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Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882

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Proteomic analysis of coffee grains exposed to different drying process

Kalynka Gabriella do Livramento a, Flávio Meira Borém a, Anderson Cleiton José a, Agenor Valadares Santos b,
Darlan Einstein do Livramento c, José Donizeti Alves a, Luciano Vilela Paiva a,⇑
Federal University of Lavras, CEP 37200-000 Lavras, MG, Brazil
Federal University of Para, Belém, PA, Brazil
State University of Minas Gerais, Passos, MG, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many biochemical events occur inside grains during post-harvest processes. Several methods have been
Received 29 June 2015 developed to relate the chemical composition of the coffee grain to the beverage quality, including iden-
Received in revised form 13 October 2016 tification of possible molecular markers for flavor characterizing. This study was aimed at evaluating the
Accepted 16 October 2016
changes in the proteomic profile of pulped and natural C. arabica grains dried in a yard or dryer at 60 °C. It
Available online 18 October 2016
was observed that fruits dried in a dryer at 60 °C showed an altered proteomic profile, with a reduction in
the most abundant proteins compared to those yard-dried grains. Among the identified proteins, those
Chemical compounds studied in this article:
involved in the metabolism of sugars and stress response were highlighted. Results have shown that
Dithiothreitol (Pubmed CID: 19001)
Iodoacetamide (Pubmed CID: 3727)
post-harvest processes that impact coffee quality are related to changes in protein abundance, indicating
Coomassie blue G250 (Pubmed CID: that proteomic analysis may be effective in the identification of biochemical changes in coffee grains sub-
6333920) jected to different post-harvest processes.
Ammonium sulfate (Pubmed CID: 6097028) Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Acetonitrile (Pubmed CID: 6342)
Ammonium bicarbonate (Pubmed CID:
a-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (Pubmed
CID: 5328791)
Urea (Pubmed CID: 1176)
Thiourea (Pubmed CID: 2723790)

Coffea arabica
Two-dimensional electrophoresis
Beverage quality

1. Introduction The beverage quality of coffee can be attributed to the species,

the cultivar, the environment and pre- or post-harvest factors.
In 2013, Brazilian coffee production reached 43.24 million 60 kg Among the post-harvest processes, drying is the second most
bags of processed product, and C. arabica production represents important step because when optimally performed, it produces
75% of the total (CONAB, 2016). To improve production further, coffee with superior aroma and flavor. Both mechanical (on drier)
Brazil has adopted new technologies for coffee production and pro- and yard drying can effect the sensory quality of coffee, provided
cessing as well as investing in research to improve the quality of that management techniques are monitored to minimize undesir-
the national product by generating special beverages with a unique able characteristics (Borém, 2014) and to avoid damage to the
flavor and aroma (BSCA, 2014). enzymes and proteins that are essential for the preservation of fla-
vor and aroma (Taveira, Rosa, Borém, Giomo, & Saath, 2012).
Considering the variety and complexity of physiological mech-
⇑ Corresponding author. anisms involved with the beverage quality of coffee, research is
E-mail addresses: (K.G. Livramento), flavioborem@
needed to identify and characterize metabolic routes and/or mole- (F.M. Borém), (A.C. José), agenorvaladares@yahoo. cules that contribute to these biochemical changes, thus allowing (A.V. Santos), (D.E. Livramento), jdalves@dbi. (J.D. Alves), (L.V. Paiva).
0308-8146/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882 1875

the development of further studies that corroborate the signifi- After drying, seeds were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen
cance of such mechanisms. and kept under -80 °C. The flowchart below shows the coffee pro-
A promising study that might elucidate the reason for differ- cessing and drying (Fig. 1).
ences in coffee beverage quality is the analysis of the total protein
profile expressed by the organism under determined physiological 2.3. Protein extraction
conditions, also called the proteome.
The objective of the present work was to analyze the proteomic Total protein extracts were prepared from dried coffee grains
profile and identify differentially abundant proteins in Coffea ara- following the method described by Gallardo et al., 2002. After
bica L. grains subjected to two different drying conditions. grinding of grains using mortar and pestle in liquid nitrogen,
approximately 200–300 mg powder were used for extraction at
4 °C in 1.2 mL of lysis buffer (Harder et al., 1999), containing 7 M
2. Materials and methods urea and 2 M thiourea, 4% (w/v) CHAPS. This extraction buffer also
contained 18 mM Tris-HCl, 14 mM Trizma base, protease inhibitor
2.1. Plant material cocktail (GE Healthcare), 53 units m L1 DNase I (Sigma),
4.9 Kunitz units m L1 RNase A (Sigma), and 0.2% (v/v) Triton X-
The samples of coffee grains (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Topazio MG 100. After 10 min at 4 °C, 14 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) was added
1190 were provided by the Bom Jardim farm, located in the munic- and the protein extracts were stirred for 20 min at 4 °C and were
ipality of Bom Sucesso (21°060 5000 S, 44°490 22,3500 W), state of Minas then centrifuged (35,000g for 10 min) at 4 °C. The supernatant
Gerais, from a plot at 1100 m altitude. Fruits were collected at the was submitted to a second clarifying centrifugation as above. The
end of maturation (bright yellow exocarp and fleshy mesocarp). final supernatant corresponded to the total protein extract.
According to Köppen’s classification map, the climate is Cwa, (Gallardo et al., 2002). Protein concentrations in the various
rainy (mesothermal) with dry winter and rainy summer, the hot- extracts were measured according to Bradford (1976), by spec-
test month reaches temperature higher than 22 °C, average annual trophotometry, using the GeneQuant unit (Amersham HealthCare)
rainfall around 1530 mm. and bovine serum albumin as standard.

2.4. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE)

2.2. Berry harvest and processing
The Multiphor II (GE Healthcare) system was used for two-
Samples were processed using dry and wet process and dried at dimensional electrophoresis following manufacturer’s instructions
11% (w.b.) according to methods established by Borém, 2014. (GE Healthcare Handbook, 2005). Two hundred and fifty
For each repetition, 800 L of coffee fruits were harvested. All the microgram of proteins were separated using gel strips forming
raw material was standardized through hydraulic separation and an immobilized linear pH gradient from 3 to 10 (Immobiline
manual selection, where only denser density fruits were chosen. DryStrip, pH 3–10, 18 cm; GE Healthcare). Strips were rehydrated
Finally, the immature and floating fruits were manually removed. for 14 h at 22 °C with the thiourea/urea lysis buffer containing
Then, about 150 L of cherry coffee were taken directly to the 2% (v/v) Triton X-100, 20 mm DTT and the protein extracts (rehy-
yard, thus constituting the natural coffee (dry process). dration loading) (GE Healthcare Handbook, 2005).
The pulped coffee samples (350 L) were obtained through the Isoelectrofocusing was performed at 22 °C in the Multiphor II
wet method: the pulp was eliminated by a pulper and about (GE Healthcare) under the following conditions: a total of
150 L of coffee with parchment were placed in a fermentation tank, 55,000 V h at 15 °C; Gradient 150 V for 1 min; Gradient 150 V for
where they remained for a period of 20 h. Then, coffee was washed 3 h; Gradient 500 V for 3 h; Gradient 3500 V for 5 h; Gradient
(six times) until pulp was completely removed. Finally, the pulped 3500 V for 12 h; maximum current setting of 50 lA per strip. After
coffee grains were set on screens to be dried in the sun. Drying IEF, IPG strip were equilibrated for 20 min on a buffer (100 mM
started immediately after the processing (Borém, 2014). The coffee Tris-HCl pH 8.8,6 M urea, 2% SDS, 30% glycerol, and 0.2 mg/mL bro-
grains were taken to the suspended drying beds. The suspended mophenolblue) containing 5 mg/mL DTT (to reduce proteins), fol-
beds were wooden frames (1 m  1 m) with net made of polyethy- lowed by another 20 min equilibration in the same buffer, but
lene yarn on the bottom. containing 25 mg/mL iodoacetamide (to alkylate proteins) instead
Natural and pulped coffee were divided into different plots in of DTT. The second dimension SDS-PAGE was performed at 15 °C
the yard. Natural coffee was kept for two days and pulped coffee with 12% resolving gels (GE Healthcare) using the Multiphor II
for one day in the yard, in order to enable fruits undergo mechan- apparatus (GE Healthcare), under the following conditions:
ical drying at the same temperature and relative humidity condi-
tions. The other portions remained in the yard for total drying
under the sun (Borém, 2014).
During the time that the coffee remained in the yard, it was
mixed every half hour. At this time temperature and relative
humidity of grain mass were evaluated using a thermo-
hygrometer (Borém, 2014).
Mechanical drying was conducted in two fixed bed dryers. Both
natural and pulped coffee were placed in dryer adjusted to 60 °C.
During hot air drying, coffee mass temperature as well as environ-
mental air’s relative humidity were periodically monitored. Coffee
mass temperature was measured every 30 min using temperature
sensor Type J Thermocouple placed in the mass’s center in each divi-
sion of the drying chamber. To minimize a possible temperature
difference between the four divisions, due to the position of resis-
tance in the plenum, samples were rotated every hour (Borém,
2014). Fig. 1. Flowchart of different drying and processing methods for coffee grains.
1876 K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882

Step-n-hold 600 V for 30 min; 600 V for 2 h (program as ‘‘step and 3. Results and discussion
hold”), or until the bromophenol blue dye front had run off the gel.
The high molecular weight for SDS electrophoresis (LMW-SDS Extracting the proteins with urea/thiourea buffer was sufficient
Marker Kit – GE Healthcare) was used for molecular mass determi- to extract a final mean concentration of 15.3 mg/mL of total
nations (GE Healthcare Handbook, 2005). protein.
After electrophoresis, gels were stained with Coomassie blue G- The two-dimensional profile corresponding to pulped coffee
250 solution for 48 h and stored in ammonium sulfate 20% (p/v) dried in the yard (Fig. 2B) had higher protein content (average of
solution, according to Neuhoff, Arold, Taube, & Ehrhardt, 1988. 360 spots), followed by natural coffee dried in the yard (Fig. 2D),
Stained two-dimensional gels were digitalized at high resolu- with an average of 252 spots. The other samples consisted of
tion using a scanner (ImageScanner, GE-Healthcare) and processed pulped (Fig. 2A) and natural coffee (Fig. 2C) that were dried at
inthe software Ulmax MagicScan 4.6. Image analysis was performed 60 °C in a dryer, exhibited the lowest proteins content (spots), with
using the software ImageMaster 2D Platinum 5.0 (GE-Healthcare). In average of 190 and 210, respectively.
order to evaluate the differences in protein abundance across dis- The first comparative proteomic evaluation corresponding to
tinct 2-DE gels, it was used as parameter the normalized protein pulped grains dried in a dryer compared to pulped grains dried
spot volumes (spot area multiplied by its intensity, measured by in the yard detected 18 proteins of different abundance ranging
optical density). The relative spot volume (%Vol) represents the from 1.7 to 14-fold difference, all of which were selected based
ratio of a given spot volume (Vols.)o the sum of all spot volumes on the t test (p < 0.05). Most of the proteins were more highly
abundant in pulped grains dried in the yard. After sequencing the
detected in the gel with ‘‘n” spots %Vol ¼ Pn Vol  100 . Pro-
ðVols Þ 18 proteins and comparing them to the database, 10 were identi-

tein spots with significant and reproducible changes were consid- fied and characterized as the storage proteins 11S Globulin,
ered to be differentially expressed proteins. The normalized glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and proteins present
volumes of the spots from replicate gels were subjected to stu- in late embryogenesis – LEA (Table 1).
dent’s ANOVA test (P < 0.05) and only statistically significant data, The second analysis was performed to compare the grains of
with a difference of at least 1.7 between treatments were natural coffee dried in a dryer to those dried in yards. Twenty-
considered. two proteins were determined as being significantly differently
abundant. Twenty-one of them were more abundant when the
drying occurred in the yard, whereas only 1 protein was more
2.5. Protein identification by MALDI-TOF MS/MS abundant when natural grains were dried in a dryer. All 22 pro-
teins were sequenced, and 17 of them were identified by homology
The protein points with differential abundance were excised, with proteins in the database, such as 11S globulin,
destained with 50% acetonitrile and 25 mM ammonium bicarbon- glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, dehydrin and others
ate, pH 8.0, dehydrated with 100% acetonitrile, dried in a SpeedVac (Table 1).
and finally treated with the enzyme trypsin (PromegaÒ) at 37 °C for In both analyses performed in the present work, the decreased
16–24 h. The peptides resulting from sample trypsinization were abundance of differentially abundant proteins in the extracts of
desalted by micro-purification with ZiTipsÒ C18 (Millipore), grains dried in the dryer compared to those dried in yards is prob-
according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and were analyzed ably due to the contrasting temperatures of drying, which clearly
by mass spectrometry. caused a difference in the observed protein profiles (Fig. 2). A pos-
The spectrometric analyses were performed by matrix-assisted sible explanation is that grains dried in dryers at 60 °C have more
laser desorption-time of flight-tandem mass spectrometry strongly affected structures, and the high rate of protein/enzyme
(MALDI-TOF-TOF MS) (Autoflex III Smartbeam, Bruker Daltonics, degradation or even a reduction of expression during this drying
Germany). The analysis was performed by applying 0.5 lL of sam- process causes these differences in protein abundance.
ple and 0.5 lL of matrix a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) It is known that the control of drying temperature is very
in a Maldi Target Plate (MTP) AnchorChip 800/384. important to avoid internal damage to the grain, particularly once
The spectra generated by mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem high temperatures degrade the internal membranes, exposing oils
mass spectrometry (MS/MS) were obtained in the positive mode. and other cellular components to oxygen (Borém, Reinato, Silva, &
The operation mode for acquisition was linear, with a laser repeti- Faria, 2006). A reduction in cell volume and the agglomeration of
tion rate of 50 Hz, ion source voltage 1 at 20 kV, ion source voltage cytoplasm components was also observed, increasing the molecu-
2 at 18.3 kV, ion source lens voltage 6.75 kV and number of shots of lar interactions that might cause the denaturation of proteins and
200. The collision-induced dissociation (CID) was used to fragment membrane fusion (Hoekstra, Golovina, & Buitink, 2001). Thus, it is
trypsinized peptides in the peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF). possible to infer that during drying, both the presence of different
The mass spectrometry results were obtained as the reason proteins and the variation in the total amount of proteins might
mass/charge for each sample using the software FlexControl 3.0. generate variable qualities for the beverage because they tend to
The analyses of the acquired datasets were performed with the contain different amino groups, peptides or free amino acids.
aid of FlexAnalysis 3.0 and Biotools 3.0 software. The apparatus The sensorial quality of the beverage is likely related to the
was calibrated with external standards (Protein Calibration Stan- amount of free amino acids (Selmar, Bytof, & Knopp, 2008) because
dard I and IV – Bruker Daltonics). proteins and free amino acids together with reducer sugars present
The molecular mass profiles of the samples obtained by MS and in the grains engage in the Maillard reaction, which is responsible
MS/MS were subjected to comparative analysis using the software for the aroma and flavor of the beverage after the process of coffee
MASCOT to compare the masses of the observed peptides with a roasting (Reineccius, 1995).
database and consequently identify the most probable proteins After the spectrometric analysis, different isoforms of 11S Glob-
in the sample. The databases used in the analysis were from Brazil- ulin were identified in pulped and natural grains (Table 1); 11S
ian Coffee Genome database (Vieira, Andrade, et al., 2006), NCBI Globulin is one of the storage proteins most frequently found in
( and Coffee Genome Hub mature grains, eventually constituting 50% of the total proteins
(Dereeper et al., 2014). (Marraccini, Deshayes, Petiard, & Rogers, 1999).
K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882 1877

Fig. 2. Proteome maps of pulped grains dried at 60 °C in a dryer (A) or dried in a yard (C) and natural grains dried at 60 °C in a dryer (B) or dried in a yard (D). Proteins were
detected with Coomassie Blue G-250 protein gel stain.

Under reducing conditions, the mature precursor of 11S Globu- However, more studies are needed in order to unravel the rela-
lin form generates one high weight subunit (the a-component, tionship of this enzyme, sugars levels, post-harvest processes and
32 kDa) and a low molecular weight subunit (the b-component, beverage quality.
22 kDa) (Rogers et al., 1999). Each of these subunit generates dif- Isoforms of the protein glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro-
ferent isoforms, which explains the occurrence of many 11S pro- genase (GAPDH) were also identified, and they were found at
teins identified in this study. higher levels in grains dried in the yards in both analyses (Table 1).
Such proteins are deposited in the embryo during seed develop- The induction of GAPDH genes coincides with the morphologi-
ment, and their functions include regulating the nitrogen supply cal alteration of mitochondria, as studied in mammals, barley and
for seedling development and reuptake of nitrogen during embryo soy root cells. The expression of this glycolytic gene, one of the key
development in the form of free amino acids (Silveira, Balbuena, & enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, is necessary for the survival of
Santa-Catarina, 2004). several organisms when mitochondrial functions are affected by
During the procedure of post harvest treatments, many process hydric stress, flooding or even reduced oxygen levels (Kosová, Ví
occurred within coffee seeds. Seed germination is initiated during támvása, Prásil, & Renaut, 2011).
processing and, especially whilst drying (Selmar & Bytof, 2006). In the present work, most of the GAPDH presence can likely be
This suggests that 11S protein decline during drying process at attributed to protecting the cells from the environmental thermal
60 °C caused reserve mobilization where both germination and stress during the drying of grains in the yard. In addition to GAPDH,
degradation can be triggered, once high temperatures disintegrate we identified two other proteins that might help in the process of
the internal membranes and expose the cell contents to oxidative desiccation tolerance: the proteins LEA and dehydrin DH1a (pro-
processes. tein LEA type II) were more abundant in the grains of natural coffee
A recent study revealed a relationship between the expression dried in yards (Table 1).
of storage proteins and some proteinases (cysteine and aspartic The LEA proteins are highly hydrophilic molecules and act as
protease), which may result in the release of free amino acids, thus osmoprotectors of high molecular weight. They are present in
influencing the quality of the coffee (Andrade et al., 2011). plants and microorganisms, and increased expression is related
In this way, it is supposed that the high concentration of Glob- to thermal stress, hydric deficit and salinity, thus providing a rela-
ulin 11S in the coffee grains (natural and pulped) dried in yards tive tolerance to cell dehydration. Furthermore, they are strongly
might generate more free amino acids due to the action of specific induced in conditions in which the organism requires the mini-
enzymes that may contribute to beverage quality. mization of the negative effects of an oxidative process (Mowla
Another abundant enzyme found in the grains of natural coffee et al., 2006; Kosová, Vítámvás, Prásil & Renaut, 2011).
dried in yards was Uridyltransferase UPT-glucose-phosphate, also Dehydrins are thought to avoid the aggregation of proteins sen-
known as UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase or UDPGP). sitive to dehydration and to stabilize large-scale hydrophobic
Previous research has shown a positive correlation between the interactions such as those found in membranes and in hydrophobic
level of saccharose and the activity of UGPase in potato tubers at proteins (Tunnacliffe & Wise, 2007). However, the presence of LEA
low temperatures (Spychalla, Scheffl, Sowokinos, & Bevan, 1994). proteins is not sufficient to guarantee tolerance to desiccation.
Corroborating this result, a reduction was observed in the saccha- These proteins usually act synergistically with saccharose to form
rose content when the activity of UGPase was reduced approxi- a viscous cytoplasmic matrix, thus ensuring cellular stability in
mately 30% in the tubers of transgenic potatoes (Borovkov, an organism tolerant to desiccation (Berjak & Pammenter, 2007).
Mcclean, Sowokinos, Ruud, & Secor, 1996). Previous studies showed that there is a higher content of redu-
It is important to highlight the existence of a relationship cer sugars in the grains of coffee dried at low temperatures com-
between the accumulation of sugars and beverage quality because pared to those dried in dryers at high temperatures (Afonso,
together with amino acids and proteins, they are correlated with Corrêa, Goneli, & da Silva, 2004; Borém et al., 2006). Considering
several volatile components in roasted coffee (Bertrand et al., this information, it is possible that the presence of LEA proteins,
2006; Reineccius, 1995). Thus, the presence of UGPase might together with larger amounts of saccharose in grains dried in
increase the sugar content of the grains, contributing to the gener- yards, might minimize the damage caused by the rupture of cell
ation of flavor and aroma in the coffee. membranes during the drying process, avoiding the interference
Table 1
Differentially expressed proteins identified by mass spectrometry analysis of Coffea arabica L. grains after drying in either a yard or a dryer at 60 °C.

Spot Matched Organism Name/function % Trend of regulation – (Up-regulated in) – Accession Sequence Exp/Tha Mr
number Identity affected by s.d. code
Analysis 01 – Proteomic changes in Coffea arabica L. pulped grains after drying either a yard or a dryer at 60 °C
50 C. canephora 11S Globulin 89.32 gi|2979526| K.IPILSSLQLSAER.G 1425.9062/1425.8191
K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1897.9798/1897.9534

57 C. canephora 11S Globulin 89.32 gi|2979526| K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1897.8501/1897.9534

85 C. canephora 11S Globulin 89.32 gi|2979526| K.IPILSSLQLSAER.G 1425.7947/1425.8191

K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1897.9030/1897.9534

K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882

154 C. canephora Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 100.0 gi|120666| K.YDTVHGQWK.H 1132.4/1132.5

158 C. canephora Trichome birefringence-like 63.1 gi|661898767| K.GMDALVFNTWHWWLHR.G 2067.9819/2067.9890

161 C. arabica Alpha galactosidase precursor – gi|158934007| K.VFFQGISPSHYDGK.E 1580.5294/1580.7624

267 C. canephora Dehydrin DH1a 100.0 gi|84314116| K.SQYDEYGNPVR.Q 1326.8196/1326.5840

331 C. canephora Heat Shock cognate 70 kDa 91.42 Cc_g12670 K.SSVHEIVLVGGSTR.I 1439.8099/1439.7733

357 C. canephora Major allergen Pru ar1 100.0 gi|661886094| K.AVEAYLHANPTAYN.- 1532.7078/1532.7259
M.APVTSSYEVTCSIPPAR.L 1833.8510/1833.8931
Table 1 (continued)

Spot Matched Organism Name/function % Trend of regulation – (Up-regulated in) – Accession Sequence Exp/Tha Mr
number Identity affected by s.d. code
361 C. canephora Heat Shock cognate 70 kDa 91.42 Cc_g12670 K.SSVHEIVLVGGSTR.I 1439.7682/1439.7733

Analysis 02 – Proteomic changes in Coffea arabica L. natural grains after drying either a yard or a dryer at 60 °C
1260 C. canephora 11S Globulin 89.32 gi|2979526| K.IPILSSLQLSAER.G 1425.9062/1425.8191
K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1897.9798/1897.9534

1303 C. canephora UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 88.39 gi|661894692| K.SNIEIHTFNQSQYPR.V 1832.9932/1832.8805

K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882

1312 C. canephora 11S Globulin 89.32 gi|2979526| K.IPILSSLQLSAER.G 1425.7947/1425.8191
K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1897.9030/1897.9534

1314 C. canephora 11S Globulin 89.32 gi|2979526| K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1897.9119/1897.9534

1405 C. canephora Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 85.93 gi|661883092 R.VPTVDVSVVDLTVR.L 1497.9519 /1497.8403
K.LVAWYDNEVGYSTR.V 1671.8935 /1671.7893
K.GVLGYTEEDVVSSDFIGDSR.S 2144.0737 /2143.9910

1417 Coffea arabica Alpha galactosidase precursor – gi|158934007 K.VFFQGISPSHYDGK.E 1580.5294/1580.7624

1419 C. canephora Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase 85.93 gi|661883092 K.LVAWYDNEVGYSTR.V 1671.8264/1671.7893

K.GVLGYTEEDVVSSDFIGDSR.S 2143.9737/2143.9910

(continued on next page)

Table 1 (continued)

Spot Matched Organism Name/function % Trend of regulation – (Up-regulated in) – Accession Sequence Exp/Tha Mr
number Identity affected by s.d. code
1422 C. canephora Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 100.0 gi|120666| K.YDTVHGQWK.H 1132.4/1132.5

1424 C. arabica Alpha galactosidase precursor – gi|158934007 K.YGRPDKQYLK.Y K.YGRPDKQYLK.Y


1456 C. canephora Putative RmlC-like cupins superfamily protein 100.00 gi|661894374 R.IYAIFGNAGEDLR.E 1437.5839/1437.7252
K.VPEEVIEEITSGR.K 1456.6104/1456.7409
R.QPIISTGFGEVSGVR.V 1545.6629/1545.8151
R.LGSGSVFFIQSDVGLER.Q 1809.7581/1809.9261

K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882

1482 C. canephora Late embryogenesis abundant 100.0 gi|661884049 R.VIAEAVGGQVVGGYATR.G 1645.7513/1645.8788

1540 C. canephora Dehydrin DH1a 100.0 gi|84314116 K.SQYDEYGNPVR.Q 1326.8196/1326.5840

1551 C. canephora Dehydrin DH1a 100.0 gi|84314116 R.QTDEYGNPAR.H 1149.6509/1149.505

K.SQYDEYGNPVR.Q 1327.7559/1326.7486

1565 C. canephora 11S Globulin 100.00 gi|661897526 K.LSENIGLPQEADVFNPR.A 1898.0508/1897.9534

1603 C. canephora Late embryogenesis abundant protein 100.00 gi|661899519| T.IGGLQQTGEQV.K 1358.78/1358.8
F.DVIEGN.E 2210.89/2210.9
K.G.d. Livramento et al. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 1874–1882 1881

of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes with previously compartmen-

1834.0683/1833.8931 talized biochemical components, thus affecting the color, flavor
and aroma of the beverage.
In the grains of coffee dried in the yard (pulped and natural), the
Exp/Tha Mr

precursor protein of alpha-galactosidase was also more abundant,

which is one of the three main enzymes involved in the modifica-
tion and degradation of galactomannans in the cell wall.
Analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis of coffees showed
the accumulation of alpha-galactosidase during the maturation of
grains (Marraccini et al., 2005). More recent work has also demon-
strated increased expression of this enzyme during the ripening of
papaya, suggesting that it may be responsible for changes in the
texture of the fruit due to modifications on the cell wall

(Nogueira et al., 2012).


For grains of natural coffee dried in the yard, we found a protein

homologous to the Putative rMLC-like Cupin superfamily protein.
Theses proteins are found in a wide range of cell types and have
several biochemical functions including various enzymatic activi-

ties related to cell wall synthesis, particularly reactions involving

sugar modifications. In higher plants this may be associated with
desiccation processes tolerance (Bäumlein, Braun, Kakhovskaya,

& Shutov, 1995; Dunwell, 1998).


In our study, the presence of this protein can apparently be

associated with the response to stress caused by yard drying.

And like LEA proteins, dehydrin and alpha-galactosidase can con-

tribute to the integrity of cell membranes and subsequently to
Trend of regulation – (Up-regulated in) –

the conservation of metabolites responsible for coffee beverage

Theoretical (Th) and experimental (Exp) molecular weight (Mr) of identified proteins.PC Pulped grains and NC natural grains.

Another protein involved in the modification of the cell wall is

Trichome birefringence like, which was found more abundant in
the grains of pulped coffee dried in the yard. In Arabidopsis this
family includes 46 members (TBR, TBL1-45) and is proposed to
encode wall polysaccharide specific O-acetyltransferases (Bischoff
et al., 2010). Members of the TBL protein family had been shown
affected by s.d.

to impact on pathogen resistance, freezing tolerance, and cellulose

biosynthesis. The members of this family are predicted to have
Acyl esterase activity and known to modify cell-surface biopoly-
mers such as glycans and glycoproteins (Gille & Pauly, 2012).
The Heat Shock Cognate 70 kDa proteins were found in greater

quantities in natural and pulped grains both dryied in the yard.


Recent studies have reported the presence of HSPs in protein


profiles of different species under different stress. For example,

two-dimensional gels revealed five distinct sub-families of HSPs
(classified according to their molecular weight: HSP70, HSP60,
Hsp90, Hsp100 and small HSPs) in larger quantities for citrus fruits
stored under low temperature when as compared those at room
temperature (Yun et al., 2012).
We believe that all the synergistically efforts towards prevent-
Heat Shock cognate 70 kDa

ing cell damage and restore cellular homeostasis may contribute to

Major allergen Pru ar1

preservation of cell integrity and metabolites present within the

coffee grains.

4. Conclusions

In the coffee post-harvest, drying has been considered as one of

the factors that cause impact on the final beverage quality hence
Matched Organism

determining distinct qualities for dry coffee in the yard or dryer.

This study is one of the first to provide data that will elucidate
C. canephora

C. canephora

the biochemical processes which occur within the grain after the
drying process. The significant differences in the abundance of
Table 1 (continued)

proteins between dry grain in the yard and dryer at 60 °C show

the potential of some proteins to be used as flavor markers and

beverage aroma and post-harvest processes quality control.



Among the abundant differentially, the proteins Globulin 11S,


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