LE RSM - High Frequency Words

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8 fae Chyptee - 8 Creinrage net age > LISTS OF HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS to make or become less in degree, intensity, value, oramount state We ated or th stom oat bree (ah-BeYT) headed nt Synonym: decreas, diminish, reduce subside _ tite op glnd wold roti ot ve become efter ue, King ard beh of Eland would probly not hve become een fer unl King (AB-dikeys) VIL, had not abdicated. Synonyinsrelingush renounce, resign a ing of the usual normal oF gi way; deviating fom the usual or rormal type er) Te brant ether ring that rg sonar ft ying ox hgh hare adobe ay ste a al Synonyms abnonal, atypical deviant uns a 2 temporary stat of nactvity aan a) | kept our rel plans in eg wd {i ot go ut re ceri ir had enh mney fore ip Synonym inactivity, rece, suspension a completly hopeless ie "They lst everything when tr house burned doin adhesin od abject coins, olen homes Synonyms: downtrodden, miserable, wrelched soja te fortally eject, often under oath Though he had compel hanged her (@bJOOR) sways, she cou not abjure her former friends. Teleavesetellyandauddeniy atscond One mint the ehilden were undef te (@bSKOND) nest mite, hey abcde with te trots Synonyms: disappess,exape, vanish aeons retained especialy with food and coal (@bSTEE-meeuhs) | Snceshebegon doops, se has shee teins ith both lool nd unk fd. Synonym fags, moderate, retained emperste asl ike an aby: immeasurably great orlow; " hopelessly bad (uh-B1Z-mubl) He wrote the term paper alin one night, and the results were abysmal Symonyins: bottomless vast wretched oe an award o othe expression of honor oF Pale Gown te mur of aca seh (rkulrLEYD) received for her work om stage an in film, itis surprising just how humble she i, Synonyi evar honor acerbe cour ot hain ast, mood, oF temperament (uh-SUHR-iK) He tied to hide his bad mood, but his acerbic reply gave his anger aay, ‘Synonyms: acidic, caustic, harsh, sharp accrue to grow through aditions {eh KROO) [Roti yar cera dees wisdom Sproxipas sccunlate, coll ween aeight or chrewdheos, especially in practical mates acumen guhn) | Dueto econbinatn oer peal wart ad ass acumen Ker new company was an estnt Synonyms: discernment. insight judgment, perception adamant insistent, immovable (Aedutemutet) __| Though the child protested, hs parents were adamant: he had ob in bed by ght oc, OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 5 of 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is roiited bythe copyright laws of Indi tee 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Lees Synonyms: determined, inflexble, resolute stubborn, unyielding ‘admonish to advise against something; to gently scold or warn (ad-MO-nish) ‘The teacher admonished the children fr tracking mud down the halltoays ofthe school. Synonyms: advise, reprimand, warn saanen excessive admiration, praise, or devotion; (@jub-LEY-shun) Aattery ‘The footbal star enjoyed the adulation of thousands of fans until twas revealed that he had cheated. ‘Synonyms: devotion, fawning, flattery, worship adulterate (uh-DUHL+uh-REYT) to make impure by adding foreign or inferior elements, or ingredients Do not adulterae this cake batter by using flour of such poor quality! ‘Synonyms: cheapen, corrupt, dilute, Weaken having to do with beauty or the arts Pe Th th morality of th moves questionable, ts ett qualities ae aie it was etifilly fie. Synonym: ain . amatacion, epealy one Based ona a ed) sly nine les young women hve ead and ered Jane Ey fing on fii ots ere eine Synonyms afeton fondnes, sympathy cegrandice Tek geste nae, power, or oto to enhance Ue appearance of ieee (uh-GRAN-daby2) ‘The dictator aggrandized his power by taking control ofthe press and al other media. Synonyms: glorify, hype, inflate, strengthen aggregate (A-gre-guht or A-gre- GEYT) adj.) formed by grouping elements into one larger body ‘The aggregate power of the teanzmates wos far greater than you might imagine based on their individual talents, ‘Synonyms: accumulated, collective (W) to group elements into one larger body We need to aggregate the survey results in order to havea clear picture ofthe overall data, Synonyms: assemble, collect, combine (2) a body of associated elements In the aggregate, her small daily efforts resulted in a gorgeous book of poems. Synonyms: combination, mass, whole alacrity cheerful readiness (uh-LAsicuh-tee) | He replied to the invitation wit larity he was eager forthe pportnity to travel to Puerto Rico. Synonym: liveliness, promptness, willingness chem the power or process that can change something ordinary into something valuable; a medieval ahem ee) ptosience withthe purpose of changing end inf gold | The schemy that tensformed him into a dashingly handsome ma inher ees os ove. Synonyms: enchantment, magic, sorcery ally to put to rest to decrase in strength or difficulty (ubeLeY) ‘Afr they heard the coyotes heen, nothing but the don could alley ther ers. Synonyms alleviate, calm, ease, lessen, relieve alleviate to lessen the burden, make easier (uh-LEEveeeys) | Her calm support did mc to alleviate his ificulties withthe task, Synonym: alla, eas, lighten, relieve alloy @ mixture of two or more diferent things; on literally, a mixture of two or more metals or ofa metal and nonmetal Even sterling silvers actualy an alloy of silver with another metal, usually copper. ‘Synonyms: blend, combination, composite, compound. ailure (6) to attract (uh-LOOR) Only the possiblity tha his cori singer might perform coud allure him to attend the concert. Synonyms: charm, entice, tempt (r,) that which attracts OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 6 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi tee 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE Easily nauseated, she could not see the allure ofa rollercoaster Synonyms: appeal, charm amalgamate (uh-MAL-guh-MEYT) to mix or combine into one body ‘The plan to amalgarsate the two high schools was not well thought out, andthe students did not easily unite into one school ‘Synonyms: blend, incorporate, integrate, merge ill-defined or uncertain; possible to be understood in different ways ambiguous Cam Bt gyeo wake) | Heino revered er salement ambiguous noe coud el fre men what he Synonyms: cryptic, enigmatic, indefinite, indeterminate uncertainty; the state of having two or more contradictory felings about something atthe samme ambivalence time (am-Bl-vub-luhns) His ambivalence about playing the piano went on for years, and he thought about quitting every day until Je enrolled at the conservatory. Synonyms: doubt, indecision, uncertainty ‘ameliorate (uh-MEEL-yub-reyt) to get or make better Her illness was ameliorated by the fact that it permibied her finaly to rest and get enough sleep. ‘Synonyms: alleviate, improve, relieve amenable (uh-ME-nub-buhl) agreeable, willing, or submissive; answerableor legally responsible; able to be examined or tested Even though it would require him to redo mich of the work he had done so far, he was artenable to the change in plans. ‘Synonyms: cooperative, manageable; Accountable the quality of being agreeable; a feature that increases value or comfort amenity He had become so used fo the general amenity ofthe community that the rudeness ofthe grocery store (ub-ME-nubetee) ae gene yo y ofthe grocery ‘Synonyms: charm, pleasantness; advantage, convenience ‘anachronism ‘a person or thing that is out of place in time (Uh-NA-krub-ni- Her floor-length skirts and elaborately done up hair were anachronisms that she nevertheless pulled off zuhm) with grace. Synonym: misplacement analogous ‘comparable in such a way that an analogy can be drawn {urAteluhguhs) | Fed viewed the mind as analogous toa steam engine, wheres toda we are more ikely to compare it oa computer Synonyms: alike, corresponding ‘anarchy Tack of government; complete disorder (Acnuhr-kee) When the teacher was called out ofthe classroom, the children erupted into gleeful anarchy, Synonyms: chaos, confusion, turmoil re someone or something that is cursed or disliked intensely; a curse Except for carrots, vegetables were anathema tothe toddler. (ubeNActhahsma) | drys sbenation, para ‘anodyne something that comforts; a medicine that relieves pain (Arnuh-dahyn) ‘The music of Bach was ar anodiyne to her through the months of mourning. Synonyms: balm; painkiller ‘anomaly something different, irregular (uh-NO-mub-lee) | His late submission was an anomaly; he was knowns for meeting his deadlines. Synonyms: aberration, exception, irregularity, oddity antipathy dislike, feeling against (@n-TL-puh-thee) He could not overcome his antipatty for dogs, evento date a woman woo had a poodle as a pet. Synonyms: aversion, disgust, loathing, apostate ‘one who renounces a previous loyalty, such as (uh-PO-steyt) toa religion, nation, or party Though she had many disagreements with the party, she had no plans to become an apostate. OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 7 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 00 8 Creinrage net age > Leas ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ERSM 01 ‘Synonyms: defector, dissenter, heretic, Nonconformist apogee the highest point: literally, the point at which an orbiting body is farthest from Earth (A-puh;ee) Finalizing the deal that spring was the apogee ofher career thus far. Synonyms: apex, climax, summit, zenith ‘appease to bring toa state of peace (uh-PEEZ) Only singing her favorite song could appease the distressed child. Synonyms: calm, pacify, soothe apprise to inform (ah-PRAYHZ) He kept the radio on a all times, to be sure he was kept apprised ofthe latest weather report Synonyms: advise, enlighten, notify formal approval approbation Cora BEY-shuhn) | Makeart to express yourself not to win the approbation of thers Synonyms: approval, commendation, endorsement, recognition ‘appropriate to set apart for a specific use; to take for oneself (Uh-PRO-pree-eyt) | Thearmy appropriated all vehicles in the region fr military use. Synonyms: confiscate, seize, steal, usurp of the past; extremely old or out of date asc Student thin tat he guage of Shakespeare earch unl hey encounter the work of Cheer ho id ocean ater Synonymet ancien bee odashioned arduous extremely dlificul requiring much energy o fot (AtiRjaewuhs) | Runnings marth ado eng limi dong it the lst eof triton, Synonyier exhausting grusing tenuous — natural simple and without acl, a Without krowdgeo kl The chil rel won ve cen he cranes als spy sing a hom, Synonyms: gendin,righforverd, unaieced, unculived Tea telly el denying fen for spiral purposes een These prac «monk cry ol foregone Synonyme austere dacpined, ae a st tee ma orem (OSPER utes) | OURAN ape wit hich she spoke reve her anger bt he station, Syren hansen, sbarprese a tale accuseion iiended to do Tana He cast aspersions on his rival, but everyone could see that his wild claims were not frue. (ohSPER-zhuhn) | Synonyms: defamation, slander ‘characterized by persistent and careful assiduous ° attention or effort (ab Stjuh-wahs) ‘An assiduous student, she earned the highest grades despite her learning disability. ‘Synonyms: attentive, constant, persevering ‘assuage to decrease the intensity or severity of (uh-SWEY), Nothing but time could assuage their grief afer they lost their home. Synonyms: calm, ease, relieve astringent harsh, caustic, strict (Uh-STRINJuhnt) | He wns the only employee unafraid ofthe boss's astringent tongue. Synonyms: biting, bitter, cutting, sharp ‘asylum a place or state of shelter and protection; a place for the care ofthe il or insane (uh-SAHY-luhm) ‘The refugees found asylum at the monastery. OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 8 of 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is roiited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2 fee 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE ‘Synonyms: refuge, retreat, sanctuary attenuate (uh-TEN-yuh-WEYT) to make thin or weak Her enthusiasm was attenuated by the length of the event; she did not like to be kept azoake so late ‘Synonyms: debilitate, lessen, weaken audacious (aw-DEY-shuhs) daring, recklessly brave; inventive, unconventional Jam harly audacious enough to go scuba diving, let alone sky diving! ‘Synonyms: adventurous, bold, rash ‘austere somber, strict, or stern in manner or appearance (aw-STEER) ‘The house was plain and blended into the austere winter landscape. Synonyms: ascetic, rigorous, serious, solemn independent autonomous ‘There are many who wish that the city government were more autonomous and did not have to abide by (@w-TO-nuih-mmuhs) the decisions made atthe distant stae capital ‘Synonyms: self-governing, self-ruling, Sovereign ‘a greed for wealth that cannot be satisfied (A-vuh-ruhs) His avarice was a source of great discontent; he could not be happy with what he already had. ‘Synonyms: covetousness, greed, rapacity aver to declare or prove to be true (ul-VUHR) Lean aver that her story is true, because [eas there and sao it happen myself Synonyms: affirm, assert, claim, verify vocation ‘an occupation pursued for enjoyment (@-vuh-KEY-shun) ‘She pursued her avccation of designing jewelry in the evenings after returning home from herday job. ‘Synonyms: diversion, hobby, pastime axiomatic (AK-see-uh-MA-tik) taken as an axiom, or self-evident truth Until Copernicus showed otherwise, it was taken as axiomatic thatthe Earth was the center of the ‘Synonyms: accepted, furidamental, given, obvious Taal ‘orignal aeNAL) The mate wat unelicay ba ie characte pl, nd msi completly ated originality Synonyms: bland, conventional hackneyed baw ae obscene, often in abosterous or humorous way Shakespeare's language can be as bawdy asi is beautifil. Synonyms: coarse, indecent, lewd, vulgar something enormous in size or power ‘The company was a behemoth, associated with about 1,000 brands, some of them even competing with each other. ‘Synonyms: beast, giant, leviathan, mammoth to reveal the falsehood of, contradict His blushing face belied his claim that he did not care. Synonyms: disprove, negate, repudiate Dellicose inclined or eager to fight (BEHLI-kohs) ‘The bellicose young man picked fights on the playground nearly every day. Synonyms: belligerent, combative, hostile, warlike beneficent doing good (buh-NE-fub-suhnt) | Every fll, they celebrated the beneficent Earth for its rich harvest. ‘Synonyms: benevolent, generous, kind Dlandishment flattery intended to persuade (GLAN-dish-muhnt) ‘The blandishments ofthe salesperson got the better ofher judgment, and she purchased the stereo, only to return it the nextday. OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 9 of 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is roiited bythe copyright laws of Indi 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Leas} ‘Synonyms: coaxing, fawning, wheedling to give support TS uy | elt pt af pn art a nial ey he pe ronyms acs upd Ghnonously prteous nape or tng vomitus , ran ecg ofisterng boas pees, omsastk) | sand Scenony ehh Syhonyms pompous Boosh rade ina way Hat evens Tsay whe (Book) Tekst sel fn esos a bth arty at ight. ‘Synonyms: bad mannered, coarse, crude Brazen homely tl CBEEY min) | Hes so Pon as inert eg seen Be ile fer remarks Synonyis sao cok made beach ‘omenin for he fa ne teh) Tht bel rary he st tno brch ep of marge. Synonyms inodac, propos suggest Bacal having todo wih sep rl if GeyooKOLik) Heed hen cl ers New Enon hog en te cy Syms pastor rl, ste Barger ‘ospreut boom, ad gow CBtiRun) | She buen er ake state trae Sonn som eur A pol spec by bing bari Tiber tmhed hereof he ie unt tw aco and oy Sons gh he Bates ouppor pes Buttars Sheed beaten aun nd pin, bles her cua Synonyms bole bac seg acopony Tana sound Geeks) | Toh ea poly tring muss herp toas nba capo Snore donde ama se hg made wih rien o Faring hepato of naar Grattatnce) | Dept fas ote car clay ender her pis Syronyme defeat sander 2 en of fndaerial ls o andar a wo acid eb or oer ompchersve tat on (mui) Myf hls we ake prt of te canon ode my forte ie et centr Synonym dopa law, pie oat tus a te rk ngung, pac Toran expressions of enhsom 0 Ay oan) Meter dgustl whe oy co lc oh hal dane ing rv ae Sony hypoxic caprcons impale tang acl ecoringto win (kuhp-REE-shuhs) He was so capricious that he rarely kept a job longer than a few months. Synonyms: arbitrary, erratic, unpredictable ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE (Kituhsuhs) ] oracivigy erally aavbxtance thar aunes or speeds up a chemical reaction They had aed abut moving fr yas er pregnancy os he aay afl spurred te take ict, Synonyms: impetus, stimulus causal relating oa cause (KAW-zah) Sh undestod he cas relaonship ten the care she tok ith er studs and er grades. a able to bur or corrode; sarcastic Pon etter rts a eying wee ar gh tea gt Synonyin: acerbic, iting haa al ip aise min objections (Kavi) Tis endo cl at nas ade i por manage, ews fre Synonyms ci ule To Blame, formal condemnation GENshen The cour of her coasting ocr her ii ear Synonyms etic disapproval, reprimand cay canto (ChibRee) She os cary futon for anther play ae hela production ended in a dead Synonyms ul strained, wary — is corterough punishient in Tims gy ht fe yt recone peg iy Sygiiyi:discping uae, eabae aaa iecpton through tckery (¢hi-KEYN-ub-ree) He won the competition through chicanery, not talent Synonyms: artifice, cheating, subterfuge ima Stoica nana Gang anah) | Techie at ams ia go den hms fate. Sona: dts age aie Sighs whsing nice way (ahr YOO-utus) | engin eee pir oy he high, weeroed he crits ie hee Sky ambi, ound eagle ‘Sticke gale nas (koh-A-gyub-leyt) ‘The milk became sour and began to coagulate. Synonyms: congeal, clot, curdle, solidify thecondsios wore miss Hear drama oi ft ornally dilee om ie cote rotor the werk (KOH) Fle ha sry wag trot ng ire plea cde Sym cn eng fle Sa vey corning and apes o easy Tan GkOirjuh) | Tear ena een arent i ir fhe tion. Sony ap canplisy pera amaug 7) hn eotaponing near dees Ceol, ran (kuk-MEN-se-ruht) If your effort is commensurate with your desire, you are likely to succeed, ‘Synonyms: comparable, equivalent, Proportionate ‘compendium (kuhm-PEN-dee-uhm) ‘a summary of a larger work or body of knowledge; a complete list of tems ‘The thin volume included a compendium ofall the different kinds of birds he had sen visiting the woods inhis backyard. Synonyms: abstract, digest, overview, surv ‘complacent (kuhm-PLEY-suhnt) satisfied with one’s own condition Itisensy to be complacent with one’s own good fortune rather than to use it to better the lives of others. Synonyms: self-satisfied, smug, unconcerned ‘complaisant inclined to please ‘OLegalbdge Tutorials Page 11 of 168 Replication or oer unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi tee ENGLISH LANGUAG 8 Creinrage net age > Leas 3E-ERSM 01, (Kahm-PLEY-suhat) ‘The gil was shy but complaisant, and soon warmed up fo the company. Synonyms: agreeable, gracious, obliging complement (KOM-plub-ment) something that completes or perfects For her, coffe is a necessary complement to breakfast. ‘Synonyms: counterpart, enhancement, supplement ‘compliant (kubm-PLAHY-ubnt) ‘conforming, submissive Stand firmly on your ground ~ don’t beso compliant! Synonyms: docile, obedient, obliging, yielding. conciliatory (kuhn-Stlee-uhtaw- tending to gain goodwill, overcome distrust Upon hearing her conciliatory words, no one was in the mood to argue anymore. ‘Synonyms: appeasing, civil, placating confound to.confuse thoroughly (kuhn- FOUND) ‘The directions confeunded her so completely that she ended up on the wrong side of town, ‘Synonyms: baffle, bewilder, frustrate, perplex connoissei ‘one who understands, appreciates, and can make judgments of an art or matter of taste (ko-nuhSUHR) ‘Though he claimed fo be a connoisseur of twentieth century art, he could not even tell a Picasso from a Pollock. ‘Synonyms: aficionado, expert, specialist ‘contention ‘opposition, strife; an idea proposed and held in debate or argument (kuhn-TEN-shuhn) | The constant mishaps of her lackadaisical brother became a source of contention with her husband. Synonyms: conflict, discord, quarrel ‘contiguous in contact, adjoining (kuhn-TI-gyoo-wuhs) | The state of Alaska is contiguous with Canada but not with the United States. Synonyms: adjacent, bordering, neighboring, touching, contrite feeling or showing sorrow for wrongdoing (kuhn-TRAHYT) ‘Though he was contrite after their argument, she was not easily willing to forgive. Synonyms: apologetic, penitent, remorseful, sorry coamdaous stubbornly rebellious ‘The contumacious little girl refused to listen to reason and to wear a jacket or shoes. (kon-tooMEY-shuhs) || gsonyms: headstrong, obstinate en ‘a complicated problem; literally, a iddle with a pun or wordplay in is answer (kuh-NUHN-druhm) ‘The disorder in his bedroom every morning toas a conundrum, until they realized that he was sleepwalking at night Synonyms: puzzle, riddle, trick convention, (kuhn-VEN-shuhn) ‘a meeting; an agreement; the standard or usual way of doing things ‘Ase-mal has become the main form of written correspondence, many people are forgetting the ‘conventions of letter writing, ‘Synonyms: custom, habit ‘convivial (kuhn-VI-vee-uhl) enjoying company, food, and drink A convivial person, she looks forward tothe holidays even though they mark the beginning of winter. Synonyms: agreeable, friendly, jovial ‘convoluted full of twists and turns, complicated (KON-vat-loo-tuhd) | His convoluted directions were wnnecessary; all that he needed to say was, “Turn left atthe commer.” Synonyms: complex, intricate, puzzling, ‘copious ‘numerous, plentiful (KOH-pee-uhs) ‘She took copious notes and filled several notebooks every term. ‘Synonyms: abundant, extensive, generous craven ‘completely lacking in courage (KREY-vuhn) Please tell me you are not so craven as to forfeit the game rather than face your fiercest opponent. ‘Synonyms: cowardly, fearful, timid credulous willing to believe; originating in credulity (KRE-juh-luhs) ‘Asa teacher, he was far to credulous, end his students could get aoay with almost anything, solong as ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 120 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe opright laws of Indi 2 hee 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE They could tell a story to explain i. Synonyms: believing, gullible, unsuspecting, culpable deserving blame (KUHL-pub-buhl) | Though: she was clearly culpable, she was never even charged for the crime. Synonyms: blameworthy, guilty, liable cynicism ‘a complete lack of faith, especially in the values and motives of humans (t-nuh-si-zuhm) Despite his cynicism, he was also charming, and soon everyone was seduced by his gloomy outlook, ‘Synonyms: bitterness, negativism, pessimism, sarcasm ‘eynosure ‘center of attraction (l-no-shor) ‘The movie star isan unapologetic cynosure; she always expects all eyes tobe on her. Synonyms: hotshot dearth 'a shortage, an inadequate supply (@uhrth) ‘The dearth of clean water was due tothe drought. Synonyms: deficiency, lack, scarcity ‘debacle a disaster or complete failure (duh-BAH-kuh)) ‘The play was supposed to bea tragedy, but the production was such a debacle that the audience laughed through the tind act. ‘Synonyms: breakdown, defeat, fiasco, wreck ‘debauchery (Gi: BAW-chub-ree) indulgence in physical pleasures His life of debauchery took atoll on his body, and he looked far older than his years. ‘Synonyms: depravity, intemperance, revelry decorum propriety and good taste (4-KOHR-uhm) Please conduct yourseloes with decorum during our visit tothe mayor's office. Synonyms: civility, convention, dignity (a failure to actor fulfill an obligation default We hired him by default; none of the other applicants showed up for the interview. (-FAWLT) Synonyms: disregard, neglect (©.) to fil to actor fulfill ant obligation She defaulted on her morlgage payments after she lost her job. Synonyms: evade, neglect deference respect for and submission to the judgment or will of another, especially an elder or superior (DEH-fuh-ruhns) ‘The children treated their grandparents with deference. Synonyms: compliance, courtesy, esteem, regard defunct ‘no longer working or in use; no longer existing (4-FUHNGKT) ‘The organization had been defunct for nearly a decade when she decided to revive it. Synonyms: obsolete; extinct aaueath to describe or portray in detail Gree!) ‘The CEO took the time to delineate her plans for the company, so that everyone would understand the ext direction they would be taking in the next year. Synonyms: characterize, depict, draw, represent ‘demur to-express disagreement, object (MUR) Everyone else wns enthusiastic about the project, but she demurred, saying it would never succeed. ‘Synonyms: oppose, refuse denigrate to attack the reputation or achievements of another Gen cREYT) He i thing but denis casa’ artoork bt could hardy toler the most neutral comment ‘Synonyms: belittle criticize, disparage an the outcome of a story oF series of events ‘The denouement was unsatisfying: the hero woke up, and it turned out that the entre story had been his (DEY-noo-mawn) — | FM ‘Synonyms: conclusion, culmination, resolution ridicule, contempt derision ‘The poorly plotted film woas the object of much derision from critics, but audiences loved it (4i-RE-zhuhn) Synonyms: disdain, mockery, scorn ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 13 of 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe opright laws of Indi «Fa 8 Creinrage net age > Leas ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ERSM 01 derived from something else, lacking in originality derivative His frst album voas derivative R & B, but his second albu was completely original and propelled him to (4i-R-vuh-tiv) fame. ‘Synonyms: banal, copied, imitative ‘desiccate to dry up, The desicated landscape had not seen rain in month (DEH-si-keyt) ‘Synonyms: dehydrate, deplete, wither “desuetude the state of no longer being in use porary ‘fier he rg members te sorry graduate, many oft ial ee foto ad son ll Synonyms: disuse, inactivity desultory Tacking a plan or sense of purpose, disconnected (DE-suhl-tohr-ee) is desultory ways were maddening to her, she preferred to get right to the point Synonyms: aimless, chance, erratic, rambling, ‘deterrent that which prevents (4-TUHR-uhnt) ‘The new methods of policing the neighborhood turned out to be an effective deterrent to crime, Synonyms: curb, hindrance, obstacle, restraint detraction «lessening of reputation, especially due to criticism; the act of taking away (i-TRAK-shuhn) | Asa result of the critics’ many detractions ofthe novel, it sold only a few dozen copes. ‘Synonyms: misrepresentation, sander ‘diaphanous extremely fine or delicate to the point of transparency; insubstantial (dahy-A-fub-nuhs) | The starle’s diaphanous gown was both gorgeous and scandalous. Synonyms: gossamer, flimsy, sheer diatribe a critical or abusive speech or piece of waiting (DAHY-uh-trahyb). | After taking in her boss's long diatribe about her work, she simply quit. ‘Synonyms: harangue, invective, tirade a division into two opposite or mutually exclusive groups ‘The dichotomy between her words and actions was startling; fo hear her talk, you'd think he could do nothing right, whereas Ihad never seen her do anything wrong. ‘Synonyms: bifurcation, difference, separation tending or intended to inform or teach dichotomy. (dahy-KO-tuh-mee) icc yy | Beers ifn ey Be tc ol hut on nr hor an non sadeni natu, pendantc iene shy lc of enfence CDisainw) | Heoorae i ee ond rearing phat aly Synge secu retreat ifs word and denrgud et concerted, ead areurd (arF¥005) Thelen life ha slngseaet eh of fraton we hardy neta Songs amin ate, seated widespread oe Stung fom mance roe 7 BES anay | Begone elon ov Bah pc otis me Sony departure, diversion wandering ata vlover elo daria i ar (Dilan) | Hoc ean hws actualy on acomplia Syonyins mata comoiseu, oki dige {Sows eur of musi ep aed ora Tara iar axasion (aap Teor pel te pce sa sundaes ge Synonyms lament eat — ‘cer up an ero orcs dine) | ron ka hr sete th pic of i tn a rn na gh protein. Synonyms: correct, debunk, enlighten ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 14 0f 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe opright laws of Indi shee 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE discerning Taving good judgment or understanding (a-SUHR-ning) Only the most discerning customers can tell the difference betwoen this fabric and real silk ‘Synonyms: discriminating, insightful, knowledgeable, perceptive Gaon rot in harmony, quarrelsome (dis KOR-duhn) Sea i eer coulis the cant oe of th Sea and omc find any ‘Synonyms: cacophonous, contradictory, inconsistent re to refuse to believe or cause others to disbelieve (ae kRE-duby) Heh alo cre the ridiculous idea that with a better diet, one could get by with only five hours of sleep ‘Synonyms: doubt, question, reject discreet maintaining or respecting privacy, especially about something of a delicate nature (dis-KREET) They were so discreet about the affair that i was never discovered. ‘Synonyms: cautious, modest, prudent, Restrained discrepancy disagreement, inconsistency (dis-KRE-puhn-see) ‘The investigation of a small discrepancy in an account revealed widespread fraud at that back. Synonyms: conflict, difference, dissimilarity, variation separate, distinct discrete ‘The course was given in thee discrete sessions; you could attend just one or too and stil follow the (Gis-KREET) material. Synonyms: apart, detached, isolated Tacking in truth offen while giving the appearance of truthfulness disingenuous ‘Their advertising was disingenuous, featuring photographs that made ther dumpy hotel look like a (disinJEN-yoo-uhs) | paradise. Synonyms: deceitful, dishonest, insincere, hypocritical disinterested not Personally ‘engaged, without Peawet —_ ae a He could not participate om the jury; the victim was his cousin, and so he could not be disinterested in the (GisNruhs thd) eee Synonyms: dispassionate, indifferent, unbiased, unconcerned “sjointed disorderly, out of sequence (dis JOIN-tuhd) She told the story in suc a disjointed way that we asked her to repeat it o that we could understand Synonyms: confused, disconnected, incoherent, rambling, dismiss toallow or cause to leave; to reject (dis Mis) She dismissed the proposal, saying that it would be oo expensive to carry out. Synonyms: discharge, release, send away; disregard disparage to speak of slightingly; to lessen the reputation of (Gi-SPER) Do not disparage your elders; they wored hard to build this community. Synonyms: belittle, depreciate disparate ‘eur rss rough eter ei daa ens and ids toma wil DS pulw-uhy) tne beautiful eallecion of songs. Synonyms: dissimilar, diverse various dissembie to put ona false appearance (Gi-SEM-buhl) ‘The children tried to disemible innocence, but the crumbs on their ce gave them away. Synonyms: conceal, feign, simulate disseminate to scater, spread around (Gi-SE-mub-neyt) Please disseminate the news; I want everyone to know about my candidacy. Synonyms: advertise, broadcast, disperse, publish ‘dissident (DF-suh-duhns) disagreeing with an established belief or organization Under the rile ofthe dictator, people kept their dissident ideas to themsetoes, Synonyms: heretical, nonconforming, unorthodox ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 15 of 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe opright laws of Indi 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: pewter Leas} dissolution (Dl-suh-loo-shuhn) the act or process of falling apart ‘The dissolution oftheir marriage was unexpected: they had seemed so happy. Synonyms: disintegration, rupture, separation dissonance the clashing of ideas or sounds (Dl-suh-nuhns) ‘The music included much dissonance, and Ile the concert hall with a headache, Synonyms: conflict, disagreement, discord distend toexpand, swell (dis-TEND) Ironically, their distended belles area sign of their great hunger. ‘Synonyms: bloat, bulge, enlarge ‘distill tw extract the essence of (is TL) ‘The profesor could distill complex ideas into a simple diagram or statement. Synonyms: concentrate, purify, refine divest to strip, deprive, or free from_ (dahy-VEsT) He divested himselfof most of his wealth and went off olive in the woods. Synonyms: dismantle, dispossess, seize divulge tomake a secret known, (dahy-VUHL) She refused to dioulge what he sister had told her that evening. Synonyms: admit, disclose, tell doctrina ire fanatic about a doctrine or theory (dok-trub-NAIR) ‘A doctrinaire libertarian, she refused to pay anytaxes. ‘Synonyms: dogmatic, fanatical, impractical, inflexible dogmatic taken to expressing opinions as though they were facts| (dawg-MA-tik) ‘She was turned off by his dogmatic assertions that reading his book would completely transform her lif ‘Synonyms: fanatical, opinionated ‘dormant inactive, asleep (DAWR-muhnt) tis hard to believe thatthe tulip bulbs lie dormantin the earth under the winter snow. ‘Synonyms: inert, latent, potential dross waste, something that is inferior (4x08) ‘The at show was so full of dross that his beautfulpiece stood out. Synonyms: refuse, scum, trash ‘dupe ‘one who is easily deceived or fooled (doop) He was a dupe to believe all of her lies. ‘Synonyms: chump, fool ebullient lively, enthusiastic (-BOOL-yuhnt) We soom were all carried away by her ebullient mood. Synonyms: buoyant, high-spirited, vivacious ‘eccentric ‘unconventional, imegular (ek SEN-trik) Her staid outfits contrasted with her eccentric idea. Synonyms: odd, unusual, whimsical ‘eclectic “choosing from a variety of sources; composed of a variety of styles, methods, or ideas (@KLEK-tik) His taste in music tons eclectic, including everything from opera to fre jaz ‘Synonyms: assorted, diverse, varied ‘eHfervescence Liveliness (e-fubw-VE-sens) Her effervescence was not appropriate forthe solemn occasion. ‘Synonyms: enthusiasm, excitement effete ‘without strength or character (FEET) ‘The young men longed for war so that they could prove they had not grown effet. Synonyms: decadent, degenerate, sterile efficacy the ability to produce the desired effect. (ER-Arkuh-see) Her efficacy was astonishing; within three days she got the project back on track, ‘Synonyms: capability, competence, effectiveness effrontery shameless boldness. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 16 0 168 Replication or oer unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe opright laws of Indi 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE (PFRUFN-tul-r68) Hee had the efrontery to demand a ful refund, simply because he had vot liked one of theperformers. Synonyms: arrogance, disrespect, insolence elegy 2 poem or song expressing sorrow at the loss of one who has died (Elune) “Affe the poet read the elegy for her mother, nota eye was dry of tars. ‘Synonyms: lament, requiem elet to draw or bring out (-Lt-sun) Her pointed questions ected thoughtful replies. Synonyms: evoke, obtain elixir a sweetened mixture of alcohol and water having medicinal qualities (-LiK-suhn) He made a fortune sling an elixir that he claimed could preserve youth. ‘Synonyms: medicine, solution aloquent Teautifully and fluently expressive (EFlub-kwuhnt) | She wrote at eloquent leer to thank her aunt for the gif. Synonyms: articulate, expressive Sarr made thin and week (-MEY-shee-ey-tuhd) ‘The cat was emaciated when oe found her, but now she is healthy thougih abit plump. ‘Synonyms: haggard, skinny, starved, wasted toadd ornamentation cnt conte soy uth ection mati mariners Symp ado dora enn enaan Tavng fe powero soi or mafe wf and apple CrMOLyunny | Temes enti words enue i wom br Sony lng satin oo sae pial Tad or observa or xeric ou Tsang TO (im-PIR‘-kuhl) ‘Your arguments are too theoretical only empirical evidence will persuade me. ‘Synonyms: experimental, observed, practical ‘emulate to try to equal or excel; o imitate (EM-yub-leyt) He had no desire to emulate his novelist fatherand instead became an accountant. Synonyms: compete, follow, rival “ncomiumn praise, an expression of praise (e-KOH-mee-uhm) ‘The encomium from al the critics in the world did not matte so muck to her as the praise herteacher heaped on her little book. Synonyms: accolade, tribute endemic ‘characteristic of or prevalent ina group of people or region (e-DEMAk) ‘The Joshua tree is endemic to the Mojave Desert; it grows nowhere else, Synonyms: aboriginal, local, regional pT to reduce the strength of ‘The heat and humidity eneroated her so much that she did not even try to accomplish anythingon that (E-nuhe-veyt) iy Synonyms: debilitate, enfeeble, weaken ‘engender to bring into existence (eJEN-duhr) His unclear directions engendered confusion. ‘Synonyms: beget, generate, originate, produce ‘enhance to improve in quality, desirability, or value (e- HANS) Her new hairstyle did much to enhance her appearance. ‘Synonyms: augment, embellish, improve, intensify ‘enigmatic puzzling, mysterious (enig-MA-tik) He layin bed that night trying to sort out the meaning ofher enigmatic good-bye. ‘Synonyms: ambiguous, perplexing ‘ennui ‘feeling of weariness (ahn-WEE) Despite the wealth of opportunities available to me, I could not shake the feling of ennui at the very thought of starting another job. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 17 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Leas} ‘Synonyms: boredom, dullness, languor ‘enunclate (ce-NUHN-see-eyt) to pronounce clearly; to announce will enunciate my intentions only ater my plans are settled. Synonyms: articulate; declare, proclaim ‘ephemeral Tasting a short time (-FEM-uh-rubl) Pleasure may be ephemeral, but so is pain Synonyms: brief, fleeting, momentary, passing ‘equanimity ‘mental stability under stress (ekwuh-Ni-muh-tee) ‘The secret to her equanimity was that no matter how muck she had to do, she always got enough sleep. ‘Synonyms: calmness, composure, equilibrium, serenity equivocate (-KWh-vub-key®) to speak without committing oneself Where I ask this next question, don’t equivocate; just say directly what ison your mind, Synonyms: dodge, evade, prevaricate ‘errant given to wandering; tending toerr (EH-ruhat) ‘The errant child soon lost her ony. Synonyms: meandering, rambling, straying fallible erudite Tearned (ERyub-dahyt) ‘The professor was erudite, not only in her ovo field of scholarship but also in twentethcentury poetry. Synonyms: educated, knowledgeable, studious ‘eschew to avoid, especially for ethical or practical reasons (eSHOO) A strict vegetarian, she eschews eggs and dairy products in addition to meat and fish Synonyms: abstain, renounce, shun essay toattempt, to try (eSEY) Ihave essayed neither rock climbing nor sky diving, and probably never will try either activity. Synonyms: test, undertake ‘esoteric Known only by the initiated (e-suh-TEH-rik) ‘The symbolism ofthe Tarct is hardly as esoteric as you might think, Synonyms: arcane, hidden, occult ‘capable of being estimated; worthy of respect estimable We practiced hard that week to prepare to (EStuk-muh-buhl) | face an estimable opponent. ‘Synonyms: admirable, reputable, respectable eulogy a speech or piece of writing given in honor of someone who has died (YOO-1uh-jee) Each of his five sons gave a brief and moving eulogy at his funeral Synonyms: tribute caphenion the use of a neutral or vague word or phrase to replace a word or phrase that might offend or (YOO-fuh-mi-zuhm) seem harsh or unpleasant “To pass away” is a common euphemism for"to die.” ‘Synonyms: circumlocution, delicacy, pretense ‘evanescent (e-vuh-NEH-suhnt) like vapor, tending to fade or vanish ‘Young people do no! know just how evanescent youth is. Synonyms: fleeting, passing, temporary, transient to give evidence of, reveal evince ‘That he was able to read when he was only (-VINS) three years old evinced his intelligence and ‘eagerness to learn. ‘Synonyms: demonstrate, display, indicate, manifest, show evocative tending to call forth or suggest emotion or ideas (-VO-kuh-tiv) ‘Though the paintings were abstract, they were evocative of desert landscapes. Synonyms: expressive, suggestive ‘exacerbate (ig-ZA-subr-beyt) to make worse ‘The couple was deep in debt, and so the loss of her job only exacerbated their problems Synonyms: aggravate, infuriate intensify ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 18 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE to call for and obtain, demand exact ‘The coach wos so successful because she (ig ZAKT) «exacted the best fort from her teams. Synonyms: compel, require er detestable, very bad He was sentenced to a lifein prison for his ‘execrable crimes. ‘Synonyms: abominable, disgusting, horrible, loathsome to clear from guiltor blame (EK-si-kruh-bubl) exculpate Not only was she exculpated ofthe charge tha she had cheated on the test, but her (EK-skuhl-peyt) ‘ eys) teacher apologized profusely Synonyms: absolve, exonerate, vindicate exhort to advise oF urge strongly (ig-Z0RT) Though he exhorted his students to attend his evening study sessions, they were porly attended Synonyms: admonish, beseech, encourage, recommend ‘existential having to do with being and existence (¢g-2i-STEN-shuhl) | The philosopher's concerns were existential she questioned how and why human life came to be. exigency that which is necessary in a given situation: an urgent situation (EK-suhyjuhn-see) | He was ill prepared for the exigencies of life abroad. Synonyms: necessity, requirement; crisis, emergency ‘exonerate to clear from blame; to relieve of a responsibility (ig-2O-nuh-reyt) | Wewere relieved tobe exonerated of our cleaning duties that weekend. Synonyms: absolve, exonerate, vindicate; discharge, liberate cexpiate to make amends (Ek-spee-eyt) To expate for their vandalism, they painted a beautiful mural over the graft. Synonyms: atone, compensate, rectify optcan to explain in detail Inher term paper, sheesplicted the meaning of The Rime ofthe Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor (EKS-pli-keyt) Cede Synonyms: analyze, clarify, interpret ‘expository ‘conveying information or explanations (&-SPO-zub-taw-ree) | She enjoyed expository writing so much that she decided fo pursue a career asa journalist ‘Synonyms: explanatory, informative ‘extemporancous made, done, or said at the spur of the moment (ek-stem-puh-REY- | His extemporaneous speech wus both funnier and more moving than his colleague's carefully planned one. nee-uhs) Synonyms: impromptu, improvised, unrehearsed 5 ‘o destroy at the roots extirpate nites ‘The new police chief was determined to (Exstuhrpeyt) cextirpate crime from the city Synonyms: annihilate, demolish, eradicate, exterminate, extinguish ‘coming from without, extra, ‘Address the main topic only; leave out any ‘extraneous details, however entertaining they might be. ‘Synonyms: additional, external, foreign, superfluous, unessential ‘extrapolate to infer, predict, or project based on given information (kSTRA-pub-leyt) | Be careful not to extrapolate to wildly from the survey results; tick close tothe data, Synonyms: conclude, envision extraneous (ek STREY-nee-uhs) eure! originating from without (kSTRIN) ‘The movie reminded the critic of his childhood, but he recognized that these memories were extrinsic to the 9 quality ofthe film itself Facet Page 19 of 168 Repation rte nated ae of is matali prised yh erg as of Ida he 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Leas} (ubSEE-shuhs) The facetious tone of the guide regarding frst aid woas at odds with the serous of fs purpose. Synonyms: amusing, frivolous, humorous Taclitate to make easier (Guh-SHlun-teyt) To facilitate the discussion, please aise your hand if you wish to speak. Synonyms: aid, assist, expedite, promote Tallacy ‘a deceptive or mistaken idea or belief (FAduh-see) tise fallacy to belive that humans evolved from chimpanzees; we do share a common ancestor, however. Synonyms: delusion, error, misconception Tallow Teft uncultivated, inactive (FA-toh) ‘The farmer lt that feld lie fallow this year so that it would not be depleted. Synonyms: dormant, idle, resting Tatuous foolish (FA-choo-uhs) His fatwous comments during the interoew made him seem untrustoortty, and so he was not hired. Synonyms: idiotic, mindless, ridiculous, silly a showing affection or seeking favor through flattery wns Unable fo trust the fewning attitudes of those around her, the celebrity relied on her family and oldest (FAW-ning) frends Synonyms: flatering, ingratiating, pandering Telicitous well expressed or well suited (G-Lisub-tuhs) Her felicitous remarks put the students at ease before the ts. Synonyms: apt, appropriate Tervent intense (FUHR-vuhng) His feroent admiration of her went nreturned; she found him uninteresting. Synonyms: ardent, heartfelt, passionate “libuster the use of obstruction to prevent action, especially the passage of a law (FLlub-bub-stuhe) | Due to the filzbuster by just one senator, there was no vole on the bill. Synonyms: delay, hindrance, interference, opposition flag to lose interest or spirit (Gag) Seeing that their enthusiasm forthe hike was flagging, the guide decided that it as time to take a break: Synonyms: dwindle, slump, wane Hedging a beginner (LE}ing) Jam tearning Chinese, but Vm just «fledgling speaker, having studied the language for only six months. Synonyms: novice, rookie lout to neglect or treat with scom (out) She showed her disrespect for her teachers by luting their rules. Synonyms: distain, disregard, insult foment to promote the growth of ‘The newspaper editor was accused offomenting rebellion by publishing stories that were highly critical of (foh-MENT) an government Synonyms: agitate, cultivate, encourage, foster Torestall to hinder or delay (fohr STAWL) ‘The actions thatthe police took to forestall a riot might actually have caused it to occur. Synonyms: prevent, thwart Pan lucky, happening by a lucky chance (awe-TOO-utuns) | Teter on he ay of he marathon could ota ben more frtious: pry cody and col ut Synonyms: accidental, fortunate Par tending to be quarrelsome or troublesome (FRAK shuts) Th bys ha rept for eing tons bt I ever then be anything ote than ple and we Synonyms: unruly, rebellious, wayward, wild ‘ragality the tendency to be sparing with money and other resources, not wasteful (fro0-GA-tub-tee) _| Her tendency to indulge in expensive shoes contrasted wit her frugality in all other matters. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 20-07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of India 2 hee 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE ‘Synonyms: conservation, economy, prudence Tulminate to denounce strongly (Gubl-muhNEYT) | The preacher fudminated against gambling and other forms of idleness and waste. Synonyms: attack, condemn, criticize Pra characterized by excess The fulsome celebration disgusted her; she would have preferred to enjoy her birthday quietly with family. (FUHL-sum) ‘Synonyms: excessive, extravagant, grandiloquent done secretly or in an underhanded way furtive They sole many furtive glances into the guarded room but saw nothing, (FUHR+tiv) Synonyms: cunning sy, stealthy futile useless FYOO-tuhl or FYOO- | Their eforts to build a dam were futile, and their home was completely flooded. tahy) Synonyms: hopeless, ineffective, pointless gainsay to declare to be untrue (GEYN-sey) You cannot gainsay the fct that though he has much more to learn, he has improved a reat deal. Synonyms: contradict, deny, dispute, oppose talkative, generally in a rambling or annoying way garrulous Ives hoping to rest during the ight, but unfortunately I as seated next fo a garrulous young man (GARub-luhs) Synonyms: diffuse, verbose, word lacking good manners or tac, especially due toa lack of experience Jam embarrassed to think how gauche it was for me to have brought up that sensitive topic in the middle gauche of the dinner party. Gohsh) Synonyms: awkward, crude, insensitive, maladroit ‘genial friendly, sympathetic GEE-nyuhi) His genial manners were the result of grea effort as he actully tended tobe rather grouchy. Synonyms: cheerful, cordial, easygoing, gracious, kind germane relevant, appropriate Guke-MEYN) Because your concems are germane tothe tpic ofthe meting, [would lik task you to speak frst. Synonyms: applicable, connected, fitting, related ib informal, without thought or sincerity tatty His gib comment might have been insulting, except tha everyone knew that he generally did not mean ‘what he said. Synonyms: flip offhand, slick ‘goad to urge (Gohd) Synonyms: encourage, init, stimulate gemiiogamoe Tofty or extravagant manner, especially in speech (gran-Diluh-kwuhns) ‘The children giggled at the grandiloguence ofthe principal's speech on the first day of school; it would ‘have been beter for him to speak more simply. ‘Synonyms: bombast, grandiosity, pomposity ‘gregarious tending to be social (GH-GAR-ce-uhs) A gregarious young woman, she held dinner parties at her home every Friday, ‘Synonyms: convivial, friendly, outgoing ‘guilelese innocent, without deceit ayLuhs) isphone cl tohisexginiend us uly guise simply ante oko wheter oro he was ‘Synonyms: honest, frank, sincere, straightforward guise appearance; style of dress (gahyz) ‘The spy gained entry tothe office in the guise ofa job applicant. Synonyms: facade, posture, pretense gullible easily duped (GUH-Wuh-bun)) hope that you are not so gullible as to belive a single word of his tall tales. Synonyms: naive, trusting ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 21 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2 fe 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Lees Trackneyed lacking originality (HAK-need) ‘The eitics pared the film because of ts hackneyed boy-meets-girl plot. Synonyms: banal, cliche stale, trite a ‘alm, peaceful HAL ones) ove the haleyon days of mid-August, while we are still on vacation and before the mad rush of reparations for schoo Begins. Synonyms: soothing, tranquil Tall owed holy, sacred (HAtohd) ‘The cemetery grounds are hallowed by those who are buried there Synonyms: blessed, venerated arant haranguc We were taken aback by his bitter harangue against youth. GrulrRANG) Synonyms: diatribe, jeremiad, tirade Trarrowing extremely distressing or difficult (HAR-ob-ing) Watching the horror movie was harrowing to her; she had no idea how her boyfriend could have enjoyed it Synonyms: distressing, excruciating, grievous, terifying Tredonism devotion to pleasure, the doctrine that pleasure isthe greatest good (HEE-dub-ni-zuhm) ‘The hedonism of fraternity life enticed him. Synonyms: debauchery, indulgence hegemony pervasive influence or authority (biJE-mub-nee) ‘The cultural hegemony of the United States reaches every corner of the world. Synonyms: command, domination, power heretical departing from accepted beliefs, characterized by heresy (huh-RE+ti-kuhl) [mn the Middle Ages, it was dangerous to profess heretical belief Synonyms: dissident, unorthodox heterodox ‘contrary to an accepted standard, tradition, or belief, especially in religion (HE-tub-rub-doks) homogeneous (hoh-muh-JEE-nee- uhs or hhoh-muh-JEE-nyuhs) hubris (HYOO-bris) hyperbole (hahy-PUHR-buh-lee) She holds the heterodox view thatthe cxpacity for empathy evolved in humans before language did. Synonyms: dissident, unconventional, unorthodox Tt took some time for him to get used to the homogeneous population of his rew home; he was accustomed to the diversity of the city. Synonyms: alike, consistent, uniform arrogance, pride Ittakes a certain amount of hubris to ran forthe ofc ofthe president ofthe United States Synonyms: audacity, presumption, vanity composed of parts that are al alike: extravagant and intentional exaggeration His claim that too hi years to end the Book was hyperbole: it actually took him only to weks to finish. Synonyms: embellishment, hype, overstatement ‘one who attacks accepted beliefs or iconoclast institutions (@hy-KO-nub-Klast) | Charles Darwin delayed publication of the work introducing his theory of evolution for years, perhaps anticipating that he would be seen as an iconoclast. Synonyms: dissident, heretic, radical, rebel idolatry excessive or Blind devotion (ahy-DO-luh-tree) Her devotion to the pop star bordered om idolatry; her bedroom woas covered with images of hime cut from magazines. Synonyms: adoration, adulation, fervor Tmbroglio (im-BROHL-yoh) ‘a complicated situation oF painful misunderstanding, scandal ‘The election devolved into an imbroglio, in which each side accused the other of fraud. Synonyms: brouhaha, dispute, quandary imminent ready or about to occur ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 22.01 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of India a fe 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE (Ganuk-nuhnt) Her departure is imminent —ask her now! Synonyms: approaching, forthcoming, impending. Tmmutable ‘ot subject to change (-MYOO-tuh-bubl) ‘They proclaimed their immutable devotion to each other in their wedding vows. ‘Synonyms: constant, enduring, permanent, perpetual, unchangeable impair to damage (im-PAIR) Better to wear the ugly safety goggles than to sufer an injury that could impair your vision. Synonyms: diminish, harm, hurt, injure Timpassive ‘not subject to pain, without feeling or emotion (im-PA-siv) ‘Though he seemed impassive at the collapse of his company, his wife could see that he was in despair. ‘Synonyms: apathetic, dispassionate, stoic, unmoved Tmpecunious having little or no money (im-pi-KYU-nee-uhs) ‘The impecunious poet believed he woas far happier than the wealthiest businessperson. ‘Synonyms: destitute, impoverished, penniless, poor impede tohinder, get in the way of (im-PEED) ‘An unexpected visi from friends from: out of town impeded on her plan to paint the ving room. ‘Synonyms: hamper, interfere, obstruct impermeabe incapable of being penetrated or passed through (im-PUHR-mee-uh- bul) ‘The jacket is coated with a substance that renders it impermeable by wate. Synonyms: impassable, impervious Imperturbable (im-pubr-TUHR-buh- buh!) ‘mpervious (im-PUHR-vee-uhs) incapable of being disturbed By maintaining an imperturbable air throughout the crisis, she emerged asa steady and trustworthy leader. ‘Synonyms: calm, composed, immovable, unexcited not allowing entrance, incapable of being harmed or disturbed He was impervious to criticism, wohich enabled him to experiment freely in his artwork. ‘Synonyms: immune, resistant, unaffected Tmpetuous (im-PE-chuh-wuhs) passionately impulsive Her impetuous decision to goto Braail took a moment to make, and transformed her life forever. ‘Synonyms: impassionate, spontaneous, unexpected impossible to appease ee cpu) | Aleut em ha ben inated frm contention nthe plait proved tba impale cppenert Synonyrn:infleble, merciless, relents, uncompromising unyielding nbelievable implausible (im-PLAW-2i-buhll) He might have gotten away with the prank if his cover story had not been so implausible. ‘Synonyms: improbable, inconceivable, incredible, unreasonable implied, existing as a potential within impli ny Imp the many warnings that preceded ter trp waste fact tat ther destination ws a dangerous ace Synonyms understood, latent implode to violently collapse inward (im PLOHD) The bili sucdenly imploded under he weight ofthe sow Synonym cave in, fold Tapa freedom from purislanent ox barat (im-PYCO-nub-tee) Because his father was the headmaster, he thought he could break the rules with impunity. ‘Synonyms: freedom, license, privilege Tnadvertent (is-uhd-VUHR-tuhnt) unintentional, characterized by lack of thought oF attention ‘The error was both inadvertent and entastrophic. Synonyms: careless, negligent, thoughtless inchoate (a KOH-uhy) not yet developed, incompletely formed ‘The first draft of her novel was an inchoate ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 23.07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of India a hee 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Leas} ‘ess; with too years of revision she transformed 1 into a masterpiece ‘Synonyms: amorphous, formless, incoherent, rudimentary ‘coming into being incipient AL this travel le r is time, our travel plans are only incipient; check with us again next week and we will be abl to tell (rSi-pee-uhnt) ‘you exactly where we are going and when. Synonyms: developing, inchoate, nascent incongruous ‘out of place, lacking harmony, inconsistent (ia-KON-gruh-wuhs) Her genius was such that she could compose a work for such incongruous instruments asa banjo and saxophone and have it sound not just beautiful, but inspired. ‘Synonyms: conflicting discordant, incompatible inconsequential (e-kon-suh-KWEN- shuhl) ‘unimportant ‘The paper was so brilliant thatthe few lapses in spelling and punctuation were inconsequential. Synonyms: insignificant, irrelevant, negligible, trivial incorporate (i-KOR-puh-reyt) to include, to unite in one body; to embody I will incorporate your ideas into the next draft ofthe plan. ‘Synonyms: assimilate, combine, integrate indeterminate (-di-TUHR-mub- rut) not fixed or defined, vague ‘The CEO was of an indeterminate age: she had gray hair anda lined face but spoke and moved with the energy ofa teenager. ‘Synonyms: indefinite, uncertain, undetermined, unsettled indifferent unbiased; not interested or concerned (n-Di-fruhnt) Indifferent to the results ofthe election, many voters stayed home. Synonyms: detached, disinterested, unconcerned; apathetic indigence ‘complete poverty (N-di-juhnts) ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE ‘Synonyms: allude, intimate, mention insipid lacking taste, dull (in-St-puhd) He may have been a charming perform, but the music he played was insipid and ull ofc Synonyms: banal, inane, vapid isolation; narrow-mindedness insularity GieayuteLAcruie)_| Tinsley ofr ls we undertndai— you cooled jt hwo the wl shad ‘Synonyms: bigotry, parochialism, provinciality intangible ‘not tangible, incapable of being touched (i TANJjuh-buhl) |The things she loved best were intangible: sunny mornings and moonlit nights. ‘Synonyms: immaterial, impalpable, incorporeal toad words intoa conversation or text Beanery | leet ds ae ont hat tpt io or Syndyms: net ser, ina ‘communi ideally Gtutneyy | Dil yon ona do na dere te Synonym imply, gest inwactable Thesis item sot hd gre som natal but liek GietRAKetu-buh) | er crnuged ero rad ea! eps airs hr Syn: cbt subborn resi to conpronie inransgent Tempra i sho of ng GieTRAN sui | tno ene of be a a uy change is position fer seing he reise te poll Synonyms: inflexible obstinate resolute, stubborn, tenacious Tooking inward at one’s own thoughts and feelings introspection Arlo generally spent the last hour ofeach day in quiet introspection, sometimes listening to music and (in-trubSPEK-shuhn) | sometimes writing in his journal. Synonyms: contemplation, reflection a courageous itp) |Past te oth PO eal nr tal often Pr were fortunate, and some died in the attempt. ‘Synonyms: bold, brave, fearless Tnundate to flood or overwhelm (Emutneyt) ‘After her conroversia spec, She mayo’ office was inated wit eters, both pro and on Synonyms bury, drown, engull, immerse, overflow, submerge imal accustomed fo difficulty or pai -NYOORD) By the md of amuay, wee ire othe darkness nd lof he northern winter. Synonyms: hardened toughened sbusive language en The invective ahe heaped on her colleague was completely out of proportion with the mal rte she had made. ‘Synonyms: berating, diatribe, tirade to protest or complain Several teachers wrote leters tothe eior to inveigh against the proposed school budget cuts ‘Synonyms: admonish, denounce towin over or obtain inveigle ‘The twins tried every trick in the book to (reVEY-guhl) inveigle permission from their parents to goto bed later. Synonyms: beguile, entice, manipulate, wheedle inveterate firmly established as a habit, practice, or feeling (in-VEH-tuh-ruht) | An inveterate gambler, he gradually lost everything he owned over the course ofa decade. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 25.07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi fee ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ERSM 01. 8 Creinrage net age > Leas ‘Synonyms: chronic, confirmed, entrenched, habitual Trascible having a hot temper, easily angered (-RA-suh-buhl) ‘To ur surprise, our irascible neighbor lightened up aftr he adopted astray dog. Synonyms: cranky, fractious, grouchy, irritable, touchy not not sure how to act irresolute Herman was iresolut in all things, from (-RE-zub-loo!) deciding what to eat for breakfast to choosing which college to attend. Synonyms: doubtful, hesitant, indecisive, tentative, uncertain, vacillating, itinerant going from place to place (ahy-TI-nub-rubnt) ‘The itinerant preacher usually passed through our town in August ‘Synonyms: nomadic, unsettled, vagrant, wandering. showing or feeling resentment or hostility Pa ‘She walked around the gallery with a jaundiced air bitter that her paintings were not among the work AWN-duhsd) Motdeoentn Pains 8 Synonyms: bitter, envious Jocose tending to joke, characterized by joking (Guh-KOHS) Your jocose spirits have certainly brightened my day! Synonyms: humorous, jesting, merry, playful, with juggernaut a large and powerful movement or object that destroys anything in its path Gulegubr-NAWT) ‘The radio personality became a political juggernaut that those in office had to reckon with. junta a group ruling a country after having seized power, a council (HOON-tuh) He was the only member of the junta who had not participated directly inthe coup. ‘Synonyms: assembly, faction juxtapose to place together, side by side Guhk-stuh-POHZ) | She liked to juxtapose contrasting images in her poems. Synonym: connect ‘kudos fame earned or praise given for an accomplishment (KOO-dohs) Her colleagues gave her kudos forthe welldeserved promotion. Synonyms: credit, esteem Taconic using few words (ub-KO-nik) His laconic replies ofa sentence or two unfairly earned him a reputation for being rude. Synonyms: brusque, concise, succinct Tambaste toattack violently or verbally (am-BAST) In the days lending up to the game, she lambasted her opponent with a series of insults and threats. ‘Synonyms: berate, censure given to lust; arousing desire lascivious Though they show nudes, these paintings are not intended tobe lascivious. (ubSl-vee-uhs) Synonyms: lewd, lustful, wanton a a lack of energy, weariness (Lvaulrtood) Her laste citing He winter conrad gety wither energy and igh pnts dring the spring ant Synonyms: fatigue, languor, lethargy, listlessness Taud to praise (law) At the award ceremony, the philanthropist woas lauded for her generosity. ‘Synonyms: acclaim, celebrate, extol Tethargic drowsy, sluggish (ub-THAHR ik) We could not help but fel lethargic on that hot, humid, August afternoon Synonyms: indolent, lazy, listless Tevee ‘an embankment designed to prevent flooding (LEH-vee) ‘The levee held back the river, even through the record-breaking rainfall ‘Synonyms: bank, dam Tevity a lightness of character, attitude, or behavior ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 26 01 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2 [a 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE (CERvitee) “The professor's jokes brought some levity fo his discussion ofthe otheroise dll topic Synonyms: buoyancy, frivolity Tberal ‘characterized by generosity; not strict tending to support political Hberalism (L-bub-ruh)) Asa philanthropist, he was liberal, often giving large gifts to his favorite causes. ‘Synonyms: altruistic, benevolent; progressive Tibertine a free thinker, one who is unbound by convention or morality (L-buhr-teen) ‘Though she tous a serious student, she was a libertine when it came to food and wine, Synonym: debauchee sexual drive = He claimed that he had an uncontrollable libido, and could not therefore be expected to be faithful to just (ub-BEE-doh) tne gen Synonyms: lust, passfon Titany ‘lengthy account or recitation {Liab nee) TTovisit Mrs. Earnshaw was to subject oneself to a litany of complaints about everything — from her long dead husband to the neighbor's dog. Synonyms: catalogue, petition Tog the record of a voyage or of other events or activities (awe) ‘They studied the captain’ log in the hopes of discovering when and how the ship went astray. Synonyms: account, journal, register Toquacious tending to or characterized by excessive talk (loh-KWEY-shuhs) Emily's loquacious roommate constantly distracted her from her studies. ‘Synonyms: talkative, verbose, wordy Tueid full of light; clear to the understanding (LOO-suhd) We were confident in our ability to complete the task after her lucid explanation of what needed tobe done. ‘Synonyms: bright, brilliant, radiant, shining-evident, intelligible, obvious Tuminous illuminated in or shining with light (LOO-mub-nuhs) ‘The full moon cast a luminous path of light acros the ocean to the horizon, Synonyms: bright brilliant, glowing, radiant, shining Tustrous radiantly glowing (LUHS-truhs) We polished the floors until they took on a lustrous sheen. ‘Synonyms: luminous, polished, shining, ‘Machiavellian ‘characterized by cunning and duplicity (ma-keo-uh-VEH-lee- un) Her plan fo win the election was truly “Machiavellian: she made many promises that she had no intention of keeping once she was in office. Synonyms: deceitful, devious, unscrupulous ‘machination (ma-kuh-NEY-shun) ‘magnanimity (omag-nu-NI-miteo) ‘an artful or scheming act or design, which is aimed at an evil purpose Al his machinations were aimed at framing her for the crime that he himself had committed. ‘Synonyms: conspiracy, intrigue, strategem. the possession of a courageous spirit and noble mind Her magnanimity was such that she never gossiped or even worried what others sad about her. ‘Synonyms: chivalry, generosity, philanthropy ‘malevolent (muh-LE-vub-luhnt) ‘characterized by ill will or hatred His angry glare gave away his malevolent intentions. ‘Synonyms: evil, hateful, vicious, vindictive inalign to speakill of fen falsely (eleLAGIYN) | They maligned er academic record wit fs ports fret. Synonym defame, misrpreseny, sander, to pretend ines n order o avoid an ae gun) | Obgation or work ; His lingering cos i thereof many whom he ad et dn Synonyms: dodge, evae, shirk imalleable capable of being shaped or inuenced (MA-lee-uh-buhl) Her opinions were so malleable that she tended to agree with whomever she had spoken to most recently. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 27 0f 168) Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2 Ja 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Leas} ‘Synonyms: adaptable, pliable, supple, yielding ‘martial having to do with war or military life (MAHR-shubl) His years in the Marines were apparent in his martial bearing. Synonyms: military, soldierly, warlike ‘maverick ‘an independent or dissenting individual (MAV-2ik) ‘The senator's reputation for being a maverick was unearned; he tended fo vote with his party Synonyms: dissenter, nonconformist a collection of animals or the place where they are exhibited; a varied group of people ‘menagerie CauteNAuen) | OPe the pat centr thi zo grown om he menagerie of toga Bnfcor to ret rseach Synonyms: collection, exhibition ‘mendacious Dishonest (men-DEY-shuhs) | Though the widely spread rumor of his affair was proven to be mendacious, it ruined his political carcer. ‘Synonyms: deceitful, false, insincere ‘mercurial characterized by quickly changing moods (rwuhr-KYOOR-ce- | The foddler’s mercurial temperament improved when he began to nap more regularly ul) ‘Synonyms: changeable, erratic, fickle, flighty, unpredictable, volatile ‘mesmerize ‘Wwhypnotize s (MEZ-muh-rahyz) | The music mesmerized us with its repetitive, pulsing sounds. Synonym: spellbind ‘a change in physical form, substance, or character, metamorphosis (retunMAWR-fuk- | offen through supernatural means on Tes summertime seemed to work a metamorphosis on her, as all her anxiety about her schoolwork was Synonyms: mutation, rebirth, transformation ‘meticulous ‘aking care of details (mub-Tl-kyub-luhs) | Her meticulous approach to language served her well in her work as an editor. ‘Synonyms: exacting, finicky, fussy, painstaking, scrupulous, thorough ‘mettle strength of spirit or temperament (ME-tuh)) She showed her mettle by completing the marathon, Synonyms: courage, fortitude, stamina ‘militate to work against or fight (Mituh-teyt) ‘Though the issue was settled, they continued to militate against the mayor's choice for a deputy. ‘minuscule tiny (mi-nuhSKYOOL) | The fype was so miniscule that she needed a magnifying glass to read it Synonyms: litle, miniature, minute ‘misanthrope ‘one who tends to dislike or distrust humanity (Mi-suhn-throhp) | The hermit was a misanthrope who preferred the company of trees to that of humans Synonyms: cynic, skeptic ‘miscellany ‘a collection of different writings; varied group (@nisuh-LEY-nee) | The small volume was a miscellany of journal entries, haiku, and to-do list. isan thrope Synonyms: assortment, hodgepodge (M-suhn-throhp) ‘misogynist ‘one who hates women (mi-SOjuh-nist) He was a misogynist who tried to pay female employees less than their male counterparts. to make less hostile or severe mee ‘Though she knew that her phobia was irrational, little could be done to mitigate her fear of even the most (Mi-tuh-geyt) ferme m aaah Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, moderate, mollify ‘mnemonic ‘adj, helping the memory, related to memory (ni-MO-nik) Acronyms like PEMDAS can be useful mnemonic devices ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 28 0f 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi = fe 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE {(h) something that aids the memory use the mnemonic PEMDAS to help me remember the order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division, and addition and subtraction, Synonyms: cue, hint, prompt, reminder ‘mollify (MO-lub-fahy) to soften the temper or feeling, ‘The children’s sincere apology mollified ther offended neighbor. ‘Synonyms: appease, mellow, mitigate, pacify, placate ‘monolithic (mo-nub-LI-thik) huge, forming one giant whole ‘The monolithic statues on Easter Island are haumtting and mysterious. Synonyms: colossal, enormous, massive Boe ‘ooury qftulle in ind or temperament (iuh-ROHS) Fating Se fact hat he onsony geting older, he ans especially moroe on his birthday. Synonyms dour, melancholy pessimistic om casfy,proctcal ordinary a The philosopher coud pe brit anda ength about the mas abstract ies ut had trove aking 6 | care of such mundane matters as washing the dishes and paying the bills Synonyms: banal, common everyday, prosal, unimaginative ot pet coming ino easience (NEY suhny) The eros er the is lg ofthe ascent spring, Synonyms burgeoning, fledging, incipient ry wage (NEbyuhduhs) | Held only nebulous ideas of what ype of profession he might ike to pursue Spoor confuoed, bary indefinite, weer e to deny the trth or existence of to make nefective wea The teh’ fear is intended fo hp you improve you iting, and sould not be sen as negating oer er of eccmplidiets Synonyms annul, cancel, contradict, invalidate, nly refute reslogiam new word (nee-O-luhj-zulim) ‘The rapid development of technology in recent years has required the creation of many neologisms. Synonym: coinage ‘neophyte a beginner or new convert (NEE-ub-fabyt) ‘Though he claimed tobe an expert, he made the mistakes ofa neophye. Synonyms: novice, recruit, rookie nostalgia a state of longing forthe past (ruh-STAL juh) 1 aloays fel such nostalgia for my childhood home when I smell the scent of baking bread. Synonyms: homesickness, longing, yearning, noxious poisonous or corrupting (NOK-shuhs) ‘The burning garbage emitted noxious fumes. Synonyms: deadly, injurious, harmful, pemicious, toxic unyielding to persuasion or softening feelings; cobdurate persistent in doing wrong (OB-dub-ruht) Tough the eden show ote he sour ib is employes wer sein fom Synonyms: implacable, inflexible, obstinate, stubborn rae to confuse or make obscure ‘The more information he gave usin an attempt to clarify what he was saying, the more he actually (OB-fub-skey?) obfuscated his meaning, Synonyms: baffle, bewilder, conceal, perplex obsequious ‘characterized by fawning or servile attentiveness (ukb-SEE-kwee-uhs) | Your absequious behavior isnot going fo earn you any favors from the teacher; it would be better simply to attend to your studies. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 29 0f 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2 he 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Leas} ‘Synonyms: deferential, groveling, submissive, subservient ‘obstinate persistent in a belief or behavior, not easily remedied, changed, oF controlled (OB-stuh-nubt) ‘The obstinate toddler refused to wear shoes. Synonyms: determined, dogged, stubborn, unyielding ‘obtuse Tacking quickness or insight in perception or intelligence (ob-TOOs) | apologize for being so obtuse, but could you please explain the procedure one more time? Synonyms: dense, dull, imperceptive, stupid. ‘obviate to prevent or make unnecessary through anticipation (OB-veeeyt) (Our careful preparations fr the move obviated the expense of having the movers help us pack. ‘Synonyms: avert, hinder, preclude ‘occlude to block off or conceal (h-KLOOD) A lunar eclipse results when the Moon occles the light from the Sun. ‘Synonyms: hinder, impede, obstruct ‘odious ‘causing or deserving of hatred (OH/-dee-uhs) After they were found guilty of vandalism, the teens were punished for their odious behavior. ‘Synonyms: detestable, disgusting, loathsome, offensive, repugnant ‘offidous giving service where none was asked for Her offcious contributions to te project were morea (uh-Fl-shuhs) hindrance than a help, and we ended up having to redo much of what she had done. ‘Synonyms: intrusive, meddlesome, push a burdensome (Or nube-uhs) ‘The homeo proved fob fr lee ors than had expected, nd we sed it alin ee the an ‘Synonyms: arduous, oppressive, troublesome blocking light, dark; difficult to understand cra Th ren eigen os neh pages ong, ul het 0 page tok et hors ral Synonyms: cloudy, impendrable, murky; concealed, incomprehensible, obscure, unleae cpprobeium public digrace or somthing that causes dagrace (uh-PRO-bree-uhm) | Fearing the opprobrium that would result if hs secrets were revealed, he quietly left town, never to return. Synonyms: dishonor, disrepute, infamy to swing back and forth; to vary in opinions, beliefs, or conditions esc ‘perl ny ects ver, he od raf etn bloc rede gout dancing ed Onsite) fifi es mug opted Symon: uate vat ra farce by showy or planus Spay Her philanthropy alays struck me as ostentatious: done ta impress others rather than forthe purpose of. (ostuhn-TEY-shuhs) | Mn (osu ) | giving itself Synonyms: conspicuous, extravagant, flamboyant, flashy ‘pacar ‘a song of praise, thanksgiving, or tiumph (PEE-uha) Beethoven's “Ode to Joy” is a paean tothe kinship of all humanity. ‘Synonyms: anthem, hymn, laud, ode pallid lacking color or energy (PA-uhd) Brad claimed that he felt jst fine, but his pallid skin indicated otherwise Synonyms: dull, pale, wan anexample of exelience Paragon ‘Assent, Cans out to Bea paragon, bt her English teacher noticed hats excelled only (PAR-uh-gon) because she refused to take any risks. Synonyms: epitome, exemplar, nonparl, standard oroty 2 work of itrature, musi, heater ori that imitates the le of another, or humorous or {PAR Fone) sata eect te enor performed a parody of Hare that had ws alin stiches. Synonyms caricature spoot ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 30-07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2 hee 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE partisan (PAHR-tuh-zubn) ‘committed to or biased toward a party, cause, or person It seems that partisan politics are geting inthe way ofthe ability of Congress to get anything done. ‘Synonyms: factional, partial, prejudiced pathological caused by or symptomatic of disease or mental disturbance {PecthulLO;ickuh) | His dread of travel ws so extreme ast sem pathological, scarily Fa ee Te pity of information aout the regi has el mamy myths to ae hold eb it and tase hie fee ‘Synonyms: dearth, deficiency, lack a tho art ox cence of tracing (PEH-duh-goh-jee) A successfil teacher neds both a through grounding iis or her subject are and a soli understanding of peagesy. Synonyms: education, stud pedantic ostentatious and unimaginative in one’s Tearning (pi DAN-tik) ‘You might excite more of your students if your approach to your subject were less pedantic. Synonyms: academic, didactic, scholastic ‘penchant ‘a strong inclination (PEN-chuhnt) With her penchant for working with her hands, she is likely to enjoy her new job at the botanic garden. Synonyms: fondness, liking, tendency ‘penury extreme poverty (PEN-yuh-ree) He spent his childhood in a state of such penury that it affected his health for the rest of his life. ‘Synonyms: dearth, destitution, indigence, scarcity peremplory allowing of no contradiction; characterized by arrogance (puh-REMP-tuh-ree) After his promotion, his peremptory attitude toward his former colleagues alienated them from him. ‘Synonyms: imperative, unconditional; dictatorial, imperious Tasting a long time, persistent, constant perennial Theis complaint was that did not b ae ir perennial complaint was that management did not budget sufficient resources for them to do their (ub-RE nee) ery Synonyms: continuing, everlasting, perpetual, recurrent perfidy ‘an act of disloyalty, treachery (PUHR-tuh-dee) His scoring a touchulown for the opposing team was not an act of perfidy so much as a stupid mistake. Synonyms: betrayal, duplicity, infidelity perfunctory done in a routine, superficial or indifferent way (puhr-FUHINGK-tuh- | Maggie's perfunctory greeting indicated that we were not the visitors she was hoping to see. ree) Synonyms: automatic, mechanical, offhand, unthinking permeable able to be permeated or penetrated (PUHR-mee-ub-buhl) | We cannot use this fabric to make a tent because it i permeable o water. Synonyms: absorbent, penetrable, porous pernicious destructive or deadly (puhr-Nishuhs) ‘These pernicious lies could ruin more than just your career. ‘Synonyms: detrimental, harmful, injurious, noxious, ruinous perspicacious extremely perceptive (puhr-spuh-KAY- | The perspicacious child knew long before he as told that his mother was pregnant again. shuhs) Synonyms: discerning, intelligent, keen, shrewd Perturb to disturb mentally (puhr-TUHRE) {Lunas so perturbed ly that movie that Ihad nightmares every night for more than a week afterward. ‘Synonyms: agitate, derange, trouble, unsettle, upset peruse to study with attention to detail; to look over casually (puh-Rooz) Please peruse the report carefully before the meeting. ‘Synonyms: analyze, examine, inspect; browse, scan, skim pewade to become spread throughout ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 31 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2/8 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: Saeed Lees (puheVEVD) The ae of i kom cogs pean ery corner of eo Syonymes dfs, infuse, permeate petulant caracterized by rudeness ori humor (PE-chuhtuhes) | The petulant hid just nade some est after her nap, she ws perfectly cher Synonyms: crabby, fractious, grouchy, irtabe, mood} Raving an unexcitibe or sluggish temperament phlegmatic ‘The brothers could not have been any more different: whereas Tom wus loud and quick tempered, Tim was (fleg-MA-tik) phlegmatc. ane * Synonyms: apathetic, dispassionate indifferent, lethargic, unemotional ‘how ‘aracterized by religious devotion or By conspicuous and Kypociial vue 7 (ur pons neighor gob church every dy. (PAHY-uhs) Synonyms: devout, religious, reverent, rahiegus saneionious, scraps to long painfully often for something unafainaBle; Pine) to waste away from grief (payhn) ‘The new father pined for his family Unrough his ist day back to work after the birth of hs child. ‘Synonyms: grieve, yearn. irae to fa or reproduce without the aight fo do = Wedit not pate he reorings; the band (PAHY-ruht) ‘gave us permission to distribute their work. Benny copy, platiarns, al "ity brief and meaningul Benjamin Franklins proverbs are pithy (Pithee) statements about living wel. Spore ceed, expressive, irked, cine, tree ‘acute tocar poclyeopecally by giving concesions a Toplacte he disppoted en, te teacher promised hat the outing would be rescheduled fr a tine (PLEY-key ser the rain cleared. Srnec appeme, asa, conte oli soothe ae expresing scctow Te panto call of the lon seemed tobe ling of our own sadness on the morning wf the lake for (PLEYNtw) ep Synonyms: melancholy, mournful plasticity the capacity tobe changed or molded fplaSTIsutvtee) | The ple dvgh os much ofits patty after just me day, and te ling dy it ws as hard as rock Spr calleatitiy,pliatey ers 2 Banal or tite statement Pansy | sir rt my mina hen tr rf pte atl cfr at Synonym: commonplace a ercte ox abundance of plethora snes plethora egtales athe (PLE-thub-ruh) farmers’ market overwhelmed us; we had no iden what to choose. Synonyms glut, surplus a ‘ofall or drop sharply and suddenly Plummet Inher error of igs, she kept imaging (PLUH-maht) herself plummeting from the edge of the loft, even though a harrier made it nearly impossible to fll off Synonym collapse, plunge a controversial: tending toward dlspules or coniToversy Gessner any ony eo ear Synonyms argumentative, contentious param Taving pores, permeable to Haida (POH uns) Some rks ie pumice, are actually porous and can aor water. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 32.07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi EE Oo ane ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 §LEGALEDGE Synonym, petals pagal ened ward paca Gere tsk) | Ourpgmati moter peed rece fl is forbid. Synanins busine ein iran ale chatter or babble trea The pron gh of he sudens fled Ms. Shp’ clsrom Synonym ie tak prea ons depenent on unary ance Geumeiances {peketeceuns) | Ht posin a he cmpany lines pcos moe and moreofter calles eel. Synonym conngey, nec prous cha, uncale reine Toca toring bout ina vshed or sudden way to come Ou OT |CLAT: Saeed Leas} (PRO-di-guhl) ‘Nature ts prodigal in its resources; unfortunately, humanity is prodigal m using those resources. ‘Synonyms: excessive, extravagant; bountiful prodigious Inspiring wonder; extraordinary in size or degree (prub-Dijubs) ‘They celebrated the grand wedding with a prodigious feast. ‘Synonyms: exceptional, extraordinary, fabulous, marvelous; huge, enormous profligate given to dissipation or extravagance (PRO-fi-guht) “After your profligate behavior all serestr long, how could you expect anything but the poorest grades? ‘Synonyms: corrupt, immoral, licentious, shameless, wanton profuse ‘abundant without restraint (pruh-FYOOS) ‘Their profuse compliments were as unexpected as they were welcome, Synonyms: excessive, generous, liberal, plentiful prolific abundantly productive, fertile (pruk-LLfik) ‘She is not only a talented writer, but prolific, completing one or two novels every yen, Synonyms: bountiful, fruitful, teeming propensity ‘a natural tendency or preference (pruh-PEN-suh-tee) havea propensity to eat too much when Iam nervous. ‘Synonyms: inclination, predilection, proclivity propitiate (proh-PI-shee-eyt) to gain or regain the favor of ‘To propitiate her boss, she began to bring him snacks and eofe in the afternoon. Synonyms: appease, conciliate propriety (pruk-PRAHY-uh-tee) the state of being proper or appropriate Propriety in speech was so important to him that even in his most heated moments he never used harsh language. ‘Synonyms: appropriateness, correctness, decorum, respectability dull, factual Prosaic ‘She once had romantic visions of life asthe editor ofa literary magazine; the reality was prosaic, involving (ech 26038) | rong protic on temeraenilas Snong commonplace unimaginative pros ‘ofa Gfoskasye) | Aer te accidental aloha breages were prose from te aa. Symons condemn caw, poi range chap pal oe pol ErUNuiny | Trier fd pget ‘Synonyms: acrid, biting, caustic Fae eckin or etd {oak now) | Ths manag por oe hr ns ie py fo me Synonym: allege, ar mie ‘ort ErOOanty) | Th iat fo hbo putin dao to Sronyin dcop nk pal Ted depy wih rent eye tevoo Mita tar gla rs ed Be or ei cation Synonyia: dw bbe augaie ciland at gives undeook a ic uation CeWiACrmatye) | acne maining na qaptine of Soon bg: prelinet quiay tobe nile ors parclar purpose aualied | modited reared nome way Ceovoteysy | ep ofon ttio s eiie:sol ce nlyhc fdeiee Sony capi, competent poopy sill conto contingent anal = elng of ppehenion or unenins fle for reson of conscience oF Pop throm) Heh ang pais! ong one oer eo te coy om agi fet Synongn apreenson mpg une aay mtn ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 34 07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of India ss fe 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE a) a RT —— saan ES eee Tin | generar ard ra acne Seca Top | pip ee mi ie Sr ee ea - Tam not ts ink Ba my adr con norm shal ust ne ey, ut 1 i GewikeSAH-tik) that fan mtkeadifeence. inaie or Scan | essay tt em qo om i (lovoh-T-dee-uhm) | ourselves to work. . a Se pe ay ey Tanchany |r e Le eee me et et cena ae (RER-uh-fahyd) Vivian does not share her parents’ rarefied taste for the work of minimalist composers; she prefers rock ‘x’ roll Synonyms: esoteric, lofty, select Tationale (ra-shuh-NAL) the basis of an opinion or belief Her rationale for stealing towels from hotels was that everyone else does it too. ‘Synonyms: explanation, justification, reason recalcitrant (-KAL-sub-truhnd) ‘stubbornly defiant, unmanageable, resistant ‘The class of third-grade students proved tobe recalcitrant to all the demands of the inexperienced substitute teacher. ‘Synonyms: disobedient, intractable, Uncontrollable to openly and formally withdraw or disavow a statement or belief eee Regrettable as they were, she refused to (KAN reat tera sttonrt she bad mae te ight Bere Synonymy eset vid ry Sek ar witnen fom soy (REIT Ko0s Wry sey bt els tes in he wads with only is do Synonym er monde Tedd dificult undead CReatnayy | Herbed an uch onde mars as Kanto ethic Synonyms: ser seriou, obscure profound aioababi Papitng far orp (-DOU-tuh-buhl) He is a redoubtable scholar whose works areas entertaining as they are impressive. Synonyms: awesome, eminent, formidable, illustrious resistant to authority; resistant to treatment refractory As refractory as a mle, he never earned his diploma because he refused to complete the necessary battery (ieFRAK ube) | ‘Synonyms: disobedient, rebellious, uncontrollable, unyielding shining brightly Even from a distance, the refulgent city seemed to light up the sky. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 35 07 168) Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi Page 2 /1e ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ERSM 01 8 Creinrage net age > LES (re-puh-REY-shuhn) refute To prove wrong, to deny (-FYOOT) He could not refute the evidence against him, and in the end, he confessed to the crime. Synonyms: disprove, invalidate, repudiate relegate to banish, to assign to an insignificant or inferior place or role (REluh-geyt) After the offices were renovated, oe were relegated to a central room with no windows. Synonyms: demote, displace renege to go back on a commitment (NEG) Karen reneged on her promise to come out with us only because of illness. ‘Synonym: default reparation ‘making amends for damages or a wrong In reparation for years of neglect, the town finally invested an unprecedented amount in the schools, streets, and park in its poorest neighborhood. ‘Synonyms: atonement, compensation, satisfaction (n) an expression of disapproval or the act of expressing disapproval ‘The teacher's reproaches fll om deaf ears, (RE-tuh-suhnt) reproach and the students continued fo chatter while working on ther writing (-PROHCH) Synonyms: criticism, rebuke (©) to express disapproval Trevor's mother reproached him for fain to write a thank-you noe tohis grandmother. ‘Synonyms: admonish, criticize, disparage a depraved person reprobate Te was a reprobate who occasionally even stole cash from his elderly mothe”’s purse. pariah, (RE-prub-beyt) fiend, miscreant repudiate to disown or reject (#PYOO-dee-eyt) | Consider your words carefully before you decide to publicly repudiate the claims made by your boss. Synonyms: condemn, disown, renounce rescind to take away or cancel (SIND) She could not rescind the order she had mistakenly made for a bridesmaid dress in the wrong coor. Synonyms: annul, invalidate, retract, revoke reticent tending to be uncommunicative or silent ‘Thinking her parents would not approve, Hannah toas reticent about her plans to move to Brazil Synonyms: reserved, restrained (Guh-LOO-bree-uhs) reverence feelings of honor or respect (REV-ruhnts) Bruce treated the baseball with reverence afte his favorite pitcher signed it Synonyms: awe, deference, veneration thetorie the study or art of the use of language in speech or writing (REtubsik) | the electorate did not care for his highfautin rhetoric and voted him out of office afte just one term. rue Discourse to feel regret or sorrow, to wish that something had never been (00) I rue the day that I first took up this game: I’ve found i tbe completely addictive! ‘Synonyms: deplore, grieve, mourn, regret ruse a trick (r002) What he could not get directly through hard work, he decided to acquire indirectly through a ruse. Synonyms: artifice, deceit, stratagem, subterfuge sage ‘one who is wise Gey) ‘They treated me as «sage simply for having worked there loge than anyone else. Synonyms: guru, master ‘salubrious Healthful This purportedly salubrious drink is actually hardly more than sugar water, Synonyms: beneficial, wholesome ‘sanction to approve, give permission (GANGK-shuhn) I cannot believe that your parents would sanction such rude behavior. Synonyms: allow, authorize, endorse ‘sardonic disdainfully or skeptically humorous or mocking (Gahr-DON-ik) Joseph's sardonic attitude toward his parents’ interests was sometwhat insulting, but also expected from a ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 36 07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE -ERSM 01 LEGALEDGE Teenager. Synonyms: cynical, scornful, sneering, ‘satiate to satisfy fully or supply to excess GEY-shee-eyt) This Thanksgiving dinner wil surely satiate even the hungriest of us all! ‘Synonyms: fil, gratify, indulge ‘satire the use of irony or ridicule to expose human folly (GA+tahys) ‘The novel is meant tobe a satire; the author is ridiculing the views of the characters, not endorsing them. Synonyms: irony, mockery, parody saturate to fill completely or infuse with something until nothing more can be absorbed (GA-chuh-reyt) ‘The air in and around the garden toas saturated with the scent of lilacs. Synonyms: drench, soak ‘savor to taste or smell with pleasure, enjoy (GEY-vuhs) eat lobster once every year, while I'm on vacation, and I savor it each time, Synonyms: appreciate, relish secrete to give off or release a substance or secretion such as sweat, to hide (i-KREET) ‘The tree secreted a sticky sap from the area ofthe trunk that was injured. ‘Synonyms: discharge, emit; conceal sedulous ‘characterized or produced by perseverance (GEjub-luhs) ‘Through sedulous effort, Karen mastered conversational French in just six months, Synonyms: diligent, industrious, tireless ‘sensual related to the senses, especially with the gratification of or indulgence in the senses or appetites (GEN-shuh-wuhl) | Their interest in each other was purely sensual, and so their relationship was passionate but brief Synonyms: carnal, materialistic ‘sensuous affecting the senses, aesthetically gratifying to the senses (GEN-shuh-wuhs) ‘The singer was beloved for her sensuous style. ‘Synonyms: luxurious, pleasurable =i Soon pvp Tica [STRESS a negta nr ewanion fedoet ore ee er Sa oats pean east ee late Gann | nah Hele rt ep very [ete erm adem = Sapna niveiat |CLAT: Saeed Leas} (GAWRdid) The story of his ascent fo power was a sordid one of greed, betrayal, andl even murder. Synonyms: degenerate, miserable, squalid, vile sparse thinly settled or grown, meager Gpahrs) After the long, dry summer, the grass was sparse underfoot Synonyms: inadequate, scanty, skimpy specious having the appearance of goodness or truthaattractive in a deceptive way (GPEF-shuhs) Despite her specious arguments, the candidate attracted an enthusiastic following Synonyms: false, illusory, misleading, plausible spectrum a series or range of related things or ideas (PEK-truhm) Roxanne has a wide spectrum ofieress, including everything from martial arts to bird watching. Synonyms: continuum, span spencdhaift a person who spends wastefully SEND tf) One of my uncles is frugal and has accumulated a staggering fortune, and the other ia spendthift who & has accumulated a staggering debt. Synonyms: spender, squanderer sporadic happening occasionally or irregularly (Gpub-RA-dik) ‘The children were given to sporadic burst of enthusiasm tha their teacher was determined to cultivate. Synonyms: isolated, occasionally, scattered ‘spurious ‘not genuine or true GPYOOR- ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE ‘Synonyms: flaunt, parade, swagger ‘stupely to make stupid or numb; to astonish (GTOO-pub-fahy) | This economics textbook isso dull that it stupefes more than it instructs ‘Synonyms: benumb, daze, deaden: bewilder, confound, flabbergast aye to get in the way of (STAHY-mee) Our ambitions were stymied by our lack of funds Synonyms: block, hinder, impede, obstruct, thwart ‘subpoena to make stupid or numb; to astonish (euh-PEE-nuh) ‘This economics texthook isso dull tha it stupefies more than it instructs Synonyms: benumb, daze, deaden; bewilder, confound, flabbergast syimie to get in the way of (STAHY-mee) Our ambitions were stymied by our lack of funds. ‘Synonyms: block, hinder, impede, obstruct, thwart ‘subpoena ‘a written command to appear in court (uh-PEE-nuh) | Utes the judge issues a subpoena, there is no way Iwill pear in court, Synonym: summons subside to settle down or become quiet (cuhb-SAHYD) Before long, the storm had subsided and the sun appeared. Synonyms: abate, diminish ‘substantiate to give evidence for or prove; to give form tO (Guhb-STAN-shee-eyt) It took six weeks of research for her to gather the evidence to substantiate her claims, and the resulting article won several awards. Synonyms: demonstrate, establish; embody, materialize sabi enor dnive tifa pce or desta sgh ART urea Theargunent ssa To ed te ayer es apes is coco Soames suggests peeing prep csive Chang to undermin tending overtwe Seu ins esc tue he pnp uly sus at el eaten (atb-vutisi) | Feu ont desu rebels sata Tecan ow words GanSINcK) | Hosein! tins ir mor hf an rhino 48 page mama. Sons an coo pl sr reef arp that whch ges For lp Sorat) The mocbre vne ee nc le or Synonyms: aid, assistance Pow tan wat creed oie umeesny supers Fongh'm cn ag yur pe Perfomance ws specs en oleto male musi (00-PUHR-floo-uhs) is joy enough in itself Synonyms: excessive, expendable, gratuitous to take the place or position of, displace seer ep) | te acted contr, hpi ha flowed fom Este’ ears ipesded Newtonian physics $ynonyms replace, succeed, supplant ee teak the place of, expecially by force, through Reacher, oF through upeToniy plan The rls overt he goverment oly supplant oe fry thant. (ah-PLANT) Synonyms: overthrow, succeed, supersede, undermine, uprot a the act of posing oF someting Wats wapponed (uh-puh-Z-shuhn) ‘Your supposition that I am not upto the jb seems to be based more on stereotypes than on familiarity ‘with my work. Synonyms: assumption, hyphothesis surfeit ‘an excessive amount or indulgence in something (uhe-feht) December seems tobe characterized by a surfeit in all things: food, drink, and gifts. Synonyms: glut, overindulgence, satiety, surplus ‘synthesis the combination of different things or ideas to form one substance or whole ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 39 0f 168 Replication or ober unauthorized ns ofthis material is robibited bythe copyright laws of Indi Page |CLAT: Saeed Leas} (GINsthuk-suhs) “The show was a remarkable synthesis of different art forms: drama, music, and dace combined in one extravagant spectacle. Synonyms: amalgamation, integration, unification| expressed or done without words, implied on ond on tema were actualy ken een our neihlore and uw ply came tai (TA-suhi) “agreement that any apples that fll onto our yard from their free were ours, Grong impli lent suggested, unspoken Touching or connected oly egy, tangent tea tangent line CamJENT-shut) | Fler pmper ans mare by he inchs too mach formation hts only tangent her man pt Bmonys: dgrasive, divergent incidental ee haracezed by unrooseary repeiion a j-kuny | Altos saying “a cariety of diferent things” is tautological because the word variety already (Caw-tu-LO-kuhl) implies difference; you can simply say “a variety of things.” Synonym: redundant Tenacity persistence (tuh-NA-sut-tee) ‘Against all odds, with great tenacity, anu not alittle Luck, she worked her way through college. Synonyms: determination, resolve a principle or belief, especially one held by a particular group of people a ‘er tn! ofatecet oy tt Dc hath delat of oes th sear Madmen tos eaten rege, Soong: cen recep a tani for or dency acing absence, regia, ora sound Pasisin reasoning ESE ny | Metin are ee er ay eed cay aso eh Synonyms: flimsy, rare; questionable, toubstanta gue ak ae conc sometim abupty (ts) Its toe ephinted a re asons orks coton end 1 at presi yma Sys be cur py cca ade ‘Tongand ang) ope CARY) Our gir etal vistors atid nthe perce wrongs ois ea. Songs date, arangue invective ‘ame 2 arg weighty, oF celny books one volume ofa arg work (orm) Mate orginay encod ass ef noval depen 600 pg on, rating te es tut ration fone adc rato. Som apus ae ‘state of mental sn phys nactviyaconparid bya oso ling a kamera CTAWR pute) | During mln er di a rete so uch es the oor Tate ese de Soong apathy dns, Tae i ore tat uses tsa oa ton oe meaTaToPTT TS OS tt) ‘he carenters rapid eg rpc oi srs to etry dese wad Seon force rtton roa ‘ving many tls or tums charaderiaed by indnea methods GTAWRCHeatsy | Memeteourny et endfor th eh te oad Songs ccs cooked, winding convaluted deviow Tat Teco support for to promote tou Pets exry portent out he acomplimets fis re grande Senos: elas Real, pase waaabie tay fetid o conte easily Randel CTRAK untuk) | HeIavw tracted at ems ks ly. Spans: doce, submissive, ying malleable Tanagresion aa aca Tota a command raw ra ng jor wore (ranz-GREH-shuhn) | Although our transgression was unintentional, we still had fo pay a fine for breaking the law. Synonyms: breach, crime, sin violation ‘wansiont passing swiflly inand out of existence, lasting oF staying only a short ime (TRAN-shuhnt) ‘Though they seem: long, the days of summer are transient, and before you know it, winter has come again. ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 40.07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of India 4 he 8 Creinrage net age > ENGLISH LANGUAGE ERSM o2 LEGALEDGE ‘Syronyms: ephemeral, fleeting, temporary, transitory translucent ((rarz-LOO-suhnt) allowing the passage of ight but diffusing itso that objects on the other side are not clearly visible; clearly understandable; clear ‘Translucent panels were set into the wall, so that you could see blurry figures passing through the hallony on the other side. Synonyms: semitransparent; lucid keen, articulate, or perceptive (describing language oF a person); energetic, fective; sharply trenchant oe (TREN-chutint) His trenchant criticism could be hard to take, but the students who listened were better writers for it Synonyms: caustic, cuting; vigorous; clear-cut, distinct ara feeling or showing ferocity; deadly, harsh, or aggressive re tuna) | Te dscplin of plang otal transjormed the traculent boy into amild young man heresroed his (trub-kyub-lut aggression for the id Synonyms: brutal, crue, fierce, savage; belligerent, hostile rm {an appointment to meet, especially one made secretly between lovers es Jn the myth of Pyranus and Thisbe, a tryst between the two lovers ends in tragedy when Pyramus believes that Thisbe has been devoured by a lioness. Synonyms: date, engagement, rendezvous, (y0o-BI-kwi-tuhs) existing everywhere at once ‘That hit song was ubiquitous all summer long: I heard it atthe beach, atthe grocery store, waiting online at the dei, and on the radio just about every time I turned it on Synonyms: omnipresent, pervasive, widespread seeming to be supernatural in nature, uncanny extraordinary (uhn-KA-nee) ‘She had an uncanny way of knowing that someone was seriously ill, sometimes even before the person knew ofthe illness him or herself Synonyms: eerie, mysterious, spooky, weird unfeigned genuine, sincere (uhn-FEYND) Tlove to be with children, because their delight is always unfeigned and spontaneous. Synonyms: honest, real, true, unaffected. “untenable "incapable of being defended (describing an argument or belief); unsuitable for occupation (uhn-TEN-uh-buh)) ‘The more evidence we gathered, the more clearly we saw how untenable our original hypothesis was, and it took us several months to devise another one. ‘Synonyms: illogical, indefensible, unsound. polite, polished, or elegant in manner urbane When Twas new fo the city and unaccustomed fo sophisticated conversation, Iwas thoroughly intimidated (uhe-BEYN) by his urbane wt Synonyms: civilized, cultured, elegant, refined, sophisticated vacilate to sway or fluctuate; to waver in feeling or hesitate in making a decision (WA-suhteyt) Roberta clad for so lang that by the tie she decided to go tothe show, the tickets were all sal ot Synonyms: oscillate stagger, swing: alternate, hedge, pause a empty, lacking ideas or seriousness, idle "ve been knw om occasion to indulge those ridiculous paperback romances ~ the more vacuous, the (VA-kyuh-wahs) fetter, 7 a Syronyms: foolish, inane, purposcless, silly, stupid vapid lacking energy or flavor (WA-pubd) The conversation atthe dinner party tat night was as vapid asthe tasteless mea Synonyms: dul flat insipid, tedious variegated marked by a variely of colors: varied (VER-ce-uh-gey-tuhd) love the variegated landscape in autumn. Synonyms: kaleidoscopic, motley, mottled; assorted, diverse, mixed ‘venerate to regard with reverence, to honor (VE-nub-reyt) ‘The basketball star was venerated by the ctizensof the small town where he grew up. Synonyms: revere, worship veracity truthfulness or accuracy (vuh-RA-suh-tec) ‘She was a scrupulous journalist, and when she could not check the veracity ofthe claim, she struck al ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 41 of 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of Indi 2/0 8 Creinrage net age > |CLAT: pewter Leas} ‘mentions of from her article Synonyms: authenticity, credibility, honesty ‘verbose tending to use more words than necessary, wordy (vuhr-BOHS) Warren tends to write verbose e-mails that nobody in the company has the time to read. Synonyms: garrulous, long-winded, loquacious vexation the act of troubling or agitating; the state of being troubled or agitated (wek-SEY-shuhn) ‘Tobe alive isto experience vexation: you willbe happier if you accept that you will encounter annoyances. Synonyms: annoyance, izitation, nuisance ‘capable of living, growing, and developing; able to function properly viable Though the idee a rion, also eae reterexense an was lable, geen our budget athe (VAHY-uh-buhl) time 7 on = ‘s Synonyms: fanctoning: feasible, posible, practicable, reasonable, workable aie alert watch za) Turts mus oe igan when walking ough hat part of tm, as he cl there fendi be expecially ws hostile toward foreigners Synonyms: attentive, guarded, wary wily nae, wi ty) wee ty ane nese oa een os eo nr Synonyms: attack censure, defame, denigrate, disparage Gr) one who excels at an at oe Pics one rte who continously explore diferent styles, materi end themes, Ti Staak) | Sonim: genius, master, prodigy (adj) displaying excellence $i adic erupad naplase or he lana’ virtuoso performance ofthe Lia rude Symons: masterful led povsonous, highly infective oF Gal virulent malicious or harsh (ius) Th 8 yc rs sy aos reign oder at ill in people Synonyms: destructive, noxious hostile, spiteful ‘isco tdhesve, sticky hick (describing aliquid) (vis huts) Ths oansh sfc chen spied and res tard oe nu feo hs, Songs: latinos, gum ‘itupentive characterized by bars or abusive language TOO-pub-rub-tiv) ‘The vituperative editorial put the mayor onthe defensive. Synonyms: abusive, derisive, scolding something that isin fashion, currently popular, or favored 3S If there was ever atime when Mrs. Henderson's aisle was in vogue, twas ng before any ofus was torn. Syronyms: fashion, mode, popularity volatile evaporating easily explosive, changeable (VO-uh) Fearing the substitute teachers cola temper, the children were quiet and obedient. Synonyms: gaseous; capricious, unstable voracious faving a large appetite, insatiable (vaw-REY-shuhs) | The im estonl rilysatsfed their voracious appetite for new movies. Synonyms: avid, gluttonous, ravenous justified warranted Your angry outburst atthe child rns simply not waranted; he sony too yenrs old and simply doesnot (WAW-ruhrtuha) | now ay Bete. Synonyms: authorized, sanctioned wary “autious, watchful on guard (WER) Our cats wary ofistrs, often hing when they frst arc. Syonyms: attentive, vigilant waver to sway back and forth to become unsteady, shake or tremble; to vacate in making a decision ‘OLegalEdge Tutorials Page 42.07 168 Replication or ober unauthorized nse ofthis material is proibited bythe copyright laws of India

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