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Leadership Skills
In Business Organization
Module II

Offered by Dr. CHEA PEOU. Tel: 012 918989

Executive Program Designed for Executives of Queen Legacy Group Co. Ltd.

The Teamwork of Leadership


8. The Teamwork of Leadership

8.1. The Meaning of Teamwork



8.2. The Powerful Teamwork


8.3. The Group & Team


8.4. Solo Leadership & Team Leadership


8.5. Leadership Actions for Teamwork Organization

Leadership Actions: Own Resources


8.5. Leadership Actions for Teamwork Organization

Leadership Actions: Organization Structure or Policy


8.6. Team Outdoor Training & Development

Outdoor Training &


Its emphasis is typically on building not only teamwork but

also for leadership skills



Motivation of Leadership


9. Motivation of leadership

9.1. Definition of Motivation


9.2. Expectancy Theory

9.2.1. Components of Expectancy Theory

The expectation theory of motivation is based on the premise that the amount of
effort people expend depends on how much reward they expect to get in return.


9.2.1. Components of Expectancy Theory


9.2.2. Leadership Skills Associated with Expectancy Theory


9.3. Goal Theory of Motivation

Goal theory is the individuals who are provided with specific hard goals perform
better than those who are given easy, nonspecific, “do your best” goals or no goals.

Goal theory of motivation is associated with the goal setting as


9.4. Recognition and Pride of Motivation

9.4.1. The Meaning Recognition and Pride Motivation

 Recognition motivation can be considered a direct application of

positive reinforcement that is reinforcing the emotion and behavior
toward performance. Recognition can be oral praise, written praise, or
material rewards.
 Pride is also a motivator, but one that is intrinsic, worker who achieve
outstanding performance experience the emotion of pride. Pride, is not
the money gift or bonus (extrinsic motivator), as the primary


9.4.2. Appealing to Pride Motivation

Intrinsic Motivator: Pride Extrinsic Motivator: Prize


9.4.3. The RISE Concept


9.5. Coaching Leadership Skills

A directive process by a manager to train and orient an employee to the realities of the
workplace and to help the employee remove barriers to optimum work performance.


Creativity and Innovation of Leadership

Offered by Dr. CHEA PEOU. Tel: 012 918989

Executive Program Designed for Executives of Queen Legacy Group Co. Ltd.

10. Creativity & Innovation of Leadership

10.1. Creativity & Innovation Definition


10.2. Creativity, Invention & Innovation


10.3. Brain and Creativity


10.4. Characteristics of Creative Leaders

Broad background of facts & observation provide

building block for generating & combining ideas.


10.5. Organizational Methods of Creativity Enhancement


10.6. Self-help Techniques for Creativity Improvement

Self Techniques for Creating Creativity


10.7. Enhancing Creativity of Leadership

Leadership: Enhancing Creativity

Leadership: Enhancing Creativity


10.8. Creating Climate for Creativity Workers

Techniques for Finding Creativity Workers

 Give creative people tools and resources

 Give creative people flexibility a minimum amount of structure
 Give gentle feedback when turning down an idea
 Employ creative people to manage and evaluate creative workers.


10.9. Leadership Initiatives for Innovation

Leadership Initiatives for Innovation

 Continually pursue innovation

 Take risk and encourage risk taking
 Acquire innovative companies
 Avoid innovation for its own sake
 Loose-tight leadership enhances creativity and innovation
 Integrate development and production
 Encourage people across division to share ideas.


Communication and Conflict Resolution

of Leadership


11. Communication and Conflict Resolution of Leadership

11.1. The Meaning of Communication


11.2. Inspirational Communication Tactics


11.3. Powerful Linguistic Communication Styles


11.4. The Basic Principles of Communication Persuasion

Six Principles of Communication Persuasion


11.5. Principles of Supportive Communication

1. Problem-Oriented, Not Person-Oriented 5. Specific, Not Global

 How can we solve this problem? Not,  You interrupted me three times during the meeting. Not
 Because of you there is a problem  You are always trying to get attention

2. Congruent, Not Incongruent 6. Conjunctive, Not disjunctive

 Relating to what you just said, I’d like to discuss this. Not,
 Your behavior really upset me. Not,
 I want to discuss this (regardless of what you want to discuss)
 Do I seem upset? No, everything's fine.
7. Owned, Not disowned
3. Descriptive, Not Evaluative
 I have decided to turn down your request because…Not,
 Here is what happened; here is my reaction; here is what
I suggest that would be more acceptable to me. Not,  You have a pretty good idea, but they just wouldn’t approve
 You are wrong for doing what you did. 8. Supportive Listening, Not One-Way Listening
4. Validating, Not Invalidating  What do you think are the obstacles standing in the way of
improvement? Not
 I have some ideas, but do you have any suggestions. Not,
 As I said before, you make to many mistakes. You’re just
 You wouldn’t understand, so we’ll do it my way. not doing the job.


11.6. Cross Cultural Communication


11.7. Conflict Management Styles

11.7.1. The Meaning of Conflict


11.7.2. Conflict Resolution Negotiation & Bargaining

 Bargaining/Collective bargaining is the “Negotiation” process,

made necessary by a conflict between two parties. The two
parties depend on one another and have a common interest. The
process aims to achieve a balance between the two parties
especially in the area of power and interest.


11.7.3. Conflict Resolution


11.7.4. Conflict Management Approaches

Approach Characteristics Appropriate Use



11.7.5. Distributive & Integrative Bargaining


11.7.6. Win-Win Negotiation


Cultural Diversity Workforce &



12. Cultural Diversity Workforce & Leadership

12.1. The Benefit of Cultural Diversity

 Promote equal employment opportunity provide more attracting skill

 Greater diversity have greater creativity and innovation, better problem
solving, & decision making.
 Greater diversity provide more understanding about customer and market
 Effective managing diversity program reduce more turnover rate,
absenteeism, misunderstanding, conflict and discrimination lawsuits. It is
also lead to the fast adaptation of the environmental changes.


12. Cultural Diversity Workforce & Leadership

12.2. Cultural Differences Influence on Leadership Practices


12.3. Cultural Different Dimensions Influence on Leadership Practices


12.4. Some Examples


12.5. Cultural Sensitivity

 Cultural sensitivity begins with a recognition that there are the differences
between cultures.
 Cultural sensitivity is more than an awareness that there are differences in
culture but in order to do more effectively.
 For example, the differences of cultures are reflected in the ways of
communications and behaviors at the working places.

 Cross-cultural leaders must be patient, adaptable, flexible, and willing to
listen and learn about cultural differences.
 A culturally competent person views all people as an unique individuals and
realizes that their experiences, beliefs, values, and language affect their
 Toward learning & training about cultural differences, and showing respect
and treating differences is considered as a choice.

12.6. Cross-Cultural Training

 Cross-cultural training aim at:

 Eliminate values, stereotypes, and managerial practices that inhibit employees’
personal development.
 Allow employees to contribute to organizational goals regardless of their race,
gender, family status, religious orientation, or cultural background.

 After training the environment can be created that allow all employees to
contribute to organization goals through cultural awareness programs.


12.7. Example of Cross-Cultural Training Outcome


Strategic Leadership
& Knowledge Management


13. Strategic Leadership & Knowledge Management

13.1. Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership deal with the process of providing the direction and inspiration
necessary to create or sustain an organization.


13.2. Components of Strategic Leadership


13.3. SWOT Analysis


13.4. Strategic Leadership Framework


13.5. Some Examples of Business Strategies Formulated by Leaders

 Conducting business on the Internet, now is more interesting.


13.6. Strategic Learning Organization of Leadership


Leadership of Changes


14. Leadership of Change

14.1. What is Leadership of Change?

 Remember, leadership, on the other hand, is about creating something new or improve
something better, in total is creating change.
 Leaders are—by definition—change makers. When they are called the lead, they are called to
advance, move forward, and improve the situation. Be willing to fight for change.
 Leadership of change is the ability to influence and inspire action in others, and respond
with vision and agility during periods of growth, disruption or uncertainty to bring about the
needed change.
 Leadership of change is the ability to influence and inspire action in others, and respond
with vision and agility during periods of growth, disruption or uncertainty to bring about the
needed change.


14.2. Why is Leadership of Change?

 Change is motivation: the certainty life is death—it needs to add some change—it’s
healthy and progress is happening. Change is mean to motivate people to work while
existing technique is obsolete.
 Change is exciting: smart leader embraces change to keep work interesting and
exciting for team. Keeping things fresh enables the business to retain staff for longer
period of time.
 Growth only happening when things change: people and business stagnate if they
don’t change. Staff gain more skills and become more confident, followers are more
empowered to become leaders—then organization can benefit from all of theses.
People are the fuel for growth and success.


14.2. Why is Leadership of Change?

 Change become part of history: think back to the past, there have been so many
amazing changes to the world we live in. These changes were made by individuals
and groups of people who dared to take risks and challenge the status quo.
 Change is growth and accomplishment: the existing life is unable to grow and
success. In the business competition everything need to be innovate, change is the
new way of growth and accomplishment.

True leaders don’t fear with the change and change, nothing great is ever accomplish
easily. Leaders embrace change with open arms and are willing to step into the void to
discover what’s out there. Becoming a better leader is a powerful motivator—as we
seen so far.


14.3. Resistance to the Leadership of Change

 Hostility toward change leader/change initiator

 Lack of information about change
 Threat to existing power
 Threat to existing expertise
 Threat to the existing comfortable zone.


14.4. The Change of Leadership of Change?


14.5. The Change of Leadership of Change?


14.6. The Change of Leadership of Change?


14.7. Change & Overcoming Resistance Approach of Leadership

Strategy for Overcoming Resistances


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