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Ne CASE STUDY ON MENINGITIS SSE >.lT. lL ll RCs SS. Yeeueveuy Ye’ SAA WWW VU YY vv YY a» vd Subroitled fo, Ms: Rejaclrras pom Sabroitled by. Nurehng tubo op Rema Bij Thao Bsc[NJ Mongala college aalaln Sabroitled ont aaltifoa £ Neoreing.- Hassan, liege) ly ob np ij Towel ey See ee eee rap El ft ata ASANO ONL "UU UU SUSU SU UU U a Se “9 SO “Ue I. dual ( . (ale e @eoeeoervw o ~ » PATIENT PROFILE potionk manne Aap Sex Date bixth Religion. Marital stobas Eduutations oO pation Toe ome Addixess Date of aa Ward JP. No Dobe. f data collection Prvisisnal Aingriosis Madueal Aragmosic Nome of the sungeny Type of onaathusta Ole p Surgery pott- operative. Da 4 Mr. Abbishike ts ]ofiaas Poh o ocres { Maly tHirnds 4 Uoraaeried tMBA ins + 50,000 /- roonth ‘Alu, Hassan + 5 [ithao22 + 1loor Aside , 81592 2 Sluleons h Mumingtt is } Mamuing itis Date ef core started t olulaz Dake of cave endack teluloa Date chivthorege yrlulea - hovers Headache LE COMPLAINTS { Nawsea Noroiting:/ Fabigus / Vypertenslor B. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS! Reason for adnoigsiony |) EM Abhishuk euas adroilled te Mangala. {hospital on s{ulo2 voll conaplasents af nonsee huadacks Aever, duiagnosed: a as rusingtlls yraptoros op bacterial Asvelop with Stot dargd uve.» Ths isnok: trae fore Meningitis which can davetap reurch cure. to backesia. {To most cases thuve is ne speutic treaktaunt fore Worall maaningiti Aon resolves corophalty, to Abe lo days with] oak byeakrrunt Chovaskerickics f Brokechy “casas ov ved vashas ever fox vival manangitis mock peng. the get mild visual “Muningttis sWeodache Qmorna, deverr ate. Fockors 4 Bcbreuwnal age f (sas 7 60 Years Diabeles raillitus, Channic dud: failsee,| conkatk Usith body, Sluidg? \ocude peut, feat dnd, Sabsvarderopst: rofected Ileus 6pread. Newiaking 4 11k te continous Dk ‘sepeead. Hiorougl ton sith body fluid. maces nd caltva, eke Tere course WUNU USO SU Ue SU Ye we Exacerbraling Fockors 4 Govorlc kidrag folate. , adrenal insulkicrency, hypothysoiduisre yarn Fatensity. of pun scale “6 4 oto bain tk assessed actertiag: ko sorveve pain, The fate is Sever about © days 2 2 2 2 2 v5 2 2 ” 2 Acsectaked. Syrapkorns 4 High ever, huodachs. - Setzure the: Loboralirn toveskigations {Lob investigation dante patient Condition ‘dude CT Stan iMRE Foner, Treaterrunt 2 Nl EAST MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HISTORY: past rruchial! history fi Trommanivation \— pact surgical hictoy { Macitation | Antivtsal daags , analgesics AB = bolles, N's AIDS Surgical Notes. fyi= Tryurviear omd actidents, Allergies FAMILY History, Farally strackuve ¢ 4 Type of roaniage No of. Fare mumber | Any child disease 4 Ay, omni Hictory oP illise No cignificant: pact: heviedts bony Forcily corn + 50,000 Aroorth Foraily. coropetition. Jc... [Relation fo] Occepat iow Present ha | Se° | gatient £ | heatib« M | Fathes. | Fever 20,000 Heatly ‘Trcome. Hesse pes ety Healy busiuss | age Ms. Monvi |20] F { PERSONAL. HISTORY Orol oF deotal core t clon. srooking habits bNov Mobi habits No: Sliep pollern tAduggsake. Ang dusturbaoe. 4 Trsomania. Activity oxcersise pattern $ sedhntorgy. Ellncnation pattern Boul { Abnorroal: ee lh rw + ® & BAS SSASANS TAS AIAN AAPA 8U “YUU PUD UU Ue Se Se Se Se hey goblin + Constipation « Bloddi f Nona, Araant of urine + eo mol/g cli Sow'o — Eeonomie_Cutluval Hickory: Sociol History Present ocecipations 7 Businoss , Monilly vcore t Sooerlnavath . Martel etates t Unroarsaled: Housi Ks Nome of place 3 city Type of howe 3 emeaete, Woutng lity our Lippi, 1 Blackvified « verkilakion + Adaqual woes Facilities tape. Giolations sun Sounnenroding t NUTRITIONAL HISTORY ¢ | Dik pallero 4 Nton vege lotia- Likag ancl dislikes? patient —fpatient: kee oth veg ond 20° NG Appetite t Greed No: op ronal hay 43 Eiress Po Fluid intake 4 adnquate PHYStCAL EXAMINATION) Level op conciousruss t Lethongis Body bull Vhin Body roass (edive { under waht Body posture + stonding Git t Rhathurcic Hygiene § dian Alfeck and raved 4 Anxtous Behaviour % Tocongrasok Fanta exbrassiony 7 Dopeesswe _Speice 4, chan te signs ernparotirt Cae.cF Site: onl pulse 4% to blro - Role * Notroal Rhytinno 4 Ragulon only \ weal, N to 4 N yee" _— - Ey! {20 blroio + = Rusprraltao: a> Ryfhro f Ragular a» Depth { Equal a > elle ' ofortlss n> Omagh gokurakion tae P Blood prassurve } Equal & Nowroall « & Won. toma 2 eR aes wvUeurevere Luvuuveey eee eeeEeS eee 49 tNo Any eon Sungeny NOSE AND SINUS Betemmall nose }syroruby 4 Nownal. OQnkernal ose | patency af nose i oa Sense and srvell + Nesroal: Hoaing alac nos' { Nioeroal Turctinakes Link » Stous £ Nosroal Moot} AND THROAT. | Up 4 Srocotl Bucead mucosa ¢ rovist Tongan, 4 Srocatly - Terkhs Clean Polate and uvula. t Bificluvtso. Toneils § pik NECK : INSPECTION AND PALPATION. Fou { Fantal, expressions Neck t Spas Lyrcgln onda er Syrornuloy. Thyroid, glond. F Syromulsy. ROM and rreisle: | rooverunk —¢ limibed movermunt > | CHECT AND BREAST INSPECTION . Skin t Nosroal, Shopeand Side Contour Holtesing Nipple size and shape $ mated: Nipple. cirertior Tverted. Dischar 1 No Ailloe Iie. infeetins Palpation. . Broack t Nomoal Mass chape’ — } Round. oo + How RESPIRATORY © SYSTEM INSPECTION. thst wall F gyromaly- Shan amd chape + = Funnl Cough No speckerro Colowr 1 Whitich Consistenty Thick chu post No _Sfpenosi tNo- Allergizs t Pollution » Laval af consioumrus comnetions Toguilox Vein cLittersion: Decgoortecl « Respiration ‘ Noval Rake tao bfnain . gh srogular, Rhyne fol Lefrtlas y se a PF £8 BS ROSS Se eee ee ee ee Depth pal oualily { Nowroal Breathing pollen } Abnovmals PALPATLONY Ska Leraparature § worn Fach 4. Normal Chast 4 Respinalory, rooverurls chut expansion $ Bilateral y. syromubric Vocal fTaitile. froroites Sgrormake Lyroph 1 NowroaL periphural ediroa. Normal, peroursiono hut! oval! flok Ascultatioro Aix ang Bilsterally equal Diagheecsor> Proath Sounds ~ & Nook. 2xcuasion % Syronu. oe CARDIO VASCULAR. INSPECTION . ogelen venous alcation, palpable Corrskidl arteries pulsation», jpalpabl.. Apical duisakioo tf Visiblu, site + Nosroal or * Nownal- Copiers xehilling t Novroal- PALPATION. pulse peviphural qalse edoroa ABSCOLTATION: Brisk sound Blood pressure LA RL Le Sitting Lang Stondi Heart Sounds Heart vate Spec { Rhy theo . 4 Brachial: 4 No | present { Norroals 1 Norroal { Nowmoal, t Norroal t to learn {ofits tore lg. 1 Nompol . 4 Rho : ita blro io 1 Rlythro - GiASTROINT ESTIN AK SYSTEM 5 Abdernn Ab dorm pate Rectal exann PERcUstiont Abdorrun PALPATION, Abctomn $ Nosroal_ 5 Syrruby {No » 2 Noma, 4 by) SU ee vee vueu NN vu eeaeasann SAMITAYN OO ** A3 ~ SSS GENITOURINARY SYSTE Ms Dospakioot ‘ spanis and Fubic veo Ruckaen tnowmnal, {Nownall Trguival crndfernoral, aveat No hernias palpotivo: penis 1 Nowra Tectivand stovluo + Noreoal- Percusion! Loxtovertiloval angle Lerdurriss: Noroall: MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM m : ae a upper nocd, Lowers |axtwenoikies * Nowroal ean Tinks | Nowval - Husdee—Tt Normal - RANGE OF MOTION. T™ belnan Korth , Nuk t Tlexiorn . Spine Lexkension - Shoulduas + Barkward extensor. Flbouas 1 fusion tunics t Abduckion , Aharnks| Hinge | Adduuion - Hibs Abdustion . knw + flexlkiro - Ankles + Rvewsion . Moros | balkoid PUPILLARY AssEscMenct [Lall ard cight ges pupil sien Nowa: Shope. 2 Sound. fool reaction fotpt Toye closed, DNVESTI GATIONS: = on 12.1erey fall. | Nosroal, Fay. | (5-ce7. Yocveased , Om 08— ef> lIntxeased Gh evaluation Anduccke cuviabed posure teacorgle sont i oGF | ee Lo calluck coe | How cororani cation Myron uns | anyuseig ~ Rao 04: | Tanz - snpgyuy Satya yyu\ospD | amyorpR Fo pop eae liad Pal papa ~ Hp ny Pda pay Borg Wa Ps 2» Ps Pw Pry Pry Pry PayPal Pry Pos! Pra/ Be Prins Poon Ve rr Oren ener Oren a6 6 6 (at ag TREATMENT [ZNVASIVE Non trivAstve] Madutal. Managerrank = Empistcal therapy = Gghalnsporaro « — Antibiotic Ahexapy = osmootle andl cheritier DISEASE CONDITION Related: Aostome con. phygislony Prone bbe ¥ qoiekal lobe ( Gi =< Ss occipital) Cobo i Temper abe Braiorcteny \ Crtbelluny » the bean isthe past: Pens wt) jc withote cowity Sk TH woosist & the tolloaing. - Brain cnek an ~ Mid Brain = Hind briny pons, rudalla ropa te, cnrebellum roidbray and medulle Concihifuke “the brain » Moning’ The brain ond Spinnl cord. ave coverd. by. 2 covering % caused ap enening ts - Blood sup fly {y Braly . Brvanchuc of. ioken SPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPITPPPOPERLLrrArr mt Fhygicleag ‘P Boal. The. brain. is 0 Comps ongpn fe hak ¢ » ele anh every proass that egies ontstl$ (bought marneng, ey, bod wee‘ emotion. touch . motor skills, vision a PT she body > | Debivitios FMD | Miningttis gan iofedkion oral toflaroakion oP aeroakk => t —Ty Ky | Plaraalker cmd. orvaxlanoid roalles Sevseinding thu bsom and > Spinal tord- » _ ul | Eahiology P| tek Redon Padient Rebowe : ae tal infecki a > Fraursas ip brains = Boakestal a gem We Pa - Septiounen. 7! y - Mostodikic a> ~ Smusistis = childssen with apdecd imma. og hkeegent ve m SF —elnonic otitis muda >| - vito! inkertton > mr kus! — > Clinical. Manitesbation » LO — ro Book gicure | qakiere gicknre * a Ts | Fever, severe huadarhe Noweea, ‘ and ern - Brodycordia, gp otension , Protephobro, tunel eee spathe: rgsilogy- Mueiporgabiers or viras vouch Nuvou! Akrough Lod sbrear a ' cyclers by reany “roulsiy « cycler by 4 if) Trough blood ahaa by respiaalogy infection. engeniem Feach the braire Bofeckion oP sk is Sabsrachnoid space Subarachnoid munobrane become infections » Tha infections than spread. ~apidly Arroyghout tha murdieges Toleckiors, inflammation ses pOnse. Focveosed CSE production / Breve Tolewenal Prescune. Wegerroia and derma af. bran tissu Muaningit \s i bins) tte ele et ee | WA hamlet SAMPTAIPNAM VA OOo WU “UU “UU UU a UO “ue eee SY Diogmattic. Brabuation- Histow allution phyet cal examination Necidul urine analysis Skull Yonol et - stay MRI Blood cxanoination Soregi cal. Mamagesnk we Hook. dickune Palienk dare Histor Collection, hyeteat trdmmipation - Skull % "way Blood. ekamination - CSF avalysis [ patient veda. Droplantation dus to cdfwus. | Caused by: conning te choad be Considared Book. dickure ~ Bropisical: therapy - phalesporio. - = Vamriomyan * — Antibiotics Aheapy, = demokle diunekies . ee sMonito) » Mamagernunt Medical Managprent Patient pickure | = Enopivcal hsopy. One. ~ Upholosporin - Nanton a0 - Ankibicbics thuvaupy, =Grnolic. douvekies Fe manitol. | Patient pick dere. 5 pa. = Maintain hares = Mamta g thuepy : = Suction 1s deme chun rueestor = Aarts Conenioas Lvil a) patient :|- Access, comsious err = Meriain By. gre Th |- Maintain’ Bp, graker ie Go rare ge -Moiokain Krad alevekect a iia Revie duvet. [oe he — Aaroinicker osmotic. durante cntticnsteroide - dorticocteroids Complications :- Blook picture Hgdooaphals | Vyebrouphabus Grebral obsess. corbral olosuss, diabekos iwarpidus saunas loss Conia nerve digorde. patient valeur, 7, ng) NURSING PROCESS Probum idintified’ ~ Vyperthurrota. ~ Tropatred physical aubvily = Trobalaned +a Volume olificit: © ‘ Tnopairned Grima, amd bowel eliroinations - Bevte pain ~ Toefferctive. Cvebras tissue pert NURSING DIAGINIOSIS AS PER PRIORITY. = Hypeathesmata, atlated: to infection grees. = Tenqoted phycical mobil aeloted to weakness = Aske gain ~alaked. f musingeal infection. -Trulhetive tiscar gerfusivn vebtecd to iofeckion proass — stick, fox imbalona A) velurer celobed. fo fever anc dezzings CARE PLAN?- eS ee SS SS eS Se Ie, TASS TAPAS AN AIP WOU "UNO 8G Ud “Ua Oe Soe “ee ~ SaaS a4ke S errr iilii JJ Ji Iddda WALES dd ddd ddd ddd ddd df SASS S Fas FE Pa Die, 3 Fe pourprs so} fay Prog sr AP EON, raja, - PPL PP) sas ayn 10} poppy ad ty a P a4 fe emg D & Peay ay _ apn’ np pessassy - aonponyns “aayryunuandioye CGEAO moro Fg pred a “poump so ~yrr Pao spat Benporyp *a| pour” 30| fouspo yrqar) | | PAX} a tn PEN YF m04 “poumpne SO | mae fo ups waypap Lot 80 varpan uopap 2d yo |aogooryns ap nad | anqosepa -prmnaxt - | | Réorry. | i | ate sane Tpynaud | pedan poqsen yaerpod) fs nae Tp TPA | I i TY" {977d touomarnp -peprrat - 14.04 am rod vam -copoch 4 Prumpna sp uaoh] 79} vn yrod pootuawuna} Inq | Py BY | mpEpo ps paced — , \ Sy prep “Poy Hered | yA} HKD ~prprrad - spot | ood ny, ae 8 Pos yy, in Pas dopey ~ | Grod fo pray rpynsassy -| Jo prey Typ ssary -] PAPAS), PYPV | mwyoct gs Sapa | sai | | Po Ra ery DMO AOA A OLENA SN 8 6 AAABABRRRBES Réoxry | Dry Py Ar, Py Br, Py Pr Pr Pn PrP Pa Pe Pe Pr/Be (Prat BaD “ Ht (9 i ao nt i DIET PIAN Norns. 1 Ma. Abhishek Age }o4 Sex i Mok Heagbt 4 lef Cro + we re'e we ve ee Lreaght } Bale General appoorane —_ ¢ Morroal, Woskimg cele [Moderate 3 oa RDA 11600 rag. J bf) ef Uuwouwew c anbehytck 3 | Boorng- pale 4, sor oe Fak *, Boo ony “eu Colovies $1500 “et DAP OAN ONO 880 2 @eer 4 HooRS DIETARY RECALL Food oumtitg] cre, | prcens Taba Soe | ae Len | (gr) | a J Milk jasord JV\5 | 4 0-3 | ©] Broad | OF 5q oo | R 2 | Seabed 5s | Boo} Rice ao Dhal a4 Batre | 9 ti] CHO a fas) 8 Dhak [94 Batmot ]oq Pregetabe a Scop Ag | 2 AZ @ 8 OY HAN AOD "D8 “UU 8U UO ew Uc eu ee we've’ ee Carbohydrates + 6°03 Palzin, + 500°S Colonies * BOOM fol \ Boo me HEALTHY TALK Dik ~ Advice the pbs forall marchers bo provid nutritional, diet educate thr pt and. faroily reurnbers abouk insportone P tube. Feacing iene Epavia tes pt to take bath bani ad © Raviea the pk fo roainlain good. gewonal. hygien Medicabion’, = Advi. thipt bo take meditation as per dockors oxdur » Exancice = Exeplaimedths pt about: Iroportanc. oP sequlacy eersien Followup core. - Educate, the pt ond fori teuksbers about aegalay atlous op cote: EVALUATION DF DALY PROGRESS. x Dagts Mer: Abhurheke et odipitled io Mamgelo. Vospiel dum bo seunialkic, adnasston froudune was Carnied cuk ood Come velated to dockors Ovder + 1 7 = x Day dt - All tert Carried 0% ‘ ie Vital signs hacke x Day 31 - Ma tiation continued = proviclid cliverciomal thurepy, day. h Health ectucabion given torpt SUMMARY. Ac por rn syllabus, Twos postedt io Mangala Hospital mag patient name is Mr: Abhichik. -he asos actrottled esti chef toraplamts af fever, Weadache, Aarseo. ard voraitting, The pe oprrrprrreetrery ERREEEE SS was dingroced, ot toving runing tis aller proper treakmnant ond hossing came, patient had rewvered fron his dusease. E Condition ie CONCLUSION x L Ji Ma Abhichik wos atroilled 'o Mangala, Hospital: os cD 05/ii[2022 with chucl conoplaints oP fever, huodathe.

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