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Động từ khuyết thiếu là các động từ đặc biệt đi kèm và bổ nghĩa cho động từ chính trong

câu như sự chắc chắn, khả năng xảy ra, sự cho phép,... Các Modal Verbs thông dụng nhất là 

- Can - Could - Shall

- May - Might - Should/ Ought to

- Will - Would - Must/ Have to

I. Cách đặt câu với động từ khuyết thiếu

 (+) S + Modal Verbs + Vbare Ally can sing very well.

 (-) S + Modal Verbs(not) + Vbare Ally cannot sing very well.

* Lưu ý khi sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu:

- Động từ theo sau Modal Verbs luôn ở dạng bare - nguyên thể

- Modal Verbs không phải chia theo chủ ngữ số ít hay số nhiều, nó giữ nguyên ngoại trừ

Dạng phủ định của Modal Verbs chỉ cần thêm “not” vào sau từ, ngoại trừ HAVE TO

- can’t, couldn’t, may not, might not, won’t, wouldn’t, shall not, shouldn’t,
OUGHT NOT TO, mustn’t

- don’t/ doesn’t have to (chia phù hợp theo chủ ngữ)

Will và Shall có chức năng tương tự nhau, Will có thể kết hợp với mọi chủ ngữ, Shall
chỉ kết hợp với chủ ngữ là I và We.
Bài 1: Chọn động từ phù hợp 
1. You ………..(should /can) listen to the new information.
3. People ………..(mayn’t/ shouldn’t) waste food.
4. ………..(will/ would) it snow tomorrow?
5. ………..(may/could) I have a cup of tea, please?
6. You ………..(ought to/ might) do more exercise.
7. You ………..(couldn’t/ mustn’t) drink alcohol if you are under 18.
8. ………..(can/should) you play the piano?
9. ………..(could/would) you like to travel with your family?
10.  I ………..(won’t/ shouldn’t) play badminton tomorrow. 
Bài 2:  Điền động từ: must, mustn’t, don’t have to vào chỗ trống
 I  …………(1) go to school from Monday to Friday. We  …………(2) wear a uniform, so I
normally wear sports clothes. We  ……………(3) arrive late, and we  …………(4) go to
every class. In class, we  …………(5) shout, play or sing. We  …………(6) have lunch at
school, so I sometimes go home. When school finishes, I  …………(7) take after my
little sister. When my parents come home, I  …………(8) stay in, so I usually go out
with my friends. When I get home, I  …………(9) do my homework. I  …………(10) go to
bed late, except on Fridays, when I  …………(11) go to bed before midnight. 
Bài 3: Chọn động từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống 
Evelyn Glennie is a world-famous percussionist. Because she is 80% deaf
and…………….(mustn’t/can’t) hear sounds clearly, she performs barefoot so that she
………….(need/can) feel the vibrations of her instruments and the orchestra. This
………..(should/must) be very difficult for her but she insists that people………..
(should/shouldn’t) take any notice of her disability and only judge her by how well
she performs. When Evelyn left school she……….(could/might) already play the
clarinet, harmonica and snare drum but at first she………..(needn’t/couldn’t) get a
place in a music college because of her deafness.
After her great success, she believes that everyone with her disability………..
(should/may)be given the chance to pursue a musical career if they want to. As well
as being a great musician, Evelyn………….(can’t/must) also draw and paint.
Bài 4: Điền trợ động từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
Can – may – must – should  – ought to – might   –  will   –   couldn’t 
1. You ……………………… tell me the truth for your own good.
2. I ……………………… find my shoes anywhere.
3. We ……………………… arrive on time or else we will be in trouble.
4. He ……………………… shoot the basketball at the rim.
5. ……………………… you let me know the time?
6. They ……………………… not be trustworthy enough.
7. …………………….. you please pass the salt?
8. We ……………………… prepare for the big exam.
Bài 5: Chọn từ thích hợp
1. You must / should / shouldn’t be 18 before you can drive in Spain
2. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t go to bed so late. It’s not good for
3. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t wear a school uniform in most Spanish
state schools.
4. You must / mustn’t / needn’t come. I can do it without you.
5. You don’t have to / must / mustn’t copy during exams.
6. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t be very tall to play football.
7. You must / mustn’t / needn’t be a good writer to win the Pulitzer Prize.
Bài 6: Sử dụng dạng khẳng định hoặc phủ định của trợ động từ “must” hoặc “have
to” để điền vào chỗ trống
1. Brilliant! I ……………………… study tonight because I’ve finished my exams.
2. You ……………………… use a mobile phone on a plane.
3. You can go out, but you ……………………… be home by midnight.
4. Jo ……………………… go to school by bus. She lives nearby.
5. We ……………………… cook tonight. We can get a pizza.
6. She ……………………… get up early. She’s on holiday.
7. You ……………………… study harder or you are going to fail.
8. You ……………………… drive faster than 120 km/h on the motorway.
Bài tập 7: Chọn trợ động từ đúng
1. I can / can’t / might go out tonight. I’m too busy.
2. I haven’t studied enough. I may / may not / might pass my exams.
3. I could / couldn’t / might be here next weekend.
4. They say it can / could not / might snow tomorrow.
5. She can / might not / won’t be able to help us. She’s not available.
6. Can / May / Might you come to my party?
7. We should run or we won’t / might not/ may miss the bus.
8. I don’t, but I can / couldn’t / may be late.
Bài 8: Chọn trợ động từ thích hợp và điền vào chỗ trống
Can –  could – might – ought to  – should  –  may – would – must – had better  – 
will  – shall  –  have to
1. ……………………… you please show me the way to train station?
2. You ……………………… study for your math test or you won’t do well.
3. If Sue wants to buy a car this summer, she ……………………… get a part-time job.
4. Ryan ……………………… remember his wife’s birthday this year.
5. Tim ……………………… share his pizza with you if you ask him nicely.
6. I ……………………… speak Korean fluently when I was a child and we lived in
7. I ……………………… like to buy the same bicycle that you have.
8. Even though you’re growing up, you ……………………… never stop having fun.
9. ……………………… you play the piano?
10.I am determined that my son ……………………… go to Harvard.
11.The children ……………………… wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have to at
camp at 8:00 am.
12.Nicole ……………………… visit her grandmother this weekend.
Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu sau.
1. Young people ______ obey their parents.
A. must
B. may
C. will
D. ought to
2. Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ______ work
late today.
A. can
B. have to
C. could
D. would
3. I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A. ought to
B. would
C. might
D. can
4. Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus.
A. didn’t
B. won’t
C. shouldn’t
D. mustn’t
5. Jenny’s engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune.
A. must
B. might
C. will
D. should
6. You ______ to write them today.
A. should
B. must
C. had
D. ought
7. Unless he runs, he______ catch the train.
A. will
B. mustn’t
C. wouldn’t
D. won’t
8. When _____you come back home?
A. will
B. may
C. might
D. maybe
9. _____you
A. may
B. must
C. will
D. could.
Bài 10: Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. Perhaps Susan knows the address. (may)
=> Susan______________________________________________
2. It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message. (might)
=> Joanna ______________________________________________
3. The report must be on my desk tomorrow. (has)
=> The report ______________________________________________
4. I managed to finish all my work. (able)
=> I______________________________________________
5. It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat. (didn’t)
=> Nancy______________________________________________

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