Petani Sedang Duduk Bernaung Di Bawah Pohon Beringin Di Dekat Sawahnya

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petani sedang duduk bernaung di bawah pohon beringin di dekat sawahnya.

Petani itu duduk dengan tatapan sayu

memandangi tanaman padinya yang mulai menguning.
Petani itu pun termenung dan mulai menggerutu.
“bertahun-tahun aku mengolah sawahku dengan baik tanpa mengenal lelah, ku Tanami padi dengan
penuh keikhlasan dan kasih sayang. Tapi kenapa bertahun-tahun lamanya kehidupanku tetap seperti
ini tidak pernah berubah. Hasil panen tak kunjung membuahkan hasil maksimal padahal aku selalu
merawatnya. Sungguh tidak adil dunia ini…” Kata petani tersebut.

sitting under a banyan tree his rice field.

The farmer sat with a sad gaze
while looking at his rice plants
which were starting to turn yellow.
The farmer was pensive and began to grumble.
For many years I have cultivated
my fields well without being tired,
I have planted rice with sincerity and love.
But why have my life been like this for so many years (it never changes)
The harvest never yielded maximum results even though I always took care of it. This world is really
unfair…” said the farmer.
go go go
oi oi oi oi oi oi oi
burn at will
get rid of all
leave without thinking about the cause
only one burns gasoline
trotle pulled
get ready for those of you behind
there will be one explosion
don't be angry this is just mischief in life
we pull the trotle again
I just want to be a boy
do everything i want
don't make me a child
I want to be superman

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