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Ayden 9B chem criteria D

A key component of scientific and technological advancement has been the behaviour of metals, notably
in the creation of portable electric supplies. The requirement for a consistent supply of electricity for
portable gadgets has grown in significance as a result of technological innovation and the current
developing state of the world.

Batteries are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy they have
enabled the creation of portable power supplies. The reactivity series has been essential in the creation
of batteries as it has allowed scientists to understand how metals behave in various scenarios. The
reactivity series shows metals in decreasing order of reactivity, with the most reactive metals at the top
and the least reactive metals in the bottom. Based on their reactivity and other characteristics, scientists
have been able to choose the right metals for use in batteries.

Since they can store a lot of energy in a little amount of space, lithium ion batteries, are frequently used
in portable electronics. This is so that a high voltage and energy output may be produced at a time.
Lithium is a highly reactive metal that can rapidly give up its electrons. However, less reactive lead acid
batteries are frequently utilized in motor vehicles and other applications where weight is not a major
concern. Compared to lithium ion batteries, lead acid batteries are heavier and have a lower energy
density, but they are more affordable and long lasting making it the ideal energy source for bigger
products that needs to be mass produced.

There have been difficulties in the creation of batteries too. The effects of battery manufacture and
disposal on the environment are one concern. Lithium, cobalt, and nickel must be mined and processed
to make batteries, which has a negative impact on the environment due to loss of habitats, soil erosion,
and water contamination. Batteries contain harmful substances if poorly disposed, can harm the
environment making their disposal difficult. The development of more eco friendly alternatives, such
recycling and the usage of substitute materials, has continued to be a goal of science.

One of the challenges in the development of portable electric supply has been the need for improved
battery performance and lifespan. While current batteries have greatly improved the portability of
electronic devices, they still suffer from limitations such as short lifespan, long charging times, and
limited energy density. This has led to scientists researching to develop batteries with better
performance and durability.

One groundbreaking research done by scientists is the use of new materials for battery components. For
example, scientists have been researching the use of graphene, a form of carbon with unique electrical
properties for a material for battery electrodes. Graphene has the potential to greatly improve the
energy density of batteries, allowing them to hold more charge in a smaller space. Other materials, such
as silicon and sulphur, are also being researched for use in battery electrodes due to their high energy
storage capabilities.
Another approach to improving battery performance is through the use of new battery chemicals. While
current batteries typically rely on lithium ion chemicals, scientists are researching alternative chemicals
such as sodium ion and solid state batteries. These alternative chemicals have the potential to have
higher energy density and faster charging times than current batteries.

In addition to improving battery performance, there is also a need for more sustainable and
environmentally friendly battery manufacturing and disposal methods. One way is to increase battery
recycling, which can help to reduce the environmental impact of battery manufacturing and disposal.
Recycling can also help to recover valuable materials such as lithium and cobalt, which can be reused in
new battery production.

Another important factor is in the development of more sustainable battery materials. For example,
scientists have been researching the use of bio based materials such as cellulose and lignin for use in
battery components. These materials have the potential to be renewable and environmentally friendly
alternatives to traditional battery materials.

However, there are economic and social drawbacks to battery consumption. The rising need for
batteries as a result of the need for portable electronics has raised the cost of raw materials, particularly
in undeveloped countries where these resources are often mined. This has cause social worries about
unfair labour laws and human rights abuses in the mining sector. Worries concerning the effects on
human health and social connections have also been raised as a result of our dependency on batteries
and portable electronics, especially regarding the usage of phones and other portable electronic devices.

In conclusion, the creation of portable electrical devices has been a crucial factor of scientific and
technological advancement, with the development of batteries greatly influenced by the reactivity series
and chemistry. While using batteries has many advantages, like greater portability and convenience,
there are also environmental, social, and economic problems that come with it. The necessity of ethical
and responsible scientific research and innovation has been researched as science has continued to
work towards the development of more sustainable and socially responsible solutions.

 “Battery Recycling Is Important for Environmental Health.” Gallegos Sanitation /

Republic Services, 20 Jan. 2020,
 “Battery.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 9 Feb. 2023,
 MichaelBerger–. “Graphene - All You Need to Know.” Nanotechnology, Nanowerk, 2
Feb. 2023,
 Notes, Electronics. “Lithium Ion Battery Advantages & Disadvantages.” Electronics
 “Portable Power Supply.” Portable Power Supply - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics,
 Schlesinger, Henry. “The Battery: How Portable Power Sparked a Technological
Revolution.” Physics Today, American Institute of PhysicsAIP, 1 May 2010,
 “What Is a Portable Power Station?” Solar Power Supply,

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