Management of Dushta Pratishyaya A Case Study

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Management of Dushta Pratishyaya: A Case Study

H M Spoorthi Prasad1, C S Bhuvana2, Kamath Nagaraj3
PG Scholar, Department of Kriya Shareera, 3Associate Professor, Department of Kriya Shareera,
1, 2, 3
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: H M Spoorthi

Dushta Pratishyaya is a common clinical condition encountered in Prasad | C S Bhuvana | Kamath Nagaraj
dusty, smoky and humid areas characterized by nasal obstruction and "Management of Dushta Pratishyaya: A
alternating clear nasal cavity, nasal discharge and alternating nasal Case Study"
Published in
dryness with olfactory dysfunction. Dushta Pratishyaya is a
International Journal
complication arising due to improper treatment of Pratishyaya. It is
of Trend in
analogous to Chronic Rhino-sinusitis which is prevalent in 15% of Scientific Research
population all over the world. Present case study emphasizes the and Development
effect of Shamana Oushadis like Patolakaturohinyadi Kashaya, (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD56311
Laghusootashekara Vati and tablet Allerin for their Pitta-Kapha 6470, Volume-7 |
alleviating properties and Shodhana by means of Sadhyo Vamana for Issue-3, June 2023, pp.59-63, URL:
its effect on expelling out the vitiated Kapha Dosha and Mukha
Avagundana for providing symptomatic relief in Dushta Pratishyaya.
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: Dushta Pratishyaya, Chronic Rhino-sinusitis, International Journal of Trend in
Shamana, Shodhana, SadhyoVamana Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Pratishyaya is flow of Kaphadi Doshas in the leads to complications like Bhadirya (deafness),
opposite direction of Vata Dosha1. The etiological Andhata (blindness), Nayanamaya (ocular pain),
factors for it being excessive consumption of cold Agrhana (anosmia), Kasa (bronchitis) and Agnisaada
food items, exposure to dusty, smoky and cold (reduced appetite) 5.Chronic Rhino-sinusitis (CSR)
weather, withholding urges of micturition and having similar symptoms as Dushta Pratishyaya
defeacation and excess sexual activity2. There are 5 affects 5-15% of the urban population6. It is
types of Pratishyaya (viz.Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, characterized by inflammatory mucosal thickening in
Raktaja and Sannipataja). Dushta Pratishyaya is a paranasal sinuses and nasal mucosa. Inflammation
chronic stage of Pratishyaya and hence has not been involves accumulation of activated eosinophils in
included under the classification. Due to the influence sinus mucosa and submucosa. CSR presents with
of etiological factors, Pitta, Kapha and Raktha symptoms like nasal congestion (obstruction), muco-
undergoes accumulation in the head region either purulent nasal discharge, facial pain/pressure and
individually or in combined state. Further these tenderness, post nasal drip, headache, halitosis, ear
Doshas get aggravated and move along with Vata ache or fullness, anosmia or hyposmia and fatigue. It
Dosha in the opposite direction and manifests can occur with or without nasal polyps. Treatment
Pratishyaya3. Dushta Pratishyaya with excess Dosha involves use of oral corticosteroids, steroidal sprays,
Dushti (vitiation) exhibits clinical features like decongestants and antihistamines. The data on the
Praklidha nasa (nasal discharge), Punaha adverse effects associated with short courses of oral
Parishushya Nasa (alternating dryness of nasal corticosteroids indicate that there may be an increase
cavity), Muhu Anaha (nasal congestion sometimes), in insomnia and gastrointestinal disturbances7.
Muhu Vivreeyate (clearance of nasal mucosa Steroidal sprays have reportedly caused local burning
sometimes), Uchwasa Durganda (foul smelling sensation, dryness, crusting and occasional
breath) and Gandham na Veti (anosmia or hypersensitive reactions8.Hence Ayurveda treatment
hyposmia)4. If Dushta Pratishya is left untreated it by Shamanoushadhis and Shodhana karmas for

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Dushta Pratishyaya needs to be evaluated. So in this Floor – no defects
particular case Shamanoushadhis like Roof- not visible
Patolakaturohinyadi Kashaya, Laghusootashekhara Lateral wall- Mucosa- congested
Vati and tablet Allerin were advised and Sadhyo • Turbinates- Hypertrophy of left inferior
Vamana was given as Shodhana Chikitsa and Mukha turbinate
Avagundana procedure was done. • Discharge- white muco-purulent discharge
CASE STUDY • Mass/polyp- absent
A 34 year old female was reported to 3. Sinus Examination
Fever/Respiratory outpatient department of Sri Maxillary sinus- No tenderness
Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Frontal sinus- Tenderness in the frontal region on
Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan on 11/04/2023 with the left side, root of nose, left supra orbital region
complaints of nasal congestion, runny nose associated Swelling – absent
with facial pain especially above the left eye since 1.5
years. Ethmoid Sinus- tenderness in the root of Nose
and above the upper eyelids
History of present illness
Patient was apparently healthy 1.5 years before. She Ashtasthana Pareeksha
had an acute onset of fever with chills associated with Nadi- Pittaja Nadi (pulse- 78 bpm)
cough and nasal congestion for which patient took Mala- 2-3 times/day
allopathic medication and was relieved. After few Mutra-3-4 times/day
days she developed nasal congestion, runny nose, Jihva-Aliptha (uncoated)
headache, facial pain in frontal and ethmoidal regions Shabda-Vikrita Swara (voice changes)
and left supra orbital region along with often muco- Sparsha- Anushna Sheeta (normal)
purulent nasal discharge and post nasal drip. For these Druk- Pandu ( Pallor)
symptoms patient visited a local physician and took Akruthi-Moderate
allopathic medications like inhalers, nebulization and Dashavidha Pareeksha-
painkillers which gave temporary relief. As the Prakruthi- Kapha Pitta
symptoms recurred, she consulted SDM Ayurveda Vikruthi- Dosha-Prana Vata, Bhrajaka, Alochaka
hospital, Hassan on 11/04/2023. She was prescribed Pitta, Tarpaka Kapha
with medications for a week. As the symptoms Dushya- Rasa, Raktha
persisted, patient was advised to undergo admission
Sara- Madhyama
for further treatment on 18/04/2023.
Samhanana- Madhyama
Past History Pramana-Ht-5.5 ft
N/k/c/o Type 2 DM and Hypertension
Wt-65 kg
Personal History
Appetite- Unaltered
Bowel- 2- 3 times per day (tendency to pass stools Satwa- Avara
immediately after food intake) Satmya-Madhyama
Ahara Shakthi- Abhyavaharana-Pravara
Micturition- 3-4 times per day
Vaya- 34 years
Habits- Regular Intake of Curds, Icecream
Habitat- Lives in area polluted with dust and smoke Treatment
Family History 1st visit – Shamana Chikitsa (For 1 week)
Nothing significant 1. Patola Katurohinyadi Kashaya 2 tsp with water
twice after food
Local Examination 2. Tab. Laghusootashekhara Vati 1 TID after food
1. External Nose – 3. Tab. Allerin 1 TID after food
Inspection- No visible scars, swelling and mass;
Palpation- No tenderness 2nd visit – Admission for Shodhna Chikitsa –
Nasal septum – Not deviated; Vestibule- no Sadhyo Vamana was advised.The previous night
Fissure and crusting before Sadhyo Vamana, Kapha Utkleshakara Ahara
(food items that excites Kapha Dosha ) such as curds
2. Anterior Rhinoscopy- and sweets were given to the patient and instructed to
Nasal Passage- Narrow sleep for 6-8 hours. On the day of Vamana, after

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56311 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 60

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
assessing the vitals and bowel movements, patient thereby reducing the inflammation of mucosa and
was explained about the procedure. Vamana was submucosa of paranasal sinuses.
given using Yashti Madhu Phanta and 5 vegas were Laghusootashekhara Vati- This formulation is
observed. Ushna Jala Kavala (warm water gargle)
prepared out of Gairika (2 parts), Shunti (1 part) and
and Haridra Varti Dhumapana (medicated fume triturated with Nagavalli Swarasa. Gairika being the
inhalation) were given as post treatment regimen. major ingredient having Sheetha Guna (cold
Patient was advised not to do Divaswapna (day potency), Madhura, Tiktha and Kashaya rasa (sweet
sleep), Sheeta Vata Sevana (exposure to cold air), and astringent taste) acts on lowering the aggravated
Vegadharana (withhold the urges) and to take Ushna Pitta Dosha11 and reduce the inflammation in mucosa
Jala Pana (intake of warm water) and Laghu Ahara
of nasal and paranasal sinus while Shunti and
(food that is easily digestible) in the afternoon and
Nagavalli helps to clear the nasal congestion.
Tablet Allerin- It is a combination of formulations
Other Chikitsa – Mukha Avagundana using like Gandhaka Rasayana and Kaishora Guggulu
Dhanyaka, Haridra and Tulasi in Dhanyamla for 3
along with Manjishtadi Ghana, Udichya,
days Anantamoola, Chopachini and Bakuchi.. Tab
Discharge Medicines (For 15 days) Kaishora Guggulu contains Guduchi, Pippali,
1. Patolakaturohinyadi Kashaya 2 Tsf with water Maricha and Shunti and Guggulu. Guduchi is anti-
thrice daily after food allergic, immunomodulatory, anti-oxidant and anti-
2. Tab Laghusoothashekhara Vati 1 TID after food inflammatory12.Gandhaka Rasayana contains
3. Tab Allerin 1 TID after food Gandhaka, Twak, Ela, Patra, Nagakesara, Guduchi,
Triphala, Bhringaraja, Ardraka triturated with Cow’s
milk. Gandhaka is Kaphavatahara. Twak has anti-
Patient had irregular dietary habits of excess use of
inflammatory and anti-microbial property. Ela, Patra
curds and intake of icecreams. She lives in a place
and Nagakesara are anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
which is polluted, smoky and dusty. This might be the
antibacterial. Triphala is potent analgesic.
probable cause for developing Pratishyaya. Improper
Bhringaraja is analgesic and anti-bacterial. Ardraka
treatment and further exposure to etiological factors
is anti-inflammatory13. Other ingredients mitigates
led to the manifestation of Dushta Pratishyaya. The
aggravated Pitta Dosha.
symptoms such as muco-purulent discharge, nasal
obstruction, facial pain and tenderness (at the root of Sadhyo Vamana- Vamana is the one of the mode of
nose and left supra orbital region), post nasal drip Shodana Chikitsa which acts on expelling the vitiated
seldom associated with sneezing and voice changes Kapha Dosha14. The patient exhibited
were seen in the patient. In Dushta Pratishyaya Bahudoshavastha which is an indication for
individual or combination of Tridoshas and Raktha Vamana. As the vitiated Doshas got lodged in the
are involved. As in this case inflammation of Urdhwa Jatru (head region) Vamana is the best route
paranasal mucosa and nasal mucosa is present, it is to expel these Dosha16.Also current (April month)
inferred that Pitta Dosha has been aggravated. Ritu viz.Vasantha where Vamana is indicated17.By
Causative factors and symptoms such as muco- considering all the above criteria Sadhyo Vamana was
purulent nasal discharge and post nasal drip leads to planned using Yashti Madhu Phanta, Yashti Madhu is
an understanding that Kapha Dosha has also been a Vamanopaga Dravya (drug which aids in Vamana)
also aggravated. So the medicines and procedures and has Pittahara property. To eliminate the
which mainly acts on alleviating Pitta-Kapha Dosha remnant Kapha Dosha, Dhumapana was given as
were chosen. post Vamana regimen.
Patolakaturohinyadi Kashyaya- This formulation Avagundana- A pouch containing crushed Dhanyaka,
consists of Patola, Katurohini, Chandana, Guduchi, Tulasi and Haridra dipped in Dhanyamla was used to
Pata, Madhu and Murva. These drugs mitigates Pitta apply over the facial areas where patient experienced
and Kapha while Patola and Katurohini have the pain and tenderness to relieve the above symptoms.
propery of Bhedana and Rechana respectively9,10.
At the time of discharge the following results were
Hence they cause Nithya Virechana (routine
exhibited with significant reduction of symptoms as
purgation) when taken daily in prescribed doses

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Clinical assessment
Assessment Criteria:
Subjective parameters
The symptoms are graded as 0 to 3, 0 being absence of the clinical feature and 3 being severe.
Symptoms Before Treatment After Treatment
Nasa Kleda (Nasal Discharge) 1 0
Nasa Shosha (Nasal cavity dryness) 1 0
Nasa Avarodha (Nasal obstruction ) 3 2
Muhu Nasa Vivarana (Cleared Nasal Cavity sometimes) 2 1
Nishwasa Uchwasa Durgandha (foul smelling breath) 0 0
Gandam Na Veti (anosmia/ hyposmia) 0 0
Facial Pain 3 2
Post Nasal Drip 3 1
Objective parameters
Signs Before treatment After treatment
Tenderness in the frontal region and left supra orbital region Severe Moderate
Nasal Mucosa Severe inflammation Mild inflammation
Inferior Turbinate hypertrophy Moderate Mild
Mucopurulent discharge in nasal cavity Mild Absent

CONCLUSION [3] Vaidyajadavji Trikamjiacharya, Sushrutha

The above case study is an evidence of Shodhana and Samhitha of Sushrutha, Dalhana’s
Shamana Chikitsa in effective management of Dushta Nibandhasangraha, Uttaratantra 24/1,
Pratishyaya. Selection of Sadhyo Vamana as the Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Edition
Shodhana chikitsa was done on the basis of Dosha reprint 2019: 651
Avastha, Dosha Sthana and Ritu which gave an
[4] Vaidyajadavji Trikamjiacharya, Sushrutha
intended result. Shamanaoushadhis helped to combat
Samhitha of Sushrutha, Dalhana’s
the inflammation while Mukha Avagundana
Nibandhasangraha, Uttaratantra 24/14-15,
procedure assisted in further symptomatic relief. This
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protocol can be evaluated in other patients with the
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same complaints for its scientific validation.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Samhitha of Sushrutha, Dalhana’s
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Nibandhasangraha, Uttaratantra 24/17,
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