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PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ALL ONE-PAPERS HELD IN 2022 15 PAPERS Other papers coming soon.. PPSC ALL PAPERS HELD IN 2022 15 PAPERS CONTENTS PAPER: 1 JUNIOR CLERK (85-11), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2022. PATER: 2 NAIBTEHSILDARGENERAL KNOWLEDGE (88-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUIRANWALA- PAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GRAZ KHAN-BAHAWALPUR REGION- 2022 PAPER: 3 NAIBTEHSILDAR ENGLISH (5514) IEVENUE DEPARTMENT GUIRANWALA-PAISALABAD-SAHIWAL* DERA GHAZI KHANHAFAWALVUR » 2022) PAPER: 4.NAIN TEHSILDARGENERAL KNOWLEDGE (86-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT: 2022 PAPER: 5 NAIWTEHSILDARENGHISH ([6-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT- 2022 PAPER: 6 PUNJAB AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PROC DEPARTMENT (SEED CORPORATION OF PUNIAB)-2022 PAPER: 7 LIVESTOCK & DAIRY [DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT/ HEAD CLERK (86-16) LIVESTOCK & DAIRY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DIRECTORATE GENERAL (PROD) - 2022 PAPER: AUQAF DEPARTMENT PAPERS MANAGER ALQ.AF (BS-16) 2022 PUNJAB AUQAF ORGANIZATION PAPER: 9 ASSISTANT (85-16) LABOUR & HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT (PUNTAB EMPLOYEES SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTION) - 2022 PAPER: 10 SERVICES ANDGENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT (S8:GAD) ASSISTANT (85-16) 2022 SERVICES & GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PAPER: LL ASSISTANT (85-16) 2022 PUN] AB PUBLICSERVICE COMMISSION ING (B17) AGRICULTURE PAPER: 12 ASSISTANT (185-16) 2022 CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC PROSECUTORS (crp)-6042021 PAPER: 13 PAROLE/ PROBATION OFFICER (816) 2022 HOME DEPARTMENT (PLINJAH PROBATION AND PAROLE SERVICE) 642021 PAreR: 14 assistant (116) 2022 INDUSTIHES, COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT (PRINTING & STATIONERY, PUNJAB IVESTMENT de SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, Paver: 15.AssiSTANT (1816) 2022 SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT J Cree ear cant QR vt S ol 5 te WhatsApp group Epucationat News, ADMIssIONs, Resutt, Joss, ONLINE Arpty SERVICE Scan this QR code using the WhatsApp camera to join this group Paper: 1 JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2022 1. RameerRajaisthe ___Cissieman of he Pakistan (Cricket Board was a6" x" (D) Nowe oF ese 2. Whats the total area of Pakistan in square kilometers: 0 7060096 ke! (81915 km 0) 695005 ke (D) None af hese 3, Mow many districts in Lada wor on jor (D) Nane of hese 4, "Which continent hat no deseré Wasa (B) Avs (c) Barope (D) Nove ahose . Chemica formals. of washing soda ix @), (@)nanico, €©) Na$0, 1044,0 (D) Nowe at these 6. When id Sir yer Ahmad Khan died: 011 January 1898 (8) 27 March 1898 (D) None of hese 7. Mustim League was foundedon__ by Nawab ‘Salim Ullah Khan in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 30,1907 (8) Des, 30, 1906 (D) None of these 8. Which mountain range is located inthe south of Pakistan (A) Kotre-Sulleiman (B) Karakorum (CD Kirt (D) None af these 9, Wars dam is situated on river, A) Kabat KO) Sat 10, Pakistan national poct Allama Lg ded is: (B) 21 April 1938 (D) None ofthese 4) 02 September 1895 K€) Dee. 25, 1906 (B) Indus (D) Nave of hese W021 May 1938 4021 September 1938 11, Sanaa Maria of Finland is frmous W) Noctear Scientist 48) Youngest political leader 4) Astronaut 12, How many time Squash ball jump in each shot Wore ) two (Tree (D) Nowe ofthese (D) None of these 13, In which city Schoo! of Public Policy Ioeated: Ad sanubsd (B)Labore CO Pestawar (D) Nowe oF nese 14, Which is the first gulfsation to complete FAT conditions aur (B) Hatesin (CPSauai Arabia (D) Nomen 15, Who isthe wurrent chairman of NCOC? CAD Shaft Mabe (Bm) Asad Umar (OOSheith Rasheed (D) None ofthese 16, When Shalimar garden established! 0 1642 (@) 167? ©1700 (D) None ofthese 17, What isthe longest glacier inthe Karaboram and second longest in the world’s non-polar areas: (CA) HisparGlacier (8) Sinchen Glacier (CD BistoGincice (D) Noneotthese 118, Ghazi Brotha dam in Attock, Punjab, istocated on river dpa (BD xa! (inde. (D)Wone of these 19, 2022 FIFA world cup wil be eld in quar (a) Russia (uae (D) None ofthese 20. Which resources are non-renewable: Geothermal (BD Fossit els (Sola (D) None ofthese 21, Pakitan-China meets with which pass OOKinajra (Bd Kbyber CP Toehi () None ofthese 22. Khyberis OD Largest stadium (8) famous baking Ores (D) None ofthese 23, Pakistan in located in which continent: BD Euope (Basia (OD Australia (D) None ofthese 24, What does IWMI stand for (A) tetersticoal Winer Management sine (B) lxcmational Wasee Management Insite | 0301 418 4113 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 1 JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2022 71, Choose theoptionthat comectly transforms ___the ‘given sentence into repomed speech? ‘The studest suid, "Siz, Iam nt gully” (GO The stadeat said with respect hate wa uly (B) The stadedt pleaded that ie was ot ply €C) Tae student pleaded with respect that be was not guilty (WY None ofthese 72. According toatime table. coach was due tleavea station a 22:55 and arrive at its destination a 06:05 the ent day fn the time ten forthe journey: (0 Thurs 10 minutes (B) 6 hours 30 minutes €C) Sours 10 minutes (D) Nowe of these 73. MES is subtracted from three times a certain number the result is 36, Find the mumber. Wo on (as (D) Nowe of hese v4 o/iiesite Ww 1/3 () 3/2 (D)None of hese 75. Atacsmaninbis 12th innings makes. seore of 80 runs and there by increases his average score by 3. What isis average afler the 120h innings? was 6 car (D) Nowe of hese 16. 80% of 700% 550 (a) seo 65 (D) Nowe of ese 77. eos so (B) 100 7s (D) Nowe of hese 78, CTRL* Sis used for W)saveas (a) save KO) Revise (D) None of nese 79. ‘Light penis which type of device: (A) Ouspue ©) inp optical device 80. Youcan use the forint painter multiple times before you um itaifay (B) Invern (D) None of these “GO You can use the format psbnter button sy etme when you eck \) Dosble clicking the format painter bun, (0) Pressing the City and ich ing the format painter besa (D) None of these 51. to MS oncel which aris used for forma and data wnting: (A) Formula bar (B) Menu har COTitenar (D) None ofthese 82, The Physical part of computer in called; (A) Software (a) Hardware CO Firmwate (D) None ofthese 83. Thebrain of compute is called? (A) monserboard (sderu (CO sticropemeessor (D) None oFtnese 84. Quatis_ GD Ciause inte (®) consintona aw (Ostarattaw (D) None ofthese 48S. Thetaxcollecte fom prisoner sealed Oriya (Bd siza (Oasnar (D) None ortnese tebe See» SEPT 6 yerte) Kner Pbfetono) Werte tg Pasian 87 ate) FO) hfe toto) uked ate our a8 245) yw Fie telo) go VFL uevael 29 tera) yor Abie tenn) Pod (C tenia 90 sei acalD 2 FIM Pbfetotoy eto tetert Lat i SMa 91 Mi AB) nad | 0301 418 4113 | 0333 418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 1 JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2022 47, ‘When was Liguat Nebr Pact etween Iecis and Pakistan, $9, World Warl wares im Which year siget: 1950 @) 1955 (©) 1968 (D) None ot ese “48, Syed Ahead Sbabeed started the Jihad movement against (B) Sith Rulers () None ot ese WO Decerre-tan (0) Hinds 49, Which mushroom is nt edible? (A) Arwanita Patloies (B) Oyster Mushrooms (©) Sura Mushroors (D) None af hose 0, Kidney stones is exused duets, () Sulfur dioxide (GB) Calcium Oxalate 40) Aluminum oxide () none ofthese 51, Cabinet Mission Plan was announced inthe yer? ‘GA February 1943 (8) February 1946 (CO Fetruary 1947 (D) Nowe ofthese 52. Loudspeaker voices imerease due to (B) High Frequency (D) None of those (O Hligh Energy XC) Spectrum echnology 53, Cooking gas is also called: ‘Wd Butane 4) Propane 54. Wea Mughal king Humayun recaptured Delhi darbar (1530 (a) sss 6) 1500 (Drone ofthese 55. The escape of water molecules trom surfaces called: (B) Hexane (D) None of hese GW) Sablimation (2) Evaporation (©) Condensation (WD) None of these ‘56. Whosstarted the Faraizi Movement? 4A) Hiagi Shariat Ullah B) Alara Muhamenad Iqbal €C) Maulana Mufanonod Ali Jauhar (@)none of these 57. "The luminous body emits Light (B) Enerey ) Waves (D) None of these 38, Nitrogenous wastes excreted-through urine in humaas is: QW) Ammonia (B) Unie Acid )Urea (D) Nowe of these wins (apis Coins (DI None ofthese 160. Choose the antonym Deny AD Acknowledge veo CO Repusiate (D) None otthese ‘61, Choose the antonym Detest DLoathe (Love (©) Abominte (D) None ofthese (62. Lwichmy fther alive today. ws (were Ow (D) None ofthese (63, Pokeone's note into means (W toprisesomevne (@)rogetinvaivedia COurende (D) None orthese (64, What is'Subway"? (A Arent orpath raised above ground level (B)shon pasiagetoany place (Ovindeyrouadpassgs —(D) Noneotthewe 65. Conjunction joins (awe ciauses (8) Two Semtenes (OO TwoPmases (D)Noneortnese 66, Mis useless tery over Cd spoemin. (ed spleen: (dservod mit (D) None otthese 61. Tocrywoit drotisten eagerty (Brose pate (CDto give fase star (D) None ofthese (68, Add uel vo the fire Beatdown (CBdereate problem (COoggravate rouble (D) None ofthese 69. Amina isafraid spiders Ww (aot (tw (None ofthese 70. My brother and iced _me in my studies. (AdHelps (BPMelpedt COtelp (D) None ofthese | 0301 418 4113 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 1 JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2022 €€) imigation Water Management Institute WY Xone ofthese 25, lntemational Cilden's Duy is observed on Ws Febrany (8) 20November KO) 1a Dcceber (D) None of ese 26, Rann of Kutch s a disputed area between eek: (8) Sindh-tndian ©) Paria 27, The Length of Pakistan and’ Afghanistan border is wee (a) 2430xM ia (D) None of ese msKe (D)None ortnese 24, The interstional Monetary Fund (IMF) was etablisbed Dy an international weaty in Wa @) ou Kc) 194s (D) None ormese 29, Whoiisthe Curent Chairman Joist Chietsof ‘Staff Committe (CICSC) Pakistar: (A) General Rashad Mahmood (B) General Nadeem Raza €€) General Zubair at (D) Nowe. exe 30, Who wat the 160 Presiden of US: ) sot F Kenney (@) Hey Tunas AC) Abraham Lincoln, (D) None af these 31, The Capital of Sitka it Wcolambo @) nim AC) Kandy (D) None of those 32, Who inthe Current Prime Minister of AZAD JAMMU AND KASHMIR: (Sadar Atique Ahened Khan 4) Sardar Abdo! Qayyum Khao Niazi 4) sa Farog Haider (none of these 33, Pakistan China border agreement was signed in 1903 6s) 1956 KO) 1965 34, Indus Basin testy of 1960 between Pakistan and Indias related to _ problem. (A) Border 1) Rotoges (D) Nowe of ese (8) Water (D) Nowe of these 135, Which wa the firs county to recognize Pakistan an Independent state: Wins (Brag CO tdonesia (D) Noe of these 136, How many times did Mab of Gas) invade India? canns (ais (on (D) None oan 37, Thal desert is leated im Ddaiigic (a) Puna coneK (D) None ofthese 138, Sindh was conquered .by Mohammad bin Qasim in: (A 710AD (711 AD conan (D) None ofthese 39, Pakistan purchased Gwadar from (Oman @)inn CO Kuna (D) None ofthese 40, Forhow much rupees Ranjit Singh sold the Kash: (ado Smution (B)7.Smtin (Cds Smiion (D) None ofthese 41, Themost populous continent ie asics (8) Feope (asia (D) None ortnese 42, Hemodialysiecleans____ Oven (B)Bio0d (dNeres (D) None otthese 43, The lagest Inland of Pakistan i: @asiota ()Maoea (cram (D) None ofthese ‘44, When Economic Cooperation Organization established: 1964 (a) 1983 Civ (D) None ofthese 45. {batsman is ou of the crease and wicket keeper hits the wicketthis wicket i called Odiaw (COStamp 46, The land lying between theriver Ravi and river Chenab is called _ (Ad Rachna Doab (Bari Dood (B) Hin wicket (D) None of these (B) Chay oad (D) None ofthese | 0301 418 4113 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 1 JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2022 Pee) ro ep ingumrenpdy 92 oe Br4B) een ieee) emo) wine DAs 93 fn) 14a) Pie Zoo) Mo) Ter Lat iagtolins 94 Firgeete) wh) PHe eon) wage AC) Uwfier— for IV Pi? 98 AB) iad Petetn) to YipJ—beighhP 96 skp) Joo We toto) bec teak Ath 97 Pe) eh) baton) vl) Sadne Etre 98 ro 44a) Piva tet) 0 tenpifethiferse 99 Prcoto(s) wiAgtn Pe teto) erL AC Fintecety ie £100 Teh Pecbe Woe II Lt Sttsekn) a fe tut) Paper: 2 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA-FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALPUR REGION- 2022 42, The first ministry f Muslin league inthe province of ower ew +o ‘Sindh ws established int 5% What ithe smallest and largest fot sie availabe oot W939 @ 194 ze tool on Forming tobe iss (wy 1945 (Ad6 and 72 (BY on872 43, Apple Parks located in which city? COD i2ana 1392 (D) None these (A) California (B) Londen 4. In which year Muslim league in Baluchistan was (©) Swat Ques tablished! 44, Maldives ian smallest Muslim state, wha is the 98 (i938 peteentage of Muslin population there? uss (wy 1939 Woor (aoe 55, Which hey is used to save a document in MS office word? (Coxe (D) 1008 cu + (@eri+s 4S. Ancient period in history ended i? Cours (ope ens Ws00ac @) x26 56, Which key is used for pastein MS Wore? 1a0 (o)76.40 eur @enev 46, Inwhich year Hindi-Urdu controversy stared cu es (cui Ww. 0 1867 @) 108 S57. When was the Qibah changed? 1109 1x0 Oi rye 2 N40 47, After how muny years normally census is conducted? COanye (0) He 3900 ®)syeiet (©) 10years (0) 1s yeas 45, Whereis he tr of Malan ll din Ruri ected? (A) Rome (B) Baghdnd CC) Suman (2) Koonin 49, The PomerPoint view tht displays oly textile anc tes is ) outine view (8) Notes pageview 40) Stidestiow (o) ste sonar 50, General Pervir Mushara troduced District System in the yoar: 1909 (B) 2000 Ac) 2001 () 2008 51. Nuclear energy when expanded converts WO Pratce incaneutrons (8) Cheri ito eat ©) Noclearinw thermal (B) Nane of ose 52, What isthe shortcut key to "Center Align the selected vent? Weuitc (eom+E. ‘58, Which shorteut is used to calculate the range fells in MS Exeet: aie Meunier COsnines (D)None ofthese 59, How many times the Word “Ahmed” (SAW)bat appeared tn he Hoty Quran? @o: (a2 @s (os (60, The itera meaning of Soum is Od Tose (8) To sp (Cd Topwnity (D) Toatlow (61, Thetitle page of documents called: (A) Authoring page (md Cover page (CO Tem page (D) None ofthese 62, ‘The freezing row and colurun in Excel are in which pane? OD Freezing row (B) Freezing column (dr rering pane () None ofthese (63. Goto command in excel is located in (Ad Mena () Find | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 2 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA-FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALPUR REGION- 2022 Golem fit anaes (B) Les evens ©) Ose (D) None of hese 22, Which country held its first lection in October 20217 DW Sed Arabia (B) Qatar () Brunei (D) None of these 23, "When the object moves with the speed of light its mass ‘would be Wze0 (B) Dowex ©) Resa sae ()infaity 24, Scandinavian country Norway isa! A Republic 8) Constirtions! Mocarehy (©) Feteraton (D) None ofthese 25. HTTPS provides a__ communication ver computer netwotk AW) Secure @) Tea 4) Vote (Video 26. Inwhich year Taliban office opened in Qatar? w2013 (a) 2015 m9 (oy 2021 27. ‘The most prestigious literary award “The Booker Prize” started in 0 1999 (B)2000 Ke) 2005 (D) None of these (1965) 24, Which s te last state wo join USA? A) Alaska (8) Hawait 4) Arizona (D) New Mexico 29, RamNath Kovind is incumbent president of Nepal (8) Svitanka €C) Bean (D) None ofthese india) 30. Recently declared as mosque Hagia Sophia was built by we 4) Romans 31. Jannat wl Mualla isthe name ofa graveyard. Inwhich city (B) Onomans (D) None of these itis situatea? Wd oatn (B) mtecea €€) Madina (D) Bagi 32, Name the first Women-Speaker of Pakistan National Assembly? (ADD Fidos Ashig Avon (B) Fehineeda Mirza (C) Sherry Rehman 33, Fis poet of Urdu language? CAdquiquudstah (CO Meer Tagj Mer (D) Shireen Mazar (B)Diagh Det (D) Ameer Kuso 24, Hw citi vests wane reserved in masseiy Rr Mulia ti Licknow Pact? aan? (w/a ois (op i/s 35, The Civil Disobedience Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi, inthe year od 929 (Bort (ir ©) 1930 ‘36. Christians betieve in oneness can COTrinity (D) None ofthese ‘37, Masjid Mahabat Khamis located in QD Lahore (a) Peshawar COKchi (D) tsamatd 38, Themnajor source of energy in Pakistan is (OD Nucear (e)onaadGae CCPeuieum products ——(D) None of neve 439, Slate Rank ofPakisan was inaugurated by Quaké-e-Azam CAD 1" March 1948 (8) 1" May 19868 (31 tty 1948 (D) 1" August 1948 40, Powerhouse ofliving cll is calle: dCettwatl (Icyoplasm (Omitoctoosria (D) None ofthese 441, Name the faction which suse find the length of string Diengt (B)sutcal) (sien) (ten | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner 2 Paper: 2 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA-FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALPUR REGION- 2022 ‘Or wich iver Kall River fll 12, The sum ofthe thee angles of angle is Wino (B) Suite D9 degree (B) 180 dearer (©) ern (D) choad (0270 degree (D) None ofthese ‘Whisk ofthe following gs is wed for cooling in 13, What isthe S.. nit of temperature? retigertore: (Kelvin (B)Cemigrase ‘W)Chorotuarccarton ——_(B) Nitrogen (COFabrenteit (D) None ofthese €©) Helios (DY None of these 14, Themostabundané metal found in euth crust “Treaty of Hudaybiyyh is forbow many year Boysen (8) Aluminum Ws yaar (8) 10 years Cron (D)Sticoa (OS years (0) 20 yeses 15. Atthetime of partion of Bengal who wasthe lesder of ‘How many days 1968 war continued: ‘Moti in East Bengal: wo @r (AD Nawab Moin ul Ms wou 2s (BY Nawab Wagar Muth “The Roman numeral for sumer 1000 is: CCONawab Saleem Ulla Khan we @p CD) Noncofthese OL om 16, Pakistan bugged bow many medals in Tokyo Olymgice ‘Which companion of Holy Prophet (SAW) recite verse of ‘Holy Quran atthe presence of Naja? Hazrat ALA, (B) Hazrat Uso RA (C) Hazrat Jatie Teyyar RA, (Yisrael in Haris RA, ‘Mazrat Usman RA didnot participate in which war, (A) Ghaswa Basar (B) Ghuzwa Tabook ©) Ghazwa Ohad (D)chasws Khuider “Which of folowing institution releases report From the ‘Great Locksown tothe Grest Meltdown? ime (@® UNCTAD (ap (D) World Bank ‘Open Skies treaty was signed in: W)iv9t (a) 1992 i993 (D) None of exe ‘Which mirror is used tn headlight of cars? W) Concave (B) Comex Plain (D) None of nese |. The authentic book of Abadith ist 4A) satih Bukhari (B) satin Muslim (©) BohA&B (D) Nowe of ese amit (ad Ome (©) Four 17, Underthe constitution of 1973 which tanguage was Tae (D)Noneot hese declared asthe National Language of Pakistan? Duets (B) Ponisi (OD Bengali (D) Sinai 18, Electron was discovered-by: 03) Thomson (B) Ruiner Ford (dGoutsen (D) None ofthese 19, Thecrimethat involves and uses of _is cybercrime (Ad compu devices (8) iver COponacn (D) None ofthese 20, World Wide Web(WWW)ixa__which allows tbe sero access avast variety of documents by bypermedia links OD information Storing (B) information Deleting Service (CD formation System (D)AMoriese 21, Thehighest wand of films: | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 3 NAIB TEHSILDAR ENGLISH (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA- FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALFUR - 2022) |. Match the following English proverb with Urdu ‘equivalent: “Evidence docs not ced proof Voi F ay rept SEEM) Sie ££ SSA) et2sedto) 2. Choose the meaning of da wordnet (Wd) standard (®) characterises (© tctnea (D) None orinese 3, Choose te test English Translation fom he given options” AA) Disclose (B) Abrogate AC) instinute WD) originate 4, Choose the Best English Transltion fom the given options Siz (A) Collaboration () sont (©) Contoenation (©) Oppesiion 5S. Choose the best English Translation from the given options aM Wd Respomive opm (c) nscasnte @)Fiexbte 6 Match be following English paver wit Urdu ‘equivalent: “More haste es spond Pepto sR AI fame pir tre) Hh nL MO) Fee fiuetn) 1. Choose the best Unda translation hm the given options, “Main in pats weLielta) Je uete) Ade) =e) 4. Chose the meaning of English word" we) xB) 0) 2) 9, ‘Choose the pair of words thai bes express a relationship smile to that expressed in the original pair Fish: Seales Cd Becks Papers (B) Siake: Fangs (dca wreets (D) ints Feather 10, Choose the pair of words that best express aelaticnship similar to thatexpressed inthe original pair ‘Botany: Plants sun: Astronomy (BD Geology: Eanth (CD Teacher: Class (D) Disease: biology 11, Leame___an old fend of mine in Liter Market this morning WD arowna (ny (CDacross win 12, Leongratuated him ___suecess. 00 A: Ow (D) From 13. Choose the corect spelling athe underlined woud. He became a milionir when he was stil young. CO mitionnize (B)entlionare COmionire (D) mitsonar 14, Choose the correct spelling ofthe undertined word He has told me abort the new college. (Adcolleaze (BYeoleagve (eolleague (D)collegve 15, Choose the correct spelling ofthe undectincd word We're hoping fora new beginninge inthis city Mbesining (@Dbipinning (CDbeginaing (Dts 16, Choose the pair of wards that best eapsessarlationsip similar to thatexpressed inthe original pai. Umpire: Ground feb (AdCass Lab (B) Judge: Courtroom (OdPees Write (D)TV: Watch 17. Choose the opposite word of Similar (AdSyronym (BDAnionym (Chose (D) Related 18, The disease spread around the globe is tems as! CAD Epidemic (B) Pandemic CO Endenic (D) Zoonatie 19, Which isthe correct sentence (AD The ssenary ashen ae esis www | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 2 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA-FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALPUR REGION- 2022 $4, Wesetthe pagenumbersina ____ypeofdosument 24m) Phew WD Notepad (B) Word processor Pie Fay ead ©) BothA RB (D) None of these BEE gee Lr EGF BSUSIAL AE 95 85, Which ofthe following is used to display the list of ll Napeel rubjects eh gira eu AD (A) Selection pane (B) Wrap text eieu-eo) sonlod (0) Hyphenation (D) None ornate ted Paopere 40 6, Webbrowser stores’ previous information fr web ages is et praise ce) Atpece yO termed as Paste y(n) Piete2vo (A) Auto complete (B) Feed qareuRtt 97 (©) Web slices (D) Nome of these it Ap) gr 157, (First working laser developed by: Ptr) Ko OO Max Panck () Mheedore Maman sahil LOR ASH Lashed yes a czee IFO (©) robert Hoyle (D) None ofthese tee 88, ‘The largest river of Pakistan is! se) etl Windus (@) metus <0) oO (© cChenad (D) None ofthese uth tok Apoyo tdi etre thio 89 ~ sta) a tre? tH) ey Et) 20) Ho ade) FO) rue e100 eta h 90 Siesta) Wied aw Len) we) Seiexo) FSi 60 eis) oO Aint ese 91 ede Arwrian PuRLefUp-uin ore) Utley FO) Sade reD) dtd Pie ath 92 eB Pay seokern tom A Ee Frote) OTe ta) J ducpst) Pfc) FeAESromaL soni deri Eman 93 teeny fi bua) nine) AREA Rett sY Bkeet flea tLoityt 94 nL Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 2 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA-FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALPUR REGION- 2022 (©) serch nap ws (10 64, Whichiype of view is ot present in MS PowerPoint? rs ()» Outline (B) Side show 75, Toselocta grovp of worksheets we post and bold key and (©) Slide sorter (D) Normal ‘lost the sheet we want toad 65, ‘Which command is used to open PowerPoint fe? ar (cri W ppee (8) powerpaexe coosnit (D) Noae ofthese (©) pice (DY Nowe ofthese 76, Which valus remain unchanged in MS Excel 66, ‘The option is used show speificzow or column Constant (B) Function every printed age? COovaciadie (D) Naweotthese WO Pronto (2) Pree te 77, __ tthe ghost bebind the content on pig (©) Pineview (D) Nowe ofthese Microsoft word 67. Which Sura is called Arcos-ul+Qur'an (the Bride ofthe (aD Watermask (stamp Qursa)? COtago (D) None ofthese ‘9 Surah Yaseen (o) Surah Rabman 78, Whois regarded asthe father of pliial scence? ©) Surah Fata (O) Surat tion OP (BD Arise 68, Whois credit for building the Grest Wal of China? COKut Mars (DY Nose atthose OD Yohuny To (@) Fattien 179, What i guter margin in MS Word? (©) Heung Teang (o) Qin Shi Huang “GO Marginthat saddest ee margin when pining 69, ___tsapredefined set of color, fests and visual GB) Margin tha is ded vo right mayen when pining effects that you apply 1 your slides. (©) Margin that is added vo the binding side ofpage when ‘Wdesign (B) Animation printing KO Layout (o) Teme {D) Margin that saddest the outs ofthe page when 70, Which among fllowing wildcard characters are printing recognizedby excel? 80, Holy Quran first ranslte in sub-continent in which + and (8) tana language (Crud? (D)< and > dwn (B) sinh 71. The ist page ofany website ic calle: CO Punjadi (D) Fars, Wdesisop (a) Home page 41, Too Jinnah fenenge has been built on _ iver? (©) Webpage (D) Open ge indus (B) tum 172, Which tems tre placed the end of «document (chen (D) None ofthese W Foster (B) EndNote 2, Website use informationealled (©) Foot Nove (D) Header OD Proxy (B) detender 73, Whichis correct form in MS Bncel. (CO tracker (D) Viral private Wea a6 setwork (0 (sar 83._US dropped atomic bomb on in Werld War 74. A feature of MS Word that saves the document (9) pan (Bd tay ssuomaccaly ater every _ minutes (dFnunce (D) None ofthese www | 0301 418 4111 | 0333 418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 3 NAIB TEHSILDAR ENGLISH (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA- FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALFUR - 2022) (8) The scenery of Kashmir is beta, KC) The sceneries of Kashmiris heat 40) Scenery of Kashi is beau 20. To" Shell out" means to W) Receive () Take 4) Spend money (©) Exjoying 21, ‘To pill the beans means (A) To revea secret information GB) To misterwve (©) To beep sere, (D) To tik imetewan 22. ‘itis "just What the doctor ordered” i W0 Toally wrong (B) suit adream (©) What you need (D) Something new 23._‘The synonym of Harmony is: A) Disturbance (8) Concord 4) Agitation (DY thawed 24, She bought___ more expensive car than Ido War (oda © ihe (D) roanicte is wed 25. Change voice She writes attr (A) A leterisriten by ber, (8) A leneris nate by her, 42 Levers writen by ber (D) None ofthese 26, Twill ave reached the airport before _the ape A) yoursached (B) yourcach ©) yourcaching (D) None ofthese 27, The synonymof Reais Witead (8) Back 2) Window (0) Face 28, The synoaymsof Hetecogencous it White (2) Dittrent 4) Matching (D)Porattel 29, The rynonymet Facsimile ie WO Doplicate (B) Original O) ative (D) iit 30, Choose the corect capitalization ‘GO My psychology test was held on Monday, (B) My Psychology tes was beldon Monday (CD My psychology test was held.on Monday (CD) My Psychology Test was held an Monday 3. Under the cloud mean Cd Tobe secret (i) To beunder suspicion CD Feet-pood facer (D) Amazing 32, Broken reed means (AD A subjectotiath (B) Weakpeson (COPsomecauscofguare! —__(D) Keeplos indeeams 33. The synonym of imprompau is: Dd Prepared (B)Uapepared (C Train (D) Rchearsed 34, The synonym of Prodigal is A Provident (B) Foie (CC) Miserly (D) Frugal 33, The synonym of Churlish is: rare (B)siy (COWneivitzed (0) Foot 6, What isthe meaning of In the licw of (Ad Fanter (BYlasicadot (©) Adtitionaly (D) Along with 37. The antonym of Eestany ist CAD Bliss, (B) Miserly COP Bxultation (D) Happeness 38, Theantonym ofan ist CADBlessing. Ruin CO) Despair (D) Trial 38, The synonym of pbeinging st Lening B)Deseron CONegset (D) Breeding 40, What is the meaning of the idiom A chip off the, old block (A Apiess of wood (B) Anold Fiend (C) Characteristics of one's ancestors (D) A good bargain: 441, could not Belp laughing CA in (Bon On 0 42. What athe antonyms ofabrip | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 3 NAIB TEHSILDAR ENGLISH (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA- FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALFUR - 2022) (A) Gradual (B) Rude AC) Faulty (D) Grrr 49, Change voice: Who is knocking nthe dor? (A) The door is being (8) By who i edo kaocked by whom? being knockeu? K€) By whom isthedoor ——(D) Theloor isbeing being knocked at? Ienocked at by whorn? 44. Noteveryonctut_trawe_this W)-ldeserve (8) the/ deserves (ie /seserved (D) None oFthese 45, __ tay tices_fuy story. Ww @)-/- 4) The! (yan! 46. Heingured__my workinofice. We (8) iota oa a 47, What is meaning ofthe idiom To tur over ancw leat Wo coverup one's fant by wearingnew marks \€B) To change the old babi and adopt new ones 4) To change completly one's course of ation 4D) To shi ancation © new pfoblemsaflcr having tidied the old ones thoroughly 48. Choose ihe core captalzation. You had beter locked ‘for some other options. (WD Harry poi is the best | rected by chris (GB) Harry pomer is the best film directed by Chris (C) Harry Potter is the best film’ directed bry Chris. (D) None of these 49, She said, “May God bless my son”. (A) She prayed that God might bless her son. AB) She py tht Go enight Bless hor von (C2 She prayed that Gol might Bless hisson WD) None ofthese $0, Children __sintoen years _age are not admitted sir parents. A) Over! wit! without (B) Avot! win ©) Fat! wits (D) Uader!of/ without Si. Hewascharged murder and__brought wal i with! ol by COOWith! to! soph (BD Av tate! by (0) For? to in root of 52, Thesoldiersfought___last man Dupo (ort Cunt (D) Agains 33. He____ reading and thinking while eit before. OO Kept! had ead (B) Keep! hatread (I Kept read (D) None oFthese 54. Choose the ONE WORD SUBSITUTION fromthe options given below: Barister Langer (B) Anorvey (CDSpecialiss (D) Advocate 535. Stohas wriuen letters change into pave voice D Lenershasbeen-wtinenby her (BY Leners haveheen written by bet (OM Lenceshave wren by ber (D) Letters had been writen by her. '$6. Choose the comectscateace: CA) The higher you go, the cooler it is. (B) The higher you go. the coater it gets, CO) The higher you po. the coal itis. CD) The high you go, the cooker itis. 57. Choose the correct analogy. Blasphemy: Irreverence. (AD Condemnation! Disapproval (BY Optio Insight (Menor (D) Soro: Intention 58, Choose the anfonym: Ebulint Patience CAD Elated (B)Ghum CCD Sparky (D) Jaunty 39, Thedealerismot sure __ chatting in worth all that money. CAD However| (a) White Cn (D) Athos | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner 6 %. Paper: 4 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT- 2022 ‘Who isthe caretaker Prime Minister of Afghanistan? A) Abs Ghani tearador B) Mohammad Hassan Akhund {€) Mohammad Yagoos——_(D)Abdu! Salam Hana ‘The tomb of Anarkali i situsted in (A) Kannan Haradse) (B) beside of Punjab Secretariat ©) inside of Lahore For ‘The “English Channel” is located bewween which two ‘countries: (A) England and France ©) England and US (D) Anarkalt Bazar (B) England and taly (D) Nowe of these ‘Which country Will host O1C foreign ministers meting, (G8th CFM Session) in 20217 WRiyath (8) Pakistan use (0) Dubai ‘Who is called “Pot of East A) Allama Iqbal (8) Nasir Kazi 4€) Faiz Ahead Fai (0) Atunad Far ‘Mercury Thermometer was invented by? WD) tan Tuning (8) lamestiosting 4) Danie! Gabriel Fabreabelt KD) Nowe ofthese ‘The color which we see when our eyes are closed? Wrey (8) back ©) Bigengraa (D) None of there ‘Which Indian Musica leader called Quit India Movement ‘vas oginst Muslin: DO Liaget AU Khan (Raja Ghncanior (B) Quaid-e- Aram (D) None of these UNSccurity Council io meet on_todisouss ‘Afghanistan ineve. IS August (B) 16Anguist C)17 August (D) None of hese First Charer of Human Rights is WO ternational Chamer (B) sagas Carta COUN. Chance (D) Nowe ot these 11, When Radcliffe Award was announced 0 isituuly 1947 (8) Pm June 1947 (CD sth August 1947 (D) 17 August 1947 12, Thebeadofsenate is named as (Ad President (8) speaker (chairman, (D) None ofthese 13, ‘The atomic number of Hydrogen is (or (aor (os (os 14, Wasbingioa isin which sete of US: (AdColumbia (B) maryland (California (D) Noe of these 15, When Covid delta variant discovered in India: Cad oid 2020 B)End 2020 (Ch Late 2020 (D) None ofthese 16, Sed June Plan isalso called: (A) Adgust offer (B)Panition plan COWavelt pian (D) None ofthese 17, The first Mughal emperor Babar's tomas situated in (AD Lahore (a) Delhi (OPKabut aga 18, Which country has the unwritten constitution? (adusa (8) Great Britain (OD Aust (D) None of hese 19, World's highest peak "Mount Everest” is located in? (AD Pakistan (BD Ios CODNepal (D) China 20, Lfibe volumes oftwo cubes are ia the ratio #1 then the ratio of ther edges is st (a24 un (ier 21. According to the Constitution of 1956 there shall be Iegislature in country CADBiCunsral (B)Uni Cameral (VT Camera (D) None oF hese 22, Muslim percentage in Pakistanis cow (aos: conser wor www | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 3 NAIB TEHSILDAR ENGLISH (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA- FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALFUR - 2022) 80. Hewas___onsuccess. w €€) Gooey (D) Mase (B) Eines 81. Me___his family totive alone Weute (B) Hanistea 4) Deserted (D) None of those 2, What isthe meaning ofA fir weather fiend (0 Pals end (B) Close fend £0) Goo fiend (DY Lot ena 83, Veatige: __= Vestmemt Gar (eboose the wor that bbes-completsthe comparison) (A Footprint ) Anery (0) Sacrament ()Ciespy 84. My father __ hereto years noe (8) bad worked 4) works (D) worked 85, Hewnsastonshed ___hismisbehavior. We (at 42) with (Yom 86, What is he caning of Copia! Punishment? (A) Thedeath seateace openly €8) Punishecnt has wry ight AC) Punishment that involves paying a fine () Public punishment, 87, ___Siatio# Deficient? Complete ‘choose tbe word tat best completes the eoxaparison) WO Clinging (B) Alive ©) Kinetic (0) Elesice 88, "Watch out" means W)Rets (B) Huy up ©) Be carta (D) Seok Permission 89, Flow Sik Boat'? W ship @) War (©) Submarine (D) Missile 90, Hewants a old drink. Wdrink (8) To ik ©) Drinking (D) Drinks www | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Education and jobs update Join WhatsApp Group > 0310-1722158 Ah wu Mf ae a SLI tee sh FORBES ted usiesy, bz Aas weg he SMU ARISE ALU Paper: 3 NAIB TEHSILDAR ENGLISH (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT GUJRANWALA- FAISALABAD-SAHIWAL-DERA GHAZI KHAN-BAHAWALFUR - 2022) 60. Weshall go___ he goes.or nat. Whatever (B) Whether AC) umit (D) Nowe of those: 61. Festoon chin reck:_ A) Inlay. (B) tstand (C) Seam (D) Crook 62, Choose the correct analogy Mother: Daughter (CD) Soni Father (B) Brother: Sister C) Queens Princess. (D) None of these 63, Wesbat ter you inthis. wwii ©) From To (D) None of these: 64. Farmers expecting that crop willbe profitable Jocust snack. wri (B) Untess Unni (D) None of tese 65. Lam_to-weekend. W) Look forward (B) Look forwarded ©) Looking forward () None af these 66, Wouldthatl__ aking, Was ®am ©) Would be (D) Were 67. Nobody was__by ber excuse. QW) Taken (8) Takeain ©) Takeainw (D) None of ese 68, Doyouwant something __now? WTohave/ inking (B) Having! dhioking (©) Tobave/ta drink (DY Have! for drink 69, Choose the seroet sentace, ‘0 Two boys are elping esc other {0) Two baysars helping one another (€) Two boys are helping cach other D) None ofthese 170, ‘Choose the best antonyes Imprimatur W Approval (B) Disipproval Sign (D) Authoritative 7H, Thesoldiers were instructed to__ restraint and handle the situation. (Ad Consol (a) Exercise (Orrevet (D) Remain 72, Shewants___ a complaint about the waiter. (A)Tomate () otk (Makes (D) Made 73. Ameatlicrevent or action that is regarded as an example, ‘ra guide to be considered similar circumstances is mown s_ (A) Subsequent (B) Precedent (Npcoming (D) None afthese 74. Wewill sed documents __ the boss has signed it. (Adouce (B)Wrile COWhen (D) None ofthese 75. Choosethe corect sentence: AD thavetwobrother in law (BD Thavetwo brothers in law (OO thave-two brothers in ws (D)Noneof these 76, Thuveavery____book selection, CAD Considered (BD Lexical (dudicious (D) sean 177. What is the meaning of Along in years CAD Getting tee (BDGeitng old COV Timne wo eet 78, ‘The mother said, "I will pick you rom schoo! iftcan", (AD The mothar sid that she would pic him if she could. (B) The mother said that she would pikes him ifshe could, (CO Te other sad that she wil pick hin i db cond D)Noweof these Change voice: People are spending less money on shopping, (A) Less money isbsing spent on shopping by people, (2) Less money is spent on soppingby people, (CD Less money is hing spend on shaping by panple, (D) Less inane has been spent oa shape by people | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 4 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT- 23, The big bang they was propored by (A) Georges Lemaire (8) Mayim Baie AC) Edwin Hubble (D) Nowe of these 24. Third World Countries means Wd Dercioped (B) Developing AC) Backward (D) None of these 25, _incalledthe opium poppy A) Dried Latex (®) Rox (sien (D) None orinese 26. When the temperature increases resistance decreasesin W Memis () insutaor (©) Seai-Condctor (D) None ofthese 27, Water and sat is produced by reaction of acid with (A) aqueous solutions (B) Base €©) Hydroides (D) None af ese 24. Mass is a same physical quantity as W) Weight (B) Inertia €€) Displacement (D) None af here 29, ‘Who was the last Governor General of East Pakisin? ‘) Sahabeada Vogub Khan (8) Abdul Motaleb Malik €) General Tikka Khan 31, Carbohydrates are stored in plants and animals the {ollowing respective Form. ‘Starch and Glycogen (©) Celilose and Glucose {D) None ofthese (D) None ofthese (B)Siarchand Glucose 31, The Moniague Chelmsford Reforms is known as A) Government of India Act 1935 ((B) Government of lia Act 1919 ©) Government jin Act (Government of ada Act 1902 32. US President elected through WO Electra votes (2) Popilie vate (©) Botha B (D) Nowe of hese 23, The profession of Fatima Jinnah wat 9 Selctise (@) Deatist (2022 (COD architect (D) None ofthese 34, What isthe total area of Pakistan i square kilometer’? (49795096 kn (8) 793096 kan (796090 ks (1D) 796096 km? 35. Pakistan won ICC GDI world cup ia ad i975 (a) i983 (hiss () 2009 36, Allamm Mubammad ial delivered his famous Allahabad diressin GD ims (B) 929 (is () 1981 37. AUKUS is atilatral pact between _ Australia the United Kingdom and the United States, AUKUS was. announced on 15 September 4221 (A) Submarine (B)Deiense (CO tconomeat (D) Noaeofthese 38. Who coined the name of Pakistan? (AY Sic Syed Ahmad Khan (B)Ch Rehmat Ali (CO Quuid-c-Azam (D) None ofthese 39, Which ofthe following become frst Arab country to Jnanch Mars probe? (A) Quar (RDUAE corKsa (DI None oF these 440. nthe manufacture of Banaspati Ghce which gas is used? (A) Hydrogen (BIOxy gen CONitvogee (D) None ofthese 41, Which gsi wed in fre extinguishers? AONitvogen oxide (B)Cubon dionide (CP Cuben monaride (0) None ofthese 42. How many coustres use Baro cureney?” Calis (ais con wo 43. Covi deaths In world il September 2021 around OI milion (8) milion COP mitlion (D) None oF these 44, Containment of China is part of foreign poliey of which county? | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 4 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT- 2022 eure tule fen 8 tet ruhh eh 99 teh ee hil nee vw Benge AN Sie mete) rf SFA) Fb¥etedo) urtod bated) Fitted fet Wi bbe GAL ecte.100 Tepe hip 89 c)) HAY wk ioe) Ata) Fie tolo) vo Fete) mf) PSS arid 90 Fake rip) feta 2 bfe todo) pf Rt ta Let 91 uacin) feta feted) dale) Nah Lote 92 Gee) For Ka) Fie zotD) Fe) Ral“ A heciless Pineactns 93 (8) Waliamtlcary 0 Stephenson Ae telD) COTS tie ArctighoS LSE 94 AW ada See FE tebe AetB) at) BSfateto) ate NWA GPL Hee Ainge 95 Hansteaa) uta) a bfeeemn) Geot” JWMC) Pett fpf Paen 94 fa) eA) fo ifetenn) pidecr Wei Aen 97 hte fn) Wark ON ol < BHO) here ft tear O Ze Cau 98 AB) sw breton) 2 www | 0301 418 4111 | 0333 418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 4 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT- (2022 66. The option is used to show a specific row or (Dd Constant (B) Function ‘column oa every printed page? (OVacabie (D) None oFthese W) Pri tayout (o) Prec te 77, thle! Which type of ear record in Exec CO) Prine view (D) nove ofthese GO Numerical ero (B)symacerer 67. Which key is usedto create char in MS Excel? Wr (ori rs (D) None of these 68, Ifyou open the file afer that you start your work that you Instends (A) Bookmark (B) Cross reference KO) Reference (D) Nowe of nese 69. Toview the websites we use (A) Browser (B) Whaisapp ©) Email (D) None of hese 70, Which command will you use in PowerPoint ifyou need to ‘change the color of different abjects without changing ‘content? W) Design template (B) Color Scheme 4) Font color (B)Orject color 71, In Exec, a Data Series defined as what? WA dpeofhun (B) A cell reference €€) Acollection of (D)A division of vesulis related data 172. ‘Design template option in available under WDrwing har (B) Formatting tolbar (©) Stndaed toolbar (D)Allofibese 173. Which ofthe following is used to move fromone page to another? WWebbrowsing (B) Web navigation ©) yperiink (D) Nowe of ese 74, ‘Specific information aded onthe top ofthe page is ‘called? W Header (B) Footer ©) Margin (D) Nowe of hese 75, Wesan add in MS PowerPoint ) Animation (B) Audio CO) Video. (D) All ofthese 76. Which vale remsie uachanged in MS Exel (CD Excel doesnt ecognize the formula (D)Noncofthese 7%, Which isthe longest Surah of Al-Quran? CAD Suma Al Bagarah (a) Suesh Falk COD Sweah At team (DI None ofthese 79, Which isthe shomest Sun of Al-Quran? CA) Surah Al Naas (B) Sura Al Kawsar CO Serah At Ase (D) None otthese 80, When Zakat became obligatory? 1H anys (D)Nane ofthese 0 1 iti 82 His Cosy (D) Wane ottnese ‘82. Thenisab on Zakat on Gold is? (D7 10s (B)7 tots O20 (D) None ofthese 3, Thefirt Ghana in Intam in which Musto fought? WD oGtarws bua (8). GharwaBadr COGmuwa Ohad (D) None or hese 84, tmam-e-Darul-Hijrat was atte of AD imam Atimad A, (Bima Malik RA (CO mam shat RA (DY None oFinese 85, Name the tribe of Hazrat Finloema Sandia, the foster ‘mother of Holy Prophet PBUH? (Ad Banu Tammie (B)BanvSand COD Ban Aue (D) None of hese 6. The Kisting ofthe Hajr-e-Aswad” iscalled Cd stetan (OD Mabrooe (B)Sace (D) None ofthese Netter SAS ne Le> 67 oe! Ptr) iad Fete) Cd www | 0301 418 4111 | 0333418 4111 Scanned with CamSeanner Paper: 4 NAIB TEHSILDAR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (BS-14) REVENUE DEPARTMENT- WD Russia (B) India «us (D) None of ese 4s. ete process that powers the Sun and the (A) Nuclear Fission (5) Nuclear Fusion KO) Both & 8 (D) Nowe of these 46, Which women played arole in Lahore Resotution: (A) Begum Muhammad Ati Johor €B) Rss Linguot AN Khan 0) Jahanara Shah Nawaz (2) None of these 447, How many members were in Shimla deputation? Wo (a)3s © (D) Nowe of these 48, Eiffel tower is located in which country (A) France (B)laly €€) Australia (D) Nowe of these 49. "The structure and functional uaitof the environment is known as ‘WBione (B) Econystem {© Biosphere (D) None ofthese 50, Forspreadsheet which software is wed DMS Word (B) MS Exot {C) MS PowerPoim (D)MS Access 51, Which function key is sed fr opening help? wr jr or ors $2, F12 keyin MS Word is used fort Wsae (B) Saveas (OD Restore (D) None ofthese 53, Which ofthe following is nota search engine? W Yates (2) Goose Ak (D) Nowe ofthese 54, Cit + ShiR +

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