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Shaping the Future of High Streets:
Place Attraction and the Sun Model of Shopping Choices

Matthew Carmona

王  维 [ 译 ]
Translated by Wei Wang

摘  要

This paper explores the existential crisis on traditional shopping streets (high streets) driven by the rapid move
to shopping online. The paper examines the nature of traditional shopping streets and how they are changing,
conceptualises the distinguishing characteristics of traditional forms of retail and online shopping, through a new sun
model discusses the factors that determine shopping choices, argues that we have shifted from a movement economy
and centrality paradigm to a place attraction one, and explores, in this new context, the different approaches to shaping
the future of traditional shopping streets. Ultimately, it asks what are the key place-based intervention factors that can
help to guarantee a future for our high streets? This paper is a conceptual and speculative piece, based on the heuristic
investigation of professional, policy, industry discourse and analysis, and empirical evidence. This analysis informs the
特规划学院) first half of the paper in which a “sun model” of shopping choices is conceptualised. The discussion is international
Matthew Carmona, Professor of Planning & Urban Design, in scope, although much of the evidence draws from sources within and reflecting on the situation in the UK with
the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London approaches taken in England used as a case study in the second half of the paper where three proactive intervention
[译者]王  维(规划师,中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司) factors are illustrated and discussed. The UK is particularly advanced on its journey away from traditional retail so the
[Translator] Wei Wang, Urban Planner, CAUPD Beijing data and policy approaches being explored in the country reveal much about challenges and opportunities that we might
Planning & Design Consultants Ltd expect as the existential crisis facing traditional shopping streets plays out around the world.
马修·卡莫纳. 塑造高街的未来:空间吸引力和购物选择的
太阳模式[J]. 城市设计, 2022(6): 22-31. Keywords:High streets; Place attraction paradigm; Sun model
Carmona M. Shaping high street futures: Place
attraction and the sun model of shopping choices [J].
Urban Design, 2022(6): 22-31. DOI:10.16513/j.urbandesign.2022.06.005

22 | 城市设计 2 0 2 2 6
图1 / Figure 1 图2 / Figure 2
理想的(可见的)高街混合排布方式/ The desirable (often invisible) high street mix 尽管仍有一些商业气息,这条高街上的大部分商铺已经被遗弃,剩下的商铺散落在住宅之间
来源 / Source: The Groinfomation Group, Map data @2020 / Whilst a few retail uses still hang on this high street, much of it is abandoned with the
remaining retail interspersed with residential

1 超越出行经济和中心主义的范式 动城市增长的动力。传统上,城市中心地位受 对人们的自豪感和社区认同感似乎特别重要,在

到重视,导致城市活动集中在中心区域,反过 提高主观幸福感的议题中排名第一,不过在被认
来又支持多样化的零售、娱乐和饮食服务。只 为最需要改善的地方因素中也排名第一 [6]。然而,
诞生在希利尔所命名的出行经济 [1] 的基础之上。
有时间才能证明,2020—2021 年见证的基于技 似乎很清楚的是,
术的加速发展是否标志着曾经有固定位置的、现 可能需要一个新的支撑基础,不依赖于(至少不
在自由灵活的零售业落位永久地从出行经济和 相同程度地依赖于)出行和中心地位。
随着时间的推移,这些功能得到了加强,形成 2 购物选择的太阳模式
我们通常认为,高街就是购物的场所。然而, 为了理解这一点,有必要了解人们做出购
虽然 20 世纪下半叶以来以汽车为基础的城
传统高街的一个特点是,它们已经演变成了超 物选择的不同原因。通过对国际博客、论坛、
市化和 21 世纪互联网的发展逐步挑战了这种以 级多样化的地点 [4]。正如英国的数据 [5] 所显示 流行新闻报道和行业新闻网站上讨论的研究,
空间为基础的出行经济,但直到 2020 年新冠大 的,零售用途只是多样化用途的一部分,它既 可以得出 9 个关键因素。图 3 在一个太阳模型
流行到来,这种模式才被打破(至少是暂时的)。 垂直地分布在临近高街的建筑上,又水平地分 中概念化表示了这些因素对实体购物者和网上
英国国家统计局的研究 [2] 显示,电子商务在一 布在临近高街的城市街区腹地(图 1)。 购物者相对重要性的影响。
年内从占比国家总销售额的五分之一左右增长 然而,零售仍然是高街的“公共面孔”, 黄色的因素极大地影响着网上购物者的选
到超过了三分之一。社会普遍察觉,科技可以 通常以活跃和连续的立面形式出现。摆脱实体 择,也是网上购物为什么会逐渐替代传统购物
用来维持人们在家中的生活,使许多人能在足 零售的做法极大地改变了这些街道的体验,去 习惯的有力影响和原因。红色的因素在帮助保
不出户的情况下工作、购物、就餐、娱乐,甚 除并从某种意义上私有化了本来活跃的街道门 留实体客户群方面仍然很有影响力,尽管只有
至获得许多公共和健康服务 [3]。 面(图 2)。 前两个——即时和社交可以被视为“积极”的
这些趋势有可能大大削弱几个世纪以来推 此外,在英国,高质量商店的可获得水平 因素(一些购物者的非技术性参与通常来自于

理论和方法 | 23
在线购物非常方便,以前需要花费数小时才能完成的任务现在只需点击几下即可完成, 实际情况是,即使是最大的百货公司或购物中心,都会受到其物理规模的制
节省了时间、成本和麻烦。在线购物的方便更能够体现在那些必须去做而不是可选择去 约。但是互联网不会有这样的困扰,网上购物的选择几乎是无限的,尽管面
做的事情(也就是那些因为我们自己想做才去做的事情)上,在网上购物的每个阶段—— 对琳琅满目的产品可能会挑选不过来

去实体店购物通常会伴随着不确定性,客户不确定所寻找 Convenience
的物品能不能买到或会不会缺货。在网上购物的话,一旦 便利度
付款和安排发货后,客户基本能够确认自己已经锁定这个 售商受益于减少的固定物理性成本——租金、水电费、
物品了。除非客户使用了一些组合式提货的方式,类似“网 Certainty Choice
上下单,实体店取货 " 的模式,但是一旦开始进行线上操作, 确定性 选择性
鼓励客户进人实体店进行购物的战争可能已经失败 性化运输的费用,而这些并不是完全“免费的”

Information Cost Leisure

信息通过两个方向进行流动。即使使用最先进的查看系统,某些 信息 成本 随着日常必需品的在线购买变得越来越容易,人们
产品也最好在实体店中亲自查看。客户能够直接查看和触摸产品、 去实体商店购物的主要原因变成了休闲、文化或娱
与销售助理沟通、得到个人服务和帮助 , 成为了与在线购物差异 乐。对许多人来说,这个休闲维度代表了传统购物
化的关键性因素。这需要与收集消费者数据且确保他们看到最适 街的主要卖点,但体验取决于在那里的整体游览情
合他们的产品并提供个性化零售体验的能力相结合 况、空间质量以及提供的服务质量。总的来说,这
Non-tech Social 变得越来越有趣
非技术性 社交
实体店仍然为那些不会使用新兴科技和资源的人提供以实体交 即时性
接触有助于个人健康 ( 尤其是对于那些无法工作的人 ) 以及对
太富裕、对外联系较少和不太精通技术的群体而言,确实存在 尽管在线购物的物流交付时间已大大缩短,但即使是最高效的物流系 他人的学习和宽容。在线购物——社交网络驱动的商业行为,
数字化鸿沟,实体购物的需求仍在,然而这类需求在萎缩 统也无法像实体零售一样立即获得产品。进一步压缩交付时间需要更 在推动巨大销售量的同时,却没有任何在现实世界中接触的
小、更本地化的物流站,并在经济和环境方面带来成本 面对面型的社会效益,并且存在明显的危害

图3 / Figure 3
将购物选择概念化的太阳模型/ The sun model, conceptualising shopping choices

必要性而不是选择)。橙色的因素为所有购物 和非空间的城市化过程(图 4)。 影响。举例来说,新冠大流行前的证据表明,城

者的决定提供信息,其中深橙色可能对实体购 因此,设置在城市边缘大量免费停车场中 外零售业比传统高街衰退得更厉害 [9]。
物群体更重要。成本在浅橙色范围中,是任何 的零售仓提供了一个跳板,它同样拥有定义在 这揭示了一个关键的概念性区别,即实体
购买决定中的一个因素,但却能够支撑更广泛 线零售体验的“4C”——便利性(convenience, 零售需要解决的影响因素和相关挑战的规模。
的比价。成本促使消费者更频繁地在网上进行 对 于 那 些 有 车 的 人)、 更 多 的 选 择(greater 图 5 展示了主要由单个零售商店(单店或连锁店)
购物,而不是进行线下购物。 choice,鉴于这些场所的规模)、更大的确定性 决定的因素(左)和与特定市场有关的因素(右),
审视这个模式的话,很明显,没有任何一 (greater certainty,鉴于所提供的库存)和更低 无论是互联网,还是特定的城镇或城市中心。
个卖场(相对于零售商),无论是在线上还是线 的成本(reduced cost,鉴于其规模经济、较低 抛开财政税收和激励措施不谈,在空间因
下,能够提供该模式中所提出的全部东西。事实 的租金和较低的管理费用)[7]。 素的范畴内,公共部门(和大型私人零售投资者,
上,没有任何模式能够垄断太阳模式中的任何一 如购物中心的业主)希望影响其特定市场的未
个因素。相反,它们提供了各种优秀特征的组合。 3 购物中心与空间因素 来。相比之下,商店因素反映了用于购物的渠
同时,网上商店的最大优势领域——“4C”模式, 可以说,所有这些优势有如火箭般推动着 道的简单性(例如,你不能在互联网上触摸东西,
往往是非常直接和具体的,传统零售商很难与之 网络世界的发展。一些稍早的来自购物者的证 但你可以确定通过点击几下鼠标来购买大多数
竞争。在这方面,实体零售业的优势让人联想到 据表明,在新冠大流行之后,他们更喜欢城外 产品),或者是由所追求的特定零售模式决定
图中的夕阳,尽管它们所面对的挑战并不是新鲜 零售业的停车场和更大更宽敞的购物空间,而 的因素(例如,雇用有礼貌、能够提供帮助的
事物了,但这却不是偶然。 不是市中心更拥挤的空间 [8]。然而,从长远来看, 助手,或者在线提供良好的技术描述)。
在网络零售兴起之前的几十年里,人们讨 可能正是这些基于空间的差异,使得传统商业街
论的焦点是城外零售业对传统高街的负面影响。 能够在网络购物模式的冲击下, 得以适应和生存。 4 对于基于空间因素的干预
从实际上来看,这些改变可以被视为是一段从 相比之下,在类型上更接近于在线购物的城外零 面对这种情况,政府(国家和地方)可能
混合、整合和空间依赖的城市化到分离、分散 售,可能会在持续的零售业裁员中受到更严重的 会采取 3 种策略。

24 | 城市设计 2 0 2 2 6
在线零售 城外零售 传统购物街道
Online retail Out-of-town retail Traditional shopping street



let f



Information Cost Leisure

信息 成本 休闲

Non-tech Social

e fac
非技术性 社交



图4 / Figure 4 图5 / Figure 5
一段从混合、整合和空间依赖的城市化到分离、分散和非空间的城市化旅程/ The journey from mixed, integrated and 购物中心因素和空间因素/ Outlet and place factors
place-dependent to separated, disintegrated and non-place urbanism

(1)达尔文主义适者生存的策略,根据自 针在不同时期似乎都支持上述第一种和第二种策 于转型期(因为白领工人越来越多地选择在家工

由市场中消费者的选择来调整供给,自然进化。 略,尽管可能没有对第三种策略采取一致的做法。 作),小规模制造业和社区功能所产生的价值较
(2)一种干预性战略,利用财政激励、积 低,投资者的合理做法将是关注于住宅,在受影
极规划、公共投资和与私人利益集团的合作, 5 解除管制——点对点复兴 响的街道上形成一个“缺口”。
积极主动地支持实体零售。 第一种策略反映在政府的解除管制倾向中, Chapman-Cavanagh 指出,“将零售业转换
(3)一种混合模式,其干预措施比较有限, 体现在越来越多地使用许可开发权(PDR),绕 为住宅并不是唯一的解决方案,至关重要的是,
主要集中在消除不良的社会和环境影响。 过所需的规划许可,来提供更多的住房。尽管 此类开发项目应寻求与现有的零售空间合作,
历史证据表明高街能够随着时间的推进以 有报告称以这种方式提供的住宿质量很差 [13], 并带来新的充满活力的空间,使底层和店面充满
一种自然的方式去适应和改变 [10]。这种复原力 2021 年 3 月仍然几乎完全以解决英格兰商业街 活力”[12]。然而,作为放松管制的替代方案,干
是许多历史性商业街的特点,而且根据观察, 危机为理由,进一步将开放正当化。这些变化赋 预要复杂得多,涉及规划、设计和管理的领域。
在其存在的大部分时间里,这些街道在很大程 予了 PDR 一个新的超级类别(E 类),允许将
度上是以类似于上述第一种策略的方式生存下 所有商业、商务和服务用途转换为住宅用途 [14]。 6 干预——通过积极主动的规划来进行塑造
去的。同时,也并非所有公民都同样的健康、 政府认为,在这些地方许可更多的住房将 与解除管制的意愿所相反,英国政府面临着
富有和精通技术,因此也同样能够适应市场的 使用途多样化,并通过在步行距离内的更多人口 越来越大的紧迫感,采取了更加积极的做法来发
任何变化,特别是如果商业街的丰富生态转移 来支持零售。然而,这样做的副作用是取消了几 展高街,其在 2011 年拨款了 120 万英镑来实施
到网上。这样的实际情况衍生了第二项策略, 乎唯一的政府管控机制(尽管很粗糙),缺少了 “Portas pilot”计划 [15],到了 2019 年,这个数字
或被描述为“干预的战略案例”[11]。 公共部门的管控权之后,地方当局无法“指导” 提升到了 10 亿英镑。遗憾的是,在资源配置上
在英格兰,新冠大流行导致全国范围内约 高街的功能组合。因此,这将产生一个关键性危 的逐步改变并没有带来愿景里的逐步改变,资金
25% 的零售空间供应过剩,在这种情况下,第三 机,管制的放松可能会减少它所试图注入的多样 往往集中在有限的一次性资本项目上,而不是一
种策略被认为是更加务实的 [12]。当前的政策方 性。考虑到零售业处于危机之中,办公市场也处 些评论家所呼吁的对高街的根本性重新思考。

理论和方法 | 25

Certainty Choice
确定性 选择性

Declining Shopping street 平常 s
衰退的购物街 aic n

Information Cost Leisure

信息 成本 休闲

Ad hoc residential conversion and infill







Planned shrinkage and intensification

图6 / Figure 6 图7 / Figure 7
购物街的空间策略/ Spatial strategies for shopping street 丰富性需求和平常需求/ Enriching vs. prosaic factors

举例来说,Bill Grimsey 认为每个城镇中心 象。太阳模型也可以用类似的方式来解释,与 8 干预——通过主动策划进行塑造

都应该有一个特定的规划 [16]。在这种情况下, 购物相关的因素更为普遍,与人类渴望相聚和 Abrahams 认为,为了生存,“高街需要找
核心零售区应该被界定和保护,而次要区域的 享受相关的因素占更少数(图 7)。 到新的目标,成为客户体验创新的最新舞台”[23]。
零售业应该允许通过转换为住宅用途和对有价 新冠大流行前的研究证实,这些丰富性的 从更大范围来看,街道本身也需要成为这种积
值的本地零售商搬迁相结合的方式而缩小。 需求与街道的质量之间有很大的关联 [19]。通过 极体验的一部分。这对传统购物来说是一个重
Maccreanor Lavington 等指出,有计划的收缩能 比较那些有和没有重大公共领域重新设计和投 大挑战,因为其竞争者——互联网平台、购物
资的高街,可以看出街道结构质量的改善能够 中心甚至城外的零售店,都是经过高度策划的,
鼓励人们多行走和停留,最终提高了周围零售 以便在其便利性、提供的选择性以及浏览这些
永久性漏洞的问题 [17](图 6)。
空间被光顾的次数,减少了空置率。 选择的体验方面进行优化。
英国政府为该国高街的紧急设计干预提供 例如,大型购物中心的管理者早就明白混
了资金,这为在新冠大流行之后的情况提供了 合零售、娱乐、活动空间和餐厅的价值,以保
多的人口居住在步行距离以内的高街附近,这 一些相似的可能性,“这是一个契机,我们需 持用户的回头率,并鼓励以优化消费的方式进
一人口的增长速度是其他地方的两倍 [5]。 要采取行动,来将步行和骑行作为新的长期通 行流动 [24]。放弃对混合度的把控,并将非活跃
勤习惯的一部分,并享受因此而带来的健康品 的用途纳入其中,就像英国高街的去管制化一
7 干预——通过主动设计进行塑造 质、优质空气和降低的城市拥堵水平” 。由 [20]
Gehl 极好地将公共空间的使用区分成了必 此产生的变化有时是暂时的,有时是永久的(图 Centre Management) 和 商 业 改 进 区(Business
要的、可选择的和社会性的活动 [18],反映了如 8),但在关注“步行和骑行的新时代” 中, Improvement Districts,BIDs) 以 各 种 名 义 发
果人们要真正参与到空间中来,他们需要有这 推动了全国范围内的变化,并在促进商店消费 展起来,试图将私营部门的管理方法转移到公
样区分的想法,而空间正是适宜这么区分的对 方面取得了良好的成效 。 共部门管理的街道上,但现实中业主分散,资

26 | 城市设计 2 0 2 2 6
暂时的人行道拓宽 Short-term pavement widenging 永久的新建自行车道 permanent new cycle lanes

图8 / Figure 8
重新定义街道空间的优先权/ Re-prioritising street space

源有限,且公共部门缺乏对传统高街日益增长 9 通过空间吸引力的法则来进行总结 优先考虑主动干预,改善那些能够使人们积极

的威胁的关注,这些问题限制了上述手段产生 到访的空间因素的高街,能够继续生存和发展。
作用 [25]。 而那些不这么做的高街则会衰退和消失。
和公共空间上 [4]。地方政府可以(与私人合作 参考文献
伙伴一起)在公共空间部署临时用途,以提升 References
将这些因素与本文后半部分讨论的 3 个主
使用感受,如从有趣的活动(如活动、博览会 [1] Hillier B. Cities as movement economies [J].Urban
动干预因素(图 10)对照,并回答一开始提出
和展览)到零售机会(如农贸市场),再到艺 Design International, 1996, 1(1): 41-60.
术作品和表演。更多积极的地方政府也在介入 的问题:什么是有助于保证传统高街未来发展 [2] Office for National Statistics. Internet sales as a total

其中,重新关注那些价格低廉的零售资产,以 的关键空间因素(图 11)。 of retail sales (ratio) (%)[EB/OL].[2022-10-23](2021-12-

便重新利用它们,更好地满足当地需求 [26]。更 在这样做的过程中,分析得出的结论是,
为激进的是,城镇中心投资区(TCIZs)等模式 如果我们希望避免这些有价值的地方和它们所 [3] Read S. No full-time return to the office for over a
试图将所有权和责任集中在一个单一的投资公 承载的丰富的功能生态进一步衰退,那么答案 million[EB/OL].[2022-10-23](2021-05-06). https://www.
司中,专注于集体策划整个街道 [27]。 只能在更多和更好的公共部门干预中找到,而
不是在与私人行为者的合作中减少。我们已经超 [4] Carmona M. London’s local high streets: The problems,
potential and complexities of mixed street corridors [J].
一个阶梯来表示,从被动的零售环境策划措施 越了旧的出行经济和中心主义范式,不能因为人
Progress in Planning, 2015, 100: 1-84.
(英格兰一般会采取的措施)到更积极的措施, 们肯定会出现在这些地方而只关注于地方的位 [5] Office for National Statistics. High streets in Great
再到完全控制型措施(图 9)。 置本身,而是要关注这个地方的空间质量。那些 Britain[EB/OL].[2022-10-23](2019-06-06). https://

理论和方法 | 27
Proactive planning Proactive design Proactive curation
主动规划 主动设计 主动管理
e.g. 15-minute city model e.g. barrier-free public e.g. parking & pick-up
Investment zones (in 如:15分钟城市模型 realm strategy
Total control
partnership) 如:无障碍的公共空间 如:即停即走机制
开发区 (有伙伴关系的) Convenience 便捷度
Ownership (usually e.g. shrink retail to e.g. safe and equitable e.g. public investment in mix
selective) consolidate space 如:公共投资组合
掌控权 (通常是有选择性的) 如:通过缩减零售业来加强基础 如:安全和公平合理的空间

Public realm design/

activation Choice 选择性
e.g. entertainment & e.g. fun features & e.g. fun events and
Proactive curation cultural provision temporary uses activities
Re-zoning/re-planning 主动管理 如:提供娱乐和文化用途 如:有趣的特征和临时性用途 如:有趣的活动和展会
Leisure 休闲
Regulation (of uses/
development) e.g. safeguard social e.g. high quality public e.g. stimulate evening
制度 (针对用途和发展) spaces i.e. markets spaces economy
如:有保障的社会空间(市场) 如: 高质量的公共空间 如: 刺激夜经济
Persuasion (via for
example TCM)
劝导 (通过 TCM 这样的方式)
Social 社交
Passive curation

图9 / Figure 9 图10 / Figure 10

零售业管理的梯形结构/ Ladder of retail curation 空间吸引力法则: 空间依赖的购物选择因素与针对传统购物街的主动干预因素(以及指示性的政策回应)/ The place
attraction paradigm: Place-based shopping choice factors against proactive intervention factors for
traditional shopping streets (and indicative policy responses) [13] Clifford B, Canelas P, Ferm J, et al.Research into the [2022-10-23].
populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/highstr quality standard of homes delivered through change of use [20] Furness R. Emergency active travel funding indicative
eetsingreatbritain/2019-06-06. permitted development rights [D]. London:Department for allocations: Unpublished letter to chief executives and
[6] Ussher K, Rotik M, Jeyabraba M. Everyday places: Housing, Communities and Local Government, 2020. London borough transport officers and Transport for London
Creating strong locations to support daily life in Britain [D] [14] Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local [D]. London: Department for Transport.
London: Demos, 2021. Government.Supporting housing delivery and public service [21] Department for Transport.£2 billion package to create
[7] Furmanik G. High Streets vs. Shopping Centres [EB/ delivery [EB/OL]. (2021-03-31) [2022-10-23]. https:// a new era for walking and cycling [EB/OL] (2020-05-09)
OL]. [2022-10-23] (2020-05-28). [2022-10-23].
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case for better streets and places [EB/OL]. [2022-10-23].
and Northern Ireland, data shows [EB/OL]. (2020- [15] Portas M.The Portas review: An independent review
07-13) [2022-10-23]. into the future of high streets [EB/OL]. [2022-10-23].
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raison d’être [J]. Planning in London, 2021, 117: 15.
[9] Grimsey B.The Grimsey review: An alternative future [16] Grimsey N.The Grimsey review 2: it’s time to reshape
[24] Carmona M.Public place urban spaces: the dimensions
for the high street [EB/OL].[2022-10-23]. http://www. our town centres [EB/OL]. [2022-10-23]. http://www.
of urban design [M]. London: Routledge, 2021. [25] Otsuka N, Reeve A. The contribution and potential
GrimseyReview04.092.pdf. GrimseyReview2_new1.pdf. of town centre management for regeneration: shifting its
[10] Vaughan L, Törmä I, Dhanani A, et al. An ecology of [17] Lavington M, Associates P B, Harrington G. focus from “Management” to “Regeneration” [J]. The Town
the suburban hedgerow, or: How high streets foster diversity Accommodating growth in town centres: Achieving Planning Review, 2007, 78(2): 225-250.
over time [R]. London: The 10th International Space Syntax successful housing intensification and high street [26] Clark T.The great council retail property takeover [EB/
Symposium, 2015. diversification [D]. London: Greater London Authority. OL]. (2019-12-04) [2022-10-23]. https://www.drapersonline.
[11] We made That & LSE Cities. High streets for all [D]. [18] Gehl J.Life between buildings: using public space [M]. com/news/the-great-council-retail-property-takeover.
London: Greater London Authority,2017. 3rd edition. Skive: Arkitektens Forlag, 1996. [27] British Property Federation (BPF). Town centre
[12] Chapman-Cavanagh T.Tomorrow’s town centres are [19] Carmona M, Gabrieli T, Hickman R, et al.Street appeal: investment zones: Getting investment back into the high
tomorrow’s habitats [J]. Planning in London, 2021, 117: 62-63. The value of street improvements summary report [EB/OL]. street [D]. London: BPF, 2016.

28 | 城市设计 2 0 2 2 6
路灯和广告牌/ Proactive design: Public realm re-design, including widening pavements, removing
parking, a new public space, new bike lanes, seating, lighting and signage

主动规划: 在次要商业零售区域的高密度住宅/ proactive planning: Higher density 主动管理: 当地政府在原来是Cooperative超市的地方设计了Vue电影院和餐厅结合的混合用途,试图将该

residential apartments supported living apartments located in marginal secondary 位置打造成休闲用途/ Proactive curation: Local authority developed a Vue cinema and restaurant
retail locations complex on the site of a former Cooperative department store, anticipating the turn to leisure

图11 / Figure 11
Eltham高街/ Eltham High Street

ORIGINAL TEXTS IN ENGLISH of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 that broke it (at retail uses are only a part of the total mix which is
least temporarily). Figures from the UK’s Office for spread both vertically up the buildings that front onto
National Statistics[2] show that e-commerce grew in a high streets and horizontally into the hinterland of the
Shaping the Future of High Streets:
single year from around a fifth of total sales to over a urban blocks lining them (Figure 1).
Place Attraction and the Sun Model of third. Society quickly found that technology can be Retail, nevertheless, remains the “public face”
Shopping Choices used to sustain people in their homes, allowing many of high streets, often in the form of an active and
to work, shop, eat out (at home), entertain themselves, continuous frontage. A move away from physical
Matthew CARMONA and even access many public and health services retail significantly changes the experience of these
without ever venturing beyond their front doors[3]. streets, removing and in a sense privatising previously
1 Beyond a movement economy and centrality These trends have the potential to significantly active frontages (Figure 2).
paradigm undermine the dynamics that have driven urban Moreover, access to good quality shops seems
growth for centuries. Traditionally, centrality has been to be particularly important in people’s sense of pride
Traditional shopping streets often go back centuries, prized, leading to urban centres with a concentration and community, in the UK coming first amongst the
by what Hillier christened the movement economy[1]. of activities that in turn support a diverse retail, issues that boost subjective well-being, although also
As people moved along natural movement corridors, the entertainment and eating offer. Only time will tell if first amongst local place factors considered most in
optimum position of some land parcels in an emerging the rapid technology-based acceleration witnessed in need of improving[6]. What seems clear, however, is
urban street network allowed the establishment of 2020/21 marks a permanent shift from the movement that if the outlook for traditional shopping streets is to
functions that relied on passers-by and the business economy and centrality paradigm to one in which improve, then a new basis for support may be required
opportunities they presented. Over time these functions other factors dictate where once physically situated that is not dependent (at least not to the same degree)
were reinforced and commercial streets emerged with and now foot-loose retail locates. If that is the case, on movement and centrality.
some becoming destinations in their own right. what are those factors and why should we care?
Whilst the growth of car-based urbanisation We often perceive high streets as places that 2 The sun model of shopping choices
in the second half of the 20th century and of the are all about the shopping. Yet a characteristic of To understand this, it is necessary to understand
Internet in the 21st has progressively challenged this traditional high streets is that they have evolved to the different reasons people choose to make the
place-based movement economy, it was the arrival become super-diverse places[4]. As UK data shows[5], shopping choices they do. Reviewing discussions

理论和方法 | 29
from a wide range of international blogs, fora, popular rocket-boosters in the online world whose sun is many historic shopping streets, and it is hard to escape
news reports and industry news sites, revealed nine relentlessly rising. Early evidence from shoppers in the observation that for most of their existence, such
critical factors. Figure 3 represents these in a sun the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated streets have been largely left to fend for themselves in
model that conceptualises the relative significance of a preference for the car parks and larger more a manner akin to the first of the strategies above. At the
factors for physical versus online shoppers. spacious footplate formats of out-of-town retail over same time, not all citizens are equally fit, wealthy and
Factors coloured yellow strongly inform the the more crowded spaces of town centres[8]. In the technologically savvy and therefore equally able to adapt
choices of online shoppers and are the reasons why long term, however, it may be exactly their place- to whatever the market throws up, particularly if the
online has become such a powerful disrupter of based differentiation from the online model that will rich ecology of high streets moves online. Such a reality
traditional shopping habits. Factors in red remain allow traditional shopping streets to adapt and survive. supports the second of the strategies, or what has been
influential in helping to retain a physical customer- By contrast, out-of-town, which is much closer in type described as “the strategic case for intervention” [11].
base, although only the first two — immediate and to online, could suffer more severely in the ongoing In England where the aftermath of the pandemic
social — are what might be seen as “positive” factors cull of retail. Pre-pandemic evidence, for example, has resulted in an estimated 25% over-provision of retail
(the non-technological engagement of some shoppers indicated that out-of-town retail was in a steeper space nationally, a pragmatic argument might be made
typically stems from necessity rather than choice). decline than traditional high streets[9]. for the third position[12]. This is reflected in current policy
Factors in orange inform the decisions of all shoppers, This reveals a critical conceptual distinction approaches that at different times seem to support both
but darker orange is likely to be more important to relating to the scale at which the factors and the first and second approaches above, although not,
physical shoppers. Cost, in lighter orange, is always associated challenges of physical retailing need to be perhaps, as a coherent approach to the third.
a factor in any purchase decision, but in allowing addressed. Figure 5 shows factors (on the left) that
5 De-regulation — Ad-hoc renewal
extensive shopping around with ease, cost drives are predominantly determined within individual retail
consumers to shop online more often than it keeps outlets (singular or chains) and those on the right that The first approach is reflected in the de-regulatory
them in bricks and mortar. relate to the particular marketplace — the internet at predilections of Government as encapsulated in the
Examining the model, it is clear that no single large, or the particular town or city centre. increasing use of permitted development rights (PDR) —
outlet (as opposed to retailer) — whether online or Setting fiscal taxes and incentives aside, it is by-passing the need for planning permission — to deliver
off — can offer everything, and indeed no mode has a within the place factors that the public sector (and more housing. Undaunted by reports of the poor quality
monopoly on any of the factors represented in the sun large private retail investors, e.g. owners of shopping of accommodation being delivered in this way[13], further
model. Instead, they offer combinations of qualities. malls) can hope to influence the future of their liberalisations in March 2021 were justified almost
At the same time, the areas of greatest strength for particular marketplace. Outlet factors, by contrast, entirely on the need to tackle the crisis on England’s high
online outlets — the four “C”s — tend to be very reflect either the simple realities of the channel used streets. The changes gave PDR rights to a new mega-
direct and tangible, against which traditional retailers to shop (e.g. you can’t touch things on the Internet class (Class E) allowing the conversion of all commercial,
struggle to compete. In this respect, it is no accident but you can be certain to purchase most products with business and service uses to residential[14].
that physical retail advantages are reminiscent of a a few clicks of a mouse), or are factors determined The Government argued that allowing more
setting sun in the figure, albeit that the challenges they by the particular retail model pursued (e.g. the housing in such locations will diversify uses and help
encompass are nothing new. employment of polite, helpful assistants versus the to support retail through having larger populations
For decades before e-retailing took off, discussions availability of good technical descriptors online). within walking distance. A side effect, however, is the
focussed around the perceived negative impact of out- removal of almost the only (albeit crude) mechanism,
4 Intervening in place-based factors short of public sector ownership, for local authorities
of-town retailing on traditional hight streets. Looking
at them physically, those changes can be viewed as Faced with this, governments (national and to “direct” an appropriate mix of uses on high streets.
part of a journey from mixed, integrated and place- local) might adopt one of three strategies: A key danger, therefore, is that deregulation might
dependent urbanism to separated, disintegrated and 1. The Darwinian strategy of letting the fittest reduce the very diversity that it seeks to inject. Given
non-place urbanism (Figure 4). survive with natural evolution adjusting provision in the choice between the uncertainties of a retail industry
Thus, retail boxes set in amongst extensive free line with consumer choices made within a free market; in crisis, an office market also in transition (as white-
car parking on the edge of cities offered a stepping- 2. An interventionalist strategy in which fiscal collar workers increasingly choose to work from
off point towards the same four “C”s that define the incentives, active planning, public investment and home), and the low values associated with small scale
online retail experience — convenience (for those collaborative engagement with private interests are manufacturing and community functions, the logical
with cars), greater choice (given the size of many used to proactively support physical retail; approach for investors will be to run to residential,
of these units), greater certainty (given the stock on 3. A mixed model in which intervention is more leaving a “gap-toothed” appearance on affected streets.
offer) and reduced cost (given their economies of limited and focusses largely on smoothing undesirable Chapman-Cavanagh note that “converting retail
scale, lower rents, and lower overheads) [7]. social and environmental impacts. to residential is not the sole solution, and it is vital
Historical evidence reveals how high streets have that such developments seek to work collaboratively
3 Outlet vs. place factors been able to adapt and change over time in a more with existing retail spaces, as well as bringing in new
Arguably all these advantages have been given or less natural way[10]. This resilience is a feature of vibrant spaces to animate ground floors and shopfronts”

30 | 城市设计 2 0 2 2 6
. Intervention, as the alternative to deregulation, design and investment to those that had not, the onto high streets[4] — and of the public realm. Local
however, is far more complex, cutting across the realms work identified that improvements to the quality of authorities can (along with private partners) deploy
of planning, design and curation. the street fabric encouraged people to walk more, to temporary uses in the public realm in order to curate
stay longer and ultimately boosted the desirability of the experience, ranging from fun activities (e.g. events,
6 Intervention — shaping through proactive
surrounding retail space and reduced vacancy. fairs and demonstrations) to retail opportunities (e.g.
UK Government funding for emergency design farmers markets), to works of art and performance.
In contrast to its deregulatory instincts, the interventions in the country’s high streets in the More proactive English local authorities are also
UK government, with increasing urgency has also wake of the COVID pandemic envisaged similar stepping in to pick up cheap retail assets in order
encouraged a more active approach to the nation’s possibilities: “We have a window of opportunity to to re-purpose them to better serve local needs [26].
high streets, moving from a small £1.2 million fund act now to embed walking and cycling as part of new More radically still, models such as Town Centre
in 2011 to implement “Portas pilot” schemes[15] up long-term commuting habits and reap the associated
Investment Zones (TCIZs) seek to pool ownerships and
to a £1 billion fund in 2019. The step-change in health, air quality and congestion benefits” [20] .
responsibility in a single investment vehicle focussed
resourcing has not, unfortunately, been followed by a Resulting changes have sometimes been temporary
step-change in vision, with funding tending to focus on collectively curating entire streets[27].
and sometimes permanent (Figure 8), but in focusing
on limited one-off capital projects, rather than on the Together, the range of different approaches can
on a “new era of walking and cycling” [21] have driven
fundamental re-thinking of high streets called for by be represented on a ladder that moves from passive
changes nationally with a proven track record of
some commentators. approaches to curating retail environments (the
boosting spend in shops[22].
Bill Grimsey, for example, argued that every town normal approach in England) to more active ones, and
centre should have a dedicated plan[16]. In this the core 8 Intervention — shaping through proactive to total control models (Figure 9).
retail area should be defined and protected whilst retail curation
9 A place attraction paradigm to conclude
in secondary areas should be allowed to shrink through Abrahams comments that, in order to survive,
“the high street will need to find new purpose in Today, traditional shopping streets face an
a combination of conversion to residential uses and the
active relocation of valued local retailers. Maccreanor becoming the latest arena for customer experience existential crisis, and how they react will determine
Lavington et al. note that planned shrinkage can innovation” [23]. Extrapolating to the larger scale, the whether they have a long-term future or are
encourage an intensification in the frontage that remains street itself now also needs to be part of that positive doomed to inevitable decline. Drawing from the
— including by building residential over and behind experience. This represents a major challenge for analysis, it is possible to conclude that governments,
retail — avoiding the problem of permanent holes traditional shopping when the competition — Internet local governments and those with management
appearing in frontages[17] (Figure 6). platforms, shopping malls and even out-of-town retail responsibilities for high streets need to systematically
Such a strategy relies on regulation, alongside parks — are highly curated in order to optimise the consider their responses to the four critical place-based
more proactive planning, public/private partnership experience in terms of its convenience, the choice on shopping choice factors contained in the sun model
and potentially land and property assembly and offer, and the experience of navigating those choices. explored in the first half of this paper.
development. It would benefit from the already well- Managers of large shopping malls, for example, Setting these against the three proactive
established trend of a growing population living within have long understood the value of mixing retail, intervention factors discussed in the latter part
walking distance of high streets, a population that has entertainment, event spaces, and restaurants in order to (Figure 10) begins to answer the question posed at the
been increasing at double the rate of other locations[5]. keep users coming back and to encourage movement begiming, What are the key place-based factors that
in a manner that optimises spend[24]. The thought of will help to guarantee a future for traditional shopping
7 Intervention — shaping through proactive giving up control on the mix and incorporating non- streets (Figure 11)?
design active uses into it as suggested by the de-regulatory In doing so the analysis concludes that if we wish
Gehl famously distinguishes between necessary, (PDR) changes impacting on English high streets
to avoid the sun setting further on these valued places
optional and social activities in the use of public would be an anathema. Town Centre Management, in
and the rich ecologies of functions they host, then the
space[18], reflecting the idea that for people to really various guises, and Business Improvement Districts
answer can only be found in more and better public
engage in places they need to do so because the place (BIDs) have developed in an attempt to transfer
sector intervention, not less, working in partnership
is appropriately conducive. The sun model can be private sector methods to publicly managed streets,
with private actors. We have moved beyond the old
interpreted in a similar way, with the more prosaic but the reality of fragmented ownerships, limited
movement economy and centrality paradigm where
factors associated with shopping set against the smaller resources and a lack of focus in the public sector on
number of enriching factors related to the very human the growing threats to traditional high streets have just to be in the right place was enough because people
desire to be together and enjoy ourselves (Figure 7). combined to limit their impact[25]. would come, to a paradigm in which place quality is
Pre-pandemic research confirmed a strong While the public sector, typically, has direct all. High streets which prioritise proactive intervention
association between these enriching needs and the control of only a limited stock of buildings in most in order to address the place-based factors that make
quality of streets[19]. By comparing high streets that town centres, it does have control over key public people actively wish to visit will survive and thrive.
had been subject to significant public realm re- services — with the potential to re-locate them back Those that don’t will surely decline and die.

理论和方法 | 31

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