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BI 321 Bible Doctrines

Collateral Reading Report

Use this form to complete your reading report assignment and upload it to Canvas.
See the Sample Reading Report for format.

I have carefully and completely read the all of the pages cited from the books listed below.
This is my own first-time work. I have not used any part of another person’s work to complete
this assignment.

_______________Jeriah Pecson________________

List the Author, Title, Total Pages Read, and Page Numbers for each book read:

Chafer, Lewis S. Satan--- viewed online, no page numbers. (Read chapters 1-5)

Gaebelein, A.C. What the Bible Says About Angels--- 38 (Read pages:10-48)

Total Pages Read for this Reading Report: 5 chapters and 38 pages.

List 3 significant ideas learned in the reading and cite the book and page number(s) where
they are found.

1. Satan, used to be a perfect angel. He was also created by God Himself. Chafer tells us
something very significant; he tells us that Satan, is “not self-existent, and never can be
free from his dependence upon the Creator”. As much as Satan would like to be like God,
he will never be like God because he is a creation of God, automatically putting God
above Satan. “Again, it is stated that Satan was perfect in all his ways from the day he
was created. It is important to notice both that he was created, and that he was created
perfect. Since he was created, he is not self-existent, and never can be free from his
dependence upon the Creator.” (Satan, chapter 1)

2. Seraphim angels, having covered faces, had covered faces because they gave the most
reverence to God. “The covering of their faces denotes their deep reverence. The higher a
being is in creation the greater is the reverence given to the Creator-God (What the Bible
Says About Angels, 45).

3. Angels, commonly thought of wearing robes of white, has wings, and has a glowing
halo above their heads, do not have those characteristics. “We conclude, therefore, that
they did not appear, as pictured in art, with wings and a halo about the head. They
looked like as if they were common mortals” (What the Bible Says About Angels, 30).

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