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Media Buying

Professional Exam
study guide


Table of contents
Overview 3

Meta Advertising Standards 4

Meta Ads Manager 10

Meta Business Manager 13

Campaign objectives 17

Campaign buying types 25

How ads appear across Meta technologies 32

Campaign budgets and schedules 41

Campaign audiences 49

Optimization for ad delivery 62

Advertiser controls 66

Automated rules 74

Creative strategy 78

Campaign data sources 88

Measurement and reporting strategies 101

Study questions 116

Answer key 128

Glossary 133
Meta Certification can help you get noticed.
Meta Certification recognizes advanced-level proficiency
with Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.

Certification is the highest level of accreditation that

Meta recognizes in digital marketing.

Help boost your resume, credibility and career.

This document helps prepare you for the Meta Certified Media
Buying Professional Exam. This exam measures your your ability
to design an end-to-end marketing strategy that aligns with
business goals and complements a holistic marketing plan using
Meta technologies.

Find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more

about Meta Certification.

Meta Advertising
Meta Advertising Standards
Meta Advertising Standards are designed to make ads safe for all people. Each ad is reviewed
against these policies. Familiarize yourself with the Advertising Standards to ensure that
you're building a compliant and considerate ads experience.

Here are some notable sections from the Advertising Standards:

Ads must not contain content that asserts or implies

personal attributes. This includes direct or indirect assertions
or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion,
Personal attributes beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity,
disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health),
financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record
or name.

Ads must not contain adult content. This includes nudity,

depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or
activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.
Sexually suggestive
Ads that assert or imply the ability to meet someone, connect
with them or view content created by them must not be
positioned in a sexual way or with an intent to sexualize the
person featured in the ad.

Ads linking to Facebook or Instagram content (including

Pages, groups, events or websites that use Facebook Login)
may make limited reference to Facebook or Instagram in ad
text for the purpose of clarifying the destination of the ad. Ads
Meta brands
shouldn't represent the Meta brand in a way that makes it the
most distinctive or prominent feature of the creative. Meta brand
assets shouldn't be modified in any way, such as by changing the
design or color or for the purpose of special effects or animation.


Some important policies for advertisers to know are:

Community Standards

Community Guidelines

Learn more about the Meta Advertising Standards, and get more information on prohibited
content, targeting and data use restrictions. Some additional areas to familiarize yourself with
include policies for advertising regarding credit, alcohol, weapons, pharma, financial services,
politics, social issues, housing and employment. Some rules may vary from country to country,
based on market regulation.

The ad review process

Once you create your ad and place an order, your ad will be reviewed by the machine learning
system. If your ad is flagged, it will be reviewed by our review team. If your ad is approved, it
will begin delivering across placements.

Create ad and place order.

Submit ad for review.

Ad is reviewed by the system or our

review team.

Ad isn’t approved, Ad is approved

but the decision and begins
can be appealed. delivering across


Rejected ads
Your ad may be rejected if it goes against the Advertising Standards. You may also receive
a rejection if the landing page content isn't fully functional or doesn't match the product or
service promoted in your ad. It’s also possible for an ad to be rejected after approval if it
receives an unusually high amount of negative feedback, such as people marking your ad as
spam or hiding your ad.

If your ad is rejected, you can edit your ad and resubmit it for review by following these steps:

1. Check the email address associated with your advertising account. If your ad isn’t
approved, you’ll receive an email with details that explain why.

2. Edit and create a compliant ad. Use the information provided in your rejection email.

3. Save any changes to your ad. Your ad is submitted automatically for review once you
save your changes.

Appealing decisions
If you think that your ad was mistakenly rejected, you can edit your ad or appeal the decision.
You’ll receive an email that explains why your ad wasn’t approved, so you can use that
information to guide any necessary changes. If you want to appeal the decision, request a
review. The ad review process may take up to 24 hours.

Common reasons for rejection

The best way to ensure your ads aren’t rejected is to have a thorough understanding of
the content and tactics that are prohibited and restricted by the Advertising Standards.

Understanding prohibited and restricted content can help you to minimize the time and
resources required to edit your ads and minimize delays in the delivery of your ads.

Outlined in the Advertising Standards are five elements that are reviewed on every ad: text,
creative, landing pages, targeting parameters and positioning.


The chart below outlines some common reasons ads are rejected.

● Fails to clearly specify the product or service offered

Rejected ad ● Implies the advertiser knows specific attributes about a person
text ● Uses offensive language
● Makes false or misleading claims or withholds important information

● Fails to clearly or accurately reflect the product or service promoted in

the ad
Rejected ● Contains content, products or services prohibited by Meta Advertising
landing pages Standards
● Contains content that interferes with navigating away from it
● Fails to work or isn’t functional

● Includes images or videos of a sexual nature

Rejected ad ● Includes misleading buttons in the image
creative ● References Facebook or Instagram in a way that misrepresents Meta
● Focuses on a body part or pain point


Ad copy examples
Here are examples of ads that would be rejected and suggestions on how to edit them.

What to avoid How to edit

Avoid being “Try our best product to reduce acne “We are offering a one-week free trial
vague in scars.” for our popular acne scar removal
descriptions cream!”
of offers, This is quite vague and doesn’t specify
products and the product being offered. This ad This version tells people exactly what
service. would not be approved. the advertiser is offering.

Avoid calling “Don’t worry if you’re a plus-sized “We have extended sizes for all our
out personal woman.” spring styles.”
attributes or
characteristics. This implies the advertiser knows that This version focuses on the product
the person viewing the ad is plus-sized. rather than the person viewing the ad.
Ads must not contain content that
asserts or implies personal attributes.

Avoid offensive “Damn, these are the best diamond “Check out these gorgeous rings for
language. rings ever.” your big day!”

Even common profanity can’t be used This version doesn’t include any
in ads across Meta technologies. profanity.
Symbols, numbers and letters must be
used properly, without the intention of
circumventing the ad review process.

Avoid making “I lost 10 lbs in 25 days attending the “I lost 5lbs attending this training
deceptive, false training session. You can also lose 10 session! Join us today!”
or misleading lbs by joining me today!”
claims. This version simply states a fact and
This implies that everyone will also invites people to join the training with
have the same results, and makes an no promise of weight loss.
unrealistic promise.


Meta Ads Manager
Meta Ads Manager
You can use Meta Ads Manager to manage ad campaigns for your business. You can create,
edit and view ad campaigns as well as access performance reports.

Campaign structure
In Ads Manager, there are three campaign structure levels: campaign, ad set and ad level. This
chart provides an overview of the specific campaign elements you can control at each level.


Buying type Objective

Ad set
Placement Audience Optimization Budget Scheduling
and bid


Formats Creative

The campaign levels and their elements may also be available outside of the
sequence represented in the chart. However, the sequence represented is
designed to help you understand how Ads Manager is organized.

There’s more information on these campaign elements throughout this guide.


Meta Business Partners
Meta Business Partners are a global network of third-party companies that have the expertise
and technical skill to help businesses. These companies are members of the Meta Business
Partners program and represent a variety of specialities, including commerce, agency, creative,
advertising technology and messaging.

Meta Business Partners can help you meet your marketing needs throughout the campaign
creation process. Find someone to work with using the Meta Business Partner directory.

The following are different types of Meta Business Partners:

These partners can help you manage, scale and optimize your campaigns,
including assistance with creative, audiences, budgets, scheduling,
management partners
reporting and analytics.

Creative platform These partners can help you create and curate images or video, or improve
partners your existing creative assets.

Feed platforms These partners can help you create product catalogs for use in ads,
partners Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shop.

These partners can help you track performance across Meta technologies
Measurement partners and the rest of your marketing mix.

These partners can help you connect your customer actions, including
Conversion data
offline and web activity to Meta technologies, and help you improve
performance of ad campaigns.

Community These partners can help you manage and moderate communities on Pages
management partners and in conversations.

These partners can help you build a messaging experience at scale and
Messaging partners automate customer service, lead generation and transactions over chat.


Meta Business Manager
Meta Business Manager
You can use Meta Business Manager to manage ad
accounts, apps, Pages and employee permissions all
in one place. Business Manager differs from Meta Ads
Manager as it enables you to oversee campaigns and
assets for all of the businesses you work with, not just
a singular business. With Business Manager, you can
run your ads, measure your ad performance, manage
assets such as your Pages, data sources and ad
accounts, as well as add an agency or marketing
partner to help you manage your business.

Payment methods
You can set up a payment method in Business Manager
to manage all of your billing details. Once you add a
payment method, you can connect it to an ad account
and use that account as the primary payment method
for your ads. You can either add a payment method or
have one shared with your Business Account from
another Business Account.

You must have admin access or have a finance editor

role to make any changes to the payment methods
connected to Business Manager.

Permissions and access

To help you securely manage your business assets
and content, Business Manager enables you to grant
permissions to collaborators. There are two types of
permissions you can grant: people or partner. These
permissions enable you to assign the appropriate level
of access based on their role in your business.



You can assign people a status to grant them access to your Business Manager and assets. You can
assign the following levels of access to people:

This enables individuals to This enables individuals to work

control all components in on assigned accounts and tools.
Admin Business Manager, including Employee They can view information in
role role
editing settings, people, your business settings but can't
accounts and tools. make any changes.

Finance analyst: This enables individuals to view financial details of the business,
including transactions, invoices, account spend and payment methods.
role Finance editor: This enables individuals to edit financial details of the business,
including business credit card information, transactions, invoices, account
spend and payment methods.


You can assign partner status to other businesses you work with in Business Manager, such as
agencies or clients. This enables you to share assets with each other. You can assign the following
levels of access to partners:

This enables you to grant This enables partners to grant

Sharing partners access to assets in Requesting you access to assets in their
(assets your Business Account to (assets Business Accounts.
with) help you manage your Pages from)
or ads.


Business ID
Your business ID is a number that corresponds to your Business Account, which you can find in
your business settings. You may need your business ID when you're sharing access to certain
information, such as monthly invoices or the Meta Pixel. To add a new media agency to an
existing Business Manager account, you need to share your Business Manager ID.

In Business Manager, assets refer to your business content. You can manage multiple assets
such as:

Pages Ad accounts Catalogs Apps

Create new ad accounts.

In Business Manager you can oversee all of your ad campaigns in one place. You can claim your
ad accounts by adding an existing ad account, requesting access to the ad account of another
business or creating a new ad account. Set up a separate ad account for each business
campaign or partner to best manage your work.

Turn on two-factor authentication.

Business Manager admins can turn on two-factor authentication to help protect their Business
Account from unauthorized access. Follow these steps to turn on this additional feature:

1. Click Business info.

2. Scroll down to Business options.
3. Click the dropdown menu next to Two-factor authentication.
4. Select Admins only or Everyone to choose who this requirement applies to. You can turn
off two-factor authentication here by choosing No one.

You might have to enter a code every time you log in if you turn on private
browsing or if you set up your browser to clear your history every time it closes.


Campaign objectives
Campaign objectives in Ads Manager
There are a variety of different campaign objectives for you to choose from. Before
choosing your campaign objective, define your business goal so you can align this with the
corresponding objective. When you choose an objective, it can help determine how your ads
are delivered across Meta technologies.

There are six campaign objectives (formerly, there were 11 objectives) to choose from across
the three stages of the customer journey, which is also known as the marketing funnel. These
stages are awareness, consideration and conversion.

Awareness Generate interest in your product or service, and

communicate what makes your business valuable.

Encourage people to think about and get more

information about your business.

Conversion Inspire people already interested in your business to buy

or use your product or service. This stage is also referred
to as the conversion stage of the customer journey.

The six objectives are categorized into the stages of the customer journey.

Awareness Consideration Conversion

Awareness Traffic Sales



App promotion

The app promotion objective can be a part of the consideration or conversion

stage of the customer journey, depending on the optimization you choose.
More optimization options are available for this objective in the consideration

How campaign objectives relate to business goals
The chart outlines how each objective correlates to business goals.

Objective Business goal Example Data sources Notes

Reach the most You can use this Not applicable The awareness
people to increase objective if your objective gives
awareness, business is brand you the estimated ad
introduce your brand new, has undergone recall lift metric,
or improve recall. a name change or which shows an
Awareness You can use the you want more estimated number of
awareness objective potential customers people likely to
for reach, impression to get to know you. remember your ad
or ad recall. when asked within
two days of seeing it.

Send people to a You can use this Optional but Depending on

destination, such as objective if you’re recommended: the conversion
your website, app, having a flash sale on location you choose,
Facebook Shop or your website or want ● Meta Pixel you have different
Instagram Shop. to send potential optimization options
Under the traffic customers to a web available. Your
Traffic objective, you select page that describes optimizations can
which location you your services. support clicks,
want conversions to impressions and
occur on. Choose reach.
from your website,
app, Messenger or

Find people You can use this Not applicable With the
likely to interact objective if you want engagement
with your business people who objective you can
online and take are interested in run ads across
actions, such as your products or messaging apps,
starting a services to start a ads, websites, apps
conversation conversation on and Pages. An
Engagement or commenting Messenger. engagement
on posts. conversion can
include signing up
for a newsletter,
chatting with an
agent or completing
a video.

Objective Business goals Example Data sources Notes

Find people likely For example, if Required: Deep linking enables

to install your app. you want potential ● Registered app you to lead people
The app promotion customers to make ● Facebook SDK to a specified
objective can help a purchase through destination of your
you with app installs, your app or try a new mobile app once
desired actions app feature, they click your ad,
App people can take in you can create an if they have your
promotion your app, clicks on app promotion app installed. Use
your ad and ROAS. campaign. deferred deep linking
if people
have not installed
your app yet.

Collect leads for For example, if Not applicable After clicking your
your business. you want potential lead ad, customers
customers to sign up will see a form that’s
for a monthly already filled out
newsletter, this with information
objective can help they’ve shared with
you reach people Meta, such as their
Leads willing to share their name, phone
information with you number or email. The
to learn more about form is
your business. mobile–friendly
and designed to
minimize typing.

Find people likely For example, if Depending on With the sales

to make purchases you want to reach your conversion objective, it's
or take other people most likely locations, you might recommended that
important actions to make a purchase, need a different you have a catalog
online or in store. such as through an data source (such so you can reach
You can attract sales ecommerce site, you as the Meta Pixel, the people most
on the following: can use the sales Facebook SDK, the likely to engage
Sales website, app, objective. You can Conversions API or with your products.
Messenger or also optimize for offline conversions).
WhatsApp. other actions, such For example, for app
as adding an item to conversions you
their cart. need to have the
Facebook SDK

Campaign objectives and buying types
When you want to increase brand exposure across
an audience of 200,000 or more people, it’s
recommended that you use reach and frequency
buying. This works best with the awareness, traffic
or engagement objectives. If your goal is to find the
most cost-efficient way of promoting a specific direct
response, such as conversions or app promotions,
it’s recommended that you use the auction buying
method instead.

Advantage+ catalog ads

You can use Advantage+catalog ads to help reach
potential customers at key stages during the
purchase journey. Advantage+ catalog ads are
a way for advertisers to increase sales on their
website or in their app using personalized, user-level
recommendations from their catalog.

Advantage+ catalog ads match the intent of your

audience, which is captured from your website, mobile
app or elsewhere (such as Facebook), to help increase
demand and sales for your online catalog. Advantage+
catalog ads look exactly like other ads, but they enable
you to create an ad template that automatically uses
images and details from your catalog for items you
want to advertise.

A catalog includes information about the items in your

inventory. Catalogs can help you automatically
personalize your ad creative at scale without having to
create thousands of individual ads. After you create a
catalog, you can create ads and commerce experiences
that pull information from your catalog to show people
your items.

Targeting options for Advantage+ catalog ads
Advantage+ catalog ads have two targeting options that can help you reach your intended
audience across different stages of the buying journey.

Reach people who haven’t yet purchased from your business or

Advantage+ catalog ads for
visited your website but may have shown interest in the types of
broad audiences
products you offer.

Advantage+ catalog ads for Reach people who have expressed interest in specific products on
retargeting your website or app and encourage them to complete the action.

The benefits of Advantage+ catalog ads

Advantage+ ads are personalized, always on, support retargeting, help you find new shoppers
and can appear in organic reconsideration experiences, such as Instagram Shop, Facebook and

Advantage+ catalog ad data sources

To run Advantage+ catalog ads, you need to connect your catalog to your Meta Pixel or
Facebook SDK.

Advantage+ catalog ad verticals
There are currently products tailored to four different Advantage+ catalog ad verticals.

Retail or Use the retail or ecommerce vertical to reach more shoppers,

ecommerce move people to complete a sale and find new potential shoppers.

Use the travel vertical to reach people, such as weekend, single and
group travelers through their dynamic booking window.

Use the real estate vertical to reach people with your real estate
Real estate inventory. You can include elements, such as the number of
bedrooms and bathrooms.

Use the auto vertical to upload your entire catalog of vehicle

inventory with relevant details, such as make, model and year.

Manage a catalog in Meta Business Manager.

To manage your catalog, you can use Commerce Manager. However, you can perform some
basic actions to manage it your catalog in Business Manager. Use Business Manager to assign
permissions to other people or businesses to work on your catalog.

To manage your catalog in Business Manager:

1. Go to Business settings and select your Business Account.

2. Select Data sources followed by Catalogs.
3. Select your catalog on the left-hand side.
4. Select how you want to manage your catalog.

Create a high-quality catalog.
Follow these tips to build and manage a high-quality catalog in Commerce Manager.

Keep all items in one catalog instead of creating multiple catalogs.

This makes it easier to manage your inventory, helps build your
Use one catalog.
audience by consolidating pixel data and ensures all your items are
available to sell with Instagram Shop and Facebook Shop.

Keep your catalog Update your items every time prices or availability change and make
updated. sure that the information in your catalog matches your website.

Provide accurate Include important details, avoid keyword stuffing, proofread for
details. spelling and don't include any links in these fields.

Choose high- Provide high resolution images that are at least 500 x 500 pixels and
quality images. show your items accurately. Provide multiple images of each product.

Make sure your Make sure that your product links begin with http:// or https://, aren’t
product links are broken and direct customers to the correct product page.

Include product Provide the most specific Google or Facebook product category
categories. possible for each item in your catalog.

Make sure to set up variants in your catalog so they display correctly

Set up variants.
if you sell variants of the same item, such as different sizes or colors.

Create product sets, which are groups of items in your catalog. You
Create sets can use sets to help control the items that appear in your ads or
of items. feature collections of items in your Facebook Shop or Instagram

Resolve any Check that your ads comply with the Advertising Standards so they
issues. can appear in your ads or shop.

Set the correct permission level for the catalog in Business Manager.
Set the correct
There are two permission levels for catalogs: manage catalog or
create ads.

To use checkout on Facebook and Instagram, additional information is

required for each item, including a quantity, product category and size
(US only).

Campaign buying types
There are three ways to buy ads across
Meta technologies.
A buying type determines how you pay for an ads campaign. In Ads Manager, you determine
your buying type at the campaign level. Whether you’re launching a new brand or generating
awareness of an upcoming product launch, it’s important to consider which buying type best
meets the business goals of your campaign.

When you set up your ad campaigns, you can select from three buying types:

Reach and
Auction rating point

You determine your buying type before selecting other elements in your campaign structure.
So much of your ad performance depends on you choosing the buying type that best suits
your budget, schedule or business goals.

Auction buying
Auction buying offers more choice, efficiency and flexibility, with less predictable results.
Ads can be placed across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Audience Network. It's
recommended that campaigns placed on Facebook or Instagram use the auction buying type.

Auction buying is the default buying option in Ads Manager. Choose this buying type if you
want to:

● Make specific choices about your audience.

● Get the most cost-efficient results for a given campaign objective.
● Adjust the campaign settings in real time.


Ad auction winner
Through the ad auction, advertisers can reach people receptive to their ads, and people can
see content that interests them.

Unlike most traditional auctions, the ad with the highest monetary bid isn’t necessarily the
winner. Instead, winning ads are determined by the value they offer to both advertisers and to
the people seeing them.

To ensure that the winning ad maximizes value for both people and advertisers, ads are ranked
by total value, and the ad with the highest value wins the auction for a given ad placement.

We explore this concept of total value in more detail in the following section.


Reach and frequency buying
Reach and frequency buying enables you to plan and buy your campaigns in advance, with
predictable ad delivery and more control over your frequency settings. You can pay a set price
for the advertising inventory placement you reserve.

Reach and frequency terms

Below are some common terms used in reach and frequency buying.

Reach is the number of people who saw an ad at least once during a

Reach campaign. Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple
views of ads by the same people.

Frequency is the average number of times each person saw an ad.


Frequency cap is the maximum number of times an individual will see an ad

Frequency cap in a certain time frame.

CPM CPM is the average cost of 1,000 impressions.

Retargeting is the act of delivering new ads to an audience based on their

Retargeting previous interaction with ads.

Sequencing is the act of delivering ads in a specific order to tell a story using
Sequencing a series of ads in a campaign.

Compatible objectives for reach and frequency buying

Reach and frequency buying works well for the following exposure-based objectives:

● Awareness
● Engagement
● Traffic

For example, if you want people to buy something from a website or install your app, this
auction buying type might be the best option.


Delivery systems for reach and frequency buying
Let’s explore how and when ads are shown to certain people in your selected audience when
you use reach and frequency buying.

Here’s an overview of the delivery systems for reach and frequency buying:

With reach and frequency buying you can use a sequencing tool to arrange
up to 50 ads, which you can show to audiences in a certain order. People in
this audience have the opportunity to see ads in the order you set.

Sequence ads when you want to:

● Tell a story about a brand.
● Present information to people in a specific order.
● Reach a broader audience with several different ads that tell a story.
● Try different ways of engaging a broader audience.

Retargeting is similar to ad sequencing as you can set up ads to run in a

sequence. However, with sequencing people only see these ads if they've
already seen a previous ad or engaged with your content before.

Retarget ads to people when you want to:

Retargeting ● Reach people who previously engaged with your content.
● Reach people who are likely to take certain actions, such as make an
online purchase or visit your store.

You can also schedule your ads based on when and how you want your ads
to appear.

Scheduling allows you to control both what dates and what times your ads
are delivered.

Ad scheduling ● Use standard delivery to have Ads Manager try to deliver your ads in
a way that is evenly distributed throughout the day.
● Schedule your ads to run on specific dates under the Schedule
section in Ads Manager.


Reach and frequency buying
Reach and frequency buying enables you to plan and buy your campaigns in advance, with
predictable ad delivery and more control over your frequency settings.

Auction compared to reach and frequency buying

The table below shows the different characteristics of auction buying as it compares to reach
and frequency buying.

Auction Reach and frequency

This enables a flexible frequency cap This enables a flexible frequency

Frequency controls for the awareness objective only. cap for any objective selected.

Ads Manager automatically identifies There are options for sequenced

the highest performing ad and serves or scheduled delivery (controlling
Delivery controls it the most among a set. Standard the order and dates on which
and accelerated delivery are people see your ads) in addition
available. to standard delivery.

There’s no prediction of overall reach There’s prediction of overall reach.

Predictability (daily reach prediction only).

Depending on market conditions, You can lock in the CPM you pay for
prices fluctuate in the auction. You impressions. The bid is made on
compete with your bid, which is a your behalf.
component of your total ad value.

Schedule your ads for different times Schedule your ads to run only
of day for different days of the week. during part of the day, but you can't
Dayparting vary this selection by day of the
week. There’s a minimum campaign
length of 24 hours.

Auction buying optimizes only for the Reach and frequency buying
Optimization objective, for example, awareness. optimizes dynamically between the
objective and impressions.

Audiences can be multicountry, very You can only target ads to one
small and you can exclude dynamic country at a time, no fewer than
audiences. 200,000 people and you can't
exclude dynamic audiences.


Target rating point buying
Target rating point (TRP) buying is limited to eligible campaigns only. TRP is a buying type that
lets you extend, augment and complement your TV campaigns with Facebook and Instagram.
With TRP you can plan and buy video campaigns using Nielsen-verified TRPs, such as TV and
other online video channels. Then, your ad is optimized toward Nielsen on-target delivery
according to your audience.

With TRP you can:

● Measure impressions as a percentage of the population you want to target ads to.
● Buy video ads the same way and in the same currency as you buy other
Facebook and Instagram ads.

TRP isn’t available in all countries.

Below is a summary of the three buying types.

Auction Reach and frequency TRP

Bid for audience actions Pay a fixed price to Buy Nielsen-verified,

How to buy
or impressions with a predictably reach your on-target impressions
and what
variety of cost control audience. for a specific campaign
you’re buying
tools. at a set price.

● Real-time pricing and ● Buy up to six months ● Buy up to six months

availability in advance in advance

How it works ● Many objectives to ● Control frequency ● Minimum spend

choose from required
● 200K minimum
● Control frequency audience


How ads appear across
Meta technologies
How ads appear across
Meta technologies
The ad delivery system determines when and where ads appear across Meta technologies. This
system has three components, all of which work together to optimize ad delivery and achieve
your objectives. Below are the three methods used to determine how ads are shown
to people.

1 2 3
Ad auction Performance Advertiser
optimization controls

Ad auction
The ad auction is where ads chosen for your audience are ranked to find the ad most likely to
maximize value for both advertisers and people. In an auction, ads are ranked by their total
value and the ad with the highest total value wins the auction for the chosen individual.

Step one: Step two: Step three: Step four:

You launch a The system considers The winner is chosen That particular
campaign and bids and holds an based on the total person sees the
decide on a bid. auction to determine value of the ad. The winning ad.
which advertiser gets ad with the highest
to show their ad to a total value wins the
particular person. auction.

Total value is based on advertiser bid, estimated action rates and ad quality.

Optimize the customer

Maximize advertiser value

Advertiser bid x estimated + Ad quality = Total value

action rates


Advertiser bid
The advertiser bid is the bid you select for an event that aligns with your desired result. A
higher bid helps to increase the total value of an ad, which increases its ranking in the ad
auction. However, the bid alone doesn’t determine whether or not an ad will win the auction.

Estimated action rates

Estimated action rates are how likely it is that showing your ad to a person will lead to your
desired outcome. When an ad has a high estimated action rate, it means it’s likely to achieve
results. This also helps to increase its total value.

For ads optimized for clicks, the estimated action rate reflects the estimated click-through
rate. For conversion-optimized ads, the estimated action rate reflects the estimated
click-through rate multiplied by the estimated click to conversion rate.

Below are how estimated action rates are used for different ad optimizations.

Click-optimized ad Click-through conversion-optimized ad

(Bid for click) x (estimated click-through rate) + (Bid for conversion) x (estimated click-through
(ad quality)) = Total value rate) x (estimated click-to-conversion rate) +
(ad quality) = Total value


Ad quality
Ad quality is a measure that is used to establish how relevant your ad is to a given individual.
Quality of an ad is determined from many sources including feedback from people viewing or
hiding the ad and assessments of clickbait, engagement bait and other poor experiences.

To improve your ad quality, consider your website landing page experience and avoid the
following ad experiences.

● Misleading experiences from ad to landing page

● Disproportionate volume of ads relative to content
● Sexually suggestive or shocking content
● Malicious or deceptive ads
● Pop–up interstitial ads

Total value considers the relevance of an ad to the person who will see it as well as ad
quality. The quality of an ad is determined from many sources, including feedback from
people viewing or hiding the ad, assessment of clickbait, engagement bait and post-click

When an ad has a high ad quality, it means it’s relevant to the selected audience. This also
helps boost its total value in the ad auction.

Performance optimization system

The performance optimization system uses machine learning to predict which ad auctions
give you the best value for your money. Pacing is a budget optimization process that ensures
your budget is spent as evenly as possible over the lifetime of your ad set. It helps prevent
you from spending your budget too quickly on inefficient results. Pacing enables flexibility to
help get you the best available results for your goals by enabling adjustments.

The aspect of pacing where adjustments are made to your bid, and which
Bid pacing auctions are entered based on how much of the budget is remaining and time
is left for your ad set.

The aspect of pacing where how much of your budget is spent is increased
Budget pacing based on opportunities to get many optimization events with costs aligned
with your bid strategy.


Advertiser controls
Advertiser-set controls guide targeting, budget, bid strategy, placement strategy and
schedule inputs. You can adjust these controls based on pacing results. We explore these
controls in more detail later in this study guide. The available advertiser controls options for
bidding strategy are listed below:

This enables you to adjust your desired maximum cost per result. It also helps
Cost control
control the costs of the results you want to achieve.

This enables you to adjust the maximum amount you want to be bid in each
Bid control auction.

Estimated daily results

If there's enough information available, you will get an estimation of how many people you will
reach or how many results you can get if you spend your full budget. To see these estimations,
go to Ads Manager and then navigate to Estimated daily reach and Estimated daily results as
you create or edit an ad set.

Both estimated daily reach and estimated daily results are available for app installs, event
responses, landing page views, link clicks, lead generation, offer claims, conversions, page
engagement, page likes, post engagement and video views. Estimates are unavailable for ad
sets using Advantage campaign budget with the bid cap and cost per result goal strategies.

Estimated daily results enable you to make more informed delivery control decisions by:

Estimating results, such as Setting realistic expectations Understanding the impact

website conversions. for results. of changes to budget, bid,
targeting and placement.

Estimated daily results are calculated by considering the following information:

Budgets Bids Past campaign Market

data information


Advertiser costs
There are a number of factors that determine how much you pay for ads. When you
understand these factors it can help you remain competitive within the auction and improve
your results. Ultimately, ads with a high total value contribute to lower costs, since they get the
most relevant content to the selected audience and most readily generate the desired
business results.

Competition Bid strategy Placements

Competefor the same Choose the highest Select different

audience in the auction volume, cost per result placements to change
can have higher costs. goal or bid cap. the cost.

Ad relevance Optimization

Increase the relevance Choose an event to

of an ad to lower the optimize for to change
cost. the cost.


Bid strategies
There are five bid strategies to choose from. You can also choose not to enter a cost control.

Highest volume Select the highest volume bid strategy if you want to maximize
delivery and conversions you can get from your budget. This bid
strategy is best for spending your budget as efficiently as possible.
However, the cost of your ad results will fluctuate more, as changes
are made to get the highest volume. For example, if auction
competition decreases, the cost of your ads may go down and
if auction competition increases, the costs of your ads may
go up.

Highest value Select the highest value bid strategy if you want to spend the entire
budget by the end of the schedule of an ad set while maximizing the
amount of value you get from purchases. This automated bid
strategy is available for ad sets optimizing for purchase value. Value
optimization uses machine learning to predict how much ROAS a
user may generate for a business over a one- or seven-day window.
This prediction is then used to bid for your highest value customers.
By bidding more for people who are likely
to spend more, you can maximize the ROAS for your campaigns.

Cost per result goal Select the cost per result goal bid strategy if you want to maximize
cost-efficiency and need to keep cost within a specific threshold. This
bid strategy enables you to provide a benchmark cost for the results
you care about. This helps limit your cost per conversion
while maximizing the number of conversions. The cost per result
goal reflects how much you are paying on average for results. Not
all optimization goals are available for cost per result goal. Learn
more about best practices for using cost per result goal.

ROAS goal Select the ROAS goal bid strategy if you want to keep return on ad
spend around an average amount of the course of your campaign,
providing you with more command over the value a campaign brings
to your business. When you set a ROAS goal, we’ll try to deliver
against that over the campaign’s lifetime, dynamically bidding as
high as needed to maximize results. To use this bid strategy, you'll
need to optimize your ad set for purchase value.

Bid cap Select the bid-cap bid strategy if you want to set a maximum bid
across auctions and reach as many people as possible at that bid. This
bid strategy maximizes volume at specified maximum bid and can
increase competitiveness against other advertisers targeting similar
audiences. Bid controls are less flexible, which means they're more
likely to constrain delivery than cost controls because the bid cap
limits bids in every auction.


These bid strategies are divided into three categories. These are spend-based bidding,
goal-based bidding and manual bidding.

Spend-based bidding Goal-based bidding Manual bidding

Focus on spending your full Set a cost or value you want Control how much you can bid
budget and getting the most to achieve. across ad auctions.
results or value possible.

Use the table below to learn more about the bid strategies.

Spend-based bidding Goal-based bidding Manual bidding

Highest volume Highest value Cost per ROAS goal Bid cap
result goal

● Spend the full ● Maximize the ● Keep cost per ● Exercise more ● Use internal
budget. value of result below a control over the bidding models
conversions, certain amount, purchase value or lifetime value
● Get the most rather than regardless of generated from models.
results possible simply market ads than can be
from your increasing the conditions. achieved with ● Control how
budget. number of highest value much can be
conversions. bidding. bid in auctions.
Budget goals
● Don’t have a
specific cost ● Spend the full ● Break even on
per result goal. budget while your ad spend
focusing on and reach a
● Don’t aim for getting higher certain return.
specific goals value
to measure or purchases.
define success.

● Your cost per ● This requires an ● Spend may be ● If Ads Manager ● A bid control
result may even slower than can’t reach your that’s set too
fluctuate. distribution of when using ROAS floor, low might result
values across highest volume then delivery in
● Costs may go different bidding and may stop and a campaign
down if auction products sold budget may not your budget will under
competition by your be entirely not be spent delivering.
decreases, or business. spent. in full.
Considerations costs may go ● Bid caps don’t
up if auction ● This requires ● Costs may be ● Requires Meta control the cost
competition data higher during Pixel or per action you
increases. on purchase the learning Facebook SDK see in reporting
value to be phase, but to pass back and require
passed to Meta. delivery should purchase more frequent
stabilize after values. bid changes.
the learning


Select your bid strategy.
The long-term success of your campaign relies on keeping it profitable. You should always bid
the true value for how much an action or conversion is worth to you. To control acquisition
costs and maximize campaign results, understand how to set the right bid method.

Use this chart to select the best bid strategy for you.

Do you want to control costs?

Do you want to optimize purchase value?

Highest volume Highest volume Cost per result goal ROAS goal with
Get the most with highest value Get the most highest value
results for your Get the most results for your Reach a minimum
budget. This results for your budget, and keep return for your ad
doesn’t provide budget while cost per result spend by reaching
cost control. focusing on higher below a threshold. higher purchase
value purchases. value conversions.
Bid cap
Manually cap how
much Ads Manager
bids in an auction.


Campaign budgets
and schedules
Campaign budgets and schedules

Delivery controls
Auction delivery controls are available for campaigns that have a lifetime budget. With these
delivery controls you can specify how your budget is spent on your ad delivery. There are four
spend options for ad delivery.

1 2 3 4
Standard Accelerated Scheduled Sequenced
delivery delivery delivery delivery

When you schedule your ad delivery it must run for at least one hour.

Standard delivery
Standard ad delivery for auction enables you to spend your budget evenly over the course of
a day. Ads default to standard delivery, so it’s important to change this if you require another
spend option to meet your campaign goals.

Accelerated delivery
Accelerated ad delivery enables you to spend your budget as quickly as possible, which can
result in faster delivery. This means that your ad will compete in all possible auctions for the
selected audience at its maximum bid. Accelerated delivery is best used if you want outcomes
as fast as possible and you’re less concerned about cost. It’s usually not recommended that
you use accelerated delivery, as it prevents pacing your budget and bid.


Scheduled delivery
Scheduled delivery, also known as day parting, enables you to spend your budget during the
time of day or day of the week you choose. This spend option can help you to show your ad to
the people more likely to take action at the most advantageous time based on your campaign
goals. You may also want to select scheduled delivery to avoid running your ad on a certain
time of day or day of the week that would provide your campaign little to no value. Here are
some examples of when to choose scheduled delivery:

● You don't do business during a certain time of day or week.

● You’re launching a product, such as a breakfast sandwich, that’s primarily purchased
during a certain time of day or week.
● You’re selling merchandise for a TV show and want your ads to appear directly after a
particular show airs.

Sequenced delivery
Sequenced ad delivery is only available for reach and frequency buying. This delivery option
enables you to serve your ads in a specific order or sequence. You provide a set number of
creative assets, then specify which order you want to show them to people.

For example, if you set up ad A, ad B and ad C with three different creative assets, you can
choose to have ad A shown the first time a person sees your ad, ad B shown for the second
impression and ad C shown as the last impression. This enables you to control the order in
which people see your ads.

Sequence ads when you want to:

Tell a story Present Reach a broader

about a brand information to audience with
or business. people in a several different
specific order. ads that tell a


Advantage campaign budget
Advantage campaign budget is available to you to help you optimize campaign spend.
Advantage campaign budget is available at the campaign level. With Advantage campaign
budget, advertisers can set one central campaign budget to optimize across ad sets and
continuously distribute budget to the top–performing ad sets in real time. With optimizations,
the best way to spend this budget across different ad sets and ads is determined based on the
optimization goal, bid strategy and bid amount. Advantage campaign budget is available for
any campaign objective and is best suited for campaigns with multiple ad sets. Use this tool
across all of your campaigns.

The benefits of Advantage campaign budget include:

Efficiently De–duplicating Spending less Simplifying

spending across audiences time managing campaign
all audiences campaigns management


The image below demonstrates how a budget is allocated and spent for conversions with and
without Advantage campaign budget.

Without With
Advantage campaign budget Advantage campaign budget



$10 $15

Ad set 1 Ad set 2 Ad set 3 Ad set 1 Ad set 2 Ad set 3

Allocate $30 budget Allocate $30 budget

equally across each ad set. across the campaign.

This image is for illustrative purposes only.


Advantage campaign budget best practices
Consider the following to get the most out of Advantage campaign budget.

Use ad set spend limits Ad set spend limits are an optional setting you can choose to put on
sparingly, or not at all. your ad set for how much it can spend. The more budget that's
assigned to specific ad sets, the less flexibility there is to optimize
your campaign budget.

Be aware of maximums. Any campaign using Advantage campaign budget can have a
maximum of 200 ad sets. However, campaigns with greater than
70 ad sets will have limited editing functionality. The best practice is
to have less than 70 ad sets.

Ensure all ad sets in your If an ad set isn't delivering, it isn't encountering any opportunities for
campaign can be delivered. results and budget can’t be distributed to it. Advantage campaign
budget works best when all ad sets in a campaign could spend a full
budget, but only the best results are picked from each one. If any of
your ad sets aren't delivering, you can try increasing your bid caps or
target costs (if applicable), adjusting your targeting and creative or
switching to a more common optimization event.

Avoid pausing ad sets. If you pause a low delivery ad set, it may limit the Advantage
campaign budget ability to find opportunities in the future.

Evaluate at the campaign When you use Advantage campaign budget, the system will optimize
level. to deliver the highest number of results between the ad sets. To
properly evaluate success, you should evaluate results at the
campaign level. Evaluating on the ad set level may lead to the
breakdown effect.

Consider spend targets If you have specific spend targets for each ad set and don't want any
and flexibility. flexibility between them, don’t use Advantage campaign budget.

Consolidate campaigns Only combine ad sets that have similar goals into the same campaign.
with similar goals. Otherwise it can be misleading and result in an inconsistent split of

If you're using Advantage campaign budget, you can’t use accelerated delivery
or run ads on a schedule (as opposed to running ads all the time, as determined
by your ad scheduling choice in ad set creation).


Campaign budget impacts
Many aspects of your campaign and business can have an impact on your budget. Some
elements that can affect your budget include:

Targeting Business goals and success metrics

Targeting can help you show your ads to the Your business metrics and business goals can
people most likely to engage with your business. influence how you set your budget. When
Your budget may be determined, in part, by the deciding on a campaign budget, consider what
size of your selected audience. your business goals are and adjust your budget
For example, if you want to reach millions of
people with your campaign, you will likely need a It’s recommended that you set a minimum
substantial budget. weekly budget that is 50X your success metrics
value. Ideally, your budget would be much higher.
However, if you want to reach more people When you achieve more outcomes, you will
within a set audience, you’re not required to experience better delivery of your ads to the
increase the audience size as you increase your audience most likely to engage with your
budget. It’s possible that you have to spend business.
more to get incremental outcomes as it becomes
more expensive to reach a higher percentage of
your overall audience.

Meta Campaign Planner

Meta Campaign Planner is a tool that enables you to create and compare different versions of
a campaign plan. With Campaign Planner you can:

● Create and save reach and frequency predictions.

● Create multiple versions of a plan and compare them to find the best settings for your

● Share your plans in various formats, including email, a preview link or CSV format.

● Buy your plan in Ads Manager.

There are various charts in Campaign Planner that enable you to compare and adjust different
versions of a media plan. The charts available in your Campaign Planner are:


Reach and budget This shows you the number and percentage of the total audience
you're predicted to reach. This also shows you your budget. To see
how much of your audience you can reach based on your budget,
drag the marker on the chart.

Frequency per person This shows you the percentage of people who are predicted to see
your ad a set number of times.

Spend per day This shows you the predicted amount that you may spend per day on
the campaign.

Placement distribution This shows you the percentage of people who are predicted to see
your ad in specific placements.

You can use the information from these charts to present a variety of campaign options for
clients and recommend a budget. For example, you can recommend a campaign budget by
viewing your audience size, and from there you can start to estimate the ad reach.

Meta Foresight
Meta Foresight tracks trends and topics that the people you’re trying to reach with your
ads care about. Resources include tools and reports to help you navigate cultural shifts and
prepare for the future. These resources can guide your marketing strategy with consumer
and advertising insights. Articles and reports can help you understand the Meta Foresight
perspective on a particular subject, and interactive reports enable you to filter through a
custom study with context.

Meta Foresight resources include the following:

Culture and Advertising

Emerging futures Podcasts Insight tools
trends strategies

An exploration of Research that Experiments and Talks with Interactive reports

what’s changing explains changing analytical changemakers, and tools to get
in culture, what’s behaviors, and practices to help innovators and the latest trends
causing trends conversations you get the most
risk-takers whose and access to a
and what that with innovative from your ad
means for thinkers. spend. ideas are helping library of
marketers. to influence the commissioned
future. research.

Access Meta Foresight resources.


Campaign audiences
Audience options
Audience targeting helps you show your ads to the people you care about. There are two
general approaches you can take to creating an audience: specific and broad. The approach
you choose depends on what you're trying to accomplish and what resources you have
available. Create, save and share audiences with Audience Manager, which you can access
through your Ads Manager account. There are three targeting options you can use across
Meta technologies.

1 2 3

Interest-based Custom Lookalike

audiences audiences audiences

Interest-based audiences
With interest-based audiences, aggregated information is taken from what people share in
their profiles and the behaviors they exhibit across Meta technologies. By identifying your
audience, you can help accurately market your campaign to the people most likely to take
action. For example, you can target your ads to mothers who are interested in sports, live in
a city and are environmentally conscious. Detailed targeting is a targeting option available
in the audience section of Ads Manager that enables you to refine the group of people your
ads are shown to. You can do this with information, such as additional demographics,
interests and behaviors.

These detailed targeting options may be based on:

● Ads they tap or click.

● Pages they engage with.
● Activities they engage in across Meta technologies related to factors such as device
usage and travel preferences.
● Demographics, such as their age, gender and location.
● The type of device they use and the speed of their network connection.

Custom audiences
A custom audience is a targeting option that lets you find your existing audiences among
people across Meta technologies. With the custom audience option advertisers reach people
across devices based on the information they already have access to in a privacy-safe way.

Generate custom audiences with your sources.
You can use these sources to generate custom audiences of people who already know
your business:

Type of custom audience Data source

Customer list custom audience Customer files

Website custom audience Meta Pixel
App activity custom audience Facebook SDK
Engagement custom audience Engagement across Meta technologies

Generate custom audiences with customer files.

To use your customer files or offline activity to generate custom audiences, upload your
information (such as email addresses or phone numbers) manually or transfer data from
your CRM into Ads Manager. When you transfer data from your CRM, it gives you more
opportunities to explore customers that are valuable to you, such as customers that buy
high-value items in store, or customers that contacted your company through WhatsApp.

Your browser hashes all of the uploaded information locally on your computer. Then, your list
is compared to information from Meta. If there’s a matching hash, the person is added to a
custom audience stored within your ad account. Once the matching process completes, all
of the hashes are deleted, including both matching and nonmatching.

The result is a custom audience of people that can potentially receive your ads. The custom
audiences is stored in your ad account, and only authorized account admins can deliver
campaigns to it. You can't see the specific individuals who are contained in the custom
audiences , you just see the approximate number of people that this audience contains.

Pll data Column Custom audience

hashing mapping data in CSV format


All matched and
Ad account
unmatched hashes Custom audience
3,678 matches
are deleted after
the process completes.

Personally identifiable information needs to be hashed before API transfer.

Hashing is automatic through the user interface. Learn more about creating a
customer list custom audience.

Generate custom audiences with the Meta Pixel.

A custom audience from your website are a targeting option that matches people who visit
your website with people across Meta technologies, using the Meta Pixel. You can then create
an ad to show to that audience.

You can create a custom audience from your website for any group of visitors that you want to
reach with ads across Meta technologies. For example, you can run a campaign to reach people
who visited a product page but didn't complete a purchase to encourage them to go back to
the website to do so. Or you can create an audience of everyone who's visited your website in
the past 30 days. (This time frame is based on a rolling number of days, rather than on the
specific number of days since the custom audience creation date). You can create a custom
audience from your website events in Ads Manager.

Learn more about creating custom audiences with Meta Pixel.

Generate custom audiences with Facebook SDK.
When you create a custom audience, you can target ads to specific groups of people who are
most likely to take action on your app. With the Facebook SDK, you can pass information to
Meta from your app and use that information to specify who you want to include in your
custom audience. For example, if you run an app engagement campaign, your ads may perform
better if you create a custom audience of the people who have already installed your app. The
ads are then shown to people who already have the app installed but don't engage with it as
much as you’d like. You can create a custom audience, from your app events, in Ads Manager.

The minimum size for a custom audience, or to build a lookalike audience, is

100 people from a single origin country. However, we recommend using at least
1,000 people.

Learn more about creating custom audiences with Facebook SDK.

Generate engagement custom audiences.
You can also use these sources to generate engagement custom audiences :

Video Lead form Fullscreen


Facebook Instagram Event

Page business profile

An engagement custom audience is made up of people who have engaged with your content
across Meta technologies. Engagement refers to actions, such as spending time viewing your
videos or opening your lead form or collection ad. This could also come from people who use
a fullscreen experience, interacting with your Facebook Page or Instagram business profile and
responding to your event. Using engagement custom audiences , you can target your ads to
people who've taken these actions.

Engagement custom audiences are different from website custom audiences . While both
do take actions into account, engagement custom audiences use actions taken across Meta
technologies, whereas website custom audiences use actions taken on your website, which is
measured by the Meta Pixel.

When you create an engagement custom audience, you communicate how many days to go
back when collecting engagement. Anyone new who engages within the time period you
choose will be added to the audience. The audience is constantly being refreshed, meaning you
don't need to edit or create a new custom audience unless you want to change the time period
or the type of engagement.

Learn more about creating custom audiences with engagement data.

Lookalike audiences
Lookalike audiences identify people who share similar interests or characteristics as your
current audience. You can target ads to a lookalike audience if you want to reach new people
who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your best existing

To build a lookalike audience, you must have a minimum of 100 people (from a single origin
country) in your source audience. We recommend using at least 1,000 people. You can create a
lookalike audience in Ads Manager using sources such as a custom audience, mobile app data
or fans of your Page.

Learn more about creating lookalike audiences.

Most similar Least similar

Source 1% lookalike
audience Audience size ranges from 1% to 10% of the total population
across Meta technologies in the countries you choose, with 1%
being those who most closely match your source.

Value-based lookalike audiences

You can create value-based lookalike audiences from your Meta Pixel, Facebook SDK,
offline conversions or catalog to find new high-value customers from your business.
Value-based lookalikes can be created using the signals from these data sources and the
values you’ve provided. The audiences created contain people who resemble your most
valuable existing customers. You can create a value-based lookalike audience in Ads Manager.

Learn more about creating value-based lookalike audiences.

International lookalike audiences
Another option you have is to create international lookalike audiences. International lookalike
audiences, also known as multicountry lookalike audiences, can help businesses expand into
new markets by identifying people similar to their best customers elsewhere. When you create
international lookalike audiences, it can help optimize ad spend by distributing your budget to
the countries where it will work most effectively. You can create lookalike audiences in:

● One country
● Multiple countries
● Regions
● Trade areas, such as the European Economic Area or North American Free Trade
● Worldwide.

First, you need to choose a source audience:

● A custom audience
● People who like your Facebook Page
● Meta Pixel or Facebook SDK
● Offline event set
● Product catalog

Advantage lookalike
Advantage lookalike can help improve your campaign performance, which is achieved by
delivering ads to people outside your defined lookalike audience if it’s likely to improve
performance. You can select Advantage lookalike in Ads Manager during campaign creation.

Advantage detailed targeting

Advantage detailed targeting is a targeting option that enables you to refine a group of people
you want to show your ads to. You can select Advantage detailed targeting in Ads Manager
during campaign setup. These detailed targeting options are based on factors, such as:

● Ads people that watch.

● Pages people engage with.
● Activities people engage in across Meta technologies.
● Demographics, such as age, gender and location.

Dynamic language optimization
Dynamic language optimization can support you when you advertise in multiple languages.
Instead of setting up separate campaigns for each language, you create one campaign and
provide Ads Manager with all the assets. Ads Manager then auto-optimizes your ad set budget
to deliver the right language to people who see your ads.

This functionality is currently available for the following creative formats.

Single image Single video

Sharing audiences
You can share your custom audiences and lookalike audiences with other people. The people
you share your audience with can create ad sets with that audience.

To share an audience with Audience Manager:

1. Go to Audiences.
2. Check the boxes next to the audiences you want to share.
3. Click the Actions dropdown menu.
4. Click Share.
5. Select or enter the ad account IDs or names of the people you want to share the
audiences with.
6. Click the Permission dropdown menu and determine if you want to provide access to
Targeting insights or Targeting only.
7. Click Share.

Viewing shared audiences

To view all shared audiences across your business:

1. Go to Meta Business Manager.

2. Select Page from the dropdown menu.
3. Click Settings and then go to Business settings.
4. Click the Data sources dropdown menu.
5. Select Shared audiences.

Retargeting options
Retargeting ads enables you to reengage people who didn’t convert after their first
engagement with your website or mobile app. If you've implemented pixel or SDK to capture
events, you can use your custom audience to do this. Retargeting takes into account the
people who have previously engaged with your website or mobile app and retargets ads to
them as they engage with other websites or mobile apps.

If you've uploaded your CRM information, you can create custom audiences from offline
activity. You can use that offline event information to retarget ads to customers or exclude
customers who recently made purchases offline to find new customers.

Broad targeting
Broad targeting is when you specify location, age or gender, but don’t provide any other
audience parameters, such as interests. Broad targeting can lead you to people whom you
would otherwise be unaware of. It’s also a good approach if you're not sure who you want to
target your ads to. Learn more about the types of people recommended for you and how
people reacted to your ads with Meta Business Suite audience insights or Ads Reporting in
Ads Manager.

Advantage+ catalog ads for broad audiences

Broad audiences can help you maximize the capabilities of machine learning and achieve
desired results. You can use Advantage+ catalog ads for broad audiences to find new
customers for your business. This can help you to expand your audience rather than target
ads to those who’ve already visited, browsed or purchased items on your website.

Targeting best practices
You can use these tips to help ensure your ads are being shown to your intended audience.

Avoid audience overlap

Audience overlap means multiple ad sets are delivering to audiences that contain the same
people. The ad auction tries to avoid showing too many ads to the same person from a single
advertiser over a short time period, so audience overlap might explain why some ad sets aren't
spending the full budgets. To avoid audience overlap:

Limit the number Use audience

of ad sets targeting exclusions.
the same people.

Audience overlap isn’t always a detrimental issue. Small percentages of

overlap may not affect performance, but a higher percentage of overlap can
be problematic.

Exclude strategically
While targeting ads to an audience aligned with your goals is important, choosing who to
exclude from your audience is crucial as well. If you want to grow your customer base when
using broad and interest targeting, remember to exclude:

Custom Lookalike Loyal Existing

audiences audiences customers customers

Ensure you also exclude any audiences from ad sets that may overlap.

Avoid extremely narrow targeting.
Narrow targeting is when you define an audience
with parameters, such as interests. When ad sets h
ave a very narrow audience, there may not be enough
information to find the best people to show your
ad to. Ideally, you need to be receiving at least 100
conversions per week, which a narrow audience might
not be able to provide. As you increase the amount you
want to spend on conversion optimization, you may
need to expand your audience. There need to be more
results to spend on. However, you may exhaust your
existing audiences.

Less is more when it comes to creating ad sets.

As you increase the scale and complexity of your
conversion optimization advertising, you may want to
split your campaigns into many very specific ad sets
based on different segments of your audience.
However, this can lead to poor performance. Instead,
create a new ad set only if you're trying to control costs
differently based on your audience or desired outcome.
Otherwise, combine your audiences into one ad set
with a larger budget.

Create audiences for special ad categories.

Special ad category campaigns have limited targeting
options you can use to define the audience you want
your ads to reach. If you use a saved audience, it will be
updated to comply with credit, employment or housing
special ad category targeting restrictions.

Special ad categories apply to ads that have specific

requirements in certain countries, such as authorization
and “Paid for by” disclaimers for issue, electoral and
political ads or limited audiences selection tools for ads
about credit, employment or housing opportunities to
help protect people from unlawful discrimination.

To create an audience compatible with special ad

category campaign restrictions, declare your campaign
in Ads Manager by navigating to special ad categories.

Some examples of special ad categories are below.

These ads promote or directly link to a credit opportunity,

including but not limited to credit card offers, auto loans,
Credit personal or business loan services, mortgage loans and
long-term financing. This also includes brand ads for credit
cards, regardless of a specific offer.

These ads promote or directly link to an employment

opportunity, including but not limited to part- or full-time
jobs, internships or professional certification programs.
Employment Related ads that fall within this category include promotions
for job boards or fairs, aggregation services or ads detailing
perks a company may provide, regardless of a specific
job offer.

These ads promote or directly link to a housing opportunity

or related service, including but not limited to listings for
the sale or rental of a home or apartment, homeowners
insurance, mortgage insurance, mortgage loans, housing
Housing repairs and home equity or appraisal services. This does not
include ads designed to educate people or housing providers
about their rights and responsibilities under fair housing laws.
You can include the Equal Opportunity Housing logo and
slogan to help differentiate your ads as nondiscriminatory.

These are ads made by, on behalf of or about a candidate for

public office, a political figure, a political party or advocates
for the outcome of an election to public office. Or about any
election, referendum, or ballot initiative, including election
campaigns that encourage people to go out and vote. Ads
regulated as political advertising. About social issues in any
Social issues, elections place where the ad is being placed.
or politics Social issues are sensitive topics that are heavily debated,
may influence the outcome of an election or result in or relate
to existing or proposed legislation. Ads about social issues
seek to influence public opinion through discussion, debate
or advocacy for or against important topics, such as health
and civil and social rights. Learn more about ads for social
issues, elections or politics.

This is not a comprehensive list of examples and doesn’t constitute legal advice.

Learn more about what qualifies as an ad for credit, employment or housing.

Discover how to choose a special ad category.

Optimization for
ad delivery
Optimization for ad delivery
For every campaign or ad set, you select an optimization for ad delivery. When you define your
ad delivery optimization, it helps make the most efficient use of your budget. Depending on
the conversion location you choose, you may have different optimizations available.

Below are the available optimizations for each campaign objective in Ads Manager.

Business goal Campaign objective Optimization for ad delivery

Awareness Awareness ● Reach

● Impressions
● Ad recall lift
● ThruPlay
● 2-second continuous
video view

Consideration Traffic ● Website: landing page views, link clicks,

impressions, daily unique reach
● App: link clicks, daily unique reach
● Messenger: link clicks, impressions,
daily unique reach
● WhatsApp: link clicks, impressions,
daily unique reach

Consideration Engagement ● Messaging apps > Messenger: conversations,

link clicks
● Messaging apps > WhatsApp: conversations,
link clicks
● Messaging apps > Instagram: conversations,
link clicks
● Your ad > ThruPlay, 2-second
continuous view
● Your ad > post engagement: post
engagement, impressions, daily unique reach
● Your ad > event response: event response,
impressions, post engagement, daily
unique reach
● Website: conversions, landing page views,
link clicks, impressions, daily unique reach
● App: app events, link clicks, daily unique reach


Business goal Campaign objective Optimization for ad delivery

Consideration Leads ● Website: conversions, landing page views,

link clicks, impressions, daily unique reach
● Instant Forms: leads, conversion leads
● Messenger: leads
● Calls: calls
● App: spp events, link clicks, daily unique reach

Consideration App promotion ● Optimization goals available for Advantage+

app campaigns: app installs, app events, value,
app promotions with app events
● Optimization goals available for manual app
ads: app installs, app events, value, link clicks

Conversion Sales ● Website: conversions, value, landing page

views, link clicks, impressions, daily unique
● App: app events, link clicks, daily
unique reach
● Website and app: conversions
● Messenger: conversations, conversions,
link clicks, impressions, reach
● WhatsApp: conversions, link clicks,
impressions, reach

Ad delivery optimization process

Ad delivery optimizations are part of machine learning. What outcome an advertiser is trying to
accomplish is based on the objective, optimization and any other offsite signal provided during
the ad setup. To understand optimization, it’s important to also understand how machine
learning works. Machine learning creates the highest-value experiences for both advertisers
and audiences, using signals from Meta technologies and the information you provide.

These signals can include audiences, information provided from custom audiences , Meta
Pixel, Facebook SDK, offline signals, the optimization and the bid.


Connections between the signals is identified to determine the best delivery opportunities for
ads. Other signals like when someone takes an action on the ad and when people don’t take
the desired action after seeing an ad are also used to determine ad delivery opportunities.

Learning phase for ad delivery

At the start of a campaign or after you edit an ad set, there isn’t enough information to deliver
an ad as efficiently as possible. To get that information, ads must be shown to different types
of people to learn who is most likely to generate your optimization events. This process is
called the learning phase.

During the learning phase, the delivery system explores the best way to deliver an ad set.
At this time, performance is less stable and cost per action (CPA) is usually higher.

Ad sets exit the learning phase as soon as their performance stabilizes, which takes
approximately 50 optimization events.

The learning ability of an ad set can become limited as soon as the delivery system predicts
that the ad set is unlikely to exit the learning phase. Common causes for these limitations are
low bid cap, auction overlap or insufficient budget.

Once there’s enough information, your ad set can experience fewer performance fluctuations.
At this point, you can make an informed decision about your ad set. If you're satisfied with your
results, you can let it keep running or increase its budget. If you're unsatisfied, you can edit the
ad set to try to improve its performance or pause it.

The following are significant edits, which The following may or may not be significant
reset the learning phase: edits, depending on magnitude:

● Changes to targeting ● Changes to bid amount (or bid cap amount)

● Changes to ad creative ● Changes to budget amount
● Changes to your optimization for ad delivery
● Pausing your your ad set or


Advertiser controls
Advertiser controls
Advertiser controls are inputs you can change to help improve your ad performance. There are
many advertiser control adjustments you can make to optimize your campaign performance.
You can make adjustments to your charge choice, bid strategy, ad placement, targeting
strategy, optimization strategy and budget. By adjusting the advertiser controls that you’re
opting into, you adjust potential reach and spend, possibly affecting cost outcomes.

Common restrictions to delivery

Setting too many constraints can negatively impact your campaign. For example, when you
narrow your selected audience or set a low bid cap, you limit the options the ad delivery
system has to explore. This limitation prevents the system from finding the lowest cost results.
This can also happen if there are too few ad impressions or not enough conversion events.

These constraints cause a reduction in liquidity. Low liquidity means that your ads won’t
appear to people as frequently, and it may take longer for your ad sets to exit the learning
phase and optimize their delivery.

Below are the most common restrictions to liquidity:

Placement If you restrict the number of placements for your ads, there are fewer
opportunities to optimize.

Audience If you target ads to a very small audience, you restrict the ad system and limit
the optimization opportunities it can find.

Budget If your budget is too small, it may be difficult to achieve 50 conversions per
week, which is the number of conversion recommended to meaningfully
optimize your campaign.

Bid If you set a very low bid or bid cap, you're less likely to see results.

Optimization If you choose an optimization event that's very low in the conversion funnel,
such as sales, you may restrict the number of results and limit optimization

Adjusting placements
Placements are where people will see your ad. Your ads can be shown across Meta
technologies, including Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger.
You can adjust your placement by selecting Advantage+ placements or manual placements
during your campaign setup.

Advantage+ placements Advantage+ placements can help increase delivery and control
costs. More placements means more inventory available, which
means lower costs. Ads Manager can deliver your ads to all available
placements, finding the best results across them.

Manual placements Manual placements provide more control over what ads are
shown for specific placements. It’s not ideal to remove any of
your ad placements, as that increases your costs. If you want
more opportunities to deliver your ads, add more placements.
The more placements you opt into, the easier it is to connect to
your intended audience.

Adjusting audience
You can adjust your ad targeting strategy by narrowing or expanding your audience. You can
adjust these controls by using worldwide targeting (if your product is available outside of your
specific region), using a higher quality seed audience (for lookalike audiences) and updating the
interests you’re targeting ads for.

Narrow your ads targeting You may want to narrow your audience if you find that your ad is
delivering too broadly for your campaign goal. This might be the
case if you’re trying to reach a specific audience, for example return
customers or men over 50. However, it’s not recommended that you
narrow your audience beyond what’s important for your business, as
that limits reach opportunities.

Expand your ads targeting You may want to expand your audience if you’re experiencing
lower delivery or under delivery due to a high overlap between
your campaigns. You can also expand your audience if you have
a high percentage reach against your audience. It's important
to continue to expand your audience or engage with them in
different ways.

Adjusting budgets
For each ad set, you set a budget. Once your budget is set, your budget is spent evenly
throughout the time your ads are running, unless your ads are set for accelerated delivery.
Within the same day, the budget will be applied hourly, accordingly to the opportunities and
inventory that’s available. You can adjust your budget when:

● The campaign isn't meeting your business goals, so you no longer want to spend as
much on the campaign.
● You have additional budget to allocate to a campaign. You would increase the budget
based on your spend.

Avoid frequently changing your campaign budgets because this causes the learning phase to
restart, causing price instability.

Daily budget The average amount you want to spend on an ad set or campaign
per day. Select this option if you don’t have a set time frame, a total
budget or have a set amount that you want to spend per day.

Lifetime budget The amount you want to spend over the entire duration of your ad set
or campaign. Lifetime budgets work best for pacing a defined budget
over the lifetime of a campaign. Your budget may be increased when
lower-cost outcomes are identified, and decreased when higher cost
outcomes are discovered. This means the system will spend more
budget when lower-cost outcomes are identified. This enables
flexible pacing, optimizing your budget to an overall lifetime goal,
rather than trying to reach the same goal every day.

There’s a difference between your budget and spend. Your budget is the
amount of money you want to spend or are willing to spend for your ad to
run. Your spend is the amount you will actually pay.

Adjusting charge choices
Your charge choice is one of the advertiser controls you can adjust in your ad set creation.
Your charge choice indicates what and when you will pay for your ad and it tells us which event
types you want to fund with your budget. The choices you have depend on what objective
you've chosen.

Although it’s not generally recommended, unless there is a specific reason why you want to
be charged on a cost per link basis, you do have the option of adjusting your charge choice.
For many optimization goals, you will pay each time your ad makes an impression. Some
optimization goals also let you choose between impressions and actions, such as link clicks,
views or installs.

You may not have a charge option other than impressions if you select certain
campaign objectives or if you create a new ad account. To ensure the integrity
of new ad accounts, you must spend at least $10 USD for impressions before
you can select another charge choice.

Machine learning can enhance your campaign performance.
When you use machine learning, you can achieve what is referred to as liquidity, a state of ad
buying in which every dollar can flow to the most valuable impression for maximum efficiency.

Machine learning helps to create the highest-value experiences for both you and your
audiences. The machine learning models and algorithms predict which opportunities are
most valuable based on incoming data as ads are served, making adjustments to help ensure
campaigns meet their goals at the best possible price.

Many of the automated ad products you can enable in Ads Manager are grouped together
under the name Meta Advantage. These products include the following:

Advantage+ detailed Advantage+ detailed targeting helps improve your campaign

targeting performance by helping to reach a broader group.

Advantage lookalike Advantage+ lookalike helps to reach a broader set of people than
those defined in your lookalike audience.

Advantage campaign Advantage campaign budget distributes ad spend for a campaign

budget across all the ad sets in their campaign to get the best overall

Advantage+ placements Advantage+ placements helps to maximize your budget and show
your ads to more people. Your ad set budget is allocated across
multiple placements based on where they're likely to perform best.

Advantage+ creative Advantage+ creative helps tailor your ad for the person viewing it by
automatically optimizing your ad creative.

Learn more about Meta Advantage.

About brand safety
Brand safety enables you to control where your ads are delivered on Facebook, Instagram and
Meta Audience Network. You can prevent your ads from appearing within or alongside content
and publishers that aren't suited to your brand.

There are two main types of placements across Meta technologies.

Ads independent from Examples include feed ads and Stories ads.
publisher content

Ads appearing within Examples include in-stream video and Audience Network.
publisher content

The brand safety controls in the brand safety hub give you control over how and where your
ads appear. Not every business has the same brand safety needs or concerns.

You can use any combination of these controls if you have brand safety needs:

Placement controls When you create an ad, you can choose where you want your ad to
appear on Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger.
You can use manual placements to opt out of specific placements if
you don’t want your ads to run within those environments.

Select the right placements for your campaigns.

Inventory filters You can filter the available inventory of content based on what’s best
for your brand. On Facebook, filters exclude certain videos and
articles. On Audience Network, filters exclude apps.

You can choose from:

● Full inventory: This includes all eligible content, giving

you the widest reach.
● Standard inventory: This excludes sensitive content,
giving you a balanced reach.
● Limited inventory: This excludes all sensitive and
moderate content. This option lowers reach and may
impact costs.

Learn more about inventory filters.

(Continued on next page.)

Block lists If there are certain places where you don’t want your ads to appear,
you can upload a list of Pages, Instagram account URLs and apps and
prevent your ads from being delivered there. You can create a list in
Business Manager and select the preferred list in Ads Manager when
you create an ad set.

Learn more about block lists.

Publisher allow lists Publisher allow lists are lists of Audience Network, Facebook and
Instagram in-stream publishers you want your ads to appear on.

Learn more about publisher allow lists.

Topic exclusions for By excluding specific topics, you can choose which published
in-steam video in-stream videos you want your ads to display on. You can choose
content-level exclusions from four different topics: news, politics,
gaming and religious and spiritual content.

Content type exclusions You can use in-stream video placements and show your ads in
partner live streams or videos claimed by rights holders.

Live videos: Stop your in-stream ads from appearing in live videos.

Learn more about live stream exclusions.

Publishers not on our publisher list: Stop your in-stream video ads
from appearing in videos from publishers that didn't sign up for
monetization. These videos are being monetized by the rights

Learn more about content type exclusions.

Content allow lists Content allow lists are sets of in-stream videos chosen by a Meta
Business Partner based on the categories or themes you want your
ads to appear alongside and your chosen level of sensitivity of
content. Meta Business Partners are third-party experts who can
help you with ads.

Learn more about content allow lists.

Delivery reports Delivery reports provide you with access to impression data at the
publisher and content levels, giving greater transparency into which
individual pieces of content your ads were embedded in so you can
properly validate the brand safety risks of placements and publishers.

How to download and read publisher delivery reports.

Automated rules
Automated rules
When you create automated rules in Ads Manager, your campaigns, ad sets and ads are
automatically checked. You then receive updates or notifications of any changes. In addition to
these automatic checks and notifications, the necessary actions will be automatically applied.
Automated rules apply at the ad account level, so they work when anyone in your team makes

When you create an automated rule, you choose:

The criteria that triggers the The action your rule takes on The active campaign, ad set or
rule. the ad. ad you want the rule to affect.

How to use automated rules

Automated rules can help you manage multiple ads running at the same time. Think about the
items you frequently check up on and the subsequent actions you take in Ads Manager. For
example, ask yourself:

● Do you pause a low-performing ad when it hits a specific metric?

● Do you increase your budget if a certain number of people click on your ad?

● Do you increase your bid if your total daily spend is below a certain amount?

● Do you increase your budget based on return on ad spend ?

● Do you turn off a specific campaign every Friday?

Rules run continuously (usually every 30 minutes) until you turn them off. While automated
rules may reduce the time needed to manage your ads, you should still monitor the overall
performance of your ads to ensure that they meet your marketing goals.

Creating automated rules
Follow these steps to create a rule in Ads Manager.

1. Go to Ads Manager.
2. Check the box next to the campaign, ad set or ad you'd like to apply a rule to.
3. Select the Rules dropdown menu and select Create a new rule.
4. From the pop-up window chose from:
a. Custom rule to create your own rule by choosing conditions in a form.
b. Reduce auction overlap to create a rule which prevents your ad sets
from competing against each other. Learn more about auction overlap.
c. Reduce audience fragmentation to create a rule which combines
audiences to help ad sets spend budgets more efficiently. Learn more
about audience fragmentation.
5. Click Next.
6. If you chose Custom rule, choose your Rule name and which campaigns or ad sets
you want to Apply rule to.
7. In the Action dropdown menu, select what you want your rule to do when your
campaign, ad set or ad meets the rule conditions.
8. Select Conditions that trigger your rule then click Add. To add additional conditions,
select +. You can also adjust the Time range and Schedule.
9. Confirm the type of Notification you want to receive.
10. Add Subscribers to your rule so that they can receive notifications. This is useful if
you have multiple people on your ad account.
11. Click Create.

Your rule is now active. Track activity in automated rules.

Conditions for automated rules
When you create a rule for your campaign, ad set or ad, you choose the criteria that triggers
your rule. These are called conditions. After you select a condition, you can enter custom
values for the condition.

For example, you may want to know when someone clicks on your ad and makes a purchase
between $5 to $10 on your website. When you create your rule, you should choose the
condition Cost per checkout initiated.

You can add more than one condition to your rule. However, your campaign, ad set or ad
must meet all conditions to trigger the rule. If you want an action to happen when multiple
conditions are met, you should create a separate rule for each condition.

Explore available conditions for automated rules.

Limits of automated rules

There are limits to what automated rules can take action on.
Here are some limits:

You can create up to 250 automated rules on a single ad account. This

includes active rules and inactive rules.

You can only add one of each condition per rule.


You can only associate a single rule with objects on the same level. For
example, you can apply a single rule to three campaigns or to three ad sets,
Ad campaign
but you can't apply a single rule to three campaigns and three ad sets. You
should create a rule for your campaigns and another rule for your ad sets

Automated rules can't run on ads about social issues, elections or politics.
Special ad
To promote election integrity, these kinds of ads must be created and
edited by real people who have verified their identity.

Reach and Automated rules can't pause reach and frequency campaigns.

Creative strategy
Creative strategy
There are several ways to help ensure effective creative for your campaigns across Meta
technologies. There are different ad formats and placements that you can use across Meta
technologies, as well as considerations to help resolve creative fatigue.

Ad formats and placements

Choose an ad format based on your business goal and the types of high-quality assets you
have available. There are six main ad formats:

Single Single Carousel

image video

Slideshow Collection Instant


Single image
You can use a single image ad across most placements. Use text overlays on image and video
ads strategically to focus attention on an important part of your ad. Use modern, clear fonts,
don't obstruct the visuals and don't communicate too many messages at once.

Single video
When paired with the right targeting, optimization and call to action, you can prompt action
from a video. You can create video ads across Meta technologies using several ad objectives.

Carousel ads display multiple images or videos that
scroll from left to right. This format is effective for
storytelling and showcasing videos and images of your
brand, products, apps or services. Carousel ads provide
a flexible way to advertise without having to create
multiple ads.

You can produce an ad using static images and it
will play like a video. Slideshow ads are a lower cost
alternative to video production. You can combine
multiple images or videos, text and sound to tell a
story. Slideshow ads are shown across Facebook and
Instagram on phones, tablets and computers just like
a video. Slideshow ads use less data than videos.
You can use a slideshow version of your video ads in
markets where people have slower connections and
older devices.

Collection pairs a video or photo with four product
images. When someone clicks on this ad, it leads them
to a fullscreen, mobile-only experience showcasing
multiple products, which loads in the Facebook app.

Instant Experience
Instant Experience enables you to add a fullscreen
experience to any ad format. Instant Experience is
an interstitial landing page that loads instantly when
someone taps on an ad on Facebook or Instagram.
Instant Experiences are native, so they load faster
than an external website.

Ad placements across Meta technologies
There are a variety of ad placements offered across Meta technologies, which include:


Facebook Instagram Audience Network Messenger

Feed Feed Native Inbox

Right column Stories Banner Stories

Instant Articles Explore Interstitial

Video feeds Shop In-stream videos

In-stream videos Reels Rewarded video




*Only available in select countries

How Advantage+ placements compare to manual placements

You can either use Advantage+ placements to place your ads or manually choose where you
want your ad to appear with manual placements.

Advantage+ placements
Choose Advantage+ placements. With Advantage+ placements, your ad is deliverable through
all placements to improve efficiencies in your ad delivery, helping you get more results for your

Advantage+ placements help you to achieve the following (see next page).

Run ads in multiple placements in a single app or across all Meta
Get more results technologies to help deliver the best return on ad spend.

Find the most effective placements for your campaign as possible,

Save time based on the optimization, to help reduce the effort spent optimizing
your placements manually.

Extend the reach of an existing campaign with Advantage+ placements

Extend reach by enabling more placements, as well as multiple placements within a
single app.

Manual placements

When you edit placements, you have more control over where your ad appears. If you choose
to manually select placements and don’t use Advantage+ placements, this can limit
opportunities to maximize results.

Asset customization
You can use asset customization with Advantage+ placements and manual placements. Asset
customization enables you to specify what ads are shown for specific placements, to ensure
your ad displays the way you want.

With this feature, you can provide multiple assets and the asset that is delivered to the person
is decided during delivery time. This is a solution to provide you with per-ad creative control
within the same ad set.

Without this, there is a one-to-one relation between the assets you provide during ad creation
to the assets delivered in the ad to the person.

Here are three scenarios that explore why an advertiser might want to use asset

An advertiser wants to run a lifestyle-focused image on Instagram and a

Scenario 1 product-focused image on Facebook.

An advertiser wants to run a sound-on campaign for in-stream placement and a

Scenario 2 sound-off with captions enabled video on other placements.

An advertiser wants to have their ad creatives reflect the audience, which is

Scenario 3 shown based on demographics.

Some objectives, formats, placements and other options aren't compatible with asset
customization. Learn more about options that aren’t compatible with asset customization.

Formats and placements for campaign objectives
As previously mentioned, the campaign objective you choose should align with your overall
business goals. The campaign objective you choose also determines what placements and
ad formats you can use.

Here are the placements and ad formats available for each objective.


Objective Facebook Messenger Instagram




App promotion



Ad formats

Single Instant
Objective Single video Carousel Slideshow Collection
image Experience




App promotion



Slideshow ads can be created when you select the single image or video format.

Aspect ratios for different placements
Ensure the creative for each ad matches the viewing behavior of your audience across
placements. Placement asset customization enables you to easily and efficiently optimize
the creative format of each of your ads wherever they appear.

Description Recommended placement

1.91:1 Landscape Facebook right column (images and videos)

Facebook search results (images)
Messenger sponsored messages (images and video)
Facebook Instant Articles (images and video)

16.9 Full landscape Facebook in-stream video (images and videos)

1:1 Square Feed (images)

Instagram feed (images)
Instagram Explore (images)
Facebook Marketplace (images)
Facebook video feeds (images)
Instagram Shop (images)
Facebook search (video)
Messenger inbox (images and video)

4:5 Vertical Feed (video)

Instagram feed and Explore (video)
Facebook Marketplace (video)
Facebook video feeds (video)

9:16 Fullscreen vertical Facebook Stories (images and video)

Instagram Stories (images and video)
Messenger Stories (images and video)
Audience Network native/banner (images and video)
Audience Network interstitial (images and video)
Audience Network rewarded video (images and video)

Use the 1:1 ratio for carousel ads, since other ratios may be cropped to 1:1.

For 4:5 ratio video ads on Feed, the video is shown with a 1:1 ratio on the
desktop version of Feed. This may cause black bars to appear on either side
of the video.

Video length specifications across placements
Different placements allow different video lengths, although shorter videos are usually more
engaging on mobile. Learn more about video length specifications.

Dynamic creative
Dynamic creative finds optimized ad creative combinations by taking multiple ad
components (such as images, videos, titles, descriptions and CTAs) and automatically
generates combinations of these assets across audiences. Then creative components
that can deliver efficient results are optimized for each impression served.

Dynamic creative serves your audience the most high–performing creative combinations.

Dynamic creative is ideal for advertisers with many assets who want to learn what creative
resonates with different audiences. However, it's not a substitute for A/B tests. Dynamic
creative saves time during ad creation, helps improve ad performance and encourages
advertisers to try new creative.

Creative best practices
Consider the following recommendations to help you get the most value from your creative.

Consider the focal point. Use creative images with one focal point. Images with many product
and lifestyle contexts can positively impact lower funnel attributes,
such as purchase intent. Similarly, using context type images with
one focal point can impact brand awareness positively.

Use videos. Video prompts both brand and direct response outcomes. You can
prompt action from videos, when paired with the right targeting,
optimization and call to action.

Optimize video ads for Based on how people view content on mobile, we recommend that
mobile. you:
● Create short videos (6–15 seconds).
● Capture attention quickly.
● Incorporate the brand early.
● Design for sound-off experiences.
● Add captions or subtitles.
● Build for vertical viewing.

Use a mix of assets. Combine videos, GIFs, static images and other types of assets.

Optimize creative to help Test your creative to help optimize your campaign. Optimization
improve results. can also help to avoid creative fatigue.

Best practices for creative copy

Consider the following best practices for your creative copy:

● Incorporate branding and key message within the first three seconds.
● Keep the ad copy short and lead with value.
● Bring the key message within the first few words.
● Include actionable headlines and calls to action.
● Customize ad copy depending on the placement.

Resolve creative fatigue
Creative fatigue happens when your ad performance suffers due to overexposure.

If you suspect that your ad performance is in decline due to creative fatigue, refresh your
creative by following these steps:

Edit and adjust your current creative. Note that keeping your
1. Create
original ad active instead of pausing or turning it off may maximize
another ad.

2. Expand your Increase your audience size and show your ads to new people who
audience. haven’t seen your ad yet.

Create variations of your ad with Advantage+ creative. Advantage+

3. Try creative uses a single image or video and shows a personalized ad
Advantage+ to each person based on what it appears they are most likely to
creative. respond to. This is only available to campaigns using the traffic or
sales objectives with website destination.

Campaign data sources
Data sources
Data sources are connections between your marketing data, which is typically information
about customer interactions, and Meta. By submitting marketing data from your website,
mobile app or physical store to Meta though a data source, you can help to improve your ad
performance, measurement and custom audiences. There are several campaign data sources
that are important for businesses who want to focus on performance marketing.

Meta Pixel Conversions Facebook SDK Offline

API conversions

These data sources can help you retarget ads to people, reach new people who are similar
to your existing customers, optimize ads to reach people who are most likely to convert and
measure how effective your campaign is.

Meta Pixel
The Meta Pixel is a piece of code you place on your website to understand how people interact
with your content after seeing your ads. When you share this information with Meta, your ads
can be delivered to people more likely to take action. You can use what you learn from your
pixel to build more effective ads and audiences.

The Meta Pixel implementation process consists of the following steps:

1. Create a Meta Pixel in Ads Manager.

2. Add the system-generated base code to your website or connect a partner platform.
3. Confirm the pixel is working with the Meta Pixel Helper.
4. Add standard events or custom events.
5. Start building, optimizing and measuring.


Meta Pixel Helper
The Pixel Helper is a tool that helps you to determine if the pixel is working correctly. It can
help you verify that the pixel is installed on your website, check for errors and understand the
information that you receive from the pixel.

You can use the tool to ensure that the pixel is performing optimally and properly logging
actions, also referred to as events, taken on your website. Automatic events, standard events
and custom events are the three event categories available to help you monitor your website

Automatic events for the Meta Pixel

Automatically logged events are actions that the Meta Pixel measures by default unless you've
disabled this functionality. Events logged include actions taken from mobile browsers.

Standard events for the Meta Pixel

Standard events for the Meta Pixel are logged actions that are pre-defined by Meta.
With standard events you can capture specific actions, optimize for conversions and build
audiences. You may elect to implement standard events if your information collection needs
are typical. Examples of standard events include Purchase, Add to cart and Lead.

Learn more about the specifications for Meta Pixel standard events.

Custom events for the Meta Pixel

Custom events for the Meta Pixel are logged actions that are defined by you to serve your
information collection needs. You may elect to implement these events if your information
collection needs are atypical.

With custom events, you can capture specific actions and build audiences. However, you can’t
optimize toward these events or show these numbers in reporting unless they’re mapped to a
custom conversion.

Custom conversions
You can create custom conversions for both standard and custom events. With custom
conversions, you create rules for pixel events or URLs, so you can measure more specific
customer actions. For example, you can create a rule to report on and measure all purchases
that were over $40 using pixel events and parameters.

Learn more about custom conversions for web.


Target ads to people with the Meta Pixel
The Meta Pixel enables you to target your ads to people based on specific actions they have
taken on your website. You can use the information you get from the pixel, as well as standard
or custom events to create custom audiences from your website. For example, you can:

Entice people who have Deliver your ad to people who Change the ad creative and
visited your website by offering previously added items to their message for people who
a discount on their purchase to cart with text that tells them already started the checkout
encourage them to convert. to buy the items before they process but didn’t complete the
sell out. purchase.

You can also use the custom audience from your website to create lookalike audiences. You
can use lookalike audiences to help you reach people who are similar to an audience, such as
an audience that consists of high-value customers.

Optimization with Meta Pixel

To prompt action on your website, optimize for conversions. When creating an ad set, you have
to choose an optimization event. The optimization event communicates what you want to

When thinking about measuring pixel events and which ones to choose, select different steps
throughout the entire customer journey.

Here’s an example of pixel events you might want to log on an ecommerce website.

1 2 3
View Add to Add
content wish list to cart

4 6
Initiate Purchase


Conversions API
You can use the Conversions API to create a direct and more reliable connection between
marketing data (such as website events and offline conversions) from your server, website
or CRM to Meta. The Conversions API reduces your reliance on cookies as an advertising

The Conversions API is also designed to honor privacy controls. For example, if your
customers use the off-Facebook activity tool to limit whether their off-Facebook activity
data is associated with their Facebook accounts, those choices extend to the data you sent
through the Conversions API. This marketing data helps ad personalization, optimization and
measurement across Meta technologies so that your ads are shown to people who are more
likely to find them relevant.

There are several options you can use to set up the Conversions API.

Learn how to choose the setup option that’s right for your business.

Use the Conversions API to send web, app and offline events.
Conversions API can help you to:

● Lower your cost per action as a result of improved connectivity.

● Optimize ads for actions that happen later in the customer journey (except for offline
● Improve measurement.
● Reduce your cost per action as a result of increased event matching.
● Increase data control.

Learn more about using conversion data to increase ad performance.


Use the Conversions API with the Meta Pixel.
If you use the Conversions API to send website events, also use the pixel to help maximize
the effectiveness of your website events. Website events sent through the Conversions API
can be linked to your pixel and behave like events sent through the pixel in the following

These events can be used for These events appear across These events obey controls for
the same types of ad similar technologies, including activities that occur off of Meta
optimization, including Meta Ads Manager and Meta technologies and using
conversion optimization and Events Manager. third-party data ads
value optimization. personalization as well as other
restrictions outlined in the
Meta Business Tools terms.

Learn more about best practices for the Conversions API.

Meta Events Manager

You can see your web event data in Meta Events Manager after you add the pixel base code
and event code to your website, or set up the Conversions API. There are four tabs in Events

The overview tab provides a simplified summary of your offsite event data. It
Overview also shows issues and recommendations to help you improve ad performance
and measurement with your offsite events.

On the data sources tab, select the name and ID of your data source for
insights and management tools. There are five tabs you can explore for
additional information.
● Overview: View your event activity overview.
● Test events: Use test events to check that your events are set up and
Data sources
firing correctly.
● Diagnostics: Discover and troubleshoot issues related to your pixel or
the Conversions API.
● History: View pixel and the Conversions API history.
● Settings: View the details of your pixel.

Custom On the custom conversions tab , you can create, share, manage or delete your
conversions custom conversions.

Partner You can use the partner integrations tab to easily connect your partner
integrations account to Meta technologies and set up website events.


Facebook SDK
The Facebook SDK is an analytics tool that enables you to capture and measure the actions
people take in your app. You can use Facebook SDK to direct, measure and optimize the
delivery of your ads to people most likely to take action.

The Facebook SDK implementation process consists of the following steps:

1. Register your app with Meta.

2. Associate your ad account with your app.
3. Download and add the SDK to your app.
4. Confirm the SDK is working with the App Ads Helper.
5. Add App Events to your app.
6. Start building, optimizing and measuring.

App Ads Helper for Facebook SDK

The App Ads Helper provides analytics on mobile app install ad performance. Developers can
test app events and deep links to make sure ads are running properly. This helps ensure that
the Facebook SDK is performing optimally and properly logging app events that occur on
your app.

App events consist of three event categories: automatic events, standard events and custom

Automatic events for Facebook SDK

Automatic events for Facebook SDK are automatically logged actions that the SDK measures
by default, unless you've disabled this functionality. These events include app installs, app
sessions and in-app purchases.

Standard events for Facebook SDK

Standard events for Facebook SDK are logged actions that are pre-defined with parameters
you can apply to retrieve more detailed event information.

These events are just like standard events for the pixel. Although, with the SDK you have
the option to measure app-specific actions such as events for games, ad clicks and ad

Custom events
Facebook SDK custom events are measured actions that are defined by you to serve your
particular information collection needs. These events function the same as they do for the
pixel, except for your app instead of your website.


Targeting with Facebook SDK app events
You can share information from the Facebook SDK app events to create custom audiences .
Similar to the Meta Pixel, custom audiences for Facebook SDK enable you to target your ads
to people based on specific actions they have taken on your app. You can create custom
audiences by using the information you get from your app events. custom audiences can help
you to measure the performance of your mobile app ads and target your ads to the people
more likely to take action.

Optimization with Facebook SDK app events

App event optimization enables you to find people who are more likely to take valuable
downstream actions, such as purchasing an item or booking a trip. When creating an ad set,
choose an optimization event, which is an app event to optimize to.

Deep linking
Deep linking enables you to lead people into a specified destination of your mobile app
once they click your ad, if they have your app installed. This helps make mobile app ads
more effective for meeting goals beyond installation and can provide people with a better
experience by taking them to the content that attracted their attention in the ad.

Here are some examples of how to use deep linking to prompt conversions.

A team at a travel app runs an ad featuring a vacation to San Francisco. A

person who already has the app installed clicks the ad. This person is taken
directly to the information about the San Francisco offer. As a result, the
Travel use case person is more likely to find information about the San Francisco trip that
interested them, rather than having to search for it manually. By removing
extra steps between clicking the ad and getting to the travel offer, the person
has a more seamless experience.

A team at a clothing brand creates an ad for a pair of red shoes using deep
linking. A person who already has the clothing brand app installed taps the link.
Retail use case
Instead of having to navigate to find the shoes once they arrive at the app, this
person can immediately purchase the red shoes.

Deferred deep linking

With the app promotion objective, you can also use deferred deep linking if potential
customers haven’t yet installed your app. This defers them to the app store first and then once
installed, they are taken to a specific destination. If you're only directing your ads to people
who already installed your app, you don't need to add deferred deep linking.


Offline conversions
You can use offline conversions to connect your offline event information, such as your CRM
or POS to Meta. As your ads run across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network, your
customer information is matched to people who saw or clicked your ads through a secure
process. This process can help you determine how much offline activity you can attribute to
your ads.

You can capture a variety of offline events back to your campaigns. Here are some examples:

Purchases made Open house

in your stores visits


The offline conversions implementation process consists of the following steps:

Send your offline events to Meta through a manual CSV upload,

1. Set up
manual API integration or partner integration.

Create offline event-based custom audiences based on offline

2. Create
behaviors and attributes.

Run your campaigns across Facebook, Instagram and

3. Run
Audience Network.

4. View View your results in Ads Manager.

Upload events.
Once you set up your events, upload offline information to the offline events tool in Business
Manager. There are four ways to connect your offline information.

2. Offline
3. Conversions API 4. Technology
1. Manual CSV upload conversions
integration partners
API integration

Upload a CSV file Integrate directly Integrate the Partner with vendors
manually with your from a customer Conversions API and and integrators. You
transactions on a system to Meta for upload your offline can have the benefits
daily basis. This real-time coverage. information from of the API, but you
requires no technical your CRM. don’t need to build it
expertise. yourself.


Custom conversion events
Custom conversions separate your event information based on values, event types, custom
information fields and other characteristics that are important to your business. You can apply
your custom conversion to offline event sets you've already set up.

Learn more about offline events sets.

Troubleshooting offline conversions

Ensure that your offline conversions information is correct, so that your metrics and reporting
are accurate. Events Manager enables you to see your upload history, find metrics and
reporting, monitor trends and troubleshoot any issues.

To troubleshoot, go to Events Manager and then to Diagnostics. Here you can identify possible
issues with your offline conversions.

Learn more about troubleshooting offline conversions.

Targeting with offline event sets

You can use the information from your offline event set to create Custom and lookalike
audiences for your ad campaigns.

To create a custom audience, go to Events Manager. Select an Offline event set and create an
audience based on the information and events.

Once you create a custom audience, you can create a lookalike audience to reach people who
are similar to customers who've already interacted with your business.

Learn more about creating audiences for offline conversions.


Measurement with data sources
If you want to report on events that occurred on your app, website or physical store, you must
have the Conversions API or pixel implemented on your website, the SDK implemented on
your app or your offline conversion information uploaded to access results and reporting. Your
data sources should enable you to see how many actions are happening as a result of your ads.
You can use the metrics and reports to see how your campaign is performing and adjust your
campaign setting accordingly.

Learn more about accessing your conversion metrics and reports.

Tracking parameters
You can use parameters with events to pass additional information through the pixel or SDK.
You can specify or adjust the parameters you want for your online or app events. Set up your
event parameters to help ensure that you're collecting the information that matters most to
your business.

Here are some examples of recommended parameters for different data sources.

Recommended parameters for pixel events Recommended parameters for app events

● Content IDs ● Content IDs

● Content ● Content
● Content type ● Content type
● Product catalog IDs ● Value
● Value

For example, if you want to measure your return on ad spend, you can pass the value of your
event through the pixel or SDK. So if your business sells shoes, you can pass the value of the
shoes through the value parameter of the purchase pixel event.

Third-party tracking providers

You can use the Meta Pixel with third-party tracking providers, such as DoubleClick. In most
cases, it requires you to edit the HTML on your website. Actual methods vary by provider.

Learn more about DFA tags and using the Meta Pixel with a third-party tracking provider to
track conversions.


Aggregated Event Measurement
Aggregated Event Measurement is a protocol that enables the measurement of web and app
events from people using iOS 14.5 or above. Aggregated Event Measurement currently limits
domains and mobile apps to eight conversion events that can be configured and prioritized for
Aggregated Event Measurement. Aggregated Event Measurement is designed to help keep
the data used to facilitate conversion reporting and ads optimization private. It continues to
evolve to help our advertisers support consumer privacy.

Aggregated Event Measurement for website events

Your eight conversion events can come from one connection method (pixel or the Conversions
API) or multiple connection methods. For example, if your business has three pixels, then you
can choose which eight events you want to include in their event configuration between the
three pixels. After you choose the events, you can prioritize them.

Aggregated Event Measurement for app events

With Aggregated Event Measurement for app events, you can use sales, lead, or engagement
optimization or value optimization to direct people to your mobile app to help with business
results, such as making an in-app purchase or adding selected products to cart.

For your events to be processed through Aggregated Event Measurement, set up your app
event configuration. Each app has one event configuration, and each event configuration has
up to eight conversion events. You can select eight standard events from the Facebook SDK
for iOS, App Events API or a mobile measurement partner (MMP).

Learn more about Aggregated Event Measurement.

Events sent through the Conversions API may also be processed in accordance
with limits set by Aggregated Event Measurement.


Measurement and
reporting strategies
Measurement tools
Measurement tools enable you to measure and compare results. Typically, advertisers rely on
proxy metrics, such as GRP ratings for TV or click-through rates for digital ads. Proxy metrics
are indirect, approximate measurements. Proxy metrics are used when direct information is
unavailable. While you can use these metrics to register a real-world outcome, they can't
count important business outcomes, such as actual sales or brand lift. Similarly, cookie-based
reporting doesn’t capture the entire customer journey, which means it can distort results and
be cost inefficient.

With people-based measurement solutions, no matter how many devices someone uses, their
activity can be measured across all devices and still be counted as one person.

You can use the following measurement tools to measure your ad performance:

Meta Ads Reporting Measure ad results and metrics.

Brand survey Measure the incremental effect your ads had on brand awareness,
perception or recall.

Brand Lift Measure the incremental impact your ad has on people’s perception
of your brand.

Conversion Lift Measure the incremental impact your ad has on sales outcomes.

GeoLift Use GeoLift, is an open source tool that measures lift by geography.

Marketing mix modeling Quantify the effects of marketing and non-marketing activities using
factors, such as sales or website visits.

A/B testing Measure your ad variables, independently, to optimize your ad


Attribution Measure the performance of your ads across channels, publishers

and devices.


Connect success metrics with performance.
Determine the right metrics to measure the outcomes important to your business. Here are
some questions to help you better understand your measurement needs:

● Which success metrics am I currently tracking?

● Are my current metrics helping to improve business outcomes, or are they proxies?
● If they are proxies, are they correlated with business outcomes?
● Am I optimizing toward my true business objective?
● Which data sources are contributing to my success metrics?
● Is my campaign set up for testing?

The success metrics you recommend for a campaign depend on the business and marketing
goals for a campaign. Below are some commonly used metrics to determine campaign

● Ad recall: The impact an ad had on a customer and if they remember seeing an ad during
a designated period of time.

● Clickthrough rate: The number of times a link on a web page is clicked compared to the
number of times it’s displayed.

● Cost per thousand impressions (CPM): The average cost an advertiser has paid for 1,000
impressions of their ad, or the average revenue a publisher has received for 1,000
impressions of an ad on their apps and websites.

● Reach: The number of people exposed to an ad at least once during a given period.

Off-platform reporting
Before we explore Meta Ads Reporting, let’s consider other options. There are several
third-party tools available to measure digital marketing results. It’s important to understand
how each company establishes their metrics and ways of measurement to avoid making
mistakes when you interpret your results.

For example, some third-party reports can apply different attribution windows, or
automatically apply attribution methodologies to attribute conversions. Consider that before
comparing metrics from multiple reports and partners. For results across Meta technologies,
always refer to Meta Ads Manager reporting as the official source of results.


Meta Ads Reporting
You can use Meta Ads Reporting to measure ad performance. Access Meta Ads Reporting
through Ads Manager. You can use reporting to determine if your ads are helping you meet
your business goals in real time.

Monitor your campaign in Ads Manager, especially to confirm that your campaign is properly
generating results, such as conversions, reach and video plays. When you monitor your results,
it can help inform current and future campaigns.

Set up the Meta Pixel or the Facebook SDK so that you can use Ads Reporting to determine:

The number of The cost per conversion The overall value

conversions of your conversions

Metrics along the funnel

While each campaign is different and may have different objectives, consider one or more of
the following metrics for your campaigns as they align with each part of the customer journey.

Awareness Consideration Sales

● Reach ● Conversations ● Conversions

● Impressions ● Link clicks ● Standard events
● Estimated ad recall lift ● Daily unique reach (according to your data
● ThruPlay ● Landing page views sources, if any)
● 2-second continuous ● Leads ● App events
video plays ● Calls ● Conversations
● App installs ● Value
● Value ● Landing page views
● Link clicks
● Impressions
● Daily unique reach

You can choose to display metrics for all of your campaigns, ad sets or ads in a table format.


When you go to Ads Reporting, go to Results to see the number of outcomes for the
objective and optimization you selected. You can use it to compare performance among
similar campaigns and identify areas of opportunity to get better results.You can also select
metrics from the Columns dropdown menu for pre-defined reports or to customize which
metrics display.

● To display columns for pre-defined reports, select from options, such as Performance,
Delivery and Engagement.

To display customized columns, click the Customize columns option and select or remove your
columns from the pop-up window.

You can segment your information with the Breakdown dropdown menu to
display information, such as the age of your audience, where they view your ads and what
devices they use.

You can use your reporting results to understand how your ads are performing mid-campaign.
If your campaign isn't meeting your business goals, adjust your advertiser controls, such as
targeting, frequency and placement to direct your campaign accordingly.

Although they're not required for measurement of some objectives, you need the Meta Pixel or
the Facebook SDK implemented to be able to measure online conversions. Implement these
data sources so you can use the information collected to see how your customers are moving
through your purchase funnel as well as across devices.

Columns Breakdowns Reports

Customize the columns on View your results by time Export data as a spreadsheet or
screen to view metrics such as period, delivery type or a CSV file or display your data
performance, engagement and audience action. in one of the standard reports.
delivery. Standard reports open in Meta
Ads Reporting.

Delivery and action breakdowns, such as age, gender, region and placement
aren’t supported for offsite conversion metrics for iOS 14 and above campaigns
due to the aggregated nature of SKAdNetwork API data.


You can use columns to select from a list of metrics, across different categories:

Performance Engagement Conversions Settings

Example Results, reach, Awareness, Website Start date, end

metrics frequency and messages, clicks conversions, date, campaign
impressions website purchases, budget, bid,
cost per website objective

Use columns to compare attribution settings.

You can use columns to understand when people take action after engaging with your ads.
You can compare the reported web conversions for your ads to different attribution settings
or time periods. To view the report, select Columns, then click Performance. Finally, click
Compare attribution settings.

You can use breakdowns to refine your report.

Example breakdown

Level Campaign, ad set, ad

Time Day, week, 2 weeks, month

Demographics Age, gender, age and gender, country, region, business locations

Delivery Placement, placement and device, platform, platform and device, time of day
by ad account time, time of day based on viewer time zone

Actions Canvas component, conversion device, product ID, carousel card, reactions,
video view type, video sound

You can also use breakdowns to sort your campaigns, ad sets or ads by time (detailed data by
day, week, two-week periods and months), delivery (whom your ad was delivered to) or action
(the actions your audience took as a result of your ad).


You can use reports to export table data and create custom or standard reports by using the
reports tool. Once you select your report components you can select report settings to run
your ads report.

All reports have default settings that show the result of your campaign. However, your specific
business goals may require you to adjust the settings to show more relevant outcomes.

Apply media math to analyze results.

You can use the following formulas to help analyze your results. Some advertisers may apply
variations of those formulas, adjusted to their particular needs. Below are some common

% CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) x 100

Conversion rate = (Number of actions taken / Visits) x 100

ROAS = Revenue / Ad spend

ROI = (Revenue - Cost) / Cost x 100

CPM = (Total amount spent / Total measured impressions) x 1000


An agency is running a campaign for a client to promote their newly updated app. They use the
app promotion objective, optimized for app installs. The client only runs campaigns for people
between ages 18–34. They added people ages 35–54 as a test.

The agency expects that the additional age range will increase app installs by 10 per week.
One week into the campaign, the agency checks how many app installs were recorded as app
events and attributed to the ad.

To do so, the agency:

1. Opened Ads Manager.

2. Clicked Columns.

3. Selected Customize columns

4. Selected the app installs option within the pop-up window to display the app install
metric in the table.

5. Clicked Breakdown

6. Selected By delivery and chose Age

The agency noticed that this new age range didn’t increase app installs as expected. However,
the cost per install was significantly lower than their benchmark, so they recommend to the
client to keep the ad campaign running.

While it isn’t a requirement for measurement of some objectives, you need

the Conversions API, pixel or SDK implemented to be able to measure online
conversions. Implement these data sources so you can use the information
collected to see how your customers are moving through your purchase funnel
as well as across devices.


Understanding results
You can test to better understand how your ads across Meta technologies are currently
influencing results.

Brand Lift
Brand Lift helps you measure the impact of your advertising on attitudes toward your brand.
Brand Lift randomizes your audience into test (exposed) and control (not exposed) groups
with similar characteristics. Your ad is then shown to the test group, but isn’t shown to your
control group. Next, they receive a poll that contains questions you chose to evaluate the
impact on brand metrics. You can use Brand Lift to:

● Understand how well your campaign resonates with your audience.

● Determine how your campaign performs against the norms for campaigns in your industry
and your region.
● See the demographic breakdowns (age, gender, TV viewership groups and video play
durations) that cause the highest lift.

You must work with a point of contact at Meta to set up Brand Lift tests. Managed Brand Lift
tests can be single or multi-cell.

Experiments tool for brand survey

You can use the Experiments tool in Ads Manager to set up a brand survey test, which
measures brand lift and surveys both people who had the opportunity to see your ads and
people in a holdout group. This survey then calculates the incremental effect your ads had on
brand awareness, perception or recall. Your brand survey can include up to three questions
about standard ad recall, standard brand awareness, abstract favorability, familiarity and
recommendations. Here are some examples:

Standard ad recall Do you recall seeing an ad for [Page] online or on a mobile device in
the last two days?

Standard brand awareness Have you heard of [Page]?

Abstract favorability How would you describe your overall opinion of


Familiarity How familiar are you with [Page]?

Recommendation Will you recommend [Page] to a friend?

Learn more about creating a brand survey test.


Conversion Lift
Before we explore Conversion Lift tests, it’s important to understand the difference between
conversion lift and Conversion Lift.

● Conversion lift: Conversion lift is a metric that quantifies the number of additional
conversions that happen as a result of ads.
● Conversion Lift: Conversion Lift is a conversion optimization framework from Meta.

Conversion Lift can help you measure your return on investment by evaluating the true
business value associated with your campaign. Conversion lift studies can include single-
or multi-cell tests. These tests can help you determine the value that your ads provide your
business and compare different strategies. You can set up a conversion lift study with one or
more exposed groups. To set up a Conversion Lift test, please reach out to your point of
contact at Meta.

Single cell study A study with a single exposed group can show you
how advertising across Meta technologies may lead to additional
business outcomes. For example, if you run a conversion lift study on
your next campaign, you can determine whether or not your ads
resulted in more conversions than if you didn’t run ads.

Multi-cell study A study with multiple exposed groups can help you compare different
strategies and determine which advertising approach works best for
your audience.

After the study is complete, you can learn about metrics such as:

● The cost per incremental conversion

● The demographic breakdown of conversions

GeoLift is a measurement solution from Meta Open Source that helps advertisers calculate lift
at a geographic level. It uses aggregated data to measure the incremental impact of marketing
efforts and is resilient to changes in the marketing landscape. GeoLift is reproducible and
works in cross-media applications.

To run a GeoLift experiment, you need to install the R package. Learn more about getting
started with GeoLift.


Marketing mix modeling
Marketing mix modeling is a data-driven statistical
analysis that complies with privacy policies and is more
resistant to changes that affect attribution in digital
advertising. It quantifies the effects of marketing and
non-marketing activities based on factors, such as
sales or website visits.

This model can help marketers understand how

to allocate a marketing budget across marketing
channels, products and regions, and it can help
forecast the effects of future events or campaigns.

To implement marketing mix modeling, you can work

with a full-service vendor, use semi automated tools
or build-in house models. Robyn is an automated
marketing mix modeling code developed by Meta
Open Source. Learn more about Robyn.

A/B tests
To help get you the best results possible, you can
use the experiments tool to run an A/B test. A/B tests
let you compare different versions of your ads across
multiple devices, so you can see what works best
and improve future campaigns. For example, you can
choose images, text, audience, delivery optimization
or placements as your variable. Test only one variable
at a time to help you identify what’s leading to the
difference in results.

A/B tests divide your audience into random,

non-overlapping groups. Your ads are duplicated and
you choose one variable to change. This variable is the
difference between each ad set being tested. The
result of each ad set is calculated and compared, and
the ad set with the best results based on your
optimization wins. After the test is complete, you will
get a notification and email with the results.


How to set up an A/B test
There are three ways to create your A/B test in Ads Manager or in the Experiments tool:

Guided creation Quick creation Duplication

You're provided with You create the structure for a You add a new ad set or ad to
step-by-step instructions to A/B test that you can finalize turn an existing campaign into
assist you in creating an A/B later. an A/B test campaign.
test. Your ads will be ready to
run once you've completed the

While A/B testing creates random, non overlapping groups, it does not create a corresponding
unexposed control group. Lift studies, on the other hand, create random, non-overlapping
groups and corresponding control group.

Budget optimization A/B test

You can also set up an Advantage campaign budget test with the experiments tool.
This test lets you use an existing ad campaign as a template to see how Advantage campaign
budget affects your cost per result. The test copies your ad campaign and automatically
creates an A/B test, one with Advantage campaign budget turned on and one with budget
optimization turned off, to easily compare performance between each strategy.

Optimization best practices

You can use these tests with the experiments tool to evaluate if your campaign is
performing optimally. These tests can help you to determine which elements of your
campaign are generating more incremental results and optimize toward those elements.
You can use what you learn to inform your current and future campaigns.

Learn more about how to set up these tests.


Determine effectiveness with attribution.
You can use attribution models to help determine how Meta technologies fit into your
media mix across different publishers, channels and devices. The process assigns credit to
touchpoints (clicks or views leading to the desired action) along the customer journey. You can
better measure the effectiveness of your ads by understanding which of your ads should get
credit for conversions, such as making a purchase. You can select from different attribution
models to distribute different amounts of credit for conversions across your ads. They can be
built on a rule-based model or a statistical model. There are attribution solutions provided by
third-party partners.

Rule-based attribution models

Rule-based attribution models enable you to select the rule that determines how conversions
are attributed to different touchpoints. Examples of rule-based models include:

Single-touch models Give credit to only one touchpoint.

Multi-touch models Give credit to multiple touchpoints in the customer journey.

Statistical attribution models

Statistical attribution models are ones that enable you to look at historical information to
determine credit and vary depending on your business and the different criteria you apply.

Attribution settings in Ads Manager

The attribution setting is time span of when a person viewed or clicked your ad and
subsequently took an action. The attribution settings enable you to specify which touchpoints
you want the attribution model to consider and when to consider them. The attribution setting
you select determines what touchpoints the model credits with conversion. You can choose
your attribution setting at the ad set level when you create a campaign or edit an existing
campaign. Explore different attribution settings to see how changing them impacts the
number of conversions reported.

Learn more about attribution.


Conversion windows
Conversion windows are similar to attribution settings, but they are for ad delivery rather than
reporting. Conversion windows dictate which conversion information to use when determining
who your ad should be shown to. This determines what types of people convert within the
window and finds more people like them.

There are two aspects of conversion windows:

● The length of time (for example, 1 day, 7 day)

● The type of action (for example, click, view)

Conversions that happen outside of your conversion window may show up in your reports
depending on your attribution setting. Align your conversion windows and attribution settings
as closely as possible to understand the value your ads are bringing to your business.

Conversions that happen outside of your window will not be used to optimize how your ads are
shown. To determine which people are best to show your ads to, your ad set needs about 50
conversions per week.

You can use the information you gather from your attribution results to inform your current
and future campaigns.

Viewability partners
You can measure how many ads were viewed by your audience and for how long. When
combined with reach measurement, viewability can give you a better perspective on how
your media plan was delivered. You can measure and verify viewability metrics for Facebook
and Instagram through select viewability partners. Viewability partners are Meta Business
Partners that can verify ad viewability metrics for ads across Meta technologies, offering you
the transparency you need to trust your ad delivery information. These partnerships are part of
our continued commitment to enabling advertising measurement across Meta technologies by
independent third parties.


Measurement and reporting best practices
Consider the following best practices for measurement and reporting.

Use historical reporting Use historical reporting to determine how your campaign is
performing based on expectations. For example, if a campaign
resulted in 1,000 conversions a week ago but this number went
down to 100 this week, then you can use reporting to determine what

Upload your Upload your offline information if you want to capture offline
offline information conversions, such as in-store sales and phone orders. You must
capture this information to use measurement and reporting tools.

Run lift tests Use conversion lift tests or brand lift tests to understand whether a
campaign is promoting incremental conversions or brand perception
changes. Lift studies can help you to determine how much additional
business your ad spend generates.


Study questions
1. A dating app marketed toward adults over the age of 50 has an ad that was
rejected. The ad included the message: Meet other seniors. Sign up today!

Why was this ad rejected?

Choose the correct answer.

a. This content contained a personal ad attributed with the use of “other


b. Seniors can't be targeted on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.

c. Dating apps can't be advertised on Facebook, Instagram or Messenger.

d. This content is controversial because seniors don't use apps.

2. A business just hired a new media agency. The team at the business wants to add
the media agency to its Business Manager. The business has been advertising on
Facebook for years. What information does the business need to provide the

Choose the correct answer.

a. Login email and password

b. Facebook profile ID

c. Facebook Page URL

d. Agency Business Manager ID



3. Which of the following is a component of ad delivery?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Ad sets

b. Ad auction

c. GRP

d. TRP

4. Which of the following does the ad auction use to determine how relevant your
ad is to someone?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Advertiser bid

b. Estimated auction rates

c. Cost control

d. Ad quality



5. Which of the following statements are true about the app promotion
campaign objective?

Choose 2 answers.

a. This objective enables you to select which location you want conversions to

b. This objective requires you to install the Facebook SDK.

c. This objective enables you to set up deep linking and deferred deep linking.

d. This objective requires you to enable Advantage+ app campaigns.

6. Which of the following is a benefit of using Advantage campaign budget?

Choose the correct answer.

a. It works well with a lot of ad set spend limits in place.

b. It helps businesses spend more efficiently across accounts.

c. It works well with accelerated delivery.

d. It helps businesses spend more efficiently across campaigns.



7. A team at a clothing company is using the Meta Pixel and Facebook SDK. They
want to report on their ads across Meta technologies that reached a specific
group of customers. This group of people have only purchased a specific brand of
shoes from the company over the last 12 months.

Which of the following tools should they use?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Meta Pixel Helper

b. Custom conversions

c. Custom events

d. Standard events

8. A travel advertiser wants to understand how many people impacted by a given

campaign have confirmed bookings over email. Which of the following tools can
measure this information?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Offline conversions

b. Custom conversions

c. Attribution

d. Meta Business Manager



9. Which of the following is not a source a business can use to generate custom
audiences ?

Choose the correct answer.

a. A list of Instagram handles

b. Facebook SDK

c. Meta Pixel

d. A CRM file

10. An advertiser wants to create a lookalike audience for people in Chile who are
part of its new loyalty program, which is hosted on its app. The program is new, so
the source audience consists of 150 people. How should the advertiser proceed?

Choose the correct answer.

a. The seed list is below the recommended number but it does include the
minimum number of people required to create a lookalike audience. The
advertiser should create a lookalike audience.

b. The seed list is too large. The advertiser should create a lookalike audience
using a different data source to narrow down the audience size.

c. The seed list is too small. The company should run an app install campaign
to increase the seed list first. The company needs at least 300 people in the
source list to create a lookalike audience.

d. The seed list includes the maximum number of people allowed to create a
lookalike audience. The advertiser should proceed with creating a lookalike



11. A client briefed its media agency on an upcoming launch campaign. The client
wants to increase awareness of its new product to women ages 25–54. The
success metric its using is reach. It also wants to ensure that the campaign
delivers as high an ROI as possible. Which placement strategy should you
recommend to the client?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Edit placements, with Facebook and Instagram only

b. Edit placements, with Facebook and Audience Network

c. All placements, with an ad set for each placement

d. Advantage+ placements with placement asset customization

12. A client is setting up a campaign across Meta technologies to encourage

purchases on its website. It has the pixel installed with all outcomes valued the
same. The goal is to get the most outcomes as possible under the cost per
purchase goal of $30. Which bid, budget and optimization should you recommend
to the client?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Cost per result goal, daily budget, conversion optimization

b. Bid cap, lifetime budget, landing page view optimization

c. Daily budget, conversion optimization

d. Lifetime budget, link clicks



13. A client wants flexibility for budgets to move across ad sets during the holiday
season (to reduce under delivery when budgets are constrained). What should a
media buyer recommend to the client?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Standard delivery

b. Accelerated delivery

c. Dayparting

d. Advantage campaign budget

14. A client wants to advertise its upcoming product launch of three shampoos.
Each shampoo has a special natural ingredient with its own benefits.
Unfortunately, the client has an outdated and slow website, so they prefer that
people get all information from their ads. Which ad format should the client use?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Collection ad

b. Instant Experience

c. Single image ad

d. Offer ad



15. Which of the following aspects of your data sources can you accomplish with
Meta Events Manager?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Discover and troubleshoot issues related to your Facebook SDK.

b. Create and manage your custom audience data sources.

c. Set up and view reporting results related to your custom conversions.

d. Use test events to check that your events are set up correctly.

16. What is attribution?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Assigning credit to touchpoints along the customer journey

b. Figuring out how to deliver ads to the people most likely to take action

c. Assigning credit to channels in silo to minimize data noise

d. Determining whether a single-touch or multi-touch model is better



17. A client is launching a new product and wants to understand if Instagram ads are
helping to increase awareness. Which measurement solution should a media
buyer recommend to this client?

Choose the correct answer.

a. A/B testing

b. Conversion Lift

c. Split testing

d. Brand Lift

18. What is the main business tool you can use to create and maintain a catalog of
items in your inventory?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Business Manager

b. Commerce Manager

c. Meta Foresight

d. Meta Business Suite



19. Your client has special brand safety needs. They want to be able to control which
placements their ads appear across Meta technologies. Which of the following
solutions can you employ?

Choose the correct answer.

a. Content exclusions

b. Block lists

c. Inventory filters

d. Manual placements

20. A CPG advertiser wants to adapt TV creative for mobile video. Which of the
following recommendations should they follow?

Choose 2 answers.

a. Build for vertical viewing for mobile video viewing.

b. Add captions or subtitles for a sound-off experience.

c. Keep the original creative to keep engagement high.

d. Save branding for the end for an element of surprise.



21. An advertiser is launching a special offer. They wants as many people as possible
to access the website with the details of the promotion. Which of the campaigns
was more cost efficient in achieving those results? Refer to the exhibit below.

Campaign Budget CPM % CTR

Campaign A 8,000 5.00 2%

Campaign B 12,000 3.00 1%

Campaign C 15,000 6.00 3%

Campaign D 15,000 7.50 3%

Choose the correct answer.

a. Campaign A

b. Campaign B

c. Campaign C

d. Campaign D


Answer key
Question Correct
Explanation Location
number answer

1 a Ads can't contain content that asserts or implies Page 5

personal attributes. This example includes an
assertion about a person’s age.
Learn about Meta's personal attributes advertising

2 d To add a new media agency to an existing Business Page 16

Manager, you would need to share your Business
Manager ID.

3 b The ad auction ranks ads with the aim of Page 33

maximizing value for both advertisers and people.
In an auction, ads are ranked by their total value.
The ad with the highest total value wins the auction
for the targeted individual. Total value is based on
bid, action rates and ad quality.

4 d Ad quality is a component that is considered in ad Page 35

delivery, along with advertiser bid and estimated
action rates, to calculate the ad’s total value. The ad
quality rate is determined by the quality of the ad
along with how relevant your ad is to the targeted

5 b and c With the app promotion objective, you don’t Page 20

select a conversion location because your app is the
only location that a conversion can occur on with
these types of campaigns. The Facebook SDK and
a registered app are required to run an app
promotion campaign. Deep linking and deferred
deep linking enable you to lead people to a
specified destination of your mobile app or to the
app store first, if they haven’t installed your app
yet. Note that different optimizations for ad
delivery are available, depending on whether
you set up your campaign with manual placements
or as an Advantage+ app campaign.


Question Correct
Explanation Location
number answer

6 d Advantage campaign budget sets the budget at the Page 44

campaign level and distributes budget to the
top–performing ad sets in real time, which can
reduce time spent managing campaigns and helps
you spend more efficiently.
However, you can’t use Advantage campaign
budget with accelerated delivery, and Advantage
campaign budget doesn't work well with a lot of ad
set spend limits. The more budget that's locked
into specific ad sets, the less flexibility there is to
optimize your campaign budget.

7 c Custom events are logged actions that are defined Page 90

by you to serve your information collection needs.
You may elect to implement these events if your
information collection needs are atypical.

8 a The Meta Pixel is used to measure the actions Page 89

people take on your website. You can use offline
conversions to connect your offline events
information to your campaigns.

9 a It's not possible to generate a custom audience Page 51

based on an Instagram account or Facebook
Page name. However, you can generate a custom
audience based on Facebook SDK, the pixel or a
CRM file.

10 a To build a lookalike audience, you must have a Page 55

minimum of 100 people (from a single origin
country) in your source audience. We recommend
using at least 1,000 people.

11 d Advantage+ placements using placement asset Page 82

customization can enable you to maximize the
number of results at the same budget while
ensuring you can customize creative to placement.


Question Correct
Explanation Location
number answer

12 a In the given scenario, you have a set metric in mind Page 38

($30) so you care about a specific cost. This is
where cost per result goal can benefit your
campaign. You can set a high daily budget that
wouldn’t impact the delivery of your ads. You
don't care how much you spend as long as it is
below this amount, so budget isn't a factor. Lastly,
all your conversions are equal, so you just want to
optimize for the conversion itself.

13 d Advertisers can set one central campaign budget to Page 44

optimize across ad sets and continuously distribute
budget to the top– performing ad sets
in real time.

14 b Instant Experience gives people an immersive, fast Page 80

experience to learn more about a product.

15 d You can see your web event data in Meta Events Page 93
Manager after you add the Meta Pixel or set up
the Conversions API. You can access insights and
management tools for your data sources from here
as well as manage your custom conversions.

16 a Attribution is the process of assigning credit to Page 113

touchpoints across the customer journey.

17 d Brand Lift can help you measure the impact of your Page 109
advertising on people based on their reaction to
your brand.

18 b Although you can perform some basic actions to Page 24

manager a catalog in Business Manager, the main
tool you should use to manage your catalog is
Commerce Manager.

19 d When you create an ad, you can choose where Page 82

you want your ad to appear on Facebook,
Messenger, Instagram and Audience Network. You
can use manual placements to opt out of specific
placements if you don’t want your ads to run within
those environments.


Question Correct
Explanation Location
number answer

20 a and b Based on how people view content on mobile, best Page 86

practices for video include:
● Create short videos (6–15 seconds).
● Get attention quickly.
● Incorporate the brand early.
● Design for sound-off experiences.
● Add captions or subtitles.
● Build for vertical viewing.

21 c Campaign C is the most cost efficient campaign Page 107

considering that clicks are the main goal of this
First, calculate the impressions by applying the
CPM formula. This example uses (budget/CPM) x
1000. Next, to estimate clicks, multiply CTR% by
impressions. Lastly, divide budget by clicks to
calculate the cost per click.

© 2023 Meta Platforms, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

May not be copied or reproduced without prior permission from Meta.


Acronym Term Definition

A/B test A test that enables you to conduct a controlled experiment

comparing multiple ad sets to see which performs the best.

accelerated A delivery method that shows the ad to as many people as

delivery possible in a short period of time.

ad An item of promotional content.

ad auction A component of ad delivery through which you declare the

maximum price you're willing to pay for a click, impression
or conversion.

ad delivery This determines what outcome you are trying to accomplish

optimization based on the objective, optimization and any other offsite
signal provided in ad setup.

ad format The layout of an ad that determines how the ad will look and
how many images or videos it will contain.

ad level (Meta Ads In Ads Manager, the ad level is the stage of campaign creation
Manager) where you build individual ads.

ad set A group of ads that share the same daily or lifetime budget,
schedule, bid type, bid information and targeting information.

ad set level (Meta In Ads Manager, the ad set level is the stage of campaign
Ads Manager) creation where you build groups of ads.

ad quality A calculated value determined by your ad quality along with

how relevant your ad is to the chosen individual.

admin (Meta In Business Manager, an admin is a person who has access

Business Manager) to run or control all components of your Business Manager,
including modifying or deleting the accounts and adding or
removing people.

ads report A report created and managed in Ads Manager that indicates
the performance of a set of ads.

Advantage+ An ad type that can show a number of different products to

catalog ad an audience and choose the most relevant product to show
to each individual in the audience.

Acronym Term Definition

Advantage+ An ad type that you can use to help expand your audience
catalog ads for rather than target ads to people who’ve already visited,
broad audiences browsed or purchased items on your website.

Advantage+ An option in Ads Manager that shows an ad on the widest

placements range of available placements across Meta technologies.

advertiser bid The amount you bid in an ad auction.

advertiser controls A component of ad delivery that enables you to adjust inputs

to improve your ad performance.

API integration Direct integration from your customer system to Meta for
real-time coverage of your business's offline activity.

App Ads Helper A tool that provides analytics on mobile app install ad
performance. Developers can test app events and deep links
to make sure ads are running properly

app event A logged action that people take on your app that is usually
used for capturing and measuring ad performance.

app promotion A campaign objective option in Ads Manager that is used if

(campaign you want your ad to send people to your app store to
objective) download your app or take desired actions in your app.

API An interface that enables software components to

communicate with each other and share data.

asset Any account, tool, creative or data source owned by a

business and used to promote, advertise or measure their
business performance across Meta technologies.

asset A feature in ads manager that determines which assets are

customization delivered at the moment of delivery.

Attribution A measurement solution that enables you to see which

platform, channel, device, ads or content should be credited
with a conversion.

attribution model The logic that determines how credit is given to touch- points
for a conversion. The attribution model logic can be based on
a rule or set of rules or a statistical model.

Acronym Term Definition

attribution setting The period of time during which conversions can be credited
to a particular ad.

auction An ad buying type wherein you decide that you would like to
(buying type) participate in an ad auction.

Audience Network A network of mobile app publishers who have been approved
to show ads across Meta technologies.

Audiences A default targeting option that enables you to target your ads
to people based on demographics, location, interests and

automatic events Applicable to the Facebook SDK and Meta Pixel data sources,
a feature that automatically accounts for events on your app
or website.

awareness A campaign objective option in Ads Manager that is used if

(campaign you want people to recall and recognize the brand after seeing
objective) your ad.

bid The price for the outcome you're optimizing for.

bid cap A bid strategy that lets you set a maximum bid to be used in
each auction.

bid control A maximum bid amount you provide to determine which

results to spend budget on.

bid pacing The part of pacing that adjusts your bid or which auctions to
enter based on how much budget and time you have left for
your ad set.

bid strategy In Meta Ads Manager and Ads Reporting, a setting you select
that helps determine how to spend your budget in alignment
with your campaign goals.

brand lift Also known as brand affinity, a metric that gives you insight
into people's attitudes toward your brand and brand

broad targeting When the people whom you show your ads to is determined
for you.

Acronym Term Definition

budget The maximum amount you’re willing to spend on an ad set or

(Ads Manager) campaign on average each day or over the lifetime of the
scheduled ad set or campaign.

business ID (Within Business Manager) A number that corresponds to your

(Business Business Manager, usually used when you're sharing access to
Manager) certain information such as monthly invoices.

Meta Business A tool that enables multiple people to access and manage
Manager Pages, ad accounts and apps using their personal Facebook
login credentials, while keeping their personal profile and
business assets separate.

buying type The method by which you buy ads across Meta technologies.

CTA call to action An advertising method that encourages a direct response

from people by prompting a specific action.

campaign An ad or series of ads built around a single theme or set of

attributes and delivered by an ad platform to a specific

Advantage A setting in Ads Manager that distributes your spend across

campaign budget the ad sets in your campaign to get the best overall
(Ads Manager) performance.

campaign level In Ads Manager, the stage of campaign creation where you
(Ads Manager) build an ad or series of ads around a single theme or set of

campaign objective The goal an advertiser selects that reflects what they want to
achieve with a campaign.

carousel Ad content that displays multiple images or videos that scroll

(ad format) from left to right.

catalog A business asset used for storing and managing inventory

businesses want to advertise or otherwise promote across
Meta technologies.

click A metric for the number of times an asset has been clicked.

Acronym Term Definition

CTR clickthrough rate The number of times something is clicked, divided by the
number of times it has been displayed.

collection An assembly or grouping of promotional items that may be

(ad format) systematically ordered.

content ID One of the pre-defined parameters included as part of App

(parameter) Events in the Facebook SDK that a developer can implement
to measure the ID for content involved with a particular app

content type One of the pre-defined parameters included as part of App

(parameter) Events in the Facebook SDK that a developer can implement
to measure the kind of content involved with a given app

contents A parameter included alongside events to measure additional

(parameter) information about the product or service people engage with
on your app or website.

control group The "unexposed" group of people in a study for which no

factors of the test are influenced. It's used as a benchmark to
measure the effect of the test.

Conversion Lift An experiment that uses randomized control trials (RCTs) to

measure the number of incremental conversions that happen
as a result of ads across Meta technologies.

conversion window This enables you to choose what type of conversion

information is used when determining who your ads are shown

Conversions API An API that enables developers to send website event data to
Meta directly from a server, as opposed to sending the data
via the Meta Pixel (which uses a website browser to send
data). This data is then connected to a Meta Pixel ID and can
be used for various ads purposes, from measurement to

cost per result The cost to you each time an action is taken because of
your ad.

Acronym Term Definition

cost per result goal A bid strategy that enables you to provide a benchmark
cost for the results you care about. This limits your cost
per conversion while maximizing the number of conversions.
The goal amount you provide is an average amount
that’s delivered against over the campaign lifetime, while
dynamically bidding as high as needed to maximize results.
This means that the average cost per result may exceed the
set amount.

CPC cost per click The cost to you each time someone clicks your ad.

CPI cost per impression The cost to you each time someone views your ad.

CPM cost per thousand The average cost you've paid for 1,000 impressions of your ad,
impressions or the average revenue you've received for 1,000 impressions
of an ad on your apps or websites.

creative fatigue When your ad performance suffers due to overexposure.

Custom audience An audience created through a Meta advertising feature that

lets advertisers find their existing audiences among people
who are using Meta technologies.

custom conversion A measurement object that is created by applying rules to

existing events, used to capture unique ad outcomes.

custom event A logged action specified by you based on a specific action

you want people to take on your website, app or offline.

CRM customer A software tool that enables businesses to manage contact

relationship information and interactions through the customer life cycle.

data source A tool, connection, piece of code or other object that collects
information, such as the Conversions API, Meta Pixel,
Facebook SDK and offline conversions. The information can
be used for measurement and analysis.

dayparting Also known as scheduled ad delivery, an ad delivery option

that enables you to specify which hours or days of the week
you want your ads to be shown.

Acronym Term Definition

deep linking A feature that enables you to launch people from a source app
into a different target app.

deferred deep A feature, when using the app promotion objective, that
linking directs your ad to send people to the app store to install your
app. Once installed, they will be sent to the specific

direct response Advertising that is intended to generate an immediate action

(usually associated with ecommerce activities) such as
sign-up, purchase of a product or mobile app install.

dynamic creative A process where you provide multiple creative assets for ads
and it’s automatically matched to an audience.

dynamic language A feature that enables you to create multiple ad sets for each
optimization language and apply separate language targeting if you're
advertising in multiple markets or one market with various

employee In Business Manager, a person who has partial access to the

(Business Business Account and can work only on tools and business
Manager) assets assigned to them.

engagement A campaign objective option in Ads Manager that is used if

(campaign you want to send people to like your page, engage with your
objective) business online or take actions such as starting a conversation
or respond to your event.

Engagement A group of people likely to engage with your ad based on the

custom audience people who have previously engaged with your content across
Meta technologies.

estimated action A calculated value determined by how likely it is that your ad

rates will lead to your desired outcome after it's shown to a person.

event A logged action that people take on your website, app or

offline, usually used for capturing and measuring ad

Facebook SDK A piece of code installed on your app that captures

app events.

Facebook Stories Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories enable people to post
and Instagram casual photos and videos that are stitched together into one
Stories unit of content that is available for 24 hours.

Acronym Term Definition

feed A stream of posts or updates in a social media service.

finance analyst A profile type within Business Manager that permits access
(Business to view financial details of the business, including transitions,
Manager) invoices, account spend and payment methods.

finance editor A profile type within Business Manager that permits access to
(Business edit financial details of the business, including business credit
Manager) card information, transactions, invoices, account spend and
payment methods.

GRP Gross Rating Point A unit of measurement of audience size for TV

advertisements, according to Nielsen. It is used to measure
the exposure to one or more programs or commercials,
without regard to multiple exposures of the same advertising
to individuals.

highest value A spend-based bid strategy that prioritizes spending your

budget and focusing on highest value purchases.

Instant Articles A feature that provides rich format, interactive articles that
you can create and publish on Facebook.

Instant Experience An interstitial landing page that loads instantly when someone
taps on an ad on Facebook or Instagram. These ads are only
supported on mobile placements and devices.

in–stream videos A feature that enables you to place ads before, during or after
video content.

international Also known as multicountry lookalike audiences, a lookalike

lookalike audiences audience that spans beyond the borders of a single county.

lead A connection to a customer via a personal identifier, such as

email, phone, address that enables an advertiser to contact
potential customers with future advertising or

leads (campaign A campaign objective option in Ads Manager that is used if

objective) you want to collect leads for your business.

learning phase In Ads Manager, a period of time where information is being

collected to optimize ad delivery. This term refers to machine
learning, not your learning.

Acronym Term Definition

LTV lifetime value The measure of the total value (such as total purchases)
attributed to a group of customers using a third-party
developer app.

lookalike audience A group of people who are similar to an existing audience

based on different types of custom audiences. This enables
advertisers to target ads to people who are similar to their
established customers.

machine learning A discipline that uses science, information and computer

code to automatically predict certain outcomes based on
discovered patterns not explicitly programmed.

Marketplace A dedicated surface on Facebook for people to buy and sell

with other people.

media mix The methods and channels you use to meet your advertising

messaging A communication method through written text used on

WhatsApp and Messenger.

Messenger A messaging app.

manual placements An option in Ads Manager that lets you choose the specific
locations across Meta technologies, where you want your ads
to appear.

Meta Advertising The set of guidelines that you have to follow for your ad to be
Standards approved for publication across Meta technologies.

Meta Ads Manager An interface where you can view, make changes and access
performance reports for all your campaigns, ad sets and ads.

Meta Business A tool that enables multiple people to access and manage
Manager Pages, ad accounts and apps using their personal Facebook
login credentials, while keeping their personal profile and
business assets separate.

Meta Business A third-party partner recognized for its ability to help

Partner businesses grow and build across Meta technologies. Meta
Business Partners are vetted and badged if they meet the
criteria for one or more specialties such as creative,
advertising technology, messaging and commerce.

Acronym Term Definition

Meta Events Accessible from Ads Manager, a tool that you can use to set up
Manager and manage data sources to manage and optimize your ads
for specific events.

Meta Pixel A piece of code installed on your website that captures

website events.

Meta Pixel Helper A troubleshooting tool that helps you to determine if your
Meta Pixel is working correctly.

multi-cell A study with multiple test groups, where group A is shown one
ad, group B is shown a different ad and group C is shown no ad
(also known as ABC testing).

multi-touch A rule-based attribution model that enables you to credit

attribution model multiple touchpoints in the customer journey.

offline conversions Enables you to measure how much your ads across Meta
technologies lead to offline outcomes, such as purchases in
your stores, phone orders and bookings.

offline event An ads-related action or activity that happens offline and

outside of Meta technologies and not on an advertiser's
website or app. Offline events may include store visits, leads,
sales calls, in-store purchases and activity on third-party sites.

offline event set A collection of data files, also known as a dataset, that
contains data about offline events for a business. An
advertiser creates an offline event set in the offline event
manager (in Meta Ads Manager) and then can import data into
that offline event set.

parameter A modifier or custom value assigned to an event for the

purpose of adding contextual information for measurement.
Parameters are applied to events and are either pre-defined
parameters applied to pre-defined events (by Meta) or custom
parameters applied to custom events (defined by the user and
implemented in their code).

partner (Business Another business you will be working with in your Business
Manager) Manager, such as agencies or clients. This enables you to share
your assets with them and enables them to share assets with

people-based Leveraging real people, instead of cookies or proxy metrics

measurement alone, when measuring the effectiveness of your ad.

Acronym Term Definition

placement A location where you can display an ad on a website or app,

such as Feed, Instagram Stories or inbox on Messenger.

POS point of sale The moment when a retail transaction is completed.

product A parameter captured alongside events to pass additional

catalog IDs information about the inventory people engage with on your
app or website.

proxy metrics An approximate measure of information used when direct,

concrete information is unavailable.

reach and An ad buying type that enables you to reach an established

frequency number of people within an audience at a specified frequency
(buying type) at a fixed price.

retargeting An advertising approach aimed at reengaging people with

whom you've previously seen, previously engaged with or who
have taken action on your website, app or offline business.

rule-based A tool that enables you to select the rule that determines how
attribution model conversions should be attributed to different touchpoints in
the customer's conversion path.

scheduled delivery See “dayparting” definition.

single-cell A study with one test group, where group A is shown the ad
but group B isn't shown the ad.

single-touch A rule-based attribution model that enables you to credit only

attribution model one touchpoint in the customer journey.

slideshow A type of video that's created using still images or videos

(ad format) and may contain a music soundtrack.

sponsored An ad type on Messenger. The sponsored message ad unit

message enables you to send a message to people in Messenger who
have an existing Messenger conversation
with your business.

standard delivery An ad delivery option that helps you to spend your budget
evenly over the course of your campaigns.

Acronym Term Definition

standard event A logged action that is pre-defined by Meta.

statistical A tool that enables you to consider historical information to

attribution model determine how conversions should be attributed.

sales (campaign A campaign objective option in Ads Manager that is used if

objective) you want to find people likely to make a purchase or take other
important actions online or in store.

success metrics The measurements you use to determine the success of your

suggested videos A feature that makes video suggestions to people while on


TRP target rating point An ad buying type that enables you to plan and buy video
(buying type) campaigns using Nielsen-verified target rating points (TRPs)
on Facebook and Instagram.

targeting The process of defining an audience for your ads.

Test and Learn A tool in Ads Manager that helps you run tests on your ads
and learn about their results.

test group The "exposed" group of people in a study for which factors
of the test are influenced.

third-party A company, outside of Meta, that develops its own

tracking customized tracking tools that can be used with the Meta

traffic (campaign A campaign objective option in Ads Manager that is used if

objective) you want to send people to a destination such as your website,
app or shop.

value (parameter) A parameter included alongside events to measure additional

information about the price value of inventory people engage
with on your app or website.

value-based The group of people most similar to your highest-value

lookalike audience customers.

views The act of watching a video, usually for a specific duration

of time.


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