Oup Theory Ring Theory Vector Spaces, Euclidean Rings, Polynomial Rings

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1.Describe group and give examples

2. If G is a finite group and a ∈ G, then show that a O(G ) = e
3. A non-empty subset H of a group (G,.) is a subgroup of G if and only if
(1) a,b ∈ H ϚType equation here .implies ab belong to H ( 2) a belongs to H implies a^(-1)
belongs to H
a,b ϵ H imples ab ϵ H a ϵ H impiles a-1 ϵH

1.Group theory, Ring theory, Vector Spaces, Fields, Euclidean rings, polynomial rings.

Group theory: Definition and some examples of groups, some preliminary lemmas,
subgroups. Homeomorphisms, auto orphisms, Canley’s theorem, permutation groups,
Solow’s theorems.

Ring theory: Definition and examples of Rings, some special classes of Rings,
homomorphisms Ideal and Quotient rings. Maximal Ideal, Integral domain, Principal Ideal
domain(PID), unique factorization.

Vector Spaces, Sub Spaces, Dimension, Basis, Inner Product Space, Schewarz
inequality, Grahm–Smith Orthogonalization process, Modules, Modules over PID, Modules
with chain conditions.

Definition of field and some examples, the field of Quotients of an Integral domain,
Euclidean rings, polynomial rings.
:Group Theory:- Definition of a Group and some examples of groups, some preliminary
lemmas, subgroups, Lagrange’s theorem, A counting principle, normal subgroups and
quotient groups. Homomorphism’s:- Homomorphisms, automorphisims, Cayley’s Theorem,
Permutation groups, Another counting principle,, Sylow’s theorems.
Ring Theory :-Definition and examples of Rings, Some special Classes of Rings,
homomorphisims Ideal and Quotient rings Maximal ideal, Integral domain, principal Ideal
domain (PID),unique factorization domain
Modules, Modules over PID, Modules with chain conditions.
Definition of field and some examples, the field of Quotients of an Integral Domain,
Euclidean rings,Polynomial rings
Define group, subgroup and quotient group with examples, and proving some preliminary
lemmas. PO1 2 CO2 Define homomorphism and automorphisim of groups .Explain Cayley’s
and Sylow’s theorems of finite groups and demonstrate the problems. PO1 2 CO3 Define a
ring, homomorphism of rings, ideal, quotient rings with examples. Explain principal ideal
domain, unique factorization domain, modules over PID theorems and demonstrate the
problems. PO1 2 CO4 Define field and Polynomial ring with examples. Explain the field of
Quotients of an integral domain and Euclidean and polynomial rings with problems.
Describe group, subgroup and quotient groups and their applications.

Demonstrate the concepts of homomorphism and automorphisim of groups.

Illustrate the theory of rings and its applications.

Illustrate the concept of fields and Polynomial Rings.

Course Objectives :The course presents an introduction to some topics of contemporary

Abstract Algebra (occasionally called modern algebra) to study the algebraic structures like
groups, rings, fields, etc. The purpose is to prepare the student to independent work in these
topics and because of its generality, abstract algebra is applied in many fields of mathematics
and science. (For instance, algebraic topology uses algebraic objects to study topologies. The
Poincaré conjecture, proved in 2003, asserts that the fundamental group of a manifold, which
encodes information about connectedness, can be used to determine whether a manifold is a
sphere or not. Algebraic number theory studies various number rings that generalize the set of
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15-02-2022, 07:38 integers. Using tools of algebraic number theory, Andrew Wiles proved
Fermat's Last Theorem.) The content may vary, dependent on the needs and interests of the
The course presents an introduction to some topics of contemporary Abstract Algebra
(occasionally called modern algebra) to study the algebraic structures like groups, rings,
fields, etc. The purpose is to prepare the student to independent work in these topics and
because of its generality, abstract algebra is applied in many fields of mathematics and
science. (For instance, algebraic topology uses algebraic objects to study topologies. The
Poincaré conjecture, proved in 2003, asserts that the fundamental group of a manifold, which
encodes information about connectedness, can be used to determine whether a manifold is a
sphere or not. Algebraic number theory studies various number rings that generalize the set of
integers. Using tools of algebraic number theory, Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last
Theorem.) The content may vary, dependent on the needs and interests of the students

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