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Ruies of Double Entry System:


Debit the receiver and

Crdit the Giver


Debit What Comes in and

Credit what Goesort


Debit Expences and Lossess

Credit Gains and incomes

Personal Account

Which record transaction affecting a Person or institution are known as personal


Personal accouts are originated from credit transction. A personal accounts may be either A/C or
Creditor A/C.

(1)Capital A/C (7)State Bank of India A/C (11)Rams A/C

(9)Bills payableA/C

(10)Divided Received A/C

(2)Commerce Ccollege A/C

(3)X,Y and Co A/C

(4)Prepaid rent A/C

(5)Sundr Creditors A/C

(6)Outstanding Interest A/C

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