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The Calix AXOS E7-2 Intelligent Modular System provides a foundation for your next-generation networks, fiber
technologies, and Software Defined Access.

System Access
Login to AXOS SMX Portal to access CALIX OLT functions once interfaces and VLAN has been no shutdown and
configured in the OLT.

The setup in Quezon is Login with assigned credential -


The interface after login shows its hierarchy based in terms of directory. You can create a Region inside a Region to
document proper OLT Location.

In this case, Quezon Cluster was created, and under Quezon Cluster Lucena and Tayabas were created.

After creating the/a Region, add the OLT you want by through Create.

Enter the necessary details of the OLT. Select the Device State and proper OLT version. Enter the IP set in
management VLAN (in this case it’s assigned to VLAN 62). Press Submit once done.

Once you’re done. You’ll have something like this.

Upon adding the OLT to the Management System, go to added OLT within the region.

On this page you’ll see the OLT including the active Slot from the Frame which is assigned in Shelf. Clicking on the
Slot, you’ll see the GPON ports of the OLT and the Slot’s details. You can activate any deactivated ports in this
mode and see the details of the GPON SFP.

Go to GP Interface and activate GPON port if needed.

In any part page, Press Subscriber and Add Subscriber Only. Enter subscriber details and Submit.

Press Network and Select ONTs

In ONTs, select Unassigned ONTs. If the technician properly installed the ONT, you’ll see it auto discovered. Click
the +

After clicking Unassigned ONTs, you’ll be redirected to Provisioned ONTs with extracted details of the ONT.

• You can use the Serial as ID

• ONT Template and Profile is 844G
• Subscriber is referring to the Account Number you entered, in this case 4554.

Once bind to the subscriber. Click Subscriber


To bind a package Click the account number (4554 in this case) of the created account to open Provision Panel.

In Provision Panel, select Add Service

Now Open the Region where the ONU is enrolled; in this case under Lucena/CALIX_QZN_LCN. Select the Serial you
just added and press Next at the bottom right of the page.

Select and set the details as follows –

• ONT Ports is RG
• Service Template is the package. In this case, we’ll use VLAN2006_200MB. As shown it is 200 Mbps
• VLAN is 2006
• Policy Map is also VLAN2006_200MB
• Default WAN must be set to ENABLED
• WAN Interface is set to DHCP
• Management Mode is native
• IP Address Family is IPv4
• Press connect once finished
You’ll see something like this once it’s connected.

Wait for it to load until you see something like this -

Connect to WiFi and Check Internet Speed –

Speeds higher than 50 Mbps, it’s advised to connect via 5G SSID WiFi 5 of the ONT.

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