Prework 4

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25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Win Win
Suggested time: 1hr 20mins

To get 70% you would need min 11/15

We will be using the theoretical communication skills frameworks covered in this prework to
debrief the role plays in the live sessions of actual difficult conversations you would like to

Participant info

Full name *

Mohit Agarwal… 1/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Registered email id:

(Please use the same email id that you logged in with previously, for our
systems to match submissions automatically) *

What have been your learnings/reflections/experiences since the Ownership


- Making sure that you are communicating problems and aligning with the other
party given any situation
- Taking ownership and ensuring that I don't blame the situation

Win Win relationships… 2/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Win Win relationships

Where are you being a martyr?

- Family: I have been ensuring that my family is happy even if I need to sacrifice
my necessities
- Work: Ensuring that if a target needs to be achieved, I work 1-2 hours extra
- Friends: Sometimes ensure that I'm not stretching the argument and listening to
th th t

Where are you dominating others?

- Family: Telling them what to do and what not to do

- Work: Keeping targets as per my best interest
- Friends: Winning arguments even if I'm wrong sometimes to boost my ego… 3/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

What would be a win-win solution that you could create in these


- Family: Balancing the fact that I have my needs and I give them liberty to decide
them for their own life
- Work: Taking ideas from my team members and their probabilities and deciding
targets based on that
- Friends: Listening to my friends more than right now and settling for the things
even if I don't have the best expected outcome for them

Win Win

Overview of Real Conversations model

This model contains a set of best practice communication skills that we believe will help you
create win-win outcomes in both your professional and personal lives.… 4/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Real conversations - Overview of model


Sharing… 5/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

If one of your subordinates turned up to a client meeting like Avantika in the

picture, which of the following statements would be 'feedback'? (1 Point)

You look shabby

You look terrible

You should dress professionally

You should tie your hair back

I don't like the way you've done your hair

Advice works in which situation? (1 Point)

When you care for someone

When you're very confident you're right

When you know more than the other person and they also feel that you know more
than them in the area being discussed

When you can see that someone is doing something wrong

When someone needs guidance… 6/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Which of the following is not an example of judgement? (1 Point)

You are lazy

You are a creative person

This plan won't work

Your performance is not up to the mark

These are all examples of judgement


What are the advantages of Sharing over Judgement/Advice

- The person listens to you

- You are not tagging a name to them
- You ensure that you are sharing your points which will have an impact on them.

Listening… 7/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win



Understanding… 8/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


What does Understanding mean (1 Point)

When you understand the other person's point of view

When you know what the other person is trying to achieve

When you can say the other person's point of view in such a way that they agree that
you have accurately summarized their point of view and they can do the same for
your point of view

When you finally agree with the other person's point

Listening to someone carefully


Questions… 9/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


The disadvantage of Why questions compared to non-Why questions is:

(1 Point)

The other person might lie to you

The other person might feel mistrusted and get defensive

They might give you an irrelevant answer

It's faster to just tell them the solution sometimes

They can get to the root cause of the problem


What is the advantage of open questions compared to closed questions?

(1 Point)

They give you more information than you might have otherwise got

They move you into action

They give you quicker answers

They make sure that people don't close down

They can quickly help you understand if someone is lying to you or not… 10/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


Which of the following is a genuine question? (1 Point)

Do you really think this idea is practical?

What do you think we can do that will increase the likelihood of successful implemen-
tation of this idea?

Don't you think you could have called me when you found out about the problem?

Is this really the best you could have done?

So what you're saying is that you don't care if your subordinates perform or they don't?

Requests… 11/21
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7 elements of a request

Requests… 12/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


If you don't make an explicit request and somebody doesn't do what you
wanted them to, then they have not met your (1 Point)







The best way to get an open listener is to (1 Point)

Repeat yourself

Express yourself more assertively

Listen to them

Tell them you want their attention

Be in a quiet room without distractions… 13/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


In best practice project management, there is NEVER any URGENCY, but

there is ALWAYS a... (1 Point)

Sense of pressure to get the task done


Client deliverable


Sense of possibility


The difference between a target and a commitment, is that a target is

(1 Point)


Not important

Something that cannot be negotiated



Saying no… 14/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Saying no


The person who can not say no to their boss is (1 Point)

Hard working


A slave



Managing agreements & Holding people accountable… 15/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Managing agreements


The sign of a great team is (1 Point)

They meet all their targets

They manage their agreements

They keep all their commitments

They never break their word

They are consistent… 16/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


Holding someone accountable means (1 Point)

Firing them if their performance is not up to the mark

Shouting at them if they've been lazy

Giving them a low rating if they have not performend

Making an example of them

Check, Understand, Explain the impact, Find a solution to the root cause, Make a new
agreement, Fire them if repeated broken commitments


What do you need to do to keep a culture of accountability (1 Point)

Keep your commitments

Make complete requests

Have honest conversations

Terminate work relationship if required

All of the above… 17/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

Reflecting on relationships

(Note: If you haven't installed the app, you can get the installation guide in the first video of the app
tutorial playlist:

In the 'Life areas' page of the Stillwater Notion App, create a Life Area titled 'Relationships'.

Under 'Relationships' create individual goals for each of the important professional and
personal relationships in your life and enter your satisfaction level with their quality and


What are the key relationships in your life that you would like to take to the
next level?

What skills and mindsets do you think you'd need to learn to be able to
achieve your relationship goals?

- Family
- Friends
- Work

Skills and mindsets:

- Able to listen
- Share properly and understand others
- Able to ask good questions in my life
- Keep the power of saying no to others
- Make clear requests
- Manage my agreements properly with people… 18/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win


Optional video

Watch the video below to see how you can use the Notes function of the
Stillwater Notion app and how you can create your own personal wiki. 

In the 'Notes' section of your app, click on the 'Praxeum' page to access the
full set of videos from this program

Stillwater Notion app - Creating your own personal wiki


Did you have breakout rooms in your previous live session *


No… 19/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

This section is only applicable if you had breakout rooms in

your previous session
Breakout rooms can be very challenging environments since they activate a lot of our primal

- the fear of not being respected (I might say something dumb)

- the fear of not being liked (people might think I'm being too intrusive)
- the fear of uncertainty (am I doing it right?)
- the fear of disappointment (this is so uncomfortable and hard.. is it worth it?)


What were the behaviours you noticed yourself displaying in the breakout
room exercises?

(both effective and ineffective)

- Effective
-- Power of listening and taking feedback
-- Power of keeping my points clearly

- Ineffective
-- Sometimes cutting people from speaking
-- Making it a competition rather than taking ownership of the teamwork


What leadership behaviours would you like to commit to yourself to

practicing with your team mates in the next breakout room exercise?

- Listening clearing
- Comping as a team player and not individual
- Ensuring that I use correct words when I'm keeping my points

Final check… 20/21
25/03/2023, 13:51 Win Win

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