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Limestone Preparation

1. Weigh 100 g raw limestone.

2. Dry in the oven for 1 hour at 105 C.
3. After drying, grind the dried limestone using swing mill for 1 min.
4. Take a small portion of the grounded limestone and weigh 2.4120 g.
5. Transfer the weighed sample into the Blaine cylinder and test its Blaine. If the Blaine is less than
500, grind the limestone further for 30 sec to 1 min. Again, take a small portion of the grounded
limestone and test its Blaine. Repeat the procedure until the Blaine reaches around 500-600.
6. If the Blaine target is achieved, transfer the grounded limestone into the limestone container.
7. Weigh the desired amount of limestone to be used.

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