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| Reg. No. -ARPAGAM FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH Othakkalmandapam, Coimbatore- 641032. Department of Pharmacology Pharmacology- 1" Internal Examination Marks: 100marks Date: 26.05.2022 ‘Time:3 hours I. Essay Equations: 1, A) Whatis drag metabolism? (3 marks) B) Write in detail about various phases of drug metabolism? (12 marks) . A) Define antagonism? (3 marks) B) Write briefly on the different types of antagonism (7 marks) ©) Differentiate between competitive & non- competitive antagonism (5 marks) TI. Write Notes on: 10x5=50 1. What are the advantages & disadvantages of i.v route of drug administration? 2. Deseribe briefly the kinetics of drug elimination with examples. 3. Write briefly on the factors modifying drug action. |. Discuss briefly on microsomal enzyme inhibition with examples. 5. Teratogenicity. ). Phase Il clinical trial, 1. Pharmacogenetics. 8, Discuss the clinical significance of plasma protein binding with examples. 9. First pass metabolism. 10, a) What are the types of receptors? ( 2marks) ») Write briefly on G protein coupled receptors (3 marks) KARPAGAM FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH Department of Pharmacology Second year MBBS- 2020 Batch IE Topie~ ANS and PNS Date -23.6.22 Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20™COs) Answer all the Questions Essay: (2x15 =30) 1. A 30 year old farmer who was spraying insecticides in his field developed excessive salivation, sweating, pin point pupils and difficulty in breathing A. Whatis your diagnosis? (1) B. Classify the drugs which produce the above symptoms. (6) €. Non pharmacological management of the case. (2) D. Treatment of the patient with the rationale of use of drugs. (6) 2, A. Classify sympathomimetic drugs. (4) B. Write the mechanism of action and pharmacological actions of adrenaline. (6) C. Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of adrenaline. (5) Write short notes on: (10x5=50) 1. Drugs used in the treatment of smoking cessation 2. Uses and ADRs of propranolol 3. A. Pharmacological actions of atropine in the eye and heart (3) B. Treatment of atropine poisoning (2) 4, Discuss with the rationale, about the drugs used in open angle glaucoma 5. Uses and ADRs of alpha blockers 6. A, Classify cardioselective beta blockers (2) B. Advantages of cardioselective beta blockers over non selective blockers (3) 7. A. Dose dependent effects of dopamine (3) B. Nasal decongestants (2) 8. Mechanism of action, Uses and ADRs of lignocaine 9, Suecinyl choline. 10. Vasicoselective drugs © Scanned with OKEN Scanner KARPAGAM FACULTY 1 Ni MUL! cH “TION NT OF PH. Ls et Marks 20x1=20 1. Which general anesthetic selectively inhibits excitatory NMDA receptors? 2) Thiopentone ) Hatha ¢) Desflurane 4) Ketamine 2. “Second gas effect i exerted by te following gu when condministred with halothane a) Nitrous oxide ') Cyelopropane «) Nitrogen 4) Helium ‘a rare complication of use of the following anestheth 'b) Thiopentone sodium 3. Malignant hyperthermi a) Ketamine ©) Halothane ) Ether “4: The specific antidote for benzodiazepine poisoning is: 18) Naloxone b) Flumazenil ©) Fomepizole 4) Pralidoxime |S, Which of the following drug is not metabolized by liver: ) Flunitrazepam ») Diazepam ©) Oxazepam 4) Nitrazepam 6. Moderate amounts of alcohol produce the following effects, ) Tachycardi a) Flushing ©) Diuresis 4d) Rise in body temperature 17 Patient treated withthe following drug should be cautioned not fo consume alcoholic beverages: ) Metronidazole a) Mebendazole ©) Methimazole )Metamizol &. Effect of alcohol on sleep has the following feature: E 1) It is dependable hypnotic but is not preseribed because of abuse potenti) b) It suppresses sleep apnea es 6) It consistently improves quality of sleep ‘d) Itcan disorganize sleep architecture 3d - 9. Off label use of topiramate is: 1) Alcohol de-addietion +) Extrapyramidal symptoms on anti-psychotic use ©) Opioid withdrawal 4) Sedative agent 10:The drug of choice in treatment of infantile spasms is: a) ACTH b)Phenobarbitone ) Phenytoin €) Carbamazepine © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Kal RPAGAM FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH Department of Pharmacology Se cond year MBBS- 2020 Batch JAE Topic ~ Autacoids, GIT & RS Date - 27.8.22 Time: Three h jours, ‘Maximum; 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20™CQs) Answer all the Questions Essay: (2x15 =30) abdominal fullness, nausea and 1. A 48 year old man came with the c/o epigastric pain, bloating acid regurgitation 2, What is the diagnosis? (1) b. Classify the drugs used in the above condition (4) ions of pantoprazole (7) Discuss the mechanism of action, uses & adverse drug reacti d. Treatment of H.Pylori infection (3) ___2._A35yearold woman came withthe c/o cough breathlessness; tightness in the chest and” wheezing ‘a) What is the diagnosis. (1) ised in the above condition. (5) b) Classify the drugs u: 1, routes of administration and adverse effects of sl lbutamol. (6) «) Discuss the mechanism of actio ) Write briefly on montelukast (3) Write short notes on: 1. Disease modifying anti-rheumatold drugs (DMARDS) 2, biscuss the mechanism of action, uses and ‘ADRs of metoclopramide - 43, Therapeutic uses of prostaglandin analogues . ‘4, Pharmacotherapy of migraine!" Le fly on the mechanism of action, uses @ ind adverse effects of allopurinol 5. Write brief 6. Second generation antihistamines 7. Write briefly on the mechanism of action, uses and ADRs of aspirin 6, » Stimulant purgatives , 9, Treatment of paracetamol polsoning Me 10, Write briefly on the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of rifaximin ’ | ey © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Please circle the correct response:Marks: 20x1=20 Date:27/08/2022 | NAME: |, Which of the following is not a second generation antihistamine? 8) Cetrizine b) Cyclizine ROLL NO: ©) Loratadine €) Fexofenadine 2. This antihistaminie drug can cause cardiac arrhythmia at high dose by blocking cardiac K channels, It is most likely to be 8) Levoeetrizine ») Fexofenadine ©) Astemizole 4) Loratadine ‘3. Hy antihistaminie having best topical activity is 2) Loratadine b) Cetrizine ©) Astemizole 4) Azclastine 4. Sumatriptan acts as an agonist at this receptor~ by SHT-2A/2C ¢) SHT-3 a) SHT-1 ©) SHT-1B/1D 5. Drug of choice for acute migraine is 2) Sumatriptan Ergot alkaloids ©) Ondansetron 6.Allopurinol inhibits which enzyme ¢) Ketanserin a) Xanthine oxidase 'b) Carbonic anhydrase ©) Pyrimidine synthase 4) Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase 7. Drug acting by inhibition of recruitment of neutrophils 2) Colchicine ) Omalizumab ©) Sodium chromoglycate |&. Which of the following drugs is not used in rheumatoid arthritis? 8) Methotrexate b) Febuxostat ©) Etanaroept 9. Misoprostol is a: 4) Prostaglandin E; analogue ©) Prostaglandin &, analogue 4d) Febuxostat ) Leflunamide +) Prostaglandin E> analogue 4) Antiprogestin © Scanned with OKEN Scanner KARPAGAM FACULTY oF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH Department of Pharmacology Second year. MBBS- 2020 Batch IAE Topic CVS, Diuretics & Blood Date-22.9.22 Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks (80 theory + 20mcas) Answer all the Questions TEssay: (2x15 =30) 4.47 years old man comes to hospital with complaints of chest pain, radiating to the left upper limb, pain not relieved by rest. Clinical examination and investigations were done. Myocardial Injury markers not elevated, ECG was not suggestive of acute myocardial infarction, He was diagnosed to have unstable angina. Classify antianginal drugs.(4) pao »- Describe the mechanism of ation, uses and adverse effects of nitrates. (7) ‘Enumerate the drug therapy in myocardial infarction.(4) 2. a, Classify diuretics, (5) aa b.IMIOA, uses and ADRs of furosemide (6) 8" ¢. Potassium sparing diuretics (4) II Write short notes on: 11. Discuss the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of 2. Write briefly on the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects Pabet 3. Parenteral iron preparations 4, Write briefly on the mechanism of action, uses and adverse attechs ce Srey 5. HMG~ CoA reductase inhibitors hy 6. Write briefly on the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effe 7. a. Classify antiplatelet drugs j b.MOA, uses of Clopidogrel f . Write briefly on the mechanism of action, uses and ADRs of alteplase * Fs no» olyhwh a Pemmage => ati Endothelin receptor antagonists. briefly on the use of antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy « op ee © scanned with OKEN Scanner MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Please circle the correct response: Marks: 201-20 Date:22/09/2022. | NAMES 1. Mechanism of action of statins is a) Inhibition of HMG-CoA synthase b) Stimulation of HMG-CoA reductase ROLL NO: «) Indirect increase of LDL receptors synthesis d) inhibition of cholesterol absorption 2. Fibrates act by a) Activate PPAR to stimulate LPL >) Binding to bile acids ©) Inhibiting cholesterol production 4) Stimulating Triglycerides 3. Long-term use of which diuretic agent ean result in gynacomastia a) Amiloride ») Triamterene ©) Acetazolamide 4) Spironolactone 4. Which ofthe following is not associated with thiazide diuretics? a) Hypercalciuria b) Hyponatremia «) Hypokalemia 4) Hyperuricemia ‘5. Vasopressin antagonist acts on +) Distal convoluted tubule 4) Medullary collecting, a) Proximal convoluted tubule .) Cortical collecting tubule 6.Drug of choice for central diabetes insipidus is a) Desmopressin b) Leuprotide ©) Insulin 4) Spironolactone 7. Filgrastim is 1) GnRH analogue by T-cel stimulating factor G-CSF 4) Antiplatelet drug 48. Which of the following drug does not act by blocking Gp H1b/IIIa receptor 8) Abciximab ) Eptifbatide ©) Clopidogrel 4) Tirofiban 9, Drugs used in acute myocardial infaretion are all except a) Plasminogen activator inhibitor +b) Thrombolyties ¢) TXA2 inhibitor d) Alteplase © scanned with OKEN Scanner 10, Heparin does not eause 8) Osteoporasis b) Thrombocytopenia ©) prolongation of aPTT «) Factor V inhibition 11. Class 11 anti arrhythmie drug ist 4) Amiodarone ») Phenytoin ©) Propafenone Pindolot 12, All-are toxicities seen with amiodarone therapy except: 4) Pulmonary fibrosis ) Corneal microdeposits ©) Cirthosis of liver 1) Productive cough 13. Ivabradine is indicated in the management of: 8) Congestive heart failure by Angina pect )Cardiomyopathy 4) Irritable bowel syndrome 14 Which of the following ACE inhibitor is NOT a prodrug? ‘Fosinopril )Enalapril ©) Ramiprit @) Lisinopril 1. Cough and angioedema in a patient receiving ACE inhibitors is due to: 8) Bradykinin b) Renin ©) Angiotensin IL All 16. Which of the following drugs is used in MI? 8) Cocaine ) Pethidine ©) Morphine ) Butorphanol 17. Which of the following is a K* channel opener? a) Nifedipine b) Minoxiait ©) Enalapril 4) Atenolol 18. Digitalis acts in Congestive heart failure by: 8) Na’ K" ATPase inhibition b) Na’ K” ATPase stimulation ©) Blockade of calcium channels 4) Increasing the refractory period of AV node 19. The major clinical use of nimodipine is in: 8) Hypertension >) Angina pectoris ©) Subarachnoid hemorrhage 4) Raynaud's phenomenon 20. Digitalis toxicity enn cause: ‘)Hyperkalemia byNausea )Arrythmias @) Allofthe above i ee: © Scanned with OKEN Scanner | KARPAGAM FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY ‘Second year MBBS- 2020 Batch IAE Topic ~ Endocrinology Date - 21.10.22 Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs) Answer all the Questions @x15=30) L Bssay: 1. A-50 year old obese male office executive with sedentary life style, presents with symptoms and blood sugar level suggestive of diabetes mellitus. He has a fasting blood sugar of 130 mg/d, post- prandial blood sugar of 230 mg/dl and HbAlc of 7.4 % a. Whattype of diabetes do you suspect with the above clinical picture? (1) 1b. Classify the oral hypoglycemic agents used in treatment of diabetes mellitus.(5) . Write in detail on the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of metformin (6) 4d. Sodium — glucose co-transport- 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors (3) Genaatitanl 2, A.29 year old woman working as accountant in a bank presents with clo palpitation, tremors and profuse sweating and loss of weight. O/E her pulse rate is 134/ min and BP is 160/100 mm/Hg. ‘There isa swelling in front of her neck. Blood tests show 1 T4 & 73 and {TSH. ‘a. What is the diagnosis? (1) (eed il b. Classify antithyroid drugs. (4) «Write in detail the mechanism of action, adverse effects and uses of propylihiouracil(6) 44. Write briefly on the drugs used inthe treatment of thyroid storm. (4) — Proyondol |S rte id rete Tet II Write short notes on: 1. a Classify bisphosphonates (2) 2 ‘c. Mechanism of action and uses of bisphosphonates (3) Ferkewyrat Insulin analogues \ ot hs eon sew ‘Write briefly on the different regimens used for emergency contraception. Discuss briefly on the uses and adverse drug reactions of corticosteroids ii ponent Cw. Write briefly onthe uses and adverse effects ofoetrogeNS dy : ‘a. Compare and contrast the action of oti id ranma nt ues) b, Write briefly on ritodrine (2) — +f mA ot; \ Po 7. a. Discuss briefly on the drugs used for erectile dysfunction (3) — siierey Ny b. White briefly onthe uses of finasteride (2) _ su uebutd WV" 8, Mifepristone — M ihoqtold oe 4 Superactive Gonodotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists 10, Newer insulin delivery devices %i~" ro ansene ‘teapealf seep © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner KARPAGAM FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH Department of Pharmacology Second year MBBS- 2020 Bateh JAE Topic ~ Chemotherapy Date - 26.11.2022 Time: Three hours ‘Maximums 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs) Answer all the Questions 1. Essay: (2x 15~30) 1 A47 yearold man presents with clo 3 week history of weightloss, night swea shoriness of ive cough. Chest X: ry revealed extensive bilateral cavitary lesions. His breath and produc sputum test results showed Acid fast bacilli (AFB) ‘What is your diagnosis? (1) Classify the drugs used inthe treatment of the above condition. (5) treatment ofthe above condition. (5) Short course chemotherapy in the ‘Treatment ofthe above condition with multidrug resistance. (4) ry a B « D i Pad. 2. A Classify penicillins. 4) Ganem* ». Write in detail the mechanism of action and uses of penicillins. (6) oa: Prye%c. Ant pe CINEe-Antipsudomona! penile 6) >. What i the rationale of combining p lactamase inhibitors with penicillin? 2) LL, Write short notes on: (10x5=50) none thag he 1, Cotrimoxazole << Suleman 2, | Write briefly the mechanism of action, uses it on retroviral protease inhibitors— uMBiBny alfrews and ADRs of ciprofloxacin 3) Write in d 4. Write the mechanism of action, uses and ADRs of aminoglyeosides ot ae Vance gee FS Zz ie Tee , 6, Write briefly the mechanism of action, uses and ADRs of amphotericin B Pate |tvaln K yn 7 Write in deal he mechanism of action, wes and ADRS of hlorogute, — Fayhnruhi cehirow'od 8, Ivermectin. = {plohyonn d Whlecd wat Wahitona i 9, Write briefly the mechanism of ation, uses and ADRs of metronidazole. (jay 10, Treatment of Lepra reaction. Sayer. ~ seenee | Fver prs - © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 10, Aplastic anemia is the adverve effect of 1) Rifampiein b) Chloramphenicot ©) Amoxicitlin 4) Ciprofloxacin 11. Treatment of lepromatous leprosy ist 8) Riffmpicin + Dapsone ©) Rifampicin + Dapsone+ Clofazimine ghest antileprotic activity is: ) Rifampicin +Clofazimine 12, The tetracyeline wit 8) Minocyeline b) Doxyeyeline «) Demectoeyetine HOxyterraeyeline 18. Which drug would treat both dermatophytosis and candida infections? a) Ketoconazole b) Griseofulvin Nystatin 4) Tolnattae 14, Drug of cholee for chronic hepatitis-B ist 4) Lamivudine +b) IFN-alpha ) Ribavirin: d)Zidovudine 15. All are protease inhibitor except: 2) Ritonavir b) Amprenavie «) Tenofovir €) Nelfinavir 16, Enfuvirtde belong tothe class of: 2) Fusion inhibitors ») Protease inhibitors ©) Gp!20 inhibitors 4) Nucleotide reverse transripas 17, Bull’s eye lesion in the macula is seen in: 8) Chloroquine ) Primaquine ©) Quinine 4) Sulfumethoxazole 18. Antimalarial agent safe for use in pregnancy is ¢ 1) Atovaquone ) Pyrimethamine ©) Primaquine 4) Proguantt 19, Ivermectin is used in the treatment oft 4) Filariasis b) Ascariasis| ©) Teniasis 4) Hookworm infestation 20. Drug of choice for Kala-azar is 4) Sodium stibogluconate ) Amphotericin B ©) Pentamidine 4) None of the above 4) Rifampicin +O floxacin’Minoeyeline { © Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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