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Year 7 Autumn term 1: Maps Revision Checklist

You need …. Tick when

To know the difference between the 3 kinds of geography

To understand how to use compass directions

To know the meaning of OS map symbols

To understand longitude and latitude

To be able to locate places on a map using 4 and 6 figure grid references

To know the meaning scale

To understand how to write OS map scale

To be able to accurately measure distance on maps using the scale

To know how relief is represented on a flat map

To be able to interpret landscapes from reading contour lines, spot heights and layer colouring

Key Words

Key Words Confident?

I am confident of the spelling and meaning of all the key words in my glossary
Revision Strategies

Here are ideas of some revision activities you can complete. They cover most, but not all, of the content you need to
revise. Remember to ensure you are confident with all of the content from the checklist above.

Strategy Tick when

MIND MAPS: Draw a mind map….

• To show examples of the what the different types of geography are the study of

• Draw an 8-point compass rose and create a mnemonic to help you remember
• Draw 3 diagrams to show the different ways maps may represent relief

TEACH A FRIEND: Explain to a friend…..

• How to locate places using 6 figure grid references

• How to use the scale on a map to find out how far places are from each other
• How we can locate different places around the world using latitude/longitude

WRITTEN TEST: Try and answer these questions and then check your answers using your

• How can you describe where you are?

• Why do OS maps have symbols?
• Why are 6 figure grid references better than 4 figure grid references?
• How do we write the latitude and longitude of a location?
• What does the term ‘relief’ mean in geography?
• What does it mean when contours are close together?


• Match OS map symbols to what they represent:

o OS Explorer road, rail and paths
o OS Explorer - Tourist and Leisure Map symbols
• Practice a range of different map skills here: OS Map skills

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