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Chapter 1: Cassandra Xavier was impatiently waiting for the elevator doors to open so she could go get ready for a date. She had only 15 minutes to get ready as her date would be on his way now. This wasnt how she had planned it all. According to her plan, she was making the last minute adjustments in her makeup now patiently waiting for her date. But that had gone all wrong when her older sister Darla had phoned her to come collect her favorite Tory Burch Suede Sandals. They were perfect for her first official date. She had decided to wear DKNYs Platform Sandals. But the Tony Burchs screamed formal. So she had hurried over to her sisters apartment after coming from her jog. She had decided to stay a little while over and had ended up watching the entire season of Big Love. Hence the strict time constraints now. Unaware of the stranger by the apartment at the end of the hallway, she kept checking her watch. Why is it taking so long? Both the elevators were stuck or something. She decided to take the stairs. She only lived on the fourth floor. Just as she turned towards the stairs, the elevator doors opened. About time! She murmured. Hold the elevator. A voice called giving body to it when a tall, finely-built guy entered. He was dressed coolly. He muttered Thanks. He had to go to the fifth floor. No problem. Rubbing aside the thanks. You seem in a hurry. He observed as she had apparently checked her watch again. Cassandra made a noncommittal jerk with her head. Perhaps a date! Cassandra only looked at him and said, My floor, taking her leave. She glanced back to see he was following closely behind. What the hell? She was jumpy for no reason. Are you following me? He looked confused, Um, no, I had to apparently get on this floor. I had misread the floor number. My friend lives on this floor. He shoved his cell phone into her face. See. Clearly there it said. Fourth floor- Apartment No. 218. Satisfied? He asked shaking his head and looking at her incredulously. You clearly exuded aura for a stalker. Not my mistake. What with first going to the fifth floor, and then asking me all those questions in the elevator, and then clearly following me. Cassandra defended herself. Cassandra, Is everything okay? Shit. She had forgotten all about her date. She faced the gentleman walking towards them now. Adam, you are here. Everything is alright. I was only telling him that the apartment next to mine has been empty for a week now. She said facing him now. Oh. He should go check with the reception then. Arent you ready yet? Adam asked her taking in her harried yet elegant look. Cassandra was less worried about her look as she never went about looking imperfect. I am going to take fifteen minutes only, cmon in. She opened her apartment door ushering Adam in. Before closing the door, she muttered a good luck to the stranger with the lost look.



Make yourself at home. I will be right back. She quickly hurried into her room. Took a quick shower; and hurled into her closet to wear her dress. Thank god I had already decided what to wear. She quickly got into her Phillip Lims Silk floral-embellished dress. Her eyes flashed on her Michael Korss Buckled leather sandals and she decided to ditch Darlas Tory Burchs. So much for being late. After five more minutes she was good and ready to go. Audric Humphrey was clearly at a loss of words at what had happened earlier. How could she have known that the apartment was empty? Nobody knew the apartment was empty. He had made sure of that. He had moved out of there in the quiet of the night. But she even knew it had been empty for a week. He saw her and her date step out of the elevator. She looked ravishing in a sleeveless dress showing her legs. Why was she showing so much leg? He had wanted to get to know her before leaving Florida. But the encounter in the elevator had gone disastrous as she had clearly thought he was some stalker. He moved now as they exited the building. Im a stalker. He thought as he followed them a little and then got distracted by the fact a black car stood not far away observing her and her date. He made his way to the car. The observer hadnt yet spotted him. Didnt I tell you to stop keeping tabs on her? I have moved out of the building, thats the end of that. I am going to Boston tonight. Startled the robust man composed himself and chuckled. Yeah, tell that at the HQ. They knew you would be here and asked me to come here. And they were right werent they? Cassandra and her date had vanished which made Audric relax a little. He had to see her a last time and had gone there. Look, you guys can chill-out. I only wanted to get the mail that had been posted to my old address. I wont be seeing her anymore. This made him sad. He shook his head and made a final request. But I do have a favor to ask of you. While Im away, could you, for me, keep a look-out for her- for my sake? Huh? You really like her dont you? Dirk asked feeling sad for him. That means you will. I owe you one man. Audric felt more relieved now the matter to watch over Cassandra was solved. I have to go now, pack my things and all. Holding out his hand he continued, Beautiful night, tonight. You take care, then. Dirk Cress watched Audric Humphreys receding back and felt sorry for the poor guy. He had done what one mustnt do when on a mission. That is to fall in love with the subject.



Chapter 2: Somewhere in the distance someone was shouting. Cassandra, will you pick up the darn phone. I have been calling you for quite some time now. Cassandra Xavier fumbled in her sleep trying to reach for the cordless. Are you going to pick up or not? Apparently Darla was not going to surrender. Cassandra smiled sleepily. What time is it? Cassandra asked rubbing her eyes. Time? You have the audacity to ask me the time. Cassandra pulled the phone away from her ear the minute Darla started shouting. You were supposed to come and babysit Roxene, remember? I have a meeting with the stakeholders in about fifteen minutes. Cassandra heard her say when Darla had calmed down a little. Its not my fault, I overslept. You should confront Adam. He keeps calling me at his France time forgetting I live in Florida. Cassandra said. Whatever, move your butt now and come over quick. I am leaving now. Till you get here Derek is keeping an eye on her. Darla ordered and ended the call. Cassandra sighed and got out of bed. Her iPhone vibrated. She snatched it up from under her sheets and smiled when she saw who it was from. Adam had texted: Good night. Love you loads. Take care. Feeling giddy she went into her closet adjoining the bathroom. Took a shower and started going through her clothes. She selected a Phoebe jersey kaftan dress with Paisano printed linen wedge sandals. Grabbing her Laser-cut leather wristlet bag from the closet she made her way into her room to grab her iPhone, iPad and Gucci shades from the dresser. Taking her car keys and making a sweep over her apartment and exiting. She was at her sisters house in ten. She got out of her car noting the time on the dial 10.15. Rocky their terrier bounced down the front steps as Roxene and Derek stepped out of the house having heard her pull in the drive way. Aunty! Roxene exclaimed giving her a hug around the legs. Cassandra gave her a chocolate bar and ruffled her 2 year old niece. Looking good, Cass, Derek said stooping down to kiss her on the cheek. Thanks bro-in-law. Cassandra said winking. Arent you late for work?



There is a field survey scheduled today at 11. I need to go make a few stops before that though. He said putting on his metal shades. Are they YSL? Cassandra asked pointing at his shades. Yeah. He said chuckling. What? Cassandra uttered perplexed. Nothing, Derek said shaking his head. Just you and your brands. Derek continued moving towards his car. Cassandra shook the remark aside and got into her car before letting Rocky into the back seat. Roxene had already made herself comfy. She waited for Derek to take out his car and rolled down her window. So, Im only supposed to look after her for 2 hours right? Ahan, Darla will pick her up from wherever you are going to be after her meeting is over. What about the dog? I can take Roxene to the art show but I cant take the terrier with me. You can drop him off at the shelter for a while. Dont forget to pick him up. I know you are forgetful. Derek said smirking. Cassandra scowled. I will be leaving first. Take care. Bye Roxene. Dont tire your aunt. Rocky keep a look-out for both girls. Rocky barked. Laughing Cassandra wished him good luck and watched him go. Its 10.30 now. My art show is at 11. We still got alotta time. What do you wanna do kiddo? Cassandra asked her adorable niece. I want ice ceam. Roxene said in her adorable lingo. Ice cream it is, lil girl. Cassandra said making a turn towards the ice cream parlor near Darlas house. Okay, Roxene come here. Cassandra picked her up and put her down on the floor near her door side. Grabbed her bag, opened the door for Rocky grabbing him by the leash. And taking one of Roxenes hands. Locking the door then walking towards the parlor. She noticed a black car not far away and felt someone was watching her. A woman with a kid exited the car. She shook her head and kept walking. Argh, I forgot pets werent allowed into the shop. She looked around. There were benches around the area and she noticed a young man sitting under the tree reading a newspaper. She thought of leaving rocky with him and walked towards him. Rocky barked when we approached him. He looked up from his newspaper. Rocky bounced at him.


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