TIMO 2017 Primary 6

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OLYMPIAD CHAMPION EDUCATION CENTRE Room 308-310, 8 Jordan Road, Yau Ma Tel Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, CHINA Tel (852) 3183 2028/9370 1260 Fax (@52) 91692074 ‘website: mw clympladchampion.com Email olymplachamplon@gmal.com viiMoyS THAILAND INTERNATIONAL ° MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD 2017 Primary 6 Time allowed: 90 minutes Question Paper Instructions to Contestants: 1, Each contestant should have ONE Question-Answer Book which CANNOT be taken away. 2. There are 5 exam areas and 5 questions in each exam area. There are a total of 25 questions in this Question-Answer Book. Each carries 4 marks. Total score is 100 marks. No points are deducted for incorrect answers. 3. All answers should be written on ANSWER SHEET. 4. NO calculators can be used during the contest. All figures in the paper are not necessarily drawn to scale. 6. This Question-Answer Book will be collected at the end of the contest. THIS Question-Answer Book CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY. DO NOT turn over this Question-Answer Book without approval of the examiner. Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED. Write dow the answer in the simplest form. Ifthe calculation result isa fration, please write down the answer 18a proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit. ‘All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET Open-Ended Questions (1'' ~25") (4 points for correct answer, no penalty point for wrong answer) Logical Thinking 1. Given A and C are two non-zero digits and the 2-digit numbers formed by these two digits have the {following properties: 1. CA isdivisible by 19; 2. AC can be expressed by a product of 2 prime numbers; Find the 2-digit number CA. Jika diketahui bahwa A dan C adalah dua angka bukan 0 dan bilangan 2-angka yang dibentuk dari dua angka tersebut memiliki properti sebagai berikut: 1. CA dapat dibagi 19; 2. AC dapat dihasilkan dari hasil kali 2 bilangan prima; Carilah bilangan 2-angka CA. 2. Smumbers, A, B, C, D and E, represent different numbers from 1 10 9. Given the following conditions: 1. The sum of A and E 1s less than the sum of C and 5. 2. The sum of A, C and E equals D. 3. The sum of A and D equals B. 4. Dis divisible by C. 5. The sum of A and C is less than E. 6. Dis greater than 6. Find the number to represent C. 5 bilangan, A, B, C, D dan E, mewaki Jika diketahui syarat berikut: 1. Jumlah A dan £ kurang dari jumlah C dan 5. 2, Jumlah 4, C dan E sama dengan D. 3. Jumlah 4 dan D sama dengan B. 4, D dapat dibagi C. 5. Jumlah A dan C kurang dari E. 6. D lebih besar dari 6. Carilah nilai dari bilangan C. jlangan-bilangan berbeda dari 1 sampai 9. 3. 20 children, numbered 1 0 20, sit around a circle in order. Each child has an integer in hand. The child numbered I has the integer 1. The child numbered 2 has the integer 2. The child numbered 3 has the integer 3, Given that the sum of the integers of any 8 consecutive children is equal to 20. What is the integer held by the child numbered 20? 20 anak, diberi nomor urut 1 sampai dengan 20, duduk melingkar berurutan. Masing-masing anak ‘memegang sebuah nomor. Anak bernomor urut 1 memegang nomor bilangan 1. Anak bernomor urut 2 ‘memegang nomor bilangan 2. Anak bernomor urut 3 memegang nomor bilangan 3. Jika diketahui jumlah dari bilangan dari 8 anak berurutan sama dengan 20. Berapa nomor bilangan yang dipedang oleh anak bernomor urut 207 \Write dovn the answer in the simplest form. Ifthe calculation results a action, plese write down the answer ‘as. proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted, Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit. All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 4. 8 John wrote a 4-digit number on a piece of paper and asked Peter to guess it. Peter asked: “Is the number 17362” John replied: “Three of the digits are correct. The positions of those digits are all wrong." Peter asked again: “Is the number 2345?" John replied: “Two of the digits are correct. The positions of those digits are all wrong.” Peter asked again: “Is the number 3271?” John said: “All the digits are correct. The positions of those digits are all wrong.” Given all the digits in that 4-digit number are all different, what is the number written by John? John menulis sebuah bilangan 4-angka pada sehelai kertas dan meminta Peter untuk menerkanya. Peter bertanya: “Apakah bilangan tersebut 17362” John menjawab: “Ada tiga angka yang benar, namun posisi tiga angka tersebut salah.” Peter bertanya: “Apakah bilangan tersebut 23452” John menjawab: “Ada dua angka yang benar, namun posisi dua angka tersebut salah.” Peter bertanya: “Apakah bilangan tersebut 3271” John menjawab: “Semua angkanya benar, namun posisi angka-angka tersebut salah.” Jika diketahui bahwa keempat angka dalam bilangan tersebut berbeda-beda, berapakeh bilangan yang ditulis oleh John? There are 3 pieces of white chopsticks, 4 pieces of yellow chopsticks and 5 pieces of brown chopsticks mixed together. If you want to get 2 pairs of chopsticks with different colours in the dark, at least how ‘many piece(s) of chopstick(s) is / are needed to be taken? ‘Ada 3 sumpit putih, 4 sumpit kuning dan 5 sumpit coklat dicampur bersama, Jika kamu menginginkan 2 asang sumpit dengan warna yang sama ~ dengan mengambilnya dalam gelap, setidaknya berapa banyak sumpit yang perlu diambil? Arithmetic Find the value of 1+2+4+8+16...+ 4096. Carilah nilai dari 1+2+4+8+16...+4096. Pit tha palo ye Lr eI 1x2" 2x3” 34” 2015x2016 * 2016x2017 senneiamy 1 l._! 1 l Carilabnilai dori yt yt, t,t 1x2 "3x3 3d" 2015x2016 * DOI6x2017 Find the value of 1x2+2x3+3x4+...+99%100+100x101. Carilah nilai dari 1x2+2x343x4-+...+99x100+100x101. Find the value of 1+3+5+...+2015+2017+2015+...+54+3+1. Carilah nilai dari 14+3+5+...+2015 +2017+2015+...454+341 ‘Write down the answer i the simplest form. Ifthe calculation result sa fraction, please write down the answer ' a proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted, Marks will NOT be given for incorect unit, All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. into the simplest fraction. Convert 0.201 Ubahlah 0.2017 menjadi pecahan dalam bentuk paling sederhana. Number Theory If 10-digit number AROTTIZ21B_is divisible by 56, find the value of A+B. Jika bilangan 10-angka 4201712218 dapat dibagi 56, carilah nilai dari A+B Find the last digit of A if A=VP +2°+3'+..+2017°. Carilah angka terakhir dari bilangan A jika 4 P4243? +...42017. Divide 2017 as a product of 1221 positive integers, and then find the sum of these 1221 numbers. Find the maximum value of the sum. Uraikanlah 2017 sebagai hasil kali dari 1221 bilangan bulat positif, dan kemudian carilah jumlah dari 1221 bilangan itu, Cari nilai maksimum dari jumlah tersebut, The remainder of dividing a positive integer K by 17 is 4. What is the remainder of dividing (4K ~ 13) by 17? Sisa dari pembagian sebuah bilangan positif K dengan 17 adalah 4. Berapa sisa dari membagi (4K ~ 13) dengan 17? Find the sum of all positive prime factor(s) of 1221. Carilah jumlah dari semua faktor positif dari 1221. Geometry How many rectangle(s) is / are there in the figure below? ‘Ada berapa persegipanjang yang ada pada gambar di bawah ini? \Write dovm the answer i the simplest form. Ifthe calculation results a fraction, please write down the answer tia proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure i also accepted. Mars will NOT be given for incorrect unit a All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 17. Inthe figure below, the area of rectangle ABCD is 200 cm’. In the triangle HEB, the length of base HE and altitude HI are 9 em and 15cm respectively. Given S sop + Scaco +Syeor = 207.5 cm*. Find the area of the shaded region in en? Pada gambar di bawah ini, luas persegipanjang ABCD adalah 200 em’. Pada segitiga HEB, Panjang dari alas HE dang tinggi H/ adalah berturut-turut 9 em dan 15cm. Jika diketahui Saane + Sosco + Susae = 207-5 em”. Carilah Iuas dari area yang diarsir dalam em’. 18. Small cubes with side length 1 em are combined according to the pattern shown below. If there are 10 layers, find the volume. Kubus kecil dengan panjang sisi | cm disusun berdasar pola di bawah. Jika ada 10 lapis, carilah volumenya. ya 19. A big rectangle is formed by 1221 squares with side length lem. Find the minimum value of the perimeter incm. Sebuah persegipanjang besar dibentuk dari 1221 bujursangkar dengan panjang sisi lem. Carilah nilai ‘minimum dari kelilingnya dalam em. 20, The figure below is a square overlapped by two quarter circles. Find the perimeter of the shaded region. (Take = Gambar di bawah ini adalah sebuah bujursangkar yang tertindih dua seperempat lingkaran. Carilah keliling dari area yang diarsir. 22 (Abia =) \Weite down the answer inthe simplest form. Ifthe calculation result isa fretion, please write down the answer a5 proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit. All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. 2. 22, 23. 24. 25. Combinatorics A flight of stairs has 9 steps. David can go up for 1 step or 2 steps each time. The 4" step cannot be ‘stepped on as it is destroyed. How many way(s) is / are there for David to go up the stairs? Sebuah tangga mempunyai 9 anak tangga. David dapat naik tiap kalinya 1 atau 2 anak tanga. Anak tangga ke-4 tidak dapat diinjak karena Kondisinya rusak, Berapa banyak cara berbeda yang ada untuk David naik tangga? Three boys Bobby, Benson, Benny and three girls Grace, Gloria, Georgia are to be seated in a row. Given that a boy will not sit next 10 another boy and a girl will not sit next to another girl. Find the number of the combination(s) satisfying the above condition. ‘Tiga anak laki-laki, Bobby, Benson dan Benny, dan tiga anak perempuan, Grac, Gloria dan Georaia, akan diberi tempat duduk dalam sebuah baris menurut aturan bahwa anak laki-laki tidak dapat duduk berdampingan dengan anak laki-laki lainnya dan anak perempuan tidak dapat duduk berdampingan dengan anak perempuan Jainaya. Carilah jumlah kombinasi yang memenuhi syarat di atas. In how many possible way(s) can 7 identical balls be distributed to 3 distinct boxes so that every box contains at least one ball? ‘Ada berapa cara yang mungkin untuk mendistribusikan 7 bola serupa ke dalam 3 kotak berbeds sehingge tiap kotak berisi setidaknya satu bola? ‘Numbers are drawn from 2017 integers 1 to 2017. At Teast how many number(s) is / are drawn at random to ensure that there are two numbers whose sum is 2017? Bilangan ditarik dari 2017 bilangan bulat dari 1 sampai 2017. Setidaknya berapa bilangan yang haus ditarik secara acak untuk memastikan ada dua bilangan yang jumlahnya 2017? If Agnes goes from point A to point B, each step can only move up or move right. How many way(s) / are there if she must pass through the point O? Sika Agnes pergi dari tt A ke titik B, dan tiap langkahnya hanya dapat bergerak ke atas atau ke Kanan: ‘Ada berapa rute yang bisa ditempuh jika dia harus melalui titik O? ~End of Paper ~ \Write dovm the answer in the simplest form. Ifthe calculation result is a faction, please write down the answer proper er mixed action, decimal gure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorect uit. OLYMPIAD CHAMPION EDUCATION CENTRE Room 308-910, 8 Joidan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Keng SAR. CHINA Tel (852) 8153 2028/9310 1240 Fax (852) 3153 2074 Website: ww alympiadchampion.com Email: lympiadchemplong@gmailcom Seg TI M Oo Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad —— SS eenaica’ Sympiad Vv ok? THAILAND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD 2017 Answer Sheet Instructions to Contestants: 1. Each contestant should have ONE Question Book & ONE Answer Sheet which BOTH CANNOT be taken away. 2. There are 5 exam areas and 5 questions in each exam area. There are a total of 25 questions. Each carries 4 marks. Total score is 100 marks. No points are deducted for incorrect answers. 3. All answers should be written on ANSWER SHEET. 4. NO calculators can be used during the contest. 5. _Alll figures in the paper are not necessarily drawn to scale. 6. This Question-Answer Book will be collected at the end of the contest. THIS Answer Sheet CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY. DO NOT tum over Question-Answer Book without approval of the examiner. Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED. Contestant Grade: Contestant Name: ‘School Name! Date of Birth: =DEDE) Fila the information above in BLOCK LETTER For Comestans who cannot provide the correct personal information, TIMO will reserve the right in disqualification 1) 21) | zy 2) | 3) a aver Us Only Markers Code Markers Code Sesion Siboal Seat Sibswil alsp{c/p]/El/a/B{c|D/E # | Tot Seow # Total Score

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