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The plight of Indian sea horses: Need for conservation and

Sea horses (genus Hippocampus) are Organization as a valid form of In response to a significant increase
members of the family Syngnathidae, medicine and is accepted by more in international demand, a target fishery
which also includes pipefishes, pipe- than one-quarter of the world’s popula- for sea horses along the east coast of
horses and seadragons. They are found tion 5. India in the Gulf of Mannar was started
in shallow, coastal, tropical and temper- Since the mid 1990s, there has been in 1992 (ref. 8). India is one of the larg-
ate waters from about 45°S to 45°N mounting concern over the decline in est exporters of dried sea horses glob-
(ref. 1). They inhabit many ecologically some exploited wild stocks of sea ally, exporting at least 3.6 tonnes (~ 1.3
sensitive aquatic habitats, including horses and other syngnathids6. In 1995, million sea horses) annually3, and con-
coral reefs, seagrasses, mangroves and it was conservatively estimated that at tributes to about 30% of the global sea
estuaries, with most species in the Indo- least 20 million sea horses (more than horse trade. There is also a significant
Pacific and western Atlantic regions. 56 metric tonnes) were caught for the trade in sea horses as aquarium fishes,
Sea horses primarily occupy inshore traditional medicine market. In addition, as supplements in some specialized
habitats in narrow strips along the coast more than one million live sea horses cuisine and as curios. Sea horses are
and prefer shallow waters (< 15 m are caught for aquarium trade, mostly exploited both as an incidental catch
depth), but have been encountered in destined for sale in North America, (by-catch in trawl nets) and target catch,
shallow rock pools. Many temperate Europe, Japan and Taiwan 3. The value for export. Presently, the commercial
and tropical sea horse species inhabit of sea horses is quite high; the price of exploitation of sea horses is being car-
seagrass meadows, while others inhabit dried sea horses in Hong Kong markets ried out from Tamil Nadu and Kerala
mangrove ecosystems and coral reefs. ranges from Rs 11,500 to 50,400 (US$ coasts7. Along Ramnad coast in Tamil
They are also known to be associated 275 to 1200) per kg depending on the Nadu, dried sea horse is used as a medi-
with soft-bottom communities such as species, quality and size7. About 50 cine to arrest whooping cough in chil-
sponges, sea quirts and gorgonians. countries are involved in sea horse ex- dren 9. Our survey along the Goa–
Some sea horse species require very ploitation and trade. The largest known Maharashtra coast also indicated a simi-
specific habitat; for example, H. bargi- importers of dried sea horses are China, lar usage. Demand for medicinal pur-
banti has been recorded only from two Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Malay- poses has increased 10-fold during the
species of gorgonid corals2. They are a sia and Taiwan 4. In response to decline 1980s and continues to grow at an an-
fascinating and remarkable group of in sea horse supplies in Asian waters, nual rate of about 8–10% in China
fishes with their unusual body shape new countries such as Ecuador, Guinea, alone, predominantly due to China’s
and their biology, with males incubating Jordan, Maldives, Mozambique, Nige- economic boom which promotes in-
the fertilized eggs in a brood pouch. ria, Peru and Senegal are now entering creased consumer-spending on tradi-
Extraordinary myths also surround the sea horse trade. tional medicines. A similar trend is
them. Ironically, it is their very popular-
ity that places them in danger, as they
are sought in large numbers for use in
traditional medicine, aquarium fish and
curios (souvenirs).
Sea horses are used as an ingredient
in traditional medicine, particularly in
southeast Asia where traditional Chi-
nese medicine and its derivatives (e.g.
Japanese and Korean traditional medi-
cine) are practised and have been used
perhaps for about 600 years3. Sea horses
are credited with having a role in in-
creasing and balancing vital energy
flows within the body, as well as a cura-
tive role for such ailments as impotence
and infertility, asthma, high cholesterol,
goitre, kidney disorders, and skin afflic-
tions such as severe acne and persistent
nodules. They are also reported to
facilitate parturition, act as a powerful
ç æ
general tonic and as a potent aphrodi-
siac2–4. Traditional Chinese medicine
is recognized by the World Health Male and female adult seahorse, Hippocampus kuda


expected in other countries with large understanding of trade routes and con- 2. Lourie, S. A., Vincent, A. C. J. and
Chinese populations10. sumer preferences for particular species. Hall, H. J., Project Seahorse, Project
Such high exploitation rates in India, Proper species identification, on the Seahorse, London, 1999, p. 214.
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and other hand, will help us to modify fish- 3. Vincent, A. C. J., Traffic International,
Cambridge, UK, 1996, p. 163.
Vietnam have resulted in a decline in ing practices appropriately, design pro-
4. Vincent, A. C. J., NAGA, ICLARM
the population of sea horses by 25–75% tective marine reserves, and assess Quart., 1995, 18, 18–19.
over the last five years3. There is also a captive breeding potential for sea 5. Moreau, M. A., Hall, H. J. and Vincent
substantial reduction in the size of the horses. Taxonomic confusion compli- A. C. J., in Proceedings of the First In-
harvested individuals and increased cates assessment of species’ conserva- ternational Workshop on the Manage-
removal of immature males. The indis- tion status, forcing unnecessary listing ment and Culture of Marine Species
criminate exploitation of sea horses in IUCN Red List of Threatened Spe- used in Traditional Medicines, Project
coupled with a general degradation of cies, and greatly increasing the possibil- Sea horse, Montreal, Canada, 1998, p.
their habitats put their populations un- ity of omitting species at risk. 240.
der pressure. Sea horse biological char- Morphometric characters in combina- 6. Woods, C. M. C., N. Z. J. Mar. Fresh-
water Res., 2000, 34, 475–485.
acteristics such as slow growth rate tion with DNA sequence data (such as
7. Anil, M. K., Kakati, V. S., Ganga, U.
(they take one year to attain maturity), the cytochrome-b region of the mito- and Zacharia, S., Mar. Fish. Inf. Serv.,
low natural adult mortality, structured chondrial genome and 12S ribosomal T&E Ser., 1999, 162, 23–25.
mating patterns (monogamous), low RNA) can be applied to determine tax- 8. Lipton, A. R., in Proceedings of the
fecundity – with each pair producing onomy, phylogeny, genetic divergences, First International Workshop on the
about 1000 young per year (very low etc. Molecular markers, especially those Management and Culture of Marine
compared to other fishes), lengthy pa- that uncover fixed allelic differences at Species used in Traditional Medicines,
rental care, sparse distribution, limited diagnostic loci are proving increasingly Project Sea Horse, Montreal, Canada,
mobility, and site fidelity make them valuable in identifying the species and 1998, pp. 75–77.
vulnerable, particularly to selective fish- will be useful, particularly for sea horse 9. Marichamy, R., Lipton, A. P., Ganapa-
thy, A. and Ramalingam, J. R., Mar.
ing pressure. The IUCN Red List of taxonomy.
Fish. Inf. Ser., T&E Ser., 1993, 119,
Threatened Animals includes most of As an immediate and proactive solu- 17–20.
Indo-Pacific sea horse species11. The Red tion to the problem, the National Insti- 10. CITES Appendices, website: http:
List draws the conservation concerns tute of Oceanography, Goa under its //
about species, but has no direct legisla- marine biodiversity programme, has doc.
tive or legal implications for trade5. initiated a comprehensive study on the 11. Baillie, J. and Groombridge, B. (eds),
Our knowledge on sea horse taxon- abundance and distribution of sea horse IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals,
omy from India is limited to a few re- species along the Indian coast. Re- World Conservation Union, Gland,
ports12 where morphology has been used cently, the Ministry of Environment and Switzerland.
as the sole criterion for describing the Forests, Government of India through a 12. Raj, S. B., in Proceedings of the
Twenty-seventh Indian Science Con-
species. Although it has been reported Gazette Notification has included all
gress, 1941, p. 156.
that two species of Hippocampus occur Syngnathids in Schedule I of the Wild 13. Knowlton, N., Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst..,
in our waters9, no description of species Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (ref. 14). 1993, 24, 189–216.
other than H. kuda has been made. The Although this is good news for sea 14. Ministry of Environment and Forests,
general shape of the sea horse is famil- horses, however, such a notification Govt. of India, Gazette Notification,
iar and easily recognizable, but detailed without the promotion of conservation SO665 (E), 12 July 2001.
identification is quite difficult as sea awareness programmes among the
horses often change colour and grow stakeholders and subsistence fishers ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank Drs
filaments to blend with their surround- could drive the trade underground and S. Raghukumar and N. Ramaiah for useful
ings. They also lack certain key physi- could divert the scarce resources to- suggestions on the draft manuscript and Dr
Ehrlich Desa for encouragement. Contribu-
cal features (e.g. pelvic and caudal fins) wards enforcement. The threats that
tion No. 3716 from the National Institute of
as in other fish species, and variation in these fishes are facing today are similar Oceanography, Goa.
body proportions and meristic counts to many marine species and therefore
used to determine species membership, more emphasis should be laid on habitat
often overlap among species1. Such improvement. Sea horses could serve as R. A. SREEPADA*
subtleties in species distinctions can a popular flagship species for engender- ULHAS M. DESAI
lead to ‘lumping’ of multiple ‘cryptic’ ing support for general concerns in ma- S USHANT NAIK
species under the same name13. Over rine conservation and sustainable
120 scientific names have been cited for management. Aquaculture Laboratory,
what are now described as 32 different National Institute of Oceanography,
species2. Lack of knowledge on 1. Lourie, S. A., Pritchard, J. C., Casey,
Dona Paula,
the identities of sea horses restricts S. P., Truong, S. K., Hall, H. J. and Goa 403 004 India
research on geographic ranges, popula- Vincent, A. C. J., Biol. J. Linn. Soc., *For correspondence.
tion density and viability, hinders the 1999, 66, 231–256. e-mail:


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