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| a_ . S i =e) CASE STUDY ON SB 2 | =... | | = FRACTURE ! = | ce “ Py? | c j 4 eat, & 3 Eto - Submitted 0 g Mis RQaSHIER MAM & > eL |nusing autor a > mongara Schoo suiomited by > umsinng Hassan mang TR — | a yoos Givi Sa | a : MONgALA scboor & Gs} NUN 1 HASSGA A> i % — Submideeoh OD: fee! KenL Paoriye. ME MAK eh 2 50 Years + Male + 13\6\2953 Region + Hine i NOGA KCBS 2 wowwctl _ EAUCAK On > Puc “pceeapatd on + Yoivex > F inwme ‘ 1S000 i > | Addaess 1 Sto NOAYAN, Gandhi NAGA, | [= | poe of Gdrvwssion + deisl23 i E jvood 2 ond proow A side — Ap NO 2 Ga2t i Pete oF Kote CONACHON 3 94-15}23 PHOVisiONA AiO™nosis + Beading, sweiling spain Medicd\ cki¢gnosis + FrGause Of right humerus ate of come ariel + 2618/23 pase of cave ended 216123 Owe of discharge, + ANel23 Kop COMPIAINES + Pain ON vight hand tenderness and SWING - Vistosy, Of Presenk Nmess :1Vo-MaKesh Was Garni tse) on Mangara hospiger On 2615123 wish clio? Compy- - ints of Pai OM BANE haneh Eenclosness, CLC te Was = ) Pracsuve inh Sho|_wonne- ye |senicleee. (rion. Climo taael PS 1. | Me MaKesh 50 | M_ | patient |privex]is000 UN eaten p> 2| Mes ROOD 35 | F joe ihe | 7 .|Mearingy LS 3 | MS kowsbhi e ior ee) Suadeny Mir | Heaithy | ° Pexsona) histooy : > O7C\ core : NOs) 1 senoxing “NO ' = PCONO) holoik yes } = Sleep pattesn :Adeapuane | 7 Exewasse Poses + Mocdewabe } de = EVIMINGHDN Podiesn > BoWO\ : DON Ft "| prockolos + pay i Po Amoune of Usine + Nowa §s00.0\ history | Present OcLUpetion + Duives MoONEehy, muMme + S000 + Meavied Name of the Village: of Hous ‘ Housing, Lacitityy Nubseional Nistosts Det Porbern appetite Pui MAKE. Physica BAMiINartion Genera appearence. _ levei of Consciousness Body built + Bods, postes Speech Vitel signs FeMpPesabure purse Anyi depen BLOOA Pre ssuwe + OWN LAON VoqeKe GN > ModeVaLe sAdeGUaLe : Alewk + Modextec. + UP wghE Posture + C\ROS 1 Garr 2 Isbin) + REQUIA® + Ua + 4018 MYT Of HQ, P120180 My HY * 03011 Q 4 40 %) 4 Seo Tk Ie fp ft y aaa I J2 Jd oud @¢decgcee¢esdcred se { d INECAUMANLAY S4skerYY INspecior Ski Colows + Fleshec SKN NRE GTHG, TUNGCE 2 cean * Nosynas Tee VABUBe + WOON TU ROS sNO teNdiNg Texiure + SyV\bumh beach Ana Ned HQT COLOUS ~ BLACK HUiY 1056 + Noma Paipation EMPOVG' Cevberi's ; M0 KEM SS Eye inspecsion + GWA NOG chistsibution . 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Rice chicxen COS L Lemon 200 250 2G Ip qo 20 35, 66 Qe lo MOURA AieE Plo CRECOMMENdati OD) = = < uy Food items CHO {Daoiein| Quontisy) can nd) ls us VW 66 ae 5-8 32 53) 1a 4 9 4 0 SHAAEEAKH Ss calories | ~ a 72 dd ety 7 & NK BYCOK £09 curse Ree emeKen Dha'\ Beek vooe Drdvicod HM fo cho Gone clo cKewcis® tes meas “medication : AACA 40 yO MONICAHON AccoverinA Aockor Odos Sppnik Formot ko 4aKe MedICALON VONUAEION OF Bay Progress Days: parent Pain %s vehucod: a q Day 2spariene Avie And erecvo\yle aance- improv edt oy 3° PALME NUKE HONG PatEeat 1S imnpaoved SUNOS: ME MaKesh adroiteed ON MANgaIa hospital on is}23 HE. WAS COGNOseOr As PacesuTe ON WYPE hu eppeee HHS tess ones _CONUUSION: fo Moxesh aolmitied ON Mangaa hospiser On HA Fansia3. ue was chidgprosed have givet\ cave: such a5). f FCGLION -EHeCk VIbA\ SiBNS. NOW Pationk hearth iS \N\pTOVed é J} 4 Pe aaa | & Pere

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