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Oral anglais CHARACTERS

1) Henry SPEARMAN and his wife Pidge

Apparait direct dans le ch1 in the bla Hallen of Stockholm city in order to receve the Nobel
Prize in economics. Wife Pidge and Daughter Patricia (a vet)
Physique : very short and sot ails are trailing on the ground. During spearman’s lecture the
audience disdn’t see him well on the stage because he is very short.
He is in his 50s. He attended Columbia as an undergraduate. This is where his professors first
recognized how brilliant he was. In graduate school he was already seen as a rising star. He
was later hired as a prof at Harvard.
Unfashionable clothes.
Topic undergraduate course at monte vista : ART
25 years and 3 hours to prepare a lecture
he’s consumed by his work. He can spend the entire day working whithout seeing time go by.
Demand and supply of art for the first semester.
He need to be alone for an hour before his class to stay focus.

2) Annelle Cubbage, a millionaire and patron of the arts at Monte Vista – husband Jack

Wealthy Texas rancher. Likes guns. Husband Jack , rich man.

3) Herbert Abraham, a professor of economics at Monte Vista – his wife Jocelyn

a faculty member on the borad. Early 60s, always well dressed, sit up straight, knows details
of the meeting agenda.

4) Rowena Johnson

5) Charlotte Quinn, president of Monte Vista and husband Nicolas

CH2. The president and her husband nicholas

6) Jennifer Kim, junior assistant prof of economics at Monte Vista

junior lecturer in economics. Likes teaching at monte vista. A friend of tristan wheeler.

7) Matt Battles, a junior assistant prof of economics


8) Hannah Talsma, an associate professor


9) Blake Bailey a Harvard student

CH3. Student, quiet in class but asks a lot of questions after class. He talks with henry
spearman about prices in a monopoly.

10)Anjali Vitali , senior student at Monte Vista

Senior at monte vista majoring in economics and she was an emissaries.

11) Doctor Hendersen Ross, Spearman’s collegue at Harvard

CH3. Psychology professor for the past 25 years

12) Tristan Wheeler the painter

Painter, subject to melancholia and frustration (artistic temperament) a womanizer.
2 truest friends : his pet birds Canvas and Frame.
He brokes up with jennifer in chapter 5.

Sometimes very witty and brilliant, explosive temper, has birds in his studio while he’s

Cubbage choosed him as an artist in residence because she had heard about him through her
NY friend.

He wasn’t content with his popular success , he is a prolific painter, and has sold many
paintings at a good price but he is annoyed by the fact that the gallerys owners are getting
rich from his work.

He uses a MontBlanc pen.

2nd stage in Wheeler’s artistic development : use computers and printer beacause he wanted
to bypass the gallery owners and communicate directly with the public.

The birds were killed and disfigured and thrown behind a school building. Wheeler was
distraught. Sean through this event explained wheeler’s explosive temper.

The parrots had been trained to call out the colors he used when he drizzled paint on the

13) Gloria Winters, Spearman’ administrative assistant

14) Dr Ramos the surgeon

CH4. Divorced, 2 children who live in other cities. Thinks

15) Rosie Segura, Ramo’s housekeeper

CH4. Small, housekeeper, latino origin, send money to family members in Mexico. Has worked
for Dr Ramos for 7 years. Dr Ramos’ housemaid.

16) Frits Siegfried, the police officer

17) Sherry Fuller, homicide officer

wears glasses and her hair in a bun. She looks more like a librarian than a cops but she is
strong, fast and ready to use her gun if necessary. Has spend a decade in the homicide squad.
She is used to seeing dead bodies but the bodies of those who killed themselves give her the
creeps as she does not understand.

18) Lewis Martin, the currator of the travis museum (conservateur de musée)

he is the museum’s currator. He used to be an apiring artist but he realized that he was better
at managing art than making it.

19) Sean Daniels, Wheeler’s assistant

Wheeler’s assistant. Employed by the dep of art. majored in art and undergraduate at monte
Comes from a low income family , his father abandonned his mother when he was little.
Worked his way through university. His mother didn’t support his decision to take up art as a
carreer but he was encouraged by his professor, he thinks he has no talent.
No money, at university he had to clean tables and do the dishes. Odd jobs.

As an assistant, he has many menial tasks : sweeping the studio, shopping for supplies,
preparing canvases, cleaning the parrots..

When sean find wheeler he feel there is someone in the appartment, but no answer when he
calls out. Goes to the bathroom and finds wheeler hanging from a rope. He straightens the
chair so he moved evidence.

Plausible suspect because he knew wheeler and was told that he might inherit something from
a rich artist. Had been treated with contempt and will manners by his boss for weeks.

20) Madelyn Howel, the provost’s wife

21) Bruce Goolsby, Wheeler’s lawyer

22) Micheal Cavanaugh, art department

from the art department. He thinks wheeler did not kill himself.

23) Hovey Lansing, the auctionneer

seusan rose , from the mathématics

relation jennifer et tristant page 15.

Conection herbert and tristan : Herbert Abraham bought a painting from him (2) but they were
not friends. Didn’t appreciate Wheeler because he is a womanizer and invites wife’s friends.
Same neighborhood both teachers.


An auction is a public sale in which good or property are sold to the highet bidder. A lot of
goods and properties can be sold like sculpture, books, cars , paintings or watches. For
examples. The most expensive painting is from salvador mundi at 450 million. The bidder that
wins the auction has to pay 10% of the sale price, in addition of a seller’s commission. The
seller has to pay 5% on this price. Auction house have 15% of the final price.

Sothebys and Christies are the biggest auction house in the world. In the nineties, they
controlled 90% og the global art auction market. They made a cartel . They were punished and
had to pay a lot of money.

Sotheby sis the first international auction house. Today it presents auctions in 10 different
salesrooms all around the world.

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