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Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250

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In vitro cytotoxicity and phototoxicity study of cosmetics colorants

K. Tomankova a,⇑, K. Kejlova b, S. Binder a, A. Daskova a, J. Zapletalova a, H. Bendova b, H. Kolarova a,
D. Jirova b
Department of Medical Biophysics, Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University, Hnevotinska 3, 775 15 Olomouc, Czech Republic
National Institute of Public Health, Srobarova 48, 100 42 Prague, Czech Republic

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of the work was early identification of preventable risk factors connected with the consumers
Available online 4 May 2011 usage of products of everyday use, such as cosmetics, toys and children products, and other materials
intended for contact with human skin. The risk factor is represented by substances with irritation poten-
Keywords: tial and subsequent possible sensitisation, resulting in negative impact on human physical and psychical
Colorant health with social and societal consequences. The legislation for cosmetics, chemical substances and
Reactive other products requires for hazard identification the application of alternative toxicological methods
Oxygen species
in vitro without the use of animals. For this reason we used a battery of alternative assays in vitro, based
Comet assay
on cell cultures. Progressive methods of molecular biology, based on fluorimetry and fluorescence, were
employed for identification of early morphological and functional changes on cellular level. Four colo-
rants frequently used in cosmetics (P-WS Caramel, Chlorophyllin, Unicert Red K 7054-J and Unicert
Red K 7008-J) were tested on cell line NIH3T3 (mouse fibroblast cell) and 3T3 Balb/c with/without UV
irradiation (dose 5 J cm2). Fluorescence methods for the study of cell damage using fluorescence probes
offer results for the evaluation of cytotoxicity and cell viability of adherent cells. We detected intracellu-
lar production of ROS investigated by molecular probe CM-H2DCFDA, which is primarily sensitive to the
increased production of hydrogen peroxide or its downstream products. Toxic effects on the cellular level
were identified by viability tests using Neutral Red uptake and MTT assay, where the live cells reduce yel-
low soluble 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) to insoluble formazan
crystals. The reaction was investigated on mitochondrial membrane of living cells and the type of cell
death was determined using Apoptosis detection kit. Cytotoxicity tests revealed health risks of using
Chlorophyllin and Unicert Red K 7054-J.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction by selected coloring agents that are currently allowed in all

cosmetic products, particularly those regularly incorporated in
This study was focused on colorants widely used in consumer leave-on products applied on skin areas exposed to sunlight or
products, foods and feeds, and thus expected to be safe. Colorants coming into contact with mucous membranes. The phototoxic
approved for cosmetics are subject to exclusive regulation in the effects of selected colorants were investigated using the validated
Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC, Annex IV. However, the available and legally accepted 3T3 NRU Phototoxicity Test (EC, 2008) and a
information on their safety is largely incomplete, sometimes con- modified phototoxicity test on NIH3T3 cells with MTT assay as
fusing or controversial. The extent of available data frequently does endpoint. Recently, extensive efforts have been made to develop
not comply with requirements of the SCCP’s Notes of Guidance for in vitro methods for predicting the phototoxicity potential of chem-
the Testing of Cosmetic Ingredients and Their Safety Evaluation icals in order to replace animal testing. Various strategies involving
(2006). in vitro tests have been proposed in order to evaluate the photo-
Performed experiments aimed to provide missing toxicological toxic potential of chemicals and drugs. In contrast to the 3T3-NRU
data related to possible phototoxicity and DNA damage induced test based on cell monolayer, reconstructed epidermal tissues allow
topical application of a large panel of compounds. Moreover, due to
Abbreviations: ROS, reactive oxygen species; MMP, mitochondrial membrane their 3D structure involving connections between cells and extra
potential; UV, ultraviolet; DNA, deoxyribonucleotic acid; DSU, disc scanning unit; cellular matrix, the presence of a barrier function (stratum
CI, color index; CAS, chemical association service; PIF, photo irritation factor; MPE,
corneum) and by their origin, human keratinocytes, these models
mean photo effect; SGCE, single-cell gel electrophoresis.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 585 632 103; fax: +420 585 632 167. are closer to the target organ, the human skin. Indeed, previous
E-mail address: (K. Tomankova). studies on reconstructed skin models have shown their ability to

0887-2333/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250 1243

confirm or modulate positive outcomes in the 3T3 NRU phototoxic- inactivation; particularly, it controls the relative weight of apop-
ity test (Lelievre et al., 2007). totic and random necrotic pathways which are eventually respon-
Ultraviolet light including wavelengths from 280 to 400 nm is the sible for cell death (Amor and Jori, 2000). Apoptosis (programmed
most damaging radiation to human skin. Following sun exposure, cell death) plays an important role in embryogenesis and homeo-
photoallergy and phototoxicity are the two main drug-photosensi- stasis of multicellular organisms. The impairment of the apoptotic
tivity reactions. In some cases, photoactivated drugs induce damage function has been associated with several human diseases. In con-
to DNA of skin cells, and this photogenotoxic impact could increase trast, necrosis (cell lysis) occurs in response to acute and non-
the risk of skin cancer (Lelievre et al., 2007; Shimoda 1998). UV light physiological injuries (Yang et al., 2007).
can induce formation of radicals which are able to damage DNA damage can be studied by various methods, for example by
membranes, DNA and other cellular structures (Sobolev et al., measurement of change of mitochondrial membrane potential
2000). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a term that has become more DWm, comet assay or microscopic methods. Mitochondrial dynam-
popular because it encompasses other reactive species that are not ics is important factor contributing to apoptotic pathways by
true radicals but are nevertheless capable of radical formation in stimulation of caspases and chromosomal fragmentation.
the intracellular and extracellular environments. Exogenous sources Mitochondria are also the major source to modulate cellular
of ROS include heat, trauma, ultrasound, UV light, ozone, smoking, calcium homeostasis, which is critical for cellular signaling and
exhaust fumes, radiation, infection, excessive exercise and thera- chemical cytotoxicity (Chang et al., 2007). The DWm collapse asso-
peutic drugs. On the other hand, endogenous sources are products ciated with the permeabilisation of mitochondrial membrane and
of metabolic pathways (electron leakage from mitochondrial the release of apoptogenic proteins (cytochrome c, AIF, Smac/DIA-
electron transport systems forming superoxide) and functional BLO, Endonuclease G, etc.) to the cytosol is one of the typical early
generation by host defense (phagocytes) (Chapple and Matthews, events of a mitochondria-mediated pathway and has been pro-
2007; Nordberg and Arńer, 2001). posed to be the point-of-no-return in many cell death programs
Upon absorption of UV or visible photons, a photosensitizer can (Krestyn et al., 2010). The comet assay (also called single-cell gel
be promoted to a variety of electronically excited states. However, electrophoresis, SCGE) is a sensitive, simple and quantitative
the efficiency of the photosensitizing action is generally dependent technique for detection of DNA damage. The comet assay can be
on the photophysical properties of the excited triplet state (3Sens), used for the detection of damage such as single and double strand
which is reached via intersystem crossing from the initially formed DNA breaks, oxidative DNA base damage, DNA–DNA/DNA–pro-
excited singlet state (1Sens). The 3Sens species are most often char- tein/DNA-drug crosslinking or DNA repair (Tice et al., 2000; Heaton
acterized by a lifetime from the microsecond to millisecond range. et al., 2002). The DNA damage is qualitatively presented by the
Deactivation pathway for 3Sens can be defined as a type I mecha- amount of the unwound DNA fragments, which resembles a comet,
nism leading to the generation of radical intermediates which in having a distinct head and tail (Heaton et al., 2002). The head
turn can undergo further reactions with other substrates, solvent consists of intact DNA, while the tail is created of broken fragments
molecules or oxygen (Amor and Jori, 2000). The process can results of DNA or relaxed chromatin. The amount of DNA damage is
in the formation of oxidized products such as the superoxide anion. directly proportional to the amount of DNA liberated from the head
It has a relatively low level of reactivity, however, it can be con- (Collins, 2004).
verted to very reactive and cytotoxic species such as the hydroxyl
radical and hydrogen peroxide. These oxidizing substances have
2. Materials and methods
higher reaction activity than common oxygen molecules (Shimoda
1998). As well known, the ROS can in vivo cause damage to biolog-
2.1. Tested colorants
ical molecules and induce the emergence of disease (Wang et al.,
The four selected colorants used in cosmetics were P-WS
Another deactivation pathway for 3Sens is type II mechanism,
caramel, Chlorophyllin, Unicert Red K 7054-J and Unicert Red K
where the energy is transferred to any substrate whose triplet state
7008-J. Information on their color indices (CI), CAS numbers,
energy lies at a lower level compared with the photosensitizer trip-
synonyms and absorption peaks is given in Table 1.
let state (Inbaraj et al., 2005). Both type I and type II photosensiti-
zation mechanisms generate electrophilic species, hence the most
photosensitive targets are represented by electron-rich biomole- 2.2. Materials and instruments
cules (Amor and Jori, 2000; Shimoda 1998). A critical role is per-
formed by the chemical structure of the photosensitizer, NIH3T3 (Mouse fibroblast cells) were used as a biological mate-
particularly by its degree of hydrophobicity. Lipophilic dyes are rial for the MTT viability/phototoxicity test, reactive oxygen species
preferentially associated with the cell membranes; at short incuba- measurement, comet assay, mitochondrial membrane potential
tion times the plasma membrane represents the main binding site, measurement and apoptotic/necrotic assay. 3T3 Balb/c cells were
while at longer times significant photosensitizer concentrations used as a biological material for 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototox-
are recovered from other subcellular membranes including the icity. The chemicals used included Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Med-
mitochondrial and lysosomal membranes, the golgi apparatus ium (DMEM), phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4 own
and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (Amor and Jori, 2000). We preparation), 5-(and-6)-chloromethyl-20 ,70 -dichlorodihydrofluo-
supposed that these mechanisms are applied under UV irradiation rescein diacetate (CM-H2DCFDA, Invitrogen Co., USA), 3-(4,5-di-
sensitized cells by UV absorbing colorants. All of these dyes require methyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT,
the presence of molecular oxygen to express their phototoxic ac- Sigma Aldrich), Annexin FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit (Sigma
tion (Shimoda 1998). Aldrich), 5,50 ,6,60 -Tetrachloro-1,10 ,3,30 -tetraethylbenzimidazolo-
The oxygen products are capable of causing cellular damage, carbocyanine iodide, 5,50 ,6,60 -Tetrachloro-1,10 ,3,30 -tetraethyl-imi-
ultimately leading to cell death by either necrosis or apoptosis dacarbocyanine iodide (C25H27Cl4IN4, JC-1, Sigma Aldrich)
(Nordberg and Arńer, 2001), which are two distinct types of cell dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma Aldrich), HMP agarose (Serva,
death that differ in terms of their biochemical and morphological Biotech, Czech Republic), LMP agarose (Qbiogene, Genetica, Czech
characteristics as well as their regulatory mechanism. The Republic), Trypsin (Sigma Aldrich), fetal bovine serum (FBS, Sigma
subcellular localization of a photosensitizer determines the Aldrich), NaCl (Tamda, Czech Republic), EDTA (ethylenediaminetet-
efficiency as well as the mechanism of photoinduced cell raaceticacid, Lachema, Czech Republic), Tris (tris(hydroxymethyl)
1244 K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250

Table 1
Coloring agents.

Trade name CI CAS Synonyms Absorption (nm)

Caramel P-WS Caramel 8028-89-5 E150 282
Chlorophyllin 75810 (75815) 85536-03-4 E140, E141 340, 503 and 656
Unicert Red K 7054-J 45410 18472-87-2 Acid Red 92 295, 309, 344, 360, 511
Unicert Red K 7008-J 45380 17372-87-1 Eosin Y, Acid Red 87 338, 298, 343, 492

aminomethane, Sigma Aldrich), Triton X-100 (Serva), NaOH (Sigma fluorescence signals were recorded by fluorescence microscope
Aldrich) SYBR Green (Invitrogen Co, USA). Measurements were car- with CCD camera, manually scored and counted as percentage of
ried out on multi-detection microplate reader Synergy HT, trans- control group (100  average of test group/average of control
mission microscope Olympus IX81 with DSU unit (Olympus, group).
Japan). We used 96 well plates (P-Lab, Czech Republic) for cell lines
cultivation, centrifugal machine (Biotech, Czech Republic), glass 2.7. Mitochondrial membrane potential assay DWm
cover slip (P-lab, Czech Republic), electrophoretic tank (Bio-RAD,
Czech Republic), UV light source bank of four Phillips tubes TL-D Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was monitored by
18/08 (320–400 nm). UVA meter (Type No. 37, Dr. Hönle, Ger- the fluorescent cationic voltage-dependent dye JC-1. NIH3T3 cells
many), Phototox Version 2.0 software (ZEBET, Germany). The UV were loaded in PBS media with JC-1 (5 lg ml1, dissolved in
light source, used also in the ECVAM validation study on 3T3 NRU DMSO), for 20 min at 37 °C, 5% CO2 and then washed by PBS.
PT (SOL 500, Dr. Hönle, Germany), was a doped mercury-metal ha- Results were expressed as the fluorescence retained within the
lide lamp which simulates the spectral distribution of natural sun- cells.
light (emission spectrum in the range of 280–700 nm) (EC, 2008). A
spectrum almost devoid of UVB (<320 nm) was achieved by filter- 2.8. Comet assay
ing with 50% transmission at the wavelength of 335 nm (Filter
H1, Dr. Hönle, Germany). Microscope slides were first precoated with 1% HMP agarose in
distilled H2O and then placed in a drying oven at a temperature of
2.3. Sample preparation 60 °C for at least 30 min. Then 85 ll of 1% HMP agarose in PBS was
applied onto the recoated slides which were then covered with a
104 cells were incubated in thermobox at 37 °C and 5% CO2 cover slip. The slides were placed in a refrigerator in order to
for 24 h in 96-well plates with fresh DMEM. After incubation, enhance gelling of the agarose. The cells were trypsinized for
DMEM was replaced by PBS and colorants at concentration 5 min and trypsinisation was stopped by means of fetal bovine
0–1000 lg ml1. Samples were incubated for 1 h in thermobox serum (FBS). Isolated cells were centrifuged (6 min, 1000 rpm),
and then irradiated by ultraviolet radiation for 50 min with UVA then the cell pellet was dispersed in 20 ll of PBS and vortexed. A
light intensity 1.7 mW cm2 (total dose 5 J cm2). The emitted en- quantity of 85 ll of 1% LMP agarose was added to this solution
ergy was measured before each experiment with a calibrated UVA and 85 ll of this suspension was added to the microscope slide
meter. Test plates without irradiation were kept 50 min in the dark that had been prepared with the solidified agarose gel (the cover
at room temperature. After treatment fresh DMEM was added to slip was removed prior to cell inoculation on the gel), covered by
the cell culture and the plates were incubated for 6 h in thermobox a new glass cover slip to form a thin layer and moved to the refrig-
at 37 °C and 5% CO2. erator again. After solidifying the cover slips were removed again
and the microscope slides were immersed in a lysis buffer contain-
2.4. Measurement of reactive oxygen species production ing 2.5 M NaCl, 100 mM EDTA 10 mM Tris (tris(hydroxy-
methyl)aminomethane), 1% Triton X-100, pH = 10) at 4 °C for at
ROS were generated by colorants in concentrations between 0 least 1 h. After the lysis the slides were washed in distilled water
(control group) and 1000 lg ml1. Immediately after UVA irradia- to remove all salts, then placed in an electrophoretic tank and
tion the ROS production was determined using CM-H2DCFDA dipped into a cool electrophoresis solution (300 mM NaOH,
fluorescence probes and microplate reader Synergy HT. Time of 1 mM EDTA) for 40 min. Electrophoresis was run at 0.8 V.cm1 and
CM-H2DCFDA probes incubation was 30 min. 380 mA for 20 min. After the electrophoresis the slides were rinsed
3 times for 5 min with a neutralisation buffer (0.4 M Tris, pH = 7.5)
2.5. MTT viability/phototoxicity test at 4 °C. The samples were subsequently stained by SYBR Green and
immediately scored. Cells were analysed using a fluorescence
The cytotoxic/phototoxic effect of the colorants on NIH3T3 cells microscope with CCD camera and manually scored. We evaluated
was determined using the MTT assay. We replaced DMEM by PBS randomly chosen 100 cells from each sample. The cells were
prior to starting the MTT measurements, added 20 ll of 20 mM classified in five classes, i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 according to the length
MTT (dissolved in PBS) and incubated the cells for 3 h at 37 °C of their tail determining the degree of the DNA damage.
and 5% CO2. The MTT solution was carefully removed and 100 ll
DMSO was added in order to solubilize the violet formazan crys- 3. 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity
tals. Data were calculated using the Phototox software.
The test was performed according to INVITTOX Protocol No. 78
2.6. Apoptosis/necrosis assay (, using 3T3 Balb/c fibro-
blasts, passage 75–85. A test substance is predicted as having a
We replaced DMEM by Binding buffer 1 before starting the potential phototoxic hazard if the photoirritation factor (PIF), cal-
measurements, added 5 ll of propidium iodide and 2.5 ll of culated as the ratio of toxicity for each substance with and without
annexin incubated at 37 °C and 5% CO2 for 30 min and then washed UV light, is higher than five. Using the Phototox software, a second
the cells by Binding buffer. The annexin and propidium iodide predictor of phototoxicity, the mean photo effect (MPE) was also
K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250 1245

calculated. The MPE is a statistical comparison of the between the control cells and cells exposed to colorants with
dose–response curves obtained with and without UV and a test (+UV, dark grey columns) and without (UV, light grey columns)
substance is predicted as phototoxic if MPE is higher than 0.1. ultraviolet light application. The of ROS production in control
According to the Commission Regulation No.440/2008, a test sub- groups +UV is 8-fold higher than the ROS production of control
stance with a PIF > 2 and < 5 or an MPE > 0.1 and < 0.15 is predicted UV (see Fig. 1). The MTT assay supports these results as the cell
as ‘‘probably phototoxic’’ (EC, 2008). viability after +UV treatment was decreased about 10% in compar-
ison with control –UV (data not shown). In comparison with the
3.1. Fluorescence microscopy control group + UV (without colorants), ROS production in + UV
irradiated cells was significantly higher in the presence of P-WS
Cell viability and morphological changes were visualized by Caramel, at concentrations 865.7 and 1000 lg ml1. Significant in-
Olympus IX80 microscope with DSU unit. Images were recorded creases of ROS production were detected in Unicert Red K 7054-
by CCD camera and CellR software. J + UV in concentration 111.1–1000 lg ml1 and UV in concentra-
tions 10.1 and 1000 lg ml1. Unicert Red K 7008-J induced signifi-
cant increase in in concentrations 1.1, 2.7, 8.7, 48.7 and
3.2. Statistical analysis 1000 lg ml1 (+UV) and in concentrations 10.1–48.7 lg ml1
(UV). In conclusion, significantly augmented production of ROS
The results were processed using software SPSS v. 15 (SPSS Inc. was detected in case higher concentrations of the tested colorants
Chicago, USA). The data are presented as mean ± SD of three inde- after UV irradiation, while without irradiance treatment and over
pendent experiments. The statistical significance was determined significant results were detected only in case of Unicert Red K
by an analysis of variance with ANOVA post hoc tests Dunnet 7008-J. Chlorophyllin did not induce any significant increase in
(comparison with control). The statistical analysis of the results ROS production.
of apoptotic/necrotic assay and comet assay was performed using The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity test revealed photo-
Fisher exact tests with Bonferroni correction. P 6 0.05 was consid- toxic potential of all the four tested colorants. However, the photo-
ered statistically significant. toxic effect of P-WS Caramel was induced only in very high
concentrations (mean EC50 (+UV) = 760.5 lg ml1). The MTT
4. Results phototoxicity test classified Unicert Red K 7054-J as probably pho-
totoxic (PIF = 2.1) and Chlorophyllin and Unicert Red K 7008-J as
All substances were tested for their phototoxicity potential phototoxic (Table 2).
using a battery of in vitro tests. The effect of colorants concentration Another early effect of colorants activity in the investigated cell
on ROS formation in mouse fibroblast cells was monitored with and lines was depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane. The col-
without UV light irradiation up to the dose of 5 J cm2. We observed orants may increase the level of ROS, leading to mitochondrial
an increase in ROS production immediately after completion of 1 h damage in the investigated cell lines. In order to monitor DWm,
incubation and 50 min irradiation (+UV group) or dark incubation we chose the JC-1 fluorescent dye which has been demonstrated
(UV group) of cells with the colorants. The summary of the values to be more specific for mitochondria than other fluorescent dyes
for colorants concentrations (0–1000 lg ml1) are presented in as DiOC6 or Rhodamine 123 (Rogalska et al., 2008). The MMP assay
Fig. 1. The obtained data showed difference in ROS production was used to evaluate the DWm changes in cells 6 h after treatment.

Fig. 1. Reactive oxygen species production elicited by 4 cosmetics colorants with (+UV) and without irradiation (UV) immediately after therapy. The ROS production of the
samples was determined using relative fluorescence units (RFU). Significant results corresponding to control are marked with asterisks.
1246 K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250

Table 2 of their tail determining the degree of the DNA damage. The
Phototoxicity tests. highest proportion of damaged cells (class 3 and 4) was deter-
Coloring agent 3T3 NRU PT NIH3T3 MTT PT mined in case of Chlorophyllin + UV, Unicert Red K 7008-J + UV
PIF MPE PIF MPE and Unicert Red K 7054-J in all concentrations and treat-
ments + UV and -UV. No intense comets were detected in the
P-WS Caramel 6.3 0.282 1.3 0.036
Chlorophyllin 82.1 0.407 12.0 0.111
exposed control.
Unicert Red K7054-J 22.6 0.441 2.1 0.116
Unicert Red K7008-J 170.2 0.458 232.2 0.351
5. Discussion

Colorants of Column 1, Annex IV, to the Cosmetics Directive are

The results of the JC-1 fluorescence assay showed a concentration- currently allowed in all cosmetic products including leave-on
dependent decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential of the products. Available toxicological information often comprises only
studied cells. Depolarization of mitochondrial membrane selected exposure conditions (e.g. for hair dyes) and does not
predominated in higher concentrations of the colorants reflect all foreseeable conditions of use that may lead to relatively
(273.9–1000 lg ml1) regardless of + UV or UV treatments with high exposure (SCCNFP/0803/04 2004). Colorants appear in formu-
the exception of Unicert Red K 7008-J and Chlorophyllin, where lations of hair dyes or decorative cosmetics applied to body parts
the higher decrease without irradiation (UV) than after +UV exposed to sunlight. Despite being obvious photoabsorbers, they
treatment was recorded (Fig. 2). Particularly in case of Chlorophyl- are not regularly tested for phototoxicity. This paper was aimed
lin, significant large decreases in 41.7 and 865.7 lg ml1 concen- at filling the considerable gaps in knowledge on colorants used in
trations UV were observed. cosmetics, foods and feeds. Toxicological hazard of phototoxic
Microscopy using fluorescence dyes, annexin and propidium effects of these substances is not addressed properly in any of
iodide, was used for viability analysis of NIH3T3 cells treated by the available sources of scientific information (e.g. HSDB – Hazard-
coloring agents with and without UV irradiation with light dose ous Substances Data Bank, IUCLID Dataset, RTECS – Registry of
5 J cm2 (Fig. 3). The method revealed significantly increased Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances, opinions of the Scientific
number of apoptotic and necrotic cells +UV and UV in case of Committee on Consumer Safety, EC). However, the use of photoac-
Unicert Red K 7054-J in all tested concentrations (highest concen- tivated chlorophyllin-based gelatin films to prevent microbial
trations were not available due to the cytotoxicity of the colorant). contamination of food products (López-Carballo et al., 2008) or
Application of P-WS Caramel significantly induced apoptotic the application of xanthenes and porphyrins as sunlight-activated
change in all concentrations in +UV and UV. However, the in- insecticides (Amor and Jori, 2000) suggest phototoxic potential of
creased numbers of necrotic cells were detected only in concentra- colorants, which might be responsible for adverse reactions to
tions + UV 273.9–1000 lg ml1 and UV 865.7–1000 lg ml1. cosmetics (Wolf et al., 2001). The synergistic action of cosmetic
Significant number of apoptotic cells was observed in case of Chlo- products, namely lipsticks, and sunlight, described by Hanson
rophyllin + UV in all concentrations (as well as Unicert Red K 7008- et al. (2008) might be attributed to the colorants present in the
J), in –UV only in concentration 20.4 lg ml1 (Unicert Red K 7008-J formulations.
in concentrations 0.2, 2.7 and 48.7 lg ml1). We proved photodynamic effects in vitro for all four tested
The results of the comet assay are shown in Table 3. The cells colorants. The cytotoxicity of the colorants was accompanied by
were classified in 5 classes, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, according to the length an increase in production of reactive oxygen species and

Fig. 2. Cell mitochondrial membrane potential 6 h after therapy (+UV) and without irradiation (UV). The MMP of the samples was determined using relative fluorescence
units (RFU). Significant results corresponding to control are marked with asterisks.
K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250 1247

Fig. 3. Percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cells after exposure to 4 cosmetics colorants with (+UV) and without irradiation (UV) 6 h after therapy. Significant results to
correspond control are marked with asteriks.

depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential as indicated control group after UV irradiation at dose 5 J cm2 did not excess
in Figs. 1 and 2. Three of the substances exhibited concordant re- 90% in comparison with the dark control (100%) (data not shown).
sults in both in vitro phototoxicity tests. Discrepancy ocurred only On the other hand, Inbaraj et al. and Chignell and Sik, 2003 claimed
in case of P-WS Caramel, classified as phototoxic in 3T3 NRU PT that UVA at 4 J cm2 had no effect on the viability of cells. (Inbaraj
and non-phototoxic in NIH 3T3 MTT PT, however, this substance et al., 2005; Chignell and Sik, 2003).
elicited phototoxicity in 3T3 NRU PT only in high concentrations, It has been suggested that changes of mitochondrial membrane
i.e. is probably false positive. The other colorants were classified potential play a key role in apoptotic cascade and the DWm
as phototoxic or probably phototoxic in both tests. The degree of changes can reveal an early stage of apoptosis. A decrease of
toxic response might have been affected by the use of two vital mitochondrial membrane potential has been hypothesized to be
dyes with different mechanisms of cell viability assessment, how- a marker of apoptotic cells (Matarrese et al., 2003) and ROS
ever, both tests revealed the phototoxic potential of Chlorophyllin, production is preceded by a decrease in mitochondrial membrane
Unicert Red K7054-J and Unicert Red K7008-J. potential (Rogalska et al., 2008; Chang et al., 2007)). Our results
Oxidative stress can cause change of DWm, cell aging or cell showed decreasing of DWm in dependence on the applied concen-
death (Valdez et al., 2006; Chang et al., 2007). ROS production tration of colorants and UV irradiation (see Fig. 3). Depolarisation
and mitochondrial dysfunction are therefore the possible contrib- of mitochondrial membrane potential is an implication of perme-
uting factors of colorants toxicity. Stressed cells may produce ability transitive pores opening or damage of the outer mitochon-
ROS and particularly UV irradiation has great influence on ROS drial membrane integrity. Matarrese et al. studied HIV-infected
production as can be seen in differences between contol groups cells, and hyperpolarization of MMP was observed. They also
+UV and UV (see Fig. 1). ROS amount is dependent upon the suggest that HIV protease inhibitors, by interfering with induction
length of time of UV irradiation (Hanson et al., 2006). Fluorescence of the mitochondrial hyperpolarization state, can result in cell
probe CM-H2DCFDA can reveal the presence of H2O2 (hydrogen survival even independent of any viral infection (Matarrese et al.,
peroxide), OH (hydroxyl radical), COO (peroxyl radical) and HOCl 2003). No significant mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization
(hypochlorous acid). Several quenchers can be used to determine was observed in our experiment.
the kind of generated ROS, for example sodium azide (NaN3) and Specific chemicals, drugs and colorants can induce ROS medi-
histidine can quench the singlet state molecular oxygen (1O2), ated apoptosis and necrosis pathways in all cell lines depending
while 2,6-di-tert-butyl-methylphenol and mannitol can quench on the length of the post-treatment time (Rogalska et al., 2008).
the hydroxyl radicals (OH). And that, the vitamin C can quench Under our experimental conditions we have shown that colorants
almost all kinds of ROS. Wang et al. 2010 revealed that in presence (particularly Chlorophyllin, Unicert Red K 7054-J and Unicert Red K
of Chlorophyllin-Metal complex, under visible-light irradiation, 7008-J) can induce apoptosis and necrosis in NIH3T3 cells.
several kinds of ROS can be generated, at least including 1O2 and Fragmentation of DNA by endonucleases is an indicator of cellular
OH. Chignell and Sik, 2003 observed dose-dependent increase in apoptosis (Chang et al., 2007; Sun and Liu, 2006). Our observations
fluorescence signal in cells loaded with 20 ,70 -dichlorofluorescin suggest that colorants may induce both necrosis and apoptosis in
after UVA irradiation. Fluorescence in cells exposed to 4 J cm2 of NIH3T3 cells. P-WS Caramel and Unicert Red K 7054-J elicited
UVA exhibiting an almost 10-fold increase over dark controls. This significant apoptosis and necrosis both after +UV and without
statement supports our results as we observed 8-fold increase in UV irradiation. On the other hand, Unicert Red K 7008-J and Chlo-
the ROS production over dark control after UV irradiation at dose rophyllin induced apoptosis after +UV irradiation in all the tested
5 J cm2 (see Fig. 1). Our results revealed that cell viability in concentrations (see Fig. 3).
1248 K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250

Table 3
Percentage of cells distributed to 5 classes of DNA damage determined by comet assay with (+UV) and without irradiation (UV) 6 h after therapy. Significant results
corresponding to control are typed in italics.

P-WS Caramel +UV (lg ml1)

Comet class 1000 865.7 273.9 111.1 48.7 22 10.1 4.6 2.2 Control
0 19 93
1 14 20 30 20 70 59 70 75 7
2 30 5 34 10 20 31 30 6 0
3 14 35 30 36 60 6 8 0
4 86 21 45 10 4 2 0
P-WS Caramel UV (lg ml1)
0 69 85 85 74 82 81 82 84 84 92
1 20 8 10 5 8 10 11 13 13 6
2 11 3 5 4 3 6 5 4 2 1
3 5 8 3 5 1 1
4 0
Chlorophyllin +UV (lg ml1)
Comet class 1000 865.7 273.9 111.1 41.7 20.4 10.1 8.7 4.7 2.7 2.1 1 0.9 Control
0 37 95
1 55 5
2 1 3 6 0
3 1 2 5 6 14 16 3 0
4 99 98 95 94 86 81 0
Chlorophyllin UV (lg ml1)
0 13 85 85 86 85 94 94
1 14 42 82 15 15 14 14 6 6
2 86 58 5 1 0
3 0
4 0
Unicert Red K 7054-J +UV (lg ml1)
Comet class 1000 865.7 273.9 111.1 48.7 22 10.1 4.6 Control
0 5 10 96
1 69 81 4
2 1 26 8 0
3 1 1 4 3 5 3 0
4 99 99 96 97 95 96 0
Unicert Red K 7054-J UV (lg ml1)
0 27 96
1 72 4
2 1 0
3 1 1 2 2 3 0
4 100 100 99 99 98 98 97 0
Unicert Red K 7008-J +UV (lg ml1)
Comet class 1000 111.1 48.7 22 10.1 8.7 2.7 1.1 0.5 0.2 Control
0 49 69 25 15 95
1 8 89 51 26 75 80 5
2 7 67 11 5 5 0
3 4 30 25 0
4 96 63 0
Unicert Red K 7008-J UV (lg ml1)
0 2 5 1 4 11 10 33 92
1 95 93 92 96 96 89 89 67 8
2 15 5 3 3 1 0
3 0
4 0

The degree of DNA damage in the comet assay can be assessed (Vanzella et al., 2007). DNA damage can be considered as medium
either automatically using appropriate scoring software or manu- when comet class 2 is prevailing. Comet class 3 corresponds to
ally. Recent research proved that the visual scoring produces the large DNA damage and cells assigned comet class 4 refer to
same results compared to the computerized image analysis (García apoptotis (Santos et al., 2010). UV exposure may affect diverse bio-
et al., 2004). The data obtained from the visual scoring highly logical functions including DNA replication, repair, cell cycle con-
correlate with the quantitative parameters commonly used in the trol and chromatin remodelling (dos Santos Montagner et al.,
comet assay (tail moment, tail length) (Heaton et al., 2002). The 2010). DNA repair mechanisms are involved immediatelly after
extent of DNA damage was determined according to the length UV exposure and complete DNA recovery takes about 2 h (de
of a tail of the comet determining the degree of the DNA damage Width and Greulich, 1994). To avoid any mechanisms involved in
(Collins, 2004). The chosen cells treated with each sample were DNA reconstruction we performed the comet assay in 6 h after
visually analyzed and divided in five classes (0–4), where 0 refers UV irradiation to assure that our results indicate irreversible DNA
to undamaged cells and comet class 1 to minimally damaged cells damage leading to cell death.
K. Tomankova et al. / Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 1242–1250 1249

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