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Ideograms, Glossary, Abbreviations, Index,
Grammatical Survey, Corrigenda to Part I |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
© OUo Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1974
AIle Rechte vorbehalten
Photographische und photomechanische Wiedergabe
nur mit ausdriicklicher Genehmigung des Verlages
Satz: Layout-Satz Dr. Tetzner GmbH, Mainz
Umbruch, Druck und Buchbindearbeit: Hubert & Co., Gottingen
Printed in Germany

ISBN 3447 015802

II |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
~. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

The second volume of my Manual of Pahlavi appears at quite a long interval:

ten years after the first. The main reason has been the extraordinary amount of
fundamental linguistic problems presenting themselves within almost every word,
each requiring lengthy and painstaking research. My advanced age has also
somewhat impaired my efficiency.
The delay, however, has not been without its advantages, I think. During
these ten years I have had time to scrutinize the texts to the last letter and to
deepen my understanding of them. I have been able to correct mistakes -and
premature emendations. The long list of corrigenda is an evidence of this.
Throughout the text-wherever it has been possible-I have confronted the
Book Pahlavi words with their equivalents in Manichean West Iranian, Old
Iranian (Avestan, which must in absence of other sources stand for Old Iranian
in general) and Old Persian. They have been measured against other West Iranian
languages and dialects down to New Persian; last but not least against the Middle
Iranian loanwords in Armenian and Aramaic. Etymologies' are given only within
this framework; other Indo-European languages have been only occasionally
quoted. ,.
My linguistic analysis has been greatly aided by the new and revolutionary
insight into the character of Middle Iranian bestowed by/the Turfan texts. Thanks
to them we have an incomparably firmer grasp of Boo,k Pahlavi than was ever
possible before. This glossary is therefore closely linked to the epoch-making
research done by the generation of W. B. Henning, H. W. Bailey, E. Benveniste,
H. H. Schaeder and others. !
Special attention has been paid, however, to the indigenous Zoroastrian
tradition, the linguistic one as laid down in the neglected but aJ}thentic Pazand,
as well as the interpretative one manifest in the Sall-skrit versions. The value
of the information to be acquired through these sources:!~hould not be underrated.
I gladly appoint myself a champion of the rehabilit~tion of Pazand, too often
regarded with diffidence and disdain. It became obsd~ete on many points and
requires a great amount of time-consuming critical rese~;rch before it can be fully
utilized. I sincerely hope that this branch of philology will find a careful and
scholarly devotee, who does not shrink from the preli¢:~ary critical work.· \
It goes without saying that I have taken advantilge of the useful special
vocabularies composed by Kapadia (Vendidad) and by Dhabhar (Yasna-Visperad),
beside his very solid and reliable investigations on Book Pahlavi, and of the special
glossaries produced during the new phase of Iranology heralded by the Turfan
I would like to stress, however, that this Glossary is wholly based on my own
first hand interpretation of the texts and is by no means intended as perfec-
tioning the views and interpretations of my predecessors in the field, to quote
whom would seem to me a useless ostentation. The space is too narrow for full |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
VITI Preface

bibliographical references for every word. This is not a compilation of everything

written on the subject of Iranology in this century.
As I have pointed out in the Preface to Volume I, I have written this Manual
in English for the benefit of the Parsees in India who as a rule do not understand
other European languages. This has not been pure joy for me, since I am not 'to
English born' and have used German and French as a. scholarly medium through-
out my life. No doubt this work would have appeared much earlier, had I been
able to write it in a language that I master. My outstanding disciple, Mrs. Judy
Josephson, born American, has done her best to correct my worst Swedicisms
with unfailing energy and a fine sense of nuances. If, much to my regret, my text
will jar on some sensitive English ea,rs it is certainly not her fault.
Mrs. Josephson and her husband, Assistant Professor Folke Josephson,Upp-
sala, have composed the word lists of the Index (except in the case of Pazand)
and have both assisted me in proof-reading for which lowe them great thanks.
My pupil, Bo Utas, now at the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies in Copen-
hagen, has examined the manuscript and part of the proofs with special regard
to the New Persian vocabulary. While reading some texts of Volume I together
with him I had the opportunity to discuss the linguistic problems and have
profited a great deal from his criticism and subtle observations. My sincere thanks
to him and best wishes for his future.
Uppsala, February 9th, 1974 H. S. Nyberg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

Preface ... VII

Ideograms 1
Glossary .. . ........................................... . 9
Abbreviations 233
Index of related words 244
Grammatical survey ........................................ 275
Corrigenda to Part I .......................................... 285 |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬ |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

The Aramaic ideograms used in this Manual are listed here, together with a pre-
liminary analysis of the Aramaic lexical material from which they derive. From
an Aramaic point of view, most of the forms in which the verbal ideograms appear in
Book Pahlavi (as well as in the inscriptions and in the Psalter) are spurious, fabricated
as they are by Iranian-speaking scribes and hence without any linguistic foundation.
In fact, only impf. forms of the type YKTLWN = YIQT'LUN and some few other
forms can claim to be genuine Aramaic. The intricate process by which the Iranian
scribes transformed Aramaic forms into purely graphic signs will be dealt with in
my new edition of the Frahang i Pahlavik. Here such ideographical forms as have
totally fallen out of the Aramaic verbal system will be explained merely by reference
to the closest corresponding Aramaic forms or simply to the triconsonantal root,
from which the 3d p. sg. perf. can be easily seen, e. g. NKS, pf. N'KAS (NB: - roots
as BNY, I,IZY have the perf. B'NA, Q~ZA; I,IDY has Q4Di).
The fricative pronunciation of simple KG, TD, PB after a vowel: xI', () <5, tv, has
been left without consideration, in order to facilitate the printing. As a rule, I have
followed the system of vocalization used in the Aramaic parts of the Old Testament
as closely as possible, while simplifying the transliteration: for 8wii mobile I put a
dash [']; for the Mtets I put the corresponding vowels with a dot below: ~ for f/,iitet
pataf/" 4!J for Mtet s'gol, and () for 1}iifet qiime§ (reduced u).

'B I, 'BY_l: ' ABi my father

(:5D-k: CABD- servant
(:5YDWN-: (~BID pt. pass. of (BD to do
(D : (AD until
(DN': (IDDANA time
'DYLY: abbreviation of the PhI spelling *'SL'DYL(Y) for Syr ' Esrii'el, pronounced
'DYN: '4!JDAYN then
+(GLH: 'IGGARA roof
(I,IDWN: ' Q D to take
'I,IL, 'I,IR: ' ~QAR afterwards
-'I,IRN: )UQ RAN another
'I,ITH: )~lJATEH his sister
'I,I for 'I,IY: 'AlJI my brother
'L: 'AL not
(L: (AL over, against, towards
'LB': 'ARBA for 'ARBA ( four
(LH: ',JflLEH for LEH to, for him
'LI,I) (Prth): '4!JLAElA God
'LYK: )ARRIK long
(LYKWN-: (~RIQ pt. pass. of (RQ to flee

1 No distinction is made in the alphabetical order between' (Alef) and ( «ayn) |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ideograms 2 Ideograms

'M, 'MY-: 'IMMI my mother

'MT: '4MAT when
'N -(Prth): ' AN where?
'NH: '4NA I
'NSWT': '4NASUTA mankind
'PL': <AP RA dust
<RH = <LH
<RI:IY': '4iJLAHAYYA pI. gods
<RK' (inscr.): 'ARQA (later 'AR<A) earth
<SGDH: *'AJ]SGADEH his adoration, v. also SGDH
'SLvVN-: 'SR to tie, to bind
<SMH-: 'AJ]SME (for SIMI<) pt. pass. of SM< to hear
<STH-: 'AJ]STE (for SI TE) pt. pass. of STY to drink
'TRH (Prth): 'ATREH his place
'WL': ' A WW I LA beginning, primeval age
'Y15-: ' EK how
'YMT: 'EMAT when?
'YNH: <AYNEH his eye
'YS: 'Is a man
'YT I , 'YTY (inscr.): 'ITAY it exists, there is
<ZLV/N-: 'ZL to go

B'TL: BATAR after

B<W: BA<U, st. abs. of BA<UTA petition, prayer
B<YI:IWN-: Bey to seek, to ask, to wish
BB': BABA door
B15-YWN: BKY to weep
BL' (inscr.) v. BR'
BNPSH: BI-NAPSEH through himself, v. NPSH
BNY - (Prth): BNY to build
BR' (BL'): BARRA the outside
BRBYT': BAR BAYTA 'son of the house', native
BRH: BIREH his son (BAR)
BRTH: BARTEH his daughter
BRY (Prth): BERI my son
BSL>, BSLY': BlSRA meat
BSYM: BASslM pleasant, good
~YN: BEN between, in
BYRI:I: BIRAlJ < B-YRAlJ in the month of ... (YARlf.A month)
BYT': BAYTA house

D~LWN-, D~YLWN: from DBR or (paCCel) DABBAR or pt. pass. DIBlR to con-
duct, to lead .
DKY': DAKYA pure
*DMH 39 22 (my conjecture for MH): DAME similar
.. DYN': DINA lawsuit, judgement; perhaps also DAYY ANA judge |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ideograms 3 Ideograms


GDH: GADDEH his Fortune, or Fate
GMR': GAMLA camel
GNY': GANYA shame, dishonour

I;IBLN': *lJABLANA fatal, ruinous

I;ID-: lJAD one, cf I;IT and KI;IDH
*I;I~YN: HAKEN so, in this way
I;IQ'YMW- (Prth): of QWM to stand, pt. act. QA'EM, with the caus. prefix HA- (a
quite artifical form)
I;ILKWN -: lJ LQ to divide
I;ILLWN-: (lJLL) paccellJALLEL to wash
J:ILl\1WN -: lJ LM to dream
I;IML': lJ AM RA wine
I;IMR': lJ4MARA donkey
I;IN': HANA this
I;INI;ITWN-: (NlJT) hafcel HANlJET to put down
I;IPLWN-: lJPR to ~ig
I;ISD(l)WN-: (-l- inserted through the influence of the Prs equivalent dlwtn ' = drutan):
lJ$D to reap
I;ISKI;IWN -: (BKlJ) hafcel HABKAlJ to find
I;IT: *lJAT(T) < *lJAD-T once
I;Iry' (Prth), I;I':~' (Prs): lJI'!''!'AYYA stat. det. pI. arrows
I;ITYMWN-: lJ4TiM pt. pass. of lJTM to seal
I;IWH-: HWY (pf. H.{1 W A) to be
I;IWY- (Prth): probably pt. HAWE of HWY, v. above
I;IY': lJAYYA for lJAYYAYYA stat. det. pI. life
I;IYB: uncertain, v. s. v. 2mar (could it be lJAYYAB 'debtor', an adequate designation
of a merchant's account-book? BQ (and Steingass) quotes a w. heb as "Zand
and Pazand" in the sense of Caqibat i kar 'the end of any business')
I;IYMNW<N): ('MN) hafcel HAYMEN to believe
I;IYTYWN-: (>TY) haf<el HAYTi to bring
I;IZYTN -: lJZY to see

K'L': QALA voice

KCN: K'_cAN now
KBYR (inscr., Ps.), KBYR: KABBiR great
KDB': KI DBA (B pronounced v) lie
KDMWN-: (QDM) paccel QADDEM to rise early
KI;IDH: KA-lJ4DA 'as one' = together
KLSH: KARSEH his belly
KLYTN-, KRYTN-:QRY (old QR') to call
KNY': QANYA reed
KR': KOLLA fill |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ideograms 4 Ideograms

KTLWN-: (KTR) pa((el KATTAR to wait for, to remain

KYN', QYN' (Prth): QENA. dialect form of common OAram QANA, later cANA
KZY: K'zl when

lL_ (Prth): L- (LA-, LI-) for, to

2L (Ps., inscr. LY), LY-: Ll for, to me
L': LA not
L'L': L'_cELLA upwards
L'WJ:IL: L ' -'6lf(A)R backwards
LCYNY (inscr., Ps.), LCYN ' : L'_cENE before, in the presence of
LCYSH: REBEH his head .-
LCYTY (inscr., Ps.), LCYT ' : LiJJTAY is not, OAram LA'ITAY (cf 'YT ' ), later LET,
LB': RABBA great, cf RB'
LBBH: LIB'BEH (B-B = _Vl~_) his heart
LBR' (Prth): L'-BARRA outwards
LBWSY': I/BUBA (more probable than pI. L'BUBAYYA) garment
LGLH: RIG LEH his foot, cf NGRYN
LJ:I(w) (Prth): LEH to him
LJ:IM': LAlfMA bread
LI:ITWN -: RH'J.' to run
LJ:IYK: RAlflflQ far, distant
LK: LAK to, for thee
LKWM: L'KqM to, for you
LMYTN -: RMY to throw
LN (Prth): LAN to, for us
LNH (Prs): LANA to, for us
~ (v. s. v. hazar) for 'LP = ' -<1-LAp 'thousand'
LPNH: *LI PNEH into the presence of him, cf. PNH·
LE?D: L'-l$AD up to, opposite
LTMH: L'-TAMMA there
LWTH: L'WA.TEH together with him
LYLY': LELYA. night
LZNH (inscr.), LZNH: LI-ZNA. to this (man etc.) here

M'LH: MALE full

M'NH: MANA. vessel
MDMH-: (DMY) pa((el pt. M'DAM.lvl1Jj to compare, to estimate
MDM: mis};eading of QDM = QODAM before (a p.)
MDYN': M'DINA. town
MJ:IL: M'lfAR to-morrow
MJ:ISY' corrupt writing of MSJ:I' (Ps.): MIBlfA oil
MJ:IYTN - : MlfY to strike
MKBLWN-: (QBL) pa((el pt. M'QABBEL to receive
MLK': MALKA king, v. also MRK'
MN: MIN from, of |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ideograms 5 Ideograms

MND(M: MINDA ((A)M a thing

MRWI;IY: MAROHl his (its) owner(s)
MT' : MAT A territory; small town, village
MY' : MAYY A water

NDYI,IWN-: this is the correct reading, according to the photograph, 12815 (not
NSI;IWN -), from N DY to spirt, to splash
NGRYN (Prth): NIGRAYN the two feet (du.), for * RIGLAYN, cf LGLH
NK~: *N'QAB female (commonly NIKBITA [B = v])
NKD'N: *NUQDAN, Syr NEQDONA dainty, delicate
NKSWN -: N KS to kill
NPLWN-: NPL to fall
NPSH: NAPSEH his soul
*NSI,IWN-: read NDYI;IWN-, q. v.
NTLWN -: N '!-' R to guard
NYSH: reading uncertain, perhaps NISS-EH his womenfolk, from a colI. subst.
NISS- which has been enlarged in other dialects to a pI., cf Syr nesse pI. of
'ATT('T)A woman

PNH- (Prth): P'NEH his face (OAram. inscr. PN) cf LPNH

PRG: P'LEG st. cstr. of PALGA, PILGA subst. half
PSKWN: PSQ to cut
PWMH: PUMMEH his mouth
PWN: spurious ideogr., v. s. v. pat

QDMTH (Prth): QODAMTEH in his presence, OAram QODAMAT prep. before, in

the presence of, more common QODAM, v. MDM
QYN' (Prth): v. KYN'

EB' (Prth) = LB', q. v.

RMY- (Prth) = LMYTN-, q. v.

~BW2: $'BU, st. abs. of st. emph. $'BUTA matter, affair, business
SDKWN-: SDQ to split
SGDH (inscr., Ps): *S'GADEH, v. (SGDH
SGYTN-: SGY to go
~HYDWNY: $IHIYON = Syr Sehyi5n Sion
SKYN': SAKKlNA knife
SLY, SLY'-: SRE, fern. SARYA stinking
SPR' (Prth): SAp RA scribe
~WLH: $A WW' REH his neck
SWSY': SUSY A horse

2 No distinction is made between S and ~ |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ideograms 6 Ideograms

S'NH3: BANE hating, a hater, from OAram BN', later SNY to hate
SDKWN -: SBQ to leave
SDRWN-: (SDR) paccel SADDAR to send
SDY- (Prth), SDYTN-: SDY to throw, to shoot
SKBI;IWN -: SKB to lie down, to fall asleep
SKL: OAram SKR, Syr SAKRA, J-Ar SIKRA an intoxicating drink
SM: SUM (Syr. SEM) name
SNT: S'NAT, st. cstr. of abs. S'NA, emph. SANTA year
SPTYN: BIPTAYN (du. of SIPTA) lips
SPYL: SAPpIR lovely, pleasing
SRM: SI LAM peace, wellfare
STL>, STR' (Prth): OAram BT R' side, LI-BTAR at the side of, Syr SET RA
SYD': SEDA demon

TD, TB (Prth; Prs inscr.) : TAB good

TBLWN-: TBR to break
. TL YN: T' REN two
TMH: TAMMA there, yonder (Syr TAMMAN); v. also LTMH
TNH: *TANNA here
TWB (inscr.), TWD: TOB again
TWR': TaRA bull
TYN': TINA mud, clay

Y'TWN-: YETaN impf. 3d p. pI. of 'TY to come; cf I.IYTYWN-

YBLWN-: (YBL) paccel Y ABBEL to hand down, to bring
YD' (Prth): Y'DA st. emph. the hand, cf YDH
YDcYTN-: Y'DA C to know
YDH (Prs): Y'DEH his hand (YAD-) cf YD'
*YDLWN-: YIDRaN imp£. 3d p. pI. of DRY to carry away; but possibly to be read
YDLWN with a dwarfed B = YBLWN-, q. v.
YI.IBWN -: Y H B to give
YI.IDI.IWN-: artificial enlargment of YI.IDH = YIIJDE impf. 3d p. sg. of IJDY to
YI.IMTWN-: Y'HAMTaN, imp£. 3d p. pI. of hafcel HAMTI to come, to arrive (in
common Aram 'to bring'), from MTY to reach, to arrive
YI.IN~LWN-: Y'HAN$'LON, imp£. 3d p. pI. of hafcel HAN$EL to take away, to
take back, to deliver (OAram), from *N$L
YI.ISNN: YAIJSEN (YAIJS'NAN?) impf. 3d p. sg. of hafcel HAIJSIN to take
possession of a tho (Syr. IJSN to be strong)
y~nV- (Prth): artificially shortened form of YIHWE imp£. 3d p. sg. of HWY to be
YI.IW' (Prs inscr.): YIIJWE imp. 3d p. sg. of IJWY to live
YI.IWWN (Prs): YIHWON impf. 3d p. pI. of HWY to be, V. I.IWH

3 No distinction is made in the title words between Sand S; the letter common to
both is mechanically rendered by S . . |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ideograms 7 Ideograms

YI.IYTYWN-: y'HAYTE impf. 3d p. sg. of haf(el HAYTI to bri~g, v. I.IYTYWN-,

from 'TY, v. Y'TWN
YK(YMWN-: pt. QA'IM from QWM to stand, artificially a,dapted to the common
form of impf. ideograms, cf I.IQ'YMW-
YKTLWN-: YIQT'LUN impf. 3d p. pI. of QTL to kill
YKTYBWN-: pt. pass. K' TIB (KTYB Prth ideogr.) of KTB to write, adapted to
the impf. ideograms, cf YK(YMWN-
YLYDWN-: pt. pass. Y'LID of YLD to bear
YM': Y AMMA the sea, a sea
YMLLWN-, YMRRWN-: y'MALL'LUN impf. 3d p. pI. of pa((el MALLEL to
speak (*MLL, cf MRY').
YMYTWN-: pt. pass. MIT of MWT to die, adapted to the imp£. ideograms, cf
YNS~WN-: YINS'BUN imp£. 3d p. pI. of NSB to take
YRI.I' (Prth): Y ARflA month, cf BYRI.I
Y$BH-: Yl/>BE impf. 3d p. sg. of $BY to will, to wish
YTYBWN-: a) from YTB to sit, probably a pt. pass. *y'TIB formed on the paltern
of Y'LID (v. above), less probably the p£. Y'TIB or the imp£. YITTIB
b) probably Y'TAYY'BUN impf. 3d p. pI. of pa((el TAYYEB to make good,
ready, to prepare, Prth. ideogr. yrYBW- KZSPrth L 16, 17 etc. = Gr. v. &.7tOXOC-
8(~cu, (XOC8)L8pucu
YWM: YOM day
YZBI.IWN-: YIZB'flUN impf. 3d p. pI. of ZBfl, later DBfl to sacrifice

ZI.IB': ZAH..{lBA, later DAH..{lBA gold

ZK: ZEK, later DEK (B.-Ar) that there
ZKL: Z'KAR male, a male, ram, st. abs.; emph. ZAKRA; later D'KAR, DIKRA
ZLYTN-: ZRY to scatter, to distribute, later DRY (Arab <lara)
ZNH (inscr., Ps.), ZNH (BP; also in the inscr.): Z'NA, later DINA this here; cf
ZWZN: ZUZAN pI. fern. st. abs. (or pI. mase. ZUZIN?) of ZUZ a small coin
. - -
ZY (mscr., Ps.), ZY-, ZY: Zl, later DI, D I -, the reI. pron.; cf KZY |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬ |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ii ['] introduces the apodosis after hakar MPrs 'yg = eg < *ayag; Paz. aig, ag;
603, after ka 95 2. - Av. (300 sqq.) a. a~g~n, agin: thus not only FrP 25, but

a-bod ['bwd] unconscious 103 19 . - V. also Mx and SGV, probably the petri-
bod (1). faction of 'DYN -n HajB: 5 (v. above)
with the obsolete encl. pron. -no - HajA:
a-burt-framiineh ['bwIti-plm'nyh] insub- 10 'dyn: V. adyan.
ordination 13 6 • - Cf framan-burtar.
a-diin ['d'n l ] ignorant, foolish, of a man
a-budisnik ['bwlcsnyk], compo '""-tar 4 15 ; dumb, brute, of an animal 122. - V.
dishonoured 75 20 - 21 . - Paz. aburzesni. V. danistan.
burzisnik and burzitan.
a-diineh the quality of being dumb or
aciirenitan ['c'lynytn l ] to make ineffec- . brute, of an animal lIB.
tive: be acarenet (sc. your work) with
adar ['dl] low, sup. '"".-tom 10219 ; V. also
the explanation akartareh-ic 0 smah dahet
hacadar. - Av. (57) adj. a6ara-, (58)
he will create ineffectiveness for you, he
prep. a6airi; MPrth 'd1'yg 'below' (List
will make your work inefficacious 45 2 • -
80), adj. 'dryn (A-H III); MPrs 'yr
Den. of a-car, V. car. V.s.v. axUayisneh.
'below, down' (A-H II), 'yrdwm 'lowest',
acisy ['csy] Ps.: V. hacis. 'yrg 'southern' (8); Paz. erdar 'lower'.
adak ['DYN], with encl. 'DYN-m = a-dart ['dlt l ] painless, unaffiicted 77 4 • -

adak-im, 'DYN -s = adak-is etc. ('DYN-n V. dart.

= adak-in HajB: 5, V. -n); 'DYN-c = adar-tan ['dltn l ] submissive, humble 68 8 •
adak-ie, then, by t,hen, at that moment; - V. adar and tan. Paz. ertan.
in that case, this being so: 1. at the
adar-taneh submission, humility 70 24 • -
beginning of a sentence 28 5. 29 25 sq. 37-
Paz. ertani.
61 passim, etc.; u '"" 39 9 • 54 21 ; U '""-.ic
37 24 ; - placed after the first W. of a *adar-viir ['dlw'l] *downwards: '"" tai 0
sentence: api-s '"" 417. 8 ; 5022 ; 411 8 ; V. down to 211 9, V. druvasp. - I derive it
also below. - 2. '"" ka at the time when from adar (q. v.) + var, cf ham-var. [It
36 15 . 4117. 4415. - 3. introducing the cannot have anything to do with adarvar
apodosis a) after hakar HajB: 9-10; BdJ 35 11 • 57 10 = adarvarak BdA p. 1039.
191 - 6 and passim; b) after ka HajB: 5; 1209 'lower jaw', also· the rendering of
185 - 10 and passim; '"" ka . . ., xuarrah '"" Av. (1767) ha'Vuhar'ima;;],
. .. at the time when . . ., then the a-diitihii ['d'tyh'] unlawfully 821€!. 94 12 . 13 .
xUarrah 36 15- 16 ; - c) after other clauses: - V. dat.
t{j,i . . . rasat, '"" . . . 41 25 - 26 ; ce han hom dit
a-diitistiineh ['d'tst'nyh; '-DYN'-yh] in-
. .. '""-is 40 24 - 25 ; pat et kil . . ., vehan
justice, unfairness 3 27 . 62 13 . - V. datistan.
'""-ic 55 25 - 26 ; han katarcihe ke hac den
akah, '"" 67 16 ; har martom ke ... , '""-is a-diitistiinihii ['d'tst'nyh']' unjustly 94 2 •
90 9 ; 0 ke . . ., '""-is .. . 90 19 . - 4. taking Adbil Pdbyl] the towrt of Dwin in Ar-
up the thread of a narrative after a menia 117 6. - Untenable Cat. 211 02 sq.
lengthy qualification: pas hac matan i ... Arab. Dabil, Yaqut 1,548 sqq., V. Nyberg,
'""-isan 4018- 19 ; 80 7- 8 ; 87 1- 2. - OP adakiy; Karlgren Vol. 325 sq. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
i-dos 10 ahlav

a-dos [)dwsy Ps.] armful 12817 • Av. I afritan, afrin-, to create, of gods: afrit u

(674) daos-, v. Barr, G1. S.v. dat 88 18 .-MPrth 'fryd 'created'; generally
regarded as identical with Av. (1017) a-
adyan [)dyn] Prth, then, this being so fray-, pres. a-frina-, MPrth 'frydn 'fryn-
RajA: 10. - MPrth )dy)n (S, A-H III);
(v. also Sogd. 1724); MPrs 'prydn, 'pu:r-
to be distinguished from SW )DYN, v.
or 'fwr- (S,A-H II) 'to praise, to bless,
adak. to worship', cf s.v. appurisn. Another
a-frac-sacisneh [)pr)c scsnyh] the quality etymology by Bailey, BSOS VI, 1931,
of not passing away, continuance, con- 587.
tinued existence (of the family) 59 . - 20
a-gah ['g's] who has not his (proper)
Av. (1554) pasca frasaxtahe masyehe 'after place, displaced, ejected 26 26 • - V. gah.
mankind has come to an end', Yd. 19 28 ,
is rendered in PhI. by pas hac frac-sacisneh
a-gobak ['gwb)k] speechless, of dumb
animals 122. - V. gobak.
i martoman, v. sacisneh.
a-gobakeh speechlessness, of dumb am-
afras [)pPs; B<W] learning, teaching 67 13 . mals 119.
84 23 ; bun 'U [B <W =] afras original text
and teaching (= doctrine based on the Agrerat [)ldyhltl] n. pro 11013 . - Av. (49)
bun) 1119. - NW form; MPrs »fr)h, Ayrae-raOa- 'whose car drives at the
)fr)h, )pr)h 'teaching, doctrine' (S,BBB); head (of the fighters)' , a brother of
Paz. veh-afrah 'of good learning, well Frasyak (q. v.); son of Pasang, V. BdA
informed in the good Religion', Skr. v. p. 197 5 .230 12 [)klyltl] = BdJ 68 20 .79 4
uttama-hita-dayaka (Aog.). Cf Av. (999) [Paz. AyririOi, Agrerad],
a-fras-. - FrP 30 (31) B<W bg. bd. )pPs a-griftar ['glpt'l] "not catching", not
)pPh, that is: B<W: bag (bay) afras involving liability or responsibility 65 1 . -
(afrah) , which means: "the ideogr. B<W -V. griftar and griftaromand.
signifies bag ajras = [SW form] bay
afrah". B<W, wholly coinciding in writing
a-guman ['gwm'n'] undoubted, indisput-
able 80 24 . - Paz. agumq. V. gttman and
with bwn = bun, is BA <U, st. abs. of Syr.
BA <UTA 'petition, rogation', the prob-
able sense of the Ir. equivalent being ah [)h] thus, then 33 12 . - Av. (62 sqq.)
'petition to the King or a royal person'. aOa.
The lemma is thus given in Cod. SI' ahanj- [)hnc-] pres., to draw up (water):
but mutilated or corrupted in the other imp. pI. ahaniet 1425. - MPrs pt, 'hxt,
MSS; unrecognizable in Junker's ed. (ch. pres. )hynz-, Verbum 198; NP ahixtan
ahani-. Alternates in the same context
afrin [inscr., Ps. )plyny; )pryn'] benedic- with the simplex vb. hixtan hani- (q. v.).
tion, praise, blessing 77 3 • 12818 ; ""kartan ahanun-ic [)hnwnc] now 524 ; "" ... ne
to praise, to glorify, to utter benediction not yet 727. - MPrs )hnwn 'now', 'hnwnc
P 1: 10-1-1. F: 5. '128 19 . P6. 15 11 ; to bless ny 'not yet' (S); NP hanuz.
94 27 ; to perform an invocation P 2: 5. -
ahlav [)hlwb'] 1. holy, of the gods 59 12 ;
dahman "": v. dahman. - Av. (331)
afrivana-; MPrth )frywn; MPrs )fryn, nar i "'" Dahman Afrin 92 10 ; Sros "", V.
Sros-ahlai; epithet of religious authori-
)pryn (S, A-H II); NP af('i)rin. Of the
ties: '" Zartuxst 4212. 4427. 46 21 . 58 10 .
next ws.
59 15 . 60 2. 107 1 ; "" Tosar 11118.- 2. right-
afritak [)plytk'] (heavenly) created 62 18 , eous, pious: mart i "" 39 15 . 82 6 • 83 1 ;
from "" nar u narik 7412 ; compo ~-tar 64 20 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ahlav 11 ahii

subst. the pious, righteous man 65 16 . for ahokenitan 'to defile, to soil, to
73 2. 24 ; pI. cas. obI. '""-an: '""-an martan stain', den. of ahok, Paz. aho, NP tiku
zanan 53 12 ; '""-an alone 63 21 . 73 22 . 8.8 25 . 'fault, defect, stain', V. Zsprm ch. III,
10121. - 3. blessed, of those in Paradise heading, Av. S. V. (345) ahita- and (346)
86 24 ; subst. pI. cas. obI. '""-an the blessed ahiti-.
87 18 . - Borrowed from Av. (246 sqq.) abram- ['hPm-] pres., to raise, to lift up,
asavan-, nom. asava; MPrthPrs (Zoro- to lead upwards; pres. pass. 3d p. sg.
astrian term) 'hlw, pI. 'hlw'n (A-H II); ahramiyet ['hPmydyt ' ]: fratom gam pat
as to the correspondence -s-: -hl- v.s.v. humat ... apar I'-' at the first step he is
J.llahlah; Paz. aso, pI. asoq,. V. ahlav-dat, lead up to (the stage called) Good Thought
ahlai, ahlayeh. The genuine Wlr form is 73 26 - 27 , but Paz. aramerj, Skr. V. nivesayati
OP artavan 'blessed', whence MPrth 'rd'w (West: 'he rests the first footstep on
'righteous, veracious', also borrowed in
Humat'). - Ps. pret. 'hl'pty, pres. 'hZ>m-,
MPrs (A-H II); v. further artak. pt. 'hlwpty 'elevated'; MPrs 'hr'ptn,
ahlav-dat [,",,-d't ' ] a tho given to fulfil 'hr'm-; MPrth pt. 'hr'm'd; Paz. aharam-
righteousness or piety; charity: 92 14 - 15 . - 'tsn't, SkI'. V. akar§ana, aharamihed,
Paz. asodarj, Skr. V. pury,yadana. In mod- Skr. V. lct"§yate SGV XVI, 22. 26, treat-
ern Parsism 'the fees to the priests', ing of Manichean theology. Etymological
Modi, Ceremonies 407, 441-442. attempts HP II, 5; Verbum 190; Ghilain
73; Ps. Gloss. As to -m-: -ft- cf ayinaftan,
allHii ['hPy] = ahlav, V.S.V. Sros. - SVV hanzaftan. Cf also axram-.
development of *ahlav < Av. nom. sg.
*astiva of astivant-, V.S.V. ahlav and cf ahramog ['hlm",rk ' ] heretic, apostate
.ar·Wk. 107 11 • Borrowed from Av. (257)
aS9maoya~; Paz. asmog. As to -s-: -hr-
ahIayeh ['hPdyh] righteousness, piety cf S.V. ]}lahlah and ahlav.
45 23 . 55-59 passim. 66 20 . 23 etc. - Paz.
asoi, Skr V. subhakti. ahl'amog'eh heresy, apostasy 8220. 1012 5.
109 22 .23 .
a-homanak ['hwm'n'k] not similar (0 to)
81 2 • - V. homanak. *ahriftan ['hlyptn ' ] 43 15 . 53 15 . 58 1 : read
hareftan [h'lyptn ' ], q. V.
a-bos [>hws] immortal 78 2. 1049 • - Paz.
axos, V. hos. Ahriman ['hlmn ' ] 32-34. 62-63. 71 etc.
passim. - Av. (104 sq.) angra- mainyu-,
*ahoyenitan, pt. = pret. pass. *ahoyenit a'i)ra- mainyu- (angra-, a'i)ra- < *ahra-);
['hwkynyt ' !] *to insist on (pat) 38 3. - MPrthPrs 'hrmyn; Arm. lw. Ahrmn;
Meaning approximately clear; reading Paz. Aharman; NP A..harman, Ah1'aman,
hypothetical. I take it as the caus. Ahriman. Cf Bailey, BSOS VII, 1934,
*ayoden- of OP yaud- 'to be in commo- 295 sq.
tion', Av. (1231 sq.) yaoz-, V.S.V. ayoz.
Ahrihang ['hlyswng] a female deity 59 18 .
This *ayoden- having developed into
- PhI. transliteration of Av. (243) Asis
*ayoyen- in SVV, the first -y- was dropped
va.'i)uhi; on -hr- : -s- V.S.V. J.V:lahlah and
and -h- inserted to fill the hiatus, ac-
cf S.V. ahlav.
cording to the common rule; -k- is only
graphic, as often after a w to assure its ahu ['hw] paramount chief, overlord,
reading as -0- - if -lc- is not simply (by borrowed from Av. (281 sq.) ahu-, in the
no means uncommon) the defective form combination ahu-ca ratus-ca overlord and
()f the old letter d (cf the Ps.): *'hwdyn-. - chief judge, transposed into PhI ahu
Commonly the spelling 'hwkynytn' stands u rat (q. v.), whence the abstr. noun |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ahii.-u-rateh 12 iikiih

ahii.-u-rateh the state of being overlord iiivenak ['dwynk'] kind, sort, species,
and chief judge (of the material beings), genus 4 23 . 39 17 . 76 11 • 80 23 . 9417- 20 . 1083. 10 ;
of Zartuxst 55 20 . - ahu also in yaOa- nature 10014 ; - manner: pat han ""',
ahu-vairyo (q. v.) pat en ~ in this, in such a manner; being
in such a state; thus: 1120-21. 3416 . 85 19 ;
ahuvar [>hwwl] the name of the yaOa-
ahu-vairyo prayer 59 8 • - Av. (283 sq.) the thing (event, situation) being so,
connected with ditan 21. 3 22 . 9 17 . 27 . 11 6. 14 •
ahuna- vairya-, Paz. ahunavar (Mx),
123. 121 6 ; with asnutan 8 14 , - ce "'" 48 13 ,
which is perhaps also meant by the PhI.
form, the n-stroke having been dropped pat ce "'" 76 20 . 21 . 78 8 how?; pat cis-ic ~
between the two w-strokes. ma 70 3, pat hec "'" ... ne 79 2- 3 in no
way, by no means; pat han ~ ka griyet
aibigat [>ybgt'] hostile onslaught, de- so that he is weeping 1117; - pat "'" i
struction, the destructive power (almost xuarset like the sun 4412 ; pat susr ,...... some-
personified) 55 21 . 70 20 . - Paz. aibigag, thing like a sperm 95 17 ; pat ozanisn ,......
Skr. v. vinasa (Mx), pratipak~a (SGV). by (means of) killing 10320 ; har 2 ~ in
Avestan w., but not attested in this both respects 1106. - MPrs 'ywyng (S,
sense: Av. (88) aiwi.gati- 'commence- A-H II), "yng (List 80); Paz. aina,
ment'. SGV ainaa, Skr. v. prakara, SGV also
aibigatik adj. of the preceding w.: "'" sar vidha, riti. [MPrth "dyng, List 79, NP
the beginning of the Onslaught (in the alnah 'mirror' seems to go back to *a-
cosmogony) 39 3 • - V. also an-aibigatik. dayana-]. - Note: - NP adinah 'Friday',
for Islamic (yaumu- )l-ium <a, cannot be
Airyak [Paz.] 47 3. - BdA p. 2309 etymologically connected with aivenak,
>ylk = Brak. as Markwart has it (v. above s. v. aiven);
aivan(ak): read ayiyan(alc). it probably goes back to MIr *atenak <
OIr *ati-ayana- (OP ati-ay- 'to go along'),
aiviip [>dwp] or, passim; also in dis-
cf MPrs 'dyn 'entrance' (S, A-H II),
junctive interrogation, e. g. 62 7 - 9 • - MPrs
with secondary lengthening of the initial
'y'b; Paz. aya; NP ya; < OIr. *ada-va-pi:
a- : *a~enay 'congregation'. - V. also
Av. (55) ada, a~a 'then', OP ada- id., + ham-aivenak.
OIrSkr va 'or' + -pi, v. -po
iiiven ['dwyn'] rites, customs 81 8 ; cas.obI.
"",-e [+ 1] namak 121 19 , the Sassanian
construed with past pt. *
ak ['k] Prth if, in unfulfilled condition,
Prth. opL. of h-
(v. I, p. 175) both in prot~sis and in apo-
code of courteous manners and conduct,
dosis: ak sity *diSt (I:IWY -ndy =) ahende
NP ain-namah, often referred to by Mus-
o be arak akasi but ahende if a cairn had
lim authors. - < OIr *abi-dayana- from
been built it would have been visible
*day- (v. ditan) , whence NWcPrth ab-
from the outside HajA: 9. - MPrth 'g;
den, but SW -Prs *aibiden > *aiviyen
> aiven. - KZSPrth I. 19 'bdyn = Prs < *hak < Av. (1742) hakat 'at once, at
the same time', cf hakar.
1. 24 'dwyn, Gr. v. E:eO~; Ps. 'dwyny
translating Syr. namosa . the Mosaic iikih ['k>s] awa,re, knowing 396. 57 4. 1082 ;
Law; MPrth 'bdyn 'habit, custom' (Hen- ~ kartan to inform 1012 . 11 23 ; ke hac
ning, TPhS 1944, 110-112); Arm. lw. den ~ he who is enlightened by Religion
auren-k< 'institution, the Law; the Eucha- 67 16 ; subst. pI. cas. obI. kam ~-an the
rist'; Syr. lw. b-al)den 'similar to', cf also ignorant, the witless 11022 . - MPrs 'g>
hamoden; Paz. NP ain, Skr. v. acara; (S); Paz. NP agah. Arm. lw. akah, cer-
Arab. lw. 'a'in. V. Markwart, UJ VII, tainly from Prth, proves that -s in 'k's
1927,89-121; Jtmker,WuSXII, 1919, 150. is spurious, and only the inverse spelling |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ikiih 13 iikustan

of -h; thus it cannot be connected with another vb.: asariheg, (Antill: asariheg,).
akas (q. v.), which also differs in meaning. Skr. v. parik~iyate with the explanation
From OIr *a-lcaOa-, derived through. the ak~amo bhavati.
Buff. -Oa- (OInd :tha-) from *ka-, Skr
a-kart [>krtl] not carried out 69 7 • - V.
cayati 'to notice, to be aware' (v.s.v. kartan.
caSm-kai). As ws. formed by the suff. -tha-
are abstracts we have to explain *a-kaOa- a-kartiireh [>krt>lyh] inactivity: r - I a
as 'being with information, having good smah dahet g1. to be acarenet (q. v.) 45 2 • -

information'. cf Skr a-manas- 'being of V. kartar, kartareh.

favorable mind'. As to the spelling, cf iikasi [>ksy] Prth: r - I butan to be, become
p>tk>sy 'renowned' NRjb, 1. 4, but in the' visible HajA: 9. - From Av. (459) a-kas-;
parallel passage of SM, end of 1. 25 FrO VIII vidus: >ks; MPrth >gs 'apparent,
(quite clear!) p>tk>hy, < *pati-kaOa-. V. visible'. The final -y is not the silent
also nikah, gukai. - Compounds: dus- final -y abundantly written in Prs. in-
akah, visp-akah. I scriptions and in the Ps.; this is wanting
ikiiheh [>k>syh] information, message 3 2 • in Prth (quite exeptionally written in
7 2 • 46 13 . 59<1; - religious doctrine(s) and site, vitavane, q. v.). Here -y is a real
tradition(s) commonly accepted by the ending, whether -e or -i is not clear,
community (in contradistinction to pai- found in some cases where a pred. adj.
takeh, q. v.) 1095 • 23 • II 17 .15; r - I governing forms a unit with butan: MPrs wnybwt
an inf.: the accepted doctrine (tradition) 'annihilated', Cstwybwdn 'to be defeated'
is that II 111.22-23. - Paz. NP agahi; (List 89, V.s.v. stab), probably also han-
FrO VIII: vaebim [Av. (1321) vaMaya-]: girtikeh (q. v.) graphically confounded
akaheh. - V. kar-akaheh, visp-akaheh. with the abstr. noun in -eh. [May I ven-
ture the humble guess that -i originated
ikiihenitan [r-I-ynytn'] to inform a p. of from the instrumental of a fern. adj. in
(hac) 13 23- 24 .4727. -i-: *-iya > *-iya > -i].
akahiha, v. spurr-akahiha. ak-deneh [>kdynyh] infidelity 10919 • -
a-kaniirak [>kn>lk'] boundless, unlimited, From ak-den 'one having a bad religion':
infinite 671<1; of Zurvan 77 3 .<1.12; of Time Av. (44 sq.) aka- 'evil', cf akamandiha.
77 8 • - V. kanarak. a-kenihii [>kynyh>] adv. without hatred,
forgivingly, magnanimously 355 • - V. ken.
a-kaniirakeh boundlessness, endlessness,
of Ohurmazd 63 7 • 26 • a-koc [>kwc] helpless 26 27 • - V. kac.
a-kiir [>~>l] ineffective, powerless: r - I kar- akomandihii [>k>wmndyh>] in an evil man-
tan to incapacitate 42 18- 19 • 103 20- 21 ; but
I'V ner, pitilessly, mercilessly 75 3 • Paz. sub-
mar u start 54 • • • - V. kar. Paz. agar;
2 6 10
stitutes for it anaamediha 'hopelessly'. -
Skr. v. an-upakarin- (Mx), agar, Skr. v. From akamand 'belonging to (the world
ak~ama (SGV). of) Evil', aka; v. ak-deneh.
akiirenitan [r-I-ynytn l ] to incapacitate, to +akos [+>kws] a hug: ku-san pat r - I frac
destroy 4213. - Paz. agarineg" Skr. v. grift g1. 43 15 , v. s. v. *hareftan and v.
vinasayati (SGV XII,43). griftan. - Text: >knyh, meaningless. NP
akarihistan [r-I-yhstn ' ] pass. of the pre-
agos, ayos.
ceding vb.: Ahriman be akarihet A. will akustan [>kwstn ' ] to hang, to suspend,
be incapacitated, powerless 77 10- 11 • - pt. akust 20 27 • 328. - Ps. 136 2 >kwsty;
MPrs >g>ryyhyyd (Sogd. 1619 ). Paz. has MPrs » gwst (S) ; MPrth a bstr. >gwstgyft (S). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
alai 14 a-marg

alai ['Py] woe! 26 22- 24 . r Sahrevar, Harvadat, Amurdat and Span-

darmat surrounding Ohurmazd, himself
Alaksagdar ['lksgdl] 107 5. 12 for
reckoned as the seventh and the sum
Alaksandar ['lksndl] Alexander P. 78 3. and substance of the group (enumerated
1082°. ll013. 1ll12. ll7 9. - Paz. Arasangar 3910): 1. sg., of an individual divinity:
(Mx). cigon ,-,....-e [""+ 1] as an Amahraspand, of
almast ['lm'st i ] the hardest of the metals, Zartuxst 38 27 ; Vahuman ,-,.... 561. - 2. pI.
possibly steel 78 12 . - Borrowed from Gr. a) cas. rect.: amahraspand hem 39 8; with
&~afL(XC;; MPrs 'rm's 'steel' (List 80); encI. copula 2nd p. pI. ,-,....-et 58 7; subj. of
Paz. almast, Skr v. pa1'}q,arasika, accord- an intrans. pret.: raft hend "" 58 12 ; -
ing to West pa1'}q,ara-sik~ya 'yellow-white . b) cas. obI. ,-,....-an: gen. 38 26 . 4126. 59 11 •
crystal'; NP almas 'a diamond; a glass; 63 9. 74 2. (after hamoden). 89 22 . 916. 99 2,5;
sharp iron'. Bailey, ZP 134; Henning, - the agent of a pret. pass. 38 22 . 39 19 . 21 ;
BSOAS XII, 1947, 45. - dir. obj. of an info 85 7.11 , of a trans.
pret. pass. (mixed act. and pass. construc-
aluh ['lwh] eagle; with indef. art. '-""'-e
tion) 76 21 . 77 2; - governed by a prep. 1222.
[,-,....+1] 9 25 . - MPrs 'lwf (List 79); NP
39 18 . 43 27 etc.; - for the cas. recto pI., be-
aluh, < OP *ardufya- < *ardifya-, Av.
ing the subj. of a vb. in pres. 1044. - Av.
(354) 'Jrnifya-.
(145 sq.) am'Jsa- sp'Jnta-; Paz. amesaspand
am ['m] the independent form of the (or similar forms), Skr. v. transliterates, or
cas. obI. of the pers. pron. 1st p. sg. = translates amara-guru; MPrs 'mhrspnd)n
encI. -m me (q. v.): opening a sentence 'the elements of Light'; as to -s-: -hr-
33 22 ; introducing the apodosis after hakar v.s.v. ahlav; Av. am'Jsa- < *a-mrta-.
344 ; taking up the encI. -m after a lengthy
digression 345; am introducing the main a-mar ['ml] numberless, innumerable
sentence after an interrogative clause 66 26 . - V. 1mar.
52 8, after an adverbial 34 2. - Cf as, at etc. a-mar ['m'l] numberless, countless 87 27 .
amah [LNH, Prth LN] pers. pron. 1st. - Cf the next w.
p. pI. 1. cas. recto we: "-'-ic ... ayem 9 13- 14 ; amar ['m '1] account; the Reckoning
to ,-,....-ic dat hem we have been created by which the individual soul has to go
thee 39 7; oisan (v.s.v. oi) ,-,.... hem ke 57 23 ; through after death, and mankind at
- an, ,-,.... an: v. Ian. - 2. cas. obI. us: a) the ResurrectioYf 64 11 • 27 . 79 23 . 84 18 ; scour-
dir. obj.: ,-,....-ic akah framai kartan please ge 4222; kunisn ~ it is the act that counts
let us know 11 23 ; ,-,.... martoman 11 25 ; ,-,.... (on which the Reckoning after death is
(twice) proleptic obj. of zanisn 46 6. 7; - based) 6427. - Paz. NP amar. From Av.
b) virtual dat.: franamisn ,-,.... we must (1142 sq.) 2 mar-, originally hmar-, cf
proceed 40 5 ; ,-,.... ap i to pat kar ne apayet osmurtan; Arm. lw. hamar; Targ. Talm.
we have no need of your water 1423 ; 'mrkr 'cashier'. Bailey, BSOS VI, 1930,
191- 2 ; - c) the agent of a pret. pass.: pas
65 sq.; Telegdi 227.
,-,.... framat HajB:ll; HajA: 5.10 (Prth
LN); ,-,.... eton asnut ku 34, etc.; - d) i ,-,.... *Amard ['mrd] the town of A.mulll7 19 . -
our: dar i ,-,.... 3 6, etc.; e) after a prep.: Amul < *amrda-, Gr. "AfL(Xp~or. and
andar, apak, 0 ,-,..... - Av. (295 sq.) gen. Map~oL: Cat. llO (with the reading 'mwy
ahmak'Jm, OP amaxam; MPrthPrs )m'h; = *Amui, which seems little probable);
Paz. ema; NP mao V. also -man. Eransahr 136.
amahraspand ['mhrspnd] the circle of the a-marg ['mlg] undying, immortal 59 22 .
six divinities Vahuman, Art-/Urt-/vahist, 77 4. 1049. - V. margo |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
a-margeh 15 amoxtareh

a-margeh immortality 106 22 . Ghilain, 47. V. also matan. - 19 27 read.

SGYTN-tl = raft.
a-matak ['-NK:e] non-female 10417 . - V.
matak. amavand ['m'wnd] strong, powerful 72 10 .
- From Av. (140) ama- 'power, might'.
amatan [Y 'TWN -tn I] ay- to go, to come, to
arrive, to come on, to issue, to appear, amavandeh mightiness, vigour 344.5. 58 15 .
passim; together with other vbs.: ayet u 119 18 .
tapet 2210.13.16 (3d p. sg.); ai u den stai amecisn ['mycsn l ] mixture; the elements
99 26 - 27 ; api-s am at 2 zan nisastak dU hav- that constitute the human body (Arab.
ing arrived there he saw ... 6 17 ; druyist mizai) : 4 r--I 12010 . - MPrs 'myzysn
sutan u amatan to go and come in due (A-H I, Sogd. 16 4b -17), from MPrthPrs
order 87 23 ; - with prepositions: 0 to 'myxtn '( ')myxs- 'to mix': Verbum 178,
8 14 - 15 . 1413 , etc.; 0 nazdik i ... r--I 5 2l , or Ghilain 81. Cf gumextan, gumecisn.
(0) nazdikeh i . .. '" 36. 53 into the presence
amek ['myk] mixture; xak-r--I mixed with
of; 0 paitakeh r--I to appear 5 13 . 1084 ; 0
the dust, dusty 112 13 . - MPrth ' 'myg, cf
patirak r--I to meet 8 4 • 731.20-21, etc.; 0 en
MPrs g'Wmyg (A-H II, from gumextan,
kustak ron towards this district 715 ,.
q. v.), which proves that the root was
with hac: from 1814 etc. [hac ... be 0
*mailc- and not maig-, as Henning and
... r--I to be converted from ... to ...
Ghilain (v. above) have it: an original
PR 9 4- 5]; hac ... yuvatak away from
*ameg would have resulted in *iime(i),
74 7- 8. 76 6- 7; - with pat: on (a path) ibd.;-
*ameh in SW, cf s. v. teh.
with prev.: andar r--I to come forth, to
appear 87 25 ; to be handed'down 108 18 - 19 ,. amocisn ['mwcsn l ] teaching, instruction
- apac r--I to become again 10423 ; apac 0 to 804. 17 . 88 23 . :- Paz. amozasni.
return to 5 10 (v. balist). 8 18- 19 . 9 14 .121 9- 10 ; amok ['mwk ' ] teaching, doctrine 108 19 .
hac . . . apac r--I to return from 99 12 ,. - 109 2. 11019 . - MPrth 'm'Wg; MPrs hm'Wg
apar r--I to shoot up 95 23 - 24 ; to be allotted (A-H II); from
to 98 2; apertar apar a yet kil surpas-
amoxtan ['mwhtn ' ] amoc- to teach 65 23 -. 25 .
ses 64 19 ; - hac varten beron be amat
- Ps. imp. 'm'Wcy; Paz. amoxtan amoz-;
got off the chariot 20 23 ; (coursers)
NP amoxtan amoz-. MPrth 'mwxtn 'm'Wc-
ke pat roc-e 70 frasang be ayend-
(A-H III, BBB); MPrs hm'Wxtn hmwc-.
(h)e who are always riding a dis-
Verbum 170; Ghilain 63. The etymology
tance of 70 parasangs in one day 6 11
commonly given of this vb.: ham-vac-
(v. s. v. h-); han<i>druz (be) ayet the
(v. 1vaxs and vacisneh, patvaxtan) is by
space which the Drug will cover 96 23 .
no means formally or semantically as
98 18 ; be + the pres. of r--I regularly
evident as alleged. Formally the analysis
denotes the fut.: 24 15 ; if the vb. takes
the prep. 0 the order is always be 0: 97 25 •
ham + mauk- > 1) hammok or > 2)
98 5- 6. 99 12- 13 . 1046- 7; - frot r--I to come hqmok> (h)amok would seem more satis-
factory, and semantically the difficulties
down, to descend (hac . . . 0 ... ) 1043 ; -
are not insurmountable: *mauk-, Skr
ul r--I to rise 86 8; suhr pat post ul am at
muncati 'to let loose', ham-mauk- 'to give
the sperm rose to the skin 54 20 . - amatan
out (knowledge) from oneself' (Skr sam-
< *a-gmatanai from a + Av. (493 sqq.)
muc- 'to shed tears'). Already in 1936
OP gam-, cf OP (par)agmata- 'gone
Bailey derived Sogd. m'Wck 'teacher' from
forth'; ay- < a + Av. (147 sqq.) OP
*hamauk, v. Gershevitch, GrMSogd § 397.
ay-; MPrs 'mdn "y-; Paz. NP amadan
ay-. This vb. is characteristic of the amoxtareh the act of instructing, in-
SW dialects, as against NW agatan, struction 70 11 • |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Amurdat 16 an

Amurdat ['mwrdt ' ] one of the Amahras- Amahraspands 39 7- 8 ; an amah u ['w!]

pands (q. v.) 39 10 . 6910 . - Av. (143 sq.) oi 0 ham tuxsem [this reading should
Am'CmJttU. Paz. Amerda,q" NP Murdad, be restored] andar ap, andar damik,
the name of the 5th month of the year andar urvar, andar gospand we and
and the 7th day of the month. he will labour jointly in water, soil,
plants, cattle 39 15- 16 ; an-ip to . . . frac
iimurZitan ['mwlcytn ' ] to forgive, to
absolve, with be 3P4. 356. 67 9; to pity venend for thee (dat. ethicus: thou mayest
know:) they prophesy ... 5P3 (v. to
763 ; oi hac oi . . . be amurzit this (bull)
and -p); an 0 amah asp vazenet you there,
shielded him 49 5, with the gl. ku-s gavan
hacis apac dast. - Ps. pt. 'mwlcyt; Paz. bring the horse here to us 5413 (cf Spanish
nosotros, vosotros); an oi gav that (re-
amurZidan, NP amurzidan; MPrth subst.
markable) bull 427. 492-5.18-19; ane [ZK-y]
'mwid 'compassion' (A-H III), 'mwzdyft
'mercy' (8); MPrs 'mwrzydn (8), pres. oi asp that (remarkable) horse 4917 ;an oi
"mw(r)[z- (8ogd. 45); Verbum 168 sq. that very man 54 19 ; an alone for the
Av. (1175) m9r9zda- pres. 'to forgive', 1st p. sg., V. the next w. - Av. (135 sqq.)
m9r9zdika- 'mercy'. - V. also an-amurZisn. anya-, ainya-, OP aniya-; MPrth 'ny;
MPrs 'n, 'ny 'another' (also = 2an);
iimust ['mwst l ] crushed 2622 - 24 . - < Paz. han, with -c: hanica. In J -Prs hn,
*a-murst < *a-mrsta- < a + Av. (1150) 'ny emphasizing a pron. as described
mar9d- 'to destroy', cf MPrth 'mstn, pt. above, V. Mackenzie, An early Jewish
'mst 'to crush, to destroy' (A-H III), Persian argument (BSOA8 XXXI, 1968,
which seem to go back, quite irregularly, 249-269), L, 1. 14 (p. 262): whny 'wy d'd
to *amarsta-; as to -rst > -st cf dastan, dyh 'and He is the lawgiver' (hesitatingly
vastan, vitastan; the explanation given combined with )ny by M. p. 254);
in Verbum 218 is not satisfactory. Ghi- Utas, The Jewish-Persian fragment from
lain 99. Dandan-Uiliq, Or. SUo XVII, 1968 (1969),
lan ['~RN, ZK], ane [ZK-'y; ZK-y 129, 1. 13: 'ny man simply = (P, 1. 4:
49 ] A. other, another: e~RN) p4.17.2 3. 'ny mr) = ane mara 'for me'. - Cf also
15 27 . 342.10 . 5018 . 6427 . 69 24 . 1191; '~RN-c anod and enya.
= an-ic 3819 . 44 25 ; '~RN-yc = ane-c 2an, ane ['NH] I, the cas. recto of the
1191; - (ZK) 1122. 1413. 184. 207. 39 11 • 15 .
prori. of the 1st p. sg.: P 2: 1.7; 53 19
40 27 . 427. 45 24 . 49 2. 4. 7. 53 20 . 25 . 54 13 . 581.
(v.s.v. to).24 57 19 . 73 4. 15 . 75 18 . 99 16 . 11210. -
6427. 95 1; - [ZK-'y] 39 7. 40 7. 8. 4123.
Only SW: MPrs 'n (8, A-H II), 'ny
52 14 . 25 ; . an sap another night p4; an
sitikar sap a third night p7; an har 3 sap (Henning, Iranistik 90 n. 2), as against
all these three (last) nights 23; han i ane MPrth 'z = az < Av. (225 sqq.) aZ9m.
• . . Oi i. ane the one . . . the other 40 7- 8; Identical with 1 1an(e), the full expression
be man an kas . . . ne no one but I 342; being an man, ane man or man ane (v.
u an and others, 'etc.' 581; an otherwise above). Through omission of man the
(1) 40 26 (1st ZK). epithet an( e) became a sort of "modesty
B. an(e) combined with a pers. or demo pronoun" for (P, like NP bandah. This
pron. or referring to the subj. implied in usage can be traced fairly far· back. Cf
a verbal form has a partly distinctive, the words of Tissaphernes, Xen. ,Anab.
partly emphasizing sense: an man ne II, 5 23 : 't'1)V f1.€V "(eXp bd 't'?j X€CPex),f) 't'LtXpexV
Zartuxst frot barisneh sahet to me it does ~excnAer f1.6vcp ~~eO''t'LV Op(1)V ~X€LV, 't'1)V 8' bd
not seem convenient to send down Z. 't'?j Xexp8L~ to'cue; eXv Uf1.wv 1t'exp6v't'cuv xext
39 11 ; 57 20 ; to dane ke ane amahraspand ere(!oc; €U1t'€';We; ~XOL. Curiously enough, in
hem thou knowest that we are (only) Swedish slang en annan 'another' is often |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
an 17 an-iisteh

heard as such a "modesty pronoun" = as befits a man in his relations with his
I. - This pron. is, however, obsolete in ruler or superior (cf 68 6- 7.7025 ). -Approx-
BP, and the cas. obI. man (q. v.) is regu- imately 'no gentleman', with which the
larly used as the cas. recto The Pazandists gI. xUartar 'mosb contemptible, most
had lost all tradition regarding the equi- wretched' (v.s.v. 2xU ar) best seems to
valent of the ideogr., which they trans- tally. Av. (1042) namra.vaxs FrO Ille
literate mechanically aomen (Mx, SGV), with the gI. lizat gobisn 'whose speech is
when occurring in the texts. It was noble, is that of a nobleman' (read )c)t l
omitted in most MSS of the FrP (want- = azat, not )p)t I = apat as Bthl and
ing in Junker's text), but exists in Codd. Reichelt have it), which seems to allude
P and Sb though with misunderstood Ir. to the behaviour of a nobleman before
equivalents. his sovel·eign. Skr namra- 'bowing, humb-
le, obedient'; MPrth nmr 'humble, cle-
an-agr (aner) [)ngl] without beginning,
ment', abstr. nmryft (A-II III); SW with
eternal: ~ rosneh 3618 ; han i ~ rosneh
39 21 . - Borrowed from Av. (114 sq.) an- metathesis narm (q. v.), MPrs nrm 'soft'
and 'humble' (A-H II). My former read-
ayra-; gen. pI. anayranqm raocavhqm (sc.
ing hwmltwm = *h~tma1·tom is, at all
ayar'J) the day of the Endless Lights, the
events, impossible.
name of the 30th day of the month, BP
anagran (FrP 28); MPrs )nyr)n (S); Paz. an-amudisn [)n'mwlcsn ' ] mercilessness,
Aneran; NP Aniran. pitilessness 6214. - Cf MPrs )n)mwrzg
'merciless' (A-HI), abstr. )n)mw1'zygyh (A-
Anabit [)n)hyt ' ] a fen1ale deity; the
H II), pt. )n)mwrz<yd 'unpitied' (Sogd.
planet Venus 5 11 • - Av. (125) Anahita.
16 17 ). Neg. of limurzisn 'forgiveness' (v.
an-aibigatik [)n)ybgtyk] adj. belonging amurzitan), which must have been under-
to the period of non-aibigat (q. v.), i. e. stood as a pure subst., and no longer as
the period when the Evil Power had not a v.n., because in that case we would
yet invaded the creation of Ohurmazd: expect *an-amurzisneh; or is an-amurzisn
~ sar the end of this period (v. sar) 38 21 ; influenced by its preceding antonym
~ 330 sal 330 years before the Onslaught apoxsayisn ?
took place 39 26 . - Cf aibigat, aibigatik.
AnalJha~ [Paz.] n. pro 47 9 • - Not in the
anak [)n)k; *:e:BLN)] evil, unhappy, un- Bd.
lucky 141. 48 8. 53 17 ; I.IBLN) with the gI.
a-nar [)-ZKL] non-male 10417 . - V. nar.
anak 6111. - MPrs )n)g (5); Paz. ana(k),
Skr. v. anyaya (Mx), anyayin (SGV); NP an-aryan [)n)ry)n] (Prth) non-Aryans
nljk 'adulterated, polluted'. HajA: 2. SPrth: 5.11, = Prs ancran.

aniikeh [)n)kyh] harm, mischief, torment anast [)n)st l ] nothingness, that which is
31 6, etc. passim. - MPrs )n)gyh; Paz. vain, worthless: drov u ~ 83 6. 84 27 . -
Paz. anast, Skr. v. nastikya (Mx), nastika
(SGV); anahast 'non existent', Skr. v. asat,
aniikeh-kamak [~-k)mk'] evil-intention- nasti; anahasti 'unreality, extinction'
ed, malignant, of Ahriman 77 24 . (SGV, Aog.). From the neg. pref. ana
aniikeh-kamakeh evil intention, malig- (v.s.v. anavinast) + 21wst; anast < ana-
nancy, of Resm 72 15 . hast with contraction seems to be the
older form, anahast to be a recent for-
aniik-kartar [~-krt)l] evil-doer 7211.107 11 • mation.
*a-namr-tom [)nmltwm] 42 18 , sup. of an-asteh [)n)styh] discord, strife 66 6. 67 1.
*a-namr not *humble, not *deferential, 78 22 . 84 12 . 107 16 . - Paz. anasti. V. asteh. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ana-vinast 18 an-erang

ana-vinast [ZK. )I,IRN. )wnst i ] uncor- motion: sutan, dvaristan, opastan, etc.,
rupted, guiltless 64 27 sq. - The neg. pref. and with estatan and nisastan (also"" 0).
ana- characteristic of the NW languages - 2. prep. in, local, temporal and figura-
+ vinast, SW form (with -st < -st) of vi tive: "" Pars; "" im xanak PI: 6; ""
+ Av. (1055 sq.) nas- (v. vinas, vinasi- miyan i in the middle of 86 5 ; " " han
tan), MPrth wnstg 'destroyed' (MHO). an- hangam at the time 61 3 ; rv ham zaman
of ana- was written ZK, which was then at the same time 12 20 ; ,....., zaman in due
explained by the other ideogr. for an: time 2 21 , etc.; "" sap in the night 5 20 .
)I:lRN, V.S.v. Ian. - Paz. a-gunast 'un- 6 14 ; " " hasr for a single moment 66 3 ; ""
polluted, transparent, clear' (SGV V, 5). han in the meantime 56 15 . 17 ; xuatayeh

i X osroi 118 ; "" V istasp sah kisvarikan
an-iizarmeh [)n)clmyh] dishonour, igno-
miny 91 • 719. - V. azarm. when V. was the emperor of the world
365 ; - fre/tar rv : concerning 34 19- 20 . 10923 ;
an-azarmiha ignominiously, outrageously spasdareh rv, an-ispas rv : to, against; with
74 25 . other substantives, V. these separately; -
an-azarmik dishonoured 75 14 . 21, compo together with another prep.: rv 0 into, on
""-tar-ic 75 22 • - V. azarmik. Paz. anazarm, to, up to: rv 0 nun 40 14 ; with apakandan,
but compo anazarmitar, anazarm (SGV). burtan, gumextan (also without 0), histan,
kartan (v.s.v. kar); apar "" 40 25 . - Av.
and [)nd] so much, so many: en "" this (131 sq.) antar'd, antarfi, OP antar (better
much 649 ; all this, all these 351. 62 3.
read antara h ); MPrthPrs )ndr; Paz. NP
65 22 • 24 ; hac en "" sal apac since so many
andar; V. also niyandar.
years 1624 ; han "" dusman all these ene-
mies (sg. as with numerals) 24 6 ; 10426 . andarg [)ndlg] between, among 37 3 • 57 26
119 23 ; - "" cand as much (big, large, high, (prep.). 38 23 (postp.). 5310 (prev., V. go-
etc.) as: 3p6-lS. 93 6. (93 5 without ""); "" bisn). - Paz. andarg (SGV); < *antarka,
cand yast-e (as much as =) at least some cf Av. (133) antar'dca (for *antarca) 'be-
ceremonies 65 19 ; - han,....., ... cand as much tween'.
(many, long, etc.) as 929. 99 7. 10027 .
andar-ron [)ndlwn'; ~YN-lwn'] 1. adv.:
103 24 - 25 ; 2 "" dranai pahnai cand han i
"" andar sut went inside 1813 . 1912- 13 . -
nun hast twice the length (and) breadth of 2. adj. compo ",,-tar innermost 37 20 . -
it as it is now 10024 - 25 ; 1000 han"" cand 3. prep. inside 86 2 • - MPrs )ndrwn adj.
. . . a thousand times as much as . . .
and adv. (S, A-H II); Paz. NP andarun,
100 22 ; ,.....,-susr cand having as much
NP 'inner apar-tments'; Talm.lw. )(n)drwn
sperm [a bahuvrihi-compound] as 4121
'sleeping room'; V. andar and ron.
(cf MPrs )wyn)m 'of such, or that, name,
fame, Sogd. 21 4-22). - MPrs )nd; Paz. andar-vai [)ndlw)y] the atmosphere 89 19 .
NP and. Probably a secondary formation 93 1S . - Paz. andar-wae; SW form < *an-
from cand, q. V. dar-vad, MPrth )ndrw)z (S; V. Sogd. 50).
From andar + vaz-, V. vazitan.
andar [UYN] in: 1. adv. a} referring to
a preceding encl. pron. (cf apak, apar, ane [ZK-)y] V. an.
avis, hac is, patis): xayak-e ke-s murvecak
an-eran [inscr. )n)yr>n; books )n)yPn i ]
"" an egg in which there is a chicken
(Prs) non-Aryans HajB: 2. PI :-2.3 SPrs:
92 20 ; api-s ... musty (q. v.) u drog ""
5.12; 6p3. 90 1 • 119 19 • - Prth an-aryan,
nest F: 7 ; without a preceding encl. pron. :
q. v.; V. also er.
Sugud i haft janakan "" in which there
are seven j. (q. v.) 11313- 14 ; haft xuataidan an-erang [)n)dlng] unblemished 701S .
"" but 113 14- 15 ; - b) prev., esp. with vbs. of From eraxtan, q. v.; Paz. anerang. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
an gust 19 ap-

an gust [)ngwst i ] finger 2611 . 29 11 ; a linear )ps: api-s, 'pm)n i or (Ps.) 'pmn: api-
measure 93 24 . - SW form with -st < -st; man, 'pt'n i : api-tan, 'ps'n i or (Ps.) )psn:
NP anguSt NW form. Paz. both angust api-san: 1. and, introducing and coordi-
and angust. nating sentences, e.g. andar-ron andar sut
an-ispas [)nsp)s] disobedient 90 16 (andar api-s gult 1813- 14 ; coordinating substan-
tives if the second subst. is determined
to). - Paz. anaspas, v. spas; ispas with
by an encl. pron., e. g. zanisn i Ahriman
prothetic vowel is NW form.
api-s visutakan 88 19 ; also preceded by
an-ispaseh disbedience 83 5 • u: u api-t 6 20 , u api-s 78 22 , u api-san 79 5 ,
anispasiha adv. without rendering any etc. - 2. introducing the apodosis after
service 82 16 . ka 9 4. 10 25 . 52 25 - 27 . 54 18 ; after cigon 93 1- 2 ;
after an isolated w. having the character
anod (anoi) [TMH; )nwd 49 10] there, 1227 of a prot as is : hamoden api-s han zan . . .
etc., passim; 0 ,....., to that place 1220. 44 1.
ayyat but an this [to supply: engaging
49 6. 20 ; hac,....., from there 5 23 . 6 23 - 24 , etc.;
his attention], the remembrance of that
,....., ... ku where 37 22 . 401- 2. 16 . 86 8 ; refer- woman came upon him 1111-12; - taking
ring back to the reI. adv. ku: giyak ku ... up the sentence again after a preceding
,....., the place where 714 = oi vyak ku . . . digression: han zan u han fradand i-s . . .
,....., HajB: 8-9, cf the construction used api-man ne ozat 1212-13. - Av. (82 sq.)
for ke, q. v. - MPrs )nwh; Paz. ano. Prth
aipi, OP apiy 'moreover, further'., both
od (q. v.). anod possibly < *an-od, with encl. and often only emphasizing: OP
secondary lengthening of the initial vowel,
duraiy apiy (and other spellings) 'very
and of the same type as an oi, v. s. v. far'; surviving in Milr -p(i), q. v. Along
Ian (B). with it there must have existed a fully
an-osak [inscr. )nwsky; books )nwsk i ] stressed form *api; id.-europ. *epi (Gr
immortal, a royal epithet: P 2 : 5; 8 10 . postp. ~m, prep. btl.) , whence the gen-
10-16 passim. 78 3. 10515 • 11820 ; ,.....,-ruvan uine Arm. eu 'and'; it is the counterpart
of immortal soul 108 5. 1184. - Av. (114) of Gr ~TL, Lat et (eti-am). This *api >
an-aosa-, the neg. adj. of aosa(h), v. hos, Milr ap, in the sense of 'and' and in the
froin which the later Milr adj. a-hos (q.v.) apodosis, is normally used in the Sassa-
is derived. NP nos 'the water of immor- nian official language as the bearer of
tality; sweet; honey'; n. pr. N osf-rvan < encl. pronouns beginning the sentence,
A nosak-ruvan. but in fact occasionally occurs alone, as
in the Ps. (several instances, v. Gloss.);
anosak-xUatayeh [,.....,-hwt)dyh] the quality
PR 23 13 . 14 • 347. 404 ; PhlY 31 11 (intro-
of being Immortal Sovereign 63 7 •
ducing the apodosis). Apparently it was
Anose-zatan [)nwsyc)t)n i ] patr. of Anose- counted among the archaisms which need-
zat, the father (or ancestor) of Mihrak ed explanation, because it was included
13 22 . 15 25 . - From anos = anosak + zat in the FrP (ch. 24). Paz. has preserved
(q. v.) 'Immortal-born'; as to the ending some remnants of the archaic form:
-e in the composition cf s.v. menoi. awam = api-m SGV VII, 22, awamq =
api-man ibd. VI, 47. X, 28.35; Paz. AV,
an-osmar [)n'wsm'l] uncountable 87 27 . -
ed. Antia, Paz. texts 358 18 ; hawasC{; = api.
Paz. anaxusmar; fron'1 osmar 'number',
san SGV V, 62, etc.; the Paz. forms reg-
Paz. xuasmar (for xosmar); MPrth (sm)r
ularly occurring may be shortened allegro
(MHO). V. osmurtan.
forms of api-m etc., v.s.v. u. The equi-
ap- ['p-] as a rule used together with an valents of api-m etc. given by the FrP
encl. pers. pron.: 'pm: api-m, 'pt: api-t, are wm, wt, ws, which seem to coincide |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ap- 20 apa-dast

with the MPrs forms 'wm etc., v. u. apac [L'WI):L; 'p'c] 1. adv. back, back-
Ap- was certainly obsolete in the spoken ward (opp. frac 25 3- 4 ), again: hac 7-salak
language when the Manicheans created "" for seven years 1626 ; hac en and (q. v.)
their own literary SW language, which sal "" 1624 ; - prev. with vbs. of motion,
was not based on the usage of the Sassa- e. g. amatan, sutan, vastan, etc., and many
nian chancelleries. Prth preserved the others, e. g. guftan, gumextan, etc. - 2.
encl. form -p(i), but ap- only in combi- prep. with (= apak) 426 • - 1. < *apaca
nation with other particles: Arm. lw. instr. adv. from OIr adj. *apank-, weak
apa 'then' and introducing the apodosis, st. apak- and apac, derived from Av. (72)
< ap +a (q. v.); MPrth 'b'w (A-H III) apa, OP apa, cf Skr apanc- 'situated be-
< *apav <. ap a + +
Av. (1305 sq.) hind'; MPrth 'b'c; Paz. awaz; NP ba.z. -
va. [The usual identification of ap- with 2. < *upaca, instr. adv. from OIr adj.
OAramHebr 'af 'also' is cogently refuted *upank- derived from Av. (388 sq.) upa,
by this material]. OP upa 'under, with'; J -Prs 'b'z 'with'
(common); v. further apak.
ap [MY'; 'pi 60 7 • 78 7 • 86 2 • 6 • 87 8 • 11 ] water
1416 - 26 and passim; pI. cas. obI. apan apa-cand ['pcnd] pt. pass. thrown away
['p'n l ] 10915 • - Av. (325 sqq.) ap-, OP daru i jan-",,-it thy trunk (body) whose
api-; MPrthPrs 'b; Paz. aw, av; NP abo - life is thrown away, which is lifeless 26 22 •
v. ap-cihrak, ap-saran, apik. - Pt. pass. of *apa-can- = apa-kan-, v.
apakandan, NP auzand 'thrown' = afgand
apa-, api-, ape-: Mlr pren. and prev. 1. (BQ), vvhence a den. v. auzandidan (BQ,
Mlr apa- represents both OIr apa- 'off, Steingass). Of also NP bazandi 'disap-
away, de-, ex-' and upa- 'on (to), a,t, ad-'.- pointment, helplessness, poverty' (BQ,
2. api-, OIr 'on, in, over', replaced a) the
Steingass), abstr. of *bazand which may
synonymous upa- when this merged with safely be derived from *afJa-zand < apa-
apa, and b) (in SW) OIr abi- (Skr abhi-) cand 'cast down'. V. also daru.
which became irrecognizable through pho-
netical changes. 3. OIr apa-, early used apa-car ['pc'l] equipment, outfit: zen-""
in MIr as a neg. pren. 'without', later saddle-trappings 6 9 • - < *upa-cara-,
assumed an independent form ape. BP OAram lw. 'wpsr (-s- for -c-) = *upasara-
'p- for apa- and api-, MPrs 'b-; some- 'equipment of a boat' ·(Cowley, Aram.
times 'py-, MPrs 'by- for api-; Paz. awa- Pap. no. 26 22 ; differently explained by
throughout for both, which evidences at Benveniste, JA 242, 1954, 308); MPrth
least a vocal murmur after the consonant; Prs »bc'r, 'bc'r 'materials'; NP afzar,
NP, with syncope of this vowel, af- or av auzar 'a tool, a sail'. Of Telegdi 224; v.
(au-), later only af- (traces of ba- < also s. v. apazar.
awa-). For ape-: BP 'py-, 'pydt, MPrs apac-kartakeb [L'WI):L c:BYDWN -tkyh]
'by-; Paz. awe-, NP be- (bi-). I transliterate the state of having been taken to pieces,
BP 'p- throughout apa-, except when undone 11214. - NP baz kardan 'to take
api- is expressly written ['py-, 'by-]. - to pieces, to demolish'.
In Prth abi- was preserved; Arm. lws.
apac-sareh [----s'lyh] rebellion 136 • - Paz.
have apa- mostly for OIr apa-, less often
awaz-sar 'headstrong, rebellious, abstr.
for upa- (in a few ws. pa- < OIr upa-,
awaz-sari SGV XI, 247-249, < apac
borrowed before u > a-), ap9- (9 not
(1) + sar < Av. (1572) sara- = sarah-
written) for api-, au- (0-) for abi-; apa-,
in compounds. Of nigne-sar.
later api- < ape- 'without'; MPrth 'b for
apa- and abi-, sometimes 'by- for api-, apa-dast ['pdst l ] "what is on the hand"
regulady 'by for ape-. = glove, or the like, 8518 • - < *upa-dasta-,
./". |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
apa-dast 21 apiikenitiin

v. dast. Paz. erroneously ac-dast, Skr. silent again, ceased speaking 3423 ; -
v. hastavalambin-. 1. < *upaka alternating with *upaca, v.
apac 2; - 2. < *apalca- alternating with
a-paitiik ['pyt'k] invisible 89 26 . - V.
apaca-, V. apac (1). MPrs 'b'g; Paz. awa;
paitak. MPrs 'byd'g (A-H I), Paz. apeda;
NP ba, prevo va-.
NP vaida.
a-paitiyarak ['pytyd'lk l], a-patiyarak 3a-pak unclean, soiled, turbid: L WTH ap
. ['ptyd'lk l] having n-;;- adversaries or op- be *sepend (q. v) 2016- 17 : LWTH wrongly
position, unmolested 744. 77 5. 14 • 79 23 . 95 8; substituted for 'p'k = a-pak?
compo f"oJ tar 85 24 . - V. paitiyarak.
apa-kandan [LMYTN-tn l ; Prth RMY-]
lapak ['p'k] helper, pI. cas. obI. f"oJ-an pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. apakand,
(used as a cas. rect.) 106 6. - < *upaka-, written LMYTN \vithout complement
subst. derived from *~lpank-, V. apac (2) HajB: 8, books LMYTN-t l, Prth RMY-t
and the next w.; Skr upaka 'adjacent, HajA: 7; LMYTN without cOlhplement
neighbouring'; V. -also apakeh. = opt. apalcane HajB: 15; subju. 2nd
p. sg. LMYTN-'h = apakan,ah 1006 ;
2apak [LWTH] 1. a) adv. together: (ka- condo 2nd p. sg. LMYTN-tl J:1WH I -, =
nicak virtual dat.) andar ham sap f"oJ bilt apakand ha 22 26 : to throw; be f"oJ to throw
in that same night he was together with
away, with 0 or andar 0 to, into, against
the girl 161-- 2 ; referring back to an enci.
22 26 etc. passim; to throw (a bucket
pron.: sih (restore the reading "30", V. into the well) 1425. 151 ; to drive (a horse)
2sih) i-s f"oJ pat asp which was with him against (0) 11 4.5 ; to shoot (an arrow)
on the horse 8 9 (v. S. V. i and cf anda1°);
HajA: 7. B: 8.15; -to arouse (fear) 52 23 ; 0
sih-e . . . f"oJ-as pat asp nisast estii·t 88 : as miyan f"oJ to provoke (enmity) 107 16 ; pat
prepositions do not govern an enci. pron.
menisn i ... f"oJ to suggest to a p.'s mind
f"oJ must be the adv., and -as refer to 37 12- 13 ; - pt. apakand fallen, slain 26 26 . -
the following pat asp or to the whole
< 011' *apa-kan- and *upa-kan- (v. S. v.
sentence. - b) prep. together with, with,
apa-), from leandan, q. v.; MPrthPrs
in all its senses, passim; in spite of 'bgndn ; Verbum 172, Ghilain 55; Paz. pt.
11 8; '" man 5 24 ; '" amah 19 3, '" smah awagarJ, pres. awa-gan- (SGV); NP a/gan-
19 18 , '" oisan 8 26 ; evak '" dit with dan, augandan. V. also apa-cand, /rakan-
each other 78 18 . 79 6. 107 15 . - 2. adj. dan, pargandak.
prostrate, knocked down, lying on one's
back.: evak apar, '" dit, apar estat _hend apakeh ['p'kyh] 1. company; pat f"oJ
o en ko/;" they set about this act together 57 12 . - 2. backward movement:
(making coition), the one above, the pat f"oJ back 4P; V. pat-apakenitan. -
other lying on her back 43 14- 15 ; lea 3. help, assistance 59 19- 2°. 72 9.26 (opp. ha-
Ahriman '" A. being l-mocked down mestareh). - V. lapak and 2apak. Paz.
(lying senseless) 91 4 (the enci. -s after f"oJ awagi. V. also apar-apalceh.
belongs to the following, taking up the
preceding subj. Ohurmazd which begins apakenitan [f"oJ-ynytnl] to make a p., or
the period), a wordpl~y - not understood a th., one's helper, or companion, or
by the Pazandist - wIth f"oJ hamoden help: halcar venakeh apakenc [-yd.] (if
yazdan 'U amahraspandan 1. 5-6, the first thou wilt make Clear Vision thy helper
f"oJ (1. 4) being a synonym of start (1. 2), . =) if thou wilt have recourse to Clear (...
cf BdA, p. 712-81, and the second (1. 5) the Vision 595, with the gi. kil-t danakeh bavet
prep. 'with'; - adv. back, again: ka 'that is: (if) knowledge is to be thine'. -
Zartuxst hamos f"oJ bilt when Z. bec'ame Cf also pat-apakenitan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
apak-puhr 22 8par-gar

apak-puhr [LWTH pwhl] he who has a (cf 412° and 8920); "" fravartak in the
son 22 6. - Cf the NP compounds with ba: letter 18 22 ; - combined with another
ba-ab 'having water' and the like. prep.: "" 0 pad estilt 2810. 11819. 119 17 (cf
above 18 21 ); ,-..., 0 axu i astomand 40 1 ; ""'-'
apam ['p'm] debt 709. - <
OIr *apamna-
'that which a p. (the lender) has to obtain andar ayiyanak 40 9 ; "" tai saxan 40 12 ;
(from the borrower)', middle pt. of Av. "" pat ostak 48 22 (etc.). - b) temporal:
(70 sqq.) ap- (v. ayaftan); as to the form, "" sal 2' mazdesn bagY 8ahpuhrY in the
cf garamik. Paz. awam; NP vam, avam. year 2 of the Mazdayasnian Divine Sh.
PI: 1; ""'-' sal *68 in the year 68 P 2: 1 ;
lapar ['pl; MDM, v. 2apar] adj. situated ""'-' pat han iaman ka at the time when
above, lying above: evak "", apak dit, 4123. adak "" pat iaman att_hat time
v. S.V. 2apak (2); - heaverily, often in 61 9 ; 4214; "" 3 sap tai three nights ago
compounds: apar-apakeh etc., v. below; 512-3. - c) figurative: on, about (esp. in
compo "",-,-tar ['pltl] higher 54 26 . 58 19 , headings and book titles), concerning;
highest 109 27 ; sup. "",-,-tom highest 4P. (reigning) over, (merciful) to, (hostile) to-
102 5 ; V. also apartareh; - adv. empha- wards; (means) for; etc.; - with an info
sizing an adj.: highly, extremely: apar- or a V. n.: in order to 37 14 - 15 . 45 15 ; 1185
arzanik, v. arzanik. - Av. (393) upara-, (continued by inf. + rad, 1. 6). - ""'-' does
adv. upara (instr.), upar9m; MPrth 'br not govern encl. pronouns; single excep-
adj. and adv. (MHC), compo 'brdr, sup. tion apar-as 54 24 (late passage). - Av.
'brdwm; Ps. 'pldl; Paz. awartar, awardar (394 sq.) upairi, OP 'upariy; MPrthPrs
(SGV); NP bar 'height, top, summit', 'br; Paz. awar; NP bar. Cf aper. - On
bartar 'higher'. MDM 43 15 V. hareftan.
2apar [MDM, erroneous reading of OAr am
QDM] 1. adv. above: (3 pas) i-m guft '" of
apar-apakeh [MDM 'p'kyh] heavenly, di-
which I spoke above 65 9 ; et namakY ce vine help 59 19 .
hac ""'-' nipist'Y estilt the inscription that apar-astisneh ['pPstSnyh] the act of ac-
had been written here above P 2 : 3, cf cepting and taking care of: "" i en den
hacapar; - prevo over, on, upon, up, or rad 58 9, with the gl. ku tai pat en den be
simply expressing the initiation of the estat (subju. 3d p. sg., V. estatan); 5910. -
action, with varying vbs.. , cf esp. (a)ma- < apar + estatan; as to the alternation
tan, burtan, gratan, raftan, ra,sitan; follow- e-: a- cf astenisn.
ed by enclitics: apar-p-im ravisn I must
needs ascend 40 26 , V. S. V. -p(i); - refer- apar-barisneh ['plblsnyh, MDM blsnyh,
ring back to an encl. pron.: api-s Vidrafs MDM YBLWN-snyh, MDM YDLWN-
... ""'-' nisast and V. got on it (the horse) snyh] the act of ascending, ascension;
25 15 ; ce-t avdom margeh ""'-' raset for at transport, ecstasy 5121.25. 52 4. 9. 53 19 ;
the end Death will come upon thee 72 6- 7 ; cf las. - < apar +burtan (q. v.); opp.
(martoman) tai-san amocisn "" ne barend frot-barisneh (q. v.).
as long as one does not impart instruction
apar-burtareh [MDM bwlt'lyh] the act
to them 80 4. - 2. prep. a) local: over, on,
of procuring, or the state of having
on to, doWn on: Krisasp "" en damilc
procured 44 25 - 26 . - V. S. V. burtan.
raset K. is roaming all over this earth
33 13 ; ""'-' giyak on the spot 321 . 102; ""'-' ku apar-gar ['plgl] the Supreme Power, Fate
Zartuxst be dahem where we shall deposit 13 7 • - Cf Av. (394) uparo.kairya- 'whose
Z. 396- 7 ; ""'-' pad estilt rose to his feet 18 21 ; work is transcendent' ; Paz. awargar
asp . .. ,-..., rahy vartet harness the horse! (SGV XIV78 'supreme' of Adonai); NP
54 13 - 14 ; srisk "" srisk drop after drop 214 bar-gar 'fortune'. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
apar-gumext 23 apa-sihistsn

apar-gumext ['plgwmyht I] alloyed: asen apartareh ['pltlyh] superiority, super-

~ alloyed with iron 1l015. - Pt. of eminence 55 7 • - V. l apa1°.
apar + gumextan (q. v.). apar-zen ['plzyn ' ] the King's headquar-
apiirik ['p'ryk; Prs inscr. 'p'lykl other ters in the field 221. - < 2apar +zen
1. attribute, placed before its subst., (q. v.) 'that which (is over =) superin-
passim; seldom inflected in pI. before a tends the arms' = 'Supreme command';
subst. in pI. cas. obI.: hac ~-an giyakan cfmexak.
u rostakan 8617- 18 . - 2. independent: ~ *Apasai ['ps'y] n. pro SPrs: 9.15.- Reading
other people 50 26 - 27 ; han i evalc . . . u ~ uncertain and etymology unknown.
the one . . . and the other 1093 ; evak-e
... u ~ one ... and another 121 18 ; apa-siirtan ['ps'ltn ' ] to quench, to ex-
tinguish (fire) 116 7. - Properly 'to cool
~ har ce all other things that . . . 86 2 •
down': MPrs 'ps'rysn 'cooling, freezing'
10411 • 12P; u ~ and others (i who) 10812 ;
(Sogd 211 2. 13_22); cfPaz. awasard 'frozen'
'etc.' 1l015. 12p9; u ~-an 'et ceteri'
(SGV); NP ajsurdan 'to congeal'; MPrth
II 0 17 ; sak ... u dalman tai ~ ...
wys'r- 'to cool', List 89, Ghilain 74.
except for dogs ... and vultures, (all
the) other (animals) 9421-22. - MPrthPrs V. also sarto
'b'ryg (S, A-H II); apar- < *uparda < apa-sihenisn ['pshynsn I] destruction
OIr upa- + *arda- 'side' (v.arak): 18 19
88 - . - Paz. substitutes awasinasn <
'standing by a p.'s side, placed at the *apasindisn, V. below. - V. n. of
side of a th.' = 'his, its counterpart' apa-/ape-/sihenitan ['p/'py/shynytn ' ], to
(HP II, 14); cf aparon. Paz. aware, which destroy, to annihilate: as hamak dam
must be another w.: < *awarreg < *apar- i to be apasihenit hah [J:!WH'-'h] (cond.)
rek < *upari-raika- 'left over, remainder' 3121-321; -t ... ne apeqihenitan (it is not
(from rextan, q. v.)? for thee to =) thou shalt not be able to
apar-kiir ['plk'l] sovereign 58 23 . - 'Whose destroy 46 8 (MS 'pys-, V. below S. V.
work (office, kar) is supreme'. apasistan). - Paz. awasihinidan (Mx),
MiIr caus. of apa-sih- < *apa-sid-, v.
apar-mand ['plm'nd], v. must-aparmiind. (apasistan. Its pass. is
aparnai ['pln'y], v. apurnai. apa-sihistan, pres. be ne apasihiyet
ppshydyt', written so as to look like
apa-rod ['plwd] adj. runaway 79 • - < apa
'pshhyt I] will not be consumed, emptied
+ lrod 'whose face is turned away'. 9710. - The MiIr pass. suff. pres. -ih(et,
aparon ['p'lwn ' ; Ps. 'p'lwny] 1. adj. -end, etc.) being always written -yhyt ' ,
wrong 66 4 • 11 • 69 1. etc., opp. jraron (q. v.). -yhynd (etc.) in BP, the reading 'pshhyt '
- 2. adv. backward (= apac) 12811 • - Paz. = *apasihihet must be rejected and the
awarun, Skr. v. asadacarin (Mx); NP second h taken as the ligature of -yd-
va run 'inverted, turned upside down'; < which occurs frequently (cf the spell-
OIr aparda-van-, derived, by means of ing of miyan and niyak). Thus the correct
the suff. -van-, from *aparda- < *apa- reading is apasihiyet. The original form
arda- 'whose side is turned away' (HP of the pass. suff. was actually -iy(et,
II, 15). V. arak; cf apa'rik and jraron. -end etc.), which developed into -ih(et
etc.), -y- having been dropped and -h-
apar-pem [MDM pym] heavenly, divine
inserted in the hiatus. The preservation
milk 429. - < 2apar + pem (q. v.).
of -iyet in apasihiyet is without doubt
apar-rosneh [MDM lwsnyh] the Heavenly due to the distaste for having two suc-
Light 37 19 . - V. rosneh. cessive syllables beginning with h. - The |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
apa-sihistan 24 apa-sfttak

problem of the PI'S pass. suff. was conclus- scin,do). This act. is generally supplanted
ively solved by Schaeder, UJ XV, 560- by the secondary caus. apasihenitan from
570; conjectural solution already in Ver- apa-sih-. - Note: - There is a synonymous
bum 210-212, where the MPrs examples vb. of uncertain origin which may
are collected; the starting point of the have been influenced by the apa-sih-
explanation was furnished by the J -Prs vbs.: Paz. awasaintdan SGV XI41 = PhI
forms dealt with by Salemann, Z. mittel- *apa-sayenitan; )ps )dsn' = apa-sayisn
pers. Passiv, Bull. de d' Ac. Imp. des Mx 1538 (wanting in Cod. K); 'pys)synytn'
sciences de St.-Petersbourg XIII, 1900, = apesahenitan (the second -s- inverse
269-276. spelling of h) DkM 175 9 • 3511 5 (in the
MS 13410 . 270 18 ), 'pys'hsnyh = apesahis-
apa-sistan [)psstn'], apesistan [)pysstn']
neh ibd. 1809 (= MS 13816 ); to be de-
apa-sth- [)psh-, )psyh-] or apesih- [)py-
rived from *apa-su- *apa-say- 'to rub
syh-], to be destroyed, annihilated: be
away', cf s. v. apa-sutak?
apasihet will be annihilated, of Ahriman
644 , of the wicked 103 1 (in both passages
apa-sos [)psws] derision, mockery, scorn
)pshyt' in the printed editions); - be 6616 . 75 27 • - Ps. 'pswsy; Paz. awasos; NP
apayet apesihat (subju. 3d p. sg.) vis i afsos; < OP apa-r;aur;a- < OIr *apa-
Pourusasp the manor of P. (must be =) srauera- from apa + Av. (1639 sqq.) srav-
is evidently going to be destroyed 4419 ; (HP II, 15); another etymology Bailey,
BSOS VII, 1934, 286.
ne be apesistan <i) vis i Pourusasp rad
not in order that the manor of P. might apasos-bar [~-bl] suffering mockery,
be destroyed 44 21 . My spellings apasihat, scorn 6616 .
apasistan in Dk are to be corrected; the apasos-kar [~-kl] scoffing, mocking,
scribe of the Dk MS (now available in re- scornful 66 16 .
production) constantly writes all forms of apastak ['pst>k] "scripture, the sacred
this vb. and its derivatives )pys-, keeping writings of the Parsis in their original
the two letters y and s distinct with a care language; any quotation, or text, from
not very common in PhI. writing (in 4419 the same scripture" (West, Gloss of AV,
.he wrote by a slight slip of pen )p)s- p. 13): the Avesta, the Canon to Zoro-
instead of )pys-). The form apesihat 44 19 astrianism 9421 . 107-112 passim. - West
is directly confirmed by· MPrs )bysyh)d transliterates Avistak and also quotes the
(S). - < apa- + Av. (1547) saed-, pres. spelling 'pyst'k; Paz. awasta, Skr. v.
pass. *apa-sidyati > Milr *apa-siy-et > avasta-vac or avista-vac. Modern Iranology
apa-sihet or apa-siyy-et > apa-siyet > has adopted A vesta as working form, and
apas1,het; Paz. awasiheq, awasihend; M generally accepts the etymology given by
Prth )bsyst 'dried', Ghilain 83. The form F. C. Andreas: < OIr *upa-sta- 'funda-
with -e-: apesihet etc. goes back to *apa- ment, fundamental text' (GrIrPh II, 2),
hisidyati with pres. reduplication (cf Av. cf the next w.; as to apa-: api- V.S.v.
ava-hisi~yat which is, however, perf. opt.). apa-.
The active pres. 'to destroy' was *apa- apa-starn ['pst'm] reliance 72 5. 82 15 . -
sind- > apa-sinn- (always spelt )psyn-): Paz. awastqm; for *apa-stan < *~lpa­
apa-sinnet, apa-sinnisn (Paz. awa-sinasn); stana-; Arm lw. apastan 'refuge, resort'.
from this are formed the secondary infini- apasteh ['p'styh] support 8222. - < OIr
tives apa-sinnitan (BdJ 15 9), apesinni- *upa-a-sta-, cf Av. (396) upa-sta- 'assis-
tan (Mx 27 71 ), apasinnistan (KnA 79). tance, help'. Paz. substitutes dasti.
Bal sinday 'to break', Skr chid- « Id.- apa-sutak [)pswtk'] probably: treated
europ. *skhid-), pres. chinad-, chind- (Lat. with magic art, of a sword 25 16 . 2813 . - |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
apa-siitak 25 apiyistan

Cf NP a/sun, ausun 'charm', a/sa 'a fainting, breathless', pt. of tam- (tamyati)
wizard', a/sayidan 'to subdue, esp. by 'to be exhausted' etc.; with *apa-tamta-
magic', tmdoubtedly to be connected cf Skr ava-tanta- 'fainting, powerless'. As
with NP sUdan say-, /arsudan /arsay « to -mt- > -nd-, cf dqnditan.
*/ra-) 'to rub', the magic treatment con- apaxs ['phs] changing one's mind, repent-
sisting of some special rubbing or strok- ing 83 11 • - Paz. awaxs, but in SGV awaxsa-
ing of the sword « *upa-su-, v.apa-). dar and awaxsi. Perhaps Paz. awaxs =
However, the corresponding OInd. vb. sa- apaxs represents the original form: <
means 'to sharpen, to whet' (sita- 'sharp') *apa-axsi 'having his eye (look) turned
a sense also attested in II': NP a/san, back'; as to *axsi- cf S. V. bitaxs.
ausan 'whetstone'; MPrs hswd = hassud
apixtar ['p'htl] 1. planet 115 1 ; han i 7 ro-..I
< *ham-sut 'whetted' of a sword (Hen- 7718-19.22. 79 15 - 16 (cas. rect.); oi 7 ro-..I-an
ning, BSOAS XII, 1947, 45), directly to
77 20 ; oisan ro-..I-an 79 19- 20 (pI. cas. obI. as
be compared with OInd (RV) sa'f(b-sa- 'to
subj.); ro-..I-an 115 2. - 2. the north 12012 . -
whet'; thus apa-8~ltak could simply mean
Av. (79) apaxtara- 'northern'; MPrs
'sharpened, whetted'. The parallel epi-
'b'xtr; Paz. awaxtar; NP baxtar 'the
thet distak (q. v.) is not quite clear.
west' or 'the east'.
apa-sirtan ['ps'ltn ' ] to squeeze, to com- apa-xuar ['phwl] pasture ( -ground) 49 13 . 14 .
press 48 3. - NP af8urdan and af8ardan < *upa-xuara-, v., xUartan.
apayistan ['p'dstn ' ], apayitan ['p'dytn ' ]
ipitin ['p't'n l ] cultivated, inhabited 8p5. apay-, 3d p. sg. apayet ['p'dt ' , 'p'dyt'],
- Paz. awadq; cf MPrth 'b'd (A-H III,
3d p. pI. apayend rp'dynd], pret. 3d p.
BBB); Arm. lw. apat; NP abad and sg. apayist 1. to please a p. (pat) 83 20 ;
abadan; < 011' *a-pata- 'protected', v. cigon menoyan apayist as it had pleased
patan (1). (was predestinated by) the heavenly gods
ipitineh cultivation 63 22 . 8114. 90 4 • 40 23 , V. belor. -:- 2. impers'1t is desirable:
a-patiyarak ['ptyd'lk ' ], v. a-paitiyarak. -m apayet 0 han cis I ctesire, try to
obtain, this 56 26 . - 3. to be needed 121'1-2
a-pitixsii ['p'ths'y] 1. non-king, non-
also pat. kiir apayet 1423. 37 5, andar
ruler 722 (opp. patixsayeh kingship, ruler-
apayend 105 20 . - 4. to be proper, seemly
ship 72 1), v. 1patixsai, SkI'. v. correctly
40 15 (be ro-..I). - 5. impel'S. apayet auxiliary
a-rajan. - 2. incapable (hac of) 77 6, v.
vb.: must, ought to, shall, should, has
2patixsai, SkI'. v. incorrectly a-rajan. -
to, i~ bound to, etc. with the p. as indir.
Paz. in both cases awadisah.
obj. (virtual dat.), a) governing an inf.,
a-patiyivand ['p'tyd'wnd] not prevail- which is as a rule placed a.fter: u api-t
ing, powerless, weak: compo ro-..I-tar 15 6. - xUatayeh i Bran sahr vas sal apayet kartan
V. patiyavand. and thou sh~Jt exercise dominion over
*apatundihi [Cod. K *'ptwndyh' (-d- not Iran for many years 6 20 - 21 ; 918 - 19 . 1914
marked), TD 'ptwnyh'] adv. 7427 quite etc.; in this case preverbs to the inf. are
uncertain: Paz. apatuiha representing drawn to apayet; be "-' pursitan 13 10 ; be
*a-pattukiha (v. pattuk) 'ineffectually, ro-..I histan 1313 ; kar-e i apar ne ~ kartan
fruitlessly: vainly' (West; SkI'. V. asakti- 104 8 ; aparik 0 [KN] ro-..I xUartan 94 22 ; less
vrttya 'in a powerless manner'), which is often the info is placed before: ozatan ne
irreconcilable with the PhI spellings. ro-..I 1017 . 19 ; pit u mat /razand i xues rad en
Perhaps *apa-tund < *apa-t,,!-mta- < and kar u kirpak . . . be amoxtan ro-..I the
*apa-tamta- (-a- > -u- because of the parents shall teach 65 22 - 23 ; 65 19- 20 ; 91 13 ;
labial) = apa + SkI' tanta- 'exhausted, the info sometimes has to be supplied: |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
apiiyistan 26 apa-ziitan

urvar har ce ne ~ (sc. hositan) a ne hoset apa-zayitan [)pz)dytn ' ] V. apazutan.

96 12- 13 ; 98 10- 11 ; - apayet b17..tan it is bound
apa-zon [)pzwnl] increase, addition 11217;
to happen, of predestination, explains
tan pat-~ kuneh increase thy physical
iayisn 2 21 , brihenisn 16 2 ; used itself as a
well being 216 , cf S. V. 3 pat (11); increase
nominal expression of Predestination:
of spiritual blessings 50 25 . - MPrs )bzwn
apayet-butan rad 1611 ; - b) taking a v. n.
(A-H II); Paz. awazun; NP ajzun 'more,
as its complement: -san ... gost xuarisneh
greater'; < *abi-zavana-, in which api-
ne ~it is not allowed for them to eat meat
was substituted for abi-, V. S. V. apa-;
10420 - 21 ; - c) governing a subordinate
from apa-zutan, q. V. Wikander, Orbis
clause introduced by ku 8 1. 11813 - 14 , by
XXXI, 1972, 183-184, prefers the read-
ka 56 22 (gI.); without an introductory
ing [)pznIJ -C.ap-zan 'a bath(ing vessel)"
particle, with the governed vb. in indo
NP abzan referring to the corresponding
or in subju.: ~ stave thou shalt profess
passage of Sn: bi- garrnabah sau 'go to
59 6 ; be ~ apesihat 4418 - 19 , V. S. V. apa-
the warm bath!'
sistan. - MPrs )b)yd with inf. (A-H II);
Paz. awayastan awayarj; awayastaa 're- apa-zonik he who has, administers apa-
quisite, desire' (SGV); NP bayistan, ba- zon, bestower of overflowing, everlasting
yad; andar-vai 'desire, need (cf above blessings, epithet of Ohurmazd 396 • 8 • 58 6.
no. 3; to be distinguished from andarvai 59 3 ; of Zartuxst 1101 ; sup. ~-tom 57 8 • -
'atmosphere', q. v.). Den. of OIr *upaya- Renders Av. (1618. 1619) sp'(}nta-, spiJ-
< *upa-aya- 'that which comes upon, nista-. Paz. awazuni, Skr. V. guru, brhat
is imposed upon, affects a p.' = 1. need, (Mx, SGV). Cf Bailey, BSOS VII, 1934,
2. duty, cf Av. (150) upa-ay-, V. HP II, 292-294.
17 sq. ; Verbum 168; Ghilain 48.
apazonikeh posseSSIOn of overflowing
apayisnik [)p)dsnyk] proper, fit, fitting, spiritual blessings, or gifts, a quality
handsome, nic8, exquisite, compo ~-tar, characteristic of Zartuxst's homestead
33. 5. 4 22 , etc. passim; pI. cas. obI. ~-an 50 25 , with the gI. apazon +hac ke Ve8
the qualified ones 10523 . bavet ke mat ke-c raset? from whom,
apa-zar [)pz)l] 1. adj. mighty: ~-gospand among those who have come and who
whose cattle is powerful 58 13 . 60 11 • -
8• are to come, does more (spiritual) in-
2. subst. power, predominance 84 5 ; cos- crease issue [than from Z.'s birthplace]?
mic, heavenly force 89 27 .92 2.1061 ; mili- probably a quotation; - heavenly nature,
tary forces 12V 5 - 17 ; - ~ u frahang power of Zartuxst 53 25 . 11010 .
and teaching powerful teaching apa-zutan [)pzwtn l], apa-zayitan [)pz)dy-
108 - ; nok-~ having new force, renew-
10 11
tnl], apazay- [)pz)d-], to increase, to
ed 1122.12. - < *upa- (or api-, V. apa-)
augment, pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. apa-
zavar, V. zavar and zor; l\{Prs )bz)r, hw)bz)r
zut 109 24 , apazayit [)pz)dt ' ] 92 5. - <
'very mighty'. Often confounded with the
*abi-iav-, in SW with api- substituted for
late form avzar < apacar (q. v.), hence
abi- (v. s. V. al'a-) < abi-+ Av. (504) 19av-
the erroneous Skr. renderings by sastra 'to procure'; MPrth )bgwdn )bg)w- 'to
'arms' (Mx, SGV, but 845 sadhana). - increase, to add to', )bg)w 'increase';
FrP , Cod. P, foI. 7 a , with the NP gI.
Arm lw. augut 'profit'; - OP caus. abi-
. qudr·at. iavaya- 'to add'; MPrs pres. )bzw- intr.,
apazaromand [~-)wmnd] endowed with )bz)y- trans. 'to increase'; Paz. awazUdan
spiritual forces, pI. cas. obI. ~-an 107 14 • awazaerj . .Henning , A-H III Gloss. S. V.
apa-ziiyisn [)pz)dsn ' ] increase, further- )bgwdn; Benveniste, J A 228, 1936, 203-
ance, promotion 87 8 - 11 • - Paz. aw(a)zaisn. 204; Ghilain 76. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
*apa-zirisnik 27 api-spartan

*apa-zirisnik ['pcylsnyk] *praiseworthy apegumaneh the state of being without

1063. - Possibly from Av. (512) aibi- 2gar- doubts, assurance, firm faith 83 24 . 26 . 107 3.
'to praise', (89-90) a1~bi-jar'Jti- 'praise',
apegumaniha without any doubts 62 16 .
aibi-jar'Jtar- 'praiser'. Cf azarm, garamik,
80 21 .
gir-; MPrth 'bjyrw'ng 'disciple' (A-H III).
ape-martom [)pyd 'NSWT'] being with-
ap-cihrak ['pi -cyhlk'] containing the seed out men, unpeopled 1056. 11 •
of the waters 87 8 ; ap- u damik- u urvar-
u gospand-cihrak containing the seed of ape-mica]\: [)pymck'] tasteless, flat 68 14 •
the waters, the earth, the plants and the 69 1 • - V. micak.
cattle 87 11 • - Av. (103 sq.) a/s-ciOl'a-; v. ape-pit ['py-'B'] fatherless 226.
cihr and -cihrak.
ape-puhr ['pypwhl] without son 22 6 • 7 •
ape- [)py-, )pyd] v. s. v. apa-.
aper ['pyl] abundantly 13 6 ; exceedingly,
ape-bim [)pybym] fearless, living with- highly, very, 3 5 • 7 18 . 10 25 • 812; - compo
out fear 6 23 . 8113. ,.....;-tar more ample 9010 , more 9011 ; ,-.,-tar
ape-brat [)pydbJ>t'] brotherless, having apar ayet kfi surpasses 6419 ; ,.....;-tar prefer-
lost his brother 227. ably, principally, chiefly 85 7- 8 • 88-90
passim. - Ps. 'pyl; Paz. awir, avir,
apecak [)pyck'] pure, sacred: of the
awirtar; < *upairya- adj. of upairi, V.
Mazdayasnian religion 18 6. 9 • 23 . 19 3. 2424. 2apar and cf 1apar .
59 14 • 81 9 • 84 4. 96 13 ; of Zartuxst 4427; of
the /raskart 10510 ; of Xuanirah 10614 ; of a-perozgareh [)pylwcglyh] the state of
the body 27 1 . - MPrs )bycg (8); Paz. not being victorious; pat,-., without vic-
aweza, awiZa; NP (a)viZah; < *apa-vecak tory, unsucccessfully 61 12 . - V. peroz and
'set apart', v. 1vextan. pe1,oz-kar.
apecakch purity 63 7 • 26 . 107 3. 1101. *apesar ['pysl]:. read apisar (q. v.).
apecakiha in a state of purity, in its ape-sod [)pyd swd] without husband 228.
purity 59 7 • 108 18 ; in a pure manner 1102. ape-vinas [)pywn)s] without sin, innocent
ape-car ['pyc'l] being without ex- 124.
pedient, being at a loss, falling short apik ['pyk] belonging to water, aquatic
of (hac): ke (for ku) rai [restore J>y; not 8210. 94 20 . - V. ap.
+L)!] <i) Pourusasp hac visopisn i hacis
api-sar [)pysl] crown 68 • - MPrs )bysr (8);
,..., bavet for P.'s judgment will be
powerless (defenseless) against destruc- NP a/sal'. Probably < 011' *upa-sarah-
tion from him (viz. Zartuxst) 48 13 - 14 'that which is on the head' (v. sar) >
(g1.), cf 1. 8-9. - V. car and 2rai. *apa-sara- and then remodelled to *api-
sara- with variable accent: *api-sara- >
ape-dat ['pyd d't'] unlawful, unlawful apisar, *api-sara- > *apsar > a/sar.
things 37 16 , with the g1. yatukeh. - Arm
lw. apirat 'wicked' < *ape-oat.
api-spar [)psp'l], v. jan-apispar.

ape-gumiin [)pygwm'n'] being without api-sparisnik [)psp'lsnyk]: uzvan,-., hand-

doubts: 1. not doubting, entertaining no ed down orally 108 21 , from
doubts about, assured of, trusting in, api-spartan [)psp)ltn'], often with be: to
with pat 97 • 63 24 , etc.; ,-., butan with info hand over (0 to) 14 7 • 32 13 ; to consign to,
or v. n., to be fully convinced, firmly to lay down in (0) 111 10 ; to give up
believe that 649 - 13 . - 2. not doubted = (one's honour) 4 21 ; to give (one's life,
trustworthy 910 . - V. guman, a-guman. rad for) 11 10 ; to commit (oneself to death) |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
api-spartan 28 apustan

113.6, (another to death and torment) sr~ti (SGV). The preservation of inter-
77 21 . - OIr *upa-spar- and apa-spar-, vocalic -p- in these forms evidences a
and then *upa- remodelled to api- (v. double consonant: -pp- (single -p- >
apa-): MPrth 'byspwrd, pres. 'bysp'r-, -fl-). [MPrs also has 'fwrynd, 'fwr'nd,
Ghilain 75; Arm. lw. apspar-em (=--= ap'J- 'fwryd 'to praise' (8), 'pwrysn 'benedic-
spar- < api-spar-); Paz. awa-spardan; tion' (A-H II): influence of the vb.
NP only simplex supurdan sipa·r- 'to afritan, q. v., the point of contact being
entrust'. the sense of 'create'.] From Av. (851)
4 par- 'to pass over, or through', subst.
api-yuxtan ['pywwhtn'] api-yoz-
[>pywwc-] to connect, to attach: *mei *apa-pura- approximately 'emanation'
(v. s. v. mex) be apiyuxt he (attached a (just as Skr sr~ti-) > Milr appur, whence
pole to it =) he barred it with a pole (or, the den. vb. *appuritan 'to create' and
bolted it with a bar) 4210; - pres. api- its v. n. appurisn.
yozend ['pywwcynd] DkM 82 17 • - upa- or appurtan [YI:IN~LWN-tn'] appur-, to
api- (v. s. v. apa-)+ Av. (1228 sq.) yaog-. 22
rob, to seize and carry off 69 . 7920. - FrP
As to the spelling -yw- for -iy- cf ayiyanak, 21 gives as equivalents of the ideogr.:
giyak, niyandar. - Bailey's interpretation 'pwltn = appurtan, pres. 'pwlyt = ap-
of 4210, ZP 112 n. 3, is untenable. puret, 'pwlym = appurem, var. 'plyt,
a-pohi~n ['pwhsn'], a-poyi~n ['pwdsn']
'plym = apparet, -em. MPrs 'pw1-dn,
having no thirst, not thirsting 59 22 . 77 4 • 'pwr-, Paz_ apardan, apar-, aparasn
evidence -pp-, v. the preceding w. Like
1041°. - Paz. apoisn, Skr. v. atr~avant
(Mx); the intervocalic alternation -h-: appurisn from apa + 4 par-, but par- in

-y- as usual. Only occurring in the

the trans. sense of 'to transfer' as in the
H, V (cf J. N arten in Pagliaro Vol. III,
rhymed couple a-sohisn (a-soy-) ,......." and
formally attracted by the fIrst (q. v.); 139-155; in Av. in this sense parayeiti).
in reality it is· the Av. (86) a-puyant- Hence appar, v. above; Arm.lw. apur
'not rotting' in the couple (102) a-friOyant- 'booty' < *apurn < *apa-purna- < *apa-
a-puyant- misunderstood in later times. prna -.
Cf Bailey, JRAS 1930, 12-15. ap-saran ['ps ']>n'] rainy: pat "'-' roc 71 23 ,
apoxsayi§n ['pwhs'dsn'] compassion, mer- Paz. pa awsarq roz.
cy 6214. - apo- < apa- : -a- > -0- because *ap-tom: read [hptwm] haftom.
of the surrounding consonants; Ps. pres.
*apurisn ['pwlsn']: read appurisn.
'phs'd-; MPrs ')bxs'ysn (A-H II, BBB);
[Arm.lw. apasxar-em < *apa-xsad- is not a-purnal ['pwln'y], a-parnai ['pln'Y]
akin] ; MPrth 'bxs'hysn, pres. 'bxs'h- young, non-adult 166. 26 11 • 536. 22 . - Bor-
(A-H III, MHC); Paz. awaxsidan awa- rowed from Av. (81) a-p'Jr'(mayu-; Paz.
xsaeg" SkI'. v. sahate (Aog.); NP baxsudan, apurnae, awarnae (Mx); NP barna(h) ,
baxsa'idan, baxsay-, baxsayis. Bailey, burna(h). Hence
JRAS 1930, 15-16; Verbum 188 sq.; apurnayik ['pwln'yk], aparnayik ['pln'yk]
Ghilain 70. a young man 444. 48 3; pI. cas. recto "'-'
appar ['pI] plundering, pillage 73 8 • 9 • - 52 25 ; pI. cas. obI. ",-,-an 1610. 5220, used
MPrs 'pr 'robbery'; Paz. apar; v. appur- as cas. recto 1613 ; mart "'-' 47 19 . - Milr
tan. form; cf Av. (81 sq.) a-p'()·r'Jnayfika-; Paz.
= the preceding w.; NP barnak, burnak.
°. - MPrs
appuri~n ['pwlsn'] creation 1051
'pwr 'creation' (A-H I), 'pwrydn 'to apustan ['pwstn'] pregnant 222. 1012 .16 .
create' (S, A-H I); Paz. apurasn,Skr v. 163 • - < OP *a-pUf;a-tanu-, SW form of |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
iipustan 29 *iirok

*a-pu()ra-tanu- 'in whose body there IS a-resitarihii [)lysyVlyh)] without doing

a son'; MPrthPrs )bystn; NP abistan. harm 56 11 • 13 • - V. resenitan.
iiriii [)Py] pres. st. of arastan (q. v.)., in arg [)lg] hardship, pains 119 20 . - Paz.
compounds: getah-!">oJ "adorning" this arg; Arm.lw. erIc, v. Bailey, JRAS 1930,
world, (only) occupied with the affairs of 18.
this world, worldly 71 25 • *Arhest [)lhyst] the name of a town
iirak [)lk"; Prth SrR)] side: <L LBR) 117 5 • - Probably = Arm. Ai-est, a village
STR) outwards RajA: 9 = 0 beh arak, and market-place on the shore of Lake
MPrth )w by1J, »rg (A-H III s. v. byh); Van where the Great King had fisheries,
tar matist !">oJ in the line of his maternal v. P<aust.Buz. Patm. p. 35, 181.
grandmother 36 10- 11 ; cas. obI. !">oJ-eh: 0 arisk [)lysk'] envy 66 5. 69 1. 84 10 ; M-!">oJ
dasn arakeh i ... 52 26 . - < OIr *arda-ka- , 451-1. - Av. (187) araska-; MPrs )rysk
from Av. (193) ar'd~a-; MPrthPrs »rg, )rg. (A-H I); Paz. ar(a)!Jk; NP rask.
a-ram [)lm] unrest, trouble 1126. - Cf ariskeh enviousness 84 21 .
arisn [)lsn'] cubit: sah-!">oJ royal cubit, a
ii-rasan [)lsn'] convention, assembly; cas. measure 11422. - Av. (196) ar'd()na- 'elbow',
obI. pat-,§an !">oJ-eh [)lsnyh] 109 24 . - FrP OP a1·asni-, Benveniste, BSL 30, 1930,
12 KNSY) (for KNS») = hanfaman, 58; MPrs »rysnwg id. (List 79); NP aras.
arasan; certainly < a +
rasan from Hence
rasitan. arisn-kaft [!">oJ-kpt'] measuring one cubit
a-raseh [)lsyhl immaturity, infancy 224. in length: 2 !">oJ hom two haoma-stalks
- From rasitan. measuring one cubit each 40 7 • - -kaft
from the root kal)-, Lat. capio, 'to hold,
ariistak [)Pstk'] fully armed, equipped P5.
to take'; Bailey TPhS 1954, 146-153; cf
3 10 . 8 16 - From *gri-kaft. '
arastan [)Pstn'] aray-, to equip (an army) Arjarasp [)lcPsp'] n. pro 108 12 . - Probably
7 12 . 96 17 . 98 15 etc.; to prepare 104; 0 ham the Elr. form of Av. (191) Ar'dfat-aspa-
'" id. 39 27 . 406. 19 ; - to organize 1315 , to with t = ~ > l > r.
arrange 11218. - < a + Av. (1520 sq.)
rad-, cf (335) aradah-; Paz. arastan Arjasp [)lc)sp'] n. pro 18-29, passim;
araeq, NP arastan aray-. V. pairastak and 58 23 . 25 . 613. 7. 16 . 1088. - Cf Av. Ar'diat.
virastan, and cf s. v. nisastan. aspa-, v. above.
Arma)il [)lm)yl] n. pro 11511 • - Arab., v.'
iiriistiir restorer, pI. cas. obI. !">oJ-an 11 0 15 .
Yaqut 2, 607.
iiriistiireh: apac !">oJ restoration 11117.
arm est [)lmyst'] cripple, helpless 511 3 , pI.
iiriiyisn [)Pdsn'] "adornment", good man- cas. obI. !">oJ-an 85 4 • - Borrowed from Av.
agement 69 3 • (197) armae-sta-; Paz. armest, Skr. v. pafigu
Ardavan [)ldw)n'] n. pro the last Arsacid
Great King 1-9, passim; 11612 . - KZS a-rodisnik [)lwdsnyk] unborn 88 2 • - From
Prth 1. 26 )rtbnw = Prs 1. 32 )rtw)n, Gr. rustan (q. v.). Paz. substitutes azaisni =
v. 'Ap"t'cX[3Cl'JOC;. a-zayisnik from zatan (q. v.).
ArajaSadn [Paz.] n. pro 46 26 . - BdA p. *iirok [>lwk'J *light, *aperture through
234 15 )lkyt)lsn (-k-, originally a mutilated which light passes (?) 1024. - Quite un-
d, for 'd; -y- = -f-; -t- for -d-). certain. All MSS have this reading; Dha- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
*arok 30 adanik

bhar's emendation: I:ID-wk' evak, Art-vahist [)rtwhst ' ] 40 20 ; Urt-vahist

seems little probable. Av. (1487) a-raok- [>wrtwhst l ] 39 10 , Asa-vahist [)swhst l ]
'to shine' V d. 239 . 39 4. 5. 40 1. 4. 58 6. 59 3. 97 27 , one of the
Amahraspands (q. v.). - art, urt <
ars Ells] tear 9317 . - MPrs )rs (Sogd. 27 31 );
OIrSk.. rta- 'the right cosmic order,
NP ars.
the divine law', Av. (192) ar'Jta-, (349)
artai [)It)y], artak [)It)k] righteous 2214. 'Jr'Jta-, (229 sqq.) asa- + vahista- (v.
23 9. 24 9 • 1289 ; vat i "-' the good wind vahist) 'the best, the heavenly law'.
(wind sent by the Righteous Powers) Asa-vahist is directly borrowed from
7 17 . 23 [)It>k]. - artai < *artav < OP Av. (233 sqq.); also the name of the 2nd
artava, the nom. sg. of artavan-, is the month of the year and the 3d day of the
genuine Prs form of the w. which appears month; MPrs )rdywh<yst) Sogd. 2721; NP
in the religious language as ahlav (q. v.) ; ardi- (urdi- )bihist. Cf ahlav, ahlai, artai;
final -v > -y is the common rule in Arta-xsahr 'he whose dominion is (de-
SW. - artak is only a secondary spelling of termined) by the divine law'.
artai; Ps. also )It>dy = artai. MPrs abstr.
arvand [)lwnd] swift 228. - Av. (200)
)rd)yy (S) = Ps. )It>dyhy, v. Sogd 50 4
(and 31). - Artak Viraz n. pr.: v. Viraz.
Arvand-asp [~_)Spl] n. pro 117 15 . - Av.
Artaxsahr [)rthstl, inscr. )rthstr] n. Pl'.
(200) Aurvat-aspa-.
HajA: 3. HajB: 3. SPrs: 2. 6. Prth: 2. 6;
109 1. 11016 , hence arvandeh valour, gallantry 55 7.
Artaxsahran [)rthstPn ' ] patron. 109 7. arves ['lwys] rope 15 6. 7. - MPrs "rw<ys),
Sogd. 27 32 ; NP arves 'a hair rope'; from
Artaxser [)lthsdl] = Artaxsahr, 1-17, Av. (1533 sq.) urvaes- 'to turn, to twist',
passim. 117 . 1201.2 (v. also nev-,,-, and MPrth pres. )rws- (= arvis-) 'to turn
Veh-"-') , Artaser [)ltsdl] 11521 . 1169 sq. - towards .. .' (A-H III); Ghilain 49.
OIr Arta-xsaOra-, cf s. v. Art-vahist and
sahr; OP Arta-xsa9a-; KZS, Gr. v. Ap't'cx- Aryan (Prth) [)ry)n] = Eran (v. er),
1;e:~p, -1;e:p, -~~p (the common Gr. 'Ap't'cx- RajA: 2.4. SPrth: 5.7.11.
~e:p1;1)<; is influenced by Ee:p1;1)<;); NP Ar-
dasir. Cf Bailey, BSOAS XIII, 1949, 123.
Aryastan ['lyst>n ' ] the country, kingdom
Hence of the Aryans 10913 .

ArtaxSeran [)lthsdPn ' ] 1413. 1512 . 17 , Arta- Arzah [)lz'h, )lzh] the name of the
easternmost continent of the universe
seran [)IMdPn '] 114-116, patron.
10612 ; ~ kisvar 86 7 • - Av. (202) ar'JZahi-,
artestar [)ltyst)l] warrior; 45 17 "-'-eh - which denotes, according to Bthl, the
,,-,-e with -yh for the indef. art. -e; pI. cas. westernmost continent; this is contrary
recto "-' 28. 66 17 ; pI. cas. obI. ,,-,-an 16 8 • to 86 7 ; v. HP II, 21 sq. and Sogd. 28-29.
119 10 • - Borrowed and remodelled (cf
ad [)lc ' ] value, merit 67 14 . - Av. (192)
below artik) from Av. (1506) raOae-star-
'he who stands on the chariot' (cf s. v.
ar'Jiah-; Paz. arza (SGV); NP ari, arz.
rahy); Paz. pI. cas. obI. ar(a)tistarq (Mx). arZanik ['lc)nyk] worthy 119 3 ; apar-"-'
exceedingly worthy 92 14 , v. s. v. lapar. -
artestareh the warrior class 55 10 ; on 45 17
v. above. Paz. arzqni; derived from arz through the
intermediate adj. arzan 'worthy', Ps.
artik [)ltyk] war 12113. - MPrs )rdyg (S, )lc'n; MPrth )rz)n (S); MPrs )rz'n (A-H
A-H I); Paz. ardi (SGV). II); Arm. lw. arZan 'worth (y)" also |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sdiinik 31 ssemen

'worth its price' = 'cheap'; NP arzan 2 's MDM YDLWN-m 'pt BR' mlcynym
'cheap'. = Duresrav be 0 Za1·tust guft ku: cigon-at
fratom ham (cf 20 9 etc.) bahr 1t rocile be
adiinikenitan [,.....;- ynytn I] to consider a apakand hom, an to an (v. Ian and 2an)
p. worthy, governing a subordinated har 2 as apar barom api-t be marnjenem
clause without an introducing particle, )D. said to Z.: because thou hast deprived
53 18 in a very complicated passage 53 17 - 21 ,
me, as the first, of both ministry and
which only seems possible to understand
food, we both, thou and I, shall be
on the following suppositions: a) ku-t
enraptured in an ecstatic vision, and
bahr hac man be burt 1. 19 is not a gloss, then I shall annihilate thee'.
as I have marked it, but is governed by
anak to bavat 1. 17 'it shall be unhappy iidok ['lcwk ' ] desire, lust 65 7, 66 4. - Paz.
for thee that thou hast bereft ... '; b) the iirzu; MPrth 'wrjwg (A-H III, MHC),
clause ke .. , arZiinikenit hom 1. 17-19 is »wrjwg (MHC); MPrs 'wrzwg; NP iirzu.
loosely attached to to 1.17; c) for MNW-t adomand ['lc)wmnd] worthy, dignified
L<y) (MS very clearly MNWtl) read 311. 47 18 ; precious, excellent, compo ,.....;-tar
MNW t<w) L<Y) = ke to man, to man 87 6. - Paz. arzmand (Mx), arza-rnand
being the exact counterpart of LK 'NH (SGV); NP arjmand.
= to an (v. 2an) 1. 19 and both signifying
'thou and 1'; d) YBLWN-m 1. 18 and 20,
a-sacakiha [)sc'kyh'] adv. unduly 8 25 . -
V. sacak.
and I;IWH'-m 1. 19, are the 1st. p. pl.
coinciding with the 1st p. sg.; e) there is iisan ['s'n l ] calm, quiet; relieved from
a wordplay between 's = as 'food' 1. 18 (hac) 13 14 ; peaceful 8 J13; V. also Eran-
and 's = as (demonic) eye' 1. 20 (as asan-kart. - Paz. asq; NP asan 'easy,
burtan 'to have a vision', v. las; bahr convenient'; from asay-, g. V.
'ministry', v. this w.). Text: anak to
asaneh tranquillity, peace 3414. 70 22 . 904;
bavat, marak, ke t< 0) man fratom hac ax U i
comfort, well-being 90 7. 941.11. 1002°.
astomand andar Rag u N otar hac bahr
barisneh as barom frac arzanikenit hom, a-sar ['sl] having no beginning, eternal
ku-t bahr hac man be b'u,rt. nun-ip to an pat (= Arab. 'azaliy-): han i "-' rosneh 73 27 .
apar-barisneh a! barom u et bavet ku-t 923. 9426 . - V. sar.
duscasmiha pal an xanak nikeram i-t nest
asay- pres. to rest, to repose: 3d p. sg.
'unhappy shall it be for thee, little
asayet ['s'dyt ' ] 74 9 • - Paz. substitutes
scoundrel, (that thou) - as thou and I
asaneq, SkI'. V. sukhayate, but Mx 2144
first of all men in the material world
asaiheq, Skr. V. sukhayati. NP asudan
between Rag and Notar have been
asay-. Etymology: V. Bailey, JRAS 1930,
found worthy of earning food by perfor-
mance of ministry - that thou hast bereft
me of the ministry. Now thou and I shall asayak [)s'dk ' ] shelter 3214. - Paz. iistieaa,
be enraptured in an ecstatic vision, and Skr. V. chaya (SGV).
then it will happen that I shall see thee asayisll ['s'dsn ' ] repose, ease 63 23 . - NP
evil-minded in another house that is not asayis.
thine'. The passage is the immediate
continuation of the incident related in asem ['sym] silver 118 9 • Borrowed

53 7- 15 . Zsprm XII, 7 epitomizes 53 16- 21 as from Or acr1JtJ.ov; MPrs 'sym (A-H II);
NP sim.
follows: dwlyslwb BR' cL zltwst gwpt l
'YK cygwnt pltwm I;IWH'-m b'hl wlwcyk asemell adj. of silver, subst. objects of
BR' 'plfnd I;IWH'-m ZK tw 'NH KR' silver SPrs: 16. - V. also semen. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
asen 32 astavan
asen [)syn'] iron 11015 • -
MPrth » swn ; a8va-, NP asp, asb; aspa- is the N\V form,
MPrs »hwn (List 79); Paz. ahin( -saxt) the SW form was *asa-, V. asvar.
(Aog.); NP ahan. Cf Benveniste, MSL 23, aspan-var [)sp)nwl] equerry 1010 • - -var
1927, 132 sq.; 30, 1930, 60. from Av. (1360) 1var- 'to cover, to hide'
asenen adj. of iron 20 26 • 23 27 • 244; ,,-,-sumb in the sense of 'to take care of'.
v. sumb. aspinj [)spnc'] lodging 73 10 • 75 12 • - MPrth
*asepisn [)sypsn'] V. n. of asiftan, q. v.; (spyni (A-H III); Aram.lw. Talm )wspyz),
pat "-' emphasizing the vb. 44 20 • 22 • Syr )espezza; Paz. aspanz, aspeni; NP
a-scz [)syc'] incorruptible, imperishable sipani 'a halting-place, a shelter'. Cf
743 • - Paz. aBez. V. sez. further Arm. lw. aspnfakan « aspinj-)
'landlord, innkeeper' = Talm )wspyzkn),
*asiftan [)syptn'] *asep-, to light, to set Syr )espizkana, )espazqana; Telegdi 231
on fire, to set fire to: ataxs apar "-' 48 16 ; sq. V. also spinianakeh.
the house pat asepisn asift estet is all
Aspikan [)spy15)n'] patron. descendant of
ablaze 44 20 • 22 • - The sense is clear, and
the reading fairly certain; I have no
A ()wya- 47 5 - 8 • - PhI. transliteration of
Av. (323) patron. A()wyani-; V. also
evident etymology to propose. Cf, how-
ever, NP asuftah 'fire-brand' « *asiftah Atviyan.
with -i- > -u- because of the labial ?). asp-res [)splys] race-course 16 7 • - Arm.
lw. aspares, -rez, Syr )aspresa, NP asp-
*a-sistak [*)sstk'] stupid, dull 8026 • -
Meaning according to Skr. v.: iaif,i-bhuta;
raz; Telegdi 255.
the Paz. reading: xasasta (West, Antia) , Asp-varcvar [)spwlcwl] n. pro 11523 • -
xasasta (Anklesaria), is obscure. As it "Possessing miraculous power through
stands it may be taken as a p'rivativum horses" V. varc. Markwart, Cat. 17, reads
+ *sistak 'instructed', thus 'untaught, Asp-varc nar.
uneducated', from Av. (1574 sq.) sah-, pt.
asron [)sI-wn'] priest, pI. cas. obI. ,,-,-an
si8ta-, sasta- 'to learn, to teach' (= Skr
817. Borrowed from Av. (65 sq.)
sas-, pt. 8i~ta-; 8i~ya- 'disciple'), but this
vb. seems to be exclusively Gathic.
asroneh colI. the priestly class 55 10 •
asman [)sm)n'] heaven 7 8 etc., passim. -
Av. (207 sq.) asman- = OP; Ps. MPrth ast [)st'] the bones 5014 • 10012 ; +ast-
Prs )sm)n; Paz. asmq, NP asman. dahisnan corporeal creatures 55 21 • - A V.
(211 sq.) ast-; MPrs )st, )stg. V. astomand.
asn [)sn'] innate, inherent, primordial:
xrat (q. v.); "-' vir 39 22 • - Borrowed
t'-...J astanak [)st>nk'] damage, detriment
from Av. (341) 1asna-; Paz. asn, Skr. V. 661.15. - Paz. astana (Mx), astqna (PazT
naisargika. 143 3 ), Skr. V. sarruJ,eha (Mx).
a-sohisn [)swhsn'], a-soyisn [)swdsn'] iistar [)sVI] sin 69 11 •14 • - From Av. (1597
having no hunger 59 22 • 77 4. 1049 • - Cf sq.) a +
star-; MPrthPrs )st)r; Paz.
MPrs swyg 'hungry' (S); Paz. asoisn (ad astar.
77 4 : thus Anklesaria; asoisn West and
iistaviin [)stwp)n'] professing (a religious
Antia, directly associated with Av. [1710]
faith: pat) 63 11 • - MPrs »stw)n (A-H II,
sud- 'hunger'). V. a-pohisn.
BBB); Paz. astvq; NP ustuvan 'firm,
asp [)sp'; S\VSY)] horse 43 etc., passim; trustworthy'. From Av. (1594) a +
pI. cas. obI. "-'-an (>sp;n' ; SWSY)-n' 1922 • stav-, cf stayitan. As to the spelling -wp-
27 1 ). - Av. (216 sq.) aspa~ = OP, Skr for -v- cf bwp)y = bavai 27 23 ; from this |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
istavin 33 is

digraph the letter w of the A v. alphabet (v. S. V. asp) + Av. (936) bar- 'to ride';
(I, 129) was created. NP suviir.
istavineh ['stwb'nyh] confession, creed asvireh riding, horsemanship 2 26 . 33.5. 15 .
10126. - MPrs "stw'nyy (A-H II).
las ['s] eye, of demonic beings 3Il8; ,......;
istenitan ['stynytn'] to set up, to erect burtan to carry one's eye (sight) far
39 23 .109 12 . -Caus. of estiitan (q. v.), both < away = to have a vision of distant and
*ai{3i-sUi; the alternation 13- : a- is pos- hidden things 51-53, of the pre-Zoro-
sibly due to shifting accent: *aivi-sta- > astrian seers, V. also apar-barisneh and
*ayyi-sta- > *ai-sta- > esta-, but aivi-sta- cf S. V. arziinikenUan.
> *av-sta- > *iista- (divergent explana- 2as [)s] the independent form of the cas.
tion Verbum 224). Cf MPrth pt. 'wystn'd
obI. 3d p. sg. = encI. -s (q. v.); always
'to put, to place' (S), Ghilain 78 sq.
preceding the W. to which it belongs;
istisn ['stEm'] persistence 35 15 = estisn; used 1. anaphorically in the interior of
hence with preceding determinant a sentence after a part of the sentence
which has been placed first for emphasis:
astisneh: menoi ,......; existence at the heav-
andar hiin Zartuxst / as hac miyiin iip i
enly stage of development 38 21 ; gete ,......;
homikiin burt / / u pat uleh Zartuxst / as
existence at the earthly stage of develop-
hiin i dasn paitistiin hac OSiin rote burt
ment 393. 26 ; pas hac diim pat menoi ,......;
56 15 - 17 (Markwart's reading, Cat. 114 n. 1,
after the existence of the creation at the
is a failure); oi (pron.) mar / as 0 paseh
heavenly stage (= after the creation had
giiv apiic riinenit 48 5 ; - not anaphorically:
entered upon the heavenly existence)
oi (prep.) fravahr i Zartuxst / as (viz. the
38 21 - 22 ; riii,......; ever-lastingness of splen-
snake) zafar friic zat 4012 - 13 ; purr-xuarraheh
dour 59 18 .
i ax u i astomand / as hac tan xuarrah from
astomand [)st'wmnd] corporeal, material: his (viz. Zartuxst's) bodily splendour 37 7- 8 ;
ax U i ,......;, v. axu ; hec,......; ne ... no corporeal - taking up an encl. -s at the beginning
being 105 7 ; pI. ,......;-iin 59 24 (cas. obI.). 10513 of the sentence, after a part of the sen-
(cas. rect.) corporeal, material, earthly tence which carries a lengthy attribute:
beings; ,......;-iin gehan (cas. obI.) 39 11- 13 ; api-s hamiik damik i-s apar riih but / as
,......;·iin martomiin 105 16 . - From ast; Paz. *periivanihit kart 33 16- 17 ; - after an ad-
astimand, SkI'. v. st~timant (SGV); cf verbial phrase beginning the sentence:
MPrs )stwnd, "stwnd (A-H I), Av. adak apar pat jaman / as hanjamanenit
(215 sq.) astvant-. mutak61 9 (where as anticipates mutak,
cf. S. V. -s). - 2. to introduce the apo-
Astvihat [)stwh)t'] n. Pl'. the demon of
dosis (as api-s, adak-is): after hakar 3121;
death 65 14 . 72 10 . 15 . 74 10 . - Av. (214)
after ka 327. 33 18 . 34 1. 565. 57 17 . 924.
Asto.viOiitu-, -viootu-.
after a relative clause 32 19 . 98 24 . 10027-
Asuriyik ['swPkyk] the Assyrians 37 3. - lOP. - Probably identical with MPrthPrs
1st -k- a mutilated -d- for -y-; as to the S, written as an independent W. with
form cf hromiiyik. two dots above (another explanation of
this s V. A-H III, Gloss S. v.; S' jn a
asvir ['swb'l] horseman, rider, with in-
fragmentary context [S] is obscure). Of
def. art. ,......;-13 [,......; 1] 1515 ; pI. cas. recto
am, at, atiin, asiin.
,......; 3 21 . 1 P, after numerals 7 15 . 22 . 8 5. 1414;
pI. cas. obI. ,......;-iin 3 17 • 8 2. 7. 12 • 1418 . 26 . 155. 7. is ['s] food, victuals and drink 53 18 ,
11912 • - OP asa-bara- from *asa-, the arziinikenitan. - NP iis 'meat,
V. S. V.
regular SW development of OAr asva- soup, broth'; cannot be identified with |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
3 Nyberg
as 34 iisop

Skr asa-; possibly contracted of *a-yisa- i "'" the name of a town 11625 - 26 • - Mark-
from Av. (1281) yah- 'to seethe, to boil', wart, Cat. 20, reads Asakan.
pres. yaesa- with reduplication < Id.-
Askanan [)sk'n'n'] patron. of the pre-
eur. *i,e-i,so- (from the same st. Gr ~UfL1) ceding name 108 18 • 11415 • 26 • - NP Aska-
'leaven', yeast, etc.) ?
niyan; Arab. al-xaskaniya (read -x- in-
as an ['s'n'; 40 3 'sn'] pI. of the pron. as stead of -~-) and al-asganiya, Fihrist
(v. 2as) them, their: 1. adak Zartuxst 327 30 • 31 •
3 hazangrozim / asan . . . paitak sahist . . . Askar ['skI] n. pro of a town in W. Iran
38 24 - 26 ; 7 sal pes i han gazan / asan pus
117 12 • - Unknown, V. Cat. 105 sq.
jut 40 3 • - 2. introducing the apodosis
after ka 3414. 97 24 , after a relative clause askiirak ['sk'lk'] manifest 7424. - Paz.
101 1o • H,. - Cf -san. askara « oak, V. the next w.); NP askar,
ora, -rah. From Av. (334) avis 'manifestly'
Asavahist ['swhst'], v. Artvahist.
+ kar; -rak through influence of paitak,
*isehitan ['syhytn']: api-s ... frac *ase- danak, etc.
hit purr dorak han i asp pem *took out,
askarakenitiireh' [)sk)Pkynyt'lyh] the act
brought forth, put before (the guests)
of making manifest; pat"", in a manifest-
53 2 • - Reading, original sense, and ety-
ing, detecting manner 67 15 •
mology are equally uncertain. The parallel
text Zsprm XII, 2 has: sir i asp e yamak asniik ['sn'k] well-known 78 2 • - MPrs
pes nihat. "sn'g 'well versed in' (A-H II); Paz.
asgihiineh ['sgyh'nyh] laziness, indolence asna, Skr. V. prasiddha; as to the etymo-
logy cf S. V. snaxtan.
8416 • - Thus spelt, with a marked g, Mx
Cod. K here an.d ch. 51 5 ; in the same asnavisn [)snwsn'] the act of hearing;
ch. also 'sygy)n (possibly only a slip of hearing 66 27 • 9415 • 111 6 ; hence
pen for )sgyd'n) and 'sgd'nyh (no mark asnavisneh [(SMHn-snyh] det. V. n. III
over g). These spellings represent respec-
compounds: pas hac en gobisn "'" after
tively: 'sgyh'n a form asgihan, 'sgyd'n, having heard this speech 5IB, with the
'sgd'n a form asgiyan, exemplifying the gi. ka smah en gobisn asnut; pat han
common alternation of intervocalic -y- : gobisn "'" 5 po, with the gi. ka oisan han
-h-, cf s. v. apasihistan and doublets such gobisn asnut but. - Paz. snavasni (SGV,
as drayitan: drahitan, xuahet: xUayisn, etc.
The common BP spelling is 'sgh'n, passim.
However, the Paz. forms are as(a)gahan, asniitan ['snwtn'; (SMHn-tn'] asnav- to
as(a)gahan; MPrs 'jg'h'nyy (Henning, hear 211 etc.; 128 3 ; with ku that 1515 • 1823 ;
GGA 1935, 14); NP azgahan, azgan, azhan apar asnut had heard, been told, informed
(BQ) + azgin (Steingass). The forms with 6p6. - OP (NRjb) a-xsnav-, Benveniste,
-ga- seem difficult to reconcile with as- TPhS 1945, 47-50; MPrs 'snwdn (S),
gihan, asgiyan. - I do not insist on the imp. 'snww (A-H II); MPrth (snwdn (S),
etymology in HP II, 24. pres. (snw- (A-H III); NP sunudan,
sinidan, sinav-; Paz. cf the predecing W.
askamb [)skmb'], askam ['skm], askom
[)skwm], also [KLSH 1013 • 18 • 1111. 65 13], asok ['swk] = ahlav, q. v.; pI. cas. obI.
belly, stomach, womb 3 20 etc. - MPrs "",-an 1061 • - A learned w., taken over as
skmb (A-H II; Sogd. 3126 ); Paz. askum a religious term from Av. asava, nom. of
(Mx), iskam (SGV); NP iskam, sikam. asavan-, V. S. V. ahlav.
Askan ['sk'n'] n. pr., the ancestor of the asop ['swp'] confusion, tumult, sedition
Askanian, or Arsacid, dynasty; Zendan 38 1 . 1081 • - MPrthPrs "swb, 'swb (A-H |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
isop 35 l.turpitakin

III; Verbum 184); cf MPrth. 'swb-gr itur ['twr l ; inscr. 'twry] fire, referring
'instigator to rebellion', abstr 'swbgry/t to the old Iranian fire cult: I'-...J yazet god
(S); NP {Mob. V. also asu/t-kareh. A.tur 25 2 ; I'-...J /arrobtig, gusnasp u burzen
mihr the names of the three sacred fires
astak ['stk '] messenger, apostle 36 3.57 9. 11 ;
connected with the three classes of the
I'-...J cas. recto pI. 58 23 . - Av. (260) asta-.
old Iranian society 1 18 , explained 2 7- 9 ;
astakeh mission 36 4 ; apostolate 55 15 . 19 . 56 2. I'-...J /arrobag, i-bag 9 24 . 95 11 ; I'-...J gusnasp
95 5 ; ,,-,burzen mihr 95 13 ; ,,-,-an sah the
isteh ['styh] peace 56 12 • 13 . 6416 . 66 6. 78 18 .
head of the sacred fires 12 22- 23 . 131 ; - sal
79 6. - Av. (3ll) axsti-; MPrs "st; xw-
58, aturY i Artaxsahr sal 40, aturY Sahpuhr
'st-wrz 'bringing about good peace' (A-H
i aturan sah sal 24 SPrs: 1-3 = sar 58,
II), xw'/ftyh (8); NP ast. V. also an-
ataro Artaa;sahr sar 40, iita1'O 8ahepuhr
atarun xsah sar 24 SPrth: 1-3: ' ... of
astr ['stl] scourge 96 21 . - Av. (263) astra-. the year 58 (viz.) the year 40 (of =)
isuft-kareh ['swptk'lyh] subversion, up- after the (enthronement) fire of Artax-
heaval 10819 . - From asu/tan asop-, V. sahr, the year 24 (of =) after the (en-
asop and cf visu/tan; MPrth 'sy/t (A-H thronement) fire of Sahpuhr, the head of
III). Ghilain 95; Bailey, BSOS VI, 1930, the fires', which means the year 266 A.D.,
73. V. Christensen apud Ghirshman, Rev. des
arts asiatiques X, 1936, 127-128 (the year
at ['t] the independent form of the cas. 40 reckoned from the coronation of A. in
obI. of the pers. pron. 2nd p. sg., for encl. the year 226, the year 24 reckoned from
-t (q. v.): taking up to after a relative the coronation of S. in the year 242, and
clause 33 14 ; cf am, as. the year 58 reckoned from what must
atan ['t'n l ] pI. of the preceding for W., have been the epochal year of Sassanid
encl. -tan: taking up smah after a relative time-reckoning, viz. 208 A. D.). - ["-' the
clause 45 1. name of the 9th day of the month, also
of the 9th month of the year; dadv (q. v.)
*itaro (Prth) ['trw] fire, pI. cas. obI. pat "-' the name of the 8th day of the
atarun ['trwn] SPrth: 2-3, V. atur. - The
month: FrP ~8.] - Av. V. S. V. ataxs;
reading 'trwn (Ghirshman: 'tryn) is con-
Prth ataro (q. v.); MPrthPrs 'dwr; Paz.
firmed by KZSPrth 1. 19, where -wn is
adur; NP aoar, adar. As to the three
perfectly clear.
sacred fires V. Christensen, Sass. 164-
itaxs ['ths] fire, in the ordinary sense 20 2 167; cf also de Menasce, Feux (1964);
and passim; - in the Zoroastrian creed Mary Boyce, BSOAS XXXI, 1968, 52-
and cult: personified as the son of Ohur- 68, 270-289.
mazd 3P·12-35, passim; 58 6. 20 . 59 3 ; wor-
Atur-farrobag [I'-...J-plwbg] n. pro 11l25.
shipped 353. 66 20 - 22 . 95 6, cf ll6 7 ; one of
Paz. Adar/arobag; also the name of a
the basic elements of the creation 922.
sacred fire, V. above; V. /arrobag.
94 25 . 27 . 98 24 . 25 . 12013 ; man i I'-...J-an fire-
temple 66 20- 22 ; I'-...J alone in this sense 113 12 ; Atur-farrobagin patron. of the preceding
I'-...J (i) Varhran (Vahram) , I'-...J i Karkoi: V. W. ll26.
these ws. - Borrowed from Av. (312 sqq.)
Atur-pat ['twrp't l ] n. pro 1085. 10916 .
atar- (v. the next w.), sg. nom. atars;
1l016. ll2 10 . - "Protected by the Fire",
Paz. NP atas (-x- in ataxs inorganic as in
V. piitan; Av. (318) n. pro At-ar-apata-.
Zartuxst; an attempt to explain it as
purely graphical V. de Menasce, Feux Aturpitakan [I'-...J-k'n ' ] the name of the
p.43). province Adharbaijan and its capital 95 5. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Aturpitakin 36 aVdistan

117 13 . 18 . -
KZSPrth 'twrptkn, Gr. v. a-var'dta- 'property', whence a den. vb.
class. Gr 'A't'po7tcx.'t'1J\I~; de- *avart- 'to acquire property' ?
rived from n. pro Aturpat. avas (Prth) ['ws] now HajA: 11. - MPrth
itur-soc ['twrswc I] setting fire to, igniting; 'w's (A-H III, MHC); Pasta os. Presum-
an [ZK] smah hat '" another shall set ably a derivative of the demo ava- (v. 0,
fire to you [0 plants!] 95 1- 2, with the gl. oi) and parallel to has (q. v.).
ka-s apar nihend a frac girat when one avastan [I:ITYMWN-tn'] to seal, pt. =
puts [them, viz. the plants] on it (viz. the pret. pass. 3d p. sg. avast 1925 ; pt. avasit
fire) it shall envelop [them]. - V. soxtan. [I:ITYMWN -yt I] sealed up II 722 ; [pai-
Atviyin ['twbyw'n ' ] = Aspiyan (q. v.) tambaran ewbst ' =} avast the seal of
11627 . - Paz. AJ)wyanq (Aog:). As to the the prophets, of Muhammad, = Arab
spelling -yw'- for -iya- cf s. V. ayiyan. xatamu l-nabiyin, DkM 29 16]. - Reading
according to Henning, BSOAS XI, 1946,
ivim ['wb'm], pI. ",,-iha [-yh'] time, age 725 sq. FrP ch. 23 gives for the ideogr.
57. 1313 . 55 23 . 11014-15.18. - < OIr. *abi- the gl. 'wbstn ' (var. 'wbstn'), to which
gama-, Av. (89) aiwi.gama- 'winter, year'; Cod. U 5 adds the pres. forms 3d p. sg.
Prth Paik 'bg'm; MPrth "g'm (S) ; PrsPaik, 'wbSyt' = avaset, 1st p. pI. 'wb'sym =
Ps. 'wb'm; MPrs 'w'm (S); Paz. has the avasem (or possibly 'wbhsym = avaxsem);
NW form: ogqm (Mx), oyqm (SGV). Mark- it should, however, be observed that the
wart, UJ VII 90; Junker, WuS XII, 151; Paz. readings are throughout anbas-,
Bailey, BSOS VI, 1930, 63; Barr, Ps. anbis-, thus 'nbs-, not 'wbS-, so Bthl was
Gloss. S. V. fully excused in his reading and etymo-
ivamik adj. of the preceding w.; subst. logy (MirM II, 37-38), which Henning
pI. cas. obI. ",,-an those belonging to this seems not quite to have understood
age (of the world), homines huius saeculi (Bthl. translated it 'festmachen' but used
88 24 . - Paz. substitutes ogqmq, V. above. this w. in a juridical sense: 'to make a
document valid before the law' through
ivar [LPNH] 1. adv. down here: (ka ... ) applying one's seal on it, which is in fact
"" 0 Satistun Y amat (as .. .) he came not far from the truth, V. Nyberg, By-
down here to S., PI: 5. - 2. used as an zantion XXXVIII, 1968, II9-122).
imp. 'come here!' with the pI. ""-et
[LPNH'-yt]: 1419. 2222 (v. S. V. druyist); avd ['pd] miraculous, marvellous, won-
frac 0 pes ""! step forward! 28 18 . 20 ; - also derful 311 • 38 18 . 45 15 . 5021 . 106 2. 17 ; ""
in the 1st p. pI. t1varem let us go ... ! sahistan impers. with the subj. in a virtual
19 20 , where 'wlym = t1varem was misread dat. (it seems wonderful, astonishing to
as hwlym = xUarem and the ideogr. of a p. =) to wonder, to be surprised, aston-
the latter: <STHn-ym, was substituted ished at (pat) 22. 3 22 - 23 . 158 - 9. 97 24 - 25 . - Av.
for it, V. S. V. *honeh. - Av. (176) avar'J, (96) abda-, abdo.t'dma-; MPrth 'bdyn (S,
avariJ; MPrthPrs 'wr, »wr-t, pI. 'wryd, A-H III); Paz. awad, awag,. Cf Junker,
, 'wryd ; still common in modern NW WuS XII, 1929, 133 sq.
dialects in various forms. Nyberg, Da- avdeh wonder, miracle(s} 36-61. passim;
nielsson VoL, 1932, 237-261; Ghilain 47. zayisn "" 4424 , zayisn i Zartuxst "" 47 26
Cf orandar, oristar. the wonderfulness of Z.'s birth, his mirac-
*ivartik ['wlt'k] *procuring one's wealth ulous birth; - colI. wonderful things
from (hac) 63 12 . 17 ; compo ",,-tar 67 17 . - 105 2.
Reading and meaning quite hypothetical; avdistan (Prth) ['wpdstn] to give direc-
from a +
vart- (v. vastan)? Cf Av. (176sq.) tions, to issue an order: pt. = pret. pass. 3d |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
aVdistan 37 a-vinn

p. sg. avdist HajA: 10 (= Prs framat Haj (Mx 1537 ; 71 6 an unexplained vb. ajihasn),
B: II), followed by the relative clause Skr. v. ninda; from OIr *ava-vaina- (v.
MNW BNY-t (to one who built =) :that ditan) 'to look down on, to despise a p.',
it should be built. - KZSPrth 1. 16. 19 whence, through syncope, *avven > aven-
'wpdst, pres. 'wpdys-; MPrth 'bdyst, 'bdys- (or possibly, through haplology, aven-),
'to show, to inform', 'bdys 'instruction, or, with contraction, o-ven- attested DkM
injunction' (A-H III, Ghilain 61); Av. 476 1 : 'wwynytn' = ovenitan, opp. bur-
(672 sq.) daes-, avi- (aoi-) daes- 'to show, z(en)itan (Cod. K 43, fo1. 179 v., adds here
to prescribe'. It would be tempting to another dictum: han i apoxsayisn ne
take the spelling 'wpdst as an archaism ['wwynsn' =] ovenisn u han i ovenisn ne
reflecting OIr *upa-dista- (cf Skr upa- bUrZisn 'he who is to be shown mercy
dis-), but it seems safer to take -wp- as shall not be disgraced, and he who is to
the NW digraphic notation of -v-, as be disgraced shall not be praised').
against the SW digraph -wb-, v. s. v. Henning paved the way for the correct
astavan. In itself 'wpdst, 'bdyst etc. can understanding by pointing to the MPrth
go back eithet' to *abi-dista- or to *'upa- vb. 'bwyn- 'to blame' < *apa-vaina-
dista-. (Iranistik 99, n. 1), which is, however,
only a synonym of, but not formally iden-
avdom ['pdwm] last 4415 .469 • 49 6 • 20 ; adv. tical with, aven-. - This vb. must thus
in the end, finally, ultimately 72 6 • 10p9;
be carefully distinguished from forms
pat "...." id. 69 8 ; cas. obI. pat avdomeh id. with a- privativum + ven-: a-venisneh
77 13 • - OIr *apa-tama-, borrowed in B.-AI'. DkM ll03 as opposed to venisn'the act
'appetom Ezr. 4 13 ; MPrs 'bdwm, pd of seeing'; Paz. avinasni 1. < -ik, Skr v.
'bdwmyy (S); Paz. awadum, awadim. adrsya, 2. < -eh: adrsyatva, SGV VIII,
a-veh ['-SPYL] not good 105 12 • - V. veh. 28-34.
*averai [*'wyl'y] read ['wdl'y =] udrai
*ii-venisn ['wynsn'] the act of blaming,
(q. v.).
disgracing a p': vattaran "...." kartan to
disgrace evil people 71 6 , opp. vehan pat averan ['pyl'n'] devastated: "...." kartan to
patdasin (v. s. v. pat 1: 11) kartan to devastate 107 8 • 1167~ - KZSPrth 11. 5. 12
reward good people; - Eke an-iskohtar? 'wyrn, Prs 1. 15 'wyl'n (+ BD-t II krty, Gr.
han ke "...." i martoman vattar sahet kil V.ljP'YlfLwcroq.J.e:v); Arm.lw. aweran-k< 'ruins,
niyazomandeh who is (the most not- devastation' ; Paz. avirq; NP viran, biran,
poor =) the least affected by poverty? vairan. The spelling 'py- is possibly due
he who considers being blamed by men to association with the pren. ape-, 'with-
worse than being needy PT 95 1 - 2 ; when out', v. s. v. apa-. V.- also Bthl, ZairWb
a man makes his confession, han ke pes llO, n. I; Bailey, BSOAS XI, 1943, 2.
patit bavet (i. e. the priest-confessor) as
a-vinas ['wn's] free from sin, sinless 34 13 •
xilp niyosisn" [MN -s for] api-s ne "...."
- Paz. a-gunah, v. vinas.
[MN -s for] api-s raz be ne barisn, ce ka
pat vinas i kart be avenet aivap raz be a-vinn ['wbyn'; 'wbn- PT 16614] not
baret as havand bavet shall listen bene- gaining, not winning: 1. of a p.: defeated
volently (to the man confessing his sin), 42 15 ; "...." kartan to do away with 48 9 ; -
and he shall not disgrace him, nor divulge 2. of things: fruitless, wasted, lost 68 14 • 20 •
his secret, for if he disgraces him for the 69 22 • 27 ; - Eke (for ka) xuastak xUart i pitar
sin he has committed, or divulges his kart u handoxt, i diltakan yajt, avinn
secret, he becomes equal to him SnS 8: 9, (,wbn) bilt sut ... when the fortune has
p. 107, Cod. K 20 fo1. 67 r.]. - Paz. avinesn been consumed that his father made and |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
a-vinn 38 aVIS

collected and the members of his family reading )WBDN (common Syr and Mand
acquired - (when it) is lost and gone PT >BDN> 'perdition, ruin') in spite of the
16613- 15 ; - common theological term ex- clear indigenous tradition, was unfortu-
pressing the nothingness of Ahriman and nately embraced by Henning (GGA 1935,
the evil powers, especially from an escha- 14), and then passed into school doctrine
tological point of view: "" -eh i Ganak (Iranistik 99 D. 1); it remains a failure.
menoi DkM 85 2, v. also "" -buteh; andar
visujt-Ahrimaneh, "" -druz(eh), apasihit avinn-biiteh [,.....,-bwtyh or -YJ.IWWN-tyh]
deveh u nest-paitiyiirakeh in a state where abstr. of the preceding w.: waste, loss
Ahl'iman has been destroyed, the d-rugs 4 20- 21 ; the state of one defeated 63 8. - As
defeated, the devs annihilated, and there to formation cf MPrs hy>rbwdyh 'friend-
are no adversaries DD 79 8- 9 ; den. vb. ship' (A-H II).
avinnitan [>wbynytn ' ]: opt. avinnes DkM *a-vinnisn [>wynsn l ] : read a-venisn.
838 11 ; avinnitareh DD 75 14 ; avinnenitan,
pass. avinnihistan ibd. 76 4 • 8 ; etc.]. - Paz. a-virroyisn [>wylwdsn ' ] having no belief,
avin, Skr v. an-upakarin 'doing no service, unbeliever, pI. cas. obI. (used as cas.
useless, fruitless' (Mx), vikala 'defective, rect.) ,.....,-an 97 8. - V. virroyistan, cf Paz.
impaired' (SGV). FrP ch. 25 gives full agroisniha (SGV; for agar-).
evidence as to sense and etymology of
avistatan (Prth) to place, to set, is the
this w.: >wbyn I. >ycn. L <YT I .nyst I. hcs.
probable reading of the Prth ideogr.
hcys (var. hcs!, >zys), Paz. obin (K obin).
I.I Q >YMW - = Prs I:INI.ITWN - (= niha-
ezin (val'. aizin, Arab letters >zyn, >yzn)
tan): pt. = pret. pass. 3dp. sg. I;IQ)YMvV-t
rwiq nist azis (var. aiis), the lemma being:
= avistat RajA: 7, opt. 3d p. sg.: hyp
)wbyn ' : ecin (L<YT ' =) nest haeM; com-
I.IQ>YMW-d = hep *aviste(d) HajA: 12,
mentary: - 1. eein < *aiva-eina 'even
cf s. v. zam-. - MPrth pt. >wyst)d = avis-
one thing', with n~g. 'no one thing,
tad, subju. 2nd p. sg. )wyst> = avista 'to
nothing at all': Av. (594) -eina encl.
place' (A-H III), from Av. (1601 sq.)
emphasizing part. in neg. sentences, (595)
ava-sta-, Ghilain 90 sq.; cf ostatan.
cina- 'whoever', (595, 762) dvaeina 'two
men whoever they may be', (24) aeva- avis [>wbs] adv. 1. used instead of the
cina in obscure context;. 2. L<YT ' glossed prep. 0 if it refers back to an encl. pron.
by nest, and ambiguous hcs elucidated; in the beginning of the sentence: zahr i-s
3. the lemma says: >wbyn ' means: 'no "" jreslit the poison that was sent to her
one thing comes from it, there is no gain 918 ; ku-t . .. "" ne raset lest 0.. shall come
from it'. The reading is almost self-evi- upon thee 68 8- 9 ; api-s ... "" baret bring
dent: a-vinn < *a-vinda- from Av. for him! 74 8- 9 = be-s ,....., baret 76 7; puhr
(1318 sqq.) 2vaed- 'to find, to acquire, to i-s ... ,....., mat the punishment that has
share, to gain', thus 'not gaining'; also come upon him 7410 ; eigon ka-san ... ,.....,
representing Av. (348) 'd-vindan- 'left hilend as if one poured . . . upon them
without any share' (of the food, of dogs 10pO-21. - 2. as a substitute for the prep.
Yd. 13 28 ). As to the assimilation of -nd- o + the encl. pron. 3d p. sg. -s: 14 • 16 •
> -nn-, common in SW, cf MPrs bn = 4 13 . 15 . 7 27 , etc. passim; taking up the reI.
bann < band; BP apa-sinn- (v. s. v. apa- pron. 4226. 72 13 v. s. v. ke. - Ps. >wbsy;
sistan), nivinn- < ni-vind- (q. v.). - This MPrs >wys, from an OP adv. *abisa or
etymology was already given in HP II, *abisah derived from Av. (87 sq.) aibi,
and I maintain it firmly. The most un- aiwi = OP abiy, as patis (q. v.) from
happy idea of Geiger (WZKM XL, 107), pati (cf also haeis : hac). I maintain my
taking >wbyn as an Aram. ideogr. and opinion expressed in HP II, 212; a |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
aVIS 39

different opinion by B. Utas, Or8u XIV- MPrth 'x'stn 'xyz- (8), cf KZSPrth 1. 9
XV, 1965-1966, 118-129. wyhst = vixist, Gr. v. WP!l:1jaoq.J.E:v. Verbum
avr ['pl] cloud(s) 4F9. 712 3. 85 23 .. 8611 . 178; Ghilain 61. V. also rist-axez.
8919. - Av. (99) awra-; Paz. awar; NP *ixrim- ['hPm] pres. st., imp. be ,....;
abr. *proceed! 39 24 (text perhaps defective).-
Avrihim ppPhym] n. pro 18 21 . - Hebr Uncertain. MPrs 'xr'm- 'to pass along,'
,A!Jraham, cf Arab Ibrahim; Paz. Abra- Verbum 190; NP xiramidan 'to walk
him (SGV). gracefully'. - Coincides in writing with
ahram (q. v.).
avrang ['plng] splendour, magnificence
1219. - < OIr *abi-ranga- v. rang; NP Axriirag ['hlwlg] n. pro 3213 .15 . - Av.
aurang, a/rang. [On MPrth 'brng v. Hen- (310) Axrura-.
ning, TPh8 1945, 154 n. 1]. Rxtar ['htl] constellation, one of the signs
of the Zodiac, pI. cas. obI. ,....;-an: sagr ,....;
avrangikihii ['plngykyh'] in a splendid
the constellation Leo 511 ; har """'-'-e [,....;+ 1]
manner, compo """'-'-tar: har ce ,....;-tar in
87 2a ; han i 12 """'-' 7717; oisan 12 """'-' 77 21 .
the most splendid manner 1212.
79 13 ; 12 """'-'-an 89 14 ; oisan """'-'-an 79 19 ;
ivurtan [YI:IYTYWN-tn ' ; 'wwltn l ] avar- oisan 12 """'-'-an 79 18 . 87 24 ; 12 katak i
[YI:IYTYWN-], subju. 2nd '" -iii """'-'-an 87 22 - 23 . - MPrthPrs 'xtr; Paz. NP
27 20 , pt. = pret. pass. 3 d p. sg. avurt axtar; v. also dvazdah.
[Y!:IYTYWN -t' ,'wwlt'], opt. pass. 3 d p. sg. axtar-mar ["""'-'-m'l] "Zodiac-calculator" =
avurt he [I:IWH-d] 218 : to bring a tho to poroscopist, astrologer, pI. cas. obI. ,....;-an
a p. (0) 218 (avis, q. v.). 610 (0 pes i); 15 26 5 a. 9. 2a . - V. s. v. osmurtan.
(0 en giyak to this place here); 76 9. 10916 .
113 10 ; 0 e giyak """'-' to put together, to axU ['hw] existence, life: """'-' i astomand
compose 119 20 - 21 ; to fetch down 40 21 ; the material, terrestrian world 37 8. 401
to inflict (a punishment) 93 ; to acquire etc., passim. - Av. (106 sqq.) ahu-, avhu-;
(a name, renown) 27 20 ; - andar """'-' to FrP, Cod. P fo1. 7a with the Paz. reading
introduce 103 17 ; - apac """'-' to bring back, axui and the NP g1. dunya. Paz. common-
to restore (0 to) 514 • 17 5. 109 11 , hac from ly ox. - Another axU v. patvast-axueh.
(a state) 11215 , hac . . . 0 from one state axuiin ['hw'n ' ] world 3Fa. 45 22 etc. -
to another 112 2- 3; - apar """'-' to send Paz. axqn (Mx), axqn (SGV).
forth, to emit 716 ; to assault 98 4- a. 107 12 ;
axuinik belonging to the world, of the
- be """'-' to bring 20 7; to emit 37 19 ; - 0
world: har 2 """'-' rayenisn (q. v.) 66 13 .
beron ,....; to take away, to carry off 1011.
147; - pat dU"""'-' 42 v. dit. -Av. (938) a-bar-; a-xuansandeh ['hwnsndyh] discontent,
MPrthPrs pt. "wrd, pres. "wr-; Paz. displeasure: """'-' kartan to cause offence
awardan, awar-; NP avurdan, avardan 83 7 • - Paz. axuarsandi; v. xuansand.
avar-(ar-); v. burtan. ixuar ['hwl] stable 44. 26 16 . 18 . - < a- +
ivurtar [YI:IYTYWN-t>l] bearer, pI. cas. xUar-, v. xUartan; KZSPrth. 1. 24 'hwr-
obI. """'-'-an 110 16 • pty, Gr. v. 0 €7tt 't"lj~ rJaeV'1J~; NP axur. Cf
pat-xuar. Arm. lw. axor; Telegdi 226.
ixistan ['hstn ' ; KDMWM-tn'] axez-
['hyc-, KDMWN-] to stand up 1418. 3217. a-xuarisneh ['hwlsnyh] the state of not
eating: pat """'-' without eating, without
33 19 ; apar '" id. 23 3- 24, passim; apac '"
food 10514 • - V. xUartan.
to rise from the dead 10517 . - Ps. 'hstny
'hyc-; MPrs 'xystn 'xyz- (8, A-H I); < a-xUiyisneh ['hw'dsnyh] unwillingness,
a- + BP xistan [hstn ' ] xez- [hyc-]; both in the sense of diffidence and of |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
40 iiyoz-

reluctancy: atan han i kart (v. 2kartan) with the common alternation of -y- : -h-].
~ dahet he will create unwillingness with - < abi +
Av. (1041) nam-, cf MPrth
regard to what you have instituted 45 1 , )bnft )hynd 'they went off (to the tomb)'
with the following g1. explaining ~: ku M 18 12 (S), Ghilain 73, cf Skr abhi-nam-
smah xues rad ne tuvan xUastan, kas smah 'to approach a p.'; as to the develop-
rad ne xuahet '~ means that you are ment of abi- in SW cf s. v. omet; as to
incapable of an act of will for your own -mt- > -ft- v. s. v. ahram and haniaftan.
sake and nobody will be willing (to act) Another )bnftn )to flee' < Av. (1. c.)
for your benefit' (you will be diffident apa-nam- (MHO), v. Ghilain, 1. c. Of
and inefficient, and nobody will work franaftan, vinaftakeh. NP inaft 'petition,
for you) 45 2- 3 ; the gist of Yam's speech need, demand'.
is expressed in the g1. 45 2 , v. acarenitan. *iiyiyiin [)dyw)n'], *iiyiyiinak [)dyw)nk']
axueh [)hwyh], v. patvast-axueh. a bird's nest 409.16.25. - Reading hypo-
a-xueskiir [)hwysk)l] not doing one's duty, thetical; I identify the w. with MPrth
)hy)ng = ahiyanag 'nest' (A-H III) <
disloyal 1625 • - V. xue§ka,r.
*aOiyan-, borrowed in SW and subjected
Ayaoha!J [Paz.] n. pro 47 9 • - BdA p. 228 7 there to the usual alternation -h- : -YO.
Yavh4 (Paz.). The genuine SW form is found in NP as-
ayiift [)y)pt'] gain, benefaction 9 4 , from yanah < *aOyana-, with -Oy- in contact-
ayiiftan ayap-, to reach, to attain 46 18 • 22 • ual position > -sy-. As to the spelling
805 • 25 • 88 8 • 1053 • 12 • - Ps. pt. )y)pty; -yw- for -iy- cf apiyuxt, giyak, niyandar.
MPrs pt. )y)pt, pres. )y)b- (Verbum 176); ayosust [)ywkswst'] molten metal 101 16 - 20 •
Paz. ayaftan ayaw- (Mx, SGV); NP 10222. 103 23 . - Borrowed from Av. (162)
yiiftan yab-. Av. (70 sq.) ap-; ap- < a- ayoxsusta-, ayaoxsusta-.
+ ap-; ay- probably < abi-, cf Av. (71) iiyoz- [)ywc-] pres., to intend: ka ayozat
avi-ap-. - The pres. st. ayap in com- [)ywc)t'] cikamcihe Pourusasp ku yazisn
pounds: hamak- "-', dur- "-', v. these ws.
kunat whenever P. intends to perform a
ayiirtitan [)d)ltytn'] to torment 6p·19. - sacrifice 53 13 - 14 • - Av. (1231) yaoz- 'to be
MPrs pt. (not pres.!) )y)rdyd; )y)rdysn agitated'; MPrth rzmy(y)wz 'eager for
(A-H I, II); Verbum 188. battle' (A-H III); Arm. lw. yoiz 'commo-
a-yazisneh [)ycsnyh] the state of not tion, trouble', but also 'research, investi-
making sacrifice 59 9 • - V. yazisn. Ooin- gation' (den. vb. yuz-em 'to agitate; to
cides in writing with izisneh (q. v.). scrutinize'); - a-yaoz- 'to agitate, to
disturbe' : MPrth »ywstn, »ywz- ey-)
ayeh [)dyh] 27 18 v. h-.
(A-H III), »ywStg 'tossing' (sea), )ywz
ayinaftan [)dynptn'] to reach, to get at, 'violent; disturbance' (MHO). Borrowed
to touch: 0 mar gav ayinaft as for the in MPrs in the -same sense (Verbum 183)
scoundrel, (his) hands touched 6P7, with and also in BP: razmik ayozisn [)ywcsn']
the g1. ku-s evak pat dit frac zat he clapped 'the act of fighting in battle-array', NSt
his hands together; oi mar han i dasn gav § 3; ayoz renders A v. yaoz'Jnte Y. 654 • In
o ran apar ayinaft as for the scoundrel, SW, where z changed to z, ayoz- coincided
(his) right hand got at his hip = the with ayoz- and adopted its info ayuxtan,
scoundrel put his right hand on his hip cf DkM 69 8 pres. ayoz-, but 68 15 ayux-
61 20 ; [yortai be ahijayij -ndftak 4 angust tareh in the sense 'strive for'. The genuine
but the corn had reached the height of StV form of yaoz-: OP yaud-, v. yod-;
4 fingers PR 29 9 (written )hdynptk', a possibly represented by *ahoyenUan (q.
hybrid form of ahinaftak and ayinaftak, I v.) = V. also hu-ayozisn. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

iyozisn 41 i-zit

iyozi§n pywcsn l ] team of horses: han i 4 Av. (343) azi-; MPrs "z; Paz. az (!); NP
,......- rahy the four-horsed chariot, the qua- liz.
driga 51 9 • 11 •
lizir- ['c'l-] pres., to molest, to harass,
iiyuxtan ['ywhtn ' ] ayoz- ['ywc-] 1. to to injure, imp. 704 • - Av. (1670) a-zar-;
drive (in a car), to go by car 52 19 . 56 18 • MPrs pt. "z'r'g (A-H I); Paz. pres. azar-;
6P2. - 2. ayuxtan info of ayoz- (q. v.). - NP azardan azar-. Hence
1. a- -1- Av. (1228 sq.) yaog-. Cf api-yuxt.
2iizir subst. oppression, harassing 9 1 ; ,......-
ayyiiritan ['dyb'lytn ' ] to dare, to venture; kartan to injure 28 21 .
governing a subordinate clause without
izirisn V. n. of 1azar- molestation, op-
conj.: kas ne ayyarit trac savet 1614 ; trac
pression 66 24 • 83 8 •
o pes ne ayyarit savet 25 19 . - As to the
ligature ayya- V. I, 136. - NP yaridan 'to a-zarmin pzlm'n ' ] having no old age
be able'. 59 22 . 77 4 • 10410 . - V. zarman.
ayyastan ['dybstn '] to long for, to yearn a-zit pz't l ] unborn 46 20 . - V. zat.
for: i ka-t 0 venisn i Ahriman . . . ayyast
izit ['c't l ; inscr. 'z't-] 1. noble, noble-
since thou hadst (such a) longing to see
man, nobility, designation of the large
A. 76 2 , impers. constr., cf Lat. tibi lubuit;
class of lower Sass. nobility (v. Christen-
- [pres. ayyas- DkM 483 7- 8 = Cod.
sen, Sass. lll-ll3): pI. cas. recto ,......- 264 ;
K 43 fo1. 184 V. ult. sq.; the sense 'to
pI. cas. obI. ,......--an HajA: 6. B: 6 ['z'tn].
long for' is confirmed by tnis passage and
169 • - 2. set free from servitude, manu-
by the subst. ayyasakeh 'longing' DkM
mitted (of a slave), sg. cas. obI. """'--eh, V.
19122. 192 4 - 5 ; cf also dev-ayyas]. - In
S. V. dastan. - 1. Av. (343) a-zata- 'high-
76 2 , Cod. K has 'dybst', Anklesaria
born, noble' (v. S. V. zatan) , properly
'dyb'st' without variants, Sanj. 'dyb'tst' ;
'agnate' and therefore in the line of
in Mx ch. 7 24 (wanting in Cod. K) Ankle-
succession and entitled to a share in the
saria has. 'dyb'syt', Sanj. again 'dyb'tst ' ;
inheritance and privileges of the clan;
Paz. in both places aiwiasiq,. - MPrs 'y's-
Arm. lw. azat; hence also Paz. az(! )aq"
'to desire, to strive to', Verbum 176. The
Skr. V. of Mx took it to mean 'to come':
SkI'. V. aq,hya 'rich' (SGV). - 2. < a- +
Av. (1688) zay- 'to let out (water from
76 2 tvam ... pravisafi" ch. 7 24 tvam ...
a basin)', cf ava-zay- 'to chase away';
samayatafi,. Possibly there was a vb. abi-
MPrthPrs "z'd 'free', in this sense also
+ MPrth "s-, 's- 'to come' (A-H III, Arm. lw. azat and Paz. az(! )aq" SkI'. V.
Ghilain 49) in BP.
svatantra 'independent' NP azad;
ayyiit ['dyb't ' ] memory ll11. 124; andar borrowed in OAram in the expression 'z't
,......- dastan to keep in memory 71 9 • - Ps. SBQ 'to release' (Pap. Kraeling). The
'by't; MPrth 'by'd, 'n-'by'd 'not remem- earlier investigations of these two ws.,
bering'; MPrs 'y'd (BBB, Sogd. 21 26 ); which were as a rule regarded as one
Paz. ayaq" NP yad. Verbum 224. etymologically (by Bthl; Bailey, B SO S
VI, 1930-1932,70. 953-955; Gershevitch,
ayyiit-kiir [,......--k'l] "remembrance-work"
JRAS 1954, 126; Benveniste, JA 242,
= memorabilia, memoirs 184 ; memoran-
1954, 298-299), are now superseded by the
dum 108 23 . l13 6 • - Paz. ayadagar; NP
short but masterly analysis given by
yadgar; cf Ps.'by'tk'lyhy 'recollection',
Anahit Perikhanian in REA, N.S. V,
MPrs 'y'dg'ryh 'mention' (S).
1968, 9-16, establishing, with the aid of
iz pc l ] avidity, covetousness 664. 6813 ; abundant Arm. material, two hom-
as a demon 68 13 . 77 13 . 86 2. 98 7 • 1033- 15 • - onyms of widely different origin and use. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
izitak 42 bigo-ba:rl

izitak [,z'tk', 'c'tk', '-¥LYDvVN-tk'] az-var ['cwl] avaricious, covetous 704. -

true-bred, of cows 42 2.6; - pI. cas. obI. V. az. Paz. azur, NP azvar, azur.
'" -an Cc'tk'n l ] used as pI. of azat (1) 11 13 , az ['c'] a dragon 3p5.21. - Av. (266) azi-;
cf s. v. vaspuhrakan.
Paz. az (Aog.). - V. Azi-dahak.
izateh ['c'tyh] 1. feudal benefice, fief azarm pclm] honour, renown 72 3 ; fa-
117 3 ; xrat '" the wealth of his Wisdom vouring, respect of persons 7222. - MPrs
917; generosity 70 26 . - 2. sg. cas. obI. ))zrrn 'honour' (BBB 53); Paz. NP azarrn.
of azat (2), q. v. - 1. From azat (1); Paz.
From Av. (512) abi- 2gar- 'to praise, to
azadi, Skr. v. prabhutva 'dominion,
assent to with cheerB'; < *abi-iarrnan-
wealth', aziidi, Skr v. rddhatva, sa'f[l.patti
(HP II, 28: *a-); as to abi-: a- v. s. v.
'prosperity, abundance' (SGV); MPrs
astenitan. Cf apa-zirisnik, in which api-
))z'dyy, 'z'dyy 'inheritance' (thus Peri-
(and secondarily apa-) has been substi-
khanian,I. c. s. v. azat, p. 16; the passages tuted for abi-, v. s. v. apa-.
from A-H II). - 2. MPrth ))z'dyft 'free-
dom'; NP aziidi 'liberty, freedom from azarmik honoured 4 23 (comp. ""-' ·tar). 163 •
worldly cares'. - Cf anazarrneh, -rniha.

azbayisn ['zb'dsn'] invocation 70 11 • - iizarmikeh an honoured position (in this

Borrowed from Av. (1667 sq.) zav-, pres. life) 724. - Paz. substitutes azarrni.
zba-. Azi-dahiik ['cydh'k l ], Azdahiik ['cdh'k l ]
azd ['zd] information 18 7; proclamation the name of a dragon; _""-' razrn "a Dragon
20 2. 9. - Av. (228) azda = OP; OAram.lw. battle", a battle as furious as if the
'azda Dan. 2 5, pap. 'zd; MPrthPrs 'zd dragon A. were the enemy 219. 306. -
(S); Arm. lw. azd. Borrowed from Av. (266, 704) Azi-daha-
ka-; MPrs 'zdh'g (S, A-H I), 'wzdh'g
a-zen [,zyn'] unarmed, (war) conducted (A-H I, a popular etymology); MPrth
without arms 12p3. - V. zen.
'zdh'g, 'jdh'g, Sogd. 21 sq.; Paz. Azi-daha,k;
izmayisn ['zm'dsn'] trial 4 1. - V. ozrnutan. NP azdaha. - V. also Dahak.

bag [bg, bk'; inscr. bgy, Prs <RI,IY', 1018 . 18 23-27 12 , passirn; as a real pI.
Prth 'LI,I'] 1. god 38 [bk', a quotation 'lords', of princes, noblemen, etc. 20 19 . -
from Y. 1010]; pI. cas. obI. I"J-an [bg'n l ] OP Av. (921) baga-, baya-; MPrth bg,
75 1 (opp. devan). 11319 ; garan I"J-an kof pI. bg'n; MPrs by, pI. b"n, b'n; MPrth
the mountain of the mountain gods 20 2 'whrrnyzd-bg; MPrs 'whrrnyzd-by; by zrw'n
(v. s. v. gar). - 2. lord: Ohurrnazd I " J O. (A-H II); Paz. pI. byqn (FrP). - In 75 1
the Lord, of the supreme god 2p7. 2224; Paz. substitutes vehqn.
- of kings: Kayos 45 8; I " J Papak
bag [b'gy] garden SPrs: 16. - NP bay.
HajA: 4. B: 4. SPrs: 8. Prth: 8; '" Artax-
sahr HajA:3. B:3. SPrs:6. Prth:6; Bagdiit [bkd't'] the town of Bagdad
109 1. 11116 ; '" 8ahpuhr HajA:1. B:1. 117 21 .
SPrs: 4. 11. Prth: 4. 6. 8. Pi: 1. P 2: 9; '" bigo-baxt [b'gwbht'] divine providence
Ohurrnazd Pi: 3; '" Xosroi 109 21 ; pitar '" 77 13 , cf the definition Mx ch. 246- 7 : asn
PI: 10; - pI. cas. obI. I"J-an [<RI,IY'-n, baxt han bavet i hac fratorneh baxt estet, u
bg'n'] as a pl. rnaiestatis : oisan I"J-an bagobaxt han i dit-ic baxsend <innate baxt is
8ahpuhrY P 2: 8, without the king's name that which has been allotted from the
PI: 4 ; srnah I"J-an addressing the king very beginning, and ""-' is that which they |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

bigo-baxt 43 bandak

(the gods) allot subsequently' - Borrow- ':'bardanya-, SW form of *barzanya- from

ed from Av. (922) bayobaxta-; Paz. Av. (950) bar9zan- 'top'.
bayobaxt, Skr. v. punar-dati, -bhagya. balist [b'lyst ' , b'lst ' ] 1. the highest, sup.
bahan [bh'n ' ] motive, cause 83 13 . - More of buland (q. v.) 38 6 • - 2. subst. top 4016 ;
common wh'n I = vahan, wh 'nk = va- zenith 96 12 . 9810. 99 11 ; culmination point
hanak; MPrs wh'ng (A-H II); Paz. (of a star) 5 10 . - MPrs b'ryst; < OP *bar-
vahqn (SGV), vahana (Mx) ; Skr. v. dista-, SW form of Av. (950) sup. bar9-
kara'f};a, hetu; NP bahanah. zista-.
Balocan [blwc'n ' ] pI. cas. obI., a moun-
bahr [b'hl] lot, share, portion 69 20 . 9010 .11 ;
tain tribe, the Balochis 11514 •
(the part played by the priest in the
service =) ministry 53 18 • 19 (v. s. v. arZa- bam [b'm] splendour, beam of light 112 18 ;
nikenitan), a synonym of yazisn (q. v.) ; nazd ......., daybreak 53, V. nazd. - MPrth
this sense is confirmed by Zsprm XII, Prs b'm; Paz. bam «day' Aog.); NP
6: Pourusasp bahr 0 oi hilai lce-s patis bam; cf Av. (1468) vispo.bama- 'all-
arzanikeh 'Po shall leave the bahr to the resplendent', (954 sq.) bamya 'the dawn'.
one who has the qualification for it', V. us-bam and the next W.
corresponding to (Pott.rusasp ... ) yazisn 0 bam-dat [.......,-(Pt l ] at dawn 716 • 67 2 • -
yastaran *harejat (v. ha1"ejtan) , with the MPrs b'md'd; Paz. bamdaq = NP.
gl. ku 0 yazat ke apayet yastan 53 14- 15 ; -
happiness, prosperity: tan bodily bamik brilliant 10615 • 22 • - MPrth b'myg
beauty 223. - Av. (923) bax9r5ra-; Ps bhly; (MHC), cf us-bam.
MPrth bhr '*fate'; MPrs bhr (A-H I), ban [+<GLH; Ps. b'ny] roof 44 20 . 22 .
h'rnbhr 'having the same share' (A-H 128 13 . - NP bam.
II); Paz. bahar, Skr. V. vibhaga and
band [bnd] tie, band, bond; fetters 919 •
.sarnrddhi; NP barx. [It would be tempt-
34 1 (SIB probably mistaken for bry<n) =
ing to connect (tan) bahr with Skr bhadra-
brin, cf Mx ch. 27 10 ; Paz. is wanting);
'beautiful, happy'; phonetically there is
......., i zendan imprisonment, captivity 93 ;
no difficulty, cf Skr rnudra: rnuhr 'seal';
......., the snare of Death 65 14 - 18 ; ce rad ka
Av. bar5ra- is attested in hu-bar5ra- (1828)
menoyan u getikan danisn u kar-alcaheh
<happy'; thus Bailey in A. M., N.S. II:
har 2 band 0 to [i. e. xrat] patvast why
1, 1952, 32].
are knowledge and skill of both the
bahrak lot, share (= bahr) 115 2 • heavenly and the earthly beings (so)
closely tied up with (dependent on) thee
bahromandeh [""""-'wmndyh] the state of [the Wisdom]? 88 11 - 12 ; the Skr. V. joins
being prosperous, prosperity 87 7 •
band with the preceding har 2: dvavapi
bahr-vareh [.......,-wlyh] the state of having bandhau, but this is contradicted by
a share in (hac), participation in 90 9 • 14 • - 120 17 - 18 : cigon martoman i andar gete
Paz baharvari, Skr. V. sarnrddhi, which band 0 menoyan patvast estet as men in
suits the context less well. this world are closely tied up with the
heavenly beings. - Av. (926 sq.) banda-;
balai [b '}>y] height 3 p8 etc. passim; da- MPrth. bnd; bndyst'n 'prison' (MHC) ;
han '" as high as to the mouth 10 117. - MPrs bnd (A-H II), bn = bann (8, A-H
NP bala; V. balen, balist, buland. I), bnyst'n = bannistan < band- (A-H I);
balen [b 'lyn I] the crown of the head Paz. NP band. V. bastan.
72 8 • - Paz. balin, Skr. v. erroneously bandak[bndkl ;inscr. <BD-k] servant, slave
ut8i'r~aka 'pillow' after NP balin. < OP SPrs: 16; 3 10 . 5 16 ; pI. cas. obI. "'-an 71 3 . - |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

bsndak 44 bastsD

OP bandaka-; MPrth bndg; MPrs bng = this passage is a hopeless mess (Bthl.
bannag < bandak; Paz. banda, NP regarded it to be the translation of Av.
bandah. bar5a which has, however, another sense.
banjak [bnck'] hemp, or a similar in- v. s. v. bastan).
toxicating plant: tip i ,......, 25 17 , ap ,......, 28 14 barisn [blsn ' ] v. n. of burtan; apar r...- to
a poison made from it. - Av. (925) ascend 41 6 (as to the construction v.
bangha-, bar;ha-; NP bang. Cf mango kamak); v. apar-barisneh.
bar [bl] fruit 6613 ; as to 3 8 v. evar. - Ps. barisneh det. v. n. of burtan: the act of
bly; Paz. NP bar, but MPrthPrs b'r .. carrying or bringing: et gobisn,......, this
-bar pres. st. of burtan (q. v.), in com- "saying-bringing" = such a message
pounds: v. paitam-bar. conveyed to me (by a mysterious voice)
38 12 - 13 ; bahr ,......, performance of sacer-
1bir [b'l] burden 1188 • - = NP. dotal ministry 53 18 , v. arzanikenitan and
2biir a time, in reckoning: e ,. . . , once bahr. - V. also apar-barisneh and frot-
97 13- 14 ; pat e ,......, at one time 32 6 ; 2 ,......, barisneh.
twice 97 12 ; 3 ,......, thrice 2p9 etc. - = NP;
barisnihi adv. of barisn: yatangok ,......,
v. also evbar, hambar, hamvar. when engaging a yatangok (q. v.) 7015 • -
1biirak [b'lk ' ] adj. of 2bar in compounds: Wanting in Paz. and Skr. v.
2-,......, sak double tax 1192 • barsom [blswm] the sacred bundle of
2biirak steed 22 12 • 15 • 26 2 '-29 6 pas8im, pI. twigs used in the divine service 90 27 • -
cas. recto ,......, 71 • 22 8 , cas obI. ,......,-an 611 • - Av. (947) bar98man-; Paz. bar(9)8um,
NP barah, cf s. v. burtan. Skr. v. brahma; v. Modi, Oeremonie8.
biiristin [b'lsVn ' , b>lstn ' ] enduring, pa-
tient 661 ; humble 1312 • - [PR 19812 sqq.: *Birzan [b'lc'n']the name of a tribe or
bari8taneh han bavet ke bar i ruvan, i 0 a locality 8 20 • - Identical with Barian,
tan apayist, ka-s skifteh apar fraG raset one of the villages of Xanlanj an, of the
api-s 0 kas tuvan 8poxtan (q. v.), ne 8pOGet, districts of I!;>fahan, Yaqiit I, 462?
be bari8taneh xUat apar patiret cb. is the
Bast [bse] n. pro of a town 115 24 • - Arab.
quality of him who does not throw
Bust, Yaqiit I, .612 sqq.; Cat. 85-86;
(upon another) the burden of his soul,
EJ2, I s. v.; Gnoli, RiGerGhe storiche 8ul
which affects himself, when hardships
Si8tan antiGo (1967), 78 sqq.
befall him and he would be able to
throw it upon another, but accepts bastan [bstn', inscr. bstny; 'SLWN-tn ' ]
spontaneously to be a bari8tan', in band-, to bind (hand and foot) 32 12 ; to
other words: who, even if he could, fetter 74 22 • 1151 (be ,....,,); to fasten 20 26 ;
does not thrust upon others the burden a8p apar rahy ,......, to harness a horse to
of his soul when hardships befall him, the car 5416 ; andar IV (apar rahy) id.
but takes his burden upon himself. This 54 -13 14 (gI.); dar be ,......, to shut the door
notion has much affinity with the Arab. 75 ; puhl Y , vitir Y ,...." to const~uct a

notion ~abr ; almost the same idea is bridge F: 1-3. 6; menisn i ... 0 ... ,......,
expressed in NP burd-bar.] - From *bar to fix a p.'s mind upon = to suggest to
+ 8tJ1n, pres. st. of 8tatan (q. v.): 'taking "
h Ismill "d to (d0... ) 4021-22; d-· oU3r~. ...

his burden'. Erroneously interpreted pat menisn be ,......, to obstruct the spiritual
BSOS IX, 1937, 107 sq. PhI. Yd. 327 eye (sight) of a p. 52 26- 27 (cf. bastisn) -
gives no contribution to the under- Av. (926) baWl- = OP; MPrth bstn
standing of ,......" as the PhI. version of bOO-; MPrs b8tn, subju. byn'd = benniid. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bastan 45 Baxt-xosro

v. n. bnysn = banniSn (A-H II; cf s. v. subst. 'he who will be' = th~ future,
band); Paz. NP bastan band-. coming man: har hastan butan bavetan all
those who are, who have been, and who
bastan [b'st'n'] constantly, always ~512;
will be 55 18 . - Cf the use of 1jv as a subst.
[~ u har gah constantly and all the
in ApocaI. 1: 4. 8 0 WV xed 0 1jv xaL (; epx6-
time PT 594]. - Renders Av. (953) bal5a;
Henning, TPhS 1944, Ill, quotes MPrth
b'dyst'n, MPrs b'yst'n, translating it 'fre- bavisn [Y]?:WWN-sn'] V. n. of butan: the
quently' (cf Av. [953] baioist9m 'in the act of entering into material existence;
surest way' ?). Cf NP bastan 'ancient; the material existence 109 9 (opp. vinasisn). -
past'. Corresponds exactly to the Arab. philo-
bastisn [bstsn'] v. n. of bastan: ~ i sophical term kaun (opp. jasad) , Gr
yev€m~. Cf butak.
venisn i casm the state of the eyesight
having been barred, shut = loss of bavrak [bplk'] the beaver 8210. - Av. (925)
,eyesight, blindness 66 27 . - As to the bawra-, bawri-.
formation cf MPrthPrs dydysn from
ditan (S, A-H II, III), MPrs 'mdysn, -nyh Baxl [b'hl] Balkh 113 2°. - Av. (953)
from amatan (S, A-H II). Baxtri-, Baxl5i-; NP Balx.

Bastvar [bstwl] n. 'pro 26 1C29 25 passim; baxsisn []?:LK,,\VN -sn'] distribution 89 6.

1149.1°. 115 25 . - Av. (952) Bastavari-. From baxtan.
bat [b't'] V. butan. baxt [b'ht', bht'] destiny, fate, fortune:
~ u bagobaxt (q. v.) 77 12 - 13 ; pat xues ~
bavandak [bwndk'] complete, entire, full;
murtan to die a natural death 21 12- 13 ;
perfect: 4120, 5P8. 57 4. 77 9.1°. 10615 . -
be-sutak ~ whose fortune is gone, doomed
Arm. lw. bavandak, bovandak; MPrs
52; V. also vat-baxt.
bwndg (S); Paz. bunda; NP buvandah
'proud'. baxtan [b'htn'; ]?:LKWN-tn' ] baxs-, to
bavandakeh completion, fullness; perfect- allot, to distribute, to destine 66 20 . 23 .
ion 559. 561. 107 2; pat ~ throughout 76 24 . 79 9- 19 . 89 11 • 18 ; - -s apar baxt estet
19 8 • dusman ozanet (it has been allotted to
him that he should kill =) Fate has
bavandakenitan [~-kynytn'] to com- destined him to kill the enemies 27 14 . -
plete, to supplement 111 20 . Av. (921) bag-; Ps. pt. bhty; MPrthPrs
bavandak-menisneh [~-mynsnyh] perfect pres. bxs- (S, A-H I), pt. bxtg; Paz.
thinking, perfect thought 53 25 . 70 14 • baxtan, baxs-; NP baxsidan.
85 16 . - The PhI. rendering of Av. (335sqq.)
Baxt-xosro [bht hwslw] n. pro of the king
of the Arabs 117 3. - A distorted and
bavandak-menisniha adv. with perfect Iranized form of Ass. Nabu-kudurri-u~ur,
thinking, attention 121 18- 19 . Hebr and Aram NeQu!J;a4na~~ar, nbwkd'-
~wr, Gr Na~oXoaovocrop; in PhI. orthog-
Bavei [b'pyl] the name of the town of
raphy *nbwhtnsr, *nbwht'8wr (h = x,
Babel and of its founder 11427. - OP
t = 0); the initial n- having been taken
Babiru- (read by Meillet et Benveniste
for wand eliminated, bwhtnsr, bwht'swr,
Babairu- because of Pali Baveru); Ps.
etc. were variously interpreted: Arab lw.
bbyly; MPrth b'byl (S).
Buxt-na~~ar; adaptations to the Iranian
bavetan [Y]?:WWN-yt'n'] pI. cas. obI. of name system: Baxt-xosro, patisrav (DkM
./Javet 'he will be' (v. butan) used as a 689 9 ), Baxt-narse (Pseudo-Balkhi, ed. by |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Baxt-xosro 46 be

Huart, III, 93). Nyberg, Unvala Vol., it also accompanies the vb. in the inf.,
109·-110. Cf also s. v. pat-xosro. the v. n. and the pt.: be tacet, be tacitan,
be tacisneh (e. g. 564 ); be sutan to go
bayaspan [bd'sp'n'] courier, herald, mes-
away, to disappear, be sutak gone, van-
senger 20 3 • 8 • - MPrth .bY'sp'n, also taken
ished 52; etc. - b) denoting the per-
over by MPrs (A-H II); Paikuli Prth
fective aspect of the act, viz. that it comes
bY'spn (Herzfeld, not in his Glossary;
to an end, or has its limit: with the pret.
ApI 96). NW form < *dvaya-aspana-
it gives it the sense of an act completed
'having a two-horse carriage'; SW form
in the past, as in French the passe defini
was despan, whence the Arm. lw. despan,
or in Lat. the perfectum historicum; with
Arab. lw. dusfan. Bailey, ZP 46 n. 4.
the pres. it denotes the completion of
bayaspaneh mission 1812 • the act in the future (Mill'. has no special
bazak [bck'] misdeed, crime 6817 • 73 9 etc. future tense); it is very often put before
- MPrthPrs bzg 'evil, wicked'; Paz. baza, an imp., giving the order a peremptory
baza, bazaa (SGV); v. Bailey, BSOS VII, force; also used in other expressions
1933, 85. implying an act of will, cf apayistan and
framutan; in this sense it does not stand
bazak-kar [bckly] evil-noel' 128 5 •
together with an inf., or with a pt., nor
MPrthPrs bzkr; Paz. bazagar (SGV). Cf
with a negation, nor with other preverbs
also s. v. davr.
(which themselves give a perfective
baziik [b'cwk'] arm 3117. - Av. (955) sense): be bavet he will be, but ne bavet
bazu-; Ps. SW form b'dwky; NP bazu; he will not be. The functions a) and b)
cf MPrth b'zwr (= bazuvar) 'wing' (MHC). are often difficult to keep apart. - 3. prep.
a) except, but: hec zivandak apac be ne
baz [b'c'] tribute 177. 58 25 • 11815 • 23 • 12IB.
manet be han i evak Ariasp no one but
- OP baii-; NP bai, baz, biiz.
A. alone 29 26 - 27 ; 24 15 - 16 ; 26 4 ; carak be
be [BR'; Sas. inscr. BL'; Prth. LBR'] man an kas xUastan ne tuvan it is not
with encl. be-c 38 12 , be-p 53 24 , cf also possible to request a means from any
2bes: 1. adv. outside HajB: 8; RajA: 7 other than me 34 2 ; followed by a sub-
LBR' = 0 be outward; ibd. 9 cL LBR' ordinate clause: nisem ne vindat be ka
STR' = 0 be arak id.; - hac be Xuanirah ... 0 kof i sar niSinend did not find foot-
from outside Kh. 10812 ; - be hac to out- hold except if they perched 20 18 - 19 ; 21 15 - 16 ;
side thee, thy domain 1035 (v. s. v. 65 21 (v. patixsai); - b) in frame preposi-
to)·u; - together with a following prep.: tions: be . . . enya, v. enya; - be . . . wi:
be 0 emphasizing the sense of direction be man tai an kas ne mand estet no one
inherent in 0, very frequent; still more except me has been spared 1527 ; beZartuxst
emphatic ttii be 0 right up to 92 18 ; be tiii ... kas-ic ne nobody but z. alone
apar Zartuxst nisan
, (q. v.) drayit 48 7- 8 ; - 93 13 - 14 ; - hac ... be: nipekiha i hac den
be! away! 1423. - 2. prev.: a) off, out, be writings outside (= not concerning)
away, forth, es'p. with vbs. designating Religion 109 7- 8 ; hac kuni.~n i im be out
a motion or a change of place or of of the activity of this man 52 12 ; - c) late,
condition, v. each separate vb.; cf fratom for pat, as NP bi-: be ravakeh bavet 37 9
o anod apar raft, avdom be raft he (the (gl.); 4717 (gl.); 50 20 (editorial summary).
horse) was the first to come there, and - 4. adversative conj. but: a) after a
the last to go away 49 20 ; HajB: 8 (first negative sentence or a negative part of
BL'). In this case be, as giving the vb. the sentence: andar deh ne, be pat kustak-e
its specific sense, is not dropped when i deh vitart 616 ; ne ozan;;'t, be apac 0 Kayos
other preverbs or the negation are added; sut 45 27 , etc.; ne evac ... be not only ... |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
47 bltax8

but (also) 45 5- 6 ; - b} but, however, contin- R II), cf Paz. baesaz-gar 'healthful' (Mx).
uing the narration: RajB: 8 (second BL') Borrowed from A v.; the genuine WIr.
[= bes RajA: 7, v. below]; 19 2. 21 . 2p5 forms V. bizisk.
etc. - MPrs by only with the encl. '-0:
besazisneh det. n. of besazisn healing:
bye 'but' (v. 4b) and in by-rwn (v. beron),
(yatuk) "-' g1. to biziskeh 44 2. - Cf MPrs
in all other cases b' , to be read ba,
bys'zyn- 'to heaP (A-H II)'
shortened form in proclitic position (cf k'
= ka, v. s. v. ka); MPrth byh 'outside', bes-budar [bys bwlt>l] grieved 68 19 , V. bes.
'0 byh, 'w byh 'rg; conj. bye, byz 'but, besenitar [,,-,-ynyt>l] causing pain, pain-
however', Prth. inscr. bes (v. below). Paz. ful, excruciating: "-' dart 43 23 •
be, bi, be; NP only prev. bi-. Original
form *bet, cf bet-anak 'an outsider,
besitan [bysytn'] to violate 73 8. 83 1. 98 24 .
foreigner'; MPrs bydwm 'outermost' (S) - MPrs and Paz.
- Paz. betum 03GV}. [1dPrth byd besomand [bys)wmnd] grieved, afflicted
'again, further' (= MPrs dwdy) belongs 1126.
to the numeral 'two', and not to this w.]
bevar [bywl] ten thousand; 2 "-' spah an
- BR' 19 20 is a wrong ideogr. for beh, opt. army of 20000 men 18 11.16-17; 12 ~ spah
of butan. 29 23 ; xion 15 ,,-,,14 ,,-,,13 "-' 237.12.17.
Behistan [byhstn'] n. pro f. 28 5. - NP 24 8 - 11 ; 131 "-' xion ayend 2414 - 15 ; 12 X 12 "-'
bih 'quince'; ;llready Justi, NB 67, inter- 2427; 12 r-..I"-' 25 1 ; 3 "-' nezak (g. v.) balai
preted thEl second element ~s Skr stana- 1041. - Av. (913) baevar-, baevan-; MPrth-
'bust'. 'having breast like quinces'. Cf the Prs bywr; Arm. lw. biur; Paz. baevar; ear-
epithet beh-pistan applied to a woman, rly NP bevar.
Unvala, King Husrav 35 (§ 96). The
Bevar-asp [bywPsp'] n. Pl'. 78 3. - Paz.
same -stan in Zarri-stan (q. v.). Cf, on
Baevarasp; NP Bevarasp.
the other hand, Bth1., ZsR I, 15 no., V,
20. bim [bym] fear, dread, fright 9 1. 15 25 .
48 11 , etc. - = Paz. NP.
beron [bylwn'; inscr. bylwny] outwards
HajB: 10; out, connected with amatan, bimakan ["-'- kn I] fearful, dreadful 74 7. -
avurtan, kartan, V. these vbs.; hae ... "-', Paz. bimgin < *bimakanya-.
V. amatan; - prep. ~ asman kartan to
bimomand ["-'-'wmnd] dreadful, horrible
put out of heaven 103 18 . - MPrs byrwn 74 3 •
(S, BBB); Paz. berun; NP birun; < be
+ ron (q. v.). Bitak [Paz.] n. pro 47 3.
1 bes [bys] grief, affliction ll16. 48 1 ; "-' bitaxs [byths] the Grand Vizier, of Ja-
burtan to grieve, to mourn 68 19 . 8413 . - masp at Vistasp's court 21-24. 27 13 ; of the
Av. (814 sq.) dvaesah-, tbaesah- 'hostili- corresponding official at Arjasp's court
ty'; cf MPrth 'n'bys 'without violation' 25 11 • 28 7. - A Prth. Arsacid title, adopted by
(BBB 53); Paz. bes. Derivatives V. below. the Sassanid kings of the 3d c., but later
replaced by vazurg framatar (v. the 2nd
2bes (Prth) [bys] but, RajA: 7. - < w.); survived in independent Armenia
be-e, V. S. V. be; Prth 0 has very often governed by Arsacids (until A. D. 430)
changed to s,cf S. v. sit.
and in Georgia. Sas. inscr. Prth byths,
besazeh [bys'cyh] the act of healing; re- Prs bythsy KZSPrth a} 1. 23, b} 1. 25,
medy 43 24 . - Av. (914 sq.) baesaza- c} 1. 27 = Prs 11.29.31. 33 Gr. V. a} [3~3~~ (in
'healing' (adj.), 'remedy'; MPrs bys'z the list of the late Artaxser's officials),
'physician', bys'zyh 'the healing art' (A- b} 7wn&~1)<;; of Shapur's own vizier, c) |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bitax8 48 bozisn

patron. Prth I. 28 = Prs I. 24

7tL't'U&.~1)C;; bizisk [bcsk'] a medicine-man, a physician,
bythskn, Gr. v. 7tL't'L~LYiXV; Paikuli = KZS. pI. cas. obI. ~-an in yatuk-~-an witch-
Arm. lw. bdea8x (Hubschmann, AG 119 doctors 43 24 • - OIr. *bisaz-ka- (cf Skr
sq.). Georg: Armazi bilinguis (Nyberg, bhi~aj-), whence in NW (with meta-
Erano844, 1946, 228-243; 233 sqq.) btr-s, thesis) *bizaska- > bizisk (MPrth v. next
Gr" v. 7tL't'LcX.~1)C; also on gems found there w.; Arm. lw. bzisk), in SW *bisadka- >
(1. c. ;v. also Eransahr 169), Armazi *bisaOka- > bisihk (MPrs bsyhk). In NP
"Aram." inscr. (Altheim & Stiel, FliF 35, the NVI form bizisk, later pizisk.
1961,. 172-178) pytr-s; native KCartCveli
biziskeh medical treatment, healing; me-
patiaxsi, pitiaxsi (Hubschmann, Tschen-
dicine 44 8 • 109 2. - MPrth bzyskyft (MHO).
keli). Syr.lw. pear-sa, ptafs,sa (often faultily
vocalized), aftafs,sa (Hoffmann, Auszuge bod [bwdl 1. consciousness 312. 64 23 • -

p. 34 n. 275). Amm. Marc. XXIII, 6: 14 2. scent, fragrance 8910 ; [incense PR

vitaxae ("id est magistri equitum"), Gr. 1112]. - 1. Av. (919) baooah- 'perception';
Hesych. [jLcr't'iX~, read [jL't'iX~. In dealing Paz. boi. 2. Av. (918) baooi- MPrth bwd'c'r
with its etymology the indigenous form 'aromatic herbs' (S); Arm. lw. boir-kc;
byths should, as a matter of course, be MPrs bwy (A-H II); Paz. NP boi. Of
given preference before any deviating bostan. - bwd 8J8 is probably a fault for
forms in foreign languages. In its oldest bryn = brin (q. v.).
form it is, however, found in Arm Bor-gav [bwl TWR'] n. pro 47 6 • - "Hav-
bdeasx < *bdidxs: -d- must be secondary ing cattle with the colour bor", v. next w.
(an original d would have given r) and
go back to a t, voiced because of its bor-*gil [bwlkl] the name of one of the
proximity to the preceding b, which two armies commanded by the kings of
consequently must be the original initial IJ:ira 11 7 7 • - "The grey troop", v . Ny-
"consonant, not p (pt- would have re- berg, Karlgren Vol. 319-320, -gil < *grda-
mained); this phonetic state is cogently 'troop' (cf gal) in NP gal(l)ah 'flock, herd,
conclusive in favour 6f an original form crowd', and -gal, -(g)al, -(g)il used in
*bitlyaxsi-. The first element is *bitiya- dialects as a pI. affix, v. Zukovskiy,
'the second', NW f9rm of *dvitiya; Av. ]1aterialy I 213 ; KPF III vol. II, 1. 04. bOr
(963 sq.) bitya-, MPrth. bdyg (Nyberg, designates various colours: 'brown, red-
I. c. 237 n. 2; Henning, Iranistik 62 n. 2); dish brown', 'bay, chestnut' of horses
the second element has been explained (NP, Bal. etc.), but also 'the colour of
by Pagliaro (RSO XII, 1929, 164 sqq.) honey' (NP), 'yellow, grey, blond' (Oss.),
as *axsi- "eye' (in Av. derivatives, v. also whence borak, NP borah, Syr. lw. borqa,
apaxs); *bitiya-axsi- 'the second eye' of Arab baurl1q 'borax, nitre', whose colour
the King, based on the idea, well attested is silver-grey. The Arab translation of this
by the classical authors and well ana- name is al-sahba>, from 'ashab- 'grey,
lysed by P., of the King's officials as grizzled'.
his "eyes". Thus any etymology starting bostan [bwst'n ' ] garden 105 1 • - MPrth
from initial pit- is peremptorily excluded; bwdyst'n; Arm.lw. burastan; MPrs bwyst'n
pit- for bit- must be due to a secondary Paz. bostq; NP bostan, from bOd (2).
development in the borrowing languages.
bozakeh [bwc'kyh] the state of being a
Pagliaro, " I. c. 160-168; Eilers IIJ V,
Saviour 55 21 . - Abstr. of bozak, v. buxtan.
1962, 209 sq. (quotes Armazi pytr-s, but
ignores btr,s!) ; Benveniste, Titres 65; bozisn [bwcsn ' ] salvation 76 15 • 18 ; excuse:
Rundgren, OrSu XII (1963), 1964, 89-98 ~ guftan to beg to be forgiven 4 13 , cf
(oh!); etc. SGV XI, 216. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
briih 49 brin

briih [bPh] splendour, beauty 1410. 1516 . 'mtws ZY kysr ... = i Amt08 i kesar '"
94 25 . 11121. 112 4 • 19 • - SW form of Av. kart 'which Amtos, the son of the brother
(972) braz- braza-; MPrthPrs br'z, br'z'g, of Kaisar' built. However, his reading
br'zysn; Paz. brazinidar, brih(i) (SGV); Amtos is quite arbitrary, and he gives
NP baraz and barah. no reason for it; it is certainly not Greek,
and no such Iranian name is imaginable.
brahmak [blhmkl] (splendid) garment, of
the princely footwear 29 5 • - MPrthPrs His attempt to situate the man so named
in the history of tho Roman emperors is
brhm 'garment, elegant form, grace' etc.,
v. Henning, TPhS 1944, 108-118 (I pure fancy (Cat. 82). - [Would it be too
daring to read the name ['mtw8] Amittos
cannot accept his combining this w. with
OP brazman.) Paz. brahm, Skr. v. ve~a, and to regard it as a somewhat inaccurate
rendering of Amyntas, the well known
srtigara (SGV).
king of the highland of Asia Minor who
briimitan [bPmytIiI] to cry, to howl 74 26 ; died in the year 25 A. D.? He was
Zarer rad bramend (pres. hist.) they be- established as king by Antonius in the
wailed Z. 2910. - Written bwl>myt = bu- year 36 B. C., but went over to Octavia-
ramet in Cod. K 74 26 ; Paz. ibd. varameg" nus in the year,,:>31 B. C. and became a
Skr. v. akrandati. MPrth pres. brm-, close friend of the emper:ur:-He had po-
pres. pt. brmg, pt. pret. brm'd 'to weep, litical interests in Cilicia'-too (Strabo 671).
to cry' (A-H III, MHC); v. also Sogd. It seems however"doubtful whether he
39 17 . also extended his' power to upper Meso-
briit [bPt l ; 'I:I<Y) 1 brother, sg. cas. recto potamia.J
2421. 10018 ; after a name as its app.: Bratoros [bl>twlws] n. pro 117 16 . - An-
Zarer i to "-' 20-24 passim; 2214; after a other form of Bratar-vaxs, V. Bratarores;
prep.: hac pus tai brat 22 18 ; - as pI. cas. Byt III, 3 bl>tlws.
rect.: vas "-' ['I:I] ... bavend 227; - sg.
brih [blyhJ fate, destiny 85 18 . - Paz.
cas. obI. bratar [bPtl] in compounds (v.
b(a)reh, barahi, Skr V. bhagya (Mx, Aog.);
below); in the sense of a pI. after nume-
from britan (q. v.).
rals: har 2 bratar 9 13 , han 4 bratar 9 19
(both dir. obj.); - pI. cas. obI. brataran brihenak [blyhyn'k] one who destines
8 26 . 219. 24 1.5; han i 2 vat-baxt brataran fate 77 22 .
9 2 (dir. obj.). - Av. OP (971 sq.) bratar-, brihenisn [blyhynsn l] the act of destining
nom. sg. brata; MPrthPrs br'd, cas. obI. fate, predestination, destiny 1412. 16 2 (gl.
br'dr, pI. br'dr'n; Paz. brag,; NP biradar. with apayet butan, V. apayistan). 69 5. -
Briitarores [bPtlwklys] n. pro 50 22 . 51 12 .2°. Paz. brehinesn (birhinasn, barahnasni).
52 18 . - A karap (q. v.) of the Tiir people, brihenitan 1. to destine, to predestinate,
hostile to Zartuxst; his proper name was of Ohurmazd 36 15 . 4p7; ma hakar-am
Bratar-vaxs [bPtlwhsJ 'furthering the hac apargar ne brihenit estet ku perhaps
brothers', DkM 79412 , DD ch. 71 5 = Cod. it has not been predestined for me
K22114; Brataro-res 'injuring the brothers' (from =) by Fate 13 7- 8 ; 1310- 12 with
is a malicious distortion.·V. also Brator08. inf. - 2. to create: brihenit u dat 77 15 ;
with hac 'from' of the matter from which
briitar-ziit [bPtlz't l] brother's son, neph- 923.6.7.12. 933.17.23. 945.25-26. 95 18 . 1062. -
ew: kesar ,......, Caesar's (i. e. the Byzantine
Paz. brehinidan, Skr. V. (vi- )nir-ma-, sri-
emperor's) nephew 11518 . - The last W.
(Mx, SGV). - Den. of brih.
of 1. 17 is quite obscure. The text of
J.-A. has w 'mtws w kysr ... , which brin [blyn l] a fraction of time, a period
Markwart (Cat. 16) emended to Zy 3820. 391 (8IB V. S. V. bod). - From britan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
4 Nyberg
brinisn 50 burzen

brinisn [PSKWN -sn I] v. n. of britan: burtan [bwltn'; YBLWN-, YDLWN-tn';

-m . . . han van '" I must cut down this forms v. I, 178] bar-, to carry, to bring,
tree 40 26 - 27 . to bear, to wear, to procure; to take
britan [PSKWN-tn'] brin-, to cut off, to away, to remove (a or pat 'to'); arisk '"
chop off, to cut to pieces; to interrupt: to bear envy 69 1. 8410 ; las, bM, dast, dasn,
2226. 2417. 943. 101 11 ; to break up a gabisn, nam, namac, nipart, paitak, srav,
road (by marching on it) 20 16 ; pt. brito stezak, vang, pat xrat "': v. these ws.;
dumb whose tail has been cut off 2418, bahr '" v. barisneh; - to place on the
cf burritak. - Av. (972) bray-, pres. brin-; top of (apar) 444; to lay a p. on (a)
Paz. bridan, brin- or buridan; NP bur(r)i. 47 20- 21 ; - andar a tan '" to bring into
dan bur(r)-. corporeal existence 92 4 ; - andarg "', v.
gabisn; - apar '" to send out against
buland [bwlnd] high, tall, lofty, loud
37 11 ; to bring 60 16 ; amacisn apar /"OJ

1112. 18 22 . 58 14 . 7212. - < *brdant -, SW

to give instruction, to teach 804 ; v. also
form of Av. (959 sq.) b'Jrnant-; MPrs
apar-barisneh and apar-burtareh; - frac '"
bwlnd; Paz. NP buland. V. also balai,
to bring, to present 4111; to bring forth,
balist, burz.
to light (a fire) 44 5 ; - frat r-I to bring
bum [bwm; (RK'] land, landed estate down, to shed (water) 41 20 ; v. also frat-
, SPrs: 16; 9 14 . 8P2. - Av. OP (969) bumi-; barisneh; - a ham '" to collect, to amass
Paz. NP bum. 48 15 ; pret. construed as an act. 1820 .
bun [bwn] bottom 10225 ; foundations 113 8 ; Common Iranian; Av. OP (933 sqq.) also
root 93 23 ; beginning 8P; the primordial - (act. and middle) 'to ride', cf barak and
revelation 111 8 • 9. 21 . 11219 ; - capital, stock asvar; cf also apar-barisneh from bar-
of spiritual values acquired through meri- 'to move'.
torious deeds: a '" i . . . kartan to add burtar [bwlt'l] 1. carrier, bearer, v. den-r-I
(a value) to a p.'s spiritual stock 79 12- 14 ; jraman-"" nam-"'. - 2. mother 37 2 • 4018 •
a", bavet it affects a p.'s spiritual stock = 43 19- 23 . 4416 .
detracts from it 65 26 . 8124. - Av. (968)
b11na-; MPrthPrs Paz. NP. - V. bundahiSn burtareh v. apar-burtareh and jraman-
and bunyastak. burtareh.
bunak [bwnk'l camp 2412 . 15 . - Arm. lw. burz .[bwlc I] high 19 21 . 20 2 ; sar-r-I having
bun 'camp' , but bnak < bttnak 'domicile' a lofty peak 2019 ; of the flaming of the
or adj. 'native'; NP bunah 'house, abode', fire 37 21.23. - NW form < OIr *brza
'bottom'. nom. of *brzant-, v. buland; MPrth bwrz;
bwrzynd (MHC); borrowed in MPrs (sup.)
bun-dahisn [bwndhsn ' ] the laying of bwrzyst (A-H II), Paz. NP burz; cf
foundations = the primordial creation
100 21 ; cas. obI. ",-eh: pat "'-eh 79 11 . 807
(Paz. bundahasn). - V. datan. burzavand ["'-'wnd] lofty, exalted, epi-
thet of Vistasp 58 17 . 21 . 6020 . 21 . 1119. -
bunyastak [bwnystk'] primordial cosmic Paz. SGV X, 64 of Vistasp, 69 of the
principle 6211. 645. - Paz. bunyast, bun-
Kayanian kings, Skr. v. X, 64 kalavant
yast, Skr. v. mulaspada.
(= ? elsewhere 'moon'), 69 kriyavant
burritak [bwlytk'] pt. cut off: ",-dumb 'regularly performing the religious rites',
30 2 = brit-dumb (q. v.) - From burritan, which would rather suggest burzavand
burr-, secondary form of britan, = NP. from burzitan (q. v.).
burtakeh [bwltkyh] the state of having burzen [r-I-yn l ] in atur r-I Mihr, the name
been taken away 11214. of the third of the three great imperial |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
burzen 51 biitan

fires in Sassanian time lIS. 2 9 • 95 13 . - ne bilt 6 25- 26 ; bavet ... Zartux8t it must, be
Attributive form of burz, v. s. v. harven. Z. 60 23 ; ne yatuk [YI;IWWN-tl] bavat he
burz-vangiha [~.w'ngyh']
loud-voic.edly, cannot possibly be a sorcerer 37 24 , v.
screamingly, of crying and groaning 7 4 26 . Grammar 53. - 3. In the 3d p., together
- From burz and vang (q. v.). Paz. sub- with a subst. virtually in dat., or with a
stitutes burzavandiha, Skr. v. ucchair, pron. in cas. obI., it expresses the notion
svare'Yfa. 'to have', e.g. oi ke-8 zan ne but he who did
not have a wife lOP; amavandeh ... i-m
bUrZisn [bwlcsn ' ] the act of honouring,
but the vigour which I had 344 ; -t danakeh
exalting 66 11 ; the state of being exalted,
bavet wisdom will be allotted to thee 59 5 ;
exaltation, distinction 9P2. - Paz. bur-
duxtar i varzelcaran en hunar ... i to hast
zesn, burzisn, Skr. v. varJ;Lana, slagha.
ne bavet a farmer's daughter cannot have
bUrZisnik worthy of being honoured, such an ability as thou hast 15 20 - 21 ;
praised, compo ~-tar 73 17 . - Paz. burzesni, with rad as in NP: Papale rad hec fradand
burzisni. ne bilt P. had no child 16- 7. - 4. Together
bUrZitan [bwlcytn'] to pay homage to, with verbal or other nouns it forms
to exalt 64 25 .6610 . 9p3. -Av. (945) bar'Jg-; periphrastic verbal expressions: (i) matar
(957) b'Jr'Jg- 'religous rite', b'Jr''Jma- but hend who used to go 6F; nikerai
'he who best performs the religious rites', (q. v.) bavet 82 14 ; to . . . asti8n ne bilt
cf S. V. burzavand. Paz. burzidan, Skr. V. hah thou wouldst not have subsisted
info slaghitum. 35 15- 16 ; 34 21- 22 ; -8 han zan . . . ayyat but
biisasp [bws'sp'] sleepiness, somnolence' he remembered that woman 11 11- 12 ; 12 3- 4;
69 6. 8416 . - Borrowed from Av. (970) -8 vat hayyar bavet the wind helps him
bilsYCf:.sta-; Paz. bilsyasp (-p is due to 25 3 ; Ohurmazd ziyan ne bavet O. will
popular etymology). suffer no harm 7727; v. also akasi, hangir-
tikeh. - 5. With preverbs: andar ~, v.
biitak [bwtk'] produced from material andar; - apac ~ to become again 77 14- 15 .
substance, CPUo"€L, opp. afritak (q. v.): 62 1S . 10021 - 22 . 12023 ; to come into existence
- Cf bavisn. again, to be restored to life 46 9 • 10416 . 26 ;
biitan [bwtn ' ; Y:t;IWWN-tn'; forms v. I, to be left, to remain 39 27 . 4416 ; - apak ~
176] bav-: supplements the wanting inf., = apac ~ 3423 ; as to 161- 2. 24 26 - 27 , v.
modal pres. and fut., imp. and pret. of apak; - apar ~ to be imparted to 80 1S ;
h- 'to be': 1. as an independent vb: to - frac ~ to recover (hac from) 544. 9 • 12 .
become, to occur, to happen, to come 60 22 ; - 0 ~ to approach, to come on
true; to arise, to come into existence, to 65 ; to pass into 42 16- 17 ; - 0 ham ~ to be
grow, to originate; to exist, to be, passim; put together, to be formed (from different
hec ke bilt hend u hec ke bavend u hec ke elements) 43 17 ; v. also hambavisneh. -
hend 6417 - 1S , cf biltan, hame-bilteh, hame- 6. As an auxiliary vb. added to the pt.
baveteh, bavetan; dane kil fratak roc ce bavet pret., bilt forms the pluperf. in dependent
thou knowest what will happen to-mor- clauses, as against estat in independent
row 2J8; apayet biltan, v. apayistan; bilt sentences: pas hac han i Artax8er han
i zivist u bilt i murt hend there were some kirm ozat bilt after A. had slain this
who survived, and there were some who dragon 8 1S ; 35 11 • 36 15- 16 . 4p7-1S. 5po.
died 95 27 sq.; bilt dastavar ke-8 guft 924. 1089 ; hast i mat bilt 11023 (but of
there was a certain Dastur who said course always bilt estat); - the pres. of
10 I s- 9 ; bilt ke-s guft there was someone ~ forms the fut. perf.: nam iyavetak 0
who said, erat qui diceret 10320 ; heckas xuM kart bet 9 15 ; 1924 . 10322- 23 . 104S.
ne bilt ke . . . danist there was no body V. also ham-biltan. - Common Iranian. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

biitan 52 cahar-pad

who knew 121 6- 8 ; but i ka ne but ... u Buxtakan [bwhtk'n ' ] patron. 11819.
bavet ka ne bavet there was a time when
he did nqt exist, and there will be a time
when he will not exist 642 - 3 ; o(h) f"Ooo.!, v. buxtan [bwhtn'] bOz- [bwc-], to save, to
o(h); cf bavisn. - 2. as copula, with a preserve (hac from) 7013 . 8519 - 20 . 8825 ;
noun, a pron. or a prep. + subst. as its pass. buxtem we are saved 6 1 ; info buxtan
complement, passim: han but Vahuman in pass. sense: to be saved = to come
56 6 ; martom ... hamak ahos ... bavend out of the ordeal (of fire) safe and sound
will be immortal 1049 - 10 ; kanicak pat giyak (pat: 'thus proving the truth of ...')
10916 . - Av. (916 sq.) baog-; Ps. bwhty,
bfitan [YJ:IWWN-t'n ' ] pI. cas. obI. of tha
bwc-; MPrthPrs bwxtn, pres. MPrth bwj-,
pret. but used as a subst. 'he who has
bwxs-, MPrs bwz-; Arm. lw. buzem; Paz.
been' 55 18 , f"Ooo.!. V. bavetan.
boxtan, buxtan, boz-. - V. bozisn.
buteh [bwtyh; YJ:IWWN-tyh] v. amnn-
buteh. buytareh [bwht'lyh] salvation 68 3 •

-c [-c], -ci [-cy] encl. particle; it precedes to], amah-ic, ke-c, ka-c (ka vas-ic v. s. v.
other enclitics: adak-ic-is 81 23 ; ka-c-it 75 11 : ka), be-c, apar-ic, o-c(i), pat-ic, pes-if:,
1. coordinating conj. 'and': a) alone: hac-ic; hac han be tarseh-ic 48 12 ; etc.; in
Vahuman Zartuxst-ic 57 12- 13 ; 0 han karap the apodosis: hakar .. . sayet, amah-ie
mat apar-ic ne 8purtan ... gujt4911.24-25; 11 22 - 23 ; ka-c to dit ... , adak-ie to ...
connecting a new section or a new 75 9- 10 ; 46 3 ; 55 26 . - 30 5 : the ideogr. MH is
moment with the preceding text: en-ic a mistake for -cy = -ci. - 1. Av. OP -ca,
gujt estet ku 4 15 - 16 ; et-ic evak hac avdeh -ca. - 2. Av. (588 sq.) -cit, OP -ciy. - Paz.
4424; 616.65 3.903, etc. - b) u ... -c: u en-ic -ca, -ci, -C; MPrthPrs -c (-z, -z).
pa'itak ku 91 4 •8 • 11 ; u hac-ic oisan 4011 ; pat cah [c'h] a well 1415 . 25 . 151~10. - Av.
tan brah ... u pat-ic zor u nerok 1410 ; Yam (583) cat-; Bal. cCa8; NP cah.
u an-ic varcavand 44 25 , etc. - c) corre-
sponding coordination: -c ... -c: tai eran- cahiir [ch'l; 'LB'; figure] four, with the
ic viyan kunend tai amah-ic be danem 20 22 ; sg. - Av. (577) nom. ca8waro; MPrth
ham-ic ... ham-ic 4221 (illogical co- cj>r, ewhr (8) = cohr < Av. (578) ca8ru-
ordination), ke ... ke-c 59 24 both ... and (cf s. v. catrusvatak); MPrs ch'r, v. also
(ke-c ... u ke-c 39 18 ); -c ... api-: pat-ic tasom; Paz. cihar; NP, eahar.
xueseh api-s han and hir rad 45 14- 15 ; u . . . cahiir-dahom [f"Ooo.!-dhwm, 14-wm] the four-
'U • • • u -c: mar u gazdum u aparik-ic teenth. - From cahar-dah 'fourteen',
xrafstr 76 9 ; only -c with the last w.: MPrth cj>rds, MPrs ch'rdh. Av. (579)
andar hindukan hrom aparik-ic damikiha with another formation ea8ru-dasa, v.
109 10 (aparik 'etc.' often asyndetically tasom.
added); with negation: ke-s cis-ic pat cahar-kart [ch'lkrt ' ] v. -kart.
poc nest man-ic [LY -c!] nest 1022 ; ne ...
u ne-c 722~.21; ne . . . u ne . . . u ne-c cahiirom [ch'lwm, 4-wm] the fourth:
. 2V 9 :,:20._ 2 .. emphasizing particle: nun-ic roc'i f"Ooo.!, sal i f"Ooo.!; pat f"Ooo.! yast 10016 . 1041 ;
":':'4~~~~ :~tc\'" :ahanun-ic, hambun-ic, dit-ic, f"Ooo.! yast-e 103 2 ; f"Ooo.! fourthly 63 19 . 82 7 • -
. ... 1,'" - '" .~. '....

:,:~. ·liii;:Yi'· . en~ic;"oi-e, oisan-ie, cis-ie, cas. = NP; Paz. ciharom; v. tasom.

o < ~ 6~( !.ciie-e·~ leas-ie, cas. obI. kase-e, aparik- cahiir-piid [ch'lp'd] quadruped, colI. 119.
"'<i~;:Jvery common), man-ie [not an-ic in 122. 19 7 ; pI. cas. obI. f"Ooo.!-an 1416. 69 12- 13 ;
th~.,>sense], to-e [LK-c; on LK-yc v. s. v. adj.: f"Ooo.! apar damik with its four feet on |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
.... ; .....
'; ,':
cahiir-piid 53 c8sm-kiii

the ground 28 24 . - V. pad, do-pad. MPrth ciirak remedy, expedient, means 811 . 79 2;
cwhrb'd (MHC), MPrs tsb'y; Paz. ciharpae, "'" kartan to remedy, to repair, to re-
pI. ciharwaeq; NP c(ah)arpa, -va. move 11 22 - 25 ; '"" i ... , or -s ""', or
cahiir-zang [4-zng] having four legs, of subst. + '"", xUastan to try to find an
demonia,c beings: gurg i "'" 102 8 • - Ren- expedient for a p. 98, to try to get hold
ders Av. (578) ca()wara.zangra-; v. zang of, to seize, to overcome 813 . 341-2. 96 20 .
and cf do-zang. 102 9- 10 . - Paz. caraa (SGV), NP carah.
cariitik [cPtyk] girl 38 12- 14 • 441.9. - Bor-
cak [ck'] the top of the skull; of a sheep:
rowed from Av. (581) caraiti-.
the extremity of the head = the nose
careh [c'lyh] ll05: my emendation +fra~
and the chin 1028 • - NP cak 'the lower
jaw and chin', but BaI. prep. cak<-a 'upon'. hang "'" was unfounded; restore the MS
reading pPhw (last W. of a line, cramped
cand [cnd] 1. interrogative: how much? hand) c'lyh and V. fraxu-careh.
how many? 24 12- 13 .629. 83 13 . kft, . .. ,..., in-
direct interr. 213-4 - 2. relative: as much,
carm [clm] skin, hide 3211. - = NP;
Av. (582) caraman-; MPrs crm (A-H I).
as many as: ""'-san tuvan datan as much
as they are able to bestow 79 20 ; aparik carp [clp'] mild, gentle 68 8. - MPrth crb
"'" vazurg-kunisnan, the other performers (A-H III); Arm. lw. carp 'fat' = BaI.
of great deeds, as many as they are 1066; = NP carb; Paz. carv.
,..., drang i ... , ,..., ... drang for as lang carpeh mildness, gentleness 70 2.1 •
a time as 542.6.10-11; as big, as tall as 56 8 ;
casisn [c'ssn'] teaching 89 25 . - V. castano
and ""', han and ""', v. and. - 3. indefinite:
some, with the sg. just as the numerals: casm [csm, 'YNH] 1. subst. eye 6 22 and
"'" roc some days 2 19 ; 505. 5418 ; "'" i nem passim. - 2. adj. conspicuous, compo
roc about half a day 31 19 ; "'" tai, "'" ... "",-tar 56 7. - Av. (583) casman-; MPrth
tak; v. tak; ham "'" han sak just as much Prs csm; = Paz. NP.
tribute 12IB (= NP candan). - Av. (600) casmak the preceding W. in a compound:
c(a)vant-; MPrth cwnd, Bal. cunt; MPrs kamar i 7- "'" a belt with seven "eyes"
cnd; Paz. NP cando - V. also ecand. (plaques) 1211.
candisn [cndsn'] movement, of the stars casm-kiii [csmk'y] having (all) eyes
1098. - Skr. V. cancalata (SGV VI,21). fastened (on oneself) - exposed to
Ps.MPrs, V. Verbum 171. people's (contemptuous) looks, an object
of derision, dishonoured, pI. cas. obI.
cand-var [cndwl] a name for the Cinvat
bridge 7212. 74 23 . 89 17 . - Paz. candor.
"",-kayan [-k'd'n'], compo [csmk'stl] casm-
From cand 'shaking' , V. the preceding
kah-tar (thus K; TD2 [csmk'dtl] casm-
kai-tar) 75 22- 23 . - MPrs csmg' h in the same
W., and var <*path>, V. S. V. varisn, thus
sense (SalM III-IV, no. 9b 5; Henn,ing,
'the shaking *path', a designation that
GGN 1932, 223 n. 4, where, however,
has its exact counterpart in Old Icelandic
the pejorative sense is not recognized).
Bif -rest 'the trembling path', the name
The alternation -kah:· -kai is also found
of the bridge between this world and the
in the parallel formation tars-kah (PT
65 9 -k's): tars-kai (DkM 481 17 ) 'reveren-
ciipuk [c'pwk'], compo "",-tar, quick, tial, respectful', abstr. tars-kaheh lk'syh)
brisk 8 8 ; busy, active 178. - NP cabuk. ibd.I. 21, but Cod. K (ad l.) tars-kayeh
ciipukeh quickness of wit, nimble wit (-k'dyh). Same formation in MPrs gylg'y
223. 4 2. 1410. 1516 . (S; V ~rbum 205) < *gil-kai 'lamenting';
ciir [c'l] means 5020 ; help, avail 751. - shyk' = sahik-ka(i) 'frightened' (preserv-
= Paz. NP; Av. (584) cara-. ed -k- indicates -kk-), V. also mana(k)-kai. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
casm-kii 54 cigon

- -kai < *kaya- 'regard, look', cf Skr Western Zoroastrians with Lake Urmia,
cayati, -te 'to notice, to observe, to be- v. Beeikan.
hold', kaya- 'goal, aim' (not to be con- cer [cyl] brave, valiant, courageous 316.
founded with kaya- 'body'); root ka-, 1610 . - Av. (598) cirya-; MPrth compo
v. akah, nikah, and gukai, in which the (cy)rdr, sup. CY1·YSt, cyyrtwm, Sogd. 35 11
same alternations in the final are ob- sq.; Paz. cer, Skr. v. bali~tha (SGV), render-
served. - N eriosengh mistook the last ing Av. (380) ugra-; NP cer.
element of ~, which he found in the
form -kah, for kah- 'to diminish', Paz.
cereh bravery, courage 27.
xah-, hence his reading casm-xahisn(itar); cigon [cygwn] adv. and conj. A. interrog.
Skr. v. adarsaniya(tara). adv. how? 1. direct interrogation: nun ~
castan [c)stn'] to teach, pt. = pret. pass. kunom ?] 272; asman ~? 92 1 ; exclama-
3d p. sg. cast 911. 9421 . - Paz. casiq. Av. tory: how ... ! 6111. - 2. indirect inter-
(461) kas-, pres. cas-, (583) casan- 'teach- rogation: akah hom ku ~ han 57 4; venet
er'. Skr. v. asvadayati, subst. asvada, is ku Bastvar karecar "'" nev kunet saw how
due to confusion with another cas- 'to valiantly B. fought 28 15- 16 ; "'" oi, 0 ham
taste', cf List 82. - V. oosisn. pursem 57 7 ; andar Garodman datistan ~,
api-m ne dU 52 2- 3; etc. - B. reI. adv. so
catrang [ctlng] chess 315 . 118-119 passim.
12p1.14. - Borrowed from Skr catur-anga- as: 1. har 3 sap xUamn "'" dU estat ... gult
such as he had seen it 23; 2 15 . 4 8. 5 20 .
'having four ranks' (v. 1198- 13 ); Arab. lw.
45 27 , etc.; introducing quotations: ~
den goMt 387, "'" ... paitak ku 45 24- 25 , etc.
catrn8vitak [ctlwsw)tk'] a fourth, a passim; parenthetic, e. g. 77 18 . 8I8-9; -
quarter, a cubic measure 428. - Borrowed, with a demonstr. antecedent: hamgonak
and reshaped, from Av. (580) caOrusva-, hast ""'-am gult 1216 - 17 ; smah bat eton ~
cf srisvl1tak. to goMh 23 26 ; 45 24 - 25 . 78 2.4, etc. - 2. with-
ce [MH; cyh 12111] 1. interrog. pron. out a clause, used prepositionally: as,
what? 56. 7 26 . 89 etc.; how? 1513 . 5121 ; as (for instance), as it were, like: "'" agah
with prep. 0 ce, pat ce, hac ce; ce roo? akoc martom 26 26- 27 ; "'" martom ke sarm
why? 35 11 etc.; combined with a subst.: 43 9- 13 ; 12813 ; varcavandan i ~ Yam u
ce zaman? 715 , ce gah? 722 ; pat ce aivenak ? Freton . . . 45 5; han i ~ en such a tho
how? 76 20 ; ce vinas? 1211 , ce vat? 73 22 , 43 8 ; namely 1078 ; - with a demonstr.
etc.; apar ce aivenak margenitan i Zartuxst antecedent: eton "'" aluh-e 9 25 ; eton ~ to
pursU how to kill Z. 4912.25-26. 48 13- 14 (apar 15 16 ; eton but "'" amahraspand-e 38 27 ;
governs the whole clause). - 2. reI. pron. - eton, or ogon, homan(ik (q. v.) "'" 69 2 4,
what: et namakY ce ... nipistY estet, ce etc.; manak(k)ai (q. v.) i oi ~ ke pus . ..
BahpuhrY . . . Iramat Y nipistan Y P 2: 3--4; bare (opt.) 4I8. - C. conj. 1. causal be-
karty . .. ce . . . sahat P 2 : 8-9; har ce cause : ~ ... han mazantom but 61 3- 4; 1081.
64.3218. 86 2. 96 13 ; et ce ... apac avurt 11812 ; almost as a reI. pron. with a sec-
112 14- 15 ; 36 4; pat han cim roo ce 12111. - ondary causal sense (as in Lat. quippe
3.- conj. a) subordinating: because 10515 ; qui): 0 xuahar i xUes, ~ zan i Artaxser
ce ka id. 99 1. - b) coordination: for 2 6. but, namak nipist 8 22 ; 78 12 . 79 16 . 116 20 .
619 .22 . etc., passim. - MH 305 wrong 11810 ; - hac han "'" in view of the fact that,
ideogr. for encl. -c(i). - < eahya, gen. sg. considering that 3 8. - 2. temporal as soon
of Av. OP (422 sq.) ka-. as: 65. 159 • 449 , more emphatically ham-~
Cecist [cycyst'] name of a lake 7113. 99 18 . 1317 . - 3. "'" ka as if p2.14.17. 10120- 22 -
- Av. (576) Oaeeasta-, no doubt a lake 4. almost = that 87 22 . - MPrth cw)gwn;
in Eastern Iran, but identified by the MPrs c)wn (read ci)on < *ciwon < |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
cigon 55 citiik

cigon}; Paz. NP cun; from Av. Igaona-, meaning' (S, BBB, Sogd. 35. 36); Paz.
v. s. v. gonak, and ci- the stem of ce cim, Skr. v. kim (-iti), hetu, artha, karana
(q. v.). (Mx, SGV); NP cam 'meaning; sin,
cigoneh nature, character 55 13 . 89 21 . - crime'.
MPrs c'wnyh (A-H II); Paz. cuni. Cinvat [cynwptl] the name of the bridge
cihenitan [cyhynytn I] to make known, that joins this world with the beyond
to teach, to announce; oisan oi-c rad 6412 . - Av. (596 sq.) cinvant-; cf cand-var.
cihenit ku ... they announced about cis [MND(M], with the indef. art. cis-e
him that ... 37 7 , with the gI. ku-san [MND(M + 1], in a negative sentence
guft; pres. pass. ne be cihiyom [cyhywm]: regularly cis-ic [MND(M-c], cas. obI.
I am not informed 51 6 , with the gI. ku cise-c [MND(M-yc] 1024 : 1. indef. pron.
ne diinet, cf s. v. apasihistan, - Paz. cihini- something, anything 1024 . 411. 50 20 .
dan Skr. v. ina- (Aog.);· from Av. (428) 102 1 • 2 ; ne ~ 6isan they are nothing,
kae()- 'to teach'. no good 44 2 ; susr i Gayomart ~ some
part of the sperm of G. 94 22 - 23 ; - adj. any,
cihr [cyhl; inscr. ctly] seed, origin HajB
~ ,.
2-4. SPrs: 5.7. 13. PI: 2. ,4; essence, mnate
placed before the subst. : pat ~-ic aivenak
... ma ... 70 3 ; pat ~-ic carak ... ne . ..
quality 55 9 • - Av. (587) 2ciOra-, OP *cit;a-
79 2 ; ~-ic asteh 78 18 (interrogation). 79 6
in n. pr. Cit;antaxma (TLO'O'cxcpepv't)~ <
( . . . ne . . . ); ~-ic bazak . . . ne . . .
*Cit;a-farnah-}; MPrs cyhr essence, shape, 80 9 ,• ~ -w• .. . ne-...'In no way 3421 .
origin, face = MPrth cyhrg; cyhr'wynd
751 ; ~ ~ of every description 89 10 ; -
'beautiful', Sogd. 35.37, cf hu-cihr; Paz.
added to a pron. it expresses the neutral
cihar, Skr. v. rupa, rupavayava (SGV);
gender: et ~ 51 7; han ~ 3323~ 56 26 ; han
NP cihr; v. also sihr.
~ i that which 119 25 ; en and ~ this
-cihrak [cyhlk'] = cihr used as the last much 62 3 ; an ~ 69 24, ane-c ~-e 1191
element of an adj. compound, v. ap-~, something else; har ~ everything 56 7- 8 •
damik-~, gospand-~, martom-~, urvar-~. 7111. 79 1 ; hamak ~ ke all the things
Cihriiziitiin [cyhPC>Vn'] patron. 11617 . - that 10020 ; vas ~ much 3 10- 11 • 69 • - 2.
From n. pr. Cihrazat, cf azii.t. subst. thing 4 11 . 57 1. 76 24 . 8012 . 82 13 . 25 .
10p5. 118 9 • 119 25 ; pI. cas. obI. ~-an
cikiimcihe [cyk'mchy] every kind, of
whatever sort 427; ka . .. ~ *whenever [MND(M-'n l ] 11012 ; - pat ~ i in the
53 14 . - Not -ci as in the Index, cf kattir-
matter of, concerning 5 6- 9 • 82 25 . 8413 .
cihe. MPrthPrs cyg'myc· 'something, a 108 2 ; pat han i vitart ~ 83 7 • - NW form:
little', List 82, Sogd. 36 19 • 37. From ci- (cf OIr *cit-cit (from interrog. pron. ci-
alternating with ka-) > OP cisciy 'any-
ci-gon) + kam (q. v.) + -ci < *cit (v.
thing', which developed in NW to cis,
-c 2) + he (opt. of h-) 'whatever might
be desired'. MPrth cys, but in SW to tis, MPrs tys,
Paz. Ois, Oisi-ca; NP ciz. Cf Tedesco,
cim [cym, cm] 1. interrog. adv. why? Dial. 209-211, Language 21, 1945, 128-
1211. 29 10 . 43 8. - 2. subst. cause, reason:.
ham ~ rad 512 . 67 1, han ~ rad 342, pat
han ~ rad 10421 for this, or that, reason; Cismak [cysmk'] n. pro 42 19 • 21
hac han ~ roo . . . ttii with the intention citak [cytk'] collected 62 (heading). - V.
that 11821 ; - condition, matter 11814.17.20. citan.
12 F·11; pat ~ i karecar homanak 1198;- cUiik [cyVk, cyVky] something set up in
the subject 6215 ; - vas ~ many things layers, a cairn, or the like, HajB: 7.9.
37 16 . - < OIr. *cahmat 'wherefore ?', 11.14.15 = Parth. site (q. v.). - Nyberg,
Skr kasmat; MPrs cym 'reason, cause, Christensen Vol. 62-74 (on ~ p. 71). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
cit an 56 dahom

citan [cytnl] cin-, to gather: Lto put inlay- COl [cwlj n. pro 1. the name of a Turkish
ersHajB: 12 (pt. city = pret. pass. 3dp. sg.). people in Eastern Iran: "'"' xakan 11323 . -
10 (city I.IWH = he cond.).- 2. apar",", to 2. the name of a town in the neighbour~
pluck off, to remove (NP bar7cidan) 12019 • 20 hood of Darband 11417 (Arab $ul, Yaqiit
(3d p. pI. cynnd = cinend). - MPrth pt. 3,435). - Cat. 39, 44; Arm Oor, AG 218 sq.
cyd, pres. cyn- 'to collect, to fish; to choose'
(8, A-H III); MPl's cyydn cyn- 'to gather, covegan [cwpyg)nl] the stick used in
to put in layers' (A-H II); Paz. NP playing polo 1611 ; the game of polo itself
cidan cin-. Av. (441) kay- 'to choose, to 3 14 .15 . 4 6. 167. - NP caugan; Arab. lw.
select'; cf 8kr cinoti I. to put together, ~aulajan-; Fraenkel, Aram. Fremdw. 291;

in layers', 2. 'to discern, to search'. - v. Horn, NP Et. no. 499 and Hiibschmann,
also citak and vicitan. Prs. St. 53; on the spread of this w. in the
European languages v. Lokotsch, Et. Wb.
CixSnus [Paz.] n. pro 46 26 . d. europ. Worter orient. Ursprungs, no. 4;34.

dadv [ddw '] the name of the tenth month dahisn [dhsn I] I. creation, the act of
of the year 97 15 ; .,-..., pat M ihr the name creating 36 15 . 16 . 41 17 .18 . 109 9 • - 2. colI.
of the 15th day of the month 97 15- 16 . the created things: dam u "'"' 33 11 • 76 20 .
- Av. (678 sq.) daovah- 'the Creator'; 772.13.14.20. 79 13 . 88 1. 16 . 89 4. 915. 9 • 92 3 ; -
MPrs dyy the name of the 23d day of the created being, pI. cas. obI. "'"'-an : ast-"'"'-
month (8), in BP dadv pat Atur; NP an, v. ast; menoi u getah "'"'-an the heaven-
dai. ly and the earthly created beings 88 16 ; -
dagr (der) [dgl, Ps. dgly; )LYK] long, 621. From datan; Paz. dahisn(i). Not in
far 182 and passim; ideogr. )LYK 5123.25 . MPrthPrs (NP dihis 'gift, alms' is a
P 2: 6; dgly 128 8 • - Av. (693) dar9ga-, recent formation). Coincides in writing
OP darga-; MPrth drg 'lang' (A-H III); with dasn and jahisn, v. these ws.
MPrs dyr (8); Paz. NP der. dahisneh det. v. n. the act of giving, with
dagr-pattai [dglpt)y] long-lasting, ever- a preceding obj.: han hir aper-ic "'"' that
lasting 10515 . ~ dagr + pattai (q. v.). this wealth was given too abundantly
13 6 - 7 ; kamak "'"', hayyareh "'"', v. these
Dahak [dh)k ' ] n. pro a devic king, the
Dragon 341. 90 23 . 95 12 . 98 22 . 27 . 99 3. 7. 1064.
11013 , v. Azi-dahak, of which "'"' is an Dahman afrin [d)hm)n l )prynl] "The
abbreviation.- Av. (704) dahaka-; Paz. Blessings of the Holy ones" , a god,
Dahak; NP arabized Zahhak (written the bestower of Justice and Righteous-
l)afi,J:W,k 'the Laugher'). ness 92 10 . 13 • - dahman pI. cas. obI. of
Av. (704 sq.) 'dahma- 'the religiously
dahan [PWMH] mouth 1217. 506. 101 17 •
fully instructed and initiated member of
10422 . - < *dajan, the 8W form of Av.
the Zoroastrian community' (dah- cf s. v.
(1657) zajan-, zajar-, v. zajar; MPrs
dastavar); v. (330) Dahma- ajriti-, in-
dhyn; Paz. dahqn; NP dahlin.
voked in Y. 60 = Afringan I, PhI. v. in
dahanomand [",",-)wmnd] having a mouth Dhabhar, ZkhA 141-147. V. also BdA
3912.13.24. p. 175 6- 13 . Paz. dahmq 'pious, holy', 8kr.
Dahestan [dhysVn ' ] n. pro a town in v. uttama (Aog.).
Gurgan 11414; "Dihistan in the extremity dahom [d)hwm, 10-wm] the tenth 8213.
of Mazandara.n near Khwarizm and J ur- 842. - Av. (701). das9ma-; MPrs dhwm
jan" Yaqiit 2, 632 (8); Paz. NP dahum. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
dabyupat 57 diinistan

dabyupat [dhywpt I] ruler, king: Bran r-o..J damik-cibrak [dmyk cyhlkl] containing
of Vistasp-sah 1917. 6017- 21 . lIP; of the seed (the constituent element)' of the
]J;[anuscihr 47 2; of the Great King k,illed Earth 87 9 • - V. cihr- and cihrak and cf
by Alexander 107 7; Vadagan (q. v.) r-o..J of ap-cihrak.
Dahak 90 23 ; - pI. cas. obI. r-o..J-an in a damistan [dmst)n ' ] winter 37 11 and often;
general sense 110 21 • 119 27 ; - subordinated a dev 85 23 .86 12 ; created by the devs 103 7;
to the Great King: xUatai u r-o..J 1224. 72 23 ; - year 77 8. - SW form of Av. (1699 sq.)
xUatayanuan [ZK] r-o..J-an 7221; xuataiu r-o..JU zyam-, Z'dm- (v. hazangro-zim) + -stan;
sardar u dastavar i den 1081- 2. - Av. (681 MPrs dmyst)n (A-H I); Paz. damastqn;
sq.) daiiJhu-pati- < *dahyu-pati- 'lord of but NP NW form: zamistan.
the country'; MPrs dhybyd (A-H I); diinak [d)n)k] wise, learned 212. 55 22 .
Paz. dahevaq, Skr. v. raian (Mx), dehavaq, 80 7; compo r-o..J-tar 11814.22-23. 1201 ; -
Skr. v. gramapati, svamin (SGV). al-Biru-
subst. a sage, the sage 68-88, passim; pI.
ni, Ohronologie 220 22 , transliterates dahil- cas. obI. r-o..J-an 22. 414. 5 5. 25 . 13 9. 107 14 .
jaqiya = dahyupateh. 12F·12. as cas, recto 11814 . 119 3. - MPrs
Daiti [d)yty] the Avestan name of the d)n)g; Paz. NP dana; from danistan.
river Oxus 40 24 . 565. 14 . - Av. (730) Dai-
daniikeb wisdom, knowledge 53 6. 59 5.
tya-. 88 17 . 9917. 1186 ; den r-o..J 2 7, veh-den r-o..J
dak [d)k ' ], v. hu-dak, kar-dak, veh-dak. 11217 knowledge of the true religion,
dalman [d'lmn ' ] a raptorial bird, prob- theology; V. also visp-danakeh.
ably the vulture 94 21.23. - < *darnu- danakiba wisely, with good insight, or
mani-, SW form of Av. (1683) zar'dnu- judgment 4 11 . 5p9. 53 22 ; sup. r-o..J-tom with
mani-, an epithet of the kahrkasa, v. the best wisdom 59 4.
karkas. - PhI. Yd. in a commentary on
danb [dnby] shore, bank of a river PI:
72 has '" with the NP gI. bilm 'owl'. -
3. - SW form; NW zanb: KZSPrth 1. 19
NP dalman. V. Bailey, ZP 137 n. 2.
znb = Prs 1. 24 dnby, Gr. V. Xe:i:AOC;.
dam [d)m] creation, preferably referred
dandan [dnd )n I] tooth, colI. teeth 29 8.
to Ohurmazd, but also to Ahriman:
3p6. 32 7.8. - Av. (683) dantan-; NP dan-
created being 63 2; - colI. the created
beings, the created world 31 21 and passim;
dan (sg., not pI. !).
r-o..J u dahisn, v. dahisn; - pI. cas. obI. danditan [dndytn I] to scream, of the
r-o..J-an 7310. 76 24 . 77 16 . 7917. 8012 • 89 22 - 23 . speech of devic beings 42 14 • 19 . 50 22 . 54 13 .
10215 . - From da-, v. datan; Av. (736) 57 19 . 6121. 10312 . - < *damditan: MPrth
dami-; MPrthPrs d)m; Paz. dqm, Skr. v. dmdyjt, dmdw»g probably 'foolishnes~',
sr~ti; NP dam of animals. 'speaking foolishly or mutteringly', Sogd.
damik [dmyk] earth: 1. as opposed to 49, cf Benveniste, J A 228, 1936, 234. -
the firmament 33 22 . 37 3. 52 6. 83-93 Cf *apatundiha.
passim. - 2. the terrestrial world 51 5. danistan [YDcYTN-stn ' ] dan-, 1st p. sg.
5211. 6710. 89 13 . 92-104 passim. - 3. ground, diinem [YD cYTN -ym] 212 or danam [r-o..J-
soil 9 26 . 21-29 passim. 33 16- 21 . 39 16 . 60 6. m] 28 19 . 2°, 2nd p. sg. dane [YDcYTN-yh,
89-95 passim, etc. - 4. in a geographical -'y, -yg; d)nyh 417]; condo 3d p. sg. danist
sense 719 . 86. 113 4. 115 17 . 18 . 117 3; pI. hah 321- 2 : to know, with kil 'that' or in-
'" iha 109 1°. - SW form of zamik (Ps. troducing direct speech 224 etc. passim;
zmyk) , which occurs just as often in with indirect interrogative clause in-
MSS and editions. MPrth Prs zmyg, NP troduced by kil: kil cand how many 21 3- 4,
zami, archaic form for modern zamin; kil katam who 215, kil ce what 2P. 305,
Av. (1662 sqq.) zam-. kil ... aivap whether ... or 2022 - 23 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
diinistan 58 dast

ke that 39 7 ?; with obj.: passim; with

f'"OoW 27 drykn s)rr = Prs 1. 33 dlyk>n srd)r, Gr.
inf. to know how to, to manage to 50 26 . 27 . v. 't'ot) E1d. 't'wv a,ny&'v(Uv, cf Syria 35, 1958,
5p·2. - Av. (1659) zan-, OP dan-; MPrth 329 n. 15.
z)n)dn z)n-; MPrs d~nystn d)n-; Paz. da- diirisn [YI.ISNN -sn'] v. n. of dastan: 1.
nastan, danestan dan-, NP danistan. used as pred. (is) to be held 9020. 12F8.
diinisn [d)nsn ' ] knowledge 66 13 . 803. 5 ; - 2. [d>lsn l ] maintenance (of the body)
u kar-akaheh 88 11 • 23 ;
f'"OoW (u) xrat i
f'"OoW 68 2. 76 15 .17 • [YI.ISNN-sn] 1174; xUarisn
martoman 104 ; akaheh u 109 5,
f'"OoW U f'"OoW u 220.'
akaheh 1117. - MPrs d)nysn; NP danis.
diirisneh [d>lsnyh] det. v. n. of dastan:
diinisneh det. v. n. : uspurrikiha (q. v.) f'"OoW
(pus) pat tusn in order to keep (his

10615 - 16 . son) quiet 419.

diinisnomand [ )wmnd] possessing know-
darmiin [dlm'n'] medicine, remedy 4816 . 27 .

ledge 803 •
49 14 . 502. 90 7. - MPrs drm'n; Paz. NP
diiniik [d)nwk'] knee 33 2 • - 8W form of darman, Skr. v. au/}adha (SGV), pathya
zanuk, q. v.; cf 80gd 49-50. 'wholesome' (Mx).
dar [BB>] door 7514 ; gate, pI. '" -iha87 13 .18 •
diirok [d >lwk] medicine, drug 90 7 •
11422; hac an '" in another way 8 13 ; har '"
MPrthPrs d)rwg; Paz. NP daru, 8kr. v.
every category 1117; - a royal person's
court PI: 4. P 2: 9. 36. 55. 131. 1710.
20 6. 9. 617. 70 5. 107 7. 1092 • 1123. - 8W darrak[drky]ravine,orrockHajB: 7.13,
form of Av. (766) dvar-, OP duvara-: Prth. equivalent vem (q. v.). - NP darrah
MPrs dr, Paz. NP dar- as against NW: 'a valley between hills'. V. Nyberg,
MPrth br, NP bat·. - V. darak, dar-band Christensen Vol., p. 69.
and dar-handarz-pat. dart [dlt'] pain, illness 43 23 . 5418 . 86 20 .
dar [d>l] tree 33 16 . 4221;patl'.lapar kartan 90 5 • - MPrthPrs drd, Paz. NP dard.
to crucify 20 8 • - Av. (738) daru-, dru-; diirii [+d'lw'] tree 26 22 , MPrth d'lwg (cf
MPrs adj. d>rwyn; d)r-gyrdyyh 'crucifix- s. v. dar); as for the passage 26 22 cf
ion' (8); MPrth d>lwg (v. daru) , d)rwbdg A-H III, e, RI, 11-12: 'wn d'lwg wzrg ky
'crucified' (8; a much discussed w., v. bsn'n )mst 'Oh big tree whose branches
Verbum 223 sq.; JA 228, 1936, 197). NP were crushed'.
dar 'wood, gibbet'; v. also daru.
dast [YDH, Prth YD'; dst'], with the
Diiriii [d)I>y], patron. Diiriiyiin [d)I>d)n']
indef. art. dast-e [YDH + 1] 1. hand
J?areios 18.11- 12 . 6 19 . 10815 . 11613 . - OP Da-
HajA: 11.14. B: 12.16. 9 22 and passim;
raya-vahu-; MPrth d)r)w (8), v. Darav-
power 192'. 24 20 . 30'; - I'"'IoJ apar nihatan
to put one's hand to 62 15 ; - avis burtanf'"OoW

darak [dlk'] chapter 112 18 . 21 . - From dar. 19 20

to deal with a tho 81 - ; - trac sustan f'"OoW

Diiriiv-kirt [d)I>pkrt'] the town Darab- to wash one's hands 44 3 • 9 , with hac to
gird 11613 . - Arab Darabiird, Yaqiit 2, dissociate oneself from, to break off all
517. Darav = Darai (q. v.); as to the relations with 38 14 ; - 0 i ... rasitan

alternation -av : -ai cf s. v. xUatai. to come to close quarters with a p. 24 2 ,

dar-band [BB) bnd] barrier, fortifications - pa.t dastan to have a hold on, to

23 27 . 244. - = NP. hold sway over 87 23 . - 2. i yamak a f'"OoW

set of clothes 217; FrP 29. - 3. game: 3

dar-handarz-pat v. handarz-pat. hac . . . burt he won three games (of

*darik [*dlyk] courtier, court dignitary chess) against . . . 119 15 ; t ' J i vat vazitan
F: 1, reading very uncertain. KZSPrth 1. to play a bad game, to play the game |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
dast 59 distan

badly 12p7. - Av. (1685) zasta-, OP dsn; Ps. dsny. Arm lw. dasn 'treaty,
dasta; MPrtPrs dst, Paz. NP dast. alliance' (I do not accept the explanation
dastavar [dstwbl], cas. obI. dasta:vareh by Bailey, BSOS VI, 1931, 600).
[dstwblyh] 98 15 : 1. valid religious doctrine, diisin [d)sn ' ] gift 17 1. 73 11 • 75 12 . - Aram.
custom, law 108 21 ; canon of religious lw. dsn (ArM"ma letters); MPrth d)sn;
doctrines etc. 1093 ; decision (of a relig- MPrs d)syn (S, A-H II); Ps. d)sny, Talm.
gious authority): pat f"'oo./ i oi 10 J24; <pat) lw. dsn). V. Bailey, BSOS VI, 1931, 600;
f"'oo./ i Husetar 96 17 ; pat han i Husetarmah Benveniste, JA 242, 1954, 300 sq. Not
f"'oo./-eh 98 14- 15 . - 2. an expert in religious in Paz., which reads dahisn, both ws.
matters, a theologian, a Dastur, also of coinciding graphically.
the Zoroastrian clergy in general: a theo- dasnak [dsnk'] the right wing of an
logian 101 8 ; xUatai u dahyupat 'U sardar army 11910.
u f"'oo./ i den 1081- 2; pI. cas. obI.: f"'oo./-an u
dast [dst'] plain, steppe, desert 3 18 . 27 .
datavaran u herpatan u magupatan u den- 12 2 • 19 22 . 29 24 . 117 2. - MPrthPrs dst; Ps.
burtaran 107 13 - 14 . - MPrs dstwr 'a priest'
dsty; Paz. NP dast. -In the Aram. Targum
(S); Paz. dastilr, Skr.v. acarya, guru; NP
of Hiob discovered in Qumran the W. is
dastilr in profane senses (v. Steingass). -
found in the form dl},st (translation ofHebr.
dast- from Av. (746) dqh- 'to teach', cf (g,raba 'desert'), identical ,vith Sogd. oyst
(745) dqstva 'religious doctrine'; hence
(Buddh.), dxst (Christ.), V. ZDMG 122,
MPrth dst 'able, skilful' (A-H III). Cf
1972, 38-39.
Bailey, ZP 160, n. 5; TPhS 1945, 8.
distan [d)stn ' ] dar- [YljSNN-; d>l- 2F.
dastavareh 1. cas. obI. of dastavar (q. v.). 28 1. 10014 • 102 7..9], imp. sg. with encl.
- 2. abstr. the state of a Dastur 109 2.
pron. dar-om [YljSNN-m] 6 4 ; opt. 2nd
dast-gir [dstgyl] assistance 66 15 . - NP p. sg. dares 4112; pt. dast = pret. pass.
dastgir 'an assistant (now mostly 'a 3d p. sg., construed as an act. form 49 5- 6 :
prisoner'); -gir v. griftan. to keep, to hold, to sustain, to maintain,
dast-kireh [YDH k)lyh] "handiwork", to have, 8 21 and passim; - with an adj.
making, of the creation 86 4 • as a complement of the obj.: Sahpuhr
kanicak azarmik u garamik dast S. kept
Dast-kart [dstkrt'] n. pro the town of
the girl honoured and respected 163- 4 ;
Khosroi II: koslc i '" 11422- 23 ; V. also S. V.
2 25 etc. passim; the complement some-
Sat-Farraxl-Xosroi. - Cat. 59-60. The
times comes near to an adv., e. g. veh f"'oo./
name meaI1S 'landed estate', OP (da-
to keep, handle a tho well 50 26 - 27 , and
stak)rta-, Herzfeld, ApI 124, 136; BthI.,
may be replaced by an adv.: en zan
ZsR III, Index S. v.; MPrth dstygyrd
garamikiha dar 1024 ; 64 15 ; - with an
'estate, mansion' (MHC); Arm. lw. dasta-
kert, Talm. lw. dstqrt) , Arab. lw. daskarat-
obj. and pat + an adj.: to consider a
p. or a tho to be ... : pat margarzan f"'oo./
'landed estate'. Dhabhar, EIS 63-73.
to consider a p. guilty of death 1014 .19 ;
dasmyast [dsmy)st ' ] a linear measure = 63 8 - 9. 8017 . 83 9- 10 ; pat azateh (cas. obI.
the half of a yuiiyast (q. v.), 54 19 . - Av. sg.) dar-om! consider me as a free (wom-
(677 sq.) daxsmaesti-. an) = release me (from slavery)! 64, V. S.
dasn [dsn'], attributive before its subst. V. azat; - pat et f"'oo./ kil to be of the opinion
dasne 22 20 , right, right hand 48 22 and that, to think, imagine that 25 25 . 28 2- 3.
.often; - engagement (by giving one's 32 27 sq. 5012- 13 , cf NP p'inda,stan < *pa(t)
right hand): f"'oo./ i xUes ruvan burtan to en dastan; pat ce dareh how do you regard
pledge· one's own soul (by an oath) (the case mentioned in the preceding
2p6-17. - Av. (703) dasina-; MPrthPrs kil- clause)? 105 - 6; pat depahr, pat nihan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
distan 60 ditistin

--': v. these ws.; - g08 --', (apar) nikah --': to deposit 922. 10912 ; - be to deposit

v. these ws. - apac ~ to keep back (hac 395.7:22.409.421°.4822.498-9.22-23.5015.9427 ;

from), to avert, to repulse 49 5- 6. 7020. pat damik be --' to lay (an enemy) in the
73 9- 1°. 87 19- 2°. 96 19 . 10221 ; to abjure 191 dust 3320; to take off (clothes) 57 7; -
(cf s. v. roo); - apar --' to lift up from (be) <5 ••• --' to transfer to . . . 88 2. 95 3.
(hac damik) 33 18- 19 ; - be --' to take away, 12016 . - 2. to create 39 7 • 57 7- 8 • 76 20.22
to tear off (hac from) 102 9; - 0 ham --' etc. passim. - to prepare 42 16 , with the gl.
to hold together, *to radiate an unbroken ki1, saxt; - to bring about 45 1, V. axuayis-
ray (hac oi be starting from him) 5125- 27 . neh; - frac --' to put into existence by
52 5 ; - pes ~ to sacrifice, to make a creation 93 2. 94 6. - Av. OP (711 sqq.)
sacrifice of 1124; - as a sort of auxiliary 1da-; MPrth d'dn dh-; MPrs d'dn dy-,
vb. denoting the duration of the act: -m dyy-; Paz. dadan dah- (deh-, dih-); NP
pat drinisn daret u drinet he keeps tear- dadan dih-.
ing me up 102 7- 8 ; dast guft kept saying ditir [d't>l] the Creator 57 11 ; epithet of
1019- 2°. - Av. (690 sq.) 3dar-; MPrth dyrdn Ohurmazd, passim; creative principle 64 5.
d'r-; MPrs d'stn d'r-; Paz. NP dastan
ditireh 1. the act of giving 7024 . - 2. the
quality of being the Creator 71 8 •
distireh [d'st'lyh] the act of keeping,
maintaining etc. 713. 4. 92 10 . 2°. ditavar [d'twbl] judge P2: 2; pI. cas. obI.
v-an 107 13 . - < OIr. *data-bara-, V. dat
dastik [dstyk] belonging to the steppe
(1); KZSPrth 1. -24 d'tbr; MPrth d'dbr;
97 25 . 98 4.
Ps. d'twbl-; MPrs d'ywr; Talm. lw. dw'r,
dat [dt'] wild animal 97 25 . 98 4. - Av. (678) dwwr; Paz. NP davar.
daitika-; NP dad(ah).
ditavareh 1. judicial decision, judgment
diit [d't ' ] 1. law 6413- 19 . 69 16 . 86 23 . 98 11 • - 73 13 . 75 15 . 17 • - 2. sg. cas. obI. of datavar:
2. age 2 26 (with the gI. hangam). 3 1. 1026 . pat --' kartan to make a p. one's judge,
149. 16 6. 622. 1049; cas. obI. dateh 53 6. 22 . -
arbitrator 103 14 •
3. created, pt. of datan: devan --' created
by the devs 103 6- 10 . 13 • - 1. Av. (726) data- diteh [d 'tyh] 1. the quality of being
NP dad 'justice, equity'. - 2. NP dad created, createdness, "creatureness" 55 13 .
'life, age'. - 3. Av. (671 sq.) - 2. cas. obI. of dat (2) (q. v.).
ditihi [d'tyh'] righteously 63 19 . 8121. -
ditan [YJ:IBWN-tn ' ; d'tn ' 119 6. 12014]
MPrs d'dyh' (S).
dah- [always YJ:IBWN-], 1st p. sg.
YJ:IBWN -m = dahom; 3d p. sg. = 2nd ditikeh [d'tykyh] the tenets of the third
p. pI. --' -yt = dahet; 1st p. pI. --'-ym = section of the Avesta called datik 'relat-
dahem; 3d p. pI. ~-d = dahend; subju. ing to the Sacred Law' 98 11 • V. DkM
2nd p. sg. --,-'h = dahah 346; imp. sg. --' 677 11 sqq.; GrIrPh II, 20 sq., and cf ga-
= dah; pt. = prete pass. 3d p. sg. dat hanik and hat-mansr.
[YJ:IBWN -t I, inscr. YJ:IBWN; d't I 221. ditistin [d'tst'n ' ; DYN'] decision 45 11 •
922 etc.] 1st sg. dat hom 57 8 ; 2nd p. sg. 68 title. 8IB. 1054 ; judgment 7224; as
dat he57 7 - 8 ; 3dp. pI. dathend 78 2, construed opposed to passand (q. v.): a judgment
as an act. form 1821 ; pluperf. 3d p. sg. which exceeds the formal prescriptions
dat estet 87 12 , 3d p. pI. --' estend 94 24 ; of the law, the utmost rigour of the law
opt. pass. ddt [J:IWH-d = ] he 2 18 : 701 [in other cases also: favour awarded
A. to give SPrs:15; 218 . 21 etc. passim; above the formal prescriptions of the
apac --' to give back 345.6; - frac --' to law]; menoye ~ the Heavenly Justice
give away 5016- 17 ; - V. also drot, framan, (personified) 77 12 ; kar u~ (a,s a hendiadys)
passaxu , zaneh. - B. 1. to put, to place, proper use 41 13 ; lawful, righteous deeds |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ditistin 61 den

7014 ; - affair, mattcr 4 8 ; condition, state daxsak [dhsk'] sign, mark, token 48 8.
52 3. S • 13 . 96 4. - MPrs d)dyst)n; Paz. daestq, 51 7.13 ; hac,.....; be histan to disregard 9 4. -
Skr. v. nyaya; NP dastan 'a tale, story'. Av. (676) daxsara-, daxsta, cf also (ibd.)
datistaneh [d)tst)nyh]. v. yuvat-,.....; and daxsa- 'burning'; Sogd. 48.49. Paz. dasa
cf a-datistaneh, -iha. (lVIx), dasaa (SGV).
ditistinomandeh [,.....;-)wmndyh] adjudic- diyak [d)yk'] mother 3216. - Kurd da
ation 5415 . - Paz. daestqnmandi, Skr v. (Edmonds, Knrdoev, Mardux), daya
nyayamatta (SGV XVI, 102). (Mardux); Sivand dey6, diy6, Abdui doli
'mother' (Zukovskij, Materialy II 331;
davin [dwb)n'] pt. running 1510 . - V. his 0 = a); Bal dai 'nurse, maid servant',
davistan. NP dayah 'nurse, foster-mother, mid-
davinik [dw)nyk] transliteration of the wife'; Arm. lw. dayeak 'nurse'. From Av.
broken pI. dawaniq of Arab danaq, -iq, (724) 'day- 'to tend (cattle)'. Cf Benve-
a small coin: Abu (Arab) ,.....; "the father niste, J A 228, 1936, 196.
of the small coins" = he who is greedy diyakanenitan to tend, to nurse 50 10 .
for money, the nickname of the caliph
daz- [dc-] pres., 3d p. sg. dazet 2418 , to
Abu Ja<far Man$ur, the founder of
burn, to blind by cauterization. - Av.
Bagdad 117 21 . - Arab danaq is borrowed
(675) dag-: cf NP dizan 'acid, pungent',
from Milr dang (BP d)ng), Arm.lw. dang,
Arm. lw. dazan 'bitter, cruel'.
NP dank, dan (u)g; according to FrP 29
deh [dyh, MT)] village, settlement, pI.
it was 1/6 of a denar, but in Islamic times
cas. obI. ,.....;-an [MT)-)n'; dh)n' 46 19 gI.],
1/6 of a drahm; late Greek authors ~~\I&x'Y)
6 14- 16 . 1414. 326.3711-15.27 etc. - Av. OP
= o[3oA6c;;.
(706 sqq.) dahyu- 'country'; Arm. lw. deh
davistan [LJ:ITWN-stn'], davitan [dwytn', 'district'; MPrs dyh 'country' (A-H I);
LJ:ITWN-tn'] to run, pt. = pret. 3d p. sg. Paz. deh, NP dih. Cf dahyu-pat.
davist [LJ:ITWN -st'] 718 ; pass. constr.: dehik [MT)-yk] belonging to a village, a
devan haniaman davit [dwyt'] (by the community 37 25 ; pI. cas. obI. ,.....;-an villag-
devs an assembly was run at =) the ers, members of a community 37 12 .14.17.
devs hurriedly arranged an assembly
4214. - MPrs dw-, Verbum 173; NP dehkin [dhls'n'] villager, pI. cas. obI.
davidan. ,.....;-an 146. - A recent formation of deh;
NP dihqan, Arab. lw. dihqan- 'landlord'.
davr [dpl] course, rough, a nickname of
King Yazdagird I: 115 7 , in Arab sources
dek [dyk] pot, vessel 428. - NP deg.
(references v. Cat. 67) transliterated dafr den [dyn'] religion, esp. the Mazdayas-
and translated al-fa??-; renders Av. (1789) nian faith, doctrine and religious order:
har'Jta- 'well-fed' V d. 224; stout, robust, 27. 196. 36 5. etc. passim.; the full
of a warrior DkM 75 5. Often written expressions are: ,...., mazdesn 36 2 •3 •
ddpl: PR 59 (ddplyh =) davreh u drusteh 109 13 . 26 . 1114. 11211; mazdesn ,.....; 10810 ;
antonyms of carpeh u datistaneh; also in ,.....; i mazdesnan 21 17 . 23 . 23 22 . 101 26 ; veh ,.....;
BdA, v. s. v. Gafr-gav, where the constant or in one w. veh-den [SPYL-dyn' or
confusion between ,.....; and gafr is dealt wdhdyn', v. veh] 36 6. 515.1112.7.1123.17.19;
with. Paz. dawar (Bd Antill 43 10 ; SGV ,.....; (i) veh i mazdesnan 80 23 . 89 24 - 25 ; en ,.....;
V, 61. 74 is uncertain, and emended by i veh i mazdesnan 90 21 ; veh 1""'-1 (or veh-,.....;)
West and de Menasce). - OIr *dabra-, re- i mazdesnan 59 6. 63 13 . 6421 - 23 ; ,.....; i por-
presented by Av. (680) dawra-maesi- yotkeseh 64 14 ; veh ,.....; i poryotkesan 111 4- 5;
'possessing well-fed sheep'; Markwart's ,.....; i rast i veh 91 1 ; en ,.....; (i) apecak 19 3. 19 ;
etymology (Cat. 1. c.) is untenable. en ,.....; (i) apecak i mazdesnan 18 6 • 9 • 23 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

en apecak r-o-I i mazdesn 242(; veh r-o-I i headings 36, 108, llO, Ill. - As to
apecak 59 14 ; (en) apecak veh r-o-I i maz- the etymology of -kart, V. 2kartak and
desnan 8P. 844 ; r-o-I i Ohurmazd 60 26 ; r-o-I kartakan.
stayitan, r-o-I yastan: v. these ws; - in depabr [dyp'hl] anger; pat r-o-I dastan (to
particular: the authoritative canonical hold in anger =) to keep in custody, to
texts of this religion: en "', cigan hamak arrest 212 0 • 2 (. - MPrth dybhr or tybhr
apastak u zand namely, the whole A vesta 'anger'; dybhrg tybhrg, 'banished' (MHC);
and commentary 107 8 ; the quotations Arm. lw. dipah 'arrest; guard-room', idi-
from these texts are introduced by the pahoj dnel or arkanel 'to place in arrest,
following formula: cigan rv gaMt followed to throw into prison'. V. Henning in
by kft 36 13- 14 • 42 1 •13 • 45 20 • 46 15 • 48 4 •18 •
MHC s. v. dybhrg.
49 1 • 16 • 52 24 • 53 6 • 54 1 - 17 ; followed by hat
(q. v.) 38 7- 8 • 43 25- 26 • 4414- 15 • 50 3- 5 ; without *depasten [*dypstyn ' ] *full of wrath
following particle 4116 ; (i) cigan et i '" 10316 • - Cf Ps. dypsty, dypsny rendering
gaMt kit 53 23- 24 • 56 3 • 58 4 • 60 8 • 617- 8 ; cigan Syr rugza 'wrath'. Text spspyn), correct-
pat '" 77 18 ; pat han i '" gaMt hi 43(-5; ed by Dhabhar to spstyn l and combined
andar '" gult estet 80 11 ; an-ic '" gaMt ku with NP sapist 'nasty'. This spstyn l may,
38 19 ; hac rv (etan) paitak ku 34 1 • 86 12-11 3 ; however, be read dypstyn I as well; the
cigan hac apecak veh- '" i miizdesnan paitak assumed meaning of this w. would suit
81 8 - 9 ; v. further paitak and paitakeh; v. the context better. [MPrs 'npspyn M
also s. v. dipivareh. - Av. (662 sqq.) 98 5 (S) is indistinctly written and quite
daena-; Arm. lw. den; MPrthPrs dyn uncertain] .
religion, religious community, church; derang [dyIng] long 9P. - Paz. derange
Paz. din. - Cf ak-deneh, den-burtar, denik, Cf Bthl, MirM VI, 12 n. 2.
dusden, huden.
derang-xUatai [dylnghwVy] the long-
denar [dyn'l] a gold coin, a dinar 68 • - dominating god, of Vai 99 13 • 14 • 1065 • -
Borrowed from Byz. Gr ~'YJV&pLOV (x.pucrouv), Renders Av. (696) dar9ya.xua~ata-; also
in its turn borrowed from Lat. denarius the epithet of Zurvan.
(nummus). CfE. Schwyzer, IF 40,25-26.-
des [dys] shape, form, V. xayak-des. -
1218 read swhl = suxr instead of denar.
MPrs dys; NP -des, e. g. mah-des 'moon-
den-burtar [dyn ' bwlt'l] a bearer, an like'; v. also uzdes. From daes-, V. distan.
adherent of the Mazdayasnian religion
1009 ; designates the layman as opposed desakeh [dyskyh] *directions, instruc-
to the clergy, pI. cas. obI. '" -an 107 13- 14 ; tions 55 15 • - From Av. (672 sq.) daes-
97 2 (for cas. rect.). 'to show, to indicate, to instruct', cf
MPrth 'bdys 'indication, instruction', pt.
*Dene [dyny] n. pre PI: 7. - Reading 'bdyst, pres. 'bdys- 'to show, to inform'.
not quite certain. It may be the abbre- Ghilain 61; v. also avdist.
viation of one of the numerous compound
names beginning with Den (Den-Ohur- dey [SYD'] demon, devil, of individual
mazd, Den-Bahpuhr, Den-ayyar, Den-dat evil beings: Az, Damistan, Fraizist, H esm,
etc., v. Justi, NB). Zest, V. these ws.; - commonly in pI.:
r-o-I cas. recto 19 24 • 45 1 • 6917 , used as vOC.
denik [dynyk] belonging to the (Mazda-
42 15 ; cas. obI. r-o-I-an [SYD'-'n ' , usually
yasnian) religion 96 9 • 1054 •
SYD'-n '] passim, used as cas. recto 612.
den-kart [dyn'krt ' ] "Religion's Decisions", 76 22 ; r-o-I-an r-o-I the supreme devil
the title of the well-known collection 42 15 ; r-o-I-an dat, V. date - Av. (667 sqq.)
of traditions, the Den -kart: II 12-3 • 11221; daeva-, OP daiva-; common MiIr and NP. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
dev-ayyas 63 dit

dev-ayyas [SYD'-'dyb's] one who longs 226 ; den "'" the writing down of the
for, attaches himself to the devils, pI. sacred texts 11311 • - MPrs dbyryy, M
cas. obI. ""'-an 63 9- 1°. - V. ayyastan. A Prth dbyryft; Paz. diveri (Mx). Bailey,
popular transformation of, or a euphemism ZP 177-194.
for, Av. (671) daeva-yaz-, nom. sg. and distak [dystk'] *treatetl, manipulated, or
pI. daeva-yazo, cf dev-izak. the like: pat HUm zahr "'" *treated with
devesneh [SYD'-ysnyh] devil-worship (the demon) Wrath's poison 25 16 - 17 = 28 14 •
63 15 . - Abstr of devesn < Av. (670 sq.) - In the edition the first letter is a
daeva-yasna- . marked d, hence the reading dystk' is
cogent. Because of -ist- this must be a
dev-izak [SYD'-yck'] worshipping the
devils, sup. "",-tom 535. - A recent com- SW form corresponding to a NW form
with -ist-, but its meaning in this context
pound of dev + izak < *yaza-ka-, cf
make it impossible to combine it with
izisn; the PhI. rendering of A v. daeva-
NW distan (v. next w.): a weapon is not
yaz-, v. dev-ayyas.
"built" or "formed". It would be tempt-
dev-izakeh [SYD'-yckyh] devil-worship ing to connect it with Skr dih- 'to daub,
7P2. 73 6. 7510. 8221. - Paz. devazai, var. to smear', but the corresponding Av.
deviazi, devazi. (673) daez- has other significations (cf
dev-kamiha [SYD' k'myh'] with demon- diz), and the PhI. renderings of it (Vd
ical desire 46 14 • 39.13.18. 753 . 1536 ) have run wild and are
dil [dyl, dl; LBBR] heart 73. 117. 21 • 25 21 . no more recognizable (they can scarcely
29 2, v. also dile-nev. - SW form: MPrs be brought together with des-, v. the
dyl, Paz. NP dil, as against MPrth zyrd; next w.).
Av. (1692) z'Jr'ad-, z'Jr'Jbaya-. distan to build, is the probable reading
dileh bravery 4 1. of the Prth ideogr. BNY- HajA:9. ll: pt.
=pret. pass. 3d p. sg. BNY-t = dist,
dile-nev [dly TB] 23 19 (2416 . 2°), dil-nev condo BNY-t J.IWH-ndy = diSt ahende. -
[dl TB] 2920. (30 1. 4): "good of heart" _ MPrth dystn, pres. certainly dys-, cf
brave, gallant. - dile cas. obI. of dil, v. dysm'n 'building'; MPrs dysydn dys- (A-
nev. H I), which is probably a denom. of des
dipivar [dpywr] secretary SPrs: 9. 15. PI: (q. v.), borrowed from NW; BP has
7; pI. cas. obI. ""'-an mahist the chief desitan, pass. desihistan, desak 'form'
secretary 1118. 18 21 . 1925 . - FrP 15, MS (Bailey, ZP 94 n. 2), whereas the form
K dpywl (= dipivar). OIr *dipi-vara- dhytk' 'built' DD 363 seems to represent
from OP dipi- 'inscription', BP dyp the true SW form *dahitak < *dehitak (with
'document', MPrth dyb 'letter' + *vara- -eh - > -ah- cf S. V. uzdahikeh) from SW
from Av. (1360) 'var- 'to cover, to hide, *daif}-). Sogd bys- BBB p. 56 ult.
to preserve', thus 'he who preserves the dit [TW:e, inscr. TWB] 1. the second, the
documents'. Early contracted to dipir: other: roe i "'" 83; oi i "'" the other 12 p6 ;
Arm lw. dpir ypOCf1.f1.oc't'e:u~; KZSPrth I. 24 evalc apalc "'" 104 24 etc. ; evalc 0 (oi) "'" 100 9. 13
dpyrwpt = Prs I. 29 dpyrpt, Gr. trans- etc. - 2. adv., also "",-ie, for the second
literation a~[3~p01t''t', 'chief secretary'; M time, again 46 2- 3 etc.; further, then 515 ;
PrthPrs dbyr; NP dibir, dabir (but Paz. back P 2 : 10; - 11 16 V. dit. - Shortened
*diver, v. next w.). Of Bailey, BSOS from **diti < *ditiya-, SW form of OIr
VII, 1933, 76-77. *dvitiya- 'second', OP duvitiya-, Gath.
dipivareh [dpywryh] ll3 11 • dipireh [dpy- Av. (963 sq.) daibitya- for *dbitiya-;
ryh] 2 26 : the art of writing (documents) MPrs dWdy = dudi for *didi through in- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
dit 64 dokiin

fluence of do; Paz. dUj, didi-ca, duq; as has dwdyg, MPrth b(y)dyg (beside byd);
against NW *bitiya-, Av. (1. c.) bitya-; cf dit.
MPrth byd; cf. s. v. bitaxs. V. also ditikar.
divan [dyw)n ' ] the government office
dit [J:IZYTN-t ' ; 1116 with wrong ideogr. 11124. 112 2. 7. 13 . - NP divan, Arab. lw.
TW:B for dyt I misread as dit] sight: pat diwan; Arm. lw. diwan already in the
,....., visibly 11 16 ; pat ,......., avurtan to make Bible. Possibly < *dipi-vahana- 'docu-
manifest, to give evidence of 4 2. - NP ment house', v. dipivar.
padid; p. avurdan = BP.
divar [dyw)l] a wall 39 23 . - NP divar. V.
1ditan [dytn ' ; J:I,ZYTN-tn', Inscr. and Hiibschmann, PSt 65, no. 599, whose
Ps. J:IZYTN-] v13n-, 2nd p. sg. J:I,ZYTN-yg etymology is quite satisfactory: *dida-
= v13ne 764. J:I,ZYTN-)h = v13nah 3P; vara-, v. the next w.
subju. 1st p. sg. J:IZYTN -n = V13nan P2:
diz [dc ' ] castle 23 26 .27 . 241.3.6. 10817 .
10: to see, to regard, to catch sight of, to
111 l l- 13 . - MPrthPrs dyz (S, A-H II,
contemplate, to discern, to experience:
MHC); NP diz. - NW form, as against
ayajtan u ,......., u danistan 88 8 ; danakiha ,.......,
5p9; pat v13niSn ,......., 5013- 14 ; pat (XU13s) OP dida-. From Av. (673 sq.) da13z-; cf
casm ,......., 7420. 809 ; - with kil that 115. s. v. distak.
127 etc., with ka that 40 24 ; - with a pt. do [TLYN 6211. 645. 1208 , elsewhere
as its complement: -m murtak dit han figure] two. - SW form < *dau, OIr
tahm spahpat I saw this valiant general *dvau; MPrthPrs dw. - Cf s. v. vicitan.
slain 27 10 - 11 ; 2 zan nisastak dit 6 17 ; with
an adj. P2: 10. 2710. 57 26 sq. (purr com- *do-apdan [dw)pd)n ' ] *he who has two
. plement); - with an indir. interrog. water jugs = *the constellation Aquarius
clause: ,......., kil . . . cigon to see how 25 18- 19 ; 510. - My guess. On the Dendera picture
ka-t dit kil kas k13 ... kart 73 7- 8 a contam- of the Zodiac the Aquarius carries two
ination between ka-t dit kil kas . . . jugs from which water flows. The read-
kart and ka-t dU k13 . . . kart; - apar ,....., ing dw)cdh)n ' = dvazdahan (q. v.) adopt-
to find out, to discover 39 4- 5; to survey ed by Antia (following Noeldeke) does
58 17 ; to outwit (pat) 99 17 ; - frac '" to not suit the context, and the emendation
forebode 47 22 . 5024 . 5p2-16.18-19. - Av. *Nahazigan 'Capricornus' proposed by
OP (724 sq.) 2day- and (1323 sq.) va13na-, Sanjana is of no value.
vaina-; common. V. also v13nisn. doisr [dwysl] spiritual eye, intuition 52 26 .
2ditan [dytn'] appearance, looks 1410. - Borrowed from Av. (744) doi8ra- 'eye'.
1516 . 21 . - MPrth dydn 'sight, phenomenon,
dokan [dwk)n ' ] detailed, full, exhaustive
aspect', also spelt dydyn, dydCyn (MHC).
exposition: ,.....,-13 osmurtan draz it would
ditikar [dtykl] 1. ordinal number: the be too long to give a detailed account
second: fratom ... ,......., ... sitikar etc. 105 23 - 24 ; ... k13,....., d13rang id. BdA p. 209 14 ,
83 16- 18 ; regularly placed before its subst., as in Arab allaqi tala qikruhu; pat ,......., in
but at times also after: roc i ,......., 119 7; sal full detail, exhaustively 113 5. - Paz.
<i),....., 97 4- 5 ; to be noticed: ,......., yast or yast-13 SGV'V, 26. 29 dugC(;, Skr. v. vistirnam,
10015 . 1031.26-27. - 2. pron.: evak . .. ,......., the XVI, 10 Skr. v. vyakti ; XI, 129 duganiha,
one - the other 1815- 16 ; apak ,....., with SIn. v. pracuryena. In BdA, I.c., the first
each other 4 1. - 3. adv. secondly 82 5 ; for letter iR a marked d. The reading seems
the second time, again 43 9. - SW form thus to be sure and not liable to emen-
of OIr. *dvitiya-kara-, v. dit; Paz. dadi- dation (against Bailey, BSOS VII, 1935,
gar, NP digar through haplology. MPrs 761-762). Probably identical with the |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
dokan 65 dran)

next w., properly 'going through over ing dus-kanik (an independent W. *dus
again, repetition'. does not exist), but perhaps meant as
dokanak [dwk'nk ' , 2-k'nk '] doubl~; clo- dust-tar, NP dust 'foul, ugly', - Paz.
ven (hoof) 9418 ; a pair 7 25 . - MPrs dosi 'folly' (SGV X, 58 etc.).
dwg'ng 'twofold' (A-H II); NP duganah dosaram [dws'lmllove, affection 51. 8 26
'double'. Of evkanak. etc. - MPrs dws'rm, -myh, -myy love,
dokanik [dwk'nyk] double, twice, in "'" dws'rmgr 'loving'; Paz. dusar(a)m. < dos
vasiha twice as much 109 24 . + aram: dos SW form of Av. (1656)
zaosa-, MPrth zws 'willingness' (MHO);
do-pad [dwp'd] a biped, pI. cas. recto "'" aram cf S. V. ramisn.
19 7; cas. obI. "",-an 69 12 . - V. pad and
cf cahar-pad and do-zang. dosaxu [dwshw ' ] hell 20 15 . 34 7. 27 . 65 12 . 18
etc. passim; andar "'" 25 16 . 28 13 . 316.
dorak [dwlk'] a pail, a bucket 533. - 612. 68 11 ; pat "'" 76 8- 11 • 8419- 2 °. -Av.
Arab. lw. dauraq 'a water-pot with (675) daozahva- ; MPrth dwjx; MPrs
handles'; NP daurah 'a wine-measure'. dwswx; Arm. lw. dzox-k(; Paz. dozax, NP
do-sar [dw'sl] the name of one of the two dozax.
armies commanded by the kings of I;Iira do-zang [2-zng] a biped, of demoniac
1177. - In Arabic sources dausar, properly beings, pI. cas. obI. ""'-an 46 11 • - V. zang
'having two heads', perhaps because this and cahar-zang; renders Av. (966) bi-
army consisted of both infantry and zangra-.
cavalry. Nyberg, Karlgren vol., v. S. V.
drafs [dIps] banner 27 22 . 29 8.16 . - Av.
(771 sq.) drafsa-; MPrth drf8 (A-H III,
dosisn [dwssn ' ] the act of milking; as cf MHO 119 n. 1 and Gloss. S. v.); Arm.
pred. (is) to be milked 543.7. 11 • lw. draus; NP dirafs.
dositan [dwsytn ' ] to milk 426. 10122. - drahitan [dl'hytn ' ] to shout (with a voice
Root *dheugh-, OIr *daug-, Skr duh-, cf resembling the neighing of a horse) 58 19 .
NP duy 'churned sour milk'. dos- prob- - Skr hrad- 'to sound, to ring', whence
ably < *dox-s- with the Prth. pres. suff. Av. *zrad- and OP *drad-, which devel-
-s-, Ghilain 79 sq. - NP dosidan with an oped in SW to dray- or drah-; hence drai
unexplained -s-. (q. v.). Thus drahitan is ultimately iden-
dositar milker 543. 7. 11 • tical with drayitan (q. v.).

dost [dwst ' ] 1. adj. kind, friendly 8320. drahm [ZWZN] a silver coin, the drachm
10413 ; dear, beloved, compo "",-tar 2218. 68. 119 6. - From Gr 3pli.X1L-Y)' In Sassanian
419. - 2. subst. friend 32 15 . 6210. 63 25 ; pI. time its weight was 4.25 gr. silver.
cas. obI. ""'-an 701.2.22. - < *daustti, nom. drahnai [dlhn'y], draniii [dln'Y] length
sg. of OP daustar-; MPrs dwst (S); Paz. 65 14 • 9616 , etc. - From draz; the form is
NP dost; SW forms from Av. (1656) influenced by pahnai (q. v.). Paz. dranae
zaos- 'to enjoy'; cf dosaram. (SGV).
dosteh friendship 51. 55 27 . 70 23 . driii [dl'y] bell 20 27 . - < *drada-, SW
Idos [dws] shoulder 33 1. - Av. (674) form, V. drahitan; NP darai.
daos-; NP dos. drang [dIng] space of time 542.6. 11 • - NP
2dos foolish, stupid, ugly, compo "",-tar dirang 'delay, hesitation'.
75 6. Paz. reads dustar, probably only dranj [dlnc ' ] *persevering, persistent:
due to association with the preced- xUastan "'" but hend they continually, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
/) Nyberg
dranj. 66 drozan

perseveringly sought 4511 - 12 . - I connect Paz. draidan draeq; NP darayidan 'to

it with Av. (772) Idrang- 'to fasten, to speak aloud'.
strengthen' ; cf MPrth pres. drxs- 'to draz [dPc'] long, compo f'""ooJ-tar; pat f'""ooJ

hold out, to hold on, to persevere' (A- balai elevated, high 38 9 ;

with an inf.: it
HIll); Ghilain 51.93. would be too long to . . . 105 24 , V. dokan.
dranjisn [dlncsn'] recitation (by heart), :... Av. (773 sq.) draiah- 'length'; adj.
recital 73 15 . 75 16 .18 . - From Av. (772 sq.) compo drajyo, sup. drajist'dm; Paz. draz
2drang-; Paz. drenzesn, Skr. v. vakya (SGY); NP diraz.
(Mx), pralapa (SGV).
drigiis [dlygws, dlgws J 1. adj. poor,
dranjisneh det. v. n. = the preceding w. : lacking in (hac), compo f'""ooJ-tar 9018 , - 2.
xup eloquence, rhetorical power 70 22 .
subst. a religious term designating a
draxt [dlht'] tree 4015 .16 ; pI. cas. recto f'""ooJ
class of pious men and women, pI. cas.
33 16 , cas. obI. f'""ooJ-an 1420. - MPrthPrs obI. f'""ooJ-an 53 12 . - Borrowed from Av.
drxt; Arm. lw. draxt 'garden'; Paz. d(a}- (777 sq.) drigu-, driyu- (in nom.); Paz.
raxt; NP diraxt. daryos, Skr. V. durbala; NP darves, old
daryos, daryos. Cf Bailey, BSOS VI,
drayap [dly)p'] the sea 6 21 . 2p3. ll3 13 . -
1930, 70; Barr, Pedersen Vol. (1953),
SW form of Av. (1701 sq.) zrayah (v.
zrah, zrai): OP drayah- +
ap; the com-
pound was quite clear to those who drinisn [SDKWN-sn'] 102 7, V. n. of
created the Aram. expression used later dritan [SDKWN-tn'] drin- [SDKWN-] to
as ideogr. (FrP 3): YMYMY\ i. e. yamme tear to pieces, to slit 50 2. 102 7- 8 (v. S. V.
mayya 'seas of water', a purely mechan- dastan). - Av. (689) Idar-, pres. d'dr9na-
ical transposition of dray(ah}-ap 'sea- (Skr middle dp:/,ite). Reading according to
waters'. MPrs dry)b (A-H I); Paz. daryav; FrP 18; BP also darritan darr- = NP
Ps. has the bizarre spelling dlyw)w (cf dar(r}idan dar(r}-.
S. V. niyandar); NP darya.
drog [KDB)], drob [dlwb'] lie, falsehood
drayan-joyisneh [dPd)n ywdsnyh] the act 3 26 . 83 6. 8427 . 86 20 . F: 7; gukaheh i pat f'""ooJ

of chewing performed by one who is false witness 73 14 • 7518 ; - adj. unjust:

chattering: lcartan to chew when chat-
datavar~h 73 13 ; datavareh i
f'""ooJ 75 17 ; -

tering (we would prefer to say: to chatter adv. unjustly 79 9. - Av. (768) draoga-
when chewing) 69 10 . - drayan pt. of the draoya-, OP drauga-; NW forms: MPrth
next w.; ioyisneh det. V. n. of iutan drwg; Paz. d(a)rog, NP duray; SW forms
(q. v.). Paz. draeq ioisni. Skr. V. mauna- (with -y > -v) drov, Ps. dlwby, MPrs
madhye ialpa 'chatter in the midst of drw (A-H II). - On kdb) 2217 V. kai-bag.
silence', i. e. where silence ought to
drot [dlwt'; SRM] benediction (in salu-
tations, etc.), welfare, prosperity 1419.
drayitan [dPdytn'] to howl, to talk, of 17~0. 1918 . 12120 ; a ruvan datan to say

demoniac beings 48 17 . 27 etc.; with an farewell to one's life, to die 29 3 - 4 • - <

obj. 48 7- 8 , V. niSan; - also: to chatter, OIr *druvatas, nom. of Av. (782 sq.)
to prate', V. the preceding W. - From drvatat-; MPrthPrs drwd; Paz. drug,; NP
OP *drad-, V. S. V. drahitan. In the SW durUd.
development intervocalic -d- became -y-
draz- [dlwc-] V. druxtan.
as usual: d1'ayitan, but this -y- could be
dropped and -h- inserted in the hiatus: drozan [dlwcn] a liar 22 23 ; pI. cas. obI.
drahitan; the two forms have then been f'""ooJ-an 12810 . - Av. (769) draojina-; OP
differentiated as to use and meaning. drauiana-; MPrs drwzn; from druxtan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
drozaneh 67 Diir-israv

drozaneh [dlwcnyh] untruth 79 4. - MPrs with -uvi- > -uyi- and -st- > -st-. MPrth
drwznyy (S, A-H I); Paz. druzani. drwst; MPrs dryst; Paz. d(u)rust, drust;
NP durust.
dru-pusteh [dlpwstyh] stronghold, citadel
117 15 . - Paz. drupusti; dru- 'firm': v. druyisteh [dlwdstyh] V. tan-druyisteh.
druz [dlwc ' ] all that is false, untrue,
drust [dlwst ' ] rough, harsh, coarse, v. wrong, deceptive: 1. the world of Guile
next w. - NP durust. and Untruth, conceived as a personal
drust-eviciha [.-.,,-)dw)cyh)] in a manner cosmic power, 38 22 . 9313. - 2. individual
characteristic of a drust-evac, a man manifestations of this power, demons,
whose speech is coarse, a coarse-spoken conceived as feminine supernatural be-
man 4 12 . - V. evac. ings: sg. 57 16- 25 . 58 3 • 96 20- 24 . 98 17 - 19 .
10125 (voc.). 102 3- 14 ; ,..., i anasteh ()7 1 ;
driitan [~~D-l-vVN -tnl] to cut off, to mow:
,..., i spazgeh 68 11- 12 ; i ahramog

apar drut 4F. - FrP 18 drutan drun-; 101 - ; pI. cas. recto .-." 64 . 65 4. 97 21 .
24 25 8
Paz. pres. drun- (Mx); NP durUdan dirav-,
98 19 (of human beings). 102 24- 27 . 1033 ;
but durun 'a measure of corn'.
pI. cas. obI. .-.,,-an in the set phrase
druvand [dlwnd] wicked, evil, of Ahriman devan u .-.,,-an 75 11 etc. (voc. 90 27 ). V.
64 2. 7 and passim; of human beings 109. also mihr-druz, mihran-druz. - A V. (778
3414. 66 25 . 96 4. 107 11 - subst. 7213 . 74 17 , sqq.) drug-, nom. d1"UXS, gen. druio;
pI. cas. obI. .-.,,-an 46 11 • 53 13 . 72 20 . 7421 . MPrs drwxs (S); Paz. druz.
75 5. 102 26 . 103 22 , used as cas. recto 10p4.18.
druzeh falsity, unrighteousness 66 6 ; a
- Av. (774 sqq.) dr'Jgvant-, drvant- 'be- troop, band of fiendish beings 96 25 . V.
longing to the drug' (v. druz); MPrs
also mihran-druzeh.
drwnd (S, A-H II); Paz. daruand, dar-
vand. Dugdav [dwkt)wb ' ] n. pr., Zartuxst)s
mother 4112. 42 5. 8.24 . 43 2 • 47 21 . - Av.
drllvandeh wickedness 68 9; the state of
being wicked 7424; colI. the wicked 82 15
(Paz. substitutes darog). - Paz. daruandi. du.mb [dwmb ' ] tail: brit" .-." 2418 , V. bri-
tan; burritalc-.-.,,-e (-e in attributive po-
druviisp [dlw)sp'] 21 19 must designate
sition) 30 2- 3, V. burritak. - Av. (749)
the lower end of the arrow, but its ety-
duma-; NP dumb, dunb. Cf. gaz-dum,
mology is quite obscure: *druva- 'firm'
(v. druyist) +? - It cannot be the Aves-
tan (783) deity Drvaspa. Dumbiivand [dwmb)wnd] Mount Dama-
vand 11513 . - KZSPrth I. 24 dwnb)wnts,
druxtan [dlwhtn ' ] droz- [dlwc-] to deceive
Gr. V. ~OU!L~(Xouv~, jbd. I. 26 id., = Prs
77 12 ; to speek falsehood, to lie 86 20 ; to
1. 32 dwnb'wncy, Gr. V. \cX.1to) 't'ou!L~(Xouv­
break (a treaty) DkM 709 , where the info
't'wv; Eilers, AOi 22, 19M:, 267-374; 24.,
druxtan. - Av. (767) draog-, OP draug-;
1956, 183-224.
MPrs cf drwxtylJ, 'untruthfulness' (A-H
II); Paz. pres. dr'fiz- (Mx). diir [dwl; LI:IYK] far, distaut, aloof 152 •
2727 etc. passim. - Av. OP (750) dura-;
druyist [drwdst'] safe and sound, whole;
right, exact, accurate: P2:9.10 (twice).
1418. 2222 etc. passim. - The letters are Diir-iisrav [dwPslwb ' ] n. pro 471.25.
unmistakable in P2. Av. (782) drva- 48 10- 25 . 5018 . 52 18 . 534.16.27. - 'Far-famed',
(= druva-); OP duruva- 'firm, secure', cf srav. In Zsprm Duresrav [dwlyslwb ' ];
sup. *druvista-, whence in SW dntyist Av. (751) n. pro durae-sruta- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
diir-ayiip 68 dUB-pargihii

diir-ayap [dwPy)pl] hitting from a dis- var(e)st (Mx), corresponding to PhI *duS-
tance (or, in the distance), epithet of varst; from varz-, v. varzitan.
Death 99 17 . - V. ayap. dus-hiixt [dwshwht l] evil speech 63 27 .
diir-huvireh [dwlhwylyh] far-seeing good 6510 ; Evil Speech, the second stage down
intelligence 89 7 • - Av. (1858) h(u)vira- to Hell 75 24 . - The negative of huxt (q.
'endowed with good intelligence, V. 2vir. v.). Av. (756 sq.) duz-iixta-; Paz. diizuxt
corresponding to PhI *dusuxt.
dus-srav [dwslwb l] disreputable 66 25 . 70 6 •
dus-kam-kartareh [dwsk)mkrt)lyh] bad
- < *dus-sravah- 'having a bad reputa-
exercise of authority, outrage, violence
tion', v. srav. Arm. lw. dsrov 'blame'; Paz.
7211. - Cf kam.
dus-kanik [dwsknyk] bad, ugly maiden
dus-sraveh disrepute 68 9 • - Paz. dusrubi. 75 5 •6 •
dus-akah [dws)k)s] ill-informed, ignorant dus-kunisn [dwskwnsn l] of evil deed 75 9 •
706. 9111. dus-man [dwsmn l] hostile 8 25 ; enemy 414
dus-casmeh [dwscsmyh] "evil-eyedness" (twice). 141. 2. 6211. 63 25 ; colI. 246. 26 20 .
= envy 47. 278.20.24. 29 7. 19 ; pI. cas. obI. ",-,-an 6 23 •
37 12 . - Av. (753 sq.) dus-manah-; MPrth
dus-casmiha in the state of being evil-
dwsmn (S); MPrs cf dwsmny)dyh 'hostil-
minded 53 20 , v. s. v. arZanikenitan.
ity' (A-H I) ; Paz. NP dusman. Cf
dusdaft [dwsd)ptl] who makes short of dusmen.
breath, of Old Age 1038. - < dus + dus-mat [dwsmt l] evil thought 63 27 . 65 9.
*dafta- pt. of dam-, NP damidan 'to 75 19 . - Borrowed from Av. (753) dus-
blow, to breathe' (-mt- > -ft-, v. Verbum mata-. Cf dus-humat.
218 sq.), corresponding to Av. (757 s. v.
dus-men [dwsmyn l] enemy, colI. 8p2;
duzday-) duzdq./'afm5 Yd. 19 43 , to be read,
pI. cas. obI. ",-,-an 242. 701. - Av. (754)
with several MSS, duzdq./'a15ro and explain-
dus-mainyu- ; MPrthPrs dwsmyn, pI.
ed < *duz-damptra-: thus Bailey, BSOS
VI, 1931, 597 sq.
dus-menisn [dwsmynsn l] of evil thought
dus-danak [dwsd)n)k] unwise, stupid, of 75 8 • - Paz. dusmanasn.
Ahriman and demoniac beings, 42 . . 19 20
dus-nam [dwsn)m] abuse, invectives 154 •
46 6. 1034. 10- 11 .
- = NP; dus-nqm 'ill-famed' (SGV).
dus-den [dwsdynl] of bad, evil religion dus-parg [dwsplg] unblessed, unfortu-
75 9. - Av. (757) duz-daena-; cf MPrs nate, unhappy; ignoble, mean, opp.
dwzdynyy 'unbelief' (A-H I) ; Paz. dusdin. farrax u (q. v.) Mx 50 2 • 4 , Paz. dusparg,
dus-gobisn [dwsgwbsnl] of evil speech Skr du~ta-samrddhi; q dusparg az i devq-
75 8. - Paz: dusgavesn; renders Av. (759) dar} Aog. 31, Skr. v. duscara. - dus-parg
duz-vacah-. 'whose parg is bad' is a synonym of
dusxUarr(ah) (q. v.), MPrth dwsfr = dus-
dus-humat [dwshwmt l] Evil Thought, the farr (A-H III), consequently parg is a
first stage down to Hell 75 24 . - The neg- synonym of xuarrah (q. v.). The Paz.
ative of humat (q. v.). Cf dusmat, which . reading is confirmed by the NP expres-
Paz. found here. sion parg-ast 'heaven forbid!' = Arab
dus-huvarSt [dwshwwlse] evil deed 64 1 • ma(ar}a )llahi (Asadi), properly 'it is
65 10 ; Evil Deed, the third stage down to (said with) respect', )salvo honore). Hence
Hell 75 . - The negative of huvarst (q. dus-pargiha [dwsplgyh)] in a mean, shame-
v.). Av. (759 sq.) duz-varsta-; Paz. duz- ful, abominable manner 381. 48 2. 5221. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
dus-sarmeh 69

dus-sarmeh [dwslmyh] shamelessness 326 . day-, v. next w. - 103 5 uncertain; the

- Antis,'s reading; v. sarm. letters should perhaps be read [dwcn] =
do-cin: 'not even do they distinguish
*dus-viyik [dwswyg'k] *nasty-sme~ling,
*stinking 859.13.20; Paz. substitutes dus- between (the?) two', alluding to Y. 306 :
ayo, noit 'Jr'Js visyata daevacina, cf. A v.
gand. - I suppose viyak < *vayak, pt. of
(594 sq.) cina and (595) cina-, (24) aeva-
Av. (1406) va- 'to blow' (Skr also 'to
smell') whence Av. vayu-, v. s. v. vat; cina; BP e-cin < *a1~va-cina 'not even
one thing' is attested in FrP ch. 25; cf.
Mlr venik, NP bini 'nose' < *vayana-.
s. v; vicitan.
dus-xuar [dwshw'l] annoying 4 2. - The
duzd (duzd) [GNB'] thief = NP duzd; but
antonym of xUar (q. v.). 99 21 . 25 it would seem most natural to
dus-xuireh difficulty, trouble 18 10 and take it as an adv. 'hardly, scarcely', from
often. - NP du,9x uari. the original sense of duz-day-, v. the
dus-xUarr( ah) [dws-GDH] unfortunate; preceding w.
ill-fated 11112. - Av. (755) dus-xuar'Jnah- duzeh [dwcyh] theft, larceny 8222. - Paz.
'ill-famed'. The ideogr. is to be read duzi.
xuarrah, but it is doubtful whether this dviristan [dwb'lstn ' ], dvaritan [dwb'lytn ' ]
form was used in compounds, cf MPrth to run, to rush, of enemies and demoniac
dwsfr = d~f,s-farr as against the subst. beings 25 18 etc. passim; - andar ,.....,. to
frh, v. xuarrah. rush, to come dashing (0 into the presence
dus-xUatayeh [dwshwt'dyh] evil kingship, of) 75 26 ; to make an onslaught, of Ahri-
government; misrule 18. 116 24 . man and the demons at the beginning of
the world 93 3.1 3. 95 19 . 103 18 ; to make an
dut [dwt '] smoke 20 20 . 24 . - MPrth dwd
assault upon (0) 1142; - apac ,....., to run
(MHO); NP dUd.
back 1024 ; apar ,....., to coil upwards (up
dutak [dwtk'] family 212. 13 22 . 37 26 . 38 6. - a tree) 4012 ; - be ,....., to dash off 42 20 .
Talm. lw. dywtq' 'family'; NP dUdah. 102 11 • 14 • 20 ; - frac ,....., to rush forth 25 20 ;
duxt [dwht'; BRTH] daughter 220. 9 17 . to spring forth (hac from) 96 24 . 98 19 . -
1518 . 25 . 25 9 • 26 1. 116 20 ; with the indef. art. Av. (765) dvar-; Paz. duarestan, dvarestan.
duxt-e [BRTH-'y] 146; cas. obI. duxtar dvirisn [dwb'lsn ' ] the act of running; as
[dwhtl] 15 20 ; 6 duxt [BRTH] 95 27 ; hac pred.: has to run, or is running 68 11 - 12 .
pus wi ,....., both sons and daughters 24 23 . dvirisneh det. v. n. = the preceding w.:
- Av. (748) dug'Jdar-, duy~ar- nom. visat- ,....., the act of running about with
dug'Jda, duy~a; MPrs dwxt (dwxs, v. loose, open clothes 69 12 , v. visat.
Benveniste, BSL 47, 1951, 21; KZSPrs dvizdah [dw'cdh; figure] twelve; han i
1. 26 dwhsy); NP duxtm·, archaic also duxt. 12 axtar, 12 axtaran etc., v. axtar; dvaz-
duz [dwc ' ] mischievous, wicked; a scoun- dahan [dw'cdh'n l ] the Zodiac 57. [12-'n l ]
drel; robber, thief 58 27 . 8222. Paz. duz, 7717.
duza-ca, var. duzda-ca (Mx); NP duz dvazdahom [dwb'cdhwm; 12-wm] the
'wicked'; < *duzda, Av. (757 sq.) duz- twelfth 8216. 844.
Ie, ."
et [HN' 'y..HWHw-yf,' 25 25 ,. Prth rad (v. below). 1. I;IN': ,....., namaky this
ZK = et, Henning, Iranistik 78 n. 3] inscription (here above) P 2 : 3; ,....., vizand
demo pron. this, subst. (mostly n.) and hac ya.t1lkeh i ,....., kanik 37 13 : ",,-ic evak
adj., no pI.; very common in the Dk text hac avdeh the following is one of the
37-61, scarce in other texts, except ,....., miracles 4424; ke hac ,....., astak, veh he |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
70 ernak

who is the messenger from this being 2e ['y; I,IN'] num. one: 1. 'y 326. 93 23 - 25 .
[the Creator just mentioned] is good 9420 . 95 6. 7. 9615 . 22 . 9812 .17 . 1044. - 2. I:IN'
57 11 ; etc. passim; - anticipates a clause 2017 . 2127. 222. 72 25 . 118 7. 11920 . 1201.5.20.
7 20
with kil 'that' 521. .12. 53 ; "'" kil the - Originally ev, cf evak, ev-bar, ev-
fact is that 52 ; are]. clause: "'" i-t ... dat etc. Av. (22 sqq.) aeva-, OP aiva-;
pursit 76 14 ; "'" ce that which 11214; - MPrthPrs cyw ; Paz. e. As to the spelling
forms a reI. attribute: "'" i vas kayak u I:IN' v. above.
karap 55 ; - forms possessivlis of the 3_e [the figure 1; -'y, -y, -yh] the encI.
pers. pronouns: ,......., i man zan my wife
indef. art.: tigr-e [-1] 3 19 ; duxt-e [BRTH-
32 15 ; "'" i t6 pus thy son 5213- 15 ; ,......., i to 'y] 146 ; gad-e [gtl_,y] one stroke with
separated by other parts of the sentence
the mace 3120 ; 4 evak-e [I,ID-wkl-,y] one
from its headw. 605 ; - pat,......., dastan
fourth 99 8; vat-e [-1] i huMd 73 20 ; hec cis-e
50 12 , v. dastan; pat"", satehe for joy over
[-1] ne 1613 ; har kas-e [>YS-I] 10018 ;
this 412 0 ; pat,......., kil ... adak-ic although
and cand yast-e [-1] 65 19 ; pat har 40 sal
... yet 55 25 - 26 ; ,......., rad for that reason
hac zan-e u mart-e frazand-e [all -e's
79 5 etc.; - cig6n "'" i den g6Mt as the
spelt -1] zayet every forthieth year a
pertinent passage of the Scripture says
child is born of a woman and a man
53 23 etc.; evak ,......., i paitak kil one (event)
( = of one couple) 86 22 - 23 ; 6 artestareh
is that which is revealed, namely that
for 6 artestar-e 4517 . - Identical with 2e;
385 •17 • - 2. I:IvVHw-yt l (ideogr. for the 2nd
MPrs cyw placed after its subst.; Paz. -e,
p. pI. of h- 'to be') wrongly for et: pat
NP -e. - The spelling [-1] is sometimes
,......., dastan 2525 . - 3. e: evak ,......., (i) paitak
erroneously used for other suffixes -e:
36 10 and pass~m 41-54; ,......., rad ce
m6d+ 1 = m6de cas. obI. 7222; har marg-
because 9422 . - Av. (12 sqq.) aeta-,
OP aita-; MPrth cyd; MPrs 'yd. The
arzanik 1 = -arZanike for the abstr.
-arZanikeh 101 10 .
form et in BP is confirmed by the
wrong ideogr. I:IWHw-yt l , but it is note- 4e [>y; I:IN>] , old ev [>yw], particle de-
worthy that this pron., wherever it is noting the opt. 1. ev: ,......., I,INI,ITWN
phonetically written in BP, has the HajB: 13 (v. nihatan); ev SDYTN ibd.
form e(also in FrP 25). In Paz. there is 14 (v. vistan); ev CBYDWN F: 5 (v.
no trace of et (ed), sinpe the only form kartan); ev g6Mt 1283 (v. guftan). - 2. e
occurring there is e with the pI. esqn, [>y]: frac e yazet 53 9 ; e nikecet 60 26 ; han
which is also used as the pI. of 6i, 6isan e bavet 1095. - 3. I,IN>: M e raset 6024 . - 4.
having totally disappeared; NP has encl. and written I,IWHw-yg = (h)e 611 :
only 6, pI. esan. This esqn can neither be ayend ,......., they wOlild cover (a distance
derived from et nor from 6isiin; it must of ... ), cf the yay-i sart and the yay-i
reflect the OIr. gen. pI. *aisam (Av. tamanna in early NP. - Av. (22) aeva;
aesqrn) of *ayam (Av. ayem, aem) whence Paz. e (SGV).
in Milr *es enlarged with the Milr pI. 5e [>y 10018- 19 ; I,IN> 43 8] interj. Oh! --:The
ending -an. The most probable expla- pronunciation is confirmed by I,IN>, v. Ie.
nation of BP e is, therefore, that it is not - Av. (308) ai; MPrs 'yy = aye; NP ai
a mutilation of et but the gen. sg. of or e .
*ayam: ahya. This being so, it would
seem to be most advisable simply to
e-cand [>ycnd] some, placed after its
give e as the normal equivalent of I,IN',
headw.: ka sal,......., bilt 149. - 2e + cand
(q. v.).
which would best explain the widely
spread use of HN' as the ideogr. for ernak [>ymk ' ] fuel 37 6. - MPrs Cymg
homonyms, v. below. (A-H II); NP hemah; v. hesm. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Emetan 71 eraxtan

Emetan [>dmyt>n'] patron. of n. pro 25 )yny) (in most MSS marked )dny)},
Emet 11210. - Cf S. V. omet. with the gI. )ny), read anya, qnia etc.;
Paz. aina.
en [inscr., Ps. ZNH, but already in the
inscr. the z is often stunted; BP ZNH] er [)yl] Aryan, Iranian 264 ; pI. cas. recto
demo pron. this here, always referring to I",;45 11 , obj. 6}25; pI. cas. obI. I",;-an:
the present situation, that of the speaker, inscr. 'yrln HajB : 2. 3. SPrs: 5. 7. 12.
or to what is to follow; no pI.: api-n pad PI: 1.3; in the books )yPn' Ip8 etc.
pat en darrakY nihat api-n tigr tar han passim (20 22 for cas. rect.). - Av. (198)
citak be apakand we set our foot on this airya-, OP ariya-; Prth aryan (q. v.);
rock here and shot the arrow beyond Paz. erq; ~P iran only as a geographical
that cairn yonder HajB: 6-8; en damik name. V. also an-eran.
this earth, our earth; en darn, en dam u eranak [)yPnk'], pI. cas. obI. I",;-an the
dahisn, en getah this world; en apecak Iranians 228. - Paz. erqnagq (Mx). Cf
veh-den i mazdesnan this pure good S. V. 1vaspuhrakan.
religion of the Mazdayasnians 844 etc.; ,
always en den this (our) religion, of the Eran-gusasp [)yPn'gwssp'] n. pro of a
Mazdaism; pat en apeguman billan kil to general in Azarbaijan 117 13 . - V. gusnasp.
entertain no doubt about the fact that Eran-sahr [)yPn' str'] the empire of the
63 24 etc.; vicarisn ... en kil the explan- Iranians, the official name of the Sassa-
ation is this that 12111; - en i forms an nian empire, 12. 6 1. 20 etc. passim. - V.
elliptic gen.: trac en i man yaz perform sahr.
what here is mine (my duty, the rite eran-sahrik pI. cas. obI. I",;-an the inhabi-
incumbent on me on this occasion) 53 5 ; tants of Eran-sahr 118 6 •
en bilt i 0 pes gobam this happened which
I am now going to tell 5419 ; - en and, V. Eran-vej [)yPnwyc'] n. pro a mythical
and. - Skr ena-; not in Av. and OP; SW country 8612.13.17. 93 25 . 945- 6 • - Av. (1313
W.: MPrs. cyn (no pI., instead imesan, sq.) A iryan'dm vaeio; in Manicheism bor-
imin are used); Paz. NP in. Tedesco, rowed as )ry)nwyin, V. Henning, ZDMG
DiaZ. 216. 90, 1936, 5; BSOAS XI, 1943, 55; Paz.
JJJrqvez. Very much has been written on
enya [)yny)] otherwise 13 22 ; be ... I",;
this country, v., e. g., Benveniste, BSOS
except: be magvemart ... I",; ••• hec VII, 1934, 265-274; Nyberg, ReZ., V.
mart pat xanak i xUes be ma payet except Index.
the Magians . . . no man shall remain at
home 20 3 - 5 ; be pat parvanakeh i yazdan
Eran-xuarrah-kart-Sahpuhr [-GDH- -
• • • sntan ne sayet except on a mission
xuarrah added by Markwart] "Shapur has
made glorious Eran" U6 22 is according
of the gods it is not possible to pass
78 10 - 11 ; be 8019 is not taken up by I",;
to Markwart the official name of the
town called in Syriac Karlfa d-Leqan and
until 1. 24; be ka rast gobeh enya, ham-
datistan ne bavem except if thou tellest by 'J'abari iran-xurrah-Sabilr, in the
the truth we shall not come to terms neighbourhood of Susa (Cat. 97. 98).
15 21 - 22 ; 65 20 V. patixsai; hakar . . . vica- eraxtan [)dlhtn'] to inflict damage, or
ret I",; if he explains . . . [it is just
• • • loss; (as a legal term) to condemn, to
right], otherwise ... U8 H - 1S , as in Arab convict: tilr eraxt hend the Turs were
. )in fw,lla ... wa)illa; hac Armail I",; condemned, they lost the case 45 13 ; -
except (by) Armail U5 10- 11 . - Av. (138) [pres. erang-: ayozend 0 bazak, marnjend
anyaOa, Gath. for anydOa, Skr anyatha; gehan, erangend they are intent upon sin,
Paikuli, Prs )yny) (Herzfeld p. 132); FrP they destroy the world, they inflict dam- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
eraxtan 72 eton

age DkM 69 8- 9 ; +at pat datistan<oman)- be bent backwards 95 25 ; to be sub-

deh oi veh tuvan zatan u eraxtan cigon ka-s jected to 98 3.5 ; to get into ... once
pat davreh u drusteh apak go bah through more 103 19 ; to cease 9712-14.16, to apostat-
righteousness thou art better able to ize 64 23 - 24 . 90 21 - 22 ; - apar to set

defeat him and make him lose the case 14

about a tho (0) 43 , V. 2apak (2); - be ,....,
than if thou speakest to him coarsely to appear 2014- 15 , to arise 33 17 , to reach
and roughly (cf s. v. davr) PR 5 7- 8; - 10p7, to remain 9217. 93 18 , to stand still
pres. pass. 3d p. sg. eraxtet he is pronounc- 9611- 12 . 98 9- 10 . 99 10- 11 , to stand off, to
ed guilty, opp. buxtet he is acquitted, v. keep away 3111. 323. 23 . 33 7. 25 , to stop
Bthl, ZsR IV, 8; Paz. buxterJ ... erexterJ (speaking) 34 26 . 35 2, to abstain from
SGV III, 26; ke rasteh rad pat xUastak 10513- 14 ; - trac ,...., to come out, to appear
eraxtet, ah veh cigon ke druzeh rad pat 95 24 ; - ul '" to block the way to (pes) 49 4 - 5
ruvan eraxtet he who suffers loss of prop- etc. - 2. auxiliary vb. denoting the perf. and
erty because of his righteousness is the pluperf., chiefly in principal sentences
better than the one who suffers the loss (cf S. V. butan 2), not seldom in the sense
of his soul (forfeits his soul) because of of a perf. pres. and its pret., e. g. nipist
his falsity PR 26 6- 8.] - Two vbs. seem to estet, estatis, was written P-2. 1109 • 21 .118 12 .
have coalesced here: 1) erixtan erec-, cf P2:8; cf also 8 8. 2611-12.27.2714.328. 9P.
Paz. erexterJ and the caus. erezinidan 'to 12018 etc. - < abi- (aiwi-) + Av. (1600
condemn' SGV XI, 257, most probably sqq.) OP sta-, cf Verbum 194 sq.; Ghilain
< abi- +
Av. (1479 sq.) raek- 'to leave 78 sq. V. also par-estatan, avistatan, and
in the lurch, to abandon to destruction' astenilan.
(Bthl IF XII, 112 sqq.); 2. eraxtan
estisn [)ystsn', ystSn'] V. n. of estatan,
erang-, most probably a denom. of erang,
used as pred.: has to, must stand fast,
erangeh 'trouble, delusion' (Paz. SGV X,
persevere 65 7; subst. persistence 3421 ;
58 etc.) < *abi-ranga-, cf. an-erang, rani,
standstill, cessation of progress, of the
ranjak; MPrs <yrxt, <yrnz- 'to combat',
stars 57. - V. also astisn(eh).
Verbum 199. (Bthl, 1. c. adopted the
reading eraxt).
Erec [)lyc] n. pro 471.4. - Paz. Eraz; NP etar [LTMH] here, referring to a place
Jraj. near the speaker, opp. anod (q. v.); in a
ereh [)ylyh] colI. the Aryans, or Iranians historical narrative also 'there': 327 and
64 13 . 15 . passim. - MPrth <ydr; MPrs )ydr (8);
Paz. edar (Aog.), early NP ebar.
estiitan [YK<YMWN-tn', yst)tn'; forms
V. I, 177] 1. As an independent vb.: to eton [)ytwn'; I.I~YN 46 7] thus, in this
stand 7 8. 1112. 20 12 . 38 12 . 7214; with prep. way, passim; such 6215 ; han 1""0.1345, e(t) 1""0.1

andar 95 21 - 22 ; with apar 28 24 . 386 ; with 20 21

69 - such as that, as this; han i ,...., such
pat to get up on 33 20 , in a figurative things 58 17 ; - before an adj.: so 12 25 . 37 24
sense: to remain in, to live in 7415- 16 , to etc., before an adv. 56 11- 12 . 11922 ; -
abide by, to stick to 58 9 • 64 16 . 17 ; pat governed by a vb. of saying, thinking,
ravisn ,....,to be in continual movement perceiving etc., it anticipates a clause
93 18- 19 ; with 0 to set out on, to go into with ku 'that' P. 34 etc. passim; ,...., kartan
19. 136. 10012 ; - apar pad ,...., 18 21 , apar 0 kil to manage things so that 62. 20 5; -
pad ,...., 25 13 , be o(i) pad,...., 34 24 . 27 . 352, trac ,...., kil, ,...., ka, ,...., i consecutive: so that:
o pad ,...., 26 5: to rise to one's feet; - with a) ,...., ku 1110. 77 26 . 1056 ; such that 1410- 11 ;
prev.: andar ,..., to befall 54 19 ; to remain, ,...., stahmaktar but hat kil would have
to be therein 95 9. 97 15 ; - apac '" to been too violept to permit ... 71 18 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
eton 73 evkiinakeh

b) f""oW ka 1 P6-17. 2014- 15 . 34 12 ; C) f""oW i 2016- 17 . avar 'oppression'. As to avar evar cf

31 1 etc. passim; - f""oW ke . . . hamgon . . . s. v. levac, evar.
so as ... so too 105 16- 17 ; f""oW cigon so as,
v. cigon. - MPrs 'yd'wn (S); Paz. edun;
eviirak ['dw'lk ' ] sunset 67 8. - Paz. evara;
NP evar.
early NP eoun.
evarihii [>dwlyh'] truly 80 21 • - Paz. sub-
ev (inscr.) v. 2e.
stitutes awahariha, Skr. v. samyak-yataya.
leviic ['dw'c] voice, speech, v. drust-eva-
evarz ['dwlc ' ] review, muster, as a mili-
ciha and hu-evaceh. - Also 'hw'c FrP,
tary term: f""oW kartan to review, to muster
Cod. S2 1,18; Paz. cf duz-avazi, hu-
(an army) 20 11 ; - [hence evarzik kas
avazi (Mx); NP avaz. Cf MPrs »w'g. From
probably *a man called up for military
abi +. vak 'to speak', v. vac, vacisneh.
service, DkM 75012]. - Originally 'com-
2eviic only; ne f""oW . . . be . . . -c not only putation, calculation, account', cf the
but also ... 45 5- 6. - Paz. evaz; < following examples: f""oW i xUatayan 6 osti-
OIr *aiva·cit, cf 2e. kan the rulers' calling of their trustees
to account DkM 40416 ; etar +zarvan i (K
evaciha v. drust-evaciha. drang) aivan « K) andak, f""oW zut; anod
evak [I.IDwk ' ; on coins 'ywky] num. one, datavar (!) rasthere (in this world) the term
passim; han i f""oW Arjasp A. alone 24 16 . of the court is short, and the account
29 27 ; f""oW f""oW one by one 92 6; har f""oW every- swift; there (in heaven) is a righteous
one 1045- 6. 10617 . 11318 ; f""oW bevar ten thou- *judgment DkM 548 10- 11 ; apar han i
sand 2414; 3 f""oW one third 63 20 - 22 . 93 16 . andar nihvareh '" about the items
1025 ; 4 f""oW-e [-'y] one fourth 99 8; 5 f""oW-e (necessary) in combat FrP 14, heading.
[-'y] 10015- 17 . 102 27 . 1031- 2; - in correspon- In all probability to be connected with
dence with dit, ditikar, ane, v. these ws. - NP i'ivar(ah) 'calculation, reckoning; an
Av. aeva-. OP aiva- + -ka-, v. s. v. 2e; account-book' (of which i'ivarjah, i'ivarcah
MPrs yk; Paz. yak, iak, NP yak - as 'a cash-book, a book of receipts and dis-
against MPrth (yw 'one', (ywg 'alone'. boursments, a diary, or register' is the
diminutive) < *abi-varda- SW form of
evak-diit [f""oW-d't ' ] created alone 46 5. - *abi-varza-; avar : evarz, cf evac, evar,
Renders Av. (25), an epithet evar. (Wrong interpretation by Nyberg,
of the Primordial Bull. TMK 69 sq., Pagliaro, Iscr. Dura-Europo
evak-xuatiiyeh [f""oW-hwt'dyh] autocracy 592. 595). - From varz-, v. varz, varzitan.
80 19 • ev-biir ['ywb'l] once 10po; (all) at one
evar ['dwl; 38 incorrectly y bl] adj. true time 2413 . 15 ; pat f""oW (both) at one time
[duxt f""oW, with the gI. ku ke mat zat a true 102 18 ; once upon a time, in days of yore
daughter, i. e. whom the mother has 107 1. - V. 2e and bar. Paz. ebar.
born PR 13 5- 6:] adv. verily, certainly 38.
ev-diit ['ywd't ' ] = evak-dat created alone:
- FrP 25: 'dwl : 'ywl. Paz. evar; NP avar
gav i f""oW 10418 .
'true, certain'. V. also evariha.
ev-kiinak ['ywk'nk ' ] unanimous, acqui-
eviir ['dw'l] plundering, pillage: f""oW u escent 5 24 . 68 7; pI. cas. obI. f""oW-an clients
rop 10820 .- KZ8Prth I. 16 'w'r, Prs. equiv- 7J2. - Paz. eugana; MPrs (ywg'ng 'of the
alent, last w. of I. 20, not quite clear, same kind' (A-H II).
but possibly 'dw'ly, Gr. v. <Xp7tcxy1j; Arm.
lw. awar 'booty'; Mand. lw. 'w'r 'plun- evkiinakeh ['ywk'nkyh] acquiescence 4 20 .
dering' , Bal avar 'spoil, plunder' , NP 7J2. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ev-mok 74 frahang

ev-mok ['ywmwk ' ] one-shoed, with only ev-xUatayeh ['ywhwt>dyh] the state of
one shoe 69 14 . - Paz. emok, v. mok. having one single ruler, political unity
5 14 . 138.19-20. 17 5. - V. xuatai.
ev-tiik ['ywt>k ' ] unique, unequalled 56 2 •
80 22 • - Paz. evada; cf NP yak-ta.

farrax u [plhw'] fortunate, blissful, glori- a-frac-saciSneh. - From the weak st. frac-
ous 6 2 ; sup. "",-tom 369. 47 13 ; V. also . of OIr *frank- (Skr pranc- prac-) whence
Sat-farraxu-Xosroi. - OIr (Median) *far- Av. (1024) adv. and prevo fraca, frqs,
nahva, nom. of *farnahvant = Av. (1873 and adj. (893) (p'Jr'JOu.)fraka-; MPrth
sq.) xuanmahvant- derived from xUar'Jnah-, adv. fr'c (S, MHC); MPrs adv. sup.
V. xuarrah. MPrthPrs frwx, MPrs also pr'zyst (A-H II); Paz. fra{; NP faraz.
prwx; Paz. frox, Skr. V. susamrddha; NP friiceh [pr'cyh] 1. pat"", only emphasizes
farrux. the prevo frac 52 25 , V. S. V. pat. - 2. subst.
+farraxUiin-gah [+plhw'ng's] "the place appearance, the coming into existence
of glorious men" = the royal throne 39 27 = pat-fraceh q. v.}.
22 19 - 20 ; parallel to it is kai-gah (q. v.).
fracin [plcyn'] the next highest man in
Farraxu-ziitiin [-z't'n ] patron. of Far- chess, in Oriental terminology "the Vi-
~'axU-zat 'born of F.' 111 25 . zier" = our "Queen" 11910 . - NP farzin;
Arab. lw. firzan is a secondary sg. formed
farro-big [plwb'g, -bg] having a share
from *farazin which was undestood as a
of the heavenly splendour: atur "'" the
broken pI. farazin, cf. 1tap&ae:~O'oc;: fara-
foremost of the sacred fires, connected
with the priestly class 118 . 27. 9 24 . 95 11 (i '" ),
dis: firdaus-.
cf S. V. atur. - farro < *farnah-, the friic-niimik [pr'cn'myk] renowned 58 8 • 13 .
Median form of xUar'Jnah, cf farrax u , + 6011 • - V. nam.
Av. (921) baga-, baya-, (922) baya- (952) fractareh [pr'ctlyh] the state of being
baga- 'share' (v. bagobaxt); cf n. pro Gr more prominent, distinguished 55 17 •
<l>ap'J&[3a~oc; with - [3a~o- for *baji-, V.
baz. FrP 11 plb'(g) = farr-ba(g), gI. by fradand [prdnd], fradandeh [prdndyh], V.

zivandak 'living'. V. also Atur-farro-bag frazand.

n. pro Friidatafs [pl>dt'ps] the name of the
Filippos [pylpws] <l>f.AL7t1tOC;I, Philip 117 9• south-eastern kisvar (q. v.) 10613 . - Av.
(982) frada~afsu-.
friic [pr'c, pl>c] 1. adj. forward; promi-
nent, distinguished, compo "",-tar 1411 , Fradat-xUarrah [pl'dt ' GDH] n. pro
sup. "",-tom 10212 . 19 . - 2. adv.: e tigriyaj 1069.12 . - Av. (1015) Fradat.xuar'Jnah-
'" -tar one bowshot further 2127. 222; "'" Yt. 13128 •
1094, hac nun "'" 611 2 henceforth; hac Fragizak [Paz.] n. pro 47 4 • - BdA p.
han "'" thenceforth 98 5 ; "'" 0 P 2: 9. - 2309 plgw'zk, BdJ 79 1 F'raguzak [Paz.].
3. prev. ahead, along, forth, forward, on
Frah [pl>h'] the name of a town 1161 • -
(-ward), up, etc., or denoting the perfec-
Yaqiit 3,888 Farah, Syr. prh, Gr <l>p&, V.
tive aspect, both in a local and in a
Cat. 88.
figurative sense, with a great many vbs.,
V. each separately; also together with V. frahang [plh 'ng] education, breeding,
nouns: "'" guftar, "'" ranjakeh, "'" tuxsakeh, training, instruction 226 . 27 , 3 5. 7. 16 , 6612 , |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
frabang 75 framitan

7011 • 88 23 . 10811 ( 1l 05 restore frax U ). - a-burt- framaneh, framan-burtar, -reh. -

Paz. frahang farhang = NP. From fra- MPrth frm'n; MPrs prm'n; Arm. lw.
haxtan q. v.). hraman, Talm hrmn'; Paz. farmqn; NP
frabangistan [plh'ngst'n'] school 4 6. farman. Cf Nyberg, Geiger Vol. 216-218.
frabaxtak [plhhtk'] educated, well-bred, As to the problem fr- > hr- cf vVikander,
skilled 33.5. 108 11 • - From Studia Linguistica n, 1948, 48-53.

frabaxtan [plhhtn'] to educate, to train, I framan-burtar [,,-,-bwlt'l] submissive to

pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. frahaxt 227. - commands, obedient 68 7. - V. burtar.
Pres. frahanf-. MPrth pres. frhynf- 'to framan-burtareh obedience, allegiance 4 20 .
teach'; NP farhaxtan, farhanfidan.From framaneh v. a-burt- framaneh.
jra + Av. (784 sq.) Oang- 'to draw'; framatan [inscr.], framfitan [plmwt'n]
Verbum 198; Ghilain 5l.
framay-, imp. sg. framai 1010 etc. and
Frabim Rwan'l} Zois [Paz.], +Frahin framaye [plm'dyg 9 23 ,plm' dh 27 22 , plm' -
Rvanan Zois [+pPhyn' lW'n'n' zwys] n. dyw 57 25 ]; pres. 2d p. sg. framaye [plm'yh
pro the mother of Zartuxst's mother 371.5. 64, plm'dyh 244]; 3d p. sg. = 2nd p. pI.
- 'The wife of Frahim Rwanan', i. e. of framayet 1419. 26 19 [plm'dt l , cf Ps. hwsty
Frahim of the Rwan clan, v. zois. The and ywdty 1286, v.s.v. hositan and yod-];
perpendicular stroke after -an- in Paz. 1st p. sg. and pI. framayem [plm'dym];
Rwanq (confirmed by the now edited pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. inscr. framat
MS) is certainly only a reminiscence of [prm't, plm't; plm'ty P2:4], in the
the PhI. spelling, which sometimes sepa- books framilt: to order, to issue an order,
rates the ending -an from its noun in to command, to' bid, with 0 of the p. to
this way, and has no significance. The whom (37 26 - 27 ), and rad of the p. concern-
husband's name is given in BdA p. 236 12 ing whom(219)the order is issued; with a
as Ferahumruvanan, in BdJ 8014 as Fra- dir. 0 bj. of the ordered tho 38 • 6 4. 19 8 - 9; api-t
humrava, both in Paz. paseh framayem karkas and we shall
}'rai-zest [pPgzyst'] n. pr., the name of order the vulture (after thee =) to pursue
a demon 72 10 . - Paz. Frehzist. The first thee 60 4; ma man 0 paseh framai do not
element frai < Av. (1018 sq.) frayah bid me to turn my back 57 24 - 25 ; - to
'more'; Ps. pl>y; MPrs pr'y; Paz. freh; please to, to deign to, with info ll22-26.
NP firah. V. further zest. 1419 ; - kar framiltan = kar kartan 27,
frakan [plk'n'] foundations 929. - From v. kar; - the order itself is expressed 1.
in dir. speech by an imp. introduced by
frakandan [plkndn'], pt. = pret. pass. 3d kil: framilt kil "niker" 4 5; 1213. 33 22 ;
p. sg. frakand to throw : bun "-' to lay
consequently, in 2 16 (framilt., kil, . . .)
the foundations ll3 8 • - Ps. pres. plkn-
<BYDWN-X2 and in 1010 YDLWN-x2
'to build'. Cf Lat. ftmdamenta iacere. V.
should be taken as the imperatIves kune
kandan. and bare; - 2. by a subordinate clause
frakart [plls-lt'] section, chapter ll3 11 • - a) with kil + pres. indo 313 - 14 ; b) with
Paz. fargard. tiii + pres. indo 129- 10 ; c) after the pret.
framan [plm'n'] order, command 1210 . framilt, with kil Wi + opt. pass.:' 2 17- 18 ;
ll3 10 etc.; "-' bilt hac . .. + info it was d) introduced by the reI. pron.: amah
ordained, decreed by ... that 36 11 - 13 ; framat ke ... city we ordered someone (an
"-' datan to issue orders, to order 1915 etc. -architect) (who erected =) to erect Haj
passim; "-' patigraftan to comply with B: ll-12 (in Arab it would be 'amarna
an order 381; "-' be spoxtan to disregard, mansayyada); e) without any introductory
disobey an order 3 9 (cf 1210 ); v. also part.: api-m framat y patpU1"Set I ordered |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
framiitan 76 Frasiivart

(someone) to read P2:4; - 3. by an info fra-var- 'to confess the Zoroastrian faith':
which maya} precede .-,: 1121. 37 26 - 27 Y. 121.8 fravarane -:- PhI franamam; Vd
etc.; b} be put after .-,: 9 23 . 1010 etc.; in 192 daenqm mazdayasnim fraor'Jntaeta =
this case.-, must immediately precede the PhI api"-s den i mazdesnan franajt, with
inf., separating it from its obj., adjuncts the g1. ku-s fravarane kart. Cf Kanga,
and preverbs: akah framai kartan 11 23 ; Siddheshwar Varma Vol. 3-4, with more
sahristtin-e . .. framut kartan 12 26 - 27 and materials.
passim (but framut ... pairayenitan with
Frangriisiyiik [plngl 'syd'k], Frangrisiyiip
a long series of dir. objects between 12025
[plngl( ')syd'p] n. pro 46 23 . 99 23 . 25 ._ Slightly
sqq.); be nisastan: be framayet nisastan
transformed transliteration of Av. (986)
14 19 ; apar kartan: pat dar apar framayem
kartan 20 8 ; andar kartan: andar framut kar- Fra1Jrasyan, nom. -ase < *-asyti; V. also
tan 11423 , and the like; similar construction
of apayet (q. v.); c} be introduced by ku, friiron [pPlwn '] righteous, upright, hon-
through contamination with no. 2: fra- est 18 2. 6919.22.23. 75 16 . 84 3. 90 24 ; compo
mut ku ... kartan 12 17- 19 ; 45 18 ; (+2 20 ). - ,..., -tar 55 25 . - Paz. frarun, Skr V. sada-
Av. (1166) fra-may-; MPrth jrm'dn frm'y-, carin; aIr *frarda-van- < *fra-arda-, cf
MPrs prm'dn prm'y-; Paz. far-mftdan, aparon.
farmayastan farma-; NP farmUdan far-
friironeb honesty, righteousness, probity
73 12 . 15 ; colI. honest, righteous people 6414.
framatiir [prmt'l] commander, leader: the
title of the Grand Vizier is vazurg .-, F:
frasang [plsng] a parasang, the Persian
league, estimated at an average of 6232
1-2. - Arm. lw. vzruk hramatar; Talm
m., but varying in length (3 1/ c 4 English
hrmdr. V. Christensen, Sass. 114 sqq.,
miles): 719 . 83.6, 72 25 . 93 7- 11 • 96 23 . 98 17 .
518 sqq.
11421. - OP *frasanga- borrowed in Gr
frlimos [pPmws, plmws] forgotten: .-, as 1tCXP cxcrcXYY"y) C;;, Paz. NP farsang; NW
kartan to forget 8 25 .99; .-, butan to be form *frasaxa-, Arm. lw. hrasax, Syr. lw.
forgotten, neglected 68 16 . - MPrs fr'mws prsly/, Talm prs', Mand p'rs', Arab
(S); Paz. framos, fa1'mos; NP faramos, farsax-. V. Christensen, Iranier 283; How
farmos. Cf Verbum 185, where the com- and Wells, Oomm. on Herodotus I, 161;
mon derivation from Skr mrtJyate 'he EP II, 832.
neglects' is douted.
fra-sinn- [plsn-] pres. to break, subju.
franaftan [plnptn '] franam- t,o come, to 3d p. sg. frasinnat 12810 . - < *fra-sindat,
go, step forward, to appear 4011 • 519. 10 ; A V. (1547) saed-; Ba1. sindag; MPrth
jrac .-, id. 565. - Av. (1041) fra-nam-; frsystn frsynd- 'to tear asunder' ; Verbum
MPrth pt. frnft, pres. caus. (!) frn'm-, 199 sq., Ghilain 83. - Cf apa-sihenisn,
Ghilain 73; MPrs prnptn prnm-, Verbum -enitan, apa-sihistan, vi-sistan.
173; Paz. farnaft. Cf ayinaftan.
Friisiyiik [pPsyd 'k, -sy'k], Friisiyiip
franiimisn [pln'msn'] v. n. of f1'anaftan, [pPsyd'p'], Friisyii [Paz.] n. pro 46 14 . 16 .
as a pred. : .-, amah we should proceed 405. 78 3. 113 18 . 1163. 117 19 = Frangrasiyak
etc. (q. v.). - NP Afrasiyab.
franiimisneb [+pln'msnyh] det. V. n. con-
fession, creed: etan-as .-, this is his con- Frasiivart [pls'wIV] the son of Vistaspa,
fession of Faith 62 15 - 16 (the V. n. is deter- the crown prince and the co-regent of
mined by eton, hence the form in -eh). - his father 2216. 23 14 . 2410. -'- Av. (1010)
PhI franaftan franam- renders Av. (1362) FraS .hqm. var'Jta-. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
fras·kart 77 FriixU·kart

fras.kart [plskrt I] the regeneration of this fravahr [plw)hl] the heavenly and im-
world at the end of this cosmic age, and mortal counterpart of the earthly beings,
the re-establishment of its prim.ordial their tutelary genius 31 2 etc. passim;
purity: 88 18 . 91 8. 10513 . 1062. 4; "'" kartan also fravas (q. v.). - Av. (992 sqq.) fra-
to bring about the f. 1063. - Av. (1008) vasi- < *jravarti-, cf OP n. pro Fravarti-
jraso.k'dr'dti-; MPrth adj. frsygyrdyg (S); = Gt <I>pa6p't""I)<;; MPrs pr)whr 'ether'
MPrs frsygyrd (A-H I, p. 222); Arm. lw. (A-H I), adj. prwhryn (S); Paz. fravas.
hrasalcert 'miraculous' (hras-k 'miracle, V. also fravartikan, fravartin, h-u- fravart.
monster'); Paz. fras(e)gerd, frasekard. Fravak [plw)k] n. pro 47 10 . - Cf Av. (995)
Junker, WuS XII, 1929, 132-158; Herz-
feld, ApI 156-167; Bailey, TPhS 1953,
21-22; 1956, 100-104. fravartak [plwltk'] letter 1817.21.22.
1914-16.25-26. 118 12 . - MPrthPrs frwrdg,
fraskart·kartiir ["",-krt)l] accomplisher of Arm. lw. hrowartak; Talm prwrtq' 'edict',
the fraskart: apak oisan "'" 1 0011 (v. s. v.
Syr prwrtq', prwrdyq' v. Telegdi 251 sq.
oi). 1068; pI. cas. obI. ""'-an 1066 •
fravartikan [plwltyk'n '] the five inter-
fraskart·kartareh the accomplishment of calary days at the end of the year, cele-
the jraskart 9921-22.26. 10511 • 20 . 106 7.
brated in commemoration of the dead
frasm [pPsm] dawn, daybreak 4413 . ~ Cf and their fravahrs: 89 15 . - NP farvardgan,
Av. (1022) hfl jrasmo.dati- 'sunset'. Bai- farvardiyan.
ley, BSOS VI 1931, 595-597; TPhS 1953,
fravartin [plwltyn'; inscr. prwrtyn] 1. the
31 sq.; Benveniste, JA 228, 1936, 230 sq.;
name of the :first month of the year
Herzfeld, ApI 156; Sogd. 23 sq. SPrthPrs: 1; 95 20 . - 2. the name of the
frasn [plsn '] question 2p4; conversation 19th day of the month 306. - < *fravarti-
37 4. - Av. (1009 sq.) frasna-; Paz. frasn nam, Av. (994) fravasinam, gen. pI. of
(SGV). Same st. as pursitan (q. v.). fravarti-, v. fravahr.
Frasostr [plswstl] n. pro 10813 . - Av. fravas [plws] = fravahr 4011 • - Borrowed
(1007) Frasaostra-. from Av. fravasi-.
fratiik [MJ:IL] to-morrow 216. 23 6 ; "'" roc fravd [plpd] forefoot 93 3. - Av. (984)
id. 2IB. 225. 23 11- 21 . - Paz. jrada (Aog.); fra-pad-, frabd-, (986) frabdo.drajah-.
NP farda.
frax u [pPhw '] broad, wide, compo "",-tar
fratom [pltwm; 'WL' 63 4. 11] the first, 38 9 • - NP farax.
regularly placed before its subst.: 47 11
friixu·ciireh [""'-c)lyh] to be restored thus
and passim; placed after 97 11 : hac "'"
II 0 5 (instead of +frahang-careh); abstr.
from the very beginning 88 14 ; "'" ka the
of *fraxu-car 'having great means; pros-
;first time that 10317 . - Av. (979) frat'dma-,
perous', abstr. 'prosperity'.
OP fratama-: MPrs prtwm'yn (A-H I);
Paz. fradum, pradim, fradim. friixueh width, prosperity 66 14 .
tratom·diinisn ["",-d'nsn '] whose know- friixuenitan ["",-hwynytn I] to spread, to
ledge was the first (existing), pI. cas. obI. distribute 11122.
~-an those who received the first know- Fraxu-kart [,",,-krt'] the name of a myth-
ledge (of the Zoroastrian religion), defines ical lake; later: the great ocean 46 17 .
poryotkMan 621. 93 16 . 22 . - A translation of Av. (1429)
fratomeh: pat"", first and foremost 1917- 18, V ouru.kasa- « *-karta-) '(the lake) with
in the beginning 77 15 ; probably simply the vast bays', v. frax u . Mx transliterates
the cas. obI. of fratom. Var-kas, Skr. v. k?ira-samudra. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
frayist 78 free

frayist [pldst I] mostly: ,....., kil an6d xuarisn frazam [plc'm] end 8014 . 8Il; pat ,.....,
sayet xUartan mostly (the matter stands lastly, in the end 643.721.. 721.2.5; ,.....,per6-
thus) that . . . 7612 ; I think the author zeh the final victory 7727 sq. - From the
simply wants to say: food will certainly preceding vb.; Paz. farjqm, farzqm; NP
be given to these, but ... : Paz. West farjam.
frehest kil, two MSS ke; Paz. Antill and
frazamenitan [,.....,-ynytn l] to complete,
Skr. v. > kil. - Av. (974) fraesta- <
to carry to a conclusion 1062. 1138 ; v.
*frayista-, cf Frai-zist.
also pat- frazamenitan.
frazanak [plc>nkl] learned, wise 45 5 ;
subst. pI. cas. obI. ,.....,-an 139. - < Av. frazam-kareh [,.....,-k>lyh] the final (escha-
(1659) fra- 2 zan- 'to find out'; NW form tological) work 7727.
corresponding to SW danak (q. v.); Paz.
free [plyc] a surplus, or a remainder, a
farzqnaa (SGV); NP farzanah.
rest: martom (indir. obj.) ,....., pat nevak6-
frazand [prznd; inscr. plcnd], fradand keh <i) han kunend i-san andar gehan
[prdnd] child: I. frazand 65 22 - 25 . 66 17 ; apay·isniktar veh dit to mankind they
with the indef. art. ,.....,-e [,....., + I] 86 23 ; ,....., (the gods) will make a surplus above the
varzitan to produce children 67 6 ; pI. cas. felicity which in this world was seen by
recto ,....., 96 3. 97 26 . 10514 ; pI. cas. obI. them as the most exquisite and the very
,.....,-an 69 13 , ,.....,-in [plcndyn] F: 5. - 2. fra- best 10025 - 26 i. e., mankind will be given
dand 16. 1013 .18 . IpO.1l.24. 12 3. 12 . 21.25. 15 26 a felicity above the most exquisite and
(after numeral). 1626 ; pI. cas. obI. ,.....,-an the very best felicity they experienced
210. 3 7.1 3. 58. 1214. 14 2.3. 5. 15 18 . 2217. - in this world. - Paz. frez-, frez- (v. next
Av. (1004 sq.) frazanti-; MPrthPrs frzynd, group) = BP free < *fraree (haplology)
MPrs also przynd; Ps. plendy; Paz. far- < 011' *fra-raiea- (from fra + raik-, v.
zand frazand; NP farzand. - fradand is rextan) , cf Skr prareeana- 'surplus', pra-
the authentic SW form, preserved as an reka- 'abundance', properly 'what is pro-
orthographical archaism, and listed in jecting'. To it belongs the vb. frextan free-
FrP II with the gI. frazand; the first -d- 1. 'to be over, to be left, after necessary
of fradand is not a dwarfed z, which only expenses, as a gain or a rest', 2. 'to put
occurs in ideograms, and in the inscript- aside what is surplus, to save', or, 'to
ions has a form wholly different from d. increase by a surplus'. Cf (Paz.) ne neki
frezasni . . . ra 'not in order to add to the
(frazandeh abstr.) fradandeh the state of
well-being' SGV III, 24, Skr. v. 8ubhasya
being a child: pat ,....., as his own child 2 25 .
visphitaye; har ee freeet hac all that is
Frazdiin [plcd'n I] the name of a river left of, or after BdA p. II 0 7 (plyeytt
II5 26 . - Av. (1005) Frazdanu-. with the first y marked) = BdJ 39 7;
PY 68 22 ; frext 'savings' PVd. 3 29 . 18 38
Frazisak [Paz.] n. pro 47 4. - BdA p. 2309
(comm.). BthI., followed by others, read
plzwtk; BdJ 7820 Frazusag [Paz.].
paree- < *paTi-1·aiea-, identifying it with
frazaftan [plcptn I] to come to an end, pt. Sogd p'r'ye- 'to leave, to abandon'
frazaft finished, in the subscriptions of (ZairWb 52; MlrM I, 14. II, 11.38 sq.) and
books: 17, 30 etc. passim. - Av. (500) adducing as a parallel Gr 1te:~nAe:Ae:L!..tf1.E:\lo<;.
fra-gam-, pres. fra-jasaiti 'to arrive at'; However, the Paz. reading f1'ez is firm,
MPrs pres. frzwfs- 'to be accomplished unimpeachable and transparent, and as
(A-H II), caus. pI. prz'pt 'to accomplish'; representing a living Wlr tradition it IS
Verbum 190sq. Cf MPrth hniftn, pres. preferable to any reading based on Ell'
hnj'm-, v. s. v. hanjam-. material (besides, Sogd p'r'ye- seems to |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
frec 79 Gafr-gav

be a secondary form of )pr)ye-, pr)ye-, MPrth frystg, Arm. lw. hrestak; MPrs
Gauthiot 126, Benveniste, GS 19). Cf prystg, frystg; Talm. Syr. lw. prystq'; Paz.
also Dhabhar, PYV, Gl. p. 80. - This vb. fristaa (SGV); NP firistah 'angel' and
coincides graphically with pardaxtan par- /iristah 'messenger, ambassador'.
dae- [pldhtn' pldc-] q. v.; this has caused frestitan [SDRWN-tn' 383] frest- [SDR-
some confusion: 76 16 Paz. has frez where- WN - ; 2nd. p. sg. plystyh: fresteh 36];
as only pardae (marked d in Cod. K) is
pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. frestit [ply-
appropriate; SGV III, 24 West, followed styt' 44 with act. construction; SDRWN-
by de Menasce, conjectured pardacisneh, yt', -t']: tlO send 211. 3 6. 11 . 44 etc. passim.
rejecting frez- which is, however, the - In FrP 23 some MSS give frestatan,
adequate vb. there. others frestitan as the equivalent of the
frecvaneh [plycp)nyh] works of super- ideogr. MPrs pryst)dn, pt. pryst)d, fryst)d,
erogation (Arab nawafil) 63 5. - Paz. fre- prystyd, pres. P1"yst-; NP firistadan firist-.
zawqn AntiS. 1361 (text not clear); -p- A secondary formation from Av. fraesta-
is inverse spelling of -v-, the normal v. frestak.
spelling being plyew)n-: free-van derived
Freton [plytwn'] n. pro 45 5. 47 5. 78 1.
from free (v. the preceding w.) by means
9012 . 98 27 . 99 2.3. 113 16 . 11627 . -r Av. (799
of the suff. -van- (cf Av. asa-van-) 'ex-
sq.) ()raetaona-; MPrs frydwn (S); NP
ceeding the obligatory duties'; cf also
Faridun (modern Firaidun) ; Arm Hruden.
!rec1Janenitak hac 'moved forward, dis-
Schaeder, I raniea 24-50.
placed from (its proper place)' DkM
404 18- 19 ; v. next w. - Wrong TMK 59. - frey [pldp] deceit 8426 . - Paz. frev; NP fireb.
Hence Frika [plyk)] Africa 115 19 .
frecvanik adj.: "'" karan works of super- friyat [plyd)t '] help: a "'" rasitan 7 pl.
erogation 66 2. - Normally plycw)nyk:
75 2 • - Pa~friaq, fryaq; NP faryad.
DkM 1948 sqq. 684 19 . 734 6. 735 7; abstl'.
-ikeh 754 22 , 'spontaneous generosity' 683 12 . friyiit- [plyd )t-] pres. 3d p. sg. "",-et to
help 724, Paz. friadeq. - Cf MPrs pry)d)g
freftak [pldptk '] deceived 90 25. - Paz. 'helper', pry)dysn 'help' (A-H II, BBB).
frot [plwt '] down, downwards, with
freftakeh deceit, deception 46 1.
amatan and many other vbs., V. each
freftan [pldptn '] frev- [pldp-] to deceive, separately; - hacis "'" nest *is not below
to seduce 33 11 . 68 13 . 9017. - From fra + this (level) 1096. - OP fra1Jata h , Benve-
Av. (679 sq.) Idab-; Paz. freftan fre1J-; niste, BSL 30, 1930, 59; Ps. plwty; MPrs
NP fireftan fireb-. V. also frev, viyiftan. prwd; Paz. fraq, NP fura(d). Cf yuvat.
freftar deceiver 34 19 . 648. frot-barisneh ["",-blsnyh, YDLWN-snyh]
frestak [plystk " inscr. plystky] messen- the act of descending, descent 39 2. 11 ; cf
gerPl:8; 18 14 .1089. -Av. (975) fraMta-; I apar-barisneh.

gad [gt '] mace, with indef. art. "",-e Gafr-gav [gpl TWR)] n. pro 477. - BdJ
[-'y], 312°. 1005- 8. - Borrowed from Av. 77 19 gefr[Paz.]-TWR>, confirmed by
(488) ga~a-. 'rabari who has kbrk)w (= gabr-gav) ,
*gadak 107 6: for w g)dk' read wsyk', v. interpreting it as ~ahib al-baqar al-ramad-
visek. iya 'possessing ash-coloured cattle', cf |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Gafr-gav 80 ganak

Kurd. gewr 'grey, iron grey, black- ad letter VIP. In Elamitic transliteration
brown' or 'mottled' (Kurdoev). On the kurtaS, v. Cameron, Persepolis Treasury
other hand, the other great authority, al- Tablets ( 1948), passim. These villeins
Biriini, gives the nam~ in the form were slaves recruited from war prisoners
dyzh-k)w (ChronoI. 1043 ), evidently the and non-Aryan peoples, v. M. Danda-
copyist)s mistake for dbrh-k)w = BP mayev, Foreign slaves on the estates of the
davr-gav, and in fact BdA 229 6 (= BdJ Achaemenian kings and their nobles (XXV
77 19 just quoted for gefr-) has as first International Congress of Orientalists,
element [ddpwl! for] davr (q. v.). In Papers presented by the USSR delegation,
BdA 103 9 = BdJ 3n11, BdAntia 7618 Moscow 1960). Previous researches: Eilers,
transliterates it gfr, but the authority ZDMG 90, 1936, 193-196; AfO 17, 333a;
of this text is poor. AOf 22, 1954, 353 sq.; Henning apud
gah [g)s] 1. place 65 etc, passim; pat "" Gershevitch, A.lVI., NS II, 1951, 141-142;
on the spot (?) 447; v. farraxU-gah, kai- Benveniste, J A 242, 1954, 306. - Another
gah, stor-gah. - 2. time 67 8. 89 14- 15 ; ce "" subst. formed through Ablauf from the
at what time? 7 22 . - Avo (517) gatu-, same st.: *grdha-, Skr grha- 'servant,
OP ga()u-; Ps. g)sy 'bed', g)swky 'throne'; house', Av. (522 sq.) g'Jr'Joa- 'cave,
MPrthPrs g)h, Arm lw. gah; Paz. NP dwelling-place of demons', Arm. lw.
gah. gerda-stan 'body of servants (Ev.Luc.
12 : 42); property', has survived in the
gahan-bar [g)s)nb)l] festival connected sense of 'herd' in WIr gal(l)ah, gil etc.,
with one of the six seasons of the year v. s. v. bOr-gil.
89 14 . 12014 , cf maioyozarm. First element
< ga()anqm, gen. pI. of Av. (519 sqq.) gam [g)m] step 73 26 - 27 . 75 24 - 25 . 96 16 twice.
ga()a-; Paz. gahqn-bar, NP gahan-bar, gah- 98 13 • 14 ; with the indef. art. """-'-e [g)my]
bar. - V. Modi, Oeremonies 440-455. 3217. - Av. (522) gaman-; Ps. g)my;
MPrs g)m (A-H I); Paz. gqm, gam -
gahanik [g)s)nyk] the first section of the NP.
Avesta: 'relating to the Gathas': pat ""
in accordance with this section 1 005. - ganak [gn'-)k, gn)k], ganai [gn)y], gana
V. s. v. datik. [gn I _)] 1. murderer, of a human being
5414. - 2. menoi the Evil Spirit, designa-
Gai [Paz.] the name of Old Ispahan 117 8. tion of Ahriman 46 6- 7. 64 2. 7. 65 6. 66 26 .
- Gr,; authors r&:[3IX~; KZSPrth 1. 27 g)by 677.14.7526.765.1021-;
= Prs 1. 33 gdy = Gr r1); Jayy Yaqut
without menoi: gizistak "" i druvand 8012 •
2, 181; Cat. 104; Gershevitch, A. M., 9025 . - From gan- 'to slay', v. zatan; cf
N. S. II, 1951, 138 sq.; Henning, ibd. 144; BdA p. 48 11- 12 : ganakeh< i) hast zatareh. -
Eilers AOf 22, 1954, 368.
"" menoi is the MiIr. translation of Angra-
gal [g)l] coIl. the gang, the villeins mainyu-, Avra-m., v. A hriman , and ""
labouring on the estates of the kings, corresponds to angra-, avra-, which is
the satraps, the magnates, etc.; in war rendered in the Skr. vs. by hantar. Paz.
their military crew 20 7; pI. cas. obI. -anI"0oI gana; the Skr. vs. only transliterate.
i Kirm the attendants of K. KnS VI, 8 = Widely differing readings and interpre-
RnA p. 27 5. - OP *garda- attested by tations of "" have been proposed, v.
the Bab. lw. gardu in deeds and docu- Bthl, MirM I, 18-28; Bailey, BSOS VII,
ments of the Achaemenian epoch (a 1935, 755-759. The above interpretation,
gardu-patu = OP *garda-pati- is also which restores the Paz. reading and
mentioned), and by the Ara.m. lw. grd) respects the tradition, is due to Bailey
in the Fayyum pap., v. Driver, Doc., (1. c.; ZP 20-21). I now give up my |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ganak 81 gav

interpretation in HP II, though several garm [glm] , garmok [glmwk'] hot, warm
facts seem to favour it. - Herzfeld's 1420. 4120. 10122. - Av. (515) gar'CJma-,
discussion of '" (ApI 66-69) is not quite (516) gar'CJmu- 'heat; MPrs grm)g 'heat'
clear to me. (A-H I); NP garm.
gandakeh [gndkyh] stench 6213. - Cf garmeh heat 9 23 .
Av. (493) ganti-; MPrth gndgyft (S), cf
Garodman [glwtm)n ' ] Paradise 31 15 etc.
gnd)g 'fetid' (A-H III); MPrs gngyy (A-
passim. - Av. (512 sq.) garo.d'CJmana-
H I); Paz. gandai, cf gand 'stench',
'House of Praise', V. garamik.
gandaa 'fetid'; NP gand, ganda 'any-
thing putrid', gandagi 'filth'. 19art [glt'] dust 20 20 . 24 . - NP gard.
Gandarv [gndlp'] a demon 326- 2°. - Av. 2gart V. haft-gart.
(493) Gandar'CJwa-. gartan [gltn'] neck' 312°. - MPrs gr[dn]
ganisn 101 8 : read ianisn, q. v. (A-H I); NP gardan.
ganj [gnc l ] treasury 7 2. 10816 etc. - MPrs gartanak [glt)n)k] the die in backgam-
gnz (A-H II); Paz. ganz (SGV); NP gani; mon 1205.6 ; with the indef. art. """'-e [+1]
MPrth gzn (A-H III), gzng (MHC); probably: one throw of the die 12017 . 2 °.
Arm. lw. gani (f = -dz!); Aram. lw. gnz), gartisn [gltsn'] turning, rotation, revo-
gnzk (Pap., J.-Ar.); Gr. lw. 'Y&~(X' Mayr- lution 1206.16 .2°. - MPrs pres. g1'd- 'to
hofer, RekMed 13 sqq. turn, to become' (BBB), caus. grdnydn
Ganjak [gnck I] town in Azarbaijan 117 18 . trans. 'to turn' (8); NP gastan or gardidan
- Cat. 108 sqq.·; Arab Janzah, Kaniah gard-, gardis; etymologically not identical
Yaqut 2,132; cf 8ecikan. with vart- (v. vastan) by which it is
semasialogically influenced. OIr *gart-
gar [gl] mountain, pI. cas. obI. ,......-an 20 2 •
probably 'to twist, to wreathe', cf Skr
- Av. (513 sq.) ga1·i-.
iata 'plait', probably a 8anskritized
garamik [gPmyk] esteemed, beloved, Prakrit-w. < *iarta. Hence girt (q. v.).
dear, compo ,......-tar, 225. 3 12 . 4 23 . 9 16 . 164.
garzlsn [glcsn'] wailing. lamentation,
73 18 . 747. 76 6. - Paz. garami; derived
complaint 95 3 ; used as pred. = pres. 3d
frum *garam < *garamna-, middle pt. of
p. pI. 98 26 . - Paz. garzasni; NP garzis. -
Av. (512) 2gar -, cf azarm and gir-.
V. girzitan.
garamikeh esteem 72 3.
gay [gw l ] hand, of demoniac beings
garamikenitan [,......-ynytn I] to praIse 171. 48 3- 6. 6p7.20. - Borrowed from Av. {505}
4 gav -.
garamikiha in esteem, in a respectful
manner 1024 . gav [TWR); g)w l ] bull, cow, with the
Garamik-kirt [,......-krt I] n. pro the son of indef. art. ,......-e [TWR)+l 45 8]: passim;
Jamasp 29 7- 25 . - -kirt from Av. (448) ,...... i evdat (q. v.) 10418 ; oisan ,...... these
2kar- 'to praise', Skr kirati; V. 2kartan. cows, dir. obj. 42 6 ; pI. cas. obI. ,......-an
[TWR)-)n ' ] gen. 48 26 . 49 11 • 8619 . 89 3.
garan [gPn l ] heavy, hard, grave, comp, 90 5. 6; gen. part.: 6isan ,......-an 2 42~u;
,......-tar, 125. 141 etc. passim. - Derived ,......-an u gospandan . . . evake vak 802 -3;
from OIr *garu-, Av. (524) gouru- in dir. obj. 48 25 - 26 ; instead of cas. recto 49 5
compounds, Skr guru-; MPrthPrs gr)n; (gl.); - ,...... [TWR)] postiha 107 9 , ,...... [g)w l ]
Paz. garq, girq; NP giran.
postiyaniha ox-hides 1102°, V. these ws. -
Garazak [gPck l ] n. pro 11425. - Dial. form Last element of proper names: Bor-,......
of Varazak, V. varaz and Varazan. Cat. 61. Gafr-, Kartar-, Nevak-, Purr-, Ramak-, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
6 Nyberg
giiv 82 girt

Semi-, Siya(h}-, Spet-~: v. these ws. - getiih [gyt'h], gete [gytyg; gyty 109 18]
Av. (505 sqq.) 5 gav-; MPrs g'w (A-H I); the material, corporeal world, passim. -
Paz. NP gav. Borrowed from Av. gaeOa, v. gehan; Paz.
gavakeh [gwb'kyh] increase, growth 1099. geOi, geti = NP.
- From Av. (504) 19av -, v. s. v. apazutan; getahik [gyt>hyk] belonging to the mate-
Bailey, ZP 83 sq. rial world, corporeal, material 89 26 .
gaviyot [g'wydwt'] pasture 4020. - Bor- getik [gytyk] terrestrian, subst. pI. the
rowed from Av. (484) gaoyaoti-. material, terrestrian beings, cas. obI.
Gayomart [g'ywkmlt', g'ywmlt'] the '" -an [gytyls'n'] 88 1.11 • 15 . 89 17 • 93 14 •
Primordial Man 47 11 • 63 3. 5. 9010. 94 23 . 105 2; - yazdan i getikan the terres-
95 16- 21 . 10524 . - Av. (503 sq.) gayo.mar'Jtan- trian gods 34 17 (for cas. rect., mixed
properly 'mortal life'; MPrs gyhmwrd constr.). - MPrs gytyg 'world' (A-H II);
(A-H I); Paz. Gayomard; NP GaY11mar!. Paz. pI. geOyq, ge8iq, Skr. v. ihalokiya!y"
gaz [gz] snake 4011 , colI. 58 1 (purr ,......);
pI. cas. recto ,...... 409. 13 ; pI. cas. obI. ,.......-an gil [TYN'] clay 95 16 . - = NP.
403. - From BP gazitan, NP gazidan gil- pres. 3d p. sg. gilet wrongly written
'to bite, to sting'; MPrth pt. gst (A-H (J:!DWN-yt' for gylyt', which also could
III, Ghilain 99). Cf the next w. be read giret (from gri/tan): to weep, to
gaz-dum [gcdwm] scorpion 76 9. - Also complain 10215. - < *girdet < *grd-, SW
spelt gzdwm, gzdm. '''Vhose tail is sting- form of girz-, v. girzUan, garzitan and
ing': v. the preceding w. and dumb. gristan; another instance of wrong
But NP kaj -dum, kaz-dum, gaz-dum <J:!DWN- v. *gir-. - From *grd- also
'having a crooked tail', cf the next w. gilak [gylk'] distress 76 1. - Paz. gila, Skr.
gaz-dumb [g'cdwmb'] a musical instru- v. aparadha; NP gilah 'complaint, re-
ment, the horn 2010. - Mentioned to- proach', cf MPrs gylg'y (complaining' (S,
gether with tumbak and nad as the mu- cf s. v. casm-kai).
sical instrument of a marching army; *gir- [<J:!DWN-] pres. 1st p. sg. giram
'having a curved tail, or end' from the [(J:!DWN-m], to praise 353. - Written
natural shape of an animal's horn: gaz with the ideogr. of gri/tan giro, which
= NP kaj, kaz 'crooked, curved'; kaj, kac gives no sense in this context; another
'squint-eyed' . vb. must be meant (cf *gil-, which is
gehan [gyh'n'] pI. and colI., the world of wrongly written with the same ideogr.):
creatures, men and animals, esp. the gir- < *girr- < *girn-, Av. (512) 2gar_,
world of man: astomandan ,...... 39 13 ; han i pres. g'Jr'Jn-. Cf. azarm, apazirisnik,
manisnomand (q. v.) gospandomand ~ garamik.
57 14 - 15 ; herds of grazing animals 49 13 ; - girt [glt ' ] round 9419 ; ,...... kartak 38 24 ,
the material world in general: 21. 4 18 etc. ,...... kart 39 14 *fully developed (?); [spah
passim. - < *gaiOanam, gen. pI. of Av. pat vas marak ~ kart he brought to-
(476 sqq.) gae8a-; OP gai8a- 'live-stock'; gether an army of a large number KnS
Aram. lw. (Targ, Talm) gyty 'herds'; IV, 12 = KnA p. 22 9- 10]. -MPrs gyrd 'all
MPrth gyh « gaiOa) 'world', pI. gyh'n around' (S), subst. 'round' (A-H I); Paz.
'worlds'; Paz. gehq; NP gehan, gihan, NP gird; NP gird kartan 'to collect, to
jihan. Cf getah. assemble, to bring together" ; Gurani
Gepakan [gypk'n'] patron. 11425 . 26 . - < gi(rd}, gist 'all, everyone' (KPF III, II,
Vepakan, v. Cat. 61. 248 sq.). From gart-, v. gartisn. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
girtak 83 Gor-Artaxser-xuarrah

girtak: ~ peramon all around 9219. the sequence menisn, ~, kunisn (Av.
girzitan [gylcytn'] to complain, to lament manah, vacah, syaoOna) 67 11 . 1102. 1209- 10 ,
6110. - girz- < *grz-, Av. (516) gar9z-,
in pI. 64 27 ; ~ bU1"tan to say, to allege 46 3 ;
~ barisneh kartan 38 13 , v. barisneh; ""
pres. g9r9z-; NW form; SW form gil-,
gristan, subst. gilak (v. these ws.); v. andarg burtan to altercate 5310. - Paz.
also garzitan. gavesn.

giya [gby'] grass 12813 . - MPrs gy'w gobisneh det. v. n. = the preceding W.:
mar ~ 437.10.12 (v. mar); passaxu f'"Ooo.J
(A-HI); NP giyah. The spelling with
response 58 10 .20 ; 7015.19.21.26.
-b- also in FrP 6 (gb'h); etymology?
giyak [gyw>k] place, with the indef. art. Gocihr [gwcyhl] n. pro a star demon
~-e [+ 1 or -'y] 713 •21 • 8 14 etc. passim;
(adversary of the sun and the moon)
pI. cas. obI. ~-an 86 17 ; as a philosophical 10215 . - Av. (480 sq.) gao-ciOra- 'contain-
term 31 2. 1098 ; hac an ~ paitak from ing the seed of the cattle', an epithet of
another passage it is evident (that) 45 24 - 25 , the moon, later a demonized and'person-
pat ~ butan to be at the place 6 26 - 26 . 7 1 ; ified aspect of the moon. Cf BdA pp.
- apar ~ 321 • 102 , pat ~ 94 7- 8 on the 50 C 5211. 225 3- 5 with various corruptions
spot, immediately; ~ without prep. id. of the form which also appear in 102 15 ,
V. I, 200 ad l.
144; - ~-e in a place 97 24 ; "" ~ from
place to place 93 26 - 27 , everywhere 97 20 ; god (goi) [gwd] ball 1611.12.15. - NP goy;
ham ~ on this very spot 12 26 ; hamak ~ cf Bailey, TPhS 1955, 73, n. 4.
all over 57 21 ; visen (q. v.) "" in all places
gohr [gwhl] 1. gem, jewel 1218. 118 9 ; adj.
97 18 ; e ~ to one place 98 12 ; katam ~
pat-~ set with gems 6 8 • - 2. substance
whither? where? 75 • 85 • - Inscr. and Ps. 4P4-24. 422.10.25.27. 43 3. 18 . 78 7. 12 . 79 1. 2.
gyw'k; MPrs gy'g; Pa7:. jai, ga; NP ja;
92 8- 16 . 93 12 . 1098 ; adj. pat-~ of noble
< *vivaka-, whence viyak (q. v.). birth 69 8 • - MPrs. gwhr 'substance' (A-
+Gizak [Paz.] n. pro 47 4. - BdA p. 2309 H II); Paz. NP gohar. Cf Bailey, BSOS
gwzk = Guzak, but BdJ 79 1 Ganzak VI, 1930, 82; ZP 83. - V. also ham-gohr.
I Gohram [gwhlm] n. pro 113 23 . - Cat. 39.42.
gizistak [gcystk', gcstk'] cursed, epithet
of Ahriman 8012 . 83 25 . 90 25 ; of Frasiyak gonak [gwnk'] species, kind 89 10 . - MPrth
113 18 . 1163 ; of Alexander 107 5. 113 13 . Prs gwng; Paz. NP guna; from Av. (482)
1145. 117 9. - Paz. gizasta, gazista, gazasta, Igaona-.
gijasta, gajista (Mx), gazistaa (SGV). Its Go-pet [gwpytl] n. pro 86 25 . - < *gau-
antonym is MPrth hwjstg 'blessed', Ghi- pati- 'Lord of the cattle'. V. Unvala,
lain 99, NP xujastah. BSOS V, 1929, 505 sq.; Bailey, BSOS
gobak [gwb'k] spokesman 57 9 • - V. VI, 1932, 951-953, VII, 764-768; Schae-
guftan. der, ZDMG 96, 1942,131-138; Gershe-
vitch, A. M., N. S. II, 1951, 137 sqq.
Gobar [gwb>l] one of the districts of
Ispahan 8 19 . ,- Yaqiit 2,138 Jubar, v. also gor [gwl] the wild ass, with the indef.
EP S. V. I§fahan. Antia reads Dubal, art. ~-e [+1], 318- 27 . IP-3; V. also Vah-
which he identifies with the town called ram. - = NP.
Duvan. Gor-Artaxser-xuarrah [gwl 'lthsdl GDH]
gobisn [gwbsn'] saying, speech, word, town in Pars built by Artaxser i Papakan
(the Divine) Word, command passim; 11615 . - Cat. 94, where references to other
pI. cas. obI. '" -an 64 27 ; voice 45 21 ; sources are given; I mention: KnS IV, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Gor-Artaxser-xuarrah 84 gri-kaft

17 = KnA p. 23 5; Yaqut 2,146 sq. s. v. ni-gra- 'to launch down'; cf also NP

J ur; the town was later renamed Firuz- girayistan 'to move a tho up and down
abad. while \veighing it.' - I do not accept the
gospand [gwspnd; KYN)] cattle in gen- reading and explanation proposed by
Bailey, ZP 91 n. 1.
eral, but esp. small cattle, sheep and
goats, as distinguished from horses and griftan ['I;IDWN-tn'], pres. gir-
cows, colI. 3810. 39 16 etc., pI. cas. recto ['I:tDWN -], pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg.
9417 . 2°. 10416 ; pI. cas. obI. ,,-,-an 17 grift ['I;IDWN-t'; glpt' 3 25 ], to take, to
[KYN)-)n ' ]. 45 6. 80 2. 86 19 • 89 3. 905. 6. seize, to catch, to take possession of 5 27 .
94 8 • 97 24 . 98 1. 1028 ; - apazar-gospand v. 6 13 . 75.10-13.2°. 8 2. 11 • 16 . 910. 1010. 1615 .
apazar. - Av. (506) gaosp'dnta-; Paz. 2221. 2417. 301. 32 8 . 11 • 2°. 40 8 • 74 25 ; - apar
gospand, NP gospand, gosfand. ,......- 1615, frac 98 23 id.; frac ,......- to embrace

43 ; - hesm to get angry 3 25 . 154 ;
gospand-cihrak [----cyhlk'] containing the
seed of cattle 8710. - V. cihr, cihrak; cf martoman pat kunisn girend they (the
ap-cihralc, go-cihr. heavenly gods) call men to account for
what they do 65 2 , cf next w. - Av. OP
gospandomand [gwspnd)wmnd] posses- (526 sq.) grab-; MPrth gryftn gyrw-, Ghi-
sing abundant cattle 57 14 . lain 89; MPrs gryptn gyr-, Verbum 205;
gos [gws] ear, with the indef. art. ,,-,-e Paz. griftan (pt. girift, girft) gir-; NP
[gws+ 1], 2417. 301. 3P7. 67 1. 95 25 ; ___ giriftan gir-. - As to 35 3, v. *gir-; as to
dastan hac to take care of 148 ; ,......- apar 10215 , v. gil-. - The ideogr. 'J:IDWN coin-
dastan to care about 46 3- 4. - = Paz. NP; cides graphically with the ideogr. '~YD­
Av. (486) gaosa-, OP gausa-. WN -; all passages containing 'l;ID\VN -
are enumerated above. - V. also pati-
gost [BSL(Y»; gwst l ] meat 444. 48 6. griftan.
10416021 . - = NP.
griftiir [glpt)l] a p. who "catches", i. e.
Gos-urvan [gws)wlwn'] the god "Bull's incurs, liability: 1. ku pat dat i devan ,.....;
soul" 34 26 . 351. - Av. (508, 1540) g'Jus
ne bave lest thou shouldst be subject to
the law of the demons 69 16- 17 ; [ruvan
Gotarzen [gwtlcyn'] patron. of Gotarz pat menoyan pat kunisn arzanikeh ,.....;
(Lat. Gotarzes) 115 23 . - Cat. 54-55. The kunend in the heavenly world they (the
patron. suff. -en, as against common -an, gods) call the soul to account according
is exceptional; or -in? to the value of her deeds Mx ch. 38 2 • 6
(,.....; kunend = girend 65 2 , v. griftan)]. -
go(v)-vicir [gwwc>l] explicit, lucid 80 2'1-25.
2. condemned to (sahre-karan, v. s. v. lear)
- gov- from guftan, vicar from vicartan
9 2 ; prisoner: ,......- kartan to imprison, to
(q. v.): 'word-explaining'. Paz. gaoguzar,
capture 616 ; [more general, to catch hold
goguzar, govaZa1· etc., Skr. v. vibhakta
of: api-s ,.....; kunet u apac 0 rah i yazdan
(Mx), suvyakta (SGV). .
avaret Mx ch. 1523 ]. - Cf NP giriftar; v.
griitan [gl )tn I] to slide, glide down: apar also a-grifta1·.
"-' apar 0 to descend, to sink down from
griftiiromand [,.....;-)wmnd] involving liab-
(a higher place) to (a lower place) 36 17- 21 .
ility or responsiblity (opp. a-griftar) 65 1 •
37 1 • 3 • 411 9 ; ne atax8 andar urvar apar
grat the fire did not reach, and catch gri-kaft [glykpt'] *neck-enclosure, *the
hold of, the plants (the fuel) 4819 , with head-protector of a horse in full armour,
the gl. leu be ne ayet. - MPrth pres. gr'y- 't"o 1tpof1.s:'t"w1tt8wv 2215. -gri- < griv 'neck'
(MHC; List 82); Av. (512) 4 gar -, pres. (q. v.) + kaft *enclosure, v. s. v. araSn- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
gri-kaft . 85 gukiii

kaft. Pagliaro's reading dar-andarzpat is MPrs gwftn gwy-; Paz. guftan, pres. 3d
unacceptable. Cf gurteh. p. goeg" goi<!, gtJend, goind; NP guftan
guy; the typical SW vb. for saymg, as
gristan [glystn'; B~YWN-stn']. griy-
against NW vac-, v. vacisneh.
(B~YWN -], pt. = pret. 3d p. grist
[glyst', B~YWN-st'], to weep, to cry, guftar [gwpt'l]: frac "'"' possessing the
to lament 1I17. 7418 .26 (Paz. substitutes facult~ of speech 38 24 • 39 12 .14 •
here vqgtneg" cf vang); be "'"' to burst out
*guhrayenitan [gwh'Pynytn ' ] to awake,
crying 1Il3. 3417 . 18 . 5 Fa.14. - gristan <
to rouse a p. from sleep 3217. - Caus. of
*griy-istan formed from the pres. griy-
guhray- < gufray-, cf gwpPdt' = gufrayet
< *grady-; * grad- SW form of garz-, v. rendering A v. (511) frayrayrayeiti 'rouses
girzitan and gil-. Ps. pt. glydyt = gliyit,
(him) from sleep' Vd. 18 23 and Nir. Waag
pres. glydty = griyet; MPrs pres. gryy-;
p. 46 (= Sanj. fol. 27 b ), gwpl'dsnyh
NP giristan giry-. Verbum 204 sq.
(this is the correct reading) = gufrayisneh
griv [~WLH] neck 27 1. 3. 65 14 - 17 . - Av. rendering f1·ayraraye (in£. of the same vb.),
(530) griva-; NP giri; giri-ban 'collar', Nir. ibd; frac gufrayisneh rendering Av.
girivah 'a low hill'. Cf gri-leaft and s. v. I (977) fra-Y1·ati- 'the awakening'. gu-fray-
gurteh. may be explained from vi +
from Av. (51I) 19ar - : fra-yrayray- >
grob [glwh] troop, company, with. the
frayraray (dissimilation of y) > frayray
indef. art. "'"'-e ["'"'+ 1] 8 4. - = Paz.; NP
(first haplology) > fraray- > fray- (se-
cond haplology); vifray- > gufray- >
guftan [gwptnl] gob- [YMLLWN-,YMR- guhr·ay-; the spelling gwh'r- is analogous
RWN-; 3d p. sg. gwbyt 1283, gwbyt ' to spellings such as gwh'l = gohr, swh'l
99 23 . 1021, gwpyt' 23 15 = gobet] , opt. = suxr, perhaps denoting a glide vowel:
2nd p. sg. gobes [YMRRWN-ys] 60 12 , pt. guhar-, gohar, suxar. - V. also vi-gras-.
I .
always gwpt = guft: to say, to tell, to
gukaheh [gwk'syh] witness, evidence 73 14 •
utter, to pronounce, to recite, passim;
75 16 . 17 , v. next w.
with 0 'to', apar, rad (53 11 ) 'concerning,
of' (patis 66 14 ); followed by direct speech gukai [gwk'y] witness, testifier: "'"' butan
introduced by ku, passim; with a apar to bear witness to 45 7 • - Also
predicative: Hesm havand i Ah1'iman gwk's = gukah attested. OIr *vikaya-
g·uft estet H. is said to be equal to *'observer' and *'observation' < vi +
A. 68 18 ; 77 19- 2°. 7913-14.16. 87 5- 6. 27 sq. *kaya- from Skr cayati 'to observe, to
1068- 9 ; with acc. c. in£. 11I 14 - 15 ; - become aware of'; Arm. lvy. (Prth) vkay;
authoritative religious sayings are in- MPrth wyg'h, abstr. wyg'hyft; MPrs
troduced by the formulas-'cigon den gobet gwg'y, abstr. gwg'yy; Ps. abstr. gwk'dyhy
ku (36-54, passim), with hat instead of = gukayeh(e); Paz. guvah, guvai, NP
ku (38 7- 8. 43 25 - 26 . 4414-15. 503- 5), pat han guvah guvahi or guva'i (Paz. NP <
i den gobet leu (43 4 - 5 ), cigon et i den gobet *guyai); Av. (1436) vikaya- FrO VIII, a
ku (53 23 - 24 etc.), seldom andar den guft spotlessly authentic Av. w., as shown
estet ku 80 11 ; regularly gUft estet is used by vi and by the shortening of -aya- to
of traditional, extracanonical sayings: -ay(y)a- regular in Av. The alternation
621-2. 66 14 . 6810. 69 23 . 7012 . 10610- 11 ; - -ai : -ah (spelt -'s in BP) as usual in
with bOliSn, passaxu and other subst., v. MiIr, cf s. v. casm-kai, whose last element
these; - apac "'"' to repeat 5 21 - 22 ; - apar "'"' is etymologically identical with -kai in
to utter loudly 45 21 ; - frac "'"' to pro- gukai. Earlier discussions: Schaeder, UJ
nounce 58 1- 2 ; v. also pes. - OP gaub-; XV, 1936, 567 sq.; Benveniste, JA 228, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
gukii 86 gurteh

1936, 225 sq. (because of Av. vikaya-, apalc 9 21 , andar 42 3, (5 42 26 , andar (5 93 17 .

Sogd we'w 'witness' cannot be compared). 10419 - 2°. 1166 ; hakanen to intermingle,

Henning, Weller Vol. p.297, combines 1

to become blended 43 ; andar e giyak
A v. vikaya- with Sogd. wc'w, deriving gumextend they will crowd together in one
the Av. form from *vika1fya- with assi- place 96 15 . 98 12- 13 ; apac '" with a pred. to
milation of -1fY- to -yy- and then short- mix so as to become again 10416- 17 , apac (5
tening of -a- > -a-. However, -1fY- is not ... apac - "-' 1"d . 10417- 18 . - < * "k

assimilated in Av.: zaoya-, haoya-, hva1)- vi-maic- ; MPrth wmyxtn; MPrs gwmyxtn,
haoya-, kaoya-, gaoya-, aoaoya-, mainyao- pres. intrans. gwmyxs-, v. n. gwmyzysn
ya- (v. men(5i), kqsaoya-, snauya-. (S), gwmyg 'mixture' (A-H II) confirming
gukin- [gwk'n-] pres. to destroy 90 26 -k as the final cons. of the root; Paz.
(Paz. substitutes vanom, v. vanitan). - gumextan gumezjzj -, gumezjzjasn. - V.
Av. (438) vi- 2 kan- = OP; MPrth w(y)g'- amecisn, amek.
nysn, Ghilain 71; MPrs pres gwg'n-, v. n. gund [gnd] troop 815 . 19 . - MPrth gwnd,
gwg'nysn, Verbum 189. V. s. v. kandan. Arm.lw. gund, Arab.lw. fund; cf Bailey,
gukiyitan [gwk'dtn'] to bear witness, pt. TPhS 1955, 73 sq.
= pret. pass. 3d p. sg. +gukayit [+gwk'dt ' ] gung [gwng, gng] dumb 119. 122. 6520. -
5013 . - Cf Arm. lw. vkay-em. = NP.
gul [gwl] flower 216. - Av. (1369) var'Joa-;
gurbak [gwlbk'] cat 101. - NP gurbah.
Arm.lw. vard 'rose' as Aram. (Syr. etc.) lw.
wrd', Arab ward; IVIPrth w'r 'flower' gurg [gwlg] wolf 49 27 . 505- 13 . 96 15 - 18 . 1028.
(A-H III), NP gul 'rose,; flower'. - Av. (1418 sq.) v9hrka-; NP gurg.
Gulaxsin [gwlhs'n'] patron. of *Gulaxs < Gurgan [gwlg'n'] the province Gurgan
Valaxs (q. v.) 117 14 • 11414. - Av. (1419) v9hrkan(5[.sayana-], OP
guman [gwm'nl] doubt: kartan pat
Vrkana-; Gr ·YpX.CXVLCX, ·YpX.<XVLOL; KZSPrth
to doubt 107 ; 4 butan pat to be doubtful
wrlcn, PI'S gwlk'n.
of 108 2. - = NP; MPrs. gwm'n, v. Sogd. gurisnak [gwlysnk'] hungry 920. - Paz.
42; Paz. gumq. - V. a-guman, ape-guman. abstr. gursnai, gursnai (Mx); NP gur(i)s-
gumineh scepticism, unbelief 1083 • nah, guraju/snah.
gumirtak [gwm'ltk'] pt. of next w., colI. gursakeh [gwlskyh, gwls15yh] hunger 1422.
the staff of Royal commissioners 15. - 89 5. 9414. - Paz. gursaa 'hungry' (SGV);
Another interpretation by Pagliaro, RSO NP gurs 'hunger'.
XXIII, 1948, 67.
gurteh [gwltyh] a part of the warrior's
gumartan [gwm'ltn'] to entrust a p. with armour, *neck-protector' 8515. SkI' ren-
(pat), to commit a tho to a p.'s charge
ders the series zen u zreh u by sarva-
705. 87 14 .19 • 115 5. 1178. - MPrs gwm'rdn
sannaha- = 1tCXV01tALCX. - gurt- < *kur-t-
gwm'r-, Verbum 193; NP gumastan gu-
from the root kur- discussed by Bailey,
Nyberg Vol. 9-16: Av. (474) kuirit- «
gumecisn [gwmycsn l] the act of mixing, kurit) , nom. kuiris, Vd. 149, following
or the state of being mixed (andar with) immediately after zrao(5 (v. z1'eh) in the
78 7. 14 . 89 9. enumeration of a Zoroastrian warrior's
gumextan [gwmyhtn'] gumee- [gwmyc-], armour, is rendered in PhI. by griv-pan
shortened inf. gum ext 10417 ; pt. = pret. 'neck-protector' with the gl. han i hae
pass. 3d p. sg. gum ext (gumext hat 42 3 - 4 ), tarak apae 0 zre bast estet 'that which is
pres. pass. 3d p. sg. gumextet (104 18 • 2°), attached to the helmet at the back of
pI. gum extend 9615 . 9813: to mix with: the armour'. - Cf gri-kaft. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
gusn 87 h-

gu~n [gwsnl] male.. jn gusnasp. - OIr gu~nak [gwsnk'] hungry 25 5. - Trans-

*vrsna-, cf Skr vr~an-, whence *vusn > formation of gurisnak (q. v.) in analogy
gusn; Av. (1381) varsni-. with tisnak (q. v.).
gu~nasp [gwsnsp I] in atur ,....." the second
gurt-viir [gwltw)l] worthy of a hero,
heroic 2727. 28 1. - MPrthPrs gwrd (S, of the sacred fires of Eran-shahr, v. s. v.
A-H III); NP gurd. atur, - GuSn-asp n. pro 'having male
horses, stallions'; Arm V snasp < V usn-
gusasp [gwSSpl] v. Eran-gusasp and cf asp. Often gusasp in BP texts = NP,
gusnasp. with loss of the the n, cf Eran-gusasp.
h- [I.IWH-; 3d p. sg. )YT ' , neg. LCYT ' , expressed (nominal sentence as in the
inscr. and Ps. )YTY, LCYTY 2nd p. pI. Semitic languages): man Sahpuhr hom
encl. -et in amahraspand-et 58 7; forms v. 15 14 ; to ke he? 73 2 ; to rad ke Dugdav he
I, 175] to be, only in the pres. ind., subju. 47 21 ; en retak ke hast? who is this
and opt., other forms from butan (q. v ): boy? 16 17 ; Artaxser ... ne pat giyak hast
1. as an independent vb. in the 3d p.: 627 sq.; ke zan-e hac oi hucihrtar nest 'qua
exist(s), e. g. hast han ke ahlayeh the pulchrior non est mulier', who is the
One who is Righteousness exists 57 3; hec most beautiful of all women 25 9- 10 ; oisan
ke but hend u hec ke bavend u hec ke hend amah hem ke . . . we are of those who
all who have been, and all who will be, 57 23 - 24 ; smah ke xion het 61 11 ; sagr hend
and all who exist (now) 64 17 - 18 , cf subst. 86 22 . - 3. in the 3d p., together with a
hast and nesteh; im roc 7 mahakan hast subst. virtually in dat., or with apron.
ta'i . . . to-day it is seven months since in cas. obI., it expresses 'to possess'
1011- 12 ; ke hast ke ...? who is there xanak i-t hast the house that belongs to
who ... ? 25 7. 27 ; andar Eran-sahr asvar-e thee 53 25 - 26 ; fradandan i-s hast the chil-
nest ke ... in Eran-shahr there is no dren he has 142; with rad as in NP:
horseman who ... 15 15 ; hast i-s ... u papak rad pus-e hast 3 2. - 4. Together
hast i-s . . . u hast i . . . there is some with verbal or other nouns it forms
(of it) that ... and there is some (of it) ... periphrastic verbal expressions, e. g. han-
and there is some (of it) that ... = part desitar vicitar hom 12 5 ; freftar hah
of it . . . part of it . . . etc. 9317-18.26; 34 19 ; matar hom 46 7; kartar hom 101 27 ;
hast ke-s ves, hast ke-s kam some have brihenak hend 77 22 ; ke (cas. obI.) vitirisn
more, others less 96 6; astomandan mar- nest which is incorruptible 66 9; to han-ic
taman (gen. part.) hast i . . . of earthly akah he this thou know est 396; hayyar
men there are some who 105 16 ; hast <i> hend they help 1066; -s hayyareh hendthey
sahan sah, hast <i> kesarsome belong to help him 10011- 12 ; pat hamestareh i spihr
the King of Kings, others to the Emperor hend they offer resistance to the, Sphere
115 19 - 20 ; ne hast k11 there is no place where, 87 21 ; ke (cas. obI.) lI1.ihr u M'ah pat pust
nowhere 611 3; hast (i) ka there is a time hah whichM. andM. protect3F-8, etc. - 5.
when, sometimes, at times 77 25 - 26 . 8122. auxiliary vb. forming compOl,md tenses:
12018- 19 ; - with prev.: susr i Gayomart cis but hom, but hend I was, they were, etc.,
andar hast there is some part of the v. Grammar; notice: HWH-nd, regularly
sperm of G. in it 94 22 - 23 ; ku-s iitaxs hend, must stand for the subju. hand
andar nest where there is no fire 37 21 . - 142 (fut.). 335 (cond.). - 6. Wrong use of
2. copula, with a noun, a pron., or a the ideogr. I.IWH-: a) I.IWH-wm for the
prep. + subst. as its complement, pas- encl. pron. 1st p. sg., added to the pret.
sim; the 3d p. sg. 'is' is very often not pass. in order to emphasize the agent- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
b- 88 baeis

pron. already mentioned before the vb.: 4. partitive: hac jra~andan i han mart
man kart I;IWH-wm = man kart-om by kase anyone of the children of that man
me it was done 3 24 (twice); api-m ... 25 ; hac smah xionan ke hast ke ... ? 25 7
hame tacit I;IWH-w'm = tacit-om 311 9 , etc.; jratom hac axU i astomand 53 17 ;
v. s. v. tacitan; - b) ayend I.IWH-yg = xuastom hac xuarisnan the most delicious
ayend-e 6 11 , v. s. v. 4e; - c) I;IWH-m =adj. of dishes 7413 ; etc. - 5. in comparison
and adv. ham (q. v.); I;IWHw-yt ' = proD. 'than': hac aparik kanicakan azarmiktar
e.t (v. e, et). -The Prth forms v. I, 175;one 4 22 ; Zarristan ke ... zan-e hac oi hucihr-
such form in the BP text: )dyh = ayeh tar nest 25 9 - 10 ; hac to veh 411; ku-s silk
27 18 , MPrth )yy. - OP Av. (266 sqq.) mas but hac aparik gav 49 2 - 3 ; more
1ah-. emphatically yuvattar (q. v.) hac han i
bae [MN; hc 619] prep., with -c: MN -c = huhomikan hom tar 40 27 • - 6. causative:
hac-ic; not with an encl. pron. (as to hac han dusxuar sahist by this he was
very much shocked 4 2- 3 ; hac han i devan
hacis, hacisan v. s. v. hacis); the original
sense 'accompanying, with' (Skr saca) is
sarenisn 37 24 - 25 ; causal conj. : hac han cigon
still transparent in hamist (q. v.)
f""o..J • • •
because 45 11 ; hac han i with a nominal
'together with', but the meaning 'from, clause 48 1 • - 7. forming adverbs:. hac pas,
or prevails since the OIr period. 1. Local: hac pes, hac be, hac apar (hacapar) ,
han yam . .. hac dast i Artaxser 0 damik hacadar; prepositions: pas hac, pes hac
(= patis hac 368 ), yuvat hac, be hac; frame
opast 9 26 ; api-s hecak hac cah ul hixt 158 ;
hakar hac asp be nisinam 272; hac star prepositions: hac . . . rad owing to 1525 - 26 ;
padak tai mah padak 93 7 ; hac dar oi8an hac . . . beron 2023 ; hac . . . yuvatak 76 6 • -
bagan namac burt from the gate-way (i.e., Av. (1746 sqq.) haca; OP haca; MPrth
)c, )z; MPrs )c, )z; Paz. ez (ezi-ca); NP az.
halting at the entrance, from this place)
I rendered adoration to His Majesty. haeadar [hcdl] prep. under, below, under-
PI: 4; - figurative, with a great many neath, beneath 25 20 • 28 18 • 33 1 • 52 6 • 864 •
vbs. and idioms, the sense of 'from, of' 903 ; 0 33 21 ; - adv. 92 16 • 17 ; -s ,. . "., u

being more or less transparent. akahe- hacapar below and above it 92 18 - 19 • -

nitan, asnutan, pursitan, xUastan, dast hac + adar (q. v.); Paz. azer, azer; NP zero
sustan hac etc., v. the individual ws.; - haeapar [hcpl; inscr. MN MDM] prep.
origin: ke cihr (Prth s~hr) hac yazatan above 25 21 • 7111. 86 3 • 89 13 ; - adv. P 2: 3.
(Prth y)ztn) whose origin is from the 92 16 • 17 • 102 13 • 10414 ; from above 97 27 ; c- S
gods, of divine origin HajB: 2.4 (HajA: ••• f""o..J92 19 , V. hacadar. - hac + apar
2.4). SPrs: 5-6 (yazdan) (SPrth: 5). PI: (q. v.); MPrthPrs )cez) )br; Paz. az(a)var,
2.4 (yazdan) ; *A pasai . .. 1: hac Harlin SPrs : eZvar; NP zabar.
9; hac tohmak i Darai bv.,t 18 , etc. - 2. tem-
haeH~ [hcs] , Ps. aeis [)csy] adv. of hac
poral: hac im roc from today onwards,
1. used instead of hac to refer back to
henceforth 9 7 ; hac im roc tai 3 roc within
an encl. pron. in the beginning of the
three days 5 16 ; hac rahikehY [lsykyhy]
sentence: -s ma saxUan purset do not
ever since my youth 128 2 • 6 ; etc. - 3. after
ask him any questions 74 6 - 7 • 76 5 - 6 ; han
a v. n. it expresses the subj. of the act: gil ke-s Gayomart ,...."., the clay of which G.
patirak zanisn i hac ganak menoi on the was (made) 95 16 ; hamak cis ke-s martoman
point of being slain by the Evil Spirit ramisn ... all things in which men

46 5 - 6 ; zanisn i devan hac han i oi xuarrah take pleasure 100 20- 21 ; api-s purr acis and
the demons being slain by his divine full of it 12815 - 16 ; - referring directly to
splendour 46 12 ; jrejtakeh i hac devan de- a preceding reI. pron.: cis-e ke ziyan ne f""o..J

ception by~the demons 46 1 ; 45 13 - 14 ; etc. - sayist butan something from which no harm |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bacis 89 bakarc

could come 411-12; (Hutos) ke ... 30 ~ baftom [hptWill; 7-wm] the seventh;
zat estet H. of whom 30 children were Brit i ~ S. the seventh (of seven brothers)
born 24 23 ; xrafstr i pat dosax u ~ xUartan 45 22 . V. Zsprm IV,13.
dahend noxious animals of which they Hagar [hkl] the name of an Arabian
give them to eat in Hell 76 9- 10 ; 4 amecisn people in the Syrian desert, OT Hagrim,
ke martom ~ the four "complexions" of Gr Aya.p1JvoL: 117 7, v. Nyberg, Karlgren
which man consists 12010- 11 ; i ~ of Vol 320 sq.
which (are the following facts), "inte1·
bakanen [hknyn l] adv. together 4227.43 1 •
alia" 1l012-13. - 2. replaces hac + the
45 9 ; at one time 106 17 ; equally 79 25 . -
3d p. pron.: Artaxser ~ zat A. was born
Paz. ayanin (SGV), aynin (FrP 25);
of her 222; 148. 164. 19 2. 48 9. 14 • 49 6. 68 5.
MPrs )gnyn, »gynyn (A-H I).
74 2. 10819 . 1096 • 11215 ; ~ ... ~ part of
it . . . part of it 11022 - 23 ; with a generic bakar [I.IT] , with encI. pron. I.IT-m =
reference: 10027 (of women). 95 1 (from hakar-am etc., if: 1. conditional conj.;
the plants). 1028- 9 (referring to the pI. apodosis introduced by adak, sometimes
gospandan); v. also hacis-kas, hacis-mas; by pas (24 6) or u pas (27 3), or without
- rarely, through full association with particle; it may take a nominal clause:
the encI. pron., hac-isan 5418 (hcs)n l ). ~ tai sap zivandak Zarer, adak . . . if Z.

lOP (MN-s)n l, text uncertain). -- In BP remains alive until evening, then ... 25 11 ;
hacis coincides graphically with api-s; 28 7- 8 ; ~ ... enya except if, unless
all hacis found in this book are listed 11814 - 15 ; - unfulfilled condition: past pt.
above. A certain confusion occurs: api-s + he, or ha(h), or hat, pI. hand (v. h-):
written MN-s (instances v. s. v. avenisn); ~ citak citY (I:IWH =) he, adak . . . bilt

in Paz. often azas for api-s and au-as for (I.IWH =) he if a cairn (v. s. v. citak) had
hacis. been erected, it would have been .. .
HajB : 9-10; ~-am ... ne ozat hah, as ... be
hacis-kas [hcsks] the inferior, pI. cas. obI.
apasihenit hah . if I had not killed him he
~-an 70 25 . - 'Smaller than oneself'.
would have destroyed 3121-321;
hacis-mas [hcsms] the superior 68 5- 6 (in 21 22 22 24
32 - ; 33 - ; ~ Kai-Xosroi uzdescar
two words); pI. cas. obI. ~-an 70 24 . -
· . . ne kand hat . . . adak patiyarak
'Greater than oneself'.
eton stahmaktar bilt hat kil . . . if K.
hicisn [h)csn l] the act of converting, had not destroyed the heathen temple
conversion 57 15 . - V. haxtan. · . . the evil powers would have been
Haecat.asp [Paz.] n. pro 46 26 . - Av. (1728). so much more violent that . . . 71 13 - 18 ;
~-am oisan ... ne ozat (J.IWH-nd =)
baft [hpt I; SB); figures] seven; pI. cas. hand Ahriman . . . bilt hah if they
obI. ~-an the seven planets 57; the seven had not been killed by me A. would
heroes bringing about the fraskart 10616 . have become . . . 33 4- 6 • - 2. without
baft-dabom [hptdhwm] the seventeenth. apodosis, expressing a wish: if only
· .. ! would that ... ! ~-am zinhar (q. v.)
haft-gart [7 -gltl] v. -kart.
dahet would that you give ... ! 1522 - 23 ; -
haft-kihar [hptkyswl] the world as a ma ~ = NP magar perhaps 6 15 . 13 7. -
geographical totality, consisting of seven 3. in a dependent deliberative question:
continents (Gr X)..L(J.a.'t"a.) 46 22 - 23 . 47 8- 9. 1°. ~ . . . aivap whether . . . or 26 8- 9. - <
515. - Av. (459) hapta karsvqn. OP ha-karam 'once'; MPrs )gr; Paz. NP
Haftoiring [hptwylng] the constellation agar; not in Prth, v. ak.
Ursa maior 5 11 . 8717.25.26. - Av. (1767) bakarc [hklc] 73 2. 22 . 75 6 • 77 23 , bakurc
Hapto-iringa- . [hkwlc] 321. 10216 . 10511 ever, always |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hakare 90 ham-bii

with negation: never. - < OP *ha-krt-eit, XXXIII, 1970, 149, both going back
Av. (1742 sq.) hak9r9~ 'once'; MPrth 'grye; directly to OP Hangmatana-; 2. KZSPrs
MPrs hgrye (Sogd. 2911 .30); Paz. hargizi-ea, 1. 33 'hmt'n = A hmatan , Prth 1. 27
NP hargiz < hagriz- with metathesis. 'hmtn = id., Gr. V. AfLe:8IXv; Arm Ahma-
tan, Syr '/}mdn (and other forms), B.-Ar
halak [hlk'] irresponsible, foolish, idiot: '/}mt' (Ezra VI! 2), all going back to the
""mart a fool 70 7 • - Paz. hala, Skr v. Elamite form ag-ma-da-na, whence Bab
vikala 'silly' (Mx), halaa, Skr. v. grahila a-ga-ma-ta-nu, Gr 'A'Y~cX"t'lXvlX, later 'Ex~cX­
'mad' (SGV); FrP 31 explained by ape- "t'IXVIX.
goban 'dumb'. Av. (1789 sq.) har9~is­
'madness' Vd. 2 29 is rendered in PhI by hamahakeh [hm 'hkyh1: better hamaxakeh,
halak with the explanation ku dastavar q. V.
ne daret 'he has no rule of conduct'. Of hamai [hm'Y] 3IB. 9520: V. hamak.
Bailey, BSOAS XXIV, 1961, 475.
ham-iiivenak [hm'dwynk'] in the same
ham [hm; I,IWH-m 209 • 25 25 . 28 2] 1. the manner 54 5 •9 (thus to be read, not hamgo-
same, e. g. passaxu han "" guft he gave nak!). - V. aivenak and cf hamoden.
the same answer (as before) 546 • 1°; (an-
dar) "" zaman at the same time, at this hamak [hmk] whole PI: 8. - KZSPrth
very moment 1220. 1620; "" eim rad for hmk = Prs hm7cy = Ps; MPrth hmg
(A-H III); NP hamah. Av. (17'13) 2harna-.
this very reason 67 1 8015 (hameim); (the
one) just mentioned 111 6 • 17 ; often only hamiik [hm'k], hamai [hm'y 3IB. 9520]
emphasizing a following demo pron.: "" oi all, whole P3. 1114 etc. passim; tai *hamai
rad for this (child) just mentioned 44 6 ; raft until he had gone over the whole
"" pat et daram I do think 25 25 .28 2- 3 ; 0 han (creation) 9520; probably also 31 8 - 9 : pat
"" padatak 119 12 ; ,...." eand han (= NP gehan *hamai raft hom I roamed the
candan) very much 121 8 ; - " " • • • "", world all over. - < OIr *hamaka- form-
",,-ic . . . ",,-ie, "" . . . u,...." . . . u "" both ed from OP ham-. Av. (1772) Mm, hqm,
. .. and 4221-22. 69 27 ; - in numerous on the pattern of apak (q. v.); MPrs
compounds, V. separately. - 2. joint, all hm'g, h'm'g; Paz. hama.
together, whole: mok i "" zarren shoes
all golden 29 4 - 5 ; pat ,...." spah in a body Hamiik [hm'k] n. pro the daughter of
Vistaspa 26 1. - Av. (1834) humliya-, V.
20 9 - 1°; to "" yatilk you are a thorough
wizard 2222; all those together (who) also Humai.
106 21 ; ",,-ic all 1 08 11 ; 0 ,...." together, pas- *hamiixakeh [hm'hkyh] comradeship,
sim; - secondarily used as a prev.: ""- companionship 57 18 • 61 14 . 23 • - Abstr. of
butan, ,....,,-bavisneh, ,....,,-xuarisneh, ""-pur- *hamaxak (no Paz. reading known to me)
sitan, ,...." nipistan, to be distinguished which renders Av. (1744) haxay- 'friend,
from the old prevo ham-, which always companion', FrO XXIV. I derive *hama-
appears as han- before a consonant. - Av. xak from *hama-haxa-ka-. MPrth h'm'-
OP (1773) hama-. - My emendation xwnd 'unanimous' (S, List 83, Sogd. 54)
+'YK-t 26 25 is not justified; probably the may go back to *hama-haxa-vant- (and
reading of the MSS is correct: 'YK-m = thus be separated from MPrs h'mwx in
ku-am for ku ham. the same sense, v. BBB and List 83).
Hamadan [hmd'n'] 1156 • - The NP form; ham-biii [hmb'y] one with whom one
the. Milr forms are: 1. h'nmt'n = Hlin- shares property; partner 704 • - Paz.
matan, BdA p. 92 12 , or hnpt'n = Han- hambae (for hambai), Skr V. sama-bhagin.
batan, inscr. of Mishkin, V. BSOAS Bthl., ZsR I, where the juridical notion |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ham-biii 91 hamev

is analysed (pp. 6.26 sqq.), regarded this 'he will always be', thus: the quality of
as the original form and derived it having eternal, future existence (Arab
from ham + bav- (butan), comparing )abadiya) 63 6 •
MPrs hmb)w 'rival' (S, also MirMan III.
hame-buteh [hm)y bwtyh] abstr. of the
14). It may, however, represent, and be
sentence hame but 'he has always been',
read, hmb)g = ham-bag as well, from Av.
thus: the quality of having existed from
(952) baga- 'loft, share'; Aram. lw. (pap.
eternity (Arab )azaliya) 63 6 ; cf also
Cowley and Kraeling) hnbg in the phrase
hngyt w hnbg = hangeO wehanbag 'own-
ing cattle and real property jointly with hameh [hmyh] 1. concord 6416 . - 2. unity
another', Eilers, AfO XVII, 333a (MPrth 1122.
h)mgyh < *hama-gaiOa-, MHC); MPrth
hamemiil [hmym)l] adversary 8425 . - =
)mb)g 'comrade, rival'.
Paz., SkI'. v. prativadin. < ham *emal +
ham-bar [hmb)l] always 712°. - V. s. v. < *abi-marda- (as to abi- > e- cf eraxtan,
ham-var. estatan) , *marda- being the SWform of
*-marza-, v. malitan and marzihistan.
ham-bavisneh [hm YI;IW\VN-snyh] con-
ception, with special regard to Zartuxst: harnen [h>myn ' ] summer 86 13 . 88 6. 9412 .
pas hac i Zartuxst andar burtar mat
f""ooo.I 97 12- 14 . - MPrs h)myn; Paz. NP hamin,
20 21
43 - , the v. n. of the expression used derived from Av. (1773) 1ham-.
43 17 : han mart 6 ham but ke Zartuxst that
hamestakan [hmystk)n ' ] the intermediate
man who was Z. 'came together', i. e., at
place between Heaven and Hell 79 25 . -
the coition of his'parents all the different
Paz. hamestagq, Skr v. madhyabhuvana,
earthly and heavenly elements which
from Av. (1190) ham-myas- pass. 'to be
constituted his personality were brought
mixed in equal proportions'.
together in his mother's womb from
different parts in different ways. hamestar [hmyst)l] adversary, foe 7214. -
Av. (1774) hamaestar-.
hambun-ic [hmbwnc] at all, altogether,
in negative or virtually negative senten- hamestareh hostility, antagonism, oppo-
ces, 720. 9 8. 97 16 . - ham bun (q. v.) + sition 55 12 . 7210. 7422 . 87 21 .
-c 2.
hamestirihii adv.: spurr f""ooo.I in full enmity
ham-butan to be together with, to follow: 109 22 .
6i kanarak i . . . apar hambut [hmbwt I]
hom I kept on together (with him) all hamesak [hmysk']
1. adj. perpetual
the way up to the boundary of . . . 51 27 . 59 19 • 2 °. -
2. adv.
always, continually
526-7.11-12. 39 . 40 . 1051
25 16 °. -
MPrs hmysg (S),
NP hamisah. Properly ham-mesak: MPrs
hamcim v. s. v. ham. mysg 'always' (A-H II); Arm.lw. mist.
ham-cigon [hmcygwn] as soon as 1317 • hamev (inscr.) [hmyw], hame [hmy,
bam-diitistan [hmd)tsVn ' ; ham-DYN)] hm)y] always P 2 : 6. 26 25 . 63 27 . 106 22 - 23 ;
being of the same decision, or judgment ka always when 45 9 ;
f""ooo.I alone in this

sense 128 ; patvastak pat sap ka
= agreeing, consenting (pat with) 63 • f""ooo.I

15 . 6418 . 65 27 . 10216 . - V. datistiin.

22 regularly every night when 51 - 2 ; tai ka, f""ooo.I

v. tai; - often the original sense has

hame [hm)y] v. hamev.
faded, and serves as a prev. denoting

hame-baveteh [hm)y YI;IWWN-ytyh] an perduration or iteration, as (ha)mi in

artificial abstr. of the sentence hame bavet NP. - ham +
ev < *aiva-, Gr atd, &d < |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hamev 92 hiimoden

cx.1.f€L, cx.1.wv < cx.1.fwv, Lat. aevum 'long hlima- (v. ham), cf harvist, - 2. A secon-
time'; MPrthPrs hmyw. - Cf s. v. hamak. dary enlargement of MPrs hmys = hamis
'together with' (A-H II) or 'c . . . hmys
ham-gohr [hmgwhl] of the same sub-
(S), < OP *hami()a- (hami()iya- 'rebellious,
stance 88 3 • - MPrs hmgwh'1" (A-H II).
rebel'), NW *hamiOra-, *-riya-, whence
ham-gon [+hmgwn '] = ham-gonak seems MPrth (BBB) hmyr < *hamihr 'in all,
to be meant 10517 , corresponding to eton all told'. Pagliaro, RSO XIX, 1941,
ke (for ka or ku) 1. 16; MSS hmk', hmt'. 283 sq., Jackson Vol., 1954, 102-110;
ham-gonak [hmgwnk'] of the same kind. Nyberg, Unvala Vol., 1964, 102 sq.
1. adj. consistent, coherent, homogeneous: hamistihii [KI;IDH-yh'] adv.: ,....., kart
druyist u rast u ,....., hast 7pO-11 (but Paz. brought together 11219 •
without the last u, and Skr. v. ityevam).
ham-kiir [hmk'l] fellow-worker, partner
- 2. adv. in the same manner, in the
70 7 •
same way; accordingly; thus; ,....., cigon-am
hacapar nipist in the way I have written ham-karpeh [hmklpyh] the quality, or
above 102 12- 13 • - 545 • 9 read ham-iiivenak, state, of being of the same form, or
q. v. MPrs hmgwng; Paz. hamguna, Skr. shape, as another: pat,....., i amahraspan-
v. ityevam; NP hamgunah. A v. (482) dan as being of the same shape as the
I gaona- 'hair'. Amahraspands 38 26 , with the gl. ku eton
but cigon amahraspand-e. - V. karp.
ham-gobisneh [hmgwbsnyh] conversation
10618 • ham-kartareh [hmkrVlyh] co-operation
*ham-hiil [hmh'l] companion, fellow 7023 ; 57 18 •
pI. cas. obI. ,.....,-an 68 7 • - No Paz. reading ham-Ires [hmkys] of the same religion,
known to me; Paz. substitutes for it co-religionist 193 • 6 • 18 •
ham-ayar (ayar 'friend'), Skr. v. sarve
ham-kirpak [hmkrpk'] having the same
sahayinafi,. I derive it from *hama-harda-,
(religious) virtues as another 6418 •
SVV form of *hama-harza-, v. the next w.;
NP hamal 'companion, friend' (8n.). An- ham-kunisneh [hmkwnsnyh] the act of
other reading and etymology by Bthl, co-operating 10619 •
MirM I, 5.28 sqq., whom I followed In
ham-mod [hm mwd] having hair of the
same colour 12025 (read MNW hm mwd).
ham-harz [h'mhlc ' , hmhlc ' ] yeoman of - V. mod.
the guard, aide-de-camp, pI. cas. obI.
hamoden [h)mwdyn ' ] of every kind, all,
"" -an 186 • 8 • - Arm. lw. hamaharz, MPrth
whole, subst., and adj. placed before its
h'mhyrz (A-H III); Benveniste, J A 228, subst., but after apron.: hac oisan ,....., 3 16 ;
1936, 197-198.
passim; adv. in short, brief 1111. - *hama-
h~mist [KI;IDH] 1. adj. all, total: Paz. (v. hamist) +abden > auden > aden, NW
xamast 8GV IV, 76. 89. XVI, 8.96, Skr. v. form corresponding to SW aivenak (q. v.) ;
-prabhrti, -adi in composition with the thus a synonym of ham-aivenak (q. v.).
preceding w. ' ... and so forth', denoting Paz. hamoin. The scribes write and read
an undefined totality; v. the adv. - 2. to- admodin = hdmwdyn = hemoden; I have
gether, combined with hac to form a throughout corrected this form to h'mw-
frame preposition: han yam hac pist ,....., = hamo-, but perhaps hemo- is an authen-
this cup together with its dish 9 26 ; Dur- tic form, cf MPrth hynz'wr 'powerful'
asrav hac BratrOres ,....., D. together with (A-H III and, with correct explanation,
B. 52 18 • - 1. Sup. of Av. (1773, 1803) BBB) = henzavar < *ham-zavar. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
himon 93 hin

himon [h>mwn'] level ground, a plain: ham XU art 61 18 ; as to the construction

pat han dast i 19 22 , cf NP dast ~t
1".1 v. s. v. pat.
hamun. - < *hama-van-.
han [ZK], with emphasizing particle
him os [h>mws] silent; 1".1 biitan to become han-ic [ZK-c; on ZK-p, ZK-py 511 3. 15
silent, to cease speaking 34 23 . - NP v. s. v.-p], demo pron., sg. and pI., refer-
xamos. ring to what is distant from the speaker,
ham-pursakeh [hmpwrskyh] deliberation, or already mentioned; independent, or
consultation, conference,. dialogue, esp. adj. placed before its headw. (exception:
of the meetings of Zartuxst and his a- viyak han HajB: 9); the adj. han may
pocalyptic sons with Ohurmazd and the be replaced by han i, properly 'that
revelations received by them on these which is': han i *sih that *splendour
occasions: 47 14 . 51 4. 5424 . 57 17 . 96 8- 10 . 725 - 26 ; han i Vidrafs i yatuk 25 13 ; han i
98 9. 99 10 . 12 ; in another context 1".1 kartan yamak 57 16 ; esp. if -c is added to it:
10619 . - SGV IV, 6 hampursai. Skr, v. han-ic i dar-band 244; han-ic i Hutos
anyonya-prasnata. 2422; - determinative: han i ... , han
. .. i ... , han ke, han ce (36 4 ), har han
ham-pursakik adj.: magune 1".1 xrat the ke, han kas ke, han katarcihe ke, han and
wisdom (understanding) of the Magi won
cand; - ham cand han, v. ham; - some-
through consultation (of the gods) 11215.
times referring back to the reI. pron.:
ham-pursitan [hmpwrsytn'] to consult, i hac han nevakoktar butan ne sayist quo
to deliberate, to plan: han murv (pI. cas. pulchrius esse non poterat, the Illost
rect.) hampursit hend ku ... 404- 5. - V. beautiful imaginable 7 18- 19 ; - empha-
pursitan. sizing the interrog. ke : ke han he? who
bam-tik [hmt>k] an equal 68 5. -Skr v. art thou, say! 56 19 , cf Syr mannu <
samana. V. tak. man-hu, Arab man ga, ma ga. - han i
regularly introduces the definite reI. attr.
ham-tohmak [hmtwhmk'] of the same (v. s. v. i; less often en i, et i, oi i): han
family, related, akin 9 9. 70 26 . i xues xuatai 5 18 ; han i pit framan 37 27 sq.;
bam-tozik [hmtwcyk] having debts in han i anagr rosneh 36 18 ; han i devan
common with another, jointly responsible sarenisn 37 24 - 25 (NB: in this case not -isneh,
for a debt (debts) 70 7. - Paz. ham()oji; but without han i it would be devan
from toxtan. sarenisneh!); - replaces a subst. already
mentioned: hir i menoi . . . han i getah
ham-var [hmwl] side by side with: api- the property of the heavenly world . . .
san *sih-e (v. 2sih) hame raft and a
that of the material world 79 8 ; ruvan

*splendour ran constantly at their side

han i ke? whose soul? answer: han i Kri-
724 . - ham + var, cf yavar.
sasp 31 2- 4 ; - elliptic expressions: han i
bam-vir [hmw>l] always, continually 17. man my religious duty 53 9 (referring to
135. 12117. - Paz. ham(a)var, hamiar. A what is already mentioned in 1. 5, cf s. v.
synonym of hambar (q. v.) with which it en), the full expression 1. 7-9: ne han i
is generally regarded to be identical (OP man apayet yastan et (this man here) frac
*hama-bara- > hamvar and then remod- yazet; andar han i man in my house
elled after the simple bar); but perhaps 37 17- 18 ; similarly 36 18- 20 . 37 1; - han i
better connected with Skr vara- 'turn, governs a nominal clause: hac han i
time', cf Av. (1362sq.) 3var- 'to turn'. Zartux$t andar han xuarrah because Z. was
ham-xuarisneh [hmhwlsnyh] the act of (in =) endowed with such a glory 48 1. -
drinking together: api-s mad pat 0 1".1 han occurs in a great many compound |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bin 94 bandesitan

adverbs and conjunctions: hac han bandarzenitan [,-....;-ynytn l ] to gIVe direc-

trac, hac han pas, pas hac han, pat tions, warnings, to instruct: api-m xupiha
han (cf s. v. pattan) , andar han; hac han ... handarzenit he 76 15- 16 •
cigon, hac han i ka, pas hac han i ka, bandarz-pat [hndlcpt ' ] chancellor, chief
tai han i ka, etc. - han i cigon en thus judge, head of the treasury of a province
43 8. - Exclusively PI's: MPrs h'n, pI. or a corporation, administrator of pro-
h'nys'n; Paz. q; NP an; possibly con- perty: Sakistan ,-....; PI: 6; dar-,-....; i vas-
tracted of *hau-an(y)a-, Av. (1730 sq.)
puhrakan the court administrator of the
hau (but OP hauv), cf s. v. an, ane. (royal) properties 11 18- 19 , v. 2vaspuhrakan
NB: - Through confusion with the ideogr.
and Perikhanian, REA V, 1968, 20-21
"I.IRN = an which coincides graphically
(cf s. v. vaspuhr); [y'ztpt MLKTH-n
with h'n' = han, ZK is often misused hndrzpty KZSPrth 1. 27 = y'ztpt ZY
as an ideogr. for an, and, with the com-
b'ny( !)kn hndlcpt PI'S 1. 33 = Gr. v.
plement -'y: ZK-'y, for ane, v. s. v. an,
I 'Y)O'~L~IX~ ~IXO'LALO'O'WV IXV~IXP~IX~L~ (enumer-
ane, where the instances are enumerated.
ated among the lower ranks of court
- ZK is also used for han in han-tai.
officials)]. - Arm lw. handeriapet 'the
banbarak [hnb'lk ' ] storehouse, larder Master of the Royal household', already
973-6.9.10. - MPrth 'mb'rg; Arm. lw. in the Bible (e.g. 1 Kings 16:9 = Gr
(h)ambar, Talm. 'mbr', NP anba..r; v. obwv6floC;), then often 'director, manager'
Telegdi 229. in different functions; when speaking of
Persian officials the authors use the form
banbarisn [hnb'lsn ' ] the act of flowing anderiapet: Sakstan a. pCaust. Buz. 4,45,
together, confluence: ,-....; i ap andar zrai mogaf) a. 'the chancellor of the Magi' ibd.
i Putik 86 9- 10 . - Paz. anbarasn; < ham 4,47, or in the idiomatic Persian form
+ Av. (851) 4par- 'to pass over, or Movan a. Elise (5th c.), Hist. 01 the
through', caus. * parayeiti 'to let through'. Vardans (Venedig 1838), 138. 142 (thus
The SkI'. v. sa'f'(l>hati is based on NP an- the MSS; the ed. han-).
bastan, anbardan 'to fill', from Av. (850)
2par -.
bandaxtan [hnd'htn ' ] handac- 1. apac ,-....;
to bring together again, to reunite, with
banbasinenitan [hnbs 'nynytn I] to accuse, apak 'with': apak apastak apac handaxt
to charge with: pat yatukeh ,-....; 37 14 • - reunited (them) with the Avesta 10911 •
Den. of hanbasan, Paz. anbasq- 'con- 111 19- 20 . - 2. to measure, to calculate
tradictory', abstr. ~ani (SGV); MPrs (the horoscope) 76. - 3. impel's.: api-m
'mbs'n 'calumniator' (Sogd. 52.53); Arm. ... cigon ul 0 han hom ne handacet and
lw. ambastan 'accuser'. as I [standing on the ground] do not
reach up to that haoma [placed at the
bandacak [hnd'ck ' ] measure; ,-....; nimutan top of the tree] 40 26 . - Ps. 'nd'htny, 'nd'c-
to measure 1106. - From handaxtan (q. 'to judge'; MPrs pres. 'nd'c-, Verbum 186;
v.); NP andazah; Talm. lw. hndz' 'calcu- Paz. NP andaxtan andaz-. - V. handa-
lation'; Syr. lw. handaza 'that which is cisn, handacak.
bandaxtareb [hnd'ht'lyh]: apac,-....; i 0 the
bandacisn the act of measuring; andar act of bringing back to 11216 .
... ,-....; i 0 collating with 1123. bandesisn [hndyssn'] apprehension, anx-
bandarz [hndlc'] counsel, advice 4 19 . 62 iety 96.
(heading). - Ps. hndlcy 'command, law'; bandesitan [hndysytn ' ] to think, to re-
MPrs 'ndrz (S); NP andarz. flect, to ponder 918 . 11 8. 139. - MPrs |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bandesitan 95 bangirtikeb

'ndysydn (S); MPrth 'ndys'dn (A-H III); unto (God) 1222-23. 17 2. - 2. to calculate,
NP andesidan. to determine 917. - 3. to consider, to
bear in mind 4 13 . 7 25 . - Paz. angardan;
bandesitiir one who thinks, reflects, pon-
ders 125 (ku). 13 7 (apar), v. s. v. h-, no. 4. MPrs hng'r-, subst. 'ng'r (S) 'to regard as,
to consider as' ;NP angastan (also BP),
bandob [hndwh] anxiety, anguish 1116. - angaridan 'to think, to consider' . A v.
NP and6h; v. Sogd 1720. 20. (447) han-karayeiti, from ham + caus. of
bandohakan [hndwhkn I] anxious 4 9. - 2kar-; cf s. v. 2kartan and hangirtikeh.
Also hand6haken, J.-Prs 'ndwhgyn Isa hangateh [hngtyh] welfare, prosperity,
1: 2. Arm. lw. andohakan 'disquieting, fortune 69 3. - Paz. angidi, Skr v. rddhitva;
dreadful'. MPrth 'ngd 'happy, rich', hW'ngd 'rich
bandoxtan [hndwhtn ' ] to collect, to ac- in fortune'; 'ngdg 'perfect;· prosperous'
quire, to gain 73 9. 12 . - MPrs pres. pass. (BBB); Av. hangata- 'entire, complete'
3d p. pI. 'ndwcyhyynd (Sogd 16 5. 17); Paz. Vd.29.13.17 (Henning), against AirWb
NP and6xtan, NP also and6zidan; < ham 3807).
+ t6xtan (q. v.). hangaxtiir [hng'ht'l] instigator: anakeh
*handriitak [hndlwtk '] *discouraged: dil ~, of Ahriman 67 15 . - For hangextar
~ kart it made his heart *discourlitged with the change .of preconsonantic -eh-,
7 ; Cady. -iha : 6isan vas ~-iha 6 Artaxser
3 -ex- to -ah-, -ax- often observed in MiPrs,
gult very discouraged they said to A. KnS cf s. v. mahmaneh. From hangextan hangez-
VII,3]. - Reading uncertain; no Paz. 'to exite, to provoke, to rouse' (vat
known to me. Henning, followed by M. hangezet [hngycyt ' ] 'provokes flatulence'
Schwartz (JRAS 1966, 121), reads hangru- GF II, 31); NP angextan, angezidan; Paz.
tak, connecting it with MPrs grwdg 'lamen- husaziheq wrong transliteration of han-
tation', grwdgyn 'lamenting' (List 83, with gezihet 'is produced,. excited' (SGV VII,
another reading of our passage 73). How- 18. XVI, 32). Hence
ever, the idea of 'lamentation' is scarcely hangezenitan [hngycynytn l ] : ul ~ to
to the point in the quoted passages (it raise from the dead, imp. sg. 98 27 ; pres.
would be important to know more about 3d p. sg. -enet 97. 10015.17-18. 101 4 • 23 . -
the use and purport of grwdg). Until NP angezanidan. As to the reading v.
further elucidation I maintain myoId Crit. App. ad 10015 •
reading *handrutak, now connecting it
with drutan drav-, commonly 'to mow, hangirtenitan [hgltynytn ' ] to bring to-
to reap', but originally 'to cut', thus gether so as to form one whole; hangir-
han-drutak 'cut up, afflicted'. Bailey, tenit comprehensive 1047. - Den. of
BSOAS XXIV, 1961, 478, discusses a hangirt, v. the next w.
root drav-, dru- 'to treat violently', which hangirtikeh [hngltykyh]: in all probabili-
is perhaps identical. ty the same predicative form of hangirtik
hangiim [hng'm] time, epoch, season 226. (adj.) as Prth. akasi (q. v.) of akas: ~
142°.613. - MPrs 'ng'm (S); Paz. hangqm; but (cancel the following <i» ... andar
NP hangam. - Cf avam. 2 pit were combined, united in the parents
43 3-4, cf s. v. butan no. 4. - hangirtik, Paz.
hangiirak [hng'lk ' ] computation 88 7. - angirdi 'compendious', Skr v. parimita
Paz. angara; NP angarah 'a revenue (SGV), from hangirt, Paz. angird 'sum-
book'. From mary', also enlarged to angirdi « -eh) -
hangiirtan [hng'ltn ' ] 1. to perform: all going back to OIr *han-krti-, Av.
spas, spasdareh ~ andar to offer thanks (1770) han-kar'Jti-, rendered in PhI by |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hangirtikeh 96 Harin

hangirtikeh, the abstr. n. of hangirtik; banjamanenitan [.-..,,-ynytn l ] to speak in

from ham + 1kartan (q. v.). The Paz. the assembly, Lat contionari, 619.
forms show that hangirt-, not *hangart-, hanjamanik who speaks in the assemblies,
is the correct reading.
orator, eloquent, epithet of Nerosang 6010 ,
*hangomand [*hng>wmnd] *resolute, *de- renders Av. (1477) vyaxana-.
cided 4822.498.22. 5014 . - Both reading and
hannam [hn>m] limb, member, pI. cas.
meaning unknown to me. Tentatively I obI. .-..J-an 89 7 • - SW form, with -nn- <
connect it with NP hang which, inter alia, -nd-, of NW handam: MPrth hnd>m,
means 'will, purpose'. Another possibility MPrs hn>m (A-H I); Paz. NP NW form
would be to connect it with MPrs hnng ,
'*aversion', List 80. 83.
han-tii [ZK CD] until, on to: .-..J 0 miyan
hangositak [hngwsytk ' ] resemblance; re- van to the middle of the tree 41 5 ; .-..J han
presentation; reflection (of light) 1117. 21 . i veh Daiti 56 4 ; pes hac .-..J ka-man . . .
1124; a symbol 12021 . 22 ; - in comparisons, joyat before he devours us 98 6- 7 (as to
together with homanak: put .-..J homanak man, v. s. v. man). - OIr *anu-tavat 'to-
(food) resembling putrid matters 7612- 13 ; wards as far (as)', cf Skr tavat 'so long,
damik andar miyan i asman .-..J eton so far' (yavat 'as'), v. tai; hence MiIr
homanak cigon ... the resemblance of *(h)an-tav, SW han-tai, later * (h)andai,
the earth in the centre of the heaven is Paz. anda. Prth han < anu, KZSPrth
like . . . = the position of the earth . . . 1. 2 hn prhs cL = han fraxs 0, Gr ~(t)~
resembles 86 5 • - From ham + gos, cf ~[.L7tpo0'8€v, also han 0 ibd. and 1. 19 =
NP gosah 'angle, corner, edge': 'having Prs 1. 24 CD = tai, Gr ~(t)~. Not found in
the same angle or edge', 'bordering on'. MPrthPrs - Av. (127) anu, OP anuv.
MPrs >ngwsydg; Paz. angosidaa (SGV),
Skr. v. dr~tanta 'pattern, model', upa- har [KR>; hI 27 19 ] every, each, all; to-
mana 'comparison', nidarsana, pratirupa gether with the indef. art. each: .-..J gam-e
'example'. A good illustration of its ·use at each step 32 17 ; 87 25 . 949 ; .-..J evak each
and purport SGV V, 15-16. one 1045- 6 • 11318 ; .-..J 2 both, passim; .-..J
kas, .-..J kase everyone, .-..J cis everything;
hanj- [hnc-] v. hixtan. ,...... ke, ,...... ce, v. these ws.; pat .-..J 40 sal
hanjim- [hnc>m-] pres. st. of hanja/tan each fortieth year 86 22 ; in neg. sentence:
'to complete, to accomplish, to carry out, any 619 . 10010 ; whatever 8212. - = Paz.
to carry to an end', in composition: ka- NP; MPrthPrs hrw = harv; Av. (1790)
mak-.-..J forcing his will upon (apar) an- ha1Lrva-, OP haruva. V. also harven, har-
other 5 . - MPrs hnz>ftn hnz>m-, caus. visp, harvist, harvisten.
of hnzftn 'to come to an end', Verbum Harai [hPd] , Harak [hPk] Herat 37 27 •
190 sq.; MPrth hnjftn hnj>m- 'to bring 1145. - Av. (1787) haroiva-, OP haraiva-;
to an end', Ghilain 72 sq.; Paz. anzamesn KZSPrth 1. 2 hryw. The authentic form
'termination, end', Skr. v. pariry,ama (Mx), is Harai; Harak has received an inorganic
anjami id., Skr. v. paripaka (SGV); from -k which seems to be. merely ortho-
Av. (501) ham +gam-. OP ham +gam- graphic.
'to assemble', v. the next w.
Haran [hPn] 11,. pro of a town SPrs: 9. -
hanjaman [hncmn ] meeting, assembly, According to Christensen (apud Ghirsh-
congregation 4214. 66 18 . 70 22 . 91 6 • 10323 . man) in the neighbourhood of Isfahan (I
-Av. (1770) hanjamana-; MPrth hnjmn; only find Aran or Aran, Ibn Rosteh 1541 ,
MPrs hnznm (A-H I); NP anjuman; Ps. of which A wam, Ibn Khordadbeh 20 12 ,
'ncwmnyh'y 'congregations'. seems to be a corruption). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Harburz 97 bas

Harburz [hlbwlc ' ] the mountain chain the info hare/tan as a secondary for-
surrounding this world 86 11 . 87 13 . 89. mation based on it.
93 passim. - Av. (1788) Hara b'Jr9Zaiti, Harvadat [hrwdt'] one of the Amahras-
NP Alburz. pands 3910. 6910. the name of the 3d
month o( the year 97 15 . - Av. (1791)
Har&ar [Paz.] n. PI'. 47 1.
haurvatat- ; MPrth hrwd'd Sogd. 19; Paz.
*hareftan [h'lyptn '] *hare/-; [h'lyp-] 1. Averdaq; NP Xurdad.
to mix, referring to the coition 43 15 : after barven [hlwyn ' ] attributive form. of har
evak apar, apak dit, apar estat hend 0 en < harv; ~ kas everyone 6410; V. also
kar 43 14- 15 (v. 2 apak 2) the narrator harvisten. - In Bal. (NW language) an
continues api-san MDM hare/t: as the adj. precedes its noun and generally
construction is pass. we expect here a takes the ending -en (-Q), Longworth
subj.; this is probably hidden in MDM Dames, TBL 13 (Gilbertson did not hear
which is, in that case, the wrong ideogr. for the final nasal, BL 35, obs. 2). Of nevaken
a w. 'pI = 'pr or 'cl = 'cr, or the like, and V. S. V. menoi.
signifying 'the genital fluid' : the fluids from barvisp [hlwsp'; KR'wspy 12812] all,
their genital organs were mixed together, every 37 18 . 417 etc. passim. - < har +
with the gl. ku-san pat +akos (q. v.) /rac visp (q. v.).
grift 'that is: they clasped tightly'. - 2.
harvisp-anakeh [hlwsp'n'kyh] "all-ma-
to infect: api-s oi dit Zartuxst pas andarg
lignancy", the basic character of Ahri-
haxt ka hareft estat purr gaz (etc.) and
man 641.
Z. saw her from behind, between her
thighs, (and saw) that they were in- harvist [hlwst ' ] all 79 22 ; whole 5211. 7720.
fected, full of snakes (etc.) 57 26_58 1. - - Sup. of har < harv; cf hl1mist.
3. to attach, to assign a tho to (0) a p,: harvisten [hlwstyn ' ] the attributive form
whenever Pourusasp desires to have a of harvist 46 7 • 8 (v. matar). 88 5 • 7 • - V. S. V.
divine service' performed yazisn 0 yas- harven.
taran harefat he shall assign the service
1 has [KZY] early, in the beginning: ~
to (true) ministrants 53 14- 15 , with the
hac aparik xuarisn before the other food
gl. ku 0 yazat ke apayet yastan 'that is:
9 22 ; [~-am i pat bun nipist ku ... pre-
that one shall perform the divine service
viously, in the fundamental chapter, I
to whom it pertains to perform such
wrote ... BdA p. 411 5 (Henning, JRAS
service', cf S. V. bahr. - From Av.
1942, 241, n. 1 not acceptable)]. - NW
(1483) hqm.rae()wayeiti 'to mIX, to W., also hase, adj. hasenak (MPrth hsyng);
mingle, to infect', from which the signi- SW ahe, adj. ahenak (MPrs ' hyng): Ny-
fication 'to attach' was easily derived (cf berg, Henning Vol. 343-348.
the simplex vb. in the expression k'Jhrp'Jm
2has [KZY] wine: xUastom hac xUarisnan,
rae()wayeiti 'assumes a visible shape' Yt.
~ menoyan yazdan: ~ han i maioyozarm
8 13 ); a den. of rae()wa- 'mixture, muddle'.
rovan the most delicious of dishes (or,
*ham-ra- > hqra-, cf (1529) rqr'Jma- < beverages), to wit: the wine of the
*ramrama- (the Av. spelling hqm- is a heavenly gods - "wine": that is the mid-
compromise between hq- and ham-) ; spring ghee 74 13- 14 (rovan = rogn, q. v.).
*hqr- in Mill' > har-. The Mill' vb. be- - KZ8Prs 1. 25 hs = Prth 1. 20 I;IMR;
longs to the NW linguistic area: rae()w- ibd. Prth 1. 24 mdydr = made-dar, PI'S
> ref - is a normal NW development. As 1. 30 [hs]d'ly = has-darY (the restoration
the vb. is a den., the pres. st. hare/-must almost certain) 'butler'; hence it follows
be regarded as the primordial form, and that mad was the NW W., has the SW
7 Nyberg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bas 98 bixtan

w. for 'wine'. V. further s. v. mad. - More probably they are small involuntary
The ideogr. is borrowed from the homo- breaks caused by the cutting. - L. 3: on
nym 1has. - Neriosengh had no inkling the reading v. s. v. Tttran.
either of 1has or 2has; in 741;i-14 he omitted II. L. 1: the first figure is absolutely clear
the first KZY and rendered the second 20; it never means 10, the form of which
by hae, translating it in Skr sighram is well known and quite different, v. MP
'quickly'. - V. Nyberg, Henning Vol. I, 173. Then there is a slight break,
p.345. through which remnants of a second
hasr [h'sl] one moment, one minute 663. figure 20 are faintly visible; then it
- Borrowed from Av. (1802 sq.) ha()ra- follows, quite clearly, again the figure 20.
which signifies both the measure of a The number is beyond doubt 68. -
distance (of varying length) and the L. 7-8: I think I can warrant the correct
shortest unit of time. reading (7) ... KBYR (8) '-rB, after my
close examination of the inscription in
bast ['YT'] 1. pres. 3d p. sg. of h-, q. v. -
1971, v. s. v. nev. The letter (+I is slightly
2. as subst. pI. hastan those who exist
57 8 ; 55 18 v. bavetan. - 3. abstr. subst. damaged, but the characteristic top is
existence, mode of existence 312. 42 18 ;
frac hac"" raft he disappeared 5011 . hat- minsr [h 'tm 'nsl] the name of the
basteh ['YT'-yh] 1. abstr. of hast 2: pat second section of the Avesta 9614 • - Av.
"" hame buteh hame baveteh in the quality (1758) ha(, cf datikeh and
of existing, of always having existed and gahanik.
destined always to exist 63 6, v. bavetan. - hat-minsrik belonging to hat-mansr 96 14 .
2. the quality of having existence, reality havand [h'wnd] equal (to) 58 25 . 68 18 . -
84 18 . Av. (174 sq.) avant- 'so great, so much,
bastik ['YT'-yk] possessing real existence as great as ... '; Paz. havand; KZ8Prth
56 27 . 57 1. 1. 3.16.17 'wnt, Prsequivalent (only 1. 21 =
hast [hst'; figures] eight. Prth 1. 16) uncertain ewndy?), Gr. v. "t'tX
"t'oO'aiha; MPrth "wyndg 'equal' (MHO);
bast-dahom [hstdhwm] eighteenth.
MPrs h'wnd, h'wynd 'similar' (A-H II).
hastom [hstwm; 8-wm] eighth. Of s. v. and.
hat [J.IWH-t'] 1. pres. subju. 3d p. sg. of
bavandeh equivalence; expiation 45 25 .
h-: andar gav pem gum ext "" so that it
may be mixed with the milk of the bavist [h'wst'] disciple, priestly nOVICe
cows 42 3- 4 ; modal: would seem to be 1116. - Av. (1806) havista-; FrP 13 ex-
38 9 • - 2. 'it shall be' used as an adv. in plained by magu (mag) 'member of the
order to introduce a quotation from a class of Magi'. Bailey, JRAS 1953, 97.
sacred text = to wit, namely: cigon den haxt [hht'] thigh 57 26 . - Av. (1745) haxt-.
gobet roJ 388.4326.4415.505; 11P. - 3.perf.
pass. cigon nun kust hat 98 1- 2. A parallel haxtan [h'htn'] to pull: api-m ... carm be
form of hat; Paz. hat, Skr v. syat (SG¥).- haxt and I stripped off his skin 3211-12. -
V. Grammar 7.7. Av. (784 sq.) ()ang-. The pres. ahani-
(q. v.) and hani- (v. hixtan) belong to
Notes on the Persepolis inscriptions pp.
this root.
126-127, dealt with by Richard N. Frye,
AO XXX, 1966, pp. 83-93. hixtan [h'htn'] hac- [h'c-], to cause to
1. L. 1: it is doubtful whether the bulges adhere to, to follow; to convert a p. to:
visible to the left of the two perpendicular i ka-s V ista8p be a den haxt because he had
strokes denoting 121 are due to the cutter. converted V. to the Religion 95 13- 14 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hiixtan 99 h~sm

Eke ... (CLH-s)n ' vvrongly for hwys)n ' =) anything 1613 ; - "'" ke, with the pred. in
xuesan 0 xUetodat +hangezet u hacet he pI., and in a positive sense, 'all who'
who stimulates (v. s. v. hangaxtat) and 6417- 18 . - Paz, hec(i), he-ca, NP hec; cf
converts his own relations to the xUetodat MPrth Cywyz < *eve-c ~anyone' in neg.
(q. v.) PR 19 11- 12]; v. also hacisn. - sentences. Bailey, TPhS 1959, 71, n. 2.
Caus. of Av. (1739 sqq.) hak- 'to attach heeak [hyck'] bucket 1425 , 151.3.10. -
oneself to, to join'. MPrs hyig, List 83; NP hiz 'a douche can'
hayyar [hdyb)l] helper 25 3. 84 25 ; pI. cas. (for the bath).
recto "'" 1066, hdyb)l F:7 (reading settled ben [hyn I] army, only of the warriors of
by Henning) ; pI. cas. obI. ""'-an 46 11 • - The the evil powers, 37 11 • - Borrowed from
spelling hdyb)l is also evidenced by the Av. (1729) haena-.
Ps., V. next w.; V. I, 136 H. - SW form; hep (Prth) [hyp] particle denoting the
MPrs hy(y)r (S, A-H I); FrP, Cod. S2 I, opt., placed immediately before the vb.:
18 with the gl. (NP) xiyar; Paz. ayar; hep I.I Q >YMW -d (v. avistatan) - hep
NP yar; - hayyar with secondary aspi- SDYW (v. vistan) HajA: 12.13. - MPrth
ration < *adyar < adyavar, the NW hyb (BBB); < *aiva-pi, Av. (22) aeva +
form: MPrth )dy)wr, Mand. lw. )dy)wr), pi, V. S. V. -p; V. also ev.
going back to OIr *adyava-bara-, cf Avo
her [~BW] now read hir, q. V.
( 61) aidyu- 'helpful, useful'. Szemereny,
JAOS 70, 1950, 226-229. Herat [hylt'] the town of al-Hira In
Iraq, 1154.5. - Aram lferta 'camp'.
bayyareh help, aid, assistance: pat yaz-
dan"", 314- 15 . 1214; pat"", i yazdan 506 ; pat berpat [hylpt'] a priestly title and degree
nerok u "'" i Haftoiring 87 24 ; nerok u "'" in the Zoroastrian clergy 55 4 ; holder of
i xrat rad 88 21 ; pat "'" <i) [better <u) or this degree 105. 3F (with the indef. art.
asyndeton] zor u xUarrah i . . , spenak ""'-e); pI. cas. obI. ""'-an 107 13 ; "",-an "'"
menoi 10623 - 24 ; pat name u nerok u "'" i the chief h. 111 19 . - A V. (20) ae(lrapati-;
datar Ohurmaza 113 2; 7012 V. S. V. iayisn; Prs. inser. )yhrpt; Paz. erwaq, Skr. V.
oisan . . . ke-s "'" hend those who are his acaryadhipati (Aog); NP hirbad. vVikan-
(assistance =) assistants 10011 ; "'" datan der, Feuerpriester, V. Index.
o 5 12 ; "'" dahisneh 11211; 0 "'" rasitan 61; berpatistan [hylptst'n ' ] a school for priests,
o"",i to 38 11 ; xrat "'" 11215 - 16 ,-Ps. hdyb )-lyhy. religious school 63 20 . 65 21 .
hazangro-zim [hznglwkzym, -zm] a pe- besm [hsm] fuel 443. 48 15 - 16 . - Borrowed
riod of one thousand years, a millenium from Av. (26)aesma- < *aizma-, NW
38 20 . 25 . 391. 96 9 • - Borrowed from Av. *hezm, whence NP hezum, hezam; S'V
(1798) hazarJro.zyam-. *aioma- > *ehm > *em, V. emak.
hazar [LP, with a P resembling the OAram. h~sm [hysm, hsm] wrath, anger: Artax-
and PalmyI'. forms of it; for Aram )LP] ser "'" grift A. was seized by anger 325 ;
thousand, - Av. (1796) hazarJra- < *ha- "'" kartan to become angry 154. 68 15 ; ke
zahra-, SkI' sahasra-. "'" 0 tan ne hilet who leaves no room for
anger 8414 ; "'" vas quick to anger 10 21 ;
bazarak [hc)lk ' ; LP-k ' ] millenium 1224.
71 14 • 15 . 98 8. 22 . 99 9, 119 27 .
"'" roo dast persisted in his anger 1019 ;
tai be nisastan i "'" until the anger sub-
*Hazariin [hz>Pn ' ] patron. of the tribe, sides 68 17- 18 ; the work of Ahriman is "'" u
or clan, *Hazar 1811 .16 , 19 26 , 22 13 .15 . - ken u anasteh 78 22 ; rv u ken rad 144;
Reading uncertain. - personified as a demon, one of the chief
bee [hyc] any, in neg. sentences, placed evil powers: "'" dev 6p-3: equal to Ahri-
before its headw.: "'" kas anyone; "'" ciS-e man 68 18 ; in company with Az 1033- 4; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
h~8m 100 hi)

the opposite of Vahuman 654- 5 ; Bros his pronunciation. Benveniste agrees (REA,
chief adversary 665. 77 11 ; 25 16 . 28 14 N. S. I, 11 sq.) without excluding the
v. s. v. distak; - his epithets: mutak possibility of a form her.
and tanapuhrak 61 9 - 1°; xurdrus 72 11- 12 • histan [S:eKWN-tn'] hil- [S:eKWN-] to
1036- 7 ; v. these ws. - Av. (35 sq.) aesma- leave, to let loose, with or without the
(Asmodaios, Book of Tobit 3: 8 = Av. prevo be: 1. to abandon, to give up
aesmo.daeva-); MPrth 'smg'n 'devils of 2425. 3414 ; to let escape 114.
wrath' ; MPrs xysm; Paz. NP xaSm, xism. 23 23 ; to omit, to neglect 33 22 . 66 3, V.
hesmakan [hysmkn'] angry 1422. - Paz. also S. V. daxsak; to dismiss 1094. - 2. to
abstr. x(a)smagani Antia 123 5. let loose: asp to drive a horse to-

hesmeh [hsmyh] an outburst of fury wards (0) 112, trac along 2620. 27 8. 24 .
68 15 . - Probably only hUm + the indef. 29 6. 19 ; - to pour out on, in 95 17 . 10121.
art. -e: ma kun, ce mart ka hesm
102 23 ; to infuse 10420 (andar). - 3. to
kunet ... Paz. substitutes xasmgini (cf allow to go off, to send forth 27 13 , to
the preceding w.), Skr. v. kopa. allow to enter (0) 34 25 . 351. 8414 ; to ad-
mit 1818 (andar 0 pes). 1819 (0 pes); - to
hesm-kamakiha [hsmk'mkyh'] in the allow, to permit 10919 (kas virtual dat.);
manner of one whose volition is deter- with an info 4 3- 4 ; with a subordinate
mined by wrath, furiously 74 25 , Paz. clause introduced by tai 2712; - to hand
xasm-kamiha. over to (pat) 29 22 . - NB. In am be ne
hesm-maniha [hsmnyh'] in a rage 50 2. - SBKWN-X1 I shall not neglect it 33 22 ,
-man- < Av. (1126 sqq.) manah-, cf dus- asan hamak asaneh S:eKWN-X2 they will
man. have to give up all franquillity 3414 ,
hihreh [hslyh] impurity, filth 93 19- 21 . SBKWN -Xl and -X2 are to be read hileh
9424. - Av. (1812) hixra- 'fluid secretion (as originally all forms in -Xl and -X2 of
of the body'. The passage 93 19- 21 also all verbs signified -eh) and taken as a
in BdA p. 91 3- 6, where hdl = hir (but futural pres. pass.: 'by me ... will not
Cod. DH hyhl = hixr). As to the spelling be neglected', 'by them ... will be left' ;
-sl- for -hr- cf s. v. srisvatak. the explanation must be reserved for a
special investigation. - Av. (1792 sq.)
hilisn [SBKWN-sn'] v. n. of histan (q. v.) har'Jz- ; MPrthPrs hystn, pres. MPrth
used as a pred.: (is) to be given up: hyrz-, MPrs hyl-; Paz. NP histan hil-. V.
be ne 65 8 ; - on 33 22 . 3414 v. s. v. histan.
also ham-hal, ham-harz.
Hind [hndy] India PI: 2. - Av. (1814) hixtan [hyhtn'] hanj- [hnc-] to draw up:
hindu-, h'Jndu-, 0 P hindu-. water 1416 . 21 ; the bucket from the well
hindiik [hndwk'] 1. adj. Indian 6 7. 17 3. 15 3 .8.1°. - V. S. V. ahanj-.
1211. - 2. subst. pI. cas. obI. I""'--'-an the hi) (Prth) [LI:I-w] demo pron. that (yon-
Indians 1315-24~ 17 7. 9. 1091°. 119 2°. 1214-7.
der): L~D LI:I-w syty = tar ho site
hir [~BW; hyl] property, wealth, trea- beyond that cairn (over there) Haj A: 7
sure: tan ujan u I""'--'U xUastak 4 18 . 11 23 ; I""'--'U (HajB: tar n,ii,n citi'ik); LI:I-w znk ...
xUastak 131. 65 7. 7127; har gete 54 26 ;
I""'--' 'YK = ho zanak . . . kil in such a way
i menoi 79 ;
21 i getah ... u han i
I""'--' that ibid. 8 (HajB: ogon ... ku); (L hw
menoi 68 . 79 - , inverse order 79 8;
11 22 i
I""'--' syty = *0 ho site towards, on to that
gettih u menoi 80 23 . 25 . - MPrth (yr, MPrs cairn ibid. 12-13 (HajB: 0 han citak Y );
xyr, Paz. hir, xir. As seen by Bailey, LI:I-w-p = ho-p to him certainly ibd. 14
TPhS 1959, 72 sq., Arm ir 'thing, affair' (HajB: oi). - MPrth hw < OP hauv; ho-p:
is a Prth. lw., which settles the correct V. S. V. -p(i}. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hoi 101 hromiiyik

hoi [hwd] left 2220. - MPrthPrs hwy, xwy; 1931 ). Any emendation of it is fruitless
Av. (1736) haoya-. V. also hoyak. as long as xUartan is in the case. The only
hom [hwm] the haoma-plant, whose solution of the riddle lies in substituting
juice is the chief element in the Zoroastri- 'wlym: avarem (v.s.v. avar) for hwlym.
an cult: 38 18 . 3919.24-25. 405- Accordingly the preceding w. must be
4P. 4224. 43 1; - pI. oisan "'" these haoma- an adv. No adv. with this form is thus
stalks 4pO.13; - '""""' i spet 9327 ; "'" u mang far known, but I venture to introduce it
6016 ; '""""' u barsom 90 27 ; - '""""'-tar containing here: +hwnyh = honeh < *avanay-a, loco
more haoma 40 27 . - Av. 1732 sqq. V. of *avana- 'low, situated' downwards',
homikan, huhomikan. another adverbial form of which is found
homiinak [hwm'n'k] like, similar, re- in the Arm. lw. xonarh < *(h)avana6ra,
i x. 'downwards', x. also secondarily used
sembling: nezak "'" like a javelin 85 17 ;
as adj. 'humble, base, mean'. Parallel
85 15 . 86 4. 10427 ; put hangositak (q. v.) "'"
with *avana- is avara- (v. avar, oron, hu-
76 13 ; 86 5; 0 ... "'" 119-120 passim;
oron, oristar) , borrowed in Arm as xor
kanik-e i 0 kanikan ne '""""' a maiden who
does not look like maidens 75 4; eton cigon 'deep' < *(h)avara-, pI. xor-k< 'abyss';
avara- is to *avana- what Av. (76 sq.)
vat . .. "'" like a wind 717; eton "'" cigon + apara- is to (75) apana-. I leave it to the
subst. like, as 71 23 . 863; oi eton "'" cigon
ke . . . he resembles one who 69 24 ; ogon experts of Sogd to decide whether the
'""""' kunom ku I make (it) in order to Sogd. demo pron. ywn'k, Christ. Sogd
symbolize 120 passim; pat cim i karecar xwnyy might have anything to do with our
*hon-. - As to the form, cf paseh, peseh.
"'" kart constructed it to represent the
conditions of a battle 1198; - about: kotak horvisp [hwlwsp', thus the MS!] = harvisp
7 -salak "'" about seven years old 26 4- 5; 58 27 .
40-salak "'" 119 9 ; e jrasang ,....., 72 25 - 26 .
- < *ham-manak, with ha- > ho- because hos [hws] death 99 17 . - Av. (43 sq.)
of the labial, v. s. v. manak(k)ai; Paz. aosah-; Paz. hos, cf ahos and anosak.
humana; NP hamana, cf xamana 'rival'. hosak [hwsky] ear of corn 12814 , v. s. v.
homanakeh [hwm'n'kyh], homanae 1vextan. - Bal hosay; Psht wa?ai, Mor-
[hwm'n'y 92 ] resemblance: "'" i en han genstierne, EVP p. 95, no. 266; NP xosah.
hast i ket ... gujt this is suggestive of Hosang [hws'ng] the first Iranian king
what the diviner said 17 3; api-s,......, eton cigon 4710. - Av. (1738 sq.) Haosyavha-.
it resembles 9219.- hwm'n'y is in other
places to be read homanai = homanak, hositan to dry, to wither (intr.): pres. 3d
but in 92 19 the abstr. is necessary. p. sg. hoset [hwsyt ' ] 96 12- 13 . 98 11 , hoset
homikan [hwmyk'n ' ] containing haoma, [hwsty] 12815 . Av. (1738) haos-;
"haomic": ap i "'" 56 2- 3. 15 . - As to the MPrth pres. hws-, xws- (MHC) ; Bal
suff., cf ostikan, vavarikan; sahikan husay; NP xosidan. V. also husk.
'royal' FrP 2. - V. also *huhomikan. hosomand [hws'wmnd] mortal 6410.
+honeh [+hwnyh, for *'nws] *down there: hoyak [hwdk ' ] left wing of an army
"'" +avarem [<STHn-ym = hwlym: xUa- 119 lO • - V. hoi.
rem, wrong reading of 'wlym] let us go
Hrom Jhlwm] Rome, in the Phi literature
down there, descend (to the plain
mentioned immediately after) 1920. - The designating the Byzantine empire: 177.
text of the MSS :'nws <STHn-ym = 1091°. - Cf Schaedel', IB II, 24 sqq.
anos xuarem is void of sense here (anos- hromayik [hlwm'yk, hlwm'dyk] Romaic,
xUar 'enjoying immortality' PhI V d. Byzantine 12. 107 5. 12 . 1146 ; pI. cas. obI. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hromiiyik 102 hunusk

hromayan [hlwm'd'n ' ] the Romaic, or hu-fravart [hwplwlt'] having a good fra-
Byzantine people 17 8 • 10820 . 11114. vart (= fravahr, q. v.), Saint, venerable
hu-artestiir [hw'ltyst'l] having good war- 1085. 11 125.
riors 5Il, with the gl. ku karecar veh hu-gobisn [hwgwbsn'] of good speech,
danet kartan 'that is: it knows how to well-speaking 73 5. 744. - Paz. hugavesn;
make war in the best way'. v. guftan.
hu-iiyozisn [hw'ywcsn ' ] of good endeav- *hu-homik, pI. cas. obI. *huhomikan
our, efficiently furthering the activities [hwhwmyk'n ' ] things (plants) containing
of the different classes of the community good haoma 40 27 . - Spelt as the well-
5027 , according to the gI.: ku kar i aparik known 'whrmzd'n'=Ohurmazdan, but this
veh danct kartan 'that is: it knows how is out of the question here. We must assume
to do the work of the others [not only that the above reading, confirmed by the paro-
of the cattle-breeders] in the best manner'. nomasia huhomikan homtar, v. s. v. hom.
- To be read with -z-, not -z-, v. ayoz-. hu-kunisn [hwkwnsn'] of good work,
hubod [hwbwd] fragrant, full of sweet doing good work 73 5 • 74 5 •
scent, of Paradise 73 20- 25 . 76 1. 85 7. 11 ; hukunisneh good work 65 16 .
compo '""'-tar 73 21 . - Paz. hiibOi. V. bOd. Humiii [hwm'Y] n. pro fern.: i Cihra-

hubodeh sweet scent, the quality of being zatiin 11616- 17 . - Same as H amak q. V.
sweet-scented 62 12 , opp. gandakeh; hac
hu-miineh [hwm'nyh] *good domesticity,
hamak '"'" hubOdtar 73 21 . - Paz. hubOi.
*good domestic concord 7026- 27 . - I con-
Hubod-XosrOi [hwbwd-hwsrwg] a town nect it with man 'house', q. V. Paz. sub-
11420 , cf S. V. Xosroi. stitutes humati (var.humat, humata), Skr.
hu-casm [hwcsm] having kind eyes, a V. sumatatii.
kind look; benevolent, gracious, apprec- *hu-martom [*hwmltwm]: read 'nmltwm
iative 68 8 • 845 • 7 • 1001°. = *a-namr-tom q. V.
hucasmeh benevolence 66 5 , opp. arisk; humat [hwmt ' ] what is well thought,
appreciation 846 • good thoughts: the first of the three
hu-cihr [hwcyhl] beautiful, lovely, compo stations preceding Paradise 63 26 . 73 16 . 26 .
'""'-tar 1815. 2510. 26 2. 28 6. 731.3. - MPrth 89 15 . 1209 , cf huxt and huvarst. - Bor-
Prs hwcyhr; Paz. hucihar; NP huiir, huzir; rowed from Av. (1832) humata-.
V. cihr. Bailey, BSOS XI, 1943, 774 n. l. hu-menisn [hwmynsn ' ] having good
hucihreh beauty 558 • thinking, well-thinking 73 5. 744.
hu-diihak [hwd'hk'l sup. '""'-tom boun- hunak [hwnk'] cool, temperate 1420. -
teous 57 9 • - Borrowed from Av. (1825) NP xunak; MPrs xwnq 'hail!', xwnkyy
hudah-; Paz. hudahaa, Skr. v. uttama- 'prosperity, happiness' (A-H II).
danin (SGV). hunar [hwnl] skill 3 26 , 158 • 9 • 2°. 69 4.845.-
hu-den [hwdyn'] of good religion 73 5 • Av. (1831) hunara-; MPrth hwnr 'manli-
745 ; subst. pI. cas. obI. '""'-an the true ness, ability'; Paz. xunar; NP hunar.
believers 1121 • 7 • 1 °. *huneh: read. *hijneh q. V.
hu-eviiceh [hw'dw'cyh] good manners in *hunusak: read
speaking, in conversation; politeness, hunusk [hwnwsk'] progeny, of evil beings
courtesy 70 25 . - V. 1evac. Paz. hflavazi. 1021 ; pI. cas. recto 5422 ; pI. cas. obI.

hu-framaneh [hwplm 'nyh] the quality of framan veh danet datan 'that is: it knows
exercising good command, of a com- how to issue orders in the best way'. - V.
munity: good rule 50 24 , with the gi. ku framan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
bunusk 103 bu-srav

'""-'-an 49 27 . 501. 54 22 . - A PhI enlargement hu-passandakeh [hwpsndkyh]: pat dat '""-'

of Av. (1831) hunu-; as to the suff. -sk, in accordance with good equitableness
cf kurusk. in legal matters 6417 , v. s. v. passand.
bu-oron [hw'wlwn'] "of good front 'side": hu-pem [hwpym] having good milk, of
beautiful from in front; Zartuxst had cows 42 2.6.
seen Spandarmat '""-' u *huparron u hu-
hur [SKL] a strong beverage 9 21 . - The
tarist beautiful from in front, from the
whole situation implies that the cup
reverse side (= from behind) and all
offered to Artaxser contained a refresh-
round 57 21 , with the g1. ku hamak giyak
ing beverage. In Firdausi's version of the
nevak but paseh [thus the text must be
incident the refreshment was composed
divided] 'that is: she was beautiful in
of sugar, flour and cold water (sukkar u
all parts (seen from) behind'. - FrO 3a
pist ba ab-i sard). In Kn, the water being
apparently gives the A v. text underly-
missing, we must assume that skl does
ing this passage: horaca [read aoraca]
not mean sukkar, but the ideogr. SKL,
paraca tarasca, PhI oron u paron u tarist:
Aram s~ar, si~ra (Syr sa~ra) = hur
hutarest [Paz.] pas hac hamak kustak 'in
(FrP 5), from Av. (1837) hura, a sort of
front and from the other side and all
fermented alcoholic liquor, probably kou-
round: beautiful all round (seen from)
behind and from all angels'. - The inter-
pretation of Bthl (43, 641, 860) misses hu-ram [hwlm] cheerful, glad 6 23 ; bliss-
the point. V. oron, paron, *huparron, ful, of Paradise, compo '""-'-tar 66 7. - Paz.
hutarist and turist. xuram; NP xurram; in some way or
other to be connected with Av. (1511)
bu-piib [hwp'h] having good cattle 50 26 ,
ram- 'to rest, to repose'. Of the next w.
with the g1. ku gospand veh danet dastan
and hurameh. .
'that is: it knows how to breed small
cattle in the best way'. - V. pah. hu-riim [hwPm] blissful, of Paradise 76 1.
huparyon: probably to be read 85 7. 12 . - Paz. haram, Skr v. subhananda;
*hu-parron [hwpldwn'?] "of good re-
< hu + ram < Av. (1524) raman- 'rest,
peace', from the same root as the pre-
verse side": beautiful from behind 57 21 ,
ceding w.; cf ramenitar, ramisn; cf also
opp. hu-oron, q. v. - V. paron. The text
NP ram.
seems to give the form hwplywn =
*huparyon , but such a w. cannot be hu-ramak [hwlmk'] having good herds
imagined here, as shown by the passage of cattle 5026 , with the g1. ku ramak i
quoted s. v. hu-oron. Possibly the spell- aparik veh danet dastan 'that is: it knows
ing should be interpreted as hwpldwn' how to breed other cattle [than sheep,
with the spurious spelling -ld- for -rr- etc.] in the best way'. - V. ramak. Paz.
known now in the KZSPrth 1. 22 in h"ttrama; translates Av. (1857) hvqOwa-.
fine: n. pr. prdk prdkn = Prs 1. 28 pldky hurameh abstr. of hu-ram (q. v.): '""-'
ZY pldk'n, Gr. v. <l>oeppex <l>oePPLXoev; Prth kartan to enjoy oneself 425.
1. 21 init.: n. pro fem. mrdwtyH, Prs 1. 26
hu-riit [hwPt'] of good munificence, mu-
init. unfortunately only mr ... left, but
nificent 5P, with the g1. ku rateh veh
Gr. v. Muppcu8; v. also Nyberg, BSOAS
danet kartan 'that is: it knows how to
XXXIII, 1970, 150. However, 57 21 stands
practise munificence in the best way'.
in a passage which is only known in
Meherji Rana's transcript (v. Dresden, V. rateh.
p. 122, fo1. 48, 1. 12), so the reading is hu-srav [hwslwb'] of good honour, re-
not beyond doubt. nown; renowned, illustrious: compo l""ooJ-tar |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
hu-srav 104 hiixt

69 9 • - OIr *hu-sravah-, Skr su-sravas-; hu-varziha [hwwlcyh'] adv. in a state of

Paz. xusrub; MPrs adj. hwsrwg < *hu· good working, or: of working good things
srava-ka- (A-H II), v. srav and Xosroi. 64 15 . - V. varzitan.
husraveh abstr. of the preceding w.: *hu-vaxm [hww'hm] "of good swing",
renown 89 1. - Paz. xusrubi. epithet of the varz 'mace' (v. vazr) carried
Husetar [hwsytl] the first of the three by Keresaspa 1003. - Renders Av. (1832)
still unborn sons of Zartuxst who will hu-nivixta- 'well swung', epithet of the
appear in the trimillenial apocalyptic vazra- of Mithra (Yt. 65. 10132 ) and of the
period:7P4. 96 10 ,17.19. - Paz. Huse~ar; vazra- in general (Yt. 1040 . 13 72 ); < ni +
from Av. (384) Uxsyat:Jrata-. vaeg-, v. s. v. 2vextan. Reading hypothet-
ical, no Paz. reading being known to me.
Husetarmah [hwsytlm'h] the second ap-
I take it as *hu-vexm < *hu·vaixman-
ocalyptic son of Zartuxst who will appear
from 2vextan < vaig- (q. v.), which has
after Husetar: 7114. 98 8 • 14 . 16 . 99 9 • 11017 . -
been largely confounded with Ivextan <
Paz. Huse~armah; from Av. (384) Ux-
vaik-; *huvexm > hu·vaxm (or perhaps
syat.nMnah-, cf the spelling 'wsytnms
better *hu-vahm) cf s. v. mahman. As to
DkM 441 (-ms inverse spelling of -mah).
vextan as a battle term cf 25 4. - As Bthl
husk [hwsk'] dry, withered 19 7. 4124. - (Wb 1832) has given quite misleading
A v. ( 1840) huska- = 0 P ; MPrthPrs information about the PhI. W. I put here
hwsk; NP xusk, cf hositan. - 128 14 the notice he quotes in its correct form.
hwsky: read hosak, q. v. It is found in the PhI Xuarset niyayisn
hu-tarist [hwtlst'] beautiful all round (= Y t 6) in Zand-i Khurtak A vistak ed.
57 21, v. s. v. hu-6ron and turist. by Dhabhar, p. 21 § 15: ke yast Ohur-
mazd i amarg ... api-s yast M ihr i
hu-tastak [hwtstk'] well moulded, pI. cas. jragoyot ... (1. 14) api-s yast vazr i *hu-
obI. ,,-,-an well moulded, beautifully
vaxm / pat kamar apar i devan / i M ihr
shaped bowls 60 14 . - Av. (1823) hutiiSta-
jragoyot (e: *huvaxmeh e ku bastan eton
from tas-, v. tasitan.
daret: menoyiha be savet, vinaskaran pa-
hu-tohmeh [hwtwhmyh] good parentage tijras be kunet, u menoyiha apac 0 kantir
39 17 . - Abstr. of hu-tohm 'of good seed', ayet) 'he who has worshipped Ohurmazd
v. tohm. the Immortal ... has (at the same time)
Hutos [hwtws] n. pro fern. the sister and worshipped Mihr (the god) of wide
consort of Vistaspa 2422. 60 23 , cas. obI. pasturages ... (1. 14) and he has wor-
,..., -e 60 22 . - Av. (1822) Hutaosa-; Gr and shipped' the mace of good swing on the
Lat Atossa. skulls of the devs, owned by Mihr of
hu-tuxs [hwtwhs] well endeavouring, pI. wide pasturages (its being "of good swing"
cas. obI. ,,-,-an the workmen, the labourers means that it constantly behaves in the
811 7, cf the next w. - V. tuxsitan. following manner: spiritually it goes off
and punishes the sinners, and spiritually
hutuxseh colI. of the preceding w.: the
it returns to the quiver [sheath ?])? NP
class of workmen, the fourth class of the
v. xub nihadah, Skr. V. su-niyukta (Dhalla,
Zoroastrian community 55 10 , V. pesak.
The Nyaishes, 1908, p. 50).
---buvarSt [hwwlst'] what is well done, good
deeds, the third and last station preced- hiixt [hwht'] what is well spoken, good
ing Paradise 63 26 . 73 16 . 27 . 89 16 . 1209, cf speech, the second of the stations pre-
humat and huxt. - Borrowed . from Av.
ceding Paradise 63 26 . 73 16 . 26 . 89 15 . 1209. -
(1850) hvarsta-, cf varzitan. Borrowed from Av. (1819) huxta-. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
i 105 i

. i [Prs inscr., Ps .. ZY; BP contracted to daughter of this farmer 1518- 19 ; FraSavart
a ligature coinciding with y: ZY, except i to pus 23 10 ; pus i mas i Ardavan 318 ;
when connected with an encl. pron.: ZY- vasan martom i andar gehan 418 ; vas
m = i-m, ZY -t = i-t, ZY-s = i-s, ZY-m'n l xUahisn i rapak-kariha xuahet 7426 - 27 ; if
= i-man, ZY-t'n l = i-tan, ZY-iPn ' = more than one relative attribute is added
i-san] A. a) relative pron., may be used the i~afat is repeated before each: 73 5 etc. ;
as the subj. or the dir. obj. of its clause: 2. paraphrased by han i (en i, et i, oi i)
han i 0 man mat 12 23 ; en fradand i andar and placed before its headw.; this is the
askamb darem 1013 ; has no cas. obI.; defini te relati ve attri bu te: han iZar-
instead it takes an encl. pron. referring tuxst matist 36 12 ; han i teztom tap 43 22- 23 ;
to the correlate: han ... i-s amociSn he etc.; - forming possessives: a) placed
whose education 80 17 (rare, commonly after the headw.: i man my, i to thy, i
ke-s); cannot be governed by a prep.; amah our, i smah your, but in the 3d p.
instead the prep. is placed in the clause the encl. pron. is used: i-s his, her, i-san
and governs prOll. referring to the corre- their; b) placed before the headw. as a
late: *sth-e (v. 2 sth) ... i hao han neva- definite relative attribute: han i man
koktar biltan ne sayist 'splendor quo pusar 512 1 ; et i to humat 73 15 - 16 ; han i-s
nullus pulchrior esse poterat', a *splend- burtar 43 23 ; han i amah deh 50 22 - 23 ; han
our that was the most beautiful· ever i oi veh-den 515, etc. - forming the
existent 717 - 18 ; or the prep. is changed genitive of the interrog. ke: i ke? han
into an adv. connected with the vb. of i ke? whose?; other constructions with
the clause: mex i patis bandend 300 Xi1"S the i?afat, v. the demonstr. pronouns; -
poles on which they fasten 300 *rings after adverbs used as prepositions: pes i,
20 26 (bastan construed with pat; patis hacadar i, haoapar i, miyan i, etc., but
the adv. of pat, v. s. v. patis); in such the MSS are very little consistent in
cases ke is more usual. - b) conj.: eton this respect. - The limit between I10minal
... i so ... that 20 16 - 17 • 32 26 - 27 ; cand relative clauses and relative attributes
i as much as 31 19 ; i ka, han i ka, v. ka; is sometimes floating. - Av. (119,9 sqq.)
-i-san i, i-s i when, as soon as 58 11 • ya-; OP ya- rare, commonly -hya~ (haya-
60 18 is possibly an imitation of Av .. Strunk, KZ 81, 1967, 265 sgq .. , Eilers,
(1249) ya()a yat. - B. l~afat. Relative ibd. 82, 1968, 62-68); Prth only in ad-
clauses are often nominal without the verbs; MPrs cy , Cyg, with encl. pron.
copula, e. g. han i hac to kas he who is cy _m , cy_s etc.; Paz. NP i, Paz. with
thy inferior 68 5 ; han fradand i-s andar encl. pron. y-am, y-at, y-as, y-asq. The
askamb this child that is in her womb spelling cy is wrongly taken as a proof
123 ; hence the i~afat construction de- of the pronunciation having been i; in
veloped: by means of i, originally the fact it proves nothing, for in Syriac
subj. of a nominal clause without the orthography a monosyllable i, whether
copula, a subst., an adj., a prepositional t or i, could only be spelt y preceded by
attribute or an adv. is added to a subst. a glottal consonant. As to yg, i~ repre-

as its qualifier; I shall call these qualifiers sents in my opinion i-g -< *i-ka =
relative attributes. A subst. added i-kiirnak 'whoever', v. s. v. ka, no 5 (dif-
to a subst. in thIS way is the equivalent ferently, not acceptable to me, Eilers,
of our genitive, or it is in apposition. I. c. 67, n. 2). - The use of the i~atat is
The' relative attribute is 1. placed rather arbitrary in the BP written tra-
after its headw.: duxt i en varzekar the dition. In order to facilitate the under- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
i 106 jiinakiin

standing I have added the i?,{ifat in [ideogr. ZNH] HajA:1.5.12. SPrth: 4.-
several· passages where it would seem Av. OP ima-; MPrth c ym, the equi-
to be necessary, or at least possible. Un- valent of Prs en; MPrs cym rare, but
fortunately it has mistakenly crept into pI. (ymys'n (cf FrP 24 LZNH-s'n' =
passages where it should not stand: it is imsan) is the common pI. of en; NP im
to be cancelled in 11 19 (better (u >). 41 20 - 21 only in im-roz, im-sab, im-sal.
(read s'tyhy instead of s'tyh/y). 511 6
izakeh ['yckyh], V. dev-izakeh.
(cancel both the i~ajat and l'd). 65 21 •
748 • 93 5 (wanting in Dh.). 106 23 (better izisn ['ycsn'] performance of the religious
(u». - 2019 read kofe (cas. obI.) sar. rites, worship 70 10 . 73 7. 75 9. 8P. - A
im [LZNH] demo pron. this here, near learned PhI. formation from Av. (1274
to the speaker: im roc to-day 5 16 etc.; sqq.) yaz- (v. yastan), hence the irregular
im spah Eran this army of Eran (pre- treatment of the initial syllable: yaz- >
sent here) 2722; 26 26 . 37 8. 23 . 5212. 102 6; yiz- > lz-; Paz. yazesn, yazasni, izisn
im bag Xosroi sahan sah the present King taken over by the Skr. V. lji~1Ji, iaji~1Ji
of Kings, Divine Khosroes 109 21 . - Prth (Mx).

Jatar [Y'pl] n. pro Arab Jacfar: abu ['bw] attempt a p.'s life 105 - 8; vas koxsisn i I"'0oI
I"'0oI 11721 the calif al-Mam;rur. hard struggle for one's own life 7427. -
MPrthPrs gy'n; KZSPrth 1. 4 gy'n Gr.
jahisn [yhsn'] 7012 : V. jayisn.
V. [3LOC;;; < *vyana-, cf Av. (1478) vyana-;
jaman [ym'n'] V. zaman. Paz. jqn, NP jan.
Jiimiisp [Y'm'sp'] n. pro the vizier of King *janakan [1:IY'-lf'n'] designed for the
Vistaspa 1812 . 21-29 passim. 354 • 11019 . -
soul, *place of the soul of a deceased, a
Av. (607) Jamaspa-; V. Bailey, BSOS sepulchre: Sugud, i haft I"'0oI andar but,
VI, 1930, 63-64.
api-s haft-janakaneh et ku haft xUataidan
jan [Y'n'; I:Iyl] the animal spirit of man, andar but Sogdiana, in which seven
as opposed to his ruvan and fravahr; "soul-places" existed; and its possession
common to human beings and animals of "seven soul-places" is explained by
97 17 - 18 ; perishable: death signifies kanisn the fact that seven royal tombs (v. S. V.
i I"'0oI u visopisn i tan the destruction of xuataidan) existed there 11313- 14 : those
the animal spirit and the disintegration of Yam, of Freton, of Manucihr, of Kayos
of the body 6410- 11 ; after death I"'0oI merges of Kai-Xosroi, of Luhrasp, and of King
with the Wind, and at the Resurrection Vistasp (11. 15-17; Ali Dahak is a spurious
Ohurmazd ... I"'0oI hac vat xuahet O. will addition). - The reading I:IY'-lf'n-handed
claim the animal spirit back from the down by such a careful and competent
'Vind 10012 - 13 ; tan u I"'0oI u hir u xuastak scribe as Mihrapan should never have
4 18 . 11 23 ; - hence (physical) life, man's been doubted; J amasp Asana's "emen-
earthly life, passim; dagr zivandakeh i '" dations" haft (hwt'd'n =) xUatayan, haft
long life 59 17 ; pat I"'0oI i . . . sokand xUartan (hwt'd'nyh =) xUatayaneh (a horrid
to swear an oath by the life of ... 21-23, form!) are sheer corruptions. Mihrapan
passim, I"'0oI apispartan to give one's life must be taken seriously. Certainly the
(roo for a p.) 11 10 ; l"'ooI-apispar devoted idea of a place for the jan is absolutely
7 0 11 (pat to); pat I"'0oI i . . . koxsitan to contrary to the Iranian way of thinking, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
jiinakiin 107 jiiyisn

but we are here in a part of Iran where kart estet, c~gon Dahak u Frasyap u
Greeks reigned for about 200 years after Vaman [thus Cod. DH; TD w'tn', Paz.
Alexander (v. Tarn, The Greeks in Bactria vatan, perhaps for Vabarja the father of
& India, 1951). There is every reason Vaman, Tab. I, 530 init.] u aparik hac
to believe that their kings and magnates en aivenak marg-arzanan, patijras [+
erected monumental buildings over their Paz. vama, probably a misspelt Vaman]
tombs, with which the ~ux1) of the de- 10 aivenak-ic vitarend 'those who have in-
ceased was in some way connected. The stituted their own *laws for mankind,
Greek ~ux1j could, however, only be ren- as D. and F. and V. and other death
dered in Iranian by jan, as the ruvan deserving men of that kind, will undergo
belonged to a quite different sphere. Prob- ten sorts of punishment'. For the whole
ably these seven janalcans were built in passage cf PhI V d ad 7 52 (p. 279).
the seven cities which Alexander founded
jiinomand [y'n'wmndl endowed with
in Bactriana and Sogdiana (Justin XII,
physical life 34 20 •
5, 8). The later attribution of such
ancient monuments to the primordial jan-var [Y'nwl] animal 96 6 ; pI. cas. obI.
heroes of East Iranian antiquity is a f"'oo,;-an 90 6 • - MPrth gY'nbr (A-H III);
phenomenon too well known to need N~ janvtir.
comment, cf Taxt i J amsid, N aqs i
jastan [ystn'] jah- [yh-] to jump, to
Rustam and the like. - Strictly speaking
leap, 1. in the proper sense 32 18 : han i
the reading I:IY)-d'n' = jan-dan 're-
hac pad i man be jast that which jumped
captacle of the jan' would be admissible
up from my foot, explained by the
(cf f1.v'YJf1.e:rov ~ux1ic; of the cinerary urn
following har ce-s patkojt all that was hit
Sophocles, Electra 1126-1127), but this
by it. - 2. fig. to arise, to happen 1211.
interpretation is perhaps too hazardous.-
69 11 • 1127. - Paz. NP jastan jah-.
j"anakan has a parallel in MPrs rw'ng'n,
MPrth 'rw'ng'n 'belonging to, serving the jiiyisn [y'dsn'], 70 12 jahisn [yhsn l ] For-
ruvan', of pious works. tune, luck, dispensation 221. 1415 ; U f"'oo,;

zaman <i> brihenisn rad 14 , v. zaman;
jan-apispar [Y'n l 'psp'l] v. s. v: jan.
murvak i nevak augury (and) good

janisn [ynsn'] the act of slaying lOIS Fortune (i. e., good Fortune revealed
(correct initial g- to y- with one dot be- through augury) 181 ; pat nevak <u>

low). - The NW form of zanisn, v. zatan. yazdan hayyareh with good fortune and
The passage is not quite clear. The text the help of the gods 12 p-4; 1219; pat f"'oo,;

of the MSS: MNW-s'n' ynsn' MN-s'n' = hayyareh i pat martoman xrat veh For-
ke-san janisn hac-isan is ambiguous: tune (giving aid to =) favouring men,
'those from whom slaughter had arisen'? wisdom is the best thing [she gives]
{but hacis would have been the correct 7012- 13 , Skr. v. siddhe(i, sahayatayai ma-
construction), 'those of them (hac-isan nu~yanam buddhi(i, uttama; cf ke [for
partitive, seems rather superfluous) by ka] hayyar pat martoman c'is i xrat veh

whom slaughter is done' ? My emendation when Fortune (is a helper to =) favours

MRK'-'n' = MLK'-'n' = sahan: 'those men, wisdom is the best of. things PT
kings from whom slaughter had arisen' 67 5 - 6 , with the explanation ce hakar par-
implies the difficulty that MRK' for kast xUastak be save~ aivap caharpad be
MLK) is so far only attested in the in- miret xrat be manet for if wealth dwindles
scriptions, and only in royal titles. Cf, and is lost or animals die wisdom remains;
on the other hand, BdA p. 22413- 16 : oi8an patixsai han nevaktar i . . . xrat u danisn
ke-san xuat-*ayen [for -aiven?] dameh rad nevak api-s hayyareh apak that ruler
f"'oo,; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
jiiyisn 108 ka

is best who is of good wisdom and know- je [yyg.] harlot 75. 109 • 96 24 . 9819. - Bor-
ledge and with whom is the help of For- rowed from Av. (606) iahi-; Paz. iih. -
tune GF III, 94. - Paz. jahisn, zahisn (ad Cf also Zois.
70 12 ), Skr. v. siddhi. There is a certain
confusion in the MSS between dahiSn and joyisn [ywdsn'] the act of swallowing,
jahisn (jayisn), but the reading with j- is eating 53 2. - V .. iittan.
the only admissible one in the sense given
ioyisneh det. v. n., v. drayan-"""-'.
here (against West, Tavadia, Pagliaro). -
The etymology is obscure. The two pa- jutan [ywtnl] ioy- [ywd-], subju. 3d p.
rallel forms seem to represent *iayisn, of sg. ioyat [ywd't i ] , to swallow, to devour,
which *iayisn developed to iahisn ac- to eat 327. 403. 5012 . 98 7. 25 . 99 8. 1034- 14 • -
cording. to the common rule. The vb. MPrs zwwdn zw- 'to chew' , Verbum 186;
seems to be a lw. from NW with an NP zavidan 'to ruminate', javidan 'to
original i - (z-) which changed to z In chew'.
SW: Paz. zahisn; cf iaman: zaman. Cf
Bailey, ZP 82 n. 5. jutiir [ywVI] one who swallows, eats 48 7.

ka ['MT], with encl. 'MT-m = ka-m, I be met by K.-X. sitting (riding) on the
'MT-t = ka-t, 'MT-s = ka-s etc.; 'MT-c = Wind 99 12- 13 ; - ka cikamcihe whenever,
ka-c: A. conj. when, as, while; because; with subju. 53 13- 15 ; - ne dagr zaman
though, whilst; if; that. 1. temporal: bavet ka hac amah . . . hec zivandak apac
standard type of period referring to the be ne payet it will not be a long time (be-
past: Papak ka-s han saxUan asnitt kas fore =) and no one of us will remain
frestit by P. when by him this word was alive 25 11- 12 ; - (han )tai ka, tai han i ka,
heard a man was sent = when P. heard pes hac hantai ka, pes hac han i ka, pas
this he sent a man 211; passim; if con- hac han i ka, cigon ka: v. hantai, tai,
taining an encl. pron. the apodosis is pes, pas, cigon. - 2. causal: because, as,
introduced a) by adak + encl., e. g. api-n since 8 24 . 33 10 . 35 11 • 10420 ; pase-c ka
ka en tigr vist adak-in . .. vist and when 'as' 67 14 ; i ka since 76 2- 3. - 3. concessive:
We shot this arrow, We shot it ... HajB: though, while, whereas; alone 29 11 ; ka
4-6; 544- 5; - b) by api- + encl., e. g. ka vas-ic however much 46 3-4, with apo-
hac star frac bilt api-s ... gufl kit then he dosis introduced by adak-ic 812 2- 24 , by
said 60 22 ; - c) by the independent forms pas-ic 9p2-13; (ka-s-ip 46 6 v. *kas); ka
of the enclitics: am, at, as, aman, atan, ne freftar hah: u man freftar . . . hah?
asan: han eton amavandeh ... i ka while thou art not (otherwise) a deceiver.
zivandak bitt hom am bitt that great art thou (nevertheless) to deceive me?
vigour which was mine when I was alive 3418- 20 ; 79 8- 9 ; 80 2- 4, etc. - 4. conditional:
34 5 - 6 ; ka giyak-e pah i gospandan venend if; real: ka-m han eton amavandeh
asan avd sahet when they see somewhere . . . apac dahah, Ahriman . . . be ozanam
a flock of sheep it will seem astonishing if thou givest me back that great vigour
to them 97 24- 25 ; - the apodosis may be . . . I shall slay A. 345- 7; unfulfilled: ka
introduced by adak alone (v. this w.); Krisasp ... ne bitt hah cis-ic dam .. ' ne
by pas (91 4- 6 ); by andar han in the bitt hah if K. had not been no creation
meantime (56 15 ); - ka ... apac ayet as would have subsisted 3420 - 22 ; 35 14- 16 . -
Kai-Xosroi be 0 patirak ayet ka pat vai 5. that, in many combinations; often i ka;
nisast estet when he comes back he will consecutive: eton ... lea 2014- 15 • eton i lea |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ka 109 kai'

85 13 in such wise that; pat han aivenak ka kad 1. [)YMT] interrog. when? 76. - 2.
so that 1 p7; - final: i ka ... ne lest Prth [)MT] relative adv. and conj. when
89 6 ; - i ka explicative: 'viz. that' 8 24 ; - HajA:5. - 1. MPrs kyy = kay < kad;
han i ka forms substitutes for an info or NP kai. - 2. MPrth kd. - Av. (434) kada,
an abstr. vb. n.: ne matan i oisan 0 den kaoa. The habit which some Iranists
u . . . han i ka . . . anispas but hend their have taken of rendering SW (BP and
not coming to the Religion and their inscriptions) )MT with kad is wholly re-
having been disobedient 9016- 16 ; hac han jectable, V. S. V. ka.
i ka ... be brinend from their cutting it
(the Haoma) 94 2- 3; hac han i ka-san ... kaftan (Prth) [NPL-] to fall, pret. 3d p.
be kusend from slaughtering them (the sg. NPL-t = kaft HajA: 8. - MPrth pt.
cattle) 94 12- 13 ; - in some cases ka seems kft, pres. qf-, Ghilain 56. - Of patkaftan
to be pleonastic: hakar ne ka ayet if he and kahvaneh.
does not come 20 6- 7 ; kac ka would that kiihisn [k)hsn', k)hysn'] the act or pro-
. . .! 2111; cim lca-t. . . dast? why hast
cess of diminishing; the state of being
thou kept ... ? 1626 sq.; cf S. V. i and diminished: 68 20 . 98 3. 6. 10427 . - MPrs
ku. - B. relative adv. 1. when, after k)hysn (A-H I); NP kastan kah- 'to
an antecedent signifying time: roc-e ka
lessen, to diminish' (Paz. xahidan, cf S. V.
one day when 424; andar sap ka 5 20 - 21 ,
kandan). A factitive vb. derived from the
or sap ka 66 in the night when; hame pat
stem *kaO-, SW form of kas-, V. S. V. 1kas .
.sap ka every night when 51- 2; pat han i The form k)hysn' represents probably a
tarik sap ka 37 20 ; fratak roc ka to-morrow hybrid spelling combining' kahisn and
when 22 6 ; r.oc Ohurmazdy ka P 2: 1 ;
[k 'dsn' =] *kayisn (cf xuayisn: xuah-),
pat han yavar Y ka on the occasion when since -i- is as a rule not written in the
PI: 2; adak ka, V. adak; nun ka now ending -isn.
as 109 18 ; hamvar ka 13 6, hame ka 45 9
whenever; etc.; - without antecedent: kahvaneh [khwbnyh] decay 1128. - Abstr.
hast ka, hast i ka there is a time when, of kahvan [khwbn'], NP kuhan, kahtm
sometimes 77 26 - 26 . 8122. 12018- 19 ; but i ka 'worn, old, aged', < MPrth kfwn, qfwn
ne but . . . u bavet ka ne bavet there was (List 84), from kaftan .
.a time when he did not exist, and there
will be a time when he will not exist 64 2- 3. kai [kd] king, sovereign, the title of the
- 2. sometimes for ku, after an antecedent ancient kings of Eastern Iran: r--.I-Kavat,
signifying place: pat han gah ka-s ozat the founder of the dynasty; r--.I-Xosroi,
11411. - O. in later texts and MSS r--.I-Luhrasp, r--.I-Vistasp, cf Kayos; pI.cas.
often confounded with the reI. pren. ke obI. kayan [kd)n'] 2727; xuarrah i r--.I-an,
[MNW] , cf here 1124; 23 1- 2 obscure, V. S. r--.I-an xuarrah, V. xuarrah; Artaxser is
V. sayistan. - MPrs k), where) is only the addressed as r--.I before becoming king
sign of a final a : ka (cf. S. V. be), as evi- 6 18 ; - the seven assistants of Saosyant
denced by the forms with enclitics: km = who perform the eschatological actions
ka-m, k.§)n = ka-san, and by FrP 25: are called r--.I 64 10 ; also Krisasp' 99 26 ; cf
)MT: kk = ka; Av. (436) kat 'when ?'. also S. V. Xosroi. - Av. (442 sq.) kavi-;
Not to be confounded with kad (q. v.). MPrth k'w, pI. cas. obI. q)w'n 'giant';
Prs on coins kd, kdy = FrP 12, with the
kic [k)c] would that ... : r--.I ka (v. A. 5 explanation mas 'great'; Paz. kai; NP
in fine) man hac matar ne zat hom would kai 'great king' and borrowed from the
that I had not been born by my mother NW language kav 'valiant, grand, of fine
2111-12. - NP kac, kaj, or kas ki. figure'. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kai-biig 110

*kai-bag [kdb)(g)] "having share with 56 23 • 25 ; r-..I-hanjam, v. hanjam; - love:

the kai", "sharing with the king" = mart u zan [virtual dat.] evalc apak dit
co-regent 22 17 , v. also nem-vecak. - Coin- r-..I bavet man and woman will be in
cides graphically with KDB) = drog love with each other 10424- 25 . - 2. used
'lie', which is sheer nonsense in this as an impersonal vb.: to be willing, to
context. Np kiya 'a king, protector; a want, to wish: a) with ku: api-man r-.J
lord, a margrave', also n. pro ku oi jresteh and our will is that you
should send him 35- 6 ; b) with a v. n. in
kai-gah [kdg)s] the royal camp (during
a campaign) 211. 23 passim.
-isn placed after r-..I; if the subj. is a
pron. it is placed before r-..I as an encl.
Kai-Kavat [kdkw)t'] v. Kavat. (-m, -t, etc.); if it is a subst. it is placed
Kai-Luhrasp [kdlwhPsp'] v. Luhrasp. after", and mayor may not be antici-
pated by an encl. before ,......,: ce-s r-..I to
kaivan [kdw)n'] the planet Saturn 77.
rad Ohurmazd apar-astisneh i en den,
Borrowed from Aram: Syr kewan, bor-
api-san r-..I amahraspandan, api-s r-..I to
rowed in its turn from Ass kaiamanu.
rad aparilc yazdan for O. wants you to
Kai-Vistasp [kdwst)sp'] v. Vistasp. take care of this Religion, and the Amah-
Kai-Xosroi-sat [kdhwslwQ. s)t'] n. pro of raspands want it, and the other gods,
a town 11419. - "K.-X. is glad"; v. s. v. too, want you to do it 59 10- 11 ; miyan
Xosroi. van ku r-..I apar-barisn Pourusasp the
middle of the tree up which P. wanted
kalpaS [k)lpt'], kalpuS [k)lpwt'] shape, to climb 415- 6 • - 3. adj., as the second
external bodily form 89 26 . 90 26 . 10P7. - element 6f a bahuvrihi, -ak .being a secon-
MPrs k)lbyd (List 84); Paz. kalbwl:, Skr. dary suff. of derivation (cf -salak: sal):
v. kaya sundara (Aog.); NP kalbad, kalbud pus-,....." having love for her son, loving
'the body of a man or an animal', 'a her son 48 21 . 49 7. 21 . 50 11 ; Ohurmazd is
model, a last for shoes' which is the nevakeh-r-..I having his will directed to-
original sense, the w. being borrowed wards good things, Ahriman is anakeh-r-..I
from Gr xOC}..01t60LOV •. having his will directed towards evil
karn [km] little (adj. and adv.), few 6617 . 77 23 - 24 ; ahlayeh-r-..I-tar (Zartuxst) whose
93 19 . 21 . 96 6. 7. 1l022; almost a modest ne- will is most [of all beings] directed to-
gation: explained by na FrP, Cod. S2 wards Righteousness 45 23 .
XV, 7. - Av. (440) kamna-; Paz. NP kam.
karnakeh abstr. of bahuvrihi compounds
V. kem.
with kamak (v. above no 3): pat menoi r-..I
karn [k)m] will, desire, wish 69 4 • - Av. in the state of being a menoi-kamak, one
(463) kama-; MPrthPrs k)m; Paz. NP whose will is determined by Heaven, i. e .•
kam. in accomplishment of the will of the
karnak 1. will, wish, desire (= lcam): 0 heavenly beings 4022 , with the gl. cigon
"" raset (imp.) may you attain, (the ful- menoyan apayist, v. apayistan; purr-r-..I i
filment of) your Royal Pleasure! 10 7; o ahlayeh whole-hearted devotion to
brihenisn u spahr u "" i yazdan the Righteousness 55 5 (purr-kamak whose
predestination, Heaven, and the will will is full, perfect); az- "" indulging in
of the gods 69 5 ; pat "" as ±eng as covetousness 68 13 (az-kamak addicted to
ever you wish 59 18 ; ke Busasp r-..I ne az); anakeh-r-..I ill will, malignity 72 15
varzet he who does not (work the will (anakeh~kamak, v. above no. 3); varan-r-..I
of =) addict himself to Drowsiness 8416 ; kartan to indulge in lustfulness 8411 ;
r-..I datan 0 to direct one's will towards ravak-r-..I the state, or work, of one whose |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kiimakeh 111 kanicak

will is valid (ravak-kamak) i. e., UnI- 10313- 14 ; - personal construction: pati-

versally valid lawgiving 105 12 . fra8 kamend kartan 10216 . - Denom. of
kam (q. v.); in the Ps. 'to be well pleased
Kiimak-sut [,.....,,-swt l ] n. pro one of the
in'; MPrs pres. k'm- personal; MPrth
seven heroes who will usher in the fras-
k'm'dn k'm- (A-H III); NP kamidan.
kart (q. v.) 10610 .14 • - Av. (1431) Vouru.-
8avah- Yt. 13 128 ; in PhI vouru- 'wide(ly kiim-kiir [k'mk'l] acting according to his
spread)' was mistakenly combined with own will, sovereign, autocrat: pat Eran-
(1360) 2var- 'to choose', hence the ren- sahr ,....." 13 26 ; compo ,.....,,-tar Supreme So-
dering by kamak. vereign 39, adj. 4 18- 19 . - MPrth k'mg'r
'free, happy' (A-H III). V. kar.
Kamak-vadisn [,.....,,-whssn1 ] n. pro one
of the seven heroes who will usher in kaniir [kn'l] side 1612 . 27 3. - Av. (451)
the fraskart 10610 .13 . - Av. (1431) Vouru.- karan- (not karana- as Bthl has it);
n'dmah- Yt. 13 128 ; on kamak for vouru- MPrth kr'n 'side, direction'; NP kanar
v. the preceding w . Usually vaxsisn is and karan.
emended to niyayisn (q. v.) in order to kaniirak [kn'lk ' ; STL'] boundary 5127.
obtain congruency with n'dmah- (v. na- 52 6. 11 • - MPrs kn'rg 'side'; Paz. kanaTa;
mac), but I do think we should retain NP kanarah 'side, shore'.
vaxsiSn, which is attested by all MSS:
'from whose will growth (or increase) kanarakomandeh [kn'rk'wmndyh] finite-
arises', as the counterpart of Kamak-8ut ness 641. - Abstr. of kanarakamand 'fi-
'from whose will beneficial works arise'. nite', MPrs kn'rgwmnd 'limited', Paz.
kaman [km'n ' ] bow 25 23 . 26 . 85 16 . 1004. -
kandiik [knd'k] astrologer, pI. cas. obI.
= NP.
,.....,,-an 1310 . - MPrs qnd'yy 'magic, astrol-
kamar [kml] belt, girdle 6 7. 1211. - Av. ogy', List ~4; NP kunda 'sorcerer,
(440) kamara-; NP lcamar. astrologer, wise', cf Bailey, TPhS 1955,
kamar [km'l] head, only of evil beings,
skull 74 18 . - A v. (440) kam'dr'dba-; kamar kandan [I:IPLWN -tn I, kndn I] kan- 1. to
< *kamarba-. dig, pI. lcand engraved 113 12 . - 2. to
destroy 4221. 7114. 99 18 ; to tear up by
kamar-band [kmlbnd] waistband, sash,
the root 33 16 . - 3. be ,....." to throw out, to
belt 25 20 . - = NP .
drive away 347. - Two different vbs.:
kamiha v. dev-kamiha. 1. Av. OP (437 sq.) 2kan-' to dig', whence
also gukan- (q. v.); 2. kan-· 'to throw',
kiimistan [k'm(y)stn ' , Y$BHn-stn ' ], sub-
whence also apakandan, frakandan, par-
ju. 3d p. sg. kamai [Y$BHn-'y], to be
gandan, Morgenstierne, AO I, 249; Ver-
willing, to wish, to desire, impers. with
bum 172. MPrs and NP 'to dig', Paz.
the subj. in a virtual dat: ka-s kamet
xadan, xan- with an initial x- confirmed
when(ever) he wills 77 25 ; - with a de-
by the Arab.lw. xandaq 'trench' and Skr
pendent clause introduced by ku: ka-t
khan- (pt. khata-). V. also kaniSn.
hame etan kami8t ku . . . karecar kunai
26 25 - 26 (cf s. v. ku); if negative, con- kanicak [knyck'] , with indef. art. I'..I-e
strued with be ka: adak-im ne kamai be . [knyck+ 1] 4 22 , girl, pI. cas. obI. ,.....,,-an
ka ra8t gab am then I shall have no other lbd.; 222. 4 22-7 1 pas8im; 9 21 ; 14-16 pa8-
wish than to tell the truth 21 15 - 16 ; - with 8im. - MPrs knycg; NP kanizah. Dimin.
an info placed after: ka-s tan be a getah of lcanilc; v. also kanisk. (Ps. 12222 knysky,
kamist datan95 2- 3 ; 43 23 - 24 . 48 2- 3 • 5221-22. v. Barr s. v.). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kanik 112 kir-dahak

kanik [knyk] virgin, maid 37-38 passim; kir-ikiheh [k>I>k>syh] the quality of
73 passim; 75 4 • 7. - Av. (439) kainya-, having knowledge of works; skill 88 11 •
kaini-; MPrthPrs knyg; Paz. kanik. 17.23. - Cf akah, akaheh.

*kanisk [knysky] female slave SPrs: 16, karap [kIp'], with indef. art. """"-e [klp+ 1],
perhaps coIl. - Reading and phonetical pI. cas. recto ,......, 37 25 , pI. cas. obI. ,......,-an
development not quite clear. 42 21 , a class of priests dominating the
tribe of Zartuxst before his appearance;
kanisn [I):PLWN-sn'] v. n. of kandan (2): his adversaries, often mentioned together
,......, i ian the destruction of the vital with the kayak (q. v.): 48-51. 53-55
spirit, the extinction of life 6410 • passim; 117 16 . - Borrowed from A V.
(454 sq.) karapan-.
kan-tigr [kntgl], kantir quiver 2013 . 27 16 .
28 19 . 27 . 29 2. - V. tigr. Renders Av. (46) Karazm [klcm] n. pro son or relative of
akana- V d 149 ; Ps. kwtyly is probably Vistasp 11410. - NP Gurazm (Sn), late
only a clerical error for kntyly. form of Av. (443) Kavarasman-; Cat. 50.

kir [k>l] work, act, deed (also evil), busi- *karbok [klbwk'] an Ahrimanic animal,
ness, errand, matter, case, task, cas. obI. one of the xrafstrs (q. v.), uncertain
kare [k>ly], kareh [k>lyh] (cf s. v. karp); -which, 58 1 • - Probably a poisonous lizard:
with indef. art. kar-e [k>l+ 1] anything A V. (455) baevar'd azinqm spakanqm kahr-
11 22 , something 1048 ; pat kar-e for some punanqm V d. 145 = PhI bevar az i sak
business 1417 ;35 11 • 14 • 50 27 etc., passim; - 0 karpok '10.000 dog-snakes, viz. karpok',
biltan i ham-ic kare frahaxtak in order that with the gI. mar/l/-banak (Vd. 18 73
all might be instructed in this matter (viz. m>lwb>nk ' or m>lb>nwk ' ) and the ex-
in the new religion) 10811 ; pat martom planation e +sakeh-as et kil. apac 0 kiln
kareh through human work (= as far is nisinet 'that is: its dog-nature consists
humanly possible) 1122; - ,......, framiltan to of its sitting down on its tail'. Av. azinqm
bring about 19 9 ; ,......,-om to framaye do spakanqm kahrpunanqm signifies 'dogish,
thou thy duty to me! 2722; amah ap i to kahrpu-ish snakes', karpu-na- being an
pat ,......, ne apayet we do not need thy adj. parallel with spaka-; PhI karp ok <
water 1423 ; 37 5 - 6 ; andar 0 ,......, kartan to *karpava-ka-, parallel form klb>h BdA p.
begin using regularly 96 14 ; pat en ,......, ku 43 5 (J klb>k), cf perhaps NP karavah 'an
with the commission to ask: " . . . 1319 ; animal of black colour; it is said that
- often coordinated with another notion its bite is worse than the bite of a snake'
so as to form a hendiadys expressing that (BQ). When wandering in the other
the notion is put into practice: ,......, u kirpak world Karter sees (SM 1. 40) in Hell
(work and religious virtue =) meritorious klbwkY u an xrafstr. O. Paul, Exeg. Beitr.
religious deeds 13 2 and passim; ,......, u zum Avesta (1939), 28, quoting Junker,
datistan, v. this w.; ,......, u rayenisn prac- ZII II, 243, translates 'lizard?', com-
tical function 87 2 (in this construction u paring NP words which seem to be
is very often wanting in MSS and edi- rather distant; wrongly BSOAS X VII,
tions); - sahre ,......,-an (pI. cas. obI.) "state- 1955, 237 n. 1.
work" =- pel!al servitude, forced labour kir-dahak or kir-dik [k>ldhk' or k>ld>k],
9 2 ; zane", -an 83 4 V.s. v. zan. - = NP. pI. cas. obI. ,......,-k>n' trader, merchant,
A v. only in the adj. kara-vant- (465); on (perhaps) pedlar 85 4 • - Paz. kardahag-,
OP kara- v. karecar. - V. also a-kar, Skr. V. va'Y}ijyakara (Mx 4 6 va'Y}ikloka);
dast-kareh, 'ham-kar, kam-kar, kar,-dak, MPrs k>rd'g 'migrant, tramp', Henning,
kar-namak. . '" BSOAS XIII, 1950, 643 ; [on xcipa<X.x€<;, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kiir-dahak 113 kartakiin

Strabo C 734, 13, v. Widengren, Feodalis- kart [k'lt ' ; SKYN'] knife 22 20 . 25 . 96 21 . -
mus 83 sq.; Hinz, ZDMG 122 (1972), 387]. Av. (454) lkarata-; NP kard.
kiirecar [k'lyc'l] battle, combav 1198, lkartak [krtk'] pt. of kartak: made, done:
with: ~ i 8 20 , i apak 1088 ; pat ~ be ozatan girt ~ 38 2 4, v. girt; matak . . . kartak . . .
to kill in battle 97 22 ; ~ xunrecisneh (q. v.) artist after having come ... after having
13 12- 13 ; koxsisn u karecar 901 ; ~ kartan been made . . . (chapters) were arranged
to fight 25-29, passim. 5Il. 95 11 ; vas ~ 112 15- 18 , with the same absolute con-
u ozanisn apak . . . kart 133 - 4 ; ~ dastan struction as in NP. - Paz. kardaa 'some-
to keep contending, wrestling 32 9 - 10 ; be thing done' (SGV), v. also s. v. lkartan.
o ~ i ... sutan to engage in battle with
96 17 - 18 etc. - MPrs k'ryc'r, k'rc'r (S); 2kartak 1. juridical term, according to
Paz. kariZar, NP karzar; kare- cas. obI. Pagliaro, RSO XXIII, 1948, 52-68, for-
of kar < OP kara- 'army', +car from mal, strict law; legal proceedings, cause
Av. (449) 5kar- 'to move', cf NP caridan in court: pat ~ dastan to keep the Law~
'to graze' and vicar-. o ~ kartan to bring to court, to prosecute,
~ bavet ogon aptilc ku ... it is accom-
kareh 1122 v. ka1'.
panied by a formal declaration to the
karkas [klk's] vulture 604. - Av. (452) purport that ... , etc. [add GF IV, 20
kahrkasa-; NP kargas. (Ahriman speaks to the unsuccessful
sorcerer): sav u gartan pes kun mihrdru-
Karkoi [klkwd] a town in Sakistan, seat
zeh rad (thus the t,~ro Copenh. MSS) ka
of a fire temple 1164. 8. Cat. 89-90.
'" daret be off and turn thy nape forwards
kiir-namak [k'l-SM-k ' ] i Artaxser the (i. e., run backwards, cf 6811~12) because
Book of Feats of A. 11. - V.lcar and namak. of thy treachery measured by strict law
(properly: when one keeps the law)];
karp [kIp I], cas. obI. karpeh [klpyh] 95 26 ,
this sense probably also in the difficult
the external, visible form of living be-
passage 26 17- 18 (an alleged order of Vis-
ings: der-pattai . . . ~ darend they will
tasp's): han asp ka Zarer kartak but be 0
have their external form everlasting (=
Bastvar dahet this horse, since for Z. a
an everlasting bodily form) 10515 ; - as
legally valid declaration was made (that
the second element of a compound: matak
it should be owned by him), give it to B.!,
~ having female shape 57 17 ; pat kanik ~
i. e., give B. this (such and such) horse
in the shape of a maiden 73 1 ; 0 martom
which is his because it is Z.'s legal pro-
karpeh into human shape 95 26 ; mart ~,
perty. - 2. in a religious sense: canonical
marte [GBR'+I] ~ 1046 ; 96 24 . 98 19 ; 0
text 111 2 • 3 ; cf Den-kart. - From 2kartan.
han i ustur ~ 99 15 . - Av. (467 sq.) kahrp-;
Arm. lw. kerp; MPrs kyrb (A-H I), but kartakan [krtk'n] divine service: api-s
Paz. karf. yazdan ~ framat kartan Y he ordered a
karpeh v. the preceding w. service (a mass) to be arranged for the
gods PI: 9. - The w. is sg., as shown by
karr [kl] deaf 65 20 . - Av. (455) 2karana-; MPrthPrs kyrdg'n 'pious work', MPrs
NP karr: cf Bailey, BSOS VI, 1931, 591.
abstr. dwskyrdg'nyh and pI. cas. obI.
-kart [-krt I], -gart [-glt I] -fold: cahar- dwskyrdg'n'n (S, A-H II); this is not re-
kart, haft[7]-gart fourfold, sevenfold in- futed by vas ~ Mx 27 56 , because vas is
tertwined 20 14 . 12027 . - Probably quite often, like the numerals, construed with
simply from kartan, and at all events the sg. (properly speaking, the cas. recto
influenced by it; or from gart- 'to turn, pI., V. vas); cf, e. g., mahakan, 2vaspuh-
to twist' (v. gartisn)? rakan. From 2kartan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
8 Nyberg
kartakeh 114 kartiir

kartakeh [(~YDWN-tkyh], v. apac-kar- ayet do ye proclaim that every man shall

takeh. come to King V.'s court 20 5- 6; Dahak
han and zaman (~YDWN -Xl cand ... to
lkartan [krtn l ; klty; (~YDWN-t'] kun-
D. as long a time 'will be assigned as (to
[~YDWN-;formsv. I, 179;pres.
allow him to . . .) 99 7; ristaxez eton kund
kwnd: read kund] to make, to do, to per-
ka he will determine the Resurrection at
form, to exercise, to commit, to cause, to
the time when . . . 3412 ; atan han i kart
bring about; to manufacture, to construct
axUayisneh (q. v.) dahet he will create un-
(hac 'of' a material) ; - forms active deriva-
willingness with regard to what is in-
tive vbs. a) from v.ns. in -isn, e.g. asayisn
stituted by you 45 1 ; of the marriage
'" to repose, azbayisn '" to invoke; gar-
contract: mart u zan evak apak dit kamak
zisn, izisn, koxsisn, nike1·isn, pursisn, za-
bavet, rayenend u (~YDWN -Xl man and
nisn etc. etc. ,.." ; b) from other nouns: ajrin,
woman will fall in love, become engaged
amoxtareh, appar, hampursakeh, tak, varz
(v. rayenitan) and contract marriage
etc. etc. "'-', v. the resp. ws.; - with a
104 24- 25 ; zan kartan u patvand i geteh
pred. adj., e. g. 73. 347 etc.; girt kart =
rayenitan to marry a woman and settle
girt kartak (q. v.); vat-kart v. vat; or a
his family ties in this world 63 16 ; PLK' ...
pred. subst., e. g. api-s ... bitaxs kunom
pat ap i banialc kart estat the axe was
25 10 - 11 ; - with kart as its cognate obj.
enchanted (dedicated to Hell) by means
P2 : 6-7. 8 [read (l'B =) nev karty kunan
of baniak (q. v.)-water 25 16- 17 . 28 14 ; Sah-
that I may do good deeds]. - With prev.:
puhr ... apan xanak kart Sh. founded
andar 0 kar "'-', v. kar; api-s Manuscihr
(instituted) a temple for the Waters
andar 0 PatisxUargar kart he brought M.
109 14- 15 ; the same meaning undoubtedly
(as a captive) to P.116 4- 5 , cfBdAp. 231 5 - 6;
also in the expression sahristan kart 113-
- apac "'-' to repel 42 23 gl.; to reflect 112 5;
116; sahristan . . . pat sapistan kart was
- pat dar apar "'-' to crucify a p. 208 ; - be "'-'
declared a harem-city 11624- 25 . - A v. (448)
to remove 65 15 ; - beron asman kunet he
2kar- 'to recollect, to mention, to com-
will turn them out of heaven 10318 ; -
mend' [from which in all probability
trac ,......., to send forth 1618 ; to bring forth,
ham + the caus. in the set phrase nivae-
to produce 48 20 ; to attempt 8121. - NB:
~ayemi hankarayemi 'I consecrate, I de-
man kart I;IWH-wm 3 24- 25 for man kart-om
dicate' (not from lkar- as Bthl. has it)].
by me it was done, v. s. v. h- and om. -
First proposed by Pagliaro, RSO XXIII,
(~YDWN-X2-'t' = kunat 53 14 , cf (~Y­
1948, 67-68 (v. s. v. 2kartak); followed
DWN-x 2-yg=, 11.
up by A. Perikhanian, REA, N. S. V,
- Av. (444sqq.) lkar-, pres.ka ranu-; OP
1968, 22, VI, 1969, 8, quoting the Arm.
kar- kunav-; MPrth kyrdn kr- ; MPrs
lw. car [< *carna-] 'festival oration, ho-
kyrdn kwn-; Paz. NP kardan kun-; cf
mily'. Of course in BP as we now have it
s. v. hangirtikeh.
(BYDWN - has always been read as kun-,
2kartan: a special vb. semantically dif· but the original pres. must have been
ferent from, but formally confounded kar-, as the NW pres. of kartan 'to
with, lkartan is still apparent in certain make' . - V. 2kartak, kartareh ( 1) ,hangartan,
expressions and derivatives, with the nikerai, nikeritan, patlcaritan, uskartan.
basic meaning: to declare, to proclaim,
to fix by law, to prescribe; to enchant; kartar [krt'l] maker, doer: ,......., hom I am
to establish, to institute, to found (by a doer = I have the faculty of acting
legally valid decrees and documents); 1012 7; adj. sup. "'-'-tar the most active,
cf the following passages: eton (~YDWN­ or industrious 1201; ataxs ,......., generator of
yt l ku (har mart) ... 6 dar i Vistii8p-sah fire (i. e. letting loose the fire hidden |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kartir 115 kas

and imprisoned in the plants) 95 1; anak- 2kas ['YS], with the indef. art. kas-e
,..." v. anak; fraBkart- '" v. this w. (in the [)YS+l], with the encl. -c: kas-ic [)YS-c],
M S S often written fraBkartar, -ran through cas. obI. kase-c [)YS-yc] a man, a person,
haplography) . somebody, anybody; with neg. nobody:
pat ,-....J-ec ,-....J . . . ma to no one at all
kartireh abstr. of the preceding w. 1. (whoever it may be) 6616 ; han ,-....J ke that
panegyric 3416 . 35 4 from 2kartan. - 2. per- one who 4 16 . 9 6; har ,-....J everyone 7016 etc.;
forman ce (of one' s duty) , obligingness 711; har ,-....J-e 10018 (subj.). 103 24 ; harven ,-....J
simple v. n. of 1kartan: 0 xues ,-....J 70 23 , v. 64 10 ; har vat ,-....J . . . ne no evil man 619- 20 ;
xues; azateh ,-....J 70 26 ; fraskart,,-....J 99 21- 22 .
be man an ,-....J . . . ne no one except me
105 11 • 20 . 106 7 •
34 2; hec ,-....J ... ne nobody 77 5.9 etc.;
Kartar-giv [,-....J-TWR)] n. pro one of the vas ,-....J many people 1514 ; - pI. some men,
AOwiyanis (v. Aspikan) 47 6. - 'Having people, pI. cas. obI. "'-'-an 6922.26.8225.8423.
vigorous (?) bulls'. As all the other AOwi- 85 3. - A v. (424 sg.) kascit, whence in SW
yanis have names in which -gav is pre- *kassit > MiIr kas; 0 P kasciy is NW,
ceded by an adj. designating a colour: but has no continuation in later stages
Bor-gav, Siyah-gav, Spet-gav, kartar is (it would have resulted in *kas). V.
possibly the corruption of a similar adj. Tedesco, Dial. 209sq. - Of cis, *kas, pas.
which, as Dr. Monchi-zadeh would as-
kasaken [+k)skyn'] a kind of stone: ,-....J
sume, was the MiIr equivalent of NP
kahar 'chestnut, bay' (in BP it would be spet rosn dazzlingly white k., the element
of which the vault of heaven was created
*k)hl or the like). Tab. I, 227 in fine has
928. 93 12 . - In the text only ken, but the
Axsin-gav which he translates 'possessing
emendation is almost certain. BdA p.
yellow cattle' (Av. [51] axsaena- 'dark-
210: the fortress Kangdiz had seven
coloured', NP xasin 'of the colour of
walls (II. 9-10) 1. of gold, 2. of silver,
ashes, darkish white', but also 'black
3. of steel. 4. of copper, 5. of -iron, 6. of
and blue').
glass, 7. kasakenen 'of kasaken'. Same
kart-kar [krtk)l] mighty, powerful, pI. enumeration in Jamaspik, ed. by Messina,
cas. obI. ,-....J-an 70 25 . - Skr. v. krta-karya 73, where kasaken instead of -enen. OP
'he who has reached his aim'; MPrthPrs kasakaina-, adj. of kasaka-, defined by
kyrdg)r; NP kirdigar. Kent as 'a semi-precious stone', whereas
kasakaina- in his opinion is rather lapis
kirvan [k'lw'n ' ] troup: with the inde£. lazuli. (Absurdities by Herzfeld, ApI
art. ,-....J-e groh-e 84 ; an army as mobilized 230-233).
and ready for war 2011 (v. evarz) 14. -
V. s. v. karecar. Arm. lw. karawan, kare- *kas ['MT-sl + -p (q. v.) *kas-ip 'though'
wan; Paz. karavqn (SGV); the w. com- however much 46 6 (the following LNH
monly refers to a troup of travelling = amah is the obj. of zanisn I. 7). - If we
merchants, hence the Skr. v. va1Jijya take -s in )MT -s in the usual way it lacks
and the use of it in our languages. NP all reference. This being so, I venture
karvan. the hypothesis that )MT -s is the er-
lkas [ks] small: han i hac to ,-....J thy in- roneous spelling of a particle *kas, the
ferior 68 5; v. also haciS-kas. - NW form: NW development of *kat-cit (cf s. v. cis)
Av. (460) kasu-, MPrth sup. ksyst; SW from Av. (436) kat 'when ?', also general
*kaOu- which has survived in the compo particle of interrogation. The particle -p
*kaOiyah- > keh: MPrs qyh (BBB), Paz. would at all events have preceded -s if
NP keh; cf kahisn. this were the prone suff. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

kasitan 116

kasitan [ksytn ' ] kes- [kys-] to draw, to ka(y)en [k)yn ' ] the old capital of Koh-
pull, to drag 329. 13 • 69 18 (subju. kesand]. istan 11412 , V. Cat. 53; Arab Qayin,
75 3 ; ul '" info 152. - Av. (456) kars-; Yaqut 4,22.
Paz. ka,sidan kis-; NP kasidan; cf MPrs Kayos [k)dws] n. pro a king of the Kavi
qs 'furrow' (BBB), V. also lcisvar and dynasty: '" bag 45 c 46 1; 78 2. 90 12 . 113 7. 16 •
kisvicar. - Av. (406) kavi- usan-, nom. kava usa;
katak [ktk'] house, abode, room 37 20 . Paz. Kahos.
4727; man'" 26 3, V. man; sign of the Kayosan patron. of Kayos 113 8 •
zodiac 87 23 ; v. also katak-xUatai. - Av.
(432) kata-; MPrthPrs kdg; Paz. kad(a) ke [MNW] with encI. MNW -m = ke-m,
(Mx); NP kad(ah). MNW -s = ke-s etc.; MNW -c = ke-c:
A. interrog. pron. who? whom?: en retak
katak [k)tk ' ] game, frolicking 52 20 . - Arm- ke hast? 1617 ; emphasized ke han he? who
lw. katak; from Av. (462) ka- 'to desire', art thou, say? 56 19 ; as cas. obI.: ke pat
pt. kata-; V. Benveniste, TPhS 1945, 73; panah kunom? 7419 ; ke xUes hom? to
Bailey BSOAS XIII, 1950, 396, n. whom do I belong? 62 4 ; en zanisn ke
katak-xUatai [ktkhwVy] 'house-lord', title (ag.) kart? who made this deadly shot?
of the petty kings reigning before the 3 23 ; - gen. i ke: en pus i ke hast? whose
Sassanian epoch 107 15 ; in two words P. son is this? 16 21 ; or han i ke: ruvan . . .
han i lee ... ? whose soul? 31 2- 3 ; - governed
katiim [kVm] who? which? what? inde-
by a prep. : hac ke? nazd ke? tai ke? etc. ; -
pendent or attributive 212. 7 5 etc.; in
indirect interrogation may be introduced
indirect interrogative clauses preceded
by ku: gob ku to hac Iradandan i ke hah
by ku 215-7. - Av. (433) katama-; Paz.
15 17 - 18 ; without ku: (en-ic dane) hac pusa-
kadCf.m; NP kudam.
ran ... i man ke zivet u ke miret 21 9- 10 ; ne
katircihe [kt)lchy] anyone, whatever or (akah hom) i ke han 57 4 • - B. reI. pron.
whoever it may be 67 16 . 10019 . - Not who, which; with pronominal antecedents:
kt)lc)y as in the Index. Paz. kadarcihe < man ke, to ke, smah ke, oi ke, 'oisan ke,
katar-ci he (opt.) 'whoever it may be'. -s ... ke, han (kas) ke, har (han) ke; hec
From Av. (433 sq.) katara- 'which (of (kas) ke both in a positive (6417- 18 ) and
two) ?'; katarascit is indef.: 'both, either'. a negative (118 17- 18 ) sense; 1. used as
katik [ktyk] domestic 95 7. - V. katak. cas. recto and cas. obI.: (subj.) asvar-e
nest ke ... eton cigon to 1515 - 16 ; (dat.)
I{aviit [kw)t ' ] n. pro king of Persia 488- (Kavul) ke Mihr u Mah pat pust hah K.
531: 11712; Kai-", 117 15 . - Av. (443) over which Sun and Moon keep guard
Kavata- who was the founder of the 31 7- 8 ; (agens) Krisasp ke Dahak vanit K.
Kavi dynasty. Cf Bailey, BSOS VII, by whom D. was vanquished 106 4 - 5; - its
1933-1935, 69-79, 759-761; Christensen, syntactic function may be marked by an
ibd. 483-485; Bailey, TPhS 1954, 144 enclitic referring to the antecedent: (hu-
sqq.; Herzfeld, AMI VI, 81 n. 1. nusk i Gana Menoi) ke-s cis-ic pat poc
Kavatan patr. of Kaviit 109 21 . U3 8. 11419. nest (the progeny of the Evil Spirit) for
whom there is nothing to furnish an ex-
Kavul [k'pwl; inscr. k)wly] Kabul P2: 2.
cuse 1021- 2; but dastavar ke-s gult ku
11; 8 21 . 17 9 • 317. U5 21 .
there was a theologian who said 101 8,
kayak [kdk ' ] priests who were enemies also but ke-s gult ku someone has said
of Zartuxst, always together with karap (taught) that 103 20 ; oMan ke-san Yam
(q. v.), 37 25 . 55 25 . - From Av. (442 sq.) kirrenit those by whom Y. was cut to
kavi-, V. kai. pieces 101 4 - 5 ; - the gen. is regularly ex- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
117 ken

pressed by ke + an encl. referring to the andar). - 3. as a kind of i~afat, mostly

antecedent: martom ke-s en 3 pas the introducing an apposition: han mart ...
man who has these three guards 65 8 - 9 ; ke ahlav Zartuxst 42 16- 17 , 43 17- 18 ; adak-is
ke-s kirpak ves ... ke-s kirpak u vinas oi8an guft ke datar Ohurmazd 58 5 ; han
hakanen he whose virtue preponderates vartenisn ... ke fraskart-kartareh i veh
. . . he whose virtue and sin are equal 9921-22.25-26; without an antecedent: bavet
79 24 - 25 ; seldom i ke: cigon mart-e ke-s ... ke Spitaman Zartuxst it may be S. Z.
veheh ves u evak i ke veheh kam as a man 6023 ; 59 7 : an. imitation of the Av. idioms
whose goodness preponderates and an- az~m yo ahuro mazda; haniaman~m fra-
other whose goodness is deficient 96 6 - 7 ; - barata yo da<5va ahuro mazda etc.; -
it cannot be governed by a prep. ;in such seldom introducing a gen.: han xuarrah
cases, a) the prep. is placed in the reI. ke ... Eran dehan ke-c ahlav Zartuxst
clause and governs adem. pron. referring 46 18- 21 (from Yt. 1957 ); - hence deve-
to the antecedent: (datar) ke hac' et loped the use of ke( -c) ... ke-c in the
astak veh (the Creator) from whom a sense of 'as well as, both ... and, partly
good Messenger (has come) 57 11 ; ke ... , . . partly': hamoden dam u dahisn . . .
hac oisan evak ravet (the three sons of ke zayisnik ke-c arodisnik hend the whole
Zartuxst) of whom one ... shall appear creation, both born and unborn 88 1 - 2 ;
711 5 - 16 ; 18 15 ; ke-s pat han urvar be baret (patixsai) ke astomandan ke-c menoyan
[YDLWN-x-] by which he removes the ruler of both the material and the spiri-
plants 56 9 - 10 ; han kas ke yuvat hac oi ne tual beings 59 24 ; har 2 aivenak hutohmeh
vicaret the man without whom you will . .. ke-c hac amahraspandan N erosang
not get on 4 16- 17 ; b) the prep., changed u ke-c hac martoman Yam both sorts of
into an adv. and assuming its special good parentage, partly from the Amah-
form if there exists any, is placed in the raspands (through) N. and partly from
reI. clause and may refer directly or mankind (through) Y. 39 17- 18 . - 4. conj.
through an encl. to ke: han ke en xUamn as, because 1 I8 (ke-c). 12 25 (ke-m). 44 19
patis dit the one about whom this dream (ke oi); so that 39 17 (?). Later copyists
was dreamt 24- 5 (patis for pat referring use 'MT = ka and MNW = ke promis~~­
to ke); Hutos ke ... 30 hacis zat H. of ously. - OIr gen. kahya from (422 sciq.,>
whom 30 children have been born 24 23 ka-.
(hacis for hac); han gav pem ke tan gOh1' i kern [kym] small, little, slight, = kam:
Zartuxst avis mat estat the cow-milk into 8616.20.21. 90 16 . - < *kambyah- comp: of
which the bodily element of Z. had kamna (v. kam), but used in the sense of
entered 42 25 - 26 (avis for 0); hamak cis the pos.; Av. (440) sup. adv. kambist~m
ke-s martoman ramisn ... hacis everything 'least'; MPrs qmb (A-H II); Paz. kim,
from which men derive pleasure 10020- 21 kem; MPrth kmbyg 'short', abstr. qmbyft,
(hacis for hac referring to ke through the qmbystn 'to empty' (List 84).
intermedium of the encl. -s in ke-s); han
kem-ranj [kymlnc] having little pain,
kes patiyavandtar ke-s patixsayeh apak
almost: having no pain, painless, healthy
bavet that religion is most powerful to-
714, v. rani.
gether with which there is royal power
(which is joined with royal power) 80 18- 19 ken [kyn '] revenge, vengeance: i for

(apak here adv., referring to ke through 9 : pat han i hunuSkan

9 in order to

avenge her progeny 50 ; 1 i ... xUastan

the intermedium of the encl. in ke-s); 1""<0.1

b6stan-e ke-s hamak urvariha u spramiha to take vengeance for 143 (pat upon). 27 12 ,
andar a garden in which there are all 283 ; '" xUastan hac for 25 27 _26 1 ; '" toxtan
sorts of plants and flowers 1051 (ke-s . , , to take vengeance 45 22 ; - hesm u '" 144; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ken 118 kihar

hesm u ,-...; U anasteh 78 22 ; ,-...; u anasteh 'charitable action', 'piety', also 'pious,
107 16 . - Av. (429) kaena-; MPrth kyn; devout' (MHC); Ps. klpk 'charitable
MPrs xy(y)n but kynwr, v. the next w.; deeds'; Paz. kerba; NP kirfah.
Paz. xin; NP kin. kirpakeh [krpkyh, klpkyh] devout state
ken-var [kynwl] revengeful, malevolent of mind, devotion PI :5. P2 :10.
70 3. - Paz. xinvar. kirpakik adj. of kirpak: ,-...; lear pIOUS
ken-vareh malevolence, wic~edness 8224. work 717.
- Paz. xinvari.
kirpak-kar [klpkly] Benefactor, of God
kesar [kysl] Caesar, the title of the 1283. - Specific Christian use of the w.;
Byzantine emperor: ,-...; i Hromayan MPrthPrs kyrbler 'beneficent', Paz. ker-
sahridar 17 8- 9; 11518 (v. bratar-zat)·20. bagar.
kes [kys] faith, religion, both of the kirrenitan [klynytn ' ] to cut: 1. to cut
Zoroastrian religion and of others, 80 15- 18 . to pieces, to tear asunder 727. lOP. -
8212. 1083. - Av. (812 sq.) tkaesa-; MPrs 2. to shape by cutting or hewing = to
kys 'doctrine, dogma'; NP kes (Sn). create, to bring forth, of Ahriman 66 27 . -
An artificial W., derived by means of the
ket [kyt ' ] soothsayer 13 9- 24 . 17 3. 37 6. -
caus. suff. -en- from kirr- < *kirn- <
Av. (428) kaeta-; MPrth qydyg 'magieian'
*krnn- < *krnt(ati), pres. of Av. (452sqq.)
(List 84.91 sq.); Bailey, TPhS 1955,
kar'dt-, pres. k9r'dntaiti (and other forms).
Paz. ad 727 substitutes xuareq 'eats';
kirihist [ldyhst ' ] pret. pass. 3d p. sg. of elsewhere xarnidan (Mx 64), xaranidan
kartan: has been done, was done 89 27 . - (Mx 729 ), xranidan (Aog.), etc. - Cf
MPrs pres. indo 3d p. sg. kyryhyd, pI. marnjenitan.
kyryhynd, subju. kyryh'd; Prth opt. 3d
kirrokeh [kylwkyh] handicraft work, art
p. sg. krhyd KZSPrth 1. 19 in fine. - Paz.
handiwork 109 9 • - Paz. keroi 'works of
substitutes karq esteq.
art' (SGV, V. de Menasce p. 254 ad XVI,
kirm [kIm] dragon 8 18 . - Skr krmi- 31). MPrs qrwg 'artisan', qrwgyh 'artis-
'snake', cf Av. (469) staro.k'dr'dma- 'shoot- tic skill' (A-H I); Arm. lw. krogpet 'fore-
ing star' ; MPrth krm 'comet' (MHC); NP man, head of the artisans' (krog- <
kirm 'worm'. kirrog-, Adjarian III, 14-46); Syr lw.
qrwgbd id.; Bailey, ZP 84; Henning,
Kirman [klm'n ' ] Kirman 8 19 . 11610 . -
BSOAS Xl, 1946, 480, n. 1.
Arab Karman or Kirman, Yaqiit 4,
262sqq.; Cat. 90. kistar [ZLYTN-t'l] sower, of bulls in
full power of generation 4121. - Milr, NP
kirpak [krpk'] virtue, pious duty (duties)
leistan kar- 'to sow'; Av. (449) 3kar-.
imposed on the faithful by the Zoroastrian
religion, or regarded as religiously meri- kisvar [kyswl] continent, one of the
torious in general: 6419 . 67 14 • 69 21 . 79 24 . seven continents of which the earthly
83 13 ; opp. vinas 63 13- 14 etc.; opp. bazak world consists 89 13 . 93 14 • 1001; six ,-...; +
808; enumeration of the principal virtues Xuaniras (q. v.) 10621 - 22 ; they are in-
83 16_85 5; - kar u ,-...; exercise of virtue surmountably separated from each other,
6416 etc. passim; of pious institutions and no human being can pass from one
13 2; varz i ,-...; practicing virtue 66 9 ; to another 78 6. 10 ; XUaniras alone is in-
patdasn i ,-...; reward of virtue 8010 , ,-...; habited by mankind, so ,-...; often signifies
mizd id. 8013 ; - ,-...; u ahlayeh 6619- 20 ; ,-...; u Eran-sahr, or in general the world of
veheh u rasteh 78 23 . - MPrthPrs kyrbg mankind: P5. 1125. 7p7. 111 25 . 11916 ; the |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kisvar 119 kii

seven are enumerated 10612- 14 ; Arzah !'-...J kositiireh [kwsyt'lyh] struggle, struggling
86 7 ; Savah !'-...J 868 ; v. these. - Av. (459) 75 1 • - V. koxsitan.
karsvar-; MPrth qysjr, MPrs kyswr; Ps.
kotak [kwtk'] little 264. - Av. (472) ku-
kswbly 'the earth' ; Paz. kesvat; NP
taka-; MPrs. qWdk (A-H II); Paz. NP
kisvar. As to the etymology cf kisvicar.
kisvarik, pI. cas. obI. !'-...J-an: the inhabi- kOxSisn [kwhssn '], kosisn [kwssn ' ] the act
tants of the kisvar par excellence, i. e. of combating, battle 4212. 615. 79 23 ; !'-...J U
Xuaniras = the world, and particularly karecar war 901.
Iran, 365. 10914 .
koxsisnik engaged in combating, waging
kihi-car [kyswc'l] sowing-ground: damik war 67 16 , v. askarakenitareh and agone
!'-...J kartan to bring land under cultivation
63 18 . - 'Arable area': -car = NP suff. kOxSitan [kwhsytn'], kositan [kwsytn ' ],
-zar, cf caman-zar 'meadow' (v. also pres. pass. 3d p. sg. koxsihet 105.8 to fight,
karecar); cf Ps. ksw'ncl 'field', MPrth to battle 105. 8. 25 8. 28 4. 43 21 . - MPrs
kysj>n < *kisvan 'seed', from *krsu,- cf kwsydn kws-, kwsysn (Verbum 184); Paz.
Av. (457) 3kars- 'to furrow', (458) karsu- kaxsidan, NP kosidan.
'tilled ground'; hence also kisvar (q. v.). Krisasp [klys'sp'] the mythic hero called
in Av. (470) ]('iJr'iJsaspa-, son of Sam,
koc [kwc ' ] help, assistance, e. g. PR 613 ;
31-36 passim; 99 5 • 6. 1003. 4. 7 • 1064. - The
hence a-koc (q. v.). - NP koc.
PhI. spellings: pp. 31-36 we find twice
kof [kWp'] mountain, cas. obI. koje krysspl, 4 times krys'spl, 7 gry~'spl,
[kWply 20 19 ]; pI. cas. recto !'-...J 33 4. 93 1. which is the prototype of NP Garsasp;
11512 .15 ; colI. kojeh 93 15 , with pI. ending pp.99-100 krsspl, only p. 106 krs'spl
kojiha 92 15 . 10p6; !'-...J sar the peak of which is the correct rendering of ]('iJr9-
the mountain 24-29, passim, but koje 8a8pa-.
sar 2019 . - Av. (431) kaoja-, OP kauja-;
kii ['YK; as a reI. adv. Prth 'N-w, HajA:
MPrth kwj; MPrs kwp, pI. kwp'n; Paz.
8], with enclitics 'YK-m = ku-m, 'YK~t
NP koh.
= kft-t, 'YK-s = kft-s etc. A. adv. 1.
kofidar [kwpyd'l] rulers of the mountains, interrogative where? ahlayeh kft? where
pI. cas. recto 115 12- 13 ; pI. cas. obI. !'-...J-an exists (the world of) Righteousness 57 1;
11511 • - V. Cat. 68-70; Herzfeld, AMI o kft? whither? hac ku? whence? from
IV, 83. In Arabic books kuhiyar, also where?; hac ku mat hom u apac a ku
kfthban < *koj-pan. savam? 62 4- 5. - 2. relative: where 37 22 . 395.
86 8.9; TMH 'N -w HajA: 8 = ai viyak ku
kofik belonging to, living In the moun- HajB:8; 'TR' 'YK a place where HajA:
tains 97 25 . 98 4. 8; 0 han giyak kft 26 20 - 21 etc.; pat rah
kostan [kwstn I] to pound, to grind 42 25 .- ku savend on the road where they went
MPrs kwstn (List 84); NP kastan; cf NP 20 16 ; a giyak ku rah i Par8 anod vitart
kustah 'rice pounded but not yet cleared 7 13- 14 (anad takes up the reI. adv., as
from the chaff'. V. also pat-kost. demonstr. and encI. pronouns take up
ke, V. S. v.); apar (kft) Zartuxst be
kosk [kwsk ' ] palace, castle 11422. - NP dahem the place where we shall deposit
kftsk (Turk lw. kYosk); borrowed in Targ Z. 39 6 ; of time: han roc ma bava ku
and Talm as qwsq' 'tower, castle', in may that day never come when 13 25 ;
Syr as gosqa, whence Arab iausaq-; roc kft ... kart the day (date) when it
Telegdi 254. was founded 1135. - B. conj. in different |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kii 120 kurtik

functions: 1. if, when, e. g. 105 (2nd 'YK). amah-ic be danem ku sap hast awap roc
SPrs: 14. - 2. for, because 8 23 , 47 21 . 57 23 . that we know whether it is night or day
- 3. than, after a comp.: rosntar leu 20 22 - 23 ; rast gob ku to hac fradandan i ke
37 22 ; apertar ku 6419 ; 6810; also pes ku hah tell frankly of whose children thou
ere, before 8 1. 1317 . - 4. 'that: a} final: art 1517- 18 ; 2120; 25 18- 19 etc. passim. -
(in order) that 305.712°.8714-16; ku MPrthPrs kw; Paz. ku; Av. (472) ku,
Zartuxst be dahem that we may deposit cf (4 73) kufJa.
Z. 395 ; ku ... ne lest 68-69 passim;
notice 69 16- 18 : ku . . . ne bave (ind. 2nd Kfifah [kwp'h] Kufa 11519 .
p. sg.) api-t ... ne kesand (subju.); 87 15 Kfimis [kwms] 11415 , Arab. Qumis, Ya-
etc.; - b} consecutive: so that, mostly qut 4,205.
eton ... leu 227. 320. 1110. 71 18 etc.; ogon
ku 81 1 ; viyak han ogon ne but ku kunisll [kwnsn ' ] v. n. of kartan 1. pred.,
that place was not such that ... HajB: impersonal form expressing necessity:
9; with vbs.: elon kunom ku I shan see to api-s ce,......, ? and what is to be done with
it that ... 6 2. 20 5- 6 ; eton but <ku) it so him? 106 ; (the message conveyed to me,
happened that 1410- 11 ; cf et bavet ku this it seems to me) ku-m f"'ooooJ that I must per-
much will come true that 5320; 77 26 - 27 ; - form (obey) it 38 13 . - 2. subst. doing,
c) oi rad ... f"'ooooJ because 512 7-52 passim; act(ion} , deed, passim; menisn u gobisn
ne hast ku ... tarsitan there is no reason u f"'ooooJ thought, word and deed 67 11 • 1l02.
why . . . should fear 611 3 ; pat et ku ... 1209- 1°; pI. cas. obI. menisnan gobisnan
adak-ic though ... yet 55 25 - 26 ; - d} after u f"'ooooJ-an 64 27 ; - in compounds: fraron-
all vbs. of saying, feeling, judging and kunisn he. whose doing is righteous, pI.
the like: goMt ku, api-s guft ku he says, cas. obI. f"'ooooJ-an the Righteous 18 2 ; va-
he said that, passim; very often intro- zurg-f"'ooooJ-an achieving great exploits 1066
ducing direct speech, and serving as a (subj.); pasom-f"'ooooJ-an 10621 (subj.; v. s. v.
quotation mark; often anticipated by pahlom).
eton: amah eton asnut ku we have heard
kfin-marz [kwnmlc ' ] sodomy, pederasty
that 3 4 ; api-man eton sahist ku and it
seemed to us that 8 6- 7; eton menes ku you
777. 824. - NP kun 'backside' +
marz, v.
may well think that 33 12 ; afrin Y kartY
ku prayed saying: ". . . P 2 : 5; ku or *kurtik, pI. cas. obI. kurtikan [kwltylJ'n l ]
ku tai after framutan (q. v.); ku ma villeins, slaves or bondmen employed in
hakar after tarsitan (q. v.); pat en ku to different occupations on an estate: su-I'V

the purport: ". . ." 9 22 ; pat en kar frestit 9

panan slave shepherds 1 . - I follow the
ku sent you with orders to ask: " ... " reading of Antia, whose text reproduces
13 19 ; 0 Sasan dat hend ku patmoc were the basic MS of Kn, that of Mihrapan (v.
given to S. (with the message): "dress I, p. XII). S. has kurtan 'Kurds' (cf
yourself up!" 218 . - e} en ku, et ku the kurtan sah KnS V, 1). It is of course pos-
fact is that ... , passim; ku alone intro- sible that I'Vis ultimately derived from
duces explanatory glosses: "that is to the national name of the Kurds, who
say" 162. 37 5. 8 and passim; pat spasdareh were notorius nomad ca.ttle-breeders
en ku tuvan kartan ku it is through grati- (B Q notices kurd in the sense, inter alia,
tude that one can attain that . . . 65 11- 12 ; of cupan(an) and gosfand-caran) but it
frayist ku, v. s. v. frayist. - 5. a dependent cannot have an ethnic sense here. The
question, whether introduced or not by narration presupposes that Sasan was a
an interrogative, is preceded by ku placed slave within easy reach of Papak, to be
immediately after the governing vb.: wi summoned into his presence at any mo- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
kurtik 121 -m

ment, not a Kurd to be fetched from mes 'Sakian sheep'; NP takil, tikil 'horned
some more or less distant Kurdish tribe. sheep, pugnacious' BQ; kaf 'hump'].
The w. kurtik must then be a generic kust [kwst'] side, direction; region, dis-
designation of slaves of the estate, and
trict 113-115.117 passim; pat ""'-e
may etymologically have nothing to do [kwst l + 1] aside 1424. - Paz. kust, cf
with the Kurds. The gang of slaves war MPrt kws 'country, countryside' (A-H
scrambled together from widely different III); Arm. lw. kois 'side', kust 'the waist,
nationalities (v. s. v. gal). Thus it was the belly' = NP kust.
quite natural that Papal\:, to whom
Sasan was but a slave of unknown nation- kustak [kwstk'], with indef. art. ""'-e
ality, should ask him whether there had [kwstk+1], = kust6 16 • 79.15 . 819.133.176.1°.
been any king among his forefathers 77 18 .19 ; pI. '" -iha 1121; weighing scale
(2 12- 13 ). 72 19 . - MPrs kwstg (S); Paz. k1ista.

kurJ).sk [kwlwsk'] ewe, of a big species of kustik [kwstyk] the sacred thread worn
sheep 509. 11 • - Zsprm X, 20 in telling this by the Zoroastrians (tied round the waist)
story: mes kurusk i sir-pistan 'with milk 25 21 . - MPrs kwstyh (S; NW form); Paz.
in her udder'. Also kwrysk' = Paz. NP kusti. V. Modi, Oeremonies 183-190.
kurisk, korisk, BdA, p. 95 9- 12 = BdJ29 18- kustan [kwstn', NKSWN-tn'], pres. pass.
30 3 : mes 5 sratak: han i pat-dumb, han 3d p. sg. kwshyt' = kusihet 98 1. 3 used as
i a-dumb, u sak mes, u mes *takile [tkly; an opt. (hence the neg. ma), but the form
Paz. tagr, tgar] <u) kuri.Sk +mes, ke srub is obscure, one would expect the imp.
vazurg, asp homanak, 3 kaf [BdA corrected kuset: to kill, to slaughter 25 8. 27 5 • 3214.
from tan, BdJ Paz. kah] daret api-s a 9413 . 107 15 ; perf. pass. kust hat 98 1- 2. -
barak girend, cigan gabet ku M anuscihr i = NP; Av. (432) fra-kaos-, pres. -kusa-;
amahniyak kurisk-e pat barak dast [sak MPrs kwst (pt.), kws-, Verbum 168.

lap [SPTYN] lip: kar i "'" a kiss 10 13. - Kai-"", 11413 . - From East Ir. *Druvaspa-,
NP lab. whose initial d- had, as usual in East Ir.,
the spirantic pronunciation ~- which
larzitan [llcytn'] to tremble 58 18 . -
passed to l-; attested on coins of the king
MPrthPrs lrz-, MPrs also rrz 'to shiver
Kaniska in the form APOOACrrO as the
with fever', List 87; NP larzidan.
name of a deity, Christensen, Sass. 38-
Luhriisp [lwhPsp'] Vistap's father, in 41; Benveniste, JA 228, 1936,234. Cf the
Av. (200) called Aurvaf.aspa-, 11317 ; Av. female deity (783) Drvaspa-.

-m encl. pron., cas. obI. of the prone 1st sentence; it is never governed by a prep. ;
p. sg.; as a rule attached to the first w. when it is attached to ku introducing a
of the sentence, preferably to particles: direct speech this in itself must have had
ap-, adak, be, ce, cigan, hakar, ka, mi, or the independent form am (q. v.): guft
to apron.: han, ke etc., or to any w. ku-m be amurz 31 14 , direct speech: am be
beginning the sentence; if it is attached amurz; - cigan-am guft 1217; ce-m zest par
to a subst. it never depends on it as its casm hah for thou art disgusting for me
poss., but refers to another w. in the to look at 31 11- 12 ; han-am pasom axUan Ga- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
-m 122 msgu-pst

rodman dah give me that blissful world, BP makas, NP magas .'fly'; Av. (1112)
the G. 32 5- 6 ; vahist-om u Garodman be dah maxsi-, Kurd. mes; cf Sogd. 45.
33 9 - 10 ; kar-om to framayeh please do thy
duty towards me 2722; apar-p-im ravisn
mad [I;J:ML'] wine 6p8. - Av. (1114)
ma(ju-; NW w., ideogr. I;J:MR; v.s.v. has.
I must climb up 4026 ; - poss. pron.:
FrP 5 I;J:ML' = mad (Cod. K in Paz.);
Hutos i-m xUah H. (who is) my sister
2422; (man . .. ) ke-m fradand ... (me) NP maio
whose child 12 25 (v. s. v. ke B); api-m lliad [m'd] Media 1158. - OP mada-;
den katam? which is my religion? 62 9 - 10 , KZ8Prth m'd; Arm. lw. mar-k<.
etc.; - if the encI. belongs to a prep. this
is placed later in the sentence and takes Madinak [mdynk I] Medina 11519 .
the form of the corresponding adv. if magfi [mgw, inscr.], magfik [mgwk], mog
there is one: ce-m anakeh vas patis kunend [mwg FrP 13] a Magus, a Magian: Nar-
for they will do much harm to me 95 4 sahe i magu PI: 7; cas. obI. magv~ in
(-m patis; patis, q. v., adv. of pat); - magve-mart [mgwymlt'] pI. cas. recto the
attached to a vb.: a) to an imp. as its Magians 203; pI. cas. obI. mog-martan
dir. obj.: pat azeiteh dar-om 64, v. s. v. [mwgmlt'n ' ] 28 ; magune [mgwny] pI. cas.
dastan; b) to a pret. pass. as its agent, recto 10811 , cas. obI. 11215. - OP magu-,
repeating the independent agent man nom. magus, whence Syr. lw. mgusa, Arab
placed before the vb.: man kart-om I
maius-; A v. only once in the compound
did it, it was I that did it 324 - 25 (twice);
(1176) moyu-tbis- 'enemy of the Magi'.
through the influence of NP kardam the The authentic Milr forms are: 1. NW
scribe analyzed this -om as the 1st p. sg. mtJg, whence the Arm.lw. mog, NP moy,
of h- 'to be' and spelt it krt' I;J:WH-wm. - pI. moyan; 2. SW mov-, v. s. v. magupat.
In 31 19 api-m of the MSS must be a The other forms are archaisms preserved
simple mistake for api-s; as to 26 25 v. s. v. as learned spellings. The pI. magune re-
ham. - Av. (1101sq.) mai, OP -maiy; -m presents the old gen. pI. of the u-stems:
MPrthPrsPazNP. The Man. texts regu-
OP *magunam > *magun + the common
larly have the vowel -0- before -m: -wm ending -e of the cas. obI. sg. spuriously
= -om, and this is probably also valid
added, cf oisaneh rad 58 14 (v. s. v. oMan
for BP, though no vowel is written here and rad); another ex. of the pI. cas. obI.
(Paz. varying: -am, -um, -im). in -un is MPrs dwsmynwn < *dusmainyu-
ma ['L] not, with the imp. and the subju. nam (S; Bthl, ZairWb 152-153). The
reading mgwny is warranted by the in-
in an optative sense: ma kun! ma bas etc. ;
imp. with the ending -e: ma 0 anod rave!
44 1; ma framaye 57 24- 25 , etc.; pI. ma magu-pat [mgwptl] chief of the Magi, or:
daret! ma ranienet! ma <~YDWN-X1 = chief Magian, of the head of the Zoroas-
kunet 812- 13 ; - subju.: han roc ma bava ku trian priesthood 1104; in this sense com-
may that day never come when 1325 ; -t monly f"'ooJ-an 10-12, passim; 168. 1002;

garan ma sahat 3513 , v. sahistan; ma xion - a Zoroastrian priest of this class in

YI;J:MTWN -d = rasand 2612 etc. - Com- general: dastavaran u datavaran u her-
mon Iranian. patan u f"'ooJ-an 107 13 . - The OIr form
preserved as an archaic spelling; the
*macah [mc"h], macai [mc'y] an Ahri- authentic Milr forms are: 1. NW mogpat,
manic animal 96 24 . 98 19 . - Not identified. Arm. lw. mogpet; 2. SW movpat, Arm.lw.
Possibly to be connected with the ws. also movpet (Elise), Syr. lw. mwpt',
denoting 'fly': Past6 m9C, mac 'gad-fly'; mwhpt', mwhbt'; NP mobad. V. S. v. 1pat. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
miib 123 mabmiineb

miib [m'h; BYRI.I, Prth. YRI.I'] 1. the p. 209 4. 225 13 ; msyy - ms'ny DkM
moon, regularly written m 'h, 77. 20 25 etc. 745 ; Arab msy ms'nh (Bal<ami);
passim, but BYRI.I 31 7 (as a deity). - mysy - mys'nh or mysY'nh (Biriini,
2. month, regularly written BYRI.I, 8Frs: 1. c.); mys'h - mys'nh (MasCiidi, Tanbih,
1. Pl:1.P2:1. 192°.206.17 etc. passim; 1. c.; M urui); BdJ also Mise - M isene; -
Prth YRI.I' SPrth 1. - Common Iranian. 2. with -s- for -hr- : Mise; msyfj mSY'ny
The names of the months in PhI are: DkM 593 14- 15 ; with -rs- for -hr- : mrsY'ny
1. Fravartin. 2. Urt-vahist (Art- q. v.). 3. (Tanbih, 1. c., var. of Cod. L). - C. In
Harvadat. 4. Tir. 5. Amurdat. 6. 8ahrevar. Khwarizm mrd - mrd)nh (Biriini, 1. c.);
7. lVIihr. 8. Lipan. 9. Litur. 10. Dadv. MPrs mwrdY'ng (A-H I, p. 220). Cf Chri-
II. Vahuman. 12. Spandarmat. stensen, Le premier homme I, p. 9-10. The
forms reconstructed and used by him:
miihakiin [m'hk'n IJ the space of a month
*Mas yay - *Masyanay, are nowhere to be
found, and fictitious. The forms Khwar.
mahik [m'hyk] fish 9420; pI. cas. obI. ]}lard ('Man') and MPrs fem. Murdiyanag
,.....,-an 80 2 - 3 • - Skr matsya-; Av. (1l55) are clearly Wlr, and so are also Mihreh <
masya-; MPrth m'sy'g (MHC); MPrs NW *MiOriya- and Miseh < SW *mic;iya-.
m'hyg; NP mahi. The other forms are typical Elr, and
betray the difficulty Wlranians felt in
mahist [mhst I] v. mas.
rendering the sound developed in Elr
l\lahlah/1Uahlai [m 'hI's 95 22 , m 'hPy 96 3] from -rt-, -rO-, -Or-, which must have
and Mabliyanah [m 'hlyd'n'h 95 22 . 96 3]; been something like an unvoiced -r- or
lllalha and Malhiyanai [mlh' - mlhY'n'Y] -l-, and which they analyzed as -hr-, -hl-,
95 18 g1.; l\'[ihreh and Mihriyaneh [mtr'yh- -rh-, -lh- or simply identified with their
mtr'yd'nyh] 63 4 ; Miseh [msyh - no -s-. Cf the spellings of pahlom (q. v.);
fem.J 47 11 : the first human couple, which Av. asavan-, BP ahlav < artavan-; Av.
arose from the sperm which Gay6mart, as'Jmaoya-, BP 'hlmwk: ahlamog, but
the Primeval Man, left on the soil when KZK 1. 13 'lswmwky (in the parallel text
he was killed by Ahriman. - A great 8M 1. 20 )hlmwky); hence the inverse
variety of forms: A. 1. Mahle - JJ;Iah- spelling pwlsy for puhl 'bridge' (q. v.),
liyane [mhlyd - mhly'nydJ BdA p. 1012; SM 1. 43 (Arab mrsy'ny, v. above, is a
Arab mhZ> - mhlynh (Mas ciidi, Tanbih mechanical rendering of a written BP
93); - 2. with metathesis of -hl- > lh-: form *mlsY'ny = mihriyane). Consequent-
*Malheh - *Malhana [mlhyh - mlh'n'] ly, mahle malhe mase are Elr develop-
DD ch. 3668 ; Arab mlhy mlh'ny ments of *martiya-; mtse Elr develop-
(Biriini, ahron. 99); of this type is prob- ment of *miOriya-, cf Sogd mys < miOra.
ably also Mari - Maryanah Tab. 1. 147;- We have to do with two forms of different
3. with -s- instead of -hl-, -lh-, and origin: 1. *martiya-, 2. *miOriya-; as to
lengthening of the preceding a: M asik - this problem, cf Sven Hartman, Gayo-
Masyane [m'syk - m'sy'nyd] BdA p. mart (1953), 45-64.
10p5 sq., +Masik - +Masyanik ibd.
p. 105 4; Tab. also m's'. - B. Mihreh - mahmaneb [m'hm'nyh, mhm'nyh] dwell-
Mihriyaneh, BdJ 339 Mihr [mtrlJ - ing, abode, inhabitation 96 25 . 9820. 102 6 • -
Mihriyan [mtr1Y'n] (in other places Mase Abstr. of mahman, Ps. m'hm'n 'inhabi-
- Masene): 1. ",ith -~- for -hr-: Misai - ·tant', Paz. mahmq 'lodging, residing,
JJlisiyane [ms'y - msyd'ny] BdA jJ. guest', but MPrth. myhm'n 'guest' (A-H
105 14- 15 , Misa ibd. 1056 • 107 2; msy>h - III), NP mihman id., mihmani 'hospital-
msyd'n'y DD ch. 69. 76 = Cod. K 35 ity', < *maiOa-mana-, cf Av. (1l06) |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
mahmaneh 124 mana(k)kai

mae(}ana- 'dwelling-place'. The change as its dir. obj. the pers. pron. of the 1st
of -eh- > -ah- before a consonant is p., and this is placed after the vb. it al-
characteristic of the SW language. ways, as far as can be judged, must
have its enclitic form. Consequently L
mahraspand [mhrspnd] the Divine Word,
= man must be the erroneous transposi-
as a deity 69 11 • - Av. (1178) mq(}ra-
tion of a phonetic mn representing a
defectively written -man (v. below), the
Mahraspandan [mhrspnd'n I] patron. son encl. of the 1st p. plur., required here
of, or belonging to the family of, Mahras- because the speakers are a multitude;
pand, n. pr.: 1085. read xuaret-man (accordingly, 'MT L 98 7
should be interpreted as ka-mn = ka-
maiSyozarm [Paz.] the first of the six
man). Cf s. v. dastan; Verbum 233 sq.;
annual seasons, and the name of its
Ghilain 109. - The OIr. gen. of the pers.
deity and the festival celebrated at its
pron. 1 st p. sg.: Av. (1098sq.) mana, OP
end: 748.14 • - Av. (1118) maioyoi. zar'3-
mana; common 1r.
maya-; v. also (1287 sq.) S.v. yairya-.
Makkah [mk'h] Mecca 11519 . man [m'n l , m'ny] house, palace P1:11.
38 4. 531. 58 7-59 2. 61 14 • 23 ; ~ i rosn Garod-
Malha, Malhiyana: v. Mahlah. man, of Paradise 66 8 ; ~ i ataxsan the
malisn [m'lsn ' ], v. n. of the following vb., fire-temple 66 20 ; ~ katak i Zarer the
of the soft touch of a fragrant wind 73 23 . family residence of Z. 26 3. - MPrs m'n;
Paz. mqn; NP man; MPrth m'nysPn
malitan [m'lytn ' ] to stroke 2p9. - < 'dwelling-place, monastery; < Av. (1090
*mard-. SW form of marz-, v. marzihistan; sqq.) nmana-, d'3mana- through the in-
NP malidan. Inf. also mustan, pt. must fluence of mandan (q. v.). V. also maneh,
< *mrsta-, e. g. Zsprm II, 9. III, 12, cf manisn.
histan: hil-.
-man [-m'n l ; Ps. -mn] encl. pers. pron.
man [inscr. and Ps. LY, books shortened 1st p. pI. cas. obI.: us, to, by, of us, our;
L, but LY-c = man-ic] cas. obI. of the
follows the same rules as -m (q. v.); api-
pers. pron. 1st p. sg. 1. me, dir. and
man kamak ku ... and it is our will that
indir. obj.: ~ ozanend 27 5 ; ~ ... sahet
3 5 - 6 ; (han zan ... ) api-man ne ozat was
it seems to me 38 12- 13 ; an (q. v.) ~ ...
not killed by us 1213 ; . . . ku-"man ozat
ne sahet 39 11 ; - by me, as the agent of the Zarer" 26 13- 14 (the direct speech was:
pret. pass.: ~ en dam dat 10312- 13 (on
"aman ozat Z.", v. aman); 405. 1104.5.
3 24 : ~ kart I.lWH-wm v. s. v. h- and -m); 1284. 19 (-mn). - 98 6 • 7 v. s. v. man. -
- my: a) i?ajat + ~: kanicak i ~ 71 ;
Secondary pI. formation of -m; common
b) placed before its headw.: cis i ~
jradandan the conditions of my children
5 8 - 9 ; Hamak i ~ duxt 26 1 ; e (>10 P) ~ pit *mana(k)kai [m'n'k'k] similar: ~ i oi
'It e ~ brat 100 18 ; c) definite reI. attr.: et cigon ke similar to someone who 4I8, cf
i ~ zan 32 15 ; oi i ~ mart i ahlav 39 14- 15 ; s. v. cigon. - I regard it as a compound
oi i ~ pus 51 18- 19 ; elliptically: han i ~ of manak (v. next w.) and -kai identical
my house (family) 37 17- 18 ; en i ~ my with -kai, -kah in casm-kai (q. v.) and
religious duty 53 5 ; - after prepositions: kindred ws. The spelling -'k for -ai may
apak, apar, hac, 0, pat~; ~ roo. - 2. the be due to the late confusion of the endings
form normally used as the cas. recto '1': -ai and -ak which created orthographic
man Stihpuhr hom 1514 ; ~ danem 212 etc. doublets as Harai (originalform): Harak;
- 98 6 CSTHn-yt' (imp.) L: if an imp. has Ganak (original form): Ganai, etc. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
manakeh 125 mar

manakeh [m'n 'kyh] similarity 112 20 . - I a-mast 'not intoxicated' and (1447) vi-
Abstr. of manak, MPrs m'n'g 'similar, bavha-, explained iIi PhI by yuvat hac
like' (S, A-H II, Verbum 177); Paz. mana; has mast 'intoxicated without wine'; NP
NP mana 'seemingly, probably' (Sn); bang borrowed in Arab as bani- I main-
manistan 'to resemble'. Cf homanak. tain my former interpretation, which
BthI. also had, seeing in this narcotic
*manayak, read *mana(k)kai.
some sort of hemp, i. e. hashish. The
mandak [m'ndk'] failure, lapse, sin 4 13 . - full treatment of the question must be
V. BthI., MirM II,32.40 sqq.; Waag, reserved for a special paper.
Nir. 126 ad 84 12 •
Mi'ini [m 'nyg] Mani 11014 . - MPrthPrs
mandakeh fatigue 1421. - NP mandagi m'ny; Paz. manae (SGV).
from mandah 'tired'.
miinisn [m'nsn'] dwelling, dwelling-place
mandan [m'ndn'; KTLWN-tn'] man-, to 58 14 107 5 • 12 . 117 9 • - V. man ..:.
remain, to stop 117.14. 1613 . 44 11 • 69 7; to
manisnomand [m'nsn'wmnd] possessing
live 15 19 . 52 16 . 97 20 ; - apac to be left
dwelling-places, well populated 57 14 .

26 27
28 • 29 - ; ",ithout apac in this sense

15 27 . 108 21 ; trac ,...., 1039. - Av. (1124) miinist [m'nyst'] abode 86 11 • - Paz. mq-
2 man-; common Ir. nastan (Mx).
maneh [m'nyh] settlements, colI. of man miinsr [m 'nsl] the Holy Word, the sum
(q. v.), 11416 . and substance of the primordial Divine .
Revelation 5414 ,V. s. v. rasisneh. - Bor-
manenak [m'nynk'] *rainy, *rain-bear-
rowed from Av. (1l77 sqq.) mq()ra-; v.
ing: avr i 8919 . - In a collection of Av.
also mahraspand.
glosses with PhI. translation, PT 72
(defectively rendered by Barthelemy, GA miinsrik accordant with the Divine Word:
55, and utilized in this form in AirWb as ,...., . . . izisneh. i yazdan 110 2- 3 •
"FrBy") we find: mano: mihr(a)g padak Manucihr [mnwcyhl] II 316 , and Manns-
- staro : star padak - mavho: mah padak cihr [m'nwcyhl] 47 2 • 116 5 , the son of
~ hwaro : xuarset padak - anagra raoca:
Erec and the successor of Fret6n. - A v .
han i asar [i] rosn i *xUatdat; v. also FrO (1l35); NP Manucihr.
VII awra: mihr(a)g (q. v.). Hence it
follows that mana- signifies the lowest Miinus-xuarnak [m'nwshwln'k] the son
of the celestial spheres, that next above of Nerosang and one of the forefathers of
the earth, in which the rain is stored. Zartuxst 47 2. - BdA p. 230 8 = BdJ 78 19 ,
PhI manenak 'belonging to the sphere where the name is given in Paz.; but
man', i. e. 'rain-bearing', or, as a subst., the text is fragmentary and in disorder.
the rain itself. Paz. substitutes avgina, Cf Justi, Nb 193b sq.
based on a reading MY'-kynk': apakenak, Manus-xuarnar [m'nwshwlnl] the son of
Skr v. ratnakrti 'of jewel form'; accepted the preceding and the father of Manus-
by Bailey, ZP 131 ('crystal'), but not cihr 47 2. - BdJ 78 18 Paz. Mani5sx u arnar.
preferable. - I withdraw my reading
Imar [ml] calculation, number, comput-
*manevak given in the Index.
ation: pat han i casm vibarisn paitak

mang [mng] a narcotic 6016 . - Av. (925) visible by calculating the range of sight
bavha-, bangha- Yd. 15 14 'an abortive', = far and wide, as far as eye can reach
rendered in PhI by mang, "which some 38 25 ; pat hec ,...., -ic ... ne by no calculation
call (bnc =) bani", BdA p. 43 12 ; cf Av. 78 21 ; x jrasang r-..I Ve8 x parasangs and
(87) a-bavha- Yd. 1920 , rendered by PhI more, and upwards (properly: the number |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
mar 126 mart

being more) 93 7. - Cf a-mar and the opp.) druvandan ke ne pat,...., druvand but
following ws. estend evil men who have become evil,
2 mar villain, scoundrel, of the adversaries though not by deadly sins 10114. - V.
of Zartuxst and his followers: of Afrasiab arzanik.
46 23 . 99 22 . 24 ; of Dilrasrav 48 6. 53 2C 54 10 ; marg-arZanike [,....,-yk+ 1] deadly sin
of Arjasp 613.16-20; of Alexander 11112; - 0
1011 . - Cf the spelling mlglc'n ' + 1 =
,...., gobisneh wicked talk 43 7.10 . 12 , of the marg-arzane(h) in the commentary to V d.
devs. - Borrowed from Av. (1151) mai- 732 (p. 279 9 ).
rya-, on which v. Wikander, Mb 22-41;
margeh death 48 13 . 5P4. 64 1. 72 6. 77 21 ;
Paz. mar, Skr. v. nrsa1'f1;sa; cf merak.
penalty of death 45 26 .
lmar [m'l] snake 76 9 • 86 15 . 96 25 . 98 12- 15 .
margenitan [,....,-ynytn l ] to kill 43 21 - 22 .
2 mar [I;IYB, graphically coinciding with 483.13.24.
the figure 4] times, in multiplication:
marik [m'lyk] sign, token, of the seven
1000 "" 1 000 thousand times thousand
planets and the Zodiac 1151. - Not 'word',
= a million (or simply expressing an as translated by Bthl., ZsR I, 21 n.; the
immense number) 93 7- 9 • - FrP, Cod. P
true meaning is clear from the FrO,
fol. 19 a I;IYB, Paz. reading haya, NP gl.
which according to its heading deals
mar; Anquetil: hia 'serpent'. His Dastur,
with "the vac and the marikan of the
who apparently only knew mar 'serpent',
Avesta", the latter (ch. I-II) comprising
read the PhI w. at random like Arab-
the numerals, gender, number, qualifiers,
Pers. Jy,ayyat, which is impossible. The
the forms of comparison, and the cases,
identity of I;IYB with the sign separating
viz. precisely "the signs" of the language.
the two figures 1000 is obvious, and this
- Cf s. v. 2mar.
shows that we have to do with another
mar, which in NP, according to BQ (and Marinjan [mlync'n ' ] a Kurdish tribe, not
Steingass), signifies, inter alia, 'reckoning, identified 11514 , cf Cat. 80 sq.
calculation', also 'account-book' and 'ac- Markus [mlkws] n. pro of a dev 11013 . -
countant', possibly < *marOra-, Av. Av. (1147) Mahrkusa-.
(1151) mar90ra- 'remembering, remem-
brance', cf also marik. The sense here markusan brought about by the dev.
can only be the multiplication term Markils: varan i ,...., 97 1 • - Paz. malakosq,
'times'. A guess about I;IYB v. Ideograms. markosq (Mx).
- Cancel the long remark I, 197 on 93 10 . marnjenitan [mlncynytn'] to destroy
17 20 15
42 - . 5F. 54 . -An artificial vb., deriv-
lmarak [mlk'] number 871, v. Imar.
ed by means of the caus. suff. -en- from
2 marak little scoundrel 53 17 (voc.), v. Av. (1145) m9nmca-, pres. of mar9k-; cf
2mar. kirrenitan. Paz. marocinidan, mraocin-,
*mar-dar [mldry] *(chief) keeper of ac- maruocin- and many other forms.
counts PI: 8.
marnjenitar destroyer, of Ahriman 64 6 • 7.
marg [mIg] death P. 8 24 . 25 . 93. 11 3. 6. -
Av. (1146) mahrka-; MPrs mrg; Paz. NP marnjenitareh the quality of being a
marg; v. also margeh. destroyer 71 9 • 89 23 .

marg-arZan [mlglc'n ' ] worthy of death mad [+mls] the belly 33 20 . - Av. (1153
108,13.18; subst· pI. cas. obI. ,....,-an 1210. sq.) marsu-.
101 7; - (pat ,...., druvand evil in so far as mart [mIt I ; commonly GBR'] a man;
worthy of death = through deadly sins, GBR'+1 = mart-e with the indef. art |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
mart 127 mas

13 14 , but cas. obI. marte in the compound man' ; MPrthPrs mrdwhm; Paz. NP
marte-karp 1046, v. karp; pI. cas. recto ,......; mardum.
5F2; pI. cas. obI. ,......;-an [GBR'-'n ' ]: gen.
martom-cihrak [mltwmcyhlk'] contain-
28. 1512 . 25 23 . 27 . P2:5 (GBR'-n);' dat.
ing the seed of mankind 87 12 . - V. cihr
53 12 ; agent 53 10 ; - bandak ,......; a slave 5 16 ;
and cihrak.
varzekar ,......;-e a farmer 147; ,......; i artestiir
the warrior 1316 ; magve-,......;, mag-"', V. martomeh [mltwmyh; 'NSWT'-yh] the
magu; - as a mere indef. pron. 20 5. 66 16 . quality of being a human being, human
68 15 . 70 3- 9 ; - ,......; i ahlav 39 15 . 82 6, but nature 63 4. 805.
in pI. cas. obI. ahlavan ,......;-an, druvandan
,......;-an 53 12- 13 . - Av. (1148) mar'dta- mar'J- Marv [mlw'] 1144, Murv [mwlw'] 19 21 ,
tan-, whence MPrth mrd = Paz. NP the town of Marv. - Av. (1147) Maryu-,
mard; Av. more common (ibid.) masya- < M{juru-, OP Margu-. Cf EI, SuppI. 159-
martya- = OP martiya-, whence MPrs 162: called by the Arab. geographers
myrd. Marv sahiian (= Pers. sahgan < sahakan
martanakeh [mlt'nkyh] manliness 326 . -
Derived from *martan-, v. the pre- Marv-rot [mlw lwt ' ] a town 1144. - 'Marv
ceding W. on the river' (i. e. Muryab), situated five
days' journey from Marv sahijan (v.
martom [mltwm; 'NSWT'] 1. in an in- above), Yaqut 4, 506 sq.; Arab MarvarurJ
dividual sense: a human being: ,......; hom or Marv al-ruq.
629. 63 1 ; pI. cas. recto ,......;: smah ke ,......; het
67 3 ; har ,......; azd mat to everyone came a marzihistan [mlcyhstn'] pres. 3d p. pI.
message 20 8 - 9. - 2. ,......; in a collective marzihend [mlcyhynd] they are in con-
sense: man, mankind, men, people; when tact (astronomically: in conjunction) 5 11 •
subj., mostly construed as a pI. (thus - Pass. of marz-. Av. (1152 sq.) mar'JZ- 'to
serving as the pI. cas. recto of 1): ka touch'; MPrs' mrz- 'to copulate', mrzysn
hamak ,......; avinas be bavend 34 12- 13 ; 67 2. 'coition', borrowed from NW, V. Verbum
96 1- 2. 97 17- 18 (constr. ad sensum)·19. 1049 • 170 (cf also kun-marz); the genuine SW
106 18- 19 . 12021 , but ka Krisasp kar (ag.) form is *mard- > malo, V. malitan.
martam (subj.) azat but 35 11 , and thus 327.
marz-pan [mlcp'n ' ] governor of a border
95 16 . - 3. with the pI. cas. obI. ,......;-an
I ~ I district, margrave 14. 115 5. 1177. - Av.
[mltwm'n, 'NSWT'-'n]: a) gen.: andar
(1153) marna- 'border district', MPrth
tan i -an 65 3 ; -an ne danistan ... rad as
tv tv

men do not know 8016 etc.; - b) dir. obj.:

mrz (A-H III, BBB) +
pan 'protector',
V. panak; borrowed in Arm: marzapan,
,......;-an pat kunisn girend 65 2, etc.; - c)
in Aram: Syr marzbana = Talm, and in
dat.: ,......;-an i Eran sahr evak apak dit.
Arab: marzuban; NP marzban.
asap . .. but 107 18 sq.; as the logical subj.
of an impers. pred.: ,......;-an pat en 3 rah mas Ems] great, big, also used as compo
saxt estisn men must keep steadily to these (+ hac 'than'), sup. masist [msst'] and
3 ways 65 6- 7; tv -an ... diinistan ne tuvan mahist [mhst']: ku-s sak mas but hac
80 4- 5 ; tv -an ... sayet xUastan 891- 2; - aparik gav its hoofs were bigger than
d) agent: ,......;-an gult ku 715 - 16 , etc.; - e) (those of) the other cows 49 2- 3 (gI.); great
after a prep.: hac ,......;-an 721 ; passim; - f) of rank 38 • 52 16 ; ,......; martan (pI. cas.
secon.darily as the cas. recto pI.: 58. 6 9- 10 ·obI.) the magnates 2 7- 8 ; ,......; as subst. id.,
etc. passim; - as the app. of a pI.: amah pI. cas. obI. ,......;-an 107 15 ; ,......; a great man,
,......;-an 11 25 ; astamandan ,......;-an, viturtan a magnate: hacis ,......; a still greater man,
,......;-an 10516- 17 . - < *mart-tahm 'seed of I the former's superior 68 5- 6 ; spelt in one |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
mas 128 matag-dan

w., pI. cas. obI. hacis-",-,-an men of higher fore 430 A. D.) msy'y (Nyberg, Byzantion
rank than oneself, one's superiors 70 24 ; XXXVIII, 1968, 119) = Paz. Masyae
pus i "'-' the eldest son 318 ; nairilc i "'-' the (SGV XV, 25 etc.); Ps. msyh'y.
First Lady (of the harem) 4111; kunom
"'-' hac I shall do greater things than ... +mask 2126. 221: restore the reading myhk'
52 14 ; pat han i "'-' gobisn in a loud voice = mexak, q. v.
45 21 ; - masist kirpak 69 21 ; masist rah
*maskar enemy, the probable Ir. equiva-
the most excellent way 76 17 ; dipiva1·an
lent of OAram S'NH = SANE 'hater'
mahist the Head Scribe 11 18 . 18 21 . 19 25 ;
12812 ; inFrP 14 "'-' is the Ir. equivalent of
mahist astak 363 ; - adv. by far 9720. -
MSN' = MSANNE, pt. Pa (el of the same
Av. (1154) mas-, masan-, compo (1156)
vb. in its recent form with S instead of
masyah-, sup. (1155) masista-; OP *ma- S. - In all probability the same as Av.
Oan-, compo *maOyah-, sup. maOista-;
(1153) marso.kara- left without trans-
hence in Milr: NW mas (MPrth only
lation by BthI., but certainly 'killer',
adv.), COlllp. masatar (v. the next w.),
one of the three epithets of Verethraghna
sup. masist (MPrth msyst), but SW *mah
Yt.· 1428 : marso.lcara- arso.kara- fraso.
(not attested so far), compo mahy, meh
kara- which correspond to the Milr. epi-
(MPrs mhy A-H I); Paz. meh, mehe,
thets of Zurvan: asoqar frasoqar zaroqar,
mahi; NP mih (used as pos.), sup. mahist
the last meaning 'making weak, slack'
(MPrs mhystg 'presbyter' A-H II). BP
and rendering marso.kara-. Cf Nyberg,
has taken over NW mas as pos. and
JA 214, 1929, 240, 219, 1931, 86-91.
comp., and as sup. both SW mahist and
OIr marsa- lTIUst then mean 'weak'
NW masist, but developed, according to
slack' (etymology obscure; to be com-
the S\V rule: -st- > -st-, to masist, a
bined with Skr mr~-. v. s. v. framo,ii?) and
hybrid between SW and NW. Possibly,
marso.kara- 'making (the limbs) slack'
however, -8- was pronounced -h- through-
= 'killing", cf Hom. :Aud ot yu-rtX 'he
out in SW; Paz. only mahest.
made his limbs slack' = 'he killed him'.
masatoreh [ms'twlyh] the stage of an
adult, of a child who has reached maturity mat [m't l ; 'M] cas. obI. matar [m'tl;
65 25 . - Abstr. of masatar, FrP 30 ms'tl 'MY-tl] mother: cas. recto mat (common-
(var. mstl, mstwl, ms'twl) explained by ly 'M) subj. 226. 39 4 [m't l ]. 4820. 49 7 • 21 .
dat-mas 'great of age, of mature age'. 63 3 • 116 2°; used as cas. obI. 36 9 • 4714.
Borrowed from NW: MPrth ms'dr 'great- 65 22 - 26 ; - cas. obI. matar (commonly
er, of higher rank'; the vocalisation 'MY-tl) gen. 124. 43 22 . 65 13 ; after prep.
-twl(yh) shows that it has lost its character 2111.224 (both m'tl). - Common II'.
of a compo in SW. - Paz. mehadar through
association with meh. matag-diin, matiyan [m'tgg'n l ] "that
which contains the kernel, the core, or
maseh [msyh] greatness 47 16 . substance and essence of a th., or funda-
mastok [mstwk ' ] drunk, drunken 70 8 • - mentals, basic principles, etc.": 1. docu-
mast, MPrthPrs mst,NP mast, pt. of Av. ment; original and authentic, canonical
(1113) mad-, +
suff. -ok, v. s. v. nevak6k. text 11 0 1 ; in titles: book, 108. 11 o. 111. -
Paz. mastiik. 2. the main body, the centre of an army,
as opposed to the right and the left
*mas-var: read mex-var, q. v. flank, the lifeguards of the king 1199 • -
*l\lasiha [ms' doubtlessly an abbreviation] From matak (v. s. v. matakik) + -dan
Messiah 11014 ; - Written ms' also in (cf zen-dan and NP) ; matak-dan > matag-
DkM 25 16 ; inscription of Istanbul (be- dan with -kd- > -y~-. This etymological |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
miitag-diin 129 matiir

spelling is abundantly attested in the history. Further remarks by Henning,

Karter inscriptions of the 3dc. A. D., Jackson Vol., p. 47, n. 2.
but the real SW pronunciation was
miitak [NK~; m'tk ' ] female: gor,.-.....J 112-4
matiyan < *matayyan with -ayt5a· >
(m'tk ' ); ,.-. . .J karp 57 17 ; evak nar u evak ,.-. . .J
-ayya- > -iya-, as attested by the Arm.
94 9 - 10 ; ,.-. . .J ... a-'"" female ... non-female
lw. matean < matiyan, a fairly early
10416- 17 . - Arm. lw. matak; MPrs m 'yg ( ! ) ;
phonetic development, as proved by the
Paz. madagi = abstr. matakeh (SGV VIII,
preservation of intervocalic -t- in the lw.
16) and = matakik (ibd. XV, 27); NP
According to the Karter inscriptions the
madah: from mat (q. v.).
Magian priests whom Karter installed in
all parts of the empire were furnished miitakik [m'tlsyk] belonging to, con-
with matagdan, git and patixsahr, differ- sisting of, materials: cis i ,.-. . .J kart things
ent kinds of documents defining their made of materials = art handiwork
official position, possessions and privi- 1189 - 10 . - From matak 'the essential
leges. Arm has it already in the Bible element of anything, its core, essence;
in the sense of 'pergament roll', especially m·aterials', Paz. madag (SGV XV, 53),
used for royal rescripts, contracts, bonds but MPrs m'yg 'substance, nature' (A-
and other documents; the meaning H II); NP mayah. Arab maddat- 'matter'
'book' is secondary. V. Nor Bargirk C s. v. is borrowed from madag, but Arabized
On the other hand, Arm. historians, through association with madda 'to ex-
when speaking of the Sassianian army, tend'.
have directly taken over, not as a lw.
matak-var [m'tkwl] principal, essential,
but as a foreign term, the Sassanian
chief 87 22 . 10426 . - Paz. madavar; cf
designation for the centre of the army,
Arm. lw. matakarar < *mataka-t5ara-
which formed the lifeguard of the Great
'administrator'; v. the preceding w. -
King: gund matean = gund matiyan,
Bailey, ZP 100, and BSOS XI, 1941,
Elise p. 99 12- 13 . 101 init., or mateni gund
796 sq.
(probably = matiyan i gund) with the
var. matenik (= matiyanik) gund, pCaust. miitakvareh the essential of, the princi-
Buz. p 34. HiibschmaIUl, AG 192, quotes ples 12113.
these passages,but gives no explanation
matan [mtnl] only info and pt. pret., =
of matean, doubting that it is Persian at
to come, to arrive, to attain; to happen;
all. That the two matiyan are the same
as pres. ay- is used, V. amatan; apar ,.-. . .J
w. is beyond doubt; "the centre" is the
to appear 109 3. 111 19 ; ka-s Ahriman apar
core of the army. The authors of the
mat when A. assailed him 94 7; - trac ,.-. . .J
Nor Bargirk C are partly responsible for
to come forth, forward, to draw near
the confusion which has obscured the
(zaman i zatan 1024 - 25 ); to arrive, to
discussion: as learned men they knew
come to the place: trac Vahuman ...
the notice given by Herodotus (VII, 83)
apar mat 561- 2; - 0 pes mat stepped for-
of the ten thousand Immortals forming
ward 515 ; - ke mat ke-c raset whoever has
the lifeguards of the Achaemenian Great
come and whoever will come 50 25 ; 0 pai-
Kings, and thus explained matean by
takeh ,.-. . .J to come into sight, to emerge
cHM.v(X"C'oc;, 1 mmortalis! Essentially they
11018 • - < OP *gmatanaiy, *gmata-, V.S. V.
were, of course, right, for the formation
of the Iranian army had certainly not
changed significantly since Achaemenian matiir [mVI] one who always, or usually,
time; but the Arm. historians only deal or necessarily, comes: Eran ram i anod
with Sassanian, never with Achaemenian apar dar i Xion Arjasp ,.-.....J but hend the |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
9 Nyberg
matiir 130 menisn

crowd of Iranians who used to come Great Kings: Prth in HajA: 1.3. SPrth:
there, to the court of A. the Khionite 4.6; Prs in HajB: 1.3. SPrs: 4.6.1l.
61 6 - 7 ; puhl ... ke har ahlav 'u druvand avis PI: 1.3; - pI. cas. recto "-' as the subj.
'" the (Chinvat) bridge to ~hich everyone, of a pres. tense 97 8 • 98 3 • 7 • 14 . 102 10 • 20 ;
pious or wicked, inevitably comes 72 13 ; as the pred. 1029 ; - pI. cas. obI. ,,-,-an:
*kas-ip (q. v.) amah mene ... ku "har- gen. arlai ,,-,-an the (most) righteous of
visten malar hom pat zanisn" , ne amah the Mazdayasnians 2214. 23 9 • 24 9 ; den i
etan-ic harvisten malar he a zanisn how- ,,-,-an, also with "-' as an adj.: den "-'
ever much you may think about us: "[I and "-' den, V. den; ,,-,-an seems to be
am an unavoidably-total-comer-to-slay used as the subj. of a pres. 97 16 - 17 (maz-
=] I shall unavoidably come and slay desnan nifrin [(~YDWN -X2 =] kunend;
(you) totally", yet you will never attain but the reading mazdesnan . kart
to slay us totally 46 6 - 8 , with the gI. could also be justified). - Av. (1160)
ku-t etan ne apasihenitan i apac ne bavem mazdayasna- 'Mazda-worshipper'. (1169)
'that is: it is not for thee to destroy (us) mazdayasna-/ni- adj. 'belonging to the
so utterly that we shall not come back' Mazda-worshippers'; -yasna- < yazna-
(the first amah is the proleptic ·obj. of (from yaz-, V. yastan) with the specific
the first zanisn, and the second amah Av. change of -zn- > -sn-, unknown in
of the second zanisn; however, as the WIr, where -zn- is preserved in NW and
author passes to direct speech after became -sn- in SW (yazna- > NP jasn
mene the dir. obj. of the first zanisn 'feast'). Prs mlizdlfsn i.s thus a learned w.,
ought to be smah, so the first amah borrowed from Av., whereas Prth has
lacks all connection; harvisten (q. v.), preserved the original form with -zn
virtually a qualifier of zanisn, has been (Arm. lw. mazdezn). - Paz. renders the
combined with malar as its attribute). distorted form mechanically mahest (Mx),
but Skr. V. maidaiasni.
matiireh abstr. v. n. of matan: pat nevakeh
avis "-' 7017 - 18 ; 9012 • 16 • miizdesneh [m 'zdysnyh] the state of be-
miitist [m 'tyst I] maternal grandmother ing a Mazdayasnian 63 14 .
36 11 • 12 •
mazg [mzg] brain 69 25 • - Av. (1159)
mazan [mznl] Mazanian, sup. ,,-,-tom mazga-; MPrs mgj,List 85; Paz. maz(a)g,
"most Mazanian" = most devilish 614. - magz; NP mayz.
Av. (1169) mazainya- 'originating from
menisn [mynsn l] thinking, thought, mind:
Mltzana-', NP Mazan-daran, already in
together with gabisn and kunisn V. gabisn;
the Av. the abode of devs and unbelievers,
Zartuxst had '" i frarantar hac hamak
MPrs mzn, pI. mzn'n 'a class of demons
gehan a mind more righteous than
(S, A-H I, 221), compo mzndr 'more
(that of) all human beings 54 25 ; "-' i
Mazanian' (A-H I, GI.); Paz. mazutar,
fraraneh the way of thinking of honest
mazutum (SGV X, 59. 71), misreading of
people 6414 ; - "-' nihatan a to contemplate,
mazantar, mazantom.
to set one's mind on 5 22 ; a han i ai§an "-'
mazd~sn [Prs inscr. mzdysn], BP miiz- apar sut hend they inspired them 40 3 - 4 ;
d~sn [m'zdysn ' , m'zdsn ' ; commonly in V. also apakandan, bastan, bastisn, niha-
the distorted graphic form given I, 134, tan, apastan, viskaftan, vinasitan; - pat
9 A], Prth. inscr. mazdezn [mzdyzn]: Maz- '" i Pouru§asp bim apakand 48 10 - 11 ; pat ""
dah-worshipper, adherent of the religion in my mind, through my inner senses
of Ahura Mazdah, in Av. terminology: a 51 6 ; han i ai daisr pat "-' his (spiritual) eye
Mazdayasnian; in the title of the Sas. in his mind = his inner intuition 52 26 - 27 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
menisn 131 menoyihii

v. also zarman. - 8013- 14 u I " J i martoman: spannak 65 6, spenak (-nai)

I"J I"J102 15 . 17 •
correct u [w] to (L: 0 I " J i martoman, v. 10312 . 106 24 = Av. Sp'tmta-Mainyu-; 3 I"J

nihuftan. - MPrs mnysn; Paz. manesn. 654 ; i veh a good spirit, opp.
I"J I"J i vattar
an evil spirit 65 ; pI. the celestial gods,
menisneh, v. bavandak-menisneh. pI. cas. obI. I"J-an 4023 . 57 8. 59 24 . 72 18 .
menisniha [mynsnyh'] in a spiritual way, 7416.8917.25, with the app. yazdan 74 13 • 16 ;
with an one's heart 63 12 . opp. getikan, v. getik, 3417. - 2. the
heavenly world, the beyond, opp. geteh,
menisnik spiritual, hearty: I"J dosteh 70 23 • getah 36 12 . 62 6.17 . 68 19 - 2°. 72 3 ; hir i I"J

opp. hir i getah 68 14 • 79 8. 11 - 12 . 80 23 . 25 ; sahr

menitan [mynytn l ], opt. 2nd p. sg.
12 i I"J the realm of Heaven 66 7; mizd i I"J
menes 33 , to think, with ku that, often
the reward of Heaven 62 6. 65 8. - A v.
eton I " J ku: 40 25 etc. (as to 46 6 sq. V. s. v.
(1l36) mainyaoya-, adj. of mainyu- (v. s.
matar); parenthetically menam this is
v. dusmen); Paz. mainyo, minD etc.; NP
my opinion 56 26 ; imp. men! just think!
minD 'heaven'. The spelling mdnwd of
10 and behold! 58 15 ; - with an obj.: ahla-
yeh I " J to think righteousness, that which FrP 1 (glossed by mynwy) is constant
throughout the whole of BP, and must
is righteous in an absolute sense 78 23 , opp.
not be emended to mynwg or mynwk. An
mitoxt (q. v.) I " J ; veh martom I " J to think
adj. menok < *mainyava-ka- is so far
well of, to be well disposed towards men
only attested in MPrs: mynwg s'h <the
7310, opp. tar (q. v.) I " J ; menam to roo
Heavenly King' (List 85), and the abstr.
nevakeh I mean well for thee 47 21 ; et i to
mynwgyh 'the quality of possessing an
humat i-t menit thy good thoughts that
animal spirit (menog)', of the body, as
thou hast thought 7315- 16 , opp. et i to dusmat
opposed to gy'n and rw'n 'the soul', a
i-t menU 7519 ; - with pat +
abstr.: Ohur-
purely Manichean terminology quite for-
mazd pat dtltareh u Ahriman pat marnien-
eign to Zoroastrianism. The Zoroastrians
itareh I " J to consider O. the Creator, A.
have always understood menoi as . an
the Destroyer 7P-9; Ohurmazd pat hasteh
adj., rendering it in Skr by paralokiya,
hame-buteh hame-baveteh u anosak-xUata-
paralokacara, sunyacarin ('existing in the
yeh . . ., Ahriman pat nesteh (q. v.) . . .
air-space', e. g. 77 12 . 8514 - 18 ), adrsya 'in-
menitan 63 6- 8. - Av. (1121sqq.) 1man-;
visible' (SGV), only in the sense of B 2
MPrs pres. mn-; Paz. manidan, menidan,
by a subst.: pat menoi 72 3 Skr. v. paraloke.
minidan. V. also menisn.
The construction of this adj.: optional
menoi [mdnwd: thus the FrP] A. adj. addition of the ending -e and position
heavenly, celestial, immaterial, ideal (in before its headw., is taken over from the
the Platonic sens('), always placed before NW area, and known from BaI., where
the subst.: I " J astisneh 38 21, I " J kamakeh the adj. is regularly placed before its
4022 , I " J venisneh 1l05, v. these wS.; I " J headw. and may, or may not, take the
asteh heavenly peace 56 12 ; '" tag i ending -e (thus Gilbertson) or -~, -en
den 5610, v. tag; - often with the ending (thus Longworth Dames; traces of this
-e before the headw.: I"J-e xrat the Heav- ending in BP v. s. v. harvisten harven,
enly Wisdom (personified) 68-77, passim; nevaken). When this construction was
I"J-e asn-xrat 76 14 ; I"J-e + a long series borrowed by the SW language the ending
of abstract virtues 85 14- 18 'heavenly, of -e was mistaken for the i?ajat; hence the
heavenly origin'; I"J-e datistan 77 12 . - B. translations of the Dasturs: paralokiya
subst. 1. pers.: immaterial, spiritual be- ya buddhil}, for menoye xrat, etc.
ing: apazonik '" Ohurmazd 398- 9; ganilk
(v. this w.) '" the Evil Spirit, Ahriman; menoyiha [mdnwdyh'] invisibly 6514 • |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
merak 132 mihr

merak [mylk'] a (young) man standing (Sitz.ber. d. Kon. bay. Ak. d. Wiss. 1890,
in personal association (through family- 2. Bd, 43-84). Hiibschmann read the
ties or partnership) with another: 13 17- 23 three ws. myhk' [ZY] >plzyn 221 in one:
of the confidant (v. s. v. ostavar) sent by msk>plzyn, and identified it (AG 192)
Artaxser to consult an Indian sage. - < with Arm maskapalSen (P'aust. Buz. p. 78;
*mairyaka- from Av. (1151) mairya-, therein pl.), also maskavarzan (ibd. p. 240),
OInd marya-, v. Wikander, Mb 22 sqq. or mas(k)apercan (Sebeos, not accessible
As to the BP materials, v. Bthl, ZsR to me), translating them 'the tent of
I, 37 sq. III, 25 sq. IV, 50 sqq. and the the Great King'. However, these ws.,
criticism by Wikander, 1. c. 9 sqq. Add which are manifestly identical but re-
to the materials already collected: Nir., present a foreign term imperfactly re-
ed. Sanj., Introduction p. 23; SGV IV, 69, produced, signify 'accounts' (mask 'lea-
Skr. v. mukhya 'chief, leader'; NP mir ther' being the material used for such
'head of a family; master'. documents); Nor Bargirk< explains it by
the terms Msab, daftardar, daftarxaneh,
mes-sir [myss>l] "of the sheep category" and the passages quoted above refer to
= of sheep-leather: kamar i "" 6 7 • - Av. the regimental treasurer or treasury
(1109) maesa-, NP mes + sar < Av. forming part of the field army. The w.
(1566 sq.) I sar'()oa- 'species'. mask (of Ass. origin) never signifies 'tent',
mex [myh] , *mei [*myd] pole 20 26 . 42 10 only 'skin, leather'. The semantic con-
(*myd). - NP mex; connection with OP nection between mexak 'headquarter' and
mayuxa- 'doorknob' (Kent), Skr mayu- mex 'pole' is obvious.
kha- probable. The spelling was a crux *Mei-var [mydwl] n. pro of a South-
in BP, as myh wholly coincides with Arabian king 117 1, lit. 'the Pole-bearer',
MY> = ap. The spelling in 42 10 is con- . probably the mocking translation of the
firmed, e. g., by DkM 627 6- 8, and by name Qais born by the kings of Kinda,
*Mei-var (q.v.). At first sight it would V. Nyberg, Unvala Vol. 111-112. - For
seem to be a desperate attempt to get mex-var, V. S. V. mex.
rid of the ambiguity by mutilating the
last letter (I transliterated it in the micak [mck'] taste, flavour 89 10 . 100 22 .
Index *mylJ,) - true, only to fall into 10416- 20 . - Paz. miZa; NP mazah.
Charybdis, for now the spelling coincided
with that of mas Ems]. But probably a mihr [mtrl] 1. n. pr. the Aryan god
reading myd is phonetically justified. Mitra, Av. Miera: ""u Bros u Rasn 7217;
Bal. (NW) has the form meh, from which "" u Zurvan i akanarak u menoye datistan
it is not far to SW mei or me, according 77 11- 12 ; '" xUatai nevak, Dahman Afrin
to the alternation of final -h: -i: zero 92 13 ; '" yazet u xUarset 96 11 ; atur burzen '"
after a long vowel in the SW area. the third of the three imperial fires 118 . 2 9 ,
symbolizing the class of the cattle-
mexak [myhk'] headquarter, the king's breeders and farmers 2 9 (cf Av. [1430]
tent when the camp of his army is pitched M iOro yo vouru.gaoyaotis); - existing in
2126. 221. - This is the reading of J.-A. all animal beings 96 5- 6 ; - Dadv pat ""
after his MSS, and there was no reason the name of the 15th day of the month
to replace it by [msk'] mask, as I un- 97 15- 16 . - 2. the sun 78. 3P. 79 13 . 18 . - 3.
fortunately did in the text, following the abstr. friendship, loyalty: "" u dosaram
example of Pagliaro and others. The i apak oisan 8 26 ; "" i amah 9 8 ; " " i evak
emendation goes ultimately back to o dit 11 9 ; vehan ... '" diiSt u dosteh
Geiger, the first who worked on the text varzit 55 26 - 27 . - Av. (1183 sqq.) miOra-. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
mih(a)rg 133 mok

*mih(a)rg [mytlg; Vd. 212 mtlg] cloud, Miseh [msyh] V. Mahlah.

the sphere of the clouds 217. - Existing
mitoxt rmytwht'] lie, falsehood 67 11 . 78 21 .
in the sphere called in Av. mana-, v. s. v. - Borrowed from Av. (1181) miOaoxta-,
manenak. -g is to be explained in tile same miOoxta-.
way as in andarg, vastarg, vistarg, vazurg:
the suff. -ka- was added directly to the miyan [myd'n ' ] 1. the middle, the centre:
stem (cf arisk, husk) and -k- voiced by bun. . . miyan . . . jrazam 8 P; xUatai i ~
contact with the preceding -r-; -tl- is no i asman 78 ;han-tai 0 ~ van to the
doubt the archaistic spelling -Or- for middle of the tree 41 5; andar i asman

Milr -hr- ; original form consequently 86 5 ; hao ~ ap from the middle of the
*miOr-ka > mihrg and then perhaps with water 5615 ; - pat ~ kartan to make
secondary vowel miharg, cf *vazrka- > manifest to all, splendid 67 5; o.~ apa-
vazurg etc. Possibly derived from M iOra-, kandan to spread, disseminate 10716 . -
cf Yt. 1061 where he is praised as the 2. prep. between: i smah u oisa.n

giver of rain; not identical with MTL' damik i 30 jrasang 8 ; vimand i

6 Eran f"V

(for Prth Ml'R') = varan, FrP 1. u Turan 4510- 11 ; in the middle of 48 15 .

86 6. - Av. (1115 sq.) 1 maioya-, (116 sq.)
Mihrak [mtr'k'] n. pro 13 22-15 26 passim. maioyana-; MPrth mdY'n; MPrs my'n;
- Elliptic form of anyone of the numer· Paz. NP miyan.
ous compound names with M iOra-; ex-
amples V. in the following. miyanak [mY'nk ' ] adj. middle 10211.

mihran-druz [mtr"ndlwc ' ] breaking one'.& miyanjikeh [myd 'ncykyh] mediation, in-
tercession 7217. - Paz. miqzi; NP miyanji.
promise, one's word; apostate 71 16 II
uzdes-paristar; V. also mihr-druz. - Cf miyanjikiha mediately: ~ pat rah i xrat
mihran kartan to form an alliance KnS through the medium of Reason 62 16 .
VI, 2. - Paz. mihirqn-druz. mizd [mzd; myzd 8120] reward 626. 65 8 •
mihran-druzeh breach of faith, or of 8013; ~ patdasn datan to give a remuner- ~

loyalty 82 23 . 85 1. ation as recompense 103 25 ; wages 81 20 . -

Av. (1187) mUda-; Ps. mzdy; MPrs mzd
mihr-druz [mtr'drwc ' ] breaker of faith, (BBB); Paz. mazd; NP mizd, muzd.
traitor 9 3.5. 12 . - Av. (1186) miOro.drug-,
cf druxtan and druz, V. also mihran-druz. mod [mwd] hair 93 23 . 10013 . 12025 (v.
ham-mod); oand ,-.,J-e tak . . . ne not a
Mihreh [mtr'yh], Mihriyaneh [mtrly~p­ hairbreadth 7222. - SW pronunciation
nyh]: V. Mahlah. moi; Paz. mu; NP mu, muy.
lUihr-nal'sahe [mtrnrshy] the Grand Vi- modak [mwdk ' ] mourning for the dead
zier of King Bahram V (420-438) and 86 20 . - Paz. muyai < modakeh, Skr. V.
Yazdagird II (438-457): F:1.4._- Arm kesa-trotana- 'the tearing of hair' (through
M ihr-nerseh. influence of the preceding w.); MPrs.
*Mihr-niz [mtr1n'c] n. pr., my guess mwy'g 'lamenting' (A-H II). Cf NP must
1152. - "Darling of Mi Ora " , cf MPrs 'trouble, lamentation' < *mud-ti-.
n'zwg 'graceful' (A-H II), NP na;;uk, mog-mart [mwgmlt'] V. magu.
and names such as Falak-naz 'darling
mok [mwk'] shoe 294, v. also ev-mok. -
of Fate', Bah-naz 'darling of the king'
I Paz. mok; NP milq; widely spread as a
(f.), v. Justi, NB.
lw.: Arm moik; Talm, Syr moqa; Arab
Mihr-zat [mtr1z1t l] n. pro 1155. - "Born milq; cfAv. (837 sq.) paiti-smuxta-
of M iOra". 'shoed'. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Mosil 134 miitak

Mosil [mwsl] Mosul 11516 . must [mwst l , inscr. mwsty] violation,

outrage: "'-' u gilak 761 ; api-s . . . musty
muhrak [mwhlk'] draughtsman (in the
u drog andar nest and there is no violation
tric-trac game) 1203. 16 . - NP muhrah.
and no lie (fraud) in it (= in the passage,
murtak [mwltk'] dead 26 8. 21 . 27 11 • 32 8 ; i. e., to be feared when passing over the,
subst. pI. cas. obI. ",-,-an the dead 12 26 , bridge) F: 7; ["'-' u adatiha i-san patis
from kunend violation and iniquities which
they commit against them (viz. water
murtan [YMYTWN-tn ' ; mwrtn l] mir-
and fire) IN 1637 ]. - Paz. must, Skr. V.
to die 3 21 • 9 13 and passim; frot "'-' 54 21 ; be
balatkara (Mx), possibly SW form <
,..."" 2P3. 34 13 etc. - Av. (1142) Imar -,
musti- from Skr mu~- 'to rob, to steal, to
pres. mirya-, pt. m'Jr'Jta-.
plunder'; not identical with NP must,
Imurv [mwlw'; mwrw 4014] bird; sg. V. S. V. modak.
with indef. art. "'-'+ 1 = murv-e 21 13 ;
pI. cas. recto "'-' 40 2 (after dO)·4.14; pI. must-aparmiind [mwst l 'plm'nd] con-
cas. obI. ,...",,-an 40 16 . 802, 86 3 ; - "'-' in colI. tumacious, insolent (hac towards) 4 16 ;
sense 94 20 . - SW form with -v < -y: A V. [the drunkard is "'-' Mx 1661 ]. - Paz.
(1172) m'Jr'Jya-; MPrth mwrg, NP mury, mustavarmqd, Skr. V. balatkarin (Mx).
but MPrs mwrw, Paz. muru. Possibly 'one who is aparmand through
violence, outrage' (must, V. above): apar-
2murv [mwlw ' ] herb, grass, pI. cas. obI. mand (cf 2apar) 'one who has got the
,...",,-an 93 26 . - MPrs mrw (A-H I); a SW upper hand and retained mastery', subst.
form; the NW form in NP mary 'a 'compulsion, force' [han dat i-s pat
species of grass'. aparmand frac avis mat 'the law that
3Murv [mwlw ' ] V. Marv. has been enforced upon him' PR 8 6 - 7 ].
The explanation of Bthl, ZsR V, 53-
murvak [mwlwk'] 2624 , V. S. V. sen. 56, seems little probable; quite unaccept-
murviik [mwlw'k] an augury, an omen able is that of Herzfeld, ApI, 247-249.
181 • - MPrth mwrgw'g (S); MPrs mwrw';
mustiipiit [mwst'p't l ] merry settlement,
nyw-mwrw'h 'of good augury' (A-H II);
in Xosroi-",-, the name of a town, other-
Paz. mur'vai; NP murva.
wise unknown, in Western Iran 11420 .
mUl'viirit [mwlw>lyt ' ] pearl, colI. pearls Oat. 58 sq. - apat V. apatan; must <
1218. 294 • 118 9 • 12026 . - MPrth mwrg'r<yd *musta-, pt. of OIr *mauo-, Skr modate
(A-H III), mwrg'ryd (MHO), borrowed 'to be delighted', whence Av. (1109)
from Gr fLocPyocph'"I)<;; murvarit with -v- maooano.kara- 'affording sensual plea-
< -y- = NP murvarid, SW form. sure', (280) ah§mu,sta- < *a-ham-musta-
'disgusting' .
murvecak [mwlwyckl] chicken 9220.
Demin. of Imurv. mustomand [mwst'wmnd] outraged, vio-
murv-nis [mwlwnys] soothsayer fore- lated, pI. cas. obI. ",-,-an 8 26 . - 'Exposed
telling the future by the flight or other to must' (q. v.); NP mustmvand 'poor,
tokens of the birds, an augur, pI. cas. ""vretched' . Of in active sense must-kar
obI. ,...",,-an 5 15 • - murv +
niB, the pres. 'defecting from (hac) his sovereign, re-
st. of MPrs nyysydn, nyys- 'to see' (A-H bellious' KnS IV, 2.
I, Verbum 168); cf nisan.
miitak [mwtk'] *destructive, of Hesm
Musrkin [mwslk'n ' ] a people 11514 . - 619. - FrO XI: mruta (Av.) = mutak;
Arab masruqan; Oat. 71-73. Vd. 222 mutak of the winter, with the |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
miitak 135

gl. ku cis tapah kunet 'that is: it destroys and woman}', with mi- > mu- through
everything', rendering Av. (1197) mrura-. the influence of the labial; cf also miOwa
= gumecak FrO XI.
*mutfan [mwtpn l ] *a pair, a couple:
~ kartan to come together as a married muzriiyik [mwcPdyk] Egyptian, of Alex-
couple 1012. - I believe_ it is the Av. ander the Great 107 5.12 . - OP mudraya-,
(1182) miOwana- 'forming a pair (man SW form presupposing a NW form mttz-.

-n (inscr., Pers) encl. pers. pron. 1 p. pI.: 1418. 18 20 . 19 27 . 353 (be 0). 10411 (pat). -
us; by us: api-n HajB :4.6.7. - < Av. (1069) n~mah-; MPrthPrs nm)c;
OIr *nah, Av. (1031 sqq.) n~. Not used FrP 19 (SGDH = nm)c, but Cod. S2
in the books; cf, however, s. v. adak. XVII, 7 nm)s with NP gl. namai; Paz.
namaz; NP namaz.
niid (niii) [n)d] reed-pipe, or flute, or a
similar wind instrument: ~ pazdend (q. niimak [n)mk'; inscr. n)mky; SM-k'] in-
v.) 2010 . - MPrth nd 'flute'; MPrs n)y-pzd scription P 2: 3; letter 33 etc.; book
'flute-player' (A-H II); Ps. n)dy; NP 107 1. 12p9; in book-titles: Kar-namak,
ndi 'a reed; reedpipe'; v. Bailey, TPhS Pand-namak etc. - MPrs n)mg; NP na-
1952, 61-62. - nai is the SW form. mah; from nam.
*nadistan read nehestan, q. v~ namat [nmt'] felt 3117. - Av. (1068) n~­
mata-, regarding which v. Benveniste,
nahom [nhwm], nohom [nhwwm] the
BSL 32, 1931, 82 sq.; NP namad; bor-
ninth. - MPrth nhwm; MPrs nw(w)m;
rowed in Aram and Arab (namat-).
NP nuhum.
Nahr-tirak [n)hltylk'] a town in Khu- niim-iivurt [n)m)wwlt'] *bringer of re-
zistan 11624 . - Arab Nahr-tira, Yaqut nown 27 23 . - -avurt possibly from the
4, 837; Cat. 98. nom. sg. of *a-bartar-: *a-barta > *avart
remodeled after the pt. pass. avurt; v.
niiirik [n)ylyk], niirik [n>lyk] woman, avurtan.
mistress 4P1. 74 12 . 10019 . - Borrowed
from Av. (1065) nairi-, nairika-. niim-burtiir [SM-bwlt)l] (child) who bears
(and propagates) the name of a p. and
niim [SM; n)m 915 ] name 16. 9 15 and his family 16. - V. burtan.
passim; in headings pat ~ i . . . in the
name of ... - Av. OP (1062 sqq.) na- niimenitan [n>mynytn'] to call by name
man-; common Ir. 11220.

namiie [nm)c'; (SGDH, inscr. SGDH] niimik [n)myk] renowned, compo ~-tar
adoration, homage: ~ u paristisn i yaz- 227. 916 . 17 8. 4727; Baxl i ~ 113 20 ; V.
dan adoration and worship of the gods also jrac-namik.
68 16 ; ~ burtan to do adoration by pros- niim-eist [n)mcst'] especially, particularly
trating oneself before (kings and super- 183 ; pat ~ 8018 . - = Paz.; from nam +
iors): hac dar i oisan bagan ~ burt (from cist, pt. of Av. (429 sqq.) kaes- 'to teach,
the door of =) at the court of His to assign'.
Majesty I made the prostration (before
niimeistik special, particular 11012 .
him) PI: 4; pat rod opast u ~ burt he
bowed down on his face and paid (him) Niim-xUiist [n)mhw)st'; SMhw)st'] n. pro
homage 11 20 (the 1tpo(j)'(U\I'1)(jLt;); JI6 (o). 1811 (SM_}·16. 19 26 . 22 13- 15 . - Possibly the |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
136 nazdik

nom. sg. *nama-xuasta of the nomen Naxu-Ohurmazd [nhw )whrmzdy] n. pro

actoris *-xuastar- 'he who desires re- masc. PI: 6. - MPrthPrs nwx 'beginning,
nown', cf nam-avurt. the first of anything'; ,......, 'foremost is 0'.
nan [LI:Il\P] bread 86 22 ; with the indef. naxUist [nhwst ' ] the first 3512 . 1114; adv.
art. '" 1 = nan-e. - MPrs n)n; NP nan. 1163. - MPrth nxwst; MPrs nxw8t; Paz.
Gauthiot, MSL 19, 1915, 129 sq. naxu8t; NP nuxust; sup. of the pre-
nang [nng] disgrace 155; ,......, rad for ceding W.

shame (being ashamed) 69 3. 8415 , Skr v. Nayazem [Paz.] one of Zartuxst's fore-
laija-hetofi,. - = Paz. NP; MPrth nng fathers 47 1. - This form with an initial
'infamy' (S). n- (quite unmistakable in the Dk MS) is
nap [npy] grandson HajB:4. SPrs:8. - also found in V icarkart i denik 28 (Na-
Nom. sg. *napa of Av. (1039) napat; yazem); in other sources (also Arab.)
NP navah < *napak. without n-: BdA p. 2351 Ayazim, BdJ
79 7 Ayazemni, etc.
nar [ZKL] male 112. 94 9; man 74 12 . 9210.
- Common Ir. nayitan [D~YLWN-tn', D~LWN-tn']
nay- to conduct, to bring, to lead; ideogr.
narm [nlm] soft 4720. - V. also s. v. *a-
+ Xl for pres. 3d p. pI. nayend 6518 ;
ideogr. +
X 2 for pt. pass. = pret. 3d
Narsab [nrshy] n. pro masc. PI: 7 (twice). p. nayit 1220. 5IS. 57 17 . 117 10 . - Av. (1042)
- Av. (1054) Nairyo.8avha-; MPrth nrY8f- nay-; MPrs info nyydn (A-H I), pt. nyyd
yzd; MPrs nrY8h-yzd (A-'H I) ; Arm (A-H II); FrP 20 D~LWN-tn'= (K)
Ner8eh. nytn I read nayil)an ; (Sl ) nyytn I read
nasai [ns)y] corpse 60 21 . 727. 9424. - Av.
nyail)an (for nayil)an); (S2) ideogr. NP +
(1057) na8U-, acc. na8aum,p1. nom. na-
nayidan; P ideogr. +
NP na)idan; only
one MS (0) has PhI nytn l , Paz. nil5an.
8avo; MPrth n8)w; MPrs n8)h (A-H I);
The pres. forms given in Paz. are: (K)
NP nasa 'dead'.
nail) . naim; (P) NP na)id nym; (S2) NP
Nasibin [*ns(y)gynl] Nisibis (syr N~iQin) na)id nym, but (Paz.) nyig, nyem; Pa,z. Mx
114 25 . 74 23 nieg" 9017 n!end.
nask [nsl5] propedy 'bundle, bunch', the nazd [nzd] 1. adj. near: ,......, bam daybreak
name of each of the 21 "books" or 53; without bam, subst. daybreak 65, cas.
collection of texts forming together the obI. nazdeh 4413 . - 2. adv. ,......, 0 near, short-
Sassanian Avesta 10917 . - A V. na8ka- in ly before 10513 . - 3. prep. near to 505 ;
(1060) na8ko.fra8a- 'one who devotes with 56 27 . - Av. (1061) camp. nazdyo;
himself to the study of the na8k8'. MPrs nzd (S, A-H II); NP nazd ..
Navazak [nw)ck'] a town in Bactria nazdeh V. the preceding W.
113 20 . - Cat. 34.
nazdik 1. adj. adjacent, compo ,......,-tar 14. -
naxcir [nhcyl] hunting 3 14 . 17 etc. - MPrth 2. vicinity, proximity: hac ,......, from near,
nxcyr 'game, prey'· (MHC) ; KZSPrth 1. 24 opp. hac dur from far 73 11 • 75 12- 13 ; in
nhsyr( -pty) = Prs 1. 30 nhcyr( -pt); MPrs prepositional expressions, also with the
nhcyhr (S, A-H I); NP naxcir; borrowed: cas. obI. ,......,-eh : 0 ,......" o· ,......,-eh into the
Arm naxcir-k c 'massacre'; Syr nafi,sira, presence of 53. 21 ; 0 ,......, i to 9 11 ; be 0 ,......, i
etc., V. Telegdi 228; Bailey, BSOAS XI, towards 99 2.5- 6; pat han ,......,-eh in the vicin-
1943, 774; XIII, 1949, 122. Asmussen, ity of it 52 19- 2°; pat ,......,-eh i beside, at the
AO XXX, 1961, 1-20. side of 57 16 . 7:p8 ; pat han i ... r--J-eh |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
nazdik 137 nevak

near, shortly before 1064 (cf s. v. nazd); pes "'" i before 3616 . 411 8, cf Av. (132)
- prep.: "'" i with, in the service of 6 5 - 6 ; antarat naemat +
gen. of a temporal w.
"",-eh i to 36 • - = Paz. NP; MPrs nzdyk 'within', - V. nem.
nem-roc [nymlwc ' ; PRG YWM] midday
nazdikeh v. the preceding w. 7 13 . 23 . 67 5 • 96 11 ; - south 115 21 . 12011 • -
MPrthPrs nymrwz; NP nimruz.
nazdist [nzdst I, nzdyst I] first: adj. 35 7 ;
adv. 96 3. - Av. (1060) nazdista-. nem-vecak [nymwyck'] half share: pat "'"
ne [L'; 1038 nyd] not; its position in the 22 17 , v. *kai-bag; from vecak (q. v.).
sentence is freer than in NP; ne ... u ne nerok [nylwk'] strength, power, might
or ne ... u ne-c 72 20 - 21 ; ne before the 1410. 159- 20 and passim. MPrs nyrwg (S,
subj. is repeated before the vb. 35 15 - 16 ; BBB); Paz. NP niro.
in antitheses: ... ne, be not ... , but
616 , ne evac ... be not only ... but also nerokomandeh [nylwk'wmndyh] the qual-
45 5 - 6 , ne . . . be ka only when 20 18 ; only ity of possessing strength 143 , seems to
that 2p5: v. s. v. be; cf s. v. patixsai; refer to the age of maturity.
emphatic: ne ka 206 , v. s. v. ka; - if a
Nerosang [nylwksng, nylwsng] the di-
vb. has the prevo be the negation follows
vine messenger of the gods 39 18 . 47 3 •
this: be ne hilam 23 23 ; apac be ne savend
609 • 1°. - Borrowed from Av. Nairyo.sav-
2415 ; etc.; if the vb. has another prevo
ha-, v. Narsah.
the negation precedes this: ne apar axist
23 3 etc. ; ne apac nikerit 23 8 etc.; - interj. nest [L<YT', inscr. L(YTY] is not, v. h-.
no! 3 24 . - Av. (1072 sqq.) noit, OP naiy;
nesteh [L(YT'-yh] non-existence 63 7 •
common Ir; NP nah, na-.
nev [T:e, inscr. rB; ndw ' 1066 ] brave,
nehe-stan [KNY'-st>n ' ] bunch of reeds,
valiant 19. ~2-30 passim; 11618 ; adv. 25 2.
reed-bank 25 3 • - FrP 4 KNY': nyhy, to
27 25 etc.; strong, sure, of the hand of an
be read nehe < *na(y)e (insertion of -h-
archer RajA: 11. 14. B: 12. 16; P 2: 7-
in the hiatus), SW form of *nade, cas.
8 according to a photograph taken by
obI. sg. of nad, v. s. v. nad (nai). The
Professor Luschey, Tehran: ... KBYR
form nehe of the FrP is probably ab-
(8) rB krty <BYDWN -n = vas nev kart
stracted from the compound nehe-stan;
kunan would that I might achieve many
as to the cas. obI. cf kare-car. - NP
valiant deeds (reading almost certain,
according to my personal inspection of
nem [nym; PRG] half: cand i "'" [PRG] the monument 16. 10. 1971; erroneous
roc as long as half a day 31 19 ; v. the readings and interpretations by Frye, AO
following ws. - Av. (1036) naema-; M xxx, 86). - OP naiba-; v. next w.
PrthPrs nym; Paz. NP nim.
nevak [ndwk'] good in a general sense;
nemak [nymk'] one of two opposite beautiful, nice; favorable, compo "",·tar
sides: 1. half: (pat) "'" i asman midway 6014 ; adv. well 220. 7P. 76 16 ; as an attr.
of heaven, half-way from the top of commonly placed after its headw., but
heaven to its bottom 93 2 • 6 • - 2. side in "'" jayisn 1214 as against jayisn i "'" 18 1,
general, direction: hac apartar "'" from yatak i "'" 113 3 ; - pl8tced before its headw.,
above 43 26 - 27 . 58 19 ; hac rapitjaktar (q. v.) with the ending -e or -en : "",-e avam the
"'" 56 6 ; hac pes "'" in front, as opposed favorable time 55 23 ; "",-en kunisn good
to hac paseh 57 24 ; oi pes"", straight on, deeds 72 27 , V. S. V. menoi. - Ps. nywk-;
exactly facing (him) 56 17 ; - temporal: Paz. nek, nyak; NP nek. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
nevakeh 138 nihaxtan

nevakeh beauty, bliss 10413 . 1207; v. nibiin [nyh>n'] secrecy; a secret place, a
also purr-nevakeh. hiding-place: pat .-.J secretly 52 etc.; hac
.-.J from an ambush 25 19 ; .-.J kartan to
ne'vaken v. nevak.
hide 1023 ; oi .-.J be datan to put aside in
Nevak-gav [ndwk' TWR>] n. pro one of safe custody 4210; pat .-.J dastan to con-
the AOwiyan (Aspikan) family 47 5 • ceal 165.24-25 (hac from); .-.J ravisn, -neh
V. these wS. - Cf Av. (1082) nioati-. Paz.
nevak-gobreb [ndwkgwhlyh] the quality
of being of good substance 79 3 • nihq, NP nihan.

nevakok [ndwkwk'; NKD>N] beautiful, nibiinik concealed 90 3 •

lovely, nice, pretty 718 etc. passim; gl. of nihiitak [J.INJ.ITWN -tk'] the method of
NKD>N 57 24 . - NP niku < neko. Cf placing, arrangement 12014 . - Subst.
Benveniste, Modi Vol. 1930, 3. The con- formed from the pt. of
tracted form is surely old.
nibiitan [J.INJ.ITWN-tn'] nih- to put, to
nevakokeb beauty 1521 . place, to lay down, to deposit: pad pat
nevakokibii nicely 148 • darrakY .-.J to put one's feet on the rock
HajB: 6-7.12-13; tigr andar kaman .-.J
nev-artaxser [ndw>lthsdl] the game of to put the arrow to the bow (-string) 1004 ;
tl'ic-trac 3 15 . 1201.2.15. 1217. - "Brave Ar- catrang .-.J to arrange a game of chess
dashir"; Talm. nrdsyr, Arab nardasir, 11914.20.21; gartanak be.-.J to cast the dice
Telegdi 249; Goldzih~r, MSt I, 168, n. 3. 120 21 - 22 ; pat ... .-.J to deposit in ...
Nev-Siibpubr [ndwshpwhl] Nishapur °.
107 1 11312 ; apar .-.J to put (wood) on
114 , - "Brave Shapur". (the fire) 95 2 ; dast apar .-.J to put one's
hand (to work) 62 15 ; be .-.J to deposit 42 16 ,
nezak [nyck'] lance, javelin 20 19 and
to take off (a garment) 57 17 ; - nam .-.J
passim. - Av. (1037) naeza-; MPrth nyzg to give a name, to name 1025 - 26 . 11421.
(S); Paz. neza; NP nizah; Arab lw.
116 23 ; pat nam i . . . .-.J to name after
naizak-. 1201- 2 ; menisn .-.J 0 to ponder on 5 22 - 23 . -
nifrin [nplyn'] curse 97 17 . - ni + Av. Av. (721 sq.) ni-da-; MPrs nh>dn, nyh>dg,
(1016 sq.) fray-, opp. afrin (q. v.); MPrs Verbum 194; Ps. nyd)t; Paz. nahadan;
nfryn (S); Paz. nifrin; NP nafrin. NP nihadan; only SW.
nifritak [nplytk'] cursed 66 17 . - Pt. of Nibiivand [nyh>wnd] the town of Niha-
ni-fray-, V. above. vand 115 8• - Gr N L<pexucX.'Vaex, Cat. 68 ;
*nigne-siir [*ngnys>l] *annihilated, *pow- Eilers, AOi 22, 1954, 325.
erless 90 26 . - Reading quite hypothetical; nibaxtan [nh>htn'] *to coil, of snakes:
Paz. substitutes nazar 'thin, emaciated', apar gaz nihaxt hend (with the gl. kil
SkI'. V. krsa. The last element may be -sar sut hend) apar 0 han i murv pus the
as in NP nigu-sur 'turned upside down', snakes coiled upon the nestling 40 9 - 10 . -
but the first element, which allows a Cf the name of the crocodile or aUigator:
great many other readings, can by no MPrs nhng List 85, Arm. lw. nhang, NP
means be identified with NP nigu < nahang, in all probability < *ni-Oanga-
nikun (let alone that the meaning does 'the dragger, the crawler' from ni +
not suit the context). Could it quite Av. (784) Oang- 'to draw', which may well
simply be the Av. (492) pres. niyne 'I have been used for the coiling movements
shall knock down' Yt. 4 5 (Owqmca dru~ of snakes. In NW (ni-Oang-) nihaxtan
i'Jmca niyne), taken over from the Av.lan- signifies 'to hold back, to restrain' (A-
guage as a petrified term? A mere guess. HIlI, MHC, Ghilain 51). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
nihisn 139 nikeriii

nihisn [I;INI;ITWN-sn ' ] the act of arrang- nikand [nknd] pt. - pret. 3d p. sg. 92 15 ,
ing (the tric-trac game) U8, title. - V. uncertain: api-s gohr xuarrah be "-'
nihatan and nihatak. seems to mean: he projected, threw
forth, (from his own essence) its (= the
nihuftan [nhwptn'] nihumb- [nhwmb-] to
earth's) substance-light, i. e. the heavenly
conceal, to cover: api-s apar varr nihuft
light which forms the substance of the
he covered himself with his garment 56 17 ;
material world,cf BdA p. 11 2- 3 Ohur-
apar "-' to conceal, to keep from the
mazd hac han i xUes xUateh (getah
knowledge of 8011 = be "-' 80 14 (read <L
menisn 1. 13); in both places restore the rosneh u> hac getah rosneh karp i daman
i xues frac brihenit, where getah rosneh
reading of the MSS: nhwmbt ' = nihum-
seems to be a synonym of gohr xuarrah;
bet (not -byt ' = -bet). - MPrs nhwft
nikandan from ni + the root kan- 'to
nhwmb- or nhwm- = nihumm- with assi-
throw' which is found in apakandan
milation (A-H II, BBB); Paz. nahuftan
(q. v.).
nahumb-; NP nihuftan nihumb-. Verbum
200; Bailey, ZP 83 (82 n. 5). nikec [nkyc I] disclosure, exposition of
the doctrines of Religion, dogmatic com-
nihuftiireh [nhwpt)lyh] v. n. of the pre-
mentary: "-' i veh-den 366. UP. - V.
ceding vb.: pat "-' clandestinely 67 15 .
nikextan. Paz. nigez, Skr. v. sa~nive8a
nihviirisn [nswb)lsn ' ] outflow, of water (SGV).
86 8 • 9 • - -s- for -h- and -wb- for -v- are
nikecisn the act of disclosing, exposing
common spellings. SW form of ni + OIr
Religion 1094.
*Ovar-, Skr tvar- 'to hurry'; NW form
nidfar-: MPrth pt. nydfwrd pres. nydj>r-, nikeriii [nkyJ>y] he who denies his respon-
but Paikuli Prth nytpr-: Ghilain 74-; sibility for a tho (whether he has assumed
Henning, BSOS X, 1938, 105 n. 3. this responsibility by himself, or it rests
upon him for other reasons), breaker of
nikiih [nk)s] look, glance, observation; an engagement or an obligation 8213. -
custody, care: "-' kartan to look on, to
A juridical term, opp. xuastilk 'he who
watch 15 2. 25 6. 24 . 27 26 . 28 17 ; "-' dastan
acknowledges such responsibility', v.
to notice, to observe, to pay attention
Bthl, ZsR II, 37-40. Cf BdA p. 18412 sqq.:
to 10822 . 12114; apar "-' dastan to keep
Akatas dev druz i nikerayeh hac daman:
in safe custody 4P2. - MPrth ng)h 'look,
hac cis i fraron nikerai kunet; c~:gon gobet
attention', n. kyrdn 'to notice' (A-H III);
kil: ke cis 0 an tan dahet, ke martom hac cis
Paz. nagah, NP nigah; < OIr *ni-kaOa- i fraron nikerai daret, adak-is Akatas dev
from ka-, v. akah. Another derivative was snayenit bavet 'the dev A. is the evil
*nis-kaOa- > Milr *niskah 'contempt', spirit of breach of engagements with
preserved in Arm nskah-em 'to reject,
created beings: he makes (them) evade
to condemn'. Cf also Arm nkat linel or
(a lawful thing =) what is legally agreed
nkat-em 'to see, to consider, to contem- upon; as it is said: suppose a man gives
plate' from Mlr *nikat < OIr *nikata, something to another individual, if he
nom. sg. of the nomen actoris *nikatar-
persists in denying to (this) man the
'contemplator'. The pt. pass. *nikata- is
thing legally given he will have satisfied
found in the name of the 15th nask (q.
the dev A.' In a general sense SGV XIV,
v.) of the Sas. Avesta: Nikatom [nyk)-
80: ke nigerae +0 awaz-dadq ez in gavesni
twm] = Av. *nikat'dm 'that which is
qs [= han-as] ra gav6sni-azad dastilre
-observed (in medical matters),.
bag [West emends arbitrarily nigerae of
nikiih-diireh [-d)lyh] custody, safekeep- the MSS to *nigarae; +0: MSS u, a very
ing 8213. common fault, v. s. v. u] 'for him who |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
nikeriii 140 nip art

wants to elude people of a perverted law the pronunciation niker- < *ni-karyati
by refuting this argumentation, for him (of the same type as the syn. spas-:
a dastur well versed in argumentation spasyeiti 'he espies, finds out', cf also
will be needed'. Bthl, followed by de Skr pasyati), which also accounts for
Menasce (SGV, 1. c.), rejected the tradi- Paz. NP nigar-, niger-, cf men(itan) <
tional reading nikerai and substituted *manyati: Paz. manidan, minidan.
for it wkyPy = *vi-yirai « vi + grab-, Hiibschmann, PSt. 102, no. 1038, nikir-
v. griftan). However, Paz. nigerai (abstr.) < *nikriya- (better *nikrya-) , accepted
is enumerated in the Patit Pasimani by Bthl; I disagree. - Arm. lw. *nkirt-
(Paz. Texts Antill 1236) among the sins « *ni-kirt-) in nkrt-em 'to strive for, to
the confessor has to atone for; a ghost- care for' in the N. T., Ep. ad Philipp. 313.
word in a text playing such a part in - To be combined with 2kartan; cf also
practical religious life is not probable. Skr kal- 'to observe, to mean, to consider'.
The form nikerai should not be challeng-
nikextan [nkyhtn'] nikec- [nkyc-] to dis-
ed. In my opinion it stands for *nikerrai
close, to expose, to expound Religion
< *nikert-rai < OIr *nikrta-rada from and religious matters 60 26 . - V. also
l)*nikrta- 'dishonest, mean, ignoble', cf
nikecisn. - Paz. nigezidan. Inf. nikextan
Skr nikrti- 'dishonest' and 'dishonesty,
DkM 8211.
plots', nikrta- 'humiliated, mean', neutr.
also 'dishonesty', evidently to be com- nikiineh [nkwnyh] downwards: pat ,....,
bined with 2kartan (q. v.), 2)*rada-, MPrs emphasizing the prev. frot 51 23 . 52 4- 5 • -
r)y, v. s. v. l rad, thus 'whose judging is NP nigun, nigu(n)sar; MPrth ngws)r (S,
mean, dishonest'. MHC), cf Arm. lw. nkun 'defeated, con-
temptible'.Cf paseh, pese (v.s. v. pes), uleh.
nikerisn [nkdlsn ' ] the act of seeing, look-
ing, watching, caring for: xuarxset ,...., nimayisnihii [nm)dsnyh)] adv. of the v.
kartan to bring to light 903; - watchful- n. nimayisn (from the next w.): gete
ness 12p4-18; pat,...., carefully 8J8·20; dur- handacak """-c . . . spurrik perfect as far
,...., far-sighted, sup. ,....,-tom 50 23 ; exami- as measured by earthly measure 1106;
nation 1123. v. handacak.
nikeritan [nkdlytn ' ] to look, to watch, nimiitan [nmwtnl] nimay- [nm)d-], pres.
to notice; to consider, to reflect: niker 3d p. sg. nm)dt ' , inscr. nm)dty, both =
ku ne . . . take care not to . . . 4 5 ; api-s nimayet, 3d. p. pI. nm)dynd = nimayend,
be-c nikerit ku ... and she reflected, think- to show, to denote, to signify, to indicate
ing (+ dir. speech) 38 12 ; apfr rayenitan i 5 12 . 810 etc.; to teach 81 11 ; - a syn. of
Zartuxst nikerit he pondered as to how kartan : patifras ,...., 10P2; handacak ,...."
to do away with Z. 5019 ; - apac ,...., to v. the preceding w.; bahrak ,...., to allot a
look up 23 3- 18 ; - to an . . . apar nikeram share 1152- 3. - < ni + Av. OP (1165)
pat apazonikeh u bavandak-menisneh ku-t mayo, cf framutan; MPrth nm)dn nm'y-;
pat han xanak nikeram i-t hast as for MPrs nmwdn nm)y; Paz. NP namUdan;
thee, with (my) heavenly powers and Verbum 203.
perfect thinking I see through thee,
nimiitiireh abstr. v. n. of the preceding
namely, I see thee in that house which
vb.: indication, act of establishing 45 13 ;
is thine [i. e. Hell] 53 24 - 26 , cf s. v. arzan-
manifestation 71 3; teaching 112 20 .
ikenitan. - Paz. nigeridan,' nigaridan;
NP nigaridan, -istan. The spelling nkdl is nip art [nplt'] quarrel, combat 703. 107 6.
attested by FrP 10. As the spelling -dl- - MPrth pt. nbrd'd 'to combat', Ghilain
regularly denotes -er- we have to establish 53; Paz. naward; NP nabard. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
nipartak 141 nist

nipartak [npltk'] brave, excellent 316. nipek [npyk'] document, codex, book,
1610. - NP nabardah 'warlike, brave', pI. ",-,-iha 108 9 • 109 7. 111 2. 3. 17 . 1128. -
navard 'worthy, excellent'. < *ni-paya-ka- 'that which is kept, or
is to be kept, in safe custody', 'record',
nipast [npstl] place where a thing is
originally an administrative term; MPrth
deposited, depository, gl. of KLYT) =
Prs nbyg; Paz. neve, niveo From Av. (886)
qellaita (v. Ideograms) 107 1 °. -I reject ni-pay- (pres. also pay-). - Bthl's ety-
the interpretation of the passage given by mology: nipek < *nipehak < *ni-paiOa-
Bailey, ZP 152. There is no evidence what- ka- from a SW form of nipistan (MirM
ever of an ideogr. KL YT) = QR YT)
IV, 30, n. 2) is untenable.
being used for diz 'fortress'. This Aram. w.
always signifies 'village'; in the FrP, ch. nipekenitan [npykynytn ' ] to codify, to
2, it is hidden behind the somewaht be- reduce to the form of an official book
wildering disguise MRDYNI (-DYN- 1119.
common error for -YT-) for MRYT) for nipist [npstl] that which is written, colI.
QRYT) (cf MDM for QDM) = rotastak documents: diz i "'-' the archive 108 17 .
(q. v.). A form *nipist for nipist is no- llp1.13.
where attested, so the diz i nipist has to
nipistan [npstn I; YKTYBWN -tn I] nipes-
disappear from our context. KLYT) =
to write 410. 11020 etc.; nipist estet it has
Aram qellaita (ultimately from lat.
been written, it is written 113 6 ; nipist
cella) refers obviously in KnS VI, 11 to the
estat it was written 1C2; - pres. pass.
sanctuary of the Dragon of Kirman,
most probably a cavern. - I deeply
nipesihet [YKTYBVYN-yhyt ' ] is being
written 18 3 ; :.. . pat ap i zarr nipistak
deplore the Ahrimanic slip of pen which
107 9 ; apar nipistak written down 108 21 ;
made me write nipast, instead of nipast,
namak "'-' 0 to write a letter to 4 8- 9 • 8 22 ,
as the equivalent of KL YT) in the Index,
an inscription P 2: 3. 4; apar fravartak
I, 160a, 14. A benevolent critic will find
eton nipist estat ku it was written in the
the correct reading nipast in I, 157a, 30.
letter (then dir. speech) 18 22 ; apar en
- From nipastan; nipast is to nipastan
ayyatkar nipist estet 1135- 6. - 0 P ni-pais- ;
what nisast is to nisastan.
MPrthPrs nbystn nbys-; Paz. nawastan
nipastan [npstn I] to fall down, to lie, lay one- nives-; NP nuvistan, n'ivistan, nives-.
self down: ul nipast hend they laid them- nirang [nylng] magic spell, supernatural
selves down (for coition) 43 6. 9 - 11 , cf s. v. power 12111. - Paz. nireng, Skr v. mantra
ul. - < ni + Av. (819) pat- or (841) pad-, (nom. pI.) .nirangani (Aog. 101). V. Bai-
paO-, which have coalesced; cf opastan. ley, BSOS VII, 1934, 276-284.
Pres. nipem- from *nipemitan, a den. of
*nipem < *nipadman- (cf nisem < *ni- nirmat [nylmt'] benefit; "'-' darman a
sadman-): HN p1 Av. xuafna(ja ustryam- beneficial remedy 49 14 . - Paz. nirmarj,
no = PhI i pat xUe ul nipemisneh 'when Skr v. prasada (Mx); cf Bailey, BSOS
laying himself down to sleep'. NP navim VII, 1934, 285; Bthl ZsR III, 23 sq.
< nipem adv. 'just at the very moment nisai [ns)y] the act of sending, conveying:
when it fell (occurred)': ba-navim-i didan "'-' kartan to send off 10814 ; to convey
sinaxt 'simply and solely by seeing (it) 119 23 . - < OP *ni-r;aya- from Av. (1638)
he understood' (BQ). ni-sray-, OP *ni-r;ay- 'to convey, to de-
nipastan [np)stn l] to lay, pt. = pret.
pass. 3d p. sg. 48 16 . 25 . 49 13 . - Caus. of *nist [ny+ 100 = st?] *undermost 75 3.-
the preceding vb. Quite hypothetical. Of course it could be |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
nist 142 niyiiz

read nylz = *nirz, which would be a so of YTYB- was YTYBWN. In the same
far unknown name of some department sort of contexts this ideogr. is very
of Hell. As, however, Paz. substitutes frequent in KZK. The Ir. equivalent was
azer (v. hacadar) for it ,and the Skr. v. perhaps arastan (NW arastan) or 2kartan
renders it with nimna- 'deep' I was lead (q. v.); there is, however, no trace of this
to assume a cryptic spelling of ni-st, a in the FrP. - nisastan: MPrs ns)st (A-H
sup. formed from ni, cf Av. (1081) II); Paz. NP nisastan.
nit~ma- 'undermost' and Skr nitaram
nisem [nsdm] a bird's nest 2018 . - <
'downwards' . *nisadman, v. nisastan; Paz. nisim, na-
nisiin [nys)n'] sign, omen, portent 48 7, sim 'a resting-place' (Mx), nisami (SGV);
gI. by daxsak i anak; pI. l""o.I-iha II 0 18 . - NP nisim.
MPrthPrs nys)n; NP nisan. nisemak nest, haunt 11318 . - Cf Barr, Ps.
nisast [nsst'; YTYBWN-st'] dwelling- p. 141.
place, residence 8 15 . 8611 • nivinn- [nwyn-] pres., to begin: gum ext
nivinnet begins to mingle 10417 . - MPrs
nisastan [YTYBvVN-stn', seldom nsstn']
nwystn, pret. nwyst, pres. nwnyd (nivist:
nsin- to sit, to dwell, to reside, to seat
nivinned) + pt. in -an, or in -d (shortened
oneself, to be seated; to be situated 47 16 ;
inf.), or pres. indo 'to begin', V. n. nwnysn
o asp 4 3 - 4 ; api-s andar 0 [KN] nisinet
'beginning' (A-H I, II; Nyberg, TMK
and he will reside in it 348 ; apar to
79); < ni + Av. (1318 sq.) 2vaed-, pres.

mount on horseback 26 ; apar barak i
Zarer nisinet mounts the steed of Z. 29 5 ;
hac asp be to dismount 272; be --- to
nivistan [nwstn'] to announce: ka . . . 0
make a halt 1419 , to cease 20 24 - 25 . 25 22 . Ohurmazd nivist estat after this had
68 17 - 18 . - Av. (1754) ni-sad- < ni-had- been announced to O. 43 1- 2. - Av. (1317
= OP (caus. ni-sadaya-); Ps. nsstny sq.) ni- 1vaed-.
nsyd- (for nisiy-); MPrth. nsstn nsyl- (!); *niyadak [ny)dk'] 1912 : read wsyk' =
MPrs nsstn nsyy-; but Paz. NP nisastan visek, q. V.
nisin-. Ghilain 50; Verbum 169. niyiik [inscr. nyd)k-, books nyd)k-] fore-
nisastan [ns )stn'; YTYBWN - )stn' 21 27 , father, pI. cas. obI. l""o.I-an Pl:10; 213. -
YTYBWN-stn' 24 2.6] nisan- A. to place, Av. (1094) nyaka-, OP niyaka-; MPrs
to seat a p.; to encamp (an army): pres. ny)g; NP niya; cf Szemereny, JAOS 70,
3d p. sg. nisanet [ns)nyt' 74 11], 3d p. pI. 1950, 235-236.
nisanend [YTYBWN-)nynd 7415 ]; pt. = niyandar [nyw)ndl; ny-BYN] inside,
pret. pass. 3d p. sg. nisast [ns)st' 13 1; within 4216. 93 14 . - Ps. nywndly, V. Barr
YTYBWN -)st' 115 26 - 27 ; YTYBWN -st' S. v.; as to the spelling -yw- for -yy-
612 .]; - B. to institute a Fire, to before a vowel V. S. V. apiyuxt (add Ps.
found a (special) Fire-temple 955.13-15 dlyw)w = driyav = drayap, V. Barr S. v.).
[YTYBWN-st']. 1139-10.21-22. 1164. 8
[YTYBWN-)st']: perhaps another vb., niyayisn [nyd)dsn'] worship, adoration,
the ideogr. being the S~T spelling of Prth of the Fire 6621.22; yast u --- u izisn u
YTYB- from Aram TA YYEB 'to make azbayisn 7010 . - Renders Av. n~mah-, V.
ready, to prepare, to provide', KZSPrth namac. < *nigayisn from gay-, Skr gayati
I. 17 : 'trw wrhr)n YTYBW -t, Gr. v. 'to sing'; MPrth ng)y- pres. 'to sing', ng)d
'song' (Ghilain 86).
1tUPe:LCX Toucxpcx6pcx'J tapuO'CX!..l.€\I; of the Prs.
rendering only YTYB . . . is visible, but niyiiz Jnyd)c] indigence, poverty, misery
sufficient to show that the Prs. equivalent 66 5. - MPrthPrs ny)z; NP niyaz. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
niyositan 143 Ohurmazd

niyositan [ndwksytn'] to listen 90 24 . - - Av. (1044) nava-; MPrth nw'g; MPrs

Ps. pres. nydwhsyt = niyoxset; MPrth nwg; Paz. no, nu; NP nau.
pres. ngws-, MPrs nyws-; Paz. nyox8idan, Notar [nwtl] one of the forefathers of
NP niyosidan; < ni + Av. (48"5 sq.) Vistaspa, Av. (1037) Naotara-, also the
gaos-. name of the clan and its domicile (in East
nizburteh [nzbwltyhy] humiliation 128 9. Iran) 43 17 . 5017 . 53 18 ; V. further s. v. Rag.
- Cf Verbum 226; in my opinion niz- < Notaran [nwt>Pn'] patron. of Notar 1148.
nis- is the genuine SW form, cf ozmutan.
nozdahom [nwzdhwm; 19-wm] the nine-
Nizist [nzyst'] n. pro of a dey 7211. - Paz. teenth.
Nizist, NiZ( i}st.
nun [KCN] now, ,,-,-ic 4 13 . 19 etc.; ,,-,-ip
nok [nwk'] new 5 13 ; 112 2. 12 V. apazar; 53 19 V. s. V. -p(i}; tai "-' till now 719 ;
adv.: "-' zatan newborn 1214; anew, again andar 0 "-' until now 4014 ; hac "-' frac
43 21 . 48 24 . 49 12 . 25 . 546.1°. 109 17 ; "-' "-' from now on 61 12 ; "-' ka now that 109 18 .
srisk srisk drop by drop incessantly 412°. - MPrs nwn; NP nun, ak-nun.

o [CL, 'w'; ~N] oi [CLH; CLH-y 10412 ; as a prey. - 'w 39 15 read u, q. v.; 'wcy
CL_y 3424. 52 6. 19] prep. to, with vbs. of 109 17 = o-ci (encl. -c).
motion; temporal: until; the sign of the +odak [+'wd'k'] the name of a river,
indir. obj. (22 12 . 15 perhaps the sign of probably an affluent of the Euphrates
the dir. obj. according to Prth. usage); - 117 7, V. Nyberg, Karlgren Vol. 320-324.
combined with other prepositions: andar - MS and ed. 'wsk'.
6, tai 0, or with an adv.: be 0, frac 0,
nazd 0; - governing a subst. or an adv. ogon ['wgwn;. I.I~YN 46 7 ] so, in such a
manner, in such a way; (running) as
and forming with them compound pre-
positions and adverbs: 0 beron, 0 nazdik, follows 19 16 .118 12 ; "-' ... ku so ... that
HajB: 9. 8Il; "-' ... cigon so ... as
6 paseh, 0 patirak, 0 pes (frac 0 pes, andar
25 2 etc.; "-' homanak cigon (or ku), v.
opes); in a frame prep.: 6 ... ron; V.
these ws.; - prev.: 0 druz frac mat the homanak; ne ,,-,-ic not even so, not even
if that be the case 46 7. - < pron. ava-
drug came to the place 57 15 - 16 ; in this
(v. s. v. oi) + gon < Av. (482) gaona-
case the ideogr. ~N is common: 348 twice.
65 24 . 94 22 . - The form cLH = Oi as a 'hair' and 'colour of the hair', then
prep. 1612 . 4210. 4424-25. 56 17 . - 6 cannot 'colour' in general; inscr. 'wgwn; MPrth
govern an encl. pron.; if such a pron. is 'w'gwn; MPrs »wn, 'wn = a'on; Paz.
affixed to the prep. it always belongs to aWl{ < *auvon < *auyon.
the governed subst.: o-s zayisn until his *ograi ['wgPy] the act of dipping down,
birth 44 12 ; frac oi-san deh venam I foresee of the scales of the balance: ke hec kustak
for their country 50 24 ; - in certain cases "-' ne kunet (the balance) which does not
o is replaced by the adv. avis (q. v.). go down on either side, which maintains
- Represents both Av. (163) ava, OP ava, perfect equilibrium 72 19 . - < ava +
and Av. (180 sqq.) avi, aoi; MPrthPrs 'w; gray-, v. gratan; v. BSOAS XVII, 1955,
Paz. O. The ideogr. ~N originally rep- 247 n. I. No reading marks in Cod. K,
resented MIr (MPrthPrs) oh < A v. (171 but Sanjana marks the -g-.
sq.) avaOa, OP avaOa 'thus'; in BP, having Ohurmazd ['whrmzd] 1. the name of the
lost its final -h, it is used as 0, but chiefly Supreme God, OP Ahuramazdah, passim; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Ohurmazd 144 onitan

datar ,....." passim; ,....., apaz6nik (q. v.); ,....., 79 18- 20 ; 6 6i8an star 36 20 ; 6 6isan urvar
i xuatai 1222. 746. 75 27 . 79 22 . 85 11 • 89 4. 4p6-27; 10011 ; even 6i 7 apaxtaran (subj.)
12015 ; ,....., bag 2p7. 2224; r6c i ,....., the first tarvenend 77 20 ; - gen. part.: 6isan gavan
day of the month 95 20 . - 2. the star of 2 . . . be mat two of these cows 42 2. 5 ;
Jupiter 5 10 . 12 . 77. - 3. n. pro of human murv-ic 6isan andar 6 nun but hend birds
beings: a) the king ,....., son of Shapuhr of them (of their species) 40 14 ; hac-ic
165-17 6. 11618 ; ,....., son of Artaxser 11617 ; 6i8an gaz some snakes among them 40 11 ;
b) a Mobad 1l04. - Av. (285 sqq.) Ahura- 6isaneh rai their heavenly splendour 58 14 ,
Mazdah- in two separate ws.; inscr. Prth a spurious cas. obI. pI. formed by adding
'hwrmzd; Prs 'whrmzdy, but as n. pro of the ending -eh of the cas. obI. sg. to
an ordinary man hwlmzdy (KZ); MPrth 6isan. - The passages where <LH = 6i
Prs 'whrmyzd ('whrmzdbg 'the primordial is prep. are enumerated S. V. 6. - ZK
man'); Paz. H6rmezd (Hurmazda and <LH 427. 49 2- 4. 17 (ZK-y <LH)·18. 5419 :
other forms); NP Hurmuzd, Ormuz(d). V. 1an(e). - Av. (163 sqq.) ava- = OP;
cas. recto 6 < avah, cas. obI. 6i < avahya;
Ohurmazdan ['whrmzd 'n l] patron. of
6isan < gen. pI. avaisam (OP), whence
Ohurmazd the king 109 14 .
MIr *6is which was enlarged by the
oi [<LH], 0 [<L] demo and det. pron. this; ending -an of the cas. obI. pI., cf arnan,
also the pers. pron. of the 3d p.: he, she, -man, (a)tan, (a)san. MPrs 'wy, pI. 'wys'n;
it; when used adjectively placed before in Prth ava- is only preserved in adverbs.
its headw.: 6i mart this man; det. 6i ke Paz. ai, osqn; NP 6(y), vay « avahya) ,
66 21 ; 6i veh ke 22 3 - manak(k)ai (q. v.) 6 ai pI. isan.
cig6n ke ... 41 8- 9 ; 6i is the normal form,
omet ['wmyt l] hope 66 9. 12116. - < OIr
6 is rare: 6 yatuk 54 12- 13 ; 6 man this palace
(subj.) 58 22 . 26 . 61 14 . 23 ; 6 ke he who 9019 (e
*afJi-mati-, abstr. derived from af3i +
Av. (1121 sqq.) man- (v. menitan); in
57 15 is prevo to mat 1. 16); - gen. his,
NW > *af3met > *aumet > 6met (cf
her, its: i 6i placed after, or han i 6i
ham-aden < *ham-af3den) , whence NP
placed before its headw.: han i 6i mat
ummed; in SW > *aif3imati- > *ayif3mati-
39 4 ; - forms the def. reI. attr. (v. S. V. i):
6 6i i t6 pusar 51 24 ; 6i i axuar sardar 26 18
> *ayim(m)et, whence emet (written
'dmet, cf n. pro Emet, patr. Emetan, q. v.,
(but 2616 6 6i axUar sardar); 6i i dus-akah
also with secondary aspiration Hemet;
u vat-xem mart 9p1, etc.; changes an adj.
Arab ' I mag) or ah( im )met > ahmet
into a subst.: 6i i druvand the wicked
['smyt l S2 I, 25 + NP amid].
man 7417; - pI. 6isan [<LH-s'n ' ] they,
them, these, both cas. recto and cas. obI., onltan [I,IYTYWN-tn ' ] *6n- [I,IYTYWN-]
independant or adj.; 6isan amah hem ke to bring, to fetch, to send for 45 10 . 98 25 ;
we are those who, we belong to those ,....., 6 4727 sq., be 6 50 9 to a place or to a
beings that 57 23 - 24 ; connected with a pI. p.; ,....., hac to bring out from, to take out
in the cas. rect.: 6isan h6m these haoma- from 97 19 - 20 ; - apac ,....., to bring back
stalks 4po (subj.). 4p2 (dir. obj.); be 32 20 , a to 11 71- 2 ; apar be,....., to bring down
6isan gav d6s milk these cows 42 6 ; 6isan (water) to (the earth) 93 18 . - < ava +
druz ... be 6 dasax u 6/tend 102 23_ 24 ; to- Av. (1042) nay-, cf Skr ava-ni- 'to bring,
gether with the cas. obI. pI. : pat paitiyara- to fetch', V. nayitan. In FrP 20, all
keh i ... 6isan 12 axtaran 79 18 ; the con- MSS have 'wnytnl, rendered in Paz. by
struction is, however, unstable: 6isan-ic qnaioan, qniOan, qnaeoan, where q- re-
12 axtaran (subj.) ... ravend 87 24- 25 ; har presents a before a nasal (cf S. V. 6gan),
nevakeh i (obj.) 6isan axtaran (subj.) but in Arab letters anidan (this vb. is
baxsend, 6isan apaxtaran hacis apparend wanting in NP, and so far not found in |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
onitan 145 ostikihii

the Man. texts). The pres. forms )wnyt l , oristar (Prth) [PNR-str] further down
)wnym = onet, onem are only found in RajA: 10. - Compo of or < avar, v. the
some MSS, and wanting in most; they pregeding w.
are secondary formations (for *onayet oron [)wrwn] this side, adv. on this side,
etc.), onitan having been associated with here below = in this earthly existence,
the numerous vbs. in -itan. The Paz. as opposed to paron 'the beyond' (inscr.);
readings qnai15an qnael5an seem to be
influenced by nayitan.
v. also hu,-oron. - < 0 « ava-, v. oi) +
ron (q. v.).
opar- [)wp)l-] pres. to swallow 72 16 ; the *Orya [)wly)] Edessa 11426. - A dubious
pres. stem used in compounds: asp ,-...; form; KZSPrth I. 6. 9. 11 )wrh)y =
mart ,....., swallowing horses and men 31 16 • Prs )wlh)y (I. 14 = Prth 11), Gr. v. ad 6
- MPrs )wb)rdn (A-H I); Paz. pres. hu,- Oupw (?), ad 9. 11 'EaeO'O'(xv; Syr Orhai,
pareq; NP au,bastan or au,baridan; < OIr Arab al-Ru,ha).
*ava-parayati, caus. of ava +
Av. (851)
ostak [)wstk ' ] *a safe place 48 22 • 49 9 • 23 •
4 par-.
5016 • - Cf Ps. )wsty 'firm' = ost < *ava-
opastan [)wpstn l ; NPL'VN-stn ' ] o/t- sta-, v. ostatan and ostikan.
[)wpt-] to fall, in all senses; to set, of a ostitan [)wst)tn l ] ost-: api-s u,l ostat
star 510 ; ka-t casm 0 zrai o/tet when Du,gdav and D. set -, out (to it =) doing
thine eye falls upon the sea, when thou so 42 7- 8 ; ne hac yu,me varzisneh apar
catchest sight of the sea 6 22 ; hac . . . 0 . . . ostem we shall never abstain from coition
9 26 • 22 19 - 20 , etc.; pat rod opast he fell 43 16 • - Av. (1601 sq.) ava-sta-, cf also
prone (making 1tpoO'xuv1)C1L<;;) 11 20 , etc.; Skr ava-stha- 'to keep aloof from' .
. ka At'Ur yazet andar 0 nehestan o/tet when
God Fire falls into reeds 25 2- 3 ; as ataxs ostavar [)wstwb)l] a confidant, pI. cas.
andar opast fire fell into (his footprints) obI. ,.....,-an 13 14 • - Adj. 'faithful' Mx 39 11 • 33 •
32 19 ; the guileful spirits will fall be 0 617, Paz. x,uastvar (for xostuvar) , Skr. v.
dosax u, down into Hell, like a stone which karma-ku,sala- 'experimented', SGV su,dak-
~atara 'very well qualified'; NP u,stu,var;
(falls =) sinks andar 0 ap into the water
10224- 25 ; befall 68 20 • - Av. (820) ava-pat-, MPrs )wystw)r pI. 'the elders of the family',
info (173) ava-pastois; MPrs )wbystn (A- not to be separated from ava-sta, ava- and
H' I); NP 1'iftadan u,/t-; cf nipastan. avi- having already begun to coalesce
in Av.
opastan [)wpst)n l ] fallen, naughty: oisan
ostavareh skilfulness 7017 , SkI'. v. karya-
,....., rahdar (q. v.) 33 5 • - Cf, as to the
formation, MPrs (spyxt)n 'resplendent',
an epithet of Jesus (A-H II, BBB; it ostikiin [)wstyk)n ' ] trustworthy, truthful
7015 • - Ps. )wstyknyhy 'reliability' (pat ,-...;
seems difficult to take this as a pI. in the
= Syr ba-srara Ps. 131 11 ) from *ostikan-;
sense of 'splendour', as does Henning).
Arm. lw. ostikan 'supervisor, manager',
orandar [)wlndly] further down HajB: which seems to suggest an original
11. - < *avar-antarah 'within (the) down- *osteklin < *ava-staya-ka-; -e- could, of
ward (slope)'; reckoning from the top course, be supposed also for BP, but cf
of the slope this means 'further down' ostak. MPrs hwstyg)n 'firm, steadfast';
in a comparative sense, which was facilit- Paz. ostiqn, Skr v. sabhipraya- (Mx),
ated by the association of -dar with the sutradhara etc. (SGV).
compo suff. -tar, v. next w. V. livar and ostikihii [>wstykyh)] firmly, with cer-
andar and cf niyandm·. tainty 109 27 • |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
10 Nyberg
os 14() ozatan

os [)ws] reason, understanding, obser- throw (one) into confusion will be explained,
vation, cas. obI. oseh [)wsyh] 52 23 ; pat ,....., Dkl\I 6803- 4 (the construction is strange,
*cautiously, warily 4820. 49 7. 21 . 5010 , cf but the meaning is clear).
NP adj. hosmand 'prudent, wary', and
osmurisn v. n. of
osidar. - Av. (414) us- 'comprehension'
(properly 'ear'); Arm. lw. us; MPrth )ws osmurtan ['wsmwltn'] osmur- (osmtir-) to
(S), )wsy (A-H III), )by)ws 'unconscious' reckon, to calculate, to account for, to
(S) = MPrs (A-H I); Paz. NP hos. enumerate: 46 24 . 105 24 ; to count among
(apak) 109 17 ; - v. n. osmurisn pred.: one
Osiin [)ws)n'] the river Oxus = Amu- must calculate (deliberate) 38 12 ; for an
Darya 56 14 • 16 . - It may be derived from inf. : (den) pat osmurisn ravet he will
OIr *uxsana-, pt. of Av. (1337) 1vaxs-, come here to give an account of the
pres. 1.lxsya- 'to wax, to swell', or possibly Religion 59 7 • - < *avis-hmtir-, *avis-hmr-,
from (1338) 2vaxs- 'to spirt', pres. uxsa-. from avis + Av. (1l42) 2 mar-, orig.
Markwart derived Gr "Q~oc; from OIr *hmar-, Skr smar-; MPrs act. )sm'r-,
*vaxsu- CWehrot uncl Arang 31 sqq.). pass. <smyr- 'to rec,kon'; Paz. xuasmur-
oseh ['wsyh] v. os. dan, xuasmaridan (for xos-, with secon-
dary aspiration); NP sumurdan sumar.
osidiir ['wsyg'l] prudent, wise, pI. cas.
obI. ,.....,-an 109 26 . - Paz. NP h68yal'. osnfitak ['wsnwtk'] satisfied, content:
xues,....., self-content 8123. - ava/avi + Av.
oskan ['wskn'] a verbal form used as (557 sq.) xsnav-; MPrs hwsnwd; Paz.
pt. pass. and as pret. pass. 3d p. sg., to xUasnUd(a) (= xos-), xasnUd(a) (xusn-);
*throw: as 0 paseh gav apac ranenit NP xusnud.
(q. v.) with the gI. ku apac ,....., 'that is:
ostiiftan [)wsVptn'] ostap- to hurry, to
it (his hand) was flung backward' 48 5 -6; oi
hasten 6 21 . 7 21 . 8 3. - < avi + *stap-; Paz.
gurg zat zanak (q. v.) with the gl. ku dahCin
xUastaftan xUaStav- (= xos-); NP sitaftan
evak apak dit frot ,...." 'that is: his jaws
sitab-; MPrthPrs pres. )wyst'b- 'to harass,
were clasped together (the upper jaw
to worry' ; Verbum 190.
was clasped down against the lower jaw)'
50 6 - 7 ; [(ka) den-akaheh·,....., (when) reli- ostiip hurry, haste 6 13 . 24 . - NP sitab;
gious knowledge is overthrown DkM MPrs 'wyst'b 'oppression, torment' (A-H
333 2°; ataxs manak aparocisnik hesme ,....., I), cf 'wyst)bysn 'urgent demands' (S).
han i xUet like a fire which has to be ostiipe-kar oppressor 128 2. 5 • - ostape cas.
kindled but is thrown into wet fuel, ibid. obI. of ostap. Renders Syr )alo~a.
411 6 ]. As it stands, this form can only
be derived from *avis-kan- (the root ozanisn [YKTLWN-sn'] v. n. of.
*kan- 'to throw' found, e. g., in apakan- ozatan ['wctn'; YKTLWN-tn'] ozan-
dan, q. v.), thus originally *avis-kanta- (YKTLWN-X1 for ozanet 29 19 ) to kill;
> *oskand > oskann with assimilation condo 3d p. sg. hakar-im ... ne ozat hah
of -nd > -nn, but the form is singular, as 32 21 , 3d pI. hakar-im ... ne ozat hand
only old -nd, as far as we know, under- 33 5 ; - pt. pass. ozatak killed: hunuskan
went this assimilation, not -nd- < -nt-. ozatak gurg a bitch wolf whose cubs had
The inf. of this vb. shows the regular been . killed 49 27 ; hunuskan ozatak dil
form expected: ce andar en matagdan os- saw the cubs killed 501; - V. n,. ozanisn
kandan ['wskn'dn'] apayisnik dart drus- 1. pred.: be oZa1iisn is to be killed 108 ; 2. as
take [ -k' 1, for -keh] vicarihet 'the a subst. : karecar u ozanisn 13 4 ; pat ozanisn
(trouble-hardness =) troublesome diffi- aivenak 103 2°, V. aivenak. - Av. (491)
culties which in this book inevitably ava-gan-, pres. -fan-, pt. -fata-; .MPrth |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ozatan 147 pade

'wjdn 'wjn- (MHC); MPrs 'wzdn 'wzn-; BP azmayisn (q. v.). The info and pt.
Paz. awazadan awazan-. V. also janisn, have followed the analogy of nimutan
ganak and apa-zand. framutan for *nimiitan framatan.
ozmiitan ['wzmwtn l] to try, to test 1185. OZ [)wc l] force, power 55 9 • 9415 ; vas-~
- Pres. ozmay-; ozmayisn ['wzm'dsn ' ] mighty 9620. - Av. (39 sq.) aojah-; Paz.
Yd. 5 49 comm. From Av. (1l65) may- 'to aoj.
measure' = OP; < *avis-may-, whence
ozeh in mas-~ the quality of having
*aviz-may- > *aviz-may- with z > z
great power 89 7, abstr. of the compound
according to the general phonetic rule
mas-oz having great power, Paz. meh-
in SW. Hence with different contractions
aoja, Skr. v. mahabala (SGV).
1. ozmay = BP, 2. a(v)zmay- = Ps.
'cmwty = azmut, NP iizmudan azmiiy-; , ozomand [)wc)wmnd] mighty 97 21 .

-p, -pi [-py] (Prth) emphasizing part.: pI. cas. obI., app. of aspan 19 22 . - Av.
Ll;Iw-p = hoop to him HajA: 14; )MT- (842) 1 paba-; MPrth pdg = MPrs pyg;
sop = kas-ip, v. *kas; apar-p-im ravisn NP paik 'walking runner, messenger';
I must climb up 40 26 ; (ZK-p =) an-ip Arm. lw. payilc 'footman, guardian'; Syr.
to armest daxsak-ip frac venend 51 13 - 14 lw. paiga id.; Sogd. 25 22 .26. V. also pada-
(v. s. v. an and to); ZK-py 5p5: as -p(i) tak and pade.
is purely Prth we have to assume the
padak [p)dk'] station, sphere of the
Prth. equivalent of ZK: et+pi (Henning, celestial bodies 522. 93 2- 9 • 1043 • - Also
Iranistik 78 n. 3); nun-ip 53 19 ; M-p 53 24 • p)hk ' = pahak. - Av. (887) paba-; Paz.
- The enclitic form of api, v. ap-; the
paya (Mx); NP payah.
N"\V equivalent of SW -c(i) < -cit: MPrth
)wh-wb < *oh-up 'just so' (A-H III); padatak [pd'tk ' ] footsoldier; pawn in
'gwb < *hak-up, the equivalent of SW chess 11912. - MPrs py)dg Sogd 25 24 .26;
hakar-ic; mrdwb mrd)n )frdwm s)h )yy NP piyadah; Skr. lw. padati(ka)-.
'thou art the Man, the most exalted of pade [pd+1] adv.; ~ i prep. on the
men, the King', Sogd. 2910. 30. tracks of, on the heels of 7 13 • - An ad-
paeen [pcynl] copy 10816 . 10912 . 1l022. verbial formation, on the pattern of
llp1.22. 1121. - Arm. lw. pacen, pacean, fraceh, paseh, peseh, uleh etc., from pad-,
pacik; Hebr.lw. patscEgccn Esth. 314 etc. < the weak st. of pad- (v. s. v. pad), cf OP
*patsagn < *pat'i,-cagn- < OIr *paticag- Loc. ni-padiy adv. 'in pursuit', prep.
niya- (Syr, J.-Ar. parsagna with inorganic with acc. 'in pursuit of'; Bal p(aba 'after,
-r- < -to), v. Benveniste, JA 225, 1934, behind' (Gilbertson and Longworth Da-
180-185. mes; pada Mockler); NP pai id. (pai also
'footstep, track' < the same pad-, or <
piid (piii) [p'd; LGLH; Prth NGRYN]
pada-, v. s. v. padak). [The normal Ir.
foot, with the indef. art. ~-e [LGLH+1]
equivalent of Aram )KBY' 'heel', FrP
18 21 . 2417 etc. passim; HajA: 6.11
10, was doubtlessly identical with NP
(Prth); HajB: 6.12 (LGLH). - Av. (842)
pai, but there are variants pointing to
pad-; MPrth p)d; MPrs p)y; Paz. pae,
the ws. signifying 'grease, fat': pae (cf
pah; NP pa(y).
SGV V, 58. VI, 14). p~, pih; in fact,
padak [pdk'] step, tread, (a horse's) run: 'heel' is in Bal p (ib, not to be separated
nev [T~] ~-an animals of valiant run, from pih]. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Paetrip 148 pabrextaD

Paetrip [Paz.] one of Zartuxst's fore- sense of 'the highest, the most elevated'
fathers 46 26 . in general, still surviving in pahlavan
'heroes', pahlavani 'heroic' in the epic. -
pah [p>h] cattle in general, but particu-
Paz. pahalim, pahlum etc., Skr. v. ata"fl,-
larly small cattle: asp sardaran u "'-'
sardaran 4418 ; "'-' i gospandan flock of para, atyuttama. FrP, Cod. P fo1. 11 b
sheep 97 24 ; sheep's wool 4720. - < OP p'hlwm: Paz. phalum with the g1. (NP)
psm: yaCni bihist. Cf. s.·v. Mahlah.
*paOu-, SW form of Av. (879) pasu-.
paban [p>hn l ] broad, sup. ",-,-tom 9620. - pahlomeh sublimity, heavenly nature:
Av. (843) paOana-; NP pahn 'wide, large'; yazdan "'-' 55 14 .
v. also pahnai. pahliik [p>hlwk ' ] rib, ribs = the chest
pah-ast [p'hst ' ] sheepfold 94 11 .14 • - < 54 21 . - OP *parOu-, Av. (877) par9su-,
pah + ast < Av. (212) asta- 'home, p9r9SU-; NP pahlU.
abode', cf Av. (881) pasus.hasta- 'sheep-
pahnai [p'hn>y] breadth, width 38 10 . 92 8.9
fold' for *pasu-sasta- from had- 'to sit'
etc. passim. - Abstr. of pahan; SM 1. 42
(v. nisastan).
ph!y/y; NP pahna; Bal pahnad 'side, di-
Pahlecak [phlyck'] n. pro of a man of r~ction'.
the Tiirs 11411. - Thus Cat. 53; it may
also be read Palecak, Parecak. pahr [p'hl] guard, frontier guard 11418. -
Cf Av. (887) paOra-vant-; MPrth p>hr;
pablom [p>hlwm, inscr. p>lswmy], pasom p>hr-byr 'commander of the guard' (A-
[p>S\\'TIl] 1. noble, elevated, exalted, fore- HI; phrbd 'guardian' A-H III); NP
most: Sahpuhr . . . martan "'-' foremost pahr, pahrah 'night watch' - all NW
among man 1512 = P 2: 5 (p>lswmy). - forms, as against SW pas (q. v.). - V.
2. sublime, blessed, paradisiac, of Gar6d- Viroi-pahr.
man and the heavenly world 3p5. 325
[p>sWln]. 89 16 ; of those bringing about the pabrec [p>hlyc ' ] preservation, protection,
fraskart 105 23 . 10621 [p>swm]; "'-' dosteh i guard 26 11 • 29 12 . 12p8; "'-' lcartan to take
o yazdan blessed friendship with the gods care of, to cherish 31 13 , with hac: to
55 11 ; of ahlayeh 598; sup. ",-,-tom apazar i preserve from 85 2- 3; rah oi . . . bim u "'-'
xrat the most sublime power of Wisdom hac d68ax u the way to fear of, and guard
89 27 (",-,-tar Mx 1511 ). - Not to be combined from, Hell 8pO-11; han i vas- "'-' ian well-
with fratom (q. v.). From *parOama-, protected animal spirit (physical life)
orig. 'Parthian', an adj. derived from 553. - From pah1·extan.
ParOa(va)- (Gr II&p6oL) in the same way pahrec-kareh [",-,-k>lyh] power to gIve
as Av. (710) dahyuma- from dahyu- and
protection 52 23 .
(1661) zantuma- from zantu,-, cf also
(1566) the name of the people Sairima-. pabrextan [p>hlyhtn ' ] pahrec- to protect,
In Achaemenian time there are proper to take care of-,204; imp. restrain thy-
names such as (in Bab. cuneiform) Par-ta- self (be indulgent)! 35 3 ; xUes, xUes-tan,
a- ma, Pa-ar-ta-am-mu (Holma, NKt 35 or alone, "'-' hac to be on .his guard
n. 1, after Tallqvist). Hence in the against, abstain from 66 24 . 7p·12. 84 22 . 26 .
Bible, with the Hebr. pI. ending, partemim 851. - Ps. phlysty 'protected'; MPrs
'the nobles' at the Babylonian and Per- phrystn phryz- 'to protect, to preserve; to
sian (historically: the Parthian) court: abstain'; NP parhextan parhezidan par-
Esth.P. 6 9 • Dan. P. Parthians constitu- hez- 'to restrain oneself; to take heed',
ting the highest social class in Parthian- parhez 'abstinence'. Bailey, BSOS VII,
dominated Iran, *parOama- assumed the' 1935,762 sqq.; Verbum 214 sq. and BBB, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
pahrextan 149 paitiim

Gl. s. v. pahristan; Schaeder, UJ XV, astrologer reads the horoscope and sta-
1936, 579 sqq. - Paz. paharextan paharez-. tes: eton '" ku 5 16 . 7 9 • - Inscriptions·
(except HajB) pyt'k; MPrthPrs pyd'g;
pahrextiir n. actoris of the preceding vb.:
Paz. paeda, paida, peda; NP paida; V.
hac . .. "-' bas! keep away from! 69 26 .
also a-paitak. There is no doubt that
pairiistak [pdPstk'] ready-made 69 • - pat yak HajB: 10 is the original form, <
Arm lw. patrast; NP vb. pairastan pairay- ; OIr *pat(i)yaka-, adj. derived from
< pati + Av. (1520) rad- 'to get ready' *pat(i)yank-, *pat(i)yanc-, Av. (839) pait-
(Skr radh-). The prevo pat-, generally yank- 'turned towards', adv. 'aga,in,st, con-
preserved in the archaistic BP orthogra- trariwise', Skr pratyaiic- 'with one's face
phy, is here written phonetically in the towards ... '. In OIr the -i- was preserved
genuine SW form pai-. Through mutual through the influence of pati-; *patyank-
exchange MPrth. and MPrs have got one would have become *paOyank- etc.; we
common vb. pdr'stn pdr'y-: Verbum 187, have to start from *patiyank-. As to the
Ghilain 60. There has been some con- development of *patiyaka- > *paitiyaka-
fusion between old rad- and old raz-, SW > paitalc, V. S. V. paitam.
rad-, but there is no necessity for deriv-
paitiikeh visibility; appearance 398 ; 0 "-'
ing pairastan from raz- as does Hen-
(a )matan to appear, to emerge 5 13 . 103- 4.
ning. V. the following ws. and cf arastan,
11018 ; - revelation in the religious sense
621. 109 22 - 23 . 111 4- 20 . 11217.
pairiiyak [pdPdk'] adornment 66 14 . - <
*pat-radak, V. the preceding w.; MPrs paitakenitan [,,-,-ynytn l ] to reveal 39 8 ;
pyr'yg (S). to disclose 4212; to make appear, to
bring forth 89 12 . 95 10 ; hec cis-e ne paita-
pairiyenitan [pdPdynytn'] to equip 12J2. kenit looked as if nothing was the matter
- Caus. of pairastan (q. v.). 16 13 ; frasn paitakenit opened a conversa-
pairiiyisnik possessing embellishment, tion, began to say to each other 37 4 ,
embellished, sup. ,,-,-tar 17 8 • - Adj. of with the gl. ku-san guft estet.
pairayisn, V. S. V. pairastak. paitakihistan [,,-,-yhstn'] paitakih- ["-'-
pairok [pylwk'] efflux of light, effulgence yh-] pass. of the preceding vb.; to appear,
1124. - < *pati-rauka-, cf roc, rosn; as to become manifest (= paitak butan) 36:-
to pai- V. S. V. pairastak. Ps. ptlwk 54 passim; 61 6 ; to be revealed 80 24 .
'splendour' . .110 5 • 11 •

paitiik [pyt>k] 1. visible, HajB: 10 patyiik; paitam [pyt'm] message 8 23 . 113 24 . -

2020 . 25 . 37 18 . 3826.871.27. 96 5 ; "-' be burtan From *paitiyam with dissimilation of
to clear (a place from obstacles) 39 23 ; "-' -iy- (as in paitak < *paitiyak, V. this
kartan to afford 896 (as NP paida kardan); w.), SW form of OIr *pati-yama- 'an-
"-' butan to appear 4J3. 4727. 5224. swer', with epenthesis *paiti-yama-,
53 21 . 54 1. 8. - 2. revealed, introducing whence double forms in SW: 1. without
quotations or authoritative sayings from epenthesis and -y- > -v-: Ps. ptw'm-bl
the canonical texts, in a great variety: "-' 'apostle', 2. with epenthesis and -iy- >
ku it is revealed that, passim; cigon et, -iy-: *paitiyam > paitam; OAram. lw.
or han, i "-' ku; cigon "-' ku; without a pityama 'word' < OIr *paitiyama-; Prth
followimg ku-sentence: cigon hac an *patyama- : Arm. lw. patgam, MPrth
giyak "-' 45 24 - 25 ; cigon hac apecak veh-den pdg'm; MPrs pyg'm represents the NW
i mazdesnan "-' 81 8- 9 ; - in a general sense, form pat yam with SW treatment of pat-
without reference to the canon: the > pai- (v. s. v. pairastak); NP has both: |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
paitam 150 pardaxtan

paiyam (= MPrs) and payam with -y- > pand-namak [pnd SM-k'] "The Book of
-y-. - Bailey, BSOS VI, 1931,591; Telegdi Counsels", title of a treatise 62. - Av.
253. - Bthl's reading *paytam, based on (847) panti-, paO- 'path, road'; MPrthPrs
the Mandaic lw. puydama, is out of the pnd 'path; counsel'; NP pand 'counsel,
question; the Mand form is due to in- doctrine, rite'.
ternal Mand. phonetics. panj [pnc'; figures] five.
paitiim-bar [",-,-bl] messenger 58 23 . - Paz. panjah [figure] fifty; 3-50 = 53, v. 4220.
pedq-bar 'apostle' (SGV); Ps. ptw)mbl)n - Cf Salemann, Gr 288.
id. (v. above); NP paiyam-bar, payam-
bar. Panj-bor [pncbwl] n. Pl'. 11415. - 'Having
five grey (horses)': bor signifies 'red' and
paitistan [p)ytyst>n', pyt)yst>n' ,pytyst)n'] 'bay' in NP and Bal., but in other areas
leg 40 7- 8. 56 16 . 93 3. - Borrowed from Av. 'grey, ash-coloured' (hence Mill' *bOrak,
( 837) paitisttina-. Arm. lw. borak; Syr. lw. bOrqa, Arab. lw.
paitiyarak [pytyd )lk'], patiyarak [ptyd )lk'] baurtiq- 'borax' which itself is borrowed).
everything that counteracts and checks panjom [pncwm; 5-wm] the fifth.
the good powers: adversaries, of the evil
panz-dahom [p)ncdhwm; 15-wm] tho
powers 4212. 7117; wicked devices 66 26 .
7020. 83 25 ; scourge 66 1. 86 15 . - Borrowed
from Av. (840) paityara-. Papak [p)pk'] the father of King Arta-
x8er, receives the naked title King (MLK)
pa i tiyiirakeh counteraction, resistance
= sah): HajA:4. B:4. SPrs: 8. Prth: 8;
79 18 .
1-3 passim. - NP bab, baba 'father'.
paitiyar-kareh [",-,-k)lyh] the act of doing Papakan patron. of Papak: Artaxser i
harm 37 11 • "'-' 11. 618 . 109 1. 116 9 - 16 ; belonging to
piik [DKY)] clean, pure 922. 94 2; hamen Papak: Staxr i "'-' 107 1°.
i ~ full summer 94 12 ; "'-' butan hac to be parak [p)lk'] a bribe 73 13 .75 15 . - Av. (889)
purified from 10p8-19. - MPrth pw)g; M para- 'debt'; MPrs p)rg 'gift'; NP parah
PI'S p)k = NP pak; Skr pavaka-, but in 'gift, bribe'.
the RV to be read pavalca-.
par-biitan [pr-YI;IWWN-tn'] to shun, to
pakeh [DKY)-yh] purity 105 2• avoid: yuvatak hac 6310. - I maintain
the reading of the MSS; J.-A. deleted
PaUipiit [pPp)t'] n. Pl'. of a tovvn 116 23 . -
Syr Bet Lapat, Cat. 98; identical ,yith
pr-. From OIl' parti (Av. 852 parti) +
butan, cf MPrs przyr 'to abstain from',
Gundisapur, the capital of Khuzistan.
prc)r- 'to avoid' < *para-car-; prgn-
panah [pn)h] refuge 74 19 . 85 18 . 87 26 . - (v. pargandak); Verbum 227.
For *pannah < *patnah < *pati-naOa-, pardaxtan [pldhtn'] pardac- [pldc-] to
SW form of *pat-nas < *pati-nasa-, run after, or to run to an end: 1. to
from Av. (1056) 2nas-. MPrs pn)h (A-H strive for (0): avis nevak pardac strive
II) = NP panah. well for it! 76 16 (Paz. friZ = free [plyc],
panak [p)nk'] protector 52 16 . 66 15 . - M q. v., Skr v. sad'[sam sadhu vardhaya;
PrthPrs p)ng (cf BBB, Gl s. v.); NP however, Cod. K has explicitly pldc with
panah (v. Steingass). Av. (888) pa,na-; a marked d; this reading pardac, accepted
cf marz-pan, sUir-pan. already by West, suits the context bet-
ter). - 2. to be accomplished, finished, cf
panakeh protection 88 26 • 117 16 . MPrs w »z )wd dyw)n zd 'wd prdxt m)nd |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
pardaxtan 151 Pars

and Covetousness and the devils re- parisp [plsp'], with indef. art. '"'-'-e [~-'y]
mained slain and finished (destroyed) M wall 11421. - OIr *pari-spa- from pari +
470 6 - 7 (S); to be ready with, to get rid of Av. (1615 sq.) lspa- 'to throw', cf par-
(hac): Vistasp ka hac karecar i apak gan; MPrthPrs prysp; Arm. lw. parisp.
Ariasp pardaxt bfl,t as soon as V. had got
parist [plst'], v. uzdes-parist. From
to the end of the war with A. 1088 ;
[be ~ to be taken away from (hac), to be paristatan [plst'tn'], paristitan [plstytn']
refused: xuarisn hac zan i dastan be parist- to worship, to adore, to submit to,
pardacet food is taken away from, refused to embrace (a religion) 19 4 • 75 11 • 82 11 • 12 • -
to, a menstruous woman Vd. 167 comm.]. < pari + sta-, v. estatan and cf par-
- From OIr pari + tac-, v. tacitan; Av. estatan; Prth *pari-sta- in Arm. lw. am-
(625) pairi-tac- 'to run round (a p.)'; bariSt 'impious' < Arm neg. an- +
(Verbum 227: para + tac-, not probable); *paristii-, pastaun < *parstaun < *paris-
Paz. pardazasn- 'completion, perfection'; tamna- (middle pt.) 'cult, service, office',
NP pardaxtan commonly supplanted by past-em 'to worship'; in SW with -st- >
the caus. pardaxtan, pt. pardaxtah com- -st-: MPrs pres. pryst-, and the info assum-
pleted, finished, disengaged etc.; MPrs ing the SW ending -itan (cf MPrth
v. above. pwrs'dn: MPrs pwrsydn, etc.): Paz. pa-
rastidan parast- = NP; Verbum 194 sq.
par-estiitan [pI YK<YMvVN-tn'] to go
and stand in front of (pes) a p. in order paristisn [plstsn'] service 4 23 ; worship:
to protect him: pes Zartuxst par-estat namac u ~ 68 16 ; v. also uzdes-.~-eh.
49 19- 20 . - pari + estatan, cf Av. (1603) paron [plwn', inscr. plwny] on the other,
pairi-sta 'to check, to prevent, to with- the reverse side; in the other direction
hold'. V d. 214; compo '"'-'-tar further beyond
pargan [plg'n'] *wall 93 5 (read, with Dh.: ibd. 9 29 ; on the opposite side, opp. oron
... pahnai i damik; peramon H arburz ~ Y. 53 7 ; - beyond, in the other world,
H. is a wall all around it). - < *pari- opp. oron in this world, very often in
kana- 'that which is thrown up all the Karter inscriptions: plwny <L yzd'n
around' from pari + kan- 'to throw', v. lwny, <L wtlt>n lwny = paron Y 0 yazdan
apakandan; cf parisp. ron Y, 0 vitartan ronY in the beyond, on
the side of the gods, of the departed. -
pargandak [plgndk'] scattered, dispersed < *para-ron (para V. S. V. par-butan; ron
109 2. 10 • 1121. - Pt. of para + kan- 'to 'side', V. S. v.), whence either paron
throw' (Verbum 227), v. apakandan; M through haplology, or parron with syn-
Prs prgn- (S); NP pm"gandah (the vb. is cope of the second a; a trace of the
here paragandan). latter form perhaps in *hu-parron (q. v.).
pargandakeh the state of being scattered parr [pI] feather, wing 3 20 . 9 25 . - A V.
11 P8. 112 2. 8 . (869 sq., 894 sq.) pargna-, pgrgna-; MPrs
pargandakiha ['"'-'-yh'] ina scattered state in pr-W1" 'winged' (A-H I), 'spyd-pr
(some parts ~ere and others there) 108 20 . 'white-winged' (A-H II); NP pa1"(r).
parik [plyk] sorceress, witch, pI. cas. obI. parrisn [plsn'] the flying, the twanging:
'"'-'-an 8714.21.9027. - Av. (863 sq.) pairika-; ~ i kamanan 25 23 . 26 .

Arm. lw. parik; MPrthPrs pryg; Paz. parritan [plytn'], parristan [plstn'] to fly
jari (SaV); NP pari. in t,he air 9 25 . - NP parridan.
parikeh the art, practices of sorceresses Pars [p'ls] the province of Persis, Persia
4516 • proper 15. 227. 6 13 . 7 10- 14 • 8 16 . |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Pirsak 152 passand

*Pirsak, pI. cas. obI. Parsakan [p'lsls'n'] 133 ; ,......,; hac marg i Alaksandar after the
the people of Pars 1141~. - In Cat. 12 death of A. 12 etc. passim; without hac:
corrected to phlwbyg'n = Pahlavigan, ,......,; i naxcir after the hunt 1413- 14 ; followed
but v. UJ IX, 1929, .102. Perhaps a by an info or the V. n. in -isn(eh) it stands
simple mistake for parsikan, but cf for a temporal clause: ,......,; hac matan i . . .
eranakan and 1vaspuhrakan. 40 18 ; '" hac be vitirisneh 65 16- 17 , etc. pas-
pirs-izat [p'ls'z't] a nobleman from Pars, sim; introducing a full temporal clause: '"
pI. cas. recto PI: 8. - V. azat.
hac han i . . . ozat but 8 18 ; ,......,; hac han i ka
17 4. 96 8. - Av. (882 sq.) pasca; Mjlr NW
parsik Persian, pI. cas. obI. ,......,;-an pas (cf paSemaneh) , SW pas, V. Tedesco,
[p'lsyk'n', p'lsyls'n'] 13 18 . 11613 . Dial. 209 sqq. - V. also pasek, pasen..
*parsom [p'lswmy] V. pahlom. pas [p's] watch, guard 65 9. - OP *pa~-,
parvin (Prth) [QDMTH] before, in the SW form of paOra-, V. pahr. - MPrs p'sb'n
presence of HajA: 5 (= Prs pes). - MPrth 'watchman, guardian'.
prw'n, V. Tedesco, Dial. 239. pasch ['I,IL-yh], with -c: pase-c ['I:IL-yc],
parvinakch [plw'nkyh] order, permission, adv. = pas: behind 57 22 (to be joined
commission 78 10- 11 • - NP parvanagi 'the with the preceding sentence, v. S. V. hu-
commission of a (royal) messenger', from oron) ; hac,......,; from behind 57 24 ; 0 ,......,; back-
parvanak, Syr.lw. parwanqa 'runner, a wards 48 5, rightabout 57 25 twice; pase-c
king's messenger', also in J.-Ar and ka inasmuch as 67 14 . - pas + the ad-
Mand, V. Telegdi 251; MPrs prw'ng 'lead- verbial ending -e (not identical with the
e1" (A-H II); NP parvanah 'a messenger'. abstract ending -eh, though confounded
with it graphically), found also in pese
parvartan [plwltn'] - to nourish 2 20 (inf.
[inscr. pysydy, SM passim] and others,
as an imp.)·25. 1026 . 148. 9. - < pari bar-, + V. S. V. pade.
V. bU'rtan; MPrs prwrdn prwr·; NP par-
vardan. pascn [psyn'] ultimate, final: tan i ,......,;,
V. tan.
parvirtan [plw'ltn'] - to serve (food) 768.
- Caus. of parvartan. passacakiha [psckyh'] in due course
10 22
111 . . - Adv. of passacak 'proper, ap-
pas ['I,IL; B'TL 57 26 ], with -c: pas-ic
propriate, conformable', from pat-sac-,
['I,IL-c] adv. 1. behind: be raft hend ...
V. saxtan, sacak, passaxt.
Vahuman pes, Zartuxst pas they went
away, V. first, Z. behind 57 12- 13 ; ,......,; ,......,; passand [psnd] lenity, in a juridical sense:
one after the other 11012 ; ,......,; andarg haxt reduction of what the law formally pre-
on her back between her thighs 57 26 ; scribes in any special case, as opposed to
hac,......,; from behind 25 20 . 2~17; 0 pes ... datistan (q. v.), 70 1. - passand and dati8tan
o ,......,; forwards . . . backwards 68 11- 12 ; - are symmetrically opposed juridical
hac ,......,; i prep. behind 319 ; api-san ... terms, defined and exemplified in the
hac ,......,; behind them 717- 18 ; oi . . . hac ,......,; Syriac Corpus iuris of Iso <boxt (Syrische
in her footsteps 37 18- 19 . - 2. afterwards, Rechtsbucher, ed. by Sachau, III, 1914,
then: ,......,;, or u ,......,;, or ,......,;-ic, pursuing a 12-14): - Suppose a man owes a sum
narration, passim; introducing the apo- and equally as much in interest fallen
dosis after a subordinate clause 24 3- 6. due, but cannot pay the sum total be-
27 2- 3. 44 11- 13 . 91 4- 5 ; ka vas-ic ... '" -ic cause of poverty, illness, or the like; if
however much ... yet 91 12- 13 ; apak then, at his request, the creditor remits
... ,......,; in spite of ... yet IP-9; - ,......,; hac the interest and rests content with the
prep. after: ,......,; hac han afterwards 4 3. 27 . capital, this is passand. On the other |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
passand 153 pat

side: though according to law a daughter pat,......, patvac- 73 4 ; pat ,......, i 0 Artaxser
only inherits half as much as her brother, kart nipist in the reply he made to A.
yet, in order to prevent the fatality that he wrote 4 10 ; en ,......, saxuan i man avis gob
she, as a poor maid, must remain at give him the following answer in my
home and suffer the contumely of not words 13 20 - 21 . - < *pati-saxuan-, v. saxuan ;
being married, she may be given the Arm lw. patasxani < *patsuxan, the NW
same share in the inheritance as her development, v. Bailey, JRAS 1930, 19;
brother: this is beh-daqastaneh (PhI: MPrthPrs pswx; Paz. NP pasux.
veh-datistaneh) 'surplus award'. - Paz.
pasemaneh [psym'nyh] repentance 1021 .
NP pasand; < *pat-sand-, v. next w.
128. 68 22 . - MPrs psym'n(yg) 'repentant'
passand- [psnd-] pres. to approve: Ohur- (S); Paz. pasemq, abstr. pasemani; NP
mazd ... hec vattareh tt drozaneh ne pas- pasiman, pisman, pizman, abstr. pasi-
sandet 79 3 - 4 • - < *pat-sand- from pati + mani, pismani. Of NW origin: pase the
Av. (1559 sq.) l sand-, cf sahistan. MPrth NW form corresponding to SW pase (q. v.)
psynd- 'appreciate', Ghilain 55. + *mana- 'measure', 'repentance' being
understood as an "after-measuring"; cf
passiixt [ps'ht l], 1086 pat-saxt [PWN- framan.
s'he], accomplishment, performance, esp.
of the var, the ordeal: var,......, DkM 743 12 . *pasisn [p'ssn l] 59 13 . 25 : read p'd'sn l =
77117; hence ,......, alone: ordeal; ,......, gah the padasin, v. patdasin.
place of the ordeal 10P7; pat gobisn i ,......, pasom-kunisn [p'swmkwnsn l] one who
through the decision of the ordeal 10916 ; works for the (final) renewal of the world,
Aturpat i Mahraspandan ke patis pat-saxt pI. cas. obI. ,......,-an used as the subj. 106 21 ,
i pat den kart, rod i vitaxtak apar var rext v. pahlom.
A. i M., who accomplished the ordeal
upon it (patis: in order to prove its
past [pst I] a binding promise 214 (,......, u
truth) conformably to Religion, melted
zinhar· hendiadys: promise of safety) ;
33 21 . - Bthl, MirM II, 3-15, ZsR I, 7-18.
metal being poured on his breast 108 5 - 6.
The ordeal either acquits or condemns, Ipat [ptl] dignitary, chief 58 18 • 11416. -
either proves or denies the truth of an Av. (821) pati-; in compounds: her-pat,
assertion, a witness, etc., the terms being dahyu-pat, magu-pat, spah-pat; cf also
buxtan and eraxtan (erixtan) (v. these xues.
ws.) which are often asyndetically co-
ordinated so as to form a sort of dvandva: 2pat [PWN; Prth. inscr. pty] A. prep.; not
buxtan-eraxtan, buxt-eraxt indicating the governing encl. pronouns (in pat-san a1·a-
alternative decisions of the ordeal. Of saneh 109 24 the encl. belongs to the follow-
also DkM 64417-21. The vb. passaxtan ing subst.). 1. in a concrete sense: 1. local:
may be used in the sense of 'to accom- in, on, upon, at; (to pass) over (a bridge),
plish the ordeal', DkM 4543 • - Pt. of through (a passage); (to remain, dwell)
passaxtan < *pat-sac-, v. saxtan. Paz. with a p.; passim; 'pn LGLH PWN ZNH
pasaxt, Skr. v. mahadivya 'great oath' drky I;INI;ITWN = api-n pad pat en
(SGV X, 70); MPrthPrs ps'xtn ps'c- 'to darrakY nihat HajB: 6-7. (12-13), Prth
arrange', MPrth also psxt. NGRYNpty ZK wymI;IQ'YMW-t HajA:
6-7. (11-12); PWN ZK Psy ZY ... =
passaxu [pshw], pasaxu [p'shw] answer, pat han rahY i . . . on the road to . . .
reply, reponse: 53 27 (0 to) 56 24 . 1059 • 22 ; PI: 4. - 2. time: pat ham sap 16 2 ; pat-
,......, guftan, pat ,......, guftan, ,......, kartan to vastak hame pat sap ka 51; sap i sitikar
answer, to reply, passim; ,......, datan 264 ; pat U§bam 101 12 - 13 ; pat ul vaxsisneh i nazdeh |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
pat 154 pat

44 12 ; pat hamale roc 49 5 ; asp 2 ... lee pat doubt and its antonyms (guman, ape-
roc-e 70 frasang be ayend-(h)e (v. ama- guman, apegumaneh pat), reliance (upon);
tan) 6 10- 11 ; pat bavandaleeh i 30 sal 561 ; - to look on, at (nileeritan); to consider,
pat hazarale sar 99 9 etc.; pat har za- regard as (dastan pat); to make a p. such
man 10422 ; pat har gah u zaman 71 6; and such (leas leartan pat + subst., often
pat e bar at one time 326 ; pat han yavar Y in the cas. obI. sg. ending in -eh); to
lea on the occasion when PI: 2; pat han entrust (gumartan pat leas) ; to get married
afterwards; pat jratomeh, pat avdomeh, pat (v. zaneh); etc. etc., v. the individual ws. -
bundahisneh, pat frazam: v. below II. 9. - 9. forming adverbial expressions: from
3. instrumental: pat dast dastan; pat han adjectives, with or without the ending -eh:
i dasn pad frac sleast 53 11- 12 ; pat uzvan pat buland aloud, pat sihsalale, pat nam-
... saxuan gobend 10619 ; pat zafar apac iutar cist; pat bavandaleeh, pat perozeh, pat
butan 48 6 ; pat casm ditan; pat han i 4 ayo- sag1'eh, pat tuxsaleeh; from a subst.: pat
zisn rahy vazet 519. 11 ; pat ap (i) zarrnipistale frazam, pat dolean; pat hamaxaleeh, pat
107 9 ; with abstract nouns: pat zor u hunar sihsaleh, pat bundahisneh, pat paitiyara-
... hecalchaccahulhixt 15 9; personaI7po-21. leeh; pat axuarisneh without food; from
- II. in a figurative sense; 1. to the benefit adverbs: pat uleh, pat nilcuneh, pat apaleeh.
of, or to the detriment of: ce-s pat man - 10. compound expressions: pat ...
nevaleeh vas leart 35 1 ; pat fradandan i man homanale, pat ... manaleeh similar(ly);
vizandlear bavend 143. - 2. causal: pat zor ... pat nazdileeh i 7418 (pat han i frasleart
i 8ahpuhr leanicale avd sahist 15 8 - 9 ; <pat) nazdileeh 1064); apar pat han iaman lea
patvand because of relationship 117 3 ; api-t 41 23 , adale apar pat iaman 61 9 ; pat yuvat
pat ruvan dusxuareh eton bavet cigon 45 24 ; hac; - frame prep.: pat . .. rad (q. v.). -
- as a reward for: har lease pat han and 11. in composition with a subst., forming
lear tt leirpale . . . mizd patdasin dahend adjectives with the sense of 'provided,
103 24 - 25 . - 3. concessive: in spite of, connected with': yam i pat-gohr set with
notwithstanding, e. g. danaleeh i Zartuxst jewels 68 ; (murvan i) pat-ap aquatic 93 26 ;
pat han i aparnai dateh 53 6 • - 4. final: zan i 'fJat-gohr a woman of good birth 69 8 ;
for, e. g. pat en lear frestit leu ... 1319 ; pat cigon andar hindulean pat-vicin but high of
lear-e sut estat 1417; pat patdasin 95 10- 13 ; station 11810 - 11 ; - enlarged with the adj.
pat han i hunuslean leen 50 1 - 2 ; pat xueseh ending -omand: lea lerisasp pat-tanomand
u azateh datan 117 2- 3 • - 5. pat nam i ... u (pat- )ianomand ne but hah if K. had not
in the name of; in oaths: by: pat xuarrah been endowed with body (pat-tan) and
i Ohurmazd bag . .. soleand xUaret (imp.) life (pat-ian) 3420 . - B. adv. (rare): in
2p7-18; 59 13 . 25 . - 6. with regard to: pat addition, moreover 96 24 ; u pat-ic and
dipireh u asvareh ... eton frahaxt leu ... furthermore 9015 . The proper adv. be-
2 26 - 27 ; pat covegan ... cer u nipartalc but longing to pat is pati§ (q. v.). - OIr *pati
3 15 - 16 ; draztar pat balai u fraxUtar pat (Skr prati), Av. (822 sqq.) paiti, OP patiy;
pahnai 389 - 10 ; lee pat tan eton vazurg but MPrthPrs pd, pt; Paz. pa. In all prob-
hend i ... 32 26 - 27 ; 2 angust pat balai 93 24 ; ability this pa was since old in common
pat nevaleeh apar-arZanile 92 14- 15 . - 7. use alongside of pat as its sandhi form
distributive: pat 10 mart nan-e lea xuarend (cf passaxu , passand etc.), and on it the
sagr hend 8621 - 22 . - 8. in a great many ex- spelling of the prep. was based by analogy
pressions and idioms in varying func- with the Semitic prepositions be, le-, l-. As
tions, e. g. in such idioms as refer to however, contrary to the Sem. ws., it
domination (over), struggle, fight etc. maintained its character of an independ-
(with, against), accusation (37 14 ), excuse ent w., and independent ona-consonantic
(413 , v. bozisn) , belief (virroyistan pat), I monosyllables are unknown in the Aram. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
pat 155 piitifras

orthography the Iranians took over, pat-apiikenit [PWN->p>kynyt '] pt. -

it was necessary to mark it in some way pret. pass. 3d p. sg. : pat apakeh ,....., brought
as a word unit. For this purpose the back with him 41B: instead of saying
ending -WN, very common in" Aram. pat apakeh burt, the author has formed
verb ideograms, was chosen. The form ad hoc a paronomastic den. vb. *pat-
PWN thus created is consequently a apakenitan (v. apak 2), and thus achieves
spurious ideogr. and has no root in Aram, a /igura etymologica illustrative of the
as I formerly assumed. The transliteration man's care and tenderness. - Cf pat-
pll, adopted by de Menasce, is an attempt frazamenit.
to visualize the spelling (but the real
piitdiisin [p >td >sn I], piidiisin [+p >d >sn I
sign of abbreviation in BP is -g, originally 13 25
59 . ] retribution, revvard 3 B• 59 13 • 25 •
probably -k: I:I-g, S-g, P-g, FrP 4). - In
7P-6 (opp. avenisn). 80 B• 10 (opp. patifras).
compounds pat is regularly written pho-
95 10- 13 . 103 25 . - < pat- = pat- (as to the
netically, only in special cases P'VN, cf
above A II, 11 and some of the
I lengthening of -a- cf Verbum 229 sq.) +
daMn (q. v.): MPrs. p>d>syn; Paz. pa-
following ws. In compounds the genuine
da·isn, padas(a)n (Mx), NP padasan;
SW form 'pai- is sometimes reflected in
Talm. lw. prdsn> ,prdysn> 'gift on parting,
the orthography. v. pairastak, pairiiyak,
a farewell present' Cf Bailey, BSOS VI,
1930-31, 600; Telegdi 250 sq.
patacanbyo [Av.] 65 12 , not found in the
patexUeh [ptyhwyh] welfare, prosperity,
existent Av. texts; probably, through
well-being 68 2. 87 7 • - Abstr. of patexu
haplology, < *pati-tacanbya, dat.-instr.
'thriving, prosperous, well-to-do', render-
pI. of *pati-tacant-, pt. pres. of pati +
ing Av. (805 sq.) erqfJ/ja-; < *pati-axua-,
tac- (v. tacitan and taxtan) , thus 'in an
from Av. (106 sqq.) ahu- 'life, existence',
uninterrupted succession of generations'.
v. s. v. pat A II, 11; Paz. patixui.
patan [NTLWN-tn ' ] pay- [NTLWN-,
patexUenitan [ptyhwynytn I] to nourish,
p>dt ' = payet 2512 ] 1. to guard, to protect,
to cause to prosper 81 15 .
to watch: tan i xues be payet: menisn hac
dusmat ... guard yourselves: your think- piitez [p>tyz] autumn 88 7 •
- MPrs p>d(y)z

ing from evil thought (etc.) 65 9; vas (A-H I), Paz. padez, NP payiz. V. Bailey,
hamestCir anad pat estend a great many TPhS 1945, 13.
adversaries *keep watch there 72 14 : pat
seems to be an abstr. subst. < OIr *pati- pat-friiceh [PWN pPcyh] appearance 40 6
(read: api-san etan-as ,....., a ham arast
'watch, guard', cf Arm. lw. pat 'fence,
' ... his appearance'). 40 19 , cf 39 27 • - pat
enclosure', pat arnul, gal, pat-em, -im 'to
fraceh 52 25 are two distinct ws., v. fraceh.
surround, to be surrounded by? - 2. to
make a halt, to stay, to remain (zivan- pat-fraziimenit [PWN plc>mynyt ' ] pt. =
dak apac patan 25 12 ), to last: 622 . 7 20 . pret. pass. 3d p. sg., was finished 116 12 . 9•

10 20 . 20 5. 26 21 . 71 24 . - Two vbs. have - A den. of the expression pat frazam, v.

coalesced here: 1. Av. OP (885 sq.) pay- frazam and cf pat-apakenit.
'to protect, to watch', 2. a den. of pada- piitifras [[p>tpPs], Ps. piitufras [p>tw-
'place' (v. padak): *padayati > SW payet, pPsy] punishment 9 3 • 129. 76 11 • 80 B- 13 •
which has borrowed its info from the 10P2-15. 10216-17.26. 103 22 • 128 B• - NW w.:
homonym payet 'to watch'. MPrthPrs MPrth p>dyfr>s (MHC), Arm. lw. patuhas,
only have p>dn p>y- 'to protect'; Paz. but SW patifrah: MPrsp>dypr>h (S); Paz.
id.; NP payidan in both senses. padafrah. The -u- in patu-, also found in |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
patifras 156 patis

the books, is due to the influence of the as an adj. I"J butan to meet 85; oi pes
following labial. nemak Vahuman I"J ayuxt V. driving in
patigriftan [ptglptn', MK~LWN-], pati- from in front met him 56 17 - 18 ; - as a
gruftan [ptglwptn'] patir- [MK~LWN-, prep.: I"J zanisn i hac Ganak Menoi im-
ptyl-], pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. patigrift mediately before being slain by the Evil
[ptglpt'; MK~LWN-t', MK~LWN-Xl Spirit 46 5- 6 • - From pati + ar- 'to move' •
28 26 . 29 6. 6P; -X2 215. 189 ] patigruft Av. (183) paiti- 1ar- 'to advance against,
[ptglwpt'] 58 11 • 6018 : to receive, to ac- to be hostile to', cf (74) a-paiti:<wJta- 'un-
cept, to take up, often with the prevo checked'; MPrs pdyrg 'against'; Paz.
frac: 1. Bastvar (PLJ5.') pat dast frac padira; NP paoirah; cf paitiyarak.
patigrift B. caught *the battle-axe (just *Patiritarasp [ptylytPsp'] the paternal
swung by the attacking enemy) with his grandfather of Zartuxst 37 26 . 384.15.16.
hand 28 25 - 26 ; barak xues pat dast frac 46 25 . - Various spellings: BdA p. 234 15
patiret he himself takes command of the p'ytlsp, 235 2 pyltPsp', 236 15 pylVsp;
steed (by grasping the reins) with his Zsprm VII, 1 pltPsp'. In my opinion it
hand 29 6. - 2. en den i mazdesnan hac goes back to *pat'Jr'Jtara-aspa-, in which
OhU'rmazd patigrift he received the Maz- *pat'Jr'Jtara- is haplology < *pat'Jr'Jta-
dayasnian religion from 0. 189 • 23 sq. 1919 , tara-, compo of Av. (821 sq.) patar'Jta-
etc.; han i evak frac patigrift u aparik (for *pat'Jr'Jta-) 'flying' : 'whose horses
hac dastavar hist the one (doctrine) he are almost flying' (?).
accepted and the other he excluded from patisiir [ptys'l] unbroken succession:
the canon 1093- 4. - 3. to agree 2 15 ; to throughout, from the first to the last
accept, to comply with 381; gobisn to
12025 . - Paz. paosar (Skr V. prakara,

receive the (divine) command 58 11 • 6018 . SGV XV, ·50); NP padisar 'taking up
- 4. pat fradandeh to adopt as one's
and finishing any business which has
son 2 ; pat zaneh to espouse 16 1; pat
already been· begun' (possibly a learned
nikahdareh to take charge of 82 13 . -
w.). - < *patis-siir < *patisa-sara- ("head

5. ke hac smah han patiret marnjenitan?

onward") 'continuous forward move-
who among you takes it upon himself to ment'.
slay this man? 4217; oisan-ic . . . baxtan
rad hac Ohurmazd patigrift these have pati!~ [ptS] adv. 1. before (= pes), with

received it (the earthly riches) from 0, hac: I"J hac zayisn i . . . before the birth
in order to distribute it 79 14- 15 . - 6. Ohur- of ... 368. - 2. used instead of pat if it
mazd ... hakarc anakeh ne patiret O. refers back to an encl. proD.. in the be-
is never subject to Evil 77 23 (cf. Arab ginning of the sentence: ce-m anakeh vas
la yaqbalu); 79 4- 5. - From pati + Av. I"J kunend (C5YDvVN -Xl) for they will
OP grab-, V. griftan; MPrth pdgryftn do much harm to me 95 4; i ka-t anakeh
pdgyrw-; MPrs pdyryftn pdyr-, V. Verbum ""' kunem for we shall do harm to thee
205, Ghilain 89; Paz. padiraftan padi1°-, 76 3 ; api-s devan apasos I"J kunend and
NP paoiruftan paoir-. the devs sneer at him 75 26- 27 ; api-san I"J

ne virroyam and I do not believe in

patigriftiireb [ptglpt'lyh] reception 73 11 • them . 64 25 ; cigon ka-san sir i garm I"J

75 12 . andar dosend as if warm milk were

patirak [ptylk'] a meeting: bam-e i hac milked upon them 101 21- 22 ; 42 23 ; 8024- 26 ;
I"J i (a light produced by the meeting 98 25 - 26 . - 3. as a substitute for the prep.
of . . .) a light reflected from, a reflex ion pat + the encl. pron. of the 3d p. sg.
of 11218 ; - mostly combined with a vb. of -s: on, to, at (etc.) him, her, it 4 26 . 3212.
motion: 0 amatan to meet 84.73 1. 21 etc. ;
I'oJ 47 26 . 556. 16 • 63 11.16. 6420 . 24 . 6614 • 80 4. 8615 . |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
patis 157 patkaritan

1086. 11218. 113 19 ; taking up a reI. pron. be fulfilled 65 21 (cancel the reI. pron. <i)
1415. 20 26 -27, v. i and ke; - referring at the beginning of 1. 21 and join the
to an indefinite p.: pat har kas vistax U
t'V preceding clause be ice karr aivap gung
butan 70 16- 17 . < OIr *pati~ah or enya, 1. 20, to 1. 21: 'With the exception
patisa; OP patis may, and probably of the deaf and dumb, the religious duties
should, be read patisa h ; cf Av. (835-836) must be fulfilled by everyone'). - Ps.
prep. paitis and instr. paiti,~a < *paitisd p'ths>dy; Paz. padisG1h, NP padsa(h), cf
'towards'. Cf avis and hac is ; these and next w.; cf MPrth vb. pdyxs>h- 'to rule';
patis only occur in SW, never in NvV. from pati + Av. (551 sqq.) xSiiy- = OP;
V. s. v. avis. v. Verbum 229 sq., BBB 95 sq.; Bailey,
BSOAS XII, 1948, 328 sq.
PatisxUargar [ptShw'lgl] a mountain range
11510 . 1165. - The last element is gar patixsayeh [p)ths>dyh] domination, do-
'mountain'; OP *patishuvara- is attested minion, power, supremacy, kingdom 25.13.
by the vrddhi adj. Patishuvari-, the 5 17 . 26 • 59 16 etc. - Paz. padisahi; MPrs
name of one of Dareios' spear-bearers (v. p>dyxs)ny (A-H I ->dy, but corrected in
Kent); Strabo 727 IIcx't"E:Lcr)(opdC;, the name A-H III to -)ny = BBB); MPrth
of one of the tribes inhabiting the pro- p)ds)nyjt.
vince of Pars. Probably identical with
patixsayomand [p)ths>d)wmnd] possess-
prshwr TWR), KZSPrth 1. 2 = Gr. v.
mg power: katilc ,.......- the master of the
IIp€crcroucxp opOC;; if so, only the range of
house 95 7 •
Alburz can be meant. Cf Markwart, Sild-
armenien 17*-21 *. patiyavand [p)tyd>wnd] mighty, power-
ful, dominant, compo ,.......--tar with hac
patit [ptytl] penance, comprising con-
prevailing upon 3210. 33 12 - 13 . 80 18 . - Paz.
fession of sins and suffering a penalty
35 6 ; pat ,.......- butan to undergo penance. 66 2 •
67 9 • 1019 - Av. (829) paitita-; Paz. patit patkaitan [ptk >ptn I] patkaj - to let fall,
and other spellings. to let loose, to shoot off (an arrow) 100 6 - 7
(patkajom). - Caus. of *pati-kaf-, cf MPrs
patitan [ptytn I] 1. to fall 4616- 23 . - 2. to fly:
phykj - 'to fall down' , Verbum 173; Ps.
ul patit hend they started up 43 9 • 11 • 13 • -
phk>pty 'spread out, founded'. Cf kahvan.
Av. (819 sq.) pat-.
patkar [ptkly, Prth ptkr] image SPrs: 3.14.
patitik [ptytyk] 4 13 : better pitik (q. v.).
Prth: 4. - OP pati-kara-; MPrs phykr;
patixsai [p)ths)y; 419 . 5 13 . 212 6 etc.; SLYT)] Arm.lw. patker; Syr. Talm.lw. pta/fra 'an
1. ruler, commander, sovereign, pI. cas. idol', Mand. lw. patikrii; NP paikar.
obI. patixsayan [-)d)n ' ] mart i zan
,.......- a married man 10026 - 27 ; - adj. domi- patkar [ptk)l], pitkar [pytk)l] quarrel,
nating, sup. patixsa-tar 85 24 . 86 12 . - 2. em- controversy, dispute 45 10 . 12 [pit-]. 70 7 •
108 . - MPrs phyk»r (A-H II; meaning
powered, authorized; as an impers. vb.
in a neg. sentence: ne ,.......- be ka it is not quite clear); Paz.patkar; NP paikar; V.
authorized, lawful except when = it is 2kartan and uskar'tan.
necessary that: ne ,.......- be ka savet it is patkarisn [,.......--sn I] discussion, disputation
not lawful except when he goes = he is 10915 .
compelled to go, he must needs go, cf
patkiirit [,.......--yt l] altercation, quarrel 57 25 .
Bthl, ZsR I, 29, n. 2; ne ,.......- be ka kunihet .
(it is not lawful except when it [i. e., the patkaritan [,.......--ytnl] to dispute, to dis-
sum of the religious duties] is fulfilled = ) cuss: they quarrelled 0 zayenitaran with
the chief religious duties must absolutely her parents apar beron kartan about |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
patkaritan 158 pattahik

putting (her) out 37 14 - 15 ; with 0: to delib- patmocan [ptmwcnl] garment 217. 17 1 • -

erate with a p. 39 4 • 9 • - Cf MPrth pdk'r- Arm. lw. patmucan; MPrth pdmwcn; M
'to question, to object', Ghilain 73. Prs pymwcn; v. next w.
patkOftan [ptkwptn'] patkopjf- to knock; patmoxtan [ptmwhtn'] patmoc- to dress
to encounter, of two armies 22 5 ; har ce-s oneself, to put on one's clothes 218. 85 15 •
patkoft whatever it (my foot) knocked, - Cf Av. (837 sq.) paiti.smuxta- 'shoed';
wherever my foot alighted on the ground MPrth pdmwxtn pdmwcjj- (MHC); MPrs.
32 18- 19 • - From pat + koftan, NP koftan pymwxtn pymwc-; Paz. padmoxtan pad-
kob- 'to break, to bruise', whose -b- may moz-; NP paimoxtan paimoz-.
represent an earlier -f3- < -p-. As to BP,
+patnasik [+ptn'syk] 412 an abortive
koftan is registered in FrP 21 as a syno-
emendation, restore pt'syk = pattahik.
nym of zatan and kostan, but only one
M8 (U5 in Junker's ed.) gives the pres.: patpursitan [ptpwrsytnl] to read: api-m
kwbyt ' = kobet, kwbym = kobem, which framat y patpurset and I ordered (sOIneone)
may be influenced by NP. Cf, on the to read it = I ordered it to be read P 2:
other hand, NP kilf 'the weaver's sley', 4. - OP pati-prs- (Kent s. v. fraO-); M
which is certainly derived from the pres. Prth pdbwrs-; MPrs pahypwrs-, phybwrs-;
stem of this vb., and visko ftan visko f - (q. v. ) Verbum 196. 228. V. pursitan.
which probably belongs to the same root.
patran [ptPnl] resistant, refractory, of
patkust [p'tkwst] district, province PI: the boar 26 23 • - Corresponds to the A v.
8. - The reading is unambiguous and (828) epithet of the boar paiti:;:wcma- (var.
already established by Herzfeld. The paiti.rana-, paitirena-) which has been
form commonly met with in BP is p 'tkws remodelled under the influence of ran
= patkos; MPrthPrs p'dgws, MPrs also 'side' (q. v.).
p'ygws; Paz. paq,-kos (Mx 135 ). Cf kust,
kustak. patrazm [p'tlcm] counterattack 27 19 , v.
razm. - Arm. lw. paterazm 'war, battle'.
*pat-kust [PWN kwst ' ] 5 11 is possibly
the irregular spelling of the pt. of a vb. patroc [p'tlwc] *splendour: veh ,...., of
*patkustan *to come into contact with, good splendour 27 19 • - Ps. ptlwk renders
to join side by side with (hac): api-s hac 8yr ziwa Ps 96 6 ; Av. (1487) paiti-raok-
Vahram u Anahit ,...., and it (the planet caus. 'to make flame up'.
Jupiter) has joined side by side with
Mars and Venus; but the construction is
pat-saxt [PWN s'ht ' ]: v. passaxt.
strange, and this guess is only proposed pat-sen [PWN syn l] breast bodice 57 18 • -
faute de mieux. DkM 635 14- 15 : apar-ic 0 to, Zartuxst, druz
patman [ptm'n l] measure 91 5 ; contract be dvaret matak-karp, zarren-patsen (kil
77 8 ; moderation, modesty 7019 • 21 • 85 17 ; pistan-pan dare-t) , v. pistan. - FrP 31
maturity 22 5 (opp. araseh). - MPrth senak, NP sinah 'bosom, breast'.
pdm'n; MPrs pym'n; Paz. paemq(n); NP
pattahik [pt'syk: this reading is to be
paiman; from pati + Av. (1165 sq.) restored 412] in consecutive order, one
may- 'to n~easure' = OP.
after the other. - FrP, 8 2 XIV, 5; patisar
patmanak dimension 93 1 • (q. v.) glossed by NP patahi = PhI patahik;
pattah alternating with pattai (v. the next
patmanik moderate, restrained 69 19 • 7027 •
w.) according to the common 8W phonetic
patmanikihi proportionally, in due pro- rule; -s- inverse spelling of -h- as in l's =
portion 89 20 • - Paz. paemqniha. rah, g's = gah, etc. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
pattai 159 payam-

pattai [pt>y] la$ting, durable, v. dagr- ty 10418 , because of family ties 117 3 (in-
pattai. - Pres. stem .pt>y-: pattay- < sert PWN = pat before ~); ~ rayenita'lIJ
*pattav- according to the SW rule, inf. to form family connections 63 16 ; ~ kar-
ptwtn', pt)dstn': pattiUan pattayistan 'to tan id. (apalc with) 70 6 ; ~ u tohm extrac-
last'; MPrs pres. pt)y-; MPrth pt. ptwd tion, descent 62 5 • 63 2 ; descendants 63 4 ;
'to endure, to bear', hw-pt)w 'possessed ~ u tohmak i vazurg high lineage 724; ~
of good endurance' (A-H III); side- cas. recto pI. offspring 9410 • - MPrs pywn
form pattuk < *pati-tuvaka-; from pati = paivann; Paz. paevand; NP paivand.
+ Av. (638 sq.) Itav-. S (v. Gloss.); Ver- From patvastan.
bum 209; Ghilain 77. Cf next w. patvastak [ptwstk'] continually, regu-
pattiin [pt>n'] continually, uninterrupted- larly 51; subsequently 111 16 •
ly, right on to (0) 2015 ; [ka Gayomart patvastan patvand-, to bind, to attach,
hac XUe, frac but dit . . . spihr 0 gartisn, to join: Tir patvast 77 - 8 meaning not
xuarset u mah 0 ravisn estat u ~ hend I
clear: (joined to [the planet] Tir =) be-
when G. woke up from his sleep he saw ing in conjunction with it (?); han hom
that the vault of heaven had begun to andar han draxt be patvast this haoma was
turn, and Sun and Moon to move, and attached to this tree 40 15 ; ce 1'ad ka me-
they are still (in turning and moving) noyan u getikan dani,~n u kar-akaheh har
BdA p. 44 5-9; possibly written PWN ZK 2 band 0 to patvast? 88 11- 12 (v. S. V. band);
KnS VI, 4, but the text is not sure]. - < 12017 - 18 • - < pati + band-, V. bastan;
*pati-tavana- from pati + tav-, v. the MPrs. pywst; Paz. pae- vastan; NP pai-
preceding w. Parallel with the series vastan.
pattai, pattuk (v. this w.), pattan is the
series with the prevo *ati-: *attak < patvast-axUeh [ptwst' )hwyh] the quality
*ati-tavaka-, Arm. lw. atak 'capable': of having united minds, concord, unanim-
attuk < *ati-tuvaka- id.: attan < *ati- ity 106 15 • - V. S. V. axU ,
tavana- 'solvent' (attanik DkM 139-140, Piit-xosroi [p)thwslwg'] n. pro 2214. 23 9 •
opp. an-attan 'insolvent'). Cf Bthl., MirM 24 9 • - Called the brother of Vistasp; the
III, 15, ZsR III, 53. - Cf ham-tak, name could mean 'Protector (pat < pata
tahekar, tak, tayitan, tuvan. nom. of *patar-, V. patan) is Khosroi';
pat-tanomand [PWN tn)wmnd] corporeal, Justi NB 246a, thought it meant <instead
endowed with a body 34 20 • - V. S. v 2pat of, counterpart of Kh,). Possibly, however,
A II, 11. it is only one of the numerous Iraniza-
tions of the name Nebuchadnezzar, V. s. V.
pattlik [ptwk'] capable of 55 2 • - V. S. V.
Baxt - xosro.
piit-uzviineh [p)t)wzw)nyh] control of patxUar [pthwl] *pasture 4222. - < *pati-
one's own tongue 7111. - V. patan and xUara-, V. xUartan and cfaxuar.
uzvan. paty)ak (inscr.) [pty)k] = paitak, q. V.

patviic- [ptw)c-] pres. to answer 734.·24. - *payam- [*p)ym-] pres. *to consume:
pati + Av. (1330 sqq.) Ivak-; MPrth frac ... pat gah *payames(y) (opt.) thou
pdw)c-; MPrs pyw)c- (BBB), certainly shalt *consume it (the roasted meat) on
borrowed from NW, as vac- belongs al- the spot 447 (divine order), cf the con-
most exclusively to the NW area; Paz. tinuation 1. 9-10: api-s eton kart; cigon
padvazeq. XU art druyist but thus she did; as soon as
patvand [ptwnd] relationship, kindred, she had eaten she got well again. - Read-
parentage, descent: pat ~ through affini- ing and meaning hypothetical. I think it |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
payam- 160 peroz-kar

must go back to *pati-yam- 'to take hold tica 'inversely' (from *paityank- paitik-)
of', from Av. (1262 sq.) yam-, chiefly + citan (q. v.): *patica-citanai 'to lay a
with preverbs. I find *payam as a v. n. tho (e. g. a rope) together in such a way
in two passages: 1. DkM 28 5 akoman ... that it returns to its starting-point a) on
menisn payam 'A. holding Mind in his the same level: to form a loop of it, b) in
grasp'; 2. ibd. 50 12 payam hesm andar layers: to coil it) > *payic(a)eitan >
menisn 'Wrath taking Mind in his grasp' *peccitan > pecitan ( -c- preserved be-
( ?). - Zsprm VIII, 4 has a somewhat cause it had been doubled); pres. pee- iR
divergent, perhaps more original version a secondary formation for *peein-.
of the story 44 1 - 8 : )L cZLWN cL y)twk)n,
pem [pymlmilk 423-13.25. 43 1. 53 3 .543-11. -
MH-t L) I;IWH-nd bysznyt>l, BR)
Av. (817) paeman-; Paz. pim.
L)WHL cL h)nk ' cZLWN, YDH BYN
m)l PWN *M~I;I) ZYTWR) ZY MDM peramon [pyPmwn l, pylmwn'] 1. adv. all
)ths YDLvVN-t', hysmc bwd wt)pl PWN about 39 23 . 93 5. 96 23 . 98 17 . 2. prep. round
NP~H-tn' zhk' MNW-t PWN )skmb ' = about, with the i~afat, J16. 87 22 . 89 12 ;
ma sav 0 yatu!can, ce-t ne hend besazani- referring back to an encl. pron.: 7 deh
tar, be apac 0 xanak sav, dast andar mal i-s ,....., nisast hend 47 16 ; api-s . . . girtak
pat rogn i gav i apar ataxs b'llrt, hesm-ie (q. v.) ,....., xuarrah ayet and all around it,
bod vitap pat xUes-tan zahak ke-t pat as- 92 18 - 19 • - < *pari-yama-van-, derived
kamb 'do not go to the sorcerers, for from *pari-yama- < pari - + Av. (1262)
they cannot heel thee, but go back home, yam-, cf s. v. payam-.
rub thy hand with ox-tallow which has *peravanihit [pyr)wnyhyt'] pass. pt.
been set on fire, and burn fragrant fuel *stirred up: api-s hamak damik ... ~ kart
for the benefit of thy offspring which is and he (the Wind) stirred up the whole
in thy womb'.
soil 33 16- 17 . - Reading hypothetical. I
pazzamenitan [pz)mynytnl] to cause to derive it from pari + a + van-, OP
ripen, to mature 88 5 • - Caus, of pazzam-. van- 'to throw, to spread out', v. Ben-
v. next w. veniste, BSL XVII, 1951,25-26 (differing
pazzamisn ripening, maturing 89 6 • - from Kent).
pazzam- < *pati-zamaya-, caus. of pati peroz [pylwc ' ] victorious, victor 27 19 •
+ Av. (493 sqq.) gam-; Verbum 190 sq. 12p2; pI. cas. obI. ~-an 29 8 • 16 . - SW
pazditan [pzdytn'] to blow, to play: nai development < *pari-aujah-, v. oz; M
(v. s. v. nad) pazdend they play the flute Prs pyrwz; MPrth prywz, prywg, prywz"n
20 10 . - MPrs n)ypzd 'flute-player' (A-H 'victory'; Paz. peroz, NP peroz.
II, BBB). Seems to be another vb. than Peroz a son of ~ahpuhr 11516 , cf Cat. 81
Av. (884 sq.) pazdaya- 'to chase, to fright- sq. - In KZ~Prth I. 21, we find twice
en', MPrth pres. pzd- id. (MHC), subst. the strange spelling prgwz of this name
pzd 'expulsion (A-H III). = Prs prywzy 1. 26 (Gr. v. II'1JPw~oU and
pazdok [pzdwk'] a noxious insect 58 1 • - II·'lpw~).

Av. (885) pazdu-; cf NP pazdak 'weevil'. Perozan patron. of Peroz 11610 . 117 12 .
pecitak [pycytk'] distracted, crazy 8026 . - peroz-avar [~-)wwl] bringing victory
Properly 'twisted', NP peeidan 'to twist, 27 18 • - V. avurtan.
to distort, to wreathe, to wind in a
serpentine form'. I maintain my etymo- perozeh victory 27. 29 15 . 6p3. 78 1.
logy proposed in MO XXV, 1931, 198- peroz-kar [~-kl], peroz-gar [.-.-gl] work-
199: from *patica = Av. (839) instr. pai- ing victory, of the sacred Fire 9 25 . 12 23 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
peroz-kar 161 plst

of the most sacred formula 58 2 ; victorious pesarvar [pys)lw)l] kartan to urinate 69 16 .

5 18 . - 'Excretion-water': - var is in all prob-
ability identical with Av. (1410) var-
peroz-kareh, peroz-gareh victoriousness
'rain' (Skr vari-; Milr varan, NP baran
34 4. 5. 58 16 . 119 18 .
'rain'); pesar < *paisar < *parsar (cf
pesit [pysytl] adorned 362. 7411 . 15 . 108 1°. Verbum 227) through dissimilation of
1114. - Derived from Av. (818) paesa- the first -r- because of the second, <
'ornament', from Av. (817) paes-, OP *pari-sar(ja-, SW form of *pari-sarza-
pais-, v. nipistan. +
*'discharge , excretion' from pari harz-
pes [pys; L<YN , inscr. and Ps. L<YNY] (v. histan) , cf Av. (1793) pairi-har9Z- 'to
1. adv. before, earlier 97 9 ; first, opp. filtrate', pairi-fra-har'Jz- 'to ejaculate
pas, in a sequence 57 13 ; "'" hac before: (sperm).' - Paz. substitutes pesiar, Skr. v.
9 12 • 1224. 38 22 . 39 2. 49 3. 65 23 , with a v. n. puraJy, mutraprasrava (for -prasrava).
or an info instead of a temporal clause Pes-diit [pysd)tl] honorary title of the
46 13 . 54 23 ; "'" ku 8 1. 1317 , "'" hac han-tai first king, viz. Hosang 4710. - Renders
[ZK <D] ka 98 6 - 7 conj. before; dvarisn 0 Av. (854) Para-(jata- 'put at the head',
"'" to run forwards, opp. dvarisn 0 pas 'the first of his dynasty'.
to run backwards 68 11 ; 0 "'" + livar, pesenik [pysynyk] predecessor, pI. cas.
matan, sulan, xUastan, v. these wS.; 0 "'" obI. "",-an ancestors 111 15 . 112 16 ; the
raft, tacit went, ran ahead, to the front troops of the front-line 18 13 . - Derived
49 18 • 19 ; en i 0 "'" gobam what I am going from pese, v. s. v. pes. MPrs pysyn
to say presently 517-8. 54 19 . - 2. prep. 'earlier', pI. pysyng)n; Paz. pI. pesinagq;
before, regularly followed by the i~afat: NP pesin(ah) , pI. pesinagan, pesiniyan.
7 sal pes <i) han 7 years earlier 40 3 ; be-
fore, in the presence of 2 3. 15 . 5 21 . 70 21 . pes-karp [pys klpl] of conspicuous shape
98 26 ; for the protection of 49 4 ; without 56 7 , with the gl. ku pat tan casmtar but.
the i~afat Ha.jB: 5; 26 8 - 9 ; referring back pes-nevak ["" ndwkl] foremost in bra-
to an encl. pron.: api-s Tos "'" estet and very 56 7 , with the gl. kil pat har cis
T. will stand before him 1004 ; - with pes but.
vbs. of motion, addressing etc., often pesopai [pyswp)y] walking ahead 49 4 ;
0""': 61°.1015.1115.19.1316.23. 1510- 11 , etc.-
leader 1121.7.11. - MPrs pyswb)y (S);
"'" nemak,. hac "'" nemak, v. nemak; as Paz. pesavae (SGV); NP pesva.
first element of compounds, v. below. -
OP prep. c. acc. paiSiya 'before' Beh. IV, pes-xrat [pyshW] of supreme wisdom
91, according to the last revision of the 1101.
text (v. Kent; his etymology is scarcely peSxrateh the qnality of possessing su-
possible) = inscr. and Ps. pysydy, read preme wisdom. 1101 °.
pese(i) = MPrs pysyy (A~H II), also
pysyh; - MPrs pys, Paz. NP pes; only pil [pyl] elephant 2011 . 1189 ; the rook,
in chess 119 11 ;
pesak [pyskl] class, profession 559. 58 18 . pilomand ["",-)wmnd] big, strong as an
elephant, of a bull 49 3 •
66 15 . 109 23 . - Paz. pesa; NP pesah; from
the same stem as Av. (908) pistra- in the pil-van ["",-w)n l] elephant-keeper 2011 . -
same sense. Probably 'elephant-tamier' ,from OPAv.
(1350 spp.) van- 'to subdue. NP pil-ban.
pesak-kar [pysk)l] craftsman, pI. cas. obI.
'" -an 811 7- 19 . Paz. pesagar, Sk1'. v. pist [pst I] flour, or something pounded
vidyavant. or crushed 921.25.26. - NP pist 'bruised
11 Nrberg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
pist 162 purr

corn; meal of wheat, barley, or vetches, post [pwst I] skin 54 20 ; pI. postiha
especially when toasted = Arab sawiq'; [pwstyh'] 107 9. - OP pavasta 'clay en-
SW form for *pist, from *pis-, Skr pina~ti velope of a tablet', Benveniste, BSL
'to grind', Av. (907) pt. pisant-. XLVII, 1951, 42-49 (thus also Kent);
pistan [pst'n l] female breast: '""-pan MPrs pwst (A-H II), Paz. NP post.
breast bodice, v. s. v. patsen. - NP postiyan [pwsty>n l] leather, pI. '"'-'-iha
pistan. [-yh>] 1102 °. -
Derived from post: NP
Pisisotan [pysswtnl] n. pro 59 21 . 11017 . - postiyan 'a kind of leather'.
Av. (908) Pisi.syaoOna-. Po sang [pwsng] n. of a town 1146 • 7 • -
pit ['B ; ptl], cas. obI. pitar [>BY-tl; ptl Yaqut 1, 758 Busanj.
143 ], pI. cas. obI. pitaran [>BY-tJ>nl] fa-
Pourusasp [pwlws>spl] Zartuxst's father
ther; the difference between pit and pitar is
38-53, passim, - Av. (903) Pourusaspa-.
fading: pit is the subj. of the sentence 227.
3216. 37 16 . 63 3, but the cas. obI. in the puhl [pwbl, inscr. pwhly] bridge F: 1.
majority of cases; the cas. obI. pitar is 6412 . 7212.25.26. 7423 . 89 17 • 1147. - Av.
much restricted in use, and stands for (892) p'()r'()tu-, (897) p'()su- (cf ar'()ta-,
the cas. recto 27 11 • 28 21 ; vOC. pit 10018 , -'()r'()ta-: asa < rta-); MPrth pwrt (MHO);
pitar 27 3 ; - pI. parents 27 12 . 38 18 . 4p5.26. Paz. puh(a)l; NP pul. - Of S. v. MahZai'
513 (all in the function of cas. obU.
Ipuhr [pwhl; Prth BRY] son HajA: 3.
- Olr pitar-, nom. pita> Milr pit; pitar
SPrth: 6; V. also apak-puhr, ape-puhr,
is a secondary formation. NP old pid,
puhrepuhr. - The NW form of Av. (909
commonly pidar. - MPrthPrs pyd, pydr
sqq.) puOra-; cf pus.
indifferently used. V. also ape-pit.
2puhr [pwhl] punishment, penance 663 •
pitik [ptyk] belonging to the father, is
7410 . - Av. (892) p'()r'()Oa- 'penalty'.
the better reading, instead of patitik, 4 13
pat '"" mandak for a lapse affecting the puhre-puhr (Prth) [pwhrypwhr] grand-
father; thus Antia and two of Sanjana's son HajA: 4. SPrth: 7, corresponding to
MSS. Prs nap (q. v.). - V. puhr.
poe [pwc l] excuse, apology: cis andarjpat purr [pwl; M>LH] full: '"'-' ap full of
'"" hast a tho serves as an excuse 1021.2. water 15 1 ; '"'-' tigr full of arrows 20 13 ;
- NP pozidan 'to apologize', pozis. 542. 7. 11 • 58 1 ; often united with the follow-
polavaten [pwJ>ptynl] (made) of steel ing subst. so as to form a compound, from
21 18 . 12027 ; steely, of one of the cosmic which an abstr. subst. may be derived:
periods 11015 . - From polavat 'steel', '"'-' xuarrah full of splendour 48 2 - 3 : '"'-'
MPrs pwl>wd, Henning, BSOAS XII, xuarraheh 37 7 • 10616 ; '"'-'-marg full of
1947, 45; Arm. lw. polopat, polovat; Paz. death 117 19 : '"'-'-margeh 648 ; ('"'-'-xrat full
adj. puZadin; NP puZad. . of Wisdom): '"'-'-xrateh 90 23 ; '"'-'-nerok full
of power 50 20 ; - before an adj.: fully,
poryotkes [pwlywtkys] adherent, teacher thoroughly, perfectly: '"'-' nevak i avam
of the primeval (Zoroastrian) religion the perfectly brave man of the (World)-
111 18 ; pI. cas. obI. '""-an the first Zoro- era, "the perfect hero of the generations",
astrian believers 621. lIP. 1124. l6 • - Bor- of the Prophet 55 23 , whence the abstr.
rowed from Av. (877) paoiryo.tkaesa-, cf subst. ,",-,-nevakeh 11 010; - '"'-' hac . . .
kes. kartan to fill with 1218 . 12815- 16 . - A v.
poryotkeseh the primeval Zorosatrian (894) p'()r'()na-; MPrthPrs pwr; Paz. NP
creed 6414. 86 24 . pur. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Purr-gay 163 Piitik

Purr-gay [pwl TWR'] n. pro 47 5 • - pust [pwst I ; Ps. pwsty] the back 1112.25 21 .
'Raving plenty of cattle'. 29 3.. 65 13 . 128 7 ; pat ,-..; tacitan to run
after, to pursue 31 19 ; pat ,-..; butan to
purr-kamakeb [pwl k'mkyh] the quality
protect, to be the protector 31 8 ; ~ kartan
of being purr-kamak having his will
wholly directed to (0) 55 5 • - V. kamak.
o to protect 87 26 ; - pI. cas. obI. ,-..;-an:
pat pustan i Vistaspan for the (acts of)
purr-marg, -eh; purr-nerok; purr-nevak, protection of the Vistasp dynasty 95 14 . -
-eh; purr-xuarrah, -eh; purr-xrateh: V. S. MPrs pwst, NP pust < *p[sti-; Av.
V. purr. (878) parsta-, parsti-, V. S. V. pustepan.
pursisn [pwrssn l] question 1315 . 105 5. 19 . *pust-aspan [pwst'sp'n l] ll18, V. next W.
as a det. V. n. ,-..;-eh: pat den ,-..;-eh
lll 6 • 8 ;
in order to put questions about Religion pustepan [pwstyp'n l] "protector of the
108 13 . back" = life-guards, pI. cas. obI. in ,-..;-an
pursitan [pwrsytnl] to ask, followed by sardar the commander of the life-guards
ku introducing direct speech 323 and U9 11 • - puste cas. obI. of pust (q. v.) +
passim; with a dir. obj.: to consult 48 14 . pan; the Sass. title is transcribed in
Arm by pCustipanar; (gen. pI.) (or pCusti-
63 21 ; to ask a p. : 0 68-88 passim, elsewhere
hac; - about: apar 48 14 .25 . 49 12 , or pat pan) salar; besides, Arm has the Prth. lw.
76 15 ; - jrasn, or saxuan ,-..; hac to ask a
past-pan 'protector, defender' < *parsti-
question, questions 2p4-15. 74 2. 6- 7. 76 6 ; pana- (v. S. V. pust); NP pustiban, pustvan.
with a reI. pron. as its dir. obj. 7615 . - pust-aspan 11 18 is an old misreading
1055. 9 ; - 0 ham ~ to deliberate 57 7, cf (Paz. pustaspan Mx) of pustepan, cer-
hampursitan; hakanen ham pursend thev tainly due to "vrong association with asp
will converse, communicate with each 'horse', as is suggested by the spelling
other 10617 - 18 . - Av. (997 sqq.) jras-, pwst'sp'n l ; moreover, in the BP wrii;ing
pres. p'dr'dsa-, OP jra()-, pres. p(a)rsa- the ligature -yp- is very often formed so
(Kent) ; MPrth pwrs'dn pwrs- ; MPr? as to coincide with -sp-. l~ead conse-
pwrsydn pwrs; Paz. NP pursidan. quently 11 18 pustepan sardar = the Arm.
pus [BRR; pws 22 18 . 2615 . 277] son, cas. form just quoted.
recto and cas. obI., passim; secondary pustepanakeh protection, defence 85 14 . -
cas. obI. pusar [BRR-I] 5115.21.24. 52 3. 9 ; Paz. pustaspani, V. above.
pI. cas. obI. pusan (BRR-'n ' ] 188 , sec-
ondary form pusaran [pwsPn l] in the put [+pwtl] putrid matter 76 12 . - MS
enumeration apak pusaran brataran (etc.) pwn, but Paz. pUd, Skr. V. durgandhi; Av.
185. 219. 241. 5. - < OP puya-, SW form (909) puti- 'putrescence'.
of pu()ra- (v. 1puhr); MPrs pws (cas.
rect.), pwsr (cas. obI.). - pusar is modelled
putakeh [pwtkyh] decomposition, decay
on the pattern of pitar, bratar, matar, U2 9 •
duxtar; NP pus (old), pusar; modern Ptitik [pwtyk] the name of a lake, "the
pisar influenced by pidar. Purifying" 8610. - From pu-, V. pak. Av.
pus-karnak [BRR k'mk '] loving her son (909) puitika- 'purifying', zrayo puitik'dm
48 21 . 49 7. 21 . 5011 • 'the purifying lake'. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
rad 164 raft an

lrad (rai) [Pd] comprehension, intelli- the virtual dire obj. which grammatically
gence, intellect, is to be restored, with ought to be the formal subj. of a prete
the MS, 48 13 , instead of +L': ke (for ku) pass. (mixed act.-pass. construction):
"" <i) Pourusasp hac viSopisn i hacis 8ahpuhr varzekar "" frac xuand 1527 sq. ;
apecar bavet (better but) for P.'s intelli- api-s han zan"" ne ozat 1022 ; cand dastava-
gence fails (failed) to grasp the destruc- ran . .. u danakan i Eran sahr "" be kust
tion emanating from him (gI.). - MPrth 107 13- 14 . - OP rad- 'reason, cause' in
r'd 'reason'; MPrs r'y 'insight, intelli- radiy postpos. 'on account of', avahya-
gence' (A-H II; S, 97 d 18, not recognized radiy 'for this reason'; MPrth r'd, MPrs
by S who was, however, very near to r'y; Paz. NP rae
hitting upon it); NP rai 'knowledge, wis-
dom, belief', which is not borrowed from
raftan [SGYTN-tn ' ; lptn'] rav- [SGYTN-;
lwb-, cf ravisn; lw-], imp. rav [SGYTN]
Arab ra'y- (on the contrary, the mean-
38 9 etc., rave [SGYTN-yg] 44 1; pres. 3d
ing of this w. is influenced by the Iran-
ian one); etymologically identical with p. pI. SGYTN-nd = ravend, e. g. 87 25 , but
the following w.; cf nikerai. lwnd = ravand 20 12 : to go, to walk, to
proceed, passim; with prep.: apak kurti-
2rad [Pd; inscr. and Ps. Pdy] postpos. kansu panan Taft he lived among the slave
1. for the sake of, because of, for, on shepherds 19-10 (cf s. v. kurtik); apak
behalf of, in favour of (72 20 - 21 ), con- ... raftan to keep company with, to
cerning (377. 29 10 etc. passim); ham cim communicate with 70 2.8 ; - apar en zamik
"" for that very reason 5 12- 13 . 67 1- 2 ; han ravet he moves on this earth 33 13 ; apar
cim "" 34 2, et "" 79 5. 96 26 . 98 20 for that zanisn raft hend they went to slay (him)
reason; et "" ce because (conj . ) 77 3- 4 ; 45 15- 16 ; - hac from 6 24 . 56 6.80 9; - 0 to
ce "" why? 3511 • 79 8 ; oi ke "" for whom 37 26 .38 5. 9 etc. passim; - pat gehan *hamai
183 ; - preceded by an info or a v. n.: in raft hom I roamed the world all about
order to, for the purpose of, because: 3p-9 (hame would not suit the context;
ditan i Zartuxst "" (in order) to see Z. cf 95 20 s. v. harnak); - with prev.: andar
4727. 52 18- 19 ; ves avis matareh i xrat "" IV ka srav ... oi (prep.) mart (i ... ) andar

because more wisdom had been allotted 'raft estat when the report had reached
to him 90 11- 12 ; - forms together with that man (who ... ) 44 24- 26 ; dosax u .••
hac or pat a frame preposition: hac bim andar 0 [KN] ravet will move, roam
i Artaxser "" for fear of A. 15 25 ; 37 10 . freely in Hell 347- 8 ; - apar "" : 0 oi ket
46 12 - 13 ; hac han cim "" 118 21 ; kirpak i apar raft hend they went off to the sooth-
pat dat "" kart for the sake of Law 6419 ; sayer 37 6 ; 38 14- 15 . 41 6, etc. - be "" : fra-
pat omet i ... "" in hope of 12p6-17; pat tom 0 anod apar raft, avdom be raft (he
han cim "" ce because (conj.) 104 21 - 22 . - was the first to step in there) and the
2. used as in NP: a) 'to, for': caharpadan last to step out 49 6- 7. 20 ; 57 14- 15 ; pas
"" ap hame dat 1416 ; Papak "" hec fradand patvand hac oi.9an be raft then offspring
ne but P. had no child 16 ; 3 2. 4. 4 22 ; proceeded from them 9410 ; very often be
menam to "" nevakeh 4721, v. s. v. meni- only indicates the aspect: eton saxt be
tan; 427; frazand i xUes "" kar u kirpak be- raft i-s . . . went ahead so vehemently
amoxtan 65 22 - 23 ; - b) denoting the dir. that 33 15 ; be rav! 6010 ; adak oisan be raft
obj. of the pres. tense: hakar ne han "" hend 57 12 ; - frac "" : frac Iraft Pourusasp
< apac) daret if you do not abjure that . . . apar 0 ap i Daiti P. went off to the
(religion) 191; 25 20 - 21 ; 45 3 ; - c) denoting wa.ters of the D. river 40 22 - 24 ; hom frac |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
raft an 165 rih

raft hac ... han-tai a the Haoma moved towns in the district, "Rhage itself":
from ... to ... 4P; 5011 v. s. v. hast; here some sort of "New Rhage" must be
lrac ravet (imp.) apar a man i Vistasp go meant, which he himself called Europos
ye immediately forth to the house of V. and the Parthians Arsakia. At all events
58 7 ; - pes ,....., : pes raft pes hac got ahead the existence of a Median Raga is con-
of 49 3 • 18 • - SW only (NW rftn rf- is an- firmed by the book of Tobit, dating from
other vb.): MPrs rptn rw-: Paz. NP the beginning of the 2nd c. B. 0.; that
rattan rav-. this was the forerunner of the Islamic
Ray may be taken for granted. This
*raftenitan [SGYTN -tynytn l ] *to form much may be said against Gnoli, Ricerche
flocks: han i zivandak gaspand frahist a storiche sul Sistan antico 1967, 66. I
ham *rattenit *has brought flocks of maintain my opinion (Religionen 342 sq.)
living cattle together in the greatest of the prominent part played by the
number 38 10 - 11 • - If correctly handed Median Raga in the primary history of
down, it may be explained as a den. Western Zoroastrianism. On the other
of *raft 'drove, flock', from rattan. hand, the saying 43 16 - 17 • 50 17 presupposes
rag [lk'] vein 60 5 • - MPrs rg (A-H I); full contact with Eastern Iran; as it
Paz. ray, NP rag; MPrth rhg (MHO, v. stands it is, so to say, the old Zoroastrian
Gloss.). counterpart of Kipling's "East is East,
and West is West, and never the twain
Rig [Pk']the name of a district and a shall meet." It must, therefore, be of
town: ne ka etar har 2 a ham rasend ,....., pre-Sassanian, at least Parthian origin,
u Natar not (even) when the two, Rag as is all the main material of the Vita
and Notar, come together here (i. e., Zoroastris handed down in Dk VII, for
never) 43 16 - 17 • 5017 ; tratom hac axU i Sassanian theology had fully adopted
ast6mand andar ,....., u N 6tar as the first the total transposition of the holy geo-
of terrestrial beings between R. and N. graphy of' Zoroastrianism from East to
(= far and wide, throughout the world) West (Rag and Notar are both villages
53 17 - 18 • - A proverbial saying using op- in Azarbaijan, Oecist is Lake Urmia,
posites to symbolize either absurdity or etc.), which makes the explanation of
comprehensiveness. The saying is mean- the saying given by Zsprm (X, 15) void
ingless unless it refers to actual and well of sense. Of also the PhI commentary of
known geographical facts. N atar, other- Yd. F6 (P5 Geldner). - Forms: Av. (1497)
wise unknown as a place-name, can only Raya (Bthl: Rayay-), OP Raga; PhI
refer to the country of King Vistaspa, translation of Y. 1918 ly (as the figure
who derived his origin from N aotara the 1000); commonly l>k; BdA p. 207 15 l' +
son of Manuscihr, thus symbolizing the old form of the letter d with two dots
Eastern Iran (the Notars founded Tus, below = Rai; V d. 116 Pk = Ray and
114 7 - 8 ). Riig must then be the OP Raga lY9- = Re; NP Ray.
mentioned in the Behistun inscription
(2 70 • 32 ) as a district in Media (,PliYCXL, rih [ps; inscr. and Ps. Psy] road, way:
called xwpoc; by Arrianos III, 20, 2), thus ke pat en ,....., ayet whoever travels on this
representing Western Iran. That this dis- road F: 4; pat en ,....., i apar Staxr andar a
trict had, already in Achaemenian time, Sakistan on the road to Sakistan over
a capital of the same name can scarcely Stakhr PI: 4-5; ,....., a Pars, ,....., i Pars the
be doubted, and is not contradicted by road to Pars 6 12 • 7 12 •14 ; dar u draxt i-s
Strabo's notice (0 525) that Alexander's apar ,....., but the trees which were in his
general Nikanor founded, besides other way 33 16 ; 33 17 ; the path, orbit, of a |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
rah 166 ranjihistan

celestial body 87 7.15 ; - in a metaphorical 10019 . - MPrs r'myn- 'to bring peace'
sense, of religion and its doctrines 62 9. (S, A-H II).
63 25 - 27 ; - in a psychological sense 65 3- 10 ;
ramisn [pmsn] pleasure, joy, peace, sat-
- pat,......, i by means of 62;16. 67 12- 13 ; pat,......,
isfaction 47 19 . 63 23 etc. - Av. (1511)
i rasteh in the way of righteousness 7019 ;
ram- 'to repose', caus. ramaya- 'to calm',
,......, u bahan means and motives 83 13 . -
(1524) raman- 'peace'; MPrthPrs r'mysn
MPrthPrs r'h; Paz. NP rah; 011' *raOa-
derived from Av. (1506) raOa- 'car,
chariot'; cf rahy. ramisnik pleasant, sup. "-'-tar 10412 ;
delighted, satisfied 12024 .
Raham [lh'm] n. PI'. 11522 , v. Cat. 84-85.
Ram-Ohurmazd [Pm 'whrmzd] a town
rah-dar [psd'l] highwayman, ,......, pI. cas.
in Khuzistan 11618 . - 'Delight of Ohur-
recto 3226. 335. 58 27 .
mazd' (Great King 272-273) ; Cat.
rahik [lhyk] youth, young man 27 13 . 27 . 95-96.
28 4. 8. - MPrs rhyg 'servant' (A-H II),
ram-sahr [Pmstr l] (ruler) whose realm is
'child' (BBB); NP raM 'a slave'. FrP 13
peace, who maintains peace in his realm,
LPH (for RBH): lsyk. lhyk, which
epithet of Vistasp 24 5.
seems to evidence a NW form rasile; but
this may as well only be the inverse ran [pnl] the thighs 28 18 ; side 54 21 . 6120. -
spelling of rahile (cf next w.), thus not Av. (1523) 1rana- 'the outer part of the
elucidating the etymology. Cf Bailey, thigh', but 2 rana-, rqna-, which Bthl
BSOS VII, 1933, 71. - Coincides in spel- translates 'combatant, champion', is more
ling with the ideogr. LHYK (for RI.IYQ) likely to signify, at least originally, 'side';
= clu'r. cf next w.
l'ahikeh adolescence 21 13 ; [lsykyhy] 1282. 6. ranenitan [1 'nynytn I] to throw, fling
aside: as 0 paseh gav apac ranenit his
rahy [lhd] car 519. 11 • 5413 . 16 . 58 19 . -
hand was thrown aside (and flung) back-
MPrs 1'hy, pI. cas obI. rh'n, ryh'n 've-
ward 48 5, with the gl. leu apac oslean
hicle'; MPrth ryh 'car'; < 011' *raOya
(q. v.).
(SkI' rathya 'road'), cf S. V. rah. "The name
of the car is 1'ayy in Persian", Yaqut 2, rang [lng] colour 8910. - MPrs rng (A-H
893, 1. 9. I); Paz. NP rang.

rai [Pg] heavenly splendour 512 6. 27 . ranj [lnc l] trouble, toil, grief 1313. 56 26 ,
52 5- 11 .58 14 ; richness 59 18 . - Av. (1511sq.) etc. - MPrth rnj; MPrs rnz (A-H II),
rayi-; v. also rayomand. rnzwr 'distressed' (S); Paz. ranj, rani;
NP rani. v. raxtan.
ram [1m] crowd 616. - MPrth rm 'herd,
community'; Arm. lw. eram 'troop'; Paz. ranjak distressed, exhausted, jaded 8 12 .
NP ram. 56 22 .
ramak herd 50 26 . - Arm lw. eramale; NP ralljakeb tiredness, exhaustion 9 23 ; labour,
ramah, ramale. V. hu-ramale. pain 56 21 ; trac ,......, 56 24 •
Ramak-gav [,......, TWR'] n. PI'. 47 8 • - ranjenitan [lncynytn l] to weary, to harass:
'Whose cattle is (in) herds'. aspan ma ranienet! 8 12 .
ramenitiir [pmynyt'l] one who brings ranjibistan [lncyhstn l] to be exhausted,
joy, peace, satisfaction (etc.), pI. cas. obI. to tire oneself out, to strive in vain for
,......,-an of near relatives, "my dear ones" (pat) 4615 . - Pass. of the preceding vb. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
rapak-kareh 167 Rasn

rapak-kareh [Ppkklyh] cry for help 75 1. . . . rasend the souls of the Righteous
- MPrs r'b 'supplication' (S, BBB); NP reach salvation 88 25 - 26 . - SW only: OP
lab(ah), lav(ah) 'request, supplication, pres. rasa- from ar- 'to move, to go or
prayer'; cf Skr lapati 'to chatter, to come toward' (Av. [183] l ar-); MPrs.
lament'; abstr. of *rapak-kar. rsydn; Paz. NP rasidan.
rapak-kariba [.-,-yh'] adv. with cry for rast [Pst'] right, righteous, true, fair;
help, clamourously 7427. subst. the truth; epithet of Rasn (q. v.);
rapitfak [lpytpk'] southern, sup . .-,-tar vimand .-, nimut indicated the
southernmost 56 6. - Borrowed from Av. boundary justly 45 10- 11 ; the balance .-,
(1509) rapiOwa- 'noon, south', adj. ra- daret gives the accurate weight 7224; ke-s
piOwina-, rapiOwi(na)tara- 'southermost'; kirpak u vinas hakanen .-, whose virtue
MPrs rbyh < rapiOwa- (A-H I). and sin weigh equally 79 25 ; han ke-s har
2 ,......, are equal 93 20 . - MPrth r'st (S,
rasikehY 128 2.6, v. rahikeh. A-H III); MPrs r'st (A-H II, BBB); Ps.
rasisn [YI.IMTWN -sn'; lssn'] 1. pred.: it l'sty; Paz. NP rast; Verbum 187; Ghilain
is to be (attained to =) found out 57 5. - 69.
2. v. n. the coming, attaining 5519 . rasteh, raste [1 'sty 92 13] righteousness,
rasisneh [YI.IMTWN-snyh] the same v. fairness, truthfulness, truth 666. 70 15 . 19
n. preceded by a qualifier: druz apar-'-' etc.; passim. - MPrs r'styh, r'styy; Paz.
the assault of the Drug 38 22 ; pat mansr .-, NP rasti; MPrth r'styft.
through (the coming [into operation] of rast-gobisn [.-, gwbsn'] whose speech is
the Holy Word =) through the Holy true, is the truth 68 7.
Word being carried into effect 5414 , with
the gI. pat datistanomandeh (q. v.).
rastiha [.-,-yh'] adv.: uzvan .-, dastan to
keep one's tongue to the truth 6414 ; .-,
rasit [lsyt'] subst. the coming 357.12 . - baxtan to distribute justly, equitably
From rasitan; of the same type as nisast 79 14 •
'seat', srot 'rumor' etc.; cf s. v. raft-
rastak [lstk'] free 919 , from
rasitan [lsytn'; YI.IMTWN-tn', .-,-ytn'] rastan [lstn'] rah- to escape: hac dosax u
ras-, pres. 1st p. sg. rasam [YI.IMTWN-m .-, 85 9. 13 ; the pres. has pass. form: hac
29 17], 1st p. pI. rasem [YI.IMTWN-ym band rahihet [lhyhyt'] 341, be rahiyet
6 2. 19 7] etc., subju. 3d p. sg. rasat [YJ.IM- [lhYQyt'l 98 22 will get loose from his
TWN-'t' 4J26]; pt. = pret. 3d p. sg. fetters. - NP rastan rah- both trans. 'to
rasit [YI.IMTWN -t', YI.IMTWN -yt' (coin- let go' and intrans. 'to escape'; similarly
ciding in spelling with pres. 3d p. sg. and Av. (1517 sq.) rah- 'to apostatize' and
2nd pI. in -et)]: to arrive, to attain; to 'to seduce into apostasy'. As for rahiyet
reach, to come (0, be 0, 0 pes i at, to); to cf s. v. apasihistan.
fall to one's lot (0); passim; - andar rasit rastar one who escapes: .-, kartan to
came to the place 319 ; be 0 han i asar bring about an escape, to rescue, to
rosneh ... apar raset he ascends up to the deliver 11 3.5- 6. - NP rastar.
Endless Light 73 27 sq.; raset apar 0 haft-
Rast-Sabpuhr [1 'sMhpwhry] a town In
kisvar damik will extend all over the
Eastern Iran P 2: 2. - 'Righteous Sh.'
sevenfold earth 51 5; apar .-, to fall upon,
to come upon, to assault 19 7. 72 6- 7; - Rasn [lsn'] the god of Justice: .-, i rast
o ham .-, to come together, to meet 43 17 . 72 18 . 74 23 . - Av. (1516 sq.) ra,~nu- 'just',
5017 • 6J22.25; - ruvan i ahlavan pat buxtan also the name of the god. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Rasn-cin 168 raxtan

Rasn-cin [IV cyn l ] the epithet of a brother ravak-kamakeh [,-....; k)mkyh] prevailing
of Yam 101 (his name was N arsahe,
5 dominance 10512 • - Abstr. of ravak-kamak
BdA p. 228 8 ; it was his brother Spetvar, 'he whose will is (everywhere) valid'.
A v. Spityura- who, in alliance with Dahak,
i. e. A idahak , killed Yam by sawing him
ravenitan [SGYTN-ynytn ' ] to let go, to
let loose, to convey, to drive: han anod
in two, Yt. 19 46 , BdA 1.c.1. 12). - 'Decid-
amahraspandan frac ravenit hac han i
ing righteously', cf citan; Av. rasnu-, v.
anagr rosneh he was brought there by the
the preceding w.
Amahraspands from the Endless Light
rat [It'] "genius", divinity or tutelary 39 21 - 22 ; 0 oisan urvar apar ravenit Pouru-
spirit presiding over one of the categories sasp 6 gav P. sent out six cows (to pas-
or classes into which all beings and things ture) on these plants 41 26 - 27 ; api-s han
of the good creatIOn are divided: api-san gav apac ravenit Pourusasp and P. took
,-....; Gopet and their genius is G. 86 24- 25 ; them home 424; gavan i vas pat han
Zartuxst is asokan ,-....; the genius of (all) vitarg ravenitan to drive a great many
the Righteous 1061 ; he is in Avestan cows through this passage 48 25 - 26 ; 3000
terminology the ahu and ratu of the sal ne ravenit was not allowed to budge
world, hence the abstr. ahu-u-ratu-eh i 95 18 - 19 • - Caus. of raftan.
gehan 55 20 • - Av. (1498 sqq.) 2 ratu-; NP
rad 'intelligent, learnd', 'a high priest ravisn [lwbsn ' ] L pred.: apar-ip-im ,....", I
of the Magi'. As to the doctrine, v. Modi, must ascend 40 26 • - 2. v. n. motion:
Oeremonies 330-334. estisn u ,-....; i starakan station and motion
of the stars 57; motion of the sun, of the
rat [Pt I] generous, bountiful: Dahman moon and of the stars 87 2 • 22 • 88 4 • 8913;
ajrin (q. v.) ,....", i raste u ,-....; i ahlayeh the pat ,-....; estat was in motion 93 18 - 19 ; nihan-
generous best ower of Justice and of ,-....; whose going is clandestine = sneaking
Righteousness 92 13 - 14 • - MPrth r)d, NP 103 8 •
rad 'liberal, munificent'; < *rata, nom.
sg. of *ratar-, 11. act. of Av. (1518) ra- ravisneb det. v. n. = the preceding w.:
'to bestow'. nihan-,-....; (the act of going to a hiding-
place =) the act of concealing oneself 19 ;
rateb liberality, generosity, benevolence
tai hame u kame ,-....; (until going on for
5J2. 7013 • 83 16 • 85 17 •
ever and ever =) for ever and everlasting
ratu-eh [ltwyh], v. s. v. rat. 74 15 • 77 5 , rendering Av. (1266) yavaeca
ravak [lwb)k ' ] running, going on, current: yavaetataeca, where,-....; is the PhI. render-
,-....; kartan to put into circulation, to dis- ing of the Av. abstr. ending -tat-, as is
seminate 80 15 • 107 2 • - From raftan (q. v.); often the case; Skr. v. sada sada pravrt-
Paz. rava, Skr. v. pravartamana (Mx), tim.
pravrtta (SGV); NP rava 'current (coin), ravisniba [,-....;-yh)] adv.: hame ,-....; 74 16 -
lawful, admissible'; Arab. lw. ravai < tai kame u hame ravisneh .
ravag 'current (money), vendible (goods);
use, custom'. raxtan [lhtn'] rani - [lnc-] to vex, to grieve,
to exhaust: pt. pass. raxt exhausted 33 10 •
ravakeb progress: hamak xUe§kareh hac im . - Ps. lhtynd = raxtend 'they endeavour' ;
be (for pat) ,-....; bavet the whole moral law
NP raxt 'sadness, grief', raxtah 'wounded,
will proceed from, originate with him
sick, diseased', cf raniidan 'to be sad,
37 0 - 10 (g1.).
vexed', 'to fret'; MPrs rxtrnz (= raxt-
ravakenitan [,-....;-ynytn l ] to set going, to ranz) 'troubles, pains' (A-H II), v. also
give rise to 10623 • ranj, raniak, ranienitan and cf era!J)tan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
169 rim an

rax u [lhw'] the rook, or tower, III chess raziir [lcwl] forest, woodland: Hutose ,....,;
11910 . - NP rux. the forest of H. 1920 - 21 . - Av. (1515)
razura-; Herzfeld, AMI II, 72-74; Bailey,.
Raxuat [lhwt ' ] a town 11522 . - According
BSOS VI, 1931, 591 sq.
to Cat. 84 < Av. (1788) Haraxuati-, OP
Harahuvati-; Ruxxaj Yaqut 2, 770? recisn [lycsn ' ] the act of flowing, stream-
ing 85 22 . 86 7. - V. rextan.
rayenak [pdyn'k] manager, furtherer
77 . - MP;rs r'yn'g (A-H II); Paz. raina. repas [lyp's] a plant 95 22 - 25 , NP ribas,.
rivas, rivaj or rivanj 'a sour herb, sorrel';
rayenisn [pdynsn ' ] the act of arranging, generally taken as 'rhubarb', NP rivand.
of managing, or of caring for: xrat har-2-
axuanik Wisdom means caring for both
res [lys] beard 26 27 . 328. - = NP; Ps.
forms of existence (the spiritual and the lysy.
material) 66 13 ; ke vinas pat daret he f"Oo,./
resenitan [lysynytn I] to damage 56 10 .-Den.
who considers Sin worth his care 83 9 ; of res, Av. (1486 sq.) raesa(h)- 'injury,.
kar u (hendiadys) mission, task,
damage', Paz. res = NP 'a wound, sore'.
function 87 ; - directions 13 23 • V. also a-resitariha, from resitan = f"Oo,./.

rayenitan to arrange, to manage, to res-galiitak [lysglwtk'] the head of the

organize, to further: 13 2. 12 . 88 18 . 9po; exiles, the exilarch, title of the head of
to dispose of = to make away with 50 19 ; all Jews in the Sassanian empire, ac-
to distribute 89 20 ; - as a juridical term: credited at the Sassanian court, and
to carryon a lawsuit, of every legal responsible to the Great King for the
procedure in its entirety (Bthl, SRb 22), Jewry of the empire 11620 . - Borrowed
hence patvand i geteh t,o settle for-
from Aram res galUta.
mally (by juridically valid contract) one's
family-ties in this world 63 16 ; to contract retak [lytk'] a young man 1617 . 18 . - NP
a marriage 10425 ; stureh 84 2, V • f"Oo,./
raidak or ridak 'a beardless youth, a
stureh. - Paz. rainidan; as to the etymo- servant boy', v. Bailey, BSOS VII, 1933,
logy cf s. v. pairastak. 70-79.

rayenitareh management, organization, Rev-mihran [lywmtr'n1 PI: 7 patron.

accomplishment 1063 ; legal procedure of Rev-mihr, Gr <P€o(.Lf.E)P'Y)~ < *raiva-
7014 • 88 24 ; st11r f"Oo,./
82 , v. stur. miOra- 'splendent Mithra': Av. (1484)
raeva- = raevant-, v. s. v. rayomand.
rayomand [pd'wmnd] splendent, full of
heavenly splendour 44 23 • - From rai rextan [lyhtn'] rec- 1. to flow, v. recisn;
(q. v.); the PhI. equivalent of Av. (1484) Mah hac Kaivan u Vahram recet 0 Ohur-
raevant-. mazd the Moon is proceeding from
Saturn and Mars to Jupiter 77 (astrologi-
raz [Pc] a secret 215. - Av. (1514) razah- cal). - 2. to pour 108 6 • - Av. (1479) raek-;
'solitude'; MPrthPrs r'z; Paz. NP raz; MPrth pt. ryxt, MPrs pres. ryz-, both
Arm. lw. eraz 'a dream'; borrowed by all 'to flow'; Paz. pres. rez-; NP rextan rez-
Aram. dialects. 'to flow, to pour, to diffuse'. Verbum 177.
razm [lcm] battle, 21-30 passim; pI. cas. riman [lymn ' ] impure, polluted 1423 ;
obI. f"Oo,./-an 26 11 • 29 11 ; u patrazm (q. v.)
f"Oo,./ sup. f"Oo,./-tom 76 7. - Av. (1529) irimant- <
27 ; pes-f"Oo,./ soldier of the first line 11913 •
19 *irima-mant- 'full of dirt'; MPrth rymn
- Av. (1513 sq.) rasman- 'battle-array, 'filth, filthy' (MHC); MPrs rym 'dirt',.
phalanx'; MPrthPrs rzm; Paz. NP razm. ryymn 'impure' (S). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
rist 170 ron

rist [lyst ' ] the dead, the bodies of the vahist. 4. 8ahrevar. 5. Spandarmat. 6. Har-
dead 10015 . 17 . 101 4 - 9 • 23 . - Borrowed from vadat. 7. Amurdat. 8. Dadv pat Atur.
Av. (1480 s. v. rae(}-) irista-; Paz. rist, 9. Atur. 10. Apan. 11. XUar. 12. Mah.
Skr. v. sa'va. V. ~-axez, -axezisneh. 13. Tir. 14. Gos. 15. Dadv 'pat Mihr.
16. Mihr. 17. Bros. 18. Rasn. 19. F1'a-
lristak adj. dead: ~ tan 10012 .
vartin. 20. Varhran. 21. Ram. 22. Vat.
2ristak [lystk ' , Istk ' ] 1. custom, rule, law: 23. Dadv pat Den. 24. Den. 25. Art.
v. yuvat-ristak. - 2. adj. firm, reliable, 26. Astiit. 27. Asman. 28. Zamdat. 29.
truthful ll017; sup. ~-tom 59 4 , cf ristake- Mahraspand. 30. Anagran. - Av. (1489)
nitan. - From Av. rad-, v. s. v. pairastak raocah- subst. 'light'; OP raucah- 'day'
and cf rayenitan; MPrth pt. ryst 'exact, and thus in all WIr languages; NP roz.
correct', Ghilain 60; Paz. subst. (SGV)
rocak [lwck ' ]: ~ sapan, v. the preceding
rastaa 'law, element' (= Gr O''t'OLXe:'i:ov, thus w.
de Menasce) ; NP rast 'firm, steady' ,
rastah 'rule, institute, market'; Talm lw. rocenitiireh [lwcynyt)lyh] the act of mak-
rystq) 'market-place', Telegdi 255. ing light, of illuminating 884 • - From the
den. vb. rocenitan, from roc (q. v.); MPrs
ristakeh [lstkyh], v. yuvat-~.
rwcyn-. Paz. substitutes rosnidari, from
ristakenitan [lystkynytn '] to make firm, a den. vb. rosnitan, v. rosn.
to fix, to secure, pt. pass. ristakenit 11218. roc-kiir [lwck)l] time, date, season: ~ ~
- Den. of 2ristak. vicitak at a chosen date 121 3. - Properly
rist-axez [lyst)hyc ' ] the resurrection of 'daily work', cf NP rozgar 'labour; earn-
the dead 12 25 . 64 11 . 13 . 71 18 . 76 10 . 83 26 . ing, fortune; the world; time, season'.
88 21 • 919. 105 7. 12022 . - From 1'ist (q. v.) lrod [lwd] face ll20. 128. 21 • 15 11 . - Av.
+ axez, pres. st. of axistan (q. v.); Paz. (1495) rao~a- pI. 'appearance, looks'; Ps.
rist-axez (and other spellings); NP rasta- lwdy; MPrs rwy (A-H I); NP ruy.
xez 'day of resurrection', 'tumult'.
2rod [lwd] metal, copper 1086. - MPrs
rist-iixezisneb [~-snyh] = the preceding rwy 'copper' (A-H II); Paz. rui (SGV);
w., 106 11 . NP roy; cf Av. (1495) raoi~ita- 'reddish'.
riyahreh [ly)hlyh] scorn 75 27 . - Paz. ad l. roden [lwdyn'] adj. copper, cupreous 23 27 .
nan, Skr. v. anu,kara~~a; MPrs ryl (= 243. - MPrs r(wyn (A-H II); NP royin.
rel < *riyahl) 'haughtiness, scorn', List rodenitan [lwdynytn ' ] to make grow 9216.
87. 93 1 • - Caus. of rustan (q. v.)
roc [YWM; lwc] day, pI. cas. obI. ~-an rodisn [lwdsn ' ] 1. (living thing) which is
[lwc)n ' ] 27 20 ; contrasting with sap 'night' to grow: 1. pI. cas. obI. ~-an: harvisten
4 5 • 20 23 ; ka ~ but when day was dawning zayisnan u ~-an all (living things) which
6 25 ; im ~ to-day 1011, etc.; fratiik ~ to- are to be born and to grow 88 5 • - 2. abstr.
morrow, v. fratiik; nem ~ half a day 31 19 , ~ u vaxsisn i urvaran growth and increase
v. also nem-roc; hac im ~ tai 3 ~ within of the plants 89 9- 10 . - Paz. roisn.
three days counting from to-day 5 16 ; -
'" sapan 329. 72 8. 7417 [all lwc]. 98 9 - 10 . rogn [MJjSY)] butter, or tallow 444 (not
gloss, cf s. v. *payam). - Av. (1488) raoy-
1203 (YWM sp)n'], rocak sapan 74 20 .
10111: the astronomical day of 24 hours
na-; Paz. raogan (Mx); NP rauyan; v.
also rovan.
(Swed dygn, Russ 8utlci). - The names
of the days of the month are in BP: 1. ron [lwn'] side, direction: 0 en kustak ~
Ohurmazd. 2. Vahuman. 3. Art-(Urt-) in the direction of this district 715 . - A v. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ron 171 saeisneh

(1512) ravan- '(course of a) river'; MPrs rotastak [lwtst)k], rostak [lwst)k] district,
rwn (A-H I); Paz. NP run (NP 'cause, province 37 27 . 86 18 . - In FrP 2 it is the
reason'). first subdivision under sahr 'dominion,
rop [lwp I] pillage, plundering 108 20 • -
kingdom', and placed above deh 'village'
'Cf NP nt/tan rob- 'to sweep'. and xanak 'house', cf Nyberg, Byzantion
XXXVIII, 1968, 114-115. - MPrth
rospik [lwspyk] whore 75 • - Paz. NP rwdyst)g (A-H III) ; Paz. rosta, pI. rostagq;
rospi. NP rosta(i) 'any inhabited place; a
rosn [lwsn ' ] 1. adj. light, bright, lumi- market-town, a village'; Arab. lw. rustaq,
nous, splendent, brilliant, compo ,.......,-tar ruzdaq 'arable land'.
37 22 • 66 8 etc. passim. - 2. subst. light: rovan [lwbn ' ] butter, ghee 749 • 14 • - <
tai 50 roc,......., ne bavet (pres. hist.) during royan, the SW form of rogn (q. v.); as to
50 days it did not get light 20 18 ; ,......., y > v, cf murv < mury, etc.
bavandak 57 4 ; bun ,......., primeval Light
11p·21. 112 19 ; 96 5. - Av. (1488) raoxsna-; rustan [lwstn ' ] rod- [lwd-] to grow 619 .
4024 . 4122. 9218. 95 18 . 23 . - Av. (1492 sq.)
MPrthPrs rwsn; Paz. ros(a}n; NP rau-
2raod-; MPrs pt. rwst, v. n. rwyysn (A-If
I), Verbum 183; Paz. rustan roderJ (Mx
-" n. pro 9525 .
R osn 62 38 ), pres. pass. roviheq (S GV XVI, 35,
Rosn-easm [,......., csm] n. pro 1069.12 • dubious) ; NP rustan roy- ; cf Bailey, B SO S
·Bright-eyed' . VII, 1933, 84.

rosneh light (subst.) J13 and passim; ruvan [lwb)n ' ] soul, the immortal part
of the human being: F: 2. 9 14 • 125. 13 26
.hamak apar- '" 37 19 ; han i anagr '" the
(v. S. V. vart). 31-34 passim. 72-76 passim,
Endless Light 36 18 . 39 21- 22 ; han i asar '"
etc. passim; V. also anosak. - Av. (1537
73 27 sq. 94 26 ; five species of '" 12012- 13 .
sqq.) urvan-; KZSPrth )r'w)n; MPrth
rot [lwt ' ; YM)] river PI: 3. 56 2 • 14 • 16 ._ )rw)n, rw)n (A-H III, BBB); MPrs rw)n;
OP rautah- ; MPrthPrs rwd; Paz. NP rod. Ps lwb)n; Paz. ruq; NP ravan.
Rotastahm [lwtsthm] n. pr. 1162. - NP Rvanan [lw)n'-)n ' , and Paz.] patron.:
Rustam; Old Sogd rwstmy, Reichelt, 'of the Rvan clan' 371.5, v. Frahim Rwanq
Sogd. Handschr.-R. II, 63. Zois.

.sae- [sc-] pres. st., impers. it is convenient, saeakiha [,.......,-yh)] properly, fittingly 79 15 .
suitable, proper: ce sacet butan ? what can 80 3 •
it be? 7 26 . 11 15- 16 ; sacet danistan ku it is saeak-var [,.......,-w)l] seemly, becoming 220.
proper to know, one ought to know 3 11 • - NP sazavar.
6217. - From sak-, Skr saknoti 'to be able'
[Av. (1552 sq.) Isak- in a specialized *Saeidarm [scyd'lm] n. pro of an Indian
sense]; MPrth sc-, Ghilain 50; MPrs szyd sovereign 118 5. 119 passim. 12p·8. - I
'shall' (A-H II); Paz. sazidan or sazastan believe -it renders a Skr. name *Satya-
(SGV) saz- or saz- (Mx); NP sazidan dharma-.
sazad. V. also saxt and saxtan, passaxt. saeisneh [scsnyh] the act of passing away,
saeak [sc)k] suitable, convenient 46 24. - of elapsing (of time), V. a-frac-sacisneh. -
Paz. saza, NP saza. Av. (1553 sq.) 2sak-, OP Oak- in Oakata |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sacisneh 172 siil

used in indicating dates; MPrth pt. sxt not grieve! 35 13 ; hakar smah bagan sahet
in the same function (A-H III, BBB). if it please Your Majesty 19-27, passim;
- governing a clause with ku: api-man
sagr [sgl] (ser) satiated, satisfied 86 22 . -
eton sahist ku it seemed to us that 8 6- 7;
Ps. sgly; Paz. NP ser; -ayr- > -er- ac-
38 12- 13 . 56 8- 9 • 78 3- 4. - Av. (1559) I sand-,
cording to the common SW law, cf ser.
pres. sadaya-; OP pres. Oadaya-; MPrs pt.
sagreh ( sereh) satiation, repletion 5012 . shyd, Verbum 171; the Pazandists (Mx,
72 16 . SGV) give for MDMHn- the equivalent
sihastan sih- (of obscure etymology).
+sahen [+MDMHn-yn'] splendid, won-
derful, compo ",,-tar 39 20 . - My conjecture, sahm [shm] terror 9 1. - NP sah(i)m;
based on MPrs adv. shynyh)h 'in a won- MPrs adj. shmyn 'terrible, dreadful';
derful form' (A-H I). Doubtful. The from OP *r;ahma , nom. of *r;ahman-, SW
traditional text MDM gwntl = apar- form of *Orah-man-, from Av. (802 sqq.)
gontar 'of the most excellent kind (or Orah-, V. tarsitan.
colour), also gives sense, but seems a
sahmakan [",,-kn l ] awful 7212.
little pale. From sahistan.
lsak [KLB>] dog 101. 727. 9421.22. - <
sahikeh [s>hykyh] resplendence, magni-
OP *saka- < *s'Y}-ka- < the zero degree
ficence 105 2. - Abstr. of sahik 'resplendent
of *san-, the SW form of Av. (1610 sqq.)
magnificent', also 'showy', V. PR 32 12 ,
spano, OInd 8van-; "the Medes call the
PT 16611 ; NP sahi 'fresh, young; erect
dog O'1t'&x~" Her. 1,110 (the NW form of
(of a cypress)', V. Kanga in a (typed)
*saka-); NP sag.
paper on the PT passage, 1953, p. 11.
From sahistan. 2sak [Ski] stone 10224. - Ps. sky; MPrs
sygyn 'of stone' (A-H II) suggesting sik,
sahist [shst'] splendid, magnificent 311 • -
NW form of OP Oika 'gravel'.
Pt. of
3sa k [Ski] a Saka-man; pI. the Sakas, the
sahistan [MDMHn-stn '] sah-, subj. 3d p. Saka people, cas. recto "" 58 27 ; pI. cas.
sg. sahat 35 13 , opt. sahe [MDMHn-yd] obI.: ""-an-sah PI: 2. P 2: 4.6. - OP
40 27 , to appear, to be visible, to seem, to Saka-.
please: 1. with a subj.: paitak sahist pat
hamkarpeh i amahraspandan he was sak [S>k'], sai [Sly] tax, impost: "" u baz
manifestly seen in the same shape as the 177. 58 24 . 1185 • 24 . 12I8; 2 barak "" double
Amahraspands 38 26 ; an oi sahist Vahuman impost 119 2. - MPrth s)g 'number, part'
pes-karp V. appeared to him conspicuous (MHO; Henning, BSOAS XII, 1947,308);
in shape 56 6 - 7; an man sahist Spandarmat Arm.lw. sak; KZSPrth I. 9 hmys)k 'in all,
hu-oron S. appeared to me beautiful in all told' = Prs 11 ult. )mly ( ... ), Gr. v.
front 57 20- 21 ; ruvan ... han i ke veh sahet? O(.LOU; NP sa, sav 'tribute'; cf MPrs
whose soul seems (to thee) the best? 31 2- 3; s>gwmnd 'calculable', )s)g 'innumerable'
ce ... homtar sahe? what would seem more (A-H II).
haoma-filled ... ? 40 27 ; ne sahet (Evil) Sakistiin [slfst)n ' ; inscr. skstn] the country
does not occur to his mind 77 23 - 24 . - of the Sakas: Pl:3.5.6. 1162. - Medi-
2. impers. with an indir. obj.: asan avd eval Arab form Siiistan, modern Sistan.
sahet it will seem marvellous to them
97 24 - 25 , V. S. V. avd; Ardavan skuft sahist
sak-azat [sk>z>t] the Saka nobility PI:
8. - V. azat.
(it seemed surprising to A. =) A. was
stupefied 724 ; Zartuxst garan sahist Z. sal, Prth sar [SNT] year; in dating: apar ""
was grieved 35 10 ; -t ma garan sahat do 2 mazdesn bagY Sahpuh(r)Y in the year 2 |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sal 173 sargiin

of His Mazdayasnian Majesty Sh. PI: 'agitated, anxious', cf Skr trpra- id.;
1; apar ,-.....; 68 [this seems to be the Paz. NP sabuk.
correct reading] in the year 68 [of the reign
sapiikiha swiftly, rapidly 27 4. 119 22 .
of King Shapur II] P2: 1; '" 58, iit~(,rY
i Artaxser ,-.....; 40 etc., v. s. v. atur; - sar [sl; LCYSH] 1. the head of the body,
,-.....; pat ,-.....; year by year 194; pat har 40 ,-.....; passim. - 2. the chief: ,-.....;-xuatai (q. v.)
every 40th year 86 22 ; pat 3 ,-.....;, pat 6 ,-.....;, the supreme sovereign. - 3. kate 20 19 ,

pat 9 ,-.....; in three, six, nine years 93 19- 21 ; kat ,-....., 24-25. 27. 29 passim: the mountain
106 21 - 22 ; pat 3000 ,-.....; i menai astisneh peak; ,-....., i cah the kerbstone of the well
within the 3000 years of heavenly exis- 1415. 154. - 4. beginning 71 15 . 88 18 . 98 8.
tence 38 20 - 21 ; 39 3; ka 30000 ,-.....; gete 99 9 ; 38 21 and 39 3 v. aibigatik and anaibi-
astisneh (but), anaibigatik 330 ,-.....; apac gatik. - Av. (1565) sarah-; MPrthPrs sr;
bilt when it was the 3000 years' (period) Paz. NP sar. Cf also apac-sareh, nignesar.
of material existence, and 330 years of
sardar [srd)l] the chief, leader, command-
the unassailed period still remained
er, manager, the obj. of the leadership
39 26- 27 ; - hac en and ,-.....; apac so many
etc. being always placed before (if a pI.,
years ago 16 24 . - Av. (1566) sar'dd-, OP
in the cas. obI. ,-.....,-an): axtarmaran ,-.....; the
8ard-; MPrthPrs s)r; Paz. NP sal.
chief of the astrologers, the chief astrol-
salak [s)lk ' ; SNT-k'] adj. of the preceding oger 59.7 3. 6; artestaran,-.....; the commander
w. used in composition with a numeral: of the warriors, the general 16 8 etc.;
duxt-e ... 3 -,-.....; a three year old daughter 146; axUar ,-....., the stable-master 26 16- 18 ; - pI.
dat i 15-,-.....; the age of 15 years 31 etc.; ka cas. obI. ,-.....;-an: asp ,-.....,-an u pah ,-.....;-an
Zartuxst 7 -r--..I but 52 17- 18 ; 7 homanak
-r--..I the managers of horses and the managers
about seven years old 26 5 ; - in repe- of cattle 44 18 ; andar ,-.....;-an 7P-2; - Ar-
titions the suff. -ak may be added to the davan ,-....., A. the sovereign 14; pit u mat
last sal only: hac 10 sal tai 90 ,-.....; 204 j - u ,-.....; 66 24 ; hacis-mas pat ,-....., u ,-.....; pat
used for sal: hac 7 '" apac since seven xUatai dar! 68 5 - 6 ; Vazurg-mihr apar aisan
years 16 26 ; cf. sih-salak, sih-saleh. ,-.....; kart V. was made general over them
1212-3. - MPrs s)r)r (s)l>r BBB); Arm.
Salok [slwky] n. Pl'. P2: 1. - Gr Seleukos. lw. salar; NP salar.
Saman [s)m)n l ] patron. of Sam 99 4.6. sardareh chieftainship, leadership 704. 714.
1064. - Av. (1571) 2Sama-.
sareh [s)lyh] v. apac-sareh.
samanak [s)m)nk ' ] limit 10415 . - MPrs
s)m)nwmnd 'limited', )s)m)n 'unlimited' sarenisn [s)lynsn ' ] instigation 37 25 , from
NP samanj Arm. lw. (Prth) sahman. sarenitan [s )lynytn I] to egg on, to incite,
a to: 48 9. 55 26 . 6P. - Cf Paz. mardum
samaniha [s)m)nyh)] adv.: tuvan ,-.....; in
yak awar dit sarinom 'I will stir up men
proportion to their powers, or capacity
against each other', SGV XIV, 27 (allus-
81 15 . - saman (v. the preceding w.) also
sion to Isa. 19: 2 ; misunderstood by
'measure, proportion'. Paz. tuq sama-
de Menasce); BdA p. 58 hakar artik ne
naiha, Skr. v. sakta-anurupataya.
sarene 'if thou dost not provoke war'. V.
Samarkand [smlknd] 113 7. Verbum 205 and BSOAS XI, 1943,61.
sapiik [SpWk'] light, brisk; unsteady, sargiin [slgwn I] dung 94 2. - Also sargin
shallow, compo ,-.....;-tar 9018 . - < OP [slgynl] PR 64 4 = NP; cf Av. (1567)
*r;apu-ka- < 011' *Orapu-ka-, from IE sa~rya- 'dung'; the last element is not
*trep-, Gr -rpe7tw 'to turn', Lat trepidus clear. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sirigar 174

*sarigar [s'lygl] a bird of prey 94 21.23. - logical sense, not the wording (se <three',
sar i gar BdA p. 155 11 (with a marked g, dos 'night'). Since the Manichean vocab-
in three words)- BdJ 47 13 (g not mark- ulary has come to light it seems possible
ed): 'the sar of the mountain' (v. gar), to give a satisfactory explanation of the
'the mountain kite' (Ankles aria ad BdA). term. I divide it into sat-os, the 2nd
In NP sar is 'starling', but this bird element being 68 'death' (q. v.) and the
cannot be meant here. 1st sat, ,pt. of satan san- 'to rise, to
ascend' (A-H III, BBB, MHC; Ghilain
sart [slt'] cold 86 14 . - Av. (1566) sar'Jta-;
55; also in Sogd.), caus. s'n- 'to lead up';
MPrth srd (MHC); MPrs subst srd'g (A-.
H I); Paz. NP sard. MPrs 'brsdn 'to come on' (of enemies)
(A-H II), caus. s'n- 'to bring forth' (A-
sar-xUatai [slhwt'y] v. s. v. xuatai. HI), v. G. Klingenschmitt, MSS 1970,
Sasan [s's'n I] the ancestor of the Sassanid 71-74; sat-os thus 'Death having risen,
dynasty F. 211. 619 . (just) come on'. Arm. lw. satak 'corpse,
carcass' (of animals and infidels) may be
sastar [s'st'l] ruler, tyrant, of infidel an abbreviated form of this compound.
(non-mazdayasnian) sovereigns, pI. cas.
obI. "'-'-a,n 614. - In this sense probably Savah [sw'h, swh] the westernmost part
borrowed from Av. (1573) sastar-; M of the universe: "'-' kisvar 86 8 ; 10612 . -
Prth s'st'r 'master, lord' (A-H III, Av. (1562) Savahi, which signifies the
BBB). easternmost kisvar, v. s. v. Arzah.
sastareh bad domination, tyranny 109 22 . saxt [s'ht ' , sht'] firm, strong, violent;
rich, abundant 53 3 ; emphatic, compo "'-'-
Satistfin [ststwny] the Sassanian name -tar 4 19 ; - adv. firmly, strongly, violently,
for Persepolis PI: 5. P2: 2. - 'Having fast 8 2. 33 15 . 65 7 • 66 24 . 85 1. - MPrs sxt
a hundred columns', v. stunak. 'very' (S); Paz. NP saxt; pt. of sak- (v.
sat-os [stws] the state of one just deceased; sac-), Skr pt. sakta- 'able, strong'. -
theological term expressing the state of PWN s 'ht I 1086 : v. passaxt.
the deceased from the moment his life (jan) saxtan [s'htn ' ] sac- to form, to prepare,
expires, the soul (ruvan) remaining at the to arrange, to build, to make: asp zen "'"
head of the corpse, until the morning of to saddle the horse 25 14- 15 . 26 6. 28 11 ;
the fourth day when the ruvan leaves xuarisn "'" to prepare. a meal 42 16 . 53 2;
this world and, after having been exam- hanbarak "'" to build a storehouse 97 3- 6. 10
ined, passes across the Oinvat bridge to [sht ' for s~ht' !]-11. - Caus. of sac- (q. v.);
the other world, "the three-nights-inter- Av. (1552) sacaya- 'to teach'; MPrth
val" (between the existence in this world s'c'dn s'c- 'to prepare, to fonn' (A-H
and the entrance into the beyond) 6411 , III); Paz. NP saxtan saz-; v. also passaxt.
described 72 c 76 13 . - The literal mean-
saxtireh [s'ht'lyh] industriousness, sed-
ing of this term was lost early, as
ulousness 70 25 . - What the Skr. v. means
shown by the very varying Paz. trans-
by the translation si~yapana and West
literations: saduS, sadis, sadis(a) , sedis,
by 'flattery' is not clear to me.
sadas etc. (Mx; Tavadia, SnS 12). An-
klesaria gives in his ed. of Mx (not yet saxteh [shtyh] violence 91.
published) sOOos, which Tavadia (himself saxuan [shwn'; MRY'] word, speech,
reading the PhI form satus) seems to passim; "'-' hacis pursend they ask him
reject. At all events sedos is an attempt to 74 2.6- 7 , 765- 6. - Av. (1569) saxUar- 'device,
harmonize the Paz. reading with the SkI'. plot'; MPrthPl's sxwn; Paz. saxun; NP
v. triratra, -rin, rendering the termino- saxun, suxun, suxan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sayak 175 sih-siUak

sayak [s'dk'] shadow 1420. -- < OIr hypothesis that we have to do with OP
*saya-ka-, cf Skr chaya-, Av. (208 sq.) *yi- = NW (Av. 1645) sri- (Bthl sray-)
a-saya- 'throwing no shadow'; MPrs s'yg 'beauty, splendour' = Skr sri- 'splendour,
(S), Paz. saeaa (SGV); NP sayah. majesty', also personified as the goddess
semen [symyn'] silver 19 5 = asemen (q. of beauty, of fortune, or of sovereign
v.). - The initial a- may well have been power; Milr *si(y) alternates freely with
already dropped in Milr, because it was sih according to the common rule. This
mistaken for the alpha privativum; the divine power is apparently materialized
origin of the w. was, of course, not known in some animal which is said to be very
to the Persians. stout (7 18 ), the most beautiful imaginable
(7 18- 19 ), very big and brisk (8 7-8). In the
sen [syn'] a mythical bird of prey, prob- Sn, where the episode is told at length
ably the eagle; sene [syn'y, cas. obl.] (Book 21, v. 231 sqq., Tehr 4, p. 1697-
murvak, dimin. of sen(e)-murv = NP 98= Mohl V, p. 288), it is said to be a
Simury, 26 24 : alai! sene-murvak barak-it ram (yurm) , but described as a quite
woe! thy (dear) Simurg of a courser! - mythical, mysterious being: "I have not
Av. (1548) lsaena-; m9r9Yo saeno Yt. 1441; seen its equal painted in any palace", one
a miraculous eagle nesting in a tree of the witnesses says, "with wings as
called vispo.bis 'yielding all sorts of Simurgh, with a tail as the peacock, like
medicines' Yt. 1217. NP Simury NW a flash of lightning, bold of head and ears
form, s. murv. and hoofs, purple-coloured, swift as the
sez-dahom [sycdhwm] the thirteenth 84 5 ; wind, in its way it does not remind
in other passages 13-wm. of a ram at all". The conjecture varrak,
adopted by Noldeke and Antia, robs
sez [syc'] distress, embarrassment 37 12 . the narration of the air of divine
442. 103 7. - Borrowed from Av. (799)
mystery essential to it. Sanjana's remarks
iOyaiah-, iOyeiah- (i- epenthetic).
are worthless. - OP *yi- is also attested
sezomand full of distress or adversity, in NP sey 'beautiful, elegant, excellent'
woeful 743 • - Skr. v. mrtyumat. < MiPrs *sek < OP *yayalca- for NW
*srayaka- from Av. (1638 sq.) srayan-
+ a dwarfed
lsih [figure resembling lk or l
'beauty' and 'beautiful'; in a pejorative
b] thirty 8 etc. - SW form: MPrs syh
sense in NP sihah 'harlot' < MiPrs *sihak;
< OP *ciOqs nom. sg. of *ciOant-; NW: possibly also in NP siyab, ,vhose meaning
Av (810) Orisant-, MPrth hryst; NP si.
is, however, somewhat uncertain (v.
*2sih: restore in 717 . 24 . 8 7 the reading lk+1 Steingass and BQ). - It is not all too
of the MSS instead of conjectured wlk+1 difficult to guess why the scribe chose
(= varrak-e) and 726 . 8 9 lk of 'the MSS such a strange way of writing this w.: by
instead of conjectured wlk' (= varrak) , spelling it phonetically he would have
and read lk as the figure 30 = sih, lk+1 got a very ambiguous and polyphonic
as 30+1 = sih-e. It is not advisable to graphic symbol. His spelling 30 guaran-
emend a reading so persistently repeated teed safe reading. Certainly this is be-
and so unyieldingly maintained by all wildering for us who read with our eyes,
MSS, in spite of its enigmatic character. but in antiquity all texts were intended
Of course, it cannot be the numeral thirty; to be perceived by ear. Cf also s. v. nist.
the context requires a w. signifying a
supernatural being which is finally un- sih-salak [+syhs'lk'] 96 10 . 988, sih-saleh
veiled as the Glory (xUarrah, x Uar9nah) [+syhs'lyh] 9910 the age of thirty years. -
of the Kayanian kings. I venture the The various spellings of sih in the MSS |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sib-salak li6 sobar

are illustrative of the difficulty of writing SiyavaxSan patron. of the preceding w.

the phonem sih phonetically. 1139 • 116 7.
*sim-depahr [symdyphl] *of horrid wrath sizd [szd] force, violence 107 6 • - Cf MPrth
2222. - Hypothetical. Ay. (1580) sima- syzdyn 'mighty, powerful', syzdy/t 'power'
'terrifying, horrid'; depahr 'wrath' (q. v.) (MHC); also Av. (1581) pres. sUdya- 'to
suits the context well, but it ought to drive back, repel', (1630) syazd- 'recede,
have been spelt dyp)hl. As it now stands retire'.
the 2nd element looks like sp)l = spar,
snah [sn)s] weapon, pI. ~-iha 96 22 . -
but I fail to see what this would mean
Borrowed from Av. (1627 sq.) snaiOis-.
*snavisneh [snwsnyh] 40 23 uncertain:
SimIan [sm!>nl; marked l] 11627 . 1171,
Pourusasp went down to the waters of
Simra [sym!>] 1109 (heading) the old name
the Daiti river pat menoi kamakeh (q. v.,
of South Arabia, v. Nyberg, Unvala Vol.,
with a gI., v. s. v. apayistan) u (pat)
105-107. As my translation of 116 27 sq.
menoi *snavisneh with the gI. ku menoyan
was unfortunately mutilated there I give
hame sut. As the gI. is intended to explain
it here in full: "The town of SimIan was
snavisneh the very common w. sut 'use,
built by Faridun of the Athviya family.
advantage' is little appropriate; most
He killed Mex-var, the king of SimIan,
probably it should be emended do *snut.
and he brought the country of SimIan
For a vb. *snutan *snav-, however, no
back under the sovereignty ofEran-shahl',
other support can be found, at least for
and he conferred the Arab steppe on Baxt-
the present, than the isolated hapaxlego-
xosro, the Arab king, as his very own
menon snus, n. sg. of snut. FrO XII, with
feud (v. s. v. xueseh), by virtue of [insert
the PhI gI. sokenet 'he does useful work,
<pat)] family connections, for his own
serves'. Bthl (1630) regards this as a
subsistence" .
parallel form of (559) xsnu- (xsnav-) adj.
Sinjepik [sncypyk] the Khakan of the 'satisfying', subst. 'fulfilment of one's
Western Turks, contemporary of King duty' from (557 sqq.) xsnav- 'to satisfy'
Khosroi I, 11323 . - Cat. 38 sq. and 'to be satisfied', and translates it
'giving (another) what belongs to him
sitikar [stykl] the third 3820. 39 1 ' and
by right, satisfying (another)'; he thinks
passim. - < OP *yitiya-kara-, SvV form
the n. pro Snaoya- (Yt. 1396 ) belongs to
of *Oritiya-, Av. (807 sq.) Oritya-; MPrs
this root (1627). Thus *snutan snav-
sdyg (S, A-H II) < *yitiyaka-; KZ8Prth
(most probably a NW vb.) possibly 'to
I. 9 hrtyk = hritik < *Oritiyaka-. but
fulfill one's (religious) duty': 'in fulfilment
Prs I. 12 stykl = sitikar; Paz. and old NP
of his ,duty towards Heaven' with the
explanation 'he fulfilled his duty to-
siya [syd)] black 2212. 28 23 etc. - Av. wards the heavenly beings' (??).
(1631) syava-; MPrth sy)w,sy)wg; Arm.
sobar [swb)l] a counsellor, an adviser, or
lw. seau; Paz. syah, NP siyah.
expert, pI. cas. obI. ~-an a dynasty of
Siya-gav [~-TWR)] n. pro 477. - 'Having petty kings among those called ko/ida-
black cattle'. ran (q. v.), 11513 . - FrP, Cod. P foI. 27 b
with the Paz. sobar and the NP gI. dastur,
Siyamak [~-mkl] n. pro 4710. - Av. (1631)
Syamaka- the name of a mountain.
< OP *yava(h)-bara-, S'V form of *sra-
vah-blira- 'bearer of words, doctrines, pre-
Siyivax~ [~-whs] n. pro 113 8 • - Av. cepts' (v. srav), whence MPrs srwbr (NW
(1631) Syavarsan- 'having black stallions'. form!) 'teacher' (BBB, referring also to |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sobar 177 spannak

A-H II, M36R21, where sr[w]br»n should spah [sp'h] army 712 . 1811.17 etc. passim;
be read). "'" u gund (q. v.) 8 15 . 19 ; 2010 v. s. v. ham. -
Av. (1617) spaoa-, spada- = OP; MPrth
sobar- pres., 1st p. pI. "",-em, to delib-
'sp'd, cf also s. v. spah-pat; Prs: NP
erate 81.
sipah, sipayah, Arm. lw. spah and spay.
sobarisn advice, directions 4126. 11211.
Spahan [sph'n ' ] Isfahan 13. - 'The mili-
socak [swck I] burning 117. - V. soxtan tary camp', from spah.
and cf xuat-socakeh.
spah-pat [sp'hpt ' ] army leader, general,
socenitan [swcynytn I] to make burn 48 24 . passim; pI. cas. obI. ""'-an 28. 11 13 ; -12 "'"
twelve leaders, of the twelve signs of
socisn the act of burning: 0 "'" matan to the zodiac 7 718 . 79 14 ; 7 "'" the seven
be burnt 11113. planets 77 19 . 79 16 . - Arm. lw. from Prth
lsok [SWk'] side 3 21 ; 4 "'" i gete the four sparapet < *spada-pati-, v. s. v. spah;
cardinal points of the world (North etc.) NP sipahbad.
12011 . - NP su, suy. spahpateh the rank of a general, general-
ship 26 3. 1149.
2sok advantage, profit 70 23 . - Av. (1549)
saoka-; NP su 'emolument, profit'. Paz. Spandarmat [spndrmt'], Spandmat (inscr.)
substitutes surf" but some MSS have savak. [spndmt]] one of the Amahraspands (q.
- Another swk ' to be read suk, v. this w. v.), the goddess of the earth 3910. 57 19- 22 .
63 3. 9517 - 18 . 10113. 1165.6. 1203 ; - the
sokand [swknd] oath; "'" xUartan to swear name of the twelfth month of the year
an oath (pat by) 21 18 . 23 . 2225. 23 22 . - Ps.
PI: 1. - Av. (336 sq.) Sp'Cmta Armaiti-;
swkndy; MPrs swgnd; Paz. sawagand
sp-anta- < spanta- < *s1fanta-; hence NW
(SGV); NP saugand. *spanta-, SW*santa- (cf s. v. Isak) , both
Sokandar [swkndl] A laksandar , 113 13 .
= represented in Arm. lws.: 1. spandaramet
1145. - Probably the Arab. Iskandar with in Christian usage rendering Dionysos,
elision of i- and inserting of an auxiliary 2. sandaramet < *santa aramati 'abyss,
vowel between sand k, cf Sikandar < Hell'; NP name of the 12th month
Iskandar. Isjand(ar, -armuo, -armed}.

SOf~ans [sws'ns, swks'ns] the last of the Spandi-dat [spndd't ' ] n. pro 23 19_305
three unborn sons of Zartuxst who will passim. 113 2°. - Av. (1622);
appear at the end of the world's existence, NP Isjandiyar.
"the last Saviour", presiding over the Spandidatan patron. of the preceding w.
Resurrection of the dead and the Reno- 115 22 .
vation (fraskart, q. v.) of the world: 1225.
649.12.7115.882°.99-100, passim. 1022.26-27.
spannak menoi 65 6, spenak
[spyn'k] menoi 106 24 spenai [spyn'y]
10610 . 14 • ll017. - Av. (1551 sq.) saosyant-,
menoi 10215 •17 • 103 12 : the Effective, Good
pt. fut. of (1561) sav-; Paz. Saosyos (etc.);
Spirit, the creative power of the world,
cf sut.
as opposed to ganak menoi (q. v.). -
soxtan [swhtn'] soc- 1. trans. to burn 19 7. The PhI rendering of Av. (1137 sqq.)
302. 48 16 . 107 12- 13 . ll3 13 . - 2. intr. to burn sp-anta- mainyu-; spn' k may be spannak
37 5 (v. xuat-socakeh). 96 24 . 98 18 . - Av. < *spanta- enlarged with the suff. -ak
(1548 sq.) saok-; MPrs pres. swc- (S), and with -nt- > -nn-, or spanak with
swcysn, adj. swc'gyn (A-H I); Paz. soza the same suff. from the abstr. (1612)
< socak; NP soxtan soz-. spanah- ; spenak with the same suff. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
12 Nyberg
spannak 178 spurr

from the compo (1612) spanyah-, spain- (cf n. pro Lm8pa.-acX:"t"1)C;). Henning identifies
yah- ( oak through influence of the it (List 81; JRAS 1942, 239 sq.) with
contrasting ganak menoi). MPrthPrs (spyr (= esper) which accord-
ing to him is borrowed from Gr cr<pa.Lpa..
spahr [sp)hl] V. spihr.
However, in this case -h- in spihr would
spar [spl] shield 85 15 . - Paz. spar, NP be an inorganic insertion, which is quite
sipar. improbable. Of course, the sense of spihr
spas [sp)s] 1. thanks, gratitude 1223. 70 26 . may have been influenced by cr<pa.Lpa.,
9020. - 2. service: vasan vazurg ",-,-an (cas. but its formal independence is proved by
NP sipihr which belongs to the living
obI. as a subj.) many men serving in
high positions (bahuvrihi) 1061 ; V. also language. - As to the alternation -ih- :
snas. - MPrth )sp)s 'service', Arm. lw. -ah- cf s. V. mahmaneh.
spas id.; MPrs (sp)s 'service' (S), )sp)s spinjanakeh [spnc)nkyh] the act of lodg-
'thanks' (A-H II); Paz. spas with the ing 85 5. - V. aspinj. Paz. aspanzanai.
bizarre Skr. V. tridha-praharaka 'threefold Bailey, BSOS VII, 1933, 74-76.
watch' based on a popular etymology (se Spitam [spyVm] the progenitor of the
'three' +pas, q. v.); NP sipas 1. 'grace,
clan to which Zartuxst belonged 47 1. -
favour', 2. 'praise, thanksgiving'; from
Av. (1624) Spitl1ma-.
Av. (1614) spas- 'to observe, to attend'.
- V. an-ispas. Spitiiman 1. pI. cas. obI. of Spitam: "the
Spitamas", the men of the Spitama clan,
spas-dar [",-,-d)l] grateful, praising 65 11 •
37 27 . 386.40 21 . 44 18 . - 2. patron.: Zartuxst
66 1 •
i "'-', or "'-' Zartuxst, passim; Zartuxst
spiisdiireh gratitude, thankfulness (a'ruiar hom "'-' I am Z., of the Spitama clan
to) 17 2. 65 11 etc. 5620.
spazg [spzg] slanderer: "'-' mart 70 5. - Av. spoz [spwc l] hindrance 83 9 • - V. spoxtan.
(1615) spazga- spoz-kiil' [",-,.k)l] he whose work is to
spazgeh slander 68 9 - 12 . 83 2. 84 21 . throwaway, a repudiator, pI. cas. obI.
",-,-an : framan i xUatai ",-,-an those who
spet [Spytl] white P5. 29 4. 4127. 928. disregard the orders of the sovereign 1210.
93 12 . 27 . 1204. - MPrth (spyd; MPrs (spyd-
(A-H II); Paz. abstr. spedi; NP saped,
spoxtan [spwhtnl] spoz- [spwc-] to throw,
to drive 29 24 - 25 ; be "'-' to defy, to dis-
sajed; cf Av. (1623) spita-gaona-; Skr
regard 39 (cf spoz.kar); to drive out 66 11 •
- Prth: Arm. lw. spuz·em 'to postpone,
Spetak ["'-'-kl] n. pro 108 12 . - Cf Arm. lw. to delay, to procrastinate'; MPrs (lw.)
spitak 'white'. Short form of a com- (spwxt (A-H I); Paz. pres. spoz.; NP
pound n. pr. with spet as its 1st element, sipoxtan sipoz-.
cf the following W.
spram [splm] flower 105 1. - MPrth
Spet-gav ["'-' TWR)] n. pro 477. - 'Having (sprhmg (A-H III, MHC); MPrs (sprhm;
white cattle'. Paz. sparham (Mx); NP siparham, sipar-
spihr [spyhl] 87 21 , spahr [sp)hl] 69 5. 1206, yam, siparam 'sweet basil'; Talm lw.
)sprmq) Telegdi 231; Mand, v. Widengren,
the vault of heaven, the Celestial sphere.
- Paz. spihr, spihar, spehir etc. (Mx, ISK 102 sq.
SGV); NP sipihr. I maintain the old spurr [spwl] full 361. 10813 . 10922 . - For
etymology: OIr *spi()ra- (Skr 8vitra-) 'Jspurr < uspurr, v. uspurrik; MPrthPrs
'brightly shimmering' and then 'heaven' (spwr; Paz. spurr; from *us'prna., v. purr. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
spurr-ikihihi 179 stambakeh

spurr-ikiihihi ["" 'k'syh'] adv.: in a Sros [slws] one of the yazdan (q. v.), the
state of being full of knowledge, fully special guardian angel of the Zoroastrian
inst,ructed 10813- 14 , from spurr-akah full community 66 5. 7217. 73 22 . 86 25,; regularly
of knowledge, cf NP pur-dan(ir <wise, called -.- ahlai Pious S.: 72 9. 27 . 73 23 . 74 22 .
prudent'. 77 11 ; written together 509; -.- ahlav 103 15 ;
spurrik [-.--yk] perfect 1106. - MPrthPrs - the name of the 17th day of the month.
<spwryg (S, EBB). - Av. (1634 sqq.) sraosa- 'obedience';
as a god Sraosa- asya-; MPrth srws'w a
spurrikeh perfectness 55 14 . name of the primordial god (A-H III);
spurtan [spwltn'] spar-, pres. pass. 3d p. MPrs srws hry for srwshr'y (S); NP
sg. sparihet [splyhyt'], to trample (to saros often designating the angel Gabriel.
death) 4826 . 49 11 • 14 • 25 . - Av. (1613) spar-; Sros-ahliiyeh [-.-- 'hPdyh] = Sros-ahlai
NP sipurdan sipar-. (v. above) 103 15 .
srid (srai) [sPd or sPy] palace, house 37 21 . srot [slwt'] hearsay, rumor 45 6. - Av.
- OIr *srada-: Prth *srad, with suff. (1633) sraota- 'the hearing (of a prayer)';
*sradak in Mand. lw. sr'dq' 'curtain, MPrs srwd 'song'; v. srutan.
pavilion, tent-roof', Arab. lw. suradiq
'large tent'; Prs sray alternating with srii-bar [slwbl] horned 3p5. - Av. (1650)
srah according to the common rule, srvara- for sru-vara- < *sru-bara; v.
whence NP sarai; Arm. lw. srah 'hall', sruv.
'curtain', srahak dimin.; J.-Pers sr'h sriitan [slwtn'] sray- [sPd]- to sing:
'forecourt'; v. Hiibschmann 241, Widen- tambur zat u srut vacik played the lute
gren, ISK 101. and sang vocally (sang a chant to the
sritak [sPtk ' 4014 . 55 22 ; sltk'] kind, sort, music) 4 25 ; to recite by chanting 59 8. -
species 41 23 etc. passim. - Paz. sarda Av. (1639 sqq.) srav- 'to hear', caus. 'to
from Gr O''t"prx't"cx (borrowed from Lat recite (the .holy texts, singing them)';
stratum, -a) 'road', J.-A. srty', Arab. lw. MPrth sr'w-, MPrs sr'y- 'to sing'; NP
~irat, v. de Menasce ad SGV X, 44 (p. surudan siray-; v. srot.
116). sruv [slwb '] horn 3p8. - The NW form
srav [slwb '] word, message 4424. 45 4. 55 24 . of Av. (1650) srva- (forsruva-), v.s. v. Sui-
- Av. (1643 sq.) sravah-, cf sobar. gav and suk. NP suru, 8uruy.
srisk [slysk'; slsk'] drop 214. 4120. 8920. - stahm [sthm] violence, oppression 73 8. 9._
Av. (1645) sraslca- 'tear'; MPrth srsk Paz. stah(a)m; NP sitam.
(List 87); NP sirisk.
stahmak [sthmk'] violent, fierce 37 12 ;
srihitak [slysw'tk ' , slsw'tk ' , slswtk '] a compo f",;-tar 7p8. 96 26 . 9820.
third 4P. 102 12- 19 . - Borrowed from
stahmakeh violence, impetuosity: f",; kar-
Av. (812) Orisva- 'a third' enlarged with
tan to use force 82 25 .
a PhI. element (tak 'leap, run', q. v., =
length covered by one leap = distance?). stambakeh [st'mbkyh] impetuosity, tyr-
V. also catrusviitak. annousness 3 26 . - Av. (1606) st'dmba- 'con-
tention, litigation'; Arm. lw. stambak
Srit [slyt'] n. pro of a warrior 45 17 , called 'refractory, rebellious'; MPrs <stmbg 'ty-
haltom 45 22 because he ~as the youngest
rant' (EBB), <stmbgyh 'tyranny' (A-H
of seven brothers, v. Zsprm IV, 13. -
II); NP sitambah 'strong, litigious'. The
Av. (807) Orita-.
spelling is perhaps meant as sthmbk-, and
sritak [slytk'] v. yuvat-sritak. influenced by stahmak. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
star 180 stob

lstar [stl] colI. the stars, the sphere of stiiyisn sVdsn ' ] praise, worship P6, from
the stars 20 25 . 331. 3620.21.932-9. 1042- 3.
stiiyitan [sVdytn'] stay- [st'd-], imp. stai
109 8 • - Av. (1598) star-; v. also staralc.
[sVy] 59 8 • 99 27 . 1005; pres. 1st p. sg.
2star torpor, unconsciousness 60 22 . - V. stay em [sVdym] 64 25 ; 2nd p. sg. staye
start, vistartan, visturtan. [sVyg] 59 6 ; 3d p. sg. stayet [st'dt ' ] 99 27 .
starak [st'lk ' ] a star; ~ Ohurmazd Jupi- 100 7; 2nd p. pI. stayet [st'dyt ' ] 601 ; subj.
ter 510; ~ i Vanand 87 13 ; ~ i Haftoiring 2nd p. sg. staya [st'd'] 1006 ; pt. = pret.
87 17 ; pI. cas. recto "-' 871.8-10. 12013 ; pI. pass. 3d p. sg. stayit [sVdyt'] 61 2: to
cas. obI. ~-an 57.873.5.16.27. - V. star; Av. praise, to profess (the religion). - Av.
star- alternating with star- in the declen- (1593 sqq.) stav-; MPrth Cst'w'dn Cst'w-;
sion; MPrs Cst'rg, pI. cas. obI. Cst'rg'n; MPrs Cstwdn Cst'y; Paz. staidan, pres. 3d
NP sitarah. p. sg. staeq (SGV); NP sutudan or sitayi-
start [stlt'] knocked down, senseless, dan sitay-.
swooning 101. 54 2. 6. 1 912. 3. 10318 . - Pt. stayitar confessor of the true religion, be-
of A v. (1595) lstar-: star9ta- or st9r9ta- liever, pI. cas. obI. ,,-,-an 103 24 •
(whence sturt, v. sturteh) 'to spread, to
disperse; to knock down'; Paz. stard; v. stezak [styck'] strife, quarrel 4 12 . - NP
also vistartan, visturtan. sitez(ah); cf MPrs Cstyzgr 'contentious' (S),
Paz. stezidan 'to contend' (SGV). Av.
starteh, sturteh [stwltyh] swoon, torpor (1607) stig- 'fight'.
544.8.12 . 103 19 (cf estatan + frac).
stob [stwb ' ] powerless: ~ lcartan to de-
statan [YNS:BWN-tn'] stii.n-, to take, in
feat 3310. 85 8.12 . 11524 ; "'" butan to be
all senses; imp. YNS~WN = stan 28 27 .
defeated 912. - NW form: MPrth Cstwb-
70 9 ; "",-i (ending written in Paz.!) =
'to enfeeble, to annihilate' (A-H II,
stani 6013 ; the forms with the endings
302 n. 4), evidently a denom. of the adj.
-Xl and -X2 function a) as imp. sg. =
Cstwb = estob (i. e., estop), taken over by
stane 9 11 (-Xl). 443 (-X2); b) as pres. 3d
BP as stwb ' (the original NW form 'stwb '
p. sg. 25 15 . 28 15 . 29 2 (-Xl); c) as pret. pass.
is still found in FrP, Cod. P foI. 6 b ) and
3d p. sg. 28 13 . 121 9 (-Xl). 428. 48 21 . 49 8 • 22 .
developed to *stow > *stoi alternating
5015 . 6019 (-X2); info YNS~WN-tn' 77 5.
as u'sual with stoh, which prevailed: Paz.
79 17 . 8919. - FrP 21 both YNSBWN- and
stoh, stuh, NP sutuh. (The reading stwb I
YNS:BWN -, Ir. equivalents ysttn l
= *stav which I gave in HP was wrong,
yst'nyt l - ysVnym = istatan - istanet -
as shown by the MPrth form; the spelling
istanem, some MSS 'sttn I - 'sVn- ete. =
-wb- for -v- is unknown in MPrth). The
astatan - astan-; Paz. stadan stan- (Mx),
authentic SW form is Cstw = estav (also
stan- (Aog.); MPrthPrs pt. Cstd, pres.
in Prth: MPrth Cst'w- caus. 'to annihilate',
Cst'n-, v. Verbum 189, Ghilain 71; NP
W.-L. 112, II R 3b) attested in Cstwy-
sitadan sitan-.
qwn- 'to overcome', Cstwy-bwdn 'to be
stavr [stpl] strong, sturdy 718 ; compo defeated' (List 81, cf s. v. alcasi) , also
"",-tar 49 18 . - Av. (1592) stawra-; MPrth attested by FrP, Cod. P foI. 28 a , in the
Prs Cstbr, v. Sogd 18; Paz. adv. stavariha form stw l (erroneously read in Paz. stun,
'thickly, firmly' (Mx); NP sitabr; from but glossed by sutuh, Anquetil Duperron
the same root Ps. stpty, MPrth Cstft 'foible, pauvre'). I derive it from *us-
'strong, firm'. tavah- 'out of force, powerless', from A v.
Staxr [st'hl; inscr. st'hly] the capital of (639) tavah-; MPrth estob may go back
Pars PI: 5. 16. 107 1°. 11612 . - Av. (1591) to *ustava(h)-bu- 'being powerless', cf
staxra- 'strong, firm'. SW <stwy-bwdn just mentioned. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
stobenitan 181 siiteh

stobenitan [........,-ynytn l] to destroy 55 25 • ship 84 2 (a meritorious act); - sum

reserved for the maintenance of another:
stor [stwl] horse, colI. 2012 . 32 14 ; pI. cas.
pat ........, manakeh i hac han vazurg bun like
obI. ,......,-an 44. 5 etc. - Av. (1590) .staora-
a maintenance taken from this vast
'bovine animals'; MPrth (stwr 'horse',
capital (viz. the Avesta) 11220.
NP sutur id.
sturteh [stwltyh] V. starteh.
stor-gah [........, g's] stable 425 •
Sugud [swkwd] Sogd, Sogdiana: this is
stor-pan [........,-p'n l] equerry 626 ; equestrian, the only possible reading 11313 (swknd =
pI. cas. recto ........, 2011 • sokand, q. v., gives no sense, still less
denkart, Oat. 3). - Av. (1582) Suyba- (Gr
stiinak [stwnk'] pillar 39 19 • 2°; trunk, of
~6yao~), Arab Sugd or $ugd; the coinci-
the human body 727. - Av. (1608) stitna-,
dence with OP Suguda- must be fortui-
stuna-; MPrth (stwn 'mast' (MHO); M
tous, -kwd being a graphic attempt to
Prs ((y)stwn 'pillar'; Paz. stun 'column',
keep the sounds y and b distinct.
stunaa 'trunk' (SGV); NP sutun 'column',
sutunah 'pivot'. SUi-gay [swd TWR'] n. pro 47 6 • - BdA,
p. 229 4- 5 swk-TWR' [but BdJ 7717 sy'k
stiir [stwl] juridical term: tutor, curator, TWR' = siya(k)-gav; DkM 75 3 swdk'dy
. a man who has taken upon himself the = sui-gai]. - 'Having horned cattle': sui,
duty to administer some part of the Ps. swdy 'horn' < OP *9uva- < *()ruva-,
property of a deceased man for the Av. (1647) .sru, srva 'nail, horn', V. sruv,
benefit of someone who shall propagate As to BdA swk-, v. next W.
the name of the deceased: (a capital sin
is committed by him) ke ........, rayenUareh
siik [SWk'] horn 49 2 • - < OP *9uva-ka-,
V. above.
skenet who breaks his tutorial engagement
(to administer the property for the fos- siikomand [""""'-'wmnd] having big. horns
terling) 82 8 , Paz. star, Skr. V. stara- (simply 49 2 •
taken over from Paz.) -pravrtti-karita'f!/> siilak [swPk] hole, aperture, gap 4419 • 22 ,
bhanakti, with the explanation: kila: 49 27 . 10222. 10317 . 18 . - Of Av. (1585) sura-
kascit apatya-hinafi, svargi bhavati, tasya 'hole'; Paz. sula (SGV); NP sulax, surax.
dravye1Ja tan-nama-kirtanaya tad-va1!i'sa- As to the final -x cf S. V. sak.
vrddhaye-ca kam-api puru~a'f!/> prati~thiyate sumb [swmb ' ] hoof of a beast 49 14 . 18 .
'that is: somebody having died without 94 18 - 19 ; asenen-........, iron-hoofed (or iron-
progeny, he [the other man] is charged to shod?) 2212. 28 12 . 23 . - Arm. lw. smbak <
provide [prati~thiyate?] for a human be- *sumbak; NP sunb.
ing, whoever it may be, by means of the
property of the deceased, in order to sumbomand [........,-'wmnd] having strong
preserve the name of the latter and prop- hoofs 49 17 .
agate his family' . The procedure does siit [swtl] use, advantage, benefit 6210.
not in itself imply adoption, but the term 63 13 . 24 etc. - MPrs swd; Paz. s114, NP sud,
seems to have been extended to this mean- from Av. (1561) sav- 'to benefit', ,savti-
ing too, cf BdA p. 236 2 - 3 ; besides, it savah- '(eternal) welfare', cf Sosans.
occurs in a great variety of legal trans- siitak [swtk'] torn to rags 11213. - Pt. of
actions, V. Bthl, ZsR I, III-V (v. Indices), sutan = NP sudan say- 'to rub, to wear,
Pagliaro, RSO XXIII, 1948, 62-65; to tear'.
etymology: ibd. 62 n. 2. siitakeh [swtkyh] utility, salvation 106 23 .
stiireh tutorship, curatorship, V. above: - V. sut.
ke........, rayenet he who administers a tutor- siiteh = sutakeh 78 4 (Paz. sUdai). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sute-kareh 182 sagr

sute-kareh [swtyklyhy] supplication, en- suxr [swhl, swh'l] red 9 25 . 1188; 1218
treaty 1284 • - sute- probably < OP *t;uti- read '" instead of dyn'l. - Av. (1582)
from Av. (1648) sri1ti-, v. s. v. srutan and suxra-; OP cf n. pro euxra-; Paz. suhr
cf srav and sobar. (Aog.); NP surx.

-8 encl. pron., cas. obI. of the pers. pron. w. after a lengthy digression: Oh'urmazd,
3d p. sg.; regularly attached to the first ka Ahriman apak (q. v.), -(a)s hamoden
w. of the sentence, preferably to particles: dam u dahisn . . . frac kart 91 4 - 5 , - (a)s re-
api-s, adak-is, be-s, cigon-as, ka-s, etc., or ferring back toOhurmazd; in this case the
to apron., v. ce, i, ke, sometimes to a w. independent form as would have been
in the interior of the sentence (40 6, V.S. v. more appropriate, as in api-s hamak da-
pat-fraceh; 48 9 • 914, v. be.low); if it is mik, i-s apar rah but, a.s ['s] peravanihit
attached to a subst. it never depends on (q. v.) kart 33 16 - 17 . - If it belongs to a
it as its poss., but refers to another w. in prep. this changes to an adv., in a special
the sentence; it is never governed by a adverbial form if there is one, which is
prep. (single exception 54 24, v. S. v. apar); placed afterwards in the sentence: (-s -
it has an independent form as (q. v.). It andar :) api-s ... mustY (q. v.) u drog andar
expresses 1. the gen. his, her, its: api-s nest F: 6-7; - (-s - apar:) api-s Vidrafs
bar xrat and its fruit is Wisdom 66 13 ; ... apar nisinet V. gets on it (the horse)
fravahr i Zartuxst api-s tan gohr Z.'s fra- 25 15 ; ce-s apar baxt estet dusman ozanet
vashi and his corporeal substance 42 26 - 27 ; 2714, V. S. V. baxtan; - (-s - hac pas:)
i-s his, her, its: tai matan i-s 0 . . . 47 14 ; api-s hac nihan hac pas frac dvaret from
- 2. for, to him (etc.): api-s ... 0 patirak behind him 25 19 - 20 ; - (-s - avis, adv. of
ayend go to meet him 741-2; api-s vat-ic 6): tai ka-s han Hamak ... pat zaneh avis
hayyar bavet 25 3 ; - 3. dir. obj.: api-s dahom to him 26 1- 2 (28 5 without avis);
.anod be barem 39 16 ; ke-s vir royet xUaret he 26 3 ; be-s avis baret ... ! 76'-8; - (-s -
who believes in it eats 10023 ; (he said) hacis:) gobet ku-s ma saxuan hacis
ku-"§ man be 0 vahist ne hilom" 3425 (dir. purset 74 6 - 7 ; - (~s - patis:) api-s afrin
speech as); - 4. the agent, passim: cigon- patis kunet (CBYDWN-X1) 27 16- 17 ; ap~-s
as dit as soon as by him was seen 1912 ; devan apasos u riyahreh patis kunend
ka-s han saxUan asnut 22 19 ; Pourusasp 75 26 - 27 ; - this construction is regular in
hac ZartL{.xst, pat visopisn i hacis, -(a)s relative clauses, v. S. v. i and ke. - The
skuft tarsenit P. was terribly frightened adverbs avis, hacis and patis may be
by him (the Karap) because of Z. that he used alone as substitutes for 0, hac, pat
should suffer destruction by him 48 8- 9 ; + s, v. these ws. - Attached to a prep.,
still unexplained is the construction in but belonging to the governed subst.:
api-s . .. samser cJ:IDWN-yt l (commonly o-s zayisn until his birth 4412 ; in apak-as
for pres. giret) u tak cBYDWN-X1 (com- pat asp ni,~ast estat 88 -s belongs to the
monly for kunet, but cf histan) 2220-21. - whole sentence, cf 8 9 i-s apak pat asp,
Proleptic ally, anticipating a subst.: cigon- and its place after apak is fortuitous. -
as dit kanicak as soon as she, the girl, saw OP -saiy; common Mill' and NP; V.
15 9 ; adak-is menit Pouru8asp ku then he, -san.
P., thought 40 25 ; api-s guft, apar apac sagr [sgl] lion; the constellation Leo 5 11 •
vast, Pourusasp and he, P., returning - MPrth srg (MHC); MPl's sgr (A-H I);
said 5p7-18; - anaphorical, taking up a NP ser. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sah 183 sahristan

sah [sh; MLK>, 1?rs inscr. MRK>] king, Eran-sahr, V. this w.; andar hamak i I"'"ooJ

ruler, regent; placed after the name of 2

Eran 26 ; 15
i Xi6nan 18 etc.; xUata-

the king or the ruler: Darai 619 ; Papak I"'"ooJ yan i the rulers of the different

HajB: 4; Vistasp
I"'"ooJ (often -sh'written
I"'"ooJ kingdoms 58; i men6i the realm of

in one word with the name), passim; Heaven 66 ; P 2: 6 v. s. V. yavet; l"'"ooJ-e


after the name of the governed people, karan, V. s. v. kar. - Av. (542) xsaOra-,
country, or town: Sakan PI :2. P2:4;
I"'"ooJ OP xsa9a-; Arm. lw. asxarh 'country; the
Kapul 21 2 3
8 ; 116 -117 , passim; -
I"'"ooJ world' < *axsahr with a prothetic a;
aturan the supreme religious authority
I"'"ooJ KZSPrth hstr = xsahr (cf S. V. xsahridar
during the reign of Artaxser 1222 - 23 . 131 ; and Artaxsahr) = Prs stry, Gr. v. ~evo~;
8ahpuhr i aturan SPrs: 2-3 (SPrth: 3 :
I"'"ooJ MPrthPrs shr 'world, kingdom, aeon';
shypwhr >trwn MLK»; the king in chess Paz. sahar; NP sahr.
1199 ; v. also arisn; - sahan sah [MLK >-
sahrap [strp, Prs inscr.] the vice-roy or
>n' MLK>; inscr. MLK>-n MLK>,MRK>-n
governor of a province PI: 7. - KZSPrth
MRK>] the king of kings, title of the
hstrp = xsahrap, Gr. lw. O'rt.'t'p(bt"1)~, <
emperor of Eran, passim; V istasp I"'"ooJ
*xsaOra-pa- from patan, q. v.; OP nom.
80 20 ; Artaxsahr r-...J HajB: 3. SPrs: 6-7
sg. xsa9a-pava from xsa9a-pa-van-; con-
(+ Eran); 109 1. 111 16 ; 8ahpuhr PI: I"'"ooJ
tracted *xsaOra-pana- in Aram. lw.
1. 10. P 2: 5-10. SPrs: 4-5. 12 (+ Eran u
>7}sdrpn-, wrongly vocalized (in pI.)
A neran) ; 109 7.14 ; Ohurmazd r-...J PI: 3
'a7}asdarpenayya Dan. 3: 2 etc. (for
(+ Eran u Aneran); X6sr6i 109 21 : - f".I
*axsadrapan- ).
101 8 +MR15>->n' = sahan, v. s. v. ianisn.
- OP xsaya()iya-, xsaya()iya- xsaya()iya- Sahrevar . [str'ywr, stlywl] one of the
nam; NP sah, sahan-sah; v. also xsah. Amahraspands 39 10 . 10p6. 10222. - In
sahan-saheh [MLK>->n' MLK>-yh] the the calendar the name of the 6th month
and of the 4th day of the month. -
dignity of being the Great King 11813 •
Borrowed from Av. (545) xsaOra- vairya-.
sahikik [shykyk] royal, of royal blood sahridar [str'yg'l, str'd'l, Prs inscr.
6617 . - Derived from sahik 'royal, kingly': stldl-] ruler, of Papak as the Arsacid
ke namiktar? han i sahiktar ~{, aparveztar sub-regent of Pars 15 ; of the emperor of
'who is the most famous? He who is the Rome (Byzance) 17 9 ; of the high officer
most kingly and the most triumphant' sent by the Indian king to the Sassanid
PT 96 1 • court 118 5. 1215; pI. cas. obI. r-...J-an of
the highest class of the Sassanian society,
sahikikeh kingliness 15 10 .
the governors, or vice-roys HajB: 5. -
Sahpuhr [shpwhl; Prs. inscr. shpwhry, Prth. official language hstrdr-, V. xsahr-
shpwhly], Prth Sahepuhr [shypwhr] n. idar; Ps stld>l 'king'; MPrth shrd'r;
pro 1. Sahpuhr I (241-272) son of Artax- MPrs shrY'r; Paz. saharyar; NP sahriyar.
sahr: Haj, S; 1026-17, passim; 109 7 • 12 •
1146-116 22 , passim. - 2. Sahpuhr II (309- sahridareh dominion 195. - MPrs shry>ryy,
379), son of Hormiild II: P 1, P 2; 10914 . - -yh; MPrth shrd'ryft.
3. the name of the Sakan sah Pl. - Cf sahrik, V. Eran-sahrik.
also S. V. Valaxs and xuarrah.
sahristan [str'st>n'] town, city 1226. 113-
Sahpuhran patron. of the preceding name:. 117 passim, pI. r-...J-iha. - Inscr.strdstn =
163. 4 • 11417. 115-116. sahre-stan; -d- in the function of -y- in
sahr [str'; Prs inscr. stly] dominion, king- the Prs inscriptions needs a special in-
dom, empire, realm, pI. l"'"ooJ-iha 108 23 ; quiry. MPrthPrs shryst>n; NP sahristan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sah-var 184 sastan

sah-var [shw)l] suitable for a king, regal pat ham ~ in the same night 162 ; hame
121s . - MPrth s)hw)r; NP sahvar. pat ~ ka every night when 5 1- 2 ; hamak
turist (q. v.) ~ throughout the whole
sak [s)k'] branch 3ps; pI. cas. obI. sahan
night 5010 ; andar ~ in the night 6 14 ;
(or saxan) [s)hn'] 4012 .' - NP sax; an
(andar) ~ ka in the night when 5 20- 21 . 6 6 ;
alternation ·k: -x, -h is found in several
roc-~-an, v. roc. - Av. (548 sq.) xsap-
ws: BP sulak (q. v.): NP sulax; BP
xsapa, xsapan- (xsafn-); OP xsap-; MPrth
malak (FrP 8): NP malax 'locust'; Av.
Prs sb; Paz. sav; NP sab.
(1I14) maoaxa-, Arm. lw. marax id.: NP
,maig < *maoaka-; BP zanak (q. v.): NP sapak adj. of sap at the end of compounds:
zanax. - Bal sah 'horn'. (Not identical han i 3-~ puhr the three-night-penance
with Skr sakha). (after the moment of death) 749 •
Sam [s)m] Syria II5 1s . - Arab al-Ba)m. sapistan [spst'n'] harem 11416. II 6 25 . -
KZSPrth 1. 28 spystn = Prs Z Y s)pstn,
samser [smsdl] sword 6 7 • 2ps etc. - NP
Gr. v. e:uvouxoc;.
samser; cf. also sij8er.
sarm [slm] shame 155. 43 9 • 11 • 14 . - Av.
-san [-s)n'; Ps., inscr. -sn] encI. pron.,
(1029) j8arama-; MPrth srm-id 'ashamed'
cas. obI. of the pers. pron. 3d p. pI.;
(A-H III); MPrs )by-srm "shameless';
independent form asan (q. v.); follows
NP sarm.
the same rules as Os, of which it is the
secondarily formed pI.: I. gen. their: sars- [s)ls-] pres. to be put to shame:
api-san paitiyarak damistan 86 14 - 15 ; - subju. 3d p. pI. ~-and [-)ndy] 12811 • -
2. for, to them:adak-isan garan dusxuareh MPrs pres. s)rs- 'to be ruined', caus.
bavet 1810 ; - 3. dir. obj.: api-san ... sr)syn- (!) 'to destroy', Verbum 191 sq.
apac 0 dosax u apakanend 101 11 ; - 4. agent:
sast [sst'] drooping 4I23. - Pt. of next w.
ce-san Zare1'e-c ozat 26 13 . - Belonging to
Probably identical with NP sust 'soft,
a prep., which is changed to an adv.
weak, feeble', with assimilation of s- to
and placed afterwards in the sentence:
the following -s- and labialization.
api-san patis ne virroyam I do not believe
in them 64 25 ; cigon ka-san . . . ayosust sastan [SKBJ:IWN-stn'], satitan [SKB-
avis hile(nd) as if they pour molten metal J:IWN-tn'] sat-, to lie down, prostrate:
on them 101 20- 21 ; cigon ka-san sir i garm sast [SKBJ:IWN-st'] nasai he lay prostrate
patis andar dosend 101 21 - 22 ; exception: as a corpse 60 21 ; [( Ganak-menoi) 3000
governed by hac: hac-isan lOP, v. s. v. sal pat starteh sast lay senseless during
hacis; attached to a prep. but belonging 3000 years BdA p. 8 2]; 3 roc murt satend
to the, governed subst.: oi-san deh for they will lie dead during three days
(oi) their village 50 24 ; -- in apar-san' 101 6 ; - pt. sast v. the preceding w. - FrP
pusty karty patufras y 128 7 - s the encI. 19 gives as equivalents of SKBJ:IWN -
-san is the agent of kart (an awkward the secondary inf. satitan and pres. satet
construction); with two enclitics )pmysn satem. This vb. was forgotten by the
= api-m-isan 128 6 • later Dasturs, as shown by the additional
explanations given in the MSS. Bthl and
sanz-dahom [s)ncdhwmJ the sixteenth
his followers - whom I unfortunately
849 •
joined in HB - tried to extract other
sap [sp'; LYLY)] night, with the mdef. vbs. from the lemma by rearranging the [LYLY)+ I] one night p4; strokes and hooks given in the FrP text,
opp. roc 2023 ; roc ... ~ by day ... by inspired by a thorough distrust of the
night 21 5- 6 ; roc u ~ night and day 4 5 ; reliability of the Fr. text tradition in |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sastan 185 sayistan

general. Bailey (BSOS VII, 1935, 777 sq.) 3 10 sayit [s'dyt '], condo 3d p. sg. (ne) sayit
was the first to take the traditional hat 71 19 , to be able, capable, 1. with a
forms seriously, accepting them as au- pers. subj.: kad sayem griftan? when shall
thentic and trying to explain them ety- we be able to catch him? 75 ; 8 2; - i
mologically. His attempt can be carried martoman sayend ayaftan 88 7- 8 ; Sosans
on more fully. OP has a-xsata- (Dar. apak Kai-Xosroi . . . kartan sayend.
Pers E, 1. 23) 'unbroken', the negative of 88 20 - 22 ; 90 8 ; - 2. with a non-pers. subj.:
*xsata- 'broken, disturbed', also attested amah garan ziyan . . . hacis sayet butan
in Arm by asxat < *axsata- < *xsata-, serious harm must necessarily arise for us
with a prothetic a-, in the expressions from it 191- 2; cis-e ke ziyan ne hacis sayist
a~ linel 'to be, or become, fainting, weary' butan from which no harm could arise
(e. g., Ep. ad Hebr 12: 3) and then 'to 411-12; ku ataxs hacis ne sayet vextan that
trouble oneself' (Luc. 7: 6), 'to toil' is: the fire cannot break forth from it 95 1
(Luc. 5: 5), trans. a. arnel 'to molest, to (gl.); - 2. impers.: it is possible, in
trouble' (e. g. Marc. 5: 35), besides the varying modal senses: it can, may, might
denom. vbs. asxat-em, -im. The original (be), it is proper, suitable, fitting, permis-
concrete sense is probably found in Av. sible; 'perhaps it will .. .'; it is predestin-
(1080) ni-xsata adv. 'below', pointing to ed, necessary, must, ought to, should,
*xsata- 'lowered'. passim; the difference between sayet and
tuvan may be illustrated by 710- 11 :
sasom [sswm] the sixth 83 22 . - MPrs
hakar tai 3 roc gri ftan ne sayet, pas hac
88wm; MPrth swhwm, shwm.
han griftan ne tuvan if he cannot be
sat [S>tl] glad, happy 216. 3 12 . 25 5. - Av. caught within three days it will be im-
(1716) syata-, sata-; OP siyata- 'peaceful, possible to catch him; sayet ku perhaps 81.
happy', siyati- 'peace, happiness'; Ps. 242; ma hakar-am . . . ne brihenit estet ku
s>ty; MPrthPrs s>d; Paz. sag,; NP sad. Eran-sahr pat ev-xUatayeh be sayet vina-
ristan it is perhaps not predestined for me
sateh joy, happiness, mirth Pi: 9 (s>tyhy).
that I should bring E. together into one
121 20 ; 4120 join with the following i,
kingdom 13 7- 8 ; sayet butan ka sayet butan

-reading the cas. obI. sg. '" -e. - MPrth

"it is predestinated to happen when it is
s>dyft; MPrs s>dyh, -yy; Ps. s>tyhy.
predestinated to happen", it must happen
Sat-Farraxu-XosrOi [S>tl plhw ' hwslwd] When it must, Fate will necessarily be
the name of a town: 'Happy is Glorious accomplished 23 1- 2 (cf Skr yad bhavi~yati
Kh.' 11420 - 22 ; Herzfeld, ApI 137, emends: tad bhavi~yati); ku yam eton nevak pat
+gyh>n ' plhw> <krt) hwslwd <>ps dst)krt ' xuatayeh sayet kartan that is: so beautiful
8M I;INI;ITWN-t ' = Gehan-farraxu-kart- a bowl must be made for royal persons
Xosroi ('Kh. made the world glorious', 60 15 (gl.); anod xuarisn sayet xUartan it is
the foundation-name of Kh.'s fifth town) permitted to take food here 76 12 , V. S. V.
api-s Dast-kart nam nihat and he gave it frayist; tai emahap xUartanne sayet during
the name D. one whole month it was not possible to
drink of the water 2017 ; - if the real
sayendakeh [s>dyndkyh] suitableness,
subj. is a person the pret. sayist has
worthiness 69 4 , Skr. v. samadhana. From
regularly impers. construction: asvaran
sayistan [s>dstn'], 894 sayitan [s>dytn'] ... hixtan ne sayist the equestrians could
say-, 3d p. sg. sayet [s>dt'], 138 sayet not haul up 153 - 4 (cf 88 7- 8, above sub 1);
[s>dyt'], pI. sayend [s'dynd], 1st p. pI. ke (indir. obj.) cim i han catrang vicartan
sayem [s'dm]; subju. 3d p. sg. +saya sayist anyone who could solve the problem
[+s'd'] 3412 ; pt. = pret. 3d p. sg. sayist, of this 'game of chess 11817- 18 ; without |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
siyistan 186 skastan

reference to any definite person burtan be explained in the same way as mih(a)rg
sayistan 121 15 - 17 . - The inf. serving as (q. v.), viz. < *si/rka- with secondary
the complement of "" is placed before development -rka- > -(a)rg; probably
or (commonly) after it. - Av. (551 sq.) from Av. (563) xsviwra- 'swift', Skr
xsay- 'to have power'; MPrs s>yd 'it is k~ipra-.
possible' (A-H II); MPrth sh- 'to be sifser [sypsyl] a double-edged axe 96 21 . -
able'; Paz. sayastan; NP sayistan, sayi- Explains the W. do-brai FrP 14 (from
dan. britan q. v.). Cf. samser. Arab. lw. si/sir
Secikan [sycyk>n ' ] belonging to Sec, the figurative 'middleman.'
name given by the Western Zoroastrians sihr (Prth) [syhr, shr] Prs eihr (q. v.)
to Lake U rmia: gani "" the (royal) HajA: 2. 4. SPrth: 7. 12. - c > s char-
treasury on Lake S. 108 16 . 10912 . 111 9. 14 • 22 , acteristic of the NW language, cf site.
referring to the town Ganiak (q. v.) SE.
of this lake, later called Siz « Bec), v.
sir [syl] milk 10121. - Skr k~ira-;
cf Ps.
Yaqut 3, 353 sqq.; it had the most
>hsylky = a-xsirakY 'weaned child'.
prominent fire-temple of the whole Eran- sirenak [sylynk'] sweet, pleasant, gentle
shahr, no doubt long before the Sassanids. 1710. - MPrs.syryn (A-H II); NP sirin.
V. Cat. 108-110. - Sec through dissimila- Sisin-duxt [sysyndwht'] n. pro fern. 'the
tion < *Cee, an abbreviation of Ceeist daughter of S.' 11619 . 117 11 • - Cf the
(q. v.); another abbreviation (through names ~LO'L'J'Y)c;, ~LO'(WLOC; and SiSoi, Justi
haplology) is Cyst I = Cist, Zsprm X, 15, 303b sq. (Cat. 19-21. 96-98 emends with-
whence the form Jis quoted by Yaqut out sufficient reason to Sosan).
(1. c. 354, 1. I).
site (Prth) [syty] a cairn HajA:7.9.10.
sep- [+syp-] pres., to be mixed, stirred 13 = Prs eitak with Prth s- for c-, V. S. V.
up: apak ap be +sepend dirty (a-pak?) sihr. - The ending -e here and in viU'ivane
water was stirred up (ap cas. recto pI.) (q. v.) is probably spurious, at all events
2016- 17 (?). - NP sibidan 'to be mixed, not known from other Prth. nouns (akasi,
to mix, to tremble', sib 'wet ground made q. v., is a special case) nor explicable
uneven and rugged by the trampling of from a Prth. point of view. Most probably
men, afterwards hardened by the in- the Sass. redactor of the inscription
fluence of the sun'; Paz. sevasn 'inter- simply took over his habitual Prs. spell-
mingling, confusion' (Mx); cf MPrs pdsyb- ing of substantives with a silent final -yo
'to be in an uproar' (of the sea), hsyptg
'confused', Verbum 180. skaft [skpt'] terrible, dreadful, rough,
harsh, hard, or the corresponding ad-
set [sytl] shining, radiant, bright: sete verbs, 37 15 . 43 21 . 4615 • 48 9. 55 12 . 1126. -
tigr the radiant arrow 21 18- 19 (Prth con- Av. (1586) skapta- 'wonderful' (Skr. V.
struction, V. S. V. menoi); Yam i "" 10524, adbhuta); Paz. ska.jt, Skr. V. ghoratara,
NP Jamsed. - Av. (541) xsaeta-; NP sed; sa-camatkara (SGV), eamatkarin (Mx); V.
V. also xUar-xset.
also skutt.
sevan [sywn l] lamentation 8620. - Paz. skaftak strong, intense 46 1.
sina < *sevanak; NP sivan, cf also sinah skastan [skstn', TBLWN-stn'] sken-
'a kind of pipe'.
[TBLWN-] to break down, to crush, to
*sif(a)rg [splg] of doubtful meaning, per- smash: 334 • 4221-22. 87 16 . 943. 107 16 ; amar
haps: swift arrow, "" i Rotastahm swift +apac skast cut off the scourge 4222 (un-
Rustam-arrows, arrows swift as those certain; MS >pr>c = a-/rae for apae; g1.:
shot by R. 2013 . - The form is to ku-s patis apae kart estat); "" i devan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
skastan 187 sustan

kalpad i getahik 89 25 - 26 . 9026 - 27 ; pat han snayisn [sn'dsn ' ] propitiation, praise,
i dasn pad frac skast trampled on it with homage 361. - From Av. (559) xsnav-
his right foot and crushed it. 53 11 - 12 ; 'to propitiate'; the BP vb. is commonly
skast was broken, burst 5420 ; v. also snayenitan.
s. v. stur. - Av. (1586 sq.) skand-; MPrs
sod [swd] husband 22 8 , 1012. - Paz. soi,
cskn- (Sogd. 3114. 33. 59); Paz. skastan,
sui; NP soy, sauhar; V. also ape-sod.
seldom skandan, skan- ; NP sikastan
sikan-. sodomand [swd'wmnd] having a husband
skoh [skwh] majesty, magnificence 1614 .
- Paz. skoh, Skr. v. samuha (in pI.) SGV son [swn I] kind, sort, way, manner: pat
1,39; J -PI'S skwh 'magnificence' (e. g. Isa. han i vattar.-, bandet 7421-22. - < *savana-,
210 . 19 ). [To be distinguished from an- from sutan: Bailey, BSOS VI, 1932,
other skoh, MPrs Cskwhyh 'poverty' (A- 947 n. 1.
H II), OP skauOi- 'poor']. Sostar [swstl] the well-know town, men-
skutt [skwpt'] strange, surprising 724 ; tioned together with Sus 11619 . - Cat. 97.
stupefied 1114. - MPrth Cskyft 'wonderful, Gr ~wO''t'P(X., Syr Sostre, Arab Tustar
amazing, immense(ly), very'; NP sikift (with dissimilation of the initial) Yaqut
'anything wonderful', sikuft 'a prodigy, 1,847 sq., where also the form Sustar is
magnificence', sigift, siguft 'wonder, aston- mentioned.
ishment'. The etymological relation be- supan [sp'n l] shepherd 1'; pI. cas. obI.
tween skapta- and *skupta-, *skipta- IS '" -an 110. - Av. (1029) fsu- 'sheep' =
not clear, but their meanings cross. pasu-, V. S. V. pah, + pana-, V. panak;
skutteh embarrassment 66 15 . MPrth swb'n; NP suban, saban.

smah [LKWM] pel's. pron. 2nd p. pI., Siis [sws] Susa 11619 . - OP 9usa, Elam.
cas. recto and obI., you; your: 2 barak
Susan, Bab. su-sa-an; Arab al-Sus, V.
Yaqut 3,188-190.
i "" 6 26 sq.; danakan i "" 11814 ; Vazurg-
mihr i "" 119 22 . - Av. (1304) yusmaka-, susr [swsl], suhr [swhl] sperm, the male
xsmaka-; smah < OP *xsmaxam with generative substance 4121 (v.s.v. and). 54 20
-xa- for -ka- as in ahmaxam, V. amah; [swsl, but in the following gl. swhl =
MPrs 'sm'(h); MPrth csm'h; Paz. NP suhr]. 94 7. 8. 22 . 95 17 . 21 ; apar pat.-, through
suma. propagation 40 14 . - Borrowed from Av.
snas [sn's] pres. st. of snaxtan, in com- (555) xiudra-, xsuora- 'liquid'; the pro-
nunciation was suhr, -s- being only the
pounds: spas-snasan (pI. cas. obI.) those
inverse writing of -h-, cf S. V. ,11:1ahlah
understanding service = having serVICe
as their profession 71 1, V. spas. (in fine) and pahlom. As to the etymology
cf S. V. sustan.
snasak knowing, learned 213.
susreh the state of being sperm: pat .-,
snaseh knowledge 71 10 . in the state of sperm 95 21 .
snaxtan [sn'htn ' ] SMS-, 1st p. sg. snasom sustan [swstnl; I;ILLWN-tn ' ] sod- [J:ILL-
[sn,'swm] 57 22 , to understand, to kno~, to WN-] to wash, with the prevo apar 412. 4 ;
recognize 6 15 ; be '" 71 5. 90 7. 10018 ; 57 22 + - with frac: frac dast .-, hac to wash
hakar 'whether'. - Av. (559) xsna-, pres. one's hands of a p. = to break off all
xsnas- = OP (Skr. i'na-); MPrthPrs relations with him 38 14 . 44 3 • 9 ; - with ul
csn'xtn csnas-; Paz. snaxtan snas'-, NP 41'. - Av. (555) pt. xsusta- 'liquid' (from
sinaxtan sinas-. *xsaod-), cf ayo-xsust; MPrth swstn swwd- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
sustan 188 Tab

Ghilain 64; MPrs pt. swst, pres. swyy- return 54 etc.; - apar '"'" : 0 han i oi8an
(A-H II, Verbum 183); NP sustan suy,- menisn apar sut hend they "descended
modern sur- (possibly from a denom. of upon their minds" = they inspired them
suhr, v. susr). 403 - 4; - frac '"'" to walk, step forward
2519.20.2816.17.22-23; frac e giyak '"'" to gather
*Sustar [swstl] read 80S tar q. v.
together on one spot 98 12 ; - frot '"'" to go
8utan [(ZLWN-tn ' ] sav- [(ZLWN-], forms down (of the sun) 86 9; - 0 nazdikeh i ... ,
v. I, 177, to go, opp. (a)matan to come: o pes i. . . ,......" to appear in the presence
hac ku mat hom u apac 0 ku savom? of, before a p. 53. 4. 1115.19; - ul '"'" to
whence have I come and whither shall rise, to be carried to a higher level
I go? 62 4- 5 ; pat druyist sutan u amatan
10326 - 27 . - Sometimes added asyndeti-
that they may go and come safely 87 23 ;
cally, emphasizing a vb. of motion: apac
ka han damistan sut when this winter
vart sav go back! 13 20 ; frac 0 pes ne
has gone 97 23 ; hac man savai thou shalt
dvaret savet . . . hac pas frac dvaret savet
go (fly) off from me 27 18 ; - regularly be '"'"
to go away, passim; be 0 . . . '"'" to go (pres. hist.) 25 19- 20 . - In MiIr '"'" is not yet
(away) to; be '"'" to disappear, vanish an auxiliary vb., but a passage like 9 6 shows
9416 , to escape 2415- 16 ; be-sutak baxt whose it in the stage of transition to this
luck is gone, who is off his luck 52; - usage: zat (ZLWN-t'may he, slain, pass
andar '"'" : tigr tai parr pat askamb andar away (to be read savat as the old in-
sut the arrow penetrated right up to junctive in the sense of a subju., cf hat
the feather into its belly 3 20 ; to enter s. v. h-, or possibly defective spelling of
1819 , also andar-ron 1813 , andaron 1912- 13 ; savat). - Av. (1714 sqq.) syav-, sav-; OP
75 25 . 10223 ; - apac '"'" to go back, to siyav-; MPrthPrs NP etc.

-t encl. pron., cas. obI. of the pers. pron. (lest . . .) and the devs should drag thee
2nd; attached to particles begin- to Hell 69 17 - 18 ; - 4. the agent: cim ka-t
ning the sentence; independent form at . . . dast? how is it that thou hast held?
(q. v.); its syntactical functions are the 1625- 26 sq.; be-t jut 50 12 ; u ka-t dU . . .
same as those of om, -s (q. v.) ; it expresses adak to ... 73 7 sq.; adak to ... api-t guft
1. the gen. poss. = thy: ka-~ casm 0 73 14 . - 5. Cannot be governed by a prep.;
zrai oftet 622 , etc.; - 2. for, to thee: ku-t in such cases the prep. is changed to
. . . ziyan u pasemaneh ne raset 68 21- 22 the corresponding adv. placed after-
(similarly 68-72 passim); hakar-at ham- wards in the sentence, -t being referred
bun-ic mihr i amah hast 98 ; xanak i-t to it (cf s. v. -s): -t - patis against thee
'liest . . . i-t hast the house that does not 76 3 ; -t - avis on to thee 68 9; -t - apar
belong to thee . . . that belongs to thee down upon thee 72 6; seldom as in 103 5 :
53 20 - 21.25-26; as the logical subj. of an ce-t be hac to diim kart because a creation
info or a v. n.: ku-t ... ne apasihenitan has been made outside thee 1035. - PI.
that is: it is not up to thee, thou wilt -tan, q. v. - Av. Wi, te; OP -taiy.
not be able to annihilate 46 8 gl.; ce-t ne
apar tarsisn for thou shalt not be afraid *Tab [t'b] the name or the title of the
58 21 ; adak-it en tigr patkajom then I shall king of Kabul 17 9. - Cf Taban, the capital
shoot off this arrow against thee 1006; - of the country of Kabul, Yaqut 3,454, v.
3. the dir. obj.: ku-t Az dev ne frepet 68 13 ; Eransahr 299. Another possible reading
(ku ... ) api-t ... dev 0 dosax u ne kesand would be Tai [t'g], Chinese t(ai 'great~ |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Tab 189 tai

in the royal title tCai-kan used by Turkish (out of a set of items) = 'sum total',
rulers, v. Cat. 39. 43; Wehrot 47. This cannot be the rendering of 8yr
swkyhwn = saukaihon 'their branches';
tac [tc l ] a pass, defile 11417. - V . .tacitan.
in all probability it goes back to a
Cf NP taz, taz 'the wards of a key'.
variant (or corruption) swykhwn = suy-
tacenitan [tcynytn l ] to cause to run 4914 • yals;hon 'their sum total', from sayyels; 'to
bring to an end, to limit, to contain, to
tacik [t'cyk] Arab, subst. and adj., pI.
cas. obI. ~-{j,n 11124. 1155. 117 8; 117 2. 3.
12025 . - NP tazi; Arm. lw. tacik 'Turk, tahl [t'hl] bitter 6p9. - MPrth txl; MPrs
Arab'. thr (List 88); Paz. tahal (SGV); NP talx.
tacisneh [tcsnyh] the act of running, det. tabm [thm] brave, valiant 1915 . 22-28
v. n. of the next vb.: pat be '" when they passim. - Av. (626 sq.) taxma-; MPrthPrs
came running 44 17- 18 ; pat apac 0 ham thm; NP tah(a)m; < *tak-ma-, v. tak
~ whi:m they had run back and were and takik.
assembled 4420- 21 ; be-~ a stride, a leap
564 • 14 • tahmak = tahm 1911 •

tacitan [tcytn I] to run: api-m cand i nem *Tai [t'd] v. *Tab.

roc pat pust hame tacit hom (for tacit-om)
tai [CD] a) until, b) as long as, as far as:
almost half a day (he was run after by
A. prep., local and temporal: ~ [YM'
me =) I ran after him 31 19 (cf s. v. kar-
=] rot danbY as far as to the bank of the
tan); be tacit pat os han mat *cautiously
River PI: 3; .,...., nazd bam until daybreak
(v. s. v. os) his mother ran to him 48 20 .
53; ~ nun until now 719 ; ~ sar carm be
21.7·49 5010 ; pes tacit ran before, got ahead
haxt stripped his skin up to his head
(of the others) 494. 19 . - Av. (624) tak-; M
32 11- 12 ; ~ ke? up to whom (does) Right-
Prth tc-; MPrs tz- (8); Paz. Baja for
eousness (reach)? (= who is the origi-
tazak (tajak; Aog. 77); Verbum 169;
nator of Righteousness?) 57 1 ; also govern-
Ghilain 50. Cf taxtan.
ing an inf.: 47 14 • 77 9; ~ 3 roc within
taftan [t'ptn l ] tap-, opt. 2nd p. sg. tapes, three days 710 ; ~ zivandak drahnai dur-
1. trans. razm ~ to stir up, to excite a ing the whole lifetime 65 14 ; hac . . . ~
battle 2210.13.16; pat ataxs ~ to roast, to from . . . to: hac pus ~ brat from son to
grill 446. - 2. intrans. to shine P3. 37 23 . - brother, both sons and brothers 22 18 ; all
Av. (631 sq.) tap-, pres. tapa-, caus. men hac 10 sal ~ 80 salak from ten to
tapaya-; MPrth t'b'dn t'b- 'to burn, to eighty years 204 ; passim; - also ~ 0: ~
shine', Ghilain 72; NP taftan tab- 'to set o drayap 6 21 ; ~ 0 3 bar until three times
on fire, to shine'; v. also tap. 53 9- 10 ; ~ be 0 asman 92 18 ; etc. ; - han-tai,
v. this w.; - except(ed): sak ... u dalman
tag [t'k '] crown 5610 ; han i xros ~ a
~ aparik 0 apayet xUartan dogs ... and
cockscomb 56 9. - 8yr. lw. taga; Arab. lw.
eagles excepted, all the other (animals)
taj and hence again NP taj; cf Arm
may be eaten 94 21 - 22 ; in frame preposi-
t Caga-vor 'king'.
tions: be man ~ an kas ne except myself
tahe-kar [t>hykly] *sum total, the whole no one else 15 27 ; be Zartuxst ~ Z. ex-
account 12810 . - tahe- for taye (-y- having cepted 93 13- 14 ; apar 3 sap ~ three nights
been dropped, and -h- inserted in the' ago 512-3. - B. conj. 1. final: in order
hiatus) from tai, NP ta(i), tah 'a ply, a that, with pres. indo passim; with subju. :
fold, a unit', v. also tayitan and tak. ~ rasat 41 25- 26 ; ~ ... bavat 45 7; governed
Thus *taye-kar 'that which makes a unit by a vb. : framayet ~ patifras ... kunend |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
tiii 190 -tiin

129- 10 ; the vb. in opt.: framut ku ,......, dast i tiik [t>k'], tiii [(D] 11919 : unit, piece, after
yamak ... aviS avurt he [l:f\VH-d] that numerals: 16 ,......, hac uzmuburt u 16 ,......, hac
a set of clothes should be brought to yakind i suxr sixteen pieces of emerald
him 2 17- 18 ; - 2. temporal: ,......, 0 dat i 7 and sixteen of ruby 118 7 ; gartanak e ,......,
salak mat until he attained the age of one (piece of) die 1205 ; cand mode ,......, . . .
seven years 1026 - 27 ;,......, 0 han giyak raset ne not a hairbreadth 7222; cand ,......, dana-
ku . . . 26 20 ; as long as, as far as; with kan i hindukan some Indian learned men
a nominal clause: ,......, yazdan hayyar as 119 19- 20 . - Paz. tak (Mx), syn. with NP
long as the gods are helpers F: 7; - en- ta(i), V. S. V. tahe-kar and tayUan. The
larged by other elements: ,......, ka, ,......, han form tai in MiPrs is attested by the
i ka until, so that; hame ,......, ka ... apar wrong ideogr. (D, V. tai.
sust always, as long as he was washing
takik [tkyk] strong, brave, heroic, compo
414; 41 12- 13 ; with an in£.: hame ka ...
,......,-tar 6J15.24. 1046. - Paz. Mx 4J2·9.

akar kartan 42 ; v. also han-tai. - Notice
(jagi-tar, Skr. V. 8uratara; (jagi Aog 84
the following idioms: im roc 7 mahakan
renders Av. (598) cirya-. Derived from
hast tai apustan hom to-day there are 7
tak (q. v.), cf tahm.
months going on during which I am
pregnant = to-day I am in the seventh takikeh strength, bravery, heroism 55 7.
month of pregnancy 1011- 12 ; 3 roc apac 88 17 . 90 13 .
but tai pas be zat three days were left
tan [tnl] body, passim, stalk of a plant
until he was born = three days before
95 24 ; ,......, u ian body and vital spirit 15 23 .
his birth 44 16 ; 30 sal but tai hamai [thus
64 22 (the constituents of human physical
to be read] raft thirty years elapsed until
nature); ,......, u ian u hir u xUastak 4 18 ;
(= before) he had gone over the whole
kanisn i ian u visopisn i the destruc-
(creation) 95 19- 20 ; tai e mah during a

tion of the vital spirit and the decom-

whole month 2017 ; tai 3 roc-sapan ruvan
position of the body (= the physical death)
. . . nisinet during three days and nights
6410- 11 ; ,......, as opposed to the immortal
... 72 7- 8. - cand danakan 11919 , v. s.
soul, ruvan 6625.6820.6927.7615.17-18; -,......,
v. tak - < OIr *tavat (v. s. v. han-tai) >
also refers to the human individual as a
*tav > tai according to the common rule
whole, with all its physical and spiritual
in SW. MPrs d) < tai: its final -i is prob-
qualities, cf 65 3 sqq. 66 11 • 8414. 86 21 ; har
ably dropped for sandhi reasons, and t >
,......,-e rad hamgohr fravahr et i xUes paitak
d due to its proclitic and unaccented
it is revealed that every human individual
position in the sentence -:- provided d)
has its own fravahr (q. v.) of the same
is not abstracted from anda (Paz. <
substance as itself 88 3 ; xues-,......, and,......, i,
han-tai) which is, however, not attested
xUes V. xues; - ,......, i pasen the ultimate
in MPrs. - MPrth t), certainly identical
form of existence the Universe will be
with MPrs d), thus ta < *tav with loss
given after the now running cycle of
of -v for sandhi reasons. NP ta. [NB.
millenia has elapsed, the next world,
MPrs )ndwm d) in the sense of han-tai
Eternity; very often ristaxez (q. v.) u ,......,
(A-H II) contains andom < *antama-, i pasen: 1225. 64 11- 13 . 7J18-19. 76 10 . 83 26 .
Skr 'the last', sup. of antara-, Av. (134) 88 21 . 9J9; ,......, i pasen alone 52 12- 13 . 66 9.
ant9ma- 'the innermost'; andom as adv. 67 7. 93 4. 10413 . - Av. (633 sqq.) tanu-;
'down to the end' A-H I]. common Ir.
tak [tk'] assault, attack 2221. 2727. - Av. -tan [t)n'; Ps. -tn] encl. pron. of the pers.
(626) taka- 'leap, run'; Paz. (jag (for tag); pron. 2nd p. pI. you, your; pI. of -t whose
NP tag. rules it follows; ka-tan tuvan 9 11 ; adak- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
-tan 191 taraziik

tan ... paristem adak-tan dahem ... vas to be spoiled 8122. - Paz. tawah; NP
zarr . .. 19 3 - 4 ; u api-tan . . . kar frama- tabah.
yem 19 8 ; tai-tan man zivisn i gete pat tapabeb annihilation 45 15 .
miyan kunom 67 4 - 5 ; agent: ka-tan pursit
hai 2 J15; ku-tan ... dU ... ? 39 4 ; vinas tapabenitan to destroy, to kill 55 26 •
i-tan kart estet 67 8 ; referred to by a follow- tap [t'pl] fever 43 23 •
From taftan (q. v.);
ing prep.-adv.: afrin-tan i xUatai apak cf MPrs tb 'fever' (S), NP tab; NP tab,
the benediction of the Lord (be) with tav 'heat, warmth, burning'. 'Fever' is
you 12818- 19 ; - independent form atan in Av. (632) tafnah-, tafnu-; NP taf
45 1 • 'heat'.
tanapubrak [tn'pwhlk ' ] guilty of a tana- tapistan [t'pst>n l] summer 86 14 • - Paz.
puhr sin, i. e. of a deadly sin which can tavastqn; NP tabistan.
only be atoned for by hard flogging or ltar [Prth L~D; Prs L~D-r;
tl] 1. prep.
(later) by a very high fine, and which beyond HajA: 7 (L~D L- = tar 0). B: 7;
involves the excommunication of the through 103 23 ; via, by way of 3610.
culprit until he has suffered his punish- 38 18 . 4115. - 2. adv. aside, secretly 42 15
ment; applied to Hesm, the demon of [tl]. - V. also tarist, turist, hu-tarist. - Av.
Wrath: the originator of deadly sin 6po. (641) taro ('secretly' Yd. 1510); OP tara h ;
- Adj. of tanapuhr, the Milr. adaption of MPrs fr, try (S); Ps. L~D-r and tlysy
Av. (636 sq.) tanu.para(Ja- 'whose body is (cf 'csy = BP hacis).
forfeited', thus an adj., whereas BP
tanapuhr is used as a subst. for the sin 2tar [tl] 1. subst. arrogance, contempt:
itself. I'-' menitan to treat with arrogance, with
contempt 33 14 • - 2. adj. contemptible:
tanbiir [tnbwl] a lute 425. - NP tanbur, I ' - ' kartan to make contemptible, to dis-

cf Sogd. 48. honour 73 8 ; I ' - ' U anazarmik kartan 75 13 - 14 ,

tang [tng] narrow 48 25 •- MPrth tn(n)g Skr. V. hina; [Paz. (Jar xUar kard made
'distress' (MHC); MPrs tng (S); NP tang. contemptible and mean SGV XI, 56;
hast i Oar xUar u anazarm kard some of
tangeb distress, straits 66 15 . them were made contemptible, mean
Tansar [tnsl] n. pro the High Priest of and dishonoured, ibd. XII, 40; Skr. V.
Artaxser 109 2 • 3 • 111 18 . - This is the .also here kina]. - That,......" is used in BP
traditional reading; but the transliter- as an independent noun, subst. or adj.,
ation twsr in Arabic letters is also found, is beyond doubt, but etymologically it is
and this reading seems to be confirmed identical with the prep. and prevo tar,
by the patron. twsrkn KZ SPrth 1. 24 =. and secondarily abstracted from the A V.
Prs twslk'n; the correct form would then (1l23 sq.) taro man- 'to dishonour' and
be Tosar, V. Boyce, A.M., N. S. V, 1955, (641) taro.mati- 'obstinacy, recalcitrance'.
50 n. 3. V. also tar-menisneh.

tanomand [tn"wmnd] provided with a tarazenitareb [tPcynyt>lyh] the act of

weighing 72 18 . - From tarazenitan 'to
body 10424 ; V. also pat-tanomand.
weigh', den. of
tanuk Jtnwk'] scarce, r~re 97 18 . 23 • - NP
tarazuk [tPcwk ' ] balance, scales for
tanuk 'slender, thin'; Skr tanu-, Lat
weighing 72 18 . - OIr *tara = Skr tula
'balance, scale of a balance' Av. +
tapab [tp'h] spoiled, ruined; I'-' kartan (223 sq.) az- 'to convey, to conduct'
to kill, to destroy, to spoil 8 13 ; I ' - ' butan (Lat agere). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
tarik 192 Tatragat(i)vas

tarik [t)lyk] dark 37 20 . 76 2. 859. 13•

M - MPrth trw- (MHC) = MPrs; Verbum 169;
PrthPrs t)ryg, derived from Av. (650) Ghilain 56.
tqOra- 'darkness', MPrthPrs t)r; NP tar
tarvenitar: horvisp-r--J all-oppressor 58 27 .
'dark, obscure'; tarik < *tqOriya-ka-, Av.
tqOrya- 'dark'. tasom [tswm] the fourth 5614 • - < *ca-
som, with dissimilation of c- (cf s. v. cis)
tarikeh darkness, the quality of being
dark 33 17 . 347. 6212. 63 14 • 641. 10316 .
< OP *capama- < OAr *caOrama-, v.s. v.
cahar. Cf Syr. lw. tassuga 'the fourth part
tarist [tlyst] v. turist. of a danqa) (itself the fourth part of a
dirham), Arab. lw. tassuj id., also 'a
tar-menisneh [tlmynsnyh] arrogance,
square settlement, a village, a tract of
overbearingness 47 18 • 83 3 • - V. s. v. 2tar.
tarr [tl] humid, moist 4016 . -
tasisneh [t>ssnyh] det. v. n. of the follow-
Probably < *tarna-, cf perhaps Av. (643)
ing vb.: Zartuxst 0 ham r--J the act of
tauruna- 'young', Skr taru'(/>a- 'young,
creating Z. by putting together (the differ-
fresh'; Skr tar'(/>a-ka- 'calf, young animal
ent elements of which he consisted)
in general'. NP tar.
39 1- 2 •
tarrok [tlwk'] tender 48 2 •- From tarr;
tasitan to create 38 11 • 76 21 ; 0 ham r--J to
as to the ending cf s. v. ne(va)kok.
create by putting together the different
tars [tIs] fear, fright cas. obI. tarseh
52 22 ; elements of a p. or a tho 38 23 . 39 19 . - Av.
[tlsyh]: hac han be tarseh-ic for fear of (644 sq.) tas-; Paz. tasidan.
this 48 12 .
tast [tstl] bowl 53 12 . 60 13 . 19 . - Av. (646)
tarsenitan [tlsynytn ' ] to inspire a p. with tasta-; NP tast; Arab. lw. tast; Fr tasse =
dread, to intimidate: Pourusasp hac German Tasse; Telegdi 245.
Zartuxst pat visopisn i hacM-as skaft
*Tatragat(i)vas [t)tlgtws] n. pro of the
tarsenit 48 8 - 9 , v. s. v. -s.
Grand Vizier of an Indian king 11810 .
tarsisn [tlssn I] the act of fearing: be I"V 119 7- 17 . -I take the letters as they stand,
47~7;as pred.: ce-t ne apar I"V for thou seeing in the W. a purely Indian name
must not fear 58 20 , cf s. v. -to *tatra-gati-vasa- 'he who desires to go to
the beyond', "Longing-for-Paradise".
tarsitan [tlsytn'] imp. ma tars 618 • 15 24 •
True, -vasa ought to be represented by
58 20 ; pret. 3d p. sg. tarsit hah 3po, to fear,
-ws = *-vas(a), but the spelling may well
to feel fear for (hac); r--J ku ma hakar lest
have been influenced by Greek names
615 ; ka pat fraceh han i ane aparnayik
ending in -os. My reading is a mere guess,
frac tarsit hend when the lads ran fright-
but not worse than that of Tavadia, Sur
ened helter-skelter 52 25 ; 3 hem ke-t 0
Saxuan 16-18. who proposes Dharmado~a,
man tarset three we are whom this house
which seems to me wholly impossible to
of thine fears 59 2 (0 cas. recto of the pron.,
conjure up from the BP shadows. Not
V.S. V. oi; ke the dir. obj. of .:tarset,
better were the conjectures proposed by
instead of ke-man ... hacis 'we for
Salemann as quoted by Tavadia, 1. 1.
whom').-OAr *tras-, *tars- :Av. (802 sqq.)
(Why must foreign names in BP script
Orah-, pres. t'dr'dsa-; OP pres. trsa-; MPrt
necessarily be a priori regarded as
Prs tyrs-; Paz. NP tarsidan; V. also
corrupt past recognition and treated as
vile corpus?) The historical authenticity
tarvenitan [tlwynytn ' ] to injure, to defeat of the story is not worth-while wasting
77 20 . - Av: (639 sq.) tar-, pres. taurvaya-; words upon. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Tavvak 193 to

*Tavvak [twpk'] a town ll616. - Oat. 94; tigr-iihy (inscr. Prs) [tgl>hy] range of an
Schwarz, Iran II, 66sqq.; Yaqiit 1,890sq.; arrow, HajB: 1. - < tigr + *afya- <
Arab Tawwai, Gr Twx'Y) , Ta6x'Y); as to *apya-, from Av. (71) ap- < a + ap-;
-wp- for -v- cf s. v. astavan. cf next w.
taxtak [t>htk '] tablet, pI. ----iha ll3 11 ; tigr-ayiip [tgly>pl] range of an arrow 2127.
board for the game of tric-trac 1202. 15 . - 222. - tigr + ayap, v. ayaftan.
NP taxtah.
timiir [tym>l] grief, anxiety 9 5. 1424. -
tiixtan [t>htn'] tac- [t>c-] to run 3 19 . 28 19 . MPrs tym>r (A-H I); Paz.NP timar.
98 17 . - Av. tacaya- intens. of tak-, v.
Tir [tyl] the name of the planet Mercury
tacitan; NP taxtan taz-; v. also vitaxtan.
1151. - Originally a god Tir, whose name
tiiyitan [t>dytn ' ] to be capable, to suffice: is attested by the OP n. pro * Tira-data-,
api-m-isan ne tayit zor (and as-to-me-for- Gr TLPL3&''t"'Y)£;, and by the Av. (651) n. pro
them power did not suffice =) they did Tiro.nakaOwa-; not identical with Tistrya-
not prevail against me 128 6- 7, a literal (v. Tistr). In the calendar the name of
translation of Syr w-Za >etm'~iw r,aiZ(i) the 4th month of the year and the 13th
(Barr). - tay- < tav-, cf MPrth t>wg day of the month.
'mighty'; alternating with tahe- in tahe-
Tisifon [tyspwn] Ktesiphon 11424.
kar (q. v.); v. further pattahik and s. v.
pattan. tisnak [tysnk', tsnk ' ] thirsty 920. 25 5. -
Av. (644) tarsna- 'thirst'; MPrs tysng
teh [tyh] , te [t>y] 1. ray, splendour, of
'thirsty' (S); MPrth tysng 'drink' (Hen-
the sun 716 . - 2. point, of the lance 2019 ,
ning, BSOAS XII, 1947, 43 n. 2); NP
of the foot 112. 3211. - 3. blade, of the
tisnah, tasnah.
sword 2225. 9620. - SW form of tey > tei
> te with dropping of -y, or > teh with tisnakeh thirst 1422. 895. - Paz. tisnai;
a secondary -h; Paz. teh. - NW form MPrth tsyndyft (MHO).
tey: Arm. lw. teg 'pike'; NP tey 'sword,
Tistr [tystl] a constellation, generally
razor; point of a spear; a ray of the .sun' ;
identified with Sirius 87 5.7. - Av. (651 sq.)
BaI. tCeg 'sharp, swift'. Av. (963) bi-
taeya- 'double-edged', .cf 22 25 . V. also
tez, tigr; as to teh nr. 1 cf Skr teia8. to [LK; tw 5P3], with -c: to-c [LK-oj,
toy-ic [LK-yc], pers. pron. 2nd p. sg.,
tez [tyc] sharp, ardent, swift, sup.
cas. recto and cas. obI., thou, thee, thy:
",,-tom 43 23 . 9620; adv. 5IB. 60 24 . 26 . 612 2. 25 .
1. subj. passim; emphasizing the subj.
- The palatalized parallel form of the
2nd p. sg. inherent in the vb.: to xues
preceding w., *taiga- alternating with
daneh 417; ne . . . to frac yaze, han . . .
*taiia-; Paz. tez 'swift, vehement' (Mx,
e yazet it is not thou that shalt perform
Aog); Av. (973) broiOro.taeza- 'with sharp
my sacrifice 539; with an imp.: to paita-
edge', (653 sq.) tizi- in compounds 'sharp'.
ken giyak 398 ; to ma sav 2610; in nominal
MPrs tyi 'sharp', tyz 'quick', NP tez
sentences together with the copu~a: to,
'sharp, impetuous, swift'. (Henning,
J amasp, danak ... hah 21 2 - 3 ; to ke he ... ?
BSOAS XII, 1947, 45, separates MPrs
73 2. 75 5- 6; but the copula may be missing:
tyz, NP tez 'swift' from tyi, tez, deriving
to ham yatuk 2222; hac har dam u dahisn
the former from tak-; I do not agree).
to patiyavandtar 33 11- 12 ; to peroz u veh
tigr [tgl] arrow 319- 2°. 2013 etc. passim. - patroc 27 19 ; to ... ? 99 17 ;
Av. (651) tiyri-; OP tigra- 'pointed' = he may also be missing in the pret.
Av. (ibd.) tiyra-; Paz. NP tir (SW form). pass. having to as its subj.: to xUatai i |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
13 Nyberg
to 194 toxtan

Parsikan . . . jrestit thou hast been sent smar, the lemma signifying: (tOg = ac-
by the Persian king 131S- 19 (for jrestit he); count, reckoning'. Paz. hmar represents
ce-san to-c kust 27 5 (for kust he; or perhaps the NW form of SWamar, q. v.; Arm.
an absolute clause: after thy having lw. toiz < *tauza- 'fine, penalty', tugan <
been slain by them); but ke to dat he? *taugana- id., v. further s. v. toxtan and
by whom hast thou been created? 57 7- S ; ham-tozik. - Coincides in spelling with
coordinated with another pers. pron.: tangeh, but 46 10- 11 must refer to the
man u to azmayisn kunem 4 1 ; to an [LK Last Judgement, thus to the last settle-
'NH] ... barom (for barem) 'thou and ment of accounts.
I (we) shall ... ' 53 19- 20 .(24), v. s. v. arZa-
nikenitan; - 2. dir. obj.: ne toy-ic pat tohm [twhm], tom [twm] 89 3 ; seed, ex-
depahr darem 2124 ; ma xion . . . to ozanend traction, descent 62 5. 63 2 ; sperm 89 3 ;
26 12 .29 12 ; tai to giram (v. gir-) 35 3 ; etc.; descendant 63 4 • - 1. NW *tauxman-: Av.
- 3. to, for, against thee: har vat kas to (623) taoxman-; MPrth twxm (MHC);
ne tuviin kartan is not able to do thee Paz. NP tuxm; 2. SW *tauhma-: OP
any harm 6 19- 20 ; to ce vinas jast estet? tauma- 'family' (thus spelt for tauhma-);
what sin has befallen thee? (v. iastan) Arm. lw. tohm; MPrs twhm); Paz. ()um.
1211;53 17 ; ne to u ne hec dam i man V. Benveniste, BSL 31, 1931, 76-79;
astisn ne but hah there would have been 47, 1951, 37-39; Henning, BSOAS XI,
no permanence for thee, nor for any crea- 1946, 716.
ture of mine 3515- 16 ; beginning the sentence tohmak extraction, parentage 3914 ; pe-
and taken up later by the independent digree 46 24 ; patvand u /""0001 i vazurg illus-
form of the encl. pron.: toy-ic ke vat hah trious relationship and lineage 724; pI.
at tar menet 33 14 ; - 4. agent: to ne dana- cas. obI. /""OooI-an relatives 8 24 ; - family,
kiha kart 4 10- 11 ; to amah-ic dat hem 39 7 ; house (= all the descendants of a common
to zat mar i Tur 99 22 ; etc.; - 5. gen. a) ancestor), dynasty p.11. 6 1S . lOIS. 13 21 .26 .
dam i to 33 5 ; b) det. reI. attr.: 0 Oi i to 28 3 ; Mihrak i garan /""0001 u anak /""0001 141. -
pusar 512 4 ; et i to pus 5213-14.15; etc.; MPrth pI. twxmg'n, MPrs twhmg'n, both
c) to brat 2211 etc.; to mat 2222; to pus 'relatives'; Paz. tuxma, tuxmr;ta (SGV);
51 16 ; - 6. with prep.: apar to, hac to, 0 to, NP tuxmah = tuxm.
pat to, to rad. - 5p3 ZK-p tw: read an-ip
to as a sort of ethic dat.: 'thou mayest toxtan [twhtn ' ] toz- [twc-] to pay a debt,
understand' or the like, with an empha- a fine; to give back, return anything
sizing to, v. Ian B; v. further s. v. -po - (borrowed): ken tozet he will take his
< tava, Av. (787) gen. of (786 sqq.) ()wa-, revenge 45 22 . - Cf (Paz.) men hom Adino
OP ()uva-; the cas. recto Av. (661) tv5m < i xin-xuah u xin-()oz u xin i hajt-anbadaa
tuvam = OP, which would have develop- pa jarzandq ()ozom (Adino for A donai ,
ed into *tu in Milr, has been absorbed by xin for ken, anbadaa faulty reading for
to, as far as we can judge. MPrthPrs tw, obada = obatak v. I, XV n. 2) 'I am
with -c: twy(y)c; Paz. ()o, ()u, tu (6 has Adonai, desiring revenge and taking
no etymological value); NP tao Cf -t and revenge, and I shall revenge myself
at. upon the children during seven genera-
tions' SGV XIV, 5-7, reproducing Ex.
togeh [twgyh] account: /""0001 dahet 0 devan 20: 5. - MPrth twi- 'to pay, to atone for',
he will settle an account with the devs Ghilain 63; MPrs twzysn 'penalty, ex-
46 10- 11 • - FrP 30, Cod. K has (not recog- piation'; Paz. ()oxtan ()oz-; NP toxtan
nized by Junker) twg. hm'l. sm'l, Paz. tug. toz-, kin-toz 'bellicose, one who foments
hmar. sma.r, that is in BP: tog: hmar, dissension and lawsuits'. - V. also tOg. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
trifta.keh 195 Turan

triftakeh [tlptkyh] stealing: apac kunis- Tiir [twl] the name of the hereditary
neh u burtareh u "" 11214. - Av. (643) foes of the old Iranians, the Tiir, Turian,
tar'Jp- 'to stear .. subju. trgfyat (Y.115; a the Turians: 1. of an individual: Frasya
hapax) < *trpyat with secondary "develop- "" i vas varcavand 46 16 ; 99 22 - 25 . 11318 .
ment of -r- to -r'iJ- (tr- is only secondary 1163 • 117 19 ; Bratarores 512 0 ; Palecak
in 011'). Cf NP tarb, tarfand 'deceit, 11411; Asp-varcvar 115 23 ; Arvandasp
fraud, lie'. As the BP derivatives of this 117 16 . - 2. -in plural sense, of the people:
root semantically agree with Av., whereas "" cas. recto 45 13 ; r-I used as cas. obI. 45 12
the derivatives outside this group have (pat ""); cas. obI. r-I-an 45 9 •11 , used as
other, non-technical significations, the cas. recto 45 15 . - Av. (656) tara-; MPrth
former must be regarded as borrowed twr'n (S); Paz. tur; V. further Turan.
from Av., and consequently tlpt is best
Tiirak n. Pl'. of a Khakan 17 9 •
interpreted as trift, not as tirft as Bthl
has it. This is confirmed by the parallel Tiiran 1. [twPnl] pI. cas. obI. of Tilr (q.
form tlwpt = truft wi~h -ri- > -ru- be- v.). - 2. Country and people between
cause of the labial. I give here the BP Sakistan (now Sistan) and Makuran
forms known to me: 1. info tlwptn l = (1Ylukran, now Makran) 'down to the
truftan DkM 364 11 (+ bwrtan, cf 11214 shore of the River' (i. e. Indus), forming
just quoted); 2. tlpt'l = triftar PhI. Y together with Hind and Sakistan the
29 1 ; 3. tlwptk = truftak BdA p. 244. 8 ; dominion of the Sakan-sah P 1 : 3.
4. tlptkyh = triftakeh, V. above; 5. tlp- Identical with the modern province Kalat
tynytn l = triftenitan "to commit theft' in Baluchistan, whose capital is now Kalat
PhI Y. 115 (translation of tr'dfyat); 6. tlpt formerly Qu~dar or Qttzdar (Yaqiit 4,86.
= trift 'theft' explaining Av. (638) taya-. 105, nowadays pronounced Khuzdar);
attested in the Sassanian inscriptions in
6ritak [Paz.] n. Pl'. 47 3. - Av. (807) Orita-. the following spellings:. 1. KZSPrth I. 2
*Tucap [twc'pl] n. Pl'. of a king in East twgrn, PI'S and Gr equivalents destroyed;
Iran 113 24 . - Cat. 39 reads Tocap; NP 2. ibd. I. 19 twrgstn, PI'S twrstn, Gr Tou-
Sn. Tuzav. 1'1)\)'1); 3. PI: 3, slightly damaged, but
only the next last letter really indistin.ct:
*tugran PI: 3: the correct reading is not Herzfeld read twrst, which is epigraphic-
twgrn, but tgwl[']n, historical spelling of ally and linguistically unacceptable; I
turan, V. Tilran no. 2. ventured the reading twgrn based on
tuhikeh [twhykyh] emptiness, vacuity; KZSPrth I. 2. However, a fivefold en-
the Vacuum in a cosmic sense 929. - largment of this name on the excellent
From tuhik 'empty', from Av. (624) taos-, photo taken by Professor H.Luschey, (in
pres. tusa- ; MPrs twhyg; Paz. Oihi fact the best-lighted and the most sharp-
(SGV); J.-Prs. twhy; NP tuM, tiki, taM; V. cut photo so far known; S. V. nev),
Nyberg, Geiger Vol. 1931, 214 sq., and revealed beyond doubt the letters tgwl[ ']n,
against him Gershevitch and Mayrhofer, thus eliminating the reading twrstn given
V. Mayrhofer, OsterI'. Ak. d. Wiss., Anz.
by Frye (AO XXX, 1966, 84). The actual
d. phil-hist. KI. 1968, So. 1.p.15 (dubious pronunciation was already in the 3d
hypotheses). century tilr-, as shown by PI'S twr-,
Gr 'roup-; confirmed by Arm Twran (Ps-
tumbak [twmbk'] drum, or kettle-drum MosKhor, Omayyad epoch) and Arab
2010 . - Arm. lw. tCmbuk < *tumbuk Turan (all the old geographers; Yaqiit
'drum'; NP tanbak, tanbuk, tanbik ( BQ 3,557). Prth twgrn, twrg- are historical
also tun-) 'bagpipe', 'drum'. spellings rendering the original form
13* |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Turin 196 tuxsikeh

tugran, or turgan with the same Prth. tuvin [twb'n ' ] 1. adj. mighty, powerful,
metathesis as in tyrg = tirg < tigra- energetic 55 6. 66 10 ; subst. what one is
'swift' (A-H III) or in the Arm.lw. turZ able to do, v. s. v. samaniha. - 2. impers.
'penalty' < *tuzra- (v. tog, toxtan). Prs vb.: it is possible, one can, is able to;
tgwl>n shows the inverse Sogdian spelling the subj. is an encl. pron., or a subst. in
-gw- for -wg- (Henning, B808 IX, 1938, the cas. obI., or a form felt as a cas. obI.;
548-550), thus representingtugran, whence construed with an inf., which is generally
turan according to the common 8W placed before, less often after """; pret.
phonetic rule. For Turan, and designating """ but; a) without a subj.: 0 xues kartan
the same country, Yaqult (3,554) quotes ne"",,3 27 ; grijtanne"",,7 11 (cf s. v. sayistan)
the form Tuwaran, which evidently goes etc.; - b) with a logical subj.: man zatan
back to *tugaran. [NB: no attention has ne """ I cannot slay him 99 4 ; man zivistan
been paid here to the East Turkistani ne """ 103 5- 6; api-tan grijtan ne """ 7 20 ;
names eocyoupo~, 80gd twyry, MPrth twr'n etc.; ka-tan """ when it will be possible
s'h (8), MPrs ch'r twgryst'n, etc.; I have for you 9 11 ; smah xues rad ne """ xUastan
no competence to meddle in the learned 45 2- 3 , v. axuayisneh; as pad i man . . .
discussions inspired by Pelliot's article apar dastan ne """ but he was not able to
Tokharien et Koutcheen, JA 224 1934, . . . 33 18 - 19 ; cis-e i-s vicartan ne """ 1191- 2 ;
23-106, and carried on between Bailey: cand-san """ datan as much as they pos-
B808 VIII, 1936, 884-917, TPhS sibly can 79 20 ; apac dastan ke """? 247;
1947 (1948), 126-153 (cf also BSOAS martoman ... ayajtan u danistan ne """
XIII, 1950, 403 sq.) - and Henning: mankind cannot . . . 804 - 5 ; 10926 - 27 ; dus-
B80S IX, 1938, 545-571, A. M., N. S. man pat dusman han ne """ kartan i ...
I, 1949, 159-162. This much may be 4 14 - 15 ; 6 19- 20 ; hec kas vicartan ne """ but
stated: all the twgrn etc. dealt with in the 11921 . - From Av. (638 sq.) tav-; MPrs
present article are quite distinct from tw'n; Ps. twb'n-; Paz. tuq, tvq; NP tuvan,
the Tokharians: Tuxaran and Tuxa- tavan; cf. tayitan and tahe-kar.
ristan, whose capital was Balkh. V. also
Tarn 515-519]. tuvinikeh [twb'nykyh] powerfulness, ca-
pability 27.
turist [twlyst ' ] throughout: hamak """ sap
5010. - Through dissimilation < *tiris-t tuvin-kareh ["",,-klyh] opulence, wealth
< *tiras < *tirasca = Skr tirasca; -t is 91 12 . - From tuvan-kar, tuvan-gar 'rich,
inorganic and due to analogy with the well-to-do'; MPrs tw'ngr; Paz. tuqgar.
sup. ending -ist (cf hamist, no. 2). Av. tuvinistan ["",,-stn l ] to be able to, pt. =
(640 sq.) tarasca, reflected in BP by the pret. 3d p. sg. tuvanist 17 5. - Secondary
more common tarist (v. hu-tarist), render- vb.; not in old BP texts.
ing Av. (641 sq.) taro.
tuxsik [twhs'k] industrious, assiduous,
Tiis [tws] 1. a mythical hero 1004 • 7. 1066. laboriously striving for (pat) 63 17 . 66 2.12
1147. 9. 25 . - 2. the town founded by him
etc.; v. also tuxsitan. - MPrs twxs'g (8);
(now Mashad) 114 7-Av. (657) Tusa-; Tus
Paz. tuxsa, NP taxsa.
Yaqut 3.560 sqq.
tuxsikeh effort, endeavour, striving, as-
tusn [twsn l ] silent, quiet 419. - Av. (657)
piration 55 6. 56 22 . 25 . 69 19 .23 . 843. 85 18 . -
tusni-, also in compounds: tusna-mati-,
The passage 556 runs as follows in M:
tusni-sad (658).
tuvan tuxsakiha u patis, where u cannot
tust [twst l ] 1613 , apparently a
= tusn be justified, unless we assume that it is
secondary formation of it. the remnant of a mutilated text~ If it is |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
tuxsiikeh 197 u

eliminated as a fault, tuvan tuxsakihii i den . .. apar tuxset (imp.) strive ye to attain
patis would mean 'powerful in striving religious learning 67 13 ; with prevo apar
for it' (i. e., for ahlayeh). As, however, and corroborated by tuxsak: Ve8 apar
the following epithets are put in "abstract tuxsak tuxsem let us strenuously display
form (apartareh, hucihreh, etc.) it seems still more zeal 109 19- 20 ; - 39 15 restore the
better to correct the text to tuvan tuxsa- reading tuxsem ([twhsym] instead of
keh patis 'powerful striving for it'; thus +tasem): an amah u ['w] oi 0 ham tuxsem
the passage is given in my text. andar lip, andar damik, .afl,dar urvar,
andar gospand we and he will labour
tuxsisn [twhssn ' ] the act of striving,
together in water, in earth, in plants, in
making efforts, etc. 12p4-15.
cattle 39 15- 16 (v. s. v. an). - Av. (793)
tuxsitan to strive, to make efforts, to 6waxs- 'to move, to be strenuous'; MPrs
labour, to work strenuously, to display twxs- (A-H II), caus. twxsyn- (BBB);
zeal, with prevo apar and dir. obj.: afras I MPrth twxs- (A-H III, not quite certain).

u [w; 'w 39 15 ] and, passim; as the copyists uta; MPrthPrs 'wd = ud (written 'wt in
have handled it rather carelessly it is MPrth texts only) and w with two dots
difficult to discern in detail the rules above: w = u, with encl. pron. 'w- : 'w-m
valid for it; this much may be stated: 'w-t, 'w-s etc. = u-m, u-t, u-s. No doubt
1. if two subst. are coordinated u is often Milr had double sandhi forms: *ut before
missing, in most cases probably only a vowel and u in other positions. A trace
graphically, though the existence of real of *ut in the official Sassanian language
dvandvas cannot be denied: roc( ak)- is found in the Arm. rendering of the set
sapan (v. s. v. roc), gospandan viran 4121, phrase Eran u Aneran: Eran eut Aneran
imitating the Av. dvandva pasu-vira; (MSS eu Taneran adopted by the Arm.
analogously martan zanan 53 12 .13 ; on two text editors), v. Hubschmann, AG 39
coordinated subst. expressing one notion (eut for ut through influence of Arm eu),
(hendiadys) v. s. v. kar, cf also dar u draxt but u very early prevailed, as shown by
33 16 , and the like; - 2. if more than two the frequent confusion of u and the prep.
subst. are coordinated they maya) all o visible already in the 3d century NRjb
be connected by u, e. g. 158. 78 1- 2. 89 3- 4. inscription, 1. 30: wlhl>n <L 'whrmzdy
9012 , b) be put together asyndetically, mgwpt 'the Mobad of Varhra,n and (CL =
e. g. 312. 3910. 55 18 , c) take u only before o instead of u) Ohurmazd'; w = u instead
the last w., often emphasized by adding of cL = 0 10p6. 10214. 1039. 108 11 (per-
-c to it, e. g. 37 11- 12 :' 4611.17-18. - 3. u may haps also 80 13 : +omenisn instead of um.).
introduce the apodosis after a subordinate Assuming *ut as the normal form of the
clause, e. g. 18 7. 34 19 ; taking up, through copulative conj. in BP, as do modern
an anacoluthon, a sentence again after a Iranists, cannot be justified, still less the
preceding digression, e. g. 9 2 • 2423. 103 17 , alleged forms with enclitics: *ut-as, *ut-
cf s. v. ap-. - Encl. pron. are not attached am etc., for which there is not the slight-
to u in BP; instead ap- (q. v.) is used; the est support in any Milr. linguistic tra-
original expression u api-s 'and moreover- dition. The form u was also very frequent
(by him etc.)' occurs not infrequently in MPrthPrs, and it alone was used with
(e. g. 620 . 302. 79 5), but as a rule ap- is enclitics; the choice of ud ['wd] may
used alone. - Av. (384 sqq.) uta = OP partly have had graphic reasons, be- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
u 198 UljJkartan

cause a form *'10 would have coincided urvar ['wlwl] plant, generally colI. plants,
with the prep. '10 = 0 (for that reason a passim; pI. cas. rect.: "-' rust hend 4122;
special spelling had to be adopted for u). o oisan "-', V. S. V. oi, 0; pI. cas. obI.
- Paz. u; the forms with. enclitics: vaem "-'-an 215. 8910. 93 25 ; pI. ,,-,-iha 1051. -
(for vem, vim), vat, vas vasq may well be Av. (401 sqq.) urvara-; MPrs '1Orwr.
shortened allegro forms of the coexisting urvar-cihrak [,,-,-cyhlkl] containing the
forms avam (avem), havas etc., v. s. v. ap-.
seed of the plants 87 9 • - V. cihr and cih-
*ud(a)rai [*'wdPy] some kind of noxious rak, and cf ap-cihraak.
reptile 581. 98 7. - Seems to be a shortened urvaxmeh ['wrw'hmyh] joy, happiness
or mutilated form of the BP w. by which 4po. - From adj. urvaxm: MPrs ''lOrw'hmy
Av. (387) udaro.()rqsa- V d. 145 is rendered: (8), cf 'wrw'hmy-gr (BBB); Paz. hurvaxm
uora-[Paz.] (lsskl =) kasak: ulsrayisn, with (Mx); from OP *urva~man- = Av. (1545)
the explana.tion et ku pat askem [sic = urvaz'Jman-, urvasman-.
askamb] dvaret, cf 8kr uda1'a- 'belly'. All
the noxious animals mentioned 581 are uskar ['wsk'l] consideration, deliberation:
also found in Yd. 145 , except pazdok. - o "-' kartan to take into consideration,
My first reading '1oYZ>y cannot be main- with info 10913 ; speculation 109 15 .
tained. uskarisn [,,-,-snl] theoretical speculation
109 24 .27 ; as opposed to apecakeh 1101
ul [L'L'] adv. up, used as prevo 1. in a
[consideration: pat '" ku ... considering
purely local sense together with amatan,
that, taking into account that Yd. 7 26 ,
estatan, handaxtan, hangezenitan, hixtan,
comm. (p. 255). 752 comm. (279)J.
kasitan, nikeritan, ostatan, patitan, rattan,
sutan, vaxsitan, vazenitan, V. these vbs.; uskartan to consider, to deliberate, to
- 2. in a more abstract sense denoting, discuss: apak spahpatan uskart u carak
the start of an action: ul sust he set i ... nikerit he deliberated with the
about washing 417; ul. nipast hend they generals and examined the means for
lay down 43 6. 9 • 11 ; ul zatan to be born ... KnS VI,20; Burzak u Burz-atur 0 pes
44 23 . 27 , the literal translation of A V. xUast, apak uskart he summoned B. and
(1658) us zay-. - < OIr *r~va- (Skr B. and deliberated with them KnS VIII,2;
urdhva- <' *fdhy,a-). Av. (350) 'Jr'J~1Oa­ har i-s . . . pat kirpak uskart estet. . . han
'turned upwards'; MPrs )1Ol (S); Paz. +i-s pat vinas uskart estet everyone who
(a)val, probably a misreading of 'wl (but has (reflected upon =) got an idea of
cf J -PI's. 'lOr !). virtue . . . of sin V d. 3 42 comm. (p.
99); api-s pat kirpak an-iskarit ['nsk'lyt l]
uH~h [L'L'-yh], ule [+ -c: L'L'y-c] up-
estet and (if) he has not got any idea of
wards, above: pat uUh emphasizing the
virtue ibd. 340 comm. (p. 94).
prevo ul in pat uleh ul nikerit 512 2. 26 ; pat
Belongs undoubtedly to Av. (448) 2kar-,
uleh ul vazenem 603 ; - ule-c on high 4215.
v. 2kartak, 2kartan, hangartan, nikeritan,
- Cf Av. (351) loco 'J'I''Jdvaya 'in upright,
pcttkaritan. - )ws- can only be the old
standing position'; cf also nikuneh.
prevo ~lS-, which would, it is true, appear
*upadist HajA: 10: read avdist and V. here as as-. There are, however, some ws.
avdistan. which have preserved us-, either because
they were learned ws. or because the
Urt-vahist ['wrtwhst l] V. Art-vahist.
prevo had lost its original character. Paz.
Urugadaspi [Paz.] one of Zartuxst's xUaska,rdan, xuaskarisn, where XU as- can
ancestors 46 25 . - BdA wanting, BdJ 795 scarcely be phonetically explained from
Urvadasp [Paz.]; as to Zsprm, V. I, 189. 'ws-. Possibly an aspirated pronunciation |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
uskiirta.n 199 uzruftak

*huskar- led to association with hu,- 'good, tacar. MPrs 'wzdysc'r (A-H II), Paz.
well', for which xuas (q. v.) was substi- uzdezar, -zar.
tuted (but notice also xUas- for 68- in
uzdes-parist ['wcdys plst ' ] idol-worship-
6smurtan, 6staftan). NP sikal, sigal <
per 7p7. - MPrs 'wzdyspryst (A-H II). V.
eskar 'thought', 'who wishes, or inquires
after', bad-sigal 'of evil thought, malig-
nant', MPrs wdy-sg'r (8). uzdes-paristi~neh [.---snyh] idol-worship,
idolatry 7P2.
uspurrik ['wspwlyk] perfect, absolute,
whole-hearted 1110. - < us +
Av. (894) uzen ['wcyn l] expenditure, expenses 80 4.
p'Jr'Jna- 'full'; OAram (Bible) 'osparna - < *uz-ayana-, v. next w. Also uzenak
'carefully' < us-parna-; Arm. lw. spar Mx 157 , Talm. lw. 'wzynq'.
'entirely' < 'Jspar < usparna-; MPrthPrs
uzitan ['wzytnl] to go out: pt. uzit the
cspwr, MPrs also Cspwryg.
dead, the deceased 8413 . - A v. (150 sq.)
uspurrikihii [wspwlykyh'] in a perfect, us + ay- (i-); MPrth (List 89, Ghilain 47)
consummate manner 10615 . - It ought pres. 'zyh- with normal development of
to be spelt 'ws, but cf uzruftan and s. v. initial u- > a-, and with insertion of -h-
uzitan, also yst'tn l for 'yst-, v. s. v. in the hiatus before the endings; MPrs
estatan. pt. 'wzyd, pres. 3d p. sg. 'wzyhyd, subju.
u~-ba,m ['wsb'm] dawn, daybreak 72 9. 'wzyh'd (8), 1st p. pI. 'wzyh'm (A-H II)
10p3. - Av. (415) us(ah)- 'dawn' + with the same secondary -h-, but with
*bama- 'light', whence (954 sq.) bamya- u- preserved, certainly because uzitan
was thought to be a primitive vb. in
'luminous' (v. bamik); MP,rs 'wsyb'm
(A-H I), Paz. h6sbam. -itan, the simplex ay- having been lost,
and uzih- its pass.; from uz- the caus.
ustur [GMR'] camel 9419 . 99 15 . 1188. - Av. 'wzyn- 'to cause to go out' was derived,
(420 sq.) ustra-; NP ustur, sutur. whence 'wzynysn 'redemption' (A-H II);
v. Verbum 167 sq. - BP pres. 1st p. sg.
uzdaes-tacar ['wcd'ystc'l] temple of idols,
heathen temple 113 19 . - Av. *uzdaesa-
(ul) uzam ['wcm] Y. 46 9 ; 2nd p. sg. (ul)
(not attested in our texts) 'monstruous
uze ['wcyd] Yd. 2P, 3d p. sg. (ul) uzet
V d. ibd. and 19 28 , both of the sunrise; imp.
phenomenon, monster, idol', from Av.
(ul) uz ['wc] Y. 43 14 , the vb. having been
(673) daesa- 'sign, omen', +
OP tacara-
entirely transferred to the common -itan
'palace'; very archaic form of uzdes-cl],r,
vbs.; but also (ul) uzihet ['wcyhyt ' ] Y.
43 14 . Ps. 'wcynsnyh 'issue'. Paz. pt. xUazit,
uzdahikeh ['wcdhykyh] exile, the state pres. 3d p. sg. xuaziherJ (SGV VIII, 111.
of being exiled 9 1. - Abstr. of uzdehik 117. XI, 186) and xuazerJ (ibd. XI, 177),
or uzdahik, derived from uzdeh or uzdah, all for ~(,zit, uzihet, uzet.
Av. (412) uz-dahyu- 'a foreigner', MPrth
(zdyh (8); MPrs 'wzdyh, 'wzdh (8) 'ex- *uzmuburt ['wzmbwlt ' ] emerald 118 7 • -

pelled'; v. deh. < *zmavurd < *zmagard with metathesis

< *zmaragd, Gr O'[Lapcxyoo<;; 8yr zmarg'da,
uzdehikenitan ['wcdyhykynytn ' ] to ban- ezmarg'da; Arab zumurrurJ; cf Russ izum-
ish, to drive into exile 381. rud.
uzdes ['wzdys] idol 7p2. 8211. - V. s. v. *uzruftak [wzlwptk'] *decayed, ruined?
uzdaes-tacar. 11213. - 8eems to be uz- (written wz-
uzdesaciir ['wzdysc'l, 'wcdysc'l] temple of instead of 'wz-, v. uspurrikiha) +
idols 7p3. 99 18 . - < uzdes-tacar, v. uzdaes- from *rup-, 8kr lup- (lumpati, Lat r~(,m- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
uzruftak 200 Vadagiin

po) 'to break, to destroy', perhaps to be patist burt 'he retorted, rebuffed', which
connected with MPrth pdrwb-, pdrwft 'to is also the true sense of the Av. vb.
throw into disorder' (A-H III, Ghilain (1317), as shown by Benveniste (as
65). [It cannot be identified with MPrs against Bthl) , JA 243, 1955, 330 sq., by
hrwb-, Verbum 184, cf BBB p. 79, nr. comparison with the corresponding vb.
649]. in Sogd.
uzviihik ['wzw)hyk] brought out, spread uzvan ['wzw)n l ] tongue, language 45 6 •
abroad: yazdan ... andar gehan '" 81"aV 55 22 etc. - Av. (1815) hizu-, (1816) hizva-;
burt the message Was announced to the Ps. )wzw)n; Paz. huzvq (SGV) ; also
world by the gods 55 24 , v. next w. hyzw)n (FrP, Cod. P foI. 19a), Paz.
uzviihistan [)wzw)hstn ' ] to be brought hizvq (also Mx, Aog.); MPrth c.zb)n (A-
out: srav . . . uzvahist the message was HIll); MPrs 'zw)n (A-H II); NP zaban.
brought out, spread abroad 45 4 - 6 • uzvaneh [)wcw)nyh], v. pat-uzvaneh.
Pass. of *uz-vadaya- 'to carry away', v.
Ghilain 71. - Yd. 195 uzvaedayat is uzvanomand [)wzw)n )wmnd] possessing
rendered in PhI by uzvast with the gI. the faculty of speech 38 24 • 39 12 • 14 •

viic [w)c l ] a low and suppressed tone to Cod. K p. 2215. 227 13 ; DkM (book IX)
be used when reciting certain prayers, or 794 9 - 14 • As V. in Yd. 196 is an apostate
some portions of a prayer or a ritual; ruler of the heroic age there must have
such prayer itself: ~ kartan to say grace been a confusion with another name;
before meals 9 20 - 21 • 1426 • - Paz. bai; v. this name we find in BdA p. 229 2 )wtk =
Modi, Oeremonies 354-376, esp. 357 sq. DkM 810 19 sqq. designating a woman
Av. (1332-1336) vak- 'voice', before who seduced and spoilt Yam (BdJ 77 15
endings vtic-; cf 1vaxs. in Paz. udaye < *udaye with -y- > -y-
according to the SW rule, thus original
vaccak [WCk'] foal, colt 114.5. - Cf Skr
-y-, not -k-, betraying influence of Va-
vatsa-; NP baccah.
~ayan). In all probability we have to
viicisneh [w'csnyh] the act of speaking, recognize here the Sum.-Akk. utukku 'de-
speech, det. v. n.: menoi ~ 1l02. - Av. mon, ghost'. 1'abari (I, 203) has the same
(1330 sqq.) vak-; MPrth w)xtn w)c-; v. confusion, telling after the Magi that
Ivaxs and cf patvac-. wdk = Vadag was the daughter of Vivang-
han and the mother of J)a(i,(uik. - The
Vadagan [wtkn I] n. pr.: han i '" havandeh
"adultery" of Dahak's mother evidently
bavet margeh the expiation of (the) V. (sin)
consisted in the fact that she had sexual
shall be death 45 25 • - Av. (1344) Va~ayan­
intercourse with her son without the
Yd. 19 6 , v. next w.; according to the
PhI. tradition she was a .woman, the wife
authorization of her still living husband,
not in the incest itself, which was pre-
of Aurvataspa and the mother of Azda-
scribed as one of the foremost religious
hak; she had sexual intercourse with her
duties of Zoroastrianism in the law of
son Daha.k without the authorization of
her husband, though he was still alive,
xUetodat (q. v.).
thus vitiating her whole progeny. In this Vadagan [wtk)n ' ] patron. or pI. cas. obI.:
way she is the prototype of adultery, one adak-it 1000 sal xuatayeh i gehan dahom
of the deadly sins, v.DD, ch. 71. 77 init. = cigon 0 ~ dahyupat Dahak dat then I will |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Vadagiin 201 Valaxs

give thee the supremacy over the world vahistik belonging to, destined to Para-
for 1000 years, as it was given to the dise 914 •
Vadagan sovereign D. 9022 - 23 , Paz . . . .
Vahram [w'hPm] later form of Varhran,
cun 0 Vadagq dahevaq J)ahak daq, ·Skr. v.
Varhram (q. v.): 1. the god V. 72 9 ; ataxs
yatha Vadagarajne j)ahakaya dattam. -
i '""-' 20 3- 4, V. Varhran; the planet Mars 5 11 •
A reproduction of Vd. 19 6 (cf the preced-
77. - 2. n. pro the Sassanid king V. V,
ing w.): Ahriman says to Zarathustra:
son of Yazdekirt I (420-438), 1144. 1159.
"abjure the Mazdayasnian religion, that
117 12- 13 . with the surname Gor 116 21 ; a
thou mayest win favour ya()a vindat
town Vahram-Gor founded by him in
Var5ayano daifjupatis: as the sovereign
Media 1159 • - MPrs wh1"m the name of
Vadagall won it", thus Bthl, taking Va~a­
the 20th day of the month (S), as with
yano as the secondary nom. of V a~ayan­
the Mazdayasnians; Paz. Vahrqm, Vih-
whose correct nom. Va~aya is found in
rqm, Vahirqm; NP Bahram.
FrO VIII, whereas Darmesteter assumes
a stem V a~ayana- with its normal nom. Vahramavand [w'hPm'wnd] the name of
Evidently the author of 90 22- 23 has taken a fortress in Media 1158. - Haplology of
Va~ayano as a patron. of Va~aya on the Vahram-amavand 'Strong (is) V.', cf
analogy of Viva'tJhana- 'of the Vivahvant- 72 9 - 10 .
family' = PhI Vivanghan, which affords
Vahram-Gor V. S. V. Vahram.
the meaning 'the sovereign of the Vadaga
family (or tribe)', this sovereign being, in Vahuman [whwmn'] one of the Amah-
his opinion, none other than Dahak. raspands (q. v.), in the PhI. literature
occupying the first place next to Ohur-
Vaedist [Paz.] n. pro the father of Spitam mazd: 394.10.27. 404. 19 . 50 9 • 513. 4. 56-57
47 1. - BdA p. 235 1 w'dst, BdJ 79 7 (Paz.) passim. 58 6. 59 3. 65 5. - The name of the
Vidast; cf Av. (1321) vaedista- 1. 'he who 11 th month, and of the 2nd day of the
knows best', 2. 'he who can best procure'. month. - Av. (1129 sqq.) Vohu- manah-;
MPrs whmn (S; the 2nd day of the month
val [w'py] sheaf 128 16 . - J-Prs b'fh (Barr),
A-H I); Paz. Vahman; NP Bahman.
from *vaftan vat-, NP baftan baf- 'to
weave'. I Ivai [w'y] bird 727. - Av. (1356) 3vay _,
(1358) vaya-vant- 'possessing birds', (1359)
vafiin-cin [w'p'ncyny] one who binds vayo.-b'dr'dta- 'carried away by birds';
(properly: gathers) sheaves 12817 . - V.
Paz. vae.
2vai the Wind as a mythic cosmic power:
valr [wpl] snow 97 15 . - Av. (1347) vafra-; '""-' i veh 72 9 , '""-' i vattar 72 10 ; '""-' i derang-
MPrthPrs wfr (S, MHC); NP barf. xuatai (q. v.) 99 13 . 14 • 106 5. - Av. (1357,
vahar [wh'l] spring 88 6. - Av. (1348) 1358) vayu-, vaya-; OInd vayu-; Paz.
va'tJhar-; MPrthPrs wh'r (S, A-H I); NP vae.
bahar. 3vai woe!: '""-' <5 martom bavat woe be to
mankind! lIB. - Av. (1359) vayu.b'dr'dt-
vahist [whst'] 1. the best: '""-' i U rtvahist
'crying woe'; MPrth w'y (MHC); Paz.
39 10 ; '""-' rosneh 63 26 ; with secondary sup.
vae (SGV).
ending vahistom [whstwm] 115 2. - 2. Pa-
radise, passim; '""-' u Garodman 33 9 • 27 . 343 Valaxs [wlhs] n. pr.: '""-' i Askanan V. of
twice; without u 32 25 . - Av. (1399 sqq.) the Askan (= Arsacid) dynasty 108 18 ; -
vahista- sup. of vahu- (v. S. V. veh); M '""-'-Bahpuhr the name of a town 1227. -.
PrthPrs whyst 'Paradise'; NP bihist. KZSPrth 1. 25 wlgsy, Prs 1. 30 wrdhsy, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Valaxs 202 viiparikiinihlstan

Gr. v. OUCtAACtO'O'OU (gen.); cf Lat Volageses. Av. (1350) 1van-; MPrs pres. w'n-; pt.
V. also Gulaxsan w'nyst (BBB).
van [wnl] tree 40 9 • 11 • 26 • 4P. - Av. (1353) vanj- [wnc-] *to hold exactly, pres. pass.
van- or (1354) vana-; Paz. van, gan (Mx); 3d p. sg.: dek i catrusvatak vanjihet
NP van 'wood, forest' (probably lw., but [wncyhyt', restore the reading of M] a
cf nar-bun, nar-vun, nar-van 'the pome- pot in which is contained (which holds)
granate tree'). a quarter (?) 42 8 - 9 • - NP gunjidan 'to
Van n. pro fern.: "'-' i Gulaxsan V. daughter be contained or held; to hold exactly, to
of Gulaxs = Valaxs (q. v.), probably a be filled'.
prince or king of the Arsacid family; "'-'
vaparikiineh [w'plyk'nyh] truth, trust-
the name of her town 117 14 • - Other
worthiness 36 1 • - Two wS. of kindred
explanations Cat. 106 sq.
meanings have intersected here: 1. *va-
Vanand [wnnd] one of the fixed stars 87 13 ; vara- 'choice', 'adoption of the true
regarded as the ruler of the Western faith', hence 'conviction, belief, faith',
celestial sphere, V. Mx 49 12- 14 • - Av. from Av. (1360 sqq.) 2var-, pres. vavar-,
(1354) Vanant-. vaur-; 2. *papara- 'fulfilment, realization
Vandoi-Sahpuhr [wndwd-shpwhl] n. pro of the conviction or the faith chosen',
of a town, later form Gunde-sapur 116 21 . hence 'the realized faith: truth, validity',
- Originally Vahy-Andiyok-Bahpuhr 'bet- from Av. (850) 2par_ 'to fill, to fulfil, to
ter than Antiochos Sahpuhr (built)' KZS perform (e. g. an act of piety)', pres. pajr-,
Prth 1. 26 = Prs 1. 32 init.; Gr. V. roue: the zero-stage of *papar-. Original *pa-
Av"nox LCt[3CUp; Arab Jundaisabur, Yaqiit para- became *vapara- through dissimi-
2,130, where also Wandi-sabur is quoted lation, certainly prompted by the in-
after Ibn al-Faqih. fluence of *vavara- whose meaning falls
within the same semantic range. In Prth
Viinet-xuarr(ah) [w'nyt l GDH] n. pro
vavara-, in Prs *vapara- prevailed:
10610 • 13 • - 'The Khwarenah will gain
MPrth w'wr, w'wryjt 'faith', 'w'wryg
victory', cf S. V. xuarrah.
'unbeliever' [w'wryg'n 'the believers',
Van-*Frosn [wn l plwsn ' ] n. pro 47 8 • - Ghilain 79, is an error]; Arm. lw. vawer,
BdA p. 229 7 wn l plwksn', BdJ 77 19 (Paz.) vawerakan < *vavarya(kana)- 'true, valid,
Van-jry~sni (but -k- in -wlc- is certainly authorized' (thus in the sense of *va-
only orthographical, warranting the pro- para-); - MPrs w'br, w'bryg 'faith',
nunciation -0- of -w-). w'bryg'n 'true', possibly also pI. cas. obI.
'the believers'; on the other hand MPrs
yang [w'ng, Ps. w'ngy; K'L'] voice,
w'wrydn 'to believe', in all probability
sound, shout, cry: "'-' kartan to give a
borrowed from Prth; Verbum 195, Ghi-
shout 1616 ; to shout; to sound, of a
lain 79, S, Gloss. S. V. w'bryg'n. - BP
musical instrument 20 10 ; of a horse's
always w'pl-, mostly in the sense of
call: to neigh 28 26 ; ,......, burtan to shout
'true, truth', seldom 'belief'; Ps. w'plyk'n
46 6 ; "'-' be burtan 0 to shout to a p. 38 8 •
'true'; Paz. vawar 'truth', but vajringqni
43 26 ; "'. xrostan to yell, of Hesm 61 5 ;
(SGV) through confusion with ajrinakan;
- war-cry 25 23 ; - invocation (Christian)
NP bavar < vapar both 'belief' and
1284 ; - pat buland "'-' be grist burst out
'credit', bavaridan both 'to believe' and
crying loudly 11 12 - 13 • - MPrs w 'ng; NP
'to credit'.
viinitan [w'nytn l], pres. 1st p. sg; vanom vaparikanihistan [........,-k'nyhstn ' ] to be
6P, to vanquish, to defeat 106 5• 10922 • - made a believer, to be converted to the |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vaparikanibistan 203 Var-kas

true religion 366 • - Pass. of *vaparikiime- and perozgareh 11918 ; almost a synonym
nitan, v. the preceding w. of xUarrah 4 20 . - Av. (1367) Ivar'Jcah-;
MPrth. wrc' (S, A-H III); MPrs wrc,
l.var [wI] breast 108 6 •
Av. (1365) varah-;
wrz; Paz. (asmqn-)varz (SGV); NP varj.
MPrs wr (A-H I); Paz. var; NP bar.
vareak heavenly brightness: I"J i hac
2var enclosure, defences, fortress: I"J i
asman ayet 12013 .
Yam-kart (q. v.) 97 19 ; I"J i Tacikan 1155 •
117 8 ; I"J i Vahramavand (q. v.) 1158. - vareivand possessing supernatural pow-
Av. (1363) 5var-; Paz. var; Bailey, BSOS er: of atur jarrobag 9 24 ; of ataxs Varhran
VI, 1930-31, 591 sq.: I"J synonym to 113 9. 21 ; of ataxs i Karkoi 1164 ; - subst.
dast. a man endowed with supernatural power,
of Zartuxst 36 4 ; mart i vazurg xUarrah i
3 var lake 19 21 ; I"J i Cecist (q. v.) 7p3.
Yam u an-ic I"J 44 25 ; pI. cas. obI. I"J-an
99 18 . - Probably lw. from Av. (1364 sq.)
45 5 • - MPrs wrc)'u)ynd (S).
vareavandihi in a supernatural, mIra-
varag [wPg] raven 9421.23. - BdA p. 155 6 - 7
culous way 38 2.
en-ic goMt ku murv hamak zirak u varag
ziraktar bavet = BdJ 47 8- 9, where -g is vare-kartik [I"J-krtyk] miracle 38 19 . -
written with the original form of k found "Supernational power realized in work".
in the Ps. (= Paz. y); BdJ 47 13 wl)k,
vard- (Ps.) [wld-] = vart-, V. vastan;
31 11 (Paz.) varay.
subju. 3d p. pI. vardand [wld)ndy] apa-
varan [wln'] lust, desire, concupiscence ron may they turn backward 128 11 •
65 5 • 66 4. 8411 • - Paz. always va1'an on
varg [wIg] leaf 95 24 . - Av. (1367) var'Jka-;
less perspicuous grounds (Skr. v. kama,
MPrth wrgr (Sogd. 4); Paz. varg; NP
but Aog. bhranti 'doubt, error'); formally
identical with Av. (1371) varana- var'Jna-,
but the meanings (Av. 'faith, creed') Varbran [wlhPn ' ], Varhram [wlhPm] 1.
agree badly. the god: ataxs V-n 1227. 95 8. 10 . 1045 •
113 9 • 21 , ataxs i V-m 82 9, the fire found
varin [w)Pn']rain; I"J i Markusan (q. v.)
in every fire-temple, V. Christensen,
a downpour, a deluge 97 1. - Av. (1410)
Sass. 162 sq., Modi, Ceremonies 210 sqq.
var-; MPrth w)r 'a raindrop' (A-H III),
w)r)n 'rain' (MHC), MPrs w)r)n (S);
- < OIr *Var()ragna-, Av. (1421 sq.)
V'Jr'J()rayna-; Arm Vahagn; -m second-
NP baran.
arily < -n; later form Vahram (q. v.).
varanikeb [wlnykyh] lustfulness, lasciv-
varbrineh 95 5 , vabrimeh 95 12 . 14 : pat I"J
iousness: I"J ma kun 68 21 . - Paz. van,mi,
as Varhran-fire = as universal fire.
Skr. v. kamacinta.
varisn [wlsn ' ] conduct, way of living:
yaI'aZ [wPc l ] boar; hero ,22 5 - 6 • 26 23 . - Av.
I"J nevak 90 19 , I"J-e (sg. cas. obI.) jraron
(1366) varaza-; KZSPrth 1. 23. 25 wr)c
90 24 righteous as to his conduct. -Per-
= Prs, Gr. v. rOplX~, rouplX~; NP guraz;
haps to be derived from Av. (1362 sq.)
d Garazak. c
3var- 'to turn'. Arm. lw. var-k (pI., stem

Varazan patron. of n. pro Varaz: PI :7. varu-) 'conduct, habits', adj. vanJm 'beat-
en (track)'.
yare [wlc ' ] a supernatural power given
to man by the gods 90 13 ; varc-e given by Var-kas [wlks] the lake Vouru.kasa 86 10 •
the gods to the bull of Kayos '45 8; 'men- - Borrowed from Av. (1429); cf Frax u -
tioned together with xUarrah, amavandeh kart. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
viirom 204 vas

viirom [w'lwm] mind, conscience 94 25 . - vartisneh det. v. n.: hac tan bOd be "" the
From Av. (1360) 2var- 'to choose'; Bthl departure of the consciousness from the
(zAirWb 222) identified it with Av. body (= death) 6423 .
(1411) var'dma = var'drrl: a 'according to lvarz [wlc I] farming: "" u apataneh
one's wishes; arbitrarily'; Bailey, ZP 103 farming and cultivation 63 22 . 8P4. 904 ;
n. 1, derives it from *varma- from the "" i kirpak cUltivation of virtue 669 • -
same 2var-. Darmesteter had found the Av. (1378) var'dZa-; MPrs wrz 'farming'
NP gI. dil for it (ad Y. 1014 ). (A-H II); NP varz 'a sown field, agri-
varr [LBWSY'] garment 56 17 . < culture', but also 'gain, profit', cf Arm.
*varna- from Av. (1360) Ivar- 'to cover, lw. vari 'salary'.
to wrap'. 2varz [wlz] mace 3po. 96 21 . 1003. - <
+varrak [wlk'] 717.24.26. 8 7. 9 : restore the vazr with metathesis, v. this w.; NP
reading lk = 30 and v. 2sih. gurz.
vars [wls] hair 26 27 . - Av. (1374) var'dsa-; varze-kar [wlcykl] farmer 147. 8. 17 . 1519 . 27 .
Paz. vars (SGV); Arm. lw. vars-k< (pl.); varzisn [wlcsn'] the act of performing: ""
NP gurs 'curled hair'. i xUeskareh 63 5 •
vart [wlt'] captive the next w.?:
varzisneh det. v. n.: yume "" 43 16 , v.
Mihrak i ""-ruvan M. whose soul is (to yume.
be) captured (?) 1326 , cf 65 12- 18 . - MPrth
wrd 'captive' (MHO). varzitan [wlcytn'] to work, to practise,
to cultivate: 1. with a concr. obj.: da-
vartak captive 198. - Av. (1368) 2var'dta-; mik "" to cultivate the soil 63 18 ; gospand
Ps. wldky; MPrthPrs wrdg; NP bardah. "" to breed cattle 63 19 ; frazand "" to
varten [wltyn ' ] wheel: and cand varten-e beget children 67 6 ; - 2. with an abstr.
[""-'y] as large as a wheel 3p8; war-cha- obj.: to practise: dosteh 55 27 ; kirpak 6420 ;
riot 2012 . 23 . - From vart-, v. vastan. Hen- busasp 69 6, busasp kamak 8416 to "prac-
ning, List 82, reads 31 18 vartenai and tise" drowsiness, to be addicted to sloth-
identifies it with MPrs grd(y)n'g, which ful sleep or somnolence; -t veh eton kunisn
seems, however, to be the pt. of garden- varzit thou hast acted well in doing so
and only to refer to the Zodiac. 99 20 . 24 . - Av. (1374 sqq.) var'dZ-; NP
varzidan 'to sow afield'.
varten-dar [wltynd'l] charioteer 2012 .
vartenisn [wltynsn'] transformation
varzitar one who (by habit, or by duty,
99 21 . 25 , v. n. of
or constantly) practises a th.: "" butan
63 12 .
vartenitan to change, to alter, to trans-
form 76 25 . 779.26.27. 78 2.4. 791.3. - Oaus. varzitiireh practice, performance 69 21 .
of vart-, v. vastan; Paz. vardinidan. varz-kartiir [wlckrt>r] handicraftsman,
artisan 29.
vartisn [wltsn ' ] the act of turning: 1. han
i avdom "" the last turn, of the end of vas [inscr. and Ps. KBYR, books KBD
the world and the fraskart (q. v.) 46 10 ; for KBYR; ws 76 11 ] 1. adj. many, much,
"" i axtaran u gartisn i spahr the revolu- regularly placed before its subst.: "" hir u
tion of the fixed stars and the rotation xUastak 13 1 ; passim; "" kas many a one
of the sphere 1205- 6 ; "" u gartisn i muh1·ak 15 14 ; mat many a mother 22 6 ; a non-

the moving and transposing of the personal subst. remains in sg. by analogy
draughtsmen 12016 . - 2. pred.: turned, with the cardinals: ""cis avd many wonder-
became 4122. - V. vaStan. ful things 3 10- 11 ; " " sal many years 6 20 ; "" |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
va.s 205 viistriyo§

jrasang many parasangs 7 19 ; r-..I zarr, elucidated in the most brilliant way by
r-..I simen, r-..I asp nevak 194 - 5 ; - with a Anahit Perikhanian, to whose paper in
personal subst.: r-..I-an martom (cas. obI.) REA, N. S. V, 1968, 9-30. reference is
4 18 , but also r-..I frazanak mart om (cas. obI.) made here once and for all.
45 5 ; r-..I azatan u vazurgan (cas. obI.) 16 9 ;
lvaspuhrakan used as pI. cas. obI. of
r-..I-an vazurg-spasan (for cas. rect.) 1061 ;
vaspuhr: the heirs of body, in the royal
-less often placed after its subst. without
family: the princes of the blood royal:
or with the i?ajat: nevakeh r-..I 35 1 ; anakeh apak fradandan u r-..I 3 7 • 13 ; spahpatan u
r-..I 95 4 (as against pat r-..I anakeh 76 11 );
vazurgan u azatakan u r-..I 11 13 ; apak
hesm i r-..I 48 15 ; gavan i r-..I 48 25 - 26 ; aspan
apurnai zatakan r-..I i Artaxser 166 - 7 ; apak
i r-..I 49 13 . - 2. as a pred.: numerous, great
pusan brataran u r-..I u ha.mharzan 188
4 1. 20 12 sq. 87 1 ; - in a compound: hesm
( 185 vispuhrakan in the same series) ; bunak
r-..I quick to anger 1021 . - 3. subst. pI.
i Vistasp u aparik '" 115 26 . - Paz. vaspu-
cas. obI.: 0 r-..I-an to many people 36 i3
har'gq, vaspihiragq, Skr. v. vikhyatimant
and passim. - 4. adv. very: r-..I vazurg 8 7 ;
in pI. (Mx 17). - As to the correlation sg.
r-..I pahrec 55 3 ; - ka r-..I-ic however much
vaspuhr: pI. cas. obI. vaspuhrakan, cf
46 3. 812 2- 23 . 9P2. - OP vasiy; MPrthPrs
apurnai: apurnayakan (but sg. also apur-
ws; Paz. vas; NP bas.
nayik); azat: azatakan (pI. also azatan);
vas-aniikeh [ws>n>kyh] having, affording Eran: Eranakan (q. v.; also Mx 21 25 );
much harm 743 • Tur: Turakan (Mx ibd.; commonly Tu-
ran); (Hromay-ik:) Hromayakan (Mx
vasihii [KBYR-yh>] multifariously 10924 .
ibd.); Yahud: Yahudakan (v. these ws.);
vasikiir [wsyk>l 8615], vasiyiir [wsy>l] cf also vazurgakan and vispuhrakan I> .
numerous; much (= vas) 69 • - NP bisyar;
from vasiy (v. vas), but the forms are not
2vaspuhrakan adj. of vaspuhr: belonging
to, or characteristic of, a member of the
clan or family entitled to share the
vas-oz [KBYB >wc l ] very powerful 9620, patrimony (chiefly people of the upper
v. oz. - Renders Av. (240) as.aojah-. or highest classes of the society): 1. subst.
viispuhr [w>spwhl] belonging to the class the patrimony itself: dar-handarzpat i r-..I
of vispuhr '(q. v.), i. e. the lawful heirs 11 19 , v. handarzpat. [- 2. distinguished,
within the clan or fA,mily: [1. adj.: pus prominent, compo r-..I-tar, sup. r-..I-tom
i r-..I i sahan farraxUtom (the son entitled DkM 292 1- 17 ; adv. r-..I-iha especially, par-
to share the patrimony, foremost among ticularly, e. g. DkM 413 21 .] - Correspond-
the princes =) the crown prince, the heir ing to Arm sephakan, V. S. v. vispuhr.
to the throne SS 10.] - 2. subst. (royal) viispuhrakiinik adj. = 2vaspuhrakan 2,
heir: r-..I i V istaspan the (foremost) heir of compo r-..I-tar 106 8•

the Vistasp family 26 7. 2710, of Frasavart,

vastarg [wstlg] clothes 412. 4. 7 [4720 read
the crown prince and co-regent (22 17 ). -
vistarg]. - Av. (1385) vastra- 'clothing';
< *vaispuOri-, vrddhi derivative from inscr. SM 1. 50 wstlg; Paz. vastarg, vastrg;
*vispu()ra- (v. vispuhr) , v. Bthl, WZKM
Mand. lw. bastirqa.
25, 1911, 251-254; in Babylonian cunei-
form script u-ma-su- (var. -as-) pi-it-ru-u viistr [w>stl] pasture, (cattle) food 94 11 • 14 •
= *waspiOri- < *waspu()ri-, v. Eilers in - Borrowed from Av. (1414) vastra-.
Taqizadeh Vol., 1962, 55-63. The mean- viistriyos [w>stlyws] cattle-breeder, pI.
ing and juridical purport of this term cas. obI. ~-an, the third class of the
and its derivatives, as also of the' basic Sassanian society 29. 81 4 • 14 • - Borrowed
w. vispuhr and its derivatives, have been from Av. (1028, 1416) vastryo.fsuyant-. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vastriyoseh 206 vaxs

vastriyoseh colI. the class of cattle- pat han i vattar son 74 21 - 22 ; pat han i
breeders 5510 . vattar vita1'g 76 6 ; - subst. pI. cas. obI.
vastan [wstnl] vart- (Ps. wld-, v. vard-) to vattaran evil beings, evildoers, the wicked,
turn 1. intI'. to return,. to go back 1015 ; opp. vehan, 55 11- 12 . 62 8- 9 etc. passim. -
hamesak hac, hom ap vast always water MPrthPrs wd; Arm. lw. vat, vattCar; Paz.
came out from the H. 39 25 , with the gl. va<j, vaqtar, vatar; NP bad. - wtk)n ' 90 23 :
"it [viz. the tree where the Haoma read Vadagan, q. V.
dwelt] was humid [ = always had vat [w)t l ; Ps. w)ty] wind 717 . 23 . 25 3. 26 27 .
humidity]"; hamak vartend they have 4 P9. 73 20- 24 . 10013 . 12814 ; - personified
all their being 12018 , v. vihez-; vartet 33 10 - 14 • - The name of the 22nd day of
andar Vizak it (the pedigree) turns, starts the month. - Av. (1408) vata-; MPrthPrs
from another side, with V. 47 3 ; - with w)d; Paz. viJ4, NP bad.
prev.: apac '" to turn back, to return 8 14 • vat-bad [wtbht'; SLY) bht'] having bad
13 20 ; apar apak vast he went back preci-
luck, luckless 9 2. 19 . 107 11 •
pitately 51 18 ; - apar 0 ax u i astomand be
vast hend they went down (from Heaven) vat-dosarameh [wtdws)lmyh] the quality
on to the material world 40 1; - (tarazuk of having bad affection, coldheartedness,
ke) cand mode tak be ne vartet (the balance unfriendliness 84 9. - SkI'. V. nikrsta-
o ••

that) does not deviate a hairbreadth vallabhya.

7222; - trot vart! turn round (and bend) vateh [wtyh] abstr. the evil 6212.
down! 57 22 , more explicitly druz 0 paseh
vat-gohr [wtgwhl] of evil substance, es-
trot vast 57 25- 26 . - 2. trans. toturn:ku
sence; ill-natured, ill-disposed 70 8.
devan ... hac han dar u vitarg vartend that
they should keep the devs back from vat-gohreh the quality of being of evil
this gateway 87 14- 15 ; asp apac vast he substance 79 4.
turned his horse round 117; asp apar rahy vat-hunar [wthwnl] of bad skill, unskil-
vartet! harness the horse to the chariot! ful, compo "",,-tar 15 6 •
5413- 14 , with the gl. ku andar bandet; -
pas be 0 martom karpeh vast hend then
vat-kamakeh [wtk)mkyh] ill will, spite-
fulness 47.
they were metamorphosed into human
shape 95 26 ; api-t trac vast 0 han i ustur vat-kart [wt l krt'] evil deed 45 23 .
karp and thou turnedst him into a vattareh [SLY'-tlyh, SLY-tlyh] evil,
camel's shape 99 15 . - Av. (1368) var'dt-; wickedness 63 14 • 64 2. 7- 8 etc. passim.
MPrthPrs wstn wrd-, MPrth also pres.
wrt- (MHC); Paz. vastan vard-, cf gastan. vat-xem [wthym] ill-disposed, bad-tem-
V. also vartenitan and the next w. pered 9111.

vastan [w)stn l] caus. of vastan, to turn VaurubarSt [w)wlwblst ' ] the name of the
north-western continent (kisvar, q. v.)
(trans.): adak-is trot vast then he drew
10614 . - Borrowed from Av. (1430 sq.)
it [the earth] do'\\"'Il 93 3- 4.'dsti-.
vat [SLY); wt l 61 9] evil, bad 6 19 . 78 22 .
79 1 • 2 ; dast i """ vazitan to play the game
Vaurujadt [w)wlwclst ' ] the name of the
badly 12p7; more common is the compo north-eastern ki,~var 10614 • - Borrowed
(= sup.) vattar [SLY-tl; 79 21 SLY)-tl]
from Av. (1430) Vouru.ja1''dsti-.
worse, the worst, generally used as an Ivaxs [whs] word, message 4425. - Av.
emphatic pos. instead of vat (cf veh); (1339) 3vaxsa-. On the psychological
hence the sup. vattartom [SLY-tltwm] notion vaxs V. de Menasce, SGV p. 75.
76 8 ; vai i veh ... vai i vattar 72 9- 10 ; V. vaxs-var. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vaxs 207 vaz-var

2vad [whs] flame, blaze 37 18 , with the vazidan (Aog.); NP vazidan, bazidan 'to
g1. han i ataxs paitak rasneh. - V. 2vax- blow'. V. also vaz-var.
sitan. vazitan [w)cytn'] caus. of the preceding
vaxsenitan [whsynytn'] to light a fire v., to move: 1. trans. catrang.-..,; to play
37 22 . 23 . - Caus. of 2vaxsitan. at chess 11915 . 12P4. - 2. intrans. to
travel, to ride (= vazitan) 519. 11 • 6010. -
vaxsisn [whssn'] growth 89 9 • - From Cf MPrth pdw)z 'suite, followers', pres.
prw)z- 'to cause to fly', Ghilain 70; NP
vaxsisneh det. v. n. of 2vaxsitan: ul .-..,; bazidan, baxtan 'to play; to fly'.
the flaming up, the shining forth, of the vazr [wzl] mace 85 16 . - Av. (1392) vazra-;
dawn 4412 . Paz. vazr(a); NP gurz; also, with meta-
Ivaditan to grow 40 17 . - Av. (1337 sq.) thesis, varz (q. v.).
1vaxs-, v. also vaxsisn. vazurg [LB>, Prth RB); wcwrg, inscr.
2vaxsitan to flame, to blaze F8. - Av. wclk-] great, big, high, lofty, passim;
(1338) 2vaxs- 'to sparkle' (of fire), 'to regularly placed before its headw., seldom
spurt' (of water); MPrth wxs 'to be after (412. 724); in titles great, chief: .-..,;
kindled, blaze' (MHC); v. 2vaxS, vaxsis- framatar (q. v.); .-..,; sahridar (q. v.); -
neh, vaxsenitan. subst., pI. cas. obI. .-..,; -an the magnates
HajA:6 [RB)-n]. B:6 [wclk)n]. 4 12 .
vad-var [whswl] prophet 1115. - 'Bearer 1113. 16 9 [wcwlg)n'], v. Christensen, Sass.
of the Word, or the (divine) message', 100. 110 sq. - OP vazrka-; MPrthPrs
v. 1vaxs. wzrg; Arm. hv. vzurk, vZ'drk, vzruk; Paz.
vaxSvareh prophethood 45 4. 7. guzurg, guzarg; NP buzurg. No compo
and sup.; for these forms meh, mahist are
vayendak [w)yndk'] flying creature, pI. used; v. S. V. mas.
cas. obI. .-..,;-an, enumerated after murvan
80 2. - Pres. pt. of Av. (1356) 1vay_ 'to
vazurgakan [LB)-k)n'] pI. cas. obI. of
fly'. vazurg: (a) Cal xakan u.-..,; to the Khakan
of C. and his magnates 113 23 . - Cf vaspuhr :
vazenitan [w)cynytn'] to bring, to take 1vaspuhrakan (q. v.).
a p. to a place (andar) 49 27 ; to lead (a
vazurgeh [wcwlgyh, LB)-yh] greatness
horse) up to (a) a p. 5413 . 15 ; a ta pat uleh
5 17 . 26 ; size 151.
ul vazenem we shall carry thee up in the
air 603. - Caus. of vazitan. vazurg-kunisn [LB) kwnsn'] of great
achievements, executor of grand achieve-
vazenitar one who draws, pulls: asp i ments; pI. cas. obI. "-'-an 1066 •
rahy.-..,; a chariot-horse 58 17 .
Vazurg-mihr [wcwlgmtr'] n. pro the fa-
vazisn v. n. of vazitan (q. v.), pred. 121 17 : mous Grand Vizier of Kh6sr6i I (531-
dast i vat ne.-..,; it is necessary not to play 579): 118-121.
the game badly.
vazurg-spas [LB) sp)s] of lofty service,
vazitan [wcytn'] to travel, to ride: ta ... performing high duties, pI. cas. obI. .-..,;-an
ke vazah [subju. 2nd p. sg. = ind.] pat 1061, v. spas.
vai 'i derang-xuatai thou . . . who ridest
on the long-dominating Wind 99 14- 15 . -
vazurg-xuarrah [LB) GDH] of great glory,
of Yam 4425.
Av. (1386) vaz-; MPrth. pres. wz- 'to
blow' of the wind', 'to move, to go' (MHC); vaz-var [wcwl] safe for traffic: puhl i "-'
Ghilain 52.70, cf Verbum 170; Paz. 1147. - V.vazitan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vecak 208 vet-vareh

[vecak [wyck'] lot, share, portion; combat wyhyh, whyh, whyy 'goodness', renders
(as if it were a casting of lots between the notion crOCPLOC (S, A-H II, BBB); Paz.
the combatants): rasnik ~ pitched battle v~hi, vahi, vihi.
FrP 14; v. nem-vecak. - From 1vextan;
Veh-Siihpuhr [wdh ... ] a town in Pars
Arm. lw. vicak 'lot (e. g. in casting of lots), 11614 • - Cat. 94; Yaqut 3,5 s. v. Sabur.
portion; position; fate, possession, dio-
cese'; Ps. wyc 'priest', wycyhy 'clergy']. vern (Prth) [wym] rock HajA:6.11
(= Prs darralc). - Av. (1836) vaema-;
vecisn [wycsnl] decision 1141, v. 1vextan. Arm. lw. vem; MPrs (1) wym (S).
- Cf 458- 14 , the OP passage DNa 43-47,
and al-Biruni, ehron. 220. ven- [wyn-] v. ditan.
venak [wyn'k] clear-sighted 213. - V.
veh [wdh; SPYL] good, better, best, of
Ohurmazd's creation; sometimes placed
before its headw.: 27 19 . 73 8. 75 11- 13 . 1102; venakeh clear vision 59 5.
han i ~ Daiti 564- 5. 14 ; regularly placed venisn the act, the faculty of seeing: "'"
after: vai i "'" 72 9 ; men6i i "'" 6515 etc.; u asnavisn 9415 ; bastisn (q. v.) i "'" i _casm
yazdan ~-an 55 11 ; together with den, v. 66 27 ; sight 89 26 ; 6 "'" i into the presence
this w.; as a compo with hac 'than' 1411. of 76 2. 85 19 ; pat ~ obviously 5014 •
4P. 86 17- 18 ;as apred.passim ;-as asubst.:
~ the good men, colI. of the Zoroastrians venisneh det. V. n. -:- the preceding W.:
6p9; pI. cas. obI. ~-an the good ones, men6i"", heavenly enlightenment 1105. 6.
the believers of the Zoroastrian religion: yes [wys] adj. and adv. more, longer,
55 26 . 6417 etc. passim; neutr.: ~ kartan more frequently, passim, - MPrs wys
to do good 92 5. 99 20 . 24 ; - adv. well 1419. (A-H II. BBB); Paz. ves, ges; NP bes.
89 1 ; better 69 20 . - Av. (1405 sq.) vahyah-
vesak [wysk'] reed, bunch of reeds 93 27 .
to do good 92 5. 99 20 . 24 ; - adv. well
1419. 89 1. - Av. (1405 sq.) vahyah- - NP besah.
(vaiJhah-) compo of (1395 sqq.) vahu-; *vet-vareh [wytwlyh] *(the act of) heal-
Arm. lw. veh; MPrth why- in compounds ing; comfort, consolation 66 5. - Abstr.
(A-H III); MPrs why 'better', also wyhdr of vet-var; the form bytwlyh PT 15411 ,
(A-H II); Paz. vah, vahl, veh, vih etc.; reflecting the later (but probably fairly
NP bih; sup. vahist, q. V. early) development of initial v- > b-
(cf bahan) , eliminates the reading nyt-
Veh-Artaxser [wdh 'lthsdl], Veh-Artaser
proposed by G. Ito (JLSJ 14, 1949, 28-
[ ~ '1tsdl] the town Seleucia on the
29). This w. and its derivatives were
Tigris, rebuilt by A. 11611 . 117 6. - Cat.
dealt with by Bailey BSOS VII, 1934,
102; Yaqut 4.446.
296-298, and exhaustively by Dhabhar,
veh-diik [SPYL d'k ' ] well-yielding, bount- Essays (1955), 153-156, and Hormazdyar
eous 59 12 . - Of Av. (1825) hudah-, Paz. K. Mirza in Unvala Vol. (1964), 154-
hudaha, Skr. V. uttamadanin (SGV). 168, who quote all relevant passages so
far observed where they occur. Meaning
veh-den [wdhdyn', wdh dyn', SPYL-dyn',
and reading have long been regarded as
SPYL dyn'] V. S. V. den.
uncertain (even the existence of the w.
veheh [wdhyh, SPYL-yh] goodness, that has been doubted: Parsi scholars have
which is good; the quality of being good often emended it to *gad-var-, which I
(in the Zoroastrian sense), the inherent followed myself in HP): Bailey *vit-var
goodness of the Zoroastrian man 63 14 • 'grieved' from *vita- 'excited', pt. of
715. 78 23 . 79 3. 84 7 86 18 . 23 . 96 7. - MPrs Av. (1407 sq.) vay- 'to pursue, tb chase'; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vet-vareh 209 venan

Dhabhar vetvar, without etymology, in yar, but not quite satisfactorily trans-
the sense of 'contented, contentment, lated).
forbearance, patient, consoling oneself
('consoling' already West), resigned to
lvextan [*NDYI:IWN-tn ' ] vee- (vin}-, v.
below) to detach, to separate, to sift, to
the will of God' (1"'0.1 datan 'to console');
remove: oi vext susr his sperm was de-
Hormazdyar with the same etymology
tached from him, with the gl. kil-s suhr
as Bailey, but giving the same senses as
Dhabhar ('one who endures grief, en-
pat post ul amat that is: his sperm broke
through his skin 54 19 - 20 ; "ataxs haeis ne
during, patient, consoling, persevering').
Both lay stress on the close parallelism sayet vextan the fire (hidden in the plant)
with xuansand (xUarsand) , of which it cannot break forth (from it) 95 1 (gl.);
sometImes seems to be a mere synonym.
api-s hosak vext u hoset and its ears having
been torn off (by the wind) it withers
However, the original idea underlying
12814 - 15 (uncertain, v. note below); v.
it must be looked for from another angle.
also veeisn. - Av. (1312 sq.) vaek-, pres.
I read it, with Dhabhar, vet-var and
derive it from OIr *vaiti-bara- 'the willow- vaeea-; Skr vie-, pres. vinakti 'to sift, to
winnow, to separate; to inquire, to con-
bringer [Av. (1314) vaeti-, NP bed, 'willow']
sider'; Arm. lw. vic-em 'to dispute, to
originally an epithet of A iryaman, the
debate', vee 'discussion', vieak, v. veeak;
god of healing, and going back to the
Bal geeag 'to sift' < vee-, gee·in, gesin
myth told in V d. 22: Ahuramazdah ,
'sieve' (Makrani, v. Geiger); NP bextan
badly wounded and struck with 99999
maladies by Ahriman on his first on-
bez- 'to sift'. The pres. vinj- is only attest-
ed by Cod. K in FrP 18: wyne-, but read
slaught on the heavenly creation, pro-
mised 1000 horses, 1000 camels, 1000 vii- = the other MSS; as this vb. is al-
ways written ideographically in the texts
heads of cattle, 1000 sheep and "the
the existence of vinj - in BP is not fully
beautiful Benediction of the Righteous"
ascertained. However, Psht has winj-al
(dahma afriti) to the god who could heal
'to wash, to cleanse'; traces of vinj- in
him. All declined except A iryama isyo
NP are perhaps bunjak 'carded cotton'
"Airyaman the desired(?)": he brought
(barat) hair from 9 horse stallions, hair « *binjak < *vinjak); banjidan (for
from 9 camel stallions, hair from 9 bu"Ils ,
*binj -) 'to cut to pieces' (Steingass) ;
possibly banj 'one of two women who
hair from 9 rams, and brought 9 toillow
share a common husband' < *vinea-, cf
twigs (nava vaetayo barat) and drew
9 furrows - the PhI v. adds: "and made
veealc and nem-veeak. - [Note: - The PhI
translation of 128 14 - 15 is based on a
. a nirang (q. v.)", a magic spell intended
Syriac text which is quite as obscure as
to heal the wounds and stop the maladies.
the Rebr. original: 'grass on the roof
Apparently the willow twigs played the
which, as soon as the wind blows upon it,
chief part in this nirang (of whose parti-
culars we know of course nothing), thus salef and it withers'. The vb. BLP means
'to extract, to pull, to draw a sword', so
it was quite natural to form out of it the
epithet *vaiti-bara- of Airyaman in his the senses 'to dry up, to languish' and
quality of the healing and relieving god. 'to shoot up, to form blades and ears'
Later, Airyaman having faded away, the seem to be simply conjectured from our
usage took a wider range and developed Ps. verse. Evidently the ·Prs. translator
secondary nuances, but the original took Syr BLP in its ordinary sense 'to
meaning 'healing' is still fairly transpar- extract, to pull', and tried to make sense
ent in many passages, e. g. DD 36 27 of its PhI. equivalent vextan to the best
(quoted both by Dhabhar and Hormazd- of his ability. He needed an obj. for it, |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
14 Nyberg
vextan 210 vicir

and fell on hosak 'ears' which were ex- Cod. K has wcl 8IB, is wanting for Mx
tracted and torn away (Barr's h'nsk 'dry' 27 10 ; the other MSS have wcyl = vicir
is out of place here), thus giving the in both places, accepted by Sand A. B Q
metaphor a new turn]. quotes NP vajar, vacar 'judicial decree'
from the legal language, probably from
2vextan [wyhtn'] vez- [wyc-] to swing,
Zoroastrian usage. OIr *vi-cara- from
to fling, to sprinkle 25 4 • 28 25 . 89 20 . - Av.
(1313) vaeg-, (1428) voiyna 'inundation'
vi+car- (v. the preceding w.) which also
signifies in Skr 'to perform, to accomplish'
(Skr vijate, vejate 'to totter, to fluctuate');
(caus. vi-carayati 'to deliberate', v. vicar-
Arm. lw. viz-em 'to flow, to miscarry' (v.
n. vizan-k C ), vizak 'curtain', veg 'debate';
tan). From this vi-car- also inf. vicurtan
'to perform, to bring about' DkM 83415 ,
Bal (Geiger) gejak, NBal gezay 'to swing,
pt. vicurt, vicart 'valid, authentic, true',
to miscarry'; (Longworth Dames) gezay
v. Dhabhar, PYV, Gl. 177. Of also NP
gixta 'to bring forth', but with a note
g'nzar, g'nzir 'remedy, help', also gu,zard;
written by his own hand in his personal
g'nzardan 'to apply a remedy'. Arm. lw.
copy: "appears to have its original mean-
vcar 'payment, achievement', vcar-em 'to
ing 'take out, extract, expel', etc." Thus
a confusion with 1vextan must have taken accomplish' « vicar- or vicar-).
place. There were several points of con- vicar [wc>l] pres. stem of vicartan, v.
tact between them, cf, e. g., Arm vicak: xUamn-~.

veg. In NP bextan, bez- both have coalesc-

vicarisn [wc>lsn ' ] v. n. 1. as a pred.: has
to decide, will decide (the case) 19 22 . -
+vibarisn [+w-YDLWN-sn ' ] *the act of 2. explanation 1181 ; 12111. - NP g'nzaris.
carrying all about: han i casm ~ the act From
of looking around; -the range of sight
38 25 , v. 1mar. - My conjecture; MS vicartan [wc>ltn'] pres. 1st p. sg. vica1'em,
wddlwsn' . Av. (941) vi-bar-. to decide; to explain 11815 - 23 . 1192. 21.23;
to translate into (0) another language
+vibarisneh det. v. n. of the preceding 11115. - Caus. of vi-car- (q. v.); Verbum
w.: han hacisn . . . be ~ rad in order 192. NP g'nzardan 'to pay, to discharge';
to bring out (into the world) this con- g'nzarah 'expla~ation; the interpretation
version 57 15 . - The same expression in 'of dreams'.
DkM 626 12 . In both places we have only
Meherji Rana's transcript to relie on, vicehitan [wcyhytn I] to teach: anakeh
and in both this w. is corrupted: 1. w/n/ vicehit he announced ill fate 48 2 ; han i
kylSnyh, 2. w/n/kylwsnyh; it seems that visp vicehit 'nzvaneh the universal know-
the vb. nikeritan has been present in his ledge of languages 5427. - Av. (428) kaefJ-, ,
mind. I think w-YDLWN-snyh, from pres. caef)- or cina()- ; MPrth wcyh- ;
vi-bar-, is meant here too. Ghilain 62, v. also cihenitan.

vi-car- [wel-] pres. to get on, to get vicin [wcyn l ] 1. pres. stem of vicitan (q.
through, 2nd p. pI. vicaret 417. - Av. (450) v.) in a compound: han i har-vicin ...
vi- 5 kar- 'to move about'; Skr car- 'to xrat the all-discerning reason 55 2. - 2.
move', vi-car- 'to go apart, to spread', subst. distinction: pat-~ distinguished,
v. next w. excellent 118 11 . 12026 , v. s. v. pat A: 11.
vicar decision, decree 8IB. - Paz. vazar, vicir [wcyl] decision: han b'nn p'nrsisn ~
Skr. v. vicara; Mx 27 10 PhI. brih u zamanak the decision of these fundamental quest-
'n vicir i brin but Paz. breh 'n jamqna u ions llIB (delete the following i?ajat). -
vazar i barin (Skr. v. nyaya for vazar). From vi-car- (q. v.). The Arm. lw. vcir |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vicir 211 vihezak

'decree, judglnent, sentence' shows vigras- [wgl>s-] pres., to rouse a p. from

through its -r- < -rn- that the OIr form sleep, from the dead: apac vigrasend
was *vicirna- < *vicrna-, cf Skr cir1Ja-, 1017. 9 ; 0 (h) vig1·asend 10 F. - Av. (511 )
« *cfna-) pt. of car-. - NP guzir(ah) 19ar-, v. guhrayenUan; MPrth wygr)s 'to
'help, remedy'. [Av. (1438) vicira- 'he awake', MPrs 'to rouse from sleep'; Ver-
who decides' does not belong to this bum 196; Ghilain 82, 92-93.
group.] Hence the den. vb. viciritan
*vihec, *vihecak: read vihez,-, vihezak, q. v.
'to give a decision', from which impers.
viciret ('it can possibly be decided thus' vihereh [whylyh]: read vihireh II vihev-
=) 'it is possible' DkM 557 2 558 2 and °, [wyhyp-], v. viyiftan.
NP guzirad 'it. is necessary' (Sn); further
vihez- [whyc-] pres., to move forward,
vicirtar [wcyIVI] he who makes the de- or in every direction: pat 7 u 12 hamak
cision, he to whom it pertains to decide vartend 'U vihezend through the Seven
questions, the authoritative interpreter (planets) and the Twelve (zodiacal con-
of the doctrine 62 15 . - This is the reading stellations) they all have their being and
of the old MS written by the very able move on 12018 , cf vastan. - MPrs whyz-
expert Mihrapan; vicitar, adopted by with ul 'to move upwards', an astronom-
J-A, Freiman and myself in HB (and ical term (A-H I), as is also BP vihezak,
unfortunately also by Kanga in his ed. v. next w. The original sense is 'to
1960), is an inferior reading of later move, to pass from one place to another',
MSS. cf the following instances: subst. vihez
Zartuxst's 'departure' from this world to
vicitak [wcytk'] selected 18 11 • 17 • 121 3 ; Heaven DkM 646 15 ; 'expansion' of the
special 5 24 ; from true religion over the world, ibd. 594 11 ;
caus. vb. vihezenitan 'to remove, to
vicitan vicin-, to separate = to pull off transfer': .(at the time of the fraskart)
29 4 ; 15
to distinguish 63 ; *do-cin [dwcn?] Garodmanf rot 0 star padak ~t damik ul 0
ne vicinend they do not even distinguish anod vihezenet He will let Paradise down
between the two 103 5 [? cf Av. (595) cina- to the star sphere and lift the earth up
and (762) dva-; cf PY 30 6U ?]; to choose to it, ibd. 824 11 - 12 , cf here 93 1- 4 • - An-
69 8. 112 15 (hac from). - Av. (441) vi-kay-; other form of this vb. appears in a
MPrth wiyd (pt.), wiydg, wcydg 'chosen'; similar context: xuarset hac han gah apac
MPrs wcydn wzy- (! A-H II); Paz. vajidan o ravisn wdycynyt I He will remove the
vajin- or vazidan vazin; NP guzidan guzin- sun [which He had stopped during the
Arm. lw. veit 'clear, limpid'. Verbum apocalyptic battle] from that place
181-182; Ghilain 85. [where it had stopped] and set it in
motion again, DkM 392 2.8 : read viyezenet
vicitar one having chosen, *decided 125.
= vihez- with the well known alternation
vicodisn [wcwdsn ' ] inquiry, investigation of intervocalic -h- and -y-, cf viyift (q.v.):
109 15 . 11212. - From vicostan vicod-, Paz. vihep-. Withdrawing my former etymo-
vaiostan, vazostan 'to inquire, to examine' logy (TMK 60) I derive viyez- from
(Mx). *vi-vez- (with dissimilation of the second
v > y) < vi + 2vextan (q. v.); vihez-
Vidatafs [wydt)ps] the name of the south- through the alternation -y-: -h-. Not
western continent (kisvar) 10613 • - Av. acceptable Verbum 178.
(1442) Vidaoafsu-.
vihezak [wyh-] an extra space of time in-
Vidrafs [wydlps] n. pro 181°-29 2 pass~m. serted in the ordinary calendar either every |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vihezak 212 vinarisn

year, or certain years only; intercalation: Qamus Mahabad: info guhartin. Henning
"" i xuarset u mah the solar and the lunar adds NP gauharidan which is, in his
intercalation 88 8 • - The solar intercala- opinion, a perverted form of guhur-/
tion consists of the insertion every fourth guhar- due to the influence of gauhar. I
year of an extra day obtained by accum- add gahulidan or gahuli kartan 'to ex-
ulating the minutes by which every change, to barter'.
day of the three preceding years exceded
*vikastan [wkstn ' ] *to disappear: *vikast
its 24 hours fixed by the calendar. Such she *disappeared 58 3 • - Uncertain. It
an intercalated year is called zaman-
vihezakik sal 'a year which has got its
could be < vi + Av. (459 sq.) kas- 'to
perceive', v. s. v. akasi, a SW form with
intercalation through hours'. The lunar
-st instead of -st; the NW form would be
intercalation is based on the fact that
*vikast. Perhaps better *vi/ni/kist 'she
the lunar year, comprising 12 lunar
was cut to pieces, she split' < *vi- or
months of 30 days, lags 5 days behind
the solar year of 365 days; these 5 days
ni-kirst < vi or ni- +*krsta- from Av.
(452 sqq.) kar9t-, v. kirrenitan.
are inserted every year after the 12th lunar
month (the gahanbars). This year is called vimand [wymnd] frontier 45 9 •10
roc-vihezakik sal 'a year which has got MPrthPrs.
its intercalation through days'. V. DkM vimar [wym'l] ill, pI. cas. obI. ",,-an 85 4 •
402 3-405 10 , transliterated, read and trans- - MPrs wym'r (BBB); Paz. vimar, NP
lated in TMK 30-39 (commentary 60- bimar.
75), where several ameliorations are now
vimareh illness 86 20 • 90 6 • - MPrs wym'ryh
needed. The act of intercalation is called (S).
vihez (DkM 404 16 ), properly 'the act of
moving, or pushing, forward'; this sense vimarenitan to make a p. ill 43 22 •
is apparent in the expression (ibd. 403 5 ) vinaftakeh [wynptkyh] *aberration 80 26 •
roc hac hangam vihezihet 'a day is displac- - Paz. vinajtai (Skr. v. alokanatva must
ed from its season' (because of the dis- be due to a confusion with venajtak 'clear,
crepancy which has arisen between the apparent, visible'). West 'cutting off,
calendar and the revolution of the sun). dismemberment, disunion, disconnection'
Hence vihezak 'the intercalated time- and the like. I derive it from vi +nam-,
unit'. Paz. ad 88 8 vaheza, Skr v. navaroja v. s. v. ayinajtan.
borrowed from nauroz, because the New vinarihistan [wyn'lyhstn ' ] to be arranged,
Year's Day followed immediately after etc., pass of the next vb.; pt. = pret. 3d
the 5 gahanbars. p. sg. vinarihit (he was) equipped, pre-
vihireh [whylyh] change 1099 • - Bailey, pared 55 16 •
ZP 82 n. 5, with untenable etymology. To vinaristan [wyn'lstn ' ], vinartan [wyn'ltn l ]
be combined with MPrth whyrd 'con- pres.: read vinarend 106 22 for virayend,
fused, changed' (A-H III, MHO), MPrs to put in order, to arrange, to array, to
whwryd id. (A-H II); Henning, BSOAS X, organize 13 9 (-istan)·22 (-rtan). 85 22 • 864
509, quoted by Boyce (MHO, gloss. s. v. (-rt). - MPrth wyn'r'd, wyn'r- (MHO);
whyrd). Henning compares these ws. with MPrs wyn'rdn w(y)n'r-; Paz. vinardan,
Kurd gohar/guhur 'to exchange', of which vinarastan, Bailey, JRAS 1953, 106;
the following forms are known to me: Henning, TPhS 1954, 175 n. 1. Pass. v.
1. Kurdoev: info guhartin, pres. guher-; above
2. l)iya'ud-din Pasa, al-Hadiya: info gu- viniirisn arrangement, ordering, manage-
harin, pres. de-guhari-; 3. Giv Mukrani, ment 85 23 • 89 9 • 12 • 92 10 • 12 • |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
viniirtiir 213 Viroi-pahr

viniirtiir manager, administrator, pI. cas. PhI rendering of A v. pasu vira; pat han
obI. r-I-an 11016 . i viran gobiSn 58 20 . - Av. (1453) vtra-;
MPrs wyr, v. 80gd. 52.
viniis [wn)s] sin, passim; r-I u bazak 68 17 .
74 19 ; r-I i andar dast u pad sins in which 2vir [wyl] a mental faculty, reason, In-
hand and feet are involved 65 19- 20 ; opp. tellect 39 22 . 55 1. - Av. (1454) 2vira-;
kirpak 63 13 . 24 . 79 25 . 8110. - NW form, Paz. (Mx, SGV) vir, 8kr. v. smrti.
Arm. lw. vnas; MPrs w(y)n)h (8, A-H I); virastak [wyPstk'] curried, tanned 107 9.
Paz. NP gunah; Arab. lw. junafi,-.
viriistan [wyPstnl] viray- [wyPd-] to
viniiseh sinfulness 68 12 . prepare, to arrange, to adorn: apac r-I
viniisisn destruction, annihilation 1099. to restore, to renew 71 16 ; pt. virast well
executed 12027 ; - 106 22 read with the
viniisitan to destroy 50 20 . 74 25 ; menisn i M88 vinarend instead of vi1'('iyend. - A v.
. .. r-I to spoil a p.'s thoughts or (1514) raz- and (1520) rad- have inter-
intention: to seduce a p. 48 12 , to put a mingled in 8W where raz- > rad-. MPrth
p. out of countenance 5222. - Av. (1055) wyr)stn wyr)z- (8, A-H III), cf viraz-;
1nas- 'to disappear, to be lost', (1056) MPrs wyr)stn wyr)y-, cf Arm. lw. varsa-
vi-nas- 'to be subject to destruction'; viray 'hair-dresser' (DkM 757 3 wlswyl'd);
MPrth wnstg 'destroyed' (MHO); MPrs Ps. wyl)sty, wyl>d-, cf a1'astan, pairastak,
wn)stn wn)h- 'to damage, to injure' (8); rayenitan. Verbum 187; Ghilain 52. 69.
Verbum 191. V. also vinastakeh.
Viraz [wyPc l] n. pro 107. - Av. (1454)
viniisitar destroyer, pI. cas. obI. r-I-an Viraz-, more correct Viraza-. In BP
1l023. traditionally read Viraj, which is now
vinas-kiir [-k)l] sinner, scoundrel 74. 8 24 . generally regarded as a misreading; de-
9 12 ; pI. cas. obI. ,.....",-an 129. - MPrs wn)hg)r fended by de Menasce, JA 237, 1949,
(8). 3-6.
vinaskiireh crime, offence 3424. 43 7. 82 15 . viriiz- [wPc-] pres., to arrange, to bring
about, opt. 2nd p. sg. viraze8 in an inter-
vinastakeh [wnstkyh] decay 1128. - De- rogative clause 35 8. - Probably identical
rived from the basic vb. vi-nas-, v. vina- with NW wyr)stn wyr)z- (v. S. V. vi1'astan)
sitan; 8W form with -nast- for -nast-. in spite of w- instead of wy-.
[vindak [wndk'] shot, in ,.....", vitav [wtw l] virek [wlyk'] flight P. 8 21 , from
shooting range, explained by vitavan (q.
v.) FrP 25. - Evidently from the pres.
virextan [<LYKWN -tnl] virec-, to flee,
to run away 517.22.26. 7 2. 9. - vi + Av.
stem of vistan (q. v.) which is not attested
elsewhere in phonetic spelling]. (1479 sq.) raek-; MPrth wryxt, Ghilain
94; Paz. varextan (Mx); NP gurextan,
vindatan, vinditan [wnd )tn I , wndytn I ; gurez-.
I.ISKJ:IWN-tn ' ] vind~, to find 2018 (-at); Viroi-pahr [wylwd p)hl] n. pro "the
to gain, to win 90 11 • 13 (ideogr.); to ac-
Gruzinian Guard", the old name of the
quire, to get 115 12 .15 (-at); apac r-I to win
fortress Darband at the pass with the
back, to regain 11214 (-it). - Av. (1318 sq.)
same name 11418 . - In 8y!" the name is
2vaed-, pres. vind-, vinda- ; MPrthPrs Wiropahrag, in Arm Iwroy parhak, from
wnd)dn wynd-; Paz. vandadan vand-. Of
Arm vir-k<, Gr "I~"f)pe:c;;, 'I~l)pwL; KZSPrth
avinn, nivinn-.
1. 2 and 25 wyrsn (= Virsan or Virasan
Ivir [wyl] man, pI. cas. obI. ,.....",-an: g08- for Viracan) = Prs 1. 30 end wlwc)n
pandan viran cattle and men 412 1, the (= Vlucan, hence Russ Gruziya) , Gr. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Viroi-pahr 214 vispuhr

v. 'I~Y)p((X. V. Eransahr 99-105; Henning, abandoned, abolished 11213. - The sense

JGIS XI, 85-90, BSOAS XII, 1947, 49 must be sought for within this range,
n. l. but I have no hold at all as regards
reading and etymology. Possibly an adj.
vil'l'oyisn [wlwdsn ' ] faith 63 12 . 80 15 . 24 .
derived from visan 'peace, repose, still-
108 3. - The -i- of the first syllable is
ness' (Ps. ws)ny) from the vb. *visutan,
confirmed by the spellings wylwdsn' DkM
visay- (Ps. ws)d-) 'to repose', hence ,.....,
95 9. lOP, wylwdsnyh ibd. 495 1. 5505 etc.,
'having come to a stand-still, having
v. also the next w. MPrs wrwysn (A-H
ceased to function', whereas I can make
I, BBB); Paz. garoisn.
nothing of an adj. in *-andak.
virroyisn-viir [wylwdsnw)l] pI. cas. obI.
Visemakiin [wsymk)n'] a kofidar (q. v.)
"",,-an 11014 applied to Jesus and Mani;
meaning not clear. If -var is the well- dynasty in the Damavand region 11513 . -
known Milr and NP final element of Arnl vsemakan, v. Cat. 70.
compounds in the sense of 'resembling, visen [wsyn1 all, in attributive position
like' (cf sah-var) , ,....., could possibly be before its subst.: ,....., giyak everywhere
explained as a bahuvrihi: 'having a 97 18 . - From vis, SW form of OAr
semblance of faith, a sham faith', but I visva-, OP visa-, Av. vispa- v. s. v. visp;
know of no other instance of -var being as to vis: visen v. s. v. nevak. - FrP
used in this pejorative sense. Cod. S2 XVII, 10 has ws<»n l, ws)n'ls
( ?) = visan, visanak (?) with the NP gI.
virroyistan [I;IYMNW <N)-stn ' ] to be-
lieve (pat in) 64 25 . 8017 • 8212. 10023 . - wsf, wsfah.
Av. (1360) 2 var-, pres. v~mmav-, OP vrnav- visistakeh [wsstkyh] the state of being
which has furnished the base of broken away (from its keeping-place)
the Milr vb. As to the second syllable 1128, from
I follow the Paz. forms of SGV and Mx:
1. groistan (for *guro-), garoistan, groisn
visistan to break off 54 21 . < vi A v.+
( 1547) saed - ; NP gusistan gusil- ; cf apasih-
besides varoisni (SGV); 2. pres. g(a)roerj"
enitan, apasistan and frasinn-.
garoierj" garoherj" g(a)roisni (Mx); they are
best in keeping with the phonetic spelling visp [wsp] all 37 12 . 5427. 1113; v. also
of virroyisn (q. v.). FrP 18 gives the Paz. harvisp. - Av. (1460 sqq.) vispa-; MPrth
readings viravistan, varvistan, varvidan, Prs wysp; cf also visen.
varvirj,; NP giravidan is due to the coales- visp-iikiih [.---)k)s] omniscient 10624 .
cence of this vb. and the den. of girav,
visp-iikiiheh universal, all-embracing
BP grav 'pledge' and has the senses of
knowledge 36 - 2.
both. - MPrth pt. wrw)d (MHC); MPrs
wrwy8tn (may be virroyistan or virra- visp-diiniikeh [,.....,-d)n)kyh] universal, all-
vi8tan), pres. subju. 3d p. sg. wrw)d. - As embracing learning 1081°.
to virrav-: vi1 roy- cf men{Ji < *mainya-

Visp-siit [s)t l] -Xosroi the name of a town

oya-. (A reading vurr- is excluded; vu- 11420. - "All-glad is Khosroi"; v. sat.
always > guo, in NP also > b·u-).
vispuhr [wspwhl; wspwtrl; BRBYT) =
vis [wys] manor-house with adjacent
vispur FrP 11] "a son of the clan, or of
village; village: 37 4. 38 9- 14 . 39 17 . 4221.
the dynasty", a member of the foremost
4417-21. 52 19 . - Av. (1455) vis-; OP viO-
families of the kingdom, if of the royal
'royal house'; MPrs wys (S, A-H I).
family: a prince, otherwise a nobleman
*visiinik [ws )nyk, but Cod. K *ws )ndk of the highest classes; pt. cas. obI. ,.....,-an
with a marked d] probably *given up, [BRBYT'-n] the. princes, ranking second |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vispuhr 215 visek

only to the sahridaran or vice-roys of vistax u [wst>hw ' ] trusting (pat on), con·
the provinces HajA: 6. B: 6; [NaresaxU fident 9 7. 28 22 . 7017 . 71-72 passim. -
BRBYT> KZSPrth 1. 21 = Narsahe ZY Arm. lw. vstah; MPrth wyst>f List 89;
BRBYT> PI'S 1. 26, Gr. v. N<xpcr<xLou NP gustax 'arrogant'.
TOU ex ~<xcrLA€W\l]; - [wspwtrl] "the
vistaxuiha confidently, fearlessly 1615 .

Prince", title of one of the kofidar dy-

nasties 11513 (badly Cat. 71). - A v. vist [figure] twenty, ordinal vistom [wys-
(1455 sq.) viso.pu(}ra-; MPrthPrs wyspwhr twm; 20-wm] the twentieth.
'prince'; Arm lw. sepuh 'nobleman,
vis [wys] poison 76 9 , cf also vis-sinj. -
equestrian' < *vseapurh < *visya (adj.
Av. (1472) viS-, vUa-; NP bi.§ a poisonous
of vis)-puhr (differently Henning, Mor-
genstierne VoL 96 n. 4, not acceptable to
me). Schaedel', BSOS VIII, 1737-49; visatan [ws>tn l ; SLYTN-tn'] visay- or
against him Henning, BBB 73 no. 579; vis-, to open, to let loose, to release: to han
Benveniste, REA 9, 1929, 9-10; A. i har 2 bratar i bastak vis(ay)e [SLYTN-
Perikhanian, v. s. v. vaspuhr. d, with final -d for -y as often occurs in
the inscriptions after an ideogr.] thou
vispuhrakan 1. used as pI. cas. obI. of
wilt release thy two captive brothers
vispuhr 185. 241.5.22, v. vaspuhrakan. -
913; pt. visat loose, running without its
[2. adj. propel', special, particular, in
rider, of horses 22 8 ; v. also the next w. -
Arm. lw. sephakan < *vsepuhakan; cf also
the BP derivatives vaspuhrakanik (q. v.),
vi +
Av. (1800) hay-; MPrth pt. wys>d,
pres. wys>h-, pt. also gws>d, Ghilain 88;
vaspuhrakaniha etc.].
FrP 21 pres. in most MSS wsyt l ws(y)m,
vistan [SDYTN-stn ' ; Prth. SDY-] *vind- but Codd. U 2 U 4 ws'dt ' ws'dm = visayet,
(v. s. v. vindak) to shoot; pt. = pret. visayem; Paz. kusadan ku,saend (but subst.
pass. 3d p. ·sg. vist, written SDY-t HajA: vasadai < visatakeh 'open space'); NP
5.6, SDYTN HajB:5.6; opt. 3d p. sg. gusadan gusay-.
hyp SDYW HajA:13, >yw SDYTN
visat-dvarisneh [ws't l dwb'lsnyh] the act
HajB: 14, both probably = vinde (v.
of running "loose", that is: with only
also hep and ev); - ne danam I do not
the sacred garment (sudreh, in PhI Vd.
know how to shoot 28 19- 20 . - A v. (1318
sapik) on, but without the sacred thread
sqq.) 2vaed-, cf vindatan; cf Av. (1320)
(kusti) 69 12 . V. Bharucha in SkI' Mx,
2vaeoa- 'arrow-shot', the name of a
n. 8, and Modi, Ceremon'ies 181-190.
weapon of attack. The pres.-stem is
however not given in FrP 14 where the +visek [wsyk] distressed, to be read in
ideogr. is listed; nor is the Prth equi- this way 19 12 instead of my *ny>dk ' ;
valent of SDY - explicity established. distressful, tormenting, or the like: ni-
part <i) +visek 107 6 , thus to be read in-
vistarg [wstlg] bed coverlet 47 20 . - <
stead of nplt l w g'dk ' (West: dahik). -
011' *vi-star-ka-, v. the next w. and cf
This w. has not been recognized by Ind-
vastarg; Ps. wstly, NP bistar 'bed, mat-
ian text editors though it is found in
tress'; Talm. lw. bystrq>, Telegdi 235.
the MSS; cf andar bimeh hac amar u tars
vistartan [wstltn'], visturtan [wstwltn ' ] in fright of the Reckoning and tor-

vistar-, to spread 45 (-urt). 111 10 (-artan);

6 menting fear DD ch. 272 (p. 49), where
pass.: ka-s fratom frasm vistarihct when Anklesaria has *wyhyk ' in the text, but
its (viz. the sun's) first dawn is spread, quotes in the critical apparatus wsyk
shines forth 4413 . - < vi+star-, v. start; from Cod. K 35 and still another MS.
NP gustardan, -ridan; Verbum 206. This form is now confirmed beyond |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
visek 216 vitartan

doubt by the inscription SM 1. 41 in a MPrs w(y)swb- (A-H II), Verbum 184;

passage which is fragmentary but offers Paz. vasoftan vasov- (Mx, SGV); NP
wsyk in a coherent piece of text and in kusuftan kusuf - 'to scatter, to dissolve'.
unambiguous spelling. and meaning. - The original labial at the end of the st.
< OIr *vi-saika-; etymology? is uncertain: Skr k~ubh- 'to tremble, to
be excited',· OIr *xsaub- or *xsaup-
viskaftall [wskptn'] to crook, to pervert:
(*xsat~f- probably through influence of
menisn i Kayos apar han gav viskaft pre-
the pt. *xsufta- < *xsupta-).
judiced K. against this bull 45 16- 17 . - NP
sikaftan. visutalr [wswtk'] progeny, brood, of
Ahrimanic beings, pI. cas. obI. ""'-an 76 22 •
viskuftan [wskwptn'] viskof- to open;
777. From
to blossom 215- 6 • - BdA p. 1177 wskwpyt '
but BdJ 6420 skwpyt; subst. wskwpk' = visfitan to produce progeny, to breed, of
viskofak BdA p. 1177 and BdJ 64 18 , but Ahrimanic beings 76 23 , 777. - vi + Av.
in the same context also skwpk; NP (1782) 3hav-; Paz. vasudan.
biskufah 'a flower', sukuftan 'to open, to
vitarg [wtlg] narrow passage 48 25 . 26 ; pass,
blow, to blossom', sikufah 'blossom',
defile 87 13 (pI. '" _iha).1 5 • 19 ; path 20 16 .
suku! 'cleft, fissure'.
76 7 . - < *vitar-ka-, V. next W.; Pa~.
visop [WSWpl] pres. stem of visuftan, in vadarg; cf. MPrs wdr (A-H II).
compounds: menoi ,-..., one who scatters
vitartan [wtltn'], viturtan [wtwltn ' ], vi-
the heavenly possessions 71 26 .
tastan [wtStnl], vitir- [wtyl-] to pass:
visopisn dissolution, disorder, destruction anda1' dast be vitart passed over the plain
48 8. 14 •
6410 . 11124. 1127. - MPrthPrs 318 ; pat lcustak i deh vitart passed outside
wswbysn (MHC, A-H II). V. vis'Uftan. the village 6 16- 17 ; to pass by 714.15.22; be
vitaSt drove ahead 717; to cross a bridge
vis-sinj [wysnc l ] venom-spurting 1026 . -
72 25 . 27 ; to go through a stream 10p8.
< vis (q. v.) + sinj, the composition
103 23 ; ke vitirendY the passers-by 12818 ;
form of the pres. st. hinc- from Av.
- pt. vitart, viturt deceased: vitart colI.
(1727) 1haek- 'to pour out', v. ahanj and
the deceased 83 7. 8413 ; viturtan martOman
10517 . - Av. (640) vi-tar- = OP; MPrth
Vistasp [wsVsp I] the protector of Zar- w(y)drdn w(y)dr- (S, MHC); MPrs pres.
tuxst: Kai-",,-sah 219- 10 . 245.21.22; b'Ur- wdyr- (S); Ps. pt. wtlty, pres. wtyl-, wtl-;
zavand Kai- '" 58 17 .21 ; dahyupat bur- Paz. vadardan vadirdan, pres. vadar-, va-
zavand Kai- "" 60 20 .21 . 111 9 ; '" -sah [-sh] der-, vadir-; NP guoastan guoar-. Verbum
18-30, passim. 35 4. 11310-11.17. 115 25 ; 206, Ghilain 57.
[-MLK>] 36 5. 1088 ; ~ sahan sah [MLK>n
vital'enitan [wVlynytn'] to cause a p. to
MLK>] 80 20 . - Av. (1473 sq.) Vistaspa-,
take a p. away from: Kai-Xosroi ke hac
OP V istaspa-; Paz. NP Gustasp; as to
vai i derang-xuatai vitarenet K. whom he
the etymology cf Bailey, JRAS 1953,
(Saosyant) will take down from the Long-
dominating Wind (who had been trans-
Vistaspan patr. of the preceding n. pro formed into a camel on which K. is
21-30 passim. 95 14 • 113 21 . riding, V. 99 11-100 2) 106 5 •
visuftan [wswptnl] visop- to ruffle (a p.s vitartan [wVltnl] 1. caus. of vitartan, to
hair) 26 27 ; to derange, to dissolve, to cause to pass: data1' han i Zartuxst
ravage 79 17 . 827. 107 8. - Av. (542) pres. xuarrah tar matilft arak a Zartuxst vitart
xsufsa- (with the s- suffix) 'to be excited' ; the Creator sent Z.'s x U ar1'ah (q. v.) down |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
vitiirtan 217 viyiftan

to Z. through the line of his maternal (1451) vivanghana-, from· (1452) Vivah-
grandmother 36 10- 11 , cf 38 17- 18 . - 2. intens. vant-, the old Aryan name of Yima's
of vitartan: vitartan i Oinvat puhl to cross father (RV Vivasvant).
the Ch. bridge 64 12 ; the arrow d~tikar sok +viyiin [+wydOn'] tent; ~ kartan to pitch
be m:tart pierced through to the other 22 24
the tents 20 - . - In the MSS the initial
side 3 21 , pat pust be vitaret (pres. hist.) w- is wanting; corrected by Henning;
pierced through and came out through BSOAS X, 1942,951 n. 1. Ps. wyd'n ; MPrth
the back 29 2- 3, pat dil be vitaret penetrated wd'n 'tent', Arm.lw. vran; NP kiyan mis-
into the heart 25 21 - 22 . - MPrthPrs wyd'rdn reading of giyan. FrP, Cod. S2 XVII, 9:
w(y)d'r-; MPrs al$o pt. wd'st, Verbum wyd'n [Phl.] kunand [NP].
192; NP guoardan or guoastan, guoar-.
Iviyapiin [wyc;:P p'n' ; 426 wy'p'n'] deluded,
vitiivane (inscr. Prth) [wt'wny] shooting seduced 90 25 ; charmed, enamoured (pat)
range HajA: 1 = Prs tigrahy (q. v.) ; 4 26 . - Paz. vyavqn,viavq,Skr: v. vimugdha,
FrP 25 = vindak-vitav (q. v.). - < vi + vimohita (SGV), vikala (Mx); < *vi-da-
*tavana- from tav-, v. s. v. tuvan; as to pana-, middle pt. of vi + caus. of *dap-,
the ending -e v. s. v. site. identical with Av. (679 sq.) dab- 'to
vitaxtak [wt'htk'] molten 10120. 102 23 . deceive', which has got its -p from the
108 6 , from pt. dapta-; pass. viyapihistan v. below.
Hence viyapanik 'magician', Bailey ZP 27
vitiixtan vitac- trans. to melt: be vitacet n.2.
101 17 . - Caus. of vi + Av. (624 sq.) tak-;
2viyiipiin [wyd'p'n'] waste, desert, v.
MPrth wdxtn, wdc- and wd'c- (MHC),
viyapanenitan. - MPrth wy'b'n; NP biya-
Ghilain 50; MPrs. wdc- (8), Verbum 169;
ban; < *vivapana- (with dissimilatlion of
Paz. vadaxtan vadaz- (SGV); NP gudax-
the second -v- > -y-, cf s. v. vihez) middle
tan gudaz- 'to liquify'.
pt. of Av. (1346) vap-: vivapat 'he de-
vitir [wtyly] thoroughfare F: 6. vastated'; cf Junker, WuS XII, 1929,
vitiriin pt. of vitartan, passing away: hac 143 sq.
gete ~ bavend 120 21 . viyapiineh seduction, inveiglement 90 24 ,
from 1viyapan.
vitirisn perishableness, corruptibility 66 9 •
viyapanenitan [~-ynytn'] 1. to seduce,
vitirisneh det. v. n.: be ~ the passing v. next w. - 2. to devastate 107 6, from
away, decease 65 16- 17 . 7412- 13 . 2viyapan.
vitist [wtyst'] a linear measure, a span = viyapihistan [~- yhstn'] to let oneself be
12 finger-breadth 93 24 . -Av. (1440) vitasti- seduced 90 24, v. 1viyapan.
viturt [wtwit'] v. vitartan. viyiftan [wdyptn'] vihep- [wyhyp-] to
seduce: ke viyift vihepet he who seduces a
viyak [wy'k; Prth 'TRH] place: oi ~
seduced 82 5 according to Cod. K; it
kft on the spot where HajB: 8; space
could also be translated: he who, himself
HajA:8. B:9. - P2:6 wy'k BYN: read
being seduced, seduces (others), cf Arab
wy'wyt = u yavet (q. v.). - < *vi-vaha-ka
if,alla wa-aif,alla. The passage deals with
from Av. (1394) 2vah- 'to stay', Junker,
the sin of male homosexual intercourse,
WuS XII, 1929, 148; elsewhere gyw'k =
for which the basic text is V d. 8 32 : arsa-
giya1c (q. v.).
ca vaepyo arsa-ca vaepayo a male who is
Vivanghiiniin [wywngh'n'n'] patr. of Vi- the passive partner, and a male who is
vanghan the father of Yam (Yima) 47 9 • the active partner in the intercourse.
lOP. - Vivanghan is in itself a patr., Av. The Phl. translations show a remarkable |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
viyiftan 218 xirs

embarrassment in dealing with these viyift or vihift, abstr. vihiftakeh 'sodomy'

terms. The translator of Yd. 832 , who BdA p. 207 8, pres. *videp- > viyep- >
quite correctly felt that vaepy6 is a pass., vihep- with the alternation of intervocalic
borrowed the Av. vb. (1322 sq.) vaep- -y-: -h-. This vb. has a so well defined
(othervvise not attested in Milr as far as Ablaut-series and ends so clearly in -p
I know) and formed from it the pass. pt. that it cannot be combined with Av.
viftak, then, likewise correctly interpret- (670 sq.) 1dab- 'to deceive' (against Ver-
ing vaepay6 (vaepayant-) as an act., form- bum, 1. c.). - Anklesaria's second MS has
ed from viftak the caus. vb. viften-, but, wdyptk w wyhypynytk = viyiftak u vihe-
by assimilating it formally to viftak: penitak = Paz. vehefta u vehevnida, thus
viftenitak, created a bizarre mixture of with two coordinated predicates (against
act. and pass. The same curious contra- Cod. K) as the Av. text has it, but not
diction is found in DD, purs. 71 6 - 7 which with the Av. vbs.
is, however, closer to the A v. original:
Vizak [Paz.] one of Za,rtuxst's ancestors
viftak and vepenitak. Our passage 82 5 has
47 3 •
chosen a mitigating vb. 'to seduce', *vi-
dip-: MPrth pres. wdyfs- 'to be cheated', vizand [wznd] injury, damage 214. 1124.
wdybysn 'error, aberration', wdyb-gr 'im- 37 13 etc. - MPrthPrs wzynd, NP guzand.
postor', wdyftgyft 'deceit', Ghilain 81 sq.; vizand-kar [-kl] causing injury, destruc-
Arm. lw. vrep < *vioep 'oblique, pervert- tion, destroyer 11013 . 14 .
ed; fault, error, depravation'; MPrs pres.
vizand-kar [-k'll whose work is injury,
wyyb- (viyeb- < *videp-) , also contracted
harmful (pat) 144.
wyb-, pass. wyfs-, pt. wyft(g), abstr.
wyyftgyh = viyiftageh (also wyf-), wdyb VizarS [wyzlsl a dev, who pulls the soul
'deceit' certainly borrowed from NW; v. of the wicked to Hell after his death
Verbum 173. 198; Ps. wydyptk'n 'those 7421.24. 75 2. - Av. (1471) Vizar9sa- Yd.
who have gone astray'. BP wdypt > 19 26 .

xik [h'k] dust 11213 , = NP. xayak-des [-dys] egg-shaped 86 2 - 3 • - V.
s. v. des.
xikin [h'k'n ' ] the Turkish title of the
King 17 9. 113 23 . 11513 . 24 . - V. Barthold xem [hym] nature, disposition, temper
in EI s. v. Kha(can. 9018.19.23, v. also vat-xem.- Cf Av. (1781)
haya-, hya- 'peculiarity'; hence OIr
xinak [h'nk ' ; BYT'] house 920. 101. 20 5
*haiman- or the like. Paz. NP xim.
(ideogr.). 36 21 . 44 23 . 53 20 . 25 . 10915 . - NP
xanah. Xion [hywn ' ] Turkish peoples in Central
Asia and East Iran, pI. cas. obI. ~-an,
xanditan [hndytn'; YljLDI:IWN-tn'] to
18-30 passim. 613-22 . - Av. (1858) hyao-
laugh 1513 . 1622 (ideogr.). 47 15- 23 . 5p5.16.
na-; Paz. hayun Skr. v. tU'I·u$ka-samuha
- MPrth xnd'dn (S); NP xandidan.
(Aog.); cf NP hayun a dromedary used
xar [I:IMR'] donkey 2418. 303. - Av. (532) by express messengers; Chin H iung -nu =
xara-; NP xar. Huns.
xiyak [h'dk ' ] egg 86 3 - 7 • 9220. - Av. aya- *xirs [hIs] *a ring, or the like: 20 26 . -
< *aya- Y t. 13 2 , v. Henning, Weller Vol. Both reading and meaning are quite un-
1954, 291; NP xayah (now 'testicle'). certain. Arab has xir$-, xur$- 'a ring |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
xirs 219

running round the lowest part of the xrat [hW] l'eason, intellect, intelligence,
lan~e', also other sorts of rings, or 'coat wisdom, understanding, passim; menoye
of mail', which is possibly a lw.; but asn xrat: V. menoi, asn; menoye asn

this is a mere guess. 76 14 . - Av. (535) xratu-; MPrthPrs


Xosroi [hwslwd; hwslwg l 11016 M, but xrd; Paz. xarq, x(i)ra4; NP xirad.
hwslwd Cod. K 43 b] n. pro A. the 3d xros [hlws] cock 569. - NP xuros [N\V
king of the Kayanian dynasty, mostly form] and xuroh (SW form); from
known as Kai-Xosroi [kdhwslwd, -lwgl]
711 3 • 113 8 • 17 ; with the patron. Siyavaxsan xrostan to cry, to shout: 0 oisan devan
116 7 ; eschatological hero 8820. 99-100 apar be xrost 43 7- 13 ; vang xrost 6 J5. -
passim. 106 5; - 1'"<-.1 i Kavatan, founder of MPrth xrwstn, xrws- (S, A-H III) 'to call',
five cities 11419 sqq., is probably the old MPrs xrwstn, xrwh- (S); NP xuros 'a
Kayanian king of the heroic saga. - B. loud cry', xurosidan 'to shout'; Ghilain
the Sassanid kings from Bahram I (273- 64; Verbum 185; Schaeder, IB I, 254;
276) onwards assumed the title kai (q.v.) Bailey, BSOAS XIII, 1950, 399.
and regarded themselves as Kayanians: *xsih [MLK)] the Prth form of sah, to
Kai-Kavat (488-531), his son im bag be read HajA: 2-4. SPrth: 3.8.11. - The
Xosroi sahan sah i Kavatan (531-579) preservation of xs- in Prth is warranted
109 21 , known as anosak-ruvan 118 4 ; on by the following W. which is phonetically
Baxt-I'"<-.I V. this W. - Gr Xocrpo'f)C;, NP written.
Xusrav; Av. (1738) 2haosravah-. The spell-
ings are: 1. on coins: hwslwd, hwslwdy xsahridir (Prth) [hstrdr] = Prs sahridar
(already Prth); hwslwy (predominant un- (q. v.), pI. cas. obI. I'"<-.I-in HajA: 5.
der Khosroes II 590-628); once hwslw) xuftan [hwptn l ; J:ILMWN-tn l] xuafs-, to
and once hwslwty (!), V. Paruck 380- sleep, to fall asleep 52. 6 6. 3214. - Av.
384. 386-390; Hansen, Catrang 18-19; - (1862) xUap-, pres. xuafsa-; MPrthPrs
2. in the inscriptions: KZSPrth hwsrw, xwftn; Paz. xUaftan, pres. xUaft-, xuafs-;
Gr. V. Xocr"t"pw, Prs hwslwb, which is also NP xuftan, xuspidan, pres. xuab-.
the spelling in three of the cities mention-
ed 11419 sqq., certainly to be pronounced xfip [hWpl] good, excellent, agreeable 9 16 .
Xosrov = Arm Xosrov (but Syr Kosro). 39 19 . 59 19 ; ka'rtan to put in order 13 5 ;

In my opinion the BP form hwslwb l re- adv. well, perfectly 70 22 . 817. 8 • 2°. - MPrs
presents in reality hwslwdy, -b- being, as xwb (S), not in MPrth., where xwz (S),
often at the end of the W., the cursive xwi (A-H III) corresponds; Paz. NP
form of the letter d as written in the Ps. xub.

Xosroi-mustipit [hwsrwd mwst)p)t] the xfipeh comfortable circumstances 6 2 •

name of a town, otherwise unknown, in xfipihi well, in a perfect manner 76 15 .
the "V. quarter of Iran 1142°, V. Cat. 58
sq. - 'Kh.'s merry settlement': apat V. xurdrus [hwldlws] carrying a bloody,
apatan; must < musta-, pt. of OIr *maud-, cruel weapon 72 12 .15 . 103 7 • - Borrowed
Skr modate 'to be delighted', whence Av. from Av. (540) xrvidru-, nom. -drus, an
(1109) mao15ano.kara- 'affording sensual epithet of Aesma; Paz. xrui.draos, Skr. V.
pleasure', (280) a-Mmusta- < *ham- hi'YJ1;sasastra.
musta- 'delighted'. xUihisn [hw)ssn l] supplication, complaint
xrafstr [hlpstl] Ahrimanic, noxious ani- 74 26 . - Paz. xuahisn, Skr V. yacana. From
mals 76 9 • - Borrowed from Av. (538) xUastan, xuah- (q. v.), with inverse spelling
xrafstra-. j of -h- by -so. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

xuahr [hw)hl] delightfult, delicious 10427 . xuapar [hw)pl] 1. blessing, protecting:

- Av. (1876) xuaOra-; v. also 2xuar. bag i ~ 38 11 • - 2. blessed: roc i ~ 5720. -
xuahreh bliRs 8419 . 89 16 . Av. (1877) xuapara-; MPrs xw)br (S);
Paz. xuavar.
xuamn [hwmn] sleep, dream 112. 22 • 4 • -
Av. (1863) xuafna-; Ps. )hwmny 'sleep- xuapareh protection 89 21 . - Paz. xuavari.
less'; MPrs xwmn (Hen.). V. also xUarm. 1x uar [hw)l] easy, agreeable 10Pl. - <
xuamn-vicar [~-wc)l] interpreter of xuahr, q. v. Cf MPrs n. pro rwsn)n xw)ryst
dreams, pI. cas. obI. ~-an 2 2 • 4 , v. viciir- 'the most blessed of the Lights' (A-H I);
tan. v. also xuareh and xuariha.

xuan-asen [hwn)syn'] blazing iron 7812 . - 2xuar [hw)l] contemptible, sup. ",,-tar
Borrowed from Av. (1861) xUaena- ayah- 42 18 (gl.). - BaI. whar 'dirty, foul, spoilt'
and adapted to Milr; Paz. xunahin, Skr. (Langworth Dames) leads us back to an
v. tik~naloha; cf asen. original *hu-vara-'swinish': Av. (1817)
hu-, Mlr NP xuk 'pig, swine'; as to the
xuandan [KLYTN-tn', KRYTN-tn'] to formation cf sah-var. NP xuar; v. also
call (by a name) 1227. 184 • 1l09. 11414. xuar-man.
115 7.9. 11721; to summon 161 (frac
x Uand)·21; to read 1822 . 1l04. - MPrs Paz. xUal'g [hwlg] consuming, of the fire: ~-e
NP; cf Av. (1864) Xuanat.caxra- 'with atax8 92 2 , with the same ending -e as in
roaring wheels'. menoye, v. meno~. - < *xuarka-, cf
vastarg, vistarg, vitarg, vazurg, etc. Cf
*xuandrai [*hwndl)y] *pleasing, agree- MPrth xwryndg or wxryndg.
able 10515 . - My guess. I recall Av. (1865)
x uandra-ka1-a- 'doing what is pleasant to xUar-asan [hwPs)n '] the East 113 7. 12011 •
another p., pleasing' Yd. 1346 . 48 (but - 'Sunrise': from xUar 'sun' (v. xuarxset)
the PhI. translation has xuanak-kar, which + asan pt. of Prth as- 'to come': 'the
J amasp corrects to xuandrak-kar). coming sun', Ghilaiil 49.

xuanirah [hwnyls] the name of the cent- xuar-baran [hwlbPn '] the West ~1424.
ral continent (kiSvar) situated in the 12011 • - 'Sunset' < xuar-paran, MPrs
midst of the six others, the mythical xwrpr)n (S), from xUar + paran pt. of
name of Iran and adjacent countries: Av. (851) 4 par- 'to pass', cf appurtan and
47 5. 10614 . 22 . 10812 . - Av. (1864) Xuani-
puhl; also MPrs xwrwpr)n 'evening (A-H
raOa-. I) < xUar +
ava-par- 'to go down'. An-
other w. is xwrnw)r = xuar-nivar 'the
xuan-sand [hwnsnd] contented, happy West' (BBB), on which v. van Windekens.
with what one possesses, "not jealous of Museon 62, 1949, 126-127. It is very un-
other people's greater prosperity" (cf certain whether any of these ws. should
FrP 30), magnanimous 13 12 . 37 25 . 66 1. - be identical with NP xavar.
MPrth hwnsnd-yft (S) ; MPrs hwnsnd
(BBB). From xUan- = xUar- 'sun' (v. s. v. Xuar-casm [hwlcsm] n. pro 1069. l2 • - 'Hav-
xuar-xset) and (Av. 1559) sand- 'to be, ing a sunny eye', cf Av. (1849) hvar~.
become visible', v. s. v. sahistan and pas-
sand, thus 'having a su~y look', 'of xuareh [hw)lyh] bliss, felicity, delight
sunny disposition' (Benveniste). Also 47 22 . 741. 16 . 10020 . 21 • - From 1x U ar; MPrs
xttar-sand = Paz. NP. xw)ryy (A-H II).
xuansandeh contentedness, modesty 66 4 • xUarenitan [hw)lynytn ' ] to give to drink:
714. 83 19 ; personified menoye "" 85 14 . frac ~ 6017 . 2°. -
v. xUartan. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

xUiirihii [hw)lyh)] easily 118 23 . 119 22 . - xuarraheh [GDH-yh] v. s. v. purr.

From 1xu ar.
xUarrahomand [GDH-)wmnd] full of di-
xUarisn [hwlsn'] the act of eat~ng; nour- vine splendour, compo ,-..-.,-tar 37 24 . 66 8 •
ishment, food, drink 220. 9 12 . 22 etc. pas- 73 19 • 87 6 •
sim; pI. cas. obI. ,-..-.,-an 7413 ; hence
xuar-sand v. xuan-sand II X U
a1"-set [hwl-
xUarisneh det. v. n. the act of eating: sytl] v. xuar-xset.
patmanik ,-..-., 70 27 ; gMt ,-..-., 10421 .
xUartak [hwltkl] small, insignificant, sup.
xUiiritan [hw)lytn '] to give to drink: frae ,..., -tom 72 23 . - MPrs xwrdg; Paz. xurdak;
xUarit 43 2 • - Another caus. of xUartan, NP xuardah; Ps. without oak: hwldy.
cf xuarenitan.
xUartan [hwltn'; CSTHn-tn'] 1. to eat,
XUiirizm [hw)lcm] the country of Khwar- passim; be ,-..-., 102. 82 13 , fdle ,-..-., 60 5 to de-
izm 95 12 . 1143. - Av. (1878) Xuairizam-. vour, consume; to earn one's livelihood
xUarm [hwlm] sleep 3216. - < xUamr 69 20 . 24 . 8217. - 2. to drink 1421 etc.; sokand
through metathesis, MPrth xwmr (8, (q. v.) ,-..-., pat to swear an oath by 2p8.23.
MHC), < xUamn (q. v.) through dissi- 2225. 23 22 . - 19 20 CSTHn-yt ' : read )wlyt l
milation of -n- > -r after -mo. and V. avar and honeh. - Av. (1865 sq.)
xuar-; MPrth wxr- and xwr-; MPrs xwr-;
xUiir-miin [hw)lm)n ' ] whose house is dirty, Paz. NP xUar-. - V. xUarg, xUarisn, xUa-
contemptible 45 22 • - From 2x uar + man ritan, xUarenitan and the next w.
(q. v.).
xUartareh [hwlt)lyh] the act of eating, of
xUarrab [GDH] a divine essence, a special taking food 10513 .
form of the Eternal Light, a splendour,
a glory I. manifested in the gods: one xUar-xset [hwlhsyt ' ] 86 9. 87 2. 15 . 88 4. 8.
89 14 . 903, elsewhere xuar-set [hwlsyt'] the
swears by (pat) ,-..-., i Ohurmazd bag u den
i mazdesnan 2117.22-23 (without bag). 23 21- 22 ; sun. - Av. (1848 sq.) hvar9.xsaeta- from
zor u ,-..-., i visp-akah spenak menoi datar hvar-, xUan- (1847 sq.) 'the sun' (541) +
Ohurmazd 10623 - 24 . - 2. a cosmic essence xsaeta- 'splendent'; MPrthPrs xwrxsyd;
Paz. xUarseq, xurseq; NP xuarsed, xUarsad.
92 15 . 19 • - 3. Zartuxst's divine essence
36-38. 43-45 passim; the elements con- xUiistak [hw)stk ' ] property 4 18 etc.; often
stituting his individuality are his ,-..-." hir u ,-..-., 11 23 etc. - MPrs xw)stg (A-H II).
fravahr and tan gohr 43 3 •18 ; his rai u ,-..-., From xUastan, q. V.
51-52; v. also s. v. purr. - 4. the splen-
xUastan [hwstn '] to trample pat 'pad
dour, "glory", of the King, of the dynasty,
under the feet 271; pt pass. xUast pat
of the priests: ,-..-., i xuatayeh 727. (8 1);
trained, practised in the use of 26 12 . 29 11 •
,-..-., i kayan u aturan sah 1222; kayan,-..-.,
- Av. (1875) xuah- 'to drive, to press',
u han i herpat ,-..-., 55 4 ; yazdan ,-..-., i Eran
(1874) xUasta~ 'thrashed'. V. also xUastar.
sahr 5 27_6 1 ; in a more general sense 427.
11918 ; in names of towns 11615 . 22 . - 5. xUiistan [hw)stn ' ; BCYI.!vVN-stn ' ] xUah-
fate 1311 • - Av. (1870 sq.) x Uar9nah-, in [B cYI;IWN -, cf also xutihisn and xUayisn]
Old Median farnah- in proper names: 1. to wish, to will, to desire: api-san xUast
Vinda-farnah-, also in OP: TLO'O'cx-cpepvYjC; xUahem and what they [the Mobads] will
< *ti<;a- (8W form of dOra-) + farnah, (i. e., decree) we also will 1107 ; ke marg
, Ap't'cxcpepvYj<';; etc.; MPrthPrs frh, MPrs pat ayaft hame xuahend who are longing
also prh, pI. frh)n; Paz. xuareh, xuarahe, for death as a benefit 9 3 - 4 • - 2. to call, to
xurahe; NP xur(r)ah, farrah. -- V. also summon; to implore: 0 dar xUast was
zat-xUarrah. summoned to the court 109 2 ; 0 pes ,...., |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

to summon a p. to one's side 2 2- 3. 12 . 56. xuat [BNPSH; hwt ' 122] himself, herself,
104 etc.; without 0 pes 6 25 . 73 • 3P; Ohur- itself: (asp 2) evak,......, u evak kanicak apar
mazd ast hac damik ... xUahet O. will call nisast the one (horse) he mounted him-
up the bones from the earth 10012- 13 ; vas self, and the other the girl mounted 612 ;
xuahisn (q. v.) i rapak-kariha xuahet he karap the karap himself 48 12 ; i ,......, his

clamourously utters many implorations (her, one's) own, or proper 10014 . 121 15 ;
74 26 - 27 . - 3. to ask, to demand: pat zan -m ,......, myself 122; -san themselves

IV to marry a wife 675 ; pat zaneh '" to 104 • - Av. (1861) xUato adv. 'of one's

ask in marriage 1165 - 6 ; hac papak paSt self, voluntarily' ; MPrth wxd; MPrs
(q. v.) u zinhar xUast 214; 3 roc iaman xwd; Paz. xUa<j, xu4; NP x1lad (xod). -
xUast he solicited a time of three days for Cf xues.
consideration 11816 ; 121 6 ; mizd datiha /"'o.J

to demand reward righteously 81 20 - 21 ;

xuatiii [hwt'y; MRW1:IY Ps.], pI. cas.
obI. /"'o.J-an (used as cas. recto pI. 17 6 • 10 .
hac xUat karap margeh i Zartuxst xUast,
90 13 . 14 ) 1. suzerain in a political sense:
apar ce aivenak margenitan he asked the
""'--' u dahyupat 1224. 72 23 ; ne ,......,-an rad u
karap himself about the manner of Z.'s
ne-c an dahyupatan 7221; ,......, u dahyupat u
death, how to put him to death 48 12- 13 ;
sai u baz /"'o.Jhac to exact tribute from sardu1' u dastavar i den akah 1081 - 2 ; IV -e u
patixsay-e 5 ; pes i ,......,-an u patixsayan
177. 58 ; Pourusasp han hom hac Dugdav
70 21 ; with a gen. of the governed people
apac xUast P. asked D. to give him back
or country: ,......, i parsikan 1318 ; X iOniin /"'o.J
that Haoma 42 24- 25 ._4. to seek, to search, to
look for, to ponder, to strive to attain:
18-29 passim; Eran u Aneran,......, 119 19 ;
api-san han hom xuast they searched for fradandan i,......, -an12 14 ; gani i ,......,-an
11021 - of minor rulers: sar-,......, properly
that Haoma 40 6 ; pat i han i oi xuarrah

in striving to attain his Glory 46 14 , more 'ruling as the head of a family', prince,
fully + an inf: api-s han xuarrah be vice-roy, vassal: sar-,......,-an i Eran 134 ;
ayaftan xUast 46 18 ; - with an abstr. subst. sar-/"'o.J-an i kustak kustak the vice-roys
of the different territories 17 5- 6 • 10 ; in the
as its obj.: v. carak, darisn, dosaram,
hucasmeh, ken, panah, zivisn, etc.; cf same sense katak-/"'o.J 13 , properly 'the
also s. v. axUayisneh. - OIr *hvaz-, MPrth master of the house'. - 2. of the heavenly
wx'st, pres. wx'z-; MPrs xw'stn, xw'h-; beings: Ohurmazd ,......, Lord O. 1222;
Paz. NP xUastan xuah-; Verbum 187; Ohurmazd i ,......, 746 and passim; ,......, alone:
Ghilain 69; Bailey, BSOS VI, 1930, 74. the Lord Paramount 10411 ; ,......, u patixsai
V. also xuastar, -eh, xUayisn, -eh. of Srosh 86 25 ; [MRWI.IY] God in the
Jewish-Christian sense 1289.19.20. - Prth
xuastiir [hwst'l] one who tramples down, inser. hwtwy (Prs always MRWI.IY);
crushes: duz i 58 27 . - V. x 1tastan.
MPrth xwd'wn, xwd'y; MPrs xwd'y,
xUiistiir [hw'sVl] a seeker, one who strives xwd'wy (A-H I), xwdy'(h), pI. xwdy'h'n
for a tho 56 26 . - V. xuastan. (S, A-H II); Paz. xuadae, xuadaie; NP
xuda 'God; master, owner'. Meillet, MSL
xUiistiireh the act of striving for 66 12 . 712. 17, 1911, 109 sqq.; Bthl, MirM III, 1920,
xuas [BSYM] beautiful, nice, pleasant, V. Index; Junker, WuS XII, 1929, 145-

savoury 28 20 ; sup. /"'o.J-tom 74 8 • 13 . - MPrth 147; Schaeder, UJ' XV, 570 n.; Eilers,
WX8; MPrs xws; Paz. NP x ua8; etymology AOi 24, 1956, 185. - V. also derang-
V. Pagliaro, RSO XII, 1929, 166. xUatai.
xuaseh [BSYM-yh] beauty, savourmess xuatiii-viir [- w'l] worthy of a ruler, regal
89 10 . 9410 . 10422 . 1052. 217 |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

xuatiiyeh domination, dominion, reign apispart 11 3- 6 ; ,......,-tan varc your own glory
620. 727. 1311.19.21 etc. passim; v. also (honour) 420; 8 12 . 2°. 11 3. 25 etc. - 2. proper,
zest-xUatayeh, dus-x 1latayeh, ev-xU~tayeh, own: 0 ,......, kartan to make a tho one's own,
evak-xu .; KZSPrth hwtwypy, Gr. v. ae:cr- to acquire, to appropriate 3 27 . 9 15 . 82 25 .
7tOTELIX. 85 8 - 12 ; as a pred.: lee ,......, hom? whose
property am I? 62 4 , answer: Ohurmazd
xuat-doseh [hwtdwsyh] self-will, self-
,......, hom I am 0.' s property, I belong to
conceit, capriciousness 84 26 . Paz. xUag,.
dosi, SkI' v. svecchacaritva; as to dM cf
O. 62 18 ; vehan ,......, hom aivap vattaran?
do I belong to the good folk or to the
s. v. dost.
bad? 62 8 - 9 ; etc.; frazam perozeh Ohur-
xuat-socisneh [hwtswcsnyh] the act of mazd ,......, the final victory is reserved for
burning by itself 37 5 • - V. soxtan. O. 7727 sq. - 3. subst. pI. one's own family
xUiiyisn [hw)dsn '] v. n. of xUastan 1. as a or people, only cas. obI. ,......,-an: NPSH-)n '
pred. : api-man han hom,......, we must search 8 24 ; (NPSH-)n ' DkM 73 2 but hwys>n ' =
for this haoma 40 5 • - 2. as an inf.: the xuesan I. 4); often written with the ,vrong
act of searching, research 11212; request ideogr. <LH-s>n ' , hwys>n ' having been
117 1°. - < xUOOisn (the SW form with -d- misread as >wys>n l (= oisan) , 38 s . v. 14 •
< -z-, v. s. v. xUastan) with the regular 412. 4 (corrected in the text). - Av. (1861)
change of -d- > -y-; parallel form to xUaepai()ya-, adj. derived from (1860)
xUahisn with -h- inserted in the hiatus xuaepati- 'master of his own'; OP uvai-
after -y- had been dropped. pasiya- 'one's own possession'; MPrth
wxybyh, wxybyy; MPrs xwybs (A-H II),
xuayisneh det. v. n. of the preceding w.: xwys; Paz. NP xues.
pat pus ,......, in order to search for, or bring
forth, a young one 40 2, a son 43 6. 12 ; xuesavand [hwys>wnd] belonging to one's
besazehe ,......, roo in order to search for a own family, pI. cas. obI. ,......,-an members
remedy 43 24 . of one's own family 9 9 •
xues [NPSH; hwys] 1. refl. pron. self, xueseh [hwysyh] 1. cas. obI. of xues: pat ,......,
valid for all persons, a) referring to the by himself = personally 45 14 . - 2. abstr.
agent = the logical subj.: -s '" hecak possession 117 1 ; pat ,......, u ii.zateh (with
hac cah ul hixt he himself hauled up 1510; possession and feudal benefit =) as his
b) as an obj.: '" hac ran} asan kartan to very own feud 117 2 - 3 , V. azateh (1). •
relieve oneself of trouble 13 13- 14 ; c) after
xues-kareh [hwysk>lyh] 1. the perfor-
a prep. : vinaskareh andar ,......, be guft 34 24 ;
mance of one's own work: one's task,
(smah) ,......, rad 45 3 ; d) as a refl. poss.
mission, function 4718.776.815.12-14. - 2. the
pron.: i ,......" passim, e. g. hac xUatai i
performance of the proper, right and
xues 5 17 ; ruvan i ,......, rady F: 2; hac hir
righteous work: the whole system of
i,......, F:3; or ,......, alone, or han i,......" both
religious duties incumbent on a Mazda-
placed before their subst.: pat ,......, casm
yasnian, the moral law 37 8 ; it comprises
80 9 ; hac ,......, xanak SPrs: 10; api-s ,......,
numerous different activities, 67 6 , ,vhich
afrinY karty and he praised himself PI:
are called kirpak (q. v.) 69 21 ; - moral
10-11; han i ,......, xUatai 5 18 ; also fravahr
virtue 7020. 7111.
et i ,......, 88 3 ; har kas oi i dit eton dost bavet
cigon i ,......, everyone will be as friendly to xuet [hwyt '] humid; what is humid, fresh
the other as to himself 10412- 13 ; e) as an 19 7 , opp. h'usk. - The same contrasting
attr.: ,......, Zartuxst 52 26 ; - emphatic form pair also in MPrs: xwyd - hwsk (A-H I,
,......,-tan or (65 9 • 92 6 )'tan i,......, (v. tan): ,......,-tan V. Gloss.); MPrs also xwydg 'fresh,
u asvaran ran}ak ma daret 8 12 ; ,......,-tan 0 marg succulent and green' (S); NP xaved 'a |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
224 Yahftdakan

sown field; green corn or wheat (etc.) not Mar Aba (539-552) the question of the
yet in ear'. khwetodah-marriages, which he found
widely spread in his Christian communi-
xuetodat [hwytwkd't ' ] 827. 84 1, rendered
ties, played a prominent part (v. his
by modern Parsis by "next-of-kin mar-
Vita in Bedjan, Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha,
riage", but originally sexual intercourse
1895, 206-287). The Magi tried to extort
between members of the same family. -
from him a declaration that those who
By popular etymology connected with
had married the wives of their fathers,
diit 'law', but the better BP form is
or their sisters, or their daughters-in-law
hwytwkds = xUetodah (-s inverse spelling before his patriarchate should be per-
of -h; silent -k- indicates that the preced-
mitted to remain in this status, pointing
ing letter is -w- ) borrowed from A v.
to the fact that this form of marriage
(1860) xUaetvadaOa- < *xuaetu-vadaOa-
was legal in the official state religion
'family marriage'. The texts are un-
(op. cit. p. 254). Mar Aba refused, how-
ambiguous as to the true character of
ever, any compromise and prescribed
this custom. It was, we are told, one of
that all marriages in forbidden degrees
the basic elements of Zartuxst's first
should be annulled within one month or
preaching, prescribing, as the most bliss- at the latest within one year (p. 282). V.
ful religious virtue, the between
Brun, Buch der Synhados, 1900, 93-145;
"father and daughter, son and mother
Sachau, Syr. Rechtsbucher III, pp. XXII-
(burtlir), brother and sister": DkM 73 10- 11 •
XXVII; 31-35, 365-368. Only the toler-
62619 - 20 (the editor has purposely cor-
ance of the Great King Khosroi Anosir-
rupted the text of the MS, which we
van saved the life of the Katholikos.
now know in photographic reproduction) Needless to say, in later epochs the
and PR, the whole ch. VIII, pp. 9-21, original khwetodah has been totally abol-
esp. p. 17, 2nd sect. (purposely distorted ished by the Parsis.
text). Hut6s, the consort of Vistasp, is
xuihl [hwyhl] curly 26 27 . - NP xuahl,
expressedly called his sister 24 22 - 23 . The
xohal 'crooked, bent'.
Rivayat of Hemet i Asavahistlin (10th
cent. A. D.), ed. Anklesaria 1962, deals xiin [hwn'] blood 229. 25 5 • 5014 • 60 6 • 78 14 •
in Pursisn XXVII and XXVIII with 10012 • - MPrs xwn; NP xun; from Av.
the juridical implications of the khweto- (1434) vohuni, Verbum 226 sq.

dah. In the persecutions to which the xiin-recisneh [-lycsnyh] bloodshed, blood-
Magi of Iraq exposed the Katholikos bath 1313 . - V. rextan.

yabb(u) [ybb] a Turkish royal title 113 23 . yad [y'd] v. Yazet-yad.

11524 . - F. W. K. Muller, Mahrnamag 1,
1. 93 yaj3yu,I. 77 £apyu; Ibn Xordadbeh, Yahiid [yhwt'] Jew, pI. cas. obI. ,-.."J-an
BGA VI, 168 .40 10 : jabyuyah; al-Xuarizmi, 117 9, cf also next w. - MPrs pI. cas. obI.
M afatifi, al- culum 120: iabbuyah; Eransahr, yhwd'n; Paz. ZuhUdaa (= -dak), pI.
v. Index; Bailey, BSOS VI, 1930, 63-64; ZuhUdq (SGV); NP JuhUd (Yahrui is
Unvala, The translation of an extract from borrowed from Arab).
M afatifi, al- CulUm of al-Khwarazmi (The
K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, s. a.) 20, Yahiidakiin [yhwtk'n ' ] 1. adj.: of Jewish
n.50. origin or family 1143. - 2. pI. cas. obI. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Yahiidakan 225 yatango(k)

of the sg. Yahud; resgalutak i ,......, sah yyz-, adj. ystg, Verbum 170 (evidently
11620 , cf s. v. vaspuhrakan. borrowed from the Zoroastrian termi-
nology); MPrth ystn 'to worship', Ghilain
yakint [y'knt ' ], yakind [y'~nd] the
99. The authentic Prs form is yad-, V.
precious stone hyacinth; ,......, suxr 12 18
(read swhl, not *dyn'l! !). 118 7. - Borrow- Yazet-yad.
ed from Gr u&XL'JeO~; Arab yaqut due to yastar [yst'l] worshipper, he to whom it
a misreading of y'knt as y'kwt. belongs to perform religious service 53 14 ;
Yam [ym] one of the primeval heroes, patis (= pat den) varzitar u ,......, butan
son of Vivanghan, 39 18 . 4425. 45 5. 47 8 • 63 11- 12 , cf den yastan (v. above). - Av.
781.9012.1014.11315.11427; ,......, i set = (1280) yastar-.
NP Jamsed 105 24 , v. set. - Av. (1300 sq.) yast-fravabr [-plw'hl] he whose fravasi is
Yima (OInd Yama-); Paz. Jim; NP worshipped, of deceased holy men; of
Jam; v. Yam-kart. Zartuxst 111 5. 6 • - yast < Av. pt. yasta-;
yam [y'm, M'NH] cup, goblet 68 • 926 . V. fravahr.

6015 . - Av. (1264) yama- 'glass', (1286) yat [y't l] share 98 2 • 4. - Av. (1283) l yata-;
yamo.pacika- 'furnace for burning glass'; Ps. y'ty 'heritage'; MPrs z'dg (A-H II).
MPrs z'>m (A-H II); NP iam. V. also yat-angok.
yamak [y'mk l] clothes, garment 217. 57 7. 16 . ya6a-abii-vairyo [yt'1s 'hwkwylywk] the
118 9 • - 57 7 y'mk ' + 1, read y'mk ' B<R'), most holy prayer of the Zoroastrians 58 2 •
with BR' = be prevo of YI;IBWN = dah - V. Benveniste IIJ I, 1957, 77-85.
(the first BR' is the adversative conj.) -
MPrs z'mg (A-H II); NP iamah. yatak [ytk'] form, shape: ,......, i nevak
good fortune 113 3 ; ,......, vihireh change of
Yaman [ymn] = Arab Yaman, South
form 109 9 , in the Aristotelian physics
Arabia U5 18 .
f.Le;'t'IXO'X1)f.L~'t'LO'L~, Bailey, ZP 82 and n. 5. -
Yam-kart [ymkrt'] made, built by Yam. According to Bailey derived from A V.
97 19 , of the var or fortress in which Y ima (1262) yam- 'to hold, to sustain'. [The
saved the living beings from the Great SW form *fatalc is found in MPrs zdg,
Inundation (Vd. 2); ,......, is almost used as which only occurs in the expression zdg
the n. pr. of this var. <y hwm'ywn 'huma-like shape' of a
yaSt [ystl] worship, invocation, religious bishop (A-H II, with unsatisfactory ex-
ceremony 65 19 • 70 10 (,......, u niyayisn u planation). Hence hwzdg 'of good shape'
izisn u azbayisn); 1005. 14- 17 etc. passim; V. = f.LIXX&pLO~ (A-H II), exactly correspond-
also yast- fravahr. - Borrowed from A V. ing to MPrth hwydg in the same sense
(1280) yasti-. (A-H III, MHC), which accordingly is
to be read huyadag and not *huvidag as
yastan [ystnl; YZBI;I"\VN-tn'] yaz- [yc-]
did Henning, comparing OInd (RV)
to worship; to perform or conduct the
8uvita- < 8U + ita- - a typical "Routine-
religious service: magve-mart ke ap u
Etymologie" , to use the expression he
ataxs i Vahram yazend u pahrecend 203 --4;
himself coined.] - V. also yat-o.
den ,......, to perform worship according to
the (Mazdayasnian) religion 11525 - 26 ; frac yatango(k) [y'tngwk] solicitor 7015 . -
en i man yaz! conduct the worship (the Paz. iadango; < *yatana- = *yata- (v. s.
prayer) for me! (replacing me, who ought v. yat) + go < gov from guftan (-k is
to do it myself, being the father of the spurious, cf. s. v. xUetodat). Commonly
family) 53 5, V. the whole episode 53 1- 15 . - yatak-gob from yatak = yat; Arm. lw.
Av. (1274 sqq.) yaz-; MPrs pres. yz-, jatagov (Hbschm.). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
15 Nyberg
yst-o 226 yszet

yat-o [yt)w l ] (Prth) till, until 27 23 . - yavetak eternal: nam i "" 9 15 .

MPrth yd )w or yd alone, v. Henning,
yavetan perpetueJ, eternal: "" rocan in
List 89; BSOAS XII, 1947, 52. I cannot
eternity 2720. - MPrth y'wyd'n, 'w y'wyd'n
accept any of his etymological attempts.
'eternally'; MPrs z'yd)n (S, A-H II),
In my opinion, yat < yatam *, pt. of
i)yd'n (BBB).; Paz. J·avadq (SGV); NP
yam- (v. s. yatak) , 'held on' (ava 'to')
used adverbially, cf Hom. O')(e:a6v (from
!:)(cu) +gen. 'close by'. Cf yume. yavetanakan for all eternity 103 20 .
yatiik [y)twk'] sorcerer, wizard, of the yazdan [y?;d)n'] v. yazet.
enemies of the Zoroastrian religion, pas- Yazdekirt [y~dykrtj'], Yazdkid [y~dkrt']
sim; pI. cas. obI. ""-an 46 2. 50 18 . 87 21 . Sassanid king (Y. I, son of Shapur III,
90 27 ; sorceress 109 ; sorcery 43 24 . 44 2. - 399-420) 11417. 1156- 7. 11619 . 117 1°. -
Av. (1283 sq.) yatu-; Paz. iadu; NP iadu. Cf MPrth yzdygyrd 'divine'; Arab Yaz-
yatiikeh sorcery, witchcraft, gI. to ape- daiird.
dat (q. v.) 37 16 . Yazdekirtan, Yazdkirtan, patr. of the
yatiikiha through sorcery 4810. preceding name: Vahram (q. v.) i ""
1144. 115 9 • 11713 .
yavar [y)wl; PI'S inscr. y)wly] time, oc-
casion: pat han "" ka on the occasion
yazet [PI'S inscr. and Ps. yzdty, BP
y~dt'], pI. cas. obI. yazatan [yzVn] HajB:
when PI: 2; fratom ditikar u sitikar ""
2. 4, commonly yazdan [inscr. yzd)n, BP
first time, a second time, a third time
y?;d)n ' ], Prth yazatan [y)ztn] HajA:3.4.
46 17 - 18 ; ",,-e [y)wl + 1] once and for all
10 16 . - MPrth y)wr; MPrs z)r (A-H II), SPrth 5. 7. 12, god: Atu,r "" 25 2; Gosurvan
"" 34 26- 27 ; Nerosang "" 60 9 ; Mihr"" 96 11 ;
i)r (BBB); Paz. iavar; < *yava-vara-,
v. next w. han "" (sc. Zartuxst) vanom 61 5 ; " " a
god, or possibly already (as in the Ps.)
yavet [y)wyt l
inscr. y)wyt] perpetuity:
; God 11918 ; - "" as pI. cas. rect.: hamak
yat-o roc "" for all time, in perpetuity "" 1044 (together with pI. cas. obI. amah-
27 23 ; - P 2: 5-6 read ... )nwsky (6) raspandan and martoman used as pI. cas.
wy)wyt stly = anosaky (6) u yavet-sahr Y rect.); - pI. cas. obI. yazdan (etc.) a) gen.,
immortal and with eternal rule (bahu- often placed before its subst.: pat yazdan
vrihi; thus justly Frye, AO XXX, 1966, hayyareh 3 14- 15 . 1214 (but pat hayya-
86; clear on the photograph of Professor reh i y. 50 6 ); yazdan xUes hom 62 19 ;
Luschey; my reading was that of Herz- ... i yazdan, passim; - b) dat.: yazdan
feld, who put at my disposal a photo- u Bahpuhr Y xup sahat it may seem good
graph of small size and his own tran- to ... P 2: 7. 8-9; api-s kamak ...
script; the correct reading was con- aparik yazdan it is the will ... of
firmed on my personal visit to the the other gods 59 11 ; - c) after prep.:
monument 16.10. 1971). - MPrth y'wyd andar yazdan 17 2 • 70 10 ; apak meno-
in the expressions )w Y'wyd Y'wyd and yan yazdan 7416 . 79 22 ; pat yazdan 84 17 ;
)w y)wyd y'wyd)n (S), yhm Y'wyd y'wyd)n hac yazdan inscr. passim; - d) agent:
(A-H III, BBB) 'in secula seculorum'; 38 2. 45 6. 55 17 . 10311 ; - e) instead of cas.
Av. (1264 yav- and 1266 yavaetat-) ya- recto pI. 3417. 88 16 . - Borrowed from Av.
vaeca yavaetataeca id.; yavet < the nom. (1279 sq.) yazata-, hence the irregularities
*yavaitas from *yavaitat- (in Av. shorten- of the forms: yazet cf Syr n. Pl'. Yaziq-
ing of -au- > -av- and -ai- > -ay- before panah; NP izad < yazad, cf izisn <
a vowel is the common rule). NP iavid. yazisn. MPrthPrs yzd, pI. yzd)n. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
(Yaz)et-yiid 227 yuvat-sritak

(Yaz)et-yiid n. pro of the scribe of P I, v. 3. compo yuvat-tar [yw12tl] differently:

1. 12. - "Worshipper of the god": -yad ,......, kartan to act differently 77 9 - 1°, to
from yad-, the SW form of yaz-, v. yastan. disobey 3 9 ; ,......, hac than, together with
a compo 40 27 ; - ka ,......, otherwise 99 1. -
yazisn [ycsn i] performance of religious
MPrth ywd; Paz. iad, iuij, iiq, vaq,
service, worship, sacrifice 53 14 • 95 6.7 etc:
compo iudtar; NP iuz < iud-az. In my
passim. - V. yastan.
opinion < *'l,fu'l,fata (with dissimilation
yo-drun [ywdlwny] harvester 128 16 . - of 'I,f- > y-) < *'l,fi~ta, *vivata instr.
yo- < Av. (1265 sq.) yava- 'corn' + adv. of *vi-vat- *'separation, dispersion',
drun-, pres. st. of drutan, NP durudan derived from the prep. vi as are frot (q. v.)
dirav- 'to reap', v. Barr s. v. < *fravata instr. of *fra-vat- (OInd
yod- [ywd-] pres., 3d p. sg. yodet [ywdty] pravat- 'mountain slope', pravata 'down')
(the wind) blows 12814 • - OP yaud- and OInd ni-vat- 'depth' from ni-, ud-
'to be in commotion', Av. (1231 sq.) vat- 'height' from ud-, a-vat- 'vicinity'
yaoz-, v. ayoz-, cf ahoyenitan. from a. - In compounds the antonym of
ham-; examples v. below.
yujiyast [ywcY'st i] a measure of distance
50 5 • 54 18 . - Av. (1301 sq.) yuiyasti-. yuvatiik separated, detached 63 10 . 67 7.
74 7.766. - Paz. NP iuda. Probably formed
yume [ywmyg, yum'Y] together: ,......, var-
analogically after its antonym hamak.
zisneh sexual intercourse 43 16 ; jointly
ll020. - Paz. iume, Skr. v. saha, samavaya yuvat-diitistiin [-DYN'] of diverging
(SGV IV, 101); Bailey, ZP 154; from decision, or judgment: pat vinas ,......, not
yam-, cf s. v. yatak; cf also yat-o. consenting to sin in his decisions 65 27 ,
+yumbisneh [+ywmbsnyh] det. v. n.: opp. pat kirpak hamdatistan (q. v.).
star ,......, the motion of the stars 1098. - yuvat-diitistiineh [-d'tsVnyh] la.vless-
Paz. iunb- 'to move', v. n. iunbasn; ness, anarchy 1084 ; perverted judgment
junba 'mover' (SGV); NP iunbidan; cf ll023.
MPrth ywb- 'to lament, to mourn'. -
Text: ynMnyh; it would have been better yuvat-kes [-kys] having a differing reli-
to correct it to ywnb- = Paz. NP. gion, unbeliever, pI. cas. obI. """,,·an 64 25 •
- V. kes.
yuniiniiyik [ywn'n'yk] adj. Greek II }l4.
- OP yauna- 'Ionian'. yuvat-ristak [- lystki] having different,
diverging customs, heterodox 10918 . -
yuviin [ywd'n i, for YW12'n i with a 12 10917 restore the reading YW12t i slytk'n i,
joined to the left] youth, a young man v. yuvat-sritak.
73 5. 744; 12000 mart,......, 12026 . - Av. (1305)
yvan-, yavan-; Ps. abstr. ywb'nyhy, MPrth yuvat-ristakeh [- Ist-] heterodoxy 1083.
YW'ngft (S), Paz. iuqni (Aog). - NP iavan.
yuvat-sritak [- slytki] *text not handed
yuvat [YW12ti, cf the spelling of the down (in the common traditional way):
preceding w.] separately, differently: 1. ke apak hamak oisan ,......,-an no(k) nask
,......, ,......, pat har hazarak sar hac oisan evak osmurt (together with =) including all
ravet of whom each in turn will come these texts which were not handed down
at the beginning of every millenium in the ordinary way he reckoned the
7p5-16; ,......, ,......, each of them 814. ll3 5, in nasks anew 10917 (restore the text of
every direction 5]23-24. 5210. - 2. ,......, hac the MS and Madan!). - Av. (1637 sq.)
without 417. 68 2- 3; pat ,......, hac except sray- 'to lean'; 'FrO Xllc srita = api-
649 ; ,......, hac han i besides what 10413 . - spart (v. this w.). The secondary texts |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
yuvat-sritak 228 zan

alluded to here are probably inserted in yuxt [ywht'] a pair: e-yuxt [I;IN' "-',
the Paci nask (no. 6, DkM 682-684). v. 8. v. e] for ev-yuxt, a bahuvrihi: having,
yuvattar [ywbtl] v. yuvat. implying one pair (playing a game) = a
game ll8 7 • ll9 20 . 1201. - Av. (1301)
yuvattareh contrariety, adversity 121. 77 16 . yl1xta- 'a team of horses'; NP jujt <
yuvat-venisneh [-wynsnyh] perverted *juxt 'a yoke, a couple, a pair', from
sight 11024 . yaog-, v. s. v. apiyuxt.

zalar [zpl] mouth, of Ahrimanic beings "-' handaxt he (the astrologer) calculated
40 12 . 48 6. - Av. (1657) zajar-; cf dahan. the time 76 ; ne dagr "" bavet ka it will not
be long before 25 11 • 29 25 ; varan "-' the
zabr [z'hl] poison 9 10- 21 . 103 • 25 16 . 28 14 •
rainy season 97 2 ; jayiSn u zaman <i)
76 9 • MPrth jhr; Arm. lw. zahr; MPrs
brihenisn rad (because of Fortune, and
zhr (A-H I); NP zahr; < *jaOra- 'means
for the sake of Destiny's time =) by
for killing', v. s. v. zatan (because of -hr Prs
Fortune, and because the time appointed
zahr must have been borrowed from NW).
by Destiny was at hand 1412 [the i?ajat
zabyiii [zhy'y] depth 929. 93 5. - < *zajyai, after zaman is necessary; "-' brihenisn
v. zujr; Ps. z[wp]l'dy; MPrs zwp'y (List cannot mean 'the predestination of Time;
90); Paz. zujae (SGV); cf pahnai. in that case *brihenisneh would be in-
dispensable]; - adverbial: ce "-' be vitart?
zim- (Prth) [z'm- to let go, to shoot
at which time did th('y pass? 7 15 ; hec "-'
off (an arrow): ke tigr 0 ho sU'1I [~'mywd]
ma pai do not stop a single moment 1020 ;
*zamed whoever (shall shoot off his
dag1· "-' 76 3 , derang "-' 913 for a long time;
arrow on to this cairn = ) shall hit
ham "-' immediately 1620 ; - together
this cairn with his arrow HajA: 13-14.
with other temporal ws.: 3 roc "-' xUast
- Av. (496 init.) jamayeiti caus. of (493
he pondered for three days 118 16 ; 121 6 ; -
sqq.) gam-, pres. jam- (etc.), v. s. v.
with prep.: andar "-' in due time 221 etc.;
amatan; MPrth j'm'dn j'm- 'to convey,
andar ham "-' at the same moment 12 20 ;
to conduct', Ghilain 72. The optative
andar han "-' at that time, then 97 19 .
in *-evd is still unexplained (wanting in
103 22 ; hambun-ic "-' ne never 97 16 ; han
MPrth). As the Aram.alphabet used in the
and "" cand as long as 99 7 j adak apar
'official Prth. script had no special sign for
pat (han) "" about that time 4210. 619 j
z and j the letter z had to serve also for
pat har gah u "" 71 6 j apar pat han
these sounds: jam-, zam- could only be
"" ka at the time when 4123. - ""
spelt z'm-. In Prs j-, z had changed into z,
as a metaphysical entity 109 8 ; pat ""
but a secondary j- had developed from
i akanarak (q. v.) 77 8 • - MPrth jm'n;
initial y, which was maintained in the
Arm. lw. zam, zamanak (v. next w.); M
spelling in spite of the new pronunciation
Prs zm'nj Paz. jamqn (SGV), zamq; NP
(in books a point is often placed beneath
zaman j zaman and zaman loaned into
it); this y-, now pronounced j-, could
Aram and Arab. From gam-, v. amatan
then if necessary be used to render a
and zam-.
Prth j-. A fine example is the Prth. n. pro
z'hyn KZS Prth 1. 24 = Prs 1. 30 y'dyn, zamanak [zm'nk ' ] period, epoch 10513 •
Gr. v. ~Le:Y)V (8L- for j-). Cf next w. 10611 •
zaman [zm'n l], iamin [ym'n l ; (DN' zan [NYSH; znl] woman, wife, pass~m;
972.16.111. 99 7 • 103 22 . 10422] time, passim j pI. cas. obI. "-'-an [NYSH-'n ' ] 8 23 • 9 15 |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
zan 229 zarr

(used as cas. recto pl.). 1411. 53 12 ; dat i resemble ZNB' (for GNB') = duzd'thief',
'" -an marriageable age 149 ; '" kartan FrP 13 ult.
to marry 63 16 , ~ xUastan id. 67 5 ; ke 0 ~
zandikeh [zndykyh] gnosticism, gnostic
i karan savet 83 4 : Paz. 0 zan i kasq 'to
heresy 8218. - From zandik, V. the pre-
(other) people's woman', using the same
ceding w.; Arab. lw. zindiq.
expression as 69 26 where adultery is
meant: (PhI) hac .-..J i kasan pahrextar zaneh [NYSH-yh] marriage: pat '"
bas 'keep away from (people's =) other xUastan to ask in marriage 1165 - 6 etc.;
men's woman' ; West referred both pass- pat ,..., patigrajtan to wed, to take in
ages to adultery, translating in both marriage 161 ; pat ,..., matan to get married
places 'wives of others', but the Skr V. 38 2 , etc.
differentiates: 69 26 strita!/, anye~am pra-
zang [zng] ankle, shank 333 • 46 11 . 9820.
yatnakari bhava (adultery), but 83 4 yo
102 8 • - Av. (1660) zanga-, z'Jnga- 'ankle';
narifi, ke~a'Yflcit prayati (fornication). This
V. do-zang and cahar-zang.
being so, zan i karan 83 4 must be the
original reading, only it should be read zanisn [znsn'] V. n. of zatan: the act of
zane-karan, pI. cas. obI. of *zane-kar, a slaying, striking, etc.: bowshot 322 • 23 ;
bahuvrihi 'having (exercising) women's fight, battle 3710. 45 14, etc.; stroke 29 24 ;
profession' = a prostitute, V. S. V. kar. - V. also ianisn.
Av. (603) iani-; MPrth in, pI. inyn (S);
Zarer [zlyl] the brother of Vistasp and
MPrs zn, pI. zn 'yn, znyn; Paz. zani, ian;
the hero of the battle with Arjasp 19-29,
NP zan.
passim; 1149 (twice). - Av. (1682) Zairi.
lzanak [znk'] jaw 50 6 • - MPrth znx (S); vari-, Paz. Zargar (SGV X, 67)~ V.Boyce,
NP zanax. BSOAS XVII, 1955, 463-477.
2zanak (Prth) [znk] kind, sort; ho [LI,I- Zareriin 1. pI. cas. obI. of the preceding
w] ~ ... kil in such a way ... that W.: "the Zarers" 18 4. 25 27 • 28 3 • - 2. patr.

HajA: 8 = Prs ogon ... kil. - OIr *zana- 26 4 • 115 25 •

= Skr iana- 'race, man, tribe': OP vispa-
zarik [zlyk] sorrow, grief 11 16 • 21 • - Av.
zana -'containing all kinds of men', paru-
(1669) zar- 'to annoy, to vex'; MPrth
zana- 'having many kinds of men'; Av.
zryq (MHC); MPrs zryg (borrowed from
(1650) srvo.zana- 'of the horned species';
NW); Paz. zari 'despondent' (SGV), but
MPrth zng (MHC); Arm. lw. zanazan
NP diriy (SW form).
zarikomand [- 'wmnd] sorrowful, grieved
zand [znd] knowledge, religious doctrines 1126.
65 22 ; esp. the commentary and explica-
tion of the Avesta text (in PhI) 107 8 • zarmiin [zlm'n'] (the demon) Old Age
10815 • 18 • 1102 °. 1124. - Av. (1660) zanti-, 103 8 ; karkas i ~ menisn the vulture
cf S. V. danistan. whose mind is that of this demon, like-
minded with him, having the same in-
*zandi(k) [zngy] 117 19 according to Cat.
tention as he (inasmuch as he lives on
110-112 "the Heretic" = Mazdak. - The
dead bodies furnished by Old Age) 604 • -
correct form is zandik (v. next w.),
NP zarman 'an old decrepit man'; abstr.
derived from zand (v. above), and corres-
MPrs zrm'nyyh (A-H I).
ponding exactly to Gr yvwO',t'Lx6~. The
spelling here is, however, very strange, zarr [ZI,IB'] gold 194 • 29 5 etc. passim. -
and it would seem that the scribe has Av. (1683) zar'Jnu-, (1678) zaranya-; NP
purposely distorted the W. so as to zar; but OP daraniya-. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
zo.rren 230 Ziiviilistiin

zarren [zlyn; ZJ.IB'-yn', ZJ.IB-yn'] golden gor zat he shot an arrow at the onager
6 7. 8. 20 27 , etc. - Av. (1677) zar9naenq,-; 319 - 20 ; parr 0 pist zat its wing struck (the
MPrth zrnyn (MHC); MPrs zryn; Paz. bowl with) the meal 9 25- 26 ; oi (= 0) fravahr
za1'in; NP zar(r)in. i Zartuxst as zafar frac zat threw open its
*Zarristan [zlstn'] n. pr.f. 25 9.-'*Having mouth towards Z. 4012- 13 ; oi (= 0) gurg
golden breasts', v. s. v. Behistan. zat zanak the wolf's jaw was struck 506,
with the gI. kil-s dahan evak apak dit frot
zartak [zltk'] yolk 86 6. - From zart, v. oskan (q. v.); Vidrafs pat dil zat stabbed
next w. V. in the heart 29 2; 25 21 (cf S. V. 2rad
zart-gos [zltgws] having yellow ears 4127. 2 b)]; 333; - evak 0 dit "'" to knock to-
49 18 . - Av. (1681) zairita- 'yellow', NP gether 12019- 20 ; ka samser frac zanet when
zard. the sword makes a stroke forward 254
(opp. apac vezet, V. 2vextan); to drive (a
Zartuxst[zltwhst'], Zartust [zltwstl] the
peg) down into the soil 20 26 ; tanbilr ! " J
Prophet 31 2.4.7 and passim (-ust 113 10
to play on the lute 4 26 . - Av. (490) 19an -,
and v. next w.). - Av. (1670 sqq.) Zara-
pres. ian-; MPrth idn in-; MPrs zdn zn-;
Oustra-; MPrth zrhwst; MPrs zrdrwst (A-
Paz. NP zadan zan-. V. also janisn, zanisn,
H II), adj. zrdrwstg'n (8). As to -xst, v.
zatak, zatar.; cf apa-zand, ozatan.
Benveniste, BSL 29, 1929, 107. Cf the
discussion of the name by Bailey, TPhS zatan [z'tn'; YLYDWN-tn'] zay- to bring
1958, 40-4l. forth, to give birth to: ka zaman i ! " J frac
mat when the time had come (for her)
ZartuStiin [zltwst'n'] patr. or cas. obI.
to bring forth (her child) 1024- 25 ; Kai-
pI. of the preceding W., in the place-
Xosroi anod zat K. was born there 113 8- 9 ;
name ~1urv i '"'" 1921 .
with hac 'of': Sasan hac tOhmak i Dara'i . ..
zastan [zstn'] to beg a thing of (hac) a zat estet 111- 12 ; kac (q. v.) ka man hac
p.: pt. = pret. pass. 3d p. sg. +zast 57 18 . - matar ne zat hom 21 11- 12 ; Artaxser hacis
Av. (487) gad-, pres. jadiya-, jai~ya-, pt. zat 222; hacis pus . .. zat 1025 ; - the pres.
jasta-; MPrs zstg 'bride' (A-H II). is act. or pass. : tai han i ka be zayet until she
ziit [z't'] born, pt. of zatan; pI. cas. obI. brings forth her child 1017 ; frazand (pI.
!"J-an used as gen. part. : "",-an farraxUtom cas. rect.) hac oi8iin zayend children are
the most glorious of those born 36 8. 47 13 ; born of them 10514 ; hac zan-e u mart-e
(ke ... ) ""'-an a-""'-an-ic (which belongs) frazand-e zayet of one single couple one
to those born and those unborn 46 20 ; nok child is born 86 22 - 23 ; - ul ""', copied from
! " J newborn, pI. cas. obI. nok-""'-an 1214.
Av. (1658) us.zaya-, 37 2. 18 . 4427. 5P . .,- Av.
(1657 sq.) zan-, pres. pass. zaya-; MPrth
zatak [z'tk'; YL YDWN-tk'] pt. born, PI'S z'dn, z'y;- Paz. zadan zaeg,; NP
pred. 611 5 ; - subst. offspring 109 ; pI. cas. zadan zay-. Cf azat, zayenitar, zayisn,
obI. !"J-an children 166. - MPrthPrs z'dg zatak.
'son'; NP zadah.
zatiir [zt'l] murderer 11013 ; from zatan.
zatak [ztk'] pt. of zatan, slain: "'" zatak
whose offspring may be slain (an im- zatiireh destructiveness, violence 89 23 .
precation 109. zat-xuarrah [zt' GDH] whose "glory"
zo.tan [ztn'; MJ.IYTN-tn'] zan-, imp. (heavenly substance) is slain; extin-
zan [MJ.IYTN] 99 3, zane [MJ.IYTN-yd] guished 66 17 . - V. xuarrah.
45 22 ; condo 3d p. sg. zat hah 99 24 ; fut. pass. Ziiviilistiin [z'w'lst'n'] country in Eastern
zat bavat 1924 ; opt. pass. zat savat 9 6: to Iran, Arab Zabulistan, Yaqut2,904 sq.;
strike, to slay, to kill, passim; tigr-e 0 it extended from Balkh in the north, and |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ZiviUistin 231 ziyinak

its capital was Ghazna; it was the native cf ziyan. Paz., 1. c., substitutes awazaneq
country of Rustam. Cat. 88; Bailey~ BSOS = 6zanet.
VI, 1931, 590; Gnoli, Ricerche storiche zin-biir [zynh)l] security 214. 15 23 . 24 •
sul Sistcin antico, Roma 1967, v~ Index. 16 22 .23 . - Best etymology by Bthl, WZKM
zivar [z)wl] strength, force; military 25, 260 sq.: < OIr *jivana-hara- 'preser-
forces, fighting men 237.12.17. 2426. 25 1. - vation oflife' (SW phonetic development)
NW w.: MPrth z)wr as against SW z6r with -htjra- from Av. (1787) har- 'to
(q. v.) < *zavar; KZSPrth z)wry = Prs watch'; as to *iivana- v. s. v. zivandak
zwly, Gr. v. M\loq.w; or cr"C'poc"C'doc; Arm. lw. and zivistan.
zaur < *zay,ur; Av. (1689 sq.) zavar-. Zisak [Paz.] one of Zartuxst's forefathers
ziyenitir [YLY:QWN-ynyVI] one who 47 4 •
causes to be born, pI. cas. obI. ~-an zivandak [zywndk'] living 23 23 etc. pas-
parents 37 15 . - From zayenitan, caus. sim; subst. human being, ,....., pI. cas. recto
of zatan. 24 15 ; - used as the pred. of a nominal
ziyisn [YLY:QWN-sn ' ] birth 36 8. 44-47 clause: hakar wi sap ~ Zarer if Z. remains
passim, etc.; - subst. one who is to be alive until nightfall 25 11 ; 26 8. 28 7- 8 ; tai
born, pI. cas. obI. ~-an 88 5. ~ drahnai during his whole life 65 14 . -

ziyisnik who is to be born 88 2. From ziv-istan (q. v.); MPrth iywndg,

borrowed in BP, but with the SW change
zen [zynl] weapon, arms, armour 6 7.9 • of j- > z- (Ps. zywndky); MPrs zyndg =
85 14 ; - trappings, of a horse: ~ kartan zindag with contraction < zivand-; Paz.
6 12 . 2619 . 2715, ~ saxtan 25 14 . 26 6. 28 11- 12 zindaa (SGV); NP zindah.
(twice) to saddle a horse; - gurtvar ~
281, v. gurtvar. - Av. (1651) zaenu- zivandakeb life, lifetime 344. 59 17 . 69 1. 72 6 •
'bandolier'; MPrth zyn 'armour', Arm. zivistan [zywstnl; inscr. YI:IW)-] to live:
lw. zen (gen. zinu); borrowed very early SahpuhrY.sakan sah dagr *zivat [YI:IW)-t]
in Aram: OAram zyn\ Syr Talm Mand long live Sh. the King of the Sakas!/ P2 : 6;
zaina; NP zin 'saddle'. - V. also a-zen. ziya [zyd)] mayst thou live! 119 5 «
zeniivandibii [zyn)wndyh)] vigilantly 67 13 . *ziva); apac zivend they will be restored
- From zenavand, Av. (1651) zaenahvant- to life 10518 . - Av. (502) gay-, pres. itva-;
'vigilant' . MPrth pres. iyw-; MPrs pres. zyw-; Paz.
zivastan; NP zistan, ziyad.
zen-din [zynd)n'] prison 93. 11625 (twice).
- "Keeping-place of arms" = 'arsenal', zivisn [zywsnl] V. n. living, life 3P. 67 4.
also used as prison. MPrth zynd)n, Paz. Hence
NP zindan. zivisneb det. v. n.: dagr ~ long living,
zest [zystl; GNY)] ugly, disgusting 31 9 • 12 . longevity 18 2; veh ~ good living 64 22 .
6121. 75 6. 8; 57 24 zyst l gI. to the ideogr. 89 1 ; ves ~ a prolonged life 64 23 .
GNY) not known in the FrP. - MPrth ziyiin [zyd)n ' ] injury, harm, damage, opp.
zystyft 'nastiness); Paz. NP zist; cf Av. sut: 214. 4 11 • 191. 62 10 etc. passim. -. Av.
(1693) z6i"Zdista- 'the most loathsome', (1700 sq.) zyana-, zyani- (from zya-, V.
(1651) zaesa- 'hideous'. zin-); Arm.lw. zean; Talm. lw. zyy)n),
zest-xuatiyeb [- hwVdyh] of abominable Telegdi 242. The spelling zyd)n is attested
domination, of Arjasp 6p6. by the inscriptions.
zin- [zyn-] pres. to damage: 3d p. sg. ziyiinak [zyd)nk ' ] (young) woman, of
zinet 82Q. - Av. (1700) zya-, pres. zina-; Ardavan's daughter (even after she had |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
ziyiinak 232 ziit

been married to Artaxser) 9 27 . 1011 authentic SW w. being OP drayah-, BP

(twice). - Wikander, Mb 9-21. A love drayap (q. v.); Paz. zrih, zreh; NP zirih,
scene. between a bridegroom (merak, q. v.), zarah. - BP zrai < the cas. recto zray(ah)
twenty years old, and his bride (ziyanak), with lengthening of -a- after the final
fifteen years old, is told in PR 91 sq. syllable had been dropped (then -ay
alternating with -ah according to the
ziya [zyd)] v. zivistan.
common rule); zreh < cas. obI. zrayaho
zobr [zwhl] water consecrated for the (or late *zrayahe) > *zrayah > zreh.
ritual, holy water 93 19- 21 . 94 1. - 9415 fault
Zrang [zlng; inscr. zingy] the old name
for zor (q. v.). - Av. (1654) zaoOrli-. V.
of Sakistan (before the invasion of the
Modi, Ceremonies 316 sqq.
Sakas); in PI: 7 it has its own satrap
Zois [Paz. ; zwys] the mother of Zartuxst's and seems to designate a subprovince of
mother 36 21 ; her husband was F'I·ahim Sakistan; 1163 the name of the town
(q. v.) rwanan 371.5. - In all probability called by Yaqut 2,926 Zaranj, which was
'" is originally not a n. pr., but the capital of Sakistan. - In the OP
some form of Av. jaM, (v. jeh), cf jaes inscriptions Zranka-, but Gr fl.prxyyuxv1j,
FrO 15, in this case used of a pre-Zoro- Lat. Drangiana with the SW develop-
astrian woman without any contemptuous ment of z- > d-.
ring. Cf also FrO 2 f: (zan . .. ) ka vat, je, Zrallgakall a native of Zrang: pI. cas.
jahe u jahi; hast giyak ku caratik ka pat recto PI: 8.
sod ne datak 'if a woman is bad she is
je, jahe or jahi; in some places these ws. zreb [zlyh], zre [zlyd] armour, harness
signify a girl that has not yet been given 6 9.20 13 .14 • 85 15 . 12027 . - Arm. lw. zrah-k<;
to man'. This being so, NYSH = zan Syr. lw. zarda 'coat of mail', Talm zrd>,
37 2 init. is to be regarded as a gl. to Telegdi 243, Arab. lw. zarad-; Paz. z(a)reh;
Zois,I. 1. NP zirih, zarah: all these forms presup-
pose *zrada- and do not tally with A v.
ZOisall [zwys)n'] patr. of the preceding (1703) zraoa- (Vd. 149 without variant;
w. taken as a n. pro 5011.16; Dughdhav, PhI. V d. has zrai evidently through the
Zartuxst's mother is meant. influence of the Av. form). Some im-
zor [zwl, Ps. zwly; erroneously zwhl] portance should perhaps be attached to
strength, power, vigour 1410. 158 • 15 . 89 7 • the curious gen. zaraovehe (1703) quoted
106 23 ; zwhl (v. zohr) for zor 94 15 ; as to from a fragment preserved in the PhI
128 7, v. s. v. tayitan. - MPrs zwr, the SW Yd. - NP zirih, Paz. zreh perhaps < cas.
form corresponding to NW zavar (q. v.) ; obI. *zraoe.
NP zor, which in later pronunciation zufr [zwpl] deep 1921 . - MPrs zw(w)pr
coincided with zur 'lie', OP zurah- (A-H I, BBB); Paz. zufr. Av. (603) jafra-;
'deceit', zura-kara- 'evil-doer'. - The NP zarf < *zafr (NW form); Bal. jahl <
orthographical confusion of zor with zoh-r *jafr.
is very frequent.
Zurvall [zwlw)n'] the god Time: r-J i
zorik [zwlyk] powerful 5223. akanarak Eternity 77 3.4 • 11 • - Av. (1684)
zrab [zI>h], zrai [zI>y, zI>d] sea 6 22 . 32 12- 19 . zaurvan- 'old age, decrepitude'; MPrth
4617 . 86 9 •1°. 89 19 . 93 16 . 21.27. - Av. (1701 sq.) Prs zrw)n; Paz. zuruq. Cf zarman
zrayah-; MPrth zryh, zryy, adj. zrhyg; ziit [zwt'] swift, prompt, quick 74 ; adv.
MPrs zryh (S) borrowed from NW, the quickly 1813 . 1912 . - MPrs zwd; NP zud. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Words and terms
(Abbreviations in common use in English: etc., esp. and the like, are omitted)

abstr. abstract Gr Greek

acc. accusative Gr.v. Greek version
act. active
Hebr Hebrew
adj. adjective
h.1. hapax legomenon
adv. adverb
app. apposition ideogr. ideogram
Arab Arabic IE Indo-European
Aram Aramaic imp. imperative
Arm Armenian impel's. impersonal
B.-Ar. Bible Aramaic indo indicative
Bal Bal6chi indefinite article
Bd Bundahisn indir.obj. indirect object
BP Book Pahlavi info infinitive
inscr. inscription(s)
cas. obI. casus obliquus instr.adv. instrumental adverb
cas.rect. casus rectus interr. interrogative
caus. causative intrans. intransitive
Cod. Codex Ir Iranian
Codd. (plural) Codices
colI. collective J.-Ar Jewish Aramaic
compo comparative J.-Pers Judeo-Persian, Jewish
compos. composition Persian
condo conditional mod. Khwar. Khwarizmian
constr. construction Lat Latin
dat. dative lw. loan-word
dat.eth. dativus ethicus Mill' Middle Iranian
def. reI. attr. definite relative attribute MiPrs Middle Persian
(v. Grammar) MPrs Manichean Persian
dem.pron. demonstrative pronoun MPrth Manichean Parthian
den. denominative MPrthPrs Manichean Parthian and
det.v.n. determined verbal noun Persian
dir.obj. direct object MS manuscript
ed. edit,ion, edited (by) MSS pI. manuscripts (v. also
Elr. East Iranian sub II)
encl. enclitic n. noun, ih quotations = 'note'
fol. folio n.act. nOlnen actoris
fut. future (tense) nomen proprium (= proper
gen. genitive nom. nominative
gl. gloss., glossed NP New Persian
Gl., Gloss. Glossary NW northwest (ern) |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 234 Abbreviations

OAr Old Aryan sg. singular

OAram Old Aramaic Skr Sanskrit
obj. object Skr.v. Sanskrit version
OInd Old Indian st. stem
OIr Old Iranian st.abs. status absolutus
OP Old Persian subj. subject
opp. opposite, opposed to subju. subjunctive
opt. optative subst. substantive
(1st, 2nd, 3d) p. person suff. suffix
sup. superlative
pap. papyrus, -ri
S.V. (sub voce) under the word
pass. passive
patr. patronymic specified
Paz Pazand SW southwest (ern)
pers.pron. personal pronoun syn. synonym
PhI Pahlavi Syr Syriac
pI. plural
pos. positive Talm Talmud(ic)
poss. possessive tho thing
postp. postposition trans. transitive
prec. preceding
pref. prefix ult. (in ultimo) in the end of the
prep. preposition page
pres. present tense
pret. preterite v verso (of a folio)
prevo preverb var. various reading, variant
pron. pronoun vb. verb, pI. vbs. = verbs
Prs Persian Wlr West Iranian
Prth Parthian VIZ. (videlicet) namely
Ps. Psalms
pt. participle w. word, pI. wS. = words
r recto (of a folio)
reI. adv. relative adverb Yt Yast

Authors and Book-titles

Adjarian [Acarean] , Armenisches etymologisches Wurzelworterbuch. Armenian title:

Hayeren armatakan baraban I-VI. Erevan 1926.
Afringan = PhI. text according to Dhabhar, ZKhA (q. v.), pp. 141-147.
A-H I = Mitteliranische Manichaica aus Chinesich-Turkestan I. Von F.C.Andreas(t)
aus dem Nachla13 herausgegeben von Walter Henning. Sitzungsberichte d. Preu13.
Akad. d. Wiss., PhiI.-hist. KI. 1932, X, pp. 175-221 + 2 Tafeln.
A-H II = same title II, Sitzungsberichte etc., PhiI.-hist. KI. 1933, VII, pp. 294-363
+ 1 Tafel.
A-H III = Mitteliranische Manichaica aus Chinesisch-Turkestan III. Von F. C.
Andreas(t) aus dem Nachla13 herausgegeben von Dr. W. Henning in Berlin.
Sitzungsberichte etc., Phil.-hist. KI. 1934, XXVII, pp.848-911.
AirWb = Bartholomae, Christian. Altiranisches Worterbuch. Stra13burg 1904; only
quoted by a figure indicating the column of it, and parenthetically inserted after
Av(estan). e.g. Av. (1262). |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 235 Abbreviations

Anld. = Anklesaria
Ant.ia, Paz. T. = Pazend Texts collected and collated by Ervad Edalji Keriaspji
Antia. Published by the Trustees of the Parsee Punchayet. Bombay 1909.
Aog. = Aogemadaeca, ein Parsentractat in Pazend, Altbaktrisch und Sanskrit heraus-
gegeben, iibersetzt, erklart und mit Glossar versehen von Dr. Wilhelm Geiger.
Erlangen 1878. Also in Antia, Paz. T. pp.348-357.
ApI = Herzfeld, Ernst, Altpersische Inschriften. Erster Erganzungsband zu den
Archaologischen Mitteilungen aus Iran. Berlin 1938.
Ar. Pap. = Aramaic Papyri, v. Cowley.
Asadi = Asadi's neupersisches Worterbuch Lughat-i Furs nach der einzigen vaticani-
schen Handschrift herausgegeben von Paul Horn. Berlin 1897. Abh. d. kon. Ges.
d. Wiss. zu Gottingen, Phil.-hist. Kl., Neue Folge Bd. I, Nr. 8.
Av. = Avesta; the figures following in a parenthesis refer to the AirWb.
AV = The book of Arda Viraf. The Pahlavi text prepared by Destur Hoshanji Jamaspji
Asa. Revised and collated with further MSS with an English translation and in-
troduction, and an appendix containing the texts and translations of Gosht-i
Fryano, and Hadokht-nask by Martin Haug, assisted by E. W. West. London &
Bombay 1872.
Glossary and Index of the Pahlavi Texts of the book of Arda Viraf, the tale of
Gosht-i Fryano, the Hadokht Nask, and to some extracts from the Din-kard and
Nirangastan, prepared from Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa's Glossary to the
Arda Viraf Namah. and from the original texts, with notes on Pahlavi grammar,
by E. W. West, revised by Martin Haug. London & Bombay 1874. V. also Paz. AV.
AZ = Ayyatkar i Zareran v. MP I, p. XII sq.

Bailey, ZP = H. W. Bailey, Zoroastrian problems in the ninth-century books. Ratanhai

Katrak lectures. Oxford 1943.
Barthelemy GA = Gujastak Abalish. Texte pehlvi publie pour la premiere fois, avec
traduction, commentaire et lexique par A. Barthelemy. Paris 1887. Bibliotheque
de l'Ecole des hautes etudes, sciences philologiques et historiques, soixante-neuvieme
Barr. Gl.: v. Ps. Gloss.
BBB = Ein manichaisches Bet- und Beichtbuch von Dr. W. Henning. Aus den Abh.
d. preuf3. Ak. d. Wiss. Jahrg. 1936. Phil.-hist. Kl. Nr. 10. Berlin 1937.
BdA = The Bfmdahishn. Being a Facsimile of the TD Manuscript No.2 brought
from Persia by Dastur Tlrandaz and now preserved in the late Ervad ·Tahmuras
Library, ed. by the late Ervad Tahmuras Dinshaji Anklesaria with an introduction
by Behram Gorc Tahmuras Anklesaria. Bombay 1908. In The Pahlavi Text Series
... to commemorate the Jubilee of Her late Majesty the Queen Empress of India
in 1887 held by the Trustees of the Parsi Punchayet, Vol. III.
BdJ = Der Bundehesh. Zum ersten Male herausgegeben, transkribiert und mit
Glossar versehen von Ferdinand Justi. Leipzig 1868.
Benveniste, GS = E. Benveniste, Essai de Grammaire Sogdienne. (Deuxieme partie
de Robert Gauthiot, Essai de Grammaire Sogdienne I, Paris 1914-1923). Paris
1929. Mission Pelliot en Asie Centrale. Serie petit in-octavo, Tome III.
Benveniste, Titres = E. Benveniste, Titres et noms propres en Iranien ancien.
Travaux de l'Institut d'etudes iraniennes de l'universite de Paris. I. 1966.
Bharucha, Sanskr. Mx. = Collected Sanskrit writings of the Parsis III: Mainioi
Khard. Bombay 1912.
Biruni, Chronologie = Chronologie orientalischer Volker von Alberunl. Herausgegeben
von Dr. C. Eduard Sachau. Leipzig 1878.
BQ = Burhan-i qati( by Ibn Xalaf al-Tabrizi Mul}.ammad I,Iusain, ed. by Mul}.ammad
(Abbasi 1336 (Persian cal.) = 1957. Tehran. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 236 Abbreviations

Bthl. = Bartholomae, Christian.

SRb = Uber ein sasanidisches Rechtsbuch. Sitzungsber. d. Heidelb. Ak. d. Wiss.
1910. V. further AirWb, MirM, ZAirWb, ZsR.
Byt = Bahman Yast: 1) The text of the Pahlvi Zand-i V6human Yasht with trans-
literation & translation into Gujrati and Gujrati translation of the Pahlvi Min6-i~
Khirad, with notes, by Kaikobad Adarbad Dastur Nosherwan [1899]. 2) Zand-i
Vohuman Yasn and two Pahlevi fragments with text, transliteration and trans-
lation into English by Behramgore Tahmuras Anklesaria. Bombay 1957.

Cat. = J. Markwart, A Catalogue of the provincial capitals of Eran-shahr (Pahlavi

text, version and commentary) ed. by G. Messina. Roma 1931.
Christensen, Arthur: Le premier homme et Ie premier roi dans I 'histoire legendaire
des Iraniens I-II. In: Archives d'etudes Orientales publ. par J.-A. Lundell,
Vol. 14, 1918, and vol. 14: 2 1932. Uppsala.
- Iranier = Die Iranier, in: Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, begrundet von
MUller, hrsg. von Walter Otto, 3. Abt., 1. Teil, 3. Band, pp. 203-310. Miinchen 1933.
- Sass. = L'Iran sous les Sassanides. 2nd ed. Copenhagen 1944.
Christensen Vol. = 0st og Vest, Afhandlinger tilegnede Professor Dr. phil. Arthur
Christensen paa halvfjerdsaarsdagen d. 9 Januar 1945 af Nordiske orientalister
og Folkmindeforskere. K0benhavn 1945.
Christensen & Barr = Iranische Dialektaufzeichnungen aus dem Nachla13 von F. C.
Andreas. Zusammen mit Kaj Barr und W. Henning bearbeitet und herausgegeben
von Arthur Christensen I (all out). Abh. d. Ges. d. Wiss. z. G6ttingen, Phil.-hist.
Kl. 3. Folge Nr. 11. Berlin 1939.
Cod. P, Cod. Sl' Cod. S2: v. FrP; Cod. K, v. Mx.
Cowley, Ar. Pap. = A. Cowley, Aramaic Papyri of the fifth century B. C. Edited,
with translation and notes. Oxford 1923.

Dan. = the Book of Daniel in the OT.

Danielsson Vol. Symbolae O. A. Danielsson octogenario dicatae. Upsaliae
DD = Datistan i denik: 1) The Datistan-i Dinik Part I, Pursishn I-XL, ed. by
Ervad Tahmuras Dinshaji Anklesaria. Bombay, no date. 2) A critical edition of
the inedited portion of the Dadestan-i Dinik. Doctor thesis by Ervad Peshotan
Kavashaw Anklesaria (a stenciled MS, 201p., no date). 3) Cod. K 35 (Copenhagen),
pp. 53, 1.10-167, 1. 8.
Dhabhar, ZKhA = Zand-i Khiirtak Avistak, edited by Ervad Bamanji Nasarvanji
Dhabhar. Pahlavi Text Series Published by t,he Trustees of the Parsee Panchayet
Funds and' Properties No.3. 1927.
Dhabhar, PYV = Pahlavi Yasna and Vispered. Ed. with an Introduction and a
Glossary of Select Terms by Ervad Bamanji Nasarvanji Dhabhar. Pahlavi Text
Series ... Nr. 8. 1949.
EIS =- Essays on Iranian Subjects by [the late] Ervad Bamanji Nusserwanji(!)
Dhabhar. Published by the Society for the Promotion of Researches in the
Zoroastrian Religion, Bombay 1955.
V. also PRo
Dhalla, The Nyaishes: The Nyaishes or Zoroastrian Litanies. Avestan text with the
Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Persian and Gujarati versions, ed. by Maneckji Nusserwanji
Dhalla. Khordah Avesta. Part I. Columbia University, Indo-Iranian series ed.
by A. V. Williams Jackson, Vol. VI. New York 1908.
J)iya' ud-din Pasa, al-Hadiya = al-Hadiya al-I:Iamidiya fi l-luga al-Kurdiya, by al-
Shaikh Yiisuf J)iya' ud-din Pasa al-Xalidi al-Muqaddasl. Istanbul 1310 H. =
1892/93 A. D. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 237 Abbreviations

DkM = The complete text of the Pahlavi Dinkard. Published by "the Society for
the promotion of the researches into the Zoroastrian religion" under the super-
vision of Dhanjishah Neherjibhai Madan. I-II, Bombay 1911.
DkMS = Denkart, A Pahlavi text. Facsimile edition of the Manuscript B of the K. R.
Cama Oriental Institute, Bombay. Edited by M. J. Dresden. Wiesbaden 1966.
(Quotations refer to the bracketed figures beneath the text, e.g. [196])
DNa = Dareios, Naqs i Rustam inscription a, according to Kent's edition (q. v.).
Dresden, v. Dk MS.
Driver, Doc. = Aramaic Documents of the fifth century B. C. Transcribed and edited
with translation and notes by G. R. Driver. Oxford 1954.

Edmonds = Taufiq Wahby and C . .T. Edmonds, A Kurdish-English Dictionary.

Oxford 1966.
EIS v. Dhabhar.
Elise, Hist. of the Vardans = Nahatakut<iwn Vardanan<;, in: Elisei VardapetiMatena-
grut.'iwn<, Venedig 1838, pp. 1-178.
Eransahr = J. Marquart. Eransahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses Xorenac<i.
Berlin 1901. Abh. d. k6n. Ges. d. Wiss. zu G6ttingen, Phil.-hist. Kl., N.F. Bd. III
Ezr. = the Book of Ezra.

F = the Firiizabad inscription, v. MP I p. XXllsq.; lines are quoted after a colon:

F: 1 etc.
Fayyum Pap.: v. Driver.
Fihrist = Kitab al-Fihrist herausgegeben von Gustav Fliigel. Leipzig 1871.
Fraenkel, Aram. Fremdw. = Sigmund Fraenkel, Die aramaischen Fremdw6rter im
Arabischen. Leiden 1886.
FrO = the Frahang i Oim: Der Frahang i Oim. Inauguraldissertation von Hans
Reichelt. Wien 1900.
FrP = the Frahang i Pahlavik ed. by Heinrich F. J . .Yunker. Heidelberg 1912.
FrP Cod. P = Cod. Pers. 417, Suppl. 24978, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris,
v. I, p. 174 n.
FrP Cod. Sl' Cod. S2: published in: Uber eine Parsenhandschrift der kaiserlichen
6ffentlichen Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg, von Carl Salemann, in: Vol. II of the
Travaux de la 3 me session du Congres international des Orientalistes. Leiden 1878.

Gauthiot, v. Benveniste, GS.

Geiger, Wilhelm, Etymologie des Baliici. Abh. d. k. bayr. Ak. d. Wiss. I. Cl. XIX.
Bd. 1. Miinchen 1890.
Geiger Vol. = Studia Indo-Iranica. Ehrengabe fUr Wilhelm Geiger zur Vollendung
des 75. Lebensjahres 1856 - 21. Juli -1931. Hrsg. von Walter Wiist. Leipzig 1931.
Gershevitch, J., GrMSogd = A Grammar of Manichean Sogdian. Publications of the
Philological Society. Oxford 1954.
GF = GMt i Friyan, v. the edition of E. W. West in AV (q. v.), text pp. 205-246,
translation pp. 247-266.
Ghilain = A. Ghilain, Essai sur la langue Parthe, son systeme verbal d'apres les
textes manicheens du Turkestan oriental. Bibliotheque du Museon Vol. 9. Louvain
Gilbertson, BL = George Waters Gilbertson, The Balochi language. A grammar and
manual. 1923.
Giv Mukriyani, Qamiis Mahabad, (Kurdish title: Ferhengi Mahabad.) Irbil (Kurdish:
Hevler) 1961 A. D. Kurdish-Arabic dictionary.
Goldziher, MSt. = I. Goldziher, Muhammedanische Studien I-II. Halle 1889-1890. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 238 Abbreviations

GrI v Ph = Grundri13 der iranischen Philologie.

GrMS v. Gershevitch.
GM v. Benveniste.

Hansen, Catrang = Olaf Hansen, Zum mittelpersischen Vicarisn i catrang. In a

publication "Den Teilnehmern der Sektion 4 am XIX. Internationalen Orien-
talistenkongre13 in Rom (23.-29. September 1935) iiberreicht yom Verlag J. J.
Augustin in Gluckstadt", pp. 13-19.
HajA = the Parthian inscription of Shapur at Hajjiabad, v. MP I p. XXII. Lines
quoted thus: HajA: 1, HajA: 2 etc.
HajB = the same inscription in Sassanid (Persian) version; quotation as in the
preceding one: HajB: 3 etc.
Hen. = Ein manichaisches Henochbuch von Dr. Walter Henning. Sitzungsber. d.
Preu13. Ak. d. Wiss., Phil.-hist. Kl. 1934.
Henning, Iranistik = W. B. Henning, Mitteliranisch, in: Handbuch der Iranistik,
1. Abt., 4. Bd., 1. Abschnitt: Linguistik, pp.20-129. Leiden 1958.
V. also A-H I, A-H II, A-H III, BBB, Hen., List, Sogd., Verbum.
Henning Vol. = W. B. Henning Memorial Volume. Asia Major Library, Lund Hum-
phries, London 1970.
Hoffmann, Ausziige = Ausziige aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer. Ubersetzt
und ... erlautert von Georg Hoffmann. Leipzig 1880. .
Holma, NKt = Harri Holma, Die Namen der K6rperteile im Assyrisch-Babylonischen.
Leipzig 1911.
Horn, NP Et. = Paul Horn, Grundri13 der neupersischen Etymologie. Stra13burg 1893.
V. also Asadi.
HP II = H. S. Nyberg, Hilfsbuch des Pahlevi II. Glossar. Uppsala 1931 (I. Texte,
Hiibschm. Prs. St. = H. Hiibschmann, Persische Studien. Stra13burg 1895.
- AG = Armenische Grammatik. Leipzig 1897, unveranderter Nachdruck 1962.

Ibn Khordadbeh: Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum VI.

Ibn Rosteh: Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum VII.
Isa. = the Book of Isaiah.

J.-A. = Jamasp-Asana, v. PT.

Jackson Vol. = Prof. Jackson Memorial Volume. Papers on Iranian Subjects written
by several scholars in honour of the late Prof. A. V. Williams Jackson. Published
by the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, Bombay 1954.
IN = Jamasp-namak: 1) Jamaspi, Pahlavi, Paz end and Persian texts with Gujarati
Transliteration of the Pahlavi Jamaspi, English and Gujarati Translations with
Notes of the Pahlavi Jamaspi, Gujarati Translation of the Persian Jamaspi, and
English Translation of the Paz end Jamaspi, by Jivanji Jamshedji Modi. Bombay
1903 (Pahlavi Translations, Part III). 2) Giuseppe Messina, Libro apocalittico
Persiano Ayatkar i Zamaspik, Biblica et Orientalia N.9. Roma 1939.
Justi, NB = Ferdinand Justi, Iranisches Namenbuch. Marburg 1895.

Karlgren Vol. = Septentrionalia et Orientalia. Studia Bernhardo Karlgren A. D. III.

Non. Oct. Anno MCMLIX dedicata. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets
Akademiens handlingar 91. Stockholm 1959.
Kent, Roland G., Old Persian Grammar, Texts, Lexicon. American Oriental Society.
Connecticut 1953.
KnA = Karnamak ed. Antia, v. MP I, p. XI.
KnS = Karnamak ed. Sanjana, v. MP I, p. X sq. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 239 Abbreviations

KPF = Kurdisch-Persische Forschungen von Oskar Mann. Abt. I-II, Berlin 1909-
1910; Abt. IV, Bd. III, Teil I-II, Berlin 1906-1909; fortgefiihrt von Karl Hadank:
Abt. III, Bd. I-II, Berlin 1926-1930, Bd. IV, Berlin 1932.
Kurdoev, K. K., Kurdsko-Russkiy Slovar' (also with Kurdish title). Akademia Nauk
SSSR, Institut Vostokovedeniya. Moskva 1960.
KZSPrs = the inscription in Middle (Sassanian) Persian of King ~hapur I on the
so -called Ka (ba-yi Zaradusk;
KZSPrth = the same inscription i Middle (Arsacid) Parthian;
KZSGr = the same inscription in Greek version; these three texts according to the
photographic reproductions in Martin Sprengling, Third century Iran, Sapor and Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1953.
List = W. Henning, A list of Middle-Persian and Parthian words. BSOS IX, 79-92.
Lokotsch, Karl, Etymologisches Worterbuch der europaischen Worter orientalischen
Ursprungs. Heidelberg 1927.
Longworth Dames, TBL = A Textbook of the Balochi language consisting of miscel-
laneous stories, legends, poems, and a Balochi-English vocabulary [also a grammar].
By M. Longworth Dames, Lahore 1891.
Mann & Hadank, v. KPF.
Mardux = Kitab Farhallg-i Mardux [Kurdish-Persian-Arabic dictionary], by
.Ayatullah Saix Muhammad Mardux al-Kurdistani. 2 vols.· No date [1956, v. Giv
Mukriyani, p. 10], Capxane-yi Artis ['Printing office of the Army', evidently in
Tehran; I acquired a copy in Saleimani 1960].
Markwart, Josef, Wehrot und Arang. Untersuchungen zur mythischen und geschicht-
lichen Landeskunde von Ostiran. Hrsg. von Hans Heinrich Schaeder. Leiden 1938.
[Also Marquart, J.] V. also Cat., Eransahr.
Mas(udi, Tanbih = Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum VIII.
Mayrhofer, Rek. Med. = Mayrhofer, Manfred, Die Rekonstruktion des Medischen.
In: Osterr. Ak. d. Wiss., Anzeiger d. phil.-hist. Kl., Jahrg. 1968, S. 1.
de Menasce, Feux = J. P. de Menasce, Feux et fondations pienses dans Ie droit·
Sassanide. Paris 1964. Travaux de l'Institut d'etudes Iraniennes de l'universite
de Paris 2.
- V. also SGV.
MHC = Mary Boyce, The Manichaean Hymn-cycles in Parthian. Oxford University
Press 1954.
MirM = Christian Bartholomae, Zur Kenntnis der mitteliranischen Mundarten I-VI.
SHdbAW, Phil.-hist. Kl. 1916-1925.
Modi, Ceremonies = Jivanji Jamshedji Modi. The religious ceremonies and customs
of the Parsees. Bombay 1922.
Modi Vol. = Dr. Sir Jivanji Jamshedji Modi Birth-Centenary. Bombay 1954.
Morgenstierne, EVP = Georg Morgenstierne, An etymological Vocabulary of Pashto.
Oslo 1927. Skrifter utgilt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo II. Hist.-
Filos. Klasse 1927, No.3.
Morgenstierne Vol. = Indo-Iranica, Melanges presentes a Georg Morgenstierne it
l'occasion de son soixante-dixieme anniversaire. Wiesbaden 1964.
MP I = this Manual of Pahlavi I, 1964.
Mx = Men6ye xrat, v. MP I, pp. XVIII-XIX.
- Cod. K = Cod. K 43 in Copenhagen, pp.6-77, published by F. C. Andreas, v.
MP I, p. XIX.
Nir. ed. Sanj. = Nirangastan. A photozincographic Facsimile of a MS belonging to
Shams ul-ulama Dastur Dr. Hoshangjee Jamaspjse of Poona edited ... by Darab
Dastur Peshotan Sanjana. Bombay 1894. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 240 Abbreviations

Nir. Waag = Nirangistan. Der Awestatraktat liber die rituellen Vorschriften, hrsg.
und bearbeitet von Anatol Waag. Leipzig 1941. Iranische Forschungen, heraus-
gegeben von Hans Heinrich Schaeder, Bd.2.
NRjb = the inscription of Karter at Naqs-i Rajab; edited by Sprengling, v. KZSGr.
NSt = Nam Stayisn, 'v. Dhabhar, ZKhA pp. 25-29.
N.T. = New Testament.
Nyberg, TMK = H. S. Nyberg, Texte zum mazdayasnischen Kalender. Uppsala
universitets Arsskrift 1934. Program 2.
Nyberg Vol. = Donum natalicium H. S. Nyberg oblatum. Uppsala 1954. (Also Or.
Suec. vol. IV and V.)

O. T. = Old Testament.

P 1, P 2 = the Persepolis inscriptions in Pahlavi, v. MP I, p. XXIII; as to the new

photographs of them put at my disposal by Professor H. Luschey v. Gloss. s. v.
nev and Turan. Quotation of lines: P 1: 2, P 2: 3 etc.
Pagliaro, Antonino, Le iscrizioni Pahlaviche della Sinagoga di Dura-Europo. Reale
Accademia d'Italia. Rendiconti della classe di scienze morali e storiche, fasc. 12,
Se1'. VII, vol. II, 1914-XIX, pp. 578-616. Roma 1942.
Pagliaro Vol. = Studia classica et orientalia Antonino Pagliaro oblata. 3 vols.
Roma 1969.
Paik., Paikuli = Ernst Herzfeld, Paikuli, Monument and inscription of the early
history of the Sasanian empire. In 2 volumes. Berlin 1924.
Pap. Kraeling = The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri. New Documents of the
Fifth Century B. C. from the Jewish Colony at Elephantine. Edited ... by Emil
G. Kraeling. New Haven 1953.
P<aust. Buz., Patm. = P<austos Buzandra<;i, Patmut<iwn Hayo<;, Venedig 1914.
PazAV = Pazand Arda Viraf, V. Antia, Paz. T. pp. 358-380.
PazT V. Antia.
Pedersen Vol. = Studia Orientalia Joanni Pedersen septuagenario A. D. 1d. Nou.
anno MCMLIII a collegiis discipulis amicis dicata. Copenhagen 1953.
PhIY, PhIYV: V. Dhabhar, PYV.
PR = The Pahlavi Rivayat, V. MP I, p. XIII (Quotations: page and line).
Ps., Ps. Gloss. = Bruchstlicke einer Pehlevi- Ubersetzung der Psalmen, V. MP I,
p. XXIV.
PT = The Pahlavi Texts Contained in the Cod. MK, V. MP I, p. XII sq. (Quotations:
page and line.)

Reichelt; Soghd. Handschr.-Reste = Die soghdischen Handschriften-Reste des Briti-

schen Museums in Umschrift und Ubersetzung hrsg. von Hans Reichelt I-II.
Heidelberg 1928-1931.
RV = Rig-Veda.

S = Carl Salemann, Manichaeische Studien I: Die mittelpersischen Texte. Memoires

de l'Ac. imp. des sciences de St.-petersbourg, Cl. hist.-phil. vol. VIII no. 10. (The
quotations marked S generally refer to the Glossary; the texts are, if necessary,
referred to by S.'s own signs = those given by F. W. K. Milller: M 18 etc.)
Sal MIll-IV = Carl Salemann, Manichaica III-IV. Izvestiya Imperatorskoi Ak.
Nauk (Bull. de l'Ac. Imp. des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg) 1912.
Salemann, Gr(ammatik) = Mittelpersisch, von Akademiker Dr. C. Salemann. GrIrPh
(q. v.) I, 249-332.
Schaeder, IB I = H. H. Schaeder, Iranische Beitrage I. Schriften der Konigsberger
Gelehrten Gesellschaft, 6. Jahr, Geisteswiss. Kl. Heft 5. Halle 1930. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 241 Abbreviations

- Hans Heinrich Schaeder, Iranica. GGA, Phil.-hist. Kl. 3. Folge Nr. 10. Berlin 1934.
Schwarz, Iran = Paul Schwarz, Iran im Mittelalter nach den arabischen Geographen.
9 Bde, 1896-1969. In einem Band Hildesheim-New York 1969 +
Siddheshwar Varma Vol. = Siddha-Bharati or The Rosary of Indology being the
Dr. Siddheshwar Varma Presentation Volume. Hashiapur 1950.
SM = the inscription of Sar Mashad, reproductions: 1) Corpus Inscriptionum Irani-
carum Part III, Vol. II: The Inscript.ion of Sar-Mashad, two portfolios, London
1955; 2) a drawing on canvas executed by E. Herzfeld and now in the possession
of the present author, v. BSOAS XXIII, 1960, pp. 43-46.
Sogd. with a following figure: Sogd. 18 (etc.) = W. B. Henning, Sogdica. James G.
Forlong Fund, Vol. XXI, 1940.
SS = 1) Sur Saxuan. A Dinner Speech in Middle Persian by Jehangir C. Tavadia-
Journal of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute No. 29. Dec. 1935.- 2) Same author:
, Eine Tischrede aus der Zeit der Sasaniden, in the same publication as Hansen.
Catrang (q. v.), pp. 1-10.
Steingass, F., Persian-English Dictionary.
SGV = Skand-gumanik Vicar: 1) Shikand Gumanik Vijar. The Pazand-Sanskrit text
together with a fragment of the Pahlavi, ed. by Hoshang Dastur Jamaspji Jamasp-
Asana and E. W. West. Bombay 1887.2) Une apologetique mazdeenne du Ixe
siecle: Skand-gumanik Vicar. La solution decisive des doutes. Text pazend-
pehlevi ... par Le P. Pierre Jean de Menasce O. P. Collectanea Friburgensia,
Nov. Ser. Fasc. XXX. Fribourg en Suisse 1945.
Sn = Sahnamah 1) Tehr. = ed. by Muhammad Dabir Siyaqi, 6 vols. Tehran 1335
Pers. cal. = 1956/57 A. D.; 2) ed. Mohl (reprinted as pocketbooks, 6 vols. + the
Muqaddimah, Tehran 1345 = 1966/67 A. D.); 3) ed. Vl:i.llers; 4) ed. Moscow, 9 vols.,
SnS = Sayast-ne-sayast. A Pahlavi Text on Religious Customs, edited, transliterated
and translated with Introduction and Notes. Dissertation by J ahangir C. Tavadia.
Hamburg 1930.
SPrs = the inscription of the city of Shapur, Persian version, v. MP I, p. XXII, no. 12.
SPrth = same inscription, Parthian version, v. l.c. Quotation: SPrs: 3, SPrth: 5 etc.

Tavadia: v. SS and SnS.

Tarn, W. W., The Greeks in Bactria & India. Cambridge 1951.
Tedesco, Dial. = Paul Tedesco, Dialektologie del' westiranischen Turfantexte, MO
XV, 1921, pp. 184-258.
Telegdi = M. S. Telegdi, Essai sur la phonetique des emprunts iraniens en arameen
talmudique. JA 226, 1935, pp. 177-256.

Unvala Vol. = Dr. J. M. Unvala Memorial Volume. Bombay 1964.

Vd. = Vendidad. Avesta Text with Pahlavi translation and commentary, and glos-
sarial index, ed. by Dastoor Hoshang J amasp, 2 vols. Bombay 1907.
Glossary of Pahlavi Vendidad by Dinshah D. Kapadia. Bombay 1953.

Weller Vol. = Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller zum 65. Geburtstag. Leipzig,
Harrassowitz, 1954.
Verbum = W. Henning, Das Verbum des Mittelpersischen der Turfanfragmente.
ZII Bd. 9, 1933, pp. 158-253.
Waag: v. Nir; Waag.

Xen. Anab. = Xenophon Anabasis.

16 Nyberg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 242 Abbreviations

Y = Yasna, v. PYV, PY.

Yaqut = Mu(jam al-buldan. Geographisches WOl'terbuch hrsg. von Wustenfeld.
ZairWb = Ch. Bartholomae, Zum altiranischen Worterbuch. Nacharbeiten und Vor-
arbeiten. Beiheft zum XIX. Band der IF. StraI3burg 1906.
Widengren,ISK = Iranisch-semitische Kulturbegegnung in parthischer Zeit. Arbeits-
gemeinschaft fUr Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Geisteswissen-
schaften Heft ,70. Koln und Opladen 1960.
Der Feudalismus im alten Iran. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeits-
gemeinschaft fur Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Bd.40. Koln und
Opladen 1969.
Wikander, Mb = Stig Wikander, Der arische Mannerbund. Lund 1938.
- Feuerpriester = Feuerpriester in Kleinasien und Iran. Skrifter utgivna av Kungl.
Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund XL. Lund 1946.
ZP: v. Bailey.
Zsprm = Zatspram according to an edition, in all probability by Anklesaria, which
has not yet been published, but of which there exists a complete set of proofs;
a copy was given to Professor H. W. Bailey, who kindly procured a photostat
copy of it for the present author. Title: Vich#aHM-i Zatsparam; 165 p.
Zukovskiy, Mat. = V. A. Zukovskiy, Materialy dl'a izuMniya persidskix narMiy. I.
Sanktpeterburg 1888. II-III. Petrograd 1922.


Reviews, Periodicals, etc.

AfO = Archiv fUr Orientforschung.
A.M., N.S. = Asia Major, New Series.
AMI = Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran.
AO = Acta Orientalia, Copenhagen.
AOi = Archiv OrienMlnf.
BSL = Bulletin de la Societe de linguistique de Paris.
BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (from 1940).
BSOS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (until 1940).
Bull(etin) de l'Ac(ademie) Imp(eriale) des sciences de St.-Petersbourg.
EI = Encyclopedia of Islam (2nd edition).
Eranos, Acta philologica Suecana.
FuF = Funde und Forschungen.
GGA = Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen unter der Aufsicht der Gesellschaft der
GG N = N achrichten der k. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen.
IIJ = Indo-Iranian Journal.
IF = Indogermanische Forschungen.
J A = Journal Asiatique.
JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society.
JGIS = Journal of the Greater Indian Society.
JLSJ = Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan.
JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
MO = Le Monde Oriental.
MSL = Memoires de la Societe de linguistique de Paris. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Abbreviations 243 Abbreviations

MSS followed by figures indicating a year = Miinchener Studien zur Sprachwissen-

schaft. 1m Auftrage des Miinchener Sprachwissenschaftlichen Studienkreises hrsg.
v. Karl Hoffmann ...
Or. Suec. = Orientalia Suecana.
REA = Revue des etudes Armeniennes.
ROS = Rivista degli studi Orientali.
SHdbAW = Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.
TPhS = Transactions of the Philological Society.
UJ = Ungarische Jahrbiicher.
WuS = Worter und Sachen.
WZKM = Wiener Zeitschrift fUr die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.
ZIl = Zeitschrift fUr Indologie und lranistik. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Old Persian
abi-javaya: apa-ziitan dipi-: dipivar xsaya8iya-: sah
abiy: avis draug-: druxtan ima-: im
ada-: aivap draujana-: drozan
adakiy: adak drauga-: drog mada-: Mad
(par)agmata-: amatan drayah-: zrah magu-: magii
lah-: h- duruva-: druyist mana: man
aita: Ie, et duvara-: dar martiya-: mart
aiva-: 2e duvitiya-: dit Margu-: Marv
aiva-: evak ni-may-: nimiitan
a-xsata-: sastan fr8Jtama-: fratom mayiixa-: mex
amaxam: amah fra6-: pursitan mudraya-: muzrayik
aniya-: Ian Fravarti -: fra vahr
antarah: andar fravata h : frot naman-: nam
anuv: han-tai naiba-: nev
apa: apac ga8u-: gah naiy: ne
api~: ap gai8a-: gehan
apiy:ap- a + gam-: amatan pais-: pesit
arasni -: arisn ham + gam-: hanjam paisiya: pes
Ariya: er gausa-: gos paru-zana-: 2zanak
arta va: artai grab- : griftan, patigriftan pati-kara: patkar
artavan-: ahlav gaub-: guftan pati-prs-: patpursitan
Arta-xsac;a-: Artaxser patis: patis
asa-bara-: asvar haca: hac Patishuvari-: Patisxuar-
aspa-: asp ha-karam: hakar gar
ava-: oi hama-: ham patiy: pat
Hangmatana-: Hamdan pavasta-: post
Babiru: Bavel ham-: hamak pay-: patan
baga-: bag hamic;iya-: hamist puc;a-: pus
baji-: baz Haralluvati-: Raxuat
band-: bastan haraiva-: Harai rad, radiy: 2rad
bandaka-: bandak haruva: har Raga: Rag
bratar-: brat hauv: ho rasa-: rasitan
biimi: biim hindu-: Hind raucah-: roc
huska-: husk rautah-: rot
-ca, -ca: [-c], -Cl hya-: i
cisciy: cis abi-javaya-: apa-ziitan saka-: 3 sak-
ciy: -c, -ci vi- 2kan-: gukan skau8i-: skoh
sta: estatan
dahyu-: deh kar- (kunav): lkartan Suguda-: Sugud
daiva-: dey kara-: karecar -saiy: -s
dan -: danistan kasakaina- (kasaka-): siyata-, siyati-: sat
daraniya-: zarr kasaken siyav-: sutan
Daraya-vahu: Darai kasciy: 2kas Qusa-: Sus
darga-: dagr kaufa-: kof
dasta-: dast a-xsnav-: asniitan tacara-: uzdaes-tacar
(dastak)rta-: Dast-kart xsaQa-: sahr -taiy: -t
daustar-: dost xsaQa-pavan-: sahrap vi-tar-: vitartan
dida: diz xsap-: sap tara h : ltar |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Old Persian 245 Avestan

trsa-: tarsitan upariy: 2apar Vistaspa-: Vistasp

tigra-: tigr uvAi-pasiya-: xues Vrkana-: Gurgan
tuvam: to ya-: i
vaina-, ditan
van-: peravanihit yauna- : yiinanayik
Oadaya-: sahistan
Oak-: sacisneh vasiy: vas yaud-: y6d-, ay6z-
vazrka-: vazurg *ah6yenitan
Oard-: sal
Ouxra-: suxr viO-: vis zranka-: zrang
visa-: visen ziirah- } _
upa: apac vispa-zana-: 2zanak ziira-kara : zor

a: a amesa-sp,:mta-: amahra- ast-: ast
a-bal]ha-: mang spand asta-: pah-ast
abda, abd6. tema-: avd an-ayra-: an-agr astvant-: ast6mand
ada, a~a: aivap Anahita: Anahit as.aojah-: vas-6z
a~airi: adar an-aosa-: an-osak asava-: asok
a~ara-: adar angra-mamyu-, al]ra- asa + vahista-: Artvahist
aeOrapati-: herpat mainyu-: Ahriman aBa.van-, asavA: ahlav
aesma-: hesm antare: andar asemaoya-: ahram6g
a,esma-: h~sm an tareca: andarg Asisval]uhi: Ahrisvang
aeta-: Ie, et antema-: tai- asta-: astak
aeva-: 2e, evak anu: han-tai astra-: astr evak-dat anya-, ainya-: Ian atar-: ataxs
aevA: 4e anya8a: enya Atarapata-: Atur-pat
aevA + pi: hep aojah-: 6z a8A: ah
afs-ciOra-: ap-cihrak ap-: apam aOravan-: asr6n
Ayrae-ra8a-: Agrerat ap-, ap-, avi-ap-: ayaftan .AewyaIfi-: .Aspikan
lah-: h- ap-: ap 'aurvant-: arvand
ahemusta-: mustapat ap < a + ap-: tigr-ahy Aurvat-aspa: Arvand-asp
ahita-, ahiti-: *ah6yeni- apa: apac ava-: 6i
tan apaxtara-: apaxtar ava-hisi~yat: apa-sistan
ahmakem: amah a-perenayu-: a-purnai avare, avare: Avar
ahu-, al]hu-: axu, patexueh a-perenayfika-: apurna- a-vareta- *avartak
ahii-: ahii yik avis + kar: askarak
Ahura- Mazdah-: Ohur- a-puyant-: ap6hisn awra-: avr
mazd lar-: rasitan upa + ay-: apayistan
ai: 5e paiti-1ar-: patirak ay-: amatan
aibi, aiwi: avis araska-: arisk aya-: xayak
aidyii: hayyar are~a-: arak ay6xsusta-, ayaoxsusta-:
aipi: ap- arejah-: ad ayosust
airya-: €it' Arejat.aspa-: Arjarasp, azda: azd
Airyanem vaej6: _Eran- Arjasp azem: 2an, ane
vej areta-: Art-vahist azi-: az
aiwi.gama-: avam are8na-: arisn azi-: az
aiwi.gati-: aibigat arezahi-: Arzah aZi-dahaka: Azi-dahak
aka-: ak-deneh, -vi~6tu-: eredvaya-: uleh
akana-: kan-tigr Astvihat ere~wa-: ul
.Axriira: .Axriirag armae-sta-: armest (paiti.)erena-: patran
axsti-: asteh asman-: asman areta-: Art-vahist
ama-: amavand lasna-: asn erezifya-: aluh
Ameretat: Amurdat aspa-: asp e-vindan-: avinn |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Avestan 246 Avestan

ba~a bai~istam: bastan cirya-: cer, takik dvar-: dar

baesaza-: besazeh c(a)vant-: cand dus-mainyu-: dus-men
baevar-, baevan-: bevar dus-manah-: dus-man
bag-: baxtan dus-mata-: dus-mat
baga-, baya-: bag, farro- Ida-: datan dus-xuaranah-: dus-
bAg (ni-)da-: nihatan xUarr(ah)
bayobaxta-: blLgo-baxt (fra-)dab-: freftan duzd&.fadro: dusdaft
da~vah-: dadv duz-daena-: dus-den
baxaora-: bahr
Baxtri: Baxl daena-: den duz-day-: duz, duzd
bamya: bam daes-: desakeh duz-vacah-: dus-gobisn
band-: bastan daeva-:dev duz-varsta-: dus-huvarst
banda-: band daeva-yasna: devesneh duz-oxta-: dus-hiixt
bangha-, baIJha-: banjak daeva-yaz-: dev-ayyas dvaesah, 1!baesah: Ibes
baooah-, bao~i-: bod daez-: diz dvar-, dvaristan
baog-: buxtan dag-: daz-
a-bar-: avurtan dahaka-: Dahak
barag-: bUrZitan dahyu-: deh frabdo.drajah: fravd
-barosman-: barsom daibitya-: dit fraca, fr&s: frac
barazan -: balen dailJhu-pati-: dahyupat frada~afsii: Fradatafs
barazista-: balist daitika-: dat Fradat-xuaranah- :
Bastavari-: Bastvar Daitya-: Diliti Fradat-xuarrah
bawra-, bawri-: bavrak daxsara-, daxsta: daxsak fraesta: frayist
bazu-: baziik dami-: dam FraIJrasyan: Frangrasi-
barag-, barajyastama-: daos-: Idos yak
bUrZitan daozahva-: dosax u fra-pad-: frabd, fravd
barazant-: buland Idar-, darana-: dritan a-fras-: afras
bi-taeya-: teh 3dar-: dastan a-fray-: afritan
bitya-: bitaxs. dit daraga-: dagr Frasaostra-: Frasostr
darayo.xua~ata: derang-
bi-zangra-: do-zang Fras.h&m. varata: frasa-
bratar-: brat xuatai vart
bray-, brin-: britan data-: dat frasna-: frasn
braz-, braza-: brah Iday-: dayak fraso.karati-: fras-kart
broi8ro.taeza-: tez 2day-: ditan fratama: fratom
biimi-: biim dawra-maesi: davr fra-vaka: Fravak
bdna-: bun doi8ra-: doisr fravasi-: fravahr, fravas
busy&sta-: biisasp drafsa-: drafs fravasinani: fravartiir
drajah-: draz frayah: Fray-zist
Idrang- :dranj frazanti-: frazand
-ca, -ca: [-c], -ci 2drang-: dranjisn Frazdanu-: Frazdan
caecasta-: Cecist draojina-: drozan
cara-: car draog-: druxtan
caraiti-: caratik draoga-, draoya-: drog
ga~a-: gad
caraman-: carm dragvant-, drvant-: gae8a: gehan, getah
casman-: casm druvand fra-gam-: frazaftan
cat-: cah drigu-, driyu-: drigiiS gaman-: gam
ca8ru-: cahar drug-, druxs, driijo: druz Gandarawa: Gandarv
ca8ru-dasa: cahar-dahom drva-: druyist ganti-: gandakeh
ca8waro: cahar drvatat-: drot Gao-ci8ra: Gocihr
ca8wara.zangra-: cahar- dugadar-, duydar-: duxt 19aona-: gonak
zang Dugdav 19aona-: cigon
-cina, cina-: a-vinn, duz duma-: dumb gaospanta-: Gospand
-cit: [-c], -ci diira-: diir gaoyaoti-: gaviyot
ci8ra-: cihr diirae-sriita-: Diir-asrav gaosa-: gos |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Avestan 247 Avestan

19ar-: *guhrayenitan haxay-: *hamaxakeh (vi- )2kan-: gukan

2gar-: *gir, garamik (vi-)hay-: visatan kamna-: kam
(aibi.)2gar-: azarm, *apa- haya-, hya-: xem kaofa: kOf
zirisnik hazalJra-: hazar fra-kaos (-kusa): kustan
4gar-: gratan hazaIjro:zyam-: hazan- lkar- (karanu-): lkartan
garama-, garamu-: garm gro-zim 2kar-: Garamik-kirt
garaz-: girzitan ham, hllm: hamak 3kar-: kistar
gari-: gar hindu-, handu-: Hind Skar-: karecar
19av-: gavakeh hixra-: hihreh karan-: kanar
4 gav -: gay hizii, hizva: uzvan kara-vant-: kar
5 gav -: gay hudah-: hu-dahak, karana-: karl'
Gayo.maratan-: Gayo- veh-dak karat- (karantaiti):
mart hii-: 2x uar kirrenitan
gens urvan: Gos-urvan hii frasmo.dati-: frasm karata-: kart
gouru-: garan hiixta-: hiixt kars: kasitan
grab-: griftan humata-: humat karSvar: kisvar
griva-: griv humliya-: Hamak kascit: 2kas
hunara-: hunar kasu-: lkas
hacA: hac hWlivixta-: *hu-vaxm kat: ka
ha3a.mIl8ra-: hat-mansr hunu-: hunusk kat: *kas
Ihaek-: vis-sinj h(u)vira-: diir-huvireh kata-: katak
haena-: hen hura: hur katama-: katam
hak -: haxtan huska-: husk katara- (katarascit):
hakerat: hakarc Hutaosa-; HuMs katarcihe
Iham: hamen hutliSta-; hu-tastak Kavarasnlan-: Karazm
2hama: hamak hvara-darasa-; xUar-casm kavata-: kavat
hamaestar-: hamestar hvara,xsaeta-; xuar-xset kavi-: kai
ham-myas: hamestakan hvarsta-: huvarst kavi-: kayak
hllm.rae8wayeiti: *haref- hyaona-: xion kavi-(usan-): Kayos
tan .kay-: citan
hangata-: hangateh ima-: im kahrp-: karp
hanjaman~-: hanjaman i8yajah-, i8yejah-: se.z karasaspa-: Krisasp
han-karati-: hangirtikeh irimant-: riman kii (ku8a); kii
han-karayeiti: hangartan irista-: rist kutaka-: kotak
haos-: hositan jahi-: je xrafstra-: xrafstr
HaosyalJha-: Hosang jamayeiti: zam- xratu-: xrat
2haosravah-: xosroi Jamaspa-: Jamasp xrvidru-: xurdrus
haoya-: hoi fra-jasaiti: frazaftan ni-xsata-: sastan
hapta karSvlln: haft- xsa8ra-: sahr
kisvar ka-: ce xsa8ra-vairya-: sahrevar
Hapto.iringa-: Haftoiring ka- (kata-): katak pati-xsa.y: patixsai
har-: zin-har kada: kad xsmaka-: smah
Hara barazaiti: Harburz kaena-: ken xsna-: snaxtan
Haraxuati-: Raxuat kaes-: nam-cist xsna v: snayisn
hara3is-: halak kaeta-: ket (ava/avi-) xsnav-:
haraz-: histan kae8: cihenitan osniitak
haroiva: Harai kahrkasa-: karkas xsusta-: sus tan
ha8ra-: hasr kahrpuna-: *karbok xsviwra-: *sif(a)rg
hau: han kainya-, kaini: kanik xuaena-ayah-: xuan-asen
haurva-: har kama-: kam x uaepai8ya-: xues
haurvatat-: Harvadat kamara-: kamar xuafna-: xUamn
(vi-)3hav-: visiitan kamaraaa-: kamar xuairizam-: xUarizm
havista-: havist kambistam: kern xuanat.caxra: xuandan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Avestan 248 Avestan

xuandra-kara-: *xuandrai mi8wana-: *mutfan (ava-)4par-: opar

x uanira8a: xuanirah mIZda-: mizd ham 3 par-: hanbarisn
xuap-: xuftan moyu-tbis-: magii para.-: par-butan
xuapara-: xuapar mriira-: mutak para-: parak
xUar-: xuartan Para-aata-: Pes-dat
xuar-(xUan-)sand: naema-: nem parena-, perena-: parr
xuansand naeza: nezak paresu- (peresu-): pahliik
xuarenah-: xuarrah nairi- (nairika-): nairik parsta-, parsti-: pust
xuarenahvant: farrax u N airyo.saIJha: N arsah, pasca: pas
xUasta-: xUastan Nerosang pasu-: pah
xUato: xuat apa-nam-: ayaftan pat-: patitan
x ua8ra-: xuahr fra-nam-: franaftan (ava-)pat-: opastan
naman-: nam patareta-: *Patiritarasp
mae8ana-: mahmaneh namra.vaxs-: *a-namr- pa8ana-: pahan
mahrka-: marg tom pa8ra-vant: pahr
Mahrkusa: Markiis napat-: nap pay-: patan
maiayana-: miyan nas-: ana-vinast pazdaya-: pazditan
maiayo.zaremaya- : Inas-: vinasitan pazdu-: pazdok
maiayozarm 2nas-: panah perena-: purr
mainyaoya-: men6i naska-: nask us-perena-: uspurrik
mairya-: 2mar, merak nasu-: nasai peretu-, pesu-: puhl
maxsi-: *macah (ava-)nay-: onitan pere8a-: 2puhr
Iman-: menitan, omet nazdista-: nazdist pisant-: pist
2man-: mandan nazdyo: nazd Pisi -syao8na-: Pisisotan
manah-: hesm-maniha nemah-: namac pistra-: pesak
Manus-ci8ra-: Manucihr nemata-: namat Pourusaspa-: Pourusasp
maoaano.kara-: musta- niaati-: nihan piiitika-: putik
pat noit: ne piiti-: put
Imar- (mirya- mereta-): pu8ra-: Ipuhr
murtan pad-: pad
2mar-: amar paaa: padak ra-: rat
2mar- + avis: osmurtan paaa: padak rad-: 2ristak
marez-: marzihistan paeman-: pem a + rad-: arastan
mareza- + pana-: marz- paesa-, paes-: pesit pati + rad-: pairastak
pan pairi-harez-: pesarvar raek -: rextan
Maryu (Mouru-): Marv pairi-fra-harez-: pesarvar (abi) + raek-: eraxtan
marso.kara: *maskar pairika: parik vi + raek -: virextan
mas-, masan-: mas ni-pais-: nipistan rae8wa-: *hareftan
masya-: mahik paiti: pat h~m.rae8wayeiti :
masya-: mart paiti-1ar: patirak *hareftan
m~8ra-: mansr paitica: pecitak raesa(h): resenitan
m~8ra-spenta: mahras- paitis: patis raevant-: ra,yomand
pand paitistl1na: paitistan ra8ae-star-: artestar
(fra-)may-: framatan paityank-: paitak rah -: rastan
(ni-)may-: ni-miitan paityara: paityarak ram-, ramaya-, raman:
(pati-)may: patman pana-: panak ramisn
mazdayasna-: mazdesn panti-, pa8- : pand-namak raman-: hu-ram
mazga-: mazg paoiryo.tkaesa: poryot- -lrana-: ran
merezda-, merezdika-: kes 2rana-, r~na-: ran
amurzitan 2par-, pafr-: vaparikaneh raocah -: roc
mi8aoxta- (mi8oxta): 2par -: hanbarisn raoaa-: lrod
mitoxt 4par : appurisn, xUar- raoiaita-: 2rod
mi8ra-: mihr baran raoy-, raoyna-: rogn |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Avestan 249 Avestan

(a-)raok-: *arok sp8nta-mainyu-: spannak tap-, tapa-, tapaya-:

(paiti-)raok-: patroc menoi taftan
raoxsna-: rosn Spitltma: Spitam (vi- )tar-: vitartan
rapi8wa-: rapitfak spita-gaona-: spet tarasca: turist
rapi8wina-, rapi8wi(na)- sraosa-: Sros tarsna-: tisnak
tara-: rapitfak sraota-: srot taro: ltar, turist
r/'l!r8ma-: *hareftan sraska-: srisk tas-: tasitan
rasman -: razm srav-: apa-sos tasta-: tast
rasnu-: Rasn, Rasn-cin srav-: srutan t/'l!8ra-: tarik
2ratu-: rat sravah-: srav t/'l!8rya-: tarik
ravan-: ron (ni- )sray-: nisai tauruna-: tarr
raz-, rad-: virastan srayan-: 2sih tav-: tuvan
razah-: raz sri-: 2sih (pati-)ltav-: pattai,
srdti-: sutekareh pattan
sru-, srva-: Sui-gay tavah-: stob
sacaya-: saxtan srvara-: sru-bar tiyri-: tigr
saed-: fra-sinn srvo.zana-: 2zanak Tiro.naka8wa-: Til'
(apa-)saed-: apa-sistan (abi-)-sta-: estatan Tistrya-: Tistr
(vi-)saed-: visistan (ava-)sta-: avistatan, tizi-: tez
sah-, pt. sista- etc.: ostatan tkaesa-: kes
a-sistak (pairi-)sta-: par-estatan Wi, to: -t
sairya-: sargun staora-: stor tdra-: Tur
lsak-: sac star-: lstar Tusa-: Tus
2sak -: sacisneh a-star-: astar tusni-: tusn
lsand-: passand lstar, star8ta-, st8r8ta-: (fra)-8ang-: frahaxtan
sadaya-: sahistan start 8raetaona-: Freton
2Sama-: Saman staro.k8r8ma: kirm 8rah-: sahm
saok -: soxtan stav-: stayitan 8rah-, t8r8sa-: tarsi tan
saoka-: 2sok (a- )stav-: astavan 8risant -: lsih
saosyant-: Sosans staxra-: Staxr 8risva-: srisvlttak
sarah-: sar st8mba-: stambakeh 8rita-: Srit
sarah: apac-sarih stig-: stezak 8rita-: 8ritak
sar8d-: sal stuna-, stuna-: stunak 8ritya-: sitikar
lsar8da-: mes-sar Suy8a-: Sugud 8wa-: to
sar8ta-: sart sura-: siilak 8waxs-: tuxsitan
sastar-: sastar Syamaka: Siyamak
sav-, savlt, savah: sut syava-: siya udaro.8r/'l!sa-: *ud(a)rai
Savahi: Savah Syavarsan: Siyavaxrs upairi: 2apar
saxuar-: saxuan
paiti-smuxta-: mok upara-, upara, upar8m:
sima-: *sim-depahr paiti.smuxta-: patmoxtan lapar
slzdya-, syazd-: sizd syata, sata: sat uparo.kairya: apar-gar
skand-: skastan syav-, sav-: sutan urvara-: urvar
skapta-: skaft pairi -tac -: pardaxtan urvaes-: arves
snai8is: snah us(ah)-bama: us-bam
lspa: parisp us zay-: ul
tacaya-: taxtan
spa8a-, spada-: spah- tafnah-, tafnu-: tap ustra-: ustur
span-: lsak (vi-)tak-: vitaxtan uz-dahyu-: uzdahikeh
spar-: spurtan taka-: tak *uz-vadaya-: uzvahistan
spas-: spas taxma-: tahm
spazga-: spazg tanu-: tan va: ap-
Sp8nta Armaiti-: Span- tanu. p8r88a-: tana- va-: *dus-viyak
darmat puhrak . Va8aya, Vaaayana: Spandi-dat taos-, tusa-: tuhikeh Vadagan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Avestan 250 Ave stan

2vaed-: vindatan, vistan, vastro.fsuyant-: vastri- yama-: yam

a-Vlnn yos (a-)yaog-: ayuxtan
2vaeda-: vistan vata-: vat (api-)yaog-: api-yuxtan
vaedista-: Vaedist lvay-: vayendak yaoz-: ayoz-: yod-
vaeg-, voiyna: 2vextan 3vay _, vayavant, vayo- yasta-: yast-fravahr
vaek-, vaeea-: lvextan bereta-: Ivai yastar-: yastar
vaema-: vern vayu-, vaya-: 2vai yasti -: yast
vaena-: ditan vayu.beret: 3vai' yatu-: yatuk
vafra-: vafr vaz-: vazitan yava-: yo-driin
2vah: viyak vazra-: vazr yaz-: yastan, izisn
vahista-: vahist vehrka-: gurg yazata-: yazet
vahyah-: veh vehrkano[.sayana-] : Yima: Yam
vak-: vae, vaeisneh Gurgan yujyasti-: yujiyast
pati + lvak-: patvae vidaoafsu-: VidatafS yfixta-: yuxt
lvaxs: Osan vikaya-: gukai yusmaka-: smah
2vaxs: Osan vira-: Ivir yvan-, yavan-: yuvan
2vaxs-: vaxsitan 2vira: 2vir
3vaxsa-: Ivaxs Viraz(a)-: Viraz zaenahvant-: zenavan-
van-, vana: van vis-: vis diha
Ivan-: vanitan vispa-: visen zaenu-: zen
Vanant-: Vanand vispa-: visp zafan-, zafar-: dahan
valJhar-: vahar vispo.bama-: bam zafar-: zafar
vata-: vat Viso.pu8ra: vispuhr zairita-: zart-gos
lvar-: varr vis, visa-: vis Zairi. vari -: Zarer
lvar: aspan -var Vistaspa-: Vistasp zan-: zatan
2var-: varisn vitasti-: vitist zanga, zenga-: zang
2var-: varom Vivanghan, vivanghana-, zanti-: zand
3var-: haITI-Var Vivahvant: Vivangha- zao8rA-: zohr
5 var -: 2var nan zaos-: dost
var-: varan Vizaresa-: Vizars zaosa-: dos!i,ram
varah -: lvar Vohu-manah-: Vahuman (a- )zar-: lazar
varana-, varena-: varan Vouru.baresti-: Vauru- Zara8ustra-: Zartuxst
varaza-: varaz barst zarenaena-: zarren
vareeah -: yare Vouru.jaresti-: Vauru- zarenu-, zaranya-: zarr
vareoa-: gul jarst zarenu-mani-: dalman
vareka-: varg Vouru.kasa-: Var-kas zasta-: dast
Vare8rayna-: Varhran Vouru.nemah-: Kamak- zata, a-zata: azat
VareHla-: varom vaxsisn zaurvan-: zurvan
varesa-: vars Vouru.savah-: Kamak- zav-: azbayisn
varet-: vastan sut , zavar-: zavar
2vareta-: vartak vyana-: jan (a)-zay-: azat
varez-: varzitan vyaxana-: hanjamanik zered-, zereoaya-: dil
vareza-: Ivarz zoiidista-, zaesa-: zest
vari-: 3 var ya-: i- zraoa-: zreh
varsni -: gusn yah-, yaesa-: as zrayah-: drayap, zrah
vastra-: vastarg yam-: *payam zya-: zin-
vastra-: vastr (pari- )yam- : peramon zyam-, zem-: damistan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Parthian 251 Manichean Parthian

Manichean Parthian 4 )
.)(»bc'r: apadir 'hy'ng: ayiyan bhr: bahr
"g'm: avam )jdh'k: Azi-dahak bnd, bndyst'n: band
.»myg: amek 'mb'g: ham-bai bndg: bandak
.»rg: arak )mstn: amust br: dar
'(,)s-: ayyastan )mwjd: amurzitan br>d, br'dr: brat
»swn: asen >mwzdyft: amurzitan br'z, br'z'g, br'zysn: brah
, (')swb : asop )n'bys: IbM brhm: brahmak
>(,)wr: itvar )ndrw'z: andar-vai brm'd, brm-: bramitan
'»wrd: avurtan )ngd(g): hangateh bstn, bnd-: bastan
, (,)wrjvvg : adok )rd>w: aWay bwd'c'r: bod
.»ywstn: ayoz- )rw8-: arves bwdyst'n: bostan
'b: ap )ry)nwyjn: Eran-vej bwn: bun
'b-, >by-: apa- 'syft: asuft-kareh bwrz, bwrzynd, bwrzyst:
'b'c: apac )w's: avas burz
'b'd:: apatan 'wystn'd: astenitan bwxtn, bwj-, bwxs-:
'b'ryg: aparik )x'stn, 'xyz-: axistan buxtan
'b>w: ap- 'yy: h- bxtg, bxs-: baxtan
'bdyn: aiven, avd 'z: 2an, ane by'sp'n: bayaspan
>bdys: desakeh 'zdh'g: Azi-dahak byd: dit
>bdyst, 'bdys-: avdistan b(y)dyg: bitaxs, ditikar
'bgndn: apakandan (sp'd: spah byh: be
'bgwdn, 'bg'w- apazutan (sprhmg: spram bywr: bevar
'bjyrw>ng: apazirisnik (spwr: spurr, uspurrik bzg: bazak
.)bnft: ayinaftan (spyd: spet bzkr: bazakkar
.)br: 2apar (spynj: aspinj bzyskyft: biziskeh
'brng: avrang (spyr: spihr
'bsyst: apasistan (st'w-: stob -c (-z): -c, -ci
>bwyn-: avenisn (st>w'dn: stayitan cf>r: caha,r
'bxs>hysn, 'bxs>h-: (stbr: stavr cf>rds: cahardahom
apoxsayisn (stft: stavr crb: carp
'by'd: ayyat (skyft: skuft csm: casm
'by'ws: os (sm'r: an-osmar cW'gwn: cigon
'byspwrd, 'bysp'r-: (smg'n: h~sm cwhr: cahar
apispartan (sn'xtn, (sn's-: snaxtan cwhrb'd: caharpad
'bystn: apustan (snwdn: asnutan cwnd: cand
'c, 'z: hac (ym: im cyg'myc: cikamcihe
.)dryg, 'dryn: adar (yr: hir cyhr'wnd} : cihr
'dwr: atur (ywyz: hec cyhrg
.)dy'n: adyan (zb'n: uzvan cyr-dr }
'frydn, 'fryn-: afritan (zdyh: uzdahikeh cyyrtwm cer
'frywn: afrin cyryst
'g: ak b'byl: Bavel cys: cis
'gryc: hakarc b'dyst'n: bast an cyd, cyn- citan:
.)gs: akasi b>m: bam
'gwstgyft: akustan b'myg: bamik d'dbr: datavar
'hlw: ahlav b'r: bar d'dn, dh-: datan
.)hr'm'd: ahram b'zwr: bazuk d'lwg: dar, daru
.)hrmyn: Ahriman bg: bag d'm: dam

4) Only a selection; ws. identical or nearly identical with the BP title-ws. are
mostly not listed. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Parthian 252 Manichean Parthian

d'r'w: Darai gwnd: gund ksyst: lkas

d'rwbdg: dar gwng: gonak kw: kii
d'rwg: darok, darii gwrd: gurtvar kwf: kof
d'sn: dasin gy'n: jan kws: kust
dbyr: dipivar gy'nbr: janvar kyn: ken
dbyryft: dipivareh gyh, -'n: gehan kyrbg: kirpak
dmdw"g} . gzn(g): ganj kyrbkr: kirpak-kar
dmdyft . danditan kyrdg'n: kartakan
drd: dart h'm'xwnd: hamaxakeh kyrdg'r: kart-kar
drfs: drafs h'mgyh: hambai kyrdn: lkartan
drg: dagr h'mhyrz: hamharz kysf'n: kisvicar
drxs-: dranj hmg: hamak qydyg: ket
drxt: draxt hmyr: hAmist qysfr: kisvar
drwd: droL hmyw: hamev
drwg: drog hnd'm: hannam m'nyst'n: man
drwst: druyist hnjftn, hnj'm-: frazaftan, In'sy'g: mahik
dst: dast hanjam- mdY'n: miyan
dstygyrd: Dast-kart hnjrnn: hanjaman Inrdwhm: martom
dsn: dasn hryst: lsih ms'dr: masatoreh
dst: dast, hrw: har mwrg: Imurv
dw: do hrwd'd: Harvadat mwrg'r(yd: murvarit
dwd: diit hsyng: 2has mwrgw'g: murvak
dwjx: dosax u hW'ngd: hangateh myhm'n: mahmaneh
dwSfr: dusparg, hwcyhr: hucihr
dusxuarr(ah) hwjstg: gizistak nmr: *a-namr-tom
dwsrnn: dusman hwnr: hunar nrysfyzd: ~arsah
dwsmyn: dusmen hwnsndyft: xuansand ns'w: nasai
dyb: dipivar hws-, xws- hositan nwx: ~axu-Ohurmazd
dybhr(g): depahr hwsk: husk nydfwrd, nydf>r-:
dydn: 2ditan hwy: hoi nihvarisn
dydysn: bastisn hwydg: yatak
dyn: den hyb: hep p'dn p'y-: patan
dyrdn, d'r-: dastan hystn, hyrz-: histan p'dxs'nyft: patixsayeh
dystn, dys-: distan pdg'm: paitam
dyz: diz j'm'dn, j'm-: zam- pdk'r: patkaritan
jdn, jn-: zatan pdr'stn: pairastak
fr'c: frac jhr: zahr pdrwb, pdryft: uzruftak
frhynj-: frahaxtan jm'n: zaman pnd: pand-namak
frm'n: framan In: zan prywz, prywg, prywz"n:
frm'dn, frm'y-: framatan jyw-: zivistan peroz
frsystn, frsynd-: frasinn- jywndg: zivandak ptwd: pattai
frsygyrdyg: fraskart pW'g: pak
frwrdg: fravartak pwrs'dn: pursitan
k'n~'dn, k'ln-: kalnistan
frwx: farrax u pwrt: puhl
k'w: kai
frystg: frestak kd: kad r'st: rast
frzynd: frazand kdg: katak r'styft: rasteh
kft, qf-: kaftan rhg: rag
g'h: gah kfwn: kahvaneh ryh: rahy
gnd'g: gandakeh kmbyg, qmbyft} kern ryst: 2ristak
gr'n: garan qmbystn rzmyywz: ayoz
gr'y-: gratan knyg: kanik
gryftn, gyrw -: griftan kr'n: kanar s'st'r: sastar
gst: gaz krm: kirm sc-: sac- |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Parthian 253 Manichean Persian

sr)w -: srutan w)wr, w)wryft: vapari- wxybyh, -byy: xues

srws)w: Sros kaneh wyg)h, -hyft: gukai
sxt: sacisneh w)xtn, w)c-: vacisneh w(y)g)nysn: gukan
sy)w, sy)wg: siya w)y: 3vai wys)r-: apa-sartan
sh-: sayistan wcyh-: vicehitan wyr)stn, wyr)z-: virastan
srg: sagr wd)n: *viyan wyst'f: vistax u
swb)n: supan wdxtn, wd(')c-: vitaxtan xwmr: xUarm
swhwm, shwm: sasom wdyfs-, wdyb-: viyiftan xwryndg: xUarg
whyrd: vihireh xwz, xwj: xup
t): tai wmyxtn: gumextan
t)r: tarik wnstg: ana-vinast, ywb-: *yumbisneh
t'wg: tayltan vinasitan ywd: yuvat
trw-: tarvenitan wrd, wrdg: vart, vartak
tsyndyft: tisnakeh z)n)dn, z)n-: danistan
wrgr: varg zng: 2zanak
twj -: toxtan wrt-: vastan
twr)n: Tur znx: lzanak
wrw)d: virroyistan zrhwst: Zartuxst
tybhrg: depahr
wx)st, wx)z-: xuastan zrnyn: zan'en
tyrg: Turan
wxd: xUat zryh, zryy, zrhyg: zrah
tyrs-: tarsitan
wxr-, xwr-: xUartan zws: dosaram
w)r: gul wxryndg: xUarg zyrd: dil
w)r, w)r)n: varan wxs: xuas zystyft: zest

Manichean Persian
) (')bc'r : apa-car )bgndn: apa-kandan )hyng: lhas
)(,)fr)h : afras )br: 2apar )hynz-: ahanj-
»gwst: akustan )bxs)ysn: apoxsayisn )jg)h)nyy: asgihaneh
»gynyn: hakanen )by: apa-, api-, ape- )lwf: aluh
»hwn: asen )bycg: apecak )m)h: amah
)(')rg: arak )byd)g: a-paitak )mbs)n: hanbasanenitan
»rysnwg: arisn )bysr: api-sar )mdn, »y-: amatan
»stw)n: astavan )bystn: apustan )mhrspnd)n: amahra-
»stw)nyy: astavaneh )bysyh)d: apa-sistan spand
»stwnd: astomand )by -srm: sarm )mwrzydn, mw(r)[z-:
»st: asteh )bz)r, hw)bz)r: apa-zar amurzitan
»sn)g: asnak )bzw-: apa-zutan )lnyxtn, )(')myxs-:
)(')swb: asop )bzwn: apa-zon amecisn
»w)g: levac )c, )z: hac )nwzysn: amecisn
»wrd: avurtan )dwr: atur )n, )ny: lan
»wr-t: A.var )dwyn: aiven )n, )ny: 2an
»yng: aivenak )fryn, )pryn: afrin )n)g: anak
»z: az )fwrynd, )fwr)nd, )fwryd: )n)gyh: anakeh
»z)d: azat appurisn )n)mwrzg: an-amurzisn
)(»z)dyy: azateh )g): akah )nd: and
»z)r)g: lazar )g)ryyhyyd: akarih- )nd)c-: handaxtan
»zrm: azarm )gnyn: hakanen )ndr: andar
)b: ap )gr: hakar )ndrwn: andar-ron
)b-: apa- )hlw: ahlav )ndrz: handarz
)b)g: lapak )hnwn: ahanun-ic )ndwcyhyynd: handoxtan
)b)ryg: aparik )hwnc ny: ahaniin-ic )ndwm: tai
)b)yd: apayistan )hr)ptn, )hr)m-: ahram- )ndysydn: handesitan
)b)xtr: apaxtar )hrmyn: Ahriman )ng)m: hangam
)bdwm: avdom )hxt: ahanj- )ng)r: hangartan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Persian 254 Manichean Persian

)ngwsydg: hangositak 'wzdyspryst: uzdes-parist b'r: bar

)nwh: anod 'wzyd: uzitan b'ryst: balist
)nyr)n: an -agr 'xr'm: *axram b'yst'n: bastan
)pr: appar 'xtr: axtar bhr: bahr
'pr'h: afras 'xystn, 'xyz-: axistan bnd: band
'prydn, 'pwr- (,fwr-): 'y'b: aivap bng: bandak
afritan 'y'd: ayyat br)d: brat
'ps'rysn: apa-sartan 'y'dg'ryh: ayyat-kar br'z, br)z'g, br)zysn:
'pwr, 'pwrydn: appurisn 'y)pt 'y'b-: ayaftan brah
'pwrdn, 'pwr-: appurtan 'y'rdyd, 'y'rdysn: ayar- brhm: brahmak
'pwrysn: appurisn titan bstn: bastan
'rd'yy: artai 'y's-: ayyastan bsyhk: bizisk
)rdyg: artik 'yd'wn: eton bwlnd: buland
'rdywh(yst): Art-vahist 'ydr: etar bwndg: bavandak
'rm's: almast 'yr, 'yrdwm: adar bwrzyst: burz
'rs: ars 'yrg: adar bwxtn, bwz-: buxtan
'rw(ys): a:cves 'ywyng: aivenak bwy: bod
'rysk: arisk 'yy: °e bwyst'n: bostan
'rz'n: arZanik 'zd: azd bxs-: baxtan
's'g: sak 'zdh'g: Azi-dahak by: bag
's'm'n: samanak bye: be
'sm'n: asman (sp's: spas bydwm: be
)sp's: spas (sprhm: spram byrwn: be, beron
'st: ast (spwr: spurr bys)z, bys)zyh: besazeh
'st'r: astar (spwryg: spurrik bys'zyn-: besazisneh
'stg: ast (spwxt: spoxtan bywr: bevar
'stwnd: astomand cspyd-: spet bzg: bazak
'sym: asem (spyd-pr: parr bzkr: bazak-kar
'sm'(h): smah cspyr : spihr
'sm'r-: ·osmurtan (spyxt'n: opastan -e (-z, -z): [-e], -ei
)snwdn: asniitan (st'rg: starak e'wn: eigon
)w)m: avam (stbr: stavr c'wnyh: eigoneh
'wb'rdn: opar- (std: statan eh'r: eahar
'wbystn: opastan (stmbg: stambakeh eh)r twgryst'n: Tiiran
'whrmyzd-by: bag Cstmbgyh: stambakeh eh'rdh: eahar-dahom
'wI: ul Cstwdrl, Cst'y: stayitan end: eand
'wr: itvar Cstwybwdn: akasi erm: earm
'wrwr: urvar (styzgr: stezak esm: easm
'wrw'hmy: urvaxmeh (skn -: skastan esmg'h: easm-kai
'wrzwg: arZok (skwhyh: skoh eydn, eyn-: eitan
'wsyb'm: us-bam '(sn'xtn, (sn's-: snaxtan eym: eim
'wy: oi (y, Cyg : i
'wyn'm: and Cym, (ymys'n: 1m d>,: tai
'wystw'r: ostavar (ymg: emak d)dn, dy-: datan
'wys: avis (yn: en d'dyh': datiha
'wyst'b-: ostaftan (yrxt, (yrnz-: eraxtan d'dyst'n: datistan
'wyst'b ('wyst'bysn): cywg'ng: ev-kanak d'm: dam
ostap «(y)stwn: stiinak d)n'g: danak
'wzdh'g: Azi-dahak (yw: 213 d)nystn, d)n-: danistan
'wzdn, 'wzn-: ozatan (zw'n: uzvan d'nysn: danisn
'wzdyh, 'wzdh: uzdahi- d'r-gyrdyyh: dar
keh b'm: bam d'rwg: dar ok
'wzdyse'r: uzdes-ear b'md'd: bam-dat d'stn, d'r-: dastan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Persian 255 Manichean Persian

d'ywr: datavar fryd wn: Freton lm'm: hannam

dbyr: dipivar frystg: frestak lmg'r-: hangartan
dbyryy: dipivareh frzwfs-: frazaftan hnng: *hangomand
dhwm: dahom frzynd: frazand lmz'ftn, hnz'm-: hanjam-
dhybyd: dahyupat hnzmn: hanjaman
dhyn: dahan g'h: gah hrw: har
dmyst'n: damistan g'm: gam hswd: apa-sutak
dr: dar g'w: gav hsyptg: sep-
drd: dart gngyy: gandakeh hwcyhr: hu-cihr
drm'n: darman gnz: ganj hwnsnd: xuan-sand
drw: drog gr'n: garan hwy, xwy: hoi
drwd: drot grd-: gartisn hwsrwg: hu-srav
drwnd: druvand gr[dn]: gartan hwstyg'n: ostikan
drwxs: druz grdnydn: gartisn hwsk: husk
drwxtyb: druxtan grd(y)n'g: varten hwsnwd: osnutak
drwzn: drozan grm'g: garm hwzdg: yatak
drwznyy: drozaneh grwdg }: *handrutak hystn, hyl-: histan
drxt: draxt grwdgyn
dry'b: drayap gryptn, gyr-: griftan k': ka
dryst: druyist gryy -: gristan k'hysn: kahisn
dst: dast gwftn, gwy-: guftan k'lbyd: kalpaa
dstwr: dastavar gwg'n-: gukan- k'm: kam
dsn: dasn gwg'y, gwg'yy: gukai k'm-: kamistan
dast: dast gwhr: gohr k'rd>g: kar-dahak
dw: do gwm'n: guman k'ryC>r (k'rc>r): karecar
dw-: davistan gwm'rdn, gwm'r-: kdg: katak
dwg'ng: dokanak gumartan kn'rg: kanarak
dwst: dost gwmyg: amek, gumextan kn>rgwmnd: kanarako-
dws'rm, -mYh,} gwmyxtn, gwmyxs-: mandeh
-myy : dosaram gumextan knycg: kanicak
dws'rmgr gwng: gonak knyg: kanik
dWSViTX: dosax u gy'g: giyak kw: ku
dydysn: bastisn gy'n: jan kwp: kof
dyh: deh gy'w: giya kwstg: kustak
dyl: dil gyhmwrd: Gayomart kwstn: k6stan
dyn: den gylg'Y: casm-kai, gilak kwst, kws-: kustan
dyr: dagr gyrd: girt kwstyh: kustik
dys: des gytyg: getik kwsydn, kws-, kwsysn:
dysydn, dys-: dis tan koxsitan
dyz: diz h'n: han kyrb: karp
dwdy: dit h'myn: hamen kyrbg: kirpak
dwdyg: ditikar h'wnd, h'wynd: havand kyrbkr: kirpak-kar
dwskyrdg'nyh: kartakan hgryc: hakarc kyrdg'n: kartakan
dwsmn-y'dyh: dus-man hm'g, h'm'g: hamak kyrdg'r: kart-kar
dwsmyn: dus-men hmb'w: ham-bai kyrdn kwn: - lkartan
dwxt: duxt hmgwhr: ham-gohr kyryhyd: kirihist
dwzdynyy: dus-den hmgwng: ham-gonak kys: kes
hmwg: amok kyswr: kisvar
fr'mws: frAmos hmwxtn, hmwc-: amox- kyy: kad
frh: xuarrah tan qmb: kern
frsygyrd: fras-kart hmys: hAmist qnd>yy: kandak
frwrdg: fravartak hmysg: hamesak qrwg, qrwgyh: kirrokeh
frwx: farrax u hmyw: hamev qs: kasitan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Persian 256 Manichean Persian

qwdk: kotak p>dgws: patkust pwJ>wd: polavaten

qyh: lkas p>dn, p>y,: patan pwr: purr
p>ds>ny: patixsayeh pwrsydn: pursitan
m>hyg: mahik p>d(y)z: patez pws: pus
m>n: man p>dypr>h: patifras pwst: post
m>n>g: manakeh p>k: pak pwst: pust
In>ny: Mani p>rg: parak py>dg: padatak
m>yg: ma,takik p>sb>n: pas pyd, pydr: pit
mg): mazg ply: pad pyd>g: paitak
mn-: menitan py>dg: padatak pyg: padak
mnysn: menisn p>ygws: patkust pyg>m: paitam
mrdwhm: Inartom pd, P"ti: pat pym>n: patman
mrg: marg pdr>stn, pdr>y-: pairastak pymwen: patmoean
rnr"v: 2murv pdsyb-: sep- pymwxtn, pymwe-:
m.rz-: Inarzihistan pdyrg: patirak patmoxtan
mwrdy>ng: Mahlah pdyryftn, pdyr-: pati- pyr>yg: pairayak
mwrw: Imurv griftan pyrwz: peroz
mwrw>: murvak phrystn, phryz-: pahrex- pyswb>y: pesopai
mwy>g: modak tan pysyn: pesenik
my>n: miyan phybwrs-: patpursitan pys, pysyy, pysyh: pes
myrd: mart phyk»r: patkar pyw>e-: patvae-
mysg: hamesak phykf-: patkaftan pywn: patvand
mzd: mizd phykr: patkar pywst: patvastan
n>lng: namak prr>h: panah
n>n: nan pnd: pand-namak r>b: rapak-kareh
n>y-pzd: nad, pazditan pr>whr: fravalli' r>h: rah
n>zwg: *Mihr-naz pr>y: Frai-zest r>myn: ramenitar
nbyg: nipek pr>zyst: frae r>mysn: ramisn
nbystn, nbys-: nipistan prc>r-: par-butan r>st: rast
nfryn: nifrin prh: xuarrah r>styh, r>styy: r[tsteh
nh>dn, nyh>dg: nihatan prgn-: pargandak, par- r<wyn: roden
nhey hr: naxeir butan r'y: lrad, nikerai
nhng: nihaxtan prlu>dn, prlu>y-: frama- r'y: 2rad
nhwft, nhwmb- or nhwm- : tan r'yn'g: rayenak
nihuftan prm>n: framan r'z: raz
nm>e: namae prnptn, prnm-: franaftan rbyh: rapitfak
nmwdn, nm>y: nimutan prtwm<yn: fratom rg: rag
nrm: *a-namr-tOln prw>ng: parvanakeh rhy: rahy
nrysh-yzd: Narsah prwhryn: fravahr rhyg: rahik
ns>h: nasai pr-wr: parr rng: rang
nw(w)m: nahom prwrdn, prwr- : parvartan rnz, rnzwr: ran]
nwx: Naxu-Ohurmazd pry>d>g: friyat- rptn, rw- raftan
nxwst: naxuist pry>dysn: friyat- rsydn: rasitan
nym: nem prysp: parisp rxtrnz: raxtan
nymrwz: nem-roe pryst-: paristatan rw'n: ruvan
nyrwg: nerok pryst>dn: frestitan rweyn-: roeenitareh
nyysydn, nyys-: murv- prystg: frestak rwd: rot
nis prz>pt: frazaftan rwn: ron
nzd: nazd przyr: par-butan rwsn: rosn
nzdyk: nazdik ps>xtn, ps>c-: passaxt rwy: lrod
pswx: passaxu rwy: 2rod
pahypwrs-: patpursitan psym>n(yg): pasemaneh ryl: riyahreh
p>d>syn: patdasin pt>y -: pattai rym, ryymn: riman |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Persian 257 Manichean Persian

ryz-: rextan tsb'y: cahar-pad wyd'rdn, w(y)d'r-:

rzm: razm tw: to vitartan
tw'n: tuvan wyhdr: veh
s'gwmnd: sak tW'ngr: ,tuvan-kareh wygr's: vigras-
s'm'nwmnd: samanak twhmg'n: tohmak wym: vern
s'r: sal twhyg: tuhikeh wym'r: virnar
s'r'r: sardar twxs-, twxsyn-: tuxsitan wym'ryh: virnareh
s'yg: sayak twxs'g: tuxsak w(y)n'h: vinas
sdyg: sitikar twzysn: toxtan wyn'rdn, w(y)n'r-:
shmyn: sahm tyj, tyz: tez vinaristan
shynyh'h: *sahen tym'r: timar wyr: lvir
shyd: sahistan tyrs-: tarsitan wyr'stn, wyr'y -: virastan
sr: sar tys: cis wys: vis
sr'y-: srutan tysng: tisnak wyspwhr: vispuhr
srd'g: sart tz-: tacitan wys: yes
srwbr: sobar w(y)swb-: visuftan
srwd: srot wyyb-, wyyftgyh: viyif-
w'br, w'bryg, w'bryg'n: tan
srws hry: Sros
vaparikaneh wzrg: vazurg
swc-, swc'gyn, swcysn:
w'd: vat wzynd: vizand
w'n-, w'nyst: vanitan
swgnd: sokand
w'ng: yang
swd: sut xrd: xrat
w'r'n: varan xw'br: xuapar
swyg: a-sohisn
w'wrydn: vaparikaneh
sxt: saxt xW'ryy: xuareh
wcydn, wzy-: vicitan
sxwn: saxuan xW'stg: xuastak
wd: vat xw'stn, xw'h-: xuastan
sygyn: 2sak
wdc-: vitaxtan
syh: 2sih xwb: xup
wdr: vitarg xwd: xuat
szyd: sac-
wdyb: viyiftan xwd'y, xwd'wy,xwdy'(h):
wdyr-: vitartan xuatai
s'd: sat
wfr: vafr
s'dyh, -yyg: sateh xwftn: xuftan
wh'ng: bahan xwmn: xUamn
s'rs-: sars-
wh'r: vahar
s'yd: sayistan xwn: xun
whmn: Vahuman
sb: sap xwnq: hunak
whr'm: Vahram
sgr: sagr xwnkyy: hunak
whwryd: vihireh xwr-: xUartan
shr: sahr
why: veh xwrdg: xuartak
shrY'r: sahridar
whyst: vahist xwrpr'n: xuar-baran
shrY'ryy: sahridareh
whyz-: vihez- xwrwpr'n: xuar-baran
shryst'n: sahristan
wn'hg'r: vinas-kar
skmb: askamb xwrxsyd: xuar-xset
wnd'dn, wynd-: vindatan
sr'syn-: sars- xw'st-wrz, xW'styh:
wn'stn, vvn'h-: vinasitan
sswm: sasom asteh
wnybwt: akasi xws: xuas
syryn: sirenak
swst, swyy -: sus tan wr: lvar xwybs, xwys: xues
wrc, wrz: varc xwyd: xUet
t'r: tarik wrc'wynd: varcavand xwydg: xUet
t'ryg: tarik wrdg: vartak xyr: hir
tb: tap wrwysn: virroyisn xysm: h~sm
thm: tahm wrwystn: virroyistan xy(y)n: ken
thr: tahl wrz: lvarz
tng: tang ws: vas yhwd'n: Yahud
tr, try: ltar wstn, wrd~: vastan yz-, yyz-, ystg: yastan
trw-: tarvenitan wswbysn: visopisn yzd: yazet
17 Nyberg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Manichean Persian 258 Middle Parthian Inscriptions

z'dg: zatak zryg: zarik zyndg: zivandak

z'dn: zatan zryh: zrah zyw-: zivistan
zhr: zahr zryn: zarren z'dg: yat
zm'n: zaman zstg: zastan z'm: yam
z'mg: yamak
zn: zan zwd: ziit
z'r, j'r: yavar
zrdrwst: Zartuxst zwp'y: zahyai z'yd'n, j'yd'n: yavetan
zrm'nyyh: zarman zwr: zor zdg: yatak
zrw'n: Zurvan zw(w)pr: zufr zwwdn, zw-: jutan

Book Pahlavi
'dyh: h- desitan: dis tan xistan: axistan
anagran: an-agr dyp: dipivar makas: *macah
azmayisn: ozmiitan frec: frec patkos: patkust
d'ng: davanik gazitan: gaz razmik ayozisn: ayoz-
dadv pat Atur: dadv gusasp: gusnasp *takile: kurusk

ywn'k: *honeh xwnyy: *honeh rwstmy: Rotastahm
twyry: Tiiran

avar: evar gecay: Ivextan pahnad: pahnai
bor: Panj -bor gejak: 2vextan pCaoa : pade
cak<-a: cak gezag: 2vextan (N Bal.) sindag: fra-sinn-
carb: carp hosay: hosak sah: Mk
cunt: cand husay: hositan tCeg: teh
c Ca8: cah jahl: zufr whar: 2x u ar

mac, mac: *macah wa?,ai: hosak

da: dayak gohar, guhur: vihireh mes: *macah

Middle Parthian Inscriptions

'bdyn: aiven 'wpdst: avdistan g'by: Gai
'bg'm: avam 'wrh'y: *Orya gy'n: jan
'dy'n: adyan 'wyrn: averan gyw'k: giyak
'hmtn: Ramadan hmk: hamak
'hwrmzd: Ohurmazd bY'spn: bayaspan ho: ho (LI;I-w)
'hwrpty: axUar bys: 2bes hrtyk: sitikar
'rtbnw: Ardavan byths: bitaxs hryw: Rarai
'rw'n: ruvan d'tbr: datavar hstr: sahr
'twrptkn: Aturpatakan dpyrwpt: dipivar hstrdr: sahridar
'w'r: evar dwnb'wnts: Dumbavand hstrp: sahrap |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Middle Parthian Inscriptions 259 Pazand

hwsrw: Xosroi nytpr-: nihvarisn wr'c: varaz

hwtwy: xuatai prshwr: Patisxuargar wrkn: .Gurgall
hwtwypy: xuatayeh spystn: sapistan wyhst: axistan
krhyd: kirihist twgrn: Tiiran wyrsn: Viroi-pahr
m'd: Mad wlgsy: Valaxs z 'wry: zavar

Middle Persian Inscriptions

'dw'ly ( ?): evar dpyrpt: dipivar pysydy: pes
'dwyn: aiven dwhsy: duxt pyt'k: paitak
'hmt'n: Ramadan dwnb'wncy: Dumbavand stykl: sitikar
'rtw'n: Ardavan gdy: Gai (ZY) s'pstn: sapistan
'wb'm: avam gwlk'n: Gurgan stry: sahr
'whmzdy: Ohurmazd gyw'k: giyak twr: Tiiran
'wlh'y: *Orya hmky: hamak wlwc'n: Viroi-pahr
'wyPn: averan hwlmzdy: Ohurmazd wr'c: varaz
'yny': enya hwslwb: Xosroi wrdhsy: Valaxs
bythsy: bitaxs pty'k: paitak wy'k: giyak

a a q; d ~ rj; t (); and v ware not distinguished; nor are the different e-Ietters, for which
the transliteration e e is used.
fl!: han amar: '" andaxtan, andaz-: han-
Abrahim: Avrahim Amerdag: Amurdat daxtan
aburzesni: aburzisnik amesaspand: amahra- andoxtan: handoxtan
acdast: apadast spand ~neran: anagr
Adarfarobag: Aturfarro- amoxtan amoz- : amoxtan anerang : '"
bag amozasni: amocisn anast: '"
adur: atur amurzidan: amuditan angara: hangarak
ay(a)nm: hakanen fl!nai~an, fl!nidan,} - -t angardan: hangartan
agah: akah fl!naedan : om an angidi: hangateh
agahi: akaheh anahast: anast angirdi: hangirtikeh
agar: hakar ana(k): anak angosidaa: hangositak
Agar: akar anai: anakeh angu~t 1 : angust
agarineg: akarenitan anaomediha: akomandiht angust f
agroisniha: a virroyisn anaspas: anispas anzamesn: hanjam-
agumfl!: aguman anasti: anasteh ano: anod
agunah: a vinas aoj: OZ
anaxusmar: anosmar
agunast: ana vinast apar: appar
anazarm, -mitar: ana-
Aharman: Ahriman apardan apar-l
ahin: asen zarmik
aparasn" I': appurt an
ahunavar: ahuvar anbarasn: hanbarisn apatiiiha: apatundiha
aibigag: aibigat anbasfl!: hanbasanenitan apeda: apaitak
aig(in), ag(in): adak anbas-, anbis-: avastan apoisn: apohisn
am: aiven anda: han -tai, tai apurasn: appurisn
aina: enya andam: hannam apurnae: apurnai
ama, amaa: aivenak andar: '" arameg: ahram-
aiwiasig: ayyastan andarg: '" arastan araeg: arastan
almast: '" andariin: andar-roll ar(a)sk: arisk
amadan: amatan andarvae: andarvai ar(a)tistarfl!: artestar |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Pazand 260 Paz and

arg: f'V awartar, -dar: lapar azer, azer: haeadar

armest: f'V Awarun: aparon Azi-dahak: f'V

arz~ni: adanik awasainidan: apasistan

arzmand: adomand awasard: apasartan baesazgar: besazeh
arzu: adok awasiheg, -hend: apasis- baevar: bevar
arza: arz tan bahar: bahr
as~: asan awasinasn: apasihenisn baharvari: bahrvareh
asaeaa: asayak awasos: apasos baj: vae
asaned} __ awaspardan: apaspartan balin: balen
- -'h-d
asal e_ : asay- awasta: apastak bam: f'V

asariheg: akarihistan awast~m: apastam bamdag: bamdat

asez: f'V awaxs, -si, -sadar: apaxs band: I'V

asm~: asman awaxsidan, -xsaeg: banda: bandak

asn: f'V apoxsayisn bar: f'V

asoisn: asohisn awaxtar: apaxtar barahnasni: brihenisn

aspanz l ' , awayastan, awayag: b(a)reh, barahi: brih
aspenj J : aspmJ apayistan bar( e )sam: barsom
aspanzanai: spinjanakeh awazadan, -zan-: ozatan bastan: f'V

astana, ast~na: astanak awazaisn: apazayisn baxtan: I'V

astar: f'V awazaneg: zin- baza }

astimand: astomand awazudan, -zaeg: apazll- baza(a) : bazak
astv~: astavan tan bazagar: bazakkar
as(a)gAhan, -gah~: awazun: apazon b8, bi: be
asgihaneh awazuni: apazonik berun: beron
asmog: ahramog awaz: apae bes: Ibes
askara: askarak awa,z-sar, -sari: apae- betum: be
askum: askamb sareh bimgin: bimakan
asna: asnak A verdag: Harvadat boi: bod
aS6, aS6~: ahlav aweza, awiza: apeeak bost~: bostan
asoi: ahlayeh avgina: manenak boxtan, boz-: buxtan
aS6isn: asohisn awir, avir: aper br[tg: brat
atas: ataxs a vir~: a veran brahm: brahmak
aw, av: ap awsar~: apsaran brazinidar: brah
awa-, awe: apa- ax~n, ax~n: axuan brehineSn} b rl'h-enlsn

aw~: ogon
' h-enasn
b lr v :
axos: a-hOB
avva: apak axtar: f'V
brehinidan: brihenitan
awag, awad: avd axuarsandi: axuansandeh bridan, brin-: britan
awad~: apatan axUi: ax U brih(i): brah
awadisah: apatixsah ayag: ayyat buland: f'V

awadum, -dim: avdom ayadagar: ayyatkar bunl: I'V

awagag,awagan-: apa- bun: f'V

aya: aivap
kandan bunda: bavandak
ayaftan, ayaw:-
awagi: apakeh bundahasn: bundahisn
awahariha:' evariha azadi: azateh
bunyast} : bunyastak v

(a) val : ul azaisni: arodisnik b unyas t

awam, -m~: ap- azar: f'V
buridan: britan
Awam: apam azarm: azarm burz: I'V

awar: avr azarmi: azarmikeh burzavandiha: burz-

awar: 2apar azas: haeis vangiha
awardan: avurtan azur: azvar burzesn: budisn
aware: aparik az: az burzidan: buditan
awargar: aparkar azag: azat budisn : f'V

awarnae: apurnai az(a)var: haeapar by~n: bag |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Pazand 261 Paz and

-ca, -ci, -c: -c dehevag: dahyupat erang: eraxtan

cand: rv der: dagr erdar: adar
car: ,..., derang: ertan: adar-tan
caraa: carak devazai" ertani: adar-taneh
cary: carp deviazi} erexted }
casig: castan devazi : dev-izakeh erezinidan : eraxtan
casm: rv dig, didica: dit erwag: herpat
casm-xahisnitar: casm- din: den eugana: evkanak
kai diveri: dipivareh evada: evtak
cer: rv dost:" ,..., evar: ,...,
cidan, cin-: citan dozax: dosax u evara: evarak
cihar: cihr drae~ joisni: drayan- evaz: 2evac
cihar: cahar joisneh ez, ezica: hac
ciharpae } draidan, draeg: drayitan ezvar: hacapar
ciharwae~ : caharpad dranae: drahnai
ciharum: caharom draz: rv f( e )refta: freftak
cim: ,..., drenzesn: dranjisn fargard: frakart
din: cigon drug: drot farhang: frahang
drun -: drutan fari: parik
dadan, dah- (dih-, deh-): drupusti: drupusteh farjf1m, farzf1m: frazam
diitan druz -: druxtan farmf1: ,...,
dadigar: ditikar druz: druz farmayastan: framatan
daest~: datistan druzani: drozaneh farmos: framos
daest~mandi: datistano-
farmudan, farmay-:
duarestan }
mandeh dvarestan : dvaristan framutan
dah~n: dahan dug: dit farnaft: franaftan
farz~naa: frazanak
dahisn(i): dahisn, dasin dug~ } __
dahm~: Dahman afrin duganiha : dokan farzand: frazand
dahum: dahom d(u)rust, drust: druyist frada: fratak
d~m: dam dusrub: dus-srav fradum, -dim: fl'atom
damast~n: damistan dusrubi: dus-sraveh frahang: ,...,
dana: danak dusar(a)m: dosa,ram fram6S: ,...,
danastan, -estan: danis- dusdin: dusden frarun: fraron
tan dusgand: dusviyak fras(e)gard } •
frasekert : fraskart
dar: ,..., dusgavesn: dusgobisn
d(a)raxt: draxt dusman: ,..., frasn: ""
dard: dart dusmat: dushumat fra vas: fra vahr
d(a)rog: drog frazand: ,...,
dusparg: ""
darm~(n): darman dustar: 2dos Frazusag: Frazisak
daru: darok fraz: frac
duz: ""
daruand, darvand: duz-avazi: levac freftan, frev-:
druvand duzi: duzeh frehest: frayist
daruandi: druvandeh do.zuxt: dushuxt Frehzist: Frai-zest
frey: ,...,
daryav: drayap
frezaw~n: frecvaneh
dary6S: drigus e: 2e, 3e
dasti: apasteh e, es~: e, et frez, frez: frec
dastur: dastavar ebar: evbar friag, fryag: friyat
dasa( a): daxsak edar: etar friadeg: friyat-
edun: eton fristaa: frestak
ema: amah frog: frot
dastan, dar-:
emok: ev-mok frox: farrax u
dawar: davr
davar: datavar er~: er ga: giyak
deh: deh er~nagq: eranak gah: ,..., |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Paz and 262 Pazand

gahtln-bar : gahan-bar hampursai: hampursakeh kad(a): katak

gajista: gizistak ham8oji: hamtozik kadtlm:· katam
gtlm, gam: han: Ian kadarcihe: katarcihe
gan: van hangtlm: hang am Kahos: Kayos
gana: ganak hargizi-ca: hakarc kai: IV

gandai: gandakeh hat: IV kalbug: kalpao

gaoguzar: go(v)vicar havand: IV kam: IV

gartl: garan hawastl: ap- kam: IV

garami: garamik hir: kanara: kanarak

g(a)rOistan} hizvtl: uzvan kanik: IV

garo(h)eg, : virroyiRtan Hormezd: Ohurmazd karavtln: karvan

garoieg hos: IV kardaa: kartak
g(a)roisn: virroyisn hos: os kardahag: kardahak
garzasni: garzisn hosbtlm: usb am kardan kun-: lkartan
gavesn: gobisn hosyar: osidar karf: karp
gazista, gazasta: gizistak huavazi: levac, huevaceh karizar: karecar
gehtl: gehan hfiboi: hubod, hubodeh kasidan, kis: kasitan
ges: yes hucihar: hucihr keh: lkas
geti, ge8i: getah hudaha, -haa: hudahak, kerba: kirpak
ge8ytl, ge8itl: getik veh-dak kerb agar : kirpakkar
gila: gilak hugavesn: hugobisn keroi: kirrokeh
girtl: garan humana: homanak kesvar: kisvar
gir(i)ft: griftan hupareg: opar- kim: kern
gizasta, gijasta: gizistak hi'iram: IV kodak: kotak
goguzar: go(v)vicar hurama: huramak koh: kof
gohar: gohr Hurmazda: Ohurmazd korisk: kurusk
gospand : '" hurvaxm: urvaxmeh koxsidan: koxsitan
govazar: go(v)vicar husaziheg: hangaxtar ku: kii
groh: '" Huseoar: Husetar kurisk: kurusk
guftan, goeg, goig: Huseoarmah: Husetar- kusti: kustik
guftan mah kiist, kdsta: kust, kustak
gumtl: guman kusadan, kusaend:
gumext,an, gumez/z-: iak: evak visatan
gumextan in: en
giina: gonak iskam: askamb madagi: matak, -kik
gunah: vinas izisn: '" madavar: matakvar
gursaa: gursakeh mahest: mas
gursnai} . jag, jig, jug: yuvat mahest: mazdesn
v _ : gurlsnak
gursnal jadango: yatangok mahi: mas
guvah, guvai: gukah jadii: yatiik mahmtl: mahmaneh
guzarg, guzurg: vazurg jai: giyak mainyo: menoi
jamtln: zaman malakostl: markiisan
hala: halak jastan, jah-: IV
mtln: man
hama: hamak jan: zan
mana: manakeh
ham(a)var: hamvar jtln: jan
hamayar: hamhal javadtl: yavetan Manae: Mani
hambae: hambai javar: yavar mtlnastan: manist
hamemal: IV jih: je manesn: menisn
hamestagtl: hamestakan Jim: Yam manidan: menitan
hamgiina: hamgonak jUtlni: yuvan mar: 2mar
hamin: hamen judtar: yuvat mard: mart
hamjar: hamvar jume: yume mardum: mart om
hamoin: hamoden junb- etc.: yumbisn marg: IV |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
paz and 263 Pazand

marocinidan }. marnje- nim: nem pesa: pesak

maruocinidan . nitan nireng: nirang pesagar: pesakkar
mast uk: mastok nirmag: nirmat pesavae: pesopai
Masyae: Masiha niro: nerok pesiar: pesarvar
maz(a)g: mazg nisastan : '" pesinag~: pesenik
mazd: mizd nisastan: '" phalum: pahlom
mazutar, -tum: mazan no, nu: nok pim: pem
mehadar: masatoreh nyak: nevak pradim: fratom
me-aoja: oMh nyoxsidan: niyositan puh(a)l: puhl
mah(e): mas puladin: polavaten
menidan} __ obm: avinn pur: purr
. -dan
mInI : menltan og~m, oy~m: avam pursidan: pursitan
miq#: miyanjikeh oi, os~n: oi, 0 pustaspan: pustepan
mihir~n-druz: mihran- osti~n: ostikan
druZ ra: 2rad
mino: menoi pa: pat raftan, ra v - :
miza: micak padafrah: patifras ray: rag
mok: '" padaisn, padas(a)n : rah: '"
mraocinidan: marnjeni- patdasin raina: rayenak
tan padan, pay-: patan rainidan: rayenitan
mu: mod padez: patez ram: '"
muru: Imurv padira: patirak raogan: rogn
murvai: murvak padiraftan: patigriftan rasidan: rasitan
must: '" padisah: patixsai rast, rasti: rasteh
mustavarm~d: must- padixui: patexueh rastaa: 2ristak
aparmand pag-kos: patkust rava: ravak
muyai: modak. padmoxtan, padmoz-: raz: '"
patmoxtan razm: '"
nagah: nikah pa3sar: patisar res: resenitan
nahadan: nihatan padvazeg: pat-vac- rez -: rextan
nahuftan nahumb- : padyavand- patiyavand riari: riyahreh
nihuftan pAe: pad rist: '"
namaz: namac paeda, paida: paitak ristaxez- rist-axez
namcist: '" paem~(n): patman rod: rot
namudan: nimutan paevand: patvand rOlsn: rodisn
nang: '" paevastan: patvastan rospi: rospik
naward: nipart pahalim, pahlum: pahlom rosta, rostag~: rotastak
nawastan, nives-: nipis- paharextan, paharez-: rosnidari: rocenitareh
tan pahrextan roviheg: rustan
naxust: naxuist parastidan: paristatan ru~: ruvan
nayi3an: nayitan pardazasn: pardaxtan rui: 2rod
nazar: nigne-sar pasand: passand run: ron
nek: nevak pasaxt: passaxt rustan rodeg: rustan
neve, nive: nipek pasux: passax u
neza: nezak pasem~n, -mani: pase- sabuk: sapuk
nifrin: '" maneh sadis(a) }
ni3an: nayitan patit: patit sadus, -is, -as sat-os
nigerai: nikerai patkar: '" saeaa: sayak
nigeridan } . __ paya: padak sal: '"
nlgarl-dan : nlkerltan peda: paitak samanaiha: samaniha
nigez: nikec ped~bar: paitam-bar sar: '"
nigezidan: nikextan peroz: peroz sard: sart
nih~: nihan pes: '" sarda: sratak |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Paz and 264 Pazand

sawagand: sokand 8aja: tacitan varuni: varanikeh

saxun: saxUan tak: f'V val's:f'V

saxt: IV tarsidan: tarsitan -varz: varc

saxtan, saz-: saxtan tavvah: tapah vas: f'V

saza: sacak tavast~n: tapistan vaspuharg&: vaspuhra-

sazastan } teh: f'V kan
sazidan, saz/i/- sac- tez: f'V vastarg: f'V

sedis: sat-os tgar: kurusk vasadai: visatan

ser: sagr 8ihi: tuhikeh vaS6ftan, vasov -: visuf-
sidigar, sadigar: sitikar timar: IV tan
sobar: f'V til': f'V vastan, vard-: vastan
soza: socak 8is, Sisica: CIS vasudan: visutan
sparham: spram tisnai: tisnakeh Vatan: janisn
spas: IV 80, 8u, tu: to vatar: vag
spar: IV 8oxtan, 8oz-: tOxtan vawar: vaparikaneh
spedi: spet tu~, tv~: tuvan vazar: vicar
spih(a)r. spahir: spihr tug: togeh vazidan, vazin-: vicitan
spoz-: spoxtan Gum: tohm vazostan: vicodisn
spur: spurr tuxmaa 1 : tohmak vazr(a): vazr
stadan, stAn-: statan tuxum f veh, vih: veh
stah(a)m: stahm tuxsa: tuxsak vehefta } Of
- -da : Vlyl tan

staidan, staeg: stayitan ve h evnl

star: stur udaye: Vadagan vimar: '"
stard: start uzdezar, -zar: uzdescar vinaftai: vinaftakeh
stezidan: stezak vinarastan } . vinaristan
stoh} vag, vag tar : vat vinardan .
stuh. : stob vag: yuvat vir: 2vir
stun, stunaa: stullak vag: vat vyav~, viaV&: lviyapan
sug: sut vadardan: vitartan
sudai: sutakeh vadarg: vitarg xadan, xan-: kandan
sUla: sUlak vadaxtan, vadaz-: vitax- xahidan: kahisn
syah: siya tan xar(a)nidan: kirrenikan
vadirdan, vader-, vadir-: xarg: xrat
sag: sat vitartan xasasta: asistak
sahar: sahr vae: Ivai, 2vai, 3 va i xasm: h~sm
saharyar: sahridar vaem, vat etc.: u x(a)smagani: hesmakan
say: sap vafring~ni: vaparikaneh xim: xem
sayastan: sayistan vah~n: bahan xin: ken
sevasn: sep- vah(~): veh xir: hir
sihastan: sahistan vaheza: vihezak x(i)rag: xrat
sina: Bevan Vahman: Vahuman xism: h~sm
skaft: f'V vajidan, vajin-: vicitan xranidan: kirrenitan
skandan } vajostan: vicodisn xrui.draos: xurdrus
skastan, skan- : skastan van: IV xUag, xud: xUat
snavasni: asnavisneh vandadan: vindatan xuadae } _°
- xuatal
snaxtan, snas-: var: lvar, 2var x Ua d ale
0- :


S6i, sui: sod varay: varag xuag.dosi: xuat.doseh

suma: smah varameg: bramitan xUaftan, xUaft-, xuafs-:
vardinidan: vartenitan xuftan
Sag: tak varextan: virextan xuahisn: f'V

Sagi, 8agitar: takik varg-: f'V xUandan: f'V

tagr: kurusk varoisni: virroyistan xuareh, xuarahe: xuarrah

tahal: tahl varOn: varan xuarsand: xuansand |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Paz and 265 Pazand

xuarseg: xuarxset xilb: xilp zamEl!: zaman

xuastaIt: ,..., xilnahin: xUan-asen zani: zan
xuast-var: ostavar xunar: hunar z(a)reh: zreh
xUas-: ,..., xurahe: xuarrah Zargar: Zarer
xuaskardan: uskartan xilram: huram zari: zarik
xUasmar: an-osmar xurdak: xuartak zarin: zarren
xuasmaridan} -" t an xurseg: xuarxset zindaa: zivandak
xuasmur d an : osmur xusrilb: husrav zindEl!n: zendan
xuasnild(a): osniltak xusrilbi: husraveh zist: zest
xUastaftan, xuastav-: zivastan: zivistan
ostaftan yak: evak zreh, zrih: zrah
xUavar: xuapar yazesn, -asni: izisn zufae: zahyai
xUavari: xuapareh zufr: ,...,

x aze_
""b d} :
""t , x u aZl .e
x u aZl
u " d -
UZl ,an
zadan: zatan
zadan, zaeg: zatan
Zuhildaa }
ZuhildEl! : Yahild
xues: ,..., zahisn: jayisn zurUEl!: Zurvan

abhi-nam-: ayinaftan khan-: kandan sahasra-: hazar
a<;lhya: azat krmi-: kirm sama-bhagin: ham-bai
anyatha: enya kf;!ira-: sir smar-: osmurtan
apa-tanta-: *apatundiba kf;!ipra-: *sif(a)rg su-sravas-: hu-srav
ava-ni-: onitan kf;!ubh-: visuftan sakta-: saxt
ava-tanta-: *apatundiha lapati: rapak-kareh sas~: *a-sistak
ava-stha-: ostatan lup-: *uzruftak sri-: 2sih
asat, nasti: anast marya-: merak svan-: lsak
asva-: asp matsya-: mahik sveta-: spet
avasta-vac, avista-vac: modate: mustapat, svitra-: spihr
apastak Xosroi-mustapat tanu-: tanilk
a-vat-: yuvat muneati: amoxtan tarI).a-ka-: tarr
car-, vi-ear-: vi-car- mUf;!-: must taruI).a-: tarr
eatur-anga-: eatrang namra-: a-namr-tom tavat: han-tai
cayati, -te: akah, casm- nastikya, nastika: anast trpra-: sapilk
nikrti- (nikrta-): nikerai tula: tarazilk
udara-: *ud(a)rai
chid-: apa-sistan ni-vat-: yuvat
ud-vat-: yuvat
einoti: citan padati(ka)-: padatak upaka: lapak
eiTl}.a-: vicir pavaka-: pak va + -pi: aivap
drI).ite: dritan pinaf;!ti: pist vara-: ham-val'
duh-: dositan prareeana-: free vatsa-: vaeeak
ena-: en prareka-: free vayu-: 2vai
hrad-: drahitan pratyane-: paitak vie-: Ivextan
kal-: nikeritan pravat-, pravata: yuvat vicara, vicarayati: vicar
kasmat: eim rathya: rahy vijate: 2vextan
kaya-: casm-kai rta-: Art-vahist vrf;!an -: gusn |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
New Persian 266 New Persian

New Persian
ab: ap aniran: an-agr bang: vang
abad, abadan: apatan anjuman: hanjaman bar: lapar
abistan: apustan aras: arisn bar: 2apar
abr: avr Ardasir: Artaxser bar: dar
aaar, adar: atur ardi (urdi-), bihist: bar.: lvar
afgandan, augandan: Art-vahist baran: varan
apa-kandan arj, arz: ad baraz, barah: brah
af(i)rin: afrin arjmand: adomand bardah: vartak
Afrasiyab: Frasiyak arzan: arzanik barf: vafr
afsar: api-sar arzii: adok barg: varg
afsos: apa-sos asayis: asayisn bar-gar: apar-gar
afsiin, ausiin, afsa, afsa- asman: asman barna(h) , burna(h):
yidan, afsan, ausan: asiidan, asay-: asay- a-purnai
apa-siitak asuftah: asiftan barnak, burnak: apurna-
afsurdan: apa-sartan Askaniyan: Askanan yik
afsurdan, afsardan: apa- Mkar: askarak bas: vas
sartan Mob: asop bavar, bavaridan:
afziin: apa-zon aspraz: asp-res vaparikaneh
agahi: akaheh Mt: asteh baxsiidan, baxsa)idan,
agar: hakar asyanah: *ayiyan baxsay-, baxsayis:
agos, ayos: akos atas: ataxs apoxsayisn
ahan: as en aubastan (aubaridan): baxtar: apaxtar
Aharman, Ahraman, opar- bayistan, bayad: apayis-
Ahriman: Ahriman aurang, afrang: avrang tan
ahixtan; ahanj-: ahanj- auzand: apa-cand baz: apac
ahii: *ahoyenitan avar: evar baz kardan: apac-karta-
ai, e: 5 e avar: evar keh
ain: aiven avar(ah): evarz bazandi: apa-cand
Alburz: Harburz avaz: evac bazidan, baxtan: vazitan
almas: almast (a)vizah: apecak be- (bi-): apa-
amadan: amatan axur: axUar bes: ves
amurzidan: amurzitan az: hac besah: vesak
an: han azadi: azateh Bevarasp: Bevar-asp
anbar: hanbarak azI1rdan, azar-: lazar- bextan: vextan
anbastan, anbardan: azarm: azarm bih: veh
hanbarisn azmiidan (azmay-): bih: Behistan
andariin: andar-ron ozmiitan bihist: vahist
andarz: handarz azdaha: Azi-dahak bimar: vimar
andaxtan: handaxtan azgahan: asgihaneh bini: *dus-viyak
andazah: handacak biradar: brat
andesidan: handesitan biriin: beron
ba: 2apak
andoxtan: handoxtan bistar: vistarg
ba (compound with):
andozidan: handoxtan bisyar: vasikar
apak-puhr etc.
angarah: hangarak bab, baba: Papak bis: vis
angastan, angaridan: baccah: vaccak biskiifah: viskuftan
hangartan bad: vat biyaban: 2viyapan
angextan, angezidan: bad: vat bor: Panj -bor
hangaxtar baftan, baf: vaf borah: bor- *gil
angezanidan: hangezeni- Bahram: Vahram bunah: bunak
tan Bahman: Vahuman bur(r)idan, bur(r): britan
angust: angust bang: banjak buzurg: vazurg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
New Persian 267 New Persian

cam: cim duxtar: duxt gird: girt

cabuk: c'apuk duzd: duzd giriftan, gir-: griftan
carah: carak giriftar: griftar
carb: carp e3ar: etar giristan, giry -: gristan
caridan: karecar e3un: eton gohar: gohr
caugan: covegan evar: evarak gospand, gosfand:
ciz: cis gospand
cun: cigon faramos: fr~mos gosah: hangositak
farax, frax U : goy: god
dad: dat faraz: frac gudaxtan, gudaz-: vita,x-
dad(ah): dat farda: fratak tan
dadan: dih: datan farhanjidan: frahaxtan gu3ardan, gu3astan:
dai: dadv Faridun: Freton vitartan
damidan: dusdaft farjam: frazam gu3astan, gu3ar-: vitar-
dana: danak farman: framan tan
dank: davanik farmudan, farmay-: giyah: giya
darai: drai framatan gunah: vinas
darayidan: drayitan farrah: xuarrah gunjidan: vanj-
daryos, daryos: drigus farrux: farrax u guraz: varaz
darridan, darr-: dritan farsang: frasang Gurazm: Karazm
darrah: darrak farsiidan, farsay: apa- gur bah: gurbak
darves: drigiis sutak gurd: gurt-var
daru: darok farvardgan, fara vardigan: gurextan, gurec-: virex-
darya: drayap fravartikan tan
dastur: dastavar, sobar faryad: friyat guroh: groh
daurah: dorak farzanah: frazanak gurisnah: gurisnak
davar: datavar farzand: frazand gurs: gursakeh
dayah: dayak . fal'zin: fracen gurs: vars
deg: dek firah: Frai-zist gurs: 2vars
der: dagr fireb: frey gurz: vazr
digar: di tikar fireftan, fireb: freftan guvah, guvahi, guva'i:
dih: deh firistadan, firist: frestitan gukai
dihqan: dehkan firistah: frestak gusistan, gusil-: visistan
dirafs: drafs furo(d): frot gustardan, -ridan: vistar-
dirang: drang tan
diraxt: draxt gal(l)ah: bor-*gil gustax: vistax U
diraz: draz gand, ganda, gandagi: gusadan, gusay -: visatan
diriy: zarik gandakeh gusasp: gusnasp
dizan: daz- gardan: gartan Gustasp: Vistasp
dosidan: dositan gart: gard guzand: vizand
dozax: dosax u Garsasp: Krisasp guzar, guzir, guzard, gu-
dud: dut garzis: garzisn zardan: 'vicar
dudah: dutak gas tan , gardidan: gartisn guzaris: vicarisn
duganah: dokanak gauharidan: vihireh guzardan, guzarah: vicar-
duy: dositan Gayumart: Gayomart tan
durud: drot gazidan: gaz guzidan, guzin-: vicitan
durudan, dirav-: drutan, gaz-dum: gazdum guzir(ah), guzirad: vizir
yo-drun gehan, gihan, jihan:
durust: druyist gehan hamah: hamak
durust: drust geti: getah hamal: *ham-hal
dumb, dunb: dumb gilah: gilak hamana: homanak
dust: 2dos giran: garan (ha )mi: hamev
dusxuari: dus-xuareh giravidan: virroyistan hamisah: hamesak |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
New Persian 268 New Nersian

hamgiinah: ham-gonak kasidan: kasitan must: modak

hang: *hangomand kaz-dum: kaj-dum: mustmand: mustomand
haniiz: ahaniin-ic gaz-dum
hargiz: hakarc kin: ken nabard: nipart
hayiin: xion kirdigar: kart-kar nabardah (navard):
hez: hecak kirfah: kirpak nipartak
hezum, hezam: hesm kistan, kar-: kistar nafrin: nifrin
hirbad: herpat kiyan, giyan: *viyan nah, na-: ne
histan, hil-: histan koftan: patkoftan nlti: nad (nai)
hos: os k6Sidan: koxSitan nak: anak
hosmand: os kudam: katam namad: namat
hosyar: 6Sidar kiif: patkoftan namah: namak
hujir, huzir: hu-cihr kuhan, kahun: kahvaneh namaz: namac
Hurmuzd (Ormuz(d)): kunda: kandak namiidan: namiitan
Ohurmazd kustah: kostan nasa: nasai
kiistan: kostan navah: nap
in: en kus-aftan, kusiif-: visuf- nayistan: nehe-stan
inaft: ayinaftan tan nazuk: *Mihr-naz
Iran: er nek: nevak
Iraj: Erec nigiin, nigii(n)sar:
lab: lap
Isfandar(mug): Spandar- nikiineh
lab (ah), lav(ah): rapak-
mat nihadan: nihatan
Isfandiyar: Spandidat nikii: nevakok
larzidan: larzitan
iskam, sikam: askamb nim: nem
izad: yazet nimriiz: nem-roc
ja: giyak rna: amah niro: nerok
jadii: yatiik magar: hakar nizah: nezak
jam: yam magas: *macah nos: an-osak
jamah: yamak mayz: mazg nuhum: nahom
janva,r: jan-var mahi: mahik nuvistan (navistan,
javan: yuvan mai: mad naves-): nipistan
javidan: jiitan malax: sak nuxust: naxuist
javidan: yavetan maHdan: mali tan
juft: yuxt mana: manakeh 0: e, eh
J uhiid: Yahiid manistan: manakeh o(y), vay, isan: oi
junbidan: *yumbisneh mandagi: mandakeh
juz: yuvat mary: 2murv pa(y): pad
marzban: marz-pan padasan: patdasin
kac, kaj: kac mayah: matakeh padisar: patisar
kad(ah): katak mazah: micak padsa(h): patixsai
kahar: Kartar-gav mih (mahist): mas pa8irah: patirak
kai: kad mihman: mahmaneh paairuftan, paair-:
kalbad, kalbud: kalpa8 mir: merak patigriftan
kamidan: kamistan miyanji: miyanjikeh pahn: pahan
kanar, karan: kanar mizd, muzd: mizd pahlii: pahliik
kanarah: kanarak mobad: magu-pat pahna: pahnai
kanizah: kanicak mii, miiy: mod pai: pade
karavah: *karbok muhrah: muhrak paida: patak
kard: kart miiq: mok paig: padak
kardan (kun-): lkartan Murdad: Anmrdat paigar: patkar
kargas: karkas mury: Imurv palyam , payam: paitam
karzar: karecar murva: murvak paiyam-bar, payambar:
kastan, kah-: kahisn murvarid: murvarit paitam-bar |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
New Persian 269 New Persian

paikar: patkar ranjidan: raxtan sim: asem

paiman: patman rasidan: rasi tan Simury: sen
paimoxtan: patmoxtan rast, rastah: 2ristak sinah: pat-sen
paivand: patvand rastaxez: rist-axez sipah, sipayah: spah
paivastan: patvastan rasti: rasteh sipahbad: spah-pat
pand: pand-namak rask: arisk siparham, siparyam, sipa-
rauyan: rogn
parah: parak
rausan: rosn
. ram:. spram
pardaxtan, pardaxtan: SlpanJ: asplllJ
pardaxtan rava: ravak sipas: spas
parg-ast: dus-parg ravan: ruvan sipihr: spihr
pargandah: pargandak raxt, raxtah: raxtan sipoxtan: spoxtan
parhextan, parhezidan, Ray: Rag sirisk: srisk
parhez-, parhez: pah- res: resenitan Sistan: Sakistan
rextan ribas, rivas, rivaj, rivanj : sitabr: stavr
pari: parik repas sitadan, sitan-: statan
parridan: parritan rod: rot sitam: stahm
parvanah, parvanagi: rospi: rospik sitambah: stambakeh
parvanakeh rosta(i): rotastak sitarah: starak
parvardan: parvartan roy: 2rod sitez(ah): stezak
pasux: passax u royin: roden siyab: 2sih
pasiman, pisman, pizman, roz: roc siyah: siya
pasimani, pismani: rozgar: roc-kar srah: srad
pasemaneh riin: ron sray: srad
payah: padak Rustam: Rotastahm sii, siiy: lsok
payidan: patan rux: rax U sii: 2sok
payiz: patez riiy: 2rod sud: sut
pazdak: pazdok siidan, say-: siitak, apa-
pesah: pesak sa, say: sak siitak
pesin (ah): pesenik sabuk: sapiik sUlax, siirax: siilak, sak
pesva: pesopai sadigar: si tikar sunb: sumb
pid, pidar: pit safed: spet supurdan, sipar-: spurtan
pH-ban: pH-van sag: lsak supurdan, sipar-: api-
piyadah: padatak sahi: sahikeh spartan
pizisk: bizisk sah(i)m: sahm surii, suriiy: sruv
pozidan: 'Poc salar: sardar suriidan, siray-: srutan
pul: puhl saman: samanak surx: suxr
pUlad: polavaten sang: 2sak sust: sast
pur: purr saped: spet sutiidan, sitayidan:
pur-dan(i): spurr- saray: srad stayitan
akahiha sard: sart sutiin, sutiinah: stiinak
pursidan: pursitan saros: sros sutiir: stor
pus, pusar: pus saugand: sokand suvar: asvar
pustban, pustvan: puste- saxun, suxun, suxan:
pan saxuan
sayah: sayak sab: sap
ra: 2riid saza: sacak sad: sat
rad: rat sazavar: sacak-var sahvar: sah-var
rad: rat sazidan: sac- sahriyar: xsahridar,
rahi: rahik sey: 2sih sahridar
rai: 1rad ser: sagr sax: sak
raidak, ridak: retak si: lsih sayistan, sayidan: sayis-
ram: hu-ram sihah: 2sih tan
ramah, ramak: ramak sikal, sigal: uskartan sed: set |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
New Persian 270 Armenian

ser: sagr tazi: tacik xuros, xuroh: xros

sib: sep- tey: teh xuros, xurosidan: xrostan
sibidan: sep- tisnah, tasnah: tisnak xur(r)ah, farrah: xuarrah
sikaftan: viskaftan tn.: to xurram: hu-ram
sikastan, sikan-: skastan tuhi, tihi, tahi: tuhikeh Xusrav: Xosr6i
sikift, sikuft, sigift, tuxmah: tohmak xusk: husk
siguft: skuft Tuzav: *Tucap xusnud: osnutak
sinaxtan, sinas-: snaxtan uftadan, uft-: opastan xuad (xod): xUat
sirin: sirenak ummed: omet xuahl: xuihl
sitab: ostap ustuvan: astavan xUar: 2x uar
sitaftan: ostaftan ustur, sutur: ustur xuardah: xuartak
sivan: sevan xuursed, xuursad: xUar-
soy, sauhar: sod xset
va: 2apak
suban, saban: supan
sukuftan, sikufah, sukuf: vaida: a-paitak
yam, avam: apam ya: aivap
suma: smah varj: varc yad: ayyat
varun: aparon yadgar: ayyat-kar
sumurdan sumar-:
varz: Ivarz yaftan: ayaftan
sunudan, sinidan, sinav-: varzidan: varzitan yak: evak
asnutan vazidan, bazidan: vazitan yak-ta: ev-tak
vicar-: karecar yaridan: ayyaritan
sustan, suy- (silr-):
sustan viran, biran, vairan:
averan zaban: uzvan
viskoftan: patkoftan zabar: hacapar
ta{i): tak
zadak: zatak
ta(i), tah: tahe-kar
tab: tap xamos: hamos zadan: zatan
xanah: xanak zadan: zatan
tab: tap
xandidan: xanditan zamistan: damistan
tabah: tapah
xasm, xism: h~sm Zahhak: Dahak
tabistan: tapistan
xavar: xuar-baran zanax: lzanak,
taf: tap
xaved: xUet sak
tag: tak
xirad: xrat zar: zarr
tah(a)m: tahm
xiramidan: axram- zar(r)in: zarren
taj: tag zer: hacadar
xiyar: hayyar
talx: tahl xohal: xuihl zin: zen
tanbak, tanbuk, tanbik: xosah: hosak zindah: zivandak
tumbak xosidan: hositan zirih, zarah: zrah
tar: tarr xub: xup zirih, zarah: zreh
tar: tarik xuda: xuatai zistan, ziyad: zivistan
tarsidan: tarsitan xuftan, xuspidan: xuftan zud: zut
tasidan: tasitan xuk: 2x uar zur: zor
taxsa: tuxsak xunak: hunak zarf: zufr
taz, taz: tac Xurdad: Harvadat zavidan: jutan

Ahmatan: Hamadan andohakan: hand6hakan apspar-em: api-spartan
Ahrmn: Ahriman apa: ap apur: appurtan
axor: axUar apasxar-em: apoxsayisn arZan: arZanik
ambarist: paristatan apastan: apa-stam Atest: *Arhest
ambastan: hanbasaneni- apat: apatan aspares, -rez: asp-res
tan apirat: ape-dat aspnjakan: aspinj |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Armenian 271 Armenian

asxarh: sahr (h)ambar: hanbarak patmuean: patmocan

asxat: sastan handerjapet: handarz- patrast: pairastak
asxat-em: sastan pat patuhas: patifras
atak: pattan hraman ~ framan payik: padak
augut: apa-ziitan hramatar: framatar poiopat, poiovat: polava-
awar: evar hrasax: frasang ten
aweran-k(: averan hrasakert: fras-kart p(ustipan: pustepan
azat: azat hrestak: frestak
azd: azd hrowartak: fra vartak sahman: samanak
Hruden: Freton sandaramet: Spandarmat
bavandak, bovandak: saiar: sardar
bavandak ir: hir satak: sat-os
bdeasx: bitaxs Iwroy parhak: Viroi-pahr seau: siya
biur: bevar Jatagov: yatango(k) sephakan: 2vaspuhrakan
bnak: bunak smbak: sumb
boir-k(: bod karawan (karevan): spah, spay: spah
borak: Panj-bor karvan spandaramet: Spandar-
bun: bunak katak: katak mat
burastan: bostan kerp: karp sparapet: spah-pat
buzem: buxtan kois (kust): kust spar: uspurrik
bzisk: bizisk ki'ogpet: kirrokeh spas: spas
spuz-em: spoxtan
earp: carp xonarh, xor: *honeh srah, srahak: srad
Xosrov: Xosroi stambak: stambakeh
dang: da yanik
dastakert: Dastkart mar-k C: Mad tacik: tacik
dasn: dasn marax: sak teg: teh
dayeak: dayak matakarar: matak-var toiz: togeh
dazan: daz- Mihr-nerseh: Mihr- turZ: Tiiran
deh: deh narsahe tCaga-vor: . tag
den: den mist: hamesak tCmbuk: tumbak
despan: bayaspan mogpet: magu-pat
dipah: depahr moik: mok us: os
diwan: divan movpet: magu-pat
dpir: dipivar Vahagn: Varhran
draxt: draxt naxeir-k: naxcir yard: gul
draus: drafs N erseh: N arsah var-k(: varisn
dsrou: dus-srav nhang: nihaxtan varsa-viray: virastan
dzox-k c : dosax u nkrt-em: nikeritan vars-k c : vars
nkun: nikiineh vat, vattCar: vat
eram: ram nskah -em: nikah year, vear-em: VICar
eramak: ramak veir: vicir
eraz: raz ostikan: ostikan veit: vicitan
erk: arg veh: veh
eu: ap pasen, pacean, paeik: vern: vern
pacen vic-em, vee, vicak:
gah: gah parik: parik Ivextan
. .
ganJ: ganJ parisp: parisp vieak: vecak
gerda-stan: gal past-pan: pustepan viz-em, vizak, veg:
gund: gund patasxani: passax u 2vextan
paterazm: patrazm vkay: gukai
hamaharz: ham-harz patgam: paitam vkay-em: gukayitan
hamar: amar patker: patkar vnas: vinas |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Armenian 272 Syriac

vran: viyan vzurk, vrzrk, vzruk: zahr: zahr

vrep: viyiftan vazurg zam, zamanak: zaman
vsemakan: Visemakan yoiz: ayoz zen: zen
vstah: vistax u zanazan: 2zanak zean: ziyan
Vsnasp: gusnasp zaur: zavar zrah-k c : zreh

Old Aramaic
'hsdrpn-: sahrap 'zd': azd naIna~: namat
'appatom: avdom dsn: dasin pityama: paitam
'osparna: uspurrik gnz', gnzk: ganj pyt:Q.s: bitaxs
'': Ramadan grd': gal res galuta: res-galutak
':Q.sdrpn: sahrap hnbg: ham-bai slsar, silsra: hur
'wpsr: apa-car Rerat zyn': zen
z't: azat

'dy'wr': hayyEi.r p)rs): frasang puydama: paitam
'w'r: evar patikra: patkar zaina: zen
bastirqa: vastarg

Judeo-Aramaic, Talmud, Targums

'mbr': hanbarak dw'r: datavar prwrtq: fra vartak
, (n)drwn : andar-ron dywtq': dutak prystq): frestak
'sprmq': spram gyty: gehan ptalsra: patkar
'wspyz': aspinj hndz': handacak qwsq): kosk
'wspyzkn': aspinj hrmdr: framatar
sr~y): srlhak
'wzynq': uzen hrmn': framan
bystrq': vistarg moqa: mok zaina: zen
dstqrt': Dast-kart prdsn', prdysn': patdasin zrd): zreh
dsn': dasin prs): frasang zyy'n': ziyan

'hmdn: Ramadan mWhbt'1 rystq): 2ristak
'alof?a: ostape-kar mwhp~' : magu-pat swkyhwn: tahe-kar
af~alssa: bitaxs mwp~' sostre: Sostar
'aspresa: asp-res na:Q.sira: naxcir taga: tag
'espezza: aspinj namosa: .aiven ~assuga: tasom
'esplzkana: aspinj Orhai: *Orya Wiropahrag: Viroi-pahr
borqa: Panj-bor, bor-*gil paiga: padak wrd): gul
gusqa: kosk parwanqa: parvanakeh
yazig.-panah: yazet
prs:Q.': frasang
handaza: handacak zaina: zen
prwrtq, prwrdyq: fravar-
kewan: kaivan tak zarda: zreh
marzbana: marzpan prystq': frestak ziwa: patroc
mgusa: magu ptalsra: patkar zmarg'da, ezmarg'da:
moqa: mok qrwgbd: kirrokeh *uzmuburt |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Hebrew 273 Greek

part9 mim: pahlom patsregam: pacen

kaiamanu: kaivan

su-sa-an: Sus u-ma-su pi-it-ru-u:

Susan: Siis

'a'in: aiven Karman (Kirman): al-Ruha': *Orya
al-asganiya: Askanan Kirman rustiiq, ruzdaq: rotastak
bauraq: bor-*gil, xandaq: kandan sawiq: pist
Panj-bor al-xaskaniya: Askanan sifsir: sifser
Dabil: Adbil xirf;!, xur~: *xirs Sugd: Sugud
danaq: davanik maddat: matakik suradiq: srad
Darabjird: Darav-kirt majus: magu al-Siis: Sus
daskarat: Dast-kart Marvarug: Marv-rot f;!aulajan: covegan
dauraq: dorak marzuban: marz-pan f;!irat: sratak
si~ranj: catrang
dausar: do-sar masruqan: Musrkan
dihqan: dehkan mhl' - mhlynh: Mahlah 'raban: *Tab
taj: tag
diwan: divan mlhy - mIh'ny: Mahlah
Tustar, Sustar: Sostar
farsax: frasang muq: mok ~assuj: tasom
firzan: fracin Nahr-tira: Nahrtirak 'rus: Tus
Ibrahim: A vrahim naizak: nezak ward: gul
Iskandar: Sokandar nama~: namat Yaman: Yaman
J anzah, Kanjah: Ganjak nardasir: nev -artaxser yaqut: yakint
jausaq: kosk Qayin: ka(y)en Yazdajird: Yazdekirt
jund: gund Qumis: Kumis zarad: zreh
Jundaisabur: Vandoi- ra'y: lriid zindiq: zandikeh
Sahpuhr rawaj: raviik zumurrug: *uzmuburt

,A Y<XP'Y)'Jo(: Ragar 'Ap't"&.~<X'JO<;: Ardavan Y&.~<X: ganj
,A y~cX:r<x'J<X: Ramadan Ap't"<x~eLp, -~ep, -~LP: roue A'J't"LOX l:<x~cup:
cX.3&.(.l.<X~: almast Artaxser Vandoi-Sahpuhr
A30up~<x~'Y)'J'Y): Aturpata- 'Ap't"<X~€p~'Y)<;: Artaxser rop<x~, roup<x~: varaz
kan IXcr'Y)(.l.O'J: asem L1P<XYYL<X'JT): Zrang
'{ <xe, .z. ( <XL'fe(, <XLCU'
, , J:
<XLeL, 'A't"po7t<X't"'Y)'JT): Aturpata- ~P<XX(.l.T): drahm
hamev kan ~m, E7t(: ap-
"A(.l.<XP~OL, M&.p3OL: ~L~L~: bitaxs ~'t"L: ap-
*Amard ~Lcr't"<X~ = ~L't"<X~: bitaxs et)'Joux0<;: sapistan
A(.l.e3<x'J: Ramadan r&.~<XL: Gai ~U(.l.'Y): as

18 Nyberg |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

Greek 274 Chinese

"I~l)pe:~, 'I~1)pLoL, 'I~l)pLa: II pe:crcrouap 6po~: 't"oue:-: Turan

Viroi-pahr Patisxuargar 't"P€7t<.t): sapuk
xaAo7t68LO\I: kalpa3 cra't"poc7tl)~: sahrap Twxl), Ta6xl): *Tavvak
{1.apyaph·'Y)~: murvarit ~LcrL\ll)C;, ~LcrL\I\ILOC;: uocxL\l8o~: yakint
N Lcpauoc\l3a: N ihavand Sism-duxt 'Y pXa\lLa, 'Y PXOC\lLOL:
OuaAAacrcrou: Valaxs cr{1.ocpay3oc;: *uzmuburt Gurgan
OUpL\l ( ? ): *orya ~6y30L: Sugud
cI>ap\loc~a~oc;: farro-bl1g
cI>appe:x, cI>app~xa\l:
7tapacrocYYl)~: frasang cr't"piha: sratak
*hll-parr on
IIa't"€Lcrxope:L~: Patisxuar- crcpa'Lpa: spihr
cI>LAm7tO~: Filippos
gar ~wcr't"pa: Sostar cI>pa6p't""Y)~: fravahr
II l)P<.t)~ou, II l)P<.t)~: Peroz TLPL3oc't"l)~: Til' Xocrp6l)~, Xocr't"p<.t):
m'noc~l)~: bitaxs 't"ou{1.~aou\l't"(i)\I: Dumba- Xosroi
m'n~Lya\l: bitaxs vand TO;OC;: Osan

aevum: hamev stratum: sriitak trepidus: sapuk
capio: arisn-kaft tenuis: tanuk Volageses: Valaxs

tasse: tast

Tasse: tast

izumrud: *uzumburt

t(ai: *Tab |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬

The official language of the Arsacid rulers was Middle Parthian (indigenous form
Pahlavi; abbreviation MiPrth), of the NW branch of the Iranian languages, to which
belong Kurdish, Zaza, Balochi, etc. The official language of the Sassanids, the
successors of the Arsacids, was Middle Persian [MiPrs], of the ,SVV branch, the oldest
stage of which is Old Persian [OP]. The oldest representive of the NW branch is not
literally transmitted; Avestan may be taken as its model, though it historically
holds a position of its own. A thorough analysis of the differences between the two
branches was given by Paul Tedesco, .Dialectologie der westiranischen Turfantexte,
1\1:0 XV, 1926, pp. 181-257. Some essential features may be resumed here.

A. Phonetics
1.1. IE Ikl > OIr lsi = MiPrth, but OP > 181 > MiPrs Ihl: *de'kffb 'ten' > Av.
dasa > MiPrth das, but OP *da()a > MiPrs dah II Ig Igh I in OIr one single sound
Izi = Av. MiPrth, but OP > lal, whence initialld-I, postvocalic I-a-I > MiPrs Iyl
alternating with I-h- I: A v. zam- 'earth': MiPrth zamilc, MiPrs damik I A v. braz-:
MiPrth braz-, but MiPrs *brao > brah I OIr *h'l}az-: MiPrth xUaz- (Uxaz-), but MiPrs
*xuao- > xUay- or xUah- II
1.2. OAr Ig Igh I in OIr one single sound Ig I: as initial plosive, postvoc. fricative
Iy I = MiPrth, but MiPrs > Iv I or Iy I according to adjacent vowels: OIr *mrya- >
MiPrth mury, but MiPrs murv I MiPrth ni-yay-: MiPrs ni-yay-isn II
1.3. OAr Iq Ig Igh I were palatalized before a pre-Aryan Ie I > Ic Ij I *jh I, OIr Ic Ij I:
MiPrth often Is I for Ic I: site, sihr for MiPrs citalc, cihr II Ij I: MiPrth alternating with
Iz I, MiPrs > Iz I: OIr gan-, jan-: MiPrth jatan, janisn, Mi;Prs zatan, zanisn II
1.4. IE Itlthldldhl: Ithl > OIr 181> Milr Ihl: Av. ()anj- > Milr hanj- Illdldhl
both in OIr > Id I, plosive if initial: da-tan both < IE *do- 'to give' and *dhe- 'to
put'; spirantic Ia I if postvocalic, preserved in MiPrth, but in MiPrs early > Iy I
alternating with Ih I: Av. baoOi- 'scent' > MiPrth bwd = boo, in MiPrs pronunced boi II
1.5. All plosives became fricatives before another consonant: Ik Ig I + It I > Ixt I;
Ip Ib I + It I > 1f t!; It Id I + It I > 1s t I II IE Jl~ Ig I + It I > Ist'l: Milr nipistan pres.
nipes- (v. 1.1.) I Ik I + In I > Isn I: *pre'kno- > Av. frasna-, BP lrasn 'question',
but on the other side *'I}e'kno- > OP vasna-, MiPrs vasn as against Av. vasna- MiPrth
vasnad II Ig I + In I > OIr Izn I = MiPrth, but OP > Isn I = MiPrs: OIr *yazna-
(Skr yajiia-) > MiPrth yazn but MiPrs yasn > jasn (v. 4.7.)
1.6. All voiceless plosives became voiced after Inl: Inklntinpi > Inglndlnbl
(in Prth inseriptions Int I sometimes occurs as an archaism) II Inc I > Inj I, but the
spelling Inc I is maintained: pnc = panj II Irk I > Irg I already in the inscriptions:
OIr varka- > MIR varg, v. vazurg, vastarg etc. II
2.1. IE IkV I > OAr Isv I > OIr Isp I but OP > Is I: OAr asva- Av. aspa- > MiPrth
asp, but OP asa-bara- > MiPrs asvar II
2.2. OAr Itr I > OIr 18r I > MiPrth Ihr I, but OP > Ic; I > MPrs Is I: OIr *()raya-
(Av. ()rayo etc.) > MiPrth hre, but OP *<;aya- > MiPrs se I Av. pa()ra- > MiPrth
pdhr, but OP *paya < MiPrs pas II
2.3. OIr Idvl: Av. Idvl or l*d~1 written Idab I, OP Iduvl MPrth Ibl, MiPrs Idl:
Av. dvar-, OP duvara-, MiPrth bar, MPrs dar II
2.4. OIr Isc I > MiPrth Is I, but OP Is I = MiPrs: Av. pasca > MiPrth pas,
pase[maneh, but OP pasa-va > MiPrs pas, paseh I |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 276 Grammatical survey

2.5. OIr Ird I in MiPrth preserved or > Ir I, in MiPrs > Ill: Av. z',wJd- or z9r90aga-
> MiPrth zi?:d, ~but OP *droa- > MPrs dil I OIr *ardaka- > MiPrth arak "
2.6. IE Ikllkr I > OIr Isr I but OP 1*8r 1 > 1<; I (v. 1.1. and 2.2.) > MiPrs Is I:
Av. ni-sray- but OP niyay-, whence *ni-yaya- > MiPrs ni-sai I Av. sravah- > MiPrth
sro- but OP *Oravah- > *yavah > MiPrs so-, V.s. v. sobar "
2.7. IE jlglrgl > OIr Irzl = MiPrth, but OP > Irol > MiPrs Ill: Av. mar9Z-
> MiPrthmarz- (v.s. v. marzihistan), but OP *maro- > MiPrsmal-idan; v.also hamharz:
2.8. OIr Ist I > MiPrs 1st I: MiPrth masist but MiPrs mahist 1 MiPrth angust:
MiPrs angust " .
3.1. Final I-aN 1 in Prth appears as I-ai 1 in Prs: MiPrth *tav > MiPrs tai 1 Prth
.Darav: Prs Darai I Prth nasav: Prs nasai I Prth siyav: Prs *siyai > siyah or siya,
v. 3.2. I
3.2. In MiPrs final I-ai I alternates with I-ah I or I-a I: casm-kai: -kah I *sahik-kai:
-lea I gukai: gukah I
3.3. Prth initial lv-I is preserved, MiPrs > Ig I in a great many cases: Prth prevo
vi- > MiPrs gu-; Av. var90a-: Prth vard (Arm.), var (MPrth), but MiPrs gul < *gurda-
< *vrda- I Valaxs: Gulaxs "
3.4. Originallndl is often assimilated to Innl in MiPrs: *avind > avin(n), nivindet
> nivinnet, frasinnat < frasindat; MPrs ban(n) > band, paivan(n) < palvand "
4.1. The official written language of the Sassanids, known ·from inscriptions,
documents, coins and the Zoroastrian literature, was deeply influenced by that of
their Arsacid predecessors, Middle Parthian or Pahlavi in its proper sense, but retained
untouched the basic structure of a SW Iranian language. Thus the name of Pahlavi
which the Parsees give the language of their books is historically not correct, but
may be retained for practical reasons ("Book Pahlavi", abbreviated BP).
4.2. Spelling. The writing system of the official Sassanian language was copied
from that of the Arsacids and based on the same principles, but with some modifica-
tions, and with a new type of letters. Both reflect, generally speaking, the oldest
stage of MiIr consonantism.
4.3. A few remnants of the OIr orthography survived: ctr = OIr ciOra- for MiIr
cihr, mtr = OIr miOra- for mihr, str = saOra- for sahr, pwtr = puOra- for puhr (v. S. V.
Visp~lhr). There is nothing to prove that the pronunciation I8r I was current in MiIr.
4.4. In Sass. writing the letter III was generally substituted for the letter Ir I
which had coincided with Iw I CI and later with In I; phonetically there was a fluctua-
tion between the sound III and the sound Ir I. The original letter Ir I is still written
in some words, and more frequently in the inscriptions than in the books. Inversely
Ir I is substituted for III in ideograms: MRK) for MLK), CRR for cLH, etc. inversely
NWL' = Aram. nura.
4.5. Intervocalic Ib I, pronounced Iv I, is often spelt with the digraph Iwb I :
lwbsn c = ravisn, )wbyn = avin(n) , 'wb'm avam. Seldom Iwp I: bwpyt' = bavet,
'stwp'n' = astavan; perhaps Arsacidic "
Note: - I do not express the pronunciation Iv I of postvocalic simple Ib I in my
transliteration. Sometimes Ip I designates postvocalic Iv I; then the transliteration Iv I
is used.
4.6. Inverse spelling: many words retamed their Arsacid (MiPrth) spelling in Sass.
orthography, but were pronounced in the MiPrs way. The Arsacid system wrote
phonetically ms = mas; this was taken over by the Sass. system but pronounced
mah (v. 1.1.). Hence Is I got a new function, that of an Ih I, and was used for Ih I irrespec-
tive of etymology: g's = gah < gaOu-, l's = ras < *raOa-; gukai: gwk)s = gukah
(v. 3.2.); pattai: pt)syk = pattahik; Mahlai: Mhl's = Mahlah; also combined with
Irl: IsII a) as transliteration of Av. ISrl in loanwords: slsw' = srisva- < Av. Orisva,
slyt' = Srit < Orita-; the pronunciation must have been Ihr I, for we also find lsI I |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 277 Grammatical survey

for Ixr I: hslyh = hihreh < A v. hixra-, also for Iar I: swsl = susr < A v. xsuora-
(besides phonetical spellings: hyhl, swhl) I
4.7. The Elr groups Irt Ir 8 18r I had developed into something like a voiceless
Irlor Ill; those speaking Wlr tried to render it with Ihll or IIhl, or Isll1sl, or simply
identified it with their common Is I, v. the materials collected s. v. Mahlai. Inversely
an etymologically authentic Is I could be spelt Ihll: nyhlplm)n = nis-frarniin 'dis-
obedient> (NRjb 1. 17) II
4.8. Ic I having assumed the pronunciation \j I after In I (v. 1.6.) was also used for
Ij I in other combinations. As this Ij I was pronounced Iz I in .MiPrs the Sass. system
freely used Ic I as a sign of Iz I without any etymological reason e. g. wcwlg = vazurg
< OP vazrka- II
4.9. Intervocalic Idl, having passed to Iyl in MiPrs (v. 1.1. and 1.4.), e.g. Av.
maioyana-: MiPrth medan MiPrs miyan, was used as a general sign for intervocalic
Iy I irrespective of origin, as shown by the -inscriptions and the Ps.: nyd)k)n l =
niyakan, OP niyaka-; zyd)n = ziyan; nyd)dsn = niyayisn < ni-yay-. Av. agra-
'foremost' appears in MiPrs in the forms )gPdy = agrai (KZK 1. 13), )gPsy = agrah
(SM 1. 34 in fine), )gPtry = agra-tar (SM passim) I Id I was sometimes even used for
Iy I as the sign of Ie I or Ii I: inscr. strdst)n = sahrestan, yzdty = yazet (also in the
Ps. and in BP) II
4.10. I-yw-I-yw)-I is sometimes written for I-iy~-I-iyu- , V.s. v. apiyuxtan.
4.11. After the Sass. orthography had been fixed MiPrs initial Iy -I passed to Ij -I,
but the spelling remained the same. Iy-I could then represent j- in words borrowed
from MiPrth: iaman (MiPrs zaman) was spelt ym)n l , MiPrth ianisn (MiPrs zanisn):
ynsn l • The scribes mark this new value of y with a dot below. This sign was then
need for I j 1 in the interior of words borrowed from Av., e.g. )lkyt)lsn = Ar(JiaoarSna-
BdA 234 15 I

B . Morphology: 1. Nouns.
1.1. At the end of the OIr. period 1) the deelensions had been reduced to one
only, that of the a-stems, with scanty remnants of the others, and 2) the cases had
been reduced to two, the casus rectus for the subject and (in sg.) the direct object
(nominative and accusative), and the caSU8 obliquus for other functions (from the
old genitive). Hence in WMilr, all final syllables having been dropped:
Singular: Plural:
Casus rectus: asp < OIr aspah, -po, -pam asp < OIr aspah
Casus obliquus: aspe < OIr aspahya aspan < OIr aspanam
1.2. Early the cas. obI. aspe lost its ending -e and coincided with the cas. recto
asp, but the ending Iy! = -e subsisted in writing and was also attached to the cas.
rect.: both were spelt )spy but both pronounced asp. It was then attached as a mute
sign to any word ending in a consonant (usage esp. extended in the Ps); in BP it
finally took the shape of the perpendicular stroke marking the end of a w.
1.3. The cas. obI. sg., written 1y I yg Iyh I or by the figure 111 in the books, survived
in several connections: a) in compounds: kare-car magve-mart nehe-stan sute-kareh
sahre-stan (ins cr. , v. above 4.6.); compounds with kar as 2nd element: ostape-kar
sahre-kar tahe-kar varze-kar; b) as a genitive placed before its headw. (originally Prth.
construction): marte karp, sene murvak, Hutose razur, mode tak, kofe sar; c) with a
subst. qualifying a following adj.: dile nev, varisne fraron, ham-ic kare frahaxtak; d) after
a prep.: 0 dasn arake, pat bundahisneh, pat han (i) apurnai dateh, pat martom kare,
hac zorik oseh, pat-san a1oasaneh, hac Osan rote; a spurious ending -eh is added to a pI.
in oisaneh rad 58 15 \I |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 278 Grammatical survey

1.4. In the pI. the two cases were still kept well distinguished; the two-case system,
correctly used, is attested in amahraspand, '" an I apa/u/rnayik, '" an I asvar, '" -an I
azat, '" -an I barak, '" -an I brat, brataran I dev, '" an I draxt, '" -an I er, '" -an I frazand,
'" -an I gav, '" -an I gaz, '" -an I gospand, '" -an I karap, '" an I magve-mart, mog-
martan I mart, '" an I mdzdesn, '" -an I sak, '" -an I starak, '" -an I urvar, '" -an I
yazet, yazatan and yazdan I PI. cas. recto also astak 58 23 , Asurayik 37 3 , rahdar 32 25 ,
zivandak 2415 I
1.5. The great majority of plurals in -an represents the cas. obI. However, already
in good classical texts (e.g. Mx) there occur instances of -an in the cas. recto pl.,
chiefly of persons or personified beings, esp. in enumerations; some instances are due
to mixed construction, V. 7.5. I
1.6. Rests of the other OIr. declensions: of the i-stems: cas. obI. pI. fravartin;
frazandin F: 5; of the u-stems: magu, pI. cas. obI. magune < magun « *magunam)
+ the ending of the cas. obI. sg. -e; dahyu-pat I Rests of the consonant stems in Irl :
*pitar-: MiPrs sg. cas. recto pit < nom. *pita, cas. obI. pitar, but much restricted in
use, commonly cas. obI. sg. = cas. recto pit, vOC. pit and pitar, pI. cas. obI. pitaran;
adj. pit-ik I *matar-: sg. cas. recto mat < *mata, also used as cas. obI. besides matar I
*bratar-: sg. cas. recto brat < *brata, cas. obI. bratar, pI. cas. recto brat (or bra tar after
numerals), cas. obI. brataran I *xuahar-: sg. cas. recto xuah, cas. obI. xuahar I *duxtar-:
sg. cas. recto duxt, obI. duxtar I pus pI. cas. obI. pusan has the side-forms obI. sg.
pusar, obI. pI. pusaran imitating pitar, apitaran I
1. 7. Plurals in Iyh' I = -iha: dar-iha, avam-iha, kof-iha, damik-iha, darak-iha (112 48 ),
kustak-iha, nipek-iha, post-iha, postiyan-iha, sahr-iha, sahristan-iha, taxtak-iha, urvar-
iha, vitarg-iha II
1.8. Nouns with a generic sense not seldom have a cas. obI. pI. in -alca,n designating
a multitude of individuals: Eran 'the country or population of Eran: '" -akan 'a mul-
titude of Eranian men'; Hromayik: Hromayakan; Tur: Turakan; Yah't1d: Yahildakan;
azat: azatakan, vispuh1': vispuhralcan; vaspuhr: vaspuhralcan I
1.9. After numerals always the cas. recto pI. (= sg.): do asp, sih sal. Exception
only if the combination numeral + noun expresses a new notion: 12 axtar 'the Zodiac',
7 apaxtar 'the Planets', cas. obI. 12 axtaran 89 14, 7 apaxtaran 76 20 (7919- 20 both for
the cas. rect.) II Numeral expressions are treated as singulars and take a predicate
in sg.: 2 frestak amat 18 14 , but there are exceptions if they signify persons: han 2 asvar
ce gah be vitart hend? 7 22 II
1.10. Words as martom, gospand, dam may be used as genuine collectives in sg.,
but often also take the cas. obI. pI. in -an: martoman etc. I The abstracts in -eh are
also used as collectives; e.g. rnijneh I The W. star is always only collective; 'a (single)
star' is starak, pI. cas. obI. starakan \I If determined by oisan a pI. in the cas. obI.
may lack the ending -an: apalc oisan fraskart-kartar 10011 I
1.11. The indefinite article is -e, commonly spelt 111 (the figure one), also I-ygl-'y I;
sometimes I-yh I, coinciding with the abstract ending: artestareh 45 17 , hesmeh 6815 "

II. Adjectives.
2.1. Place of the qualifying adj.: a) SW (Prs) construction: after its headw. with
or without a connecting i~aJat: mart (i) nev; b) NW (Prth) construction: before the
headw.; sometimes the adj. receives the ending I-y I = -e or -en as in BaI.: Anose-
zatan I burzen M ihr I burritak-dumb-e xar 302- 3 I dasne dast 22 20 I harven kas 64 10 I
harvisten zayisn 88 5 I harvisten mar 88 7 I menoye xrat I nevake avam 55 23 I nevaken
kunisn 7227 I visen giyak 97 18 I xUarge ataxs 92 2 I Together with a cas. obI. pI. it some-
times takes the ending -an: astomandan gehan.39 11- 12 , astOmandan martoman 10516 II
2.2. Degrees: a) most common -tar for both compo and sup. b) compo -tar, sup.
-tom: apar-tar apar-tom; sup. anamr-tom I avdom < *apatom I riman-tom I xua[-tom I |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 279 Grammatical survey

vat-tar is used as a positive and takes the sup. vattar-tom I c) sup. -ist: druyist I mahist I
nazdist I nax ll ist I NW vahist (mostly subst.) enlarged with -tom: vahist(t)om 115 2 I
d) The OP comparatives vahyah- *kaOyah- *kambyah- *maOyah- survive in MiPrs as
veh, keh, kem, meh, but in the sense of positives I 'Than' after a comp.: hac I ku I
cigon I yuvat hac I

III. Pronouns.
3.1. There are three series of personal pronouns: a) cas. recto (subj., dir. obj. and
after preposition), b) enclitic cas. obI., c) independent cas. obI.
Sg. 1st p. a) 'NH = an(e) (subj. only) b) -m c) I'ml am
L(Y) = man, ZK L(Y) = an man;
Prth 'NH = az
2nd p. LK = to -t I'tl at
1'8 I as
3d p. cLH = oi, CL = 0; Prth L!:I-w = ho -s
PI. 1st p. LNH = amah; Prth LN -man I'm'n l I aman
2nd p. LKWM = smah -tan I't'n l I atan
3d p. CLH-san = oisan -san I '8'n l I asan
3.2. -san may be spelt defectively: I>sn l I = asan 40 3 and very often in the
inscriptions and the Ps. I Defective spelling of -man is indirectly attested by the wrong
ideogr. L = Imn I 98 6- 7 , where -man is expected I The encl. pronouns are regularly
placed as near the beginning of the sentence as possible, and quite freely; if appended
to a prep. or to a subst. they are never governed by the prep. and never qualify the
subst. to which they externally belong; but if appended to a vb. they are governed
by it: dar-om 6 4 I xllaret-man (written L) 98 6 I man kart-om 'by me it was made; 3 24- 25 I
guft-as 'by him it was spoken, he said' passim I On emphasizing an: an to, an oi etc.
V.S.V. Ian and cf. S.V. anod I

3.3. Demonstratives: ZNH = en 'this here' I ZK = han 'that there' I !:IN> = e, et

'this' 1 LZNH = im, pI. imisan (FrP) 'this man present here' II Prth ZNH = im,
LJ:Iw = ho I
3.4. Relatives: ZY (ZY) = i; on its use as izafat and on its construction V.S. V. I
MNW = ke I MH = ce I
3.5. Interrogatives: MNW = ke? I MH = ce? I katam? I katar? I In dependent
questions they are preceded by ku: ku ke, ku ce, ku cl~gon, etc.
3.6. Indefinites: >YE; = kas 'someone' I MNDcM = cis something I hec 'any' I
hec kas 'anyone' I hec cis-e 'anything' I katarcihe 'whoever it may be, anybody' I
'I.IRN, ZK, ZK->y = an, ane 'another' I aparik 'the other one' I Quantitative: and I
cand I vas I visp I visen I harvisp I ha'l'vist I har kas I har cis I hamoden, properly 'all
kinds' is a subst. and governs a gen.: hamoden yazdan u amah1"aSpandan 74 1 - 2 I and,
cand, vas are construed as the numerals, viz. with the qualified w. in the cas. recto pI.
= sg.: han and dusman I cand rah I vas sal I vas asp nevak I vas may be followed by
the pI. cas. obI.: vas azatan u vazurgan 169 , and may itself take the pI. ending: vasan
vazurg-spasan 1061 ; together with a collective: vasan martom 4 48 (cas. obI.) II aparik
'other' is sometimes inflected: hac apa1'ikan giyakan u rostakan 86 17- 18 I

IV. Adverbs.
4.1. The common adverbial ending is I-yh> 1- = -iha: xup-iha; these adverbs may
take the degrees of comparison: danakihatom, matariha-tar I Local adverbs: anod I
etar I apac I adar I adarvar I dvar I apar I hac-adar I hac-apar I has I *honeh I frac I
frot I be I beron I oron lorandar I oristar (Prth) I par(r)on I pade I pas(e) I pes(e) I has I |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 280 Grammatical survey

ul( eh) 1 yume II Prepositional: avis I patis 1 hacis II Modal: eton logon 1 cigon I ham I
hat 1hamvar I dit 1 evar 1 evac 1 e(v) ! hep (Prth) 1ham-bun-ic II Time: hame(v) 1hamesale 1
hambjv/ar 1 haka/ujrc 1 nun 1 ahanun-ic I nole II Pronominal: leu 1 lead I *lcas-~~p (Prth) 1
enya II Negations: ne 1 ma 1 leam II Introducing the apodosis: a I ah I adale I adyan
(Prth) 1 ap- 1 u II Adverbs in -i (-eh?) + butan: v. aleasi 1 hangirtileeh 1 stobi? II Em-
phasizing: -c, -ci 1 -p, -pi (Prth) II

V. Prepositions.
4.2. andar 1 andarg I ander(r)on 1 apac 1 apale 1 apar 1 be 1 beron 1 hac 1 hacadar 1
hacapar I han-tai I hamvar 1miyan 1 nazd 1 nazdilceh I 6, oi 1 pade 1 pat 1 pes 1 tai 1 tar I
yat-o (Prth) I parvan II Postposition: rad II Frame prepositions: be-enya 1 be-tai 1
hac-apac I hac-hamist 1 hac-be I hac-1'ad 1 pat-rad I hac-beron 1hac-yuvatale II

VI. aonj~mctions.

4.3. Coordinating: u 1 -c 1 ap- 1 be 1 bes (Prth) 1 aivap 1 ham - ham I ham-ic - ham-ic I
ham - u ham II Subordinating: ale (Prth) I cigon I' halear I ham-cigon I lea 1 i lea I cigon
lea I han-tai lea 1eton (i)lea 1han i lea 1leu I pes ku Ilea vas-ic 1lea cikamcihe I tai 1 pe8 hac I
han-tai ka II

VII. Verbs.
Paradigms v. I, p. \ Y • - \ Y 0
5.1. The normal endings of the present tense go back to the old causatives in
-aya-, but there are numerous remnants of the old thematic endings:
1. aya- endings: 2. old thematic endings:
Sg. 1st p. I-yml = -em I-ml-wml = -am, -om
2nd p. I~ygl-yhl = -e(h) (v. below)
3d p. I-yt l I = -et I-tyl-t'l = -et
PI. 1st p. I-yml = -em I-ml-wml = -am, -om
2ndp. I-yt'l = -et
3d p. I-ynd I = -end 1 -nd 1 = -and (-end).
Ad 2: 1st p. pI. = sg.: sayem [s)dm] 751 barom [YDLWN-m] 53 18 . 20 1 arzanileenit
hom 53 19 I bavom [YI,IWWN-m] 99 1 II The 2nd p. sg. subju. not seldom replaces the
ind.: venah 313 1 dalwh 346 I vazah 99 14 I staya, apalcanah 1006 1 danai 21 5- 8 etc. (I-)y I;
reading -e not probable) 1 very common ha(h), lwi for he II
5.2. Subjunctive: Sg. 1. -an 12. -a(h), -ai I 3. -at I PI. 1. *-am 12. (*-at) I 3. -and II
In the 3d p. sg. also the Prth. form in -a(h), -ai (= the 2nd p. sg.): very common
ha(h), hai I kamai 211 5 I saya 3412 I ma bava 13 25 1 ziya 119 5 II
5.3. Optative. a) ending I-ygl = -e, originally -00 (cf. 5.5.) 3d p. sg.: cigon ke
pus . .. bare (YDLWN-yg] 41 9_ 10 I sahe [MDMHn-yg] 40 27 (interrogation: would
anything seem ... ?) 1 he [I,IWH-yg] very common; I,IWH-d = he 2 18, cf. 4.9. 1 In
the Prs. inscriptions: I,IWH without complement = he (the subju. 3d p. sg. hat is written
I,IWH-t and the indo hast )YTY) HajB: 12; this being so, ev I,INI,ITWN I. 13, ev SDYTN
I. 14, ke ... LMYTN I. 15 represent nihe, vinde, apakane II b) ending I-ys I = -es 2nd
p. sg. (exhortation, modest question or assertion): bares, tapes, payames 444- 7 1
virazes 358 1 dares 4142 I gobes 6012 I menes 33 12 I bas (*baves > *ba1j/l,!,es > *ba)es >
bas) II c) old injunctives in the 3d p. sg.: I,IWH-t = hat 'will probably be' 389; 94 27 _95 2;
cf. also 7.7.1 YI!WWN-t 4717 must mean 'what will become of the one?', thus = bavat;
ne YI,IWWN-t ,'cannot possibly be' 37 24 1 zat 'ZLWN-t 'may he pass away slain' 9 6 , |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 281 Grammatical survey

thus = savat, cf. the Paz. forms bahod bahud, sahod sahud with an inorganic I-h-I "
d) the particle e < ev + pres. ind.: e baret 'may he carry' "
5.4. A habitual present is formed by adding the opt. he in ayend he 611 (v.s. v.
amatan); to be compared with the Prth. optatives in -endeh? v. Ghilain 111 and the
next section.
5.5. Parthian optatives (cf. I, p. ,Yo). 3d p. sg. a) ~WY-ndy HajA: 9.10 = ahende
= MPrth I b) z)mywd ibid. 14 = zamed (-ywd an archaistic spelling, also found in
other forms of the present tense in KZSPrth; I-yd I = -ed in the opt. )YK .. krhyd
KZSPrth I. 19) I hep ~Q)YMW-d = hep *avisted HajA: 12 I hep SDYW ibid. I. 13
uncertain (the ideogram has the form of pres. ind.) "
5.6. Imperative: 2nd p. sg. a) without ending: purs! framai! kun «:BYDWN) I
b) with the ending -e, -i: framaye [-)dyg, -)dyw] I rave (SGYTN-yg 441) I stani
[YNSBWN-i, the ending in Paz., 6013] I zane [M~YTN-yg 45 a ] I visaye [SL YTN-d
9 13 , cf. 4.9. ult.] II 2nd p. pI. -et: purset! kunet! framayet [plm)dt l 12 9] II
5.7. The endings -Xl' and -X2 added to verbal ideograms involve problems which
are not yet solved. This much seems clear: they contain the Aram. letter He IHI,
probably preceded by a I Y I: - YH. At all events they express in a great many cases
the ending -eh, either the 2nd p. sg. pres. ind., or the opt. or the imp. in -e(h). Some
of these forms would seem to stand for the imp. pI., cf. 1818 . 19 . 20 3. 2117. 60 13, but
there is a certain indistinctness in the use of sg. and pI. in the imp., as also in the
1st p. sg. and pI. in the indo "
5.8. From the present stem a verbal noun in -isn is derived; it functions a) as an
abstract noun = 'the act of ... ', e. g. xuarisn 'the act of eating'; b) as the verbal
predicate of a sentence, expressing a modal present pass.: 'it must, it is to, it has to,
it shall be done', often as a unversal present expressing prescription, order, instruction,
even as a vividly narrative present, with formal or virtual cas. obI. of a pron. or a
subst. as its logical subj.: api-m ... han van brinisn 'I must cut down this tree' 40 26- 27 ;
martoman pat en 3 rah saxt estisn imankind should strictly keep to these three ways'
65 7 ; ataxs u ap u urvar hac anakeh ... garzisn 'and Fire and Water and Plants to
howl about the evil ... ' 95 25- 26 ; c) sometimes used as an adj. or subst., v., e.g.,
avenisn, zayisn, rodisn; in this case the suff. -ik is commonly added: apayiSnik, apa-
ziriSnik, a-rodisnik burzisnik, ramisnik, etc. " Note: - The -isn- noun is sometimes
derived from the pt. pass.: bastisn 66 27 II
5.9. An adj. or adjectival W. combined with a v.n. in -isn gives a bahuvrihi
compound with personal sense: rast-gobisn 'whose speech is true, veracious), fraron-
kunisn 'he whose doing is righteous', fratom-danisnan 'those having the primordial
knowledge' 62 1; hu-menisn, dus-menisn 'having good, having evil thoughts', etc. I
Exceptionally with the negative a-: a-virroyisn 'having no faith, unbeliever' 97 8;
a-pohisn, a-sohisn (v. these ws.) "
5.10. Determined verbal nouns (det. V. n.). If the v. n. is preceded by any
qualifier it must always take the abstract ending -eh: gobisn barisneh, passaxu
gobiSneh, bavandak menisneh, uspurrikiha danisneh, drayan-ioyisneh, apar, frot bariSneh,
ul-vaxsisneh, be vitirisneh, ham-kunisneh, Zartuxst 0 ham tasisneh, druz apar rasisneh,
etc. etc.; with the negative a-: a-xuarisneh, a-xUayisneh, a-yazisneh (exception: an-
amurzisn, q. v.) II However, if the qualifier is connected with the V. n. by the i~a,fat
or the circumlocution through han i (v. S. V. han) the ending -eh is not added:
dahisn i Zartuxst or han i Zartuxst dahisn 411 7- 18 "
5.11. A V. n. with the adverb ending -iha (4.1.) often has the character of a sub-
ordinate clause: yatango barisniha 'when engaging a solicitor' 7015 ; gete handacak
nimayisniha (q. v.) ... uspurrik 1106; menisniha <wholeheartedly' 63 12 ; hameravisniha
'while it is going on for ever' = 'eternally' 7416 (= pat hame u hame ravisneh) II |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 282 Grammatical survey

6.1. MiPrs possesses a special passive voice, the use of which is however rather
restricted. It is formed by the affix -ih-, originally -iy-, v. 1. 180 and s. v. apa-sihistan,
cihenitan and rastan. It only occurs in the 3d p. sg. and pI. (other forms are quite
sporadic). Ind. sg. -ihet (-iyet), pI. -ihend (sg. 1p. cihiyom 51 6 ), subju. -ihat, pI. -ihand;
info -ihistan, pret. -ihist, in transitive vbs. also -ihit. It is the regular pass. of the
denominatives in -enitan: paitak-enitan pass. paitak-ihistan; but it also occurs with other
vbs., esp. in later technical theological language.
6.2. There are a few presents pass. which are formed from the pass. participle in -t:
huxtem 'we are saved' 6 1 I gumextet, gumextend I eraxtet PR 26 7 • 8 I

7.1. The preterite of an intransitive vb. is an active form consisting of the past
participle in -t + the auxiliary vb. I:IWH- = h-, except in the 3d p. sg.: Sg. 1. (man)
amat ham, 2. (to) amat he, 3. (oi) amat; pI. 1. (amah) amat hem, '2. (smah) amat het,
3. (oisan) amat hend 'I have come' etc. The subj. is, as far as verifiable, in the cas. rect.:
ket apar ralt hend 37 6 , but the later usage substituting the cas. obI. pI. in -an for the
cas. recto is also attested: apurnayikan tust mand hend 1618, as against, e. g., (old
language) han i ane apurnayik Irae tarsit hend 52 25 I
7.2. The preterite of a transitive vb. is a passive form consisting of the passive
participle in -t; the real object of the vb. is changed into its formal subject, and its
real subject appears as its agent, expressed if possible by the cas. obI.: gazan asan
pus lut ('by the snakes their young was eaten' =) 'the snakes ate their young' 40 3 I
devan vat Irett ('the Wind was cheated by the devs' =) 'the devs have cheated the
Wind' 33 10- 11 I ee-m rah-dar ozat hend 32 26 I api-m xupiha avis gult u handarzenit he
'I have spoken well about-it and instructed thee (well)' 7615 - 16 1 api-manandar zrah karecar
dast 32 9 - 10 I ce-t ataxs i man pUB ozat 31 12 I api-s be 0 zrah lcasit hom 32 2- 9 I to ('by thee')
amah-ic dat hem 39 7 I ke ('by whom') to dat he? ke man dat hom? 59 7- 9 I ku-tan han i oi
mat apar dit ... ? 'where have you discovered his mother. .?' 39 4 - 5 I
. 7.3. The agent may be anticipated by an encI. pron. of the 3d p., either before
the vb. or attached to it: api-s gult Ohurmazd or gult-as Ohurmazd 'he, Ohurmazd,
spoke', very common I api-s gult Pourusasp 47 19- 20 I api-s dandit devan dev 42 14- 15
beside dandit-as Oismalc 42 49 I
7.4. A pronoun placed before the vb. as its agent may be repeated by the cor-
responding encl. pron. attached to the vb.: man lcart-om 'I (with emphasis) have made
it' 3 24- 25 ; api-m pat pust tacit-om 31 19 , v.s. v. Ilcartan and tacitan; in both cases the
copyists, misled by the NP language they spoke, analysed -om as the auxiliary vb.
I:IWH-wm = hom. MPrs has many instances of encl. pronouns attached to the transitive
perf. as its agent, v. Verbum 244 sq. II
7.5. All languages having a passively construed preterite inevitably incur the
same fatality: as the formal subject never ceases to be felt as the real object of the act
the passive preterite accordingly is more or less felt as an active form. In the sentence
Ardavan lcanicalc xUast 6 25 the correct grammatical analysis ought to take the first w.
as the agent and the second as the subject, but psychologically lcaniealc is the direct
object and Ardavan the subject; the sentence could easily be understood as an active
one. In BP this ambiguity has given rise to mixed constructions, sporadical in good
old texts, more common in younger ones, perhaps partly due to the copyists who
spoke NP. The shifting from subject to object is best visible when the subj.-obj. is
a plural; which in this case receives the cas. obI. ending -an, while the agent
remains. Some instances: api-s danalcan 0 pes xUast 2 2- 3 for api-s danak 0 pes xUast
hend I to xUatai i Parsikan frestit 1318- 19 for to xUatai i Parsikan Irestit he Ilcu-s gavan |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 283 Grammatical survey

haciS apac dast 49 5- 6 (gl.) for ku-s gav hacis apac dast hend 'that is: by her the cows
were held back from him (Zartuxst)' I Constructions occur where the subject is changed
to object by the postposition rad, quite in the NP way, but the agent nevertheless
remains: api-s Artaxser rad 0 axUar i storan frestit 44 I api-s han zan rad ne ozat 1022- 23 ;
v. also 1017 • 15 27 _16 1 • 25 20 • 10713- 15 I In sentences such as Ohurmazd sar~xUatayan 0
frarnan-burtareh avurt 17 5- 6 for Ohurmazd sar-xUatai . .. avurt hend the NP stage,
with its exclusively active preterite, has already been reached I Cf. also the following
examples: datar Ohurmazdmenoi u getah dahisnan ... afrit u dat 8815-181Ahriman i druvand
devan u druzan cigon visut hend? 76 22 (in the answer 77 5- 7 hend is wanting) II
7.6. The AZ text, whose Parthian origin still shows through, presents peculiarities
in the use of tenses which need further research. Quite surprising is the purely NP
active construction of the preterites 18 20- 21 (in the corresponding passage 19 26- 27 the
normal Milr. construction is used) and in 20 24 ; in the last passage the passive con-
struction could possibly be vindicated, but the sentence sounds more NP. The object
particle rad 25 20 is not normal MiIr. The narrative runs its course in present tenses
vividly describing the acts and events; such a prcsens historicum can of course not be
denied in Milr, but a sentence such as api-s ... samser (J:IDWN-yt l 22 20- 21 is perplex-
ing: if the present giret is meant, why then the agent -s? Should we assume a pret.
pass. *girit? Or would this be a passive present < *grbiyati? How to judge of the
ideograms with the endings-xl and -X2 which in this text alternate freely with vbs.
ending in -yt l ? The problem is touched upon s. v. histan, p. 100b II
7.7. Optative passive: The preterite + a modal form of J:IWH-: a) to express a
wish: kac ka man ... ne zat hom ... aivap srnah bagan en frasn hac man ne pursit hai
21 11 - 14 I b) to express a modest assertion, with hah 319- 10 : gehan man zest pat casm
but hah u gehan hac varz i man tarsit hah 'the world looked, I dare say, disgusting to
me, and the world, I think, was afraid of my mace' I with the injunctive hat [J:IWH-t l ]:
andar gav pem gumext hat 'may be that it (the substance) was mixed up in the cow's
milk' 42 3- 4 I (the cattle shall no more be slaughtered) cigon nun kust hat (as it may
be slaughtered nowadays' 981- 2 I a) in a dependent clause: Papak framut ku tai dast
i yamak ... avis aVU1-t he u 0 Sasan dat he [J:IWH-d, v. 5.3.] I
7.8. Conditional (unfulfilled condit,ion): two types, which may called 1) the Par-
thian, 2) the Persian type. 1) hakar-am han az ne ozat hah, as harnak dam i to be apasi-
henit hah 31 1C32 1 I hakar-am oisan raMar ne ozat hand [J:IWHnd] Ahriman apar dam i
to pat~~xsai but hah 33 4- 6 I be ka-m . . . sokand xUart ha adak-im . . . sar brit, 0 damik
apakand ha 22 23- 26 ; the most common type I 2) hakar Kai-Xosroi uzdescar ... ne kand
hat . . . adak patiyarak eton stahmaktar but hat ku . . . ne sayit hat 71 13- 19 II In the
inscriptions: a) Prs: hakar citak city (J;IWH =) he, adak beronY patiyak but (J;IWH =)
he HajB: 9-10 I b) Prth: ak sitY BNY-t (J;IWY-ndy =) ahende, 0 heron arak akasi
but ahende HajA: 9-10 II
7.9. A perfect and a pluperfect are formed with the aid of the auxiliary vb. estatan:
perf. (am, at, as, aman, atan, asan) kart estet (I (etc.) have made', kart estat 'had made';
for the latter kart bilt is normally used in dependent clauses II
7.10. Future perfect: hakar harnak pus ... murt bavend, adak-im ... be ne hilom
'if all my sons ... shall have died, I shall not abandon ... ' 22 21 - 25 I ka-san e yazisn
framut hat 'when one service shall have been imposed upon them' 95 7 I ka-san druvandan
patifras kart bavet (when they will have executed the punishment of the wicked'
102 26 I to ruvan vahistik, nam i yavetak 0 xues kart bet 'thou wilt have acquired Paradise
for thy soul, and an eternal name' 914- 15 II
7.11. Corroborative adjuncts of vbs. The strength (intensity, duration) of an action
may be emphasized by adding pat + an abstract noun of it or of part of it: pat asepisn
asift estet 44 20 • 22 I pat fraceh frac tarsit hend 52 25 I pat drinisn daret u drinet 102 7 - 8 ; |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
Grammatical survey 284 Grammatical survey

here the notion of duration is especially brought out by the auxiliary vb. dastan as
in NP I pat apakeh pat-apakenit 41 8 : here, by an inverse process, pat apakeh is the
basic idea, and the vb. is an occasional creation produced solely to transfer it to the
action level in the most concrete way /I
7.12. Word order. Normal MiIr has the order subject - object(s) - adjunct(s)-
verb, or the preterite: agent - subject - adjunct(s) - verb. Another type, placing
the verb first in the sentence and subject, object etc. after it,is directly taken over
from A vestan and is only met with in translations from A vestic texts. This is justly
observed by Widengren, v. Festschrift fur Eilers, 1967, pp. 278-287, where numerous
examples are quoted. Many of them are found in this Manual, esp. in the poetic
passages pp. 58-61; v. also 44 23 • 27 (cf. Yt 13 16 • 94 • Vd 1947 ). 57 14 • 90 26 etc. II Other
traces of Avestan constructions cf. s. v. ke II

Remarks on the Persepolis Inscriptions MPI, pp. 126-127, referring to Richard

Frye's article in AO, 1966, pp. 83-93.
1. L. 1: it is doubtful whether the bulges visible to the left of the two perpendi-
cular strokes denoting 121 are due to the cutter. More probably they are small
involuntary breaks caused by the cutting. - L. 3: on the reading v. s. v. Turan.
II. L. 1: the first figure is absolutely clear 20; it never means 10, the form of
which is well known and quite different, v. MP I, 173. Then there is a slight break,
through which remnants of a second figure 20 are faintly visible; then it follows,
quite clearly, again the figure 20. The number is beyond doubt 68. - L. 7-8: I think
I can warrant the correct reading (7) ... KBYR (8) +B, after my close examination
of the inscription in 1971, v. s. v. nev. The letter 1+ I is slightly damaged, but the
characteristic top is unmistakable. |‫ﭘﺎرﺳﯽاﻧﺠﻤﻦ‬
CO'tr'i.cJ'end.a.- ~ Vci. 1.
A· 1" lhe l-e.)(ts.

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