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Justin Oseo

Professor Knott-Silva

Fitness for Living

25 July 2023

Stress Management Case Study Submission

Stress is inevitable. Big or small, everyone will get stressed out in their lives. It is

important to recognize your own symptoms of stress and use healthy stress relieving techniques.

For some people it could be weight lifting or going for a walk to enjoy the world around them. It

is common for students of all ages to become stressed. The academic load and the expectations

from friends and family to perform can especially affect a student’s mental ability, forcing them

to be stressed.

In this case study we have Melinda, a freshman with a 3.0 grade point average. She is a

student with an expectation to perform well in order to keep her scholarship. Melinda

experiences severe anxiety due to her exams. Although she studies diligently, she believes that

her efforts in studying won't make a difference. The stress that she experienced provoked a panic

attack while trying to study.

Throughout highschool, my friends and I have dealt with high level and advanced

classes. Multiple honors and AP classes have definitely caused some stress throughout my

academic career. Not to mention I obtained my pilot’s license during my junior year of high

school which required me to take 3 FAA exams. I manage my stress in a variety of ways. From

washing cars, to playing video games to lifting weights to just hanging out and talking with

friends. Studying is a process and it is important to trust the process.

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One of the best ways to reduce your stress regarding an exam is to be prepared.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine where the study aimed to

investigate the effect of study preparation on test anxiety and performance of public health

students, studying reduced the level of test anxiety and improved the performance of students

(Yusefzadeh et al., 2019). This study also aimed to influence faculty members and heads of the

departments to help students learn about the study preparation. Being prepared is one of the best

ways to reduce stress when studying for exams and tests. Like stated before, studying is a

process. In order to study effectively, you need to trust the process. In Melinda’s case, she needs

to trust herself that she knows her material. From personal experience, being prepared and self

trust has reduced my stress significantly when taking tests and exams,

If I were in Melinda’s situation I do not think I would seek professional health yet. I

would try and find ways to reduce my stress by myself. I would look for any healthy stress

relievers. In order to not become stressed in the first place, I would try and get ahead in the class

to study the topics. If I was unable to do these things, that is when I would seek professional

help. It is important to take breaks when you feel overwhelmed, especially when studying. Going

outside and enjoying the weather is a good way to take a break. A way to learn optimism is to

believe that everything will be ok. If you are religious, you can pray to your higher power.

Realistic goals are important for students. When forming goals it is important to look at factors

such as class schedule, total units, and extracurricular activities. There is such a stigma against

reaching out for mental health when there really shouldn't be. In reality, everyone can benefit

from talking to a professional.

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Yusefzadeh, H., Iranagh, J. A., & Nabilou, B. (2019, May 3). The effect of study preparation on

test anxiety and performance: a quasi-experimental study. NCBI. Retrieved July 28,

2023, from

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