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22nd June 2023

Network System Developments

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As you will probably be aware we have had some issues with network capabilities since the end of last
week that have affected our internet connection and other related services, including access to Google

Let me start with the good news. Internet capabilities were restored within the same day by the IT team
and other related services, such as Library borrowing, are being restored during this week. Students, and
teachers, are able to access their files on Google Workspace and teaching is carrying on as normal.
Yesterday I watched a number of classes reviewing their exam performances with their teachers.

Now for the bad news. While the students can access their files on Google Workspace they cannot yet
work online on a live document, or teachers share live online documents, due to storage limitations.
Instead students, and teachers, are able to download their work and edit/share offline. We are freeing
up space, working closely with KDU University College, which shares the Google Drive and, as you can
imagine, has taken up the bulk of the storage. Also, internet services, while restored, are not yet as
stable as we would like them.

Finally, for the really good news. A RM2.5 million upgrade of our systems was already planned and this is
proceeding post haste and will be in place for the new academic year in August. This will dramatically
improve the reliability of our systems. In addition, the school has already begun to move away from the
use of the shared Google Workspace to our own standalone Microsoft Teams. Teachers and students
will transition over to this space during next academic year, while Google Workspace also remains

In short, the upgrade to our systems will mean dramatically improved reliability and stand-alone
workspace for students and teachers, which would make any chance of a repeat of the issues
experienced over the last week extremely rare indeed. However, we have still reviewed our Contingency
Plan in case of such an event, however unlikely.

Kind regards,

Mr. Trevor Spence

Executive Principal
Sri KDU International School, Kota Damansara

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