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Effects of Family’s Financial Status on the Academic Performance


The Family’s Financial Status and Its Effects on the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 Students in Hermosa National High Schoo l

A Research Proposal
Presented to Mr. Ernani D. Manalac
Faculty of Hermosa National High School
Culis, Hermosa Bataan

In partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the subject
Practical Research 2

Zyrelle John Cubero

Vincent John Provido
Marc Angelo Argawanon
Mikko Delos Angeles

May 2023
Effects of Family’s Financial Status on the Academic Performance

The aim of this study is to identify the family’s financial status and its effect on
the academic performance of grade 12 students in Hermosa National High School in the
Division of Bataan for the School Year 2022-2023. The study primarily sought to answer
if the family’s financial status could affect the academic performance of the student. The
research instrument used for this study were survey-questionnaires for purposes of
verification and validation of the answers that the respondents provided. In order to
gather the information needed for this research, the preparation for survey-questionnaire
were done by researchers. Most of the respondents, which are the students of Hermosa
National High School-SHS are under the HUMSS strand. In view of the fact that 20% of
the respondents are under the HUMSS strand. The financial status of the students in
Hermosa National High School is inclined to low financial status which refers to their
financial status in society. Out of 100 respondents, 72 students have low financial status.
Also, financial status is not significantly correlated with the self-choice of students in
affecting strand selection of students in Senior High of Hermosa National High School.
Based on the academic performance of the students, the majority of the respondents are
inclined to the general weighted average of 85. 14% of the respondents got this general
weighted average. With the range of 85-90 based on their general weighted average, 59%
of the respondents belong to this range. The results indicated that there is no significant
difference between the respondent’s family financial status and their academic
performance. Since the P-value of the study is greater than the alpha, the decision that
was made is to accept the null hypothesis of this research. The government must support
the students of Hermosa National High School continuously. In that way, all of the
students can achieve success in terms of their academics with ease. No matter what is
their financial status in life. School administration must acknowledge the students who
were diligent in pursuing their academic success. Even though, the students have
different positions in life. It doesn’t affect the academic performance of the students in
Hermosa National High School. Students can support each other in terms of their studies.
Moral support from a classmate can increase the confidence of a student through their
academic performance. Classmates can be a big help to a fellow student, encouraging
fellow students can lessen their problems with studies. Future researchers can look at this
study that is conducted by the researchers to increase their knowledge about the selected
topic. All of the details and information about this will help their research. Finally, the
future researchers may have benefits from the study as it provides related literature and
related studies.


Financial status, Academic Performance, Grade 12 students, Senior High

School, Hermosa National High School
Effects of Family’s Financial Status on the Academic Performance



Introduction 1
Statement of The Problem 2
Significance of The Study 3
Scope and Delimitations 3
Notes to Chapter I 4
Relevant Theories 5
Related Literature 6
Related Studies 7
Conceptual Framework 9
Hypothesis 10
Definition of Terms 10
Notes to Chapter II 11
Methods of Research
Methods and Techniques 13
Population and Sample 14
Ethical Considerations 14
Research Instrument 14
Construction and Validation of Instrument 14
Data Gathering Procedures 15
Statistical Treatment of Data 15
Notes to Chapter III 16
Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation 17
Notes to Chapter IV 20
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Findings 21
Conclusion 21
Recommendation 22
Bibliography 23
Appendices 26
Effects of Family’s Financial Status on the Academic Performance




The financial status of a family means profits, earnings, income, available cash,
or cash flow of a family. In this topic, the goal is to seek the family’s financial status
and its effects on the academic performance of Grade 12 students in Hermosa National
High School. The financial status of a family and academic performance will be the
focus of this research. The research will be also concerned with how the financial status
of a family affects the academic performance of a student at Hermosa National High

The financial status of a family can be important in terms of the expenses of a

student. School supplies, transportation when going to school, essential personal items
like uniforms, clothing, hygiene items, and many more are examples of expenses of a
student. Education is free but there is a time when the financial status of a family will be
needed by the students.

According to Ebenuwah – Okoh (2010), it was suggested that counseling centers

be established to address the various issues that students face, regardless of their age,
socioeconomic situation, or gender. Based on the research conducted by Jamie Harding
(2011), it was determined that waiting for the first student loan payment and having
missed payments at the beginning of the academic program both had a negative impact
on academic achievement. According to the research of Chioma Henrietta Machebe
(2017), For a student to be emotionally secure and have confidence in their academic
pursuit of excellence, parents should always motivate their children and offer moral
support as well.

This research is conducted because the researcher is concerned with the life of a
student when it comes to financial status, the academic performance of a student, and
the effects of the financial status of a family on the academic performance of a student.
The researcher finds it interesting to be focused on.

However, the research didn’t include the occupation of the student’s parent. As a
result, there is no clear evidence of why the financial status of the student’s family is in
higher or lower position.

This research focuses on the connection between a family’s financial status as
well as a student’s academic performance. For the academic year 2022–2023, this study
will involve 100 Grade 12 students from Hermosa National High School. The
correlational design will be used for the investigation. The ANOVA (Analysis of
Variance) will be used in the statistical analysis.

The objective of this research is to show whom it may concern, the academic
performance of a student while showing the financial status of the student’s family.

The government will benefit the most from the conducted research. The
government will gain from this study since it reveals the proportion of pupils at a
certain school whose families have a bad financial situation. In conclusion, the
government will think about assisting Hermosa National High School pupils. The
research will also be helpful to the school administration. The management of the
school will benefit from this research since it identifies the proportion of Hermosa
National High School pupils. The kids’ status will be acknowledged by the Hermosa
National High School administration. Overall, this research will be beneficial to the
pupils. The pupils at Hermosa National High School will get more awareness about the
socioeconomic situation of their classmates. The government and school administration
will provide assistance and support to the Hermosa National High School pupils, who
will be aware of their peers’ financial circumstances.


The goal of this study is to determine the effects of the financial status of a
family on the academic performance of the students at Hermosa National High School.

Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Strand;
1.2 Financial Status; and
1.3 Academic Performance?

2. Is there a significant relationship between the family's financial status and a student's
academic performance?



The findings of this study will be very useful to the following persons:

Government. First and foremost, the government will benefit from the conducted
research because this research shows the percentage of students with poor financial
status in their families in the specific school. In conclusion, the government will be
informed and will continue to support the students at Hermosa National High School.

School Administration. In addition, the school administration will also benefit

from this research. This research determines the percentage of the students at Hermosa
National High School and therefore the administration will fully benefit from this
research. The school administration will also be acknowledged by the status of the

Students. The students will benefit from this research. The knowledge of the students
at Hermosa National High School will be increased in terms of their schoolmates. The
students will also be conscious of their peer’s financial status.

Future Researchers. All in all, future researchers will benefit from this study. The
conducted research will be the guide in the study of future researchers.


This research aims at the effects of the financial status of a family on the
academic performance of the students in HNHS. This study will employ 100 Grade 12
students in Hermosa National High School for the School Year 2022 – 2023. The
students were selected using the Simple Random Sampling Technique. The research that
is conducted will use the Correlational Design. The expected results will be collected and
will be analyzed using the Analysis of Variance to see if there is a significant difference
in the academic performance of the respondents.



E.E. Ebenuwa-Okoh (2010) Influence of Age, Financial Status, and

Gender on Academic Performance among Undergraduates, Journal of
Psychology, 1:2, 99- 103, DOI: 10.1080/09764224.2010.11885451

Jamie Harding (2011) Financial circumstances, financial difficulties and

academic achievement among first-year undergraduates, Journal of Further and
Higher Education, 35:4, 483-499, DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2011.584969

Chioma Henrietta Machebe (2017) The Impact of Parental Level of Income

on Student’s Academic Performance In High School in Japan, Universal Journal
of Educational Research 5(9): 1614-1620 DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050919





This chapter presents the relevant theories, related literature, and studies.
Conceptual framework, hypotheses of the study, and definition of terms.

Relevant Theories

Family Financial Socialization Theory

This theory is anchored based on Family Financial Socialization Theory (2011) by

Clinton G. Gudmunson and Sharon M. Danes which states that family interaction, even
when indirect, has an impact on financial well-being including knowledge transfer,
financial attitude development, and financial capability development. When it comes to
Financial Socialization, it is stated by Ullah and Yusheng [44] that it includes the
development of standards, values, norms, and attitudes, rather than just related to
managing money. As described by Asad et al. [4] financial socialization has much
importance in making sound financial decisions.

Family Financial Socialization Theory can guide this research by discovering that
family interaction can affect the financial well-being of a family. Thus, students in a
specific family have their education as well if the family has low financial literacy and
capability. Families who have inadequate possession of the set of skills and knowledge
that allows them to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial
resources, children might be affected by the lack of skill of their family in terms of
financial management. By analyzing the financial attitudes, knowledge, the capabilities
of a family, along with the help of this theory, the conducted research can determine the
effects of the financial status of a family on the academic performance of the students in
Hermosa National High School.


Related Literature

The desire for high or good grades and graduating are the main goals of students.
Having an excellent academic performance in school gives students an advantage in
making their dreams come true but students have to deal with obstacles in their path. One
of these obstacles is poverty.

As stated by Norazlan et al.,(2020) in their article, financial play an important role

in students’ academic performance. Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to
be addressed as it leads to multiple stages of problems such as health issues and academic

As stated by Jeynes (2002) in his article entitled, “ Examining the Effects of

Parental Absence on the Academic Achievement of Adolescents: The Challenge of
Controlling for Family Income” the death of a parent or a parental divorce is some of the
reasons why the family income reduce. It also affects the academic achievement of

According to Eamon (2005) in her article entitled, “ Social – Demographic, School,

Neighborhood, and Parenting Influences on the Academic Achievement of Latino Young
Adolescents ” women who started pregnancy at older ages, had greater levels of
academic capabilities, and claimed no English language issue scored better on both forms
of academic outcomes, however, poverty was related significantly to reading

According to the report of Prof Charles Desforges (2003), parental involvement as

one of the major factors was that the higher the class the more the involvement, the more
mother is educated, greater the extent of involvement. According to Dang and Bulus
(2015), education is a high-cost social service therefore insufficient financial support will
be a problem for students to enhance themselves in academics thus leading to poor
academic performance.

According to Nnamani et al.,(2014), it was found that financial status depends on

the source of finance. The self-sponsored students are more satisfied than those that get
their money either from their parents or from a scholarship fund. It was also discovered
that the adequacy /inadequacy of a student‟s finance does not depend on gender.

As stated by Scott (2003), if students are to maximize their potential from

schooling, they will need the full support of their families. Attempts to enhance familial
involvement in education occupy governments, administrators, educators, and family
organizations all over the world. It is anticipated that families should play a role not only
in the promotion of their own children’s achievements but also more broadly in school
improvement and the democratization of school governance.

According to Oloo (2003), Family education and socioeconomic status have an
impact on student’s academic achievements at any level of education. Students with
families who were both college-educated tended to achieve at the highest levels. Children
whose families are of high educational scales have a statistically far better chance of
participating in tertiary education.

According to Wanjiku (1994), where resources are limited within the family, the
education of males comes first. Females have been socialized to accept this, and failure of
girls in schools is sociocultural less tolerated, and then they usually drop out of school for
the benefit of their brothers.

As stated by Otula (2007), effective learning involves a partnership of students,

teachers, and parents. He also observed that families’ involvement determines the
emotional and material input that further determined the motivation level of students
toward education. The socioeconomic status of families in one way or another way
affects academic achievement.

Related Studies

As stated in the input-output model in the research study of Guirit et al.,(2015), it

is assumed that students with high admission points, high social-economic background,
and good school background will perform well if the university facilities are good, the
lecturers and the management of the university is good which may not always be the case.

In the study conducted by Guirit et al.,(2015) at Cebu entitled “Financial Status

and Academic Performance: Basis for a Propose College Tuition Planning” shows that
poverty significantly affects the resources available to students. Due to this lack of
resources, many students struggle to reach the same academic achievement levels as
students not living in poverty.

The study by Destin and Svoboda (2018) entitled “Costs on the Mind: The
Influence of the financial burden of College on academic performance and cognitive
functioning” shows the financial burden of college can initiate a psychological process
that has a negative influence on academic performance for students at selective colleges
and universities.

In the study conducted by Masud et al.,(2019), shows that socioeconomic

status, father’s education level, and fathers’ care scores have a significantly positive
influence on the academic performance of adolescent students in Peshawar, Pakistan. The
most common parenting style for both fathers and mothers was affectionless control.
However, affectionless control exhibited by the father was the only parenting style
significantly contributing to improved academic performance.

In the study conducted by Farooq et al.,(2011), the results are significant for the
education level of the mother as well as the father. Additionally, they also reported
significantly higher academic performance in females and students belonging to a higher
socioeconomic status.

According to the result of the study conducted by Xiao et al.,(2009), positive

financial behaviors contribute to financial satisfaction, and financial satisfaction in turn
contributes to life satisfaction. In addition, positive financial behaviors contribute to life
satisfaction through two more mediating variables: academic performance and academic

In the study of Omoroka (2001), the researcher noted that students with rich
families have certain needs, physical and sociological which when met contribute
positively to their academic achievement. Therefore, it was identified that families’
socioeconomic status in one way or another affects students’ academic achievement at
any level of education.

According to the study of Ahawo (2009) who observed that in modern society,
families’ influence played a very important role in students’ academic achievements.
Additionally, Otula (2007) also supported this by stating that families’ involvement
determines the emotional and material input that further determined the motivation level
of students toward education.

In the study of Williamson (1994), the result found that parents’

educational levels are strongly related to family income levels. Current research has tried
to separate the effects of a parent’s education and family income on a student, but it has
been difficult to do so. Both variables are used as proxies for socioeconomic status.
Because parental educational levels can be independent of income, the parental
educational level can influence the value that parents place on education. This could
influence a child’s educational attainment.


Conceptual Framework

The study undertook using Input-Process-Output Approach. The figure below

showed how the study was undertaken.


To determine the The researchers used The financial status of a

financial status of a survey and family does not affect the
family and the questionnaire to academic performance of
academic performance determine the financial a student.
of the student in terms status of the family and
of age and grade level. the academic
performance of the
To compare the
significant difference In addition, the
on the financial status researchers also used
and academic the analysis tool which
performance of the is the ANOVA to
student according to compare the gathered
the profile. data analytically if
there are any
To differentiate the
statistically significant
significant relationship
relationship between
between the financial
the financial status of a
status of the family
family and the
and the academic
academic performance
performance of a
of a student.

Figure 1 – Paradigm of the Study

The figure displays the conceptual framework of the study. It is shown in the form
of the paradigm of the IPO style. In the first part, the input states the research questions
that are used in the study. The second part shows the process which states the research
instruments to be used, which are the survey questionnaire, and the statistical treatment to
be used which is the ANOVA. Lastly, the output contains the gathered results between
the financial status of a family between the academic performance of a student.


Ho: There is no significant difference between the financial status and
academic performance of the respondent.
Ha: There is a significant difference between the financial status and
academic performance of the respondent.

Definition of Terms

Financial Literacy. The possession of the set of skills and knowledge

that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all
of their financial resources.


Relevant Theories
Gudmunson, Clinton. (2011). Family Financial Socialization: Theory and Critical
Review. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 32. 10.1007/s10834-011-9275-y.
Relevant Literature

Norazlan, Nurhidayah & Yusuf, Sarina & Al-Majdhoub, Fatima. (2020). THE-

Jeynes, William. (2002). Examining the Effects of Parental Absence on the Academic
Achievement of Adolescents: The Challenge of Controlling for Family Income. Journal of Family
and Economic Issues. 23. 189-210. 10.1023/A:1015790701554.

Eamon, Mary. (2005). Social-Demographic, School, Neighborhood, and Parenting

Influences on the Academic Achievement of Latino Young Adolescents. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence. 34. 163-174. 10.1007/s10964-005-3214-x.

Desforges, C., & Abouchaar, A. (2003). The impact of parental involvement, parental
support, and family education on pupil achievement and adjustment: A literature review (Vol.
433). London: DfES.

Dang, Emmanuel & Bulus, E. (2015). THE IMPACT OF FINANCE ON THE

Public Policy. 7. 44-54.

Nnamani, Chibuike & Dikko, H.G & Kinta, Lm. (2014). Impact of Students’ Financial
Strength on their Academic Performance: Kaduna Polytechnic Experience. African Research
Review. 8. 83. 10.4314/afrrev.v8i1.7.

Scott, K.S. (2003). Enhancing academic achievement in college students through

attributional retraining and instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82 (2), 262-271.

Oloo, M.A. (2003). Gender disparity in student Achievement in day secondary schools.
Migori: Maseno University.

Wanjiku, A. O. (1994). Academic background of students and achievement in a computer

science program at a Nigerian University. European Journal of Social Sciences. 9(4), 564-572.

Otula, P.A. (2007). Mastery of modern school administration. London: John Willey.
Psacharopoulos, G. & Patrinos, H.A. (2002). Returns to investment in education: A further update.
Washington, D.C.: World Bank.


Guirit, D. E. (2015). Financial Status and Academic Performance: A Basis for College
Tuition Planning [Research proposal].,

Destin, M., & Svoboda, R. C. (2018). Costs on the mind: The influence of the financial
burden of college on academic performance and cognitive functioning. Research in Higher
Education, 59(3), 302-324.

Masud, S., Mufarrih, S. H., Qureshi, N. Q., Khan, F., Khan, S., & Khan, M. N. (2019).
Academic performance in adolescent students: the role of parenting styles and socio-demographic
factors–a cross-sectional study from eshawar, Pakistan. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2497.

Farooq, M. S., Chaudhry, A. H., Shafiq, M., and Berhanu, G. (2011). Factors affecting
students’ quality of academic performance: a case of secondary school level. J. Qual. Technol.
Manag. 7, 1–14.

Xiao, J. J., Tang, C., & Shim, S. (2009). Acting for happiness: Financial behavior and life
satisfaction of college students. Social indicators research, 92(1), 53-68.

Omoraka, S. (2001). The effect of gender, socio-economic status, and school

location. Retrieved from HTTP/www/fundartticles. Com/p/articles.

Ahawo, H. (2009). Factors enhancing student academic Achievement in public mixed

day Secondary schools in Kisumu East District Kenya. (Unpublished Masterthesis). Maseno.

Otula, P.A. (2007). Mastery of modern school administration. London: John Willey.
Williamson, S. (1994). Student achievement and the changing America family. Santa Monica:




Methods and Techniques

This study followed a quantitative research design that aims to discover the
family’s financial status and its effects on the academic performance of Grade 12
students in Hermosa National High School.

Since this study is focused on determining the relationship between the financial
status of a family and the academic performance of a student, Correlational Research
Design is applicable to this study. The researchers want to know if the financial status of
a family affects the studies of their children. Thus, the researchers decided to choose
Correlational Research. As stated by Seeram (2019), Correlational Research Design
facilitates the prediction and explanation of the relationship among the variables. Also,
this research design is a type of non-experimental research. When it comes to measuring
2 or more variables to investigate the extent to which the variables are related,
Correlational Research Design is applicable.

This quantitative type of study utilized a random selection method in identifying

the effects of the financial status of a family on the academic performance of the students
in HNHS. As defined by The Office of Research Integrity, Module 3: Elements of
Research – Section 4, Random selection is a form of sampling where a representative
group of research participants is selected from a larger group by chance. This can be done
by identifying all of the possible candidates for study participation.

This study will use Simple Random Sampling. According to Lauren Thomas
(2022), a simple random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this
sampling method, each member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being
selected. This method is the most straightforward of all the probability sampling methods
since it only involves a single random selection and requires little advance knowledge
about the population. Because it uses randomization, any research performed on this
sample should have high internal and external validity, and be at a lower risk for research
biases like sampling bias and selection bias.


Population and Sample

The students of Hermosa National High School – Senior High will be the
respondents of this study. 100 students under the ABM, EIM, GAS, HE, HUMSS, ICT,
SMAW, and STEM strands will be invited to partake in the study. The researchers will
be using Simple Random Sampling in the study.

Ethical Consideration

This research is conducted with confidentiality and consent. All of the potential
participants will be informed of all the information they need to decide whether they want
to participate. This includes information about the study’s benefits, risks, funding, and
institutional approval.

Research Instrument

This study employed a survey questionnaire that is focused on discovering the

effects of the financial status of a family on the academic performance of the students in
HNHS. The research instrument is divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 is the set of questions focused on the family’s financial status.

Part 2 is the set of questions focused on the student's academic performance.

It is decided by the researchers to apply the questionnaire survey as the research

instrument to obtain the needed information from the research questions.

Construction and Validation of Instrument

The research instrument of the study had gone through a different process to
assess its reliability and validity before it was distributed to the respondents. Also, to
achieve the validity of the instrument and measure what it intends to measure, the
researchers let their research teacher validate their research instrument.


Data Gathering Procedures

The data for this research were collected using the survey questionnaire

research. The researchers make sure that the following activity which is the answering of

the survey questionnaire and the respondents are ready. The survey is distributed to the

respondents to collect all the information needed in this study. When the respondents are

finished with the survey, the researchers will then collect and analyze the responses of the


To determine the differences in the gathered results, the researchers use ANOVA

to know if the academic performance of a student will be affected by the financial status

of a family.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data were collected, tabulated, and manipulated statistically using the survey

questionnaire. Frequency Distribution are used to describe the overall characteristics of a

dataset. Since the Frequency Distribution can be used to generate summary reports of

survey data, the researchers decided to choose this for the statistical methods for surveys.

Notes to Chapter III

Seeram, E. (2019). An overview of correlational research. Radiologic

Technology, 91(2), 176-179.

Bhandari, P. (2022, November 24). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition,

Uses & Methods. Scribbr.

Thomas, L. (2022, December 05). Simple Random Sampling | Definition, Steps &
Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from


Data Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation

This chapter deals with the gathered data that will be analyzed and interpreted for
a better understanding of the conducted study. The framework of the analysis is guided
by the problems stated in Chapter 1.

Table 1. Respondent’s Strand

Respondent's f %
1 10 10%
2 11 11%
3 12 12%
4 13 13%
5 20 20%
6 10 10%
7 11 11%
8 13 13%
Total 100 100%
Legend: ABM = (1); EIM = (2); GASS = (3); HE = (4); HUMSS = (5); ICT = (6);
SMAW = (7); STEM = (8)

Presented in Table.1 is the strand of the respondents which are ABM, EIM, GAS,
HE, HUMSS, ICT, SMAW, and STEM. The researchers used Frequency Distribution and
Percentage to present the data. It can be gleaned from the table that the majority of the
respondents are HUMSS students with 20 respondents or 20% of the respondents,
followed by STEM and HE students with 13 respondents or 13% of the respondents, 11
respondents or 11% of the respondents are under the EIM and SMAW strand, ABM and
ICT strand have the least respondents with 10 respondents or 10% of the respondents.
Respondents are summed up with a total of 100. This concludes that there are more
students under the HUMSS strand than the other strands. This table can be related to the
study of Santiago, R. B. (2022), “Readiness of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) Students in College: Ex-post Facto on Performance, Career-Goal and Potential
Challenges”, the study stated that the most favored chosen career/ profession was
‘Professional Teacher’, with 22.2 percent of the class opted for it, followed by
‘Criminologist’ with 14.28 percent.

Table 2. Respondent’s Financial Status

FS f %
3 7 7%
2 21 21%
1 72 72%
Total 100 100%

Presented in Table. 2 is the profile of the respondents based on their Financial

Status. The researchers used Frequency Distribution and Percentage to present the data. It
can be gleaned from the table that the majority of the respondents are in Low Financial
Status with 72 respondents or 72% of the respondents, followed by 21 respondents or
21% of the respondents in Mid Financial Status. High Financial Status has the least
respondents with 7 respondents or 7% of the respondents. Respondents are summed up
with a total of 100. This revealed the number of students of HNHS-SHS in each class of
financial status but the majority of the students are inclined to Low Financial Status. As
stated by Ogunshola & Adewale, (2012), on the contrary, there is no significant relation
between the academic performance of students on their chosen strand and the
socioeconomic and educational background of their parents. This study can be related to
the table shown above as the result is connected to it.

Table 3. Academic Performance

FS f %
94.5 1 1%
94 4 4%
93 5 5%
92 7 7%
91 6 6%
90 9 9%
89 11 11%
88 8 8%
87 12 12%
86 8 8%
85 14 14%
84 2 2%
83 4 4%
82 3 3%
81 1 1%
80 4 4%
79 1 1%
Total 100 100%

Presented in Table. 3 is the profile of the respondents based on their Academic
Performance. The researchers used Frequency Distribution and Percentage to present the
data. It can be gleaned from the table that the majority of the students based on their
GWA is 85 with 14 respondents or 14% of the respondents, followed by 87 with 12% of
the respondents, 89 with 11% of the respondents, 90 with 9% of the respondents, 88 with
8% of the respondents, 92 and 86 with 8% of the respondents each. 91 with 6% of the
respondents. 93 with 5% of the respondents. 94, 83, 80 with 4% of the respondents each.
82 with 3% of the respondents. 94.5, 81, 79 with 1 respondent each. This revealed the
Academic Performance of students’ of HNHS-SHS based on their GWA but the majority
of the students are inclined to 85.

Table 4. Summary of statistics for general weighted average per financial status

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

High 7 617 88.14 6.14
Mid 21 1831 87.19 10.56
Low 72 6318.5 87.76 14.85

Presented in Table 4. is the summary of statistics for the general weighted average
per financial status. Low financial status with 72% of the respondents. The summed-up
general weighted average of students who are in low financial status is 6318.50 and a
total average of 87.76. Mid financial status with 21% of the respondents, the summed-up
general weighted average of students who are in mid financial status is 1831 and a total
average of 87.19 High financial status with 7% of the respondents, the summed-up
general weighted average of students who are in high financial status is 617 and a total
average of 88.14.

Table 5. Significant difference between the respondent’s family financial status affecting
their academic performance when they are grouped according to the general weighted
average per financial status

Source of SS df MS F P-value Decision

Between 6.936 2 3.468 0.258 0.773 No significant
Groups difference
Within Groups 1302.092 97 13.424
Total 1309.028 99

Presented in Table 5. is the significant difference between the respondent’s family
financial status affecting their academic performance when they are grouped according to
the general weighted average per financial status. As shown in the table, the sum of
squares between groups is 6.936 while within groups is 1302.092 with a total of
1309.028. The degrees of freedom between groups is 2 while within groups is 97 with a
total of 99. The mean square between groups is 3.468 while within groups is 13.424. The
F statistic is 0.258 and the P-value is 0.773. The P-value is greater than the alpha which is
0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis of the study will be accepted and the alternative
hypothesis of the study will be rejected. The results revealed that there is no significant
difference between the family’s financial status and the academic performance of the

Notes to Chapter IV

SANTIAGO, R. B. (2022). Readiness of Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) Students in College: Ex-post Facto on Performance, Career-Goal,
and Potential Challenges.

Ogunshola, F., & Adewale, A. M. (2012). The effects of parental socio-economic

status on academic performance of students in selected schools in Edu Lga of Kwara
State Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social
Sciences, 2(7), 230-239.



This chapter presents the summary and the major findings of the study. Based on
these findings, a conclusion is made and recommendations were suggested.


Most of the respondents, which are the students of Hermosa National High
School-SHS are under the HUMSS strand. In view of the fact that 20% of the
respondents are under the HUMSS strand.

The financial status of the students in Hermosa National High School is inclined
to low financial status which refers to their financial status in society. Out of 100
respondents, 72 students have low financial status. Also, financial status is not
significantly correlated with the self-choice of students in affecting strand selection of
students in Senior High of Hermosa National High School.

Based on the academic performance of the students, the majority of the

respondents are inclined to the general weighted average of 85. 14% of the respondents
got this general weighted average. With the range of 85-90 based on their general
weighted average, 59% of the respondents belong to this range.

The results indicated that there is no significant difference between the

respondent’s family financial status and their academic performance. Since the P-value of
the study is greater than the alpha, the decision that was made is to accept the null
hypothesis of this research.


After considering the given results, the researchers figure that the family’s
financial status does not affect the academic performance of the grade 12 students in
Hermosa National High School. No matter what the financial status of the students is, it
doesn’t affect their performance in terms of academic. As the researchers are also a
student, poverty is not an obstacle to achieving academic success.


Based on the foregoing conclusions, the researcher has arrived with the following

1. The government must support the students of Hermosa National High School
continuously. In that way, all of the students can achieve success in terms of their
academics with ease. No matter what is their financial status in life.

2. School administration must acknowledge the students who were diligent in pursuing
their academic success. Even though, the students have different positions in life. It
doesn’t affect the academic performance of the students in Hermosa National High

3. Students can support each other in terms of their studies. Moral support from a
classmate can increase the confidence of a student through their academic performance.
Classmates can be a big help to a fellow student, encouraging fellow students can lessen
their problems with studies.

4. Future researchers can look at this study that is conducted by the researchers to
increase their knowledge about the selected topic. All of the details and information about
this study will help their research.


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Appendix A


Study: “The Family’s Financial Status and Its Effects on the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 Students in Hermosa National High School”

Researcher: Zyrelle Cubero, Mark Angelo Argawanon, Mikko Delos Angeles,

Vincent John Provido

Institution: Hermosa National High School

Prior to the proposal, a protocol was proposed, and it is described below:

I. Objectives

1. To determine the effects of family’s financial status on the academic

performance of a grade 12 student in Hermosa National High School.

2. To test the following hypothesis:

H01: There is no significant difference between the financial status and
academic performance of the respondent .
H02: There is a significant difference between the financial status and academic
performance of the respondent .

II. Background and Rationale

The financial status of a family means profits, earnings, income, available cash, or
cash flow of a family. The financial status of a family can be important in terms of the
expenses of a student. School supplies, transportation when going to school, essential
personal items like uniforms, clothing, hygiene items, and many more are examples of
expenses of a student.

As stated by Norazlan et al.,(2020) in their article, financial play an important role

in students’ academic performance. Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to
be addressed as it leads to multiple stages of problems such as health issues and academic
performance. To determine the effects of family’s financial status on the academic
performance of the grade 12 students, the researchers used a survey questionnaire to
gather data from the respondents. After the data is gathered, it is treated statistically using
one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to compare the results and to see if there is a
significant difference in the financial status and the academic performance of the grade
12 students.

III. Procedures

A. Research Design

A correlational design was selected for this study. In this, the selected sample is
divided into three groups according to their general weighted average as their academic
performance per financial status, high financial status, mid financial status, and low
financial status. After this treatment, the result of the comparison between the groups will
determine the family financial status and its effects on the academic performance of
grade 12 students in Hermosa National High School.

B. Measurement / Instrumentation

The conducted study used a survey questionnaire which is focused on discovering

the effects of family’s financial status on the academic performance of grade 12 students
in Hermosa National High School. The research instrument is divided into two parts.

Part 1 is about the family’s financial status of the respondent which is the high
financial status with Php 45,000 and above family’s combined monthly income, mid
financial status with Php 25,001 – Php 49,999 family’s combined monthly income, and
lastly the low financial status with Php 25,000 and below family’s combined monthly

Part 2 is about the academic performance of the respondents which corresponds to

their general weighted average in the first semester of S.Y 2022-2023.

C. Detailed study procedures

The study aims to answer if there is a significant difference between the family’s
financial status of a grade 12 student and their academic performance in Hermosa
National High School.

In this study, the researchers gathered the data from the respondent’s family
financial status and their academic performance which is the general average of the
respondent. Afterward, the researchers grouped the respondents according to their
financial status with their general weighted average.

Using a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the researchers compared the

academic performance of the respondents between their family’s financial status to see if
there is a significant difference in the academic performance between their family’s
financial status.

D. Data Analysis

The data will be collected, and tabulated using a one-way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) to find the significant difference between the family’s financial status of the
student and their academic performance, the developed null hypothesis will be tested.

Appendix B

Research Instrument

Part 1

Financial Status ( Family’s combined monthly income )

 High - Family’s combined monthly income is Php 45,000 and above

 Mid - Family’s combined monthly income is Php 25,001 - Php44,999

 Low - Family’s combined monthly income is Php 25,000 and below

Part 2

General Average in First Semester: ______


Letter to the Validators

Republic of the Philippines

Hermosa National High School

Culis, Hermosa, Bataan

January 13, 2023

Dear research validators,


The undersigned is a Senior High School HUMSS students of Hermosa National High School who
are conducting research entitled “The Family’s Financial Status and Its Effects on the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 Students in Hermosa National High School”.

With your expertise, we are humbly asking your permission to validate the attached self-made
survey, which will be used as the instrument for the mentioned research.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive response. Thank you and more

Respectfully Yours,

Zyrelle John D. Cubero et. al.,


Noted By:

Mr. Ernani D. Mañalac

Practical Research Teacher

Letter to the Respondents

Dear Respondents,
We are the researchers under the HUMSS strand of Hermosa National High Scho
ol – SHS.
Presently, we are conducting a study entitled “The Family’s Financial Status and Its Ef
fects on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Hermosa National High
In this regard, we are asking for your precious time, and effort to answer all the qu
estions in the survey questionnaire that are helpful for the completion of the study.
Rest assured that all the data gathered from you will be kept at the highest level of
Your positive response to this request will be a valuable contribution to the succes
s of the study and will highly appreciate.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Respectfully Yours,
Zyrelle John D. Cubero et, al.,

Noted By:
Mr. Ernani D. Mañalac
Practical Research Teacher


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