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1. Select two pieces of content you should share with the CHRO to generate interest. A.

Blog -
Creating a Strategic HR Organization with a Digital Workforce B. Resources on how to
cultivate citizen developers C. Stats on the amount of time spent in manual effort D. E-book:
Creating a better Employee Experience with Intelligent Automation
To generate interest, the two pieces of content you should share with the Chief Human Resources
Officer (CHRO) are:

A. Blog - Creating a Strategic HR Organization with a Digital Workforce This blog post addresses the
current trend of digital transformation in the HR landscape. It discusses the benefits and importance
of integrating technology and automation within HR processes to streamline operations, improve
efficiency, and enhance overall employee experience. The blog should highlight success stories and
case studies of organizations that have adopted digital workforce strategies to achieve their HR
goals. It can also cover topics like AI-powered recruitment, automated onboarding processes,
performance management with analytics, and data-driven decision-making. The CHRO would be
interested in learning how these strategies can revolutionize HR operations and help the
organization stay competitive in the modern business landscape.

D. E-book: Creating a better Employee Experience with Intelligent Automation This e-book dives
deeper into the concept of intelligent automation and how it can be leveraged to enhance the
overall employee experience. It should showcase practical examples of how automation can simplify
repetitive tasks, reduce administrative burdens, and enable HR professionals to focus on more
strategic initiatives. The e-book should also highlight how intelligent automation can lead to faster
and more accurate HR processes, resulting in increased employee satisfaction and retention.
Additionally, it could contain insights on creating a roadmap for implementing intelligent
automation within the HR function, addressing potential concerns or challenges, and outlining the
expected return on investment. The CHRO would find this e-book valuable as it provides a
comprehensive guide on how to optimize HR processes using cutting-edge automation technology
while ensuring a positive impact on the workforce.

By sharing both the blog and the e-book, you present a well-rounded approach to modernizing HR
operations and creating a more efficient, engaging, and productive work environment. These pieces
of content emphasize the importance of embracing digital solutions to enhance the HR function and
cater to the needs of the organization's workforce.

2. Automation Anywhere 360 cloud cost = ………. of legacy platforms. A. 2/6 B. 1/8 C. 1/2 D. 1/5
The answer is:

B. 1/8

The statement suggests that Automation Anywhere 360 cloud cost is one-eighth (1/8) of the cost of
legacy platforms.
3. Select four use cases that AARI covers and RPA doesn’t. A. Connect human and bot tasks in
a single workflow B. Integrate legacy and modern apps C. Run and interact with bots from a
consumer app D. Automate repetitive, rule based tasks E. Track process activity end to end F.
Filter, prioritize, and assign requests from bot tasks
The four use cases that AARI (Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface) covers and traditional RPA
(Robotic Process Automation) doesn't are:

A. Connect human and bot tasks in a single workflow AARI enables the integration of human tasks
and bot tasks into a unified workflow. It allows bots to trigger human actions, and vice versa, to
create more flexible and efficient end-to-end processes that involve both humans and automation.

C. Run and interact with bots from a consumer app AARI provides the capability to run and interact
with bots from a consumer application. This means that users can access and execute bot tasks from
external applications, making automation more accessible and user-friendly.

E. Track process activity end to end AARI offers advanced process activity tracking, allowing
comprehensive monitoring and logging of all steps and actions taken during an end-to-end process.
This feature enhances transparency, compliance, and troubleshooting capabilities.

F. Filter, prioritize, and assign requests from bot tasks AARI provides mechanisms to filter, prioritize,
and assign requests coming from bot tasks. This allows for more sophisticated task management and
helps organizations optimize task allocation and resource utilization.

It's worth noting that options B and D are not exclusive to AARI, as traditional RPA also covers these
use cases:

B. Integrate legacy and modern apps Traditional RPA platforms are designed to integrate both
legacy and modern applications, making it possible for bots to interact with various software systems
regardless of their technology stack.

D. Automate repetitive, rule-based tasks Automating repetitive, rule-based tasks is the core
functionality of both AARI and traditional RPA. This is the fundamental purpose of any robotic
process automation system.

4. Select four use cases that AARI covers and RPA doesn’t. A. Connect human and bot tasks in a
single workflow B. Integrate legacy and modern apps C. Run and interact with bots from a
consumer app D. Automate repetitive, rule based tasks E. Track process activity end to end F.
Filter, prioritize, and assign requests from bot tasks'
The four use cases that AARI (Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface) covers and traditional RPA
(Robotic Process Automation) doesn't are:

A. Connect human and bot tasks in a single workflow AARI enables the seamless integration of
human tasks and bot tasks within a single workflow. It allows for collaboration between human
workers and automation, making processes more dynamic and adaptive.

C. Run and interact with bots from a consumer app AARI provides the functionality to run and
interact with bots directly from a consumer application. This capability enhances accessibility and
user engagement, allowing end-users to initiate bot tasks effortlessly.

E. Track process activity end to end AARI offers comprehensive end-to-end process activity tracking.
It allows organizations to monitor the entire lifecycle of a process, providing valuable insights into
process efficiency, compliance, and potential areas for improvement.

F. Filter, prioritize, and assign requests from bot tasks AARI incorporates features for filtering,
prioritizing, and assigning requests that originate from bot tasks. This level of task management
empowers organizations to optimize resource allocation and automate task assignment based on
business needs.

Option B (Integrate legacy and modern apps) and Option D (Automate repetitive, rule-based tasks)
are not exclusive to AARI. Traditional RPA platforms also cover these use cases.

B. Integrate legacy and modern apps Both AARI and traditional RPA platforms are designed to
integrate legacy and modern applications, enabling bots to interact with a wide range of software

D. Automate repetitive, rule-based tasks Automating repetitive, rule-based tasks is the fundamental
purpose of both AARI and traditional RPA. It forms the core functionality of any robotic process
automation system.

5. When selling back office to new prospects, select four personas to focus on to develop
relationships within the LoB and to get introductions. A. CIO B. Head of HR Tech C.
Engineering Head D. Product Marketing E. CHRO F. CFO'
When selling back office solutions to new prospects, the four personas to focus on to develop
relationships within the Line of Business (LoB) and get introductions are:

B. Head of HR Tech This persona is crucial because they oversee the technology used in the HR
department. Back office solutions can significantly impact HR processes, such as payroll, employee
data management, and benefits administration.
E. CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) The CHRO is responsible for the overall HR strategy and
operations within the organization. They are key decision-makers when it comes to HR-related
technology and can provide valuable insights into the needs and pain points of the HR department.

F. CFO (Chief Financial Officer) The CFO is in charge of the company's financials and cost
management. Back office solutions can have a direct impact on financial operations and efficiency,
making the CFO an essential persona to engage with during the sales process.

A. CIO (Chief Information Officer) The CIO is responsible for the overall technology strategy of the
organization. Engaging with the CIO can be beneficial to gain a broader understanding of the
organization's IT landscape, technical requirements, and integration possibilities for back office

D. Product Marketing While the other personas are focused on functional and operational aspects,
engaging with Product Marketing can help showcase the value proposition of the back office
solution and how it can benefit the organization as a whole. Product Marketing can also provide
insights into market trends and customer pain points, which can inform the sales strategy.

By focusing on these four personas, the sales team can develop meaningful relationships within the
Line of Business and gain introductions to other stakeholders involved in the decision-making
process. Each persona brings a unique perspective and set of concerns, which can be addressed
through tailored discussions about the benefits of the back office solution for their specific areas of

6. When selling back office to new prospects, select four personas to focus on to develop
relationships within the LoB and to get introductions. A. CIO B. Head of HR Tech C.
Engineering Head D. Product Marketing E. CHRO F. CFO''
The best answer in the objective is:

A. CIO B. Head of HR Tech E. CHRO F. CFO

These four personas represent key decision-makers and influencers in different departments that can
benefit from back office solutions. The CIO is essential for the overall technology strategy, the Head
of HR Tech and CHRO are crucial for HR-related processes, and the CFO is critical for financial
operations and cost management. Focusing on these personas will help develop relationships within
the Line of Business and gain introductions to other stakeholders involved in the decision-making

7. Select five key features of the Automation 360 Platform. A. Most Scalable B. AI-Powered C.
Cloud Native D. Lowest TCO E. One Platform F. Multiple Platforms
The five key features of the Automation 360 Platform are:

A. Most Scalable The Automation 360 Platform is designed to handle automation needs of any scale,
making it suitable for small to large enterprises with varying levels of automation requirements.

B. AI-Powered The platform leverages the power of artificial intelligence to enhance automation
capabilities. AI is integrated into various aspects, such as intelligent document processing, natural
language processing, and machine learning for more advanced automation tasks.

C. Cloud Native Being cloud native means that the Automation 360 Platform is built specifically for
cloud environments. It offers the advantages of flexibility, scalability, and easy access from anywhere,
ensuring seamless automation operations.

D. Lowest TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) The platform is designed to provide cost-effectiveness in
terms of initial setup, maintenance, and ongoing usage. Its architecture and features aim to minimize
the total cost of ownership for organizations adopting the platform.

E. One Platform Automation 360 offers a unified and integrated platform that brings together all the
tools and capabilities required for automation. This cohesive approach streamlines development,
deployment, and management of automated processes.

These key features collectively make Automation 360 a powerful and comprehensive automation
platform, providing organizations with the tools and flexibility needed to accelerate their digital
transformation journey.

8. Which of the following phrases about Pure Cloud (Automation 360 Cloud deployment
model) is true? A. Fully hosted and managed in the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud
B. Data on your infrastructure and management functions in the Automation Anywhere
Enterprise Cloud C. Fully hosted on your infrastructure with optional updates from
Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud D. Partially hosted and managed in the Automation
Anywhere Enterprise Cloud
The true phrase about Pure Cloud (Automation 360 Cloud deployment model) is:

A. Fully hosted and managed in the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud

In the Pure Cloud deployment model, the Automation 360 platform is fully hosted and managed in
the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud. This means that all aspects of the platform, including
data storage and management functions, are handled by Automation Anywhere's cloud
infrastructure. Users access the platform and perform automation tasks via the cloud-based
environment, without the need to manage their own infrastructure for hosting the automation
9. What's the key difference in the customer infrastructure requirement for Automation 360
Cloud when compared to Enterprise v11? A. No VDI footprint required per bot when
compared to Enterprise v11 B. More VDI footprint required per bot when compared to
Enterprise v11 C. There is no difference in customer infrastructure requirements between
Automation 360 Cloud and Enterprise v11 D. Reduced VDI footprint required per bot when
compared to Enterprise v11
The key difference in the customer infrastructure requirement for Automation 360 Cloud when
compared to Enterprise v11 is:

A. No VDI footprint required per bot when compared to Enterprise v11

In Automation 360 Cloud, there is no Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) footprint required per bot.
VDI is a technology used to host and manage virtual desktops on a central server. In the previous
version, Enterprise v11, VDI was needed to run bots. However, with Automation 360 Cloud, this
requirement has been eliminated, allowing bots to operate without the need for VDI, leading to
greater flexibility and efficiency in the cloud-based environment.

10. Select two statements you would use while positioning Automation 360 Cloud to customers.
A. 24/7 coverage across continents - requires customer data centers across continents B.
Automatic upgrades - always be up to date with automatic access to all product
enhancements hassle free C. Faster time to value - start immediately and scale infinitely using
existing resources D. 90% efficiency in right sizing your business - manage high volume
periods with digital workers
The two statements you can use while positioning Automation 360 Cloud to customers are:

B. Automatic upgrades - always be up to date with automatic access to all product enhancements
hassle-free. Highlighting the benefit of automatic upgrades assures customers that they will have
continuous access to the latest features and enhancements without the need for manual updates or
additional effort on their part. This ensures they can leverage the full potential of the platform
without any interruptions or delays.

C. Faster time to value - start immediately and scale infinitely using existing resources. Emphasizing
the faster time to value conveys that customers can start their automation journey immediately with
Automation 360 Cloud. Additionally, they can scale their automation initiatives effortlessly using their
existing resources, reducing the time and effort required to implement and expand their automation
capabilities. This can appeal to organizations looking for quick and efficient results in their
automation projects.
11. Select four attributes that make Automation 360 Cloud scale faster than legacy platforms. A.
Reduced Training Time B. Shorter Bot Execution Time C. Shortest Bot Creation Time D. High
Grade Security E. Reduced Setup Time
The four attributes that make Automation 360 Cloud scale faster than legacy platforms are:

A. Reduced Training Time Automation 360 Cloud is designed with user-friendly interfaces and
intuitive features, which can significantly reduce the training time required for users to become
proficient in using the platform. This allows organizations to onboard new users quickly and
efficiently, promoting faster scaling of automation initiatives.

B. Shorter Bot Execution Time Automation 360 Cloud utilizes advanced technologies and
optimizations that can lead to shorter bot execution times. Faster bot execution enables
organizations to process tasks more quickly, resulting in improved efficiency and scalability.

E. Reduced Setup Time The cloud-native nature of Automation 360 Cloud simplifies the setup
process, making it faster and more streamlined compared to legacy platforms. Reduced setup time
means organizations can start deploying automation solutions promptly, facilitating faster scaling
across different business processes.

D. High-Grade Security Automation 360 Cloud places a strong emphasis on security, providing
robust measures to safeguard data and processes. The cloud infrastructure is maintained and
updated by experts, ensuring a higher level of security than what many organizations can achieve
with legacy platforms. Enhanced security inspires confidence and accelerates the adoption and
expansion of automation initiatives.

By leveraging these attributes, Automation 360 Cloud offers a more agile and scalable automation
solution compared to traditional legacy platforms, providing organizations with the tools to adapt
and grow in today's dynamic business environment.

12. One of Automation Anywhere's key differentiators is having a single platform. Select two
customer benefits associated with this. A. Reduced Attrition B. Increased productivity and
reduced activity handling time C. Less time and cost, integrating critical missing capabilities
D. Manage all automation services for speed and quality of delivery
The two customer benefits associated with Automation Anywhere's single platform are:

B. Increased productivity and reduced activity handling time Having a single platform streamlines
automation processes and provides a unified environment for managing various automation tasks.
This leads to increased productivity as it eliminates the need to switch between multiple tools or
systems, enabling users to focus on automating tasks efficiently. With all automation processes
accessible from a central platform, it also reduces activity handling time, allowing users to complete
tasks faster and with greater accuracy.
C. Less time and cost, integrating critical missing capabilities A single platform means that customers
don't have to invest time and resources in integrating multiple disparate tools or capabilities.
Automation Anywhere's single platform offers a comprehensive suite of automation capabilities,
reducing the time required for integration and the associated costs. Customers can access all the
critical capabilities they need to build, deploy, and manage automation processes from a single
platform, streamlining their automation journey and making it more cost-effective.

By leveraging a single platform, customers can experience these benefits, resulting in increased
efficiency, cost savings, and a more streamlined approach to automation implementation and

13. Select the Automation 360 deployment model that allows you to manage data on your
infrastructure and management functions in the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud. A.
Pure Cloud B. On-Premises C. Cloud-Enabled
The Automation 360 deployment model that allows you to manage data on your infrastructure and
management functions in the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud is:

C. Cloud-Enabled

In the Cloud-Enabled deployment model, the customer's data remains on their own infrastructure,
while management functions, including control room and administration, are hosted in the
Automation Anywhere Enterprise Cloud. This provides a hybrid approach, allowing customers to
maintain control over their data while leveraging cloud-based capabilities for management and

14. Select two benefits of Automation 360 Cloud's containerized microservices that you would
highlight to a customer. A. High efficiency B. High scalability C. Faster resolution of issues D.
Very low TCO
The two benefits of Automation 360 Cloud's containerized microservices that you would highlight to
a customer are:

B. High scalability Containerized microservices in Automation 360 Cloud offer high scalability,
allowing customers to easily scale their automation infrastructure based on their needs. As the
workload increases, additional containers can be deployed to handle the demand, ensuring smooth
and efficient automation processes without any bottlenecks.

C. Faster resolution of issues Containerized microservices enable faster issue resolution because each
microservice runs independently in its own container. If an issue arises with one microservice, it can
be addressed and resolved without affecting the entire system. This modularity and isolation enable
quicker troubleshooting and debugging, leading to faster resolution of any potential problems that
may occur in the automation environment.

By highlighting these benefits, you can showcase the advantages of Automation 360 Cloud's
containerized microservices, emphasizing how they contribute to a more scalable, efficient, and
reliable automation infrastructure for the customer.

15. Select three product gaps of UiPath. A. Legacy product architecture B. Differences between
Cloud and On-Prem offerings C. Insufficient security D. Primarily unattended automation
As an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to current data or product information. My
knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021. Product gaps and features can
change over time with updates and new releases.

However, as of my last update, I can provide the following information:

A. Legacy product architecture UiPath has been working on improving and modernizing its product
architecture over time. However, in the past, some users and analysts have mentioned that certain
aspects of the platform's architecture were considered legacy compared to more modern
automation platforms.

B. Differences between Cloud and On-Prem offerings UiPath initially started as an on-premises
automation platform, and as they transitioned to cloud-based offerings, there might have been some
differences or limitations between the two versions in terms of features or capabilities. However,
UiPath has been actively working on bridging these gaps to offer a more unified experience across
cloud and on-premises deployments.

C. Primarily unattended automation In the past, UiPath was primarily known for unattended
automation, which involves automating processes without the need for human intervention. Some
users felt that attended automation capabilities were not as strong or comprehensive compared to
unattended automation. However, UiPath has been enhancing attended automation features to
address this gap.

Please note that product development is an ongoing process, and these gaps might have been
addressed or improved by UiPath in more recent versions of their platform. For the most up-to-date
and accurate information, it's always best to refer to UiPath's official documentation, website, or
consult with their representatives.

16. What is required to connect front office, back office and employees? A. Process Discovery B.
Digital Transformation C. A Point Solution D. A Single RPA Platform
D. A Single RPA Platform
To connect front office, back office, and employees seamlessly, a single Robotic Process Automation
(RPA) platform is required. A single RPA platform can integrate and automate processes across
different departments, applications, and systems, bridging the gap between front office (customer-
facing processes), back office (administrative and operational processes), and employees (human-
driven tasks).

Having a single RPA platform ensures a unified approach to automation, simplifies the management
and governance of automation initiatives, and allows for better collaboration between different
business units. This centralized platform enables organizations to streamline processes, improve
efficiency, and achieve a more connected and synchronized workflow throughout the entire

17. A single platform is required. Complete the sentence: Islands of apps can't be connected by
Islands of............. A. Automation B. Process Mining C. Transformation D. Connectivity
A. Automation

The complete sentence is: "Islands of apps can't be connected by Islands of automation."

18. Select three common objections of a CFO. A. Difficult to integrate with antiquated source
systems and ERP platform B. Data security and privacy concerns C. Lack of governance and
control over RPA D. Lack of skilled resources to develop bots and run automation program E.
Why RPA versus other automation technologies
The three common objections of a CFO are:

A. Difficult to integrate with antiquated source systems and ERP platform CFOs may raise concerns
about the challenges and complexities involved in integrating Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
with legacy and antiquated source systems, as well as with the organization's Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) platform.

B. Data security and privacy concerns CFOs often have legitimate worries about data security and
privacy when implementing RPA. They may want to ensure that sensitive financial data and other
critical information are adequately protected throughout the automation process.

D. Lack of skilled resources to develop bots and run automation program CFOs might be concerned
about the availability of skilled resources within the organization to effectively develop and maintain
RPA bots. The need for specialized RPA developers and a lack of resources with the necessary
expertise can be a significant obstacle.
It's essential to address these objections and provide thoughtful solutions to alleviate the CFO's
concerns during the RPA implementation process. By doing so, you can gain the necessary support
and cooperation from the financial leadership for successful automation initiatives.

19. Select four success factors/metrics that a IT lead will focus on. A. Infrastructure Uptime B.
Diversity Metrics C. Employee and Executive CSAT D. Cost Savings/Operational Efficiency E.
No major security breaches
The four success factors/metrics that an IT lead will focus on are:

A. Infrastructure Uptime An IT lead will prioritize ensuring that the organization's IT infrastructure,
including servers, networks, and systems, maintains high uptime levels. Downtime can lead to
business disruptions and impact productivity, so maximizing infrastructure uptime is crucial.

D. Cost Savings/Operational Efficiency Achieving cost savings and operational efficiency is a

significant focus for IT leads. They will work to optimize IT processes, reduce operational costs, and
implement technologies that improve overall efficiency.

E. No major security breaches IT leads place a strong emphasis on cybersecurity and data protection.
Keeping the organization safe from security breaches and cyberattacks is a top priority, and any
avoidance of major security breaches is considered a significant success.

C. Employee and Executive CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) IT leads will monitor and aim to improve
customer satisfaction levels among both employees and executives who rely on IT services. High
CSAT scores indicate that IT services are meeting the needs and expectations of the users.

By focusing on these success factors and metrics, an IT lead can ensure that the organization's IT
department operates effectively, securely, and efficiently, supporting the overall success of the

20. Select two options that best describe Robotic Process Automation. A. Specialized computer
that automates unstructured data and semi-structured data B. Specialized software robots
that automate high volume repetitive based tasks in an auditable and reliable way C.
Software robots that imitate humans D. Software bots that emulate human operations on
applications to automate transactions
The two options that best describe Robotic Process Automation are:

B. Specialized software robots that automate high volume repetitive based tasks in an auditable and
reliable way. Robotic Process Automation involves the use of software robots or bots to automate
repetitive and rule-based tasks, typically high volume in nature. These bots are designed to perform
tasks in a reliable and auditable manner, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
D. Software bots that emulate human operations on applications to automate transactions. Robotic
Process Automation involves the use of software bots that mimic human interactions with
applications and systems to automate various transactions and processes. These bots can perform
tasks such as data entry, form filling, and interacting with user interfaces, just like a human operator

21. A customer who is evaluating AARI mentions that they need a flexible, lightweight solution
that is easy to access from anywhere. Which of the following will you propose to the
customer? A. B. AARI Web C. AARI Desktop

AARI Web is the proposal that best aligns with the customer's requirements for a flexible, lightweight
solution that is easy to access from anywhere. AARI Web allows users to access the capabilities of
Automation Anywhere's AARI (Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface) through a web browser,
making it accessible from any device with an internet connection. It offers the flexibility of accessing
the platform from various locations and devices, without the need for heavy installations or specific
desktop setups. This lightweight, web-based approach ensures easy accessibility and flexibility,
meeting the customer's needs.

22. During a conversation with a HR Tech of a leading organization, they ask you questions such
as: Is this a proven technology? Do you have customers? Who are they? Are they in my
space? How would you handle this? A. Share as much collateral as possible B. Connect the
HR Tech to the Automation Anywhere Engineering team C. Organize a technical demo with
Automation Anywhere Sales Engineering D. Introduce AAI properly, show the scale, share
case studies
D. Introduce AAI properly, show the scale, share case studies

When the HR Tech asks questions about the proven technology, existing customers, and how it
relates to their specific industry space, the best approach is to:

Introduce AAI (Automation Anywhere Intelligent) properly: Start by providing a comprehensive

overview of AAI, explaining its key features, capabilities, and advantages in the HR technology
domain. Address any specific concerns or interests the HR Tech might have.

Show the scale: Share information about the wide adoption of AAI across different industries and
organizations of various sizes. Highlight any relevant statistics or success metrics related to the
adoption and impact of AAI on automation initiatives.
Share case studies: Present case studies or success stories of organizations in a similar industry or
space that have implemented AAI successfully in their HR processes. This will help the HR Tech
understand how AAI can be applied effectively and the benefits it can bring to their organization.

By providing a well-rounded response that includes proper introduction, scale, and real-world
examples, you can address the HR Tech's questions and demonstrate the value and relevance of AAI
to their specific HR technology needs.

23. Select the three Automation 360 Cloud deployment models. A. On-Premises B. Cloud
Focused C. Cloud-Enabled D. Pure Cloud E. Cloud First
The three Automation 360 Cloud deployment models are:

C. Cloud-Enabled D. Pure Cloud E. Cloud First

24. A discovery call is crucial because it outlines the customer's needs, their........... and ............ A.
Fears B. Pain points C. Objectives D. Talking Points
A discovery call is crucial because it outlines the customer's needs, their pain points, and objectives.

C. Objectives B. Pain points

In a discovery call, the sales representative engages with the customer to understand their specific
needs, challenges, and goals. By identifying the customer's objectives and pain points, the sales
representative can tailor their approach and propose solutions that best address the customer's
unique requirements, increasing the chances of a successful partnership.

25. A customer mentions that their process involves escalations and approvals where the request
may need to route through multiple levels of approval. Which of the following will you
propose to the customer? A. AARI Web B. C. AARI Desktop
B. AARI Desktop

AARI Desktop would be the best proposal for the customer's process involving escalations and
approvals that may need to route through multiple levels of approval. AARI Desktop provides a more
robust and comprehensive interface, which is suitable for handling complex processes that require
multiple levels of approval. With AARI Desktop, users can interact with the automation interface on
their local desktop environment, making it easier to manage and execute escalations and approvals
efficiently. This option offers the necessary features and flexibility to accommodate the customer's
specific workflow requirements.
26. Select five components of the Automation 360 Platform. A. Bot Insight B. Dev Ops C. Artificial
Intelligence D. Discovery Bot E. AARI F. Core RPA G. Machine Learning H. IQ Bot
The five components of the Automation 360 Platform are:

A. Bot Insight C. Artificial Intelligence E. AARI F. Core RPA H. IQ Bot

B. Dev Ops, D. Discovery Bot, and G. Machine Learning are not components of the Automation 360
Platform as listed in the options.

27. What should you be selling to a CFO? A. Operations Automation - quickly automate
operations by deploying automation in the cloud, enabling citizen development, and
providing digital assistants for help with everyday tasks. Accelerate legacy system
conversions using RPA to migrate data to new platforms. B. Automation to eliminate
compliance and security risks – bots to monitor and respond to phishing and malware, as
well as audit, communicate, and update compliance to policies C. Cloud-native intelligent
automation platform that can automate processes and connect existing applications and
systems, including legacy systems D. Employee Data Management Automation - connect
disconnected applications, ensure consistent data flow and synchronization, and automate
regular data audit.
C. Cloud-native intelligent automation platform that can automate processes and connect existing
applications and systems, including legacy systems.

When selling to a CFO, it is important to focus on solutions that offer comprehensive automation
capabilities while aligning with the organization's strategic goals. Option C highlights a cloud-native
intelligent automation platform that can address a wide range of automation needs, including
process automation and integration with existing applications, including legacy systems. This option
emphasizes scalability, efficiency, and the ability to optimize existing processes, which are key
considerations for a CFO when evaluating automation solutions. It also demonstrates a forward-
looking approach that leverages the cloud and intelligent automation technologies to drive business
transformation and growth.

28. Select top 3 reasons why Automation Anywhere wins. A. same cost as legacy solutions B. 1/5
cost of legacy solutions C. 3x faster scaling D. 2x more processes E. 4x faster scaling
The top 3 reasons why Automation Anywhere wins are:

C. 3x faster scaling Automation Anywhere is known for its scalability and the ability to rapidly scale
automation initiatives. Organizations can efficiently expand their automation projects three times
faster compared to legacy solutions, which leads to quicker and broader automation

E. 4x faster scaling Similarly, Automation Anywhere's rapid scaling capabilities are highlighted by
being four times faster compared to legacy solutions. This further emphasizes the platform's ability
to support large-scale automation deployments effectively.

D. 2x more processes Automation Anywhere allows organizations to automate a significantly higher

number of processes compared to legacy solutions. With the ability to automate twice as many
processes, businesses can achieve higher levels of operational efficiency and automation coverage.

These reasons demonstrate Automation Anywhere's strength and competitive edge in the robotic
process automation (RPA) market, showcasing its ability to deliver faster and more extensive
automation solutions compared to traditional legacy approaches.

29. Select 4 characteristics of Automation 360 Cloud that you would highlight to position it as
the only cloud-native RPA that aligns with true digital transformation. A. High availability and
resilience B. High TCO due to efficient architecture C. Significant reduction in enterprise IT
maintenance efforts D. Faster resolution of issues E. Automatic product feature updates
The four characteristics of Automation 360 Cloud that you would highlight to position it as the only
cloud-native RPA that aligns with true digital transformation are:

A. High availability and resilience Automation 360 Cloud boasts high availability and resilience,
ensuring that the platform remains accessible and operational at all times. This characteristic is
crucial for organizations seeking uninterrupted automation capabilities to support their digital
transformation initiatives.

C. Significant reduction in enterprise IT maintenance efforts As a cloud-native RPA platform,

Automation 360 Cloud reduces the burden of IT maintenance efforts on the enterprise. The cloud
provider takes care of platform updates, infrastructure management, and maintenance, freeing up IT
resources to focus on other strategic activities.

D. Faster resolution of issues With a cloud-based infrastructure, Automation 360 Cloud enables faster
resolution of issues. Cloud providers typically have robust support systems in place, leading to
quicker response times and issue resolution, contributing to a smoother and more efficient
automation process.

E. Automatic product feature updates Automation 360 Cloud offers automatic product feature
updates, ensuring that the platform is continuously enriched with the latest functionalities and
enhancements. This seamless and automatic update process keeps the organization up-to-date with
the latest automation capabilities and empowers true digital transformation.
By emphasizing these characteristics, you position Automation 360 Cloud as an RPA platform that
aligns with true digital transformation, delivering flexibility, efficiency, and innovation to drive
business success.

30. Select two highlights of Automation 360 Cloud's privacy architecture. A. Only Cloud with 'on-
prem' option B. Keeps data private C. Pulls in as much data as possible from customers D.
Only Cloud RPA with 'data on-prem' option
The two highlights of Automation 360 Cloud's privacy architecture are:

B. Keeps data private Automation 360 Cloud prioritizes data privacy and security. It ensures that
customer data is kept private and is not accessible to unauthorized users. This ensures the
confidentiality and protection of sensitive information.

D. Only Cloud RPA with 'data on-prem' option Automation 360 Cloud is the only cloud-based RPA
platform that offers the option to keep data on-premises. This capability allows organizations to
retain full control over their data, keeping it within their own infrastructure while still benefiting from
the advantages of a cloud-native RPA platform. This ensures data privacy and compliance with
specific data governance requirements.

31. How would you structure the CIO pitch? A. Start with HOW customers have benefitted from
RPA and how the prospect can engage with RPA WHAT the solution is and why cloud-native
RPA is the best solution WHY automation should matter to the CIO B. Start with WHAT the
solution is and why cloud-native RPA is the best solution HOW customers have benefitted
from RPA and how the prospect can engage with RPA WHY automation should matter to the
CIO C. Start with WHY automation should matter to the CIO WHAT the solution is and why
cloud-native RPA is the best solution HOW customers have benefitted from RPA and how the
prospect can engage with RPA
C. Start with WHY automation should matter to the CIO WHAT the solution is and why cloud-native
RPA is the best solution HOW customers have benefitted from RPA and how the prospect can
engage with RPA

The CIO pitch should begin by explaining the importance of automation and why it should matter to
the CIO. This sets the context and highlights the relevance of the solution being presented. Next, the
pitch should introduce the cloud-native RPA solution and why it is the best option for the
organization. This includes the advantages of cloud-based automation, such as scalability, flexibility,
and ease of access. Lastly, the pitch should showcase real-world examples of how customers have
benefited from RPA, emphasizing the positive impact it can have on various aspects of the business.
This helps the prospect understand the potential value and ROI of the solution and how they can
engage with RPA to achieve similar benefits.
32. Select four options that Automation 360 Cloud offers to make change management easy for
customers. A. AA contact for bot lifecycle management B. Preview Sandbox releases C.
Advanced notifications prior to product releases D. Customer controlled bot lifecycle
management E. Instant notifications after product releases F. Flexible ad hoc application
command package updates
The four options that Automation 360 Cloud offers to make change management easy for customers

B. Preview Sandbox releases C. Advanced notifications prior to product releases E. Instant

notifications after product releases F. Flexible ad hoc application command package updates

These options provide customers with greater visibility into upcoming changes, the ability to test
new releases in a safe environment, and flexibility in managing updates to suit their specific needs.
They help customers stay informed and in control of the changes introduced in the Automation 360
Cloud platform, making the change management process smoother and more efficient.

33. Select five ways in which AARI amplifies automation. A. Allows assessing bottlenecks and
inefficiencies B. Provides the ability to define user interfaces and user interactions C. Allows
visualizing a process flow with human and bots D. Allows automating the end to end process
using only bots with no human intervention E. Restricts bot building ability only to
developers F. Enables creating resilient and data driven bots G. Enables delivering end to end
The five ways in which AARI amplifies automation are:

A. Allows assessing bottlenecks and inefficiencies AARI provides insights and visibility into
automation processes, enabling users to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the workflow. This
allows for optimization and improvement of automation performance.

B. Provides the ability to define user interfaces and user interactions AARI allows users to design and
define user interfaces and interactions, enabling seamless collaboration between human users and
bots. This enhances the overall user experience and efficiency of the automation process.

C. Allows visualizing a process flow with human and bots With AARI, users can visually represent the
entire process flow, including interactions between human users and bots. This visual representation
enhances process understanding and simplifies the management of complex automation workflows.

F. Enables creating resilient and data-driven bots AARI enables the creation of bots that are resilient
and data-driven. This means the bots can handle exceptions effectively and make decisions based on
real-time data, ensuring robust and intelligent automation.
G. Enables delivering an end-to-end experience AARI allows users to create end-to-end automation
solutions that span across different applications, systems, and interactions between human and
digital workers. This seamless end-to-end experience maximizes the impact of automation
throughout the entire workflow.

By leveraging these capabilities, AARI enhances automation initiatives, improves efficiency, and
enables organizations to achieve more significant benefits from their automation efforts.

34. Automation Anywhere v11, UIPath and Blue Prism operate on a monolithic platform. How
much lower is Automation 360 Cloud TCO vs Monolithic platforms? A. 55% lower than
Monolithic platforms B. 50% lower than Monolithic platforms C. 60% lower than Monolithic
platforms D. 45% lower than Monolithic platforms
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the exact percentage comparison of
Automation 360 Cloud's Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) versus monolithic platforms like Automation
Anywhere v11, UIPath, and Blue Prism was not explicitly stated. TCO calculations can vary based on
several factors, including the specific implementation, size of the organization, usage, and other

Therefore, without the most recent information, I cannot provide an accurate percentage for the cost
difference between Automation 360 Cloud and monolithic platforms. It is best to consult with
Automation Anywhere's official resources or contact their representatives for the most up-to-date
and accurate TCO comparisons.

35. Select all relevant AARI usage personas. A. RPA Developer B. Contracts Process Manager C.
Invoices Exception Process Lead D. Procurements Approvers E. Process SME
The relevant AARI usage personas are:

A. RPA Developer C. Invoices Exception Process Lead E. Process SME

These personas are more likely to directly engage with AARI in different capacities, such as
developing automation solutions, managing specific processes, and providing subject matter
expertise for automation initiatives.

36. Select two correct statements about UiPath. A. UiPath concentrates on attended automation
and front office use cases B. UiPath concentrates on scaling rather than increased logo count
C. UiPath focuses on unattended automation and back office use cases D. UiPath focuses on
increasing logo count and small implementations. Helping companies scale is not part of the
The two correct statements about UiPath are:

A. UiPath concentrates on attended automation and front office use cases. UiPath has a strong focus
on attended automation, which involves human-robot collaboration, where bots assist and work
alongside human users. Additionally, UiPath is known for targeting front office use cases, which are
customer-facing processes and tasks.

C. UiPath focuses on unattended automation and back office use cases. UiPath is well-known for its
emphasis on unattended automation, where bots operate independently without human
intervention. This is especially useful for back-office tasks and operations.

B. UiPath concentrates on scaling rather than increased logo count. UiPath's strategy revolves around
scaling automation initiatives within an organization, rather than solely focusing on increasing the
number of clients (logo count). The emphasis is on helping companies expand their automation
projects and achieve broader adoption across various business processes.

37. Which of the following product in the Automation 360 Platform offers custom trained AI
models to achieve 3x more document centric process automation? A. AARI B. IQ Bot C. Bot
Insight D. Discovery Bot
B. IQ Bot

IQ Bot, a product in the Automation 360 Platform, offers custom trained AI models that enable
organizations to achieve 3x more document-centric process automation. IQ Bot is designed to
extract data and insights from unstructured or semi-structured documents, such as invoices,
purchase orders, and receipts, using AI-based cognitive capabilities. By training IQ Bot with specific
document types and formats, organizations can significantly enhance their automation capabilities
for document-centric processes.

38. Which of the following components of the Automation 360 Platform drives faster enterprise
wide automation adoption by enabling use case/solution driven micro-apps orchestrated
across the enterprise application fabric? A. Discovery Bot B. Bot Insight C. AARI D. IQ Bot

AARI (Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface) is the component of the Automation 360 Platform
that drives faster enterprise-wide automation adoption by enabling use case/solution-driven micro-
apps orchestrated across the enterprise application fabric. AARI provides a user-friendly interface
that allows users to create, manage, and interact with automation solutions seamlessly across various
applications and systems. It facilitates the integration of multiple automation use cases and micro-
apps, driving automation adoption throughout the organization's application fabric.
39. A customer is not comfortable with business data being processed and stored on AAI
Enterprise. Which of the following statements is true? A. This significantly limits the
customers use of some of the AAI hosted products such as IQ Bot, Discovery Bot, Bot Insight,
AARI to ensure none of the customer data is sent to Automation 360 Cloud B. Customers can
use only one additional functionality which is IQ Bot for data extraction C. RPA user account
specifications and credentials are not stored on the cloud D. Customers can use only one
additional functionality Discovery Bot to manage new processes for automation
A. This significantly limits the customer's use of some of the AAI hosted products such as IQ Bot,
Discovery Bot, Bot Insight, AARI to ensure none of the customer data is sent to Automation 360

If the customer is not comfortable with business data being processed and stored on AAI Enterprise
(Automation Anywhere Enterprise) due to data privacy or security concerns, it means they may not
be able to utilize certain hosted products like IQ Bot, Discovery Bot, Bot Insight, and AARI. These
products may involve processing and storing data on the Automation 360 Cloud, which the customer
is not comfortable with, and thus, their use may be limited in this scenario.

40. Select two solutions that you should sell to a CHRO. A. Optimize talent management through
automation to enable efficient, timely processes that are connected and deliver superior
experiences B. IT automation in the cloud C. Automation to eliminate compliance and
security risk D. Automate employee data management
A. Optimize talent management through automation to enable efficient, timely processes that are
connected and deliver superior experiences.

This solution aligns with the CHRO's core responsibilities, as it focuses on leveraging automation to
streamline talent management processes, enhance efficiency, and provide seamless experiences for
employees throughout their journey within the organization.

D. Automate employee data management.

Automating employee data management addresses a critical aspect of the CHRO's role. By
automating processes related to employee data, such as onboarding, offboarding, and employee
record management, the CHRO can improve data accuracy, compliance, and overall HR operational

41. Select three benefits of using Pure Cloud Automation 360 deployment model. A. Option to
deploy on-premise B. Zero infrastructure to maintain C. New AI capabilities from the cloud D.
Always up to date E. Full SaaS experience
The three benefits of using Pure Cloud Automation 360 deployment model are:

B. Zero infrastructure to maintain With Pure Cloud Automation 360, there is no need for the
organization to maintain any infrastructure. The entire automation platform is hosted and managed
by Automation Anywhere, eliminating the burden of infrastructure maintenance for the customer.

D. Always up to date The Pure Cloud Automation 360 deployment model ensures that the platform is
always up to date with the latest features, enhancements, and updates. Automation Anywhere takes
care of updating and maintaining the platform in the cloud, so customers can benefit from the latest
capabilities without any manual effort.

E. Full SaaS experience Pure Cloud Automation 360 provides a full Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
experience, enabling users to access the platform through a web browser without the need for any
installations or local setups. This cloud-native approach offers a seamless and convenient user
experience for automation initiatives.

42. Select four key values of Automation 360 Bot Insight. A. Operational Insights B. RPA
Exception Handling C. Connectors for Power Builder and Tableau for automatic data export
D. 100+ Use Cases E. Business Insights F. Strategic Insights
The four key values of Automation 360 Bot Insight are:

A. Operational Insights Bot Insight provides operational insights into the performance of RPA bots
and automation processes, offering visibility into metrics such as bot status, execution times, and
error rates. This information helps organizations monitor and optimize their automation initiatives.

E. Business Insights Bot Insight offers business insights by capturing and analyzing data related to
the impact of automation on business processes. It provides valuable data and analytics that enable
organizations to make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.

F. Strategic Insights Bot Insight goes beyond operational and business insights to provide strategic
insights. It offers high-level data and analytics that help organizations assess the overall impact of
automation on their strategic goals and business outcomes.

C. Connectors for Power Builder and Tableau for automatic data export Bot Insight facilitates data
export to popular analytics tools like Power Builder and Tableau. This integration allows for seamless
data analysis and reporting, empowering users to gain deeper insights into automation performance
and its impact on business processes.

D. 100+ Use Cases (Note: Use Case is not a value of Bot Insight) Option D is not a value of
Automation 360 Bot Insight. It seems to describe the availability of more than 100 use cases, which
might be a feature of the overall Automation 360 Platform, but not specifically related to Bot Insight.
43. Select four attributes that make Automation 360 Cloud scale faster than legacy platforms. A.
Shorter Bot Execution Time B. Reduced Setup Time C. High Grade Security D. Reduced
Training Time E. Shortest Bot Creation Time
The four attributes that make Automation 360 Cloud scale faster than legacy platforms are:

A. Shorter Bot Execution Time Automation 360 Cloud is designed to execute automation tasks more
efficiently, resulting in shorter bot execution times. This attribute improves overall automation
performance and productivity.

B. Reduced Setup Time Automation 360 Cloud offers streamlined setup and deployment processes,
reducing the time required to get automation initiatives up and running. This agility enables
organizations to scale automation faster.

C. High Grade Security Automation 360 Cloud ensures a high level of security, protecting sensitive
data and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. This robust security framework instills
confidence in organizations to scale their automation initiatives without compromising data integrity.

E. Shortest Bot Creation Time Automation 360 Cloud provides tools and features that expedite the
bot creation process, allowing users to develop automation solutions more quickly. This attribute
accelerates the overall automation lifecycle and supports faster scalability.

44. In FY2020, where did the majority of Blue Prism’s revenue come from? A. Americas B. EMEA
C. Europe D. APAC
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I do not have access to real-time data, and
specific financial information for individual companies may change over time. Therefore, I do not
have the most up-to-date information on Blue Prism's revenue breakdown for FY2020.

To find the most accurate and current information on Blue Prism's revenue distribution for FY2020, I
recommend checking their official financial reports or referring to reliable financial news sources for
the latest updates on the company's financial performance.

45. Select the four steps to identify selling opportunities with AARI. A. Reassess existing
opportunities in pipeline with AARI B. Upgrade existing attended automations with AARI C.
Transform existing unattended automations with AARI D. Reassess new opportunities in
pipeline with AARI E. Discover new opportunities that AARI will benefit
The four steps to identify selling opportunities with AARI are:
A. Reassess existing opportunities in the pipeline with AARI By revisiting existing opportunities in the
sales pipeline and identifying how AARI's capabilities can add value to those opportunities, sales
representatives can better position AARI to meet customer needs.

C. Transform existing unattended automations with AARI Identifying existing unattended

automations and exploring how AARI can enhance or complement those automations can create
new selling opportunities and showcase the added benefits of AARI.

D. Reassess new opportunities in the pipeline with AARI For newly identified opportunities in the
sales pipeline, sales representatives can assess how AARI aligns with the customer's needs and
requirements, positioning it as a solution that can drive successful outcomes.

E. Discover new opportunities that AARI will benefit Proactively exploring potential use cases and
scenarios where AARI can deliver value to customers can uncover new selling opportunities and
expand the reach of AARI within the market.

By following these steps, sales representatives can effectively identify and capitalize on selling
opportunities with AARI, positioning it as a valuable solution for customers' automation needs.

46. Which of the following personas focuses on maximizing ROI from the existing systems and
enable rapid adoption of HR programs? A. CHRO B. CFO C. Head of HR Tech D. CIO
C. Head of HR Tech

The persona that focuses on maximizing ROI from the existing systems and enabling rapid adoption
of HR programs is the "Head of HR Tech." This individual is responsible for managing and
implementing HR technology solutions and strategies within the organization. They play a critical
role in optimizing the use of existing HR systems, ensuring efficient processes, and driving the
successful adoption of HR programs to achieve maximum return on investment (ROI) for the

47. Select five key values of the Automation 360 RPA Workspace. A. DevOps Ready B. Automatic
Process Discovery C. Extensive Depth and Scalability D. Business Insights E. Easy to Use F.
Easy to Customize G. Reduced OPEX
The five key values of the Automation 360 RPA Workspace are:

A. DevOps Ready The Automation 360 RPA Workspace is equipped with DevOps capabilities,
enabling seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. This facilitates faster
development, testing, and deployment of automation solutions.
C. Extensive Depth and Scalability Automation 360 RPA Workspace offers extensive depth and
scalability, allowing organizations to automate a wide range of processes across different
departments and industries.

D. Business Insights The Automation 360 RPA Workspace provides valuable business insights
through data analytics and reporting, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions and
optimize their automation initiatives.

E. Easy to Use Automation 360 RPA Workspace is designed with user-friendly interfaces and intuitive
tools, making it easy for both business users and developers to create and manage automation

F. Easy to Customize The Automation 360 RPA Workspace offers flexibility and ease of customization,
enabling organizations to tailor automation solutions to their specific needs and workflows.

These values collectively contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Automation 360 RPA
Workspace, making it a comprehensive and reliable platform for organizations seeking to implement
and scale their robotic process automation initiatives.

48. What type of Architecture is Automation 360 built on? A. Solution Architecture B.
Microservices Architecture C. Network Architecture D. Monolithic Architecture 48 / 50
B. Microservices Architecture

Automation 360 is built on a Microservices Architecture, which is an architectural style that structures
an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. These services are designed to be
independently deployable and scalable, allowing for flexibility and agility in developing and
managing the automation platform. Microservices architecture enables modularity, easier
maintenance, and the ability to scale specific components of the system as needed, making it a
popular choice for modern cloud-native applications like Automation 360.

49. Select two benefits that the modern architecture of Automation 360 Cloud offers to
customers. A. Easy testing process B. Scale on demand C. Low cost installation D. Reduces
The two benefits that the modern architecture of Automation 360 Cloud offers to customers are:

B. Scale on demand Automation 360 Cloud's modern architecture allows customers to scale their
automation initiatives on demand. The cloud-based infrastructure enables organizations to quickly
and easily increase or decrease resources as needed, supporting dynamic business requirements and
workload fluctuations.
D. Reduces risk The modern architecture of Automation 360 Cloud incorporates robust security
features and best practices, reducing potential risks associated with data breaches and system
vulnerabilities. Additionally, cloud providers often implement backup and disaster recovery solutions,
further mitigating risks and ensuring data continuity.

50. How many times faster is Automation Anywhere's ability to scale easily, with a business-
friendly approach that helps expand the use of RPA across the organization, going from Pilot
to hundreds of bots, when compared to UiPath? A. 5x faster B. 2x faster C. 3x faster D. 1x
As an AI language model, I don't have real-time data on specific comparisons between Automation
Anywhere and UiPath. The information you are referring to might be specific to a certain time or
context. The speed of scaling RPA initiatives can vary based on various factors such as the complexity
of the processes, the organization's readiness, infrastructure, and resource availability.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the speed of scaling RPA between
Automation Anywhere and UiPath, I recommend consulting the official websites, documentation, or
conducting independent research to access the latest data and comparisons.

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