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Low-Grade Silica Sand Sample Preparation for Pozzolanic Activity Index Test

1. Place the weighing pan on the balance and weigh kg of L.G. Silica Sand sample.
2. Dry it in the oven at 105 C until moisture is removed.
3. After drying, grind the dried sand samples in the swing mill for 1 min. (3-4 tablespoon of sample
is recommended per batch)
4. Sieve the grounded sample using Mesh No. 200. Brush the sample towards the sieve mesh to
sieve effectively.
5. Set aside the “pass” portion of the sieved sand samples and return the “retained” portion of the
sieved samples into the weighing pan.
6. Grind the remaining sand samples in the swing mill for 1 min and repeat number 4 and 5 steps
until the “pass” portion of the sieved sand samples weighs more than 400 grams.
7. Prepare a zip lock bag and label it. Transfer the sieved sand samples into the zip lock bag.

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