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Project Topics: Group of 3 to 5 students. Each student: Solve 1 practical problem by Matlab/Scilab.

Each group will have one topic. Each member will choose one question to work on. Your work should include the problem, a detailed
solution of the problem, matlab code, and you will need to run the matlab code when you present.

Group Content Book: Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications (pdf edition)
1. Topic 1: Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices. Section 1.3: T2, T5 / pg 125
Section 1.4: T2, T5 / pg 125
Section 1.5: T1, T2 / pg 126
Section 1.6: T1, T3 / pg 126
Section 1.7: T1, T2 / pg 126
2. Topic 2: Determinants. Section 2.1: T1, T2 / pg 181
Section 2.1: T3 & Section 2.2: T1 / pg 181
Section 2.3: T1, T2 / pg 181
Section 2.3: T3 & Section 2.4: T1 / pg 181
Section 2.4: T2, T3 / pg 182
3. Topic 3: Vectors in 2-Space and 3-Space. Section 3.1: T1, T2 / pg 255
Section 3.3: T2, T5 / pg 255
Section 3.4: T1, T2 / pg 255
Section 3.4: T3, T4 / pg 255, 256
Section 3.4: T5, T6 / pg 256
4. Topic 4: Euclidean Vector Spaces & Complex Vector Section 4.1: T1 & Section 4.2: T1 / pg 338
Spaces. Section 4.3: T1 & Section 4.4: T1 / pg 338
Section 10.1 & 10.2: T1, T2 / pg 840
Section 10.1 & 10.2: T3 & Section 10.3: T1 / pg 840
Section 10.6: T1, T2 / pg 840
5. Topic 5: General Vector Spaces. Section 5.2: T1 / pg 441
Section 5.3: T1 & Section 5.5: T3 / pg 441, 442
Section 5.4: T1, T2 / pg 441
Section 5.5: T1, T2 / pg 442
Section 5.6: T1, T2 / pg 442
6. Topic 6: Inner Product Spaces. Section 6.1: T1, T2 / pg 535
Section 6.3: T1, T2 / pg 535
Section 6.4: T1, T2 / pg 535
Section 6.1: T3 & Section 6.3: T3 / pg 535
Section 6.5: T1 / pg 536
7. Topic 7: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors & Linear Section 7.1: T1, T2 / pg 576
Transformations. Section 7.1: T3, T4 / pg 576
Section 7.1: T5 & Section 7.2: T1 / pg 576
Section 7.3: T1 / pg 577
Section 8.3: T1 & Section 8.5: T1 / pg 663
8. Topic 8: Application to Differential Equations, Least Section 9.1: T1, T2 / pg 761
Squares Fitting to Data, Quadric Surfaces, Section 9.3: T1, T2 / pg 761, 762
LU-Decompositions, Constructing Curves and Section 9.7: T1 & Section 9.9: T1 / pg 762
Surfaces through Specified Points. Section 11.1: T1 / pg 848, 849
Section 11.1: T2 / pg 849
9. Topic 9A: Applications of Linear Algebra . Section 11.2: T2 / pg 855
Section 11.2: T2 / pg 855
Section 11.3: T1 / pg 869
Section 11.4: T1 / pg 878
Section 11.4: T2 / pg 878
10. Topic 9B: Applications of Linear Algebra . Section 11.5: T1 / pg 890
Section 11.5: T2 / pg 891
Section 11.6: T1 / pg 904
Section 11.6: T2 / pg 905
Section 11.12: T1 / pg 978
11. Topic 9C: Applications of Linear Algebra . Section 11.7: T1 / pg 920
Section 11.7: T2 / pg 921
Section 11.8: T1 / pg 933
Section 11.8: T2 / pg 933
Section 11.12: T2 / pg 979
12. Topic 9D: Applications of Linear Algebra . Section 11.9: T1 / pg 944
Section 11.9: T2 / pg 944
Section 11.10: T1 / pg 953
Section 11.10: T2 / pg 953
Section 11.12: T3 / pg 980
13. Topic 10: Matrix operations for arm robots.
13* For topic 10, 11, and 12, please directly contact Prof. Phan Thành
An via for further instructions.
(Advanced topic) (These topics are advanced topics, and may earn you extra points
for choosing.)
14. Topic 11: Matrix operations for AI For topic 10, 11, and 12, please directly contact Prof. Phan Thành
An via for further instructions.
(Advanced topic) (These topics are advanced topics, and may earn you extra points
for choosing.)

15. Topic 12: Matrix operation for crack detection

15* For topic 10, 11, and 12, please directly contact Prof. Phan Thành
An via for further instructions.
(Advanced topic) (These topics are advanced topics, and may earn you extra points
for choosing.)

16. Topic 13: Dùng YOLO và AI nhận dạng vết nứt For topic 13, please directly contact Prof. Phan Thanh An
trong ảnh (advanced topic) via for further instructions. This
is an advanced topic and you may earn extra points.

17** Using AI to detect cracks and potholes and calculating their width and depth.
(advanced topic)

18** Detect tumors using AI and characterists of tumors (width of a tumor). (advanced topic)

19** Autonomous robots limited exact vision range (advanced topic):

- Xét trên mặt địa hình

- Đích đến được xác định theo đặc trưng, không theo tọa độ
- Dùng ML để huấn luyện rô-bốt tránh bị lạc đường

20** UAV Navigation without GPS (advanced topic):

Drone đang bay bị mất tín hiệu GPS, làm thế nào để xác định tọa độ của nó lúc đó (không còn có GPS nữa)?

21** Thunderstorm Nowcasting of HCM City

(advanced topic):

- Tìm hiểu và cài đặt TITAN (a software on thunderstorm nowcasting).

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