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RS oe re 10, MW 12 B 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 KAMALA D. HARRIS. Attorney General of California SALLY MAGNANI Senior Assistant Attorney General "Stberer Cauror camara LAURA J. ZUCKERMAN County of Orange Deputy Attomey General (0418/2013 at 04-42-00 PM State Bar No. 161896 Ralssa S. LERNER, Deputy Attorney General State Bar No. 187038 1515 Clay Street, 20th Floor Oakland, CA_ 94612-0550 Telephone: (510) 622-2174 Fax: (510) 622-2270 E-mail: Attorneys for Plaintiff People of the State of California ex rel, Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General Glerk of the Superior Court By e Cletk,Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ORANGE CIVIL DIVISION PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Case No. 30-2011 00518091 CALIFORNIA ex rel. KAMALA D. HARRIS, ATTORNEY GENERAL, NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT AS TO ENSO PLASTICS, LLC Plaintiff, Date: NA v Time: NA Dept: 32 Judge: ‘The Honorable Geoffrey T. ENSO PLASTICS, LLC; AQUAMANTRA, Glass INC.; BALANCE WATER COMPANY LLC; DOES 1 THROUGH 9, INCLUSIVE, | Action Filed: October 26, 2011 Defendants. TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on March 25, 2013, the Court entered a Consent Judgment as to ENSO Plastics, LLC, resolving all issues against Defendant ENSO Plastics, LLC. A true copy of the Consent Judgment as to ENSO Plastics, LLC, is attached as Exhibit 1 1 ‘Notice of Entry of Judgment as to ENSO Plastics, LLC (Case No, 30-2011 00518091) Dated: April 17, 2013 (0K2010950041 90311356.doc Respectfully Submitted, KAMALA D. Harris Attorney General of California Meme __| Laura J, ZUCKERMAN Deputy Attorney General Attorneys for Plaintiff People of the State of California ex rel Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General 2 Notice of Entry of Judgment as to ENSO Plastics, LLC (Case No. 30-2011 00518091) DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL I declare: 1 am employed in the Office of the Attorney General, which is the office of a member of the California State Bar, at which member's direction this service is made. I am 18 years of age or older and not a party to this matter. I am familiar with the business practice at the Office of the Attomey General for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service. In accordance with that practice, correspondence placed in the intemal mail collection system at the Office of the Attomey General is deposited with the United States Postal Service with postage thereon fully prepaid that same day in the ordinary course of business. On April 18, 2013, I served the attached: Notice of Entry of Judgment as to ENSO Plasties, LLC by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope in the internal mail collection system at the Office of the Attorney General at 1515 Clay Street, 20th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-0550, addressed as follows: David B. Sadwick, Esq. Steve Tekosky Tatro Tekosky Sadwick LLP 333 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 4270 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Counsel for ENSO Plastics, LLC I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on April 18, 2013, at Oakland, California. RYAN MALLARD FEE As Aa Declarant Signature 90311421 doe EXHIBIT 1 26 27 28 fo | rat Raman Hari, dtorney General KAMALA D. HARRIS Attorney General of California SALLY MAGNANI FILED Eaunal Zocusan BN 161696) “ane \URA J. ZUCKERMAN RAISSA 8, LERNER (SBN 187038) ae Attomeys Generel MAR 25 2013 cee aie arom ggg z Cour of Cal Onkiand, CA 94612-0550 ‘Sourty of Orange mes By ‘Telephone: (510) 622-2131 319/2043 xt 4580 PM Petbenil 7 Clerk af the Superiar Gourt By Sonya Wison Deputy Clerk People of he Stat of Calfornta, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALLFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE, Case No, 00518091 PROFLE OF THE STATE OF {BROFesed] CONSENT JUDGMENT AS TO DEFENDANT ENSO PLASTICS, 032 T, Glass Date: March 25,2013 Defendants, | Action Filed: October 26, 2011 XENSO PLASTICS, LLC, 1, ENTRODUCTION 1. On October 26, 2011, the People of the State of California ex rel. Kamala Harris, Attomey General (tue “People”), filed a complaint for civil penalties and injunctive relief for alleged violations of state environmental marketing laws and unfair business practices laws in the Superior Court for the County of Orange (“Complaint”), ‘Tae Complaint alleges that defendants sell plastic bottles in California labeled and marketed as “biodegradable,” in violation of Public Resources Code section 42359 et geq,, and/or that defendants make false, misleading, and 1 ‘GONSENT JUDGMENT AS TO DEFENDANT ENEO PLASTICN LLC (IST@) | 2 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 2B 24 25 26 a 28 || Professions Code sections 17200 et seq. “any violations of any other laws or legal duties. ceceptive marketing and advertising statements regarding the biodegradability and recyclability of plastic bottles made with a resin marketed by ENSO Plastics, LLC, in violation of Business and Professions Code sections 17500, 17508, and 17580.5. The Complaint also alleges that these acts constitute unfair business practices in violation of the Unfit Competition Law, Business and | 1.2, ENSO Plastics, LLC (“ENSO”), isa limited liability company registered in Azizona, ‘with its principal place of business ia’Mesa, Arizona, ENSO is among the defendants nemed in the Complaint, Both the People and ENSO may be referred to as a “Party” to this Consent Judgment, and collectively they shall be referred to es “the Parties,” 1.3, The Attorney General elleges that; (e) ENSO markets a product or products intended for use by manufacturers of plastic bottles, plastic containers and packaging, end other plastic | items; (b) ENSO has claimed publicly within the past four years, that the produet(s) it sells will, ‘when incorporated into plastic, cause plastic bottles, containers and other plastic items made with its product to biodegrade in lencfll within one to five yoers: (¢) ENSO alto claimed publicly within the past four years that plastic borles made with ENSO's product(s) are recyclable; (4) ENSO hans marketed its product(s) in California within the past four years; and (c) that plastic bottles made with the ENSO product(s) are, or were within the past four years sold in Californie. 1.4, For purposes of this Consent Judgment only, the People and ENSO stipulate that this Court has jurisdiction over the allegations of violations contained in the Complaint, and personal Jurisdiction over ENSO as to the acte alleged in the Complaint, that venue is proper in the County of Orange, and that thls Court has jurisdiction to enter this Consent Judgment asa full and final resolution ofall claims that were raised in the Complaint based on the facts alleged therein, 15, The People and ENSO stipulate to the entry of this Consent Judgment as a full and final settlement of all ciaims thet were, or could have been, raised in the Complaint arising out of the facts or conduct alleged therein, By stipulating to this Consent Judgment and agreeing 10 provide he relief and remedies specified herein, ENSO doesnot adit any feo) or violtion(s) of Jaw alleged in the Complaint, any fact(s) or assertion(s) set forth in this Consent Judgment, or 2 ‘CONSENT JUDGMENT AS TO DEFENDANT ENSO PLASTICS, LLC (00818091) n 12 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 | suzounding or accompanying information, Specifically and addltionelly, these terms mean: 1.6 Except as expressly set forth herein, nothing in this Consent Judgment shall prejudice, waive, or impair any right, claim, remedy, or defense the People or ENSO may have in any other or in future legal proceedings except proceedings to enforce the terms of this Consent Judgment. This Paragraph shall not diminish or otherwise affect the obligations, responsibilities, and duties of the Parties under this Consent Judgment, 1.7, Effective Date: The effective date of this Consent Judgment is the date that itis approved and entered by the Const, 2, INJUNCTIVE RELIEF; 2.1, Produets Covered By this Consent Judgment C\Covered Products"). Covered Products are any products that are sold, distributed, or marketed for sele by ENSO (or any subsidiary, corporate affiliate, business partnership, associate, representative, or agent thereof) with the claim that a plastic bottlé, container, packaging, or any other plastic product made with such Covered Product(s) will biodegrade in a landfill or other envitonment. For purposes of this Consent Judgment, plastic produc: shall mean “plastic product” as defined in Publie Resources Code Section 42356(f as set forth in Senate Bill No, 567, Chapter 594, Statutes of 2011 2.2, Compliance Date. Exoept as otherwise required herein, ENSO shell come into compliance with the terms of this Consent Judgment within 90 days of its entry by the Court, 23. “Clear and Conspiouous” (or “Clearly end Conspicuously”), as used in this Consent Iudgment, means designed to call attention to, and to enhance the likelihood of notice, despite (8) presented in readily understandable form and in larger type-size than adjacent, surrounding or accompanying information, or (2) presented in readily understandable form and in visibly contrasting type (or font), contrasting color, or bold style, as compared to adjacent, surrounding or accompanying information of the same size, or (©) _prosented in readily understandable form and set off from adjacent, surrounding or accompanying information of the same size by framing, symbols, or other distinguishing marks in | @ manner that clearly calls attention to it; and, 3 ‘CONSENT JUDGMENT AS TO DEFENDANT ENSO PLASTICS, LLC (00518091) SSSRs

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