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Precision Balance



1. GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................ 4
2. DESIGN ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2. Connectors Arrangement ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Pins Overview........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4. Block Assembly Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1. Electrical Subassemblies List ........................................................................................................ 6
2.5. Connecting Load Cell’s Cable Shield ..................................................................................................... 7
2.6. Load Cells Connection ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.6.1. 6-Wire Load Cell............................................................................................................................ 7
2.6.2. 4-Wire Load Cell............................................................................................................................ 8
3. OPERATION PANEL ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Keys....................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. PROGRAM STRUCTURE............................................................................................................................ 10
4.1. Function Groups .................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2. Operating the Menu ............................................................................................................................. 10
4.3. Return to the Weighing Mode .............................................................................................................. 11
5. FACTORY PARAMETERS .......................................................................................................................... 11
5.1. Access to Factory Setup ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.2. Factory Parameters List ....................................................................................................................... 12
6. DEFINING THE DEVICE .............................................................................................................................. 14
7. FACTORY ADJUSTMENT........................................................................................................................... 15
7.1. External Adjustment Process ............................................................................................................... 15
7.2. Start Mass Determination..................................................................................................................... 16
7.3. Correction of Start Mass Expressed in Converter's Divisions............................................................... 16
8. LINEARITY CORRECTION.......................................................................................................................... 16
8.1. Entering Linearity Correction Points..................................................................................................... 16
8.2. Corrections .......................................................................................................................................... 17
8.3. Deleting Linearity ................................................................................................................................. 18
9. GRAVITATIONAL COEFFICIENT ............................................................................................................... 18
10. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL................................................................................................................ 19
10.1. General Information ........................................................................................................................... 19
10.2. List of Commands.............................................................................................................................. 19
10.3. Response Format .............................................................................................................................. 20
10.4. Commands Overview......................................................................................................................... 20
10.5. Manual Printout / Automatic Printout.................................................................................................. 25
10.6. Continuous Transmission .................................................................................................................. 26
11. ERROR MESSAGES.................................................................................................................................. 28
12. TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................................................ 28

WLC precision balance enables fast and accurate mass measurements under
laboratory and industrial conditions. WLC balance is equipped with an internal
battery, this allows its operation in places where there is no access to the
mains. The device is equipped with a stainless steel weighing pan, and a
backlit LCD guaranteeing clear weighing result presentation.
WLC balance is equipped with the following interfaces: 2 x RS232, USB type A,
and USB type B, enabling cooperation between the balance and peripheral
devices (e.g. printer, computer, USB flash drive).

2.1. Dimensions

Figure 1. Dimensions of WLC/A2 precision balance

2.2. Connectors Arrangement

Figure 2. Connectors view

1- DCIN power supply socket
2- RS232 (1) connector
3- RS232 (2) connector
4- USB A
5- USB B

2.3. Pins Overview

Pin2 – RxD
Pin3 – TxD
RS232 (1) connector DB9/M (male)
Pin4 – 5VDC
Pin5 – GND

Pin1 - GNDWE
Pin2 - OUT1
Pin3 - OUT2
Pin4 - COMM
Pin5 - NC
Pin6 - IN4
Pin7 - IN3 IN/OUT,
Pin8 - TxD2 RS232 (2) connector DSUB15/F
Pin9 - 5VDC (female)
Pin10 - GNDRS
Pin11 - IN2
Pin12 - IN1
Pin13 - RxD2
Pin14 - OUT4
Pin15 - OUT3

2.4. Block Assembly Diagram

Figure 3. Block assembly diagram of WLC/A2 precision balance

2.4.1. Electrical Subassemblies List

No. Pcs. Component name Symbol Manufacturer

1 1 Main board 609R RADWAG
2 1 Socket board 210R RADWAG
3 1 Round ferrite core
4 1 Ferrite core
5 1 Accumulator
6 1 Keypad
7 1 Load cell
8 1 AC supplier
9 1 DC adapter

10 1 210R socket board cable
11 1 Accumulator cable

2.5. Connecting Load Cell’s Cable Shield

Load cells with an internal galvanic Load cells without an internal galvanic
connection of the wire shield to the connection of the wire shield to the
transducer's body. transducer's body.

not connected E

E – solder pad on the 609R main board.

2.6. Load Cells Connection

2.6.1. 6-Wire Load Cell

Connect 6-wire load cell to the main board following the diagram below:

Figure 4. Connecting 6-wire load cell

E SHIELD Refer to section 2.5
SENSE+ To be connected to +5V
SENSE- To be connected to GND

2.6.2. 4-Wire Load Cell

Connect 4-wire load cell to the main board following the diagram below:

Figure 5. Connecting 4-wire load cell


E SHIELD Refer to section 2.5



Figure 6. Operation panel view

3.1. Keys

Press to switch the weighing device on/off – hold the key for about
1 second.

Function key, press to change the working mode.

Press to send the weighing result to a printer or computer.

Press to zero the balance/scale.

Press to tare the balance/scale.

Upon pressing + keys combination, functions of

given keys change. Detailed information concerning use of

the + keys combination is to be found further down

this manual.

Program menu is divided into function groups. Function group is a group of
interrelated parameters.

4.1. Function Groups

Function group
group Description
P1 CAL User adjustment
P2 rEAd Readout parameters
P3 Func Working modes
P4 Conn Communication
P5 ducE Peripheral devices
P6 Prnt Printouts
P7 Othr Operation-related functions
P8 InFo Balance/scale data
P9 Unit Units
IO - Inputs / Outputs
IE - Import / Export

4.2. Operating the Menu

In order to navigate the program menu use the operation panel.

Press to enter the main menu.

Press to:
• enter tare manually,
• enter tare from tare database,
+ • change value by 1 digit up,
• scroll the menu up.

Press to check battery/accumulator state.


Press to view date/time.


Press to:
• scroll the menu down,
• change current parameter value.
Press to:
• enter given submenu ,
• modify given parameter.

Press to confirm modification.

Press to:
• leave, function remains unmodified,
• move one menu level up.

4.3. Return to the Weighing Mode

Introduced menu modifications are automatically saved upon return to the

home screen. To go to the home screen press key repeatedly.

To access and modify both factory settings and parameters that are made
available for a user, run Factory Setup mode. Running Factory Setup mode
enables the technician to define the balance.

5.1. Access to Factory Setup

• Switch the weighing device off, to do it press key.

• Press and hold SW1 switch located on the electronics board, while holding

the SW1 switch, press key to run the weighing device.

Figure 7. Factory Setup access switch (PCB)

Figure 8. Factory Setup access switch (balance housing)

• Wait, the device switches on.

• Press and keys combination, message <P0.FAct> is displayed.

• Press key to go to factory parameters' submenu no. 1.

After completed factory parameters setup, restart the

weighing device.

5.2. Factory Parameters List

No. Name Value Description

P0. FAct - Factory parameters
0.1. Glob - Global parameters
0.1.1. duu - Defining the weighing device.
0.1.2. FAc Serial number.
Weighing device type: 1 - WLC/A2; 2 -
0.1.3. tYP 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 WLC/F, WLC/C2, 4 – WTC, 8 – PUE
C315; 12 – WLC/C/2.
0.1.4. Gcor 0.9 - 1.1 Gravity correction factor.
0.1.7. tSc SLA, nInnH, no Battery selection.
Declaring the customer: nonE - none,
d - KERN, A - ADEMI, V - VWR, b -
0.1.8. CSt nonE, d, A, V, b, SP, SC
BOECO, SP - Spectrum, SC –
0.1.9. rtc - RTC synchronisation.

0.2. nnG - Metrology
0.2.1. A/d - Converter's divisions.
0.2.2. Uni g, kg, lb Adjustment unit.
0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0005,
0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01,
0.2.3. du1 Range 1 reading unit.
0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1,
2, 5, 10, 20, 50
no, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, Range 1 verification unit; no - non-
0.2.4. dE1
5 verified balance/scale.
0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0005,
0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01,
0.2.5. du2 Range 2 reading unit.
0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5,
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50
no, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, Range 2 verification unit; no - non-
0.2.6. dE2
5 verified balance/scale.
0.2.7. Ful - Maximum range + overload.
0.2.8. rn2 - Range switching point.
0.2.9. uuE - External adjustment weight mass.
Internal adjustment weight mass. „0” -
0.2.A uui -
internal adjustment disabled.
PrF, 0.1d, 0.2d, 0.25d, Autozero range: PrF - value taken
0.5d, 0.6d, 0.7d, 0.8d, from program-implemented tables;
0.2.b. Aur
0.9d, 1d, 2d, 2.5d, 3d, 0.1d - 10d - value entered directly by
4d,5d,6d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 10d a user.
PrF, 0, 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.6s, Autozero time: PrF - value taken from
0.2.c. Aut 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, program-implemented tables; 0s - 20s
8s, 9s, 10s, 15s, 20s, - value entered directly by a user.
PrF, 0.1d, 0.2d, 0.25d,
Stability range: PrF - value taken from
0.5d, 0.6d, 0.7d, 0.8d,
0.2.d. Str program-implemented tables; 0.1d -
0.9d, 1d, 2d, 2.5d, 3d,
10d - value entered directly by a user.
4d,5d,6d, 7d, 8d, 9d, 10d
PrF, 0, 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.6s, Stability time: PrF - value taken from
0.2.E. Stt 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, program-implemented tables; 0s - 20s
8s, 9s, 10s, 15s, 20s, - value entered directly by a user.
Start mass control: YES – range: from
-10% to +10% of start mass, no – off,
0.2.F. rAn YES, no, 50%, dEF 50% – range: from -50% to +50% of
start mass, dEF – range declared in
0.2.G. parameter.
0.2.G. rnt 10% - 90% Start mass range in [%].

0.3. CAL - Adjustment
0.3.1. CLE - External adjustment process.
Determination of start mass for
0.3.2. Std -
external adjustment.
0.3.3. CLI - Internal adjustment process.
Start mass expressed in converter's
0.3.4. Stu -
0.3.5. AdF - Adjustment factor.
0.1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Setting time interval, in [h], after which
0.3.6. CAC
9, 10, 11, 12. internal adjustment is triggered.
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, Setting temperature difference, in
0.3.7. CAt 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, [°C], for which internal adjustment is
6, 8, 10 triggered.
Internal adjustment weight weighing
0.3.8. CAS -
Internal weight relocation, up-down
0.3.9. CAu -
Display of current temperature, in
0.3.A tP -
0.4. LinE - Linearity
0.4.1. dSG - Entering linearity correction points.
0.4.2. dEL - Deleting linearity.
0.4.3. Cor - Entering correction values for linearity.
0.5. Boot Bootloader
0.6. dFLt - Default settings


Defining the device at the production stage requires entering basic
balance/scale parameters: serial number, weighing device type, weighing

• Enter factory setup <P.0.FAct>.
• Go to <0.1.Glob / 0.1.1.duu> submenu, text <Cont?> is displayed.

• Press key, text <nr FAc> is displayed, next you see window for
entering the serial number.
• Enter the serial number, do it using the operation panel.

• Press key to confirm, text <tYPE> is displayed, next you see window
for balance/scale type selection.
• Select balance/scale type, do it using operation panel (refer to factory
parameters table, section 6.2 of this manual).

• Press key to confirm, weighing range window is displayed.

• Select appropriate weighing range, do it using the operation panel.

• Press key to confirm, <0.1.1duu> submenu is displayed.

• Exit to home screen, to do it press key repeatedly.

While defining balance/scale type, additional parameters are

set automatically. These are among many battery type,
internal adjustment accessibility, additional modules and
communication interfaces accessibility.

7.1. External Adjustment Process
• Enter factory setup submenu: <P.0.FAct / 0.3.CAL>.
• Enter <0.3.1.CLE> function, text <UnLoAd> is displayed.
• Unload the weighing pan.

• Press key, adjustment zero point gets determined.

• With adjustment zero point determined, first text <LoAd>, next mass of an
adjustment weight that is to be loaded onto the weighing pan is displayed.
• Load the weighing pan with the required adjustment weight.

• Press key, adjustment starts.

• Upon adjustment completion, text <UnLoAd> is displayed.
• Unload the weighing pan, <0.3.1.CLE> submenu is displayed.

• Exit to home screen, to do it press key repeatedly.

7.2. Start Mass Determination
• Enter factory setup submenu: <P.0.FAct / 0.3.CAL>.
• Enter <0.3.2.Std> function, text <UnLoAd> is displayed.
• Unload the weighing pan.

• Press key, start mass determination starts.

• Upon completed determination process, <0.3.2.Std> submenu is

• Exit to home screen, to do it press key repeatedly.

If start mass determination or adjustment factor

determination takes more than 360 seconds then <Err8>
error is displayed and short sound signal is heard. In such
case the balance requires readjustment/recalibration,
perform it providing as stable ambient conditions as

7.3. Correction of Start Mass Expressed in Converter's Divisions

• Enter factory setup submenu: <P.0.FAct / 0.3.CAL>.
• Enter <0.3.4.Stu> submenu, value of start mass expressed in converter's
divisions is displayed.

• Correct the value, to do it use operation panel, next press key to

confirm changes.

• Exit to home screen, to do it press key repeatedly.

Prior linearity correction it is necessary to determine real balance
characteristics. Correction mechanism allows to enter corrections in 20 points

8.1. Entering Linearity Correction Points

• Enter factory setup submenu: <P.0.FAct / 0.4.Line / 0.4.1.dSG>, text
<Cont?> is displayed.

• Press key to confirm. Text <Pnt1> is displayed (linearity connection
point no. 1).

• Press key, window for entering mass value for linearity correction
point no. 1 is displayed.

• Enter the given value, next press key to confirm, text <Pnt2> is
displayed (linearity connection point no. 2).

• Press key, the program automatically suggests value for the next
linearity correction point.

• Press key to confirm the suggested value, or enter a new value (do it
using the operation panel).
• Keep repeating this procedure until you enter value close to maximum
capacity value.

While attempting to enter correction point value greater than

maximum capacity value, <Err Hi> error is signalled.

• In order to finish entering linearity correction points press key,

<0.4.1.dSG> submenu is displayed.

8.2. Corrections
It is possible to enter extra corrections for declared linearity correction points.

• Enter factory setup submenu: <P.0.FAct / 0.4.Line / 0.4.3.Cor>, value of
linearity correction point no.1 is displayed.

• Press key, window for entering correction value for linearity correction
point no. 1 is displayed.

• If there is a need to enter negative value, go to the first digit and press

• Press key to confirm, modified correction point value is displayed.

• Go to the next linearity correction point, to do it press key.
• Correcting the 2nd linearity correction point is analogous.

• In order to finish correcting linearity correction points press key,

<0.4.3.Cor> submenu is displayed.

8.3. Deleting Linearity

• Enter factory setup submenu: <P.0.FAct / 0.4.Line / 0.4.2.dEL>, text
<Cont?> is displayed.

• Press key to confirm.

• Exit to home screen, to do it press key repeatedly.

The function of gravity correction compensates changes of gravity force being
a result of different latitude. It allows to carry out correct balance/scale
calibration away from the point of subsequent use. The gravity correction value
must be entered with reference to tables prepared by „Radwag Balances and
Scales” or calculated using the below formula:
Gcor =
Correction value ranges between 0.90000 ÷ 1.99999.

If the balance is calibrated in the place of use then the value

of gravitational coefficient, <0.1.4.Gcr> parameter, must be
1.00000. If the weighing instrument is calibrated away from
the place of use (longitudinal change) the value must be

10.1. General Information
A. A character based communication protocol, weighing device - indicator,
is designed for establishing communication between a RADWAG
balance or scale and a peripheral device via RS232C serial interface.
B. The protocol consists of commands sent from a peripheral device to the
weighing device and responses from the weighing device.
C. Responses are sent from the weighing device each time a command is
D. Commands, forming the communication protocol, enable obtaining data
on weighing device status and facilitate influencing weighing device
operation, e.g.: acquiring measurement results from the balance,
monitoring the display, etc.

10.2. List of Commands

Command Command overview

Z Zero balance
T Tare balance
OT Give tare value
UT Set tare
S Send stable measurement result in basic measuring unit
SI Immediately send measurement result in basic measuring unit
SU Send stable measurement result in current measuring unit
SUI Immediately send measurement result in current measuring unit
C1 Switch on continuous transmission in basic measuring unit
C0 Switch off continuous transmission in basic measuring unit
CU1 Switch on continuous transmission in current measuring unit
CU0 Switch off continuous transmission in current measuring unit
K1 Lock balance keypad
K0 Unlock balance keypad
NB Give balance serial number
PC Send all implemented commands

Each command must end with CR LF characters.

10.3. Response Format
On receipt of a command, the indicator responds as follows:
XX_A CR LF command understood and in progress.
XX_D CR LF command carried out (appears only after the XX_A command).
XX_I CR LF command understood but not accessible at this moment.
XX _ ^ CR LF command understood but max threshold is exceeded.
XX _ v CR LF command understood but min threshold is exceeded.
ES_CR LF command not recognised.
time limit exceeded while waiting for stable measurement result
(time limit is a characteristic balance parameter).

XX - name of a sent command.

_ - space.

10.4. Commands Overview

10.4.1. Zero Balance
Format: Z CR LF
Response options:
Z_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
Z_D CR LF - command carried out.
Z_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
Z_^ CR LF - command understood but zeroing range is exceeded.
Z_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
Z_E CR LF - time limit exceeded while waiting for stable measurement result.
Z_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.

10.4.2. Tare Balance

Format: T CR LF
Response options:
T_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
T_D CR LF - command carried out.
T_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
T_v CR LF - command understood but taring range is exceeded.
T_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
T_E CR LF - time limit exceeded while waiting for stable measurement result.
T_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.

10.4.3. Give Tare Value
Format: OT CR LF
Response: OT_TARE CR LF - command carried out.
Response format:
1 2 3 4 5-6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

O T space space tare space unit CR LF

Tare - 9 characters, right justification.

Unit - 3 characters, left justification.

10.4.4. Set Tare

Format: UT_TARE CR LF, where TARE - tare value.
Response options:
UT_OK CR LF - command carried out.
UT_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
ES CR LF - command not recognised (tare format incorrect).

Use dot in tare format as decimal point.

10.4.5. Send Stable Measurement Result in Basic Measuring Unit

Format: S CR LF
Response options:
S_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
S_E CR LF - time limit exceeded while waiting for stable measurement result.
S_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
S_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
MASS FRAME - response: mass value in basic measuring unit.

Response format:
1 2-3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S space space character mass space unit CR LF

S CR LF – command sent from a computer.
S _ A CR LF – command understood and in progress.
S _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 . 5 _ g _ _ CR LF - command carried out, response:
mass value in basic measuring unit.

10.4.6. Immediately Send Measurement Result in Basic Measuring Unit

Format: SI CR LF
Response options:
SI_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
MASS FRAME - immediate response: mass value in basic measuring unit.

Response format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S I space space character mass space unit CR LF

S I CR LF – command sent from a computer.
S I _ ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 8 . 5 _ k g _ CR LF - command carried out, immediate
response: mass value in basic measuring unit.

10.4.7. Send Stable Measurement Result in Current Measuring Unit

Format: SU CR LF
Response options:
SU_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
SU_E CR LF - time limit exceeded while waiting for stable measurement result.
SU_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
SU_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
MASS FRAME - response: mass value in current measuring unit.

Response format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S U space space character mass space unit CR LF

S U CR LF – command sent from a computer.
S U _ A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
S U _ _ _ - _ _ 1 7 2 . 1 3 5 _ N _ _ CR LF - command carried out, response:
mass value in current measuring unit.

10.4.8. Immediately Send Measurement Result in Current Measuring Unit

Format: SUI CR LF
Response options:
SUI_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
MASS FRAME - immediate response: mass value in current measuring unit.

Response format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S U I space character mass space unit CR LF

S U I CR LF – command sent from a computer.
S U I ? _ - _ _ _ 5 8 . 2 3 7 _ k g _ CR LF - command carried out, immediate
response: mass value in current measuring unit.

10.4.9. Switch on Continuous Transmission in Basic Measuring Unit

Format: C1 CR LF
Response options:
C1_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
C1_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
MASS FRAME - response: mass value in basic measuring unit.

Response format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S I space space character mass space unit CR LF

10.4.10. Switch off Continuous Transmission in Basic Measuring Unit
Format: C0 CR LF
Response options:
C0_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
C0_A CR LF - command understood and carried out.

10.4.11. Switch on Continuous Transmission in Current Measuring Unit

Format: CU1 CR LF
Response options:
CU1_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
CU1_A CR LF - command understood and in progress.
MASS FRAME - response: mass value in current measuring unit.

Response format:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S U I space character mass space unit CR LF

10.4.12. Switch off Continuous Transmission in Current Measuring Unit

Format: CU0 CR LF
Response options:
CU0_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
CU0_A CR LF - command understood and carried out.

10.4.13. Lock Balance Keypad

Format: K1 CR LF
Response options:
K1_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this moment.
K1_OK CR LF - command carried out.

Command is not kept in memory upon weighing device


10.4.14. Unlock Balance Keypad
Format: K0 CR LF
Response: K0_OK CR LF - command carried out.

10.4.15. Give Balance Serial Number

Format: NB CR LF
Response options:
NB_A_”Serial No.” CR LF - command understood, response: serial number.

NB_I CR LF - command understood but not accessible at this


”Serial No.” – serial number of the device. Inserted in between inverted commas.

NB CR LF – command sent from a computer.
NB_A_”123456” CR LF – balance serial number - 123456.

10.4.16. Send All Implemented Commands

Format: PC CR LF
Response: PC_- >_Z,T,OT,UT,S,SI,SU,SUI,C1,C0,CU1,CU0,K1,K0,NB,PC
- command carried out, the indicator displays all implemented commands.

10.5. Manual Printout / Automatic Printout

It is possible to generate printouts both manually and automatically.
• Manual printout is generated for stable weighing result. Load the platform,

wait for a stable result and press key.

• Automatic printout is generated for stable weighing result. Load the
platform, wait for a stable result. No key needs to be pressed.

Option of temporary weighing results printout is disabled for

verified balance.

1 2 3 4 -12 13 14 15 16 17 18
space character mass space unit CR LF

Stability marker [space] if measurement result stable

[?] if measurement result unstable
[^] if high limit is out of range
[v] if low limit is out of range
Character [space] for positive values
[-] for negative values
Mass 9 characters with decimal point, right justification
Unit 3 characters, left justification
Command 3 characters, left justification

Example 1:
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 8 3 2 . 0 _ g _ _ CR LF - printout generated upon pressing

Example 2:
? _ - _ _ _ _ 2 . 2 3 7 _ l b _ CR LF - printout generated upon pressing

Example 3:
^ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 . 0 0 0 _ k g _ CR LF - printout generated upon pressing

10.6. Continuous Transmission

For continuous transmission mode the balance/scale provides option of mass
measurement printout in basic unit and in additional unit. The mode can be
activated with command sent via computer, or by setting respective parameter
values on the balance/scale.

Format of frame sent when <5.1.2.Cnt> parameter is set to CntA value:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S I space space character mass space unit CR LF

Stability marker [space] if measurement result stable
[?] if measurement result unstable
[^] if high limit is out of range
[v] if low limit is out of range
Character [space] for positive values
[-] for negative values
Mass 9 characters with decimal point, right justification
Unit 3 characters, left justification
Command 3 characters, left justification

Format of frame sent when <5.1.2.Cnt> parameter is set to Cntb value:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7-15 16 17 18 19 20 21

S U I space character mass space unit CR LF

Stability marker [space] if measurement result stable

[?] if measurement result unstable
[^] if high limit is out of range
[v] if low limit is out of range
Character [space] for positive values
[-] for negative values
Mass 9 characters with decimal point, right justification
Unit 3 characters, left justification
Command 3 characters, left justification

-Err2- - Value beyond zero range.
-Err3- - Value beyond tare range.
-Err4- - Adjustment weight or start mass out of range
(±1% for adjustment weight, ±10 for start mass).
-Err Lo- - Determined mass of single part in 'Parts counting' mode too small.
- Value of 'Min' threshold is greater than value of 'Max' threshold in '+/- control'
-Err Hi- - Entered value of single part greater than maximum capacity in 'Parts counting'
working mode.
- Entered value of 'Max' threshold greater than maximum capacity in '+/- control'
- Entered reference mass greater than maximum capacity in 'Percent weighing'
-Err8- - Time of the following operations exceeded: taring, zeroing, start mass
determining, adjustment process.
-null- - Zero value from converter.
-FULL- - Weighing range exceeded.
-LH- - Start mass error, indication out of range (-5% – +15% of start mass).

-Hi- - Display range of total mass on balance display exceeded in 'Totalizing' mode.

Problem Cause Solution
Connect the balance/scale to the mains,
The Battery discharged.
charge the battery (batteries).
does not switch No batteries (batteries not Check if batteries are installed correctly
on installed or installed incorrectly). (polarization).
<7.3.t1> parameter set to value
The balance
enforcing balance/scale shut- Go to 'Othr' menu, set <7.3.t1> parameter
switches off
down after particular time to 'nonE' value.
During switching
Weighing pan loaded during Unload the weighing pan. Zero indication
on, message 'LH'
switching on process. is displayed.
is displayed


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