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8:15 PM Thu Jul 27

Sentenc:ng Involvement

( Background Absen~ee Rules
20.682 Votes

' ... I
Dems SUE to Stop 2024 Absentee Rules in W isconsin
s:15 PM Thu Jul 27


Dems SUE to Stop 2024

Absentee Rules in Wisconsin

Democracy Docket I Marc Elias


Dems SUE to Stop 2024 Absentee Rules in Wisconsin

3.780 views 1d aqo #2024 #Electionlnteqritv #Wisconsin ... more
8 17 PM Thu Jul 27 9 0 88% f

< Transcript X
o:oo it feels like deja vu all over again we

0 :02 went through 2020 talking about

0 :04 litigation being filed in various states

0 :07 around the country Democrats are smart

o:os they move pieces around like on a

0 :10 chessboard and this guy is one of the

0 :12 Chess Masters in 2020 he filed lawsuits

0 :1 4 under various names like the retired

0 :17 Association of America Michigan retired

0 :20 people's party and they would all file

0 :22 these claims and they would change very

0 :23 important rules that may have impacted

0 :25 the outcome of the election some people

0:27 say it did in fact in Wisconsin we know

0 :29 that the vote totals there were only 20

0 :32 600 votes that was the difference

0 :34 between Trump and Joe Biden and Mark

0 :36 Elias filed lawsuits in 2020 he's doing

0 :39 it again in 2024. here's some background

0 :42 on this before we see exactly what he's

0 :43 trying to do in Wisconsin which is a

0 :45 very important state very close margins

8 17 PM Thu Jul 27 ":" © 88% f'

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0 :47 he's trying to get the absentee rules

0 :49 changed some background on this from

0 :51 Yahoo they say that a new lawsuit was

0 :53 filed in Wisconsin by a national

o :55 Democratic Law Firm that seeks once

0 :58 again to allow voters to return absentee

1:01 ballots into dropboxes so after 2020 the

1:04 Supreme Court in Wisconsin said you

1:06 can't do that but Mark Elias and the

1:os Elias Law Group filed another lawsuit

1:10 the court is going to change power very

1:13 soon two weeks from now the Wisconsin

1:15 Supreme Court is going to flip from

1:17 conservative to Liberal which is why

1:19 this lawsuit is being filed right now so

1:21 that when it lands in front of the

1:22 Supreme Court the Wisconsin Supreme

1:24 Court which will now be liberal will

1:26 grant it election law challenges like

1:28 this are among many issues that the

1:30 liberal court is expected to rule on

1:32 there were other rulings the Supreme

8 17 PM Thu Jul 27 ":" © 88% f'

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1:34 Court in Wisconsin said that the

1:36 elections commissions did not have the

1:37 authority to tell election clerks that

1:39 dropboxes could be placed around

1:41 Wisconsin of course Mark Elias says that

1:43 is unconstitutional and they also want

1:46 signatures waived so let's take a look

1:48 at this lawsuit there will be many more

1:49 of these they are going to be filing

1:51 these in States like Arizona Michigan

1:53 Georgia Wisconsin Pennsylvania and

1:56 they're getting started early this

1:58 election cycle this was filed July 20th

2:00 2023 in Wisconsin same people that were

2:03 familiar with literal Deja Vu from 2020.

2:06 the alliance for retired Americans and

2:09 if you were here with us during the last

2:10 election this was the same type of

2:13 filing that we saw in many locations

2:15 this is how they get standing on these

2:16 claims and so Elias and his other

2:18 entities are suing the Wisconsin

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2:20 election commission and they're saying

2:22 that this is a lawsuit and in other

2:23 words the government you have to respond

2:25 to us because you are violating our

2:27 civil rights here's what Mark Elias says

2:29 he says the Wisconsin Constitution

2:31 guarantees the right to vote for more

2:34 than a century Wisconsin has protected

2:36 these rights but this case brings a

2:38 constitutional challenge to three rules

2:41 that might burn the vote when we talk

2:43 about voting rights we have this

2:44 spectrum almost competing interests we

2:46 talk about voter enfranchisement which

2:49 you often hear from the left like the

2:50 right to vote everybody deserves the

2:52 right to vote you know your voice your

2:54 vote all that means everybody votes no

2:56 matter what you can vote at a

2:57 drive-through you can vote by text

2:59 message vote three times by Texas who

3:00 cares it's your voice man go vote on the

8 17 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- @ 88% ·f 1

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3:02 other side of the spectrum we have voter

3:04 Integrity we say wait a minute now it's

3:06 not you can't text message and you need

3:07 ID you need to verify you are who you

3:10 say you are we need proper chain of

3:11 custody from the ballots you can't just

3:13 Xerox them and send them in and that's

3:14 called voter Integrity so voter

3:16 enfranchisement versus voter integrity

3:18 and we're always trying to find the

3:19 balance between the two how can we have

3:21 integrity in our voting that also

3:23 enfranchises a lot of people and this is

3:24 this balance that we play with back and

3:26 forth but here in Wisconsin after 2020

3:28 they said that was a little bit too much

3:30 in franchisement if you know what I mean

3:32 we're going to have a little bit more

3:33 voter Integrity this next election and

3:35 now they're challenging that they're

3:37 saying wait a minute that's too much

3:38 voter Integrity you're going to require

8 17 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- @ 88% ~+1

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3:39 IDs and signatures and all this stuff

3:41 that means we can't steal this thing and

3:43 so we want to pull it back and call

3:45 those new changes unconstitutional and

3:46 we're talking about 20 000 votes it's a

3:48 very tight margin here so this case is

3:50 challenging three voter Integrity rules

3:53 they say it makes it more difficult for

3:55 voters to cast an absentee ballot

3:57 Wisconsin long ago said that voting is

3:59 is more than just a mere privilege an

4 :01 absentee voting is a very important part

4 :04 of what we're doing in Wisconsin long

4 :06 been able to have no excuse absentee

4 :os ballots cast many people rely on this

4:10 over the past 15 years 4.6 million

4 :13 ballots have gone out it's important for

4 :15 people with limited mobility and all

4 :17 sorts of other things but now despite

4 :19 all of this Wisconsin the legislature as

4 :22 improperly erected multiple barriers to

4:25 absentee voting which makes it difficult

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- @ 88% •f1

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4 :27 for wisconsinites to vote this case

4 :30 challenges those rulings priorities USA

4 :32 is a non-profit they're working for the

4 :34 Dems they're registering and spending 75

4 :37 million bucks in Wisconsin good Lord the

4 :39 challenge restrictions are harming them

4 :41 Wisconsin people retired for Alliance

4 :44 for retired Americans fifteen thousand

4 :46 members in Wisconsin so they're getting

4 :47 standing through there and the rest of

4 :49 the people who are involved in this case

4:50 now for background they say in 2018 in

4 :53 the midterms over half a million

4:55 Wisconsin voters use ballots driven by

4:57 the covid pandemic that surged in 2000

4 :59 120 and they changed a bunch of rules in

5:02 that era interest in absentee voting

5 :04 remains High look this is not like

5:06 voting by mail in 2020 more than 2

5:09 million wisconsinites successfully cast

5 :12 absentee ballots when I think of an

5:14 absentee ballot I think of it as a

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- @ 88% -f1

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5:15 non-normal ballot right and there's a

5:17 small portion of people who are not in

5:19 the state who vote absentee but 2

5:20 million is a big chunk of that and so I

5:23 think that that this as a definition

5:24 it's just voting by mail interest in

5:27 absentee voting remains I could be wrong

5:28 about that nearly 760 000 wisconsinites

5:31 voted using absentee ballots but for the

5:34 hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin

5:35 voters who rely on absentee ballots

5:37 they're going to get abused the state

5:39 agency that administers elections

5:42 created new guidance to regulate the

5:44 elections they"ve issued a manual which

5:45 provides new rules and how they can

5:48 comply with the law now this is what

5:49 they're so upset about the new manual

5:51 says that if you use an absentee ballot

5:54 you've got to have a witness requirement

5:55 it says that that if you use an absentee

5:58 ballot it must be witnessed by by a U.S

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- @ 88% •f l

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s:oo adult Citizen and you must vote in the

6:02 presence of an adult witness and they

6:04 don't like that they don't want you to

6:05 have witnesses the witness requirement

6:07 is extremely burdensome for many voters

6:10 more than six hundred thousand Wisconsin

5:12 voters including members of this

6:13 Alliance do not have anyone in their

6:15 house who can act as a witness they've

6:16 got limited mobility and so they can't

6:18 vote if we have this in 2020 under covid

6:21 they issued Guidance with solutions to

6:24 this law saying that people could drive

6:25 up you could do video chats you could

6:27 Skype or FaceTime you could leave it

5:30 outside the door people will show up at

6:31 your house these Solutions are still

6:33 burdensome and so we can't have

5:35 witnesses the waning of covid-19 is not

6:38 eliminated the burdens of the witness

6:39 requirement hundreds of thousands of

6:41 witnesses of wisconsinites don't have

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 ":" © 88% f'

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6:43 someone who can verify this for them and

6:45 if there is any error on the ballot they

5:47 say that you can only cure this once

5:49 again back in the company of the person

6: 51 who was the witness in the first place

6:52 they say this witness requirement also

5:54 violates the Privacy secret ballot

6:57 rights under the Constitution and there

6:58 are other less are in some ways that we

7:01 can get voter Integrity without doing

7:03 the witnesses so they want no Witnesses

7:05 for their absentee ballots which is a

7:08 big portion of their voting they also

7:09 don't want dropboxes to go away in 2020

7:13 they use dropboxes thousands of Voters

7:16 use dropboxes without incidents as we

7:18 know but the Supreme Court and others

7:20 have said it's okay but since some

7:22 rulings they said that you cannot accept

7:24 Dropbox ballots anymore and they're

7:27 upset about that they say election mail

7:28 delay is documented the Dropbox are

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- © 88% f'

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7:31 better than the mail in the midterms

7:33 something like wow one of the five

7:35 lowest performing processing and

7:36 delivering centers nearly 14 percent of

7:38 election mail was delivered later than

7:40 expected and there's also ballot

7:42 delivery problems so in other words the

7:44 mail is less reliable than the dropboxes

7:46 they really really love these drop boxes

7:48 man I wonder what that's all about they

7:50 say it's no answer to say that voters

7:52 should just mail their ballots back

7:53 early many voters don't decide until the

7:56 days before and dropboxes allow them to

7:58 drop those off can conveniently safely

s:01 so that they can be returned on time we

8 :03 don't want to mail them we want to drop

8:05 them off there's also questions about

8:07 the election day cure deadline if they

8 :09 sign the certificate there's a deadline

8 :11 by which if there's a problem with the

s:13 ballot they've got to cure it and they

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 ":" © 88% f'

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8:14 say that is not appropriate they say

8 :17 Wisconsin has various different statutes

8 :19 these are the legal principles that

s:21 interpret how we're going to govern this

8:23 and they're saying essentially that they

8 :25 want this this new regulation this new

8:28 rule this new election manual to be

8 :30 declared unconstitutional to throw it

8 :32 out many Wisconsin voters vindicate

8:34 their voting rights through the absentee

8 :36 ballot requiring voters to jump through

8 :38 these hoops burdens their fundamental

8:40 right to vote and therefore it's

8 :42 unconstitutional they want declaratory

s :44 judgments that we can have dropboxes

8:46 back and that all of the old rules are

8 :49 in play election day cure deadlines are

8 :51 what they were so that they can run the

s:53 same Playbook that they ran in 2020 they

8 :56 want the instructions in Wisconsin to be

8 :59 held in valid same with the manual

9 :01 deeming that they all violate the

8 18 PM Thu Jul 27 -:;:- @ 88% 'f l

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9:03 Wisconsin Constitution signed by these

9:06 lawyers from the Elias Law Group same

9:08 people involved in a ton of litigation

9:11 in 2020 and so they are doing it again

9:13 my friends all of those little changes

9:16 around the margins they all add up last

9:19 time they did it on the back of kovid

9:20 but this time they're going to do it on

9:22 the back of we did it during covid and

9:24 you can 't change it back we've already

9:25 done it it's way better for us and if

9:28 you change it back now you're violating

9:29 a new right that we've essentially

9:31 created by changing the rules under the

9:33 covet pretext this is going to continue

9:34 to happen we'll see it in other states

9:36 this guy in his Law Firm very aggressive

9:38 with this we'll see if the Republicans

9:40 have an answer for it as the election

9:41 moves forward thank you for subscribing

9:43 as we continue to cover we'll see you on

9:45 the next one

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