sires, also about whatever it desires. Itwill generally HYPNOLOGICAL
focus on something of interest to it. The character can affect another being's sleep and
CHARM Diff. Ability
The character can influence another being's 15 Thecharacter caninducesleep. Foreveryadditional
reactions. target over one, add one to theddficultylevel. On a
Diff. Ability successfuluse, each targetmustmakeaCOOLcheck
vsthe character's levelt ld10. Find the amountthat
the target failed the check on the following table to
determine the effects:
0-2 Drowsy; -1 to all checks for 3d10 min.

20 The character can cause a target to like or dislike a I 3-5 Exhausted;-4toallchecksforldlOx30min.

(1/2 if sleep)
given person. This will either give a +25% or -25%
modifier on Reaction rolls. The influence is only on I 6-9 Sleep; falls into deep sleep for ld10+2hrs.
Can be awoken.

the first impression, however this may influence
later judgements.
The character can influencethe thoughts of a target
I lot Sleep; falls into deep sleep for 2d10+4hrr.
Cannot be awoken.

radically, causing distrust where there was trust and
trust where there was none.
The character can influencea target's thoughts and
opinions about the world. It is more difficult with
I 20 The character can can send telepathic messagesto
a target through dreams. Note thatthe target must
be asleep, and the character conscious.
The charactercan communicatewith atargetthrough
dreams. Notethatthe targetmustbeasleep, andthe
strong opinions.
character conscious.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

30 Thecharactercancommunicateandaffectatarget's 15 Thech.aractercanamplifya target'spresentemotion
dreams. Thecharacter can cause the target to lose a by his level's power. Thus, a 6th level Amplify on a
night'ssleep due to nightmares, and even cause the targetwhowasangrywould makehimsixtimesmore
loss of 1COOLafterfivesuccessfuIconsecutiveuses angry after its use.
for one year. Notethatthetarget must beasleep, and
the character conscious.

25 The character can make the target feel very de-
pressed or very happy. EMPfl per level for the

item or being desiredbythecharacter.Whendealiig

with phobic itemheing COOL -2 per level, with a
ILLUSION COOL check. This lasts for the power's level x 5

The character can read the thoughts and mind of
another being. All information is gained in descend-
Mf. Ability ing order of secrecy.
10 Thecharacter anmake the targetseeatwo-dimen- Diff. Ability
sional image, up to (1eveP)m wide and high.
15 The character can make the target see something
else over a real object, thus not see the object for
what it really is. The object to be covered may be up
to (1evel')m wide and immobile.

25 The charactersendsthemessagetothetarget'smind 30 Thecharacter can learn hidden informationfrom the

that he doesnotexist, and thereforeis notsensinghis target. One major piece of information per levelper
presence. In effect, it renders the character invisible use is gained.
to the target.
30 The character can make the target's senses act as if
they are blind.Aseparate rollmustbe made for each
sense, but cost applies to blinding all five senses.
35 The character can make the target see realistic im-
ages which may take the form of objects or people, The character can assault another being's mental
and can be up to (1evel')m wide. Target will react as faculties.
if illusion is real. M. Abiri

The character can alter moods and emotions of a

20 Thecharactercanmakethetargetfeelveryconfused.
INT-1 per level for the duration. The duration is the
power's levelx5 minutes.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The character can send a surge of mental energy The character can heighten his own senses.
causing a mental overload and unconsciousnessfor
the power's levelx2 turns. Diff. Ability
30 The character can make the target very unlucky for
the duration. LUCK-1 per levelfor the duration. The
duration is levelx 12 hours.
20 Thecharactercan hearbeyond hisnormalrange.The
character mustspecifywhereheis listening andmay
only listen at(his 1evel)number of different placesper
use. The power lasts for the power's level in turns.

The character can alter the memories of a being and

himself. All durations are for the power's level x 5
Diff. Ability question within 10 (+1 per level) km. The character
must know the target's real name or possess an

20 The character can force memories deep into the

subconscious of the target. Hypnosis can bring the
memories back. The character can force the dura-
tion's worth of memories per use.

I 25

permanentlyerasethe duration'sworth per use.
Thecharacter caninsert newmemories intothemind
ofthetarget. For allintentsandpurposes,thetarget
The character can communicate with other beings.
Note that all telepathic powers translate automati-
will see these new memories as perfectly real, but if cally, so there are no language barriers.
the character simply inserts new memories over old Diff. Ability
ones, the old memorieswill not disappear.
15 Thecharacter cansendamessagetoanotherbeing's
mind. This message goes through the target'ssub
PSYCHIC ASSAULT conscious. Failuremeansmessagegets trapped there
The character can attack another being's spirit. and the target will not receive it. The target will not
know the origin of the message. If the character
Diff. Ability knows the target's real name, there is no range
barrier. It (as& for the power's level in turns.
20 The character can communicatewith another being
mentally.The targetmay respondforthe duration. If
the character knows the target's real name, there is
norange barrier.The duration is the power's level in
25 The character can make outright attacks on another minutes.
character's PSY.The target loses(level)dlOTempPSY 25 The character can mergehs consciousnesswith an-
per attack. other being's. While the two minds are united, the
35 The character can force a target into a psychic duel. character knows most surface information of the
Each turn, the contestants roll ldlO and add their target and vice versa (this can be blocked by the
Base Attack. The loser each turn loses 1 TempPSY. character by expending an extra 1 PSY)and conver-
The first to reach a TempPSY of 0 falk unconscious sation is possible.The duration is the power's levelx
and lies in a coma for (PermPSY of winner) days 5 mmutes.
thereafter. The loser can never attack the winner 35 The character sends a messaget o the target'ssub
psychically again. conscious,specificallywith the intentofbringingthat
tagret to a particular location. The target will be
drawn to that location until arrival. The character
mustknowtherealname ofthe targetThetargetwill
have a mental picture of the location, but not know
why he is drawn to it or who is drawing him.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The character can operate in the Astral realm using
his spirit as the medium.

I 15

The character is able to see phased objects and
anythingwithin range in thehtral realm.
The character can travel with an off-shoot of hk
spirit, travelling at (level)km/turn. If this off-shoot
does not return, the character loses 1 PSY for ld10
(-1 per level) days.

The character can predict the most probablefuture.

Diff. Ability

y2Oper Power level per turn of use. Each use lasts

one turn.
20 Thecharactercansenseamajorevent inthevictim's Thecharactercancool1meterabedper Powerlevel
very near-future by touching him. Whenever the by4"per Power level per turn of use. Each use lasts
character comes in contact with a victim, make a
success roll. One major event is detected per level
per use, in descending order of importance.
30 The character gets random visions of the far future.
They range from 5 days to lo00 years in the future.
The charactercanmanipulateelectricity.Electricityis
measured in ElectricityPoints(EPs).Abeingwilltake
The farther ones have no real bearing, but the char-
l d 6 pts of damageper 1 EP, and a Stun check with a
acterwillnotknowwhen thesevisionswillberealized.
-1 penalty per 1 EP. One EP LS ako equal to 1 MU
Make a check every day of play time; ifsuccessful, the
worth of memoryin a computer. Singleshocksover 5
character gets a vision from the future. Describe it,
EPs will cause a system shock. The character must
using Nostradamus for ideas.
makea BODcheckvs lot EPs, orsuffera heartattad.
The character must make a Death Save with a -1 per
PSYCHOMETRY 2 EPs penalty. Single shocks over 8 EPs will cause
metal tofuseand electroniavulnerable tosurgesto
shut down.
Diff. Ability
The character can emit apowerfulelectricafcharge.
All in contactwith the charactertake Power tevel/2
d6 points of damage.
20 The character can diffuse l d 6 points of electricity

I 20

past per level, in descending order of importance.
The character can see one major event in the bca
I 25
damage per level.
iseither permanento r a consciouseffortlhiicharac-
tion's past per level, in descending order of impor-
ter is a menace in any technologicalsociety, andwill
beshunnedifrecognbed. Disrupteditemswill either

I 30 The character can see one major event in the item's

past per level, in descending order of importance. I 30
act strangely or cease to function.
Thecharacter canemitashort lightning boltfrom his
body toa targetwithinrange.The bolt does(level)d6
points of damage if it hits. The lightning bolt can
reach the Power level x 1 h away.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The character can alter the flow of existing electric- 20 The character can create new matter out of inci-
'ky. The character could write a new program, as dental energy in the air. The character can create
long as he k able to complete the MU requirement matter of average density, of any normal material
and is in the Net. and in any desired shape, varying by (10 x level)%
up or down.


The character can healhimseifandothersofphysical

I 25

The character can alter the size and density of inor-
ganicmaterialsby (tOxlevel)%upor down pertum.
The character can destroy matter by scattering its
atoms. He can destroy matter of average density, of
Diff. Ability any normalmaterial and in any desired shape, varying
by (10 x level)% up or down.

25 The character can mend broken limbs and ruptured

organs psychically. The character can heal (1evel)pts
of damage per use. Itcan also be used to stabilize a
being per use. Permanent
30 Thecharacter phasespartsof hisbodyandorgansso PSYCHOKINESIS
that he can performsurgerywithout physically enter-
ing the body. Medical skill is still required for the
actual surgery. Reduces the chance of infection or
I Diff.
The character can move matter in various ways.
complications by 10% per level. lasts for Power's
35 The character can bring another being back to life.
The victim must not have been dead more than

KINESIS 20 The character can manipulate objects. Up to the
power's levelx 10 kilograms can be moved at a time
The character can manipulatekineticenergy.
II at a maxiumum rate of 10kmh.
The character can manipulate objects. Up to the
15 The character can emit a powerful bulk kinetic force power's level in tonnes can be moved at a time at a
from his body. It causes (leve1/2)d6 pts of damage if maximumrate o:lbm/h.
it hits.

I 20

down kinetic energy before it can hit the character.
Kinetic damage
- is reduced b y ( l 0 x level)%.
Thecharacter can emitapowerfulsharp kinetic force

The character canraise temperatures. Past No,

Beyond 409 a human will b e flushed and become

from his body. It causes (level)d6 pts of damage ifit fatiguedveryquidtly. At 50Oor more, metal becomes
hits. extremely hot to the touch, plants will wilt and hu-
30 The character can fly using raw kinetic energy. The mansmay passout Heatinganythingpast4O"inless
character must go quickly, never slower than than fwe turns may cause flammable materials to
60km/h, +10kmh per level. This lasts for the pow- burst into flames. Plasticgenerallymelts around6O0,
er's levelx 10 minutes. It will raise the character 10m and metal around 5009
per l0kmih of speed per minute. Therefore, after 5
minutes at 100km/h, a character could be 5GUm in
I Dff. Ability I
15 Thecharactercanheat 1meteratbed pwPowwlevet
the air. Don't forget to descend (max M m a minute)
before the power ends.
by loper Power level per turn of use. Each use lasts
one turn.

25 The charactercan heat 1meter cubed per Power level
MATER ALTERATlON by 2Oper Power level per turn of use. Each use lasts
I The character can alter, create and destroy matter. one turn.
Thecharadercanheatl metercubedperPowerleve1
by 4Oper Power level per turn of use. Each use lasts
one turn.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The character can affectradiation.
The character can travel through the Astral Realm
using his body as the medium.
Diff. Ability
15 The character can phase objects, causing them t o
The character can reflect X-raysandGammarays; all enter thektral Realm, andmakingthem incorporeal.
other forms ofradiationcan get through.Thiscan be
25 The character can cause his body t o enter the
usedtolessenraddamageor negateitveryusefulin
Astral Realm for short periods of time, rendering
outerspace. Refleck (level) rads per hour.
himself and all attached items incorporeal and


I d

Diff. Ability
I Diff. affect it.
5 DISTANCEThedistancetobeteleportedisbetween
1and 100 meters.
10 DISTANCEThedistancetobeteleportedisbetween
101 and250meters.
15 DlSTANCEThedistancetobeteleportedisbetween
251 and500meters. 25 The character can control his internalworkings. He
can slow his heart rate to near death, thus needing
20 D1STANCE:Thedistancetobe teleportedisbetween
little or no oxygen, or cut off certain sensations and
501 and 2500 meters.
needs,suchashunger andpain.ltcanalsobeusedto
25 DlSTANCEThedistancetobeteleportedisbetween negate gas effects. Cannot heal damage though.
2.5and 10 kilometers.
30 The charactercan alter theshape of hisflesh. This can
5 LOCATION: Locationto be teleported to is insight be used to alter body parts and appearance.Canno.1
10 LOCATION: Location to be teleported t o i s well healthebody, butcancoverscarsandstopbleeding.
known. Hair can be grown faster or in different colors and
other outer surfaces can be changed. Consider it
30 LOCATION: Locationto beteleported to k unknown. raising A l l by 1per every ten uses.

Thecharacter kabletofocushisenergyintoboasting
Diff. Ability

25 ThecharactercanimproveREF,AlT,BTorMAbyl
per 2 Power levels per use. Lasts Power levelx 1turn.
Maximum of 14.
The character can improve REF, A l l , BTor MA by 1
Maximum of 16.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Thecharacter is abletoregenerate at anaccelerated
Vi. Ability

25 The character's healing of both physical and mental
capabilities are improvedby2 times per use. Eachuse
lasts for 1day.

The character can change his shape much in the

same way as a bio-sculpt job. Changes are not
Diff. Ability

25 Thecharacter can alter bonestructureandweightto

a small extent Target BOD must remain within 1.
Cannot affect rnusclestructure. The changes take 8
35 The character can alter bone structure and muscle
composition. Major changes possible, but target
BOD must remain within 3. Very Painful. The
changes take 6 minutes.

1 Levdl
Cost 1
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
16 25 36 49 64 81 100


II 1

1-3 Telepathy I 4 ESP 5-8 Pyxhokinetic I


9-10 Self Control

2 Animals 1-4 Astral
3-4 Charm 5 Precognition
5 Cure 6-10 Psychometry
6 Hypnological
7 Illusion

15 Psvchic Assault


keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)




Aura Viewing

History/Expert Appropriate Field

Electrokinesis None None
Healing Psychic Healing Medical Tech
Kinesis Telekinetic Punch/lhrow Martial Arts
Matter Alteration None None
Psychokinesis Telekinesis Magic*
Pyrokinesis Pyrokinesis None
Radikinesis None None
Teleportation Teleportation Magic*

Self Control Astral Body None None

Body Control Body Control Meditation
Psychic Focus Strength/Reflexes Boost Strength Feat
Regeneration Self Healing None
Transform None None

*see Mundane Powers


keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
.- .. .
.... ~... ~~ __.
.. .

These are the condensed rules on creating a vampire

character in the Cyberpunk game using the rules found
throughout this supplement. Please refer to the appropriate
section for cbrifation.

First, take out a fresh Cyberpunk 2020 character sheet

and the CYBERPUNK 2020 manual. Decideon the point
totalofyourcharacters.Eitherroll lOdlOor2d6foreach
of the 10stab. Don't forget to include Psyche 0. Ifa
character is vampire, roll either ld10 or 2d6 for the
added PSY stat
Determinethe character'sage a t "death" by rolling2d6
and adding to 16. Modify according to personaltastes.
Determine Age Level, either by rolling on Table I or
choose. Then determine the exact number of vampires
years, either randomly or by choosing. PC Roll refer to
the randomAge Level of a Player Characteras opposed
to NPC Roll which refers to the random Age Level of a
Non-Player Character. A.L is the Age Level. V.Y. is the
amount of years the character was a vampire.
Apply the stat changes and note any special benefits
due to Age Level. Consult Table II for more on this.


m w ~~

0 Fledgling 4 6
1 Young 3 54
2 Adolescent 2 160
3 Mature 1 loo
4 Old 1 300
5 Very Old 0.5 99
6 Ancient 0.2 ?

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

5. Determinenumberofskill points alloted. 40 for basicskill FEARQUIRKS*
package+(INTt REF)tXXisfoundbyfindingthetotal (a strong fear of an item or place)
numberalbwedaccordingtoVampireYearsonTable 111. . GossedOther Holy symbols ............................ -3
The original 40 points must be spent on the career . Cannot enter Churches ..................................... 1
packageskills, buttherestcanbespentonskills.Allota . Garlidother common herb .............................. -3
certainnumber of pointsto psychic powersaccordingto . Other Holy items .............................................. -2
the costs fom table W,determine what levels are de- . Silver/wood ...................................................... 4
sired, but not the powers yet # Per V.Y is the maximum
number of skill points gained per Vampire Year. Total *Cause ld6 damage per hit, per -1. Damage is
A.L is the total number of skill points gained after healed at 1/2 normal rate.
completingeach Age Level. MISCELIANEOUS
6. Determinewhatsortofapsychic thecharacter is byusing . Stench of grave ................................................ 4
tablevor bychoosing. Oncethe Categoryor Categories . Physical Deformity ............................................ -2
have been chosen or rolledfor, the specific powers may . Awakens earlier than usual .............................. +2
be bought. . Awakens later than usual .................................. -2
. Must sleep in coffin .......................................... -2
7. Determine Quirks. Every charactermust have at least 3.
Total of all quirks must equal 0.
. Must sleep on bodies ....................................... 4
. Cannot cross running watedline of salt .............3
- +1 to a stat of choice ..................................... +3
- -1 to a stat of choice ......................................... -3 8. Determinethecharacter'spast.IfA.LOor 1,rollonthe
Lifepath tables for each year as usual. 1fA.L 2 or higher,
0 EDUCATIONQUIRKS rollon theLifeEventstable(fr0mCYBERPUNK2020)for
- t 1 Skill Point ................................................... +2 every block of five (AL 2), ten (AL 34)or twenty-five (AL
- -1 Skill Point ..................................................... -2 5-6)years. Reroll results that do not make sense. When
0 DESTRUCTIONQUIRKS* Nothing Happened That Year comes up, treat as a
(a strong belief that an item or action will kill it) hibernation lasting ld100 years (modify depending on
- Stake through the heart ................................... 4 Age Level). Then determine what the character's master
- Pour boiling oilholy water on .......................... -5 is like and decide whether the character is in a coven.
- Decapitation with shovel .................................. -4 9. Determine amount of money the character has accord-
- Put poppy seeds on grave ................................ -6 ing to Table VI, then buy equipment and such from the
- Coin or other object in mouth .......................... -6 CYBERPUNK 2020 book.
- Bury at crossroads ............................................ -2 10. Finish up the character and you're ready for play.
- Immersionin water (specifc type) .......... -6
more details on these.


Level1 2
Cost 1 4
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
16 25 36 49 64 81 100

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)


Role: Solo/Hunter Apparent Age: - Role: Vampire/Cop Apparent Age: 22

Age Level: - Age: 26 Age Level: I Age: 28
INT: 9 REF: 10 TECH: 3 INT: 9 REF: 11 TECH 2
COOL: 7 A l T 4 LUCK: 6 COOL: 9 A l T 9 LUCK 5
MA: 6 BODY: 6 EMP 5 0 ) MA 9 BODY: (7)8 EMP 3
PSY: 7 PSY: 12

Skills: bmbat Sen& +a, Awareness +6, Rifle +8, +e

Skills: puthority Awareness +9, Human Percep
Stealth +6,MartialArts +6,Handgun+4, Athlet- tion +5, Brawling +4,Handgun +6,StreetwNiSe
ics +2,Vampire Lore +4,Human Perception+8, +7, Interrogation +6,Driiing +6, Strength Feat
Driving +2,Streetwise +2,Shadowflrack +3. +4,Stealth +8.
Psychic Powers: None. Psychic Powers: Teleportation +3, Charm +3, Psy-
Cybernetics: Biomonitor, Adrenal Booster, Motion chometry +2.
Detector; Cyberoptic: Thermograph, Lowlght, Quirks: Sight of blood excites (-1);FEAR: Holy sym-
Anti Dank. bok, Garlic,churches, Netspace(-5); Mustsleep
in a coffin (-2);
High MA (t6);Very good senses
Outfit: Armalite 44,2Clips, Shoulder Holster, 2 Daz-
[Awareness +I](+2).
zkGrenades,4 IncendiaryGrenades, LightArmor
Jacket, Generic Chicoutfit, Sleeping Bag, Nylon Cybernetics: Cyberaudio: Amplified Hearing, Radio
Carrybag, Cicar. Splice, Scrambler, Bug Detector, Voice Stress
Personality: Cold hearted killer. Furious that a vam- Analyser, Wde Band Scanner.
pire killed his lover, he seeks to destroy all Outfit: Stemmeyer 35, 2 clips, Shoulder Holster,
vampires. Motivated by vengeance. Cybermag 15,Ankle Holster, Businesswearout-
Description: A Lone Wolf hunter, Harris is m contact fit, Citycar, Cellular phone, PlasKuffs, 2 room
with theSun Knights, butdoesnottrustthem. He
knows that vampires bum "real well", so carr'ks Personality: Cold, but calm. Doesn't rabe his voice,
the incendiary grenades to finish off the vam- yet the simmering power shows through.
pireshe stuns with his Armalite 44.He has been Description: Mike isabeatcop,and wants to staythat
tracking a vampire named Mike for a while. way. He has enough Finds in the Forcethat his
loyalty is never questioned. He is a fantastic cop
since he can tell who has committed murders
with his Psychometry. He was made a vampire
because his master noted his intuitive powers,
and thought he would make a good vampire.
Exceptfor Mike's bloodthirstyside, he is a good

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
For the three days beforethe fKst nightof the full moon,
the character's eyes will seem to glow. This is a biochemical
reaction which will seem harmless to any medial scrutiny,
although the cause will be unknown to the doctors. Ako, the
character will be irritable, as the character begins to develop
an increasingly strong urge to kill.

Duringthenightsof the full moon (regardlessofwhether

themoon isvisibleornot),thecharacterwill haveanextremely
strong urgeto kill (EMP -1 per nightof the full moon, regained
upon killing). The character may make INT checks to avoid
killing certain people. Right before the intendedmurder, the
characterwill gain in strengthand reflexes (BOD t2,REF t2,
STUN -4),andwill havethose increasesfor10turnsthereafter.
This may be called upon only six times, and only right before
a kill during the full moon.

If the character is unable to kill anyone for a full moon

phase, he will lose 2 EMP. 'Iheywill not be regainedunlesshe
is able to kill (number m i s s ex d2 t 1)victims the following full
moon phase. Every time the character misses killinga victim,
he loses the 2 EMP points. Once he reaches an EMP of 0, he
Lycanthropes are a sub-race of werewolves. They are
goes completely berserk and kills ANYWING in sight, and
much less powerful, yet have some 'supernatural' powers.
gains the bonuses regardless of whether the full moon has
ended or not
Lycanthropes are humans whose blood stream is con-
taminated by lessthan halfa pintofwolven blood (seeWERE-
WOLVES). This usually occurs during a were-wolf attack,
wherein only one hit occurs (60% chance of victim becoming
lycanthrope in this case). Vampires and other 'supernatural"
beings cannot contract the disease, due to metabolic differ-
ences inherent in the diseases.

Lycanthropy can be artificially produced by a chance

combinationof chemicakentering the human's bloodstream Lycanthropes are affected by normal weapons. Silver
within a short period.This is rare, but accounts for 10%of the weapons do normal damage. They do, however, heal one
Lycanthrope population (0.5% chance per character of con- extra point of damage daily.
tracting it this way at any time in hs life, rolled once per
character). Lycanthropes can be killed by normal weapons, and
once dead, will not return as were-wolves. Note that
Note that lycanthropes cannot create other lycanthropes age quickly, usually dying around 60.
lycanthropes, as there is an insufficient amount of Wolven
blood. Adding Vampiric blood creates a very volatile The kills required for every full moon, involve simply
creature which will lose all EMP within a week. bringing a victim to fail a Death Save in close combat The
victim may be brought back to life later; the killwill still count

Acharacter afflied with lycanthropy(iiisadisease),will CURE

appear perfetctly norma1.A bloodtestwill merelyshow a small There is no known cure for Lycanthropy. It is like
sample of a foreign agent The character's COOL will get a vampirism, and requires draining all of the lycanthrope's
- permanent t1 and a permanent -1 to EMP. blood.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Lycanthropesget a +1 to their PSYxore, but that is all.
Some may have psychic powers, but this usually depends on
their pack leader(+2 to roll for Psychic Power Presenceif Pack
leader uses Psychic Powers often).

Lycanthropesare not allowed to take quirks, since they

lacktheoverwhelming "supernatural"aura thatvampiresand
truewere-wolves have. Many do believethatthey can onlybe
hurtbysilver,orthattheytumintowolves; however,theseare
false beliefs.

Lycanthropeswillmeetwith their Pack Leader (the were-
wolf that created them) once a month, usuallyjust before the
full moon. At these meetings, the pack will recounttheir past
activities to the Pack leader, and they may hunttogether, but
this is extremely rare. Note that the Pack leader is always the
were-wolf that created the lycanthropes; no other were-wolf
may take over a pack. Once a pack leader is killed, the pack
splinters off and live alone, as if they were "artificial"

Most lycanthropes live solitary lives, communicating

little with other humans, and even lesswith other "supernatu-
ral' creatures.Some however, are marr'kdand lead otherwise
normal lives.


If a character is afflictedwith Lycanthropy, he will suffer
thefollowingimmedateeffects:COOL+l, EMP-1. Everyfull
moon, hewillgainthe followingbonusesfortentums:REF+2,
BOD +2, !3UN 4. Hewill also lose 1EMP per night of the full
moon until he has killed.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
Were-wolves are humans whose bloodstream is mixed
with an amount of Wohren blood. This Wolven blood affects
the human's mind and body. It is similar to vampiriim. Note
that were-wolf is a generic term referring to any human
endowed with the following characteristics, regardless of
the species of animal.

Were-woks are createdby over 20%of the character's
blood being replaced by Wohen blood (similar m theory to
Vampirii blood). Like vampire creation, if less than 20% but
more than 10% is replaced with Wolven blood, then a battle
will occur over the next few days. Roll ld10 vs 15 (+1 to roll
per 1%below 20%)every 24 hours. Foreveryfailure, add 1%.
Once 21% is reached, the character becomes a were-wolf.
For every success, subtract 1%. Once 5% is reached, the
character is fine, and the other 9% will leave his bloodstream
over the next nine days.

This transfer of bloodusuallyoccursduring a prolonged

battle between a character and a were-wolf, in whch the
were-wolf allows himself to be cut, and cuts the character
open. At least 8 points of damage must be inflicted on each
party, and it must be hand-to-hand (claw) battle. After the
battle, there is a 50% chance of contractingthe disease,+5%
per extra hit scored on the character.

Once afflictedwith the disease, the characterwill gradu-

ally change until the next full moon. During the interval, the
character will recover from the attack. See FULL MOON for
informationon what occurs before and during the full moon

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

A were-wolf character will gain body hair over the Awere-wolfwill become increasinglymuscularand thin.
month prior to the first full moon of h i new "life". This Thii slimness is more due to the musculature inherent in the
growth will be noticeable, but grooming can keep it under disease, rather than to actual dieting. Ako, the were-wolf's
control. Itwill stay at a constantlength (iicut, it will grow back facial features will gain an appearance mimicking that of the
over a day) for the rest of the were-wolfs life. animalthat thewereaeature becomes.Thiswill notbeall that
noticeable unless you are lookingfor it
Also, the characterwill gain a larger build (BOD +1), will
lose touch (EMP -1) and become more spiriially aware (PSY The were-wolfs body hair will gain a darker appear-
tl).These changes will gradually occur over the first month. ance upon first contracting the disease, and then will
gradually become lighter. The fur will start out a very dark
Furtherchanges will occur as the were-wolf ages. Were- color, and as the were-wolf ages, will gradually become
wolvesage 1year foreveryhuman5 years, thus they livemuch almost white.
longer, but are not entirely immune to disease. They are
simply more resistant, (t5to Resisting Diseases, Poisons & COMBAT
Drugs). They are affected in the same manner as humans by Were-wolves are affected by normal weapons, but
radiation. silver weapons do much more damage. For more on this, see
SILVER. Note that werewolves do heal faster than humans.
Withage, the werewolfwillundergocertain physicaland Were-wolves can be killed by normal weapons, but their
mental changes, whch are fully described in Table Ibelow: healing power requires that they take at least 40 points of
damage before permanently dying.
A.L. (Age Level): This serves the same function as Age
Levelin CHILDREN OFTHENIGHT. Itissimply used for game The kills required for every full moon, simply invohe
purposes for judging relative capabilities of were-wolves of bringing a victim to fail a Death Save in close combat The
varjlng ages. victim may be brought back to life later, and the kill will still
W.W.Y. (WereWolf Years): Thii is the number of years
that a were-wolf has been a f f l i with the dbase. This can CURE
be rolled randomly using ld6.
ThereisnoknowncureforWerewolves. Likevampirbm,
S P This is the number of skill pointsgained per year of it requiresdraining thewholebody of blood and then refilling
beinga were-wolf at the various stages. Note that playingthe it with clean blood. Thii is simply not possible.
were-wolf character will certainly give more skill points than
described herein, but these representyears not spent adven- FUU MOON
turing. Table II shows the number of skill points gained per Three days before the full moon, the werewolf will
Age Level for simple reference. become increasinglyedgyand unsociable(-1COOL, -1 EMP),
and the desire to kill will start building.
Heal: This is the number of damage boxes that are
healed per day of rest at the various Age Levek.
t Kills: This is the number of people that the were-wolf
must kill every phase of the full moon. See KILLSfor more on &L Mim
this. 0 12
1 72
2 50
Stat Changes: These are the various stat changes that
3 40
will occur over the were-wolf's life due to metabolicchanges. 4 It


8 $ W W ze
0 0.1 Cub 6
1 2-20 Adolescent 4
2 21.50 Adult 2
3 51-99 Pack Leader 1
4 loot Ancient 1

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The days of the full moon will a b have the loss of POWERS
COOLand EMP, but during these days, the characterwill be Were-wolves get bonuses to their PSV score, and are
obsessed with plotting when and who to kill. allowed to put as many Skill Points as they wish into their
psychic powers (they are assumed to automatically have the
Thenightsofthe full moon,thecharactermusttransform psychicpowers).Buttheymustputat least6 Skill Pointstothe
(INT vs 18 to resist every 2 hrs) into its beast form. See power TRANSFORM, which all were-wolves MUST have.
TRANSFORM for more on this power. In this form, the
characterwill seeksomeone to kill. Once he has killed, he will SENSES
return to his homeandsleep for the rest of the night. lfthe full
quota of kills has been attained, the character may resist A were-wolf will gain (even in normal form) a much
Transforming with a +8 modifier the following nights of the bettersenseof smellandhearing. Hewill be ableto hearvery
full moon. high frequencies. This gives a +2 Awareness bonus when
dealing with smell or hearing. It also means that ultrasonic
Failingto kill the quota required, the character will lose sounds and very strong odors will hurt a were-wolf, and
2 EMP points until the next full moon. If the character fails to possibly deafeddampen his sense for a period of time
kill double the quota, he will lose 2 more EMP points, and it thereafter.
continuesuntilthecharactereithergivesin orTransformsand
goes on a mad killingspree of all within range. SILVER
Wolven blood reactsviolentlywithsilver.Silver weapons
MISCELLANEOUS cause 5 times more damage (drops 1 multiple per A.L., as the
Were-woks are able to eat normalfood and drink, but body becomes more resistant).Just touchingsilver will cause
will have a distinct preference for uncooked foods and will one point of damage per turn. Note that impure silver will
principally drink water. Also, a were-wolf will be unable to eat cause proportionallyless damage (20% silver coating will do
during the full moon, preferring to feed upon the victim he 20% of the normal damage.
Dogs can detect a were-wolf up to 10m away and will Were-wolves are extremely rare; there are fewer than
bark, but will be too frightened to actually attack. Cats are 10,OOO in the world in 2020. They are solitary beasts, once in
also able to detect were-wolves but will simply leave the a while meeting with their IFanthrope pack. Some were-
area. wolves livewith a pack of normalw o k . There is rarely more
than one were-wolf in any given area at any one time, and
A were-wolf may add cybernetics, but in Transforma- often have huge hunting territories.
tion, these may fall off, and thus leave the creature crippled.
Organic transplants are adviible instead. QUIRKS
Were-wolves take Quirks just like vampires, but have
their own set of peculiarities. They must take at least 2 quirks,
to a maximum of 16 points worth. Here are some were-wolf

. Touched by Martyr's Blood .............................. 4
. Shot in the head ............................................... 4
. C r d O t h e r Holy Items ................................ -3
. Fie ................................................................... 4
. WoHsbane ........................................................ 4
. New Moon .......................................................


A character a f f l i with Wolven blood will suffer the
- 4

immediate effectsof +1 BOD, -1 EMP and +I PSY. Every full

moon, the character will Transform into a beast and will kill a
number of people.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Here are some of the more common beasts that were-

Bear. The character's REF becomes 6, MA becomes 8

and BOD becomes 12. The Bear's claws do 2d6 + BOD
damage each, and two hits automatically means a Bear
Hug for 3d6 points of damage a turn.
Wolf: The character's REF becomes 9, MA becomes 12
and BOD stays the same (as long as the character does
not want to change it).The wolfs claws do 2d6 damage
+ BOD modifer each; and teeth do ld6 + BOD mod-
ifier. The Wolf may attack with both claws per attack.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Now lwould like tomtroduceacubwho hasjwfretmrtly
gained thepowm of the Wolw blood.She is a contempormy
to the were-wolf:

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

A lycanthropeor were-wolf that has a child may pass on The moon transforms monthly, from a full moon to a
the disease. Lycanthropes and were-wolves can reproduce new moon. Each major phase reigns for three days. For
(unlike vampires). But the chance is reduced if the carriir of example, the night prior to and the day after the full moon
the Wolven blood is the male. Note that in either case both exert almost the same forces as the actual night of the
(lycanthropes or were-wolves), if both parents have the full moon. Thus, there are three nights of the full moon in
dhase, it will be passed on. game terms and three nights of new moon.

A female lycanthrope has a 40% chance of p i n g the During the nights of the full moon, all character's EMP
disease on to the child, a male a 25% chance. Roll for each k considered to drop by between 0.1 and 1 p i n t for the
child. A child lycanthrope will develop the aspects of the duration of the night This is due to gravitationaldifferences.
disease around puberty (13-15). Hereditary lycanthropes Roll ld10 to see how much the moon affects a character for
get a +4 to resist the urge to kill and are notobligatedto any each full moon. The effect may seem minor, but does reflect
pack rituals. About 15% of all lycanthropy is hereditary. the increase in psychiatric ward admittances, increased rate
of accidents and murders during the full moon. W o h
Femalewere-wolves have a 80% chance of passing on account for thii.
the disease to offspring, males a 60%chance. Roll for each
child. Hereditary were-wok develop the dkease around Duringthe nightsof the new moon, some weakness will
puberty. They get +6 to resisting the urge to kill and will age be experienced, healing will slow by 0.1 to 1 p i n t for those
slowly,extending theirliieseven longer.About5%ofallwere- nights. It is minimal, but does represent the slight drop in the
wolves are hereditary. body's strength during the new moon phase.

Sometimes the disease will skip a generation, there-

fore, even if a childdoes not developthe disease, his children
have half the parent's chance of getting itTherefore, itcould
run in a family, with certain generations unaware of anything
strange. But if it hasn't developed after the third generation,
it dies.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Some individuals are affected by the full moon, but for
of psychological reasons rather than physiological. Thus, a
hallucinatory full moon will bring out their insanity. At all
times other than the full moon, the individual will appear
perfectly normal and sane.

There are two main lunacies, which are generally all

classified under Lunacy, but for game purposes have been
divided into two types: Homicidal Lunacy and Schizophrenic

* Homicidal Lunacy The character will become very

edgy and excited on nights that he thinks the moon is
full. He will exhibit paranoid tendencies, striking out at
any who'appear threatening. Some (10%) may kill
during these nights, but are generally not thinking
clearly, thus often make mistakes, such as leaving
evidence at the scene of the crime. During the nights of
the new moon, the character will be melancholic and
very inactive.

* Schizophrenic Lunacy: The character will think that he

actually transforms into a wolf or other animal. n e
the character will begin "hunting". This generally in-
volvesshedding allclothing(toaccountforthe"transfor-
mation") and attempting to get to wilderness. Some
afflicted with this lunacy have been reported to have
caught rabbits and other small animals while in this
state. In general, they are quite harmless, even when
"transformed", but may threaten and "growl". Like
homicidal lunatii, they experience depression during
the New Moon phase.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

You break through the Code Gate with ease, but that
wasnosurpriie. Manyhavegottenin, it'sgettingoutthat
is diffkult
Inside, youseemtobeinaVirtualReality.Fromwhatyou
remember in History, it seems to be a Greek temple,
completewith pillan, mountainsin the background and
a philosophersitting inthe middle.Your icepick Iconhas
become a woman dressed in a Greek robe.
If you launch your Killer at the philosopher, read 11.
If you try to talk to the philosopher, read 17.
If you Cloak, read 24.

Your mind is seized by the darknes that surrounds you,

This is a solitaire choose-your-own-adventure designed
and it tears a t your mind, rending it to pieces. You
to be used with Lidia, the vampire-netrunner presented in
collapse, and fall unconscious. When you awaken, you
Personalities, but the stats are not neededto play, just a d10.
As with all choose-your-own-adventures, start at 1and follow find yourself at the feet of the philosopher. He smiles,
the sequence of numbers as dictated. "Now, Ican have you to talk with... forever!". You try to
jack out but find yourself unable, you are stuck in this
Void; he must have used a type of Soulkiller program,
As Lidia, you have set out to break The CrystalVoid, a
and now you will be trapped with him for eternity!THE
new data-haven that holds untold millions worth in secrets.
One piece of information alone could set you up for life in
luxury. But many have entered and not returned. Packing a
Killer VI, a Wizard's Book, a Force Field and tons of free The philosopher swings a Greeksword a t the Killer. Roll
memory for the data, you seek to enter and return with the ld10.
secrets oftheVoid.You have two acesup your sleeve: you are If the roll is between 1 and 5, read 26.
psychic and can Cloak, and you are a vampire, so you have
forever to crack thii sucker. If the roll is between 6 and IO, read 7.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

4. Your Killer hits the philosopher, and he cries out, a 16. You Cloak again, butthiiis the lasttimethat you areable
momentlaterde-reuing.You areableto copy one piece to without falling unconscious. The philospher searches
of informationout of the databanks. Read 18. allover, butcannottofind you. Heshootsoffafewdozen
yellow beams, but they all miss you.
5. You becomevisibleagain,andthephilosophergrimaces If you stick around, though the cloaking will wear off,
"I will not allow such insolence!" he booms. Read 19. read 5.
If you jack out, read 26.
6. "Really?'' the philosopher pauses. "Ihave not met one
ofyourtypebefore, but Ishould liketo know more, you 17. "%,whatshouldwediscuss?" heasks,"Iknow,let'stalk
will stay with me?". He laughs "Not that you have any about what you are."
choice." Read 19.
If you answer a human 'runner, read 10.
7. The philosopher'sswordglances off the Killer. Read 22. If you answer an Artificial Intelligence, read 21.
If you answer a vampire, read 6.
8. A beam of yellow light f l i past you. He scowls, "If you
will not leave, then you will stay, FOREVER!" Read 19. 18. A moment later, a new philospher appears from no-
where. He looks ery displeased.
9. Your Killer just barely misses. Read 3. If you attack him, read 11.
If you try to speak with him, read 12.
10. "Liar! Ihate liars!" the old man cries out. Read 25.
If you Cloak, read 24.

11. Your Killer appears, and instantly asword appears in the

19. The ancient temple is swept by an impenetrabledark-
philosopher's hand "So, you will fight?" Roll ld10.
ness. ltslithersaroundyou, tighteningitsetfagainstyour
If the roll is between 1 and 4, read 22. body. Roll ld10.
If the roll is between 5 and 10, read 3. If the result is between 1 and 7, read 2.
If the result is between 8 and IO, read 30.
12. Cautiously, you ask "Might we talk?" The philospheh
sword vanishes. "But, of course," he grins. Read 17.
20. Your Killer de-reues with a fatal blow from the philoso-
pher's sword. You are now without any offensive capa-
13. The pillar of fire moanssoftly, 'Ice-Pick, Ice-Pick..."and bility.
hits you, just before you are able to jack out Pain sears
If you Log Off, ending the adventure, read 26.
across your mind, as the world spins around you. You
awaken, paralpd before your cybermodem. You real- If you ask to talk, read 12.
izethat you are not dead, but notalive. Days,weeks pass If you Cloak, read 24.
before a fiend drops by; but alas, it is during the day.
Your body bums in the sunlight, ending your tor-
mented days. THE END. 21. "An ArtifKiaI Intelligence?" the philospher asks with
interest, "What sort?Military or civilian?"
If you answer civilian, read 14.
14. "I see, a new model?" the philosopher asks. You state
that youare topof the line, justreleased. "Wonderful, at If you answer military, read 29.
long last a worthy companion," he sighs. Read 19.
22. Your Killer attacks. Roll ld10.
15. "Sorry," you apologize. The philosopher grunts approv- If the roll is between 1 and 5, read 4.
ingly. "How did you do that?" he asks. You reply,
"Magic." He snorts, "We'll see about that!" Read 19. If the roll is between 6 and 10, read 9.

23. You stop cloaking and reappear.

If you ask to talk, read 15.
If you attack, read 11.
If you Log Off, endmg thiis adventure, read 26.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

24. In an instant, you are completely invisible.The philoso-
pher cries out, "Where have you gone? You fool!" You
are able to get 1 unit of data.
If you continue cloaking, read 28.
Ifyou cease cloaking, read 23.
Ifyou Log Off, ceasing this adventure, read 26.

25. The philosopher waves his hand and astream of dozens

yellow beamsflies at you. Roll ld10.
If the roll is between 1 and 7, read 31.
If the roll is between 8 and 10, read 8.

26. An instant later, you findyounelfalone inyourroom, the

cybermodem winding down. You get 20,000eb per
data unit you retrieved, but wonder if you might have
been able to get more. THE END.

27. You barelyexapethe ravagesof the Firestarter,though

it does fry your cybermcdem. You swear never to touch
the Gystal Void again, for death by Net would kill you,
and that is something you'd prefer to put off for a few
more millenia. Your fear in the Net is forever strength-
ened from then on. THE END.

28. You continueyour cloaking and are able to retr'kve one

more unit of data. The philosopher is getting very, very
If you continue to cloak, read 16.
Ifyou cease cloaking, read 5.
Ifyou Log Off, ending this adventure, read 26.

29. "IHATE militarygarbage! De!" the old manc r i i out A

huge pillar of fire emerges around you. You try to jack
Out Roll ld10.

If the roll is between 1and 7, read 13.

If the roll is between 8 and 10, read 27.

30. The darkness is replaced by a new form, but open'hg

your eyes cures that You jacked out in time, but just
barely. That was a Soulkiller that you just escaped, lucky
as you are. For every data file copied, you made
2O,OOOeb, enough to make you very, very comfortable.
31. Some of the beams hit you, and a couple penetratethe
Force Field. You find yourself sitting in front of your
ing. You get 20,OOOeb per data unit your retrieved, but
the shame of having been beaten by a flatline will haunt
you forever. THE END.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)
7) He has hired Doug Harrisonas a bodyguard. E w p e
at the Outer Limits knows Doug well, and that Roger
Thiiisasampleadventuredesgnedforavampireplayer hired him-ThiL is general knowledge at that club. Doug
character, A.L 0 or 1. The player's character could enlist hs is ako well-known a t the Afterlife for hu gambling.
coven brothersand sisters to help him, but no vampires over
A.L 1. Have the coven master and eklen be unavailable to

First, determine which character will have his picture Roger waits through the next three days, hanging out
taken, and allow him to readthe introductionandthe player's at the club and at home alternatively with Doug by his side.
background, and have him explain the situation to his team- He is very nervousand will regard anyone new as suspicious.
mates. Emphasize the importanceof not having the pictures He a b thinks that the corporations may try to take the
reach the massmedia. piaures forcibly.
Second, expbim the option of how to go about fmdmg The fourth day, he hasthe auctionover aconferencecall
him. Here is the basic information. The player characters may phone in the back of the club. For each of the three compa-
dixover it through many avenues. nies, roll ld10.On a 1-5,thecompanyisinterestedl6-l0they
are not If only one company is interested, itwill send a car to
The photographer's name is Roger Doe, hs stab are pick up Roger and take him to their offices (See IN M E
on next page. He is only known at The Outer Limits, NEWS). If more than one company is interested, an auction
where his girlfriend works. No one else will have any starts. Roll Id10 x $100 for each bidding corporation, and
clue as to who he is. that is their final bid. If there are ties, reroll. The highest
The eye symbol is the symbol for the FPA (Free-lance bidder pays that amount (seeIN THE NEWS). This all takes
PhotographersAssociation). Any Medii will know this. place over four hours. If no companies want to buy the
Themain o f f a will not know his description, but a bribe pictures, he waits another three days and then airs them on
mayallowchamtentoplowthrough the 1000+pictures a pirate TV station (see IN THE NEWS).
of members.
Roger works for no corporation, but realiies what he's Once everything is done, he'll go back to his usual life,
stumbled on may be worth something. He's sent mes- albeii riier. He keepscopies of the pictureson hiswalls, and
sages to WNS, "54 and Dynamic News regarding the asetinapostoffKeboxjustincase.HeietsDouggotwodays
pictures and that he will be auctioning them off in two after the transfer. If Roger is severely threatened, he will run
to the Crazy Chicken hang-out, rehire Doug, and stay there
days. The companies will deny any knowledge of the
auaion or pictures. Bribing corp. o f f ~ b kmay get this for a week, possibly longer.
information, or favors from execs in these corps may
The Crazy Chicken boostergang knows Roger well, but
knows nothing of the pictures, hu present wherea- The next day the lead story is "Vampire-Psychopath
bouts, nor will they willingly "squeal" on him. They do
Plagues Nght City."His pictures will be aired at least eight
know that he hangs out at the Outer Limitsclub, andwill
times a day for the next four days. Enough time for every
tell anything under duress.
vampire hunter group in Nght City to memoriie the face and
He has two pictures, one of the vampire feeding, the start hunting. For the next ld6 months, the c h a w r will be
other of the vampire's face. His girlfriend knows of this. randomly attacked by various vampire hunters and non-
He has three copies of each. One copy he keeps on him vampire hunters. He will have to hide or leave, but even that
(GF knows of these), one copy in the mail with the may have its problems.
negativesto himself (GFdoesnot knowof these) and one
copy hidden at his apartment (GF knows of these). He Regardless, The Sun Knights (the best vampire-hunter
ako hastheCyberopticpicturesstillinhseye(GFhasn0 group m NorthAmerica)will hunt the vampire for the next six
idea). months and have those pictures on file for future reference.
He lives on 24th av. His girlfriend and people at the They are not kind, and will kill the vampire on sight
club know this. If characters have his name, any
DataTerm will tell this. If the pictures air on a pirate station, cut all of the above
effects in half, but include the Sun Knights; they watch all
stations, just in case something like this comes along.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)


Greedy, Introvert, Desires Fame. Liar, Arrogant, Desires Power.

INT: 7 TECH: 8 REF: 7 IW. 5 TECH 4 REF: 10

COOL: 6 LUCK: 10 AlT 5 COOL: 8 LUCK: 4 An. 5
MA: 10 BODY: 6 EMP 6 MA: 9 BODY: 8 EMP 4
PSY: 4 PSY: 7

Skills: credibility +4, Awareness +6, Education +4, Skills: h b a t Sense +a, Pistol +6, Awareness +5,
Persuasion +3, Streetwise +4, Photography+7, Athletics +4, Submachinegun +4, Stealth +4,
Human Perception +4, Interview +4, Social +2, Brawling +6, Melee +5, RPR +3, Motorcycle
Wardrobe +2, Athletics +2, Motorcycle +6, Pis- +2, Gambling +5, Dodge +2.
tol +4. Cyberware: Neuralware processor: Kerenzikov
Cybenvare: Cyberoptic-Microcamera, inhred. (He Booster +2.
took a picture of the vampire with thii camera, Outfit: Dai Lung streetmaswr, Belt holster; Minami
but no one knows of it) 10,2 clips; dazzle grenade, knife, tight armor
Outfit: BudgetArmsAuto 3,2 clips, shoulder holster, jacket, sleeping bag, $20,motorcycle.
knife, kevbr vest, Digital Camera, $100, motor- Description: Whiie hair, white eyes (contacts), 20
cycle. yeanold.WellbuiltHispanic-American. Scarson
Description: Black hair, green eyes and is 24yn old. fists.
Average sized, Anglo-American. No visible Other: He wants power. Right now, nobody's hiring
scars. Tattoo of EYE on arm. hm, so when Roger came along, well, what the
Other. He suspects the pictures are of a real vam- hell, good way to make a quick buck. All Roger
pire, but is unsure. He is sure he took p'aures told him was that he had m e piaures that
of some sort of psychopath, thus he will be other people may want That's all he needs to
extremely cautious. He is a loner, only hangs know, but tlgures the piaures are nude photo-
out with h i girlfriend, if anyone. If he suspects graphs, so is not really taking this pb seriiusly.
he is being followed, he will go back to the club He fgures some angry husband is after Roger,
and then take off on his motorcycleto the Crazy not corporations, and definitelynot vampires!!!
Chicken's hang-out(heknowsthem well). Hangs
out at the Outer Limits Club; hisgirlfriendworks

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

This adventure is designed to be a campaign-long ad-
venture, either as the primary mission or a backdrop to other
encounters. Nonetheless, the vampires can be of any age
level. Vary the exact force used by the Sun Knightsaccording
to the vampires' power.

How this adventure proceeds is entirely up to the play-

ers, and only background information isgiven here to aid the
Game Master in running the adventure to its fullest The
adventure is presumedto take place in Night City,renamed'
San lgnem by the underworld creature.

TheSun Knghtsisanorganizationwhoseprimarygoalis
to destroy vampires. They are quite welleducated about
vampires, and well-financed, but still small. The public has no
idea that they even exist, and the government is watchii
them from afar, but the vampire community isall-toofamiliar
with them, especially since they are world-wide.

Luckily, although they are spread out, they are small in

number and lack any real authorii. The police see them as
a deranged cultwho must be watchedclosely, lest they go on
mad killing sprees, so they must remain covert, which puts
them in a slightly worse position than vampires, as vampires
can often get high positions with their wealth, and lack the
stgma (as long as people don't know they're vampires).

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The branch in San lgnem (Night C i i ) is a largish one,
but they expend much of their resources coordinating the
other branches' affiirs, so lack a great force of Hunters. The HerearethethreemaincovensofSan1gnem.TheSalieni
San lgnem branch has 2 AV-4s and a priiate jet at their coven is suggested for the players if they have not already
disposal. They have 540 personnel; 34 of whom are Hunters, developed their own coven. The other two can be developed
98 who are covert operatives. if the Game Master wishes using the Coven rules.

The covert operatives are broken down in the followhg THE SAUENI COVEN
way: 10% in corporations; 20% pose as street beggars; 10% Thiicoven dates back to the early 1800's andwas one of
poseasfixers; 15%workasdomrsinstreetfixupshops;10% the fmt established in the West There have been two coven
poseas mercenarii, 5%poseas rockers; 5%poseas nomads, masters since it began, but both are now dead. The last was
15% pose as boosters and 10% pose as government agents Richter Borikchi, a 226-year old vampire who served the
who generally work in records departments. coven well. He ruled it with a strong hand and kept it very
wealthy, although the Salieni fortune assured all of that
vary slightly, especially in terms of psychic abilii: There are five coven houses, two of which are located in
San Ignem, the others in San Francisco, Los Angebs and San
Bemadino.The covenmovedto San lgnemjust a year ago, to
restore its claim to that territory. Boriihi's investments have
INT: 7 REF 10 TECH 3 made the coven rich, with assets reaching nearly two million
COOL: 9 A m 6 LUCK: 2 euro. The coven is on good relatiins with the Smith Coven
MA: 6 BODY: 7 EMP 5 (except that the Smith Coven just vanished a couple weeks
PSY: 5* ago), and bad relationswith the Lincoln Coven. The two have
atways fought over territory on the West Coast

Skills: Combatsense +4; Awareness+b, Handgun The coven consists of 15 members, S'i of whom are on
+4, Athletics+5, Stealth+5, Heavyweapons vxat'ion. Three memberswere killed last night at the second
+6, Rifle +4, Martial Art (Tae Kwon Do)+2, coven house, along with the master. The other six are
Vampire-bre+2, HumanPerception+2, Hide assumed to be player characters.
+2, Shadow +4, Interrogation+3.
Cybernetics:CyberopticThermograph,Low-light, The rules under Boriechi were simple, but strongly
Antidazzle; Cyberaudio: Radiosplice,ampli- enforced:
fied hearing; Cyberarm: Flamethrower. 1) No fledglings (all except the master are called fledg-
Outfit: .454 magnum (silenced), hip holster or lings in this context) are permitted to create other
H&K MPK-9 (silenced) with shoulder sling. fledglings without permission.
Two extra clips of ammunition. Light Armor 2) Feeding is only perm'& on the ruffians of the age:
jacketwith Knightsymbolonthe back, heavy gang members, street punks and nomadic people.
cloth pants. Two incendiary grenades. First
Aid Kit.Vampire Hunting Kit Wooden stake, 3) Revealingany informationabout the coven, itsmembers
hatchet, cross &garlic.
or the nature of our kind is not permitted.
Personality: Quiet and serious. Motivatedto de-
stroy vampires. Failureto folbw a rule meant being enclosed in a stone
tomb for any p e r i i of time from a monthto a year. This was
*Note thatsome areweakerorslower,yetpsychic enough to keep all membersin line and yet did not make for
in some way. astrialyregub~existence.Thetraitspasseddown through
the coven are the following quirks Lucky (+2 Luck), Immer-
sion in water destroys, Cannot cross running water -3, Fast
(+1 MA).

The other two covens, Smith and Lincoln, are both only
bodydescribed, since the former is gone and the latter will
shun contact, although later incidents may force the bne
Lincolnsurvivonto fight alongside the Salieni vampires. But
what is more likelv, the Lincoln coven will attack the Salieni
members when k e y discover their weakened state.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

This coven is also a very old one,dating back to the late PETER FAWKES
men by force. He has imposed a very strict totalitahn control
over the twetve memben, whoare all quite young childrenof the


Thiscovenwas a much more recentone, beingfounded
in the mid-twentieth century. There was only one coven
master, and the total number of members never exceeded
six.They were very peaceable, but a little too much into style
and fame. Two of the members were developing rockers
whose publicity must have somehow caught the eye of the
Sun Knights, for now their coven house is an ashen ruin and
none of the members have been spotted for weeks.

By sheer luck, one of the Smith members was absent

when the Sun Knightsstruck, and was spared. He is extremely Role: Vampire-Rockerboy Apparent Age: 21
shaken by the fact that his coven was wiped out, but fears Age Level: 0 Age: 25
makingcontactwithothervampires,incase he shouldleadthe INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH 9
Knights to them or be ambushed by the Knights himself. He COOL: 6 A T R 10 LUCK: 10
hastoldh ibandthat hewill betakingavacatiin, assome "big MA: 8 BODY: 5(6) EMP 4
fish" are after him, and given them explicit directions not to PSY: 8
reveal that they saw him.

Skills Charismatic Leadership +2, Awareness +4,

Sing +3, Play instrument +6, Wardrobe +5,
Composition +3, Performance +4, Brawlii
lfthecharacterswishto hideoutforthe timebeing,there +2, Streetwise +4, Persuasion +6, Seduction
are many places they can go,depending on how much they +2, Handgun +3, Stealth t4,Hide +4, Pho-
wish to spend and how much they want to be under the tography +2.
regulation of humans. Note that each character will have Psychic Powers Telepath: Fascination +4, Charm
about 500eb in additionto what he personallyhas, out of the +I.
Coven's petty cash. The bank account has been mysteriiusly
Quirks: Fears garlic, Destruction: Stake in heart,
frozen, although a l i i hacking will probably free it up.
Lucky (+2), Singer (+I).
The characterscould hide out with contacts, but thii is Cybernetics: AudioVox; Cyberoptii: Color shii
high risk, as the contacts are probably already closely asso- Ties Square, digital camera.
ciated with the character in question, and contacts can Outfit 12gsawed-offshotgun,twentyshelk, kevlar
always be bought out by covert Knights, some more so than vest, knife,electricguitar, blackoutfit,shades,
others. But the benefits of this is that the contact will cellphone. He has $2000 in a bank account
probablynotbother the character as mwh, and wiil be a reliable
source of outs*& information without Mi too suspicii. Personality: Extroverted and egotiistical. Always
looks out for himself.
The characterscould also find a hde-out through fixers Othec Peterstarted his musical career in the back-
on thestreet Theproblemswiththii isthattheyaregenerally water bars, playingsoft and easy music with a
not all that reliable and will easily sellwt the people they subliminalviolenttone.While he may bevery
p r o m T h e benefitsare that they aredeeply imbeddedinthe appealing, his egotistical nature has tumed
streets,awayfrom pryingeyes,andtherearesomany, itcoukl many away.
take weeks to find one in particular.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

The most expensive option are the Sanctuariesm, HOME
which are very hard to find, and extremely expensive. Once If the characters stay at their coven house, there is a
in, the characten must stay for at least a year, but are daily 25% chance that during the day Sun Knights will break
guaranteed a secret and safe sanctuary from anybody who in and torch the place, destroying all inside. Therefore, it is
comes looking for them. The drawbacks are that the charac- advisable that the characters leave their coven house imme-
ters will be watched constantly (securii measure), and the diately. Roll every day regardless, as the characters may
owners may detect that the characters are not human, and return.
feeding would obviously draw suspicion. Also, the cost is so
high that they would need 500,000eb each per year. Staying in one place for a long time is not a good idea,
even if it is not the coven house. There is a cumulative 5%
(go back to 0 every time the characters moveto a new hiding
place). Note that this is just for the present time due to their
The Sun Knights are aswmed to not know the exact fervent search for the characters, normally the roll is not
identities of all the coven members, although for each mem- cumulative.
ber, there is a 10% chance that they do,and a 5% chance of
identifying a vampire every time the character goes out. If a Going back to old hde-outs that were discovered isako
character is known to the Knights, then every time that not a good idea, as small groups (5) of Sun Knights aresent to
character goes out into public, there is a 15% chance that he guard them injustthat case. Inother words, thecharactenare
is spotted by a covert operative (-10%if he wears a disguise). going to have to be on the move for the nextfew weeks, and
Characterswho are spotted once have a 40% chance of being forget about their old hangats for the next year.
discovered the next four times, then it drops back down to
15%. If the character is spotted twice in the same district, the BOUNTlES
next he times there is a 75% chance of an ambush hittinghim. If, after a couple weeks, there has been no sign of the
characters but their identiiies are known, a bounty will be
AMDUSHES posted for their deaths. It will be specified that the bodies
A Knight'sambush will beset up on a deserted street with must be burnt to ashes and the ashes brought to an address
two (up to 6) Knightsset up on opposing roo+, two (upto 6) (their public headquarters). The bounty is 10,000eb per
in alleys to either side and another (upto 3) in a van nearby. One vampire.
m e r t operative will pose as the lure, making the scene bok
normal. 7hi covert operatiw can be anything from a nervous The characters will now have a 20% chance of being
corporate rushing home, to a street punk wandering, to a drunk. attacked by bounty hunters whenever they show their faces
throughout the West Coast.The bountyhunters have no idea
Once the characters are in the middle of the street, the they are dealing with vampires, so will not be as effeaive as
two will leap out of the alleys and attack the characters with Knights, but will be a major nuisance for the next year.
their submachineguns.The oneson the rooftopswill open fire
too.Any vampires that fall will be attacked with a cyberarm
flamethrower. If more than three of the Knights fall or the
police arrive, the rest will escape in the van.
Thii whole affairstarted with a snitch. One of the coven
members who was away in Europe had a briif affair with a
womanwho was just a liile toosavvy. She (Lenore)pickedup
on his being a vampire and suckered a great deal of informa-
tionoutofhim.Hewasnotconcerned,asheplannedto killher
anyway. But, instead, she beathim to the punchand he awoke

After destroying this vampire, she proceeded to Night

C i ,and contacted the Sun Knightsthrough various mnec-
tions. After several negotiations, she gave the information
for 500,000eb. She wasn't able to give exact idenfies, but
enough on the general location of the coven housesto lead
them to the exact locations. She is now in Hawaiienjoying the
good lii.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

By the same token, if the characterswere to destroythe
Knght'sheadquatters(a 1OstoryofficebuiklingcalledSun&),
There are four vampires in Night C i who are loners. all hard copies and computer files would be destroyed. The
They haveno hasslesfrom the Knights, asthey arewell-tramed individual Hunter teams would still hold pictures and basic
inthe art of evasion. Only one of these four will actually allow descriptions, but all other informationwould be destroyed,
the characters to make contactwith him, and that is Thomas, ending the hunt for the time being. This would also criiple
as from the Personalitiesseaion. He will help the characters the Knightsorganization around the world, as thisisthe main
in any way he feels appropriate, but only for a short time; office, and the characterswould get a great reputation with
then he will dwppear, as he always does eventually. vampires around the world.

The characterscouldgetout of this whole affair bysimply Ifthe characterssomehow manage to evade the Knights
going into hibernation for the next decade or more, but that for the span of one year, then it is assumed that the Knights
would be no fun. Besides, it could be extremely dangerous. have given up on them, and their files will be pushed back in
Mainly becausethecharacterswouldhave to findsomewhere favor of a new coven. Unless the files have been destroyed
safetolaydowntorest, aplacethattheKnightscouldnotfind. (see hacking), the charactersmay face future Knights, as old
As you've seen above, the Knights are very g o d at just that, files are brought back for check-ups(they know vampires live
finding where people stay. So,this option is not advised. for a very long time, so always keep old files for future
reference). In other words, even if the characters escape this
time, there'll always be a next..

Going to the airport will mean passing two teams of

strategically placed Knight teams, set up specially to watch
for vampires. Characters have a 90% chance of being de-
tected by each of these teams if they go through the airport.
Sneaking in as cargo will not work either, as there are too
many security sptems looking for illegally smuggled weap
ons or drugs, and a body would not be looked over. Going
in a coffin is possible, however.

The Sun Knights are an international organ'nation, so

escape by runningto another country is not a pod option.
Two weeks after, the character's pictures and files will be
sent to all offices across the world, and the search will begin,
unless the charactersgo into the wilderness of a nation, and
avoid the cities. In this case,the characten will probably be

One very plausible option is for the characters to hire a

netrunner to break into the Knight's computer mainframes
and erase all files to do with them (ormore generously, erase
all files).This would effectively haltthe investgationfor a day,
but hardcopiesareavailable,sothehuntwouldcontinue.The
major accomplishment of this would be to erase any past
historiison thecharacten, which mayserve to aid the Knight's

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

ADDlCllONS ........................... 31 CHURCH OFTHE UNDEAD ........ 23
ADOLESCENT .......................... 24 CHURCHES.............................. 33
AFRICA ................................... 47 CINDER FLAMER ...................... 16
AGE ....................................... 10 CODES ................................... 11
AGE LEVEL ............................. 20 COMA ............................ .32.38
AGE LEVELS STATES ................................. 47
ADOLESCENT .................... 24 CORPORATIONS ..................... 23
ANCIENT ........................... 25 COVEN ........................ 8,27,41
FLEDGING ......................... 24 COVEN RELATIONS TABLE ........ 27
MATURE............................ 25 CREATOR ............................... 20
OLD ................................. 25 CROSSES ................................ 33
VERY OLD ........................ 25 CRYOKINESIS .......................... 60
YOUNG ............................ 24 CSI (CRYPTOZOOLOGICAL
AI .......................................... 55 STUDIES INSTITUTE) .......... 13, 15
ANCIENT ................................. 25 CURE ............................... 21,57
ANIMAL BLOOD ...................... 29 CYBERNETlCS ....... 17, 27, 34,75
ANIMAL HANDLING ................. 56 CYBERVAMPS .................... 13,18
ANIMALS ................................ 57
APPEARANCE .......................... 26 DAMAGE ................................ 31
ASTRAL ............................ 55.60 DARK ONES .............................. 8
ASTRAL BODY ......................... 62 DEATH CHECKS ....................... 31
ATTIRE .................................... 27 DECAPITATION.................. IO, 33
AUSTRALIA .............................. 47 DESTRUCTION QUIRKS .............. 33
AZTECS ...................... 23. 38.46 DITECTION ............................. 1 1
DISCOVERY ............................ 41
BATHORY. ELIZABETH ..............48
BEAR ..................................... 76
DISEASE ....................... .
9 28,31
DNA ................................ IO, 35
BEING .................................... 53 DOGS .................................... 75
BIOSCULPTS ............................ 27 DRACULA ............................... 48
BISHOP............................... 8. 15 DRACULA'S CHILDREN
BLAST SATCH ........................... 16 POSERGANG........................ 18
BODY CONTROL ..................... 62 DRINK ............................. 33,75
BODY HAIR ............................ 74 DRUGS ................................... 28
BODY LANGUAGE ...................56
BOILING OIL ........................... 33 EGYPTIAN ............................... 27
BOX ................................... 8. 10 EIDETlC MEMORY .................... 56
BRAUN. ELLIOT........................ 72 ELECTROKINESIS ...................... 60
BURN DAMAGE ....................... 31 EQUIPMENT ....................... 11. 16
BURNER ................................. 16 ASTRAL ............................. 60
PRECOGNITION ................. 60
CANADA ................................ 46 PSYCHOMETRY.................. 60
CATALEPTIC STATE .................... 38 EUROPE ................................. 47
CATATONIA ...................... 37.38 EVIDENCE REMOVAL ............... 1 1
CATS ...................................... 75 EYES ...................................... 26
CENTRAL AMERICA .................. 46 EYESIGHT................................ 34
CHAPELS ............................ 8. 13
CHARM .................................. 57 FBI ......................................... 11
CHINA .................................... 47 FEAR QUIRKS .......................... 33
CHRISTIANITY .......................... 27 FEEDING ................................. 29

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

FEEDING O N A VAMPIRE .......... 30 LAIRS ..................................... 10
RRE ....................................... 10 LNEL ..................................... 53
FLEDGLINGS ...................... 24. 28 LlDlA ...................................... 49
FOLKLORE.............................. 22 LONE WOLVES .................... 8,12
FOOD ............................ .33. 75 LUCK ...................................... 53
FULL MOON ............................ 78 LUNACY ................................. 72
LUNAR CYCLES ........................ 78
GAMBLE ................................. 56 LUNATICS ................................ 79
GARLIC ..................... 10. 23. 33 LYCANTHROPE
GARLIC SPRAY ........................ 16 COMBAT........................... 70
GENEllC DISORDER ........... 37. 38 CHILD ............................... 78
GLOSSARY CREATION ........................ 70
VAMPIRE .......................... 20 CURE ............................... 70
PSYCHIC POWERS .............. 53 PACK ............................... 75
POWERS .......................... -71
HAEMATOMANIA..................... 37 QUIRKS ............................ 71
HAWAII .................................. 47 SOCIHY ........................... 71
HEALING ............. 31. 35. 36. 61 LYCANTHROPES ...................... 71
HEALING PROPERTIES............... 10 LYCANTHROPY ................. 70. 72
HEARING ........................ ..34. 75
HEART BURN .................... 13. 15 MACHETE ................................ 16
HEAT ...................................... 36 MAGIC ................................... 56
HEREDITARY ILLNESS ................72 MALAYSIA .............................. 47
HEREDITARY LYCANTHROPES ...78 MANIA ................................... 58
HEREDITARY WERE-WOLVES.....78 MASTER ..................... .
20. 24 27
HIBERNATION ......................... 32 MATTER ALTERATION ............... 61
HIDING WEEK ......................... 11 MATURE ................................. 25
HOLY ITEMS ............... 10. 23. 33 MAYAN .................................. 46
HOLY WATER .......................... 33 MEDICAL AID .......................... 31
HOME .................................... 41 MEDICAL VAMPIRISM ............... 37
HOME DISCOVERY TABLE ......... 41 MEDITATION .................... .16. 56
HUNTER .................................... 8 PSlONlCS SYSTEM .................. 53
HUNTER MOTIVATION TABLE .....17 MENTAL .................................. 58
HUNTING ................................ 42 MENTAL ASSAULT ..................... 58
HYPNOLOGICAL ..................... 57 MENTAL DISORDER ..................37
MIDDLE AGES .......................... 23
ILLUSION ................................ 58 MIDDLE-EAST........................... 47
INBREEDING ..................... 37. 38 MNEMONIC ............................ 59
INQUISITOR .PREDATO MONGOLIA ............................ 47
NOSFERATU SECT ........... 13. 15 MUNDANE POWERS .................56
INVOLUNTARY HIBERNATION.30. 32 MYTHS.................................... 22
ISGILL RONALD ...................... 13
NETRUNNING .......................... 55
JAPAN .................................... 47 NEW EQUIPMENT ..................... 16
JONES. AMANDA ..................... 71 NEW MOON ........................... 78
NEW POWERS ......................... 55
NEW SKILLS ............................. 16
KINESIS ................................... 61 NIGHT CITY ............................. 46
KINGIQUEEN ............................. 8 NORTH AMERICA .................... 46
KILL ....................................... 11 NORTHERN ASIA ..................... 47
KISSED ...................................... 8 NOSFERATU ....................... 8. 29
KNIGHT .............................. 8. 14

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

OBITUARIES ............................ 11 PSYCHOLOGY ........................ 56
OCEANIA ............................... 47 PSYCHOMETRY ........................ 60
OFF-PLANET ............................ 47 PSYCHOSE .............................. 38
OLD ....................................... 25 PSYCHOSIS ............................. 72
PYROKlNESIS .......................... 61
PACK ..................................... 71
PACK LEADER ......................... 71 QUIRKS ............................ 20. 33
PARAPSYCHOLOGISTS.............. 52
PATHOS VAMPIRI ....................... 9
PAWNS ..................................... 8
PETERS. JONAS ........................ 72
PHYSICAL ADDICTION ..............31 RADIATION ............................. 28
POISONS ................................ 28 RAD1KlNESIS ............................ 62
POPPY SEEDS .......................... 33 RANDOM CATEGORY TABLE ..... 67
POWER RESTRICIONS..............55 RANDOM PREY TABLE .............. 18
CONVERSION TABLE .............64 POWER TABLE ...................... 63
PRECOGNITION ....................... 60 RANGE MODIFIER
PREDATO NOSFERATU.............. 14 ESP .................................. 54
PREDATO SECT ........................ 15 PSYCHOKINESIS ................. 54
PREDATOR ............................. 15 SELF CONTROL POWERS .... 54
PRINCE ..................................... 8 TELEPATHY ........................ 54
PRO VIVA PREDATO .................. 8 REACION MODIFIERS .............. 44
PSIONIC POWERS .................... 53 REACTIONS ............................. 44
PSY ................................. 53, 75 REACTIONS TABLE ................... 44
PSYBERPUNK ........................... 52 RECORDS ............................... 11
PSYCHE ........................... 20 53 . REFLECTIONS .......................... 22
PSYCHIC ........................... 10, 16 REGENERATION ................32, 63
PSYCHIC ASSAULT .................... 59 REGENERATIVE POWERS ..........31
PSYCHIC FOCUS ...................... 62 RICHARDS, SIMON ..... 13, 45, 46
PSYCHIC POWER ..................... 53 RIP, RIPPED, RIPPING .................. 8
PSYCHIC POWER USE ............... 54 ROMAN ................................. 27
PSYCHIC POWERS ROOK ............................... .8. 15
HUMANS ........................... 54
VAMPIRES ......................... 54 SAFE HOUSE ........................... 11
RANGE MODIFIERS ............ 63 SALT ....................................... 33
SUCCESS MODIFIER TABLE ...63 SANOUM ................................. 8
PSYCHIC SKILL LEVEL SANTPI ................................... 45
COSTTABLE ................... 6 ,67 SANITY DESCRIPTION TABLE ......45
PSYCHOKINESIS....................... 61 SCHIZOPHRENIC DISORDER ...... 72
ELECTROKINESIS ................60 ASTRAL BODY ................... 62
HEALING .......................... 61 BODY CONTROL ............... 62
KINESIS ............................. 61 PSYCHIC FOCUS.................62
MATTER ALTERATION ..........61 SENSES ................................... 34
PSYCHOKINESIS ................. 61 SENSORY ................................ 59
PYROKINESIS ..................... 61 SILVER .................................... 33
RADlKlNESlS ...................... 62 SILVER BULLm ....................... 16
TELEPORTATION ................ 62 SILVER WEAPONS .............. 70. 74
PSYCHOLOGICAL SILVERADO ...................... 17. 18
ADDICTION ....................... 28 SKILL POINTS TABLE .................. 66
DISORDER ........................ 72 SKILLS .................................... 16
LYCANTHROPES ................ 79 SLAVIC NOBlLllY ..................... 38
VAMPIRES ......................... 37 SLEEP ..................................... 35
WERE-WOLVES ..................79 SMELL .............................. 34. 75

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

SOLOUS (RUNNING WIND) .......76 VAMPIRE ................................ 20
SOUTH AMERICA ..................... 46 VAMPlRE AGE LEVEL TABLE ...24. 66
SOUTHERN ASIA ...................... 47 VAMPIRE CHARACTER
STAKER ................................... 16 GENERATION ....................... 66
STAYING AWAKE ..................... 35 VAMPIRE CREATION ................ 28
STRATEGY ............................... 11 VAMPIRE HUNTERS .................. 45
STUN CHECKS .......................... 31 VAMPIRE LORE ....................... 16
SUICIDE .................................. 45 VAMPIRE POSERS .................... 14
SUN KNlGHTS ............... 8, 13, 14, VAMPIRE RADIATION TABLE .....29
41,45, 46 VAMPIRES HUNTERS .................41
SUNBURNS .............................. 36 VAMPlRlC BLOOD .............21. 28
SUNLIGHT ............................... 36 VAMPIRISM ............................. 21
SUNRISE ........................... 35, 42 VERY OLD .............................. 25
SUNSET ............................ 35, 42 VON KONOS .......................... 50
VRYOLAKAS ........................... 42
TARGET .................................. 53
TASTE ..................................... 34 WATER ................................... 10
TEETH ..................................... 26 WEALTH ................................. 40
TELEPATHY .............................. 59 WEALTH ACCUMULATION TABLE .67
TELEPATHY POWERS WERE-WOLF ........................... 73
ANIMALS .......................... 57 WERE-WOLF CHILD ..................78
CHARM ............................ 57 WERE-WOLF INFO TABLE ..........74
CURE................................ 57 WERE-WOLF LEGENDS ............. 76
ILLUSION .......................... 58 SKILL POINTS TABLE...............74
MANIA ............................. 58 WERE-WOLVES
MENTAL ............................ 58 APPEARANCE .................... 74
MNEMONIC....................... 59 COMBAT........................... 74
PSYCHIC ASSAULT .............. 59 CREATION ........................ 73
SENSORY .......................... 59 CURE ............................... 74
TELEPATHY ........................ 59 FULL MOON...................... 74
TELEPORTATION ...................... 62 POPULATION ..................... 77
TERMINOLOGY ......................... 8 MISCELLANOUS .................75
TH EORlES ............................... 23 POWERS ........................... 75
THOMAS "THE DEMON" ............ 49 QUIRKS ............................ 75
TOUCH ................................... 34 SENSES ............................. 75
TRANSFORM ........................... 63 SILVER .............................. 75
TRANSYLVANIAN SocI€lY ........................... 75
OFVAMPIRE HUNTING .......... 13 WOLVEN .......................... 74
TRINITIES ................................... 8 WOLF ............................... 72. 76
WOLF HUNTING....................... 17
ULTRASONIC SOUNDS ..............75 WOLF PACK .............................. 8
UNHOLY ................................ 23 WOLVEN BLOOD.......70. 73. 76
WOLVEN RACE ....................... 76
WOOD .................................. 33
WOODEN STAKE ..................... 16
WORLD SITUATION ..................46

YOUNG .................................. 24
YOUNG. CATHERINE ................ 77

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

Name b
Role Apparent Age -
Real Age Age Level
Character Points,-.

INT ......[ ] REF ........[ ] TECH ] ....[

COOL ..[ ] All........[ ] LUCK ....[ ]
MA ......[ ] BODY .....
[ ] EMP [ ] .....
PSY......[ ] SAVE ......[ ] BTM .....I ]
Run ......[ ] Leap .......
[ ] Lift .......
[ ]

Feed Rate: Healing:

Psychic Powers:

,eduction .......................... [ I IEF 'aintor Draw .................... [ ]

bcial ................................ {
[ 1 I irchery ............................. 'hoto & Film ..................... [ ]
.......[ ............................ .................. [ ]
(0 indicates a new skill; v' indicates a
change to the skill) I 'erform
'ersuasion & Fast Talk
] [ I
............................. [
] hawling ...[ 1 .........................
'ick Lock........................... [ ]
........................ [ I
lance ...[ ] 'ick Pocket
SPECIAL ABILITIES NT lodge & Escape [ 1 ............... 'lay Instrument ..................[ ]
Authority ...........................
[ ] Accounting [ ] >riving ............ [ I .............................. Veaponsmith .......... [ ]
Charismatic Leadership .....
[ I Anthropology .[ . J :encing ...................
[ I ...:.............
Combat Sense [ ] iI 4warenesdNotice
................... [ 1 iandgun .............
[ 1 ...........................
Credibility ..........................
[ ] diology ' ..............................
[ 1 dewy Weapons [ ................ '
Family ................................
[ ] Body Language [ Magic ..............
.[ ............................
Interface ............................
[ ] Botany [ ...............................
Martial Art [ .........................
Jury Rig .............................
[ I Chemistry [ ..........................
Martial Art [ .........................
Medical Tech ........... [ ] Composition [ ...........
Martial Art [ .........................
Resources ..........................
[ ] 3iagnose Illness t Melee .................
[ ................................
Streetdeal ..........................
[ ] Education & Gen. Know [ Motorcycle [ .... ........................
Eidetic Memory [ ..............
Operate Hvy. Machinery [ ....
ATTR Expert t Pilot (Gyro) [ ........................
Personal Grooming ...........
[ 1 4 Gamble [ ..........................
Pilot (Fixed Wing) [ ..............
Wardrobe 81Style ..............
[ 1 Geology [ ............................
Pilot (Dirigible) [ ...................
Hide/Evade [ ............
Pilot Wed. Thrust Vehicle) .[
BODY History [ ...............................
Rifle [ ...................................
Endurance .........................
[ I Language t Stealth [ ...............................
Strenght Feat .......... [ 1 Language [ Sub-Machinegun [ ...............
Swimming .........................
[ ] Language [
Language [ TECH
COOVwlLL Library Research t Aero Tech ................ ..........................
Interogation ........... [ ] Mathematics [ AV Tech ......................
[ ............................
Intimidate ..........................[
] Physics [ ..............................
Basic Tech [ .............
Meditation ........... [ ] Programming t ..........
Cryotank Operation [ ...........
Oratory .............................
[ 1 Psychology [ ...........
Cyberdeck Design [ .............
Resist Torture/Drugs .........
[ I Shadownrack [ CyberTech ...................
[ .............
Streetwise ............. [ ] Stock Market ..[ Demolition...................
[ ............
System Knowledge [ Disguise ............
[ ............................
EMPATHY Teaching [ ...........................
Electronics .............
Animal Handling .............
[ I Vampire Lore [ ..................
Elect. Security [ ..........
Human Perception ............[
] Wilderness Survival [ FirstAid ............
[ .............................
Interview ...........................
[ ] Zoology [ .............................
Forgery [ .............................
Leadership ............. [ 1 Gyro Tech [ .........................

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

On Page 8, replace the Bishop's description
by: "A hunter who first detects and tracks
vampires. Often Media or Fixer."

On Page 14, Sun Knights get ten points for

skills after the two years training, not eight.

On Page 16, change the Stoker's damage

from 4dlO to 4d6, and reduce ammo to 6.

On Page 53, the maximumPSY forvampires

is 18, not 16.

On Page 53, under Psyche, replace the

second paragraph by: "Psyche points are
used to power psychic abilities. For each
current point of PSY, one level of one power
may be used. At the GMs discretion, those
PSY points may be temporarely lost after
the power is used to limit the use of psychic
powers and help preserve game balance.
PSY heals.. .I'

On Page 57, under the power abilities of

Cure, remove the Temp and Perm prefixes
from the restoration of PSY. Delete the
description of the ability at level 40

On Page 63, the category numbers on the

Random Psychic Power Table should read:
1-4Telepathy, 5 ESP, 6-9 Psychokinetic, 10
Self Control.

keagan gariepy (Order #39971765)

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