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SECOND SEMESTER – QUIZ 1. (2022-2023)

Read the following questions below. The choose the correct answer inside the box, then write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

Cyrus the Great October 24, 1945 Saligang Batas monarchs

Pope Francis United Nations CHR 1512
Dualism Human Rights 1215 Social justice
King John Intervention dissent
League of Nations Right to protect 1689
______________________1. It was established after World War 1.
______________________2. He was forced to sign the Magna Carta to prevent further consequences of rebellion in
his country.
______________________3. There is a possibility that a human being can be born with a sacrificial and heroic
character as well as with an evil character. This can prove that humans possessed?
______________________4. The well-known leader who freed slaves and gave them freedom of religion.
______________________5. It is inherent and universal to all human beings, everyone is included.
______________________6. “Human rights’ violations can also be created by unfair economic structures…” is stated
by whom?
______________________7. Exact date when United Nations was established/founded.
______________________8. It was established for the primary purpose of preventing any cause of war again, that no
country shall be go back in war ever again.
______________________9. Pertains to global commitment of international bodies (UN) to intervene in the conflict
between the member states in order to protect the citizens.
______________________10. Talks about fairness, accessibility, and inclusivity.
______________________11. Its primary duty is to secure the welfare of human rights in the country.
______________________12. Pertains to people or group of people who shows unwillingness to the established
______________________13. English Bill of rights was established in what year?
______________________14. During early civilizations, these people enjoyed centralized human rights and
privileges that is only limited to them.
______________________15. In what year rebellion was broke in England under King John?


DIRECTION: Determine whether the statement is correct write TRUE, otherwise if the statement is wrong,
UNDERLINE the word/s that make it incorrect then write the CORRECT answer on the space provided before each
____________________16. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity.
____________________17. Impunity means you are not getting punish for what you did wrong.
____________________18. One of the main reasons for Venezuela crisis is that, the government was engaged with
rampant corruption.
____________________19. Asia Pacific has restrictive laws that even the people’s freedom to join assembly and
association is being restricted/limited.
____________________20. ASEAN joined a treaty with Libya—according to the treaty, countries of ASEAN should
bring back all the refugees that will cross their boundaries.
____________________21. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; everyone should be free from
____________________23. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion,
have the right to marry and found a family.
____________________24. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; everyone should be free from
torture and degrading treatment.
____________________25. Supreme court can investigate on its own or on complaint by any party, all forms of
human rights violations involving civil and political rights.


In not less than 5 sentences. Answer the following questions, use the rubrics below as a scoring guide. (5 points each)

Correctness of content 3 points
Depth (contextualized examples) 2 points

1. What are the things that you can do in order for you to protect your rights and to prevent yourself from
violating the rights of others.

2. Explain “Ignorance of the law excuses no one.”

3. Is our membership to United Nations important? Why? Why not?

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