Ogl 343 Meeting Notes

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Member Attendance
● John (Woody)
● Judy
● Matt

Ideas for the following

1. What subject area interests you the most? Health, environmental, or social justice? What
is a specific topic in this subject area that you would like to focus on?
2. What is the issue your organization is concerned with?
3. How will your organization help the cause?
4. What is your public campaign to make other people aware and get other people
5. What motto or advertising slogan do you think would be the most effective?
6. Who is your target audience?

April Johnson
Jesse Spillane
John Langdon (Woody)
Judy Cardona
Matthew Tate
1. What subject area interests you the most? Health, environmental, or social justice? What
is a specific topic in this subject area that you would like to focus on?
a. Access to affordable healthcare
2. What is the issue your organization is concerned with?
a. Promote and press for political action towards legislation that enables affordable
or taxpayer-subsidized non-employer-healthcare for all.
3. How will your organization help the cause?
a. Start by spreading awareness among the populace about the advantages of
accessible healthcare and the effects it may have on people's lives and local
communities. This may entail producing instructional materials, planning open
forums and events, and using social media to generate interest and support.
b. Organize alliances with groups and individuals that share your views in order to
promote universal access to inexpensive healthcare. Working with advocacy
organizations, healthcare providers, labor unions, and other stakeholders can
help you amplify your voice and get traction in this regard.
c. To show your support for affordable healthcare policy, get in touch with your
elected leaders, including senators and representatives at the federal, state, and
local levels. By setting up phone banks and letter-writing campaigns, you can
also inspire others to take similar action.
d. Attend public meetings and express your support for initiatives that will provide
cheap healthcare. This can entail giving evidence, sending in written remarks, or
taking part in other public engagement activities.
e. Create grassroots initiatives, including rallies, marches, and protests, to gain
support and spread the word about the importance of universal access to
affordable healthcare.
f. Contribute to or lend a hand with the campaigns of political candidates who
support measures for accessible healthcare.
4. What is your public campaign to make other people aware and get other people
a. Create a message that is appealing and explains why providing affordable
healthcare to everyone is vital and how it can help people and communities. The
message must be clear, simple, and appealing to the intended audience.
b. Use social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to spread the
campaign's message and connect with more people. Make the campaign easily
searchable by using hashtags, and encourage fans to share content to grow
c. Hold demonstrations, town hall meetings, and webinars to spread the word about
the importance of universal access to affordable healthcare. These gatherings
ought to offer participants the chance to interact with the campaign's message,
discuss their experiences, and discover ways to participate.
d. To increase support for the campaign, collaborate with community organizations,
healthcare providers, and advocacy groups. These alliances can broaden the
campaign's appeal and give supporters a platform to get involved.
e. Work with influencers that share your ideals and can help your campaign reach
more people, such as politicians, celebrities, and social media stars.
f. To raise awareness of the campaign and create talk about it, employ innovative
strategies like art displays, public performances, and other eye-catching
g. By giving supporters resources like call scripts, letter-writing campaigns, and
other advocacy tools. You may inspire them to take up the cause of universal,
affordable healthcare.
5. What motto or advertising slogan do you think would be the most effective?
a. Healthy communities start with access to affordable healthcare.
6. Who is your target audience?
a. The campaign would try to increase awareness among people who don't
currently have health insurance or who are having trouble paying for it.
b. The campaign would target low-income families that might not be able to
purchase healthcare insurance and might have a difficult time getting access to
care due to high costs.
c. The campaign would seek to involve healthcare professionals who are on the
front lines of treating patients and may have insightful opinions on the matter,
such as doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel.
d. To mobilize support and raise awareness, the campaign would aim to forge
partnerships with advocacy groups dedicated to healthcare reform, social justice,
and economic equality.
e. The campaign's goal is to persuade elected officials and decision-makers at the
municipal, state, and federal levels to give universal access to healthcare a top
priority and to promote affordable healthcare for all.
Stephanie Rodgriguez

Team screenshot from meeting

Present the integrated idea your team decided to pursue for the final project.

● Social services access for students (K Through College) that includes support for mental
health, access to affordable healthcare, access to food, access to housing, and
everything that it takes to keep our children and communities safe, healthy, and happy.
Member Attendance
● Jesse
● Matt
● April


3/31 - Team Videoconference

4/14 - Team Charter
4/28 - Team Process Evaluation
5/1 - Final Team Project
5/2 - Final Team Evaluation

Final Project Deliverables

1. Team Narrative
a. Provide a synopsis of what general subject area your team has decided to
address as part of their campaign (public health, environment, or social justice)
as well as the specific issue.
b. What type of organization has your team decided to be? A small group of
volunteers? A non-profit? Or maybe a larger entity?
c. What is the name of your organization?
d. How will your team help the cause?
e. What is your public campaign?
2. PowerPoint
a. Matt - Slide 1: On this title slide please include the general subject area (health,
environmental, or social justice) and specific topics that are captured in the title of
your presentation, the name of your organization, and the names of the
participating team members. If any teammate did not participate, do not include
their name.
b. Jesse - Slide 2: What is the issue your organization is concerned with?
c. Slide 3: How will your organization help the cause?
d. Judy - Slide 4: What is your public campaign to make other people aware and
get other people involved?
e. Woody - Slide 5: What motto or advertising slogan do you think would be the
most effective? (10 points)
f. Slide 6: Who is your target audience?
g. Slide 7: Image URLs references slide
Meeting Notes
● Near sign-off on team charter
○ Need everyone to finish adding their roles and responsibilities to the
● Matt will be working on the team narrative
● Jesse and Stephanie will be working on the powerpoint
● Everyone else will be supporting the completion and editing/checking of team

Team Narrative/Synopsis Draft

Our team has decided to build a campaign that aims to foster social services and healthcare
access for students from kindergarten through college. The team's vision is to create a world
where all students have access to resources that promote their health, safety, and happiness.
The team's mission is to establish partnerships with schools, community organizations, and
local government agencies to foster access to social services for students.

The team has identified several key objectives, including supporting mental health access for
students, promoting access to affordable healthcare, access to food, access to housing, and
raising awareness of available social services and resources through outreach and education

The team has decided to be a non-profit organization, dedicated to providing resources and
services to students who need them. The organization's name is Healthy and Happy (H2) and is
committed to making a difference in the lives of students from diverse backgrounds.

To help the cause, the team will establish partnerships with schools, community organizations,
and local government agencies to foster access to social services for students. We will develop
and implement strategies to support mental health access for students, including identifying and
referring students to mental health services. We will also identify and promote access to
affordable healthcare, food, and housing resources for students and their families. In addition,
we will aim to increase awareness of available social services and resources through outreach
and education efforts.

Our public campaign will focus on raising awareness of the need for social services and
healthcare access for students. We will use social media, online ads, and other marketing
channels to reach out to students, families, and community partners. We will also organize
events and activities to raise awareness of available social services and resources. By working
together, our team hopes to make a difference in the lives of students who need the support and
resources to thrive.

In conclusion, we have planned a campaign that aims to foster social services and healthcare
access for students from kindergarten through college. The team's vision is to create a world
where all students have access to resources that promote their health, safety, and happiness.
We have set clear objectives, established partnerships with key stakeholders, and developed a
public campaign to raise awareness of the need for social services and healthcare access for
students. Through our efforts, the team hopes to make a positive impact on the lives of students
and their families.

● Defined final assignments of slides to team members.

○ Matt - Slide 1: On this title slide please include the general subject area (health,
environmental, or social justice) and specific topics that are captured in the title of
your presentation, the name of your organization, and the names of the
participating team members. If any teammate did not participate, do not include
their name.
○ Jesse - Slide 2: What is the issue your organization is concerned with?
○ Stephanie - Slide 3: How will your organization help the cause?
○ Judy - Slide 4: What is your public campaign to make other people aware and
get other people involved?
○ Woody - Slide 5: What motto or advertising slogan do you think would be the
most effective? (10 points)
○ April - Slide 6: Who is your target audience?
○ Team - Slide 7: Image URLs references slide
● Meeting again on the 29th to finalize the final project deliverables
○ OGL 343 - Team Meeting
○ Saturday, April 29 · 11:00am – 12:00pm
○ Google Meet joining info
○ Video call link: https://meet.google.com/wsf-ruze-wbw
○ Or dial: (US) +1 302-364-6805 PIN: 597 148 305#


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