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Today, I stand here to discuss an issue that affects all of us - the wastage of money caused

by technological devices. In this age of innovation and growth, there’s no denying that we
depend heavily on many gadgets and gizmos to meet our demands. However, in our
pursuit to keep up with the latest trends and developments, we often ignore the financial
consequences that come with owning these equipments.

First of all, let's talk about the constant need for upgrades. Technological devices are
designed to become obsolete within a short span of time. The latest high-tech devices that
was once at the top of innovation can quickly be replaced by a newer model with
enhanced functionalities. This endless cycle of upgrades leads to a vicious cycle of
spending, as we are countinually driven to invest in the newest products, whether we
truly need them or not. It turns into a never-ending race that wastes our hard-earned
money in the process.

Additionally, let's not overlook the costs associated with maintenance and repairs. Some
accidents can happen with technological devices due to the fact that they are not
indestructible. A simple drop on the floor or a slip of the hand can result in a broken
screen or damaged inside. The prices of fixing such devices is often overpriced,
sometimes higher than the original selling price. Moreover, the constant development of
technological advancements often makes older devices incompatible with new software
updates, requiring us to replace them entirely.

Furthermore, the numerous apps and services available for these devices can also lead to
overspending. We are flooded with advertisements and appealing deals that persuade us
to sign up to premium features, buy exclusive add-ons, or make in-app purchases. These
apparently small costs quickly add up, contributing to the overall wastage of money.

Now, I am not suggesting that technological devices are inherently wasteful. They
undoubtedly bring numerous benefits, making our lives more convenient, efficient, and
connected. However, it is crucial that we adopt a mindful and responsible approach
towards our technology usage. Instead of succumbing to every new release, we should
carefully evaluate our needs and only invest in devices that genuinely enhance our daily

In conclusion, the wastage of money caused by technological devices is a significant

concern that we must address. By becoming more conscious consumers, we can break
free from the endless cycle of upgrading, avoid unnecessary repair costs, and resist the
temptation of frivolous in-app purchases. Let us remember that the value of a technology
lies not in its price tag or its novelty, but in its ability to truly improve our lives. Let's
make informed decisions and ensure that our hard-earned money is put to its best use.

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