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English: Writing skills

 An effective way of communicating a message to a large audience
 A speech starts with a formal address to the audience and ends with
‘Thank you’
 Purpose: Spreading awareness on important issues, informing,
persuading or entertaining the audience.
 Important parts of a speech:
 Introduction
 Elaboration of the topic (care should be taken not to repeat the
 Conclusion
1. Write a speech on ‘Role of Media in Modern Society’ in about 150 words for
the morning assembly in school. You are Samrat Choudhury XI D
Respected Fr. Principal, honourable teachers and my dear friends, I, Samrat
Choudhury of Std. XI D, am here today to speak on the topic, „The Role of
Media in Modern Society‟ that we live in today.
Media plays a very important role in society. It keeps people updated and
informed about what is happening around them. Print media like newspapers
and magazines have been in vogue for a long time but today the electronic
media like TV, radio and social media like Facebook, twitter, telegram have
become more popular in influencing public opinion. Teenagers like us develop
the curiosity to learn more about a particular topic or incident and form our
own personal opinions about it. Media not only communicates but also offers
its own perspective on every event that takes place. Therefore, we need to be
cautious. Nowadays, Information can be spread with a few clicks of a button.
Therefore, we need to be careful as the media has the tendency to make the
innocent look guilty and make the guilty look innocent. Fake news or hateful
propaganda may lead to violence and sometimes death of innocent people.
We have witnessed it all through the recent instances in the country like
farmers‟ protest, celebrity deaths or ruckus over Covid vaccination. So, my
dear friends, it is imperative that the public needs to be more rational and
decide what is correct. The time has come for all of us to be less impulsive.
Our duty is to constructively criticize the information we receive so that our
thinking is not manipulated in favour of people or media houses with vested

Thank you

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2. Write a speech in 150 words on ‘Benefits of Early Rising’ to be delivered by
you in the morning assembly of your school. You are Karuna Joshi /Karan
Joshi, the Ruby House Captain.
Honourable Principal, Respected teachers and my dear friends. Today I,
Karuna Joshi, the Ruby House Captain, stand before you all to highlight the
far-reaching „Benefits of Early-Rising‟.

All of us are aware of the famous saying by Benjamin Franklin, “Early to bed
and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise”. Studies have
shown that early risers, are positive and highly energetic. Rising up early in
the morning relieves stress and tension because it gives us the time to
squeeze in a workout before we start the day. Light exercise or yoga in the
morning helps a person remain focused, calm and efficient throughout the
day. This is why, morning people tend to be healthier and happier as well as
have lower body mass indexes. With the outbreak of the pandemic last year,
our daily lifestyle has been affected to a great extent. My dear friends, most of
us stay glued to our mobiles, computer or laptops the whole day long. This
makes us inactive and unhealthy. Many people have become sluggish as a
result of late nights either due to excessive „screen time‟ at work or spending
too much time in front of the „idiot box‟ or other gadgets binging and watching
movies, web series, playing games etc. One needs to maintain a proper
schedule to go to bed on time. Like our body, the mind too needs sufficient
rest. Restricting the usage of gadgets immediately before going to bed will
help us become an early riser. Once we convince ourselves and start to tread
on a new path leaving the old daily routine behind, we will surely become
healthier in body, mind and spirit. Stay safe Stay healthy.

Thank you

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