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,----~---~- .

,-.,:4 e. ..,_

Chord joining A(t 1) and B(t2 ) ofy2 = 4ax intersect axis of parabola at P(c, 0) then t,ti = -~.
Smallest focal chord of parabola is latus rectum. ·
Length of focal chord of parabola varies inversely as square of its distance from vertex PQ oc AR 2 •

If /1 and /2 are length of segments of focal chord of parabola, then HM of /1 and /2 is semi latus rectum.

SP = /1 and SQ = /2 , then -2111 -2 = 2a .

· / 1 + /2

5. J The tangents at the extremities of a focal chord of parabola intersect at right angle on directrix. •~Y\\-·

6.J Circle drawn on focal chord as diameter touches directrix.

7_) The portion of tangent to the parabola cut off between directrix and point of contact on curve subtends right
angle at focus. _ 1
l O.&Jf'2-v. -r
u If tangents TP and TQ intersect parabola at P and Q. Then
(a) TP and TQ subtends equal angle at focus 'S'
(b) ST 2 = SP · SQ
(c) Triangles STP and STQ are similar

,.._ ,., ""

Foot of perpendicular N from focus S on tangent at point P to the parabola lies on tangent at vertex and
SN = SA-SP 'T ou~t-

,., Circle described on focal radii PS as diameter (where P is point on parabola and S is focus) touches tangent at

-~'°'"' ·
e1 .

,1J..} The length of tangent intercepted between point of contact P and axis of parabola is twice of abscissae of
...._. pointP. ' t ~
12J The ta'ng<;n~ any point Pon parabola bisects the angle between the focal distance of point P and
perpendicular from P on directrix. Tll.,U-~ -

p $~

~If~- ·,
13J If tangent and normal at point Pon parabola meet axis of parabola at T and G respectively then ST= SP=
14J Tangent and normal ; t point p· ar~ intemal and external angular bisectors respectively of LSPM. (where M
is foorof perpendicular from Pon directrix)
15/ Reflection Property : If incident rays comes parallel to axis of parabola, then after striking reflected ray
passes through focus of parabola and vice versa.
t6J If normal at point P(t 1 ) to the parabola y2 = 4ax intersect curve again a/ Q(t2 ), theh (PQ is normal chord)

12 = -11 _I. t'<-°'"_,.,._J


17-j If nonnal to the parabola y2 = 4ax at P(t1) and Q(tJ intersect at point R(t 3 ) on parabola then N.t>~ ·
(a) t,ti = 2
(b) +12 + l3 = 0
(c) Chord joining P(1 1 ) and Q(1 2 )passes through fixed point (-2a, 0) on the axis of parabola.

18.J Chord joining P(t1) and Q(t2 ) subtends 90° at vertex af parabola if th = -4 :
19• J Normal chord at P(t) to the parabola y2 =4ax subtends 90° at vertex if t =2
20J Norin!J"'.Ohefd,ft P(t) to the parabola y2 = 4ax subtends
' 90° at focus if t =...,~
4, and
i. also.under
x , this case the
abscissae and ordriate of P are equal. - t
J,, ,fj_°-norma/ Points : From any point P(h,k), maximum three nonnals can be drawn totheparabola, then the
- pbintTwhere these normals intersect parabola are co-normal points of point P. l\le>~ •
am + m(2a - h) + k = 0
2a - h
Lm, = 0, Lm,m =--,Om,= k where m ,m ,m3 are slopes of normals through P.
--, 1 2
2 a a
22 ../ Centroid of triangle formed by three co-normal points lie on axis of parabola.
23. / Necessary condition for existence of thiee real nonnals through P(h, k) to / a 4ax is h > 2a if a > 0 t,.toi.,.,J
h < 2a if a< 0.
24. _/ Necessary and sufficient condition for three real and distinct normals from P(h, k) to the parabola ·y = 4ax is
27ak' < 4(h -2af. .
• .,_,..l '
25 . . / If A, B, C are three co-n~rmal points of parabola w.r.t. poi? t !_' the!}, SA • SB • SC= aSP ·• •
26 . . / The circle which passes through three co-normal points'of par'abota then that circle also passes through ve1tex

of parabola. And equation of that circle is x2 + :y:J (2a + h )x - y=0 . -Neef~ .

.J If
2 -
27 circle intersect parabola at four points then co on chords exist in pairs and member of pair is equally
inclined to the axis of parabola.
28. Tangent at the extremity of diameter is parallel to the system of parallel chords corresponding to diameter.
29. Tangents at the extremity of any chord always intersect on corresponding diameter.
3 0. If diameter through any point P of the parabola intersect any chord at 'A' and tangents at extremity of that
chord at Band C then PA =PB · PC. Q

--,-=----~-+;__-+---- Diameter

Area of triangle formed ~y three points on parabola is twice the area of triangle formed by tangents at these

Area of MBC = 2 (area of Af>QR)
~ - bll" d" .
32j Orthocentre of triangle formed by three tangents to the para o a 1es on trectnx.
01thocenter of MQR is (- a, a(t1 + t2 + t3 + t1th)).

33. If tangent of Q and Ron parabola intersect at P, then length of perpendiculars from Q, P and R on any
arbitrary tangents are always in GP.
34j None of the normal passes through focus of parabola (except axis of parabola) . ~--"" ... 1.---
35../ T~e tang~nt ~ton~ ~xtremity offocal chord is parall el to normal at other extremity of focal c~ord. "'['~-~~
36j Circumcircle cff tr1angle formed by three tangents to the parabola passes through focus of parabola.1 ' ~
a{1 + t
37 J Circle desc1j~A<U>~ [ o~ai radii ps·as diameter of pliJ"abola intercepts a chord of ~ength ' ' on n~qiaf -at
point P. (where tis parameter of point P) , 2
. 1

38J Tangents and normals at extremities of latus recrun{ f9rm a square of area 8a sq. units. ti,.l0tNV'-ci,l •
39. If difference of ordinates of end points of chord of pafabo1a'-is~twice the length of latus rectum, then circle
drawn on this chord at diameter touches the parabola. _ _ _ •X-
4V·w,,R~pn of tangent intercepted between axis and point of contact is bisected by tangent at vertex. 1"~ ·

4!J If chord joining A( a) and B(/3) cut major axis of ellipse at a point which is at a distance of 'd' units from
J"'-1. t · ..
/3 {d-a
- -; if poznt
1 . . rig
"h t "l _de ·• centre
zs s1 OJ ,
centre then tan a tan - = d + a
2 2 .d +a . 1s
. left side of centre
... -
d-a ·
- -; if poznt
4,1/ If A ( a }...@d R(/3) are extremities of focal chord of ellipse
then tan a tan /3 = e - l ~re+ .
2 2 e+l. e-1 ..
43.J The tangents at the extremities of latus rectum of ellipse intersect at foot of corresponding directrix, and these
a Irh·omuus·w
c c 1 ..,.. i,. , _,._ _h . .-2a sq. umts.
• .
1our tangents 101ms ose area 1s ·
e .
l4. Sum of squares of perpendicular distance from two ppints on minor axis which are at same distance from
centre as foci, on any arbitrary tangent is c~mstant.
2 2
PA 2 + BQ = 2a
A (0, ae) and B(0, -ae)


45J The portion of tangent to an ellipse between point of contact and directrix subtends right angle at
con-esponding focus. 1 ,
46. of
Any point 'P' on an ellipse is joined to extremities major- dxis i.e. A and A' . On extending PA and A'P
meet directrix at M and N respectively, then MN subten~s 90° at coffesponding focus.

4 7. If 1:f. and are foot of perpendicular from foci of ellipse on any tangents' at point P then
/ca) Product of perpendiculars fr9m foci on any tangents is.' b '
v(b) Foot of perpendicular from foci on any tangents lie on auxillary circle. '
(c) .Pqint of intersection of tangents at A and B on auxiliary lies on ordinate of P and locus of Q is similar
ellipse as't~at of original ellipse.

48. Ratio of area of triangle PQR inscribed in an ellipse and area of triangle formed by co1Tes~onding points
. . Area of t:J1QR b
ABC of ellipse 1s constant - - --"--~- - .
Area of MBC a
49. The circle on any focal distance of ellipse as diamet er touches auxiliary circle.
50. If tangent at point P on ellipse intersect major axis of ellipse at T, also N is foot of perpendiculan from P ~n
major axis, then circle drawn on NT as diameter intersect auxiliary circle o~ogonally.

sy If any tangent at point P to the ellipse intersects the tangents at the vertices at T and T' , then the circle
considering TT' as diameter passes through both foci .

Sum of squares of cho1_-ds which the auxiliary circle intercept on two perpendicular tangents to the ellipse is

constant and is equal to square of line segment joining both foci.
If normal at point P of ellipse intersect major axis at 'G' then,
(a) SG = eSP
(b) Tangent and normal at P are external and internal angular bisectors respectively of LSPS' .
sy Reflection Property,: If incident ray passing through one focus ~hen after striking reflected ray pass~s
through second focus. •
, b2 .
55. Harmonic mean of the segments of focal chord PQ is semi latus rectum of ellipse HM ( PS, QS) = - ·

. a
If tangent at point P(0) on ellipse meets auxiliary circle at A and B, such that AB subtends right angle'fu
centre of ellipse, then eccentricity of ellipse is e = (1+sin 0 )2 .·

57. Perpendicular from focus on any tangent and the line joining centre to point of contact meet on corresponding
58/ If a,/3,y,o are eccentric angle of four co-normal points w.r.t. ellipse then a+ /3 + y+o = (2n + 1).n-.
If a, /3,y,o are eccentric angle of co-normal points then :Esin(a+ /3) = :Ecos(a+ /3) = 0.
60_/ If a,/3,r are eccentric angle of any three co-normal points (out of four co-normal ponits) then
:Esin(a+/3)=0 .
61) If ( X;, Y;), i = l, 2, 3, 4 are four co-normal points then :Ex,:E _!_ = 4 or :E cos x :E sec x = ,t:--'

62/ If a, /3, r, o are eccentric angle of points where circle intersect the ellipse (concyclic points), then
a + /3 + r + o = 2nrc .
63.J If circle intersect the ellipse at four points then common chord w.ill exist in pairs and members of each pairJ
will make equal angle with major axis. ·
The tang~ ts at the extremities of any diameter is p3rallel to the chord bisected by that diameter.
The tangents at the extremities of any chord always fntersect on corresponding diameter.
66./ The sum of squares of two conjugate semi diameters of an ellipse. is constant and is equal to a2 + b 2 •
67:J The tangents at the extremities of pair of conjugate diameters form a parallelogram whose area is constant
68. If tangent at point P of standard ellipse meets major and minor axis at A ana B respectively and CY is
perpendicular from centre an tangent at P then,
(a) AB·PY=a 2 --b 2 ·
(b) least value of AB is a + b

69. If TP and TQ are tangent to ellipse from T ( x1, y 1 ) , then

ST2 x2 i

(a) SP -SQ = a~ +;; .

(b) ST· S 'T cos 0 = x~ + l -a 2
- b2 ( where 0 is angle between tangents at point T)
p ',,,, .

T ,,'

7<y If normal at point p on ellipse having centre C intersect major and mirior axis at A ancVB respectively, also .
CF is perpendicular from centre on normal at P, and tangent at point P intersect major axis at T, then
(a) Pf·PA,=b 2
(b) PF ·PB= a 2
(c).'PA·PB=PS·PS' ·
(d) CA·CT=CS 2
(e) locus of midpoint of AB is similar ellipse.


71. If e1 a.11d e2 are ecce~tricity of ~yperbola and its ;~~jugate then -;. +-;. =·I .
. • . e, ei
72. Foci of hyperbola and its conjugate form a square.
73. If chord joining A (a) and B (/3) cut transverse axis of hyperbola at a point which is at dis!ance of ' d·' uri'itj

from centre, then tan a -'tan /3 = d - a or d + a . i

2 2 · d·+a d-a
74. If a, /3, r, o are eccentric angles of four co-normal points of hyperbola, then
(a) a+ /3+r+o =(2!1+1)11'
(b) Lsin(a+ /3) = Lcos(a+ /3)= 0
75. If a, /3, r are eccentric angle of any three co-normal points (out of four co-normal points) of hyperbola then

76. If {X;,Y;} i = 1,2,3,4 are foµr co-normal points of hyperbola, then LX;L_!_ = 4, Lcos.a-Lseca = 4.

xi y2 .
77. In 2 + 2 = I, 1f
a b
a >b infinite pair of perpendicular tangents can be drawn.
a=b one pair of perpendicular tangents which are asymptotes
a<b no pair of perpendicular tangents
78. The tangents at the extremities of latus rectum intersect at corresponding directrix.
79. Locus of foot of perpendicular drawn from foci on any tangents is auxiliary circle of hyperbola and also
product of these perpendicular is constant 'b 2 '.
80. Portion of tangent between point of contact and directrix subtends right angle at corresponding focus.
81. If tangent at P(h,k)to the hyperbola cut auxiliary circle at A(x1,y1) and B(Xi,Yi), then k i's HM of y1 and
82. If normal at point P meet transverse axis at N, then SN= eSP. . . , '
83. Tangent and normal at point p are internal and external angular bisectors respectively of LSPS .
84. If incident ray passes through one focus, then reflected ray passes through second focus.
85. If ellipse and hyperbola are confocal then they cut each other o~hogon~lly. , . ·
86. If tangent at poin't P, meet tangent at vertices at T and T', then circle with TT as diameter person through '
both foci.
Chord AB of hyperbola which touches conjugate hyperbola at 'P', then Pis point of bisection of AB.
88. If 0 ~s angle be~een asymptotes of hyperbola ~ei:i: e = Jsec~I ·
89. Hyperbola and its conjugate hyperbola both have same asymptotes.
x2 ./
90. If H : - 2 - - 2 -1 = 0 hyperbola
a b
x2 y2
C: - 2 - - 2 + 1 = 0 Conjugate hyperbola
a b
2 2
A :~ - Y, =:= 0 Joint equation of asymptotes,
a- b-
then C + H= 2A
91':s From centre of hyperbola two virtual tangents are drawn to hyperbola both of which are asymptotes.
92. If point is on asymptote other than centre then one tangent and one asymptotes is drawn fu.:>m that point.
93. From any external point which does not lie on asymptote, two real arld distinct tangents can be drawn.
94. Any straight line parallel to the asymptote intersect hyperbola at only'_one point. :.... ...
95\ Product of perpendicular drawn from any point on hyperbola to its asymptotes is constant.
-.__ 2 2 .
PQ·PR= ab
a2 +b2

. : . . . \
1= Pi.Qf;
96. If transversal cut the same arc of hyperbola in Fi and Pi_ and the asymptotes at Q1and Q2, then FiQ
FiQ2 = Pi.Qi.

en. In pair of conjugate diameters only one diameter intersect hyperbola at real points while other diameter
intersect its conjugate hyperbola.
So, if pair of diameters are conjugate diameters for h~ erbola then they are also conjugate diameters for \
conjugate hyperbola.
98. If pair of conjugate diameters of hyperbola meets the hyperbola and conjugate hyperbola at p and D
respectively, then CP 2 - CD 2 = a 1 -b 2 (C is centre).
99/ lf any tangent to hyperbola <
x:a - b = 1, meet director circle at p and O. then CP and CO are semi coni.ugat>f!
. _
diameters of hyperbola. · . . . . ..
1~ Tangents at the extremities of conjugate diameters of1hyperbola form a parallelogram whose vertices he on
asymptotes and also area of parallelogram is constant '4ab'. •
101. If pair of conjugate diameters intersect hyperbola at fi and Pi, and its conjugate hyperbola at Q1 and Q2 tben ·
P.Q1, P.Q2, PiQ1 and PiQ2 are bisected by asymptotes·. . , .
1£r. If tangent and normal at point P on hyperbola cut co~jugate axis as A and B respectively. Then circle drawn
with AB as diameter through foci. . ·. · ·
103. If two points P and Q an hyperbola such that CP .L CQ(where C is centre) and also a< b then
1 1 1 l
er - cQ 2 =;;,:-,7·
1ay If tangent at point P to hyperbola meets asymptotes at A and B, then
(a) Pis point of bisection of AB
(b) Area of !!CAB is constant equal to ab .
(c) If hyperbola is rectangular then locus of circumcentre of triangle CAB is hyperbola itself.

lOJ. If normal at point P(t1) on hyperbola xy = c 2 intersect curve again at Q(t2 ), then ttt2 +I= 0.
101/ If vertices of !! ABC lie on xy = c , then orthocenter of triangle also lie on same hyperbola A ( o,{},
B(t2 ) and C(tJ, then H(-~, -Ctsfit
3 ).

10:!J Perpendicular focal chords of rectangular hyperbola are equal, PQ = AB.

103/' If normals at three point P, Q and R on xy =c intersect at point T on curve, then centroid of MQR co-

incides with centre ofh~'Per]?ola. \

109. Polar of any point on asymptote of hyperbola w.r.t. hyperbola is parallel to ,:hat asymptote.
I~/ If circle inte1sect hyperbola xy = c at four poin~ P(t1), Q(t2 ),R(tJ and S(t4 ), then
(a) t1t2tif4 = l
(b) centre of mean position ot P ,Q, R, S is midpoint of centre of circle and hyp~!,"bola.
(c) Centre of circle through P(ti),Q(t2 ),R(t3 )is (£(t1+t2 +t3 +--}, C(_!_+.!..+l.+t1tit3 ) ) ·
2 titifi 2 ti t2 t3
(d) OP 2 +OQ1 + OR 1 + OS 2 = 4 1.i: where O is centre of hyperbola and ' r' is radiu!i o f c1rc ie.
llj If nonna\ at point P meets transverse and conjugate axis at A and B respect ively, F is foot of pe rp.::ndicular
from centre C on normal at P and tangent at point P meet trans.verse axis at T then
lu) PA · PF= b 1
(b) PB · PF= a 2
(c) PA -PB=SP -S'P
(d) locus of mid point of AB is similar hyperbola to given hyperbola.
1. The characteristic roots of a Hermitian matrix are real.

2. The characteristic roots of a real symmetric matrix are all real.

3. The characteristic roots of a skew-Hermitian matrix are either pure imaginary or zero.

4. The characteristic of root of skew-symmetric matrix are either purely imaginary or zero.

5. The characteristic root of a unitary matrix are of unit modulus.

6. The characteristic roots of an orthogonal matrix are of uni\ modulus.

7. The matrix A & A' have same Eigen values.

8. If 0 is a characteristic root of a matrix if and only if the matrix is singular.

9. The characteristic roots of a triangular matrix or diagonal are just the diagonal elements of the matrix.

10. If 1,, A:! ,·······, Jn are Eigenvalues of A then k1, , kA:!,·······•k,l,n are the Eigen values of KA.

11 . 1
If A is non singular then Eigenvalues of i,.,,- are thE:J reciprocals of the Eigen values of A.

12. If A is a·characteristic root of the mat, ix A i!ien K + ..t is a characteristic root of the matrix A + Kl.

13. If a, , a 2 , •• •• ••• ,an are Eigenvalues of the n square matrix A and K is any scalar, then characteristic roots of

A±K/ . a, ±K, a 2 ±K,a3 ±K, .. .. .an ±K .

14. The matrix A and c-1 AC have same characteristic roots .

15. If the characteristic roots of A are 1,, A:! ,·······•Jn , then characteristic roots of A2 are 1,2. ,.......,t1;.
16. If a is a characteristic roots matrix A then is a characteristic roots of matrix (adj A).

17. If A and Bare two square matrix of the same order then AB and BA have same characteristic roots.

18. ±1, only real characteristic. roots of an orthogonal matrix.

19. If A is both real symmetric and orthogona!. The all its Eigen are +1 or -1.

20. The characteristic roots of orthogonal matrix odd order is either 1 or -1 .

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