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Preface Page 2
Module 1: Installing and Configuring Computer Systems Page 3

Occupational Health & Safety Procedures Page 4-7

Self-Check 1 Page 8
The Computer Sub-System And Peripherals Page 9-13
Self-Check 2 Page 14
Tools, Equipment and Testing Devices Page 15-16
Self-Check 3 Page 17
Computer Operating System Page 18-20
Self-Check 4 Page 21
Computer Assemble and Disassemble Page 22-36
Self-Check 5 Page 37
BIOS and Post Configuration Page 38-44
Self-Check 6 Page 45

Installers Preparation and Operating System

Installation Procedures Page 46-48
Self-Check 7 Page 49
Application and Devices/Driver’s Installation Procedure Page 50-55
Self-Check 8 Page 56

Computer Configuration Setup Page 57

Installation of Operating System Page 58-75
Device Drivers Page 76-80
Testing Installed Equipment/Devices (Components) Page 81-82
Self-Check 9 Page 83-84
Self-Check 10 Page 85

Install application software Page 86-89

Self-Check 11 Page 90

Burning or Testing installed equipment/devices Page 91-94

Self-Check 12 Page 95

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Welcome to this course on Computer Systems Servicing NC II!

This manual consists of four modules: (1) Installing and Configuring Computer
Systems, (2) Setting-up Computer Networks, (3) Setting up Computer Servers,
and (4) Maintaining and Repairing Computer Systems and Networks. It is
designed to equip you, TVL learners, with essential knowledge, skills, and
attitude on mechatronics in accordance with industry standards that will lead
you toward achieving National Certificate Level II.

Each module is made up of the following components:

1. Lesson Information—this provides you with the important knowledge,

principles, and attitude that will help you meet the expected learning
2. Self-Check—this helps you to assess your understanding of a lesson.

This manual is designed so you can pace yourself as you use them to achieve
the prescribed learning competencies. It also aims to prepare you to be at the
forefront of the fast-growing world of industry and in your quest for higher
education, middle-skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

We hope this material will be of great help to you!

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is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people
engaged in work. The goal of all occupational health and safety programs is to foster a safe work
environment. As a secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, employers,
customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the
workplace environment. It may involve interactions among many subject areas, including
occupational medicine, occupational (or industrial) hygiene, public health, safety engineering,
chemistry, health physics.

Safety practices should be learned early and always adhered to when working with any electrical
device, including personal computers and peripherals. This is for the protection of not only the people
working with them, but also for the devices themselves. The basis for this process begins with your
Occupational Health and Safety Policies.


While working inside your computer, do not attempt to service the computer except as explained
in this guide and elsewhere in product documentation. Always follow the instructions closely.

Computer equipment can be dangerous, and you or others can be injured or even killed if you don’t
follow proper safety guidelines when working along PC’s. The following are some precautionary
measures to take before working with any computer equipment:

Before you start to work on the computer, perform the following steps in the sequence indicated:

1. Turn off the computer and all peripherals.

2. Ground often to prevent static charges from building up by touching a piece of bare metal on the
chassis or power supply.
3. Disconnect the computer and peripherals from their electrical outlets. Doing so reduces the
potential for personal injury or shock. Also disconnect any telephone or telecommunication lines
from the computer.

NOTE: Before disconnecting a peripheral from the system or removing a component from the system
board, verify that the standby power light-emitting diode (LED) on the system board has turned off.

In addition, it is recommended that you periodically review the safety instructions in your System
Information Guide.

Page |4

1. Avoid direct contact with electricity.

2. Secure/check and prepare the materials and workplace.

3. Apply ESD (Electro Static Discharge).

4. Apply 5’s

a. Sort

b. Set in order

c. Shine

d. Standardized

e. Sustain

5. Use anti-static protection.

6. Work on dry clean areas.


 Keep the work area free of clutter and keep it clean.
 Keep food and drinks out of the work area.
 Avoid opening a computer monitor unless trained since it can store up to 25,000 volts.
 Remove all jewelry and watches
 Make sure that the power is off and the power plug has been removed
 Do not look at the laser beam that is found in computer related equipment.
 Make sure that the fire extinguisher and first aid kit is available.
 Cover sharp edges with tape when working inside the computer case.
 Wear shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to help reduce the chance of being shocked or
seriously injured in an electrical accident.
 When you shut down your computer, be sure to shut it down properly.  Do not turn it off with the
case switch.
 Do not remove expansion cards from a computer when it is turned on.
 Do not work on components that are plugged into their power source.


- is anything used or worn by a person to minimize risk to the person's health or safety and
includes a wide range of clothing and safety equipment. PPE includes boots, face masks, hard hats, ear
plugs, respirators, gloves, safety harnesses, high visibility clothing etc.

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In every aspect of work, it is necessary to have concern especially to health in ord er to avoid hazard. PPE
can be considered in the following categories, based on the type of protection afforded by the equipment:

Types of personal
Description Examples
protective equipment

Respiratory protection Use to protect our nasal passages in breathing disposable, cartridge, airline,
to filter the radical elements present in the air half or full face
Eye protection Use to protect our eyes from small element spectacles/goggles, shields,
coming the air visors
Hearing protection Use to protect the ears from too much noise or ear muffs and plugs
very loud machines
Hand protection Use to protect our hands from dangers and cuts Gloves, anti-static wrist strap
Foot protection Use to protect our feet from pointed object in shoes/boots
the ground
Head protection Use to protect our head from any falling debris helmets, caps, hoods, hats
Working from heights Use to attached our body securely in a strong harness and fall arrest devices
Skin protection Use to protect our skin from intense heat of the hats, sunburn cream, long
sun sleeved clothes


Preventive maintenance and strict observation of occupational health and safety will lead to a safe
working environment to all. Using the appropriate personal protective equipment will minimize the
untoward incident that may happen. In order the technician, be safe all the times and hazard will be
avoided they are encourage to use the personal protective equipment always specially if they are in the

Description Examples
of Hazards
Chemical Substances which can cause harm if Etching solution, Lead, Mercury
not properly used or stored
Physical Physical things that can bring hazard Hand tools, Power tools, Machinery, Electrical
to you as a technician power, Ladders and scaffolds
Biological Hazards caused by insects and Unclean and disorganized, Animal and insect
animals which can results to bites
irritation and allergies
Ergonomic Working condition which can cause Poor lighting and ventilation, Poor sitting

Page |6
harm in a long run like back aches position, Wrong lifting movement
and poor eyesight
Psychological Problems and anxiety in the Difficulty in work, Heavy workload, Too much
workplace servicing jobs, Conflict with employer and co-
worker, Irregular shifting work schedule


Directions: Read and Answer the question carefully. Write your answer in the answer sheet
Give at least 10 Occupation healths and Safety (OHS) policies and procedures in CSS.











Page |7
Computer Hardware is the collection of physical elements that comprise a computer system.
Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or components of computer.


A. System unit
The electronic circuitry that is housed within the computer where processing happens. It is a main
part of a microcomputer.

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1. External parts (These parts are found outside the System Unit)

Power switch – It switches the computer on and off. It is

found in front of the system unit

Optical drive – This is where disks are inserted. This

may be a floppy disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, a hard disk
drive, or any combination of these drives

System case – House the internal components and

protects them against dust and damage.

Back panel ports – These are the holes at the back of the
system unit that allows transfer of data.

Light emitting diode – These are lights in front of the

system unit

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2. Internal parts (These parts are found inside the System Unit)

Microprocessor or central processing unit – It is actually

the heart or brain of the computer. It carries out and
performs most of the instructions from either user of

Card – This is where disks are inserted. This may be a

floppy disk drive, a CD-Rom drive, a hard disk drive, or any
combination of these drives.

Motherboard – It is the main circuit board that contains the

central processing unit for the computer, memory and
sometimes printer ports or other devices.

Network interface card – The PC expansion board that plug

into a personal computer or server and works with the
network operating system to control the flow of information
over the network.

Hard disk – Also known as hard drive is a magnetic storage

device that is installed inside the computer.

Power supply - Gives the system unit enough power in


FAN - Keeps the CPU cool inside

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Memory - Is a temporary storage space of information and


These are devices that accept input (data instructions) from the user or from another computer
The following are the most common input devices that:
 Enable you to input information and commands into to computer.
 Function as a medium in translating human language into machine or computer language so
that the computer could process the commands supplied by the user.

Keyboard – It is similar to a typewriter but has special buttons

or keys that signify a command. It is used to enter data and
commands into the computer

Mouse – It is a box-like input device connected along wire.

This device controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a
display screen

Scanner- it is an input device that read text or illustration

printed on paper, translates the information into a form that a
computer can use.

Video camera - camera using videotape: a camera that records

onto videotape

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These are devices that translate and represent the processed information from the computer’s CPU into
human readable forms.

Monitor or video display screen - A device that resembles

a television screen for users to see the activities that they are
doing in the computer.

Printer - it is a piece of hardware that produces a paper copy

(also known as ‘hardcopy’) of the information generated by
the computer

Speaker - A device that changes the electrical signals into a

form that can be heard and understood by humans.

P a g e | 12
Identify the following computer components. Write your answer in the answer sheet

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Tools, Equipment and Testing Devices

FLASH DRIVE – RAM that can retain data without

electrical power. It is widely used for BIOS chips and for
digital camera and digital music storage.

LONG NOSE PLIERS – is used for holding, bending and

stretching the lead of electronics component or connecting

SOLDERING KIT – is used to join two or more metal

conductors with the support of soldering lead melted around

DESOLDERING TOOL – is used to unsolder unwanted

parts or component in the circuit with the support of
soldering pencil.

SCREW DRIVER - is used to drive or fasten positive

slotted screws

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MULTITESTER- is an instrument use to measure voltage,
current and resistance.

Tweezers – Used to manipulate small parts.

Part Retriever – Used to retrieve parts from location that is

too small for your hand to fit.

Flashlight – Used to light up areas that you cannot see well.

Compressed Air – Used to blow away dust and debris from

different computer parts without touching the components.

Anti-Static Wrist Strap – Used to prevent ESD damage to

computer equipment

Anti- static mat - Used to stand on or place hardware on to

prevent static electricity from building up.

Lint-free Cloth – Used to clean different computer

components without scratching or leaving debris.

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Loop –Back Adapter – Used to test the functionality of the
computer ports


Directions Name the tools presented below. Write your answer in the answer sheet.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

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4. 9.

5. 10.


Operating System - is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common
services for application software. The operating system is a vital component of the system software in a
computer system. Application programs require an operating system which are usually separate programs,
but can be combined in simple systems.

Time-sharing operating systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also include
accounting for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and other resources.
What Operating Systems Do?
Operating systems define how a computer stores files, switches between different applications, manages
memory, keeps itself secure, and interacts with peripherals like printers and cameras. Different operating
systems take different approaches to all of these, which is why you normally can't run a Windows
program on a Macintosh computer and why permissions look different on an Android phone than on an
Some operating systems are designed by groups of people around the world, like the open source, freely
available operating system Linux, while others are commercial products made by one company, such as
Microsoft's Windows and Apple's macOS.
Different operating systems run on different types of hardware and are designed for different types of
applications. For example, iOS is designed for iPhones and iPad tablets, while Mac desktops and laptops
use macOS. Your computer or smartphone comes equipped with an OS, but you can install another one in
some cases.

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A real-time operating system is a multitasking operating system that aims at executing real-time
applications. Real-time operating systems often use specialized scheduling algorithms so that they can
achieve a deterministic nature of behavior. The main objective of real-time operating systems is their
quick and predictable response to events. They have an event-driven or timesharing design and often
aspects of both. An event-driven system switches between tasks based on their priorities or external
events while time-sharing operating systems switch tasks based on clock interrupts.
A multi-user operating system allows multiple users to access a computer system concurrently. Time-
sharing system can be classified as multi-user systems as they enable a multiple user access to a computer
through the sharing of time. Single-user operating systems, as opposed to a multi-user operating system,
are usable by a single user at a time. Being able to use multiple accounts on a Windows operating system
does not make it a multi-user system. Rather, only the network administrator is the real user. But for a
Unix-like operating system, it is possible for two users to login at a time and this capability of the OS
makes it a multi-user operating system.
Multi-tasking vs. Single-tasking
When only a single program is allowed to run at a time, the system is grouped under a single-tasking
system. However, when the operating system allows the execution of multiple tasks at one time, it is
classified as a multitasking operating system. Multi-tasking can be of two types: pre-emptive or co-
CBLM Computer System Servicing,NC II Installing and Configuring Computer Systems Date Developed:
March 2,2016 Date Revised: Document No. DHS CSS-001-16 Issued by: Developed by: Page 29 of 96
Revision # 0 operative. In pre-emptive multitasking, the operating system slices the CPU time and
dedicates one slot to each of the programs. Unix-like operating systems such as Solaris and Linux support
pre-emptive multitasking, as does Amiga OS. Cooperative multitasking is achieved by relying on each
process to give time to the other processes in a defined manner. 16-bit versions of Microsoft Windows
used cooperative multi-tasking. 32-bit versions, both Windows NT and Win9x, used pre-emptive multi-
tasking. Mac OS prior to OS X used to support cooperative multitasking.
A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a
single computer. The development of networked computers that could be linked and communicate with
each other gave rise to distributed computing. Distributed computations are carried out on more than one
machine. When computers in a group work in cooperation, they make a distributed system.
Embedded operating systems are designed to be used in embedded computer systems. They are designed
to operate on small machines like PDAs with less autonomy. They are able to operate with a limited
number of resources. They are very compact and extremely efficient by design. Windows CE and Minix 3
are some examples of embedded operating systems.

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Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows has existed in one form or another since 1985, and it remains the most popular operating
system for home and office computers. Its latest versions, including Windows 10, are also used on some tablets,
and the OS is used on some web and number-crunching server computers as well. Computers from a wide variety
of manufacturers can use Windows.
Initial versions of Windows worked with an earlier Microsoft operating system called MS-DOS, providing a
modern graphical interface on top of DOS's traditional text-based commands. Signature features of Microsoft
Windows's user interface include windows themselves – rectangle-shaped, on-panel screens that represent
individual applications. The Windows Start menu has helped generations of users find programs and files on their
Efforts to use versions of the Windows OS for smartphones have been less successful.
Apple iOS
Apple's iOS is one of the most popular smartphone operating systems, second only to Android. It runs on Apple
hardware, including iPhones, iPad tablets and iPod Touch media players.
Signature features of iOS include the App Store where users buy apps and download free software, an emphasis on
security including strong encryption to limit what unauthorized users can extract from the phone, and a simple,
streamlined interface with minimal hardware buttons.
Google's Android OS
Android is the most popular operating system in the world judging by the number of devices installed. Largely
developed by Google, it's chiefly used on smartphones and tablets. Unlike iOS, it can be used on devices made by a
variety of different manufacturers, and those makers can tweak parts of its interface to suit their own needs.
Users can download custom versions of the operating system because large portions of it are open source, meaning
anyone can legally modify it and publish their own. However, most people prefer to stick with the version that
comes on their devices.
Android, like iOS, comes with an application and media store called the Play Store built by Google. Some phone
manufacturers and other organizations also offer their own stores to install software and media.
Apple macOS
Apple's macOS, successor to the popular OS X operating system, runs on Apple laptops and desktops. Based in part
on the historic family of Unix operating systems dating back to research in the 1960s at AT&T's Bell Labs, macOS
shares some features with other Unix-related operating systems including Linux. While the graphical interfaces are
different, many of the underlying programming interfaces and command line features are the same.
Signature elements of macOS include the dock used to find programs and frequently used files, unique keyboard
keys including the Command key, and the stoplight-colored buttons used to resize open program windows. MacOS
is known for its user-friendly features, which include Siri, a natural-voice personal assistant, and FaceTime, Apple's
video-calling application.
Linux Operating System
Unlike many other operating systems, development on Linux isn't led by any one company. The operating system
was created by Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds in 1991. Nowadays, programmers from all over the world
collaborate on its open source code and submit tweaks to the central kernel software and other programs.
A wide assortment of commercial and open source software is available for Linux, and various Linux distributions
provide custom user interfaces and tools for installing software onto machines running the operating system. A
favorite of many programmers, Linux is widely used on corporate and scientific servers, including cloud computing
environments. Linux can be run on a wide variety of hardware and is available free of charge over the internet.

P a g e | 19

Identify the Precautions and Procedures write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the
statement is wrong. Write your answer in the answer sheet

________1) An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and
provide common services for application software.

________2) Operating system is not a vital component of the system software in a computer system.
Application programs require an operating system which are usually separate programs, but can be
combined in simple systems.

________3) Time-sharing operating systems schedule time for efficient use of the system and may also
include accounting for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and other resources.

________4) Operating systems define how a computer stores files, switches between different
applications, manages memory, keeps itself secure, and interacts with peripherals like printers and

________5) Operating systems are found on almost any device that contains a computer—from cellular
phones and video game consoles to supercomputers and web servers.

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One of the basic skills that you must acquire in computer hardware servicing is to independently assemble
and disassemble a personal computer or simply setting up a PC. After familiarizing with all the tools and
safety precautions I believe that you are now ready to gain another experience in CHS by going through
this lesson.

Personal Computer Disassembly

Before starting computer disassembly, make sure you have the tools you need and they're all close by and
handy and be sure to have a container to keep the screws in so you have them when you want to put things
back together.

Step 1. Unplugging - The first thing you do is to unplug every cable that is plugged in to your computer.
That includes the cables such as Power, USB, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet, Ethernet, Modem, AM\FM
Antenna, Cable TV, etc. Just unplug all the cables for safety purposes.
Now that your computer is fully unplugged, move your PC to a clean work space, preferably a
carpet. The carpet is better than tile, because screws and other small parts will roll around.
Step 2. Opening the Outer Shell/Case- First, unscrew the four screws at the back of the computer. On
most computer cases, there will be large knobs that you can unscrew by hand or by screw driver on the
back-right side of the computer. The left side has small screws because on that side you can't access much
on the inside.
Figure 33. Screw at the back of computer chasis

Once the screws are removed, you can remove the side panels. On most computers, they just slide
off. Start with the left side panel (the side that once had the knobs), slide it towards the back of the
computer. Now you can remove the left panel. Just like the other side, slide it towards the back of the
Figure 34. Removing the side panel


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If you are working on a carpet, about every five minutes touch something that is grounded (Sink faucet /
pipe, wire coming from the ground part of a wall outlet). This is done so you do not shock your
motherboard or other parts.

Step 3. Removing the System Fan - First, unplug the fan from the motherboard. You can find the plug
by following the wire from the fan. It should be labeled "SYS_FAN1". Next, you will have to unscrew the
fan from the outside. You should now be able to lift the fan out of the PC.

Figure 35. Removing the system fan

System Fan

Step 4. Removing the CPU Fan- The CPU fan is located right on top of the CPU heat sink, which is a
large piece of metal with fins on the top. The CPU fan plugs into the motherboard in an awkward place,
that is hard to access. But just follow the wires and you should easily find it. It is labeled "CPU FAN1".
To remove the fan from the heat sink, remove the four screws securing it in place.

Figure 36. Removing the CPU fan


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Step 5. Power Supply - The first thing to do is unplug every wire coming from the power supply. You
must disconnect the motherboard (very large connector/plug), CD/DVD drive(s) power, internal hard
drive power and portable hard drive slot power.
Once everything is unplugged, unscrew the four screws holding the power supply in place, on the
back of the computer. Next, push the power supply from the outside, and then lift it out.
Figure 37. Unscrew the power supply

Step 6. CD/ DVD Drive(s)- First, unplug the ribbon from the back of the drive. Once that is completed,
pull on the tab securing the drive in place, then push it out from the inside.
Figure 38. Location of CD / DVD Drive


Step 7. Hard Drive - First, unplug the connector at the back of the slot, and unplug the other end from the
motherboard. Also unplug the SATA cable from the motherboard and the hard drive. The portable hard
drive slot is secured the same way the CD/DVD drive is, with a tab. Pull on the tab, then slide the slot out.

Figure 39. Unplugging the Hard Drive connector

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To remove the hard drive from the side of the slot, unscrew the four screws securing it in place. You must
be very careful not to drop the hard drive, since it is very delicate!
Figure 40. Removing the hard drive from the side of the slot

Step 8. Memory (RAM) - To remove the RAM, push down on both tabs holding the RAM in place,
which are located at both ends of the RAM
Figure 41. Removing the Memory

Step 9. Motherboard - The motherboard has seven screws holding it to the frame, which are indicated by
large white circles around them. Remove them and then lift the motherboard out of the frame.
Figure 42. Removing the Motherboard

P a g e | 24
1. Take Inventory:
Before you start, take an inventory of your parts. Do not begin assembling your computer if you don't have
everything you need. Begin the step-by-step process once you are ready with everything you need.

Figure 43. Take inventory of the Different Computer Parts

2. Make Space, Make Time:

Building a PC takes up space - about a dining room table worth.  So, make sure you have plenty of
working room and a few hours to proceed with minimal interruption. Work on a flat, stable table top
surface, or bare floor, where you have room to layout all of the items.
3. Prepare Grounding Protection:
Use an inexpensive antistatic wrist strap. It is the perfect preventive measure if you have no
alternative to working on carpet. Remember, a table top or bare floor is always the best place to build
your system. Make sure you are wearing your antistatic wrist strap correctly (it does you no good at all if
you do not wear it!), and you are ready to proceed. Look at Figure 42 for details.
Figure 44. Wearing the Anti- static Wrist Strap Correctly

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4. Have the Drivers Ready:
Assuming you have another internet connected PC, download the latest drivers from the vendors'
websites for each component you will be installing.  Sometimes drivers are updated between the time the
component was manufactured and the time you are installing it.  It is always best to have the latest.  Copy
them to a CD for easy access.


1. Great care should be taken when installing the motherboard. First, take the board out of its
packaging and put it on top of the antistatic bag it came in (see Figure 45). Remember, you always
want to safeguard your components from potentially hazardous static electricity (wear your strap).

Figure 45. Motherboard in an Antistatic Bag

2. Before you secure the motherboard onto the PC case/chassis, inspect it carefully for any visible

3. Next, review the motherboard manual, to make sure you are familiar with the motherboard layout
and understand which socket is which. Manuals are extremely helpful, usually easy to read, and
include illustrations. Below you can find instructions on how to install the processor, the heat sink
and the memory modules on the motherboard. You should not place the motherboard in the
computer case until you are told to do so.


1. Use the unlocking mechanism to open the CPU socket which is usually a lever.
2. Carefully line up the pins and place the chip in its socket; it will fit only when oriented the proper
way. An arrow or a missing pin on one corner of the chip will show you how to line things up.
3. Align Triangular CPU and socket key marks as shown in Figure 46.
4. Lower the lever to lock the CPU into place.
Figure 46. Install CPU

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1. Follow the manufacturer's directions to install the heat sink and the fan that will cool the
processor. If you bought an OEM CPU and a separate heat sink, you may need to spread a thin
layer of the thermal grease that came with the heat sink over the chip to ensure proper transfer of
heat (some heat sinks come with this grease already applied).

Figure 47. Install CPU Heat Sink

3. Attach the clip that holds the heat sink in place keeping in mind that it may require a fair amount
of force. Again, follow the instructions that came with the heat sink. They will show you how to
fit it correctly.  If you are in doubt, you can visit the manufacturer's website for more information.

4. Plug the CPU fan's power connector into the proper connector on the motherboard.


In order to install the memory modules, insert them into the proper sockets (Figure 48) and push
down firmly but evenly until the clips on both sides of the socket pop into place. If your motherboard
supports dual-channel memory, consult the user manual to determine which pairs of RAM sockets you
should use. The motherboard and the CPU are the brain and nerve center of your PC, so selecting these
components is the most important decision you'll make.

Figure 48. Install RAM Memory

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1. Some PC cases have a removable motherboard tray. If yours does, remove the screws holding it in
place and pull it out of the case (Figure 49).
Figure 49. Remove Motherboard Tray

2. Note the pattern of the holes in your motherboard (Figure 50), and screw brass standoffs into the
motherboard tray or into the PC case in the correct locations (ALWAYS check the manual and
follow their instructions to the letter).
Figure 50. Screw Brass Standoffs Into the Motherboard

3. Check the layout of the sockets on the motherboard, and confirm that the ports on your motherboard's
back panel match the holes on the case's Input/Output (I/O) shield that is installed in your case. If
necessary, remove the old I/O shield by tapping it firmly a few times with the butt-end of a screwdriver,
and then replace it with the shield that came with the new motherboard.

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4. Carefully position the motherboard on top of the brass standoffs (Figure 51), line up all the holes, and
use the screws that accompanied the case to fasten down the motherboard. If you are using a removable
tray in your system, slide the tray and motherboard back into the case and then secure the tray.
Figure 51. Case’s I /O Shield

Figure 52. Mount the Motherboard

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Making the proper connections is crucial to successfully assembling your PC system. Fortunately,
manufacturers provide color-coded power cables and unique connector shapes to make the job easy.

1. First, plug the large ATX power connector (Figure 53) from your power supply into the matching port
on your motherboard. Look Figure X for details
Figure 53. Large ATX Connector

3. Locate the smaller, square processor power connector (Figure 54) (you cannot miss it - it is the
one sprouting the yellow and black wires) and attach it to the motherboard. Note: your connector
is usually located near the processor. As always, refer to your motherboard's manual for the exact
Figure 54. Connect the ATX Power in the Motherboard

3. Use your motherboard user manual and find the description about front-panel connectors.
Figure 55. Square Processor Power Connector

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You are going to be doing work that requires attention to detail and can be quite frustrating if you do not
go into it with the right attitude.
4. Attach each of the tiny leads from the power and reset switches (Figure 56), the hard-disk activity
lights, the PC speaker, and any front-panel USB and FireWire ports to the corresponding pin on your
motherboard. The needle-nose pliers are useful for manipulating small pieces.

Figure 56. Connect the different Leads


1. Begin by removing the backplane cover from the AGP or PCI Express X16 slot (the metal piece
where the monitor connector will emerge) (Figure 57).

Figure 57. Remove the backplane cover

P a g e | 32
2. Install the graphics board in that slot, and then secure the card with a screw (Figure 58).

Figure 58. Install the Graphics Board


Now it is time to install your drives. This is an easy process, but it requires attention to detail.

1. Make any necessary changes to jumpers on the drives before mounting them in the case. A two-
drive system (one or two SATA (Serial ATA- is a standard hardware interface for connecting hard
drives and CD/DVD drives to a computer) hard drives, plus one parallel ATA
(Advanced Technology Attachment) optical drive, for example) is easy to set up; the SATA drives
are jumper less, and the optical drive can be set as master on its own parallel ATA channel. Many
cases have removable drive rails or cages to house drives.

2. Use the included screws to attach your drives to the rails or cage, and slide them into the case. For
externally accessible drives such as a DVD recorder, you can save time by installing one drive rail
and sliding the drive in for a test fitting to make sure that its front is flush with the case (Figure

3. When the drives are installed, connect power and data cables to each one. Parallel ATA drives use
wide, flat data cables that can be installed only in the correct way. Floppy drives use a similar but
smaller cable; SATA drives use a thin, 1cm-wide data cable. SATA drives use a new type of
power connector that many power supplies don't come with. Fortunately, many motherboards ship
with adapters for converting a standard four-pin power connector to a SATA power
connector (Figure 59).

P a g e | 33
Figure 59. Attach your devices

Figure60. Connect Power Connector


1. For each add-in card, you must choose a free PCI slot.
2. Remove its backplane cover to allow access from the rear of the case.
3. Carefully position the card above the slot, and press down firmly to seat the card (Figure 61).
4. Secure the card with a screw.

P a g e | 34
Figure 61. Add- in Cards

Many motherboards have additional sound connectors or ports housed on small add-in boards. Some of
this plug into slots on the motherboard; others screw into the back of the case in place of slot covers.
Usually the additional ports are not essential to your PC's operation. For example, if you install a sound
card, you do not need connectors to the motherboard's built-in sound chip. Check your motherboard
manual to determine what each of these boards does.

Connecting Peripherals of a Personal Computer

When attaching hardware and peripherals of the computer, ensure that they are connected to the
correct locations or ports. For example, some mouse and keyboard cables use the same type of PS/2
connector. So, you must know first the different ports that can be found in the back panel of the computer.
Keep in mind:
1. When attaching cables, never force a connection.
2. Plug in the power cable after you have connected all other cables.

P a g e | 35

Step 1. Attach the monitor cable to the video port.

Step 2. Secure the cable by tightening the screws on the connector.
Figure 62. Attach the Monitor Cable

Step 3. Plug the keyboard cable into the PS/2 keyboard port.
Figure 63. Plug the Keyboard Cable

Step 4. Plug the mouse cable into the PS/2 mouse port.
Figure 64. Plug the Mouse Cable

P a g e | 36
Step 5. Plug the USB cable into a USB port.
Figure 65. Plug the USB Cable

Step 6. Plug the network cable into the network port.

Figure 66. Plug the Network Cable

Step 7. Plug the power cable into the power supply.

Figure 67. Plug the Power Cable

After connecting all the cables into their proper places, the picture in the next page should be the
appearance of the back panel of your PC.

Figure 68. Appearance of the PC’s Back Panel

P a g e | 37

Rearrange the following procedure. Write only the number on the space provided.
Write your answer in the answer sheet

A. Personal Computer Disassembly B. Personal Computer Assembly

____1. Detaching the Hard Drive ___1. Connect the Power Supply

____2. Detaching the power supply ____2. Install Graphics / Video Cards

____3. Opening the outer shell / case ____3. Install Internal Drives

____4. Pull Out the Motherboard ____4. Install Memory (RAM Modules)

____5. Removing the CD / DVD Drives ____5. Install the Add- in Cards

____6. Removing the CPU fan ____6. Install the CPU

____7. Removing the system fan ____7. Install the CPU Heat Sink

____8. Place the motherboard into the case

____9. Prepare the Motherboard

____10. Prepare your workplace

P a g e | 38
BIOS (basic input/output system) - is the program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get
the computer system started after you turn it on. It also manages data flow between
the computer's operating system and attached devices such as the hard disk, video adapter, keyboard,
mouse and printer.
Next to the CPU, the BIOS is the most important chip found on the motherboard. A firmware device, the
BIOS provides vital services at boot up, hardware standards for your system and, through its
configuration utility, many ways to customize your system.

The System BIOS is the lowest-level software in the computer; it acts as an interface between the
hardware (especially the chipset and processor) and the operating system. The BIOS provides access to
the system hardware and enables the creation of the higher-level operating systems (DOS, Windows 95,
etc.) that you use to run your applications. The BIOS is also responsible for allowing you to control your
computer's hardware settings, for booting up the machine when you turn on the power or hit the reset
button, and various other system functions.

One of the most important functions that the BIOS plays is to boot up the system. When the PC is first
turned on, its main system memory is empty, and it needs to find instructions immediately to tell it what
to run to start up the PC. These it finds within the BIOS program, because the BIOS is in read-only
permanent memory and so is always available for use, even when the rest of system memory is empty.

The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) chip performs a variety of important tasks during system
operation. On systems that use 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows (Windows 95 or newer), the BIOS
has relatively little to do with system operation after the boot process has been completed. However,
during the boot process, the BIOS is an extremely critical component. Tasks that the BIOS chip performs

 Configuration and control of standard devices

 The power-on self-test (POST)

 The location of an operating system, to which it turns over control of the system by using the
Bootstrap loader


The BIOS is a complex piece of firmware ("software on a chip") that provides support for the following
devices and features of your system:

 Selection and configuration of storage devices, such as hard drives, floppy drives, and CD-ROM drives
 Configuration of main and cache memory
 Configuration of built-in ports, such as IDE hard disk, floppy disk, serial, parallel, PS/2 mouse, and USB
 Selection and configuration of special motherboard features, such as memory error correction, antivirus
protection, and fast memory access
 Support for different CPU types, speeds, and special features
 Support for advanced operating systems, including networks, Windows 9x, and Windows 2000 (Plug and
 Power management

P a g e | 39
BIOS and Software Layer Model

Layer # Layer

0 Hardware

1 System BIOS

2 Operating System

3 Application


Despite its many functions and the important role it plays in running your PC, the system BIOS is most
"famous" for the BIOS setup program, the little built-in utility that lets you set the many functions that
control how your computer works. In fact, some people even call this program "the BIOS" or "the
CMOS" which of course is inaccurate ("CMOS" refers to the technology used to create the tiny memory
where the BIOS settings are stored).


A uniform standard was created between the makers of processors and the makers of BIOS programs, so
that the processor would always look in the same place in memory to find the start of the BIOS program.
The processor gets its first instructions from this location, and the BIOS program begins executing. The
BIOS program then begins the system boot sequence which calls other programs, gets your operating
system loaded, and your PC up and running.

The BIOS program is always located in a special reserved memory area, the upper 64K of the first
megabyte of system memory (addresses F000h to FFFFh). Some BIOSes use more than this 64K area.


The system BIOS is what starts the computer running when you turn it on. The following are the steps
that a typical boot sequence involves. Of course, this will vary by the manufacturer of your hardware,
BIOS, etc., and especially by what peripherals you have in the PC. Here is what generally happens when
you turn on your system power:

1. The internal power supply turns on and initializes. The power supply takes some time until it can
generate reliable power for the rest of the computer, and having it turn on prematurely could
potentially lead to damage. Therefore, the chipset will generate a reset signal to the processor (the
same as if you held the reset button down for a while on your case) until it receives the  Power
Good signal from the power supply.
2. When the reset button is released, the processor will be ready to start executing. When the
processor first starts up, it is suffering from amnesia; there is nothing at all in the memory to
execute. Of course, processor makers know this will happen, so they pre-program the processor to
always look at the same place in the system BIOS ROM for the start of the BIOS boot program.
This is normally location FFFF0h, right at the end of the system memory. They put it there so that
the size of the ROM can be changed without creating compatibility problems. Since there are only

P a g e | 40
16 bytes left from there to the end of conventional memory, this location just contains a "jump"
instruction telling the processor where to go to find the real BIOS startup program.
3. The BIOS performs the power-on self-test (POST). If there are any fatal errors, the boot process
stops. POST beep codes can be found in this area of the Troubleshooting Expert.
4. The BIOS looks for the video card. In particular, it looks for the video cards built in BIOS
program and runs it. This BIOS is normally found at location C000h in memory. The system BIOS
executes the video card BIOS, which initializes the video card. Most modern cards will display
information on the screen about the video card. (This is why on a modern PC you usually see
something on the screen about the video card before you see the messages from the system BIOS
5. The BIOS then looks for other devices' ROMs to see if any of them have BIOSes. Normally, the
IDE/ATA hard disk BIOS will be found at C8000h and executed. If any other device BIOSes are
found, they are executed as well.
6. The BIOS displays its startup screen.
7. The BIOS does more tests on the system, including the memory count-up test which you see on
the screen. The BIOS will generally display a text error message on the screen if it encounters an
error at this point; these error messages and their explanations can be found in this part of the
Troubleshooting Expert.
8. The BIOS performs a "system inventory" of sorts, doing more tests to determine what sort of
hardware is in the system. Modern BIOSes have many automatic settings and will determine
memory timing (for example) based on what kind of memory it finds. Many BIOSes can also
dynamically set hard drive parameters and access modes, and will determine these at roughly this
time. Some will display a message on the screen for each drive they detect and configure this way.
The BIOS will also now search for and label logical devices (COM and LPT ports).
9. If the BIOS supports the Plug and Play standard, it will detect and configure Plug and Play devices
at this time and display a message on the screen for each one it finds. See here for more details on
how PnP detects devices and assigns resources.
10. The BIOS will display a summary screen about your system's configuration. Checking this page of
data can be helpful in diagnosing setup problems, although it can be hard to see because
sometimes it flashes on the screen very quickly before scrolling off the top.
11. The BIOS begins the search for a drive to boot from. Most modern BIOSes contain a setting that
controls if the system should first try to boot from the floppy disk (A:) or first try the hard disk
(C:). Some BIOSes will even let you boot from your CD-ROM drive or other devices, depending
on the boot sequence BIOS setting.
12. Having identified its target boot drive, the BIOS looks for boot information to start the operating
system boot process. If it is searching a hard disk, it looks for a master boot record at cylinder 0,
head 0, sector 1 (the first sector on the disk); if it is searching a floppy disk, it looks at the same
address on the floppy disk for a volume boot sector.
13. If it finds what it is looking for, the BIOS starts the process of booting the operating system, using
the information in the boot sector. At this point, the code in the boot sector takes over from the
BIOS. The DOS boot process is described in detail here. If the first device that the system tries
(floppy, hard disk, etc.) is not found, the BIOS will then try the next device in the boot sequence,
and continue until it finds a bootable device.

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14. If no boot device at all can be found, the system will normally display an error message and then
freeze up the system. What the error message is depends entirely on the BIOS, and can be
anything from the rather clear "No boot device available" to the very cryptic "NO ROM BASIC -
SYSTEM HALTED". This will also happen if you have a bootable hard disk partition but forget
to set it active.

This process is called a "cold boot" (since the machine was off, or cold, when it started). A "warm boot" is
the same thing except it occurs when the machine is rebooted using {Ctrl}+{Alt}+{Delete} or similar. In
this case the POST is skipped and the boot process continues roughly at step 8 above.


The first thing that the BIOS does when it boots the PC is to perform what is called the  Power-On Self-
Test, or POST for short. The POST is a built-in diagnostic program that checks your hardware to ensure
that everything is present and functioning properly, before the BIOS begins the actual boot. It later
continues with additional tests (such as the memory test that you see printed on the screen) as the boot
process is proceeding.

The POST runs very quickly, and you will normally not even be noticed that it is happening--unless it
finds a problem (amazing how many things are like that, isn't it?) You may have encountered a PC that,
when turned on, made beeping sounds and then stopped without booting up. That is the POST telling you
something is wrong with the machine. The speaker is used because this test happens so early on, that the
video isn't even activated yet! These beep patterns can be used to diagnose many hardware problems with
your PC. The exact patterns depend on the maker of the BIOS; the most common are Award and AMI
BIOSes. This part of the Troubleshooting Expert will help you figure out what the POST beep codes
mean and what to do about them, if you are having this problem.

Note: Some POST errors are considered "fatal" while others are not. A fatal error means that it will
halt the boot process immediately (an example would be if no system memory at all is found). In
fact, most POST boot errors are fatal, since the POST is testing vital system components.

Many people don't realize that the POST also uses extended troubleshooting codes that you can use to get
much more detail on what problem a troublesome PC is having. You can purchase a special debugging
card that goes into an ISA slot and accepts the debugging codes that the BIOS sends to a special I/O
address, usually 80h. The card displays these codes and this lets you see where the POST stops, if it finds
a problem. These cards are obviously only for the serious PC repairperson or someone who does a lot of
work on systems.


When the system BIOS starts up, you will see its familiar screen display, normally after the video adapter
displays its information. These are the contents of a typical BIOS start up screen:

 The BIOS Manufacturer and Version Number.

 The BIOS Date: The date of the BIOS can be important in helping you determine its capabilities,
since the "magic dates" of some features are fairly well known.
 Setup Program Key: The key or keys to press to enter the BIOS setup program. (This is usually
{Del}, sometimes {F2}, and sometimes another key combination.
 System Logo: The logo of the BIOS company, or in some cases the PC maker or motherboard

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 The "Energy Star" Logo: This distinctive logo is displayed if the BIOS supports the Energy Star
standard, which almost all newer ones do.
 The BIOS Serial Number: This is normally located at the bottom of the screen. Since BIOSes are
highly customized to the particular motherboard, this serial number can be used in many cases to
determine the specific motherboard and BIOS version you are using. Check out Wim Bervoets'
BIOS site for a huge list of these numbers.

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Just before the BIOS begin booting the operating system from disk, it will display an ASCII-graphics box
on the screen containing summary information about your system's configuration. What is in this box
depends on your BIOS and system, of course, but typically you will find the following:

 Processor (CPU) Type: This is usually the general family of processor, like "Pentium" or
"Pentium Pro" etc. Newer BIOSes will recognize the Intel-compatibles directly; older ones may
display "Pentium" when the chip really isn't one. You may see this displayed as "Pentium-S" on a
system with Award BIOS; this just means that the processor incorporates SMM, enhanced power
management features that were introduced in the 486SL and incorporated into almost all current
 Coprocessor: This used to be used to indicate if the machine had a separate coprocessor or
floating point unit (FPU) in it. Modern processors have this built-in so this will almost always say
"Installed" or "Integrated".
 Clock Speed: The speed of the processor in MHz. Some BIOSes put the speed of the processor
together with the processor type display (the first line).
 Floppy Drive A: The size and capacity of the first detected floppy disk, A:
 Floppy Drive B: The size and capacity of the second detected floppy disk, B:
 IDE/ATA Drives: Most BIOSes will show an entry for each of the four devices on an IDE
system: the primary slave and master, and the secondary slave and master. Older machines only
support two IDE drives and will often just call these "Drive C" and "Drive D", which is
misleading (since each drive can actually contain more than one drive letter). For each drive
installed in the system, the screen will show its size and what sort of modes it is using for access
(PIO modes, whether or not it is using LBA, etc.). Some BIOSes will also display the drive's
manufacturer. Most modern BIOSes will also detect and show IDE (ATAPI) CD-ROMs.
 Base Memory Size: This will (almost?) always be 640K. This is also called conventional
 Extended Memory Size: How much extended memory your system has. If you add this to the
base memory you will usually find that 128K, 256K or 384K of memory is "missing" from the
number that it should be (see the "powers of 2" table for usual byte totals for 16MB, 32MB etc.)
The BIOS usually will not report the upper memory area that is reserved for the BIOS ROM and
other hardware adapters.
 Cache Size: The amount of cache memory in the system.
 Memory Type and Configuration: Most newer systems will display how many banks of
memory have been found, and what memory technology is in use; for example, you may see
"EDO DRAM at Bank 1" or "FP: 0" (FPM DRAM) or something similar.
 Display Type: This will normally say "VGA/EGA". It doesn't really tell you anything at all about
the video adapter since this describes generically every video adapter produced for the last ten or
so years (why do they even bother?)
 Serial Port(s): The I/O port addresses of your serial or COM ports. Normally there are two, with
addresses 3F8h and 2F8h, but there can be three or four as well.
 Parallel Port(s): The I/O port addresses of your parallel or LPT ports. Normally there is one, with
the address 378h, but you may see 278h or 3BCh here.

P a g e | 44
 Plug and Play Devices: Some BIOSes will report the descriptions of any Plug and Play expansion
cards they identify during the boot process.

P a g e | 45
BIOS ROM (Basic Input Output System) has a built in Setup program that allows users to modify the
basic system configuration. The Setup program store the computer information in CMOS RAM that is
powered by a little battery that is located on the computer motherboard so that it will retain the computer
information even if the computer is turned off.

To make computer to start or to boot from the CD-ROM, we need to configure the Bios Setup or CMOS
Setup program and set the first boot sequence to CD-ROM drive.

How to enter the BIOS / CMOS Setup Program Utility.

1. When the computer power on, black screen appears on you monitor, wait until the message appears
briefly at the bottom of the screen.

Press F2 to enter SETUP, F12 for Network Boot, ESC for Boot Menu

Example of the message at the bottom of the computer boot up screen:

2. From the boot up screen message above, we know that the key need to press to enter the BIOS setup
is [F2] key. Now press [F2] key to enter the setup program. This key may be vary from one machine to
other machine, because this is key base on the manufacture of the BIOS Setup program.

Note: Other key that commonly used to enter the CMOS setup (BIOS setup)

Delete key.
Esc key.
F1 key.
F2 key.
F3 and F2 key.
F10 key.
Ctrl + Alt + Esc key.
Ctrl + Alt + S key.

How to change the boot sequence.

3. Press [F2] key until you see the BIOS Setup Utility screen, then go to the Boot Option tab then change
the Boot sequence to CD-ROM drive as the first boot device.

NOTE: Use the < + > key to move the CD-ROM Drive up. Make sure that you read help menu on or blow
the window screen

P a g e | 46
Item Specific Help
Key used to view or configure devices:
< Enter > expends or collapses devices with a + or -
< Ctrl + Enter > expands all
< Shift + 1 > enables or disables a device.
< + > and < - > moves the device up or down.
< n > May move removable device between Hard Disk or Removable Disk
< d > Remove a device that is not installed.

4. Save the configurations changes and exit the BIOS Setup / CMOS Setup Utility by pressing
the [F10] and then hit [ENTER] key to 'Save configuration changes and exit now?'.

Item Specific Help

Exit System Setup and save your changes to CMOS.

NOTE: Press [ F10 ] key to Save all the CMOS changes and Exit the BIOS / CMOS Setup Utility.

Keyword: set computer boot sequence, change boot sequence, boot cd, boot from cdrom, boot sequence,
boot from installation media, boot from cd, boot from cd rom, set boot sequence, bios setting, cmos
setting, change cmos setting, change bios setting, computer boot sequence, boot installation media, boot

CMOS Some RAM chips, flash memory chips, and other types of memory chips use complementary
metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology because it provides high speeds and consumes little
power. CMOS technology uses battery power to retain information even when the power to the
computer is off. Batterybacked CMOS memory chips, for example, can keep the calendar, date, and
time current even when the computer is off. The flash memory chips that store a computer's startup
information often use CMOS technology.

P a g e | 47

Arrange the steps in entering BIOS Set-up Configuration. Based on Column A that is rumbled and
arrange it on Column B. Write your answer in the answer sheet

Column A Column B

From the boot up screen message,

press [F2] key to enter the setup program.

Press [ F10 ] key to Save all the CMOS

changes and Exit the BIOS / CMOS Setup

Save the configurations changes and exit the

BIOS Setup / CMOS Setup Utility by pressing
the [F10] and then hit [ENTER] key to 'Save
configuration changes and exit now?'.

Then go to the Boot Option tab then change

the Boot sequence to CD-ROM drive as the
first boot device.

When the computer power on, black screen

appear on you monitor, wait until the message
appears briefly at the bottom of the screen.

P a g e | 48
 Installers preparation and OS installation procedures
 Application and devices/drivers installation procedures
 Desktop PC interface/ hook up procedures
 Application packages and use of application programs
 Bootable devices - -CD/DVD bootable - -USB bootable using Rufus software - -USB bootable
using diskpart/CMD
 Software installers

Installers preparation
2. USB Flash drive



1. Insert the installation disk or flash drive.

To install a new operating system on Windows, you must have the operating system’s install tool on a
DVD or flash drive, and the disk or flash drive must be inserted into your computer. If you don’t have a
version of the operating systems you want to download, you can download one of the following operating

2. Restart your computer.

Press and hold your computer’s power button to turn it off, wait for a few seconds, and then press the
power button again to turn the computer back on.

3. Wait for the computer’s first startup screen to appear.

Once the startup screen appears, you’ll have a very limited window in which you can press the setup key.
Note: It’s best to start pressing the setup key as soon as the computer begins to restart.

4. Press and hold Del, Esc, F2, F9, and F12 to enter the BIOS page.
The key you’re prompted to press might also be the different; if so, use that key instead. This will load
your computer’s BIOS page, from which point you can select your installation disk or drive.
Note: You’ll typically use the “F” keys to access the BIOS. These are at the top of your keyboard,
though you may have to locate and hold the Fn key while pressing the proper “F” key.
Note: You can look at your computer model’s manual or online support page to confirm your
computer’s BIOS key.

5. Locate the “Boot Order” section.

This section is normally on the main page of the BIOS, though you may need to use the arrow keys to
navigate over to the “Boot” or “Advanced” tab.
Note: The “Boot Order” section varies from BIOS to BIOS. If you can’t find your BIOS’ “Boot
Order” page, consult your motherboard’s manual or look up your computer model online to find direct
instruction for your specific BIOS page.

6. Select the location from which you want to start your computer.
In this case, you’ll be starting your computer either from the disk drive or from and an external drive,
such as a flash drive.

P a g e | 49
Note: The disk drive option is usually labeled CD-ROM Drive, while external drives will show
up as Removable Devices.

7. Move your selected location to the top of the list.

Typically, you’ll press the + key with the boot location you want to use selected until it’s at the top of the
“Boot Order” list.
Note: You can double-check the key that you’re supposed to use in the legend that’s usually on the
right side or the bottom of the BIOS page.

8. Save your settings and exit the BIOS.

There should be a “Save and Exit” key listed in the BIOS’ key legend; press the key listed there to save
your settings and exit the BIOS.
Note: You may have to confirm this decision by pressing Enter with yes selected.

9. Restart your computer.

Once your computer begins to start up again, it will select your disk or flash drive as the boot location,
which means that it will begin installing the operating system.

10. Follow the on-screen prompts.

Each operating system will have different steps to take when installing it, so just follow the on-screen
directions to complete the installation.


1. Restart your Mac.

Press and hold your Mac’s Power button until the computer turns off, then press the Power button again to turn your Mac
Note: If you Mac is already off, just press the Power button to
turn it on.
Note: You will need Internet access to perform this process on your Mac.

2. Hold down Command, Option, and R at the same time.

You’ll need to start doing this before the Mac start-up sound plays.

3. Release the keys when you see the globe icon.

Once the image of a spinning globe and the words “Starting Internet Recovery. This may take a while” appear, release
the keys.
Note: You may be prompted to select a wireless network and enter the network’s password before continuing.

4. Wait for you Mac’s operating system to download.

This can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on your Internet connection and the operating
system itself.
Note: Your Mac will download the operating system that came installed on it. For example, if your Mac was
running OS X Yosemite when you bought it, Yosemite is the operating system that will be installed.

5. Select an installation location.

On the operating system page, click your Mac’s disk drive icon, which is a grey box in the middle of the page.

6. Click Install.
It’s in the bottom- right corner of the page.

7. Wait for the operating system to install.

Again, this can take several minutes to several hours depending on you Mac and the operating system. Once the
installation is complete, you Mac will restart into your new operating system.

P a g e | 50
Read carefully the question and choose the best answer.
Write your answer in your answer sheet

1. The software that supports a computer’s basic functions, such as scheduling task, executing
applications, and controlling peripherals.

a) Device Drivers
b) Operating System
c) Installer
d) Application

2. An open-source operating system modelled on UNIX

a) Linux
b) Microsoft Windows
c) Apple MacOS
d) Android

3. Is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed, marketed,
and sold by Microsoft.

a) Linux
b) Microsoft Windows
c) Apple MacOS
d) Android

4. Is the computer operating system for Apple Computer’s Macintosh line of personal computers and

a) Linux
b) Microsoft Windows
c) Apple MacOS
d) Android

P a g e | 51

Application and devices - A software designed to perform a group

of coordinated functions, task or activities for the benefit of the user.

 Microsoft Office
 Web browser

Device Driver’s - In computing, it is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is
attached to computer.

The downloaded driver file will be an executable file (File name ends in “.exe”.) or a zip file (File name ends in

For executable file, to install the driver, you just need to double-click on the file and follow the on-screen

For zip file, you need to unzip it and find the executable file in the archive. If you cannot find an executable file,
you need to install the driver step by step using the “.inf” file. Following steps are for your reference how to install
the driver in this way.

Desktop PC interface/ hook up procedures

Application packages and use of application programs

Bootable devices

CD/DVD bootable using CMD

1. Click Start>All programs>Microsoft Windos AIK> CMD. Run as administrator.

2. Type oscdimg -n -m -b”C:Win7 7048 ENDVD Bootable” and press Enter. Type the
path where the boot image file is placed by you in the quotes.

3. Type C:Win7_7048_Enx64fre and press Enter. That’s where all Windows files are placed.

4. Type C:Win7_7048_EN_ISOWin7_7084_x64_EN.iso and press Enter. The place you save the ISO file.

5. Type exit to leave the command prompt.

Alternatively, you could type C:\>oscdimg -bd:\win7dvd\boot\ -u2 -h -m -lWin_En_DVD d:\win7dvd\

dwin&.iso too make the bootable DVD Directly.

To help you understand, here

 “C:\>” is the command prompt drive;

 “-b” is for making it bootable;
 “d:win7dvd” is the folder where you copied entire DVD of Windows 7;
 “boot\” is a folder inside windows 7 DVD;
 “-u2” and “-m” are needed for large files;
 “Win_En_DVD” is the name given to DVD;
 “d:win7dvd” is of the same meaning of described before;
 “d:win7.iso” is the destination name of DVD with ISO extension

P a g e | 52
What is a Bootable USB?
A “bootable USB” is a regular USB storage device (like a USB stick or external hard drive) that has an
“ISO image” of an operating system saved on it. 
An ISO image is an archive file that contains all the information found on an optical disc, such as a CD or
DVD. This could, for example, be a Windows installation CD.
Normally, whenever you start up your computer, it boots from the operating system stored on your
internal hard drive. By running the bootable USB however, you can boot up your computer using the
USB’s ISO image instead. 
This can be useful if you ever need to recover, repair or install an operating system on your computer.
How to Create a Bootable USB using Rufus
Rufus is one of several programs that allow you to create an “ISO image” on a USB stick. To create a
bootable USB using Rufus, all you need is:

 Your ISO of choice, e.g. Windows 10

 The latest version of Rufus (available online from
 A spare USB stick (an 8GB USB should be plenty for Windows 10 but make sure you have
one that’s large enough for the ISO you’re using)
Once you’ve got these ready, just follow these steps to make your own bootable USB:

Step 1: Open up Rufus and plug your clean USB stick into your computer.

Step 2: Rufus will automatically detect your USB. Click on Device and choose the USB you want to use
from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Make sure the Boot Selection option is set to Disk or ISO image then click Select. Rufus will
open a file explorer browser window; locate the ISO image you want to burn onto the USB and select it.

P a g e | 53
Note: In the latest version of Rufus (3.5), there’s now an option to download the ISO image for Windows
8.1 or 10 directly through Rufus, if you don’t already have a copy saved. Just click on the drop-down
arrow next to the Select button and choose Download instead. This will open a dialogue box where you
can choose which Windows version you want to download.

P a g e | 54
Step 4: You’ll generally want to create a Standard Windows installation, and Rufus will automatically
detect the correct Partition Scheme based on your device, so keep the default settings as they are.
However, you can also change these if you want.

Step 5: Give the Volume label a name of your choice, or leave it as it is, and once again leave the default
settings for File system and Cluster size. Now click Start

P a g e | 55
Note: if the USB you’re using isn’t large enough, you’ll get an error message you letting you know. In
this case, you’ll need to start again with a different larger USB.

Step 6: You’ll get a warning saying that any data on the USB will be destroyed (this is normal).
Click OK and Rufus will start creating the ISO image on the USB.

Step 7: Once Rufus has finished creating the ISO image on the USB, you can close it and your bootable
USB is ready to go!

P a g e | 56

1. Insert a USB flash drive into a running computer.

2. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
3. Type diskpart.
4. In the new command line window that opens, to determine the USB flash drive number or drive letter,
at the command prompt, type list disk, and then click Enter. The list disk command displays all the disks
on the computer.
Note the drive number or drive letter of the USB flash drive.
5. At the command prompt, type select disk <X>, where X is the drive number or drive letter of the USB
flash drive, and then click ENTER.
6. Type clean, and then click ENTER.
7. Type create pri
8. Type select part pri 1
9. To format the partition, type format fs=ntfs quick, and then click ENTER.
Note: If your server platform supports Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) you should format
the USB flash drive as FAT32 rather than as NTFS. To format the partition as FAT32, type format
fs=fat32 quick, and then click ENTER.
10. Type active, and then click ENTER.
11. Type exit, and then click ENTER.
12. When you finish preparing your custom image, save it to the root of the USB flash drive.

P a g e | 57


Enumerate the procedure in creating a bootable USB using CMD. Write your answer in the answer





















P a g e | 58

• The BIOS is accessed and configured through the BIOS Setup Utility. The BIOS Setup Utility is,
for all reasonable purposes, the BIOS itself. All available options in BIOS are configurable via the
BIOS Setup Utility. The BIOS Setup Utility is accessed in various ways depending on your
computer or motherboard make and model.
• BIOS access and configuration on PC systems is independent of any operating system because the
BIOS is part of the motherboard hardware. It doesn't matter if a computer is running Windows 7,
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, UNIX, or no operating system at all - BIOS functions
outside of the operating system environment and is no way dependent upon it.

• BIOS contain a number of hardware configuration options that can be changed through the setup
utility. Saving these changes and restarting the computer applies the changes to the BIOS and
alters the way BIOS instructs the hardware to function. The following list shows the things you
can do in most BIOS systems:

P a g e | 59

Installation of windows server 2008 R2

Step 1:

After booting on the Windows 2008 installer, the Windows starting up will appear.

Steps 2:

The next screen is the Windows Setup dialog box where you can change the Language, Time, and
keyboard format. Just click next to proceed on next window.

P a g e | 60
On this window, you have the option “Repair your computer” if you have already an existing Operating
System that needs to be repaired but since we are doing a Clean Install, we will ignore that option and just
click Install now to proceed.

Setup is Starting Window appear. Just wait until the next screen shows.

P a g e | 61
Select the operating system you want to install. Select the Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard X64

License Terms. On this screen, check “I accept the license terms” and click Next.

P a g e | 62
Which type of Installation do you want?. Since we are doing clean install, select “Custom: Install
Windows only (advanced).

Where do you want to install Windows?. Here, remember the requirements of Windows Server 2008 in
hard disk drive, so in allocating disk space for drive C. make sure that it will meet the recommended
space and will have a free space for future installation of other applications. Click New to create new

P a g e | 63
After clicking the New option, enter the size of first partition or allocation for Drive C.

Select the remaining partition and click new.

P a g e | 64
Click apply to create the remaining partition. This will create the Drive D.

Make sure that the Windows Server 2008 will be installed on drive C. Select the drive you allocated for
drive C then click Next.

P a g e | 65
Installing Windows: This screen will appear after clicking next on partitioning window. Just wait until the
setup finish all the listed tasks.

Installing Windows: Your computer will restart after it finish some tasks. A problem or error will show if
there is a problem on your installer or on your drives.

P a g e | 66
Installing Windows: Your computer will restart after it finish some tasks. A problem or error will show if
there is a problem on your installer or on your drives.

Installing Windows: When you see that the Completing installation is the next task to be done, that is a
sign that it will redirect you to Windows Server 2008 desktop.

P a g e | 67
Setup will restart after the Installation is done.

The Windows will now load the operating system after the restart.
Setup is preparing your computer for first use. On this screen, wait until the desktop appear.

Before logging on, Windows Server 2008 will allow you to create the user’s password that you will use
every time you log on.

After creating a password, click the right arrow button or press enter to continue.

P a g e | 68
Click OK after changing the password.

Preparing your desktop. Just wait until the next screen appear.

Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE key to start logging on.

P a g e | 69
Type the administrator password that you created.

The Initial Configuration Tasks window will appear on the desktop. The next thing to do is to check the
drivers on device manager if properly installed.

P a g e | 70

As a technician, you must be able to know the variations or options in installing an operating system that
is compatible with the hardware requirement of a personal computer. Another operating system available
in the market now is the Windows 7 version. Now, take a tour through the procedures in installing a
Windows 7 operating system. I believe, the procedures will be very easy for you.

1. Turn your computer on then press Del or F2 (depend on your computer’s main board) to enter the
system BIOS.

“Note” every BIOS board has their own key press to go on BIOS setup learn and identify their
KEYS (ex: del, F11, F10, ESC, ENTER)

2. Go to Boot menu and choose Boot from CD/DVD.

3. Press F10 to save the configuration and exit BIOS then reset your computer.

P a g e | 71
P a g e | 72
4. Insert Windows 7 DVD into your DVD drive then start up your computer, Windows 7 will be
loading files.

5. Select your language, time & currency format, keyboard or input method and click Next.

6. Click Install now.

P a g e | 73
7. Check I accept the license terms and click Next.

8. Click Upgrade if you already have a previous Windows version or Custom (advanced) if you don’t
have a previous Windows version or want to install a fresh copy of Windows 7.

9. (Skip this step if you chose Upgrade and have only one partition) Select the drive where you want to
install Windows 7 and click Next. If you want to make any partitions, click Drive options (advanced),
make the partitions and then click Next

P a g e | 74
10. It will now start installing Windows 7. The first step, (i.e. Copying Windows files) was already done
when you booted the Windows 7 DVD so it will complete instantly.

11. After completing the first step, it will expand (decompress) the files that it has been copied.

12. The third and fourth step will also complete instantly like the first step.

P a g e | 75
13. After that it will automatically restart after 15 seconds and continue the setup. You can also
click Restart now to restart without any delays.

14. After restarting for the first time, it will continue the setup. This is the last step so it will take the most
time than the previous steps.

15. It will now automatically restart again and continue the setup. You can click Restart now to restart
without any delays.

P a g e | 76
16. Type your desired user name in the text-box and click Next. It will automatically fill up the computer

17. If you want to set a password, type it in the text-boxes and click Next

18. Type your product key in the text-box and click Next. You can also skip this step and simply
click Next if you want to type the product key later. Windows will run only for 30 days if you do that.

P a g e | 77
19. Select your desired option for Windows Updates

20. Select your time/time zone and click Next.

21. If you are connected to any network, it will ask you to set the network’s location.

22. Finishing the installation and Preparing Desktop.

P a g e | 78
Now that you successfully installed the operating system, you’ll need to configure the devices
such as Video Cards, Network Interface Cards, Sound Cards, etc by installing the device drivers of each.
In many cases, if Windows recognizes the device, drivers will be installed automatically. In some cases,
generic drivers are installed so that the devices will work properly.
Drivers are small software programs that help the operating system use or “drive” the device. Whenever a
device doesn’t work properly, ask if the proper driver has been installed.

The procedures listed below describe how to obtain and install drivers for hardware devices on a
Microsoft Windows 2000-based computer. 


If you do not know the manufacturer of the device for which you want to install the driver, follow
these steps to determine the manufacturer:

1. On the desktop, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage.

P a g e | 79
2. Under System Tools, click Device Manager. The devices that are installed on the computer are listed in
the right panel.

Device Manager

3. In the right panel, expand the category of the device that you want to configure. For example,
expand Display adapters.

NOTE: The device may be listed

under other devices.

P a g e | 80
4. Right-click the device for which you want to install the driver, and then click Properties. 

NOTE: The device may appear as Unknown device or

as a generic device.

5. Click the General tab. Make a note of the manufacturer and model

6. Click Cancel, and then quit Computer Management. 

• NOTE: If the device is not displayed in Device Manager, or the device is listed as an
"Unknown device," contact the computer or device manufacturer to obtain more
information about the device.

P a g e | 81

To obtain the latest driver, use the following list of possible sources for the driver, in the order in
which they are presented. 
 Original Computer Manufacturer
If the device was installed by your computer manufacturer, contact the manufacturer of your
computer to find out how to obtain, download, and install the latest drivers for the device.
 Device Manufacturer
Contact the manufacturer of the device to inquire about how to obtain, download, and install the
latest drivers for the device. 
 Chipset Manufacturer
Contact the chipset manufacturer of the device to find out how to obtain, download, and install the
latest drivers for the device. It is best to first contact the manufacturer of the device for the drivers before
you contact the chipset manufacturer.
 For example, if your display adapter uses a NVIDIA chipset, first contact the manufacturer of the
display adapter. If you cannot contact the display adapter manufacturer or if the manufacturer does
not have a driver, contact NVIDIA.

Some examples of chipset manufacturers (and their Web sites) include:

 NVIDIA (display adapters)
 PCTEL, Inc. (modems)


• The driver files that you download from the OEM, device manufacturer, or chipset manufacturer
differ depending on how the driver is packaged by the manufacturer.
• If the file is an executable program, run the program to extract the files. If the file is in .zip format,
you can use a third-party utility such as WinZip to extract the files. For more information about
how to extract the driver files, see the instructions that are provided by the manufacturer of the
• The driver may use a setup program. The driver package may contain raw driver files, or it may
contain only raw driver files. Some examples include .inf files, and .sys files. To install the driver,
use one of the following methods as appropriate to your situation.

P a g e | 82

1. On the desktop, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage.

2. Under System Tools, click Device Manager. The devices that are installed on the computer are
listed in the right panel.
3. Expand the category of the device that you want to configure. For example, expand Modems.
NOTE: The device may be listed under other devices.
4. Right-click the device for which you want to install the driver, and then click Properties. 
NOTE: The device may be displayed as Unknown device, or as a generic device.
5. Click the Driver tab, and then click Update Driver. The Upgrade Device Driver wizard starts.
6. Click Next.
7. Do one of the following:
– Click Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended), and then click Next. 
– Click Display a list of the known devices for this device so that I can choose a specific driver,
and then click Next. Click Have Disk, click Browse, locate the .inf files that you downloaded
in Step 2: Obtain the Driver, click an .inf file, and then click Open.
8. Follow the wizard instructions to install the driver.
9. Restart the computer.

Device Is Not Displayed in Device Manager

  Use the Add New Hardware wizard in Control Panel to install drivers for non-Plug and Play
devices. You may have to use this method to install certain modems, serial ports, or printer ports.
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Hardware.
3. Click Next.
4. Click Add/Troubleshoot a device, and then click Next.
5. Do one of the following:
– Click Yes, search for new hardware, and then click Next. 
– Click No, I want to select the hardware from a list, and then click Next.
6. Follow the wizard instructions to install the driver.
7. Restart the computer.

P a g e | 83
As computer technician you will need a good understanding of the health and safety regulations
from early on in your career, so that you understand the good practices demanded by law. In particular,
you need to:
• report any accidents
• take reasonable care of your own health and safety when moving heavy components
• not cause any electrical hazards
• make sure that workstations meet safety requirements.
You need to adhere to health and safety regulations as they will help to protect you and others and will
avoid any unnecessary legal action for reckless and unsafe working practices. If you identify any health
and safety problems, you should tell your line manager or the health and safety representative
The most basic test is to switch the system on to check it starts without errors. ICT professionals
are also likely to use tools and utilities to check that all is well with the system after an installation.

The Use of Diagnostic Tools in testing installed hardware components and other peripherals
 Diagnostic tools are used to test and diagnose equipment. Diagnostic tools include the following:
 Digital multimeter is a device that can take many types of measurements. It tests the integrity of
circuits and the quality of electricity in computer components. A digital multimeter displays the
information on an LCD or LED.
 A loopback adapter, also called a loopback plug, tests the basic functionality of computer ports.
The adapter is specific to the port that you want to test.

 The toner probe, is a two-part tool. The toner part is connected to a cable at one end using specific
adapters, such as an RJ-45, coaxial, or metal clips. The toner generates a tone that travels the
length of the cable. The probe part traces the cable. When the probe is in near proximity to the
cable to which the toner is attached, the tone can be heard through a speaker in the probe.

P a g e | 84
To update your Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 Operating System:

1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button in the lower left corner. In the search box,
type Update, and then, in the list of results, click either Windows Update or Check for updates.
2. Click the Check for updates button and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for
your computer.
3. If you see a message telling you that important updates are available, or telling you to review
important updates, click the message to view and select the important updates to install.
4. In the list, click the important updates for more information. Select the check boxes for any
updates that you want to install, and then click OK.
5. Click Install updates.

Note: It is important that you do not shut your computer off or allow it to run out of battery during the
update process. Doing so can cause a corruption of the operating system, which can often only be fixed by
reformatting the computer. 

For information on Microsoft Windows Automatic Updates, visit Microsoft's Update site.

P a g e | 85


Read the question carefully, and choose the correct answer.

Write your answer in the answer sheet

1. What is GUI ?

a) type of virus
b) Good universal indicator
c) There is no such a thing
d) Graphical user interface

2. What software is always running as long as your operating system is on.

a) A web browser
b) A word processor
c) An operating system
d) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not an operating system?

a) Unix
b) Linux
c) Firefox
d) Windows

4. What do we call an operating system where a user can run multiple application at the same time?

a) Multiapplication
b) Multiuser
c) Multiprocess
d) Multitask

5. Which of the following is not an application?

a) Photoshop
b) Excel
c) Super Mario
d) Android

6. Which type of installation gives you a choice where to install Windows?

a) Custom (advanced)
b) Network
c) Upgrade
d) Typical

P a g e | 86
7. During installation which of the following might the computer do several times?

a) Fall off the desk

b) Crash
c) Show the blue screen of death
d) Reboot

8. When installing Windows Server 2008 64bit what is the minimum amount of RAM required?  

a) 512MB
b) 128MB
c) 64MB
d) 10KB

9. What version of Windows introduced the Active Directory Service?  

a) Windows 98
b) Windows 2000
c) CP/M
d) Windows 3.11

10. Which type of installation will keep your files, settings and programs?

a) Upgrade
b) Custom (advanced)
c) Network
d) Typical

P a g e | 87


Enumerate the Steps in Installing Operating System (Windows 7).Write your answer in the answer






















P a g e | 88
Removing viruses from infected machines

Computer Virus

 A virus is a destructive executable program that infects the other programs in the system and
spreads by replicating itself.
 Such a program is designed to damage the victim’s computer files.

 Viruses are coded by malicious programmers in a way that they can spread in the system without
one's permission and knowledge.

Different Aspects of Computer Virus

Finder- searches for the new uninfected files and the

Replicator- actually targets these files and infects it by multiplying itself.

How do Virus Affects a System?

 It corrupts files
 It slows down the speed of the computer system
 It causes the system to hang frequently
 It deletes various files

Sources of Virus Infection

A virus can enter the system and infect it through various sources. Some of the sources are

 Infected CDs, DVDs, pen drives, etc

 E-mail
 Browsing infected sites
 Downloading files from the internet

Steps to Remove Viruses

Removing viruses, though technical, is yet a very simple process if all the required steps are properly

The basic steps are:

 Buy or download an antivirus software

 Install the antivirus software

P a g e | 89
 Update antivirus software with the latest virus definitions
 Do a complete system scan

Methods of Eliminating Viruses

P a g e | 90
Removing the virus – When the virus can be easily identified and can be removed without affecting other
files, then the antivirus removes it from the host place.

Quarantine – This is done when the virus cannot be easily identified removed from the file and the
removal of virus means the removal of the complete file. In this method, although the virus is not
eliminated, it is rendered inactive by moving the file into "quarantine" and renaming it.

Types of viruses and Examples

Boot viruses: These viruses infect floppy disk boot records or master boot records in hard disks. They
replace the boot record program (which is responsible for loading the operating system in memory)
copying it elsewhere on the disk or overwriting it. Boot viruses load into memory if the computer tries to
read the disk while it is booting.

Examples: Form, Disk Killer, Michelangelo, and Stone virus

Program viruses: These infect executable program files, such as those with extensions
like .BIN, .COM, .EXE, .OVL, .DRV (driver) and .SYS (device driver). These programs are loaded in
memory during execution, taking the virus with them. The virus becomes active in memory, making
copies of itself and infecting files on disk.

Examples: Sunday, Cascade

Multipartite viruses: A hybrid of Boot and Program viruses. They infect program files and when the
infected program is executed, these viruses infect the boot record.

Examples: Invader, Flip, and Tequila

Stealth viruses: These viruses use certain techniques to avoid detection. They may either redirect the disk
head to read another sector instead of the one in which they reside or they may alter the reading of the
infected file’s size shown in the directory listing. size given in the directory.

Examples: Frodo, Joshi, Whale

Polymorphic viruses: A virus that can encrypt its code in different ways so that it appears differently in
each infection. These viruses are more difficult to detect.
Examples: Involuntary, Stimulate, Cascade, Phoenix, Evil, Proud, Virus 101

Macro Viruses: A macro virus is a new type of computer virus that infects the macros within a document
or template. When you open a word processing or spreadsheet document, the macro virus is activated and
it infects the Normal template.
Examples: DMV, Nuclear, Word Concept.

Antivirus Software

P a g e | 91
Software designed to cure virus infected machines. An antivirus is a program that searches for, identifies
and removes potential viruses existing in the computer system

Examples of Anti-virus software

 Symantec Norton antivirus

 AVG antivirus
 McAfee Scan
 Microsoft Antivirus



Enumerate the following: Write your answer in the answer sheet

1. Give at least 5 types of Antivirus?

2. Write down the steps on how to remove viruses in computer?

 _______________________________
 _______________________________

 _______________________________

 _______________________________

 _______________________________

P a g e | 92
 _______________________________________________________________________________













P a g e | 93
Burning or testing installed equipment/devices
As computer technician you will need a good understanding of the health and safety regulations from
early on in your career, so that you understand the good practices demanded by law. 

In particular, you need to:

 report any accidents
 take reasonable care of your own health and safety when moving heavy components
 not cause any electrical hazards
 make sure that workstations meet safety requirements. 
 not cause any electrical hazards
 make sure that workstations meet safety requirements.

You need to adhere to health and safety regulations as they will help to protect you and others
and will avoid any unnecessary legal action for reckless and unsafe working practices.
 If you identify any health and safety problems, you should tell your line manager or the health
and safety representative immediately 
The most basic test is to switch the system on to check it starts without errors. ICT professionals
are also likely to use tools and utilities to check that all is well with the system after an installation. 

A. Diagnostic Tools

Hardware Tools
- are used to test and diagnose equipment. 

1. Digital multi-meter - is a device that can take many types of measurements. It tests the integrity
of circuits and the quality of electricity in computer components. A digital multi-meter displays
the information on an LCD or LED. 
2.  A loopback adapter - also called a loopback plug, tests the basic functionality of computer ports.
The adapter is specific to the port that you want to test. 
3. The toner probe - is a two-part tool. The toner part is connected to a cable at one end using
specific adapters, such as an RJ-45, coaxial, or metal clips. The toner generates a tone that travels
the length of the cable. The probe part traces the cable. When the probe is in near proximity to the
cable to which the toner is attached, the tone can be heard through a speaker in the probe. 

Software tools

Like hardware tools, there are a variety of software tools that can be used to help technicians
pinpoint and troubleshoot problems. Many of these tools are free and several come with the Windows
operating system.
Software tools help diagnose computer and network problems and determine which computer
device is not functioning correctly. A technician must be able to use a range of software tools to diagnose
problems, maintain hardware, and protect the data stored on a computer. 

P a g e | 94
Disk management tools:

1. FDISK - A command-line tool that creates and deletes partitions on a hard drive. The FDISK tool
is not available in Windows XP, Vista, or 7. It has been replaced with the Disk Management tool.
2. Disk Management Tool - Initializes disks, creates partitions, and formats partitions. 
3. Format - Prepares a hard drive to store information.
4. ScanDisk or CHKDSK - Checks the integrity of files and folders on a hard drive by scanning the
file system. These tools might also check the disk surface for physical errors.
5. Disk Cleanup - Clears space on a hard drive by searching for files that can be safely deleted.
6. System File Checker (SFC) - A command-line tool that scans the operating system critical files
and replaces files that are corrupted. 
7. Defrag - Optimizes space on a hard drive to allow faster access to programs and data.


A test procedure is a set of steps to guide you through what needs to be done to thoroughly test
the installation. It is designed to help you work more effectively and to make sure you test everything that
needs testing. 

Test procedures are as follows:

1. Gathering test information. The first step is to run the tests required by the procedure and find
out what happens. You should record all the results of your tests in a log so that you know which
pass and which fail, thereby requiring further action.
2. Validating the test information. The next step is to check the data you gathered from the tests to
make sure it is correct. This is usually done by running the tests again. 
3. Responding to test information. This step is important because you need to be able to recognize
when a test shows problems or is successful. For example, if ping is used to test a network
connection then ‘Request timed out’ shows the test was not successful. 
4. Checking specification. The final step is an important end to testing. You need to check the
specification for the installation to make sure that it has been met. For example, if a user requested
an upgrade to make their display run at 1920 x 1200, then the ICT professional should check that
the graphics card and screen can do this. 


The external visual inspection consists of a quick inspection of the exterior of the computer, the
monitor, the keyboard, any peripherals, and cables. While performing the visual inspection, make any
necessary corrections. 

To perform the external visual inspection, perform the following steps:

1. Turn off the computer, the monitor, and all peripherals.

2. Verify that all power cables are properly connected to the computer, the monitor and peripherals,
and their power sources.
3. Verify that the keyboard and mouse interface cables are firmly attached to the proper connectors
on the back of the computer.

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4. Verify that network cables (if present) are properly attached. 
5. Verify that any devices attached to the serial and parallel port connectors are properly connected.
6. Verify that the video interface cable is firmly attached to the video connector on the back panel
or to a video expansion card, and also to the connector on the back of the monitor.
7. Inspect the keyboard to ensure that no keys are sticking. If one or more keys are sticking, it may
be necessary to replace the keyboard.
8. Inspect the exterior of the computer, including all controls and indicators, and all user-accessible
data storage devices for any signs of physical damage. 

Does the inspection reveal any problems?

 If Yes, Proceed to the appropriate procedure in "Removing and Replacing Parts.
 If No, Proceed to "Observing the Boot Routine."


After you have performed an external visual inspection as described in the previous section, you
should boot the system and, while the boot routine is running, observe the system for any indications of

Note: Most of the steps in this procedure require observation of system functions and indications,
some of which can occur simultaneously. It may be necessary to reboot the system several times to
complete all of these steps. 

To observe problem indications during the boot routine, perform the following steps:

1. If the system is off, turn on all peripherals and the computer. 

2. Check the power supply fan. Does the fan run normally?
 Yes. Proceed to step 3.
 No. Troubleshoot the system power supply.
3. Watch the <NumLock>, <Caps Lock>, and <Scroll Lock> indicators on the upper-right corner of
the keyboard. After all three indicators flash momentarily, and following a long pause
(approximately 30 seconds), the NumLock indicator should light up and remain on (unless the
NumLock option is set to Off in the System Setup program).
Do these indicators flash on and off within approximately 10 seconds after the boot routine starts?
o Yes. Proceed to step 4 
o No. Troubleshoot the system power supply. If the troubleshooting procedure indicates that the
system power supply is operational, troubleshoot the memory 

4. During the boot routine, observe the system for any of the following indications:
 Beep codes - A beep code is a series of beeps that indicates an error condition 
 System error messages - these messages can indicate problems or provide status
 Diskette - drive and hard-disk drive access indicators — These indicators light up in
response to data being transferred to or from the drives. If either of these indicators fails to
light up during the boot routine, troubleshoot the diskette drive or hard disk drive
subsystem, as appropriate.

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5. Observe the monitor screen for the Diagnostics menu. 


NOTICE: Before you proceed with the internal visual inspection described in this section, ensure that the
user has saved all open files and exited all open application programs if possible.
A simple visual inspection of a computer’s interior hardware can often lead to the source of a
problem, such as a loose expansion card, cable connector, or mounting screw.

To perform the internal visual inspection, perform the following steps:

1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect all the AC power cables
from electrical outlets.
CAUTION: Before beginning to work inside the computer, disconnect the power supply from the
power source and the power supply cables from the motherboard

2. Remove the computer’s right side cover.

CAUTION: The heat sink assembly can get extremely hot during system operations. Be sure that
it has sufficient time to cool before touching it. When handling the heat sink, be careful to touch
the sharp edges.

3. Verify that the chips, expansion cards, and heat sink assembly or assemblies are fully
seated in their sockets or connectors.
4. Verify that all jumpers are set correctly.
5. Check all cable connectors inside the computer to verify that they are firmly attached to
their appropriate connectors.
6. Reinstall the computer cover.
7. Reconnect the computer and any attached peripherals to their power sources, and turn them


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Enumerate the following: Write your answer in the answer sheet

1. Write down the three diagnostic tools.






2. What are the different software tools in diagnosing different problems in computer system?






3. Enumerate the procedure on how to perform Disk Cleanup






4. What are the procedures when Performing Defragmentation?







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