Lock Down Math With 3b1b

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Ee snpte | Oxy G-woery) 1 [Ayn er aS Sobutions : 24 bx eee = - *axtar0 Ker Ptodind x + bx+c=0, sly + normalized ) Ahese are the / = a i know because spe m=d"= (rm-d)(rm-+d need Finer He oes) d= 1m* - sr vm, dl ® (x-s )lx- y)=0@ x* -l(c#)x|+{or]= — Alo. x2 +} © xifC]-0 ‘Tip . wg se it a a af weknaw Me solutions CI con eanify find, He. coo)ficionts 4 Se 2 b,c UF we know te corliicionir, rh pH We know a,b,c. -”* te wale @ when Now, just work_bachwards trough the arrows! @ How to ealeulate ? + Gort with oonier valuos To sin (Te) = Vo ' cos (M6) Hp 4 are ° cos*®, compared to cos@, is: rw 3 he ys + Awice on uit — cosles)™ --S (CIES 5 tnt + cos @? a . needs Cos(26) + pp e once Srl carts —» code ) oc . Aalf on toll 5 a WAY, ie l, cosdz S__ | s = cod cast@ 4 eos (28) + 4 | nach |b = site On anit circles: Observe: somehow rolated) to exponential nD ce [ewe = pCa Lote. 4 @® son CAH, weere H=4 —Take away — “p+ L\ =sing Fron, Py agoreon ania gin?@ + cos = A : Tadeo De “Aly = = coe oy i fos (2) connection. wil On wut shoo (ae Exponentioly brianglea *\sine “Feelin enna ioe THO)]* ond FC20 Compfix number (Ganplix number : USO Namba st. i-4 (algibraie. aisumption) + A Aives in anolfier diumenion C geometric. axswmplion) at bi io { i tee dt Addition 1. Araighiforward Meese Multiplication is more interesting, + Allgebraically: 1. (8+di) = -248i : Creomenicoly : (3,0) ratates) 80°, (93) VB Derive cas (x8) sinus) Alopbroucally Georwrricolly, (cos m + isin) Rotate a x +. (cos B + ising) sep " Rotatalou®) (cosxcosp -sunusinB) = cos(wit) +A(cosaninB + MinmcosA) = +Asin(ovra) Some notes : > cig) = A/ cise Rotate Y by ob = Divide by cisco > [Mubeiptiying by i = Rotating’ by 40° @) Sobving, complex 2ap Whak are tie voots of x= 4 4 (D3 foot about multiplication azd-sz2 zede tao) z- (c+di) - cg)+ dei) Now we can find 2-w Yw Bem . y 4-8 Losd on 4 (S) Connection to the formula from fasttime : cos* 6 =4 (cos(20)+4) (coro ising) ( cos + isine) —<—<$_—$—— Ooo ee a te rotate by © roto. by another @ = ‘ay 20 K (ose - sure) + A2cindcose cot wah ------% eS —_> +isun (26) rahe -Api cof 28 = cor’® ~ (4 -cor*e) a ee = 2c0s*O- 2 304 BY real 7 fae 2h ©) Connection to axp = AN, . We 2-4i = te ~Azi etched () Multipbying by coc 8 + ising = Rotatiny by ® Pelosb) = C80) (adding inputs = multipying oudputs) Ee: What is... i Euler's formu, % founula| ef = eae inne actually saying? |) Euler's Jaden Ei Lockdown Mash with, 3bluetbrown ' ™ = Cot +isnns-4 @® Claim “xp () Q moe, ear ard oi hun ain shun «A this is w 3 ot ne Unaginany, unchon on &XPWO= Axe hee ot s periadic. ewitty period Plug in :[oxpC= ZI. = 2] oxp(y= 2. ops ZA. =| a Tega tn cet oxp (2)= #. 380... ”mumare hie etre ae awe Note: exp(a+b)= expla). exp(b) These are the “ohitdren” wee are. exp (8) = exp (Avs da A+A)= onp (A)>= 0% daca aemenwions. t welt) (12) exp (HaNa)= exp)=0\ | ~ @™ . eco 4): ee oxp(-4+ 4) = exp(0)= 4 ‘ha rehome ® Recall polar @ Repth mitt aft met Acetate oa 4 3 90° ‘oor’ snag z-we (ne!) (no') af expla) = yr, gtleutOd By. eA h ye. ~ ane ( sin(A) multiply radic add, angles f doa N rent = cod (4) + Asin (4) Buk hy 27? Question : aha te tte a circle?) - inl by be ce an defined, corte ae Anelear i ehould be ~ expC) defines he tontant ¢ re eh grid 2 (Especially when x is big ) + The reo) and, imag ast ieee megan pat Com 42% Ii ‘What dd we one abter 40 years ? 42% ivory $400-(4+ 0.42)" ~ $340 6% every 6 moni +19) $400. (4+ 0.6)" = $320 Ao every monty: 440, $400- (4+ 0.04)" $ 330) pound interest Loy ak deffevont srequencics d ---2 MO) — Amt) At=dyar (ned), AMG) =a ml) g > AMC) is ML) rotated G0° Amys M()- 4% rotated 90°d Vscaled + Whn wy » Whun At +0 (n>), we walk around fhe circle er sees SLAG after 2m yea, aputte bask to whire you stort ‘ . _ ian Alqubraically, or expected M(2n)=M(0)¢ . Ted yor reo.ar Sanatite? |” Qf na REEMA ya @ Applications in physics By definition : fio) NO ame mca) Me | | (eRe Ayo Amys M(t): rdt —_~ =Tv Jat Mitea\ = ML) + AMy Ve] = IY Y| = MO) Cs edt) MOT) = M(0) (4+ At)” = MO) (44 a) )" @ We infinity! Question: what < P%4 i freed Jometig soe) eb +\"_9 , Aum wio (1+ 2) =? ) Rewrite so din (0)( A aye? wlo) La is = om ond, Recall ox9 (x) =o & ae Hookels law: F=-kx Newton's 2° law: F = ma. ignore He joked In complex plane As we see with the i Akt ively. abt Antero vote i, = = anh (x +iy) At walktoround a crde \ i SAS wien Bt >0, just in ake iu oposite direction vps 2(1) = 2()0/ feat = 2(0)feos (1) - isin] x v af ese d (s a(n) e * Nv * YD t Xe Answer: 4 dopends on ow wo ' Fe ute ca oh Lockdown Mash wif} bla Lbrown Joi he bi i ts, gut pag of G related 40 exponent ley coo) QL. Howto express giowth? the mubipticaive NY, rate rib copa ge 97 > wporuntiol function “>, ch wer] Re adaitive 2 rode 1’ aA constant > fiswoe function QL: what's the snwerse $ of sxponertiation, or n*— rooting? —> Di representotion 5 A= 3 related, Aye Tales ye Ty Beare #q ‘eq (no 4000 ) 5 glee De b times Note: inside out Ag lax) = Log (a) + £ogCb) x Antide > + “outside exp imide > X_outaice big (a?) = bxtigia) =P 40%)” bx a0 PROPERTIES Conventions (ure, mae 409 = Log) Maths ' Aoge = Of LOGr! hog foes, Enginascing. Ss 4041 Computer Science. Tip: think countingds = fog (400) + 4oy (4000) 2 3 Cay} UP oe PeNLOUL f(s. gl) balms, ix Aike exponentiotion — a 40” x 40° = 40 X outside —» + inside exp owlside +x inside gab) = */foay(ad| ip: think Whrough 2x0 insta fey a (b) =x Aoyela) tu ok=b —> anv Q: How to work with ang base ? WNore:2! = 4024 = 4000 = 40° fog, (Ad=x ay 40 2 ax x ao (2) = 4x = 30 = etl — fog io (4k) = 3 oq. (AN) = 20 —> Hog. (4B)= 20 > Aegio (48) = 9 40 (AM) = 6 Appfication : represent coma, Values with igh variance 1.9, Richtor teale for sovthquakeh v 4 Churn xaz | ea oe 6 Nagaxaki v bomb + Tova, titi eoriquake, ethane Hoga, (TNT) = Se entre TNT = 328. 328. 328 > Sa ah Oat ta tog ,o(2) oqo) - fog lad = age a) Q: What i fe bose 6 1g Vmet8 Q@Qlm * Sag Magela00n) © see Aog(40o) : complex 7 ~~» Mulfanction: og, (4) =0, 2ni, Au, Riemann Aurore me y e $2 doginy _ Aa (Fin) _ Aog(aon) oq (4001) Log (400!) natu at. Lockdown Math with | 4 distance along = 3blued brown = the unit cule sast sah eg: Get intfesien of deviation Fo aad et > te as Aomehing, to do sith primes, Your investment a a qian time. me Frits 20° * amount. $ edo Wed + Hh ratio of prone numbers behave 3 Hen ris Sreuich nen “svt alsiance aot one i» 4Y/bp (40), at of caren walk around at span 4 stones she ‘rimysvt, ave readable meanings * 1 Me ae cee From previous fectures exp(x) = danke g.8 e Zopw= Ostet Bak Explicitly calculate the derivative ——__ Some consiant, £9. Woh Wen acewe ust Rta defn of Satisfy we ek en fm Saad N Jee =fawl) Ann) - £nl4) A - xt invetiteta d+ 2 doosnt give ome cn fhe wrverabow ef o ne (uametrie seria) ‘fair shapes! “Yk AS ea Atbedetedstedrae bo hn at “ an) the same Aogic xt 24 ext22e[xe eo bell Ghese can't both be Awe! Wath Pylon woe now x = Ttenative nt Auhation - use oulpud at inpid > use Gobiceb! * Fer nome bases, these curves Anteracet. For eile, Ahey don't, and tolration “escapes” 40 2° ! 4 % cgplying functor. Bo dapat ‘ridge “ev pos ge nae J anpatt x 5 : | J Pind numbers clot: conourge only hin hey For now, ace ust think of Fn example, 14% hana 9 dntorseet at a slope <4. “ya? Aviation as repeating eeponuntiation Adlutions, 44448 (stable) , % a number of dames and. 38,224 (apatabl) Sf dmg! ant Y mag | ae Ao pobre Fohat 1 the orden of operations ? 6 canvige! [es Came point) oro em eons a fold) a Coome ale) (3) = WF. ate 256 real, 2 bali) at. ee Lad) ay > b ae - : : = We. 6536 . CA “la 2 [bel 8 ab dehration! We can defore 4 | fractal reflects —savaonong ain whe fk placa appar bau fo comnsge eoradcoely Anton. Se ee ston tee “> hat about asec? Oy = 4 ay ded Homework . Find the Lower bound of con asa 23 Yo far 400 Rave ema vinkinds,lonaten oo Bhan tL €(4, +) diverges Oy, = lt $e COSOS hayyen e[o, 4] com aohen 0< b<4 and <— € 4,0) Ve sing thus depiniton 4o- calculate | she Cobs00b looks Aika. — € (0-4) 7 Arrastion an Python, you can se | y, J zoom An Ape clos Anes [40 ‘hat at can Asoo an voy quickly poy, omy eg’ 29 Aas 49709 digits closely. to- "2 can’t 4o encoded and Aloud, approwimate ‘hes saith a bine. Kegon pS lbnaton ya “lit a | ie 9 iaows of 44 moon Ks ap Aounced by she wait get taller Aut doos 2 Lado) bf pe da% =x hava solution 2*=x doen't | Aquare, and He “quare’ not converge toa point — > Anlb) = oh Eobnac dow gt amattr, * converge bo asuare > _b fotunal question which value Aut deus converge? _ yA Oa A purfect does the tower ? duvorge ? “when b Me Mx Ook Ty: ef. 02 Recall that o* means walking, around the apt wancle radians nu spang Hows did 7,0, ° combine to uate nes ak ele 03) 1} neal number tine (e° =4) ® Ghow aw other, values of + Af consider all x. wd hse a1 conveetont ‘How do- we choare conventions 2 con at “fe vention ally, le ce 4.444 = Va) (eam) le intay) the OF ™ eats 4444 CA) cucle approach = -V& Ghose aw roosonabl ansvert ! Aéeleome mubti- functions ae oot). ‘Sal © tag dot say Fatt ag a ollr- 4ni)x] Seite (r~ oti) x] wore) a expl(r + di) x, apLlrs Ana)x (f Gomplexs) % as aoell defined an the real) Sut not an the complix domain, > should we veplens ie) vv: dard) {by r= ane May on ahes dine, Gonos Som fun aan Ahat soiusfy e = i ams gat a ee tot ES (x) Auch 2g at set ny ne 1 econo? (gered 48 aa “I ade ‘tes hath bas Wy?) - ee fhe the four . con a hs as not dome soe | ane ction Lencounter this Rind of ambig. (in (a) + dr) onbiguay doe asa ee a wo Ya5 = 5 \ | these ted Ae 4f concider all x: x* = 35 2-5 Wea "Ge a np, fro rt ating | : (x) £0 fav some x HOt jo fl $0) frafl a,b exits a unique complex snumbou t auch that f(x) = exp lr-x) $s) = fa, $646) {00 fi, $69) $6) - 160, fi20 Rh Reo we = fo), any Hd 46) fin, $= FO) = $l) 10 = $0 Santee sae , ® r Stses Aeuet f= foie. ae fo “HD ay sot, oe. = “onl (ae) BS definition fom. ep. 4 @® What doer expr*) do graphically? 1 yual (qe) -Aquioh peal , sap anagem Fr nag (age) agp ual and agp Mk os "acon, OP at 1 complix (eq & ) the weet to each real umber is stretched by eHan, vk be ey (Gntad+ ava)x). “Ace a Jaa 2 se need Sein t pe a” ee real domain , s0ecan only alnich one econ” flat 0) to It as An (a). Jn complix domain, se can stretok then rotate as auch, as to want > smany * actions” puusl take $4) to 2. hey are /Anls) + nbeyb Anstoad. of * % (ne Z) stratch by rotatd® by full circles Eips 40 Ep. 40 J. he a. | problem Aotver Lockdown Math with Sbluetbrown | ~ (a8 ee = W 9 iast= 0 @ilwerage symiory © Stebatonshiy betwen, (a6) & eoste)* | =A Gos(@) = L282) Fn leche ob, ze found thi xquacon , bi Arantfouming waver, D Gy desrcbung one obec at's buy quomeby,unsad Abo different hoays Beng to ae anes of line ou ide cl) ©Fuo numbers ane chown ab randony fom xv ~ ALLO, 4) [0,4 J, according doa unifouny duvdubutior 4 ~ AL(0.4) had 1 the that xe the ratio of the fut toaht acsond, (|| La= 0)? rounds down do- an Loon number 2 @Draw a pictune. Have some yA numbers? Make thom coords! We an picking a pout an, Ahis square, whore —— arta as A. Che amasr is the sured avons of | = regions achow Lyd & even + 4 a a Cates s te AP) Td. os [alsa ® as ale’ “<\a\< @oead a tt, ond thnk > 7 BP [eo + @®.- &-) about problems a Lot Recall from Act # A-Ar+ is -da+ tis -. = An(a) ET nes as i les! bt cy ona on apt ®eAboays gut-check your plugging ar this fact > “cAnwoor = Ha x in(a) ¥035 amswet | —————___+(ait, this down’ make ronse' Ft should b0 2 0.5 (\Plys=0 Aodf the umes.) ‘Pheck agpin ors Ake owe abtemate Boboeen + and - © fearn at fast a tithe — > ofwoor= Ma xL4+ (4 - dala)) ] = 4a [athe] - 068, about night! Git of prognarmmingy 91d can alo umulate ssithy « compuaer do double check oun. anwaen. Ay Show that rho ajou fully expand explx)- expla, tah tum Ras He form xy" /(4)-m!') wplx)= dix eee roa Si an. mab ' 1 y » nuulkiplying, exp) = 4+ ayy ee oe . es explx) exply) = rnubliptying all pairs, Hen wutimning, ED 3y Show that who you fully expand exp (x+4), zouk tom haste form 4 () xe yr explx+ay)= 4+ Cort (ona) bet (oxay” . i+ y= (0 ™ fyn-k R)* 4 —¥, GED 3) Compare ife tio rexwtts above to explain why exp (xr y= explx) vply) Consider fe turm that containg x&x™ From (4), Ws cooffiuiord is A! -m! From (2), i cooffieient ve A (mak (oat nema) (k+m)! \ k (™:*)- (m+)! = (m+b)! 5 4 (me) = A Kk (m+k-kjtk! m!k! (kem)!\ k kim! vk Ym (@eD) 4) Would Hore rewbts till Mold when x ond, 44 are complex numbers? Wat about matrices ? The argu above only works when we Rave commutative property (xy = yx), 80 thoy apply to real and complux numbers but nob matrices Prove that te(tral”= 2 x (ea)? = E (ra e@-Z oy (ah (™)(x) = ts = Aan mead (me Ds (mais) x ay omM- C Tee =A. -= -4).. a-AY\ i a 4- (4 +) .( 4 z)... (4- ict) , 7 moe =0 St (a2) x “= move a a-(4-4)- (4-2). (4-2) i te *& bles) de (ed) ae (et) = = a. 4 : 4 4 a isa iN 2 * (ae)

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