High - Note 3 Tests Pack

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 1–2


Task 1
Your class has won a prize in a national competition. You have to choose what you want as the prize.
Everyone has to get the same thing though.

Talk to each other about the different items you could choose and decide which would be best.

Items you could choose

1 2

3 4

5 6

Task 2
In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Student A

1 Do you prefer to spend money on clothes or technology? Why?

2 Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why? / Why not?

Student B

1 Do you think people spend too much money shopping for clothes? Why? / Why not?
2 Which gadget that you use has changed your life the most? How?

TOTAL ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 1–2

Task 1

Give students time (30 seconds) to read the task and look at the pictures.
Ask students to do the task in pairs.
Remind them to listen to their partner and react to their ideas.
Use the questions below as back up prompts if necessary.

• Which do you think is the cheapest / most expensive item? Will this affect your
• Which of these items would most people like and why?
• Which of the items are the most / the least useful for everyone?
• Have you got any of these things already?
• Have you ever used technology like that before?

Allow 2−3 minutes for students to discuss the pictures. Then move on to Task 2.

Task 2

Tell students to discuss the questions in pairs. Allocate students A or B.

A should ask B questions first.
Encourage students to give examples and supporting ideas where possible.
Tell students to listen to their partner’s questions and answers, and comment on what they say.
Use the questions below as back up prompts.

• How about you? And you?

• Do you agree?
• What do you think?

Allow 4 minutes for students to discuss the questions.

For marking scale, go to a separate file.

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 3–4

Task 1
Talk to each other about how important the aspects below are for a tourist.
Decide which two aspects are the most important.

good public
transport How important cultural events
are these
aspects for
a tourist?

historic cheap places

sights to stay

varied shopping

Task 2
In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Student A

1 What do you like to do when you visit a new place?

2 Do you think your country is a good place for travellers? Why? / Why not?

Student B

1 What kind of activities do people do when they travel in your country?

2 Which places around the world would you like to visit? Why?

Total ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 3–4

Task 1
Give students time (30 seconds) to read the task.
Ask students to do the task in pairs.
Remind them to listen to their partner and react to their ideas.
Use the questions below as back up prompts if necessary.

• What do tourists usually look for when they choose a place to visit?
• Which aspect do you think would attract more people? Why?
• Which aspect do you think would make the most difference to tourists’ experiences?
• What kind of cultural events are visited by most tourists?

Allow 2 minutes for students to discuss the questions and 1 minute to make a decision together.
Then move on to Task 2.

Task 2
Tell students to discuss the questions in pairs. Allocate students A or B.
A should ask B questions first.
Encourage students to give examples and supporting ideas where possible.
Tell students to listen to their partner’s questions and answers, and comment on what they say.
Use the questions below as back up prompts.

• How about you? And you?

• Do you agree?
• What do you think?

Allow 4 minutes for students to discuss the questions.

For marking scale, go to a separate file.

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 5–6

Task 1

Ask your partner these questions. Use the extra question in brackets if necessary.

1 If you fell out with somebody, but wanted to be friends again, what would you do?

2 Where do you hope to study in the future?

3 Is it important for students to learn at school skills which are useful for work? Why? / Why not?
(What new work skills would you like to learn?)

Task 2

Describe the picture below. It shows an exam situation.

Total ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 5–6

Task 1

Ask your partner these questions. Use the extra question in brackets if necessary.

1 Who do you speak to when you need advice? Why?

2 How important is it for you to have an interesting job?
(Would you prefer to earn a lot of money or have a very interesting job?)
3 Which do you prefer − working in groups or individually? Why?

Task 2
Describe the picture below. It shows some friends.

Total ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 5–6

Task 1
Tell students that they will ask and answer questions in pairs.
Allocate students A or B.
A should ask B questions first.
Allow 2−3 minutes for students to discuss the questions. Then move on to Task 2.

Task 2
Give students time (20 seconds) to look at their pictures.
Then ask each student to describe their photograph for 1 minute.
Use the questions below as back up prompts if necessary.

Student A:
• Who is in the photo?
• Where are the people?
• What are the people in the picture doing?
• Why do you think they are doing it?
• How are they feeling?

Student B:
• Who is in the picture?
• Where are they?
• What are they doing?
• What do you think has happened?
• How do you think they feel? Why?
• What do you think is going to happen next?

For marking scale, go to a separate file.

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 7–8

Task 1
Your town is going to build a new shopping centre.
Talk to each other about some ideas to attract customers.
Decide which two ideas the shopping centre should definitely use.

good public How useful

regular fashion
transport would these
ideas be
for attracting
new customers
to a shopping
discount a food hall

a cultural
centre with
cinema and art

Task 2
In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Student A

1 Some people say that there’s too much focus on buying new things in modern life.
Do you agree? Why? / Why not?
2 Do you think that there should be a limit on the number of supermarkets and malls in
a town or city? Why? / Why not?

Student B

1 What’s important for you when you go shopping? Do you think about price, brand, where
and how the product was made? Why?
2 Some people say that teenagers spend too much time in shopping centres. Do you agree?
Why? / Why not?

Total ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 7–8

Task 1
Give students time (30 seconds) to read the task.
Ask students to do the task in pairs.
Remind them to listen to their partner and react to their ideas.
Use the questions below as back up prompts if necessary.

• Which idea do you think would attract more people? Why?

• Which kind of people would be attracted by each of the ideas? Why?
• Which kind of activity would encourage people to spend more time/money at the shopping centre?
• How would regular fashion shows or a cultural centre make the shopping experiences better?
• How important are discount prices when it comes to buying clothing?
• Do most shoppers need good public transport? What are the benefits of this?

Allow 2 minutes for students to discuss the questions and 1 minute to make a decision together. Then move on to
Task 2.

Task 2
Tell students to discuss the questions in pairs. Allocate students A or B.
A should ask B questions first.
Encourage students to give examples and supporting ideas where possible.
Tell students to listen to their partner’s questions and answers, and comment on what they say.
Use the questions below as back up prompts.

• How about you? And you?

• Do you agree?
• What do you think?

Allow 4 minutes for students to discuss the questions.

For marking scale, go to a separate file.

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 9–10

Task 1
Ask your partner these questions. Use the extra question in brackets if necessary.

1 Do you think you live in a safe place? Why? / Why not?

2 How important is politics for you?

(Have you ever taken part in a debate or student elections?)

3 Do you think that young people do more to protect the environment than older people?
Why? / Why not?

Task 2
Your photos show people living in two different places. Compare the photographs and answer
the question below.

What might life be like for people in these


When Student B has finished talking about their photos, answer the questions your teachers
asks you about Student B’s photos.

Total ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 9–10

Task 1
Ask your partner these questions. Use the extra question in brackets if necessary.

1 Do you think you are a person who people trust? Why? / Why not?
2 How important is the environment for you?
(Have you ever volunteered for or donated to environmental charities?)
3 What do you like about the place where you live? Why?

Task 2
Your photos show people doing some volunteer work. Compare the photographs and answer
the question below.

What do you think the people involved like about doing this kind of

When Student A has finished talking about their photos, answer the questions your teacher
asks you about Student A’s photos.
Total ___ / 20

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Exam Speaking Test | Units 9–10

Task 1
Tell students that they will ask and answer questions in pairs.
Allocate students A or B.
A should ask B questions first.
Allow 3−4 minutes for students to discuss the questions. Then move on to Task 2.

Task 2
Give student A time (20 seconds) to look at their pictures.
Then ask student A to compare their photographs (about 1 minute) and answer the question (about 30 seconds).
Use the questions below as back-up prompts if necessary.

Now repeat the same steps with Student B, asking Student A the follow up question under the box.

Student A:
• In which photo do people have a more stressful lifestyle? Why?
• In which photo do you think the people are healthier? Why?
• How similar are the challenges of living and working in the city or countryside?
• How well do you think people know each other in cities and the countryside? Is that important?

Student B:
• What kind of work are the people in both photos doing?
• Do you think they are paid to do this work?
• Which activity involves caring for people? Which involves caring for a place? Which of these do you think is
most important? Why? How are both situations improving society?
• How do you think the volunteers will benefit from the different situations?
• Do you think the volunteers in each photo will have chosen their role, or been asked to do it?

Follow up question after description:

Student B’s question after A has spoken:
• Many young people want to live in cities, while older people want live in the countryside.
Why do you think that is?
Student A’s question after B has spoken:
• Do you think that it’s important to help others? Why? / Why not?

For marking scale, go to a separate file.

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Speaking tests | Marking scale

The tasks in each test are worth 20 points in total. Award up to 4 points for each
section of the scoring chart (Task achievement, Spoken production and fluency,
Spoken interaction, Language range, Language accuracy) according to the
descriptions below.

For each area, give:

• 4−3 points for very good performance
• 3−2 points for good/average performance
• 2−1 points for weak performance
• 0 points for very poor performance

Speaking tests for Units 1−2, 3–4 and 7−8 include a collaborative task and discussion
Speaking tests for Units 5−6 and 9−10 include general questions and a photo description
Speaking tests for Units 9−10 include general questions and a photo comparison task.

Task achievement

General questions Photo description Photo comparison Collaborative task and

discussion questions
Mark Student: Student: Student: Student:
4–3 • gives very full • describes all • mentions several • talks about all aspects
and clear aspects of the similarities and of the task with very
answers to the photo with very differences with very little little support;
questions; little support in a support; • gives very full and clear
• expands answers detailed and • uses the photos to answers to the
with more organized way. speculate and give questions;
information such opinions; • expands answers with
as examples and • gives a full and clear more information such
reasons. answers to the questions as examples and
• expands the answers with reasons.
more information such as
examples and reasons.

3−2 • gives clear • describes most • mentions several • talks about most
answers to the aspects of the similarities and aspects of the task with
questions; photo with little differences; with little little support;
• expands some support in a support; • gives clear answers to
answers with detailed and • uses the photos to the questions;
more information organized way. speculate and give • expands some answers
such as opinions with little support; with more information
examples and • gives a clear answer to such as examples and
reasons. the question; reasons.
• expands the answers with
more information such as
examples and reasons.

2−1 • gives only short • describes some • mentions some similarities • talks about some
answers to the aspects of the and differences with aspects of the task;
questions; photo with support; • requires support;
• doesn’t expand support, but • uses the photos to • gives only short
answers with doesn’t include speculate and give answers to the
more information. much detail. opinions; questions;
• gives only short answers • doesn’t expand
to the questions; answers with more
• doesn’t expand answers information.
with more information.
0 Performance below standards described above.

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Spoken production Spoken Language Language
and fluency interaction range accuracy
Marks Student: Student: Student: Student:
4–3 • speaks with fluency, • engages fully with • uses a wide range • makes a few
with very little their partner, of vocabulary mistakes in more
hesitation or repetition; responding appropriately; advanced language
• is clear and appropriately to • uses a wide range structures, but
comprehensible; what their partner of grammar generally is very
• uses some says by adding to structures accurate.
intonation to add it or contradicting; accurately and
emphasis. • asks questions appropriately
and asks for their

3–2 • speaks with some • engages with their • uses simple • is generally
confidence and is partner to some vocabulary and accurate, but
comprehensible; extent responding basic grammar makes some errors,
• speaks with some appropriately to structures especially in more
hesitation and what their partner accurately; advanced
repetition, but without says in most • uses some more language.
impeding cases; advanced
communication. • agrees or vocabulary and
disagrees, and grammar
may ask for the structures but with
listener’s opinion. some errors.

2−1 • hesitates a lot and • sometimes • uses only very • makes lots of errors
does not seem engages with basic vocabulary even in basic
confident; their partner; and grammar with language, which
• repeats information; • occasionally a lot of errors. impedes
• is not easy to responds to what communication.
understand. their partner says.

0 Performance below standards described above.

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
The first letters are given. the sentences.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal or smart, 0 I don’t ___ anyone at this party.
are casual: for example, a T-shirt. a knows b know c am not
1 Scientists do r____________ to test their theories. knowing
2 A person who has hair on their skins because they 1 I ___ on the car and I need to wash my hands.
haven’t shaved, is u____________. a have been working b am working c work
3 A vehicle which travels in space from one planet to 2 Don’t look directly at ___ sun. It’s bad for your eyes.
another is a s____________. a the b ø (no article) c a
4 D____________ is a blue material used to make blue 3 I hope ___ you at my eighteenth birthday party. Are
jeans, and sometimes other clothes. you coming?
5 Our s____________ s____________ has the sun and a to see b seeing c see
nine planets, including ours. 4 Have you ever ___ a Broadway show?
___ / 5 a seeing b saw c seen
2 Choose the correct option to complete 5 Robots ___ more like humans these days.
the sentences. a have been becoming b are becoming c become
___ / 5
0 I love playing football. Can I join on / in / to when you
5 Choose the correct option to complete the mini-
play again?
1 The traffic is so loud. I can’t see / hear / help myself
think. 0 A: What is the / a time?
2 If you are overweight / underweight / heavyweight, you B: It’s a quarter to ten.
should be careful what you eat and take more 1 A: What do you want doing / to do on holiday?
exercise. B: Maybe some sightseeing. What about you?
3 You should think once / again / twice before deciding 2 A: Why do you wear those trousers so often?
to cheat in a test. It’s nothing to be proud of. B: I love the / a belt that goes with them.
4 In hot weather, Monica prefers to wear an easy-fitting / 3 A: How long are you going / have you been going to
a loose-fitting / a tight-fitting dress, so that she can yoga classes?
move freely. B: Only a few weeks.
5 I decided I wanted pasta for dinner, but on my way to 4 A: What is the / a quickest way to walk to the main
the shop I changed my brain / mind / idea and bought train station?
potatoes. B: Go down this street. It's only about 5 minutes from
___ / 5 here.
3 Complete the sentences with the words from 5 A: I’m thinking about buying Jim a denim jacket for his
the box. There are two extra words. birthday.
B: Good idea. He likes denim and it is becoming / gets
blew faded fur gravity radiation skinny thought popular these days.
___ / 5
0 I’m wearing a fake fur jacket. The material doesn’t 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
come from real animals. the verbs in brackets.
1 There is very low ____________ in space and objects 0 I don’t like shopping because I can’t stand waiting
float in the air. (wait) in queues.
2 I can’t see the pattern on your T-shirt from far away 1 Does your science teacher ____________ (believe)
because it is ____________. everybody can understand some science?
3 That firework display is one of the most amazing I’ve 2 Will you allow me ____________ (help) you?
ever seen. It ____________ my mind. 3 I ____________ (see) my girlfriend tonight. I’m so
4 I use cream to remove ____________ from my skin. happy! We haven’t seen each other for a week.
I like it to look smooth. 4 I imagine ____________ (work) for twelve hours in a
5 My dad was surprised when I asked for money to buy row is really tiring.
books, but he ____________ it over and later he 5 I ____________ (never / fall) off a horse.
agreed. ___ / 5
___ / 5

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USE OF ENGLISH 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
Hi Sandra, five words including the word in bold.
I’m writing this quick note because we 0 ___ in touch for 0 I hate waking up early.
a while. How are you? The truth is that I’m very busy. You STAND
know how it is! I 1 ___ the flat. It’s almost finished. We had I can’t stand waking up early.
problems because we didn’t have a good builder for a long 1 What have you got on the TV now?
time. Fortunately, 2 ___ builder we have now is very good. WATCHING
Can I ask you for advice about something? I’m meeting my What ________________________ on the TV now?
son’s girlfriend, Sandra, for the first time this weekend. Do 2 It was the most original fashion show I have ever seen.
you think I should dress 3 ___ in anything special? I 4 ___ NEVER
some photos of Sandra. She’s very pretty and she really I ________________________ a more original fashion
knows how to dress in 5 ___. show.
I 6 ___ her to think I’m unfashionable. Should I wear my 3 It’s OK for me to wait at school.
7 ___ shoes, or do they make me look too tall?
My youngest son is doing better at school now. His 8 ___ I ________________________ at school.
has improved, especially in science subjects. He’s 9 ___ up 4 I like putting on special clothes for parties.
his mind – he wants to be a scientist in the future. We’re UP
happy with the decision! I like ________________________ for parties.
I must go now. The builder has 10 ___ arrived. 5 Studying abroad is a serious possibility for me to think
Please write back soon! about.
I ________________________ studying abroad.
0 a aren’t b don’t 6 John always says yes if we need help.
c haven’t been d weren’t being AGREES
1 a ’ve redecorated b ’m redecorating John ________________________ help us.
c ’ve been redecorating d redecorated 7 I haven’t seen better sunglasses than yours.
2 a the ba THE
c ø (no article) d some Your sunglasses ________________________ I’ve
3 a for b up seen.
c on d over 8 This is the end of our second month in our new flat.
4 a ‘ve been seeing b ‘ve seen LIVING
c see d ‘m seeing We ________________________ for two months in
5 a fashion b glamour our new flat.
c style d materials 9 What socks have you got on now?
6 a don’t want b haven’t wanted WEARING
c ‘m not wanting d haven’t been wanting What socks ________________________ the
7 a high b raised moment?
c high-heeled d full-length 10 Sandy doesn’t have a job now.
8 a performance b achievement WORKING
c marks d development Sandy ________________________ present.
9 a done b put ___ / 10
c set d made
TOTAL ___ / 50
10 a just b yet
c ever d since
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with one word in each 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
gap. The first letters are given. the sentences.
0 I don’t ___ anyone at this party.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal or smart, are
a knows b know c am not knowing
casual: for example, a T-shirt.
1 I ___ Eric has a new job. Somebody in the office told
1 I would love to be an astronaut and go on a
me. Is he enjoying it?
v____________ to another planet.
a ‘m hearing b ‘ve been hearing c hear
2 When I saw Derek a few years later, he was already
2 ___ in a cave?
b____________. I was surprised how little hair he had.
a Are you ever sleeping b Have you ever slept
3 Living things are made up of c____________. There
c Did you ever sleep
are many different types of them, for example, skin,
3 I’ve never been to ___ United States.
blood, muscle, etc.
a the b ø (no article) c an
4 Long hair was f____________ for men in the 1960s
4 My brother ___ more interested in clothes these days.
and 70s. A lot of them had it.
He bought a designer T-shirt yesterday.
5 In some labs, you must wear protection against
a becomes b is becoming c has become
harmful r____________, such as gamma rays.
5 What ___ for Helen’s engagement party? We’ll have to
___ / 5
decide: it’s on Friday.
2 Choose the correct option to complete
a are we planning b do we plan c have we planned
the sentences.
___ / 5
0 I love playing football. Can I join on / in / to when you 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
play again? mini-dialogues.
1 Sometimes in tests, my mind goes clear / blank / dead,
0 A: What is the / a time?
and I can’t think of the answer.
B: It’s a quarter to ten.
2 The music is very loud at this party! I can’t see / hear /
1 A: I never went / ’ve never been to England.
listen to myself think.
B: Oh what a pity! It’s a nice place. You should go.
3 Modelling is a very beautiful / glamorous / stylish
2 A: What job does Amy do / is Amy?
profession. It should make people want to buy the
B: I think she’s a dentist.
3 A: How long is your mum / has your mum been staying
4 I don’t think often / much / many of your flatmate. He’s
with you?
so rude!
B: Since last Sunday. She’s going back home
5 That shirt suits / matches / fits your eyes. It’s blue, like
4 A: What is the / a best time to make an appointment
___ / 5
with your dentist?
3 Complete the sentences with the words from
B: Maybe in the morning. She often has time then.
the box. There are two extra words.
5 A: Did anyone offer to do / doing the housework while
broaden change fur give make plain tight you were ill?
waist B: Yes. My sister.
0 I’m wearing a fake fur jacket. The material doesn’t ___ / 5
come from real animals. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
1 These trousers are too ____________. I think I need a the verbs in brackets.
larger pair. 0 I don’t like shopping because I can’t stand waiting
2 Visiting other countries can ____________ your mind. (wait) in queues.
You see things you wouldn’t see in your own country. 1 The shop ____________ (open) at 9.00 o’clock every
3 Do you prefer a striped suit or a ____________ one morning.
with no pattern at all? 2 I know you’ve just fallen off your bike but now you
4 If you ____________ your mind about buying appear ____________ (be) fine.
something, you can take it back if you have the receipt. 3 Our global climate ____________ (change) right now
5 Steven has a thin ____________ and always needs a and we can see the results in the weather.
belt to keep his trousers up. 4 I ____________ (not / eat) anything all day and I’m
___ / 5 very hungry.
5 Our grandfather ____________ (come) to lunch
tomorrow at 12 a.m.
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Dear Sam, Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
It has been a long time since I 0 ___. How are you? At five words including the word in bold.
university, I 1 ___ hard and I don’t have much free time. 0 I hate waking up early.
Law isn’t 2 ___ easiest subject but it will be useful. This STAND
Friday, I’m getting 3 ___ for a special party for law students. I can’t stand waking up early.
I have to wear 4 ___ clothes: a tie, and ideally a black suit. 1 It’s important for David to attend the meeting.
Can you imagine me in that? NEEDS
I’ve got some news. I 5 ___ someone! In fact, we’ve already David ________________________ the meeting.
been dating 6 ___ a few weeks. Her name’s Cheryl and I’ve 2 David really admires his older brother. He thinks he’s
7 ___ her to visit us at home in our next holidays so she can
meet the family. She’s wonderful – she’ll 8 ___ your mind! LOOK
OK. I’ve agreed 9 ___ football so I must go. The match David ________________________ his older brother.
10 ___ in 5 minutes.
He thinks he’s great.
Please write soon! 3 Your old blue dress is better than your new designer
Your brother, one.
Patrick AS
0 a ’ve written b write Your new designer dress isn’t
c ’m writing d ’ve been writing ________________________ your blue one.
1 a ’m studying b ‘ve studied 4 Josh has had horse riding lessons for the last few
c study d studies weeks.
2 a an b ø (no article) LEARNING
c the da Josh ________________________ a horse for the last
3 a overdressed b dressed few weeks.
c well-dressed d dressed up 5 I plan to put on a clown outfit for the children’s party.
4 a casual b smart DRESS
c full-length d elegant I plan ________________________ a clown for the
5 a ‘ve met b met children’s party.
c ‘m meeting d meet 6 This is only the end of my second day at this school.
6 a since b for BEEN
c during d in I ________________________ at this school for two
7 a invited b offered days.
c promised d expected 7 Julie is good at thinking in original ways.
8 a break b lose THINK
c blow d get Julie can ________________________ box.
9 a playing b play 8 Jacky isn’t at our school any more.
c to play d played LEFT
10 a is starting b starts Jacky ________________________ our school.
c started d has started 9 Peter has decided when he’s having his birthday party:
it’s Saturday 10th August!
___ / 10
Peter ________________________ when he’s having
his birthday party: it’s Saturday 10th August!
10 The last time I saw Mark was in 2017.
I ________________________ 2017.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 We like to get off the beaten ___ and find places other 0 I ___ in the sea when someone took my place on the
tourists don’t know about. beach.
a track b way c road a used to swim b swam c was swimming
1 I can’t hear myself ___ because it’s so loud in here! 1 A: Do you know ___ sunglasses these are?
a well b work c think B: No idea.
2 We ___ off on our holiday at 7:00 am on a Saturday a which b where c whose
morning. 2 I ___ to come to your party next Saturday. I have an
a set b made c want important exam that day.
3 We need to reserve a tennis ___ for this afternoon. a couldn’t b won’t be able c can’t
a pitch b court c field 3 You ___ to listen to safety instructions on a flight, even
4 When a space agency like NASA ___ a new rocket if you have heard them before.
with a crew into space, it is exciting news. a may b should c ought
a throws b launches c fires 4 Paul ___ that there is life on other planets.
5 James always looks ___ because he chooses good a believes b can believe c is believing
quality clothes that suit him. 5 Tennis players ___ wear white in the competition, but
a overdressed b well-suited c well-dressed it’s okay if they want to look professional!
___ / 5 a mustn’t b don’t have to c aren’t allowed to
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. ___ / 5
The first letters are given.
0 A travel adapter allows you to use electricity from 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
different sources when you travel. There are three extra words.
1 A pattern people can wear on clothes, which looks like able been could had hadn’t have used was
a tiger or zebra pattern. s____________ were
2 A place where athletes can run races inside a stadium.
t____________ I 0 used to do rock climbing but one day I had a near
3 An object which you can switch on to give light when it accident. I 1 ____________ climbing a high cliff when a bird
is dark. t____________ flew into my face! I had no idea where it had come from.
4 A pattern with straight lines and squares, like on a I was so surprised, that I lost my hold on the rock and fell
chess board. You often see it on Scottish clothes and a few metres. I wasn’t physically hurt, but climbing has
materials. c____________ pattern never 2 ____________ the same for me since then. That
5 A place in a city where people can do sport and other fall 3 ____________ really scared me, but I wasn’t
4 ____________ to enjoy climbing so much any more. I
recreational activities. l____________
c____________ wanted to keep doing outdoor sports so I started outdoor
___ / 5 hiking a short time after my fall, and I 5 ____________ been
3 Complete the sentences with the words from doing it ever since.
the box. There are two extra words. ___ / 5
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
court cuts flight make pressure ring see think
the verbs in brackets.
0 There is a direct flight to Paris. We don’t need to
0 When I arrived at the gym, I realised I had forgotten
change planes or stop.
(forget) my trainers.
1 People who ____________ up their mind to play more
1 When I noticed my friend in the shopping mall, she
sport are usually very happy with their decision. Sport
__________________ (sit) outside the pizza parlour.
is fun and healthy!
2 I __________________ (cannot) open the door
2 Is there a boxing ____________ in this gym?
because my key was broken.
3 Edith can ____________ outside the box. She has
3 I can’t imagine __________________ (be) without my
original and imaginative ideas.
4 When Charles fell off his bike he only got
4 I woke up, then I __________________ (have) a
____________ and bruises. He didn’t need to go to
shower before breakfast.
5 These days, people __________________ (get) much
5 You need to get the ____________ right in your
more interested in holidays with exotic locations.
bicycle tyres.
___ / 5
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Looking after a pet dog is not as easy as people 0 ___ Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
think. I’ve been doing it for many years now and it 1 ___ me five words including the word in bold.
great joy. However, you must know a few things before you 0 I once lived on an organic farm.
decide to have one. USED
You should take a dog for walk every day because they I used to live on an organic farm.
need to run and play. And just like you, your pet must have 1 John always says ‘yes’ if we need his help.
exercise to keep 2 ___. Years ago, I 3 ___ a dog called AGREES
Patch. A neighbour 4 ___ her to me. I didn’t want 5 ___ John ________________________ us.
anything to upset the neighbour but Patch looked 2 Is it possible for you to lend me your travel adapter?
overweight and out of 6 ___. She needed exercise so I took COULD
her for a walk three or four times a day. I wonder ________________________ lend me your
Another thing: don’t 7 ___ a dog to eat anything it wants! It travel adapter?
must eat the right diet. Once when I took Patch for a walk, I 3 Students can borrow DVDs.
noticed she 8 ___ something strange at the side of the road. ALLOWED
She was eating some plastic bags 9 ___ someone had left Students ________________________ DVDs.
there. 4 Always stay near your luggage when you are at
The saying that ‘a dog is a man’s best friend’ is very true. airports.
But don’t forget that you are also 10 ___ important person in UNATTENDED
your dog’s life. Never ________________________ when you are at
0 a can b will airports.
c might d should 5 We were late for the start of the film.
1 a is giving me b gave ALREADY
c has been giving d has given me When we arrived at the cinema,
2 a condition b fit ________________________ started.
c healthy d shape 6 I can’t decide which jacket to buy.
3 a used to have b would have MIND
c was having d could have I can’t ________________________ which jacket to
4 a had given b was giving buy.
c gave d has given 7 What did you have for lunch at school?
5 a to say b say USE
c saying d said What ________________________ for lunch at
6 a health b shape school?
c form d exercise 8 Our parents allowed us to use their paints for our art
7 a allow b offer projects.
c encourage d let COULD
8 a has been doing b was doing We ________________________ our parents’ paints
c has done d did for our art projects.
9 a where b what 9 Dad was in the middle of his dinner when we arrived.
c which d whose EATING
10 a most b a most Dad ________________________ when we arrived.
c the most d the more 10 I don’t know who the owner of this car is.
___ / 10
I don’t know ________________________ is.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 We like to get off the beaten ___ and find places other 0 I ___ in the sea when someone took my place on the
tourists don’t know about. beach.
a track b way c road a used to swim b swam c was swimming
1 It is harder to study when ___ of sleep becomes a 1 Do you know ___ is responsible for patients here?
problem. a that b who c whose
a a miss b a lack c a need 2 I ___ at the same school for five years and I don’t want
2 We want to ___ our destination before nightfall. to leave! It’s a great school.
a arrive b get c reach a had been b was c have been
3 The football ___ is wet and muddy. But I don’t care! I 3 When I was at school I ___ wear a uniform.
love football. a hadn’t b mustn’t c didn’t have to
a pitch b court c centre 4 Do you remember ___ in that small cottage on the
4 I don’t like your decision to take boxing lessons. You cliffs last year?
need to think ___. a staying b to stay c stay
a twice b over c again 5 I ____________ live in a house with a balcony. The
5 You can block most of the noise around if you wear place we live in now doesn’t have one.
___. a used to b would c use to
a earplugs b head plugs c a headpiece ___ / 5
___ / 5 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. There are three extra words.
The first letters are given.
able can’t could couldn’t hadn’t has haven’t
0 A travel adapter allows you to use electricity from mustn’t were
different sources when you travel.
Has something scary ever happened to you? It 0 has to us.
1 An injury that footballers can easily get when placing
We 1 ____________ hiking in Greece when we got
their feet. t____________ an a____________
completely lost in some mountains. We 2 ____________
2 You can lift these objects to train your arms or legs.
find the way back. My girlfriend was angry because it was
my idea to go hiking and I 3 ____________ taken a map.
3 Facial hair that grows between a person’s nose and
It was also very hot, and we were tired and thirsty, which
mouth. m____________
didn’t help. But we managed to calm down and think about
4 A piece of equipment that can give your phone or
the problem. By walking in a straight line we were
computer electricity. p____________ c____________ 4 ____________ to find a village – what a relief! We soon
5 A plan which tells you when and how long you should
met a local woman who 5 ____________ help us. She even
do different physical activities.
invited us home for tea!
t____________ p____________
___ / 5
___ / 5
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
3 Complete the sentences with the words from the
the verbs in brackets.
box. There are two extra words.
0 When I arrived at the gym, I realised I had forgotten
arrive blow escape find flight get hit think
(forget) my trainers.
0 There is a direct flight to Paris. We don’t need to 1 You ought __________________ (contact) your aunt.
change planes or stop. You haven’t seen her for a very long time.
1 There isn’t a sign to the village but you can 2 Adam __________________ (not / believe) I can pass
____________ your way there by asking people. my driving test. That’s not fair! I’m a good driver.
2 A party with just two friends is too small. You should 3 We __________________ (play) football when it
____________ big and invite a hundred guests! started to rain. But we didn’t stop: we just got wet!
3 My parents like to ____________ the crowds on 4 I think we __________________ (get) near our holiday
holiday and explore places on their own. hotel. Good! I’m tired of being in this car.
4 Looking up at a clear sky at night can ____________ 5 I __________________ (work) in the garden all
your mind. The stars are just amazing. afternoon and I’m really tired.
5 After a long trip, it’s a good idea to let close family ___ / 5
know when you ____________ safely at your
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
I remember a time when my dad came home with 0 ___ big Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
flat object wrapped in paper. He 1 ___ me a kite! A kite is a five words including the word in bold.
flying object 2 ___ flies with the help of wind alone. I really 0 I once lived on an organic farm.
wanted to fly it and we went straight to the local park. But I USED
3 ___ do it because there wasn’t enough wind. Then, while I
I used to live on an organic farm.
4 ___ with it, the wind came and took it away. It flew up
1 Watching the safety demonstration is necessary for
straight into a tree. ‘We’ve lost it!’ I said. But my dad was every passenger on a flight.
smiling. He said: ‘No we haven’t. You need to think 5 ___ HAS
the box. Then maybe you will find a way to get your kite Every passenger ________________________ the
back.’ But I was crying and no ideas came to me. My dad safety demonstration on a flight.
walked to the tree and stood next to it, and then I 2 It may not be a good idea to get into a car with a
understood his plan. I climbed up my dad and stood on him stranger.
with one foot on each 6 ___ ! I was able to reach 7 ___ kite TWICE
and get it! You should ________________________ before
These days you see more flying drones than kites in the getting into a car with a stranger.
park because many children don’t think 8 ___ of toys which 3 We let our students bring their bicycles to school.
don’t use technology. My nephew is one of them. It is sad, ALLOW
because they are missing out 9 ___ great fun, and We ________________________ their bicycles to
opportunities to develop skills like climbing and thinking! school.
I’ve told my nephew my story about the kite and the tree, 4 The Jones family started driving to Berlin this morning.
and I’m going to buy him a kite for his birthday. I hope he SET
will change his 10 ___ about such non-tech toys and start The Jones family ________________________ to
liking them. Berlin in their car this morning.
5 My parents said I had to tidy my room.
0 a the ba
c any d some
My parents ________________________ my room.
1 a was buying b bought
6 I wasn’t keen on cakes as a kid.
c was buying d had bought
2 a what b whose
I ________________________ like cakes as a kid.
c which d what
7 We called the fire emergency service because fire was
3 a wasn’t able b couldn’t
destroying the whole building.
c can’t d might not
4 a ran b had run
The whole building ________________________, so
c was running d have run
we called the fire emergency services.
5 a over b outside
8 I am still working on my science project.
c up d out
6 a shoulder b arm
I ________________________ my science project yet.
c ankle d knee
9 Is it necessary for us to change our clothes before we
7 aa b any
use the weightlifting centre?
c ø (no article) d the
8 a many b big
Do ________________________ our clothes before
c much d great
we use the weightlifting centre?
9 a for b on
10 Our original plan was to fly to Italy, but now we have
c with d at
made a different decision. We’re going to drive.
10 a idea b brain
c thoughts d mind
We ________________________ about flying to Italy.
___ / 10 We’re going to drive.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the
sentences. sentences.
0 My granddad lost his ___ because the TV didn’t work. 0 I want to finish my homework ___ the film starts. I don’t
He was so angry! want to miss any of it!
a temper b insult c face a until b before c after
1 When I introduced my boyfriend to my dad, they ___ 1 If it ___ still sunny this afternoon, I’ll go for a bike ride.
immediately and quickly became friends. a will be b is c were
a made up b hit it off c made out 2 I ___ by the swimming pool this time next week.
2 I admire Jane’s elegant clothes. She’s always well- a will be lying b will have been lying
___. c will have lain
a fashioned b worn c dressed 3 There’s a tablet on the table. Do you know ___ it is?
3 John ___ his shoulder trying to put a heavy box on the a who’s b who c whose
top shelf, and needed to go to hospital. 4 My mum has offered ___ my birthday party.
a trained b dislocated c pulled a hosting b hosts c to host
4 I’ve missed five lessons and I have a lot to ___. 5 We can stay at this hotel tonight ___ the rooms have
a pull my socks up b come up with c catch up on showers. I always take a hot shower in the morning.
5 A climbing ___ is the best place to train your a provided that b unless c as soon as
mountaineering skills. ___ / 5
a wall b court c track 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
___ / 5 mini-dialogues.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 0 A: I won’t get in the car unless / provided that you
preposition. promise to drive slowly.
0 I’m crazy about pets. My house is full of them. B: All right. I promise.
1 Have you come ____________ with a way to fix the 1 A: I lost my front door key last week and had to wait
table yet? outside for three hours for mum to come back from
2 It’s much easier to find your way ____________ the work!
city with a good map. B: If I lost my key, I ’d / ’ll break a window.
3 I need to go ____________ my notes from my science 2 A: Have you yet / ever been to Australia?
lessons carefully because I’ve got a test tomorrow. B: No, never. I’d like to go one day.
4 You have to switch your mobile phone ____________ 3 A: Will you have finished / be finishing your work by 9
flight mode on an aeroplane. o’clock? There’s a great film we can watch.
5 That boy just asked me ____________ on a date. He’s B: Yes, I think so. If you don’t disturb me!
nice, but I don’t know him. Shall I say ‘yes’? 4 A: How long have you been waiting / are you waiting
___ / 5 for me?
3 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the B: Half an hour. What took you so long to get here?
sentences. 5 A: Why did Jeff pull a muscle in the first five minutes of
the football game yesterday?
0 It ___ my heart when I had to leave my old school. I
B: He didn’t do / hadn’t done any warm-up exercises
loved it!
before he started playing.
a stopped b broke c lost
1 If you take a ___ pillow on your flight, it can help you to ___ / 5
sleep 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
a travel b head c trip verbs in brackets.
2 I ___ my wrist when I was playing tennis yesterday. 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
a pulled b sprained c dislocated year.
3 You have to work hard to ___ up with your classmates. 1 Our tent ____________ (get) wet inside when it rains.
a keep b come c get 2 I’ve got my headphones with me because I
4 You are more likely to be ___ by lightning in a bad ____________ (listen) to music on the bus later.
storm. 3 If we see your cousin at the party, we ____________
a hit b banged c struck (say) hello.
5 My classmates sometimes ___ fun of me because my 4 It’s great news you’re getting married! I ____________
taste in music is different to theirs. (call) mum right now and let her know.
a do b make c put 5 Let’s walk more quickly. I think It’s about
___ / 5 ____________ (rain).
___ / 5

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USE OF ENGLISH 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
Hiking out in nature is a great way to escape the 0 ___ and five words including the word in bold.
enjoy wild scenery such as mountains and forests. It 0 Joe says he’ll help me.
shouldn’t be scary or dangerous as long as you behave OFFERED
sensibly and prepare for your trip. I 1 ___ you some advice Joe has offered to help me.
on how to do it. Tell a few trusted people exactly 2 ___ you 1 In one hour’s time I’ll be on my way home.
are going and how long you 3 ___ to be away. If you don’t TRAVELLING
call or come back at the right time, they will know you have In one hour’s time, I ________________________
4 ___ into trouble. Then they can inform the police and
rescue services. 2 I don’t think we’ll get lost in Madrid.
Before you set 5 ___, you must find out all about the area PROBABLY
you’re planning to visit. This information 6 ___ definitely We ________________________ in Madrid.
keep you safe and help you to enjoy yourself; and help you 3 Getting up early isn’t a problem for me.
decide what to pack. A simple first aid 7 ___ is essential, MIND
but the exact contents will depend on the type of area I ________________________ up early.
you’re visiting. 4 You can borrow my bicycle at the weekend. I won’t
Some people are worried about meeting dangerous need it after Friday.
animals, but actually this rarely happens. 8 ___ it does, then FINISHED
stay calm and speak to 9 ___ animal quietly, while walking I ________________________ using my bicycle by
away slowly. I once met a bear when I 10 ___ in the forest. I Friday. You can borrow it at the weekend.
followed this advice and I’m still alive to tell the tale! 5 Going to a live concert is something you always
0 a people b queues
c crowds d work
You ________________________ to a live concert.
1 a ‘ll be giving b ‘m giving
6 Please don’t make that noise anymore. It’s irritating.
c ‘ll give d ‘m going to give
2 a that b where
Please ________________________ noise. It’s
c which d who
3 a expect b think
7 Tina is no longer friends with Edward, after their
c decide d imagine
4 a gone b been
c put d got
Tina ________________________ Edward, after their
5 a off b on
c to d up
8 You don’t work hard enough so you get disappointing
6 a could b might
c will d may
7 a box b equipment
If ________________________, you would get better
c guide d kit
8 a As b Even
9 If you don’t need a power charger, don’t take one.
c Should d If
9 a An b Any
Don’t ________________________ you need one.
c ø (no article) d the
10 Have you thought of a plan for the weekend?
10 a had walked b was walking
c walked d have been walking
Have ________________________ a plan for the
___ / 10
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 My granddad lost his ___ because the TV didn’t work. 0 I want to finish my homework ___ the film starts. I don’t
He was so angry! want to miss any of it!
a temper b insult c face a until b before c after
1 I ___ with my sister after we had a fight. We haven’t 1 I’ll pay for your work ___ that you finish it.
been talking to each other. a provided b unless c as long as
a made up b put up c fell out 2 She ___ the dinner by the time you get home.
2 My brother ___ his university course before he had a will have cooked b will be cooking c will cook
finished it. He didn’t like it. 3 We’ve decided ___ at home this evening.
a caught up on b dropped out of c fell behind a stay b staying c to stay
3 I ___ a leg muscle in my football game and had to stop 4 Grandma ___ this nature documentary we’re watching.
playing immediately. You don’t have to explain it to her.
a broke b pulled c dislocated a has been understanding b is understanding
4 My brother and I weren’t friends for a long time, but c understands
now, happily, we’ve ___. 5 I don’t know ___ idea it was to leave early. But it was a
a made up b hit it off c put up with it good one!
5 It is difficult to dive more than twenty metres below the a whose b what c who’s
sea’s surface because of the high ___. ___ / 5
a radiation b gravity c pressure 5 Choose the correct option to complete the mini-
___ / 5 dialogues.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
preposition. 0 A: I won’t get in the car unless / provided that you
promise to drive slowly.
0 I’m crazy about pets. My house is full of them. B: All right. I promise.
1 Adam is my boyfriend. I’ve been going ____________ 1 A: I ’d / ’ll be very sad if you didn’t come to my party!
with him for nearly a year. B: Don’t worry. I’ll come: I promise!
2 I have broken ____________ with my boyfriend. We 2 A: Do you often go to the cinema?
weren’t right for each other. B: I do / used to when I was younger, I went every
3 We’ve been driving for four hours and I’m hungry. Let’s week. But not now I don’t have time.
stop ____________ for a break. 3 A: When are you leaving?
4 I’ve never been ____________ a serious relationship B: As soon as / If I finish packing.
before. Imagine that! 4 A: Hello? Adam? Where are you? I ‘ve waited / ‘ve
5 I didn’t want to go to my friend’s party so I made been waiting for you for half an hour!
____________ an excuse. I think she believed me. B: Woops. Sorry. I’ll be with you in a minute.
___ / 5 5 A: Have you booked your flight to Greece?
3 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
B: Yes! This time next week, I’ll be lying / ’ll lie on a
the sentences.
beach in the sun!
0 It ___ my heart when I had to leave my old school. I ___ / 5
loved it! 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
a stopped b broke c lost the verbs in brackets.
1 My older sister likes to ___ me around and tell me
what to do. 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
a shout b boss c ask year.
2 Jeremy can ___ up a language easily. He only has to 1 When Bernard ____________ (concentrate), he
hear it a few times and he can start speaking! understands everything in his lessons.
a pick b take c study 2 We probably ____________ (not arrive) before 10
3 We need to think ___ about the summer so we can o’clock this evening.
start planning our holiday. 3 I don’t think you ____________ (like) this cake. It’s not
a over b through c ahead very sweet. But try it!
4 My mum thinks I don’t try hard enough at school. She 4 I ____________ (reserve) a seat if I were you, to be
says I should pull my ___ up. sure of getting one.
a trousers b socks c ideas 5 We ____________ (park) the car in front of your
5 We had a long drive, so after breakfast we got into the house. Is that OK or shall we move it?
car and ___ the road. ___ / 5
a hit b took c went
___ / 5
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8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
I know that not everyone 0 ___ camping with a tent. But in five words including the word in bold.
our family we love it! We 1 ___ camping every year since
the children were born. Camping is cheaper than other 0 Joe says he’ll help me.
holidays too, but we 2 ___ still do it even if it weren’t. There OFFERED
are a few reasons we like it so much. Perhaps the main Joe has offered to help me.
one is that we 3 ___ so close to nature. Last year we stayed 1 I hate it when I fall behind at school.
on a farm 4 ___ we saw cows, chickens and some wild STAND
animals too. The children loved the animals and we offered I ________________________ at school.
5 ___ the farmer. He was happy about that and we all 6 ___ 2 Jill can come to cinema with us if she doesn’t have to
it off with him straightaway. We had a great time and we work.
7 ___ back there again. Of course, camping isn’t for UNLESS
everyone. There are a few reasons some people 8 ___ to Jill can come to the cinema with us
sleep outdoors. They say that insects are a problem, but if ________________________ work.
you use insect 9 ___, on your skin, then it shouldn’t be. 3 It’s hard to begin homework in my house because
People also say that they can’t put 10 ___ bad weather. But there are so many distractions.
when I’m in my tent, I like the sound of the rain. It makes GET
me feel close to nature! It’s hard ________________________ homework in
my house because there are so many distractions.
0 a is enjoying b enjoys 4 I’ve only started taking piano lessons recently
c has enjoyed d enjoyed BEEN
1 a went b are I ________________________ piano lessons for very
c were d have been long.
2 a would b will 5 We will be at the conference no later than lunchtime
c did d can tomorrow.
3 a could be b can be ARRIVED
c should be d would be We ________________________ at the conference
4 a which b whose by lunch time tomorrow.
c where d that 6 We don’t have much time together because you’re so
5 a helping b help busy.
c to help d that we can help IF
6 a made b hit We would have more time together
c got d made ________________________ so busy.
7 a will definitely go b will have definitely gone 7 You should say things directly to me, instead of saying
c definitely go d are definitely about to go things about me to other people.
8 a admit b avoid TALK
c miss d refuse You shouldn’t ________________________ back.
9 a repellent b lotion 8 Mum will forgive you if you apologise.
c block d protection LONG
10 a on with b aside for Mum will forgive you ________________________
c out for d up with sorry.
___ / 10 9 Drones have only been around for twenty years.
Drones ________________________ ago.
10 Mrs Thomas became very angry when she had to wait
an hour to buy a train ticket.
Mrs Thomas ________________________ when she
had to wait an hour to buy a train ticket.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 Sometimes the ___ sequence at the start of a TV 0 All the classrooms in our school ___ last week.
series is better than the series! a was painted b were painted
a title b credits c spoiler c have been painted
1 Books are generally more ___ than films. They make 1 How often ___ your grandparents when you were a
you think. child?
a well-known b brain-teasing c thought-provoking a have you visited b did you use to visit
2 I can’t ___ my homework. I can’t stop thinking about c were you visiting
Angela. 2 The children ___ cartoons on TV when I came home.
a get down to b come up with c get through to a were watching b had watched c used to watch
3 Abstract art leaves me ___. I don’t like it at all. 3 We need to have our cooker ___ by a professional.
a out b cold c short a clean b cleaned c cleaning
4 The weightlifting ___ is very busy in the afternoons. It’s 4 Tina didn’t think she ___ like the film, but actually she
best to go in the morning. loved it!
a court b centre c track a could b will c would
5 The latest Batman film was not well- ___. The critics 5 Mum and dad ___ by now. Let’s give them a ring.
didn’t like it. a will have arrived b will arrive c will be arriving
a awaited b awarded c reviewed ___ / 5
___ / 5
5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct There are three extra words.
a going had if making the was has will
0 My uncle is rolling in money. He has two houses and
four cars. I love 0 making home movies and people say I’m very
1 My favourite chocolate is ____________ special offer good at it. Last month I made 1 ____________ film about
this week. I’m going to buy a lot! animals in the local park. A school biology lesson about
2 I was planning to do my homework tonight but I’ve put wildlife
2 ____________ given me the idea some weeks before.
it ____________ because I want to go out instead. I
can do it tomorrow. Imagine how proud I felt when my film 3 ____________
3 We need to take ____________ a loan to buy this flat. shown in class last week! The teacher asked me
4 ____________ anyone had helped me, but I had done it
4 You shouldn’t pay so much money for those
sunglasses. It’s a rip- ____________. all by myself. Next month, I’m 5 ____________ to enter a
5 I fell ____________ Anne the first time I saw her. I was national competition for documentary filmmakers. Make
sure it was love. way for the Next Steven Spielberg!

___ / 5 ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the word in bold. the verbs in brackets.

0 Some people think that you don’t need money to find 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
happiness (HAPPY). year.
1 There was lot of ____________ (EXCITE) in the family 1 Jane asked us if she ____________ (can / borrow) the
when told them I was getting married. car and we said no.
2 You can avoid ____________ (LONELY) if you go out 2 The eagerly-awaited documentary about sharks
and try to meet people. ____________ (film) next year, under water.
3 When I told my friend about my boyfriend problems, 3 If the film we’re going to watch tonight ____________
she was very ____________ (SYMPATHY). (not / be) very good, I won’t watch it to the end.
4 ____________ (JEALOUS) is not a helpful feeling. In 4 Our school ____________ (get) better at raising
fact, it usually only causes problems. money these days.
5 We have a ____________ (REHEARSE) for the 5 John ____________ (not / change) since the last time
school play on Friday night after school. I saw him. He still looks the same.
___ / 5 ___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
I recently saw a TV programme about how couples Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
organise their money together. I had heard that it was 0 ___ five words including the word in bold.
documentary and I wasn’t disappointed. It was very 0 Sam’s new business idea wasn’t successful, but he
interesting. When a couple are in a 1 ___ relationship, didn’t seem very disappointed.
should they keep their money separate or put it together? NOTHING
The question 2 ___ sooner or later. The documentary Sam’s new business idea came to nothing, but he
showed a few real-life situations: didn’t seem very disappointed.
Situation 1: Julia comes from a very rich family and is 3 ___ 1 A document is missing from the teacher’s desk.
of money. Gary has a low-paying job and is basically 4 ___ TAKEN
most of the time. Should Julia always give her boyfriend A document ________________________ from the
her money? teacher’s desk.
Situation 2: Patrick is very good at saving money but Jenny 2 I don’t think the shop will have the board game I’m
spends it like 5 ___. It seems that every week she comes looking for.
back from the shop with an expensive new dress. UNLIKELY
Situation 3: Emily 6 ___ out with Josh for six months when The shop ________________________ the board
he told her he was in debt. He was £9,450 in the 7 ___ on game I’m looking for.
his bank account to be exact. What should Emily do? If she 3 We don’t have any more money.
helps pay Josh’s debt, she will be 8 ___ of money herself. RUN
I don’t know what I 9 ___ do in her situation, or in the other We ________________________ money.
ones; and in fact the documentary didn’t give any clear 4 ‘Was this trip interesting?’ the teacher asked us.
answers. But it did say that if couples don’t want to 10 ___ US
over money, they should talk with each other and make The teacher ________________________ had been
a policy. interesting.
5 Your brother is upset because you don’t play with him.
0 a an award-winning b a binge-watching
c a best-seller d on-demand
If ________________________, he wouldn’t be upset.
1 a strong b serious
6 It was my first visit to the National Museum.
c heavy d big
2 a keeps up b goes over
I ________________________ the National Museum
c comes up d gets up
3 a made b rolling
7 We had used all our money on holiday attractions and
c full d fortunate
we didn’t have any left for souvenirs.
4 a blank b run out
c broke d wasted
All ________________________ on holiday
5 a air b bread
attractions and we didn’t have any left for souvenirs.
c fire d water
8 ‘You don’t have much time,’ the shop assistant said.
6 a is going b had been going
‘We’re closing in ten minutes.’
c has been going d was going
7 a red b short
The shop assistant ________________________ we
c black d dark
didn’t have much time.
8 a low b little
9 A famous architect is going to design our house.
c short d lack
9 a will b were
We are going ________________________ by
c would d can
a famous architect.
10 a drop out b turn out
10 Next month is when I will have enough money for
c break out d fall out
a new smartphone.
___ / 10 AFFORD
Next month I will ________________________ a new
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.

0 Sometimes the ___ sequence at the start of a TV 0 All the classrooms in our school ___ last week.
series is better than the series! a was painted b were painted
a title b credits c spoiler c have been painted
1 Have you got any ___ change? I need a coin for this 1 When I got to the lesson, the teacher wanted to know
machine. ___ done my homework.
a free b short c loose a if I did b had I done
2 Abigail is one of the best students in class but I’m ___ c if I had done
her. Our marks are the same. 2 Do you know ___ car is parked in my space?
a keeping up with b catching up with a who’s b whose c that
c getting down to 3 I could make a film if I ___ more about the technical
3 Harry spends money like ___. I don’t know if he’s rich side of it.
or just very irresponsible. a know b would know c knew
a air b paper c water 4 Greg ___ any English when he started lessons, but
4 Many TV ___ are becoming more interested in now he is quite fluent.
streaming services these days. a didn’t use to know b wouldn’t know
a spectators b viewers c audience c wasn’t knowing
5 My bank account is in the ___. The bank won’t lend 5 Mary ___ when she speaks too fast.
me more money if I don’t pay my debt. a can’t be understood b isn’t able to understand
a red b black c white c can’t understand
___ / 5 ___ / 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
preposition. There are three extra words.
0 My uncle is rolling in money. He has two houses and been get has if long soon well will would
four cars.
1 Many people prefer to choose what they watch with My sister is very careful with money and knows how to
____________-demand content. 0 get her money’s worth. She 1 ____________ been saving

2 The teacher saw right ____________ me when I tried up for ages to buy a bicycle. This bicycle is an expensive
to persuade him I had worked hard. He knew I wasn’t special edition. Only 1,000 have ever 2 ____________
telling the truth. made. By June she 3 ____________ have saved up
3 I think our school’s idea to use crowdfunding will take enough money. She asked me 4 ____________ I would
____________. Other schools will see our success help her collect it. Of course! As 5 ____________ as she
and want to do the same. lets me ride it sometimes.
4 My dad thinks I need to pull my socks ____________
___ / 5
and get better marks.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
5 We didn’t have much money ____________ us so we
the verbs in brackets.
just sat by the river and talked.
___ / 5 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of year.
the word in bold.
1 Sushi ____________ (eat) all over the world now. It is
0 Some people think that you don’t need money to find
Japanese food of course.
happiness (HAPPY).
2 I’ve had my phone ____________ (repair) three times
1 I could sense everyone’s ____________
(EMBARRASS) when I couldn’t remember the school
3 When Peter phoned and asked why I wasn’t at his
Director’s name.
house, I told him I ____________ (study).
2 At the end of the year, we said goodbye to our school
4 Really interesting films ____________ (become)
friends with ____________ (SAD).
harder to find these days.
3 When my friend said she had met Lady Gaga, I was
5 At the moment, Sheila ____________ (prefer) not to
____________ (ENVY).
drink coffee in the morning.
4 Professional sport players must live with
____________ (DISAPPOINT) because they ___ / 5
sometimes lose.
5 When a tiger escaped from the zoo, it made the
____________ (HEAD).
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
My boyfriend 0 ___ just started doing an online course in Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
writing skills. I was happy at first, but when I noticed he five words including the word in bold.
wasn’t doing his share of the housework, I started to have 0 Sam’s new business idea wasn’t successful, but he
1 ___ feelings. One night it was his turn to make the dinner
didn’t seem very disappointed.
while I was at work. When I got home, he 2 ___ it. I was NOTHING
angry and I must admit, I 3 ___ my temper. But later we Sam’s new business idea came to nothing, but he
made up and he agreed 4 ___ more around the house. But didn’t seem very disappointed.
there was another thing. He didn’t tell me that he 5 ___ be 1 His explanation helped us to understand gravity.
working and earning less money because of his studies. EXPLAINED
It 6 ___ when we were looking at our bank account. In the He ________________________ gravity works.
end, we decided to take out a 7 ___ to pay for things we 2 It’s a pity I lost my torch.
needed. Since then, things have been better. I admire how LOSING
well he can 8 ___studying as soon as he finishes his job, or I ________________________ my torch.
a household task. He only has one more essay to write and 3 It’s unlikely we’ll be staying near the sea.
then his coursework 9 ___. I’m very proud. We 10 ___ all our PROBABLY
friends to a great celebration party! We ________________________ near the sea.
0 a was b is 4 ‘Are you planning to stay at your friend’s house
c has d had tonight?‘ my mum asked me.
1 a missed b mixed WHETHER
c emotional d messed My mum asked me ________________________ to
2 a didn’t do b hadn’t done stay at my friend’s house that night.
c hasn’t done d wouldn’t do 5 I’ll go with you on a bike ride if you have a spare
3 a lost b forgot helmet.
c mistook d spent LONG
4 a doing b do I’ll go with you on a bike ride
c to do d he will do ________________________ you have a spare
5 a would b must helmet.
c will d can 6 Playing outside was allowed when we were kids.
6 a kept up b came to PLAY
c brought up d came up We ________________________ when we were kids.
7 a loan b sum 7 Wait for us to get there before you leave.
c debt d fortune UNTIL
8 a come down to b come up with Don’t ________________________ get there.
c get down to d hit it off 8 If you buy that wallet, it will cost you very little money.
9 a will be completed b will complete NEXT
c is completed d completes You ________________________ if you buy that
10 a will invite b are going to invite wallet.
c will have invited d will be invited 9 Mum’s hairdresser is dying my hair tomorrow.
___ / 10
I ________________________ by mum’s hairdresser
10 The film will finish by 9:30.
The film ________________________ by 9:30.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 The news reported that someone had come ___ with 0 This beautiful chair ___ made in Germany in the 19th
information to help police catch the criminal. century.
a forward b up c over a were b was c did
1 At night, noise should be kept to a ___ to avoid 1 How many countries ___ in your life?
disturbing neighbours. a did you visit b have you visited
a level b down c minimum c have you been visiting
2 The teacher ___ of cheating in a test but it wasn’t fair. 2 This cake will ___ after another 20 minutes in the
I didn’t cheat. oven.
a warned me b accused me c claimed me a do b be doing c be done
3 I’ve had my money’s ___with these shoes. They’re still 3 Henry said he ___ help us on Saturday but he didn’t
good after 15 years! appear the whole day.
a worth b value c back a can b could c will
4 I was ___ in custody overnight at the police station. 4 Will you ___ using my laptop by tomorrow morning?
a arrested b held c caught I will need it after that.
5 We ___ in our written assignments to the teacher on a have finished b be finishing c have been finishing
the last Friday of term. 5 Sean ___ be ill because he always comes to our
a handed b put c got meetings, and he’s not here.
___ / 5 a can’t b mustn’t c must
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. ___ / 5
The first letters are given.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal, for example, 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
a T-shirt. casual mini-dialogues.
1 A process in which prisoners improve so that they can
go back to society. r____________ 0 A: Do you know where Eric is?
2 Natural resources that can be used repeatedly without B: He must / might be in the garden. I can hear him.
using them up, or damaging the environment. He’s singing.
s____________ resources. 1 A: Why is Emily late?
3 Watching a few episodes of a TV series at one time, B: She might get / have got lost on the way here.
one after another. b____________-w____________ 2 A: What would you have done / would you do if you’d
4 A substance you can put on your body to protect you been there?
from the sun. s____________ B: Contacted the police.
5 Television programmes which are shown through the 3 A: Look how clean the park is! It mustn’t / can’t have
internet. Viewers can register and pay to watch. been easy to do that.
s____________ s____________ service B: It wasn’t. They needed a lot of volunteers. I was
one of them.
___ / 5
4 A: There weren’t any tablets in the computer room
3 Complete the sentences with the words from
yesterday morning.
the box. There are two extra words.
B: That’s right, they were using / were being used in
caught found interviewed questioned raised another classroom then.
reused reviewed stopped 5 A: If only I hadn’t thrown / didn’t throw away that photo
0 The film was badly reviewed but the public liked it. of my old school!
1 Detectives ____________ the woman about what she B: Why was it so important to you?
was doing at the time of the crime. ___ / 5
2 We ____________ money for the school by organising
a street market.
3 She ____________ her way around the city without a
4 The coach ____________ off halfway to Paris to give
the passengers a break.
5 If people ____________ the amount of plastic they
used, this would make less waste and help the
___ / 5

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6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
the verbs in brackets. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this five words including the word in bold.
0 I regret painting graffiti at school.
1 Would you report someone dropping litter if you
____________ (see) them?
I wish I hadn’t painted graffiti at school.
2 We ____________ (not / look after) very well in the
1 Is there nothing that can make the room cooler?
hospital last year.
3 I really wish my daughter ____________ (listen) when
Can’t ________________________ the room cooler?
I try to give her advice.
2 I won’t go the cinema with you unless we get popcorn.
4 I was so late for school that the second lesson
____________ (start) when I got there.
I’ll go to the cinema with you
5 The police asked me: what ____________ (you / do)
________________________ popcorn.
between 9 and 10 p.m. last night?
3 We should recycle the bottles we use.
___ / 5 BE
USE OF ENGLISH The bottles we use ________________________
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. recycled.
I work as a teacher in a school in a deprived area of town, 4 My parents sort their rubbish now, but in the past they
0 ___ there are not many opportunities. I have had good didn’t.
students who later 1 ___ into trouble with the police when USE
they left school. I am often asked why 2 ___. My parents ________________________ their
One of my former students, Sean, was 3 ___ with rubbish, but now they do.
shoplifting. As a punishment, he had to do community 5 You got lost because you didn’t take a proper map.
4 ___: sweeping streets, picking up litter, and that kind of TAKEN
thing. I invited him into the classroom. I wanted the You wouldn’t have got lost
students to 5 ___ some interesting questions to understand ________________________ a proper map.
more about crime. ___ / 5
‘Do you wish you 6 ___ things from shops?’ one of my
students asked him. Sean admitted 7 ___ bad about the 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
crime, but he said he quite liked the punishment. It 8 ___ the word in bold.
him feel useful. 0 On the tops of high mountains the air pressure
I think that 9 ___ be the answer to the problem I’m talking (PRESS) is very low.
about. Perhaps community leaders should find ways to 1 It was very ____________ (THINK) of you to buy
10 ___ money to develop opportunities for young people
Susan a present.
to volunteer or do paid work to help the area they live, 2 My best friend and I have fallen out because of a
and improve it at the same time. ____________ (AGREE) about money. We had very
0 a which b where c why d that different opinions.
1 a went b came c got d fell 3 My boyfriend has only one fault: his ____________
2 a it happens b does it happen (JEALOUS)
c happens d is it happening 4 Some jobs are ____________ (REPEAT) because you
3 a arrested b caught c held d charged do the same thing all the time.
4 a service b tasks c jobs d sentence 5 Many people think that ____________ (PRISON)
5 a keep up with b come up with should not just take away criminals’ freedom. It should
c catch up with d come forward with also offer them opportunities to improve themselves.
6 a wouldn’t steal b didn’t steal ___ / 5
c weren’t stealing d hadn’t stolen
7 a to feel b feel c feeling d will feel TOTAL ___ / 50
8 a made b allowed c offered d caused
9 a can b could c will d mustn’t
10 a earn b have c bring d raise
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 The news reported that someone had come ___ with 0 This beautiful chair ___ made in Germany in the 19th
information to help police catch the criminal. century.
a forward b up c over a were b was c did
1 We have different coloured bins so that we can ___ 1 If you had got up earlier, you ___ at work late.
our rubbish. a wouldn’t arrive b hadn’t arrived
a throw b sort c use c wouldn’t have arrived
2 Jerry is out of prison but he still has to wear an 2 Changes ___ to this road. Traffic jams are likely.
electronic ___ on his ankle. a are making b are being made c are made
a tag b bracelet c control 3 We didn’t think we ___ like the wedding, but it was
3 We’ve had a bit of a ___ with our environmental lovely!
project. We don’t think we will have enough money to a would b could c will
complete it. 4 I wish I ___ all that bacon. I feel sick now.
a cutback b set-down c setback a didn’t eat b wouldn’t have eaten
4 The school is ___ out of money for new equipment and c hadn’t eaten
is hoping for a loan. 5 Mum ___ not have answered your call because she
a going b running c spending was asleep.
5 The police officer didn’t ___ him, but she gave him a a should b might c must
warning instead. ___ / 5
a catch b hold c arrest 5 Choose the correct option to complete the mini-
___ / 5 dialogues.
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words.
0 A: Do you know where Eric is?
The first letters are given.
B: He must / might be in the garden. I can hear him.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal, for example, He’s singing.
a T-shirt. casual 1 A: I want to come to the cinema tonight, but I can’t as
1 A time when government, police or army say that long as / unless I do my homework first.
people must not leave their homes. c____________ B: The film finishes quite early. You can do your
2 A punishment in which you don’t go to prison but you homework when we get back.
are monitored by police. If you commit another crime 2 A: I wish you wouldn’t / didn’t sing Harry! I can’t do my
you will go to prison. s____________ s____________ homework.
3 A very strong wind which causes a lot of damage. B: Sorry. I’ll be quiet now.
h____________ 3 A: Do you know what happened to the shopping list?
4 A product that can be used again. a r____________ B: Oh dear! I might throw / have thrown it away by
product. mistake.
5 You do this when you say what you know about a 4 A: Can we use the swimming pool?
crime, and it is officially recorded by a police officer. B: Not until tomorrow. It’s cleaned / It’s being cleaned.
m____________ a s____________ 5 A: If only there is / was a leisure centre in town. It’s so
___ / 5 annoying! I really need to get fit.
3 Complete the sentences with the words from B: You don’t need a leisure centre. You should buy a
the box. There are two extra words. pair of running shoes and go running.
___ / 5
catch charge damage dispose fine question
respect reviewed 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
0 The film was badly reviewed but the public liked it.
1 Detectives will probably ____________ him with 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this year.
murder. The man he attacked died. 1 We ____________ (not / go) to the coast for our
2 Drive more slowly or the police will give you a holiday if we’d known how crowded it was.
____________. We want to be safe. 2 Your wallet ____________ (give) back to you when
3 We now have a lot of empty boxes we need to the police finish examining it.
____________ of in the right way. 3 Look how tidy the park looks! We ____________ (tidy)
4 Some people don’t ____________ the guidelines that it up for the past two hours.
protect the environment. They leave rubbish around. 4 Adam ____________ (prefer) to work by himself these
5 If the newspapers report Gary’s relationship with drug days.
dealers, it will ____________ his reputation. 5 Where ____________ (plan) to go for a city break?
___ / 5 ___ / 5
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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
I 0 ___ in a national park for the last few months and I really Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
enjoy it. A lot of tourists visit the park and we have to five words including the word in bold.
minimise their 1 ___ on the surroundings. We put up signs 0 I regret painting graffiti at school.
with information about the wildlife but also signs with WISH
guidelines on how to behave responsibly. We have to I wish I hadn’t painted graffiti at school.
watch the park to make sure nobody 2 ___ away with 1 Perhaps your aunt ate the last piece of apple pie.
dropping litter or doing more serious damage. One time, MIGHT
we even had to 3 ___ someone arrested for stealing eggs Your aunt ________________________ the last piece
from rare birds. Things like this happen. of apple pie.
It’s wonderful to experience nature, but I wish they 4 ___ 2 ‘Why did you leave the restaurant so early?’ she asked
me more. It means I have to be careful 5 ___ money. I must us.
admit, this job is a new start for me. When I was younger I HAD
did some 6 ___ crimes like shoplifting and graffiti. It was She asked us ________________________ the
nothing very serious, but it 7 ___ me into trouble with the restaurant so early.
police. After that, I 8 ___ my parents I would stay out of 3 I’m sure Andy is watching TV right now.
trouble. As 9 ___ as I finished community service, I found MUST
a few paid jobs. The National Park is the latest one and the Andy ________________________ right now.
best. I 10 ___ here. This is the place for me! 4 I’m sure Greta didn’t use nuts in this cake, because
she knows you’re allergic to them.
0 a ’ve been working b ’m working USED
c work d worked Greta ________________________ in this cake,
1 a harm b damage because she knows your allergic to them.
c impact d noise 5 I really regret selling my stamp collection.
2 a breaks b gets SOLD
c goes d makes If ________________________ my stamp collection.
3 a let b have
___ / 5
c make d call
4 a will pay b are paying
9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
c pay d paid
the word in bold.
5 a with b of
c after d for 0 On the tops of high mountains the air pressure
6 a small b minor (PRESS) is very low.
c major d bad 1 Bad weather is ____________ (AVOID) if you check
7 a made b got the weather forecast!
c took d brought 2 Some materials, for example dangerous chemicals,
8 a said b explained are not ____________ (DISPOSE) in bins intended for
c promised d agreed general rubbish.
9 a soon b long 3 When you pay a ____________ (SUBSCRIBE) to an
c often d well online streaming service, you can watch what you
10 a ’ll stay b ‘m going to stay want, when you want.
c ‘ll be staying d stay 4 Charles was always a very ____________
___ / 10 (RESPECT) student to his teachers.
5 One of the main goals of science is the ____________
(DEVELOP) of new technology.
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
The first letters are given. the sentences.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal or smart, 0 I don’t ___ anyone at this party.
are casual: for example, a T-shirt. a knows b know c am not
1 Scientists do r____________ to test their theories. knowing
2 A person who has hair on their skins because they 1 I ___ on the car and I need to wash my hands.
haven’t shaved, is u____________. a have been working b am working c work
3 A vehicle which travels in space from one planet to 2 Don’t look directly at ___ sun. It’s bad for your eyes.
another is a s____________. a the b ø (no article) c a
4 D____________ is a blue material used to make blue 3 I hope ___ you at my eighteenth birthday party. Are
jeans, and sometimes other clothes. you coming?
5 Our s____________ s____________ has the sun and a to see b seeing c see
nine planets, including ours. 4 Have you ever ___ a Broadway show?
___ / 5 a seeing b saw c seen
2 Choose the correct option to complete 5 Robots ___ more like humans these days.
the sentences. a have been becoming b are becoming c become
___ / 5
0 I love playing football. Can I join on / in / to when you
5 Choose the correct option to complete the mini-
play again?
1 The traffic is so loud. I can’t see / hear / help myself
think. 0 A: What is the / a time?
2 If you are overweight / underweight / heavyweight, you B: It’s a quarter to ten.
should be careful what you eat and take more 1 A: What do you want doing / to do on holiday?
exercise. B: Maybe some sightseeing. What about you?
3 You should think once / again / twice before deciding 2 A: Why do you wear those trousers so often?
to cheat in a test. It’s nothing to be proud of. B: I love the / a belt that goes with them.
4 In hot weather, Monica prefers to wear an easy-fitting / 3 A: How long are you going / have you been going to
a loose-fitting / a tight-fitting dress, so that she can yoga classes?
move freely. B: Only a few weeks.
5 I decided I wanted pasta for dinner, but on my way to 4 A: What is the / a quickest way to walk to the main
the shop I changed my brain / mind / idea and bought train station?
potatoes. B: Go down this street. It's only about 5 minutes from
___ / 5 here.
3 Complete the sentences with the words from 5 A: I’m thinking about buying Jim a denim jacket for his
the box. There are two extra words. birthday.
B: Good idea. He likes denim and it is becoming / gets
blew faded fur gravity radiation skinny thought popular these days.
___ / 5
0 I’m wearing a fake fur jacket. The material doesn’t 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
come from real animals. the verbs in brackets.
1 There is very low ____________ in space and objects 0 I don’t like shopping because I can’t stand waiting
float in the air. (wait) in queues.
2 I can’t see the pattern on your T-shirt from far away 1 Does your science teacher ____________ (believe)
because it is ____________. everybody can understand some science?
3 That firework display is one of the most amazing I’ve 2 Will you allow me ____________ (help) you?
ever seen. It ____________ my mind. 3 I ____________ (see) my girlfriend tonight. I’m so
4 I use cream to remove ____________ from my skin. happy! We haven’t seen each other for a week.
I like it to look smooth. 4 I imagine ____________ (work) for twelve hours in a
5 My dad was surprised when I asked for money to buy row is really tiring.
books, but he ____________ it over and later he 5 I ____________ (never / fall) off a horse.
agreed. ___ / 5
___ / 5

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USE OF ENGLISH 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
Hi Sandra, five words including the word in bold.
I’m writing this quick note because we 0 ___ in touch for 0 I hate waking up early.
a while. How are you? The truth is that I’m very busy. You STAND
know how it is! I 1 ___ the flat. It’s almost finished. We had I can’t stand waking up early.
problems because we didn’t have a good builder for a long 1 What have you got on the TV now?
time. Fortunately, 2 ___ builder we have now is very good. WATCHING
Can I ask you for advice about something? I’m meeting my What ________________________ on the TV now?
son’s girlfriend, Sandra, for the first time this weekend. Do 2 It was the most original fashion show I have ever seen.
you think I should dress 3 ___ in anything special? I 4 ___ NEVER
some photos of Sandra. She’s very pretty and she really I ________________________ a more original fashion
knows how to dress in 5 ___. show.
I 6 ___ her to think I’m unfashionable. Should I wear my 3 It’s OK for me to wait at school.
7 ___ shoes, or do they make me look too tall?
My youngest son is doing better at school now. His 8 ___ I ________________________ at school.
has improved, especially in science subjects. He’s 9 ___ up 4 I like putting on special clothes for parties.
his mind – he wants to be a scientist in the future. We’re UP
happy with the decision! I like ________________________ for parties.
I must go now. The builder has 10 ___ arrived. 5 Studying abroad is a serious possibility for me to think
Please write back soon! about.
I ________________________ studying abroad.
0 a aren’t b don’t 6 John always says yes if we need help.
c haven’t been d weren’t being AGREES
1 a ’ve redecorated b ’m redecorating John ________________________ help us.
c ’ve been redecorating d redecorated 7 I haven’t seen better sunglasses than yours.
2 a the ba THE
c ø (no article) d some Your sunglasses ________________________ I’ve
3 a for b up seen.
c on d over 8 This is the end of our second month in our new flat.
4 a ‘ve been seeing b ‘ve seen LIVING
c see d ‘m seeing We ________________________ for two months in
5 a fashion b glamour our new flat.
c style d materials 9 What socks have you got on now?
6 a don’t want b haven’t wanted WEARING
c ‘m not wanting d haven’t been wanting What socks ________________________ the
7 a high b raised moment?
c high-heeled d full-length 10 Sandy doesn’t have a job now.
8 a performance b achievement WORKING
c marks d development Sandy ________________________ present.
9 a done b put ___ / 10
c set d made
TOTAL ___ / 50
10 a just b yet
c ever d since
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–2) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with one word in each 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
gap. The first letters are given. the sentences.
0 I don’t ___ anyone at this party.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal or smart, are
a knows b know c am not knowing
casual: for example, a T-shirt.
1 I ___ Eric has a new job. Somebody in the office told
1 I would love to be an astronaut and go on a
me. Is he enjoying it?
v____________ to another planet.
a ‘m hearing b ‘ve been hearing c hear
2 When I saw Derek a few years later, he was already
2 ___ in a cave?
b____________. I was surprised how little hair he had.
a Are you ever sleeping b Have you ever slept
3 Living things are made up of c____________. There
c Did you ever sleep
are many different types of them, for example, skin,
3 I’ve never been to ___ United States.
blood, muscle, etc.
a the b ø (no article) c an
4 Long hair was f____________ for men in the 1960s
4 My brother ___ more interested in clothes these days.
and 70s. A lot of them had it.
He bought a designer T-shirt yesterday.
5 In some labs, you must wear protection against
a becomes b is becoming c has become
harmful r____________, such as gamma rays.
5 What ___ for Helen’s engagement party? We’ll have to
___ / 5
decide: it’s on Friday.
2 Choose the correct option to complete
a are we planning b do we plan c have we planned
the sentences.
___ / 5
0 I love playing football. Can I join on / in / to when you 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
play again? mini-dialogues.
1 Sometimes in tests, my mind goes clear / blank / dead,
0 A: What is the / a time?
and I can’t think of the answer.
B: It’s a quarter to ten.
2 The music is very loud at this party! I can’t see / hear /
1 A: I never went / ’ve never been to England.
listen to myself think.
B: Oh what a pity! It’s a nice place. You should go.
3 Modelling is a very beautiful / glamorous / stylish
2 A: What job does Amy do / is Amy?
profession. It should make people want to buy the
B: I think she’s a dentist.
3 A: How long is your mum / has your mum been staying
4 I don’t think often / much / many of your flatmate. He’s
with you?
so rude!
B: Since last Sunday. She’s going back home
5 That shirt suits / matches / fits your eyes. It’s blue, like
4 A: What is the / a best time to make an appointment
___ / 5
with your dentist?
3 Complete the sentences with the words from
B: Maybe in the morning. She often has time then.
the box. There are two extra words.
5 A: Did anyone offer to do / doing the housework while
broaden change fur give make plain tight you were ill?
waist B: Yes. My sister.
0 I’m wearing a fake fur jacket. The material doesn’t ___ / 5
come from real animals. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
1 These trousers are too ____________. I think I need a the verbs in brackets.
larger pair. 0 I don’t like shopping because I can’t stand waiting
2 Visiting other countries can ____________ your mind. (wait) in queues.
You see things you wouldn’t see in your own country. 1 The shop ____________ (open) at 9.00 o’clock every
3 Do you prefer a striped suit or a ____________ one morning.
with no pattern at all? 2 I know you’ve just fallen off your bike but now you
4 If you ____________ your mind about buying appear ____________ (be) fine.
something, you can take it back if you have the receipt. 3 Our global climate ____________ (change) right now
5 Steven has a thin ____________ and always needs a and we can see the results in the weather.
belt to keep his trousers up. 4 I ____________ (not / eat) anything all day and I’m
___ / 5 very hungry.
5 Our grandfather ____________ (come) to lunch
tomorrow at 12 a.m.
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Dear Sam, Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
It has been a long time since I 0 ___. How are you? At five words including the word in bold.
university, I 1 ___ hard and I don’t have much free time. 0 I hate waking up early.
Law isn’t 2 ___ easiest subject but it will be useful. This STAND
Friday, I’m getting 3 ___ for a special party for law students. I can’t stand waking up early.
I have to wear 4 ___ clothes: a tie, and ideally a black suit. 1 It’s important for David to attend the meeting.
Can you imagine me in that? NEEDS
I’ve got some news. I 5 ___ someone! In fact, we’ve already David ________________________ the meeting.
been dating 6 ___ a few weeks. Her name’s Cheryl and I’ve 2 David really admires his older brother. He thinks he’s
7 ___ her to visit us at home in our next holidays so she can
meet the family. She’s wonderful – she’ll 8 ___ your mind! LOOK
OK. I’ve agreed 9 ___ football so I must go. The match David ________________________ his older brother.
10 ___ in 5 minutes.
He thinks he’s great.
Please write soon! 3 Your old blue dress is better than your new designer
Your brother, one.
Patrick AS
0 a ’ve written b write Your new designer dress isn’t
c ’m writing d ’ve been writing ________________________ your blue one.
1 a ’m studying b ‘ve studied 4 Josh has had horse riding lessons for the last few
c study d studies weeks.
2 a an b ø (no article) LEARNING
c the da Josh ________________________ a horse for the last
3 a overdressed b dressed few weeks.
c well-dressed d dressed up 5 I plan to put on a clown outfit for the children’s party.
4 a casual b smart DRESS
c full-length d elegant I plan ________________________ a clown for the
5 a ‘ve met b met children’s party.
c ‘m meeting d meet 6 This is only the end of my second day at this school.
6 a since b for BEEN
c during d in I ________________________ at this school for two
7 a invited b offered days.
c promised d expected 7 Julie is good at thinking in original ways.
8 a break b lose THINK
c blow d get Julie can ________________________ box.
9 a playing b play 8 Jacky isn’t at our school any more.
c to play d played LEFT
10 a is starting b starts Jacky ________________________ our school.
c started d has started 9 Peter has decided when he’s having his birthday party:
it’s Saturday 10th August!
___ / 10
Peter ________________________ when he’s having
his birthday party: it’s Saturday 10th August!
10 The last time I saw Mark was in 2017.
I ________________________ 2017.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 We like to get off the beaten ___ and find places other 0 I ___ in the sea when someone took my place on the
tourists don’t know about. beach.
a track b way c road a used to swim b swam c was swimming
1 I can’t hear myself ___ because it’s so loud in here! 1 A: Do you know ___ sunglasses these are?
a well b work c think B: No idea.
2 We ___ off on our holiday at 7:00 am on a Saturday a which b where c whose
morning. 2 I ___ to come to your party next Saturday. I have an
a set b made c want important exam that day.
3 We need to reserve a tennis ___ for this afternoon. a couldn’t b won’t be able c can’t
a pitch b court c field 3 You ___ to listen to safety instructions on a flight, even
4 When a space agency like NASA ___ a new rocket if you have heard them before.
with a crew into space, it is exciting news. a may b should c ought
a throws b launches c fires 4 Paul ___ that there is life on other planets.
5 James always looks ___ because he chooses good a believes b can believe c is believing
quality clothes that suit him. 5 Tennis players ___ wear white in the competition, but
a overdressed b well-suited c well-dressed it’s okay if they want to look professional!
___ / 5 a mustn’t b don’t have to c aren’t allowed to
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. ___ / 5
The first letters are given.
0 A travel adapter allows you to use electricity from 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
different sources when you travel. There are three extra words.
1 A pattern people can wear on clothes, which looks like able been could had hadn’t have used was
a tiger or zebra pattern. s____________ were
2 A place where athletes can run races inside a stadium.
t____________ I 0 used to do rock climbing but one day I had a near
3 An object which you can switch on to give light when it accident. I 1 ____________ climbing a high cliff when a bird
is dark. t____________ flew into my face! I had no idea where it had come from.
4 A pattern with straight lines and squares, like on a I was so surprised, that I lost my hold on the rock and fell
chess board. You often see it on Scottish clothes and a few metres. I wasn’t physically hurt, but climbing has
materials. c____________ pattern never 2 ____________ the same for me since then. That
5 A place in a city where people can do sport and other fall 3 ____________ really scared me, but I wasn’t
4 ____________ to enjoy climbing so much any more. I
recreational activities. l____________
c____________ wanted to keep doing outdoor sports so I started outdoor
___ / 5 hiking a short time after my fall, and I 5 ____________ been
3 Complete the sentences with the words from doing it ever since.
the box. There are two extra words. ___ / 5
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
court cuts flight make pressure ring see think
the verbs in brackets.
0 There is a direct flight to Paris. We don’t need to
0 When I arrived at the gym, I realised I had forgotten
change planes or stop.
(forget) my trainers.
1 People who ____________ up their mind to play more
1 When I noticed my friend in the shopping mall, she
sport are usually very happy with their decision. Sport
__________________ (sit) outside the pizza parlour.
is fun and healthy!
2 I __________________ (cannot) open the door
2 Is there a boxing ____________ in this gym?
because my key was broken.
3 Edith can ____________ outside the box. She has
3 I can’t imagine __________________ (be) without my
original and imaginative ideas.
4 When Charles fell off his bike he only got
4 I woke up, then I __________________ (have) a
____________ and bruises. He didn’t need to go to
shower before breakfast.
5 These days, people __________________ (get) much
5 You need to get the ____________ right in your
more interested in holidays with exotic locations.
bicycle tyres.
___ / 5
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Looking after a pet dog is not as easy as people 0 ___ Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
think. I’ve been doing it for many years now and it 1 ___ me five words including the word in bold.
great joy. However, you must know a few things before you 0 I once lived on an organic farm.
decide to have one. USED
You should take a dog for walk every day because they I used to live on an organic farm.
need to run and play. And just like you, your pet must have 1 John always says ‘yes’ if we need his help.
exercise to keep 2 ___. Years ago, I 3 ___ a dog called AGREES
Patch. A neighbour 4 ___ her to me. I didn’t want 5 ___ John ________________________ us.
anything to upset the neighbour but Patch looked 2 Is it possible for you to lend me your travel adapter?
overweight and out of 6 ___. She needed exercise so I took COULD
her for a walk three or four times a day. I wonder ________________________ lend me your
Another thing: don’t 7 ___ a dog to eat anything it wants! It travel adapter?
must eat the right diet. Once when I took Patch for a walk, I 3 Students can borrow DVDs.
noticed she 8 ___ something strange at the side of the road. ALLOWED
She was eating some plastic bags 9 ___ someone had left Students ________________________ DVDs.
there. 4 Always stay near your luggage when you are at
The saying that ‘a dog is a man’s best friend’ is very true. airports.
But don’t forget that you are also 10 ___ important person in UNATTENDED
your dog’s life. Never ________________________ when you are at
0 a can b will airports.
c might d should 5 We were late for the start of the film.
1 a is giving me b gave ALREADY
c has been giving d has given me When we arrived at the cinema,
2 a condition b fit ________________________ started.
c healthy d shape 6 I can’t decide which jacket to buy.
3 a used to have b would have MIND
c was having d could have I can’t ________________________ which jacket to
4 a had given b was giving buy.
c gave d has given 7 What did you have for lunch at school?
5 a to say b say USE
c saying d said What ________________________ for lunch at
6 a health b shape school?
c form d exercise 8 Our parents allowed us to use their paints for our art
7 a allow b offer projects.
c encourage d let COULD
8 a has been doing b was doing We ________________________ our parents’ paints
c has done d did for our art projects.
9 a where b what 9 Dad was in the middle of his dinner when we arrived.
c which d whose EATING
10 a most b a most Dad ________________________ when we arrived.
c the most d the more 10 I don’t know who the owner of this car is.
___ / 10
I don’t know ________________________ is.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–4) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 We like to get off the beaten ___ and find places other 0 I ___ in the sea when someone took my place on the
tourists don’t know about. beach.
a track b way c road a used to swim b swam c was swimming
1 It is harder to study when ___ of sleep becomes a 1 Do you know ___ is responsible for patients here?
problem. a that b who c whose
a a miss b a lack c a need 2 I ___ at the same school for five years and I don’t want
2 We want to ___ our destination before nightfall. to leave! It’s a great school.
a arrive b get c reach a had been b was c have been
3 The football ___ is wet and muddy. But I don’t care! I 3 When I was at school I ___ wear a uniform.
love football. a hadn’t b mustn’t c didn’t have to
a pitch b court c centre 4 Do you remember ___ in that small cottage on the
4 I don’t like your decision to take boxing lessons. You cliffs last year?
need to think ___. a staying b to stay c stay
a twice b over c again 5 I ____________ live in a house with a balcony. The
5 You can block most of the noise around if you wear place we live in now doesn’t have one.
___. a used to b would c use to
a earplugs b head plugs c a headpiece ___ / 5
___ / 5 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. There are three extra words.
The first letters are given.
able can’t could couldn’t hadn’t has haven’t
0 A travel adapter allows you to use electricity from mustn’t were
different sources when you travel.
Has something scary ever happened to you? It 0 has to us.
1 An injury that footballers can easily get when placing
We 1 ____________ hiking in Greece when we got
their feet. t____________ an a____________
completely lost in some mountains. We 2 ____________
2 You can lift these objects to train your arms or legs.
find the way back. My girlfriend was angry because it was
my idea to go hiking and I 3 ____________ taken a map.
3 Facial hair that grows between a person’s nose and
It was also very hot, and we were tired and thirsty, which
mouth. m____________
didn’t help. But we managed to calm down and think about
4 A piece of equipment that can give your phone or
the problem. By walking in a straight line we were
computer electricity. p____________ c____________ 4 ____________ to find a village – what a relief! We soon
5 A plan which tells you when and how long you should
met a local woman who 5 ____________ help us. She even
do different physical activities.
invited us home for tea!
t____________ p____________
___ / 5
___ / 5
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
3 Complete the sentences with the words from the
the verbs in brackets.
box. There are two extra words.
0 When I arrived at the gym, I realised I had forgotten
arrive blow escape find flight get hit think
(forget) my trainers.
0 There is a direct flight to Paris. We don’t need to 1 You ought __________________ (contact) your aunt.
change planes or stop. You haven’t seen her for a very long time.
1 There isn’t a sign to the village but you can 2 Adam __________________ (not / believe) I can pass
____________ your way there by asking people. my driving test. That’s not fair! I’m a good driver.
2 A party with just two friends is too small. You should 3 We __________________ (play) football when it
____________ big and invite a hundred guests! started to rain. But we didn’t stop: we just got wet!
3 My parents like to ____________ the crowds on 4 I think we __________________ (get) near our holiday
holiday and explore places on their own. hotel. Good! I’m tired of being in this car.
4 Looking up at a clear sky at night can ____________ 5 I __________________ (work) in the garden all
your mind. The stars are just amazing. afternoon and I’m really tired.
5 After a long trip, it’s a good idea to let close family ___ / 5
know when you ____________ safely at your
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
I remember a time when my dad came home with 0 ___ big Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
flat object wrapped in paper. He 1 ___ me a kite! A kite is a five words including the word in bold.
flying object 2 ___ flies with the help of wind alone. I really 0 I once lived on an organic farm.
wanted to fly it and we went straight to the local park. But I USED
3 ___ do it because there wasn’t enough wind. Then, while I
I used to live on an organic farm.
4 ___ with it, the wind came and took it away. It flew up
1 Watching the safety demonstration is necessary for
straight into a tree. ‘We’ve lost it!’ I said. But my dad was every passenger on a flight.
smiling. He said: ‘No we haven’t. You need to think 5 ___ HAS
the box. Then maybe you will find a way to get your kite Every passenger ________________________ the
back.’ But I was crying and no ideas came to me. My dad safety demonstration on a flight.
walked to the tree and stood next to it, and then I 2 It may not be a good idea to get into a car with a
understood his plan. I climbed up my dad and stood on him stranger.
with one foot on each 6 ___ ! I was able to reach 7 ___ kite TWICE
and get it! You should ________________________ before
These days you see more flying drones than kites in the getting into a car with a stranger.
park because many children don’t think 8 ___ of toys which 3 We let our students bring their bicycles to school.
don’t use technology. My nephew is one of them. It is sad, ALLOW
because they are missing out 9 ___ great fun, and We ________________________ their bicycles to
opportunities to develop skills like climbing and thinking! school.
I’ve told my nephew my story about the kite and the tree, 4 The Jones family started driving to Berlin this morning.
and I’m going to buy him a kite for his birthday. I hope he SET
will change his 10 ___ about such non-tech toys and start The Jones family ________________________ to
liking them. Berlin in their car this morning.
5 My parents said I had to tidy my room.
0 a the ba
c any d some
My parents ________________________ my room.
1 a was buying b bought
6 I wasn’t keen on cakes as a kid.
c was buying d had bought
2 a what b whose
I ________________________ like cakes as a kid.
c which d what
7 We called the fire emergency service because fire was
3 a wasn’t able b couldn’t
destroying the whole building.
c can’t d might not
4 a ran b had run
The whole building ________________________, so
c was running d have run
we called the fire emergency services.
5 a over b outside
8 I am still working on my science project.
c up d out
6 a shoulder b arm
I ________________________ my science project yet.
c ankle d knee
9 Is it necessary for us to change our clothes before we
7 aa b any
use the weightlifting centre?
c ø (no article) d the
8 a many b big
Do ________________________ our clothes before
c much d great
we use the weightlifting centre?
9 a for b on
10 Our original plan was to fly to Italy, but now we have
c with d at
made a different decision. We’re going to drive.
10 a idea b brain
c thoughts d mind
We ________________________ about flying to Italy.
___ / 10 We’re going to drive.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the
sentences. sentences.
0 My granddad lost his ___ because the TV didn’t work. 0 I want to finish my homework ___ the film starts. I don’t
He was so angry! want to miss any of it!
a temper b insult c face a until b before c after
1 When I introduced my boyfriend to my dad, they ___ 1 If it ___ still sunny this afternoon, I’ll go for a bike ride.
immediately and quickly became friends. a will be b is c were
a made up b hit it off c made out 2 I ___ by the swimming pool this time next week.
2 I admire Jane’s elegant clothes. She’s always well- a will be lying b will have been lying
___. c will have lain
a fashioned b worn c dressed 3 There’s a tablet on the table. Do you know ___ it is?
3 John ___ his shoulder trying to put a heavy box on the a who’s b who c whose
top shelf, and needed to go to hospital. 4 My mum has offered ___ my birthday party.
a trained b dislocated c pulled a hosting b hosts c to host
4 I’ve missed five lessons and I have a lot to ___. 5 We can stay at this hotel tonight ___ the rooms have
a pull my socks up b come up with c catch up on showers. I always take a hot shower in the morning.
5 A climbing ___ is the best place to train your a provided that b unless c as soon as
mountaineering skills. ___ / 5
a wall b court c track 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
___ / 5 mini-dialogues.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 0 A: I won’t get in the car unless / provided that you
preposition. promise to drive slowly.
0 I’m crazy about pets. My house is full of them. B: All right. I promise.
1 Have you come ____________ with a way to fix the 1 A: I lost my front door key last week and had to wait
table yet? outside for three hours for mum to come back from
2 It’s much easier to find your way ____________ the work!
city with a good map. B: If I lost my key, I ’d / ’ll break a window.
3 I need to go ____________ my notes from my science 2 A: Have you yet / ever been to Australia?
lessons carefully because I’ve got a test tomorrow. B: No, never. I’d like to go one day.
4 You have to switch your mobile phone ____________ 3 A: Will you have finished / be finishing your work by 9
flight mode on an aeroplane. o’clock? There’s a great film we can watch.
5 That boy just asked me ____________ on a date. He’s B: Yes, I think so. If you don’t disturb me!
nice, but I don’t know him. Shall I say ‘yes’? 4 A: How long have you been waiting / are you waiting
___ / 5 for me?
3 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the B: Half an hour. What took you so long to get here?
sentences. 5 A: Why did Jeff pull a muscle in the first five minutes of
the football game yesterday?
0 It ___ my heart when I had to leave my old school. I
B: He didn’t do / hadn’t done any warm-up exercises
loved it!
before he started playing.
a stopped b broke c lost
1 If you take a ___ pillow on your flight, it can help you to ___ / 5
sleep 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
a travel b head c trip verbs in brackets.
2 I ___ my wrist when I was playing tennis yesterday. 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
a pulled b sprained c dislocated year.
3 You have to work hard to ___ up with your classmates. 1 Our tent ____________ (get) wet inside when it rains.
a keep b come c get 2 I’ve got my headphones with me because I
4 You are more likely to be ___ by lightning in a bad ____________ (listen) to music on the bus later.
storm. 3 If we see your cousin at the party, we ____________
a hit b banged c struck (say) hello.
5 My classmates sometimes ___ fun of me because my 4 It’s great news you’re getting married! I ____________
taste in music is different to theirs. (call) mum right now and let her know.
a do b make c put 5 Let’s walk more quickly. I think It’s about
___ / 5 ____________ (rain).
___ / 5

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USE OF ENGLISH 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
Hiking out in nature is a great way to escape the 0 ___ and five words including the word in bold.
enjoy wild scenery such as mountains and forests. It 0 Joe says he’ll help me.
shouldn’t be scary or dangerous as long as you behave OFFERED
sensibly and prepare for your trip. I 1 ___ you some advice Joe has offered to help me.
on how to do it. Tell a few trusted people exactly 2 ___ you 1 In one hour’s time I’ll be on my way home.
are going and how long you 3 ___ to be away. If you don’t TRAVELLING
call or come back at the right time, they will know you have In one hour’s time, I ________________________
4 ___ into trouble. Then they can inform the police and
rescue services. 2 I don’t think we’ll get lost in Madrid.
Before you set 5 ___, you must find out all about the area PROBABLY
you’re planning to visit. This information 6 ___ definitely We ________________________ in Madrid.
keep you safe and help you to enjoy yourself; and help you 3 Getting up early isn’t a problem for me.
decide what to pack. A simple first aid 7 ___ is essential, MIND
but the exact contents will depend on the type of area I ________________________ up early.
you’re visiting. 4 You can borrow my bicycle at the weekend. I won’t
Some people are worried about meeting dangerous need it after Friday.
animals, but actually this rarely happens. 8 ___ it does, then FINISHED
stay calm and speak to 9 ___ animal quietly, while walking I ________________________ using my bicycle by
away slowly. I once met a bear when I 10 ___ in the forest. I Friday. You can borrow it at the weekend.
followed this advice and I’m still alive to tell the tale! 5 Going to a live concert is something you always
0 a people b queues
c crowds d work
You ________________________ to a live concert.
1 a ‘ll be giving b ‘m giving
6 Please don’t make that noise anymore. It’s irritating.
c ‘ll give d ‘m going to give
2 a that b where
Please ________________________ noise. It’s
c which d who
3 a expect b think
7 Tina is no longer friends with Edward, after their
c decide d imagine
4 a gone b been
c put d got
Tina ________________________ Edward, after their
5 a off b on
c to d up
8 You don’t work hard enough so you get disappointing
6 a could b might
c will d may
7 a box b equipment
If ________________________, you would get better
c guide d kit
8 a As b Even
9 If you don’t need a power charger, don’t take one.
c Should d If
9 a An b Any
Don’t ________________________ you need one.
c ø (no article) d the
10 Have you thought of a plan for the weekend?
10 a had walked b was walking
c walked d have been walking
Have ________________________ a plan for the
___ / 10
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 My granddad lost his ___ because the TV didn’t work. 0 I want to finish my homework ___ the film starts. I don’t
He was so angry! want to miss any of it!
a temper b insult c face a until b before c after
1 I ___ with my sister after we had a fight. We haven’t 1 I’ll pay for your work ___ that you finish it.
been talking to each other. a provided b unless c as long as
a made up b put up c fell out 2 She ___ the dinner by the time you get home.
2 My brother ___ his university course before he had a will have cooked b will be cooking c will cook
finished it. He didn’t like it. 3 We’ve decided ___ at home this evening.
a caught up on b dropped out of c fell behind a stay b staying c to stay
3 I ___ a leg muscle in my football game and had to stop 4 Grandma ___ this nature documentary we’re watching.
playing immediately. You don’t have to explain it to her.
a broke b pulled c dislocated a has been understanding b is understanding
4 My brother and I weren’t friends for a long time, but c understands
now, happily, we’ve ___. 5 I don’t know ___ idea it was to leave early. But it was a
a made up b hit it off c put up with it good one!
5 It is difficult to dive more than twenty metres below the a whose b what c who’s
sea’s surface because of the high ___. ___ / 5
a radiation b gravity c pressure 5 Choose the correct option to complete the mini-
___ / 5 dialogues.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
preposition. 0 A: I won’t get in the car unless / provided that you
promise to drive slowly.
0 I’m crazy about pets. My house is full of them. B: All right. I promise.
1 Adam is my boyfriend. I’ve been going ____________ 1 A: I ’d / ’ll be very sad if you didn’t come to my party!
with him for nearly a year. B: Don’t worry. I’ll come: I promise!
2 I have broken ____________ with my boyfriend. We 2 A: Do you often go to the cinema?
weren’t right for each other. B: I do / used to when I was younger, I went every
3 We’ve been driving for four hours and I’m hungry. Let’s week. But not now I don’t have time.
stop ____________ for a break. 3 A: When are you leaving?
4 I’ve never been ____________ a serious relationship B: As soon as / If I finish packing.
before. Imagine that! 4 A: Hello? Adam? Where are you? I ‘ve waited / ‘ve
5 I didn’t want to go to my friend’s party so I made been waiting for you for half an hour!
____________ an excuse. I think she believed me. B: Woops. Sorry. I’ll be with you in a minute.
___ / 5 5 A: Have you booked your flight to Greece?
3 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
B: Yes! This time next week, I’ll be lying / ’ll lie on a
the sentences.
beach in the sun!
0 It ___ my heart when I had to leave my old school. I ___ / 5
loved it! 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
a stopped b broke c lost the verbs in brackets.
1 My older sister likes to ___ me around and tell me
what to do. 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
a shout b boss c ask year.
2 Jeremy can ___ up a language easily. He only has to 1 When Bernard ____________ (concentrate), he
hear it a few times and he can start speaking! understands everything in his lessons.
a pick b take c study 2 We probably ____________ (not arrive) before 10
3 We need to think ___ about the summer so we can o’clock this evening.
start planning our holiday. 3 I don’t think you ____________ (like) this cake. It’s not
a over b through c ahead very sweet. But try it!
4 My mum thinks I don’t try hard enough at school. She 4 I ____________ (reserve) a seat if I were you, to be
says I should pull my ___ up. sure of getting one.
a trousers b socks c ideas 5 We ____________ (park) the car in front of your
5 We had a long drive, so after breakfast we got into the house. Is that OK or shall we move it?
car and ___ the road. ___ / 5
a hit b took c went
___ / 5
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8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
I know that not everyone 0 ___ camping with a tent. But in five words including the word in bold.
our family we love it! We 1 ___ camping every year since
the children were born. Camping is cheaper than other 0 Joe says he’ll help me.
holidays too, but we 2 ___ still do it even if it weren’t. There OFFERED
are a few reasons we like it so much. Perhaps the main Joe has offered to help me.
one is that we 3 ___ so close to nature. Last year we stayed 1 I hate it when I fall behind at school.
on a farm 4 ___ we saw cows, chickens and some wild STAND
animals too. The children loved the animals and we offered I ________________________ at school.
5 ___ the farmer. He was happy about that and we all 6 ___ 2 Jill can come to cinema with us if she doesn’t have to
it off with him straightaway. We had a great time and we work.
7 ___ back there again. Of course, camping isn’t for UNLESS
everyone. There are a few reasons some people 8 ___ to Jill can come to the cinema with us
sleep outdoors. They say that insects are a problem, but if ________________________ work.
you use insect 9 ___, on your skin, then it shouldn’t be. 3 It’s hard to begin homework in my house because
People also say that they can’t put 10 ___ bad weather. But there are so many distractions.
when I’m in my tent, I like the sound of the rain. It makes GET
me feel close to nature! It’s hard ________________________ homework in
my house because there are so many distractions.
0 a is enjoying b enjoys 4 I’ve only started taking piano lessons recently
c has enjoyed d enjoyed BEEN
1 a went b are I ________________________ piano lessons for very
c were d have been long.
2 a would b will 5 We will be at the conference no later than lunchtime
c did d can tomorrow.
3 a could be b can be ARRIVED
c should be d would be We ________________________ at the conference
4 a which b whose by lunch time tomorrow.
c where d that 6 We don’t have much time together because you’re so
5 a helping b help busy.
c to help d that we can help IF
6 a made b hit We would have more time together
c got d made ________________________ so busy.
7 a will definitely go b will have definitely gone 7 You should say things directly to me, instead of saying
c definitely go d are definitely about to go things about me to other people.
8 a admit b avoid TALK
c miss d refuse You shouldn’t ________________________ back.
9 a repellent b lotion 8 Mum will forgive you if you apologise.
c block d protection LONG
10 a on with b aside for Mum will forgive you ________________________
c out for d up with sorry.
___ / 10 9 Drones have only been around for twenty years.
Drones ________________________ ago.
10 Mrs Thomas became very angry when she had to wait
an hour to buy a train ticket.
Mrs Thomas ________________________ when she
had to wait an hour to buy a train ticket.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 Sometimes the ___ sequence at the start of a TV 0 All the classrooms in our school ___ last week.
series is better than the series! a was painted b were painted
a title b credits c spoiler c have been painted
1 Books are generally more ___ than films. They make 1 How often ___ your grandparents when you were a
you think. child?
a well-known b brain-teasing c thought-provoking a have you visited b did you use to visit
2 I can’t ___ my homework. I can’t stop thinking about c were you visiting
Angela. 2 The children ___ cartoons on TV when I came home.
a get down to b come up with c get through to a were watching b had watched c used to watch
3 Abstract art leaves me ___. I don’t like it at all. 3 We need to have our cooker ___ by a professional.
a out b cold c short a clean b cleaned c cleaning
4 The weightlifting ___ is very busy in the afternoons. It’s 4 Tina didn’t think she ___ like the film, but actually she
best to go in the morning. loved it!
a court b centre c track a could b will c would
5 The latest Batman film was not well- ___. The critics 5 Mum and dad ___ by now. Let’s give them a ring.
didn’t like it. a will have arrived b will arrive c will be arriving
a awaited b awarded c reviewed ___ / 5
___ / 5
5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct There are three extra words.
a going had if making the was has will
0 My uncle is rolling in money. He has two houses and
four cars. I love 0 making home movies and people say I’m very
1 My favourite chocolate is ____________ special offer good at it. Last month I made 1 ____________ film about
this week. I’m going to buy a lot! animals in the local park. A school biology lesson about
2 I was planning to do my homework tonight but I’ve put wildlife
2 ____________ given me the idea some weeks before.
it ____________ because I want to go out instead. I
can do it tomorrow. Imagine how proud I felt when my film 3 ____________
3 We need to take ____________ a loan to buy this flat. shown in class last week! The teacher asked me
4 ____________ anyone had helped me, but I had done it
4 You shouldn’t pay so much money for those
sunglasses. It’s a rip- ____________. all by myself. Next month, I’m 5 ____________ to enter a
5 I fell ____________ Anne the first time I saw her. I was national competition for documentary filmmakers. Make
sure it was love. way for the Next Steven Spielberg!

___ / 5 ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the word in bold. the verbs in brackets.

0 Some people think that you don’t need money to find 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
happiness (HAPPY). year.
1 There was lot of ____________ (EXCITE) in the family 1 Jane asked us if she ____________ (can / borrow) the
when told them I was getting married. car and we said no.
2 You can avoid ____________ (LONELY) if you go out 2 The eagerly-awaited documentary about sharks
and try to meet people. ____________ (film) next year, under water.
3 When I told my friend about my boyfriend problems, 3 If the film we’re going to watch tonight ____________
she was very ____________ (SYMPATHY). (not / be) very good, I won’t watch it to the end.
4 ____________ (JEALOUS) is not a helpful feeling. In 4 Our school ____________ (get) better at raising
fact, it usually only causes problems. money these days.
5 We have a ____________ (REHEARSE) for the 5 John ____________ (not / change) since the last time
school play on Friday night after school. I saw him. He still looks the same.
___ / 5 ___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
I recently saw a TV programme about how couples Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
organise their money together. I had heard that it was 0 ___ five words including the word in bold.
documentary and I wasn’t disappointed. It was very 0 Sam’s new business idea wasn’t successful, but he
interesting. When a couple are in a 1 ___ relationship, didn’t seem very disappointed.
should they keep their money separate or put it together? NOTHING
The question 2 ___ sooner or later. The documentary Sam’s new business idea came to nothing, but he
showed a few real-life situations: didn’t seem very disappointed.
Situation 1: Julia comes from a very rich family and is 3 ___ 1 A document is missing from the teacher’s desk.
of money. Gary has a low-paying job and is basically 4 ___ TAKEN
most of the time. Should Julia always give her boyfriend A document ________________________ from the
her money? teacher’s desk.
Situation 2: Patrick is very good at saving money but Jenny 2 I don’t think the shop will have the board game I’m
spends it like 5 ___. It seems that every week she comes looking for.
back from the shop with an expensive new dress. UNLIKELY
Situation 3: Emily 6 ___ out with Josh for six months when The shop ________________________ the board
he told her he was in debt. He was £9,450 in the 7 ___ on game I’m looking for.
his bank account to be exact. What should Emily do? If she 3 We don’t have any more money.
helps pay Josh’s debt, she will be 8 ___ of money herself. RUN
I don’t know what I 9 ___ do in her situation, or in the other We ________________________ money.
ones; and in fact the documentary didn’t give any clear 4 ‘Was this trip interesting?’ the teacher asked us.
answers. But it did say that if couples don’t want to 10 ___ US
over money, they should talk with each other and make The teacher ________________________ had been
a policy. interesting.
5 Your brother is upset because you don’t play with him.
0 a an award-winning b a binge-watching
c a best-seller d on-demand
If ________________________, he wouldn’t be upset.
1 a strong b serious
6 It was my first visit to the National Museum.
c heavy d big
2 a keeps up b goes over
I ________________________ the National Museum
c comes up d gets up
3 a made b rolling
7 We had used all our money on holiday attractions and
c full d fortunate
we didn’t have any left for souvenirs.
4 a blank b run out
c broke d wasted
All ________________________ on holiday
5 a air b bread
attractions and we didn’t have any left for souvenirs.
c fire d water
8 ‘You don’t have much time,’ the shop assistant said.
6 a is going b had been going
‘We’re closing in ten minutes.’
c has been going d was going
7 a red b short
The shop assistant ________________________ we
c black d dark
didn’t have much time.
8 a low b little
9 A famous architect is going to design our house.
c short d lack
9 a will b were
We are going ________________________ by
c would d can
a famous architect.
10 a drop out b turn out
10 Next month is when I will have enough money for
c break out d fall out
a new smartphone.
___ / 10 AFFORD
Next month I will ________________________ a new
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–8) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.

0 Sometimes the ___ sequence at the start of a TV 0 All the classrooms in our school ___ last week.
series is better than the series! a was painted b were painted
a title b credits c spoiler c have been painted
1 Have you got any ___ change? I need a coin for this 1 When I got to the lesson, the teacher wanted to know
machine. ___ done my homework.
a free b short c loose a if I did b had I done
2 Abigail is one of the best students in class but I’m ___ c if I had done
her. Our marks are the same. 2 Do you know ___ car is parked in my space?
a keeping up with b catching up with a who’s b whose c that
c getting down to 3 I could make a film if I ___ more about the technical
3 Harry spends money like ___. I don’t know if he’s rich side of it.
or just very irresponsible. a know b would know c knew
a air b paper c water 4 Greg ___ any English when he started lessons, but
4 Many TV ___ are becoming more interested in now he is quite fluent.
streaming services these days. a didn’t use to know b wouldn’t know
a spectators b viewers c audience c wasn’t knowing
5 My bank account is in the ___. The bank won’t lend 5 Mary ___ when she speaks too fast.
me more money if I don’t pay my debt. a can’t be understood b isn’t able to understand
a red b black c white c can’t understand
___ / 5 ___ / 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
preposition. There are three extra words.
0 My uncle is rolling in money. He has two houses and been get has if long soon well will would
four cars.
1 Many people prefer to choose what they watch with My sister is very careful with money and knows how to
____________-demand content. 0 get her money’s worth. She 1 ____________ been saving

2 The teacher saw right ____________ me when I tried up for ages to buy a bicycle. This bicycle is an expensive
to persuade him I had worked hard. He knew I wasn’t special edition. Only 1,000 have ever 2 ____________
telling the truth. made. By June she 3 ____________ have saved up
3 I think our school’s idea to use crowdfunding will take enough money. She asked me 4 ____________ I would
____________. Other schools will see our success help her collect it. Of course! As 5 ____________ as she
and want to do the same. lets me ride it sometimes.
4 My dad thinks I need to pull my socks ____________
___ / 5
and get better marks.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
5 We didn’t have much money ____________ us so we
the verbs in brackets.
just sat by the river and talked.
___ / 5 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of year.
the word in bold.
1 Sushi ____________ (eat) all over the world now. It is
0 Some people think that you don’t need money to find
Japanese food of course.
happiness (HAPPY).
2 I’ve had my phone ____________ (repair) three times
1 I could sense everyone’s ____________
(EMBARRASS) when I couldn’t remember the school
3 When Peter phoned and asked why I wasn’t at his
Director’s name.
house, I told him I ____________ (study).
2 At the end of the year, we said goodbye to our school
4 Really interesting films ____________ (become)
friends with ____________ (SAD).
harder to find these days.
3 When my friend said she had met Lady Gaga, I was
5 At the moment, Sheila ____________ (prefer) not to
____________ (ENVY).
drink coffee in the morning.
4 Professional sport players must live with
____________ (DISAPPOINT) because they ___ / 5
sometimes lose.
5 When a tiger escaped from the zoo, it made the
____________ (HEAD).
___ / 5

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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
My boyfriend 0 ___ just started doing an online course in Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
writing skills. I was happy at first, but when I noticed he five words including the word in bold.
wasn’t doing his share of the housework, I started to have 0 Sam’s new business idea wasn’t successful, but he
1 ___ feelings. One night it was his turn to make the dinner
didn’t seem very disappointed.
while I was at work. When I got home, he 2 ___ it. I was NOTHING
angry and I must admit, I 3 ___ my temper. But later we Sam’s new business idea came to nothing, but he
made up and he agreed 4 ___ more around the house. But didn’t seem very disappointed.
there was another thing. He didn’t tell me that he 5 ___ be 1 His explanation helped us to understand gravity.
working and earning less money because of his studies. EXPLAINED
It 6 ___ when we were looking at our bank account. In the He ________________________ gravity works.
end, we decided to take out a 7 ___ to pay for things we 2 It’s a pity I lost my torch.
needed. Since then, things have been better. I admire how LOSING
well he can 8 ___studying as soon as he finishes his job, or I ________________________ my torch.
a household task. He only has one more essay to write and 3 It’s unlikely we’ll be staying near the sea.
then his coursework 9 ___. I’m very proud. We 10 ___ all our PROBABLY
friends to a great celebration party! We ________________________ near the sea.
0 a was b is 4 ‘Are you planning to stay at your friend’s house
c has d had tonight?‘ my mum asked me.
1 a missed b mixed WHETHER
c emotional d messed My mum asked me ________________________ to
2 a didn’t do b hadn’t done stay at my friend’s house that night.
c hasn’t done d wouldn’t do 5 I’ll go with you on a bike ride if you have a spare
3 a lost b forgot helmet.
c mistook d spent LONG
4 a doing b do I’ll go with you on a bike ride
c to do d he will do ________________________ you have a spare
5 a would b must helmet.
c will d can 6 Playing outside was allowed when we were kids.
6 a kept up b came to PLAY
c brought up d came up We ________________________ when we were kids.
7 a loan b sum 7 Wait for us to get there before you leave.
c debt d fortune UNTIL
8 a come down to b come up with Don’t ________________________ get there.
c get down to d hit it off 8 If you buy that wallet, it will cost you very little money.
9 a will be completed b will complete NEXT
c is completed d completes You ________________________ if you buy that
10 a will invite b are going to invite wallet.
c will have invited d will be invited 9 Mum’s hairdresser is dying my hair tomorrow.
___ / 10
I ________________________ by mum’s hairdresser
10 The film will finish by 9:30.
The film ________________________ by 9:30.
___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 The news reported that someone had come ___ with 0 This beautiful chair ___ made in Germany in the 19th
information to help police catch the criminal. century.
a forward b up c over a were b was c did
1 At night, noise should be kept to a ___ to avoid 1 How many countries ___ in your life?
disturbing neighbours. a did you visit b have you visited
a level b down c minimum c have you been visiting
2 The teacher ___ of cheating in a test but it wasn’t fair. 2 This cake will ___ after another 20 minutes in the
I didn’t cheat. oven.
a warned me b accused me c claimed me a do b be doing c be done
3 I’ve had my money’s ___with these shoes. They’re still 3 Henry said he ___ help us on Saturday but he didn’t
good after 15 years! appear the whole day.
a worth b value c back a can b could c will
4 I was ___ in custody overnight at the police station. 4 Will you ___ using my laptop by tomorrow morning?
a arrested b held c caught I will need it after that.
5 We ___ in our written assignments to the teacher on a have finished b be finishing c have been finishing
the last Friday of term. 5 Sean ___ be ill because he always comes to our
a handed b put c got meetings, and he’s not here.
___ / 5 a can’t b mustn’t c must
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words. ___ / 5
The first letters are given.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal, for example, 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
a T-shirt. casual mini-dialogues.
1 A process in which prisoners improve so that they can
go back to society. r____________ 0 A: Do you know where Eric is?
2 Natural resources that can be used repeatedly without B: He must / might be in the garden. I can hear him.
using them up, or damaging the environment. He’s singing.
s____________ resources. 1 A: Why is Emily late?
3 Watching a few episodes of a TV series at one time, B: She might get / have got lost on the way here.
one after another. b____________-w____________ 2 A: What would you have done / would you do if you’d
4 A substance you can put on your body to protect you been there?
from the sun. s____________ B: Contacted the police.
5 Television programmes which are shown through the 3 A: Look how clean the park is! It mustn’t / can’t have
internet. Viewers can register and pay to watch. been easy to do that.
s____________ s____________ service B: It wasn’t. They needed a lot of volunteers. I was
one of them.
___ / 5
4 A: There weren’t any tablets in the computer room
3 Complete the sentences with the words from
yesterday morning.
the box. There are two extra words.
B: That’s right, they were using / were being used in
caught found interviewed questioned raised another classroom then.
reused reviewed stopped 5 A: If only I hadn’t thrown / didn’t throw away that photo
0 The film was badly reviewed but the public liked it. of my old school!
1 Detectives ____________ the woman about what she B: Why was it so important to you?
was doing at the time of the crime. ___ / 5
2 We ____________ money for the school by organising
a street market.
3 She ____________ her way around the city without a
4 The coach ____________ off halfway to Paris to give
the passengers a break.
5 If people ____________ the amount of plastic they
used, this would make less waste and help the
___ / 5

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6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
the verbs in brackets. bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this five words including the word in bold.
0 I regret painting graffiti at school.
1 Would you report someone dropping litter if you
____________ (see) them?
I wish I hadn’t painted graffiti at school.
2 We ____________ (not / look after) very well in the
1 Is there nothing that can make the room cooler?
hospital last year.
3 I really wish my daughter ____________ (listen) when
Can’t ________________________ the room cooler?
I try to give her advice.
2 I won’t go the cinema with you unless we get popcorn.
4 I was so late for school that the second lesson
____________ (start) when I got there.
I’ll go to the cinema with you
5 The police asked me: what ____________ (you / do)
________________________ popcorn.
between 9 and 10 p.m. last night?
3 We should recycle the bottles we use.
___ / 5 BE
USE OF ENGLISH The bottles we use ________________________
7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. recycled.
I work as a teacher in a school in a deprived area of town, 4 My parents sort their rubbish now, but in the past they
0 ___ there are not many opportunities. I have had good didn’t.
students who later 1 ___ into trouble with the police when USE
they left school. I am often asked why 2 ___. My parents ________________________ their
One of my former students, Sean, was 3 ___ with rubbish, but now they do.
shoplifting. As a punishment, he had to do community 5 You got lost because you didn’t take a proper map.
4 ___: sweeping streets, picking up litter, and that kind of TAKEN
thing. I invited him into the classroom. I wanted the You wouldn’t have got lost
students to 5 ___ some interesting questions to understand ________________________ a proper map.
more about crime. ___ / 5
‘Do you wish you 6 ___ things from shops?’ one of my
students asked him. Sean admitted 7 ___ bad about the 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
crime, but he said he quite liked the punishment. It 8 ___ the word in bold.
him feel useful. 0 On the tops of high mountains the air pressure
I think that 9 ___ be the answer to the problem I’m talking (PRESS) is very low.
about. Perhaps community leaders should find ways to 1 It was very ____________ (THINK) of you to buy
10 ___ money to develop opportunities for young people
Susan a present.
to volunteer or do paid work to help the area they live, 2 My best friend and I have fallen out because of a
and improve it at the same time. ____________ (AGREE) about money. We had very
0 a which b where c why d that different opinions.
1 a went b came c got d fell 3 My boyfriend has only one fault: his ____________
2 a it happens b does it happen (JEALOUS)
c happens d is it happening 4 Some jobs are ____________ (REPEAT) because you
3 a arrested b caught c held d charged do the same thing all the time.
4 a service b tasks c jobs d sentence 5 Many people think that ____________ (PRISON)
5 a keep up with b come up with should not just take away criminals’ freedom. It should
c catch up with d come forward with also offer them opportunities to improve themselves.
6 a wouldn’t steal b didn’t steal ___ / 5
c weren’t stealing d hadn’t stolen
7 a to feel b feel c feeling d will feel TOTAL ___ / 50
8 a made b allowed c offered d caused
9 a can b could c will d mustn’t
10 a earn b have c bring d raise
___ / 10

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Cumulative Test (Units 1–10) | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. the sentences.
0 The news reported that someone had come ___ with 0 This beautiful chair ___ made in Germany in the 19th
information to help police catch the criminal. century.
a forward b up c over a were b was c did
1 We have different coloured bins so that we can ___ 1 If you had got up earlier, you ___ at work late.
our rubbish. a wouldn’t arrive b hadn’t arrived
a throw b sort c use c wouldn’t have arrived
2 Jerry is out of prison but he still has to wear an 2 Changes ___ to this road. Traffic jams are likely.
electronic ___ on his ankle. a are making b are being made c are made
a tag b bracelet c control 3 We didn’t think we ___ like the wedding, but it was
3 We’ve had a bit of a ___ with our environmental lovely!
project. We don’t think we will have enough money to a would b could c will
complete it. 4 I wish I ___ all that bacon. I feel sick now.
a cutback b set-down c setback a didn’t eat b wouldn’t have eaten
4 The school is ___ out of money for new equipment and c hadn’t eaten
is hoping for a loan. 5 Mum ___ not have answered your call because she
a going b running c spending was asleep.
5 The police officer didn’t ___ him, but she gave him a a should b might c must
warning instead. ___ / 5
a catch b hold c arrest 5 Choose the correct option to complete the mini-
___ / 5 dialogues.
2 Read the definitions and write the correct words.
0 A: Do you know where Eric is?
The first letters are given.
B: He must / might be in the garden. I can hear him.
0 Clothes which are the opposite of formal, for example, He’s singing.
a T-shirt. casual 1 A: I want to come to the cinema tonight, but I can’t as
1 A time when government, police or army say that long as / unless I do my homework first.
people must not leave their homes. c____________ B: The film finishes quite early. You can do your
2 A punishment in which you don’t go to prison but you homework when we get back.
are monitored by police. If you commit another crime 2 A: I wish you wouldn’t / didn’t sing Harry! I can’t do my
you will go to prison. s____________ s____________ homework.
3 A very strong wind which causes a lot of damage. B: Sorry. I’ll be quiet now.
h____________ 3 A: Do you know what happened to the shopping list?
4 A product that can be used again. a r____________ B: Oh dear! I might throw / have thrown it away by
product. mistake.
5 You do this when you say what you know about a 4 A: Can we use the swimming pool?
crime, and it is officially recorded by a police officer. B: Not until tomorrow. It’s cleaned / It’s being cleaned.
m____________ a s____________ 5 A: If only there is / was a leisure centre in town. It’s so
___ / 5 annoying! I really need to get fit.
3 Complete the sentences with the words from B: You don’t need a leisure centre. You should buy a
the box. There are two extra words. pair of running shoes and go running.
___ / 5
catch charge damage dispose fine question
respect reviewed 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
0 The film was badly reviewed but the public liked it.
1 Detectives will probably ____________ him with 0 We probably won’t have (not / have) a holiday this year.
murder. The man he attacked died. 1 We ____________ (not / go) to the coast for our
2 Drive more slowly or the police will give you a holiday if we’d known how crowded it was.
____________. We want to be safe. 2 Your wallet ____________ (give) back to you when
3 We now have a lot of empty boxes we need to the police finish examining it.
____________ of in the right way. 3 Look how tidy the park looks! We ____________ (tidy)
4 Some people don’t ____________ the guidelines that it up for the past two hours.
protect the environment. They leave rubbish around. 4 Adam ____________ (prefer) to work by himself these
5 If the newspapers report Gary’s relationship with drug days.
dealers, it will ____________ his reputation. 5 Where ____________ (plan) to go for a city break?
___ / 5 ___ / 5
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7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete the text. 8 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one.
I 0 ___ in a national park for the last few months and I really Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than
enjoy it. A lot of tourists visit the park and we have to five words including the word in bold.
minimise their 1 ___ on the surroundings. We put up signs 0 I regret painting graffiti at school.
with information about the wildlife but also signs with WISH
guidelines on how to behave responsibly. We have to I wish I hadn’t painted graffiti at school.
watch the park to make sure nobody 2 ___ away with 1 Perhaps your aunt ate the last piece of apple pie.
dropping litter or doing more serious damage. One time, MIGHT
we even had to 3 ___ someone arrested for stealing eggs Your aunt ________________________ the last piece
from rare birds. Things like this happen. of apple pie.
It’s wonderful to experience nature, but I wish they 4 ___ 2 ‘Why did you leave the restaurant so early?’ she asked
me more. It means I have to be careful 5 ___ money. I must us.
admit, this job is a new start for me. When I was younger I HAD
did some 6 ___ crimes like shoplifting and graffiti. It was She asked us ________________________ the
nothing very serious, but it 7 ___ me into trouble with the restaurant so early.
police. After that, I 8 ___ my parents I would stay out of 3 I’m sure Andy is watching TV right now.
trouble. As 9 ___ as I finished community service, I found MUST
a few paid jobs. The National Park is the latest one and the Andy ________________________ right now.
best. I 10 ___ here. This is the place for me! 4 I’m sure Greta didn’t use nuts in this cake, because
she knows you’re allergic to them.
0 a ’ve been working b ’m working USED
c work d worked Greta ________________________ in this cake,
1 a harm b damage because she knows your allergic to them.
c impact d noise 5 I really regret selling my stamp collection.
2 a breaks b gets SOLD
c goes d makes If ________________________ my stamp collection.
3 a let b have
___ / 5
c make d call
4 a will pay b are paying
9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
c pay d paid
the word in bold.
5 a with b of
c after d for 0 On the tops of high mountains the air pressure
6 a small b minor (PRESS) is very low.
c major d bad 1 Bad weather is ____________ (AVOID) if you check
7 a made b got the weather forecast!
c took d brought 2 Some materials, for example dangerous chemicals,
8 a said b explained are not ____________ (DISPOSE) in bins intended for
c promised d agreed general rubbish.
9 a soon b long 3 When you pay a ____________ (SUBSCRIBE) to an
c often d well online streaming service, you can watch what you
10 a ’ll stay b ‘m going to stay want, when you want.
c ‘ll be staying d stay 4 Charles was always a very ____________
___ / 10 (RESPECT) student to his teachers.
5 One of the main goals of science is the ____________
(DEVELOP) of new technology.
___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 50

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the text with the correct Present Simple

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the
or Present Continuous forms of the verbs from the
0 I ___ extra clothes to parties, so I can change into
them if I want. hide not like sit want wear wear
a take b ‘m taking c taking
1 I ___ a jacket in the shop at the moment. Can I phone This is a photo of my family. My brother Jack 0 is wearing
you back? a stylish, ripped green T-shirt. He 1 ____________ to be a
a pay for b pays for c ’m paying for fashion designer one day and design his own clothes. My
2 My brother ___ shopping for clothes. He’s not mum 2 ____________ on a chair next to him, in her purple
interested in them. dress. It’s her favourite one. She always 3 ____________ it
a doesn’t go often b doesn’t often go for special occasions.
c often isn’t going My sister Ellen, who is 15, 4 ____________ her face behind
3 I’m living with my aunt ___. mum! She 5 ____________ to be in photos.
a all days b every day c this week
4 I’m in the shop buying you a dress. I ___ your size. Is it
medium? ___ / 5
a don’t remember b doesn’t remember
c ‘m not remembering TOTAL ___ / 15
5 What ___ right now? Do you want to go to the clothes
shops with me?
a do you do b are you doing c do you
___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.

0 I want to get a present for Belinda. What style of skirts

does she like (she / like)?
1 You ________________________ (not use) your belt
at the moment. Can I borrow it?
2 Jane isn’t wearing her high-heeled shoes because she
________________________ (not feel) comfortable in
3 Don’t open the door. People
________________________ (get changed) in there.
4 Eric ________________________ (usually / go) to his
cousin’s house at weekends.
5 John ________________________ (not know) much
about fashion.
___ / 5

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the 3 Complete the text with the correct Present Simple
sentences. or Present Continuous forms of the verbs from the
0 I ___ extra clothes to parties, so I can change into
them if I want. not smile prefer spend stand want wear
a take b ’m taking c taking
1 My mum goes shopping for food ___. She has a big
This is a photo of my sisters. My sister Natalie is
family to feed. 0 standing on the left. You can see she 1 ____________
a most days b now c often
an amazing outfit, including a designer jacket with an
2 ___ make-up at the moment? It’s hard to tell.
unusual pattern. She 2 ____________ all her money on
a Do you wear b You’re wearing
stylish clothes. After school, she 3 ____________ to work
c Are you wearing
in the fashion industry. My other sister, Jacky, in the old
3 My boyfriend ___ my clothes style. He always buys me
jeans and T shirt, is the opposite! She isn’t interested in
the wrong thing.
fashion and 4 ____________ to wear casual clothes.
a isn’t understanding b doesn’t understand
She 5 ____________ because she doesn’t like photos and
c don’t understand
she’s a serious person.
4 We ___ going clothes shopping today. Do you want to
join us? ___ / 5
a think about b are thinking about
c thinks about TOTAL___ / 15
5 You ___ to show identification at the club we’re going
to. They let anybody in!
a don’t need usually b aren’t usually needing
c don’t usually need
___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.

0 I want to get a present for Belinda. What style of skirts

does she like (she / like)?
1 What time ________________________ (this shop /
open)? I want to get some sunglasses.
2 Julian has a job in a clothes shop but he
________________________ (stay) at home this week
because he’s sick.
3 ________________________ (your friends / write) their
homework essays at the moment?
4 My dad ________________________ (not / remember)
when my birthday is. My mum usually has to tell him.
5 Angus ________________________ (put on)
his clothes for the party now. He will be ready to go in a
few minutes.
___ / 5

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the


0 I have an / a aunt who lives in the / ø United States.

1 Zaria is really into a / ø ballet. She loves watching
ballet dancers from the / ø Russia.
2 She lived in the / ø United Kingdom in the / ø 1980s.
3 Tessa is a / an fashion designer. She designs the / a
most beautiful clothes in the world!
4 I have a / ø shiny suit that I wear to work. A / The suit
comes from a designer boutique.
___ / 8

2 Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.

My sister loves 0 ø clothes. In fact, I think she wants to be

1 ___ fashion model when she grows up. But her own

clothes aren’t enough for her – she often takes mine.

For example, I’ve got 2 ___ orange nylon jacket with 3 ___
matching handbag. She likes to borrow 4 ___ jacket and
look at herself in the mirror. ‘Do you think you’re in 5 ___
Paris on the catwalk?’ I ask her, and she laughs. She’s
6 ___ good sister and it’s all OK with me. 7 ___ best thing

about families is helping each other.

___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete

the sentences.

0 I have an / a aunt who lives in the / ø United States.

1 I’m going to the / ø France next week for the / a third
time! I can’t wait.
2 My cousin is really into the / ø fashion. He wants to be
the / a best designer in the world.
3 Sue is wearing a / an fake fur jacket. The / A jacket
comes from a designer boutique.
4 I hear the / ø first prize is £1,000 and a week’s stay in
the / ø UK!
___ / 8

2 Complete the text with ø (no article), a/an or the.

When I grow up, I want to be 0 a fashion designer. I want to

work in 1 ___ design studio in 2 ___ Milan. I am inspired by
fashion from 3 ___ 1970s. I think 4 ___ most interesting
designs come from Milan. I’m really into 5 ___ silk and
linen. I made 6 ___ silk jacket when I was ten. My sister still
wears it, but only for dressing up for 7 ___ parties.

___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with for or since. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or
0 I’ve been at the bus station since three o’clock.
Present Perfect Continuous.
1 I’ve been going to this school ____________ ten
years. 0 That robot has been working (work) all day without
2 Nina has worked at a research centre ____________ a break!
February. 1 I think I can get a great result in the test in Biology.
3 I’ve been in this country ____________ 2016. I __________________ (study) all week!
4 You’ve got taller ____________ the last time I saw 2 How many pages of his science essay
you. __________________ (Gregory / complete) so far?
5 I’ve had these sunglasses ____________ such a long 3 Sandra thinks someone __________________ (watch)
time. Maybe I should buy new ones? her with a drone.
4 You look tired. How long __________________ (you /
___ / 5
work) on your AI project?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct Present 5 Who __________________ (eat) the last piece of
Perfect Continuous form of the verbs from the box. cake?

come not pay not study put stay use ___ / 5

0 Peter has been using my printer today because he TOTAL ___ / 15

doesn’t have any paper.
1 I __________________ to school by taxi this week. .
2 My brother __________________ with our
3 We __________________ mathematics.
4 I __________________ more time into my hobbies
5 You __________________ attention to my lesson!
___ / 5

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with for or since. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or
0 I’ve been at the bus station since three o’clock.
Present Perfect Continuous.
1 We’ve been going to this school ____________
September. 0 That robot has been working (work) all day without
2 You’ve been sitting in front of your screen a break!
____________ more than two hours. You need a 1 How long ________________________ (you / take)
break. computer lessons?
3 I’ve been at home ____________ half past three. 2 Jim ________________________ (know) this
4 Susan has lived in the United States ____________ scientist for eight years.
many years and speaks with an American accent. 3 How much of your science project
5 I’ve been married ____________ last year. ________________________ (you / do)?
4 Jane ________________________ (study) for a
major astronomy test all week.
___ / 5
5 ________________________ (you / see) the remote
2 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect control for the TV? I can’t find it anywhere.
Continuous form of the verbs from the box. ___ / 5
not come not take play use wait watch
TOTAL ___ / 15
0 Peter has been using my printer today because he
doesn’t have any paper.
1 I __________________ for a taxi.
2 My sister __________________ her studies seriously
for weeks.
3 They __________________ television since five
4 You __________________ to lessons recently.
5 The children __________________ football all
___ / 5

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs in brackets.

0 Our teacher allowed us to bring (bring) a calculator to

the math test.
1 I miss ____________ (talk) about science fiction.
2 My sister decided ____________ (go) into space
research after university.
3 It might ____________ (rain) later. Let’s take
4 I can’t stand ____________ (eat) cold pizza.
5 My brother wants ____________ (be) an astronaut.
6 Please don’t let me ____________ (forget) about new
7 I remember ____________ (listen) to audiobooks
when I was a child.
8 We tried ____________ (persuade) Michael to come
to the robotics exhibition with us.
___ / 8

2 Complete the text with the correct forms of the

verbs from the box.

be buy consider help like look shop wear

I went 0 shopping with my friend today. She wanted 1

_________ a present for her boyfriend. I had offered 2
_________ her choose one. I found virtual reality goggles
which seemed 3 _________ a great present for him. ‘Oh
no,’ said my friend. ‘I can’t imagine him 4 _________ those.
He would look like a robot!’ ‘Are you sure? He might 5
_________ them,’ I said. But she refused 6 _________ it
and we kept 7 _________ for something else.

___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs in brackets.

0 Our teacher allowed us to bring (bring) a calculator to

the math test.
1 I hope ____________ (do) some space travel one day,
when it becomes possible.
2 Do you promise ____________ (come) to my robotics
3 You seem ____________ (be) tired. Are you getting
enough sleep?
4 I think I’ll ____________ (take) a short rest now.
5 I think you should offer ____________ (help) Simon
understand some ideas about space travel.
6 I can’t imagine actually ____________ (go) to work in
a remote control vehicle.
7 I must remember ____________ (buy) printer paper
when I go shopping later.
8 Have you tried ____________ (restart) your
computer? That might fix it.
___ / 8

2 Complete the text with the correct forms of the

verbs from the box.

answer ask do help learn make take try

My best friend had a science test and needed 0 to do a lot

of studying. I agreed 1 _________ her as I know a lot about
that subject. When we started, she kept 2 _________ me
questions. After a while, I refused 3 _________ them. I said:
‘It’s good to ask questions but how can you expect
4 _________ if you don’t find the answer for yourself

‘Can I take a break? I fancy 5 _________ some tea,’ she
said. I allowed her 6 _________ a short break and then I
made her 7 _________ again.

___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the


0 A bird was singing / had sung when I woke up this

1 When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the
bleeding had already stopped / already stopped.
2 When I arrived at the hospital reception, I realised I
didn’t bring / hadn’t brought the necessary documents.
3 When / Until I arrived at the fitness centre, I couldn’t
train with my normal exercise machine. The previous
user had broken it.
4 Were you doing aerobics while / when I rang you?
5 When I came home, my wife was doing / did yoga in
the garden.
6 After / Before I had watched the health programme, I
decided to change my diet.
7 I wasn’t finishing / hadn’t finished my muesli, when the
waitress tried to take my bowl.
8 Yesterday at 5 p.m., when you called, I wasn’t playing /
didn’t play football. I was at the shops.
___ / 8

2 Complete the text with the correct forms of the

verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple,
Past Continuous or Past Perfect.

Last Saturday I 0 went (go) to a football match. Just before

the match, I 1 ____________ (meet) my friends at the
stadium. One of my friends 2 ____________ (buy) tickets
for all of us, and he 3 ____________ (give) them to us
inside. While we 4 ____________ (look) for our seats, I
started to feel sick. Then I remembered I 5 ____________
(eat) some fish at a restaurant about an hour before.
Fortunately, I 6 ____________ (feel) better after the match
7 ____________ (start).

___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the


0 A bird was singing / had sung when I woke up this

1 I sat down at the table and ate / was eating my muesli.
2 Peter lifted / was lifting weights when his neighbour
knocked on the door.
3 Did you call your husband after fitness training
last night / already?
4 When I arrived at the accident, the ambulance
had already taken / already took the patient to hospital.
5 I waited until / after 4 p.m., but my friend hadn’t arrived
at the meeting point.
6 What were you doing / did you do when I tried to
phone you?
7 At the leisure centre, I realised I hadn’t taken /
didn’t take any money with me. So, I went back home
to get some.
8 I packed my sports bag as soon as / while I woke up.
___ / 8

2 Complete the text with the correct forms of the

verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past
Continuous or Past Perfect.

I 0 went (go) to my friend’s healthy eating themed dinner

last Saturday. I 1 ____________ (arrive) with a big box
because I 2 ____________ (agree) to prepare some food.
When I 3____________ (go in), I was very surprised as
most people 4 ____________ (not / eat). 5____________ (I
/ make) a mistake with the times? My friend
6 ____________ (come) over to say hello.

She explained that they 7 ____________ (decide) to wait

for me and my food!

___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

1 Choose all the correct options. Sometimes both
used to wherever possible. If not possible, write – .
answers are correct.

0 What ___ do in your free time when you were a child, When I was a child, my family always 0 ate used to
eat our meals together. We 1 sat ____________
a did you b did you use to around a big table and mum 2 brought ____________
the food in. I especially 3 loved ____________ the
1 When I was a boy, my dad ___ take us to the seaside
every summer. desert. I remember one day my granddad 4 found
____________ a stone in his soup.
a would b used to
2 I didn’t ___ to believe in regular exercise when I was He 5 asked ____________ if he could keep it and
everybody 6 laughed ____________. We often
younger, but now I do. I’ve changed my mind.
7 laughed ____________ like that.
a used to b use to
3 I ___ my head once when I was horse-riding. I was
only 8. Fortunately, It’s okay now. ___ / 7
a used to injure b injured
4 A: ___ play football, grandpa? TOTAL ___ / 15
B: Of course. But I don’t now.
a Did you use to b Would you
5 My mum ___ a pet when she was a little girl.
a used to have b would have
6 Delia ___ to school when the weather was good.
a would always walk b always walked
7 Where ___ live before you moved here?
a would you b did you
8 My parents were healthy as children. They ___ fresh
vegetables every day.
a used to eat b ate
___ / 8

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose all the correct options. Sometimes both 2 Replace the underlined verbs in the text with
answers are correct. used to wherever possible. If not possible, write –.

0 What ___ do in your free time when you were a child, When I was young, we 0 lived used to live in the
grandma? country. We 1 moved ____________ to the city when
a did you b did you use to my dad 2 changed ____________ his job.
1 Where ___ before you moved here? I 3 loved ____________ the countryside because it
a would you live b did you live was such a healthy lifestyle.
2 I didn’t ___ dance much when I was younger, but now There 4 were ____________ always animals around
I love it! and we 5 had ____________ fresh eggs every day.
a use to b used to I 6 took ____________ long walks. It was great, except
3 My parents were healthy as children. They used to ___ for the one time, when I 7 got ____________lost!
fresh vegetables every day.
a eat b eating
___ / 7
4 When I was a boy, my dad ___ us to the seaside every
TOTAL ___ / 15
a would take b used to take
5 I ___ my head once when I was horse-riding. I was
only 8. Fortunately, It’s okay now.
a used to injure b injured
6 A: ___ play football, grandpa?
B: Of course. But I don’t play now.
a Would you b Did you use to
7 Delia ___ to school when the weather was good.
a would always walk b always walked
8 A: Did you use to have a pet when you were a little
B: Yes, ___.
a I used b I did
___ / 8

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the 3 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that
sentences. it means the same as the first. Write between two
to four words.
0 You ought to / may be more polite to your
grandparents. 0 It won’t be possible for me to catch an early flight.
1 You needn’t / mustn’t take photos at this I won’t be able to catch an early flight.
archaeological site. Put your camera away. 1 Is it OK if I sit here?
2 Could / Should I make a phone call? I want to speak to ________________________ sit here?
my travel agent. 2 It’s a good idea for you to read the instructions first.
3 I can / might speak Italian and French. I use them You ________________________ the instructions
when I travel. first.
4 We don’t have to / mustn’t have a visa to visit Holland. 3 Taking anti-malaria tablets will be necessary for you,
A passport is enough. on this holiday.
5 You may / need to borrow my car if you promise to be You ________________________ anti-malaria pills on
careful. this holiday.
___ / 5 4 The rules say: ‘No eating in here’.
We ________________________ in here, say the
2 Complete the text with one word in each gap. rules.
5 The flight attendant said: ‘Show your passports’.
Last summer, I took my family on holiday to a holiday camp We ________________________ our passports to the
by the sea. When we got there, the children weren’t 0 able flight attendant.
to do some of the activities because the rules said they
___ / 5
were too young: ridiculous! Fortunately, there was a
children’s playground where the children 1 ____________ TOTAL ___ / 15
play because their age was not an issue. Mums or dads
2 ____________ to watch them of course, to check they

were safe. It wasn’t free time for us, so we weren’t

3 ____________ to do some of the things we had wanted

to. Holiday camps like that 4 ____________ give better

information to visitors before they arrive. Next year, we
5 ____________ have to check our information more

carefully ourselves, before we book a holiday.

___ / 5

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the 3 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that
sentences. it means the same as the first.

0 You ought to / are allowed to be more polite to your 0 It won’t be possible for me to catch an early flight.
grandparents. I won’t be able to catch an early flight.
1 You can / must talk in this temple, but only if you do it It is necessary for us to get a visa for our trip to India.
quietly. 1 We ________________________ get a visa for our
2 You may / should not go to bed late if you have an trip to India.
early flight in the morning. 2 You aren’t allowed to take photographs in this temple.
3 All the hotels were full but we could / were able to find You ________________________ in this temple.
a campsite, and we stayed there. 3 It’s a good idea to take a map on this journey.
4 You don’t have to / mustn’t bring food if you don’t want You ________________________ a map on this
to. There is a restaurant very close by. journey.
5 Could / Should I use the bathroom, please? 4 Is it Ok if I borrow your pen?
________________________ your pen?
___ / 5
5 It was necessary for us to swim to get to the island,
We ________________________ to get to the island.
2 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Our son William was not happy on our last holiday, but the ___ / 5
main problem was the trip itself. We 0 had to take a long
flight to our destination and William was bored. He wasn’t TOTAL ___ / 15
1 ____________ to read his book because he started to

feel sick.
During the flight he wasn’t 2 ____________ to get up and
walk up and down between the seats either. When it was
time to come home, my wife said maybe we
3 ____________ cancel the flight and use trains instead.

I agreed, but we 4 ____________ not find any convenient

times or routes. William was a bit better on the return flight
but we will 5 ____________ to make different holiday plans
next year.

___ / 5

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun

(who, which, whose, why, where, that) if
necessary. If a relative pronoun is not necessary,
write –.

0 We want to know why it is so hot in here.

1 Do you know ____________ is in charge here?
2 The camera, ____________ my friend recommended,
has stopped working.
3 I don’t know ____________ pencil this is. Is it Helen’s?
4 The famous ruins, ____________ the king and queen
lived, are 50 kilometres away.
5 You can meet me at the hotel ____________ I’m
staying in.
6 Is this the suitcase ____________ you packed?
7 My friend, ____________ I went to school with, works
for a travel magazine.
8 We need to know ____________ responsibility it is to
check the fire emergency procedure.
___ / 8

2 Correct the sentences by adding or removing

commas (,) or by changing the relative pronoun. If
the sentence is correct, write √. There are three
correct sentences.

0 My parents are staying in a place where is too

expensive for us.
My parents are staying in a place which is too
expensive for us.
1 Our holiday accommodation, that was expensive,
didn’t have a very big kitchen area.
2 My dad who is a doctor had given us health advice
before we travelled to India.
3 This travel guide to Greece is really interesting.
4 This is the lady which showed us around the castle.
5 An interesting park where I know has free outside
training facilities.
6 The thing that annoys me about travelling is waiting in
7 My wife, whose knowledge of history is amazing, has
won quiz competitions.
____ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun

(who, which, whose, why, where, that) if
necessary. If a relative pronoun is not necessary,
write –.

0 We want to know why it is so hot in here.

1 There is a gym near here ____________ instructors
give free advice.
2 Janet, ____________ father is a tour guide, always
gives us lots of good tips about interesting
3 This is the train ____________ goes to Berlin.
4 The last flight to London, ____________ still has a few
free places, leaves tonight at 10.25 a.m.
5 I don’t know ____________ idea it was to come to this
beach, but it was a good idea.
6 Parks are places ____________ you can relax.
7 The passenger next to me, ____________ name I
don’t remember, talked to me during the whole flight.
8 My boss was the reason ____________ I left my last
___ / 8

2 Correct the sentences by adding or removing

commas (,) or by changing the relative pronoun.
If the sentence is correct, write √. There are three
correct sentences.

0 My parents are staying in a place where is too

expensive for us.
My parents are staying in a place which is too
expensive for us.
1 There is a beach near here with a local lady which
gives massages.
2 The flight which took three hours was quite enjoyable.
3 The north of the island, where there is a beautiful
beach, is about an hour away by car.
4 The hotel receptionist is the person that can answer
any questions about local attractions.
5 This is the man, who works as a flight attendant.
6 Do you know the girl who brother won the singing
7 Portuguese, which is similar to Spanish, is spoken in
Brazil as well as Portugal.
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the


0 I ’m playing / will play tennis at 2:00 o’clock this

1 I think it’s going to rain / raining later. We could stay in
and finish our homework.
2 I will meet / ’m meeting my classmates at 2 p.m.
3 It’s cold in this office. I think I ’ll put / put the heater on.
4 In the job interview, they won’t probably /
probably won’t ask you about the company’s history.
5 I might / will visit my aunt on my business trip to
London. It depends if I have time.
6 The meeting is likely / is probable to last one hour.
7 A: What do you think is going to / will be in the test?
B: Personally, I have no idea.
8 Let’s hurry! The job interview is about to / will start.
___ / 8

2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct

forms of the verbs in brackets.

0 A: Could I come to your school to meet the Director?

B: Yes. I‘ll arrange (arrange) a meeting.
1 A: This bag is so heavy! It’s full of textbooks.
B: I __________________ (help) you carry it.
2 A: What time is the documentary ‘jobs of the future’
B: It __________________ (start) at seven o’clock.
3 A: What’s the plan for our school trip tomorrow?
B: We __________________ (meet) at 1 p.m. outside
the train station by the statue.
4 A: Do you think we should study a lot for this test?
B: Yes. It is unlikely __________________ (be) easy.
5 A: Should I buy my boyfriend this green denim pencil
B: No! He __________________ (definitely / not / like)
6 A: Why are you taking such a large camera with you?
B: I __________________ (take) photographs of birds
for the wildlife magazine I work for.
7 A: Why is the police officer getting on the bus?
B: I think she __________________ (check)
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the


0 I ’m playing / will play tennis at 2:00 o’clock this

1 It’s late. I think I go / ’ll go home.
2 The lecture is likely / is probable to last two hours.
3 The school canteen opens / will open at 12. Can we
meet outside it then?
4 I see you have your calculator with you.
Are you going to / Will you work on some math
5 The exam time has almost ended. I don’t think
I will finish / am finishing everything.
6 Have you prepared well for this test? It probably will be
/ will probably be difficult.
7 You could / won’t become a good doctor. I think you
should study medicine at university.
8 I didn’t study for the exam. I probably am not doing /
won’t do very well.
___ / 8

2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct

forms of the verbs in brackets.

0 A: Could I come to your school to meet the Director?

B: Yes. I’ll arrange (arrange) a meeting.
1 A: Shall I invite Sally to the graduation party?
B: There’s no point. She __________________
(definitely / not / come).
2 A: Excuse me. I’m looking for the chemistry teacher.
B: In the lab. Better hurry, because she is about
__________________ (leave).
3 A: I’m not sure what to do with my mum this afternoon.
She needs a break from work.
B: Take her to the cinema. I know she
__________________ (enjoy) it.
4 A: Do you know where the canteen is?
B: Come with me. I __________________ (show) you.
That’s the easiest.
5 A: Do you know the times of the exam?
B: I know it __________________ (start) at 10:30 a.m.
I’m not sure how long it takes.
6 A: Can we meet up tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.?
B: We can’t, I’m afraid. I __________________ (have)
lunch with Helen at 1 p.m. How about later?
7 A: I’m worried that space physics will be in the test.
B: Don’t worry. It’s unlikely __________________
(come up).
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
sentences. verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect or Future
0 At this his time tomorrow, I will be flying / have flown
0 In 2021, the shop will celebrate 20 years in business.
to Zurich.
By 2021, the shop will have been (be) in business for
1 I will be studying at university for / in six months’ time.
20 years.
2 My dad will be painting / will have painted my room by
1 The software started downloading a quarter of an hour
tonight. I’ll be able to work there again.
ago. It takes an hour to download.
3 By this time next week we will have taken /
The software ________________________ (download)
will be taking our final exam.
for another forty-five minutes.
4 I hope I will have travelled to a few places at / by the
2 My biology project won’t be completed this month.
time I’m 40.
By the end of the month I ________________________
5 Sandy won’t have finished / won’t be finishing the test
(not / complete) my biology project.
by 5 p.m. when the time is up.
3 It takes Bob an hour to drive to work and he leaves at
6 Will you still be working / Will you still have worked in
7:30 a.m.
the office two hours from now?
At 8:00 a.m., Bob ________________________ (drive)
7 By / For 20 years’ time, we will have established a
to work.
human colony on Mars.
4 My last exam is on September 26th.
8 I’m sure I will be doing / will have done this experiment
By the end of September, I
before the end of the term.
________________________ (finish) my exams.
___ / 8 5 The exam starts at 1:00 p.m. but continues until 3:00
The students ________________________ (write) it at
2:00 p.m.
6 Jane is at the swimming pool between 8 and 10 every
weekday. There’s no point phoning her tomorrow at
nine o’clock.
She ________________________ (swim).
7 Steve became a model when he was 18. He’s 37 now.
By this time next year, he
________________________ (be) a model for 20
years. He earns good money and he loves it.
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

1 Choose the correct option to complete the
the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect or
Future Continuous.
0 At this his time tomorrow I will be flying / have flown to
0 In 2021, the shop will celebrate 20 years in business.
By 2021, the shop will have been (be) in business for
1 Grandma Grace from Canada will be staying / stay
20 years.
with us in the summer.
1 Stuart is at the office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. every
2 By / In another 20 years, we may all be studying at
home using the internet.
He won’t be able to play squash with you at 11:00. He
3 Will Simon have fixed / be fixing the printer by the time
________________________ (work).
you need to print your essay?
2 A: The software started downloading 5 minutes ago.
4 In a week’s time, I will be lying / will have lied on a
How long ________________________ (it / download)
sandy beach.
5 I won’t be finishing / have finished my homework by
B: Another fifty-five minutes.
the time the film starts.
3 The lecture starts at 7:00 p.m. but continues until 9:30
6 Has your husband finished / Will your husband have
finished all his work by this weekend?
The lecture ________________________ (not / finish)
7 In 2030, people won’t have used / be using paper
by 8:00 p.m.
textbooks anymore.
4 I started work as a scientist 8 months ago.
8 With luck, I will have / be seen the Seven Wonders of
By Christmas, I ________________________ (work)
the World by the time I’m 60.
as a scientist for a year!
___ / 8
5 Your final essay is due on July 10th. Does that mean
the end of your course?
By the end of July,
________________________ (you / finish) your
6 I can save 50 pounds of my salary every month.
By the end of the year, I ________________________
(save) 600 pounds.
7 I have football practice tomorrow from 3 till 5 p.m.
Don’t phone me at 4 o’clock because I
________________________ (play) football then.
___/ 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the


0 If we took more photographs, we ___ more memories.

a had b would preserve
1 If we ___ our timetables, I’m sure we’ll find a time to
a compare b will compare
2 ___ get angry if your best friend borrowed your phone
without asking?
a Will you b Would you
3 I’ll let you know if I ___ the keys you’ve lost.
a will find b find
4 If Terry ___ my jokes, he would tell me.
a wouldn’t like b didn’t like
5 If my dog ___, he will find his own way back home.
a will get b gets lost
6 If there ___ more honest people around, the world
would be a better place.
a were b would be
7 Would you go out more often if you ___ more friends?
a had b would have
8 I ___ tell Joan what to do even if she asked me.
a wouldn’t b won’t
___ / 8

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs from the box.

be be not be not get go have speak spend

0 If you are around tomorrow, I’ll drop in.

1 If I __________________ better English, I could find
another job.
2 You __________________ more free time if you made
a plan to organise your day.
3 If you __________________ less time alone, people
would know you better.
4 __________________ for a walk with me tomorrow if it
isn’t raining?
5 It __________________ easy to buy John a present if
I didn’t know him so well. He has specific tastes.
6 If our neighbours __________________ more friendly,
we would enjoy living here more.
7 You __________________ a job if you don’t look for
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the


0 If we took more photographs, we ___ more memories.

a had b would preserve
1 If your children are bored, we ___ them how to play
a will teach b would teach
2 ___ happier if you spent more time with your family?
a Will you be b Would you be
3 If I ___ more money, I would go out more.
a would have b had
4 I ___ share a flat even if it saved me a lot of money.
a wouldn’t b didn’t
5 If I call my friend and talk, I’m sure ___ find a solution
to the problem.
a we’ll b we’d
6 What would you do if you ___ remember your
a wouldn’t b didn’t
7 I ___ you know if I find your keys.
a ‘ll let b let
8 If I won the lottery, I ___ all my friends presents.
a would buy b will buy
___ / 8

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verbs from the box.

arrive be can speak drive improve know

not have not stay

0 If you are around tomorrow, I’ll drop in.

1 If my new computer __________________ in the post
tomorrow, we can play games all day!
2 It would be easier to buy presents if we
__________________ what people wanted.
3 We __________________ so many problems if we
communicated better.
4 If I __________________ Chinese, I would certainly
move to China.
5 If you __________________ at home so much, you’d
make more friends.
6 Would you visit your friends more if you
__________________ a car?
7 If the weather __________________, we’ll be able to
invite everyone to a picnic.
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the sentences with the words from the

1 Write zero conditional sentences using the
prompts and a comma if necessary.

0 when / the computer / break / we / call a technician after as long as as soon as before provided that
unless until
When the computer breaks, we call a technician.
1 if / you / touch animals / you / feel good 0 My parents let me throw a party as long as I clean up
___________________________________________ afterwards.
2 you / feel bad / when / you / tell lies 1 I sleep __________________ my alarm goes off at
___________________________________________ 6:00 a.m.
3 people / regret it / if / they / get married too quickly? 2 Jeff is very helpful because __________________
___________________________________________ someone asks, he helps them immediately.
4 if / you / not write to your friends / they / not write to 3 We have to check we’ve invited everyone on the guest
you list __________________ we plan the party.
___________________________________________ 4 We normally get up late on Saturday morning,
5 when / there / be / traffic jams / it / take / longer to get __________________ we have a lot of housework to
to work do.
___________________________________________ 5 I lend money to friends __________________ they
___ / 5 pay me back.
6 Please remember to wash your plate
2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that __________________ you’ve eaten, but it doesn’t
it means the same as the first. have to be immediately.

0 If I don’t have time, I don’t watch television in the ___ / 6

TOTAL ___ / 15
I watch television in the evening, provided that I have
1 My parents walk to work if it doesn’t rain.
My parents walk to work unless
2 I enjoy playing sport unless I’m tired.
If I’m tired, ________________________.
3 I wait to hear from friends before I visit them.
I don’t visit friends until ________________________.
4 You need a passport to travel around Asia.
You can travel around Asia as long as
___ / 4

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Write zero conditional sentences using the 3 Complete the sentences with the words from the
prompts and a comma if necessary. box.

0 when / the computer / break / we / call a technician after as long as as soon as before unless until
When the computer breaks, we call a technician. provided that
1 if / you / not call / your friends / they / forget about you
___________________________________________ 0 My parents let me throw a party as long as I clean up
2 it / take longer to get anywhere / if / there be / traffic afterwards.
jams 1 I clean the kitchen __________________ I go to bed,
__________________________________________ so I don’t have to do it in the morning.
3 your father / get impatient / when / he / have to wait? 2 I go out with friends on Saturdays
___________________________________________ __________________ my girlfriend wants me to stay
4 friends / often get angry / if / you / not listen to them with her.
___________________________________________ 3 Sally is very helpful because __________________
children / be naughty when / their parents / not spend someone asks, she helps immediately.
enough time with them 4 I am at school __________________ 4:30 p.m. Then
5 ___________________________________________ I go home.
5 Please remember to give back the sports’ equipment
___ / 5
__________________ you’ve finished playing.
6 We usually do everything we have planned for our
2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that
summer holiday, __________________ we have
it means the same as the first.
enough money.
0 If I don’t have time, I don’t watch television in the ___ / 6
I watch television in the evening, provided that I have TOTAL ___ / 15
1 I make a decision when I have enough information.
I wait until ________________________, before I make
a decision.
2 Provided I am fit and healthy, I always try new sports.
I don’t try new sports unless
3 Teachers let us visit the shops on school trips unless
we don’t have enough time.
Teachers let us visit the shops on school trips as long
as ________________________.
4 Unless our teacher helps us, we don’t do well in the
national math competition.
We don’t do well in the national math competition if
___ / 4

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

0 Choose the correct option a–b to complete the 1 Rewrite the statements in reported speech using
sentences. the words in brackets.
1 ‘That actress won the acting prize because she was so 0 ‘I’m doing my homework now’ (Alice / say / parents)
great in the film,’ Ann ___. Alice said to her parents that she was doing her
a predicted b explained homework then.
2 ‘It’s terrible that I always have to wait so long to get 1 ‘I didn’t see you at the party last night.’ (Tim / tell /
served in this café,’ ___ Jeff. Helen)
a complained b warned ___________________________________________
3 The teacher ___ shout the answers. ___________________________________________
a said that we don’t b told us not to
4 The teacher told us that he ___ to give us a test the 2 ‘I’ll help you find a great present tomorrow.’ (Jenny /
following week. promise / me)
a is going b was going ___________________________________________
5 My friend told me she couldn’t meet me at ___ time. ___________________________________________
She was busy.
a that b this 3 ‘A few days ago, I lost my watch.’ (My mother / say /
6 My brother said he ___ understand his homework, and me)
asked me for help. __________________________________________
a can’t b couldn’t ___________________________________________
7 Sara asked ___ with her.
a me to dance b that I dance 4 ‘You must wear a uniform this afternoon.’ (Our teacher
8 Mum told me that dad ___ his sunglasses on holiday. / tell / us)
He had to buy new ones when there. __________________________________________
a didn’t take b hadn’t taken ___________________________________________
___ / 7
5 ‘I’ve eaten all the apple pie’ (Judy / confess)

6 ‘Please remember to post my letter.’ (My dad / ask /


7 ‘I really enjoyed going to the cinema with you

yesterday.’ (He / tell / Joan)

8 ‘My parents are cleaning our car now.’ (Donald / reply)


___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Rewrite the statements in reported speech using

1 Choose the correct option a–b to complete the
the words in brackets.
0 ‘I’m doing my homework now’ (Alice / say / parents)
0 ‘That actress won the acting prize because she was so
Alice said to her parents that she was doing
great in the film,’ Ann ___.
her homework then.
a predicted b explained
1 ‘I went home after basketball training last night.’ (Bruce
1 ‘The streaming service doesn’t work because it isn’t
/ tell / his parents)
connected to the TV,’ he ___.
a explained b promised
2 My father told me he couldn’t help me at ___ time. He
was busy.
2 ‘My baby sister broke this pen.’ (Judy / admit)
a that b this
3 ‘It’s my fault we’re late,’ ___ Brian.
a predicted b admitted
4 Ted said he ___ meet me after school because he was
3 ‘I’ll help you with your homework tomorrow.’ (Adam /
free then.
promise / his sister)
a can b could
5 My mum asked ___ her clean the kitchen.
a that I help b me to help
6 My friend didn’t want to go the disco last Friday. He
4 ‘Don’t forget to post my letter.’ (My dad / asked / me)
said ___ a headache.
a he had b he has got
7 When I remembered ___ my girlfriend’s dad a birthday
card, he was very happy!
5 ‘You must be careful crossing this street.’ (The teacher
a getting b to get
/ say / the children)
___ / 7 ____________________________________________

6 ‘I’m fixing my computer now.’ (Deborah / reply)


7 ‘I think we are lost.’ (Bob / agree / his friend)


8 ‘I don’t understand this homework!’ (Celia / tell / her


___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.

1 Choose the correct option a−c to complete the
sentences. 0 ‘What time does the shop open?’ she asked me.
She asked me what time the shop opened.
0 She asked me ___.
1 ‘What’s the entrance fee to the film premiere?’ they
a what time it is
b what time it was
They asked ________________________________
c what time is it
1 Yesterday, my friend asked me ___ help.
2 ‘Why are you using a green pen for homework?’ my
a if I need her
girlfriend asked me.
b if I needed her
My girlfriend asked me _______________________
c did I need her
2 The lady wanted to know ___ soap.
3 ‘Will the new detective series be good?’ my mum
a where could she buy
asked me.
b where she can buy
My mum asked me __________________________
c where she could buy
3 Last week, a tourist asked me ___.
4 ‘Where can I buy batteries?’ Mrs Evans asked.
a where the main square was
Mrs Evans asked me _________________________
b where was the main square
c where is the main square
5 ‘Has the film finished?’ my wife asked.
4 Last night, my father asked me ___ the news.
My wife wanted to know ______________________
a whether I had seen
b whether I have seen
6 ‘Who knows where penguins live?’ asked the teacher.
c whether I saw
The teacher asked us ________________________
5 When my parents came to see me to play football,
they asked ___ in goal.
7 ‘Is there a toilet in this bookshop?’ my son asked the
a why was I playing
b why I was playing
My son asked the attendant ___________________
c why I am playing
6 My friend wanted to know ___ her.
8 ‘What must we do when we arrive?’ the children asked
a when will I visit
the teacher.
b when would I visit
The children asked the teacher ________________
c when I would visit
___ / 6 9 ‘How does Janet celebrate her birthday?’ asked June.
June asked ________________________________
___ / 9

Total: ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a−c to complete the 2 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.
sentences. 0 ‘What time does the shop open?’ she asked me.
0 She asked me ___ . She asked me what time the shop opened.
a what time it is 1 ‘Why do you like musicals?’ my girlfriend asked me.
b what time it was My girlfriend asked me ______________________
c what time is it _________________________________________
1 She asked ___ . 2 ‘What’s the entrance fee to the museum?’ they asked
a what the book’s name was me.
b what is the book’s name They asked me _____________________________
c what was the book’s name __________________________________________
2 They wanted to know ___ a bank. 3 ‘Can you help me this afternoon?’ asked Mrs Smith.
a where could they find Mrs Smith asked me _________________________
b where they could find __________________________________________
c where can they find 4 ‘How will you get back from the cinema?’ my mum
3 His mother asked ___ her keys. asked me.
a if had he seen My mum asked me __________________________
b if could he see __________________________________________
c if he had seen 5 ‘Where are you going?’ he asked them.
4 My dad asked ___ a mess. He asked them ______________________________
a why was I making ___________________________________________
b why am I making 6 ‘Has the film finished?’ asked Bob.
c why I was making Bob wanted to know __________________________
5 Yesterday, my dad wanted to know___ him. ___________________________________________
a if I will help 7 ‘Why must we wait in this room?’ I asked my brother.
b if I would help I asked my brother ____________________________
c if I can help ___________________________________________
6 They wanted to know ___. 8 ‘Is there a first aider here?’ my son asked the shop
a when the shops closed assistant.
b when did the shops close My son asked the shop assistant ________________
c when closed the shops ___________________________________________
9 ‘Did you feed the cat yesterday?’ my dad asked me.
___ / 6 My dad asked me ____________________________
___ / 9

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a−c to complete the 2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Where
text. necessary, use by to say who does / did the action.

SUNGLASSES 0 Tourists spend a lot of money on good food.

Sunglasses 0 ___ worn not just to protect our eyes from the A lot of money is spent on good food by tourists.
sun, but also as a fashion statement. Sunglasses are such 1 They will take out a loan to develop this area.
a symbolic icon that they 1 ___ by film-makers to create ___________________________________________
memorable characters. Think of such movies as ‘Blues ___________________________________________
Brothers’ (1980), or ‘Matrix’ (1999). Millions of pairs 2 ___ 2 Can customers order many kinds of pizza in this
each year to those of us who admire these characters. restaurant?
However, new styles of sunglasses 3 ___ all the time in line ___________________________________________
with modern tastes and fashions. ___________________________________________
The key ingredient of modern sunglasses is ‘Polaroid’. 3 People didn’t use cars before the 1930s.
It 4 ___ in 1929 by Edwin Land of Connecticut, USA. ___________________________________________
Although protective eye covering of various sorts 5 ___ ___________________________________________
before that, it was Polaroid that really made sunglasses 4 Somebody has stolen my wallet.
effective. In 1929, Land 6 ___ ‘Polaroid Corporation’. ___________________________________________
Sunglasses 7 ___ on a large scale from that time on. ___________________________________________
What of the future for sunglasses? One day, perhaps 5 Was someone using your computer last night?
technological features 8 ___. Why not? – so long as they ___________________________________________
keep their cool, iconic appearance! ___________________________________________
6 Advertisers don’t use the same ideas as in previous
0 a is b are years.
c are being ___________________________________________
1 a are often being used b have often been used ___________________________________________
c have often used 7 When should banks give loans?
2 a are sold b are being sold ___________________________________________
c are selling ___________________________________________
3 a are being created b have been created
c are creating ___ / 7
4 a invented b was invented
TOTAL ___ / 15
c was being invented
5 a has been used b had used
c had been used
6 a founded b was founded
c had been founded
7 a were being manufactured
b had been manufactured
c could be manufactured
8 a will be added b may add
c are added
___ / 8

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a−c to complete the 2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Where
text. necessary, use by to say who does / did the action.
TOOTHPASTE 0 Tourists spend a lot of money on good food.
Everyone has heard of toothpaste – the stuff that is put on A lot of money is spent on good food by tourists.
your toothbrush to clean your teeth. But where did 1 The Chinese first used paper bills.
toothpaste come from? That 0 ___ less well understood. ___________________________________________
Actually, it 1 ___ invented in the 1950s. Other products for ___________________________________________
mouth hygiene 2 ___ sold before that. However, it was the 2 Somebody has robbed the local shop.
whiteness and fresh smell of toothpaste that people 3 ___. ___________________________________________
In 1873, it 4 ___ produced commercially 5___ the company ___________________________________________
‘Colgate’. Since then toothpaste 6 ___ by more and more 3 The local authorities are not making changes to the
people each year. local park.
In the present day, competition between toothpaste brands ___________________________________________
is strong and new toothpaste flavours 7 ___ all the time. Will ___________________________________________
a new type 8 ___ to your shopping basket this week? 4 People can buy fresh vegetables at the market.
0 a is b is being
c are
5 The company won’t show TV advertisements until next
1 a has been b was
c was being
2 a were being b were
c had been
6 Neil was sure someone was watching him.
3 a liked b were liked
c was liked
4 a was being b had been c was
7 Do they grow rice in Italy?
5 a of b from c by
6 a was being used b has been used
c is used
7 a are being developed b are developed ___ / 7
c are developing
TOTAL ___ / 15
8 a be adding b be added c add
___ / 8

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of

have something done.

0 Someone is cutting Helen’s hair this afternoon.

Helen is having her hair cut this afternoon.
1 Someone delivers a pizza when I am hungry.
I ________________________.
2 Was someone repairing your TV when I called last
________________________ when I called last night?
3 They have printed all the invitations for our wedding.
We ________________________.
4 They are installing a new security system for us.
We ________________________.
5 Someone is going to shorten my trousers tomorrow.
I ________________________.
6 How often do they cut the grass in this school?
How often ________________________?
7 Someone will manage the company’s money.
The company ________________________.
___ / 7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the prompts in brackets.

0 I had my car fixed (have / my car / fix) last week.

1 I ________________________ (get / eyes / test) once
a year.
2 It’s loud in here because we
________________________ (have / the office /
clean) by professional cleaners.
3 ________________________ (you / get / your car /
wash) at a garage usually?
4 Emily ________________________ (just / have / a
package / deliver).
5 We need ________________________ (get / our new
shop / advertise), so people know about it.
6 People ________________________ (not / have /
their clothes / make) by tailors these days.
7 You ________________________ (should / get / your
bedroom / paint). The walls look a bit dirty.
8 I’d like to keep in touch. I
________________________ (have / my secretary /
call / you) next week.
___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of

have something done.

0 Someone is cutting Helen’s hair this afternoon.

Helen is having her hair cut this afternoon.
1 Someone is repainting Barbara’s bedroom next month.
Barbara ________________________.
2 Someone delivers food here when I am hungry.
I ________________________ when I am hungry.
3 Nobody cleaned the Baxter family’s swimming pool
The Baxter family ________________________
4 Has someone dyed your hair? It looks a different
________________________? It looks a different
5 They won’t move my furniture. I’ll do it myself.
I ________________________. I’ll do it myself.
6 How often do they send your phone bill?
How often ________________________?
7 Someone should inspect the office fire procedures.
The office ________________________.
___ / 7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the prompts in brackets.

0 I had my car fixed (have / my car / fix) last week.

1 We ________________________ (should / get / a
security camera / put in). The shop next door was
robbed yesterday.
2 Clare ________________________ (have / kitchen /
paint) when I visited her at the weekend. We talked in
the garden.
3 Barry ________________________ (have / his garden
/ redesign) recently, and you can see the changes.
4 How often ________________________ (you / get /
eyes / test)?
5 My uncle ________________________ (not / have /
his photograph / take) at my wedding last week
because he thought he looked old.
6 I will ________________________ (have / invitations /
send) to my customers for the grand opening of the
new branch.
7 The factory ________________________ (have / a lot
of rubbish / take away) right now. It’s dangerous.
8 ________________________ (you / get / health /
check) before you went on holiday last summer?
___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use the third conditional.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Use the third conditional. 0 You didn’t write a shopping list so you forgot to buy the
0 If I had worked (work) harder at environmental
If you had written a shopping list, you would not
have forgotten to buy the milk.
I would have got a better degree.
1 You didn’t water your plants and they died.
1 If the children had remembered to sort the rubbish, we
____________________________________ (not / be)
upset with them yesterday.
2 They were late so they missed their train.
2 We ____________________________________
(not / get) lost if we’d taken a map.
3 If I __________________ (know) this leisure centre
3 You didn’t read the instructions so you couldn’t use the
no restaurant, I would have brought my own food.
4 If I’d entered the competition, I
____________________________________ (win) it.
4 The area suffered because the authorities didn’t
I had a chance.
provide regulations.
5 We might have enjoyed our holiday more if we
(prepare) better.
5 We got caught in a storm because you didn’t check the
6 Jill __________________ (help) you with your clean-
weather forecast.
up campaign if you had asked her and she agreed.
She has the skills and experience.
7 If the students in the science lab had tidied up after
6 The fish died because toxic waste was put in the river.
themselves, we
____________________________________ (not /
7 We didn’t take a camera so we couldn’t take photos.
8 If you had looked at the time, you
____________________________________ (not / be)
late for your lesson yesterday.
___ / 7

___ / 8 TOTAL ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use the third conditional.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Use the third conditional. 0 You didn’t write a shopping list so you forgot to buy the
0 If I had worked (work) harder at environmental
If you had written a shopping list, you would not
studies, I would have got a better degree.
have forgotten to buy the milk.
1 If we had taken a map, we
1 You didn’t take a guidebook so you missed some
interesting sights.
(not / get) lost.
2 Donald ____________________________________
(explain) how to use the camera app on your phone if
2 We couldn’t use the recycling bins because we didn’t
you had asked him and he’d agreed. He knows about
sort our rubbish.
digital photography.
3 I ____________________________________
(not / go) to that island if I’d known it was polluted.
3 You did well in the test because you didn’t lose
4 On our holiday, we
____________________________________ (stay) in
our hotel longer if we had booked it earlier. It was
4 Your plant died because you didn’t water it.
5 I might have got very sick if I
(not / take) the right medicine with me on holiday.
5 We didn’t take swimming goggles to the pool so we got
6 I ____________________________________
sore eyes.
(not / be) upset about your mistake if you had told me
about it earlier. It’s certainly possible.
7 What ____________________________________
6 You couldn’t use your new computer because you
(do) if I had told the teacher you cheated in the test?
didn’t read the instructions.
8 Could you have got your money back for the cancelled
fight if you
____________________________________ (write) a
7 You didn’t choose your girlfriend’s present carefully
and she was disappointed.
___ / 8 ___________________________________________
___ / 7

TOTAL ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of

1 Choose the correct option a–b to complete the
the words in brackets. Use I wish / if only.
0 I haven’t got a pet.
0 I wish my local shop ___ so many plastic bags.
If only I had (have) a pet.
a wasn’t using b wouldn’t use
1 I’ve never seen the Pacific Ocean.
1 If only I ___ away that plastic bottle. Now I’ve got
I wish I __________________ (see) the Pacific Ocean.
nothing to carry my water in.
2 My flat doesn’t have a garden.
a hadn’t thrown b didn’t throw
If only my flat __________________ (have) a garden.
2 I wish you ___ my swimming goggles. Get your own!
3 My brother keeps dropping plastic litter.
a didn’t borrow b wouldn’t borrow
I wish my brother __________________ (stop / drop)
3 I wish you ___ put all your rubbish in one bin. Why
plastic litter.
didn’t you sort it?
4 Motorcyclists keep using the local nature reserve.
a weren’t putting b hadn’t put
I wish motorcyclists __________________ (stop / use)
4 I wish I ___ my name. Everybody still uses my old one!
the local nature reserve.
a wouldn’t change b hadn’t changed
5 I’ve lost touch with my cousin.
5 I wish I ___ with my family by the sea right now.
I wish I __________________ (not / lose touch) with
I miss them.
my cousin.
a were b am
6 My mum has never studied environmental issues.
6 I wish our school ___ environment issues. They don’t
My mum wishes she __________________ (study)
do it at all!
environmental issues.
a are promoting b would promote
7 I can’t find anywhere to sort my rubbish!
7 If only I ___ more to help the environment, but I don’t
If only I __________________ (find) somewhere to
have enough time, money or ideas.
sort my rubbish.
a could do b would do
8 I don’t do enough physical exercise.
___ / 7 I wish I __________________ (do) more physical
___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a–b to complete the 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
sentences. the word in brackets. Use I wish / if only.
0 I wish my local shop ___ so many plastic bags. 0 I haven’t got a pet.
a wasn’t using b wouldn’t use If only I had (have) a pet.
1 My mum wishes she ___ with us on our nature hike 1 My flat doesn’t have a garden.
right now. If only my flat __________________ (have) a garden.
a is b were 2 My sister keeps buying plastic bottles.
2 I wish you ___ your rubbish instead of just putting it in I wish my sister __________________ (not buy)
one bin. plastic bottles.
a would sort b sorted 3 Our dog steals food off the table.
3 If only I ___ more support from local people on I wish our dog __________________ (stop / eat) food
environmental issues. off the table.
a would have b had 4 I’ve made so many mistakes with my farm.
4 If only I ___ more to help the environment, but I don’t If only I __________________ (not / make) so many
have enough time, money or ideas. mistakes with my farm.
a would do b could do 5 I’ve never been given flowers as a gift.
5 I wish you ___ keep eating my organic fruit. Buy your I wish I __________________ (be given) flowers as a
own! gift.
a wouldn’t b hadn’t 6 My older brother has never studied nature.
6 I wish our school ___ recycling. They don’t seem to My older brother wishes he __________________
care about it at all. (study) nature.
a would promote b promotes 7 I can’t afford a Caribbean holiday.
7 I wish you ___ closer to me. We could see more of If only I __________________ (can / afford) a
each other. Caribbean holiday.
a lived b would live 8 Julia has a lot of homework this weekend.
___ / 7 Julia wishes she __________________ (not / have) so
much homework this weekend.
___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option a−c to complete the 2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that
sentences. it means the same as the first. Write between two
0 This ___ be your book. It’s got your name on it. to four words. Use may / might / could / must /
a must b can’t c might can’t.
1 I’m not sure, but I think those men ___ be detectives. 0 It’s possible you’re guilty of that crime.
a must b may c can’t You might be guilty of that crime.
2 Call the shop manager now! I think that woman ___. 1 Maybe your phone is at home.
a might shoplift b must shoplift Your phone ________________________ at home.
c might be shoplifting 2 I’m certain Julian is hiding from the police.
3 Do you think that man ___ be a thief? Julian ________________________ from the police.
a could b can c can’t 3 Sheila certainly seem to know a lot about security
4 It ___ be illegal to park our car here. Could you get out cameras.
and check the sign? Sheila ________________________ a lot about
a might b must c should security cameras.
5 John is still at the police station. Police ___ him. 4 I imagine it is horrible to lose all your money.
a must question b must be questioning It ________________________ horrible to lose all
c may question your money.
6 Alex ___ be a suspect in this crime. He was with us at 5 There is no way you’re 18 years old!
home all day. You ________________________ 18 years old!
a can’t b mustn’t c hasn’t 6 Surely more could be done by detectives to catch the
7 Tina ___ the detective film now. It finished half an hour killer at the moment.
ago. Detectives ________________________ everything to
a can’t be watching b mustn’t be watching catch the killer at the moment.
c can’t watch 7 It’s possible she’s carrying a gun.
___ / 7 She ________________________ a gun.
8 The police woman is questioning the suspect. What
might her questions be?
The police woman is questioning the suspect. What
questions ________________________ asking?
___ / 8

TOTAL __ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that

1 Choose the correct option a−c to complete the
it means the same as the first. Write between two
to four words. Use may / might / could / must /
0 This ___ be your book. It’s got your name on it. can’t.
a must b can’t c might
0 It’s possible you’re guilty of that crime.
1 Do you think that boy ___ be a pickpocket?
You might be guilty of that crime.
a could b can c can’t
1 There is no way he’s 18 years old!
2 Those men ___ be criminals. The police are taking
He ________________________ 18 years old.
them now to prison.
2 Maybe your wallet is at home.
a must b could c can’t
Your wallet ________________________ at home.
3 There are a lot of police on our street today. I think
3 Caroline certainly seems to know a lot about security
they ___ someone.
a might look for b must look for
Caroline ________________________ a lot about
c might be looking
security cameras.
4 It ___ be illegal to park our car here. There is no sign
4 I’m not sure if we are allowed to take photos here.
and other cars are parked here.
We ________________________ to take photos here.
a may b can’t c mustn’t
5 I’m certain Jeff is hiding from the police.
5 Vera went to the police station an hour ago and she is
Jeff ________________________ from the police.
still there. She ___ a statement. It takes some time.
6 I am sure Bill is not talking to police about his missing
a must give b must be giving
c can give
Bill ________________________ to police about his
6 Bill ___ the detective film now. I’ve just seen him in the
missing cat,
7 It’s possible she is too young to drive a car.
a can’t be watching b mustn’t be watching
She ________________________ to drive a car.
c can’t watch
8 Is it possible that young woman is shoplifting?
7 Derek ___ be in trouble at school. It’s a possible
Might ________________________?
reason why his parents have gone there.
a must b can’t c may ___ / 8

___ / 7
TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that

1 Choose the correct option to complete the
it means the same as the first. Use the word in
bold. Write between two to five words.
0 Jerry is back at home now. Police might / can’t / must 0 You look sick. I’m sure you have picked up a virus.
have released him. It’s the only explanation. MUST
1 Police can’t / might / must have caught the killer. Her You must have picked up a virus.
picture is in the newspaper. She’s got a life sentence. 1 Eileen was here all the time so there was no way she
2 That gang could not / might not / mustn’t have robbed did the burglary.
the bank. We don’t know − there are other suspects COULDN’T
too. Eileen ________________________ the burglary
3 The pickpocket might / could / must have escaped. I’m because she was here all the time.
sure because there isn’t a trace of him anywhere. 2 I’m sure the jury has reached a verdict because one of
4 Charles may / can’t / mustn’t have left his briefcase at them has just stood up.
the airport. It’s not the only explanation but it’s MUST
possible. The jury ________________________ a verdict
5 You mustn’t / could not / might not have lost your because one of them has just stood up.
phone. Maybe it was stolen. 3 Is it possible someone has hacked into our bank
6 Where could / must / can I have seen that man before? account?
I’m sure I know him from somewhere. HAVE
7 You mustn’t / couldn’t / might have locked the door. Might ________________________ our bank
Someone just went in. account?
___ / 7 4 There are no biscuits left. I’m certain you ate them all!
There are no biscuits left. You
________________________ them all!
5 Maybe the police are here because your neighbours
called them.
Your neighbours ________________________ the
police. That could explain why they are here.
6 I’m sure it wasn’t a student who used the classroom
It ________________________ a student who used
the classroom computer.
7 There is a possibility the accused told a lie when he
said he was not at the scene of the crime.
The accused ________________________ when he
said he was not at the scene of the crime.
8 How was it possible for the thief to steal your
How ________________________ your necklace?
___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Grammar Quiz | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so that

1 Choose the correct option to complete the
it means the same as the first. Use the word in
bold. Write between two to five words.
0 Jerry is back at home now. Police might / can’t / must
0 You look sick. I’m sure you have picked up a
have released him. It’s the only explanation.
1 Fiona may / can’t / mustn’t have left her laptop at the
airport. It’s not the only explanation, but it’s possible.
You must have picked up a virus.
2 Detectives can’t / might / must have found the criminal.
1 Let’s check the security camera. Maybe it filmed
He’s in custody now.
what happened.
3 That lady couldn’t / might not / mustn’t have robbed the
bank. We don’t know: there are other suspects too.
Let’s check the security camera. It
4 Where could / must / can’t I have seen that woman
________________________ what happened.
before? I’m sure I know her from somewhere.
2 I’m sure the judge found the suspect guilty.
5 Your pet rabbit might / could / must have escaped.
I’m sure, because I’ve looked for her everywhere in the
The judge ________________________ the
suspect guilty.
6 Jill must / can’t / might have called me. There are no
3 I’m sure the criminal isn’t in police custody yet.
missed calls on my phone.
7 Peter mustn’t / can’t / might have taken the last piece
Police ________________________ the criminal
of cake from the kitchen. He hasn’t been at home all
4 Maybe someone hacked into our bank account.
___ / 7 MIGHT
Someone ________________________ our bank
5 What possible reason did the thief have to break
the window?
Why ________________________ the window.
6 It’s possible Sue told a lie when she said she
didn’t have a police record.
Sue ________________________ when she said
she didn’t have a police record.
7 Surely, the thief waited until we had left and then
committed the burglary.
The thief ________________________ until we
had left and then committed the burglary.
8 There is no way you could have seen the crime.
You ________________________ the crime.
___ / 8

TOTAL ___ / 15

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 1 LESSON 1B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
box. There are three extra words. The first letters are given.

bow plain fur high-heeled logo loose-fitting 0 Trainers are casual shoes that we wear to play sport.
matching shiny wide 1 If your hair is s____________, then it isn’t wavy or
0 Dan bought himself a shiny suit to wear to work.
2 If a man is u____________, you can see his facial hair
1 She wore a ____________ dress because she hates
because he has not removed it.
tight clothes.
3 S____________ is a material that is very shiny and
2 Tara always wears ____________ shoes when she
smooth and quite expensive.
goes out because she likes to feel tall.
4 A c____________ pattern has small squares of
3 I need a ____________handbag for this dress. Both
different colours.
items should be blue and go well together.
5 B____________ trousers are very big and loose.
4 I like my T-shirt with a ____________ on it. Completely
plain T-shirts are so boring. ___ / 5
5 Our school uniform is a ____________ white shirt and TOTAL ___ / 15
grey trousers.
___ / 5

2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete

the sentences.
0 I don’t like those shoes much, but everyone is wearing
them. They’re so ___!
a elegant b stylish c fashionable
1 Jenny has a very ___ look. It’s because she does
strength exercises at her gym.
a muscular b elegant c slim
2 I do like sweaters made of sheep’s ___. Especially on
a cold winter’s day.
a linen b wool c silk
3 I Iike wearing ___ clothes at the weekend, like jeans
and a T-shirt. It’s important for me to feel relaxed.
a designer b plain c casual
4 Jean’s natural skin colour is pale, but she prefers it to
be ___, so she sunbathes on holiday and visits the
solarium every week when she is at home.
a tanned b dark c burnt
5 Tom has a nice ___ waist. He doesn’t need to gain or
lose weight. Lucky him!
a skinny b slim c thin
___ / 5

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 1 LESSON 1B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
box. There are three extra words. The first letters are given.
bow fur high-heeled logo faded ripped shiny 0 Trainers are casual shoes that we wear to play sport.
tight wide 1 If you are c____________-s____________, then you
0 Dan bought himself a shiny suit to wear to work. don’t have any facial hair.
1 Jan is wearing such ____________ trousers that he 2 If you are o____________, you weigh more than you
can’t breathe or walk very easily! should.
2 I prefer to wear fake ____________ jackets because 3 D____________ is a material that is often used to
animals must be killed to make the real ones. I think make jeans or jackets.
that’s cruel. 4 A s____________ pattern has lines of different colours
3 Samantha has just paid a lot for some ____________ next to each other.
jeans, but I think she could make her own by cutting 5 If your clothes are c____________, then they aren’t
them with a knife. That would be cheaper! smart.
4 Clowns, magicians and men at wedding receptions all ___ / 5
often wear ____________ ties. They look nice: a bit
TOTAL ___ / 15
like a butterfly.
5 The dark blue colour on these jeans is too strong for
me. I’m looking for ____________ jeans, which are
almost white.
___ / 5

2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete

the sentences.
0 I don’t like those shoes much, but everyone is wearing
them. They’re so ___!
a elegant b stylish c fashionable
1 A lot of people, especially the ladies, say that Victor is
a very ___ man! He looks like a film star, no matter
what he wears.
a stunning b handsome c stylish
2 I have ___ hips so I need to choose trousers which are
not too small.
a broad b strong c wide
3 This must be a fake, look at the price. A real ___
handbag must cost ten times more.
a designer b logo c glamorous
4 I want ___-length trousers that cover my legs.
a long b full c ankle
5 I’m going to wear a ___ white shirt with no pattern at
a plain b balding c checked
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 2 LESSON 2C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the sentences with the correct phrases
box. There is one extra word. from the box. There is one extra phrase.

astronauts cells gravity organism pressure blow my mind changes my mind make up my mind
radiation research think again think outside the box think seriously
think twice
0 Scientists do research to find out new knowledge.
1 On Earth, everything falls to the ground because of 0 Adam should think seriously about what he wants to
____________. do in life. It will affect everything later on.
2 Deep in our oceans, the water ____________ is very 1 I can’t choose what I want very easily. I take ages for
high. me to ________________________.
3 Some objects and metals produce ____________, 2 AI machines are amazing – they
which travels through the air. Sometimes it’s ________________________! I just can't believe what
dangerous. they can do.
4 The conditions on Mars are too extreme for any 3 You think you know all the correct answers, but you’re
____________ to live. wrong. You need to ________________________
5 Living things grow because their ____________ split about at least some of them.
or divide into two. 4 Your friends ask you for help with complex problems
where there are no easy or simple solutions. They
___ / 5
know you can ________________________.
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete 5 You aren’t the kind of person to act impulsively. You
the sentences. always ________________________ before making
0 It’s better to think ___ than to do things without a decision.
planning. ___ / 5
a ahead b through c outside
TOTAL ___ / 15
1 I thought I wanted a silver computer but I’ve ___ my
mind. Now I want a black one.
a made b opened c changed
2 The music is so loud I can’t ___ myself think.
a hear b see c make
3 I thought I knew the answer but my mind has
gone ___.
a dead b blank c clear
4 I didn’t think ___ of the lecture on space because it
was boring and I didn’t learn anything new.
a much b well c a lot
5 People often say that learning about new cultures ___
your mind. You think about old things in a new way.
a extends b broadens c makes
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 2 LESSON 2C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the sentences with the correct phrases
box. There is one extra word. from the box. There is one extra phrase.

astronaut cells gravity organism pressure broaden my mind can’t hear myself think
radiation research change my mind my mind goes blank think big
think it over think seriously
0 Scientists do research to find out new knowledge.
1 Every living ____________ needs food. 0 Adam should think seriously about what he wants to
2 Every ____________ who goes to work in space must do in life. It will affect everything later on.
train and prepare on Earth first. 1 I ________________________ so often that it takes a
3 All living things are made up of ____________. very long time before I make a final decision.
4 The change in ____________ can hurt your ears when 2 I wanted to have a small birthday party in my bedroom.
you’re in an aeroplane. But my friend Donna said I should
5 In space, you need a suit that can protect you from ________________________ and have a disco party
harmful ____________. in the school sports hall with a DJ!
3 I don’t want to decide what university to go to now. I
___ / 5
need the weekend so I can
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete ________________________.
the sentences. 4 I can’t do math problems in exam situations because
0 It’s better to think ___ than to do things without ________________________. I just can’t seem to
planning. think of any possible answers then.
a ahead b through c outside 5 My friends say I should be more interested in new
1 I haven’t ___ up my mind yet about the job I want: ideas. They suggested reading some books to
maybe a job with computers, or maybe working with ________________________.
animals. ___ / 5
a decided b come c made
TOTAL ___ / 15
2 Please think ___ before spending so much money on
this game. Are you sure?
a twice b once c through
3 If you think scientific research is easy, then think ___.
It’s actually very difficult.
a twice b over c again
4 Companies want to employ people who can think
outside the ___ and produce original ideas.
a mind b box c brain
5 The lecture about robotics was so fascinating it ___ my
a did b amazed c blew
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 3 LESSON 3B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the names of places associated with 3 Complete the sentences with the words from the
sport with the words from the box. There are two box. There are two extra words.
extra words.
bang break leisure pull track training twist wall
court machine pitch pool ring room track wall
0 When sports players break a leg, they go to hospital
0 a swimming pool and they need a long time for the leg to get better.
1 a boxing ____________ 1 Serious sports players need ____________
2 a football ____________ programmes in order to get regular practice.
3 a changing ____________ 2 You can ____________ a muscle if you don’t warm up
4 a basketball ____________ properly before taking exercise.
5 a rowing ____________ 3 A lot of people use the ____________ centre in our
___ / 5 town.
4 Using a climbing ____________ is an excellent way to
2 Choose the correct option to complete the
develop mountaineering skills.
5 The athletics ____________ shouldn’t be used after
0 We are planning a holiday, but you need to get into fit / rain because the surface is slippery .
size / shape if you want to come with us. We can’t ___ / 5
stop for a rest every 5 minutes!
1 Is there a free squash place / court / pitch now? I really TOTAL ___ / 15
want to play!
2 My sister pulled / dislocated / stretched her shoulder
while playing squash.
3 When people are out of exercise / shape / training,
they can’t play sport really well and their health is not
as strong.
4 Mary twisted / pulled / did her ankle in training today.
5 A good gym should allow you to lift / climb / hit
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 3 LESSON 3B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the names of places associated with 3 Complete the sentences with the words from the
sport with the words from the box. There are two box. There are two extra words.
extra words.
centre changing dislocated machine muscle
centre court court pool ring room track wall programme sprained weights
0 a swimming pool 0 There is only one rowing machine in our sports centre.
1 a tennis ____________ 1 Sandra went into the men’s ____________ room by
2 an athletics ____________ mistake.
3 a squash ____________ 2 I ____________ my shoulder when I was climbing in
4 a climbing ____________ the Alps. I had to be rescued by helicopter.
5 a leisure ____________ 3 If you join a gym, you usually get a free training
___ / 5 ____________.
4 My brother lifts ____________ because he wants to be
2 Choose the correct option to complete the stronger.
5 If you pull a ____________, massaging it can help to
0 We are planning a holiday, but you need to get into fit / relieve the pain.
size / shape if you want to come with you. We can’t ___ / 5
stop for a rest every 5 minutes!
1 Sam sprained / pulled / twisted his wrist during his TOTAL ___ / 15
tennis match.
2 Helen twisted her ankle / leg / arm during her P.E.
3 Our club’s football area / court / pitch is good for team
training and matches.
4 Our teacher banged / broke / dislocated his head when
he entered the classroom.
5 Our school has a lot of sport facilities, including a
boxing centre / ring / court.
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 4 LESSON 4C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Read the definitions and write the things you can 3 Match the sentence halves. There are two extra
pack when you travel. The first letters are given. second halves.
0 This can help you use electricity from different kinds of 0 You may need a travel adapter d
electricity supply or plugs when you travel: travel 1 An insect repellent can protect you ___
adapter. 2 A torch may be useful ___
1 You can wear these on your ears to listen to music, 3 A penknife can help you ___
for example: h_____________. 4 Put in your ear plugs ___
2 This is a book which gives you information about the 5 Don’t forget to add health and hygiene items ___
places you’re going to visit: g_____________.
3 You should always take this with your phone in case a if there is no light.
your battery runs low: c_____________. b if you need to cut something, like fruit.
4 You need this to help someone who is hurt: c to your packing list.
f_____________ a_____________ k_____________. d to connect electrical devices.
5 This is something soft to put your head on if you want e if you get lost.
to sleep: t_____________ p_____________. f if you don’t want to hear noise around you.
___ / 5 g against flies and mosquitoes.
h for entertainment on your flight.
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
___ / 5
the sentences.
0 Have you remembered to pack ___? We don’t want to TOTAL ___ / 15
burn when we are sunbathing.
a insect repellent b sunblock c a power bank
1 We ___ off early in the morning because we had a
long drive ahead of us.
a travelled b set c stopped
2 When you fly abroad, remember to change your watch
or devices to ___ time.
a local b arrival c departure
3 The beach was within easy ___ of our hotel: only three
minutes walk!
a reach b find c way
4 There were a lot of people in our holiday resort but we
___ the crowds by hiring a car.
a stopped b reached c escaped
5 Our holiday was on a small island so we ___ our way
around without a problem.
a reached b found c took
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 4 LESSON 4C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Read the definitions and write the things you can 3 Match the sentence halves. There are two extra
pack when you travel. The first letters are given. second halves.
0 This can help you use electricity from different kinds of 0 You may need a travel adapter d
electricity supply or plugs when you travel: travel 1 Headphones are great ___
adapter 2 A travel pillow can help ___
1 You can use this if you need to see in the dark: 3 You need a pocket guide book ___
t_____________. 4 Every hotel should have a first aid kit ___
2 You can put these in your ears when you want quiet: 5 Take a power charger ___
e_____________ p_____________.
3 You use items belonging to this category on a trip a because you can’t plug in your phone when you’re
when you get sick or want to protect yourself e.g. from camping.
insects or sunrays: h_____________ and b to treat people if there is an accident.
h_____________. c if you need to change money.
4 This is a small device which cuts but may have other d to connect electrical devices.
tools, such as a can opener: p_____________. e to take photographs.
5 This can keep away annoying flying bugs like flies or f for listening to music without disturbing others.
mosquitoes: i_____________ r_____________. g for information about places to visit.
___ / 5 h if you want to sleep comfortably on your flight.
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete ___ / 5
the sentences.
TOTAL ___ / 15
0 Have you remembered to pack ___? We don’t want to
burn when we are sunbathing.
a insect repellent b sunblock c a travel pillow
1 There was no direct ___ to Madrid. We had to stop at
Amsterdam airport for three hours.
a route b arrival c flight
2 The train was fast and we ___ our destination in under
three hours.
a arrived b reached c got
3 Remember to phone your mum to let her know you’ve
___ safely at your destination.
a reached b arrived c escaped
4 Our coach trip lasted all day so the driver stopped ___
for a lunch break.
a off b out c away
5 You should always take a map when you go to a new
place, to find your way ___.
a out b off c around
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 5 LESSON 5B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Match the sentence parts. There is one extra part. 3 Complete the text with the phrasal verbs from the
0 Let’s find a dictionary to look up d box. There is one extra verb.
1 Leslie was absent last week and needs to catch up on fall behind get down to hand in
catch up ___ keep up with pull his socks up put together
2 She wants us to come up with ___
3 The teacher says we must learn this poem ___
4 Some people don’t finish their course and drop Jeremy can normally 0 keep up with his school work, but
out of ___ this week he isn’t at school because he’s ill. His parents are
5 This week, I’m planning to revise for ___ worried because it’s a busy school week and they don’t
want him to 1 ________________________. He has to
a exams. 2 ________________________ a presentation using his

b new ideas. own ideas and notes from the missed lessons. He also
c university. needs to 3 ________________________ an essay to his
d the new word. history teacher the day after he gets back. Fortunately, he
e marks. finds it easy to 4 ________________________ work very
f by heart. quickly when he has to. He starts to work immediately! I’m
g with work. sure he will 5 ________________________ everything!
___ / 5
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete ___ / 5
the sentences.
TOTAL ___ / 15
0 The teacher asked us to look ___ a diagram of the
human eye on page 42.
a at b after c up
1 You should always go ___ your notes before a test.
a over b down c on
2 We don’t know what will come ___ in the test
tomorrow. We’ll have to study everything.
a up b over c on
3 Naomi is good ___ math and she often gets top marks.
a on b at c in
4 Robert didn’t ___ his afternoon classes because he
had to go home early.
a make b go c attend
5 If you put work ___, you might have too much work to
do later.
a over b in c off
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 5 LESSON 5B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Match the sentence halves. There is one extra half. 3 Complete the text with the phrasal verbs from the
box. There is one extra verb.
0 Let’s find a dictionary to look up … d
1 Janet has a degree in … ___ come up with get down to go over keep up with
2 Good teachers help their students prepare … ___ pick up pull her socks up put together
3 I can keep up with … ___
4 When you miss lessons, you fall behind … ___
5 We had to put together … ___ Jenny can 0 keep up with her school work because she is
clever, not because she works hard! For example, she can
a a presentation. 1 ________________________ new languages quickly

b a good mark. without trying. In other subjects she can

c history. 2 ________________________ good ideas when other

d the new word. students cannot think of anything. But she is too lazy to
e with course work. 3 ________________________ her notes and sometimes

f for exams. gets bad marks in tests. She finds it hard to

g my classmates. 4 ________________________ homework because there

___ / 5 are other things she prefers to do. Her parents and her
teachers think she needs to 5 _______________________
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
and start studying seriously.
the sentences.
0 The teacher asked us to look ___ a diagram of the
___ / 5
human eye on page 42.
a at b after c up TOTAL ___ / 15
1 The students handed ___ their homework to the
teacher at the end of the lesson.
a in b out c up
2 Jack has missed two weeks of work. He has to ___up
on his projects.
a keep b catch c look
3 If you put work ___, you might have too much work to
do later.
a together b over c off
4 We don’t know what will ___ up in the test tomorrow.
We’ll have to study everything.
a come b be c bring
5 I have fallen ___ with my English homework. I still
haven’t done the last week’s project.
a for b behind c over
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 6 LESSON 6F
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the text with the verb phrases from the
box. There are two extra words. box. There are two extra phrases.
back break crazy do heart hit make sight boss him around let me down lost my temper
made fun of put up with am through with him
0 People say that some marriages don’t last long, but I’m was crazy about him
still crazy about my husband!
1 When a loved pet dies, it breaks your ____________!
2 When I met my girlfriend’s dad, we started talking Last year I was good friends with Billy, but now I’m 0 am
about his garden and we ____________ it off through with him. The problem started when Billy moved
straightaway. into my flat. Billy was a very lazy flatmate. He said he
3 It’s so hard to ____________ up with someone after a would do his share of cleaning, tidying and cooking. But
long relationship. unfortunately, he 1 ________________________: most of
4 Please don’t talk about me behind my ____________. the time he didn’t do those things. I
If you have something to say, say it to my face. 2 ________________________ this situation for quite

5 My children sometimes fight but they always a long time. One day I came home tired and the kitchen
____________ up after and are friends again. was full of dirty dishes. ‘Clean it up!’ I said angrily. ‘You
___ / 5 always tell me what to do in my own flat,’ he replied.
It was a complete lie that I 3 ________________________
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
preposition to form phrasal verbs. because this was the first time I’d asked him to do
something. I was so angry I 4 ________________________
0 I’ve been going out with Mark for nearly a year. It’s and walked out of the flat. My other friends thought it was
really serious! funny and 5 ________________________ me for getting so
1 Joan and Richard split ____________ after only three angry about it. But they don’t know what it’s like to live with
years of marriage. a lazy flatmate.
2 I fell ____________ with a friend at school because he
borrowed my lesson notes and then lost them.
___ / 5
3 I was very shy the first time I asked Julia
____________. And in fact she said ‘no’. TOTAL ___ / 15
4 Have you ever fallen ____________ love with the
wrong person?
5 I got ____________ trouble when I forgot my best
friend’s birthday.
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 6 LESSON 6F
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from 3 Complete the text with the phrases verbs from
the box. There are two extra words. the box. There are two extra phrases.

crazy do fall heartbroken let make put split asked him out get into trouble hit it off go out
was crazy about me was through with me
0 People say that some marriages don’t last long, but I’m was in a serious relationship was love at first sight
still crazy about my husband!
1 If you don’t love each other anymore, maybe you
should ____________ up.
When I first met my boyfriend Steve, it 0 was love at first
2 The first time you ____________ in love, it’s like no
sight! He was at the university bar and I noticed his
feeling you’ve ever had.
beautiful blue eyes. I went over to him and we started
3 My friends like to ____________ fun of me because of
talking because I wanted to know if he
my dyed hair. 1 ________________________. After a while, I knew he
4 I was ____________ to end a relationship after so
wasn’t, so I 2 ________________________ and he said
long, with so many good times.
yes. We started to 3________________________ together.
5 Harold said he would come to my house to help me
We really 4________________________ from the start and
with homework. But he ____________ me down: he
I had a feeling we were going to be good for each other.
never came.
Last week, Steve told me he
___ / 5 5 ________________________ and couldn’t imagine his

2 Complete the sentences with the correct life without me. I was so happy. We are getting engaged in
preposition to form phrasal verbs. June!
0 I got into trouble when I forgot my best friend’s
1 My girlfriend has just broken ____________ with me. ___ / 5
2 I’ve fallen ____________ with my cousin because he TOTAL ___ / 15
borrows things and doesn’t give them back.
3 My older brother bosses me ____________, telling me
what to do all the time.
4 Jane puts up ____________ her husband’s bad
habits. But I think she should say something to him.
5 When people talk about you ____________ your back,
they often say mean and untrue things.
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 7 LESSON 7B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the definitions with the missing words. 3 Complete the conversation with the words from the
The first letters are given. box. There is one extra word.
0 A TV show is often divided into episodes. Each one credits dialogue season title sequence statistics
develops the story. subtitles trailer
1 If you hear these, then you know what is going to
A: Okay! So that’s the end of the first episode of the
happen in the film before you watch it. s____________
second 0 season of our favourite show. What did you think
2 This is the amount of time a person spends watching
of it?
TV. s____________ time.
B: I was disappointed. When I saw the 1 ____________,
3 You watch one episode, then another, and another,
I thought it would be really fantastic, but it wasn’t. On the
without stopping. b____________ watching.
other hand, the new music was really good. Who did that?
4 People decide what they want to watch and when to
A: I don’t know. We can check the 2 ____________ in a
watch it. on-d____________ content.
moment. What didn’t you like about episode?
5 If you pay for these, you can find and watch TV shows
B: I couldn’t understand what the new characters were
on the internet directly. s____________ streaming
saying. Their 3 ____________ was too fast.
A: If that’s the problem, we can watch the next episode
___ / 5 with 4 ____________. Then you can read what they say ...
2 Complete the sentences with the words from the Shall we watch it now?
box to form compound adjectives. There is one B: If you really want to, but please – let’s skip the 5
extra word. ____________ and go straight to the episode.
___ / 5
award discussion eagerly feature little reviewed
thought TOTAL ___ / 15
0 I like to go to the cinema with my friend because we
always have an interesting discussion after the film.
1 Walkabout (1971) is a ____________-known film
about survival in Australia. But it’s very good and I
think more people should see it.
2 Titanic (1997) was an ____________-winning film
about the sinking of a famous ship of the same name.
3 The latest James Bond film was well-____________
by critics, but I didn’t like it.
4 The Matrix (1999) is worth watching more than once.
It’s very ____________-provoking.
5 Black Widow (2020) is an ____________-awaited film
starring Scarlett Johansson.
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 7 LESSON 7B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the definitions with the missing words. 3 Complete the conversation with words from the
The first letters are given. box. There is one extra word.
0 A TV show is often divided into episodes. Each one credits dialogues season title sequence subtitles
develops the story. trailer statistics
1 This is the amount of time a person spends watching
A: Shall we watch the first episode of the new 0 season of
TV: s____________ time.
Vampire Hunters?
2 People who watch a TV show are called:
B: Have you already seen the 1 ____________? Is it worth
3 If you hear these, then you know what is going to
A: Yes. It looks good. The 2 ____________ sound
happen in the film before you watch it: s____________
interesting: they discuss philosophical things. We can put
4 If you pay for these, you can find and watch TV shows
the 3 ____________ on so we don’t miss anything they say.
on the internet directly: subscription s____________
B: OK then, but let’s look at the 4 ____________. It helps
to get familiar with the characters and sets the scene. Who
5 People decide what they want to watch and when to
directed it?
watch it: on-demand c____________
A: I can’t remember. Let’s check the 5 ____________ at
___ / 5 the end of the episode.
2 Complete the sentences with the words from the ___ / 5
box to form compound adjectives. There is one
TOTAL ___ / 15
extra word.

awaited discussion feature little provoking

reviewed winning
0 I like to go to the cinema with my friend because we
always have an interesting discussion after the film.
1 Darkest Hour (2017) is an award-____________ film
about the English Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.
2 Because his films had only a small group of fans, Ed
Wood is a ____________-known director.
3 We like thought-____________ films because they
often make us have different opinions, which we enjoy
talking about.
4 Waiting for the Barbarians (2020) is an eagerly-
____________ film starring Johnny Depp.
5 If a film is more than 40 minutes long, it is called
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 8 LESSON 8C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the sentences A and B so that they have
box. There are two extra words. a similar meaning to the first. Use between 1–3
broke careful debts full made mean raise
water 0 Let’s spend our money carefully on holiday to get the
0 Parents and schools should teach children to be best from it.
careful with money. A Let’s spend our money carefully on holiday, to get
1 My dad is very ____________. He never gives me any our money’s worth.
money. B On holiday, let’s be careful with our money when
2 The company has a lot of ____________ and will we spend it.
probably not last much longer. 1 Charles spends a lot because he has far more money
3 Can you help us? We would like to ____________ than he needs.
money for a tree planting project. A Charles spends a lot because he has
4 John told us he couldn’t come to the café with us __________________ burn.
because he was ____________. B Charles __________________ water because he
5 Our children are always asking for more toys. They has so much of it.
think we are ____________ of money. 2 That holiday in Mauritius is too expensive for us.
A We can’t __________________ that holiday in
___ / 5
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the B We can’t pay for a holiday in Mauritius because
sentences. we’re too short __________________.
0 We need to take out a ___ from the bank to buy some ___ / 4
TOTAL ___ / 15
a debt b loan c cash
1 I haven’t got any money ___ me. Can you lend me
a at b to c on
2 My sister has got more money than ___. I worry about
how she spends it.
a sense b ideas c wisdom
3 Many people still live in ___ and don’t have enough
money for acceptable living conditions.
a poor b poverty c shortage
4 My bank account is in the ___. I have to pay some
money back to the bank or it won’t let me take any
a black b white c red
5 Have you got any ___ change? I just need a few coins.
a lose b loose c money
6 My cousin is ___ in money. He owns a mansion, four
cars and a seaside cottage.
a reeling b rolling c sleeping
___ / 6

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 8 LESSON 8C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the 3 Complete the sentences A and B so that they have
box. There are two extra words. a similar meaning to the first. Use between 1–3
careful crowdfunding debts mean money poverty
red sense 0 Let’s spend our money carefully on holiday to get the
best from it.
0 Parents and schools should teach children to be
A Let’s spend our money carefully on holiday, to get
careful with money.
our money’s worth.
1 John has got more money than ____________. He’s
B On holiday, let’s be careful with our money when
rich now, but wait and see what happens later.
we spend it.
2 People who live in ____________ need more help
1 I’ve spent all my money. I have to find a cash machine.
from the government.
A I’ve run __________________ money.
3 My bank account is in the ____________ and the bank
B I don’t __________________ on me.
won’t lend me any more money.
2 People say that Martha is extremely rich.
4 ____________ can be very effective to collect money
A They say that Martha is rolling
if you have a lot of connections.
5 You need to settle your ____________ before they
B They say that Martha __________________ of
mount up too high.
___ / 5
___ / 4
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
TOTAL ___ / 15
the sentences.
0 We need to take out a ___ from the bank to buy some
a debt b loan c cash
1 Your aunt is the richest person I know. She has money
to ___.
a roll b lose c burn
2 We need to ___ some money to help our hospital buy
the equipment it needs.
a raise b do c build
3 My son needed a coin but I couldn’t help him because
I didn’t have any loose ___.
a currency b money c change
4 She spends money like ___. It seems she has an
endless supply of it.
a fire b water c air
5 I’m a bit ___ of money today. Could you lend me
a short b less c out
6 I’ve got no money at all. I’m completely ___!
a broken b out c broke
___ / 6

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 9 LESSON 9C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Match the phrases from the box with their 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words
definitions. There is one extra phrase. formed from the words in bold.
dispose of something keep noise to a minimum 0 You can be helpful (HELP) by putting your litter in a
drop litter minimise the impact of respect guidelines bin.
single-use product sort your rubbish 1 If we have ____________ (REUSE) plastic containers,
0 An item that you use once and then throw away. it will cause less plastic waste.
single-use product 2 Chemicals from burning plastic are ____________
1 Throw away something. __________________ (HARM) to the environment.
2 Keep as quiet as you can. __________________ 3 Environmental destruction is ____________ (AVOID)
3 Read instructions on how to behave in a natural area if we take action.
and do what they say. __________________ 4 Using more fuel than you need is ____________
4 Throw away plastic things, glass and paper, each into (WASTE) and should be avoided.
separate bins. __________________ 5 Certain materials and substances are only
5 Cause the least amount of harm possible. ____________ (DISPOSE) in specially designed
__________________ containers.
___ / 5 ___ / 5

2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the TOTAL ___ / 15

0 It is very ___ for natural areas when people respect
them when they visit.
a respectful b sustainable c helpful
1 Too much human activity can ___ wild animals, so
they are not able to live normally. They may hide or
run away.
a damage b disturb c waste
2 Wind is an example of a ___ source of energy
because we can use it repeatedly. We don’t need to
worry that it will finish or damage the environment.
a sustainable b thoughtful c respectful
3 Industries ___ the environment: for example, by
pollution or habitat destruction.
a damage b disturb c reduce
4 If industry creates products we can ___, then there will
be less rubbish.
a sustain b help c reuse
5 If you are ___ about nature, you will understand it
better and know how to protect it better.
a respectful b sustainable c thoughtful
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 9 LESSON 9C
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Match the phrases from the box with their 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words
definitions. There is one extra phrase. formed from the words in bold.
0 You can be helpful (HELP) by putting your litter in a
dispose of something single-use product drop litter
respect guidelines disturb the wildlife sort your rubbish bin.
minimise the impact of 1 Taking a bath every day instead of a shower is a very
____________ (WASTE) way of using water.
0 An item that you use once and then throw away.
2 Environmental destruction is ____________ (AVOID)
single-use product
if we take action.
1 Behave in a way which hurts animals and plants.
3 People like my sister because she is a ____________
(THOUGHT) person. She tries to do things which help
2 Throw away something. __________________
and not annoy them.
3 Cause the least amount of harm possible.
4 Certain materials and substances are only
____________ (DISPOSE) in specially designed
4 Read instructions on how to behave in a natural area
and do what they say.__________________
5 We need to replace plastic shopping bags with bags
5 Throw away plastic things, glass and paper, each into
which are ____________ (REUSE) .
separate bins. __________________
___ / 5
___ / 5
TOTAL ___ / 15
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences.
0 It is very ___ for natural areas when people respect
them when they visit.
a respectful b sustainable c helpful
1 Industries ___ the environment: for example, by
pollution or habitat destruction.
a reduce b damage c waste
2 When you are going to visit a national park, please
remember to ___ noise to a minimum so as not to
disturb animals who live there.
a take b keep c make
3 If industry creates products we can ___, then there will
be less rubbish.
a sustain b help c reuse
4 People should start to be more___ to nature and stop
destroying the planet.
a respectful b sustainable c harmful
5 Cycling is the most ___ form of transport I know.
a sustainable b single-use c respectful
___ / 5

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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A
Unit 10 LESSON 10B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Read the definitions of ‘law and punishment’ 3 Complete the text with the phrases from the box.
words. Write the correct words. The first letters are There are two extra phrases.
arrested caught on a security camera charged with
0 A punishment in which a person loses their freedom. gave me a warning held in custody made a statement
imprisonment released on bail suspended sentence
1 When you have to pay money as a punishment.
2 A person has to spend the rest of their life in prison.
Last year, a lady called Lisa was 0 caught on a security
l____________ s____________
camera taking things off shelves and putting them in a
3 A criminal wears this, usually on their ankle, so that the
large bag. The police 1 ________________________ her
police can track them. e____________
six hours later. She was 2 ________________________
shoplifting. The manager of the shop came to the police
4 A regulation which means people must not leave their
station and 3 ________________________: he told police
home between specified hours. c____________
what he knew about the crime, and what he had seen on
5 The process of becoming ready for society again,
the security camera. Lisa was
which prison is meant accomplish. r____________
4 ________________________ in a cell at the police
___ / 5
station overnight. Her father came to the station with a
2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete lawyer the next day. She was
the sentences. 5 ________________________ after her father paid some

0 My son is under ___ for underage drinking. money.

a charge b arrest c custody
1 Larry has not been seen for two days. Now there was ___ / 5
a letter asking for money for his safe return. He must
TOTAL ___ / 15
be a victim of ___.
a burglary b murder c kidnapping
2 Police ___ the murder suspect for several hours.
a questioned b charged c interviewed
3 Detectives finally ___ the killer thanks to additional
evidence from his phone billing data.
a charged b arrested c caught
4 I had to sweep pavements as part of my ___ service.
a suspended b community c imprisonment
5 Call the police. Someone has been ___ into the office
computer system and stealing data.
a kidnapping b hacking c pickpocketing
___ / 5

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Vocabulary Quiz | Group B
Unit 10 LESSON 10B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Read the definitions of ‘law and punishment’ 3 Complete the text with the phrases from the box.
words. Write the correct words. The first letters are There are two extra phrases.
caught fine community service held in custody bail
0 A punishment in which a person loses their freedom. made a statement questioned security cameras
1 If you commit a small crime you may get this instead of
a punishment, if you’re lucky. w____________ I used to spray graffiti on public walls. I was always careful
2 A device which can monitor and record criminal to avoid 0 security cameras, but once a police officer saw
activity. s____________ c____________ me doing it. I ran away but she
3 If you are arrested by police, this is money you can 1 ________________________ me. When she

pay so that you can go home before your trial, if the 2 ________________________ me, I explained that it was

authorities agree. b____________ art. I asked if I could just pay a small

4 The process of becoming ready for society again, 3 ________________________ right there. She said no

which prison is meant to accomplish. r____________ and took me to the police station, where I was
5 A punishment in which the person can go free. But if 4 ________________________ for 24 hours. Then I had to

they commit a further crime they certainly go to prison. do 5 ________________________, cleaning the walls I had
s____________ s____________ sprayed.
___ / 5

2 Choose the correct option a–c to complete ___ / 5

the sentences.
TOTAL ___ / 15
0 My son is under ___ for underage drinking.
a charge b arrest c custody
1 Our neighbour thinks we broke her window. She is
going to make ___ to the police.
a a complaint b a statement c an argument
2 The authorities say we are not allowed to leave the
house. There is a ___.
a kidnapping b burglary c curfew
3 The thought of ___ makes many people think twice
before committing a crime.
a imprisonment b a curfew c rehabilitation
4 The highest penalty in many countries is a(n) ___. The
person stays in prison and never leaves.
a life sentence b assault
c community service
5 When Jake managed to remove his ___, the police
caught him anyway and he ended up in more trouble.
a fine b electronic tag
c charge
___ / 5

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