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10A VOCABULARY Places and buildings puzzle

a Read the clues and complete the puzzle.

1 If you need stamps or want to send a letter, you go here.

2 You go here if you are very ill or have an accident.
3 Trafalgar is in London; Times is in New York.
4 A religious building where Christians go.
5 You can buy aspirin or medicine here.
6 Similar to clue 4, but for Muslims.
7 To walk or drive across a river, you usually go over a.
8 A building where the local government offices are.
9 An open area of small stalls where you can buy fresh fruit, vegetables, and sometimes clothes.
10 Broadway in New York is a street with a lot of.
11 A building where you can see historical, scientific, or cultural objects.
12 An area where you can pay to leave your car.
13 The Thames is the that goes through London.
14 You go here when you want to get a bus or a train.
15 You can see paintings and sculptures here.

1 P O S T O F F I C E

2 H O S P I T A L

3 S Q U A R E

4 C H U R C H

5 D R U G S T O ’

6 M O S Q U E

7 B R I D G E

8 T O W N H A L L

9 M A R K E T

10 T H E A T E R S

11 M U S E U M

12 C A R P A R K

13 R I V E R

14 S T A T I O N

15 A R T G A L L E R Y

b There is a phrase under the arrow. Find the missing phrase, which is the title of the puzzle.

Test your memory. Cover the puzzle and look at the definitions. Say the words.

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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