Opposing Viewpoints Essay Template SP 2023

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This is my own, first-time work,

Jeriah Pecson
Jeriah Pecson
HI 102-5

Opposing Viewpoint Essay #2


This paper compares two authors’ viewpoints on the United States, and Russia: George

Kennan with his “Long Telegram”, and Nikolai Novikov with his “Telegram”. George Kennan,

an American diplomat specialized in Soviet affairs, by request, wrote an analysis of a speech

from Stalin. His analysis was known as “Long Telegram”. Russia, long ago deep down has

always had the insecurity or fear of foreigners. The early inhabitants of Russia felt this insecurity

especially in the large land that they were in, where there were also nomadic people roaming

around the land. When they encountered the West, which was more advanced and organized,

they feared that, and therefore have learned to have peace or feel safe only through violence,

through taking power, or making sure there is no power that can overtake them. As long as

United States stands, he says “it is desirable and necessary” that Russian culture, society, and

peace be destroyed, in order to be “secure”. Kennan concludes his thoughts with the approach

that to solve Russia’s problems, we should do so with calmness and benevolence; he also warns

us of the danger that we should not “… allow ourselves to become like those with whom we are

coping”. Nikolai Novikov, a former Soviet ambassador to the United States, responds to

Kennan’s analysis with his “Telegram”. He states two main things: both the US and England

understand that American influence on Japan and China is increasing, and signs that the US is

secretly planning to dominate the world. In China and Japan there is a “sphere of influence of the

United States in the Far East” and “The American policy in China is striving for the complete

economic and political submission of China to the control of American monopolistic capital…”

With his claim that the US is trying to dominate the world, Novikov also says that the main

obstacle in the way for the US to achieve that is the Soviet Union. He notices several signs he

sees that the US is doing in “preparation” for the Soviet Union as a future opponent. He states

the following evidences: This is indicated by facts such as the tactical training of the American

army for war with the Soviet Union as the future opponent, the placing of American strategic

bases in regions from which it is possible to launch strikes on Soviet territory, intensified training

and strengthening of Arctic regions as close approaches to the USSR, and attempts to prepare

Germany and Japan to use those countries in a war against the USSR.”


The main point of George Kennan’s “Long Telegram” was that the Soviet Union, out of

fear and insecurity of being overpowered, developed throughout their years with the mindset of

“kill or be killed”. They really were afraid of being overpowered and conquered. That is

probably why Kennan stated that for the Soviets to have security, they cannot have culture,

society, and peace, because if they do have those, and an intruder takes that away, it will be

devastating. One strength in this is that it may be a very true thing of the Soviets to fear foreign

invasion, and therefore have a powerful military; however, a weakness of his analysis is that he

acknowledges this problem of Russia, that we should approach it with “calmness”, but does not

really offer a solution to the problem. On the other hand, the main point of Nikolai Novikov’s

“Telegram” was that the United States, in secrecy, is preparing or planning for war with the

Soviet Union to accomplish world dominance; and he states several convincing points to support

this claim. One strength in this is that he provides good evidence for his claim that the US is

planning to war with Russia in the future; however, one weakness is that, as an organized, well-

built nation, the United States would understandably want to protect themselves from harm and
consider possible enemies that they may have. They are just reasonably enforcing protective

measures for themselves. Though I agree with both arguments see their perspectives, I believe

Kennan’s argument is stronger because the United States, known for their freedom and openness

and diversity, would not destroy that reputation with trying to dominate the world.

Personal Response

Kennan is experienced with Soviet affairs. I believe in his claims that Russia does have a

problem, and that is they are very protective of themselves to the point where it is not healthy,

because they do not trust. They have trust issues. However, Kennan is right in his claim that to

face their problem, we should do so with calmness. Matthew 5:44 tells us to love our enemies.

We can love our enemies by helping them with their problems.

Novikov’s claim about the United States “planning for future war with the Soviet Union”

is very intriguing and interesting, and I have never seen it in his perspective before. Although I

understand his concern and overprotective attitude, which is not necessarily a bad thing, I believe

it is still wrong to give that kind of accusation without knowing the entire situation. It is not good

to judge like that. The Bible tells us in Matthew 7:1-2, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For

with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be

measured to you again.”

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