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TESTS |. Put one correct word in each gap. 1. Steve and Harry are twin brothers but they don't look the ..... 2. How about going ............... @ Walk in the park after lunch? 3 she wasn't feeling well, Susan decided to keep working till the end. 4, Don't distur me now. Can't you see | am busy ..............0. My paperwork? 5. The lottery winner said she wanted to go on a trip ....... over the world 6 7 8 9 . think you need to ............... Your dog, It looks hungry. . What . .. of music do you like the best?’ ‘Soul music is my favourite.’ . | was looking for you . 1. Saturday morning. Where were you? The policeman says the car was driving more than 100 kilometres ..... hour when the driver lost control over it. 0c . far is it from here to the nearest town?’ ‘About 20 kilometres.” ll, Put the words in the correct form. 1. Andy's father is an He works is a car factory. ENGINE 2. Betty is $0........... She never stops talking TALK 3. Good . .-+. Of foreign languages is needed for this job, + KNOW 4, ‘What is the ....... . time of the next train to Boston?’ DEPART ‘Six tity am. Platform nine, sit’ 5. My father is approaching the... age buthe sayshe RETIRE doesn't want to stop working. John, you're being . Weather io .. into cold within seconds. 8. Mr Burnes was sacked from work last year. Since that time, he has EMPLOY feet 9. | don't understand your .. . Your parents buy you JEALOUS everything you want, so why envy ‘other people? 10. SOME «oo. sssssesssssssssssses ancient maps have been found by the MYSTERY French archaeologists. Nobody knows how to read them @ Stop talking rubbish. IRITATE up inthe mountains. | lot can turn CHANGE N Ill. Write in the correct words. 1. Pisais _ _m _ _ _ for its leaning tower. 2. The crew and the passengers were evacuated alter a pnone-call from an unknown, man who said there was abombon _ _ a _ _ of the plane 3. It's a meteorologist’ jobto _ ____ @ _ _ _ _ the weather to come. 14 Caran 10. NW. 10. . This oak table was the first piece of __r __t _ _ _ that we bought after moving into our own house. Don’t forget to fasten the __ a _ b _ _ _ before you start driving. Iwas born on 22 August 1978 and what is your date of ___r _ _? ‘The Prime Minister is the head ofthe __ vo om ___ |. We've taken a long-term loan from the. bank. We've been in _ _ b _ ever since. Mr Pearlman will certainly know what to do. He's been working as a tax advisor for twenty five years now. He hasagreat_x___i__c_. Coca-cola was _ _ v _ _ _ _ d byDr John Pemberton whose recipe has always been kept secret. Choose the correct answer. Hello Mike. It's nice to see you, Come in and ................. yourself at home. a} feel ») make c)find —_d) treat it hasn’t been reported yet what .... . the underground explosion in the coal mine. a) caused b)resulted c)led~—d) performed ican tend you a pencil. | have a... see OME, a) unoccupied b) loose —c) spare. d) more We know the Browns very well. They've lived ...........2.+. t0 us for ages. a) opposite. b)apart —c)next_ ~—d) beside A few of the older boys were .... .. of bullying the younger pupils. a) sentenced b) accused —_—_c) charged d) blamed . You're always making up stories. Stop making a . .. of me. a) foot b) stupic ¢)silly —d) crazy Barbara and Sam . .. in love with each other the moment they met. a) got b)stood sc} drove.) fel it looks like the engine has .............-..- down but | won't help you. { can't repair car engines. a) broken b)fallen c)set_ —d) turned . said Jim but | meant Tim. It was just a... of the tongue. a) slide b) slap c)slick —_d) sip I quite like Ronaid but | can't ................ his nasty habit of spitting in the street. a) stay b) exist c)stand ——d) allow 15 TEST 6 |. Put one correct word in each gap. nN Mu. 1 10, Pane Francis was adopted and ................. up by an English family at the age of 6. ‘I really enjoy the taste of your mushroom soup.’ ‘.... yourself to some more, then." . Don't help David with the puzzle. . 'm not sure .. it was George that | saw in the pub last night. We expect you to .....21.+...-+-+ Your best at the exam. Don't let us down, cess first, nobody liked the idea of visiting the museum but in the end we all enjoyed it Could you piease buy mea .. of bread at the baker's? .. is not much to do on a rainy day like this. One can only read books at him do it by himself home. . Jerome is a friend of | met him at a disco last month. We don't eat often. We only go to restaurants once or twice a month Put the words in the correct form. Brian Is $0 «sss .. about food, He always complains about FUSS the meais | prepare. . Jack Girsham is 2 ... in thousands of copies. . Thank you for inviting us to the party. It was really i eeperee ENJOY . 'm sure you'll find something for yourself. There is a good CHOOSE .. of leather jackets in the store. ... young violin player. Her parents are very TALENT . writer. His thrillers usually sell SUCCESS . Gina is a...... proud of her. . | can't cash the cheque without your . .. onit, sir. SIGN . Linda belongs to an organisations campaigning against showing VIOLENT “ on television. The older boy sess to hit me unless | gave him allmy THREAT pocket money. Mark doesn't like visiting ....... bored when we go to a museum . |ean see you have made a great you started taking the private lessons. places and he’s always HISTORY in physics since IMPROVE 16 Ill. Write in the correct words. 1. You don't have to pay for the meal. It's freeof___ __g _ 2, Nobody has bought the cottage yet. It's stillfor 1 _ Giimeo eh wane | want something to drink. 4. | advise you not to keep all your credit cards in your __ _ | _ _ . Ifyou lose it or if someone steals it from you, you may get into serious trouble. 5. What a delicious cheese cake. Could you givemea _ _¢ _ _ _ forit? I'd like to try to make it myself at home. 6.1 prefer _ t _ _ _ mineral water to fizzy water. 7.‘Inwhich __r __t _ _ _ shall we go now, east or south?’ ‘i'm not sure. We'd better ask someone for the way.’ 8. Car fumes cause incredible air __ | __ _ t _ _ _ especially in big cities 9, From our window in the guest house we had a marvellous _ _ e _ of the sea. 10. The man has a Polish passport and 1D so he must be a Polish __t _z__ The interesting thing, however, is that he doesn't speak a word in Polish. IV. Choose the correct answer. 1. Adam's rude manner doesn't .... ... 10 anybody in the office. alike b)favour —c) prefer. ~—d) appeal 2. These washable tattoos were very ................- with children last summer. a) pleased b) popular ~—_c) famous ¢) favourite 3. My uncle is very of watching and photographing wild animals. a) fond b) keen c) addicted d) beloved 4. This a high quality camera. It's .......2.....-.. buying a) worth b) deserving ¢) valuable d) costly 5. Jenny is as busy as a vu. She hardly ever relaxes. a)butterly by wasp sc) bee ~—d) ladybird 6. Look at the painting. Isn't it ............000u to the one we have in our living room? a)likely —b) similar. sc) alike) resembling 7. Mr Wilson has nothing to say in the house. It's his wife who wears the .. a)shit b) boots. sc) hat_—d) trousers. 8.1 I'd missed my destination only when | got out of the train at the next station. a) resolved b) realised c) referred ~—d) resumed 9. Fashion doesn't interest me at all. I don't... the latest trends. a)follow b)run —c)chase.—sd) seek 10. Hundreds of fans expected to see their idol but the pop star didn't ... a) bring b)make —c)tumn—d) call 17

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