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Entrepreneurial Development

S.No. Questions opt1 opt2 opt3 opt4 Answer
1. A project appraisal is made for__________ of projects. statement seen appraisal execution execution

2. _____________is one of the methods of project appraisal. statement goals Market aim Market
analysis oriented analysis
3. Financial analysis is one of the methods Produce Goal project Marketing Goal
of____________of the company achievement appraisal. achievement
4. A_____________will be estimated to anticipate sales product firm data goals Product
5. ________ has to be properly assessed for an enterprise. depreciation working collection goals working
capital capital
6. _____________is the most important to start an enterprise. seed capital report project finance Finance
7. _____________is the second stage in life cycle plan segment growth business growth
8. __________ is the heart of the project Project idea Project Project Project Project
identification design selection design
9. The commercial __________ started to cater industries banks industries Offices Companies Banks
10. There are ______ stages in projedt life cycle one two Three four Three
11. . input, input,output input, input,output
output and input, output , social cost output and , social cost
What are the the 3 basic dimensions of a project? process and materials and benefits features and benefits
12. Project formulation is the important while preparing the Project report plan format Project
13. A project repoort is like a road ________. Map project statement report Map
14. A project report describes the direction of goals data enterprise plan enterprise
15. A project report is formal written oral oral/ written
a____________________________________statement. written

16. A project report is a document statement form form and document
operating____________________________________. statement
17. A project report contains form informations data details information
general____________________________________. s
18. A__________________includes name and address of the firm people bio data company. bio data
19. Aanalysis of industry comes under industry_________. details profile data informatio profle
20. A__________________details include product utility. product firm company utility product
21. A site includes the location of collection enterprise location department enterprise
22. Aphysical infrastructure raw report project forms raw
includes____________________________________. materials materials
23. Utilities include__________________. details firm power documents power
24. A transport facility is power firm details utility of utility of
an_____________________________________________. place place
25. A physical infrastructure project report skilled utilities skilled
includes____________________________________. labour labour
26. Common utilities include__________________. repair shops firm power documents repair shops

27. A communication facilities include__________________. repair shops firm telephone formats telephone

28. A ___________________________is an communication repair shops telex tele-shop data telex

29. A Research and development should be included project enterprise data goals project
in___________________________. report report
30. A Project report is like a road Project format statement map Map
____________________________________. report
31. A __________________is a common utilities. repair firm welding foms welding
shops shops

32. One of the utilities include__________________. details firm fuel Goal fuel
33. A project report includes the market_________of the form potential data area potential
34. A project report includes the expected_________of the price potential data potential price
35. A project report includes the demand and price position data potential position
36. A project report includes the market_________. form potential strategy area strategy
37. Aprovisions will be made for form potential data after after
____________________________________sales service.
38. A__________________ should be mentioned in project form potential transportatio communic transportatio
report. n ation n
39. A__________________ should also bementioned in form Finance data document Finance
project report.
40. The requirement of ___________________________ working enterprise data goals working
should also be mentioned in project report. capital capital
41. Sources of__________________ should also be working Supply data goals supply
mentioned in project report. capital
42. A____________________________________ Statement working Supply Cash flow goals working
indicates the financial position. capital capital
43. A____________________________________ Statement working Supply balance goals balance
indicates the financial position. capital sheet sheet
44. A____________________________________ indicates working Supply balance Break even Break even
the Percentage of sales. capital sheet point point
45. Environmental ___________________________ should working damage data Supply damage
also be mentioned in project. capital
A____________________________________use to get working CPM data goals CPM
46. better insights. capital

47. A PERT use to get better form potential Insights outsights Insights
48. A___________________________plan contains data. marketting potential Insights Insights marketting

49. A____________________________________Should be working Cost data goals Cost

estimated.. capital
50. One of the market aspect is__________________. Sales potential transportatio Purchase Sales
channel n section channel

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